Building A Pedestrian City INDORE A PLACE FOR PEOPLE CONTENTS 03 Foreword 05 Great Cities Plan for People 06 Indore: By the Numbers 08 Evaluation Framework 10 Case Studies 42 Summary 46 Five Promising Pedestrian Design Features 50 The Urban Planning Challenge of Hawkers 52 National Policy on Urban Street Hawkers 54 Proposals © 2010 World Resources Institute Report by: PRAJNA RAO Urban Planner EMBARQ, The WRI Center for Sustainable Transport
[email protected] MATTHEW BOMBERG Planning Associate EMBARQ, The WRI Center for Sustainable Transport Layout Design by: ANKIT BHARGAVA Architect The pedestrian surveys were conducted as part of the Global Walkability Survey in Indore, partially funded by CAI-Asia. 2 EMBARQ: Building AA PPedestredestrianian CCitityy FOREWORD FOREWORD THE CITY OF INDORE IS UNDERTAKING A SIGNIFICANT ROAD UPGRADE EFFORT. As part of JNNURM, major feeder roads in the city have been widened and paved, and on many roads footpaths have been constructed. This report is intended as a mid-project evaluation of pedestrian infrastructure on the improved roads. The report aims to highlight pedestrian design successes in Indore so that other cities may learn from the example. At the same time the report seeks to identify areas for improvement in not yet completed roads and to outline simple retro!ts for completed roads that can improve pedestrian safety and convenience. EMBARQ transport planners and engineers Matthew Bomberg and Prajna Rao evaluated pedestrian infrastructure in Indore in June-July 2010. The evaluation consisted of a series of !eld visits to Indore and discussions with municipal corporation engineers.