

GLOBAL GOSPEL IMPACT RESULTS FROM THE WORLDWIDE INSIDE: OUTREACH YOU’VE MADE POSSIBLE! PanamaPeru evangelism evangelism BLESSINGBLESSING YOUYOU ANDAND OTHERS!OTHERS! These uplifting resources will be a blessing both to you and to many others. That’s because your purchase from our selection of books, CDs and DVDs directly supports worldwide missions!

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ORDER TODAY! OFFERS LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. TO ORDER, JUST CALL (800) 900-9021 OR VISIT STORE.QHMINISTRIES.ORG BLESSING YOU Devotional BLESSING YOU by Bill Tucker ANDAND OTHERS!OTHERS! TRANSFORMED SUMMER 2014 • VOL. 77, NO. 03 Founder J. L. Tucker, 1895-1989 Executive Editor Bill Tucker BY HIS POWER Editor Steve Hamstra Layout Harding Design Quiet Hour Ministries “Therefore if any man be in believed from the meetings. President/Speaker Bill Tucker Christ, he is a new creature: old Then I asked him about his CEO Randal H. Bates things are passed away; behold, smoking habit. He was convicted all things are become new.” 2 it was wrong to smoke. He wanted Echoes is the official publication of The Quiet Hour, Corinthians 5:17 KJV. to quit. We prayed right there Inc., doing business as Quiet Hour Ministries, PO Box I never cease to be amazed 3000, Redlands, California 92373-1500, USA. that God would take the desire at how God fulfills this passage. for smoking away and give Kihei Subscriptions are $5 per year to United States I’ve seen it so many times, people addresses. International rates vary. For subscription totally transformed by His power. victory in his life. service please call us at 800-900-9021, visit www. One life immediately comes When Kihei arrived at that qhministries.org, or write to us at the above address. to mind that was changed right evening’s meeting, I could see Quiet Hour Ministries is a not-for-profit supporting something had happened. He was ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. before my eyes. Donations to Quiet Hour Ministries are tax-deductible Kihei was a Japanese exuberant about what God had in the United States. Those in Canada may send their businessman. He had moved from done. His desire for smoking was tax-deductible gifts to PO Box 22085, St. Thomas, ON, N5R 6A1, Canada. his home country down to General completely gone! Santos, Philippines, to set up a That night, when I asked UNIFORM DISCLOSURE STATEMENT business. people to come forward to The Quiet Hour is a 501(c) (3) organization, gifts to which A few weeks before my are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income surrender all to Christ, Kihei was tax purposes. evangelistic meetings began there the first to come. Florida: A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND last year, Kihei met a Seventh- Over the following days, it was FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM day Adventist businessman. They THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALL amazing to see the Lord transform ING TOLL FREE WITHIN THE STATE, 1-800-435-7352. quickly became good friends as Kihei. He truly had been made new REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, well as partners in business. APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. The Kihei was not a Christian. by the power of God. Quiet Hour’s registration number is CH19265. Maryland: A I invite you to join one of our copy of The Quiet Hour’s current financial statement is available He had never met an Adventist on request to The Quiet Hour, Box 3000, Redlands CA 92373- Christian until now. He didn’t upcoming evangelism mission 1500 - Telephone # 909-793-2588. For the cost of copies and postage, registration documents, and other information are know anything about the Bible and trips. Come and witness the available from the Maryland Secretary of State. Mississippi: The was also a heavy smoker. transforming power of God like official registration and financial information of The Quiet Hour may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office Yet his faithful business you never have before. by calling 1-888-236-6167. Registration by the Secretary of State partner began to share the gospel It will be a life-changing does not imply endorsement. Virginia: A financial statement is available from the State Division of Consumer Affairs in with Kihei. And he invited Kihei to experience for you too!  the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services upon our evangelistic meetings. request. West Virginia: West Virginia residents may obtain When our meetings began, a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, West Virginia these two men showed up together 24305. Registration does not imply endorsement. night after night. Kihei was Bill Tucker is president/speaker of Quiet Hour Ministries. The Quiet Hour Canada fascinated with the topics. is a registered charity in Canada. Reg. # 89764 8002 RR0002 I had the opportunity to visit Where legally possible offerings will go to these projects; otherwise special arrangements will be made with Quiet Hour Kihei in his home. It was amazing Ministries for distribution of funds based on the laws of Canada all that he now understood and where these funds are collected.

(800) 900-9021 | www.twitter.com/qhministries 3 SUMMER 2014 ECHOES MAILBAG

Tom B., Lowell, MA Deidre P., Dallas, TX Debra Kay S., (via Facebook) Thank you for the Bible I am 12 years old and do Went on the India studies you sent me and not have a lot of money, mission trip last year. It has for being so kind. The Bible but I’ve always wanted to changed my life around – studies are wonderful. help others. I hope that for the better of course! These studies bring so my money will help others much faith and love to my in Africa that don’t know Asiah B., Annandale, MN life. There is much to say about God. I hope that I hope you can use this but I’m lost for words. when Jesus comes everyone money for God’s work. I will go to heaven with Him. can only give you three Frank O., Ghana dollars because that is how I was among the people Tom W., Midland City, AL much I have to give. (I am baptized by your ministry in I’ve been praying about 11 years old.) I was saving Ghana in 2004. The church this and am sending you up for something but I you built in Kwesimintsm a gift. I got an increase in was impressed to give the will be ten years old this my retirement and I want money to you. I hope God August 2014. We would like to make a difference in helps you to use it for the to invite you to come for someone’s life. reason God told me to give the big celebration. it to you.

Letters may be edited for clarity and space considerations.

ECHOES SUMMER 2014 4 www.qhministries.org | www.facebook.com/qhministries Through My Eyes

by Esther Hilde TO HIM BE ALL THE PRAISE I’VE JUST RETURNED patients per day in our medical Our group from leading my first and eye glass clinics. But ended up mission team. The trip— seeing 1,478 medical patients and of teens was doing 526 eye exams! to Barahona, Dominican Our group of teens was amazing as they Republic—was an amazing as they worked hard to worked hard to amazing one. keep our clinic operating—doing eye exams, helping people with keep our clinic glasses and triaging patients. Our construction crew at the operating— church building site worked as human bulldozers, getting enough doing eye exams, dirt and stone hauled into the helping people foundation forms to level it out. Then they laid blocks up to the with glasses and gables and even had a few sheets of triaging patients. metal on the roof by Friday. Elder Saulo, the local mission president, was amazed to see the Lord work through our team. He When challenges arise, as they was overwhelmed with all the always do, you send up an SOS to work accomplished. “You all never the real leader, our heavenly Father. stopped working,” he told me, “you And it all works out. We were told to expect a worked 24 hours a day.” Keeping a song in your heart maximum of 40-50 kids at our His words echoed those of and a smile on your face is crucial. children’s programs. Attendance all the mission staff, local pastors As is remembering that everyone was double or even triple that! and congregations who were so back home is praying for the The children were packed gracious toward us. in the small rooms shoulder to During my team leader whole team. shoulder. And our team members training, we were encouraged to Just know He’s in control. And were pressed against the walls. remember this beatitude: “Blessed He makes every trip an amazing, What a challenge and blessing! are the flexible, for they will not get never-to-be-forgotten experience. Each evangelistic meeting bent out of shape!” To Him be all the praise! Amen!  was also well attended, more than How true that proved to be. doubling the amount of visitors As a team leader, the secret After completing our mission they had anticipated. I loved is trusting the Lord with all your team leader training in February, Esther Hilde’s led her seeing the Holy Spirit inspire our heart, praying constantly for His first mission trip in April to the teenage speakers. help and protection. And then just Dominican Republic. We expected about 50-80 following as He leads.

(800) 900-9021 | www.twitter.com/qhministries 5 SUMMER 2014 ECHOES REAL& POWERFUL STORIES OF GOD AT WORK THROUGH OUR PANAMA MISSION TEAM by Geraldo Alonso

STARTING OFF THIS MISSION TRIP I have to confess I didn’t know very much about Panama. On previous trips I’d usually researched and planned ahead. Now I felt like I was blind going into a brand new opportunity for service. As such, this mission trip was completely different. Despite having a laidback personality, the unknown was starting to make me a little nervous. As youth pastor at Chisholm Trail Academy in Keene, Texas, I was a trip sponsor. I was helping lead our group of 26, mostly teenagers. I find when things are outside my control I have to work really hard to trust God all the more. Also I must remember all the times He has worked things out in the past. Hebrews 10:35, 36 helps me remember this. “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which

 Team member Lindsey Johnson (upper right) checking in two people for the medical clinic.

has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” (NKJV). Here I’m reminded to not lose confidence in God. He will continue to provide for me as He has always done. Above all I try to remember that God is always in control of everything! Even before we left for Panama it was obvious this mission trip would be a God thing. One of our students, due to some challenges early on, wasn’t sure if he would be able to join us. But in the final hours leading toward our departure, God provided all the funding necessary for the trip and cleared up the other challenges too. Once we were in Panama we also saw God’s hand

ECHOES SUMMER 2014 6 www.qhministries.org | www.facebook.com/qhministries Panama Evangelism Report leading despite the various challenges that arose. Early on, the company providing us with transportation failed to show up for an appointment, wouldn’t answer our calls and never showed up again. After lots of negations with several companies our trip leader shared the situation with us. We decided as a group to have a special time of prayer. Several students prayed and then I closed. TWO MINUTES had not even gone by before our leader found a new bus. And less than FIFTEEN MINUTES from the time we ended our prayer session the bus arrived at our hotel! While sitting on the new bus we took a moment to praise and thank our God for providing the transportation we needed. I love seeing God perform amazing miracles! That’s an awesome thing about mission trips. I’ve shared two miracles that happened early on in our trip. And while we were in Panama I kept asking myself, “Why don’t we see miracles like these back home?” I can only think of one answer. The reality is we are too comfortable and enjoy being in control of our lives. God is in control. We started saying to one another, When I came to this realization it really hit home. “Smile for Jesus.” Because at times things do not work Sometimes we do God’s work while thinking we as we would like. But He is still in control. are the ones making things happen. When in reality As our team started sharing this phrase it we need to surrender things to God. reminded us we were there for a greater purpose, not As I was in Panama I reinstated an old phrase just our comfort or our own experience. I used on previous mission trips to remind us that In Panama I saw some members of our team really blossom as they did things they would never do back home. As their pastor I was proud to see some of our more introverted students actively participate in the children’s programs. We also had three young ladies who preached every night. It was great to see how they connected with the people at their meeting sites. Despite their nervousness they had a willingness to serve and they did an incredible job sharing Jesus! It was great to see the doctors and students do some incredible things in the clinics. We helped educate people on things like diabetes and high blood pressure. The truly amazing stories came out of the eye clinic, where on more than one occasion we had grown adults almost start crying as they saw clearly for the first time in years.  Team member Oscar Claros taking blood sugar One man told me with an ear to ear smile that for readings in the medical clinic. the first time in 20 years he was able to see the leaves

(800) 900-9021 | www.twitter.com/qhministries 7 SUMMER 2014 ECHOES on faraway trees. We had the amazing privilege to bring sight to those who did not have it before. Now, the humbling part of placing your will on hold and trusting God is how He lets us partner with Him to work out some miracles. The most humbling experience I had on this trip was a conversation. I met a local woman who had opened her house as a place of worship for fellow Seventh-day Adventists. Her name was Sindy. Every day at the worksite she took great care of us. Sindy in a lot of ways was an answer to prayer with her kind hospitality. However, the part that gets me about her story was when she shared with me that her little house church had been praying for years to have a church building. Sindy also shared that her faith became stronger by the simple fact that we were there to work with them on that church! We never expected to be an answer to prayer. We had every intention to help people. But we never realized that we literally would end up being the hands and feet of Jesus! To hear that we were an answer to prayer left me speechless. God gave us the awesome privilege of being miracle workers.  At the conclusion of our evangelistic meetings, 16 Not that we had the power to provide the people were baptized! miracle. But He let us be His instruments in Panama. It was an awesome privilege to be there and help. If you ever wonder whether or not it is worth going on a mission trip let me tell you that it is worth allow Him to take us to that discomfort, that’s where every penny and then some! He uses us the most. God will place you in situations where you will Remember that God is always in control and all be so outside your comfort zone. But I find when we that He requires of us is a willingness to trust Him. I started off with a confession and I think I will end with one as well. Sometimes it’s easier to be a Christian abroad than it is back home. Frankly, at times I do not want to return home. When I am away on a mission trip it seems as though God is more real in other places. However, what I have taken from this experience is that God is alive and in control in all places. If you need to see God in a way that is real and powerful, definitely go on a mission trip. But don’t leave God in the mission field either. Go back home with the same faith and desire to see miracles happen. I can’t wait to see what other miracles God will perform here at home, just as He did in Panama. 

Geraldo Alonso was one of the leaders of our evangelism mission trip to Panama City, Panama.

ECHOES SUMMER 2014 8 www.qhministries.org | www.facebook.com/qhministries SOUL-WINNING OPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIES

Experience the excitement of mission field soul-winning on our evangelism mission trips! Upcoming mission trips: 2014 FIJI July 15-27 TONGA July 20-August 5 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC November 19-30 PANAMA Nov 19-Dec 1

To learn more or sign up, visit www.qhministries.org or call our evangelism department (800) 900-9021.

WEWE DODO GROUPGROUP MISSIONMISSION TRIPS!TRIPS! Is your church or school group interested in a mission trip? We can help! Call us today at (800) 900-9021 for custom group mission trip information.

To learn more or sign up, visit www.qhministries.org or call our evangelism department (800) 900-9021.

(800) 900-9021 | www.twitter.com/qhministries 9 SUMMER 2014 ECHOES JESUS’ MINISTRY A COSTA RICA MISSION TEAM MEMBER REFLECTS ON HER FIRST MISSION TRIP by Shaina Mclellan

A TIME OF SERVICE, A TIME OF selflessness and a time of Christ-like love are how I would describe the Rocky Mountain Conference 2014 mission trip to Costa Rica.  Shaina (center) with other Rocky Mountain Sent by God to help people both physically and Conference youth on our Costa Rica mission trip. spiritually, our group worked on two construction sites and held 15 simultaneous evangelistic series. All of this done by teenagers! I hadn’t planned on going on a mission trip this Both construction sites were churches. One year. Being a junior at a new high school can make a involved building a wall around a church and the person somewhat timid. other building the church itself. I hadn’t done any big dreaming or intense At first the feeling of uselessness was felt leaps of faith. I couldn’t bear to ask my parents or throughout our group. The tools provided us were family to give money for a short term mission trip. antiquated and our knowledge of construction basic Especially since I’m a pastor’s kid whose family was in every way. Yet God used our hands to create safe struggling to come up with money for a Seventh- places of worship for His people! day Adventist education. Preaching was a different experience in itself. I thought, “Maybe my senior year, if the money Imagine 10 messages preached by teenage students comes in.” to much older adults! For once in our short lives the But I see now that God had other plans. roles had reversed. About a month before the mission trip, my Quite frankly, most of us speakers walked up to Spanish teacher walked up to me and said, “Shaina, the pulpit not knowing exactly what we were going to we had somebody drop out of the mission trip and say or how to even speak in front of everyone. By the we have a grant. Would you like to go?” end of our trip we had well over 100 baptisms! “Sure, why not?” I told him, while in my head

ECHOES SUMMER 2014 10 www.qhministries.org | www.facebook.com/qhministries Costa Rica Mission Report

 Shaina (preaching at right) led evangelistic meetings at the Guapiles Seventh-day Adventist Church. Eleven people were baptized from her meetings! thinking, “It’s a free trip, might as well take it.” Suddenly the driver clipped him and then About a week later the pastor called me up, honked at him to get out of the way. saying, “Shaina, we had somebody drop out of As we witnessed this, my friend got up, went to preaching. Would you like to preach?” the counter and ordered some baked goods. Then Even though I had never spoken at anything handed them to the man. The shock on the man’s in my life, I told him the exact same thing, “Sure, face over such a small act was extraordinary. His why not?” smile created such a feeling of warmth and love So there I was, on a plane headed to a foreign inside of me that I will never forget it. country to preach the Word of God and asking It reminded me of what Jesus’ ministry actually myself, “What have I gotten myself into?” was. It wasn’t just going to church and paying tithe. Looking back, I realize God had a plan all along. It was so much more than that. It was the love and The next thing I knew I was speaking in front of kindness that He showed—and that today we show a church with a translator by my side. By the time my one another. first message was over I had learned that speaking I wanted my last words to these people to be to people, especially about God, is much more than memorable and filled with love. But I couldn’t think reading words off an electronic device. of that to say. So I handed it over to God. After that first meeting, another team member The last words he had me speak at my meetings and I cut our slides to around 50 and began to focus were, “I am excited to see every one of you again, on the most important thing: the love of God. whether it be in this life or when we spend eternity God had all the building blocks. He just needed together with our God.” us to lay them. You could see God working to close When I look back on this trip, I see how my the language barriers and allow His love to take over. relationship with God has changed and what He The enemy was hard at work trying to close has taught me. If we strive to be like God we should construction sites and bring doubt to the preachers strive to show the love God showed us. by having translators walk out mid-sermon. We can do well at focusing on doctrines and When the enemy shuts a door God breaks down being good people but we can lose sight of the a wall. When we had construction sites close down, foundation of our doctrines. That cornerstone is God opened more. When we had translators walk the unconditional love of God. Without that we away He had more ready to replace them. God was would never have our doctrines and perfection always a step ahead of the enemy! wouldn’t matter. Every night after I preached, one of the pastors I realized that God doesn’t just show love or and his wife would take me and two of my friends to create acts of love, He is love. God is love!  a bakery and tell us a part of their love story. I always looked forward to these nights. One night there was Shaina Mclellan was part of our mission trip to Costa Rica. She joined a large team of youth from the Rocky Mountain Conference who shared God’s saving grace in the a man cleaning the sidewalks outside of the bakery. region around Turrialba.

(800) 900-9021 | www.twitter.com/qhministries 11 SUMMER 2014 ECHOES PROJECT UPDATES

EVERY DAY THERE IS SOMETHING GOING ON AROUND THE world that’s part of Quiet Hour Ministries’ outreach. Whether it’s church construction, gospel workers giving Bible studies or evangelism teams proclaiming Jesus, there are always projects happening that are furthering the Lord’s work. And these projects only happen through your generous support. In an effort to keep you up to date on what’s going on in our worldwide outreach, here’s what’s happened in the various areas of our ministry over the last few months:

WORLDWIDE EVANGELISM – GOSPEL WORKERS – Evangelistic meetings were held in the Some 25 local gospel workers hit Philippines, Peru, Panama, Dominican the streets in the Philippines, Peru, Republic and two locations in Costa Rica. Dominican Republic and Costa Our team members held evangelistic Rica, preparing communities for the meetings and children’s programs and also evangelistic meetings. gave health and family talks. More than 700 people were baptized through these efforts! MUSLIM OUTREACH – CHAPELS AND CONSTRUCTION – Our Muslim outreach workers continued Thanks to your generous gifts, mission to study with hundreds of people eager teams helped renovate and build churches to know more about Jesus. And we’re in Panama, Peru, Costa Rica, Dominican laying the groundwork for an evangelism Republic and the Philippines. mission trip to Egypt! BIBLES – MEDICAL CLINICS AND EYE CLINICS– Thanks to your gifts, each new believer At the eye clinic in Dominican Republic, at our evangelistic meetings in Costa volunteers saw a 99-year-old man who Rica, Peru, Panama, Dominican Republic said he very much wanted to read his and the Philippines were given a Bible Bible again. After giving him an eye exam, to read in their own language. Plus, you they determined he needed 4.0 readers, helped provide more than 500 Bibles for which they didn’t have. He was so sad. evangelism in Africa! Then our team leader told him to try CHILDREN’S OUTREACH – putting on two pairs of 2.00 readers and Coupled with each evangelistic meeting she showed him how to do it. He picked in Peru, Panama, Dominican Republic, up his Bible and got a huge toothless grin Costa Rica and the Philippines, were Bible and said, “I can see! I can see!” Medical school programs for kids—which included clinics were also held in Peru, Costa games, stories, crafts, felts and songs. In Rica and the Philippines with patients the Dominican Republic alone, more than receiving general care as well as much- 600 kids were reached! needed eye glasses.. 

ECHOES SUMMER 2014 12 www.qhministries.org | www.facebook.com/qhministries 2014 PROJECTS 2014 STILL # PROJECT GOAL RAISED NEEDED

06019 Worldwide Evangelism $134,750 39% $53,233 $81,517

06003 Worldwide chapels 161,700 67% 108,090 53,610

06009 Gospel Workers 97,000 126% 122,457 Thank you!

06002 Bibles 58,520 190% 111,558 Thank you!

06052 Children’s Outreach 71,400 5% 3,669 67,731

06012 Muslim Outreach 60,000 18% 10,653 49,347

06061 Medical Clinics 57,750 14% 8,222 49,528


(800) 900-9021 | www.twitter.com/qhministries 13 SUMMER 2014 ECHOES ETERNALLY IN MY HEART THE SPECIAL BLESSINGS OF MISSION IN GUATEMALA by Kaitlyn Froelich

IT WAS MY LITTLE SISTER’S birthday, February 28, when we left for Mazatenango, Guatemala. She had passed away a few years ago. I came on the trip not only excited for the opportunity to serve Christ. But to also celebrate my sister’s birthday by telling children about the God that both she and I fell in love with at such a young age. I was hoping to ignite Christ’s flame in the hearts of the children in Mazatenango. My dream is to one day see them all again in heaven and introduce them to my little sister.  Kaitlyn with children in Guatemala. Although I will not know for certain if all the children I reached out to will meet me again in set of programs I had planned turned out to be a heaven, I cling to the faith that they will. complete bust. At the end of the week, three of these wonderful I was so disappointed in myself. I wrote in my children were baptized into the Seventh-day journal my thoughts of, “How could I expect to be a Adventist Church! My heart was filled to the brim missionary after I graduate, if I couldn’t even plan a with joy during that moment. successful week of outreach for children?” As a children’s leader, I know I am supposed to However, after dusting myself off, I prepared even be a blessing to them. However, each child uniquely harder for the next few nights. Over the course of the touched my heart in such a way that they all ended week, I put my absolute all into planning each lesson. up being a bigger blessing to me than I ever could By doing so, I opened myself up to the church have been to them. family and children there. I remember the first night being there. The One week was all it took. I completely fell in

ECHOES SUMMER 2014 14 www.qhministries.org | www.facebook.com/qhministries Guatemala Mission Report callused hands. Yet I look at it all with a smile on my face because I know that great friendship ties happened while getting every single one of them. Who knew that laying brick in the tropical heat and carrying cement bags on your back would create lasting memories? The other students on the trip quickly became my close friends. We all shared experiences that no one else on our campus had. It was an amazing feeling to know that you are all working together to achieve a common goal: saving lives for eternity! Overall, this mission trip was an immense blessing. I know that being a missionary is something love with the culture, people, foods, smells and even I am truly called to do. And it is something I certainly the crazy drivers. But most of all, I fell in love with want to do. the children. With an excited heart, I am looking forward The rest of the nights were incredible and went to what else God has up His sleeve in my life as I exceedingly greater than I could have ever imagined continue on with missions. in my mind. I was able to create close ties with the It almost felt wrong coming back to Southern’s children of the Bilboa Adventist Church. campus. I was not ready to leave Guatemala. During the day, we also had a church And I still felt as though there was more work to construction project and a health clinic. I found be done with those kids. I cannot put into words how myself on the construction crew. much I miss them still. They all will be eternally in Working at the construction site was not a walk my prayers and in my heart. in the park. But being able to work together with With an elated and joyful spirit, I look forward to other Southern Adventist University students on the seeing the people of Mazatenango again, reunited in trip, as well as the locals, was a great experience. heaven. Oh, what a wonderful day it will be!  Many women would probably cringe if they Kaitlyn Froelich was part of our mission team of Southern Adventist University counted 36 bruises on their legs and felt their newly students in Mazatenango, Guatemala.

(800) 900-9021 | www.twitter.com/qhministries 15 SUMMER 2014 ECHOES ABY DOMINICAN GOD’S REPUBLIC TEAM MEMBER’S GRACE TESTIMONY by Gina Webb

FOR YEARS MY VIEW HAS BEEN It soon became clear God had great things in that my mission field is right in front store for our group. He blessed us through dawn-to- dusk construction work, medical clinics, health talks, of me. I often thought not enough children’s programs and evangelistic meetings. mission work is done within our own He blessed us through close bonds with the local communities. Therefore why would conference and five area churches. These positive anyone need to go on a mission trip? working groups really made the long days a joy. I observed firsthand how ministering to medical needs was a vital first step to showing God’s grace and love. Our medical team treated nearly 1,500 people! Our eye clinic examined 526 people and distributed 336 pairs of eyeglasses! God also blessed our evangelistic meetings, with a total attendance of 4,781 people between the five sites. And 4,707 kids attended our children’s outreach! At the end of our evangelistic meetings, praise God, 102 people were baptized! And an additional 1,012 people gave their lives to Christ and began preparing for baptism! So you can imagine my thoughts when Ron As I mentioned, we had developed strong Holloway, chaplain at Ozark Adventist Academy bonds with the local people. When our time among (OAA), asked me to go to the Dominican Republic. them came to a close, there were tears, hugs and a Would I lead the medical clinics during OAA’s realization that we would probably not meet again mission trip through Quiet Hour Ministries (QHM)? this side of heaven. So we committed to meet again I must admit I was not eager to accept the call. when Jesus returns and we reunite in His kingdom. And I even demanded a few comforts, such as air On this mission trip, I gained a new conditioning, in an effort to deter Ron’s efforts. Little perspective. Reaching out of your comfort zone did I know! allows God to use you in ways you may never Ron continued to ask. I promised to pray. And experience in your own backyard. My views on air next thing I knew we had air conditioning arranged conditioning may not change. But by God’s grace I and I committed to go. know anything can happen!  If you knew me, you’d understand the comments

I heard from family and friends when I mentioned Gina Webb led the medical clinic during our mission trip to the Dominican Republic the mission trip. Several people laughed and replied, in April 2014. “No way!” They knew a mission trip was completely out of my comfort zone. Only by God’s grace did I accept the call. On April 2nd, I left with 37 OAA students and sponsors on our journey to Barahona, Dominican Republic. I had no idea what to expect. I had prior conversations with QHM staff and Esther Hilde, our amazing team leader. But I totally didn’t see the great task that lay ahead.

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WITH BLEARY EYES AND EXCITED FACES 58 GRAY-T-SHIRT-CLAD TRAVELERS stepped off the buses into the crisp air 4,681 miles away from home. We had arrived in Peru!

Our group consisted of high schoolers, parents about the spanking, because her desire to learn about and teachers from Fresno Adventist Academy, Jesus was greater! along with others from the community. We had A medical team made up of nurses, doctors, traveled from Fresno, California, to join Quiet Hour students and other volunteers worked to serve the Ministries in sharing Jesus in Urcos, Pinipampa, poverty-stricken community. Cusipata and Quiquijana, Peru. If you were to observe the long lines waiting None of us knew exactly what to expect. But we for treatment, you would see patients ranging from were hungry for an adventure with God. What would infancy to elderly. All were anxiously awaiting their He do with 12 days of surrendered service to Him? turn to receive medical, dental or vision care. Here are just a few ways God worked on this trip. Vanessa Greer, a registered nurse, treated a During our time in Peru, we held nine children’s woman widowed four years ago following the sudden programs. Children in the surrounding communities death of her husband. She was now raising four learned about God and His endless love for them. children on her own. Our nightly programs consisted of praise Vanessa knew it was more than just age causing songs in Spanish, a Bible story and a craft. The kids absolutely loved to sing. They also had a great desire to learn English. Whether they were learning an entire verse of “My God Loves Me,” how to pronounce their names or just the word “chair,” they were eager for us to teach them. Each night they came and absorbed the simple, yet impacting stories. At the Urcos site, one little girl came each night and really enjoyed the meetings. At one point, she came up to our team members and shared how when she arrived home the previous night, she received a spanking from her mother. But she told our team members she didn’t care

ECHOES SUMMER 2014 18 www.qhministries.org | www.facebook.com/qhministries Peru Mission Report the pain in the woman’s face and the trembling in her One day is vividly imprinted on our minds, as we body. The woman opened up about the three jobs left at 2 a.m. to see Machu Picchu! she worked in order to provide housing and food for The multiple ruins, incredible architecture and her children. And the constant back pain and anxiety vast natural beauty were breathtaking. Better yet, that prevented her from sleeping. this wonder of the world provided an unexpected After receiving treatment, we had a prayer reminder: just as one could travel to this amazing session with her. Seeing her the next day, she was all place and be distracted by the endless miles of smiles following the first good night’s sleep she’d had staircases or the glare of the sun and miss out on the in four years. As she received the gift of rest for her experience, so we could be present in the very courts body and mind, God lifted her burdens! of God and fail to notice the wonder of His presence All-told, our medical team saw nearly 600 people all around us. in the clinics. Likewise, while our Peru adventure may be over, At the same time, the construction crew actively the adventure of partnering with the Holy Spirit is far set about their work. from done. Our first day was spent assessing the needs of As our group arrives home, we pray that our the time-worn local churches. Restoration quickly hearts will be open for God to continue to use us in began on the two structures that needed it most: the mighty ways every day.  Cusipata and Quiquijana churches. Major needs such as paint jobs, roof and bathroom repair as well as Austin Greer was part of our mission team to Peru in March, 2014. electrical installation were met by our team. Additionally, two of the students painted a beautiful, simple sign for each church. Not only did we share Jesus through our actions, we also shared Him through our words. Eight high school students were used in a mighty way to reach the thirsting hearts of the people. Each night, they preached sermons that revealed the Bible’s validity through prophecy and ended with a study on baptism. The people soaked up every message they heard. And as a result, many children of God made requests for baptism. In Pinipampa, team member Taylor Stanic was amazed and humbled to see the appreciation of the people.  Our Peru team gathers for prayer with local believers. At the end of the evangelistic series, many of the church members were in tears as she and her team were leaving. They gave them small gifts to show their appreciation. In reflection, Taylor said, “It amazes me that these people, who have nothing, are so willing to give everything to people who could give so much more. Our trip to Peru definitely showed me life from a different perspective and taught me that Jesus is truly all I need to be satisfied.” Many unforgettable moments of this trip belong in their own category, such as seeing the mist hanging over the mountains when we flung open our curtains in the morning, dashing through sheets of rain and flashes of lightning after a meeting, or trekking around  The medical team treated nearly 600 people! a rockslide while evading oncoming traffic.

(800) 900-9021 | www.twitter.com/qhministries 19 SUMMER 2014 ECHOES IN MEMORY OF... Quiet Hour Ministries gratefully acknowledges the many gifts given in memory of loved ones to help share God’s saving grace with the world. If you wish to honor a loved one through a memorial gift, please indicate so with your donation and provide the individual’s name. We will be happy to include your gift in a future Echoes magazine. Should you wish to make an anonymous memorial gift, simply note that as well and we will respect your request.

In Memory of Campbell, Lawrence G. Gaspard, Elizabeth Jauch, Sadie Boss by his wife, Wilma by John H. Mathews by her son & daughter-in-law, Abrams, Edna M. Bob & Virginia Jauch by her husband, Paul Chalker, Byron Goede, David A. by her daughter & son-in-law, by Marvin & Nathalie Bischoff by his daughter, Donna Ruckgaber by Jim & Judy Culpepper Doris & Richard Williams by Mary Jane Nevis Allen, Kristian X. Charles, Alice E. Greenhill, Carl Evans by Pastor John & Sheryl Hersom by Kenneth & Dolores Dennis by Glen & Irene Sibley Jenicke, Eldon by his wife, Irene Archer, Betty Ching, George & Bessie Greer, Gary R. by her daughter, Marlene Sitler by his wife, Bonnie by Quiet Hour Ministries Johnson, Bonnie by M. Evon Romano by Annemarie Johnson Clemenson, Grace by her son & daughter-in-law, Jones, Owen P. Bates, Harlan C. Gary & Sharon Clemenson by Sharline Adams Hall, Phyllis Miller by his wife Alyce Cloud, Carl T. by Marilyn R. Springer Bechthold, Raymond & Elizabeth L. by his wife, Flo & their children by her sister, Ferne V. Davick Halley, Vernese H. Keeler, Anna Cook, Virginia by her daughter & son-in-law, Beck, Alvin by her daughter, Juanita by Don & Maxine Rogers Jerri & Richard Boggess by his daughter & son-in-law, Joyce & John Azevedo Hardesty, Gladys M. King, Almeta P. Cowan, Vyca G. by George B. Bohl by co-workers of her daughter, by her daughter & son-in-law, by Paul & Luryne Estew, Jr. Gail Garcia Lonetta & Roger Williams Boccheciamp, Elias Curry, Gordon T. by his wife, Lorraine Heitzmann, Alvina Kingham, John by his wife, Phyllis by her sister, Olga Rodin by his wife, Anna Bowes, Dena Kay by Jim & Judy Culpepper Hensel, Joyce by her husband, Donald Dean, Myrle Bowser, Edith P. Lehman, Nancy Lou by his wife, Anna Dean by her granddaughter, Herzel, Edward & Mary Lee by Ann Hoyt Marilyn R. Springer by their daughter & son-in-law, Dopp, Janice Judy & George Halleron by Don & Maxine Rogers Liebelt, Ardy & Mrs. Bowyer, Goldie E. by his sister, Ferne V. Davick by Leonard & Mavis Shockey Hickman, Albert Lester by Al Wiggins Liebelt, Arthur & Marcella Boyd, Aubrey by his sister, Ferne V. Davick by J. Rita Vital Eversley, Marilyn Hill, Leonard by her husband, Wilton by Joseph P. Stoia Liebelt, M J & Lydia Brand, James E. by their daughter, Ferne V. Davick by his wife, Ann Hollenbeck, Denny by his wife, Edna Brizendine, Harvey & Eloise Flemmer, Herbert Litvin, George by Farrel & Bobbi Brizendine by his sister, Olga Rodin Holm, Melvin G. by his wife, Josephine by his sister, Olive A. Holm White Burke, Kenneth I. Franks, Dianne Lowry, Beth by Elmer & Katie Baker by Elmer & Katie Baker Hopkins, Rita by her husband, Morris by Farrell & Bobbi Brizendine

Hull, Carol Cacic, Marcella Elaine Gaede, Ida & Menno by Mary Jane Nevis Mayer, Jeffery by Marilyn Wallace by their daughter, by his parents, Earl & Mary Jane Nevis Doris Mayer Calvert, Jean B. Meyers by her daughter, Garner, Arthur D. Jaramillo, Adolfo D. Meyers, Marcia Ann Marilyn R. Springer by his wife, Betty by his wife, Vera by her sister, Marilyn R. Springer

ECHOES SUMMER 2014 20 www.qhministries.org | www.facebook.com/qhministries Memorial Gifts

Meyers, William H. Renschler, Herbert Thomasson, Clyde by his daughter, by his wife, Mary Jane by Claudie & Georgia English Corrections Marilyn R Springer Renschler Nevis Below are corrections for memorials Tucker, Alma listed in our previous issue. We Miller, Leona Richardson, Laura A. by Jeannette Baldwin apologize for the errors. by her sister, Olga Rodin by Marilyn R. Springer by George & Irma Chen by Margaret & Jose Dayao Huffaker, Erma Mondary, Ellen Jane Rott, Pauline by Gerald & Naomi Fillmen by Ruby Sorensen by her grand daughter, by her daughter, Leta M. Knipper by Reba Hargrove Marilyn R. Springer by William & Barbara Heisler Hyde, Irma Rushold, Harry & Irma by Evelyn J. Johnson by her husband, Gordon Morford, Alvin Melvin by their daughter & son-in-law, by Mari Ann & Christer Joreteg by her son, Bradley by J. Rita Vital Udene & Marlin Allen by Eva Kennedy by her son, Rodney by Vierra Koko Morikone, Arnold by Stanley Sterling by Erma Landis by David Morikone by Linda Levisen Samarza, Driggs Morikone, Jimmy by Dorothy Salhany by Dr. & Mrs. Philip Gold IN HONOR OF . . . by David Morikone by Anneliese Schermann by Colene Schwandt Morikone, Roy & Eileen Santangelo, Donald F. by Jean Zachary Anniversary by his wife, Rosemarie by David Morikone Gilliland, Dennis & Jane Tucker, LaVerne E. for 32 years Moses, Keith Warren Scott, Wayne Tom by Marilyn R. Springer by Melvin & Freda Gilliland by Dorothy Holm by his wife, Angela Turner, Harold & Elsie Turner Shaffer, June by Marilyn R. Springer Gilliland, Duane & Pattie by her sister, Iris Donaldson for 42 years Nelson, Milan & Carol by Melvin & Freda Gilliland by Marilyn R. Springer Shields, Ruby by her sister, Wanda Radford Van Pelt, Leah McNeill House, Myron & Jan Nephew, Harry D. by her niece, Marilyn R Springer for our 25th Wedding Anniversary by his wife, Helen Shockey, Dollie by her son & daughter-in-law, Venden, Morris L. Kramer, Herb & Karen Nevis, Lucinda Leonard & Mavis Shockey by Marilyn R. Springer for 26 years by her mother, Mary Jane Nevis by Melvin & Freda Gilliland Skeggs, Thelma Newbury, Tressie by by J. Rita Vital by Al Wiggins Wallace, Sterling A.

Smart, Iva by his wife, Marilyn Birthday Nielsen, Calmar & Marion by her sister, Wanda Radford by Anne Caviness Waters, Stanley Merkle, Edith 100th, by Ruth Hartsock Snell, John G. by his wife, Gertrude Noel, Robert Lee by his wife, Ruby by Marvin & Nathalie Bischoff Wentz, Roy & Josephine by their son & daughter-in-law, Stapleton, Samuel Eldon & Jeanette Wentz Thankfulness by J. Rita Vital Bowers, Clara Jean Parker, Albert Werner, Joan for weekly Sabbath transportation by his wife, Kathryn Myers Parker by Marilyn Wallace by Al Wiggins Tallman, Patricia Hoxie Wieder, Timothy by her husband, Gary Eastin, LaVerna by Clarence & Esther Brummett for 66 years Radford, Albert & Mary by Stanley & Vaneta Condon Taylor, Charles R. by Melvin & Freda Gilliland by their daughter, Wanda Radford by Percy Lui by J. Rita Vital Farrell, Ann Radford, Dollie for 66 years by her sister, Wanda Radford Testman, Jackie by Melvin & Freda Gilliland by his sister & brother-in-law, Yarwood, Emily Margurite Radford, Pearl Bobbi & Farrel Brizendine by Don & Maxine Rogers Hunsaker, Bill & Betty by her sister, Wanda Radford by the Vista Church Family Testman, Sharon Reile, Lloyd by her sister & brother-in-law, Smith, Harold F. & Jane by Jehu & Delores Miller Bobbi & Farrel Brizendine for 70 years together

(800) 900-9021 | www.twitter.com/qhministries 21 SUMMER 2014 ECHOES Mid-Year Report THOUSANDS REACHED g THE GOSPEL A MID-YEAR REPORT ON OUR OUTREACH by Randy Bates


The messages about Bible prophecy, about how God knew her and loved her even before she was born, touched Maria’s heart. When a call was made at the end of the meeting, Maria responded. She didn’t just want Bible studies. She didn’t just want ask Jesus into her heart. She wanted all that and more. She wanted to be baptized! Maria is just one of the thousands of Praise God for everything accomplished so far! people you’ve helped reach for Christ so I’m just amazed at what He is doing through your far this year! gifts, prayers and participation. As we approach the half-way point of 2014, I’m Yet, as I mentioned, this is just a mid-year report. excited to share with you this mid-year report! Imagine what God has yet in store! At Quiet Hour Ministries, we have a vision to reach more than 200,000 people for Christ this year. BECAUSE OF YOU, SO FAR IN 2014: That’s a big goal! Furthermore, our vision is to reach more than 1 million people in the next couple of years. That’s an Z More than 30,000 even bigger goal! people reached with the gospel But we serve a really, really big God! That’s why I’m so thankful to be coworkers in 7 countries. with you, serving our Savior. With Him, there truly is no limit! Z More than Thank you for all you’ve done to share the gospel 1,000 with people around the world. Trust me when I say people baptized. that your investment in the kingdom of God has already paid enormous dividends. Z team members sent to And as even more people accept Jesus into their 269 hearts, just like Maria did, I know the mission field. they will be a treasure in heaven waiting for you!  Z $1,486,140 Randy Bates is CEO of Quiet Hour Ministries. given for missions.

ECHOES SUMMER 2014 22 www.qhministries.org | www.facebook.com/qhministries AMBASSADORS OF HOPE 2014 TO SEEK AND TO SAVE As a special thank you for your yearly commitment of $1,200 or more, you’re warmly invited to join our leadership for an Ambassadors of Hope weekend! Come and enjoy inspiring messages and music, the latest mission reports, comfortable accommodations and tasty vegetarian meals.

TWO OPPORTUNITIES REMAINING! “FOR THE SON OF MAN CAME September 5-6, 2014 Park Vista Hotel TO SEEK AND Gatlinburg, Tennessee TO SAVE Oct 30-Nov 1, 2014 Skamania Lodge Stevenson, Washington THE LOST.” Luke 19:10 ESV.

For more information or to register, call (800) 900-9021 or visit www.qhministries.org/aoh Coming this fall!

Stories from our mission team members and the people they reach. A 30-minute television program from Quiet Hour Ministries! Watch Missions Today starting this fall on:

More information, including airtimes, at: www.qhministries.org/missionstoday

All episodes will be available online!