ANGELS, GHOSTS, &c., &c., (











September, 1874. Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / ADDRESS.

THE subject of which this brochure claims to be a rather copious index has attracted much attention in all ages of literary inquiry, and, while it has sometimes provoked the wit and humor of the satirist, it has often engaged also the grave and earnest considera tion of scholars and divines. The growth of this interest has been pari passu with the development of the spirit of philosophical inquiry. • With'the exception of Graesse's "Bibliotheca Magica," published in 1843, no compre hensive summary of the literature of DIABOLISM has been issued —certainly none has been offered for sale ; and we hope it is not presumption therefore to claim for this modest attempt in that direction whatever merit belongs here to originality.

To commend our labor to the approval of the bibliopolist, we have pursued a strictly chronological method of development, and divided the subject into two distinct parts, the one embracing its humorous aspects, and the other comprising the serious discussions and treatises which it has originated from the earliest times to the present.

The richness and value of the collection may be best illustrated by the mention of a few of the more prominent works. And first we name the extraordinary work of the Eomanists —their magnum opus on the subject —the MALLEUS MALEPICAEUM, the great prize to pos sess. Also, Mengus, FLAGELLUM D-SIMONUM ; Pererius, DE MAGIA; Delrio, DisQuisrno MAGICABUM ; Guaccius, COMPENDIUM MALEFICBIUM ; Bodin, DEMONOMANIA ; Boguet, Dis- COTJBS DBS SOBCIEBS ; Node, EBREUB EXECRABLE DBS MALEFICIEBS ; Wierus, DE PBESTIGUS, etc., etc. Besides these, we must note the great outspoken work of the honest Dutch man, Bekker's LE MONDE ENCHANTE ; the learned work of the Frenchman, Oollin de Plancy's DICTIONNAIRE INFEBNAL ; the exhaustive works of the laborious German, Horst's ZAUBEB BIBLIOTHEK, and the recent classical work of Dr. Roskoff ; of Englishmen, we must not forget the quaint and curious Bart. Glanvil, the dark deeds of Dr. Dee, the bold denunciations of Reg. Scot, the courageous Webster, the moral Yeron, the lucid Mason, " the blasphemies of the Devil's Chaplain" (the Rev. Robert Taylor), and the learned essay of that distinguished lady," Frances Power Cobbe. And of our own countrymen, the good works of Macrae, Read, Conway, Cranch, and Blauvelt, down to the laughable and enjoy able illustrated diableries of George and Robert Cruikshank, Landseer, Seymour, and others, as well as the amazingly humorous and sprightly works of the French. Nor have we omitted the Oriental Nations, here represented by Upham (Buddhist), Callaway (Cingalese), Lenormant (Chaldsean Egyptian), etc., for our aim has been, as near as possible, to obtain the best works of each country on the subject.

We believe that the introduction of many important books treating only incidentally of THE DEVIL cannot fail to enhance the value of the collection.

The importance of this curious and extensive department of literary history seemed to justify and even to demand such illustration as could be conveniently and fitly supplied in the form of notes and quotations ; and the group of diabolislic proverbs and aphorisms with which it is accompanied will serve at least to amuse the reader. Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / 344261 Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / of

ASSYRIAN, (from Seville.)

EGYPTIAN, (from \Vilkinson.\

ANGLO-SAXON— XI. Cent. (Eng. Cyclo.)

CINGALESE. (Callaway.)

ENGLISH— XII Cent. (Eng. Cycle). FRKNCH— XV. Cent. ( Cycle.) Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / ani

ABYSSINIAN —XVI. Cent.- (Eng. Cyclo.)

ITALIAN— XVII. Cent. (Guacdus.)

CRUIKSHANK'S. (St. Dumtan.) LANDSEER'S. ( Ten Etching.) Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / PART I.


O RUTHLESSK murderer of immortall soules, JDAD as he is, the Devil may be abus'd, Alasse ! to pull us from the happie poales, He falsely charg'd, and causelesslyaccus'd. And plunge us headlong in the yawning hell, When Men, unwilling to be blam'd alone, Thy ceaselessfraudes and fetches, who can tell ''" Shift off thoseCrimes on Him which are their Own." — /. Syhnster, 1592. — De/oe, 1726.

* o ; OATAN, so call him now, his former name J^K malheur avilit tin revets deshonore : ; .-'• Is heard no more in heaven; he of the first, Quand Satan \'-i\i ange, il avit des amis ; il If not the first archangel, great in power, Kn exil, c'est le DiaMe est noir, on I'abhorre;

In favor and preeminence." II rencontre partout des milliers d'enemis." — Par. Lost, 1667. — Col. df Plancy, 1819.

•FOOLS DERIDE—PHILOSOPHERS INVESTIGATE." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / I324-— A CONTEMPORARY NARRA- "A celebrated work, u kind of general history tive of the Proceedings against Dame Alice of nature, treating of Gods, Angels, Devils, the Kyteler, prosecuted for Sorcery in 1324, by Soul, the Body, Animals, &c., &c."— Chalmers. Richard De Ledrede, Bishop of Oasory. 1 Of the intrinsic value of this extraordinary vol Vol. small 4to (in Latin), edited with In ume, Mr. Douce in his Illustrations of Shakspeare has troduction and notes by Thomas Wright. given us several curious demonstrations. 1843, cloth, rare $4 75 London. very " Tis a volume to be placed among the louuging This very old and interesting narrative not only tomes of an Antiquary; to be conned in dull moments of affords a curious picture of the state of Ire ennui, of winter's evenings." —Dibdin's Lib. Comp. II., but forms an in land in the reign of Edward it A very copious and exact analysis of this curious history of English supersti structive chapter in the work is given by Dr. Dibdin in the second volume tion. oi his " Typographical Antiquities." HARROWING OF HELL; A Mi 1330.— 1489.—MOLITOR, Tractatus de verse, written in the of (Ulric.) racle Play in reign Lamiis et Phitonicis Mulierebus, Teutonice first Edward the Second. Now published, Uuholden vel Hexen. Small 4to, s. 1. et a. with an introduction, translation and notes, (circa 1489), old binding $50 00 by J. 0. Halliwell. 8vo., paper, Lond. 1840, rare 2 00 Extremely rare and curious. It has seven singular full-paged woodcuts of Witches' Incantations, caressing It is a piece regularly constructed, with a sort by the Devil, &c. of prologue and epilogue. After the prologue, Christ enters, and states his sufferings and design 1508.—MARGARITA PHILOSOPHICA in descending into Hell. Satan hears him, and en (Opera G. Reisch.) Thick small 4to, black letter, numerous fine and wood quires who it is, lest he should "fonden how we spirited pleyen here." The Saviour declares himself, and cuts, some the size of the page, by Sebas Brandt, several with In Satan argues with him on the injustice of depriving tian Xylographic fine old half calf nt. him of what he had acquired, &c., &c. scriptions, large copy, rare, Argent., 1508 20 00 CICERO, on Divination, on Fate, 1470.— This ancient compendium of general knowledge is on the Gods, and other TREATISES. Now divided into 12parts, in the form of Dialogues between translated into English by C. D. Yonge. Master and Scholar, and treats on Grammar, Arithmetic, 12mo, Lond. 1872. Cloth 2 00 Mnsic (with musical notes), Geometry, Astronomy, Cicero, in this treatise, has given us a tolerable Philosophy, kc. The last part attracts peculiar notice, satisfactory summary of the opinions of the ancients being illustrated by several singular cuts representing upon the whole of this interesting subject, illustrated Purgatory and the State of the Damned. by many apposite and curious facts. !5lg._MALLEUS MALEFICARUM. — 1472.—DANTE'S VISION ; or, Hell, Pur Opus egregium de variis Incantationum gatory, and Paradise. Translated into generibus origine. Compilatus ab Henrico English blank verse, by Gary. 1 vol. 12mo, Institoris et Jacobo Sprenger. Small 4to ; 1870, cloth 3 00 BLACK LETTER, in old binding, but fine copy inside, EXCESSIVELY BARE 15 00 The same, translated into English triple- The work is divided into three parts :. Things that rhymes by Wright, and illustrated by to Witchcraft ; the Effects of Witchcraft ; and Flaxman. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth 2 00 pertain the Remedies for Witchcraft. The editors are careful " O, Time ! whose verdicts mock our own, to affirm that they coltected,rather than furnished, The only righteous jndge art thou ; their materials originally, and give as their venerable old exile, sad and lone, That poor authorities the names of Dionysius the Areopagite, now: Is Latium's other Virgil Chrysostom, Hilary, Augustin, Gregory I., Remygius. his name the nations bow; Before Thomas Aquinas and others. The writers exult in words are parcel of mankind, His the consciousness of security, in spite of the attempts in whose hearts, as on his brow, Deep of the demons, day and night, to deter them from sunk of Dante's mind." The marks have completing their meritorious labors. Stratagems of every kind are employed in vain. A genuine or pre 1483.—GLANVIL, (Bartholomew.) De Pro- of sorcery, and an affected contempt for PBIETATIBUS REBUM INSCBIPTUM. 1 thick tended dread estimate of its vol. folio, Slack Letter. Nuremb. 1483, in the female sex, with an extremely low Fathers), char the original old stamped binding and virtues (adopting the language of the Clasps, EXCESSIVELY BABE. 25 00 acterize the opinions of the compilers.

'THE DEVIL IS GOOD WHEN HE IS PLEASED." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "TIS A SIN TO BELIE THE DEVIL,"

— 1547.— CIRUELO, (Rev. Maestro.) Re- 1567. CATTANI, (Fran. De.) Sopra la provaciones de las Superstitiones, y bechi- Superstizzione dell' arte Magica. Small zerias. Libro muy utile y necessario a to- 4to, vellum, very rare $3 50 dos los buenos Christianos, 4to, woodcut LAUATER, Of Ghostes capitals, vellum. Imprimiose ela cindad de 1572.— (Lewes.) & Sprites walking by nyght, and of strange Sevilla, en casa de Andres de Burgos, noyses, crackes, and sundry forewarnynges, 1547 #6 00 whiche commonly happen before the death Excessively rare, unknown to Graesse and others. of menne, great slaughters, and alterations of Kyngdomes. Small 4to, BLACK LETTER, I555-— AGRIPPA (H. C.) FOURTH half Russia, or EXCESSIVE RABITY 35 00 Book of Occult Philosophy, Geomaucy, and Magic. Translated by K. Turner. New A good and learned treatise, handled with method, edition, with great improvements. 12mo, jndgment, and discretion. — Translator. old calf, 1783, excessively rare 12 00 Or a later edition in Latin. LAVATER, De "Agrippa once again appears, by thee (Lud.) Spectris, Le. muribus, et 18mo, 1659, Pulled out o' tli' ashes of Antiquity. Pnesagitionibus. old calf, neat, rare 2 00 Let squint-eyed envy pine away, whilst thou Wear'st crowns of praise on thy deserving brow." " Tractatus vere aureus." — Waleh. " Ouvrage curieux." —Brunei. 1555- — La Philosophic Occulte. Traduite en " A very learned and curious treatise in defence of the Francais, avec Apologie pour Agrippa, par doctrine of apparitions, diabolical delusions, presages, G. Nande". 2 large vols., 8vo, La Haye, &c.—Aikin. 1727, fine copy, on LARGE AND FINE PAPER, full calf, excessively rare 15 00 1575.— PRIERAS, (F. Silvester.) De Strigi- ••Agrippa kept a Stygian pug, magarum, Dsemonumque Mirandis, Libri tres. 4to, fine vellum I' th' garb and habit of a dog, copy in original rare 6 00 That was his tutor, and the cur binding, very Head to th' occult philosopher, 1578.— NODE, (F. P.)- DECLAMATION And taught him subtly to maintain centre 1'erreur execrable des Maleficiers, • All other sciences are vain." Sorciers, Enchanteurs, Magiciens, et Deu- —Httdibnu. ins. 12mo, Paris, 1578, (folded, uncut) very rare 3 00 —The Life of Cornelius Agrippa, Doc I555- " tor and Knight, commonly known as Ma Bieii doctrine de plueieurs Anciens, et ingenieux gician. By Henry Morley. 2 vols., 12mo, discours, digue d'etre imprime, et communique au 1856, cloth, scarce 3 50 monde, centre les erreurs qui aujourd'huy pullulent par tout le christianisme." "The third of his Lives of Ancient and Mis represented Scholars." —Athenaum. 1579.—V AIR, (Leon.) De Fascino, Libri tres. 12mo, vellum binding, rare . . .3 00 Contains very curious information about raising Devils, his notion of Hell, of Demons, the Cabala, De Fascino, Libri tres, in quibus omnes Divination, Magic, Witchcraft, etc. Fascini species et causse optima methodo describuntur. 4to, 1583; old calf j rare. 5 00 1561.—VERON, (Jhon.) The Huntynge of Purgatorye to Death, made Dialogewyse. Trois Livres des Charmes, Sorcelages, Thick 12mo, Lond, 1561, in paper wrapper. ou Enchautemens. Traduits par J. Bandon, 1583. EXCESSIVELY BABE 18 00 12mo. Superb copy, in crushed Le vant morocco, excessively rare 25 00 1563.— WIERUS, (JO.) De PR^ESTIGIIS I >;i'miinn Mi et Incantationibus ac veueficiis 1579.—MASSE, (Pierre.) De 1'Imposture des Diables, Devius, libri v. 12mo. Basil, 1563, vellum, very et Tromperie Enchant rare 3 50 eurs, Sorciers, qui par telle invocation Di- abolique abusent le peuple. Thick 12mo. " The author combats the horrible prejndice by Paris, 1579, folded, uncut, rare 10 00 which those accused of witchcraft were thrown into the Joined to this rare and valuable work will be found — names. He shows a good deal of credulity as to diabol Traicte enseignant en bref les causes des Maleflces ical illusions, but takes these unfortunate persons for M. R. Benoist, 1579. the devil's victims rather than his accomplices. Upon par the whole, Wierus destroys more superstition than 1580.— GASCOIGNE (Geo.) The Wyll of he seriously intended to leave behind."— Hallam. the Deuill, with his X detestable commande• mentes directed to his obedient and ac — 1566. LUTHER, (Martin.) The Table cursed Children, &c. New edition. Edited Talk of Martin Luther. Translated and by J. Maidment. 12mo. Edinb., 1828. edited by W. Hazlitt. With Life of Luther, Sewed, excessively rare 10 50 by Alex. Chalmers. 1 vol. 12mo. Fine Only 40 copies printed from the almost unique Lond, 1 40 portrait. 1872, cloth original. This interesting volume contains a mine of wealth " A very curious performance, and severe satire on the subjects of Hell, the Devil, Demons, Purga upon existing habits ; it derives no little interest from tory, Witches, Witchcraft, Evil, Infidels, &c., &c. its minute catalogue of the vices of the times."

"HELL'S PBINCE, SLY PARENT OF REVOLT AND LIES." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "THE DEVIL TEMPTS ALL, BUT THE IDLE TEMPTS THE DEVIL."

— 1586.— LOIER, (Peter De.) Treatise of 1596. LODGE, (T.) The Divel Conjured. Specters or Straunge Sightes, Visions, and Printed by Adam Islip, 1596. 4to, black, Apparitions appearing sensibly unto men. tetter, red morocco extra, gilt edges.. .$7 50 the of and With nature Sprites, Angels This curious volume is among the rarest of Lodge's Divels. Newly done out of French, by works. Very few perfect, copies are known to exist. Zach. Jones. 1 vol , small 4to. Lond., The present, though cut in the headline, is quite per 1605 ; fine copy, full calf, exceedingly fect. rare $15 00 For a full account of this singular work see " Brydges " Why stood you thus in fear of STYX, and such Restituta." vain dreamings, I597-— Vlth., (King, of Scotland, Of MANES, and of Spirits, which are nought else JAMES and 1st of England. ) Dsemonologie, in forme but, leasings " ? of a Dialogue, divided into three bonkes, in " A most curious work. He misapplied his vast defence of the belief in witches. Third edi knowledge to the maintenance of the wildest fan tion, 1 vol., small 4to, Lond. 1603. Calf, cies." —Hose. extra, very scarce — "An amusing work." Brunei. A notice of this silly compilation of exotic tales The work is dedicated to King James I., who wrote and fancies, will be found in the Retrospective Review, on the same subject. v. 90. — ••One advantage, however, accrued to the sovereign 1592. BODIN, (Gia.) Demonomania de gli stregoni, cive Furori, et Malie de' De- himself from these investigations ; they disclosed to moni, col mezo de gl'huomini. 4to, splen him such examples of knavery, delusion and impos did copy, in full morocco, extra, rich style. ture in these matters, that he is said to have heartily EXTREMELY BABE. Printed by Aldus. 18 00 repented the support which he had lent to popular su perstition by the publication of his Damonoloyia, and, An ALDINE in the above line condition is au unusual in his later years, to have nearly renounced his faith circumstance, but the work has a still further claim to in witchcraft."— Aikin'* James I. the notice ot'a bibliographer, as it contains, at 1601. — of the table, a Catalogue of books,with their sizes and DIALOGICALL DISCOURSES prices, which the Aldine family had then on sale. of Spirits and Divels, declaring their proper essence, natures, dispositions, and '•Cet a eu une dans le temps." ouvrage grande vogue operations, ifcc. By John Deacon & John — Brunei. Walker, Preachers. Thick 4to. Lond., In this work the author favors and fosters supersti 1601, old calf, neat, very rare 18 00 tions, and devotes to the task of the himself refuting Bound up in this volume will be found —A Summarie work of Wier —and all Witches, those says that and Answere to all the material points in any of Master who have on them, to be exterminated —and pity ought Darel his bookes. that Wier's book ought to be publicly burnt. 1602.— TAILLEPIED, (F. N.) Traite de 1592.— PERERIUS, (Ben.) De Magia, de 1'apparition des Esprits 1 vol. 32mo, observatione somniaram, et de Divina- Rouen, Iti02— fine copy in full calf, tioue Astrologica. 12mo. Lugduni, 1592. rare 6 00 Boards, uncut ; fine copy, rare 3 50 1602. —BOGUET, (Henry.) Discours des " A work replete with various and recondite infor Sorciers. 12mo, superb copy, in Levant mation.'' morocco, by Duru. Excessively rare . 25 00 " 1592.— NASH, (Thomas.) Pierce Penilesse. Livre assez curieux, et fort rare." — Brunei. His supplication to the Divull, describing " Livre abominable, plein d'une credulite puerile, et the ouer-spreadiug of Vice, and the sup d'une zele f6roce contre les soreiers. La publication pression of Vertue; pleasantly interlac'd de ce livre, nt bruler beaucoup de malheureux." —Diet. with variable and pathetically Delights, Infernal. iutermixt with conceited Reproofes. Lon don, 1592. Reprinted by the Shakespeare So 1604.— BILSON, (Bishop Thomas.) Sur ciety in 1842. 1 vol. , 8vo, cloth, scarce . 7 50 vey of Christ's Suffering for Man's Redemp- tion, and of his Descent into Hell. Folio. Extracts from this severe satire on the reigning vices Lond., 1504, calf, rare 6 00 of the age will be found in Brydges' Censura Literaria. It is the most popular of all Hash's publications. Bilson maintains that Christ actually went into Hell " to destroy the divel's kingdom," &c., and opposes the I593---PEUCERUS, (Caspar. ) Commenta- Puritan doctrine, that he suffered the pains of hell in rius de Prsecipuis Divinationum generi- his soul on the cross.— Alger. bus, de Oraculis, de Geomanteia, de "A learned treatise." — Cltalinerx. Thick 12mo. Franco!'., 1593, Magia, &c. — calf, rare 3 00 1607. MARKHAM, (Gervase.) Rodo- month's Infernall, or the Diuell Con ••Of all the works of this learned and prolific author quered, Ariasto's Conclusions of the Mar son-in-law of this one has obtained (the Melauchthon) riage of Rogero with Bradamanth his Loue, — the greatest success ." Brunei. and the fell fought battell betweene Rogero "A work of much curious erndition, but displaying and Rodomonth the never-conquered Pa a great share of credulity." —Aikin. gan. Written in French by Phillip de

"FEAR MADE THE DEVILS, AND WEAK HOPE THE GODS." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "RESIST THE DEVIL, AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU."

Fortes, and Paraphrastically translated by 1627.—NIESS, (J. Soc. Jes.) Alphabetum G. M. At London, Printed by V 8. for Diaboli. 12ino. Oiling, 1626, vellum. $3 00 Nicholas Ling, 1B07. Small 8vo, half bound, Very rare, unknown to both Graesse and De Plancy. excessively rare $125 00 Mr. Jolley's copy of this curious poetical volume was 1628.— VENERIUS, (J. A.) De ORACU- supposed by Lowndes to be unique, and since that lis et Divinationibus Antiquarum Tracta- time (forty years i ouly two other copies have occurred tus succinctus et exquisitus. 4to. Basil. 1528, half vellum, rare 3 50 — that in the British Museum, which is in most •• wretched condition and imperfect, and this which sold So the spell now works around thee. in 1861form 10s. And the clankless chain hath bound thee." HEYWOOD, Hierarchic 1608.— MENGUS, (Hier.) Flagellum Dse- 1635.— (Thos.) of the blessed Angels, their Names, Orders, monum, Exorcismos terribiles, potentissi- and Offices, the Fall of Lucifer and his mos, et efficaces. 12mo, in the original Angels, a Poem, in 9 Books, with Prose vellum binding, nice copy, rare 8 50 Annotations, sm. fol., front, and curious 1610.— AUGUSTINE, (Saint.) The City of plales engraved by Cecil, tfcc., calf nt. God. Newly translated, by Kev. Marcus 1635 12 00 Dods. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, 1872 6 00 A most curious*and extraordinary work, to which it Consult the copious index for the subject of Demons, is said Milton was much indebted. The copious anno Demoniacal Possessions, Demouolatry, Devil, Purgato tations are replete with very singular narratives and rial Punishments, Satan, Hell, Hell-fire, etc. stories of witches, witchcraft, &:c. " St. Augustine's greatest work.— Trans. An excellent and entertaining work."— W. C. Haztttt. 1612.—ADAMS, (Thos.) The White Dev I637.-ARCUDIUS, (Petrus.) De Purga- il ; or, the Hypocrite uncased. A Sermon. torio Igne, adversus Barlaam, (una cum Small 4to, half calf 3 50 textuBaarlaami.) Gr. etLat. ito. Romse, Bound up in this volume, are God's Arrow against 1637, vellum, very rare 12 50 Atheists, the Spirit of Enthusiasm Exorcised, and six The author was a learned Greek priest, high in the other rare old sermons. favor of Clement VIII., and a bitter enemy to the " The author was a very pious and useful man in Lutherans and Calvinists. His works are said to con his day ; and possessed correct and excellent views of tain some curious particulars. Christianity, as appears from this and his other Unknown to Graesse. works."— Orme. BOLTON, Last and 1639.— ^Robert.) 1612. —The Diuell's Banket (Banquet), des Learned Work of the Four last Things — cribed in Sixe Sermons. Small 4to. , in the Death, Jndgment, Hell and Heaven. With original limp vellum binding, 1614, very Life and Death of the Author. 4to, half rare 2 50 calf. Lond., 1639 3 75 Southey, with whom he was a favorite author, said " An awakening and comforting writer." —BickersUtfi. that he had "all the oddity and the felicity of Fuller's "lie is excellent both tor conviction and consola manner." tion."— Doddridge. — 1612. MASON, (James.) The Anatomie ''Displays great beauties of imagination."— Dr. Wil of Sorcerie. Wherein the wicked impietie liams. of Charmers, Inchanters, and such like, is 1641. — NEWS from Rome, or a relation discovered and confuted. Small 4to. full of the Pope and his Patentees' Pilgrimage polished calf, splendid copy, very rare. 15 00 into Hell, with their entertainment, and 1621.— BURTON, (Robert.) The Anatomy the Pope's returne backe again to Rome. of Melancholy, what it is, with all the Printed in the year 1641. 4to 15 00 kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and A curious poetical piece. On the title is a woodcut several cures of it. New edition. Large of the Pope riding on a seven-headed beast. vol. 8vo, 1867, cloth 4 50 HEYWOOD, The Life of Or, in half calf extra 8 00 1641.— (T.) Merlin, his Prophecies and Predictions in Contains—the beginning, nature, and condition of terpreted. 1 vol., small 4to, with the scarce ; orders, ; D evils their power, etc. how they cause portrait Fine copy in calf, extra, extremely melancholy, etc . Devils are often in love. rare 16 00 Seealso— the Location Hell — with the opinions of of " Merlin well versed in many au hidden spell njauy authors. His countrie's omendid long since foretell ; ••The delight of the learned, the solace of the indo Grac'd iu his Timeby sundry Kings he was, lent, and the refuge of the uninformed." And all that he predicted came to passe." 1626.—GUACCIUS, Compendium (Mar.) — NASH, his Ghost appearing Maleficarum, ex quo uefandissima in 1642. TOM to the the Libertine and the genus humamim opera veneiica, ac ad Anabaptist, 8vo, with of the ghost. ilia vitanda reinedia conspiciuutur. Small Brownist. portrait Lond., 1871, 1 25 4to, with numerous curious cuts ; fine copy Reprint, paper in the original vellum binding, very " I am a Ghost, and Ghosts do fear no laws ; rare 7 50 Nor do they care for popular applause : " An incomparable abridgment of these extravagant I liv'd a poet poor, long time ago ; wonders. — Calmel. And, (livitig a poor poet) I died so.

"TELL THE TRUTH, AND SHAME THE DEVIL." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / 'HE MUST NEDES GO THAT THE DYVELL DRYVETH."

1647.—LILLY, (W.) Introduction to As CHAPXEE X.— That the Devil knoweth not future trology. New and revised edition, 1 vol., events is clear. The Devil a fool in comparison of 12mo, 1870, cloth $2 00 what some would make him. " He saw the eclipse of SUB, and change of moon, 1655.— FOWLER, (Chr.) Daemonium Me- He saw, but seeing would not shun his own ; ridianum. Satan at Noon, or Proceedings Eclips'd he was, that he might shine more bright, against Dr. Pordage for Anti-Christian And only changed to give a fuller light." Blasphemies and DIVELISMES. Small 4to. portrait, Lond., 1655, half calf, rare. $6 00 1647. — History of the Life and Times of William Lilly, written by himself. 1 vol., "An able, holy, faithful, indefatigable servant of 8vo, 1822, tree calf extra, rare 5 50 Christ. He was quick in apprehension, solid in his faith, "With twelve fine steel plate portraits of his con notions, clear in his conceptions, sound in the temporaries. strong and demonstrative in arguing, mighty in con — vincing, and zealous for the truth against all errors." 1647. Christian Astrology modestly treated — Cooper. of in three books. 1 thick vol., small 4to, Lond., 1647, with the rare portrait. 1656.— CASAUBON, (M.) Treatise Con Fine copy in sprinkled cal£ exceedingly cerning Enthusiasme, as it is an effect of rare 15 00 Nature; but is mistaken by many for either Contains—A Valuable Catalogue of Astrological Au Divine Inspiration, or Diabolical Posses thors thenknown, with Lists of their works, where and sion. 12mo., second edition, revised and when printed. enlarged, Lond., 1656, old calf, rare.. 4 50 Not quoted by Lowudes, and others. 1648.— ACONTIUS, Satan's Stra (Jacob.) Highly praised by Sir William Temple ; and Chalmers tagems, or the Devil's Cabinet Council remarks, " unquestionably contains many curious Discovered. Small 4to. Lond., 1648, half it and learned ; a maintainer of morocco, very rare 3 75 remarks but his being the reality of witches and apparitions, shews that he "I was exceedingly refreshed by reading this excel was not more free from one species of enthusiasm than lent treatise, and have commended to many learned it most of his contemporaries." Divines of great reputation." —P. Ramus. i656.--GROSIUS, Magicade Spectris ADAMICA; or, the An- (H.) 1650.—MAGIA et Apparitionibus Spiritu, de Vaticiniis, tiquitie of and the descent thereof Magic, Divinationibus, &c. Thick 32mo. Lugd, from Adam downwards, proved. By Eu- Bat., 1656, old calf, very rare 3 50 genius Philalelhes. 1 vol., 18mo, Lond., 1650, old calf, very rare ... 2 50 This " opus absurdum et raruni," as Bauer terms it, contains over The author is Thomas Vaugbau, and the work is 800stories "devariispr&stigiisDcemonum," the attached to with general highly praised by Ant. a Wood. authority being duly each, index. — 1650. GAFFAREL, (J.J Unheard of Curi osities, concerning the Talismanical Sculp 1657.— COPPIN, (R-) Michael Opposing ture of the fersians, the Horoscope of the Dragon ; or, a Fiery Dart struck through Patriarkes, and the readings of the stars. the Heart of the Kingdome of the Serpent. Englished by E. Chilmead. 12mo, Loud., Shewing the Saint's Eternal Glory over the 165U, calf extra, with portrait of Albertus Serpent's Misery. Proving what is GOD Magnus inserted, very rare 7 50 and DEVIL, GOOD and EVIL, HEAVEN and HEIX, SALVATION and DAMNATION, ifec. " This curious work, styled by Dr. Adam Olarke Small 4to, calf, very rare 7 50 •a feast for an occult philosopher,' was condemned by the Sorbonne. It treats chiefly of the different sorts of 1657.— NAUDE (G.) The History of Ma- talismans, some of which the author admits may pos gick, by Way of Apologie for all the Wise sess virtue, though the greater part are infamous de Men who have unjustly been reputed Ma lusions. The author, a learned Rabbinical writer, was gicians, from the Creation to the present librarian to Cardinal Richelieu." —Lowndes. time. Englished by J. Davies. 12mo. London, 1657, old calf, very rare ... .4 75 1651. — Index Codicum Cabalisticarum Ma- — nuscriptarum, quibus est UBUS, Joan, "An excellent work." Ennemoser. " Picus, Mirandulanus. 12mo. Paris, 1651, His " Apologie was received with great indignation old calf, very rare 1 75 by the Church.

If we talk of the admirable Chrichton, who is little The same in French. > better than a shadow, and lives but in panegyric, — so much superior and wonderful a person as John 1657. Apologie pour les Grands Hommes Amst., old Picus of Mirandola should not be forgotten." —ffaltam. soup9onnez de Magie. 12mo, calf, rare 3 50 1653.— RAMESEY, (W.) Astrologie Re stored; being an introduction to the gene Among the persons defended from the charge of be ral and chief part of the language of the ing Magicians, in this curious book, are Raymond Lul- stars 1 vol., folio, 1653, tine rare portrait, ly, Paracelsus, Agrippa, Savonarola, Nostradamus, beautiful copy in panelled calf, very Boger Bacon, Michael Scott, Popes Sylvester II. and rare 18 00 Gregory VII., &c.

"SOMETIMES THE DEVIL BOTH PBEACH." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "TALK OP THE DEVIL, AND HE'LL EITHER COME OE SEND."

1658.—BUNYAN, Sighs from Hell ; the most extravagant sort. On the accession of James (John.) " " or the Groans of a Damned Soul. Twelfth I., whose Demonologie was in direct opposition to editioo. 1707. 1 vol. 18mo, calf extra, the "Discoverie," it was condemned as monstrously fine copy, very rare $7 50 heretical ; as many copies as could be collected being solemnly committed to the " The perusal of this work will alarm the thoughtless, flames. and fill the believer with adoring gratitnde for hie &&• This meritorious ami curious production is tltert- rir,w escape." — Geo. Offor. fore very rare.-=$& 1659.—DEE, (Dr.) A True and Faithful 1665.— SPENCER, (John.) Discourse con Relation of what passed for many yeers cerning Prodigies. Second edition, with a between Dr. Dee, and some Spirits. Also, Treatise on Vulgar Prophecies. 12mo, Letters of sundry Great Men to Dr. Dee, 1665, old calf, rare $3 50 on the Apparitions of Spirits ; and a Pref " Displays a freedom from ace, confirming the reality of this relation, credulity and superstition very landable at that time."— by M. Casaubon, D.D. 1 vol., folio, old calf, Aikin. excessively rare 18 00 1667.—GLANVILL, (Joseph.) Some Philo "This book maybe termed aWoBKOF DABKNESS ; sophical Considerations touching the Being and I think it is not to be parallel'd in that kind by of Witches and Witchcraft. Small 4to, any book that hath been set out in any Age to read, and boards 5 50 one will read it with equal Eagernesse and Alacrity." Exceedingly scarce. A notice of this work, written to — Casaubon. prove the real existence of witches and apparitions, will " Dr. Dee collected a most valuable Library of books be found in the Retrospective Review. and manuscripts, most of which were destroyed by the «S~ See Webster, 1677. mob, as belonging to one who dealt with the Devil." — Hutton. 1667.—MILTON, (John.) Paradise Lost, new and pretty edition, 12mo (Bohn's), 1659.— DEE, His Diary. 1 vol., small (Dr.) cloth, Lond. 1861 2 00 4to, Lond. 1852, cloth, very rare 3 SO In this Diary, which Dr. Dee left to posterity, he has • Paradise Regained, and other Poems. inserted a regular account of his conjurations, pro 12mo (Bohn's), cloth, Lond. 1861.. 2 00 phetic intimations, and magical resources. " The character of Satan is pride and sensual indul — 1659. DEE. Memoir of his Life, with a^ gence, finding in itself the motive of action. It is the — fine portrait See Mackay's History of Pop character so often seen in little on the political stage. ular Delusions (under 1841.) It exhibits all the restlessness, temerity and cunning which 1661 —KINIKER, (J.) De Spectris in Spe have marked the mighty hunters of mankind cie Humanis. Small 4to. Wittenb, 1664, bds., from Nimrod to Napoleon. The common fascination very rare 3 50 of man is that these great men, as they are called, must act from some great motive. Milton has carefully "Est perspecta satis Kinikeri industria, gnavi, marked in his Satan the intense selfishness, the alcohol Fit per spectra tameu conspicienda magis." of egotism, which would rather reign in hell than serve 1662.— LYDIUS, (Jac.) Vroliche Uren desO in heaven. To place this lust of self in opposition to Doodts (The Joyful Hours of Death). denial of self or duty, and to show what exertions it 12mo, with singular engraved title of the would make, and what pains endure, to accomplish its Jndgment Day, and 19 finely engraved end, is Milton's particular object in the character of a plates, representing CRKMATION. Death's Satan. But around this character he has thrown a House, the Jaws of a Soldier thrown into singularity of daring, a grandeur of sufferance and a Hell an Unicorn, etc., etc., brilliant By ruined splendour, which constitute the very height of clean in the original vel impressions, copy poetic sublimity." — Coteridge's Remains. lum, Dordrecht, 1602, very scarce. . .12 00 — The second edition, enlarged and revised, of a most 1671. BLAGRAVE, (Jos.) Astrological curious book, which has escaped the researches of both Practice of Physick. 12mo, Lond., 1671, Alger and Graesse. old binding, rare 4 50

1664. — SCOTT, (Reginald.) Discovery of 1672— NOSTRADAMUS, (Michael.) His Witchcraft ; proving that the compact and true Prophecies, or Prognostications. 1 vol. , contract of Witches with Devils and all folio, London, 1672 —fine copy in old calf, Infernal Spirits or Familiars, are but Erro- with the fine rare portraits 18 00 eous Novelties and Imaginary Conceptions, ; A remarkable work, full of curiosity and learning, with an excellent discourse of the nature and odd stories." and substance of Devils and Spirits. Folio, " calf, 1665, very scarce 25 00 Sternum vivant si vera oracula Phcebi, ffostraiami vivent ; et Patois ilia mei." The work is divided into sixteen books, with a treatise affixed upon Devils and Spirits. contains an It infinity 1674. -MAN WHOLLY MORTAL ; or, a of quotations from or references to the writings of Treatise proving that the present going of those whom the author terms witch-mongers; and the Soul into Heaven or Hell is a meer several chapters are devoted to a descriptive cat fiction, by R. O. 1 vol., 18mo, Lond., alogue of the charms in repute, and diabolical rites of 1674. '. 3 75

"AN IDLE BBAIN IS THE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / 10 'DE DUIVEL ZIT ACHTER HET KRUIS."

— 1674. BOND, (J. Cardinalis.) De Discre- 1679.— AN ACCOUNT OF A MOWING- tione Spirituum. Izmo, Bruxellis, 1674, Devil ; being a true Relation of a Farmer, vellum $2 00 who, bargaining with a poor Mower about the Very scarce; not mentioned by his biographers. Cutting down three half acres of Oats, upon the Mower's asking too much, the 1675.—BURTHOGGE, (R.) Causa Dei ; or, Farmer swore THAT THE DEVIL SHOULD MOW an Apology for God, wherein the Perpetuity IT RATHEB THAN HE, and so it fell out that of Infernal Punishments is evinced, and very night. 4to. pp. 8, (reprint,) exceed Divine Goodness and Justice defended. ingly rare $1 50 12mo, Lond., 1675. old calf, rare 3 00 — 1679. DELRIO, (Martin.) Disquisitionum Magicarum, Librt sex, quibus coutiuetur 1675.— BURTHOGGE, (R.) An Essay upon Reason, and the Nature of Spirits. l'2mo, accurata curiosarum Artium et vanarum Lond., 1*i94. half calf, very rare 3 75 Hnperstitionum confutatio. Thick small 4to, with finely engraved title, with eleven " A curious treatise, containing much novel reason designs thereon, 1679, fine copy in em of — Loumdes. ing relative to the appearance spirits." bossed calf, excessively rare 7 50 "An elaborate work, but too well suited to the cre 1676. DEBES, Description of the (L.J.) — Islands and Inhabitants of Feroe. 18mo, dulity of the age." Chalmers. vastum, varium, with the two scarce maps. Lond., 1076, calf, "Hoc opus Delrionis est doctum. neat, rare 6 00 curiosnm, paradoxicum in quibusdain, et rebus inflnitis ad hoc argumentum spectum spectantibus, conspic- Chapter VIII.— Of Specters and Illusions of Satan in uum." —Reiman. Feroe. 1680.— GOODWIN, of "A curious work." — Lawnde*. (Thos.) Discourse the Punishment of Sin in Hell. 12mo, 1677.— WEBSTER, (John.) The Display Lond., 1680, fine copy, in old calf, neat, ing of supposed Witchcraft. Wherein is rare z 50 affirmed that there are many sorts of De Unknown to Lowndes. ceivers and Impostures, and divers persons The works of this distincuished nonconformist of the under a passive delusion of melancholy and independent class, are held in considerable estimation. fancy. But that there is a Corporeal League "Very scarce, and — made betwixt the DEVIL and the WITOH, or, greatly esteemed." Darling. that he sucks on the Witches Body, has 1680. THE VISION OF PURGATORY, carnal copulation, or that Witches are anno 1KHO, in which the Errors and Prac turned into Cats, Dogs, raise Tempests, or tices of the Church of Rome are Discover'd, the like, is TTTTERLY DENIED AND DISPROVED. written by Htjrurlito Democritus. l'2nui, 1 vol., royal 8vo, in original boards, ex old calf. 2 00 tremely rare •. 12 50 With a very cnrions engraved frontispiece ot the de "This curious, learned and scarce work adduces struction of St. Peters at Home. many notable examples, and was written in opposition Written by Edward Pettit. to the treatises of fllanvill and Henry More, the 1680.— GABALIS, ou Platonist. LE COMTE DE Entretieus sur les Sciences. Et sur les work, see For an able review of the Retrospective Genies et Gnomes. 3 vols. in 1. 12mo. Revieiv. Amst., 1715, old calf, rare 6 00 I678.-THE DOCTRINE OF DEVILS, " From this entertaining work Pope borrowed the proved to be the grand Aposlucy of these machinery of the Rape of the Lock."— Lovmdes. later Times. An Essay tending to rectifle Written by Monntfaucon, the Abbe de Vfllars. those undue Notions and Apprehensions Men have about DAEMONS AND EVIL SPIRITS. i68o.--VILLARS, (Abbe de.) The Count of ; or, the 12mo, splendid copy in sprinkled calf, very Gabalis Extravagant Mj'sterirs of rare 12 00 Cabalists, exposed in ti ve Pleasant Dis- courses on the Secret Sciences. Done into " London, Published anonymously in by a clergyman English by P. Ayres. FIRST EDITION. of the Chnrch of England, who maintains that the De ISino. Loud. 1080, old calf, very rare. 4 50 Dr. Smith's moniacs were insane or diseased persons."— —MATHER, Bibte Diet. 1684. (Increase.) Remarkable Providences of the earlier days of American 1679. — OTES, (Titus.) The Witch of Colonization. New edition, With introduc Endor ; or, the Witchcrafts of the Roman tory preface by Geo. Oner. I2mo, Lond., Jesebel : in which yon have an account of 1856, cloth 2 50 the Exorcisms of the Papists. Folio, Lond., A very singular collection of remarkable sea deliver . 1679, paper, BARE AND CURIOUS 9 00 ances, accidents, remarkable phenomena, ivitchcraft, men, we suppose, ure now fully agreed "Rational apparitions, &c., ,tc., connected with Inhabitants of New that by far the greater part, if not the whole, of Otes' England, &c., &c. A very amusing volume, conveying story was a pure fabrication."— Macavhiy's Essays. a faithful portrait of the state of society, when the doc " Horrible as were the sufferings of Gates, they did trine of a peculiar providence and personal intercourse not equal his crimes."— Maamlay's Engtand. between this world and that which is unseen was fully " The most infamous of mankind."— Hume. believed.

'TETTFEL MTTSZ MAN MIT TEUFELN ATISTEEIBEN." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / 'IDLE MEN ARE THE DEVIL'S PLAYFELLOWS." 11

of 1685.— PURGATORY. A Discourse against of Ghosts, Angels, and Devils, the transmigration Purgatory. 4ui, sewed, uncut, 1685. .$i 00 •ouls, &c. The work was condemned, and the author deposed The above is a most severe aitack on the doctrine of Purgatory, and s ates the reason of its introduction, by the Consistory of Amsterdam. " and Its authors. ma famous work was, ou its publication, circulated, and speedily tran-lated into French, German. aud 1685.— SINCLAIR, (GeoO Satan's Invisible Italian. Though it called forth a hi st of writings in op World discovered ; or, a Choice Collection position, it did much to Khake the prevalent belief in of Modern the existence Relations, proving witchcraft and kindred superstitious. "—Dr. M'm.Smith. of Devils, Spirits Witches, and Appai itious. New edition, Isino, Lond., 1814, old bind Bekker was so ugly, that La Monnove perpetrated on ing, rare 1 50 him this epigram : " Oui, par toi, de Satan la puissance es' bridie ; •'This work was long a favorite with the lower classes, Mais tu n'as cependant pas encore assez fait : and has been frequently re-printed." — Lowndes. Pour nous dter du diable entierement l'i. te, • " 1688.— GALLAEUS, (Serv.) Dissertationes Bekker, supprime ton portrait.' de Sibylhs eaiumqu.' Oraculis. I thick e Blnet, 1099. vol., 4to. Amst., 16s8. with fine rare por- tr ii , and splend d engravings by R. de 1691. --De DAILLON, (M.) Explications Hooghe, full calf, 7 50 de la Do.'tri e drs Di'mons ou 1'ou prove qu'il u'y a qu'un Diable, dont on examine An important work, as the author has diligently pouvoir. If-mo, Amst. Io9l, in vellum, brought together everything relating to these interest fine copy ...... $3 00 ing subjects...... Exce dingly scarce. It has escaped the researches 1689.— THE VISIONS OF PASQUIN ; or, of Collin De Plancy, and of Grass 2. a ,he Court, Character of Koinan Relig.on, " A work of learning and ability."— Dr. W. Smith. and Practices, with n exact description of Purgatory and Hell. Small 4to, sewed, 1693.— COMMIERS, (M.) Pratique Curi- vei y rare 6 00 euse, ou les Orarles des Sibylles, sur chaque By John Williams alias Anthony Pasquin, who em Question proposee. Troisieme edition, Ki98, 12mo, calf, 3 igrated to the United States, and published a Dem half very rare ...... 00 ocratic newspaper. "The Sibyllas of antiquity were virgin-prophetesses, or maids supposed to be divinely inspired ; who in the 1690.—DREXELIUS, (H.) Considerations height of their enthusiasm gave oracles, and foretold upon Eternity, translated by R. Wiutertun. things to come." 1 vol., 32nio, old binding, rare 2 00 MATHER, Won "This Book's a NauKc chard; which kept in eye, 1693.— (Dr. Cotton) ders of the Invisible World, being an ac Doth point at th' Haven of blest Eternity. count of the Trials of several Witches lately blessed Haven At which if thou wouldst land, [O 1] executed in New England, and of the seve Let nut this chard depart out of thine hand." ral remarkable curiosities therein occur This celebrated work, written in Latin, was so pop ring. To which are added Dr. INCREASE ular in its day that it has been translated into German, MATHER'S Further Account of the Tryals, English, French, Dutch, Polish, aud Wulsh. and Cases of Conscience concerning Witch crafts, and Evil Spirits Personating Men. — the Devil ; 1691. KEACH,(Benj.) War with Reprinted from the rnre original editions of or, Young Man's Conflict with the Powers 161)3, with an Introductory Preface, cloth, of Darkness. 18mo, with curious engrav 1862, 12mo ...... 2 50 ings, calf, rare 2 50 — Treatise Dreams " A truly divine Poem." — John Mason. 1695. TRYON,(Thos.) of and Visions. 18mo, Lond., 1695, half calf, Another edition, the 22d, in 18mo, exceedingly rare, nice copy ...... 3 50 1776', with 16 curious woodcuts, paper, 2 50 AUBREY, Miscellanies upon Flames, 1696.— (John) One of the cuts is "London in "and the au Various Subjects. Fourth edition, with says— thor additions, 12mo, Lond., 1857, cloth. 2 00 (This may not be generally known)— " Contains curious information on Apparitions, " By Rnme's contrivance was fair London buru'd, Magick, Oracles. Visions, converse with Angels and Spir England's Metropolis to Ashes turn'd: its, transportation by. an Invisible Power, Dreams, bereft, The Merchants of their riches quite etc., etc. Kich Men To-day, To-morrow nothing left." 1696.— VALLEMONT, (L. L. de) La 1691.— BEKKER,(Robt.) Le Monde En- Physique Occulte, ou Traite de la Baguette chante ; ou, Exnmen des commuus senti- divinatoire. 12mo, numerous curious meus touchant Le Diable, les Esprits, &c., plates, Paris, 1696, half calf, rare...... 3 75 ifec. 4 vols., 18mo, engravings, 1091, calf, Treats of the discovery of springs, mines, burled 9 00 rare treasure, and the detection of robbers and murderers, Best edition of this very carious and rare work ; it by the divining rod— also upon cures by sympathy, contains a fund of interesting matter on the apparition philtres, etc.

'"WITCHCRAFT IS THE DEVIL'S OWH WORK." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "THE DEVIL HATH POWER TO ASSUME A PLEASING SHAPE."

1698.—WITCHCRAFT. Sadducismus de- 1706.— SHEPHERD, (Thos.) Several Ser bellatus : or, a true Narrative, of the Sor mons on Angels, and on the Power of ceries and Witchcrafts exercised by the Devils, limo, Lond., 1706, half calf, rare. Devil and his instruments upon Mrs. $2 60 Christian Shaw, daughter of Mr. John ; or, Shaw, of Bargarran, in the county of Ren 1708.—DEVIL OF DELPHOS (The) calf, frew, in Scotland, from Aug. 1696, to April the Prophets of Baal. 12mo, halt' 1697; containing the Journal of her suffer very rare 4 75 ings as it was proved by the confession of " An historical account of several false Christs, false some of the witches. 4to, half calf, neat, Prophets, Pretenders to Miracles, and other notorious very rare $25 00 impostors."

"The following narrative, as to the truth of the i7H.-LARKIN, (G.) Visions, The World matter of Pact, in the best attested piece of History of to Come ; or, the Glories of Hell and tlie this kind that has occurred in many ages ; the most of Terrors of Hell, lively display'd under the the matters therein represented having gained the as similitnde of a Vision. Sm. 8vo, calf, sent of private Scepticks, and been prov'd before neat, scarce, 1711 2 50 publlck Jndges." I'reface. It seems to be the opinion of Bunyan's biographers in general that this was the only book he possessed 1698.—APULEE. De 1'Esprit familier de or stndied besides the Bible. The author's name has Socrate [in Latin and Avec re- French]. only recently been ascertained. He was a great ally marques. 12mo, Paris, 1698, old calf, and friend of Jolin Dunton, the m'id-brained book rare 1 75 seller, who mentions him in his " Life and Errors." This work has b3en roughly attacked by St. Augus This work has been several times frandulently pub tine. lished under the name of John Buuyan. The author's name is George Larkin. Unknown to Lowndes, Ali- 1698.—APULEIUS. His Defence; or,, a Course of Magic, and his other Wonrs now bone, Graesse, and others. translated into English. 12mo, Lond., 1712. — FAUST. Histoire Prodigieuse et 1872, cloth 2 0,0 lamentable de Jean Fauste, grand et hor "It is a clever and amusing performance, ably dis rible Magicien. 1 vol., 18mo, with curious playing his wit, his learning, and his eloquence.—A. frontispiece of Faustraisiug Devils. Cologne, 4 75 most enjoyable book." 1712, half calf, rare " To the magic region's centre ET, de 1699.—BIN (Claude) Idee generate We are verging it appears ; la servant de refutation Theologie Payenne, Leail us right, that we may enter au systeme de M. Bekker, touchanc 1'ex- Strange enchantment's dreamy spheres." istence et 1'operation des Demons. 1 vol., 18mo, Amst., 1699, calf, neat. 4 50 Dramatized by Chr. Marlowe.

flS-See Bekker, 1C94. 1712.— FAUSTUS ; his Life, Death and Descent into HelL Translated from tue — 1700. SHOWER, (John) Heaven and German. 12mo, 1864, cloth, rare... 3 50 Hell ; or, the Unchangeable State of Hap or, an earlier edition, 1840, with colored piness or Misfry for all Mankind in another 16mo, in green morocco 5 00 World. 12mo, calf, nice copy, rare. . . 1 75 frontispiece. " Although strange scenes of vice and crime are here Not noticed by any bibliographer. exhibited, it is in the hope that they may serve as uuwary from the — LINGUA TERSANCTA; or, a beacons to guide the ignorant and 1703. shoals on which they might otherwise be wrecked." most sure and compleat Allegorick Dic here be tionary to the Holy Language of the Spirit; "The tyrant and oppressor of mankind will carefully and faithfully expounding and found depicted in his proper colors."— PreJa.ce, illustrating all the several "Words or Divine — Eine Tragsedie von Goethe, Symbols in Devil, Spirit, Vision, Appari 1712. FAUST. 1 royal 8vo, beautifully illustrated tion, Dream, &c., by W. F. 1 vol. , small vol. by Seibertz. Stutt., 1864, extra cloth, gilt 8vo, old calf, most curious. 6 00 edges 4 50 " It may truly be said of this Book, as Holinshed same, translated by Mar said in his chronicles of Hey wood, the Poet : that he The metrically 1 vol. 12mo, 1870, cloth 1 75 in ' Spider and the Flie,' dealeth so profoundlie, and tin. beyond all measure of skill, that neither he himself " If not the bestwork of Goethe, it is the most singu that made it, neither anle one that readeth it, can reach lar, fantastic, and impressive. The pious complain of unto the meaning thereof." its obscenity, the virtuous of its moral indifference, and the stndious of its contemptuous satires on learn The author is supposed to be W. Freke, Esq., of ing and acquirement ; yet all allow that it has attrac Dorsetshire, Justice of the Peace. tion and significance ; that it displays a deep insight and motives of human conduct ; and 1703.—BUESCHING, (G.) De Potentia into the causes marvels, it preserves a Diaboli in corpora. 4to, Halise, 1703, pa that in the midst of its farcical even to the per. .1 50 naturalness of delineation, which gives

'THE DEVIL IS EVEB GOD'S APE." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "THE DEVIL 18 NOT ALWAYS AT ONE DOOR."

impossible a certain impression of reality. Every one et de la condamnation et du suplice d'Ur- forbids it to be read, yet each in his turn reads it . bai'i Grandier. 12mo. Amst., 1716, old and one does better, if not rise the one rises at least calf, rare $3 75 the wiser from its perusal." 1716. — STURMY, (Dan.) Discourses on See Early Prose Eomances, English by Several Subjects, but principally on the Thoms, 1828. Separate State of Souls. 8vo, calf, rare 2 00 1712 —The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus, and other Plays, by Christopher Marlowe. 1720.—HUTCHINSON, (F.) An Historical 1 vol., 12mo, cloth, Lond., 1870 S3 00 Essay concerning Witchcraft. With Ob "Dr. Fanstas, by Marlowe, is full of poetical beau servations on Matters of Fact. 1 vol. 8vo, ties."— Hallam. calf, rare 4 75 " Marlowe's mighty line." — Ben Jimson. " This work contains much Interesting matter, and many "Of all that he hath written to the stage his 'Dr. develops celebrated impostures. In it is a curious ' Fanstns hath made the greatest noise, with its Devils chronological table of the number of poor wretches witches, and such like tragical sports."— Philips' Poet. Anglic. burnt as 1485-1692."—Lowndes. CAMPBELL, 1712. — FAUSTUS.— De Historic van Doc 1721.— (A.) The Doctrines of a Middle State between Death and the tor Johannes Faustus. Smull 4to (no date or place), BLACK LETTEB, with 60 curious Kesurrection. With an Appendix on Chrisi's Descent into 1 vol, folio. old cuts —in paper, very rare 5 00 Hell. London, 1721, flue copy, calf, rare— 15 00 In Dutch —not quoted by Graesse. " A curious work ; according to Boswell, written by 1714.— SHAFTESBURY, (Earl of) Char- a learned and respectable gentleman, a non-juring acteristicks of Men. Manners. Opinions, and Bishop." —Loumdes. Times. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1714, wiih " Some of the observations on passages of Scripture fine portrait and engravings Gribelin, by are ingenious, and not unworthy of attention." —Dr. executed on silver plates. Superb on copy, Hicket. LARGE PAPEB, in red morocco extra, very scurce 25 — 00 1723. DU LUDE, (Comte) Treatise of •Contains many valuable reflections on the Devil, Spirits. Wherein several places of Scrip Hell. Daemons, Witches, Angels, Superstition, Caba ture tre Expounded, against the Vulgar listic Learning, Atheism, Conjurers, Enchanters, Errors concerning Daemons, Witchcraft. Magi, etc., etc. Apparitions, &c. 12mo, old calf, rare . . 3 50 The writings of this celebrated author have by one Another copy, in paper, uncut 4 50 class of critics received the most extravagant applause, Of Daemons and Devil ; of Daemons or Spirits ; and, by another, have been the subjects of indiscrimi there is but one Devil or Satan ; the places where nate condemnation. They have been examined with a Daemons inhabit , the worship of the Gods and Dae critical eye, and in rather an elaborate manner, by Dr. mons, etc., etc. Eippis, in the Biographia Britannica. 1725.— ST. ANDRE, ( Lettres sur 1714.— SWINDEN, (Tobias) An Enquiry la Magie, les Malefices, et les Sorciers. into the Nature and Place of Hell. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1725, old calf rare 3 00 small 8vo, with a curious engraving of A very able work in refutation of the doctrine of Tartarus. Boards, rare 3 00 Spirits, Sorcery, and Witchcraft. This first edition unknown to Lowndes. Answered by Boissier, 1731. The same, Second edition, with (1727.) 1726. —The World Possessed with Devils, Supplement, on the Eternity of Hell's Tor- in three parts : I. the Devil Let Loose. mente. With an additional engraving of II. Of Black Devils. III. Of White Devils. ESpatium Eihereum. 1 vol. 8vo, old calf, 1 vol. small 8vo calf, fine copy, extremely rare 3 50 rare 7 50 " Auctior aliis persuadere vult scdem Inferni esse in 1726.— GLANVIL, Sadducismus solem." — Walch, (Jos.) Triumph'itus ; or. a full and plain de This work has been translated into both French and fence concerning Witches and Apparitions. German. Fourth edi ion. with additions. 1 vol. 8vo, 1726, curious full calf extra, vi'ry 1714.— MEISNER, (I.) De Apparitionibus plates, fine rare 12 00 Dxmonum. 4to, Leips. 1714, paper. .1 50 copy, exceedingly An excellent notice of this work, written to prove the Bare, unknown to Graesse. real existence of witches and apparitions, will be 1715.—BOULTON (R.) A Compleat His- found in the Retrospective Rev. , tory of Magick, Sorcery, and Witchcraft. DEFOE, The Political ii vols, 12mo. London, 1715, unbound, 1726— (Daniel) History of the Devil. With a Description EXCEEDINGLY. BABE 12 00 of the Devil's Dwelling, vulgarly called 1716. — Histoire des Diables de Loudun, ou Hell. Third edition. 1 vol. small 8vo. de la Possession des Keligieuses Ursuline, London, 1734, old calf, rare 5 00

"WHAT IS GOTTEN OVEE THE DEVIL'S BACR.IS SPENT UNDEB EIB BELLY." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "THE DEVIL CAN CITE SCBIPTTTRE FOE HIS PURPOSE."

— Another copy, 12mo. Philud Iphia, 1735. GILPIN, (R.) Demonologia Sacra ; 1809, with Portrait of Satan, alter Fuseli, or, a Treatise of Satan's Temptations. 1 cloth, rare S3 50 thick vol., 8vo old calf, rare $4 00 " —— The same, in 2 vols. 12mo, good edition. If ever there was a man that was clearly acquaint New York, 1841, boards, extremely ed with' the cabinet Councils of Hell, this author is the scarce 600 man."—Rytand. "An work ; shows the snares of onr The same, translated into French — His- excellent of — toir« du Diable. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. great enemy, and is full Christian experience." Amst., 1729, with engravings, old calf, very Bicker steth. rar; 3 00 I737._BUDDEUS, Theses Theo- " (J. F.) The wise world has been pleased with it, the merry logicoo de Atheismo, et Superstitione : Dis world baa been diverted with it, and the ignorant sert, contra Atheos adjecit H. Buurt. 1 world has been taught by it ; aud none but the mali vol., large ,8vo, Trag. ad llhen., 1737, cious part of the world has been offended at tt. It is vellum 3 75 a flue satire upon the credul.ty of manuind." — Wil Chap. III. gives a sketch of the history of disbelief in son's Lift of Dffoe. immortality. 1727.— DEFOE, (Dan.) Essay on the His "His works are held in high estimation."— Walch. tory and reality of Appa itions. 1 vol. 8vo, with curious engravings, fine copy in 1744.— HORBERY, cMat.) Enquiry into calf, rare 7 50 the Scripture-Doctrine concerning the Du " By Death transported to th' Eternal Shore, ration of Future Punishment. 1 vol. 8vo. Souls s , remov'd revisit us no more ; London. 1744, calf, rare 2 50 En^ross'd with joys of a superior kind, A learned and able answer to Winston's Discourse of They leave the trifling thoughts of life behind." Hell Torments. —name.

Eeprinteil tinder the following title : 1746. —CALMET, (Aug.) Dissertations sur A View of the Invisible World ; or, General les Apparitions des Auges, des Demons, rt History of Apparitions. 1 vol. 8vo, curious des Esprits. Et sur lea Reveuans ct engravings. 1752, sp'endid copy in foil Vampires. 12mo. Paris, 1746, calf, red morocco, rare 750 rare 6 00 " Whoever may peruse this Treatise, will find much 1746.— CALMET, (Aug.) The Phantom to attract his attention, as well for the information it World ; or, the Philosophy of Spirits, Ap conveys, as for the instruction it is intended to com paritions, &c. Translated, with introduc — II • municate." ikon's Lif: of Defoe. tion and notes by Christmas. 2 vols, small 8vo, cloth, 1850, very scarce 6 00 1728.— DEFOE, (Dan.) System of Magick; or, A History of the Black Art. Being a A vast repertory of curious legends more or less historical accouut of Mankind's most early probable. Books like this are at no time to be regard dealing with the Devil. 12mo, splendid ed merely as subjects of amusement : they have their copy in pannel ed calf, very rare 6 00 philosophical value ; they have a still greater histori cal v.'lue ; and they show how far even upright minds " Our magick, now, commands the Troops of Hell, may be warped by imperfect edacation and slavish The Devil himself submits to charm and spell. deference to authority. The couj'rer in his Circles and his Bounds Just whistles up his Spirits, as men do Hounds. 1746.— SCHUBART, (F. C.) De Potentia The obsequious Devil obeys the sorcerer's skill, Diaboli in seusus homiuum. 4to. 'Jenae, The Mill turns round the Horse, that first turns 1746 3 00 round the Mill." 1751. — SCHEFFER, (J.) History of Lap 1728.—BURNET, (Dr.1) Of the State of the land, showing the Originul Manners, Hab Dead. Translated from the Latin, by M. its, an t Kaligiou of that People. Svo, Barbery. 12mo. L rndon, 1728, calf, nice paper, rare 1 7 i copy, rare ... 350 With a p rticnlar account of their Gods and Sacrifi " All the Latin works of Dr. Burnet are written with ces, Coajurations, Rites, etc. nin ii perspicnit and elegance of style, that notwith' A curious and entertaining work, commended by standing the singularity of some f his opinions, they Dr. E. D. Clarke. are highly deserving of attention." — Bp. Watson. 1754.—LE MIROIR DU PECHEUR, 1729.— HOFFMAN, (F.) De Diaboli po- avec cantiques et figures Diaboliques. tentia in corpora. 4to. Halae, 1729, 12m i. Troyes, 1754, morocco 3 00 paper 1 50 A French chapbook of exceeding rarity. Probably unique. 1731. —BOISSIER, (Le Sieur) Recueil des Lettres au sujet des Malafices et du Sort 1755.— MAUD, (J.) The Doctrine of Endless ilege, servant de reponse aux Lettres de M. Torments, freely and impartially debated. de St. Andre. 18mo. Paris, 1731. old calf, With a Discussion on the Origin of Evil. rare . . , 1 75 1 vol. Svo. London, 1755, old calf, Unknown to Brunei, Graesse, Ebert, etc. rare 3 00 A bitter attack on Saint- Andre' whose sceptisisra is Maintains the doctrine of endless punishment. Un vigorously rebuked. known to Lowudes Allibme,, Ehert, etc.

"HE THAT TAKES THE DEVIL INTO HIS BOAT, 111781 CABBY HIM OVEB THE SOUND." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "YOUR ADVERSARY, THE DEVIL, COMETH AS A HOAXING LION." 15

1758.— SWEDENBORG, (Eman.) Con "A learned and elaborate treatise."— Smith'i Bible cerning Heaven and its wonders, and con Dictionary. Hell. 1 8vo. cerning New edition. vol. "A work of ability, research, and learning."— Orme. London, 18"i0, cloth ,. $2 50 *S-See 1777, Worthington, and 1778, Farmer, and " It is not too much to say that this work will be in 1779,Fell. creasingly the delight of childhood, the ever-growing admiration of mature age, and the solace of the death 1776.-SEMLER, (Dr. J. S.) Versuch bed."— Editor. eiuer biblischen Daemonologie. 12mo. paper, very rare $3 00 LARDNER, The case of 1758.— (Nat.) An important work on the Devil and his power, criti the Demoniacs mentioned in the New cising the teachings of the Holy Scriptures on the Testament. 1 vol. large 8vo. Lond, 1758, subject, by one of tbe most learned and ultra-liberal half bound, • 2 00 of the German commentators. ••This clever work ably controverts the doctrine of real possession." — Dr. Wm. Smith. 1777.—WORTHINGTON, (W.) An im- par ial enqui y into the Case •f the Gos 1761.— FARMER, (Hugh) Inquiry into the pel Dem miacks. 1 vol ., 8vo, Lond. 1777, nature and design of Christ's temptatL uin pencil marked throughout, call, neat, very the Wilderness. 8vo, cl .th, rare. . .250 r.ire 2 .50 Third edi'ion, with considerable additions and cor " Well worthy of attentiou." — Orme. rections.— See 1775& 1778. " A fierce attack on Hugh Farmer's Essay OB the 1762.— THE COCK-LANE GHOST; being Demoniacks." — Chalmers. authentic account of that Extr iordinary Affair. 12mo, fine engravings. Lond. 1762, 1777.— SHARP, (Granville) The Case of Saul, paper, uncut 2 50 and on the renliiy of Demoniacal P.'twes-ions. New edition, wherein the An infamous deception, the authors of which were influence of Demons are further i lus- punished by fine and imprisonment. trated. 12mo, 1807, boards, scarce. . .3 50 " 1772.— INFERNAL CONFERENCE ; or, Learned and curious Tracts. His exertions as a Dialogues of DeviK By the Listeni r. 2 Christian scholar entitle him to everlasting remem vols. 12mo. Lond., 1772. Old binding, brance. "—Orme. rare 3 75 1778.— FARMER, (Hugh) Letters to Dr. ••I havg obtained a full and most convincing di'cov- Wnrthingtoi), in answer to his work, en ery that INFEHNAL SPIRITS DO EXIST, and are fully em titled, An Impartial Inquiry into the case ployed in forwarding their wicked designs and pur of the Gospel Demoniacks. 8vo, boards, poses. *** * And I think myself fully justified scarce 2.00 in communicating it to the public." — Preface. See 1777,Worthington. By Rev. John MacEtowan, unknown to the bibliogra 1780.— MAYER, (J. G.) Historia Diaboli, et phers. See also 1807and 1311. deDiaboliMulorumque Spiritnum existen- tia. 1 vol., 8vo, Tubingen, 1780, half calf, 1774.— LINDINGER, S.) De Daemones 'J. very rare 7 50 et Daemoniacis e de Ebraeorum Veterum " arte medica. 12mo, half calf, rare. . .3 50 An elaborate work." See Smith's Bibte Diet. Bound up in this volume is D. Ctuilielmi Chrichtoni, 1779 — FELL, (John) Daemoniacs. An in de Fide Humana, 1771. quiry into the Scripture Doi trine of Dae mons. 1 vol., 8vo, half bound, mre.3 75 PAISLEY WITCHES. Narrative i775-— "In this work, Mr. Fell defends the opposite system of the Sufferings und Relief of a Young to that of Farmer. It is very able and contains many Girl, strangely molested by Evil Spirits, things deserving of consideration." — Orme. and their Instruments, and the trial of the Seven Witches, who were condemned and 1781.— THE ARIANS' and Socinians' burnt. 12mo, Lond, 1775, very curious Monitor. Being a Vision ihat a young and rare, fine copy, half calf. 5 00 S icinian Teacher lately had, in which he saw, "Tbi< work proves that the Devil can assume a in the most exquisite Torment, his tutor, some corporeal shape, and bespeak man out of it, to ensure who died years ago ; and had from bis own mouth the fearful morta s being enemies to heaven, earth, and their Kelation of what befel him, at and after his death. own salvation." — Preface. Together with many instructions rein ting Unknown to Lowndes and all others. to the Socinian Errors. 12mo. Lond. 1781, boards, uncut, very rare 2 50 i775.^-HAEN, (Ant. de) De Magia Liber. 1 vol. large 8vo, sewed, uncut, rare. . 5 50 1782.— MARTINI, (M.) De Daemonoma- nia et The author endeavors to prove the reality of magi' variis ejus speciebus. 8vo. Vien., 1782, cal operations. paper 1 50 NARES, An Essay on the De 1775.— FARMER, (Hugh.) An Essay on 1782.— (R.) the Demoniacs of the New Te tament. 1 vol. mon of Socrates. 12mo, paper, rare..l 25 8vo, calf, rare 3 00 Quite unknown to the bibliographers.

••DELIGHTING IN OTTJB WICKEDNESS, THE DEVIL IS THE HAPPIEST OF BEINGS." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / 16 "TOO BLACK FOE HEAVN, AND TET TOO WHITE FOE HELL."

1784.— DELANDINE, (M.) L'Enfer des 1799.—ROBERT LE DYABLE (Miracle Auriens, on Histoire des Dienx Infernaux, des) et Li Romans de Robert le Dyable. de leur cnlte, de leu^s Temples, de lenrs Two French versions from the old MSS. noms, de leurs attributs. 2 vols., 12mo, of 1436. 1 vol , 8vo, fac-sircile re-print, paper, scarce $3 00 full calf, very rare $7 50 A work of vast erndition, eagerly Bought after by 1800.— BLAKE, " Pictor Ig- scholars." (William. notus.") The Marriage of Heaven and " L'Autcur, qui a epuisti son sujet, joint a nne vaste Hell. 1 vol., small 4to, a fac-simile reprint erndition, le merite d'ocrire avec methode, avec ele of the very scarce original, with colored gance et avec interet. Sou ouvrage ne pent Gtre que illustrations, half morocco, 1670. VEBY RABE, trus-u tiles aux artistes, aux Amateurs des Arts, aux ONLY 100 COPIES PBTNTED 15 00 jeunes Etndiens, aux Savans enxmemes." —Selit. " A mystical work of great power and ingenuity, per 1785.— SIBLY, (Eb.) New and Complete haps the most curious and significant, while it is cer Illustration of the Celestial Science of As tainly the most daring in conception and gorgeous in trology. Also of Magic and Witchcraft illustration of all Blake's Works. As the title dimly sug 1 thick volume, 4to, with curious engrav gests, it is an attempt to sound the depths of the ings of incantations, invoking the dead, mystery of evil." tables, and mystical keys. Half bound, " The volume contains alia) a series of Proverbs rare JO 00 (inter or Aphorisms, fantastically called -Proverbs of — Inclnding the fourth part EXORCISM OF EVIL SPIR Hell, the voice of the Devil,' which possess a truly ITS— with portraits of great magicians— Appolonis. Ty- celestial u;eauing and beauty." aneua, Paracelsus, Dr. Dee, Edward Kelly, Friar Bacon, etc. 1801.— BARRETT, (F.) The Magus; or, Celestial Intelligencer ; being a complete 1786. -DEVIL, (The) A Review and In System of Occult Philosophy. 1 vol., 4to, vestigation of all Public Subjeet-j what 1801, portrait and engravings, old calf, ever. Vol. 1 (all published), 8vo. 1786, neat, EXCESSIVELY BABK 30 00 half calf. 3 50 Contains : Natural Magic, Talismanic Magic, Cabal MoUne, " What, can the Devil speak truth ? " istic Magic, Exorcism, Alchymy, Biographies of 1789. -DREAMS. Nocturnal Revels, or Alchymists, &c. Universal of Dreams and Interpreter WITH COLOBED POBTB'ITS OP DEMONS, SPIBITS, tc. Visions ; Narratives of Apparitions and Ke- work, markabl'* Providences, the Signification of tS" A rare and singular fully answering to its all manner of Dreams, alphabetically ar- title as a complete system. Nowhere else are the prac r inged, &c. 12mo, boards, uncut, 1789, tical details of the science so fully entered into. scarce 3 75 — 1803. FABER, (G. S.) Dissertation on the Mysteries of the Cabiri; or, the Great Gods 1790.— ALBERT, (Le Petit) Secrets Mer- veilleux de la Magie naturelle et cabalis- of Phosnicia, Sam thrice, Egypt, Troas, 2 vol-., 8vo, fine tique. Tiaduits du Latin. 1 vol., 32mo. Greece, Italy, and Crete. calf, New Orleans. 1790, in paper, uncut, with tell copy, (large paper), in embossed 00 engravings, very rare 2 00 Lond., 1803, very rare la So scarce bad this work become, that it is known a This work, though not strictly in our department, is thousand francs was offered for a copy. yet closely connected with it. There are many things learned and curious, and many things also fanciful in SALLUST, on God, the super 1793.— the Mysteries of the Cabiri. mundane and mundane Gods, the Soul, Evil, In'ellect, &c., Fate. Providence, trans 1807—MACGOWAN, (J.) Death, a Vision; lated by Taylor. 1 vol., 8vo, Lond., 1793, or, the Solemn Departure of Saints and half calf, rare 4 75 Sinners. 18mo, tenth edition, enlarged, "An inestimable treatise— a beautiful epitome of Lond., 1807, with fine frontispiece, rare, Platonic Philosophy, in which the most important dog paper 1 25 delivered with elegant conciseness, perfect mas are Tenth edition, corrected, of a pious and thoughtful accuracy, and strength of argument." Work, on a subject of the highest importance. Un — 1795. BRAND, (John) Observations on known to Lowndes, Allibone, &c. of Great Britain: the Popular Antiquities — chiefly illustrating the origin of vulgar and 1809. PEGGE, (Dr.) Anonymiana ; or, provincial customs, ceremonies and i-uper- Ten Centuries of Observations on Various stitions. 3 vols., 12mo. New edition, Authors and Subjects. 1 vol., 8vo, ]8U9, calf, Lond. 1855 6 00 half fine copy, rare 3 76 Devil, Contains very copious information of Popular Notions Has curious information on the word surnames of the Devil in early times in England, also on Witches, of Devils, Vampires, Witchcraft, &O. Witchcraft, Sorcery, Apparitions, Spirits, Angels, and 1810.— DER TEUFEL. Ein Neujahrs- every kind of superstition. geschenk ! Oder Pruefung des Glaubens an "A most entertaining and instructive work." — Quart. hoellische Geister nach d. Lehre des P. Rev. Hartmann, Prediger. 8vo, 1810, cloth. 1 25

"AND SEEM A SAINT WHEN MOST I PLAY THE DEVIL." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / •SELDOM LIES IKE DEVtl DEAD IN A DITCH.'

1811 —MACGOWAN, (John) The Arian's 1817.—DEMONIACAL POSSESSIONS. and Sooiriian's Monitor ; being a Visiuii Reasons for the Credibility of tbeir Reality, that a Young Socinian Teacher lately had. not only as recorded, but as exhibited, in &o. 18mo, Loud., 1811, with a Picture of the New Testament. 1 vol., small 8vo, and Hell. Paper, rare $1 00 four other Theological Works, in 1 vol., Tenth edition, yet quite unknown I calf. $2 50

1818. — Dictionnaire 1813 —FERRIAR, (J.) Essay towards a PLANCY, (Collin de) Theory oi' Apparitions. 12mo,Loud. 1813, Infernal, ou Biblioth. que Universelle, sur boards, very scarce 2 50 les Etres, les Personnages, les Livres, les Faits, et les Choses qui tiennent aux " A scientific and rational work."— Lowndes. Diabjes, aux a la Magie, a " Apparitions, A most entertaining author."— Hibbert. 1'Eufer, &c., &c. 4 vols.. 8vo, seconde edition, entierement refondue, with an Atlas —TAYLOR, ; or, 1815. (Jos.) Apparitions of Plates. Fine copy, in half red mor., the Mystety of tihosts, Jlobgolilius, and very rare, 1825 35 00 Hauuted Houses, developed. Being a col lection of Entertaining stories founded on The same, first edition, 2 vols., 8vo, fact. 12ino, 1815, hall calf, rare 4 50 Paris, 18i«, half calf. 5 00

Another copy, in boards, uncut 3 50 jfEg- We know of a comp'ete English translation of this curious and work by a ripe American " This collection of Stories is well chosen, and affords scholar, which is for sale. Partii-s wishing to secure a fund uf amusement. By putting such a Work as this so desirable a MS. may address for further particulars Into the bauds of children, parents will more effectually to the compiler of this catalogue, Henry Keruot, 651 guard their minds against weak credulity, thau by Broadway, New York City. grave philosophic admonition."— Monthly Review. 1818.— GARINET, Histoire de la 1816.— FABER, Stanley) The Origin (Jules) (Geo. Mag.e en France. 1 vol., 8vo, P«ris, 1818, of Pagan Idolatry, ascertained from histori paper 3 00 cal lestimony and circumstantial evidence. 3 vol-., 4to, Lo ,d., 1816, fine copy, in full HISTOIRE des Fantomes et des calf, 1819.— pol.shed vei'y rare 65 00 Demons qui se sout montrtis parmi !•s Contains much on Demonolatry, Demonship; Evil hommes. 16mo, Paris, 1811), half calf, Splr ts, Hades, Pluto, Serpeut Worship, Superstitions, rare 2 75 Legends, Magical and Necromantic Romance, Myste " De spectres, de.demons, d'esprits et de fantomes, ries, &c , &c. L'ignorauce et la peur out su grossir leurs tomes.' "Mr. Faber, in his ADMIRABLE WORK on the Pagan Idolatry, has collected and separately examined all the 1820.— BURGESS, (J.) Beelzebub Driving different systems of the Heathen Mythology; and has and Drowning his Hogs. A Sermon. 1-mo, shown that there is such a singular, minute, aud regu 18iO, paper 0 75 lar accordance among them not only in what is obvious " They run fast whom the Devil drives." and natural, but also in what is arbitrary and circum 1820.— stantial, both in fanciful speculationsand in artificial ob THE FIRST DAY IN HEAVEN. servances as to render untenable every other hypo A Fragment. 12uio, half cloth 2 00 thesis than this—' that they must all have originated An extraordinary attempt of imagination. from some common source.' "—Cory's Anc. Fragments. 1821.—HORST, (G. C.) Zauber-Bibliothek, 1817.— OUVAROFF, (M.) Essay on the oder von Zauberei, Theurgie und Mautik, Mysteries of Eleusis, translated by Price, Hexen, Dsemouen, Gespenstern, &c. 6 with observations by Chrisiie. 1 vol., 8vo, vols . 8vo, very curious cut-, Mainz, 1821, with engravings, boards, uncut, rare, Lond., very rare 20 00 1817. 4 75 " A very learned work which cannot be too often con "Amidst all the institutions which have been de sulted." — Salverte. nominated mysteries, those of Eleusis hold the high est rank, equally imposing from their origin and their 1822 — SCOTT, (Russell) An Analytical results."—Preface. Investigation of the Scripture Claims as to the Devil ; to which is added an Explana A Dissertation on the Eleusian and tion of the terms Sheol, Hades, and Gehen Bacchic Mjsteriej, by Thomas Taylor, the na, as employed by the Scripture Wri\ers. Platouist. 1 vol., 8vo, Amster., (London,) 1 large vol., 8vo, pp. 670, Lond., 18-2, 1791, half mor., rare 5 00 boards, excessively rare, (title mended and pages marked) 4 75 " As there is nothing more celebrated than the Mys teries of the Antients, so there is perhaps nothing " In the hope they may be rendered useful in dis which has hitherto been less solidly known. Of the seminating the principles of heavenly truth, as com truth of this observation the reader will be fully con municated by Moses and the prophets, by Jesus, the vinced from an attentive perusal of these pages, in messenger of God's love to mankind, and His apostles' which the secrets of the Eleuaian and Bacchic Mysteries these Lectures are humbly and earnestly commended i« unfolded." — Preface. to the Divine concurrence and blessing."— Preface.

"THE DEVIL IS NEVER 80 BLACK AS HE'S PAINTED." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / 18 'BIN MENSCH IS DBS ANDERN TEUFEL."

1823.— STEWART, (W. Grant) The Po 1827.— KOERTUM, (Dr. F.) Enstehungs- pular Superstitious of the Highla iders of geschichte drr fivista-'dlischeu Buemle im Scotland. 12mo. Edinb.. 1823, beautiful Miltelalter. 1 vol., 8vo, paper ... $2 50 in calf, rare 00 copy sprinkled $5 A most interesting history of the republican con Highly commended in Blackwood. federacies of the Middle Ages, which shows the horrible convenience of imputations of witchcraft, whenroyal or 1823. — ACCREDITED GHOST STO- priestly wolvel wanted a pretext for a quarrel with the ries, collected by T. M. Jarvis. 12mo, skccpI boards, extremely scarce 3 00 1828. — " There are no people, rnde or learned, among whom PLUTARCHUS AND THEO- phrastus on Superstition, in Greek, with apparitions of the dead are not related and believed. an English translation and notes by Julian This opinion could become universal only byiis truth. " Hibbert. 1 vol., 8vo, Lond., 18^8, full — Dr. Sam. Johnson. calf 7 00

I823.-GHOST STORIES, collected with PEIVATELT PHISTITD, and exceedingly scarce. The a particular view to counti- IMC . the vulgar Greek type is of a primitive character ,very beautiful), belief in Ghos s and Apparitions. 12mo, cast expressly for this and one or two other smail with six co ored engravings. Lond., 18.3. volumes from the same press. cloth. 4 50 1829.— CINGALESE DEVILS. Yakkun " If there be such things as are commonly ca led Nattannawa ; a Ci 'galese Poem, descriptive Ghosts, it ma not be amiss to enquire why we believe of the Ceylon System of Demonology ; 10 and ass Tt their existence ; if, on the other hand, the which is added the Practices of a On na, numberless stories that are told of supernatural appari or Devil Priest, by John Callaway. 1 vol., tions be neither more nor le'-s than deceitful fie.ions, 8vo, with colored portraits of various Cin it cannot be unprofitable to know upon what grounds galese Devils, cloth, very rare 12 00 we impugn and reject them." " Seldom do we observe an inquiry so abstruse, an — 1823. HONE, (W.) Ancient Mysteries tique, and multifarious, conducted with such acuteness described, Especially the Englis.i Miracle and jndgment. The reader will find himself entertained Plays. 1 vol.. 8vo, 1823, cloth i 50 and instructed in the most delightful manner, and rise from the perusal of the work with quickened sympathy Chap. XIII.— The Descent into Hell— and XIV. for the miseries of the three hundred Hear, e's Print of the Descent into Hell— a \erycurl- millions who follow such awful delusions, and renewed thaukfuluess ous old engraving— with elaborate description. for the blessings of the Christian ." —Preface. "This is a curious work, not at all addressed tu the multitnde, or chargeable with any irreverence of 1829.—UPHAM, (E.) History and Doctrine design or manner, but treating an interesting antiqua of Bndhism, popularly illustrated ; with rian subject in the dispassionate style of a stndious notices of the Kappooism, or Devil Wor inquirer." ship. Large 4to, with 43 colored plates of Demons, &c., fVom Cingalese Designs, 1825.— HIBBERT, (Sam.) Sketches of the boards, VEBY SCABCE 4/ 50 Philosopny of Apparitions ; or, an attempt " We think it beyond comparison the most curious to trace such illus ous to iheir physical book that has ever reached Europe from the East." causes. 1 vol., small Svo, 1825, half cloth, — London Times. edges uncut, rare 3 75 or, in half calf 4 50 1830.— SCOTT, (Sir Walter) Demonology and Witchcraft. 1 vol., I8mo, illustrated "We have read this interesting volume with much by George Cruikshank, new edition, 1868, pleasure. The account of the opinions formerly enter cloth 2 00 tained of the origin, nature, and power of spirits is particularly valuable." — W,stminster Review. or, in 12mo, in larger type . . 3 00

1825.— CARLYLE, (W.) An Essay on Evil 1830.— MONTGOMERY, (Robert) Satan; Spirits ; or, Reasons io prove their ex or, intellect without God. A Poem. Tenth istence. 12mo, boards, rare 3 00 edition, 12mo, Loud., 1842 2 50 Unmercifully ridiculed by Macaulay and Professor 1827.— TOWNLEY, (Jas.) The Reason of the Laws of Moses. From the "More Wilson , and highly commende I by Sir Archibald Ali " Nevochim of Maimonides. 1 vol., 8vo, son, and by the London Evangelical Magazine. Lond., 1827, half calf, extra, very scarce. 1830.— NEWNHAM, (W.) Essay on Super Contains much about Angels, Devils, Devil-worship, stition ; being an Inquiry into the Effects Demons, Superstitions, Witchcraft, Charms, the Ca of Physical Influence on the Mind, in the bala, Divination, Incantations, Goat-devils, Talismans, production of Dreams, Visions, Ghosts, and etc. other Supernatural Appearances. 1 large vol. , 8vo, boards, scarce 3 75 "The writings of Maimonides are multifarious and voluminous ; but in none of them do we discover Chap. Xll. —Agency of evil spirits, possession, d(e- more extensive knowledge or sounder jndgment than monomauia, temptation, astrology, doctrine of appa in his More Neoochim."—0rme. ritions, etc. , etc.

' THE DEVIL IS NEVER NEARER THAN WHEN WE ARE TALKING OF HIM." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / •THEBE WAS A LAUGHING DEVIL IN HIS SNEEB." 19

1831. — DEMONOLOGIA ; or, Natural Characters:—Festus, Lucifer, God, Angels, Fallen Knowledge Revealed ; being an Expose1 of Angels, Fiends, Nihilists, Sibyls, Spirits, &o. ancient and modern Superstitions, by J. Localities :—Heaven, Paradise, Hadea, Eden, Tartary, S. F. 1 vol., small 8vo. boards, uncut, Hell, &c. rare $3 50 "A most remarkable poem, of great beauty and greater " Popular superstitions aro always worth recording ; promise. My admiration of it is deep and sincere." — they illustrate traditions and exemplify manners ; Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. they tend to throw off the thraldom of the intellect of ' I can scarcely trust myself to say how much I ad man, and stimulate him to exertions compatible with mire it, for fear of falling into extravagance."— Alfred the intentions of his existence." Tennyson. " 1831.—TAYLOR, (Rev. Robert, alias the We take the aim of the poem to be the exhibition of Devil's Chaplain.) The Devil's Pulpit; a soul gifted, tried, buffeted, beguiled, stricken, Astrouomico-theological Discourses, with purified, redeemed, pardoned, and triumphant." — The a Lile of the Author. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, Times. Lond., 1831, uncut, BARE, EXCESSIVELY BAILEY, Gehenna; EIQIDLY SUPPRESSED 15 00 1841.— (J. N.) its Monarch and Inhabitants, on the Site, This Tile and blasphemous publication was Imme Extent, and Antiquities of the Kingdom of diately prohibited by the English government, and Hell, the Manners and Customs of its In nearly the whole edition destroyed. The author was habitants, &c. 8vo, Lond., 1841, paper, heavily fined, imprisoned for two years, and bound to rare $2 25 enter into large recognizances not again to offend. Unknown to both Graesse and Alger. 1831.— TAYLOR, Robert.) The Die- (Rev. 1841.— DENDY, The Philosophy ; being a Discovery of the Origin, (W.'C.) of Mystery. 1 vol., 8vo, cloth, scarce. fssisvidences, and Early History of Christi 1841 6 00 anity. 1 vol. , 8vo, Boat. , 1836J EXCESSIVELY EASE, cloth 3 75 Contents:—Ghosts, Spectres, Illusions, Demonology, Transmigration, Sibylline Influence, &o., &c. AM, on Witch 1831.— UPH (C. W.) Letters " It reminds in every page of the erndite Burton, craft, a of the comprising History Delusion whose Anatomy of Melancholy drives away the vapors in Salem, in 1692. 12mo, 1831, cloth, from the most confirmed hypochondriac." — Dr. John rare 2 00 son's Med. Journal. " This volume is considered a reliable and standard account of that wonder of the early times. "—Duyckinck's 1841.— MACKAY, (C.) Memoirs of Extra De'usions. 3 Cycle. ordinary Popular vols., fine steel portraits of Dr. Dee, Count Cagliostro, 1831. —THACHER'S Essay on Demonol- Paracelsus, &c. Half mor., very scarce. ogy Ghosts and Apparitions, and Popular 1841 15 00 Superstitions. 12mo, Boston, 1831, very Contains : The Witch Mania, the Early Alchymista rare 3 00 and Magicians, Fortune Telling, the Maguetizers, etc., etc. 1833.— FAUST. Ein Gedicht, von Ludwig Bechstein. 1 vol., small 4to, with 8 etchings, " These volumes will captivate the attention of Leip., 1833, boards' 3 50 readers who, according to their various tempers, feel either inclined to laugh at or sigh over the follies of A pleasing modern version of this famous legend, mankind.1' —London Times. and of considerable lyrical merit. 1842.— THE DEVIL. [Being Twelve Lec GODWIN, Lives of the Necro 1834.— (W.) tures Delivered in London.] 8vo, Lond., mancers ; or, an account of the most 1842, paper, uncut, EXCESSIVELY BARE.. 3 75 eminent persons in successive ages, who have claimed for themselves, or to whom One of the most plausible and dangerous publica has been imputed by others, the exercise of tions that has ever issued from the press on the sub Magical Power. 1 vol., 8vo, Loud., 1834, ject to which it relates. boards, rare 6 00 4S-Most ably answered and refuted by Rev. Walter " Contains : Compacts with the Devil ; Imps ; Witch Scott in The Existence of Evil Spirits Proved," which craft ; Necromancy ; Necromanoy and Witchcraft from see, under 1843. the Bible; Sanguinary Proceedings against Witchcraft; 1842. -CARLE, (P.J., L'Abbe.) Du Dogme Dark Ages of Europe ; etc., etc. Catholique sur 1'Enfer ; suivi de la Disser This work exhibits to us the wildest extravagancies tation de M. Emery, sur la mitigation des of human fancy, the most deplorable perversion of hu peines des damncs. 8vo, Paris, 1842. .4 00 man faculties, and the most horrible distortions of jurisprndence, may occasionally afford us a salutary 1843.—SCOTT, (Rev. Walter.) The Ex ; lesson —and distinctly shows how great and porten istence of Evil Spirits proved and their relation to the tous have been man's absurdities and follies. agency, particularly in Human Kace, explained and illustrated. 1839.— BAILEY, (P. J.) Festus : a Poem. THE FIRST EDITION, 1 handsome vol., 8vo, Last revised edition. 12mo, Lond., 1866, large type, best library edition, Lond., cloth 2 00 1843, cloth, uncut, very rare 4 50

"ITS AN ILL BATTLE WHEBE THE DEVIL CABBIES THE COLORS." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "HEAVEN SENDS MEAT, BUT THE DEVIL BENDS COOKS."

the same, second edition in 12mo, 1845. "The author of this work, one of UUKAT ERUDITION Loud $3 00 AND RESEARCH, has endeavoured to establish a theory — which maintains that the improbability of the prodi 1843. GRAESSE, (Dr.) Bibliotheca Ma- gies and assumed miracles related by the ancients is et 1 gica Pneuinatica. voL, 8vo, Leip., not sufficient to authorize their being regarded as fab 1843 1 75 ulous."— Translator. Extremely useful. 1846.— GIRALDO, de.) Histoire Cu- Contents:—1. Superstition in general. 2. Wonderful (M. rieuse et Pittoresque des Sorciers, Devins, Things in Nature, Animals, &c., (Prodigies, 3. Doc &c.) Magiciens, Vampires, Spectres, &c., &c. trine of the Devil. 4. Doctrine of Hell, and its Punish 1 vol., 8vo, Paris, 1846, with folding plates, ments. 6. Angels, good and bad. 6. Wehrwolves, Vam (a little torn, ) half mor. , very scarce . $3 75 pires, Changelings, Kissing-Death, Furies, Fairies, &c., " &c. 7. Magic, Exorcism, Devil-alliance, &c. 8. Witchcraft, Notre ouvrage consistera a relater ce que les tradi Sorcery, &c. 9. Proofs of the Innocence of Witchcraft. tions temoignent, relativemeut a cette opinion uni- 10. Of the Divining Rod, and Treasure Seekers. 11. Of versulle que I'homme, de tout temps, s'est cru sur Amulets, Talismans, Magic-rings. 12. Sickness pro 1'empire d'une puissance surhumaine, qui preside a duced by Mag c, and its cure. 13. Animal Magnetism ses destinees."— Preface. and Somnambulism. 14. Occult Philosophy. 15. In - SELDEN, Table Talk, dividual Magicians. 16. Demoniacal Possessions. 17. 1847. (John.) with a biographical preface and notes, by Ghosts and Apparitions. 18. Dreams. 19. Art of S. W. Singer. 12mo, third edition, revised, Fortune-telling. 20. Chiromancy, Divination, &c. 21. Lond., 1860, cloth 2 50 Doctrine of Visions and Manifestations. 22. Natural Magic. Contains Thoughts on Devils, Damnation, Hell, Ora cles, Superstition, Witches, &c. 1844.- WRIGHT, (Thos.) St. Patrick's Purgatory ; au Essay on the Legends of "Nothing can be more interesting than this little Purgatory, Hell, and Paradise, current book, containing a lively picture of the opinions and conversation of one of the most eminent scholars during the Middle Ages. 1 vol. , small 8vo, cloth, scarce 3 00 and most distinguished patriots England has pro duced. There are few volumes of its size so preg "It must be observed that this is not a mere account nant with sense combined with the most profound of St. Patrick's Purgatory, but a complete history of learning ; it is impossible to open it without finding the legends and saperstitions relating to the subject, some important fact or discussion, something practi from the earliest timds, rescued from old M8S. as well cally useful and applicable to the business of life." as from old printed books. Moreover, it embraces a —Singer. singular chapter of literary history omitted by Warton and all former writers with whom we are ac 1847. —DAUMER'S, (G. Fr.) Geheimnisse quainted ; and we think we may add, that it forms the des Chrisilichen Alterthums. 2 vol., 8vo, best introduction to Dante that has yet been publish Hamburg, 1847, paper 4 00 ed." —Literary Gazelte. In its twenty -five chapters it contains a great deal of information respecting secret Pagan rites introduced 1845.—THE PHILOSOPHY OF EVIL. into Christianity ; and also on human sacrifices ; the 1 vol., l(imo, Phila, 1845, sewed, scarce. 1 00 origin of Christian festivals ; cannibalism ; sacrificial dances; religious manias; Mariolatry; superstitions; 1845.— OXLEE, A Confutation of (John.) memories of saints; folklore; legends, &c., &c., &c. the Liiabolarchy. 12mo, Lond., 1845, 0 25 paper 1848. — Magic, Pretended Miracles, and " A very able brochure—a masterly exposure of the Natural Phenomena. 18mo, engravings, false and sadly misleading translation of the word Lond. , 1848, paper, very scarce 1 00 SATAN in the Old Testament, by a clergyman of rare An excellent little book, published by the Beligious parts, a first-rate scholar, a linguist of no mean order Tract Society. Ought to be reissued. —a Hebraist, and, par excellence, a Rabbinical Hebra ist of perhaps unequalled attainments in his own day." 1848.—OLLIER, (C.) Fallacy of Ghosts, —EdUor. Dreams, and Omens ; with stories of Witch craft, Life in Death, and Monomania. 1845.—KERNER, (Dr.J.) The Seeress of 16mo, illustrated, cloth, Lond., 1848, Prevorst, being Revelations concerning the rare 3 00 Inner Lile of Man, and the Inter-Diffusion " Who would believe what strange bugbears of a World of Sp.rits in the one we inhabit. Mankind creates itself of fears ? " From the German, by Mrs. Crowe. 12mo, —Hudilrat. Lond., 1845, clotu, rare 3 00 — WOODWARD, Demoniac — SALVERTE, The Occult 1849 (Rev. T.) 1846. (E.) Possession ; its nature and cessation. An Sciences. The Philosophy of Magic, Pro Essay. 8vo, Lond., 1849, paper 1 25 digies, and Apparent Miracles. Trans lated, with notes illustrative, explanatory CHAPTER i. The Kingdom of Evil and its Ruler. 2. and critical, by A. T. Thomson. 2 vols., Demoniac Possession. 3. The Cessation of Demoniacal large 8vo, cloth, Lond., 1846, very Possession. 4. Scriptural Account of Satanic agency scarce 7 50 subsequent to our Lord's Ascension. " GIVE THE DEVIL HIS DUE." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "QUI SON DAT QUOD HABET, DJEMON INFRA HIDET." 21

1849.— SATAN ; is not his Existence Dis universe. This diabolical idea, however universally It proved by evidence drawn from tbe Infinite may have been entertained, appears to have been Power, Wisdom, and Justice of the Eternal? founded upon a misconception of the genuine meaning 12mo, paper $0 25 of the Sacred Scriptures — the acceptation of a figure be alike to religion, to — for a fact—and to opposed 1849. MAYO, (Herbert.) Letters on the reason, and to common sense. There cannot be but Truths contained in Popular Superstition. one God— one sole creator of all things. The supreme 1 vol., small 8vo, Lond., 1849, boards, Creator and Governor of the universe can have no scarce 3 75 equal, no antagonist, no rival. The very idea of such " This small, but very valuable volume, is written in an antagonism, indeed, involves a contradiction in » light and pleasing style. The propositions which the terms, and has given birth to many false, fantastic, and learned and accomplished author endeavors to estab mischievous notions, inclnding all the monstrous bar- lish are confirmed by many apposite and striking baritit B of witchcraft and sorcery." — Vol. 1,p. 21, 22. examples."— J. C. Colguhoun. 1851.—WRIGHT, Narratives of "The (Thos.) explanations are often ingenious, and always Sorcery and Magic, from the earlie*t authen •uggestive »*» and interesting. \?e re. tic sources. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth, very commend the reader who takes an interest in the scarce matter to improve his acquaintance with the Letters Intensely interesting volumes, .comprising the most themselves."— Athmaum. startling narratives. CROWE, Night Side of 1849.— (Mrs.) LORD, Christ in Hades, a Nature ; or, Ghosts and Ghost Seers. 2 1851.— (W. W.) Poem. 12mo, N. Y., 1851 $1 00 vols., small 8vo, Lond., 1849, cloth, rare 5 00 1852.— GERHARD, (E.) Ueber Wesen, " It shows that the whole doctrine of spirits is worthy Verwandtschaft und der Ursprung der of the most serious attention." — Atkr.naum. Dsemonen und Genie. 4to, Berlin, 1852, paper 1 25 1850.— THE FIENDS; a Poem in three — - cantos, in manuscript, a Tale of Love and 1852. HAMMER PURGSTALL, (J.) Sorrow. 1 vol. , folio, very legibly written, Geistetlehre der Moslimen. Folio, Wien, 1852, 2 50 half mor., UNIQUE AND UNPUBLISHED. . .5 00 paper Specimen. 1852.—OERSTED, (H. C.) The Soul in ••Cold, heartless planet 1 didst thou know how few Nature : with Supplementary Contribu Of all the spirits that thus hail thy light ' tions. Translated by L.& J. Horner. l'2mo, Were left unshadowed by grief's mournful hue cloth, Lond., 1852 . ....200 rjuchilled, untainted by her dark'ning blight, Contains—The Spiritual in the Material, Superstition Thou wouldst not mock man with thy pitiless smile, and Infidelity, Origin of Superstition and lufidelity, Thou silent witness of his secret tears. the Middle Ages an example of a period of Superstition, Thou wouldst conceal thy beauties, and beguile Injurious Effects of Superstition, how to counteract With clouds, the frowns of fortune's ruined years." Superstition, &c., &c. "If we were to characterise by any figure the ad iS5o.-BURNETT, (C. The Philoso M.) science, phy of Spirits in relation to Matter. 1 vol., vantage of OErsted to he would regard him as 8vo, Lond., 1850, cloth 4 50 a lertilising shower descending from heaven, which brought forth a new crop, delightful to the eye and The one great point constantly borne in view through pleasing to the heart." —JJerschel's Address. out this work has been to show, in the clearest and simplest manner, the real amount of proof we possess, 1853.—THE UNSEEN WORLD; Com by the combined assistance of philosophy and revela munications with it, real or imaginary. tion, of the real existence and operation of spirits of Second edition, with additions. 16mo, different degrees of power, and of their relation to cloth, Lond., 1853, scarce 5 00 power. Bound up in the volume are the Mystical Hymns of Orpheus, translated by Taylor. Very scarce. 1851.— COLQUHOUN, (J. C.) History of Magic, Wiichcraft, and Animal Magnetism. 1853.—PONSIN, (I. N.) Nouvelle Magie 2 vols. , small 8vo, cloth, rare 6 00 blanche devoilee, physique occulte,. et cours complet de prestidigitation, itc. 2 " For this is not a matter of to-day, vols., 8vo, Paris, 1853 6 00 Or yesterday, but hath been from all time. And none hath told us whence it came, or how." 1854.— ROBACK, (Dr. C. W.) The Mys and the Wonders of "Those persons who, in modern times, adopt the teries of Astrology 1 vol., 8vo, Boston, 1854, cloih, doctrine of the Devil in its strictly literal and personal Magic. scarce 3 50 application, do not appear to be aware that they are in reality polytheists, heathens, idolaters. The belief in 1854.—ENNEMOSER, (Jos.) The History the actual existence of such a personage as the Devil of Magic, translated by W. Ilowitt, with or Satan, indeed, appears to have originated, partly, in important additions by Mary Howitt. 2 superstitious fears, imposture, and credulity, and, vols., 12mo, cloth, 1854 400 partly, in a vain and preposterous attempt to imperson With copious information on Demonology, Demons, ate a principle which might be made to account for the Devil, Satan, Magic, Exorcism, Necromancy, Vampires, existence of all that has been supposed to be evil in the Vampirism, Witchcraft, Good and Evil Spirits, &c., &c.

"HE MUST HAVE A LONG SPOON 1EAT MUSI EAT WITH THE DEVIL." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "THE DEVIL'S MEAL IS HALF BRAN."

— 1854. RADCLIFFE, (J. N.) Fiends, A curious work, partaking of the grand and the gro Ghosts, and Spirits, inclnding an account tesque ; and in which the superstitions of the Rhine of the origin and nature of belief in the are traced back to the Scandinavian and Sanscrit My Supernatural. 12mo, Lond., 1854, boards, thologies, and compared with other religious traditions. very scarce $3 50 1862.—WELBY, Signs before A very (Horace.) excellent treatise on these comprehensive sub Death, and authenticated Apparitions. jects, treated in a reverent spirit. 12mo. Lond. Cloth $300 — 1855. LECTURES ON SCRIPTURE This interesting collection contains the original Nar Revelations, respecting Good and Evil ratives of the Yatton Demoniac, the Demon of Ted- Angels. 12mo, cloth 1 75 worth, the Stampford Ghost, Sir John Sherbroke. Mrs. Veal, Lord Lyttleton, Henry IV. of France, Lord Ty CHAPTEB 1. Angels. 2. Ministration of Holy Angels. rone, Philip Melancthon, Hogarth's Tail Piece, &c., &c. 3. Cessation of Sensible Angelic Visits. 4. Evil Angels. 6. Reasons for Revealing to Man the Existence of Evil 1863.— HOWITT, The History of Spirits. (W.) 6. Demoniacs. 7. Prevailing Errors Relative the Supernatural in all Ages and Nations, to Satanic Agency. and in all Churches, Christian and Pagan ; OS- By Arbp. Whately. demonstrating a universal faith. 2 thick vols., crown 8vo, cloth, very scarce .12 00 1855.— MERLINO, (Nat.) Mannaletto dell' Indoviuo, e del Negromaute. 18mo, Milano, "The supernaturalism of all countries is but the ex 1855, with curious frontispiece, paper. .2 00 aggeration and extortion of actual fact. A great truth underlies it. It is nature itself, repelling the slanders 1855.— SMEDLEY, (Edward.) Taylor and of tbe materialist, and vindicating her claims to an in others. History of the Occult Sciences. forming and all-directing spirit— the confused and in 1 vol., 12mo, Glasgow, 1855, cloth 3 50 coherent utterance of her everlasting protest against ' "A scholarly work, extremely interesting and valu the fool who hath said in his heart, There is no able." — Gent's Mag. God.' "—Whittier, the Poet. 1856.—CROSLAND, (Newton.) Appari 1863.—MARY JANE; or, Spiritualism tions ; an Essay, explanatory of old facts Chemically Explained, with Spirit Draw and a new theory. Second Edition 1 vol., ings. 1 large vol., 8vo. Lond., 1863, 12mo, 1873, cloth 1 25 cloth 4 00 " It is hard to deem that spirits cease, that thought " My facts are all true, whatever my deductions from And feeling, flesh-like, perish in the dust. them may be ; and I have taken pains to show scientific Shall we know those again in a future state men how they may investigate the subject —in order Whom we have known " and loved on earth ? Say yes ! that a question which has tormented the world, by its Festus—P. J. Bailey. obscurity, for some thousands of years, may be turned 1856.— LEVI, (Eliphas.) Dogme et Rituel by science to the benefit of mankind." —Preface. de la Haute Magie. Seconds edition, tres M AURY, La Magie et 1'As- augmented. 2 vols., 8vo, avec figures, 1864.— (Alfred.) dans et du Paris, 1861 9 00 trologie I'Antiquire, Moyen Age, les Superstitions Paiennes qui se sont per- 1856.— BERG, (Rev. J. F.) Abaddon and petuees jusqu'a nos jours. 8vo, Paris, 1864. Mahanaim ; or, Demons and Guardian learned and work, from which Angels. 12mo. Phila., 1856 1 00 "An extremely able I have received great assistance." —Lestey'sRationalism. 1859.— JACOB, (P. Curiosites de L.) GASTINEAU, Monsieur et 1'Histoire des croyances populaires au 1864.— (B.) Satan. 12mo, Paris, 1864, half moyen age. 1 vol., 8vo, Paris, 1859.. . . 1 25 Madame morocco 4 75 Contient.—Superstitions et croyances populaires, Le Jnif Errant, Les Bla^phemateurs, Les D&mons de la CHAPTEB 1. Histoire de Messire Satan. 2, Foi uni- Nuit, Les Sorciers et le Sabbat, Le Boeuf gras, &c. verselle des Peuples en Satan. 8. De 1'influence de Satan. 4. La Damnation et les Damnes. 5. La Re* 1860.— LA GRANGE, F. Le (A. de.) ligion du Diable. 6. ,Grandeur et Decadence du Diable. Grand Livre de Festin. Ke"pertoire Ge"ne"ral 7. Les cites du Diable. 8. Les causes celebres de la des Sciences Occultes. 1 large vol., 8vo, Demonomanie. 9. L'Angelomainie. 10. Les Damnes Paris, 1860, paper 3 00 de 1'Eglise. 11. La terreur infernale. 12. Le Diable et " Nous ne craignons pas les critiques, parce que nous les Theologiens. 13. Les Enfers, &c., &c. avon le droit de dire de notre ouvrage ce qu'un des plus Ulustres croyaut que reclament les sciences occultes, 1864.—WRIGHT, (T.) A History of Cari Michel Montaigne, disait de eon oauvre immortelle ; cature and Grotesque in Literature and ' CECY EST UN LIVBE DE BONNE FOY.' " Art. 1 vol. small thick 4to, full of very " Examinez et retenez ce qui est bon." pleasing illustrations, Lond. 1864, extra cloth, red edges 10 50 1862.— SAINTINE, (X. B.) La Mythologie du Bhin, et les Contes de la Mere-Grand. Contains: Grotesque Figures of Demons. The Di 1 very handsome vol., large 8vo, copiously abolical in Caricature— Influence of Demons— The De illustrated by Gustave Dore". Paris, 1862, mons in the Miracle Plays —The Demon of Notre Dame half mor. 5 00 —Allusions to Witchcraft— The Man and the Serpents—

"COOPEBAWTE DIABOLO" (WITH 1KB ASSSISTANCE OF THE DEVIL.) Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / ' SORCERERS AND WITCHES AEE THE SERVANTS OF THE DEVIL," S3

The Dance of Death— Friar Rush— Diablerie in the 16th sents in a well digested form, the fruits of many years' Century— Early Types of the Diabolical Forms— The laborious research and careful thinking." —Barton. Cmikshanks, and their inimitable Designs. 1866.— HELL. Letters from Hell, by M. "A learned, entertaining and instructive work." — Rowell. 2 vols., 12mo, Lond., 1866, ex Art Journal. cessively scarce, cloth $7 50 i864.-DE CASTON, (M.) Les Mar- "In the firm reliance on the love of Jesus, I send chandes cle Miracles, Histoire de la su forth these Letters to the world. That they will cause perstition humaine. 8vo. Paris, 1864, restlessness and pain to many gives me no concern. On paper $4 00 the contrary, it is just my very hope that many hearts may touched, fear and Les premiers faux Dieux, naissance de la magie, Dei- be and be brought to inquire in : ' ? ' answer is phobee, pierre philosophale, Urbain Grandier, les oon- trembling Ah ! what shall we do The ' "— vulsionaires, St. Germain et Cagliostro, &c. given and is plain : Repent and believethe Gospel.' Preface. 1865.— WILLIAMS, The Super (Howard.) 1867. —TRACTS for the Day, No. 2. Pur stitions of Witchcraft. 12mo, cloth. . .2 50 gatory, by Kev. Orby Shipley. 8vo, Contains : The origin, prevalence, and variety of paper 0 50 superstition, in all ages and nations— account of the MALLEUS MALEFICAEUM and the Papal Bull— the various 1867.—LECKY, (W. E. H.) History of the sorts of demons— notices of curious old books on Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Ra "Witchcraft— and shows that the whole of nature in tionalism in Europe. New edition, 2 vols., 8 00 Christian belief was peopled with every kind 12mo, 1870, cloth " Of those demons that are found Comprises: A Historical Eeview of Magic and Witch — In fire, air, flood, or under ground." craft ; 138 pages consult also the copious index for Angels, Apparitions, Astrology, Charms, Demoniacs. 1865.— BARTON, (J.) The Reality, but Demons, Devil, Diabolus, the Dusii, Exorcism, Exor NOT the duration of future punishment, is cists, Hell, Incubi (male devils), Lycanthropy, Mystery, revealed. 8vo, paper 0 75 Talismans, &c. " For the most part the doctrine of everlasting tor 1867. — MICHELET, (J.) La Sorciere, ment has itself passed away ; destroyed not simply by translated into English by J. L. Trotter. truer interpretations of Scripture, but by habita of 12mb. Lond., 1867 3 50 thought and methods of government with which the doctrine of everlasting hell-nre is utterly and for ever 1867.— SWEDENBORG. Emanuel Swe- : and W. incompatible."— Kirkus. denborg his Life Writings. By White. Second edition, revised. 1 large 1865.— EVIL. Thoughts on the Existence vol., 8vo, portraits and engravings. Lond., of Evil, by F. W. Newman— The Nature 1867, cloth 3 50 — and Origin of Evil, by Bishop Hinds A Contains—-The Devil defined, his Home, Character, Letter on Moral Evil, by C. Voysey. 12mo. and Habits, unchangeable. No King Devil, nor Devils Paper, each 0 25 once Angels. Communication from him. Utilized 1865.— KARDEC, (Allan.) Le Ciel et Devils, &c., &c. The Spiritual World, Angels, Evil, L'Enfer, ou la Justice divine selon le Spi- Hell, Heaven, Purgatory, &c. ritisme. 1 vol., 8vo. Paris, 1865, half 1868.— DAVIES, (E.) Our Angel Com morocco 3 50 panions — their number, attributes, and Traite du passage de la vie corporelle a la vie services. 18mo, Lond., 1868, cloth. . .1 75 spirituelle, les anges et les demons, suivi de nombreux BROWN, The ; or, examples sur la situation reelle de 1'ame pendant et 1868.— (J. P.) Dervishes 24 apres la mort. Oriental Spiritualism. 12mo, with illustrations, Lond., 1868, cloth 3 50 1866.— DELEPIERRE, Le Livre (Octave.) 1868.—BLAUVELT, (Aug.) The King des Visions, ou L'Enfer et le Ciel decrits dom of Satan. 12mo. New York, 1868, par ceux qui les ont vues. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth 1 50 Paris, 1866, several photographs infac-simite from curious plates. Half mor., uncut. Contents.—I. The Personality of Satan. II . The fact of EXCESSIVELY BABE, only 25 PRINTED. .30 00 Satanic Agency. III. The extent of Satanic Agency. The Kingdom of Satan. V. Christ, or Satan? VI. A very singular work, based on the visions of Mystics IV. Victory — Stage the first. VII. Victory — Stage the and the superstitious of the Middle Ages. second. VIII. Cautions and Encouragements. IX. The 1866.— ALGER, (W. R.) Critical History of future of the Kingdom of Satan. X. The Kingdom of the Doctrine of a Future State. Seventh Satan as related to the moral universe. edition. 1 vol. large 8vo, N. Y., 1871. 4 50 Intended to prove the personality of Satan, and hi« For a view of the literature pertaining to the subject, direct agency in the affairs of the world. " Hell," Hades, Gehenna, Sheol, Tartarus, Purgatory, 1869.—KERR, (W.) The Popular Ideas of &c., see the copious bibliographical Appendix in this Immortality, Everlasting Punishment, and excellent and learned work. the State of Souls, brought to the test of " His volume supplies a great want in our literature, Scripture. Second edition, revised, 12mo, and has numerous and unquestionable merits. It pre Lond., 1870, cloth , 2 75

"WHEBE GOD BUILDS A CHURCH, THESE THE DEVIL BUILDS A CHAPEL," Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "WITCHCRAFT IS HIGH TREASON AGAINST GOD."

Contains : Hell ; meaning of the word ; mistransla — 1870. HOOD, (Edwin Paxton.) The World tions ; Opinions of the Primitive Church : Locality of of Religious Anecdote. 1 very thick vol., Hell, of or Hades ; Object of Christ's Descent into Hell ; small 8vo, Lond., 1870, cloth $3 50 Popular Ideas of Hell and Death, not only unscriptural, Contains—Shooting the Devil, (a capital story.) Illus hut pernicious. Hades a wise and benevolent provision trations of Superstition, Ignorance and folly. Glimpses of God. Tabular view of texts relating to the " Last of the Supernaturnal, &c., ic. end of the Wicked," &c., &c. "Full of wit and wisdom. The extracts are grouped 1869.—ROSKOFF, (Gustav.) Geschichte artistically around well-defined subjects ot thought and des ' Teufels. 2 vols., large 8vo, Leipzig, study. '—Standard. 1869, paper $9 00 1871.—TYLER, Primitive Culture ; Contains : Satan in the Old Testament ; the Devil in (E. S.) Researches into. the Development of My the New ; Testament the Devil in Church-Teaching ; thology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, and the Devil in the ; Talmnd the Devil from the 4th to the Criticism. 2 vols., large 8vo, Lond., 1871, 13th Century ; the Devil on the Stage ; the Devil as cloth 12 00 Buffoon ; Belief in Magic ; Witchcraft ; Decadence of Treats very fully of Devils ; Devil Worshippers ; Belief in theDevil, &c., &c. Devil Dancers ; Demons ; Witchcraft ; Werewolves ; " A remarkable work, by the Professor of Theology Hell ; Hades ; Spirits ; Angels ; Evil-Deity ; Appari at Vienna. Notwithstanding ils occasional diffuseness, tions ; Evil Spirits ; Ghosts ; Magic ; Tree-Souls ; Tree- it is really an Encyclopedia of all that concerns the Spirits, &c., &c. subject —in fact, it is a treasury of erndition. . . May the University of Vienna, invigorated by the events which 1871.— McRAE, (Thad.) Lectures on Satan. have changed the face of Austria, pay the arrears she 1 vol. lumo, cloth, Bost., 1871 1 00 owes to European scholarship by producing such books Contents: 1. Existence of Satan. 2. His Personality. "— as this ! Revilte. 8. His Origin. 5. His Nature and Character. 6. His 1870.— COX, (G. W.) The Mythology of the Power. 7. His Miraculous Power. 8. His Intellectual Aryan Nations. 2 large vols., 8vo, 1870, Power. 9. Demoniacs: 10. His Moral Power. 11. His cloth H 00 Doom. Contains : The Semitic Devil ; the Teutonic Devil : 1871.— REVILLE, (Albert, D. D.) The the word Devil, Demons ; Angels ; Pluto ; Hades ; Devil ; his Origin, Greatness, and Deca Witchcraft, Legends, &c., &c. dence. 12mo, with engravings of the "I have said, that the task of analyzing and compar Egyptian Devil, and the Assyrian Devil, ing the Myths of the Aryan Nations has opened to me cloth 1 75 a source of unqualified delight. I feel bound to avow An interesting and thoughtful essay, the title of the conviction that it has done more. It has removed which sufficiently explains the idea and scope of the not a few perplexities ; ithas solved notafew difficulties work. which press hard on many thinkers. It has raised and DELAPORTE, The Devil; strengthened my faith in the goodness of God ; it has 1871.— (Father.) does he exist ? and What does he do ? 16mo, justified the wisdom which has chosen to educate man N. Y., 1871, cloth $1 50 kind through impressions produced by the phenomena — of the outward world." Preface. 1872.— COBBE, (Frances Power.) Dar winism in Morals, and other Re 1870.—BRADLAUGH, A Few Words Essays, (C.) printed about the Devil. 12mo. Lond., 1870, from Theological and other 1 vol., 8vo, Lond., 1872, paper 0 25 Magazines. cloth 5 00 1870.—HISTORY OF SIGN BOARDS, Cnap. VI. THE DEVIL, (an elaborate review of the from the earliest times to the present day, clever little work of Monsieur Eeville, Histoire du by J. Lurwood and J. C. Hotten. 1 thick vol., crown 8vo, with 100 curious engrav Diabte.) ings. Lond., 1870, cloth 3 75 1872.—DEVIL'S MASTERPIECE, (The.) 1 vol., 16mo, paper, 1872 0 30 or, on large paper, in 4to, with additional plates, half mor 15 00 In the jndgment of the author, the Devil's Master piece is to be found in the existence of 1,300sects. Contains much curious and quaint information about the Devil, Devil and Bag of Nails, Devil and Duns tan, St. 1872.—CONGREGATIONALIST, (The.) Devil in a Tub, Devil's Head, Angels, Hell, Three Merry Vol. 1, in8vo,1872 3 76 Devils, &c., &c. Contains two very able articles on the Scripture 1870.— TAYLOR, (R.) New Zealand and Doctrine of Infernal Spirits, by E. White, and the Sin its Inhabitants, illustrating the Origin, of Necromancy, by the same. Manners, Customs, Mythology, Religion, BEARD, The Kites, etc., of the Maori and Polynesian 1872.— (J. R.) Autobiography of Satan. 1 vol., 12mo, Ifc72, cloth. Races. 1 very large vol., 8vo, Lond., 1870, ..3 75 illustrated, cloth 7 50 " Having aimed at nothing less than to deal a blow Has much curious information on the Pemonology, at Traditionalism, Sacerdotalism, and Satanism, which Witchcraft, Religion, Fetish rites, Charms, Dreams and reciprocally evoke and support each other , and which, Superstitions, Traditions and Legends of the Polynesian in a brood of superstitions, have inflicted on our race Races not to be found elsewhere. many of the direst evils under which it has suffered,

'BACK 10 THE DEVIL TEE LOUD ECHOES BOLL." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "HELL IS FULL Of GOOD MEANINGS AND WISHES."

have simply pursued such a method as seemed to me I 1873.— -THE DEVIL. See a valuable Ar most likely to conduce to my object."— Preface. ticle, by A. H. Grant, M.A., in the Supple ment to the with very 1872.— PREACHER'S LANTERN, English Cyclopedia, (The.) curious fac-simile from the Vol 2, large M^o, cloth, 1872 $3 75 engravings oldest books and manuscripts. Also articles Contains : Four lectures on the Scriptural idea of on Demons, Hell, Magic, &c. 1 thick vol., the Devil, by Paxtou Hood : folio, cloth $15 00 1. Satan among the Angels. 2. Satan and his Angels. 1873.—DE VERB, (M. Schele.) Modern 3. The Origin and Natural History of Satan. Magic. 1 vol., 12mo, N. Y., 1873, cloth.2 00 4. Satanology. Contents.—Witchcraft, Black and White Magic, Dreams, iSyr,.— READ, (Rev. Hollis.) The Foot Visions, Ghosts, Divination, Possession, Magnetism, prints of 8atan ; or, the Devil in History. Miraculous Cures, Mysticism. 1 large vol., 8vo, with engravings, cloth, "The aim of this work is limited to the gathering of N. Y., 1872 3 50 such facts and phenomena as may serve to throw light " The task proposed by the author is to trace, upon the nature of the magic powers with which man within certain limits, the foot-prints of the great ene is undoubtedly endowed. Its end will be attained if it my of all good, that we may, by witnessing the handi succeeds in showing that he actually does possess powers work of his malignity among the sons of men, perceive which are not subject to the general laws of nature, but by way of contrast the strange benevolence of God, more or less independent of space and time, and which and be constrained more and more to admire the yet make themselves known partly by appeals to the goodness of that wonderful Being whose purposes are ordinary senses and partly by peculiar phenomena, the all tormed in benevolence, and all whose working is result of their activity."— Preface. characterized by the same good will to man."— Preface. OF HELL. An GRAVES, 1873.—THE QUESTION 1872.— (K.) The Biography of Essay in New Orthodoxy, liy A Puritan. Satan ; or, a Historical Description of the 16mo, New Haven, 1873, cloth.. 0 75 Devil and his Fiery Dominions, disclosing " the Oriental Origin of the Belief in a Devil The question of Hell settles itself the moment we and future Endless Punishment. Seventh appreciate our subjection to the moral order of the edition, 12mo, Chicago, 1872, paper.. 0 60 universe, and the end of that order, to bring us unto a perfect man. Then we comprehend that there is no " The motive of the author is to expose and arrest the other Hell than the furnace of discipline ; that from progress of the most terror-inciting superstition that that torment no wrong-doer can possibly escape ; but ever nestled in the bosom of the ignorant, or that ever that out of it every moral creature will come a son of prostrated the energies of the human mind, and re God without spot or stain. —ANOINTED OF GOD-WITH- duced its possessor to the condition of an abject, " cs." —Author. groveling and trembling slave 1 —Preface. 1873.— THE DEVIL AND HIS MAKER. 1872.— CONWAY, D.) The De (Moncure A scathing criticism on the Deity and the mons of the Shadow. 8vo, paper, N. Y., Devil of the Bible, in rhymed verse, by 1872 0 70 Berkeley. 8vo, paper, N. Y., 1873 0 25 Two lectures on the Historical Legends of the Devil, by an American gentleman, delivered in London, at the 1873.—LYALL, (A. C.) The Relation of Royal Institution of Great Britain, with great success, Witchcraft to Religion. 12mo. N. Y., 1873, before a most appreciative andience, and published in paper 0 10 " Scribner's Monthly." 1873.— ADAMS, (A. Leith.) Field and 1872.— CONSTABLE, (Rev. H.) Hades; Forest Eambles, with notes and observations or, The Intermediate State of Man. 12mo, on the Natural His ory of Eastern Canada. Lond 175 1 vol., 8vo, with beautiful illustrations, Lond., 1873, cloth 7 00 This work presents the Bible doctrine of the state of man between death and the resurrection. Contains many curious Indian Myths, Traditions, and Superstitions. " Characterised by unusual vigour of thought and — — clearness of expression." Church Messenger. 1873. PONTON, (Mungo.) Glimpses of the Future Life. 12mo, Lond., 1873, cloth. 3 00 1872.— CONSTABLE, (Rev. H.) Duration and Nature of Future Punishment. Fourth Contents.—The Last Jndgment, Death and Hades, the edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo, New Heaven and the New Earth, the Hastening of the Lond 1 75 End, &c., &o. An elaborate argument touching the punishment of "An unaffected religious tone pervades the work, the unsaved. It is particularly fine in its philological and it is as remarkable for the reverential character of chapters respecting the meaning of the Greek words its theology as for the author's highly cultivated powers used by the inspired writers to indicate the doom of of expression, illustration and inference." — Guardian. the lost. I873.—WARLEIGH, (H. S.) Twelve Dis — the extinction of Evil 1872. HENN, (Silas.) Sunlight Dispersing cussions proving the Dismal Shadows; or, the Doctrine of Persons and Things. 12mo,Lond., 1873.2 50 Eternal Torments shown to lack reason Contains : General Observations on the Subject, Ex and Scripture. 8vo, Lond., paper. . . .0 50 tinction as taught in the Primitive Church, Extinction

"HELL HATH NO LIMITS, NOB IS CIRCUMSCRIBED." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / 'HELL IS WHEBEVEB HEAVEN IS NOT."

" in the Church of England, Psychology, Pneumatology, Of late the personality of Satan has been denied Considerations of Miscellaneous Texts, Death and in some quarters and questioned in others, and there Destruction, DESTRUCTION OF THE DEVIL ASU HIS is a strong tendency to resolve the old Prince of WOBKB, Why Evil was Permitted, Universalism, The Darkness into a diffused and impersonal principle of Intermediate State. evil. A few thinkers have gone further and denied the reality of the evil. It is only appearance, illusion, 1873.— COOPER, (Thomas.) God, the Soul, seeming. Mr. Crauch has caught up the idea of this and a Future State ; a Two-Fold Popular school of thinkers and set it to music in an ingenious 12mo, Loud., 1873, cloth.. 25 Treatise. $1 and finely wrought libretto -of far more than ordinary "There is no living writer that reminds us more poetic merit. "—If. T. Graphic. forcibly of Paley than the author of these pages, so plain and simple as he is in his style, so pertinent and 1874.— BREWER, (E. C.) Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, close in his reasoning, and so full of apt illustration giving the Derivation, Source, or of Phrases, are his arguments." —Standard. Origin Common Illusions, and Words that have a Tale to "It is a model of vigorous thinking and effective Tell. Thick vol. , cr. 8vo, cloth, 1874 .$3 50 eloquence."— Christian Age. See the twenty-seven curious phrases and allusions 1873.— OWEN, (Robert Dale.) The Debata to the Devil, also on Satan, Demons, Evil, Hell, Vam ble Land between this World and the next. pires, etc. 1 thick vol., 12mo, N. Y., 1873, cloth. 2 00 — 1874. GIBSON, (C. B.) Philosophy, curious matter on Contains much Apparitions, Science, and Revelation. 12mo, cloth. 3 75 Ghosts, the Devil, Hell, Identity of Spirits, Compacts Contains : Milton's Satan, the Form assumed by the with the Devil, Demoniac Theory, Evil, Witchcraft, Tempter, the Serpent'sPower of Speech, the Temptation &C..&C. — its consequences, etc. — MILLS, 1873. (Thomas.) Angels and HAWEIS, Heaven. 12mo, Lond., 1873 3 00 1874.— (Rev. H. R.) Speech in Season. A series of Sermons for the Times . — 1874. DEVIL WORSHIPPERS. See 1 thick vol., cr. 8vo, 1874, cloth 4 50 Blunt's Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, and Sermon XI.—Hell. Schools of Thought. 1 large vol., imp. 8vo. Sermon XIII.— Spirit Life . cloth, 1874 10 00 1874.— SCOTT, (Patrick). Christianity and 1874.—LENORMANT, (F.) Les Sciences a Personal Devil. An Essay. lvol.,llimo, Occultes en Asie ; La Magie chez les chal- Lond., 1874, cluth 2 50 deens et les Origines Accadiennes. 8vo, " My object in this little work is to examine the Paris, 1874, paper 3 50 passages in the New Testament which bear on the ex' A very learned and valuable work ; but somewhat istence of a Devil. As I believe this existence to be discomforting in the extreme coherency and exact clearly proclaimed in the later Christian Scriptures, harmony of its facts and theory. . and, as I assent to the terms ' Sacred ' or ' Inspired Volume,' commonly applied to them, I cannot do 1874.—PROCTOR, (R. A.) The Border Land of Science ; a Series of Familiar Dis otherwise than acknowledge the fact of there being a sertations on Scientific Subjects, 1 vol., great Evil Power."— Preface. small 8vo, cloth, 1874 4 00 1874.—DAVIES, (C. M.) Heterodox Lon Chap. XV. Coincidences and Superstitions. don ; or, Phases of Free Thought in the Chap. XVI. On Ghosts and Goblins. Metropolis. 2 large vols., 8vo, Lond., 1874, cloth 14 00 1874.—RULE, (W. H., D. D.) History of the Inquisition, from its Establishment in Contains : The Gospel of Hell-fire according to Mr. the Twelfth Century to its Extinction in Voysey ; A Spiritual Organization ; Modern Mysticism ; the Nineteenth. 2 vols., 8vo, with portraits Mr. Bradlaugh versus God ; The Literature of Infidel and engravings, and copious index, 1874, ity ; The Ritual of Infidelity ; The Victoria Institute cloth 10 50 on Atheism and Pantheism, etc., etc. — Chap. XLI. — Is a learned review of Devil Worship. 1874. SUPERNATURAL RELIGION. Seealto— Demonology, Evil Spirits, Satan and a Nun, An Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Re- Witchcraft, Witches, Compacts with the Devil, Petitions velation. 2 large vols., 8vo, Lond., 1874, to the Prince of Hell, Tarralba spirited away by the cloth.. 12 00 Devil, etc., etc. A learned and scholarly work, which treats in a lucid manner of Witchcraft, Demons, Demonology, De 1874.— WHITCOMBE, Bygone (H. P.) moniacal Possessions, Fallen Angels, Days in Devonshire and Cornwall, with Exorcism of Demons, Magic, Magicians, and able reviews of notes of existing Superstitions and Customs. many ancient authors on these subjects. 12mo, 1874, cloth 3 75 j6S"Attributed to the learned Orientalist Dr. Muir. Contains : Legends of the Devil and bis Dogs, the Devil and St. Michael, the Devil and St. Dunstan, the i874.—BUSK, (R. H.) The Valleys of Tirol ; their Devil and the Saints, the Evil Eye, Witchcraft, etc., etc. traditions, superstitions, and customs, and how to visit them. Thick 1874.— CRANCH, (C. P.) Satan; a Poem. vol., 12mo, Lond., 1874, frontispiece and 1 vol., 16mo, cloth, Boston, 1874 0 75 maps, cloth 625

"HELL AND CHANCEBY ABE ALWAYS OPEN." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "WE ABE ALL GROPING AMONGST MYSTERIES AND WONDEBS."

By the clever author of " Folk Lore of Home." Has 1874.—THE INQUIRER. A Weekly News much pleasing and curious information upon the Devil paper, published in London, as the organ in Tlroleau the Mythology, Devil's House, the Devil's of -'The Liberal social Union." The No. Palace, Angels, Witches, &c., Superstitions, &c. for June 13, I«74 $0 50 Contains a 1874.— SAVILLE, (Rev. B. W.) Appari singularly brilliant and powerful Lecture by Dr. Zerfll, on "The History of tions ; a Narrative of Facts. 12mo, Lond. the Devil"—with re marks und replies by eminent and others, 1874, cloth $2 25 clergymen, | inclnding somu ladies. " I merely mean to say what Johnson said, That, in the course of some six thousand years, 1874.— OSGOOD'S Guide to the Middle All uutious have believed that I'rom the dead States ; a Handbook for Travellers in the A visitaut at intervals appears. Uuitecl States. 12nio, Bost., 1874 . . 2 00 Inserted And wliat is strangest upon this strange head. here to direct attention to the singular Is, that whatever bar the reason rears traditions and superstitious of tho " Shakers," de 'Gainst such belief, there'ssomethingstronger still scribed on p. 01, but too little kuowii. In its belmlf, let those deny who will." DENNISTON,(J. The Perish — Byron. 1874.— M.) ing Soul ; or, tlir Scriptural Doctrine oi the 1874 —SLAVONIC FAIRY TALES, col Destruction of Sinners.' With a vii w of lected and translated from the Russian, Ancient Jewish opinion and Christian be Polish, Servian, and Bohemian, by J. T. lief during the first and second centuries. Naake. 12mo plates, extra cloth. .. .2 50 12mo, Loud., 1874, cloth * 50 Contains.—The Demon's Dance, the Water-Demon's "The oue (i.e., the souls of tho pure) appearing to be Wile, the Evil Eye, Yanccheck and the Demon, the Book worthy of God, do not die at all ; but the others ara of Magic, the Brownie, &c., &c. punished so .oug as God pleases both that they should be, aud should be puuistied." —Justin Martyr. $874.— RECORDS OF THE PAST; being English Translations of the Assyrian and 1874. — "THE METAPHYSICIAN." A Egyptian Monuments, by S. Birch, Vol. Quarterly Magazine, published by the 1, Itfuio, Load, 1874, cloih 1 75 University, 51 Jtiond Street, Pubtished under the sanction of the Society of Biblical New York City, Edited by Mrs. M. G, Archaeology. Biown and her daughter Elizabeth, price Chap. JCI. contains the Legend of the Descent of per annum 1 00 Ishtur (the Goddess of Love) descending to Hades. No. 1, just issued, contains several articles on God, Chap. JC11I.— Babylonian Exorcisms, illustrating the Satan, Evil, tho Devil, and a Catechism, with Proufi curious superstitious of the Assyrians aud Babylonians. about the Devil, &c., &c.

-A- ID ID E KT ID .A. . 1512.— ORIGEN'S Works; translated by They are both powerful dramas, though filled with ' " — Rev. F. Crombie. 2 large vols , 8vo, E linb., superuumerary horrors.' Chamber*. 1871, cloth $6 00 "Tho uoble minded," as Hazlitt designates him. "THE ILLUSTRIOUS, THE PURE, THE NOBLE ORIOEN." 1613.— GARZONI, (T.) II Serraglio de gli Consult these volumes for his lucid views of the Stuport del Hondo. Stout small 4to, Devil, Demons, Evil, Evil Angels, fallen Spirits, In Venetia, 1613, vellum $4 50 cantations, Lucifer, Magic, Sorcery, the Serpent,, the Treats very fully of superstitions, illusions, sorcery, End, Divination, Doctrine of Angels, Conflict with the oracles, sibyls, dreams, wonders, mousttrs, prodigies, Powers of Evil, the Powers of Darkness, &o., &c. &c. 1576.— PLUTARCHUS. De Natura et Very rare —unknown to Gracsso. Affectiouibus Daemouum libello duo; cum LEBRUN, Histoire Cri Explicationibus Camerarii. 8vo, Lips., 1733.— (Pierre.) tique des Pratiques Superstitieuses qui unt 1676 ii 00 seduit les Peuples etEmbarrasse les Savaiits. 1591.— GODELMANN, (J. G.) De Magis, 4 vols., 8vo, best edition, with engiaviugs, Veni-ticiis, tt Lamiis tractatus. 4to, Frit., Amst., 17.13, old binding . . b 00 1591, vellum 3 75 "Nousavous occa-ion de le citer souvent. II n'est l6ia. WEBSTER, (John.) Poetical and pas tres-creduie ; et sans sou habit, il eut fait un ex Dramatic Works. New edition, with Lite cellent ouvrage."— Did. Infernal. of the Author, and Notes, by Alex. Dyce. 1 vol., large 8vo, cloth, Lond., 1861.. 4 50 1856.— MASSON, (David.) Essays, Bio Contains —The White Deal, or the Tragedy of Paulo graphical and Critical, un English Poets. Giordano Ursirl ; The Devil's Law Case, or, When 1 vol., 8vo, Loud., 1B56, very scarce, Women go to Law the Devil is full of Business ; the cloth ..B 25 Ducbead of Malfey, &c., &o. Contains a inost valuable and scholarly article on the "The White Devil aud the Duchess of Main have comparative merits of the threo Devils — of Duute, divided tho opinion of cr.tics as to their relative merits. Milton, Goethe— (Lucifor, Satan, Mephistophiles).

"ANBELS ARE BK1GHX STILL, THOUGH THE BRIGHTEST FELL." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "SATAN IS AIL CHBISTIANITT." IMPORTANT, RARE, &VALUABLE PAMPHLETS 'RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION.

(All in paper, uncut.)

ON THE DEMONIACKS. «737—A Further Enquiry into the Meaning of Demoniacks in the New Testament $1 00 *** A reply to Twells' Essay cm tbe subject 1737 Essay towards Vindicating the Literal Sense of the Demoniacks in the N. T 1 00 *„* Attributed 1 r Rev. Mr. Church. 1737—An Enquiry into the Meaning of Demoniacks in the New Testament 1 00 1738—Hutchinson, (Thos.) The usual Interpretation of AA1MONE2 >nthe N. T. Asserted .... 1 25 — 1738 Twells, (Leo.) Answer to the Further Enquiry, etc 1 25 1738—Some Thoughts on Jesus' Casting Out Devils 1 25 1739—Hutchinson, (Thos.) Remarks upon the Meaning of Demoniacs 1 00 1739—A Short State of the Controversy about the Meaning of the Demoniacks 1 25 1775—A Dissertation on the Demoniacs in the Gospels 1 25 *** Attributed t . Bishop Newton. — 1788 Easterbrook, (Jos.) An Appeal respecting George Lukins, the Yatton Demoniac 1 25 1807— Sharp, (Gran. ) The Case of Saul, and on the Reality of Demoniacal Possession 2 00 1817—Demoniacal Possessions: Reasons for the Credibility of their Reality 1 75 ON FUTURE AND ENDLESS PUNISHMENT. 1707—Jenks, (R.) The Eternity of Hell Torments Asserted and Vindicated .75 Tillotson, (Arbp.) Of the Eternity of Hell-Torments .75 1708— " *#* Good seuse, sound reasoning, and profound knowledge." 1808—Lupton, (W.) The Eternity of Future Punishment Proved and Vindicated .75 *#* Tins was published against Arbp. Tillotsou. • 1734—A Letter on the End and Duration of Future Punishment 1 00 1742—The Scripture Account ofJoys of Heaven and Torments of Hell 1 00 of 1742—Taylor, IJ.) On the Ruin and Recovery Mankind .75 1759—Bourn, (S.) A Letter on the Doctrine of Future Punishment .76 1783—Craven, (W.) Sermons on Future Rewards and Punishments 1 00 *»* Praised by Bp. Watson. 1785—Withers, (P.) Philanthropes ; or, A Treatise on Damnation 1 60 1791—Atkins, (John) The Universal Redemption and Restoration of Mankind .75 1794— Martin, (John) Remarks on Future Misery .75 *** Originally a watchmaker, afterwards a Baptist minister. 1795—Macgowan, {].) Arians' and Socinians' Monitor on Hell Torments , . . 1 00 *„* Not quoted by Darling. 1801—On Predestination, Free-Will, and Eternal Punishments > 100 1802—Pratt, (J.) On the Last Judgment .75 Isaac, A Reply to Wright, on Future Punishment 1809- (D.) " .75 1836—Poppewell, (H L.) The Great Appointed Day." Two sermons 100 " Well calculated to awak ;n careless sinners." 1844 Cowan (T. C.), Thoughts on Eternal Punishment and Eternal Torment 125 %* Favors the doctrine of tiie destruction of the wicked. PALL OP MAN. 1772—Marshall, (C.) Man's Happy Estate Before the Fall . i oo 1804- Webster, (T.) Reasons for the Fall of Man 1 00 1845—What was the Fall? The Doctrines of the Divines | ] 25 A FUTURE STATE. 1708—Smith, (Tho.) On the Power of God, and on a Future State 150 *#* Published iu oppo.sitiou to the growing atheism of the age. 1755 Randolph, (Tho.; Certainty of a Future State Asserted .',.. . 75 *„* Combitiug the opinions of Lord Bolinguroke. 1760—A Journey from this World to the other .75 SATANIC AGENCY. 1769—Johnson, (J.) Divine Truth Vindicated against the Infernal Demon a 00 1779—Policy of Satan to Destroy the Christian Religion 1 05 1832—On the Influence, Power, and Evil Agency of Satan .70 1853—Godfrey's Table-Moving Proved to be of Satanic Agency l'oo 1854—Cowan's Thoughts on Satanic Agency 1 25 1856—The Spiritual Herald, 2 Nos .'...".""!..""!!." .75 VARIOUS. 1712—Bragge, (F.) Defence ofJane Wenham for Witchcraft ... 175 "His works are still held in estimation." 1765 Farmer, (Hugh) On Christ's Temptation in the Wilderness 2 00 The author treata our Lord's temptation as a divine vision. 1782 Nares, (R.) Essay on the Demon of Socrates 1 00 "A masterly treatise of the subject." 1814—Vowles, (W.)The Question of Apparitions Considered 2 00 " Superstitious hoiror creeps o'er all."

"THE GOSPEL GIVES POWEB OVEE DEMONS." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / PART II.




(jOOD people all, who deal with the devil. 1 HE devil was sick, the devil a monk would be : Be warn-ed now, by what I say I The devil was well, the devil a monk iwaf ke" His credit's long, and his tongue is civil, —Rabelais.

But you'll have the Devil to pay.'* r'V_/ULTURE, which renders man less like an ape, — W.Hone. Has also licked ihe devil into shape." — Goethe'sFaust. *r\V./N en a dit du mal ; mats,au siecle ou nous sommes, E paint the Devil black, yet he Convenonsque le Diable estmeilleur que les homines." Hath some good in him, all agree." — Col,de Plancy.

•MANY A TRUTH is TOLD IN JEST." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / I577-— GESTA ROMANORUM ; or, En 1702.—THE TAVERN HUNTER; or, a tertaining Stories invented by the Monks, Drunken Ramble from the Crown to the as a fire-side recreation. New edition, with Devil. A Poem. Folio, Lond.. 1702, an introduction by T. Wright. 2vols., liimo, splendid copy in half red morocco, very 1872 $9 00 rare $7 50 Half morocco, gilt tops 13 50 " Not Vertue, or Wit, but more prevalent Wine, Or, in panelled calf 15 00 Does Mankind in friendly Societies join ; Con'ains : Suggestions of the Devil, Illusions of tho We chnse not our Friends now by honest behaviour, Devil, Cunning ikf the Devil, Deceits of the Devil, Or love 'em because they are Wiser, or Braier." Snares of the Devil, Discomfiture of the Devil, and Se Not quoted by Lowndes aud others. ductions of the Devil. This amusing collection was written by the Cisterci 1707.— LE SAGE, (Renee.) Le Diable Boi teux. an monk, Elimandus, who died in 1227. It is consid- 1 vol., 18mo, Amst. 1707, fine fron tispiece, half morocco ed one of the most ancient story books extant ; and 3 00 the outlines of some of the best stories in Chaucer, Le Diable Boiteux. Illustrated by Gower, Lydgate, Shakespeare, and even later writers Tony Johannot. 1 handsome vol., large may be traced in it. 8vo, Paris, 1842, half morocco, rare.. 6 00 1620.— A PLEASANT HISTORIE. How 0", a fine modern edition, with splen did steel after S abl. 1 a Deuill (named Rash) came to a Religious engravings hand some House to Seeke a Service. 4to, LABGE PAPER, vol., 8vo. Paris, 1865, paper. . .4 50 in paper, uncut, Hi20 (reprint) 3 50 " Lesage's DiaMe Boiteux, who so obligingly intro "Being full of pleasant mirth and delight for the duces the Spanish stndent to the secret realities of people." human life, is, it may be observed, of both a more Only a few copies printed in exact imitation of the rational and more instructive temperament than Ihe original. ordinary demons who appear at the witches' revels to practice their senseless and fantastic rites." — Williams, 1631. -THE MERRY DEVIL OF ED- on mouton, as it has been sundry times acted Witchcraft. — by his Majesties scrv.mts, at the Globe 1707. Le Sage's Diable Boiteux. Trans — on Bancke-side. 4to, FINE LABGE COPT, lated into English (The Devil upon very rare, Lond.. 1G31 25 00 Crutches). 2 vols. in 1, 32mo, with fine Or, the reprint of 1819, with a very old engravings. 1750, old cnlf. 3 50 curious frontispiece. 8vo, boards, very rare, The same, in English (Asmodeus, the fine copy, uncut 6 00 Devil upon two Sticks). 1 Vol. , 8vo, 1840, ."This is a dear little drama. In manner it is broad with illustrations by Tony Johanuot, cloth, and real ; in situation full of interest. The action, raiv 4 00 which is very bustling, is propelled merrily on by The same, a cheap edition, 1 vol., characters which aro varied without end, a:id touched, 18mo. New York, 1840 (poor copy) 1 75 the most inconsiderable of them, by strong individu " No one has ever risen from the perusal of ' Asmo ality. Wo read it with gratification aud rise from it deus' without feeling that he has gained an accession with feelings of kindness towards human nature." of knowledge as well as of delight."— Translator. —Nole, from Tite's Cat. 1708.— LE DIABLE BOSSU. 1 vol., 18mo, 1664.— MACHIAVEL, Le Mariage (Nic.) with curious frontispiece. Nancy, 1708 — de Belfegor. Nouvelle Italienne. 1 vol., Calf neat, rare 2 50 32mo, 16(14, beautifully printed, superb copy, in red morocco, rare 3 00 1708.— LE NOBLE, (M.) Lorgnette du Belphegor, an Arch-devil, banished from Hell, is sent Diablo Borgne-—Les D ables a la Douane. into this world by Pluto, and ohligcd to marry. He 2 vols. in 1, 18mo. Amst. 170.S, cjlf. . takes a wife, but not being able to support her inso Bound up in those volumes are : Lo Diable Boiteux lence and extravagance, chooses rather to return to Coniedio ; Les Bequilles du Diable Boitei.x ; Le Diable Hell than to live any longer with her. d'Argeut. 1672.— CATAPLUS ; or, .ffineas his De 1709.— SUCKLING, (Sir John.) The Gob scent to Hell. A Mock Poem. 12mo, culf, lins. A comedy. 1 vol., sm. 8vo, 1709 — very rare 3 50 linlf morocco, nice copy, rare 1 75 Unknown to Lowndes, Alliboue, and other biblio "There is considerable merit in this play."— Biog. graphers. Dram.

"THE WEAKEST CHRISTIAN MORE POWEBFXJL THAN THE STRONGEST DEMON." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "OHHES DJEMOHIS DrVTTIAB CTTH ABJECISSEHT." 81

" 1710.— OUFLE, (Mons.) L'Histoire des 1750.— An Appendix to The Sure Guide Imaginations extra vagantes de Mons. Oufle, to Hell." Being a vindication of the com cnusfes par la lecture des livres qui traitent mon practice of cursing and swearing. By du Diable, de la Magie, &c., &c. 2 vols. in Belial. 8vo, Lond. 1780, paper rare. $1 25 1, It-'mo, with engravings, and a large fold ing plate of Incantations. Fine copy in 1760.—THE PRAISE OF HELL; or, a vellum, very rare $7 50 View of the Infernal Regions: its antiquity, situation and stability, manners, customs, Many truly remarkable stories of tricks, deceptions, &c. Tran*. from the French. 2 vols., and lndicrous extravagancies are related in this 12mo, 1760, engravings, old calf, rare. work ; it may be appropriately styled the Don Quix " ote of Witchcraft. Its author is the Abbe1Laurent Be not so quick appearance to believe, Bordelon. For outward shows are aptest to deceive ; This book's a proof— then read it. but throughout 1711.— OUFLE. The same in English. — With candour read—you'll quickly change your note." Hislory of the Ridiculous Extravagances of Monsieur Oufle ; occasioned by his Or, in French, rending Bnoks treating of Magick, the Eloge de 1'Infer. Ouvrage critique, Black Art, Dsemoniacks, &c., &c. With co historique, et moral. 12mo, with curious pious notes. 1 vol., 8vo, Lond. 1711, old plates, old calf, rare 3 75 Calf, OP EXCESSIVE RARITY. 15 00 " Tout ce que j'ai t'ai dit ne sont point des chansons, 1724.— DEFOE, (Daniel.) A Spy 'on the Cher Lecteur ; et tu dois me1Jiter ces legons." si Conjurer; or, collection of surprising and Ascribed to a certain M. Benard Barbier. divert. ng stories, with merry nncl ingenious letters. 1 vol., bvo, Lond. 1721, calf neat, 1777.— THE DIABO-LADY; or, a Match very rare 4 00 in Hell. A Po. m, dedicated to the worst woman in Her 4to, This volume has been sometimes attributed to Mrs. Majesty's Dominions. Lond. 1777, 3 75 Eliza Hay wood, a celebrated female novelist , but tlie paper internal evidence is against that supposition. 1793.—THE DEVIL IN LOVE. Trans 1724.— DANCING DEVILS (The\ or, the lated from the French. 12mo, London, Roaring Dragon. A Dumb Farce, as late 1793, calf, rare ii 00 ly acted. 12mo, Lond. 1724 ; half calf, FAUSTUS; a a nice copy, rare 3 50 1793-— Fragment of Par ody : humbly recommended to this enlight By Ned Ward. ened disorganizing age. By an Antiquarian. " Pray tell me, whether in a vicious Age, 8vo, Lond., 1793, paper 1 00 The Stage corrupts the Town, or Town the Stage? Unknown to the Bibliographers. For both concur, when Folly makes its way ; Butwhere the Fault begins, 't s hard to say." 1794.— THE INFERNAL CONCLAVE; or, Advice Irom Hell. A Poem in 3 parts. 1732.— DEVIL OF A DUKE; or, Trapo- 8vo, paper, rare -2 00 liu's Vagaries. A farcical ballad-opera. " A council was held in the regions of night, 8vo, 1732, paper 1 00 Where demons assemble, secluded from light ; rare, Very unknown to Baker and Reed. And thus the Arch-Fiend whilst he gave a lond yell, 1740.— LETTRES INFERNALES et les Accosted and rous'd up tbe legions of Hell." Tisons. 12mo, curious frontispieces. Aux 1798.— ROBERTE THE DEUYLL. Enfers. 1740, old calf, rare 1 75 (The Lyfe of.) — A metrical Romance, from an 1741.— DEVIL TURN'D HERMIT; or, ancient illuminated MS. 1 vol., 12mo, the Adventures of Astaroth banishi d from 1798, with curious old engravings, half red Hell. A satirical Romance, exposing, with morocco, gilt leaves, beautiful copy, very great humour, in a series of conversations rare 7 00 between that DEMON and the author, the This renowned hero, after leading a most sensuous scandalous Frands of Monks and Nuns, and dissipated life, committed suicide, before doing &c., &c., real facts. 12mo, founded on which he wrote a work on the subject, glorifying his Lond. 1741, EXCESSIVELY BARE, old ca'f, act. nice copy 13 60 1798.— QUEVEDO, Fr. Works, " The true Devil that hurts man is his own passion. (Don de.) serious and comic, transla'ed by Slevens. Astaroth, far from attempting to seduce, aims only to 3 vols., small 8vo, 171)8, with engravings, thee."— instruct Preface. half vellum, rare 12 00 — — 1750. HELL. A sure Guide to Hell. By Vol. I. Contains : Vision of Hell, Hell Reformed, the 1750, Belzebub. 8vo, first edition. Lond. Last Jndgment, etc. calf rare 3 00 His "Visions " enjoyed the greatest celebrity. They — Hell A sure Guide to, by Belzebub. consist of various visions of the other world, in which New edition, 1 vol., 18mo, York, 1801, pi the author sees the end of earthly vanities, and the per, uncut, very rare 1 50 punishment that awaits crime. Great knowledge of Written in imitation of Swift's Directions to Ser human nature is displayed in them, and surprising vants. wit and humor.

"DIEU £1 LE DIABLE; C'EST LA TOUTS EELIGIONi!" Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "ALL DEVILS ARE ANGELS, BUT ALL ANGELS ABE NOT DEVILS."

QUEVEDO'S VISIONS, separate 1818.— DEVIL UPON TWO STICKS IN ly, 1 vol., 12mo, 1667, calf, rare $3 00 England. 6 vols., small 8vo, Lond. 1817, boards, uncut, very scarce, poor copy out 1801.— LUCAS, (C.) The Infernal Quixote. side $12 00 A Tale of the Day. 4 vols., 12mo, with A continuation of Le Diable Boiteux of Le Sage, engravings, 1801, half calf extra, fine written by William Combe, author of " Dr. Syntax's copy 4 75 Tours." With the motto : "Better reign In Hell than serve in Heaven." 1819.— THE VAMPYRE; a Tale. 8vo, 1819, uncut, rare 3 00 Bare and curious. Unknown to Lowndes, Allibone, paper, and others. Full of curious and interesting Information on tbia singularly horrible superstition. 1801.—OLD NICK; A Satirical Story. 3 vols., 12mo, 1801, nice copy in tree calf, 1819.— LITTLE HYDROGEN; or, the scarce 3 50 Devil on Two Sticks in London. 1 vol., 12mo, with engravings, 1819, half morocco, 1803.— LES CHAMPIGNONS DU DIA- scarce.... 4 75 ble ; or, Imperial Mushrooms. A mock " A fanciful and varied expose1of English life, almost heroic Poem, with the conference between exclusively high life, with the chequer however the Pope and the Devil. 12mo, 1803, calf, which fashion offer." — rare 2 50 and pleasure Preface. " Satan, on mighty mischief bent 1819.—PLANCY, (Collin de.) Le Diable Call'd his infernal parliament, peint lui-me'me, ou Galerie de Petits Ko- And to the cloven-footed peers mans, de Contes Bizarres, d'Anecdotes Andkni-hts of his sulphureous shires, Prodigieuses, sur les Demons, &c., &c. 1 vol., 8vo. Paris, rare, 3 50 Marshall'd around their monarch's throne, large 1819, paper Thus his imperial will made known." "Je venais de lire cette singullere histoire ; etje etc., etc. reflecbissait profondement sur la discordance des th^ologiens et des saints peres. Tantdt le Diable est, 1808.— TALES OF TERROR (In Verse) avec eux, un ennemi encore terrible et toujours agis- chiefly on Demonology. 12mo, fold saut ; tantOt ce n'est plus qu'un malheureux, sans ing plates, colored, 1808, boards, excess force et sans pouvoir." ively rare 3 50 and of the By Monk Lewis. 1823.- Popular Tales Romances Northern from the " Nations. Translated An extraordinary, but highly poetical miscellany." German. 3 Tola., 12mo, frontispieces. —Dibdin. Lond., 1823, cloth, very scarce (poor 1808.—ASMODEUS ; or, the Devil in Lon copy) 6 00 don, a sketch. 3 vols. in 1, 12mo. Lond. Delightful legends of Diabterie selected from Mu- 1808, half calf extra, rare 3 75 saeus, Fouqui, Veit Weber, Ottmar, Buesching, Nau- Though the author has borrowed his machinery bert, Laun, etc. from the labors of Le Sage, is it evident that the re 1824.— FACETL35. Der Freischutz Tra- semblance does not boast one feature of that celebrat vestie, Globus, e.

by Septimus Esq., (i. ed original. His work contains severe strictures on William Hone), with 12 capital etchings

the prevalent follies or licensed vices of the great by George Cruikshank. 1 vol., royal world. 8vo. LARGE PAPEB, UHCTJT, EXCESSIVKLY Unknown to Lowndes and others. BABE 15 00 — and 1809.— HOGG, (C.) The Devil amongst the 1826. LEGENDS OF TERROR! Placpmen ; or, the Setting Sun. A new Tales of the Wild and Wonderful. 1 large drama. 3 vols., 16mo, with folding colored vol.,8vo, 1826, with numerous engravings,

calf, scarce 4 50 frontispieces, old calf, very rare, 1809.10 00 half very

TALES: imi Contains : the Devil's Receipt, Der Freischutz, the i8i4.-LAFONTAINE'S Demon's Isle, the Bottle Imp, the Castle Goblin, the tated in English Verse. 2 vols., 12mo, Doomed Man, the Devil's Ladder, tbe Demon of the Lond, 1814, calf, EXCESSIVELY KARE..25 00 Hartz, the Fire King, the Demon's Chase, &c., &c., &c. Contains : The Devil in Hell ; The Devil of Pope— Fig Island ; Belphegor ; the Arch-Devil ; the MagickCup ; 1828.— EARLY PROSE ROMANCES, edited, notes, the Monks of Catalonia, and other delectable tales. with introductions and by W.

J. Thoms. 3 vols., small 8vo, 1828, half i8i4.-CHAMISSO, (A von.) Peter Schle- morocco, scarce 12 50 mihl ; translated by Sir John Bowring. VOL. 1. Robert the Deuyll. Exquisitely illustrated by George Cruik- " Frier Bacon and the Devill. shank. New edition, 12mo, cloth, 1874.2 00 " Frier Rush and the Devill. The hero of the tale—Peter Schlemihl— tells us how VOL. 2. Virgilins and the Devyls of Hell. he sold his own shadow for an inexhaustible bag of VOL. 3. Dr. Faustna, his Damnable Life and Deserved money, and how he found out —when it was too late Death. —that serious annoyances followed this remarkable S&- The Waverley Novels of their day—intensely in bargain." teresting. —Retrosp. Review.

'LA CBAINTE DU DIABLE El LES SUPEESTITIONS NE SON! POINT ETELNTES." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "MIGHTIE PRINCE 07 DARKNESSE, KING OF HELLE."

1829.— HOFFMANN, (E. T. A.) The 1830.— BURNS, (Robert.) Address to the Devil's Elixir. Translated from the Ger De'il, illustrated by Landseer in his hap man. 2 vols., 12mo, 1829, half cloth, very piest style. 1 vol., l8mo, with eleven scarce $3 75 plates. Lond., paper, very rare $2 75 " In that yeare the Deville was also scene walking "These exquisite illustrations in design and publiclie on the streetea of Berline." (both execution) cannot fail to extort our warmest admira 1829.— ROBY, (J.) Tiaditions of Lanca tion." —Literary Gazette. shire. Both Series, 4 vols., 8vo, with tine "Mr. Landseer's happiest effort."— Courier. steel engravings and wood cuts. Lond., 1829, calf extra, very scarce 45 00 1831.—FACETI.ffi. The Devil's Walk ; a Contains : The Goblin Builders, Dr. Dee; the Magi Poem, by S. T. Coleridge and Robert cian, The Demon of the Well, the Haunted Casket, the Southey. Illustrated by Cruikshank. 18mo, Skull House, the Spectre Horseman, the Devil Upo- 1831, half morocco, fine copy, rare — 5 50 Duu, the Seer, the Laucashire Witches, the Phantom " From his brimstone bed at break of day, Voice, Bar-Ghost, the the Haunted Manor House, and A-walking the Devil is gone, numerous other delectable Tales and Traditions. To visit his snug little farm, the earth, These Legends, wild and horrible, are written with And see how his stock goes on." great artistic skill and will be found exceedingly in teresting. 1831.— LANDSEER'S TEN ETCHINGS, illustrative of the Devil's Walk. India 1829.— FACETIAE. Poetical d'Es- Jeux proof impressions of the fine plates. 1 prits, comprising : vol., folio. Lond., 1831, in the original 1. The Devil's Walk, by Person, 1829. boards, uncut, EXCESSIVELY RARE .... 20 00 "Really the joint production of Coleridge and "If this ideal portrait of the Residuary Legatee of Southey."— See Allibone. Mortality should come completely home to only ONE 2. The real Devil's Walk, 1830. bosom ; if it should frighten only ONK sinner into 3. The Devil's Progress, lt<30. virtue — it will not have been attempted in vain."— The With other — exceedingly humorous Poems Artist. The March of Intellect, Monsieur Touson, Stuamers v. Stages, and Bombastes Furioso. 1831. — FACETI.3S. The Devil's Festival; All in 1 vol., 18mo, each with exquisite or, Valpurgis. 18mo, illustrated, paper, illustrations by George and Kobert Cruik- 1831, scarce 1 60 shank and others. Full purple morocco, Another bound with Cruik- EXCESSIVELY SCARCE, very fine copy. .. 15 00 copy, up shank's Illustrations of the Unknown i829.-FACETI.ffi. The Devil's Walk ; a Tonges, arid Cruikshank v. Agriew. In 1 Poem, by Professor Person, 1829. To vol., 18mo. Lond., 1833, half morocco, gether with The Epping Hunt, by Tom exceedingly scarce, fine 4 50 Hood, 1829, and Steamers v. Stages, 1830, " Valpurgis' Night, so called in Germany, the Devil's illustrated by George and Kobert Cruik- high festival, held annually, when all those who hold of shank. In 1 vol., 18mo, half morocco, him in capite, by grand sergeantry, or whatever tenure; EXCESSIVELY SCARCE, fine copy 6 00 attend to pay quit-rents and perform homage." 1830.— FACETI.ffi. The Devil's Visit; a Poem. Illustrated by Cruikshank. 18mo, 1831.—DEVIL TO PAY; or, the Wives 1830, paper, rare 1 75 Metamorphosed. A Farce, by W. Coffee. " The Devil resolved to return to earth, 12mp, finely illustrated. Lond., 1831, ex To resume his perambulation ; cessively rare, nice clean uncut copy. .3 00 For he heard that its rulers were staunch to his cause, With the curious history of the play, by Moncrieff. And it fill'd him with admiration," &c. 1832.— THE DEVIL'S MEMORANDUM 1830.— FACETIAE. The Devil's Progress ; Book : being all the Wit, Whim, and a Poem, by the editor of the Court Journal. Waggery contained in the collected num 18mo, 1830, exquisitely illustrated by Sey bers of Asmodeus in London. 1 vol., 4to, mour, in the original printed covers, very 1832, with over 80 comic engravings. Half scarce 3 50 calf, nice copy, very rare 7 00 "This volume we can pronounce to be as attractive Contains : numerous caricatures of public characters. In its appearance as it is landable in its object."— Court Journal. 1832.— LEWIS, (M. G.) Journal of a West 1 vol., 8vo, fine 1830.— FACETI.ffi. Old Booty; or, the India Proprietor. portrait, Devil and the Baker. Illustrated by Cruik 1834, half red mor. , scarce 5 00 shank. 18mo, cloth, 1830, very rare . .2 50 Contains: "The Isle of Devils," a metrical romance. Song of the Tempest Fiend. " Very powerful." 1830.—BURNS, (Robert.) Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnny ; a Poem. Illustrated 1835.—HOWITT, (W.) Pantika, or Tra by Laudseer. 12mo. Lond., 1830, paper, ditions of the most Ancient Times. 2 vols. , rare 1 50 12mo, half calf, exceedingly scarce . . 7 50 " Of Brownyis and of Bogilis full is this Buke." Contains: Ithran, the Deir.oniac, The Avenger of "Wi' usquebac, we'll face the devill " Blood, the Soothsayer, The Valley of Angels, &o.

'MY KINGDOM'S LARGE, THE WOELD IS WHOLLY MINX." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / 34 "ALL EVIL THOUGHTS, WORDS, AND WORKS LEAD TO HELL."

1836.— THE DEVIL'S DUCAT. A Dra 1840.— BARHAM, (R. H.) The Ingolds- ma, by Douglas Jerrold. 18mo, Loud., by Legends of Mirth and Marvels. With 1836, paper $0 25 illustrations by Cruikshauk, Leech, and Tenniel. New and beautiful edition, 1vol., DEVIL TO PAY. A Comic i836.-THE 4to, 1874, in extra cloth, gilt $10.50 Opera, by C. Coffey. 18mo, Loud., 1&66, paper 0 25 or, in 2 vols., 8vo, large type illustra ted 12 00 1836.—THE DEVIL'S BRIDGE. An Op or, cheap edition, 12mo 2 50 era, by S. J. Arnold. 18mo, Lond., 183ti, " paper 0 60 Of these poetical pieces it is not too much to say that for originality of design and diction, for quaint 1836.— THE DEVIL'S ELIXIR ; or, the illustration and musical verse, they are not surpassed Shadowless Man. A Musical Romance. By in the English language. ** ** The Lays of E. Fitzball. 18mo, Lond., 1836, paper.O 25 the Dark Ages belonging to the fables of St. Dunstan, St. Cutbbert, etc., have been THE DEVIL and DR. FAUSTUS. confessed by every 1836.— jndgment to be singularly rich in classic allusion and A Drama, by Leman Rede. 18mo, Lond. , modem illustration."— Bintly's Misc. Is3ti, paper 0 25 Contains several delightful legends of Diabterie, all 1836.—THE RIVAL DEMONS, a Poem. capitally illustrated : Raising the Devil ; the Ghost ; 12mo, with six clever etchings, Lond., the Witches' Frolic ; the Spectre of Tapington ; a Lay 1336, paper, rare 1 2o of St. Dunstan ; Lay of St. Cuthbert ; Lay of St. Me- da-d ; the Brothers of Birchington, etc., etc. 1837.— THE DEVIL'S RING. A Fairy Romance. By G. Bodwell, 12mo, Lond. , 1841.— BELPHEGOR, (An Arch Devil). paper 0 i5 A Drama, by Higgle and Lacy. 12mo, Lond., paper 0 25 DEVILS. A Mytho 1837.— OLYMPIC — logical Burlesque Burletta, by Blanche and 1841 BELPHEGOR, (Travestie,) by L. 12mo, Lond., . .0 25 D.iuce. 12mo, Lond., paper 0 25 Buckingham. puper. I846.-FEVAL, Le Fils du Diablo. ASMODEUS, the little Devil. A (Paul.) 1838.— 2 vols., I'imo, Paris, 184H, cloth 2 25 Comic Drama, by T. Archer. 12mo, Lond., paper 0 25 Feval's novels are always very interesting, this one perhaps more so than others. ANGEL OR DEVIL, A Drama 1838.— 1850.— CRUIKSHANK. The Gentleman in by J. C.Coyne. 12mo, Lond., paper.O 25 Black, and Tales of other Days. 1 vol., 16mo, illustrated, 1830, half mor., rare. 4 75 1838.— THE DEVIL'S MOUNT. A Dra ma, l^mo, Lond., paper 0 25 The designs of "Old Nick" by George Cruikshauk are inimitable ! The tales are almost as clever as the 1839.—THE DEMON LOVER. A Come plates. Loud., dietta, by J. Brougham. 12mo, "This is, without exception, one of the cleverest 0 25 paper and most amusing stories we ever met with. As a work of fun and fiction, it stands uurivalled."— Lond. 1839.—FAUST. A Romantic Play, by B. Baruard. 12mo, Lond., paper 0 50 Athenaeum. NORTH, MARGUERITE, 1850.— (W.) Free-trade in Souls, 1839.— FAUST AND A or, the City of the Jugglers. A romance of Drama, M. Gurre., Romantic by the Golden Age. With 4 etchings by Bel- Loud, 0 25 paper lew. 1 vol., 8vo, 1850, half mor., very scarce 6 00 1840.— FAUST AND MARGUERITE. A Burlesque. l'2mo, Lond., paper 0 25 Motto.—" Every man has his price." Book I. The opening of the Soul Exchange. II. The A Burlesque, by Hal- 1840.—FAUST. J. grand Exhibition of the Souls of all Nations. III. The ford. 12mo, Loud., paper 0 2i Panic in the Soul market. Prologue (in verse). 1840.- -ROBERTA THE DEVIL. An Op- 1850.—PANDEMONIUM ; or, a Glimpse era, by M. R. L*cy. 12mo, Lond., paper,>i*, into the Modern lui'erno, Past, Present .025 2 and Future. 8vo, vignette, Lond, 1850, cloth, rare 1 75 1840.—THE LADY AND THE DEVIL. A Musical Drama, by W. Dimond. 12mo, An extraordinary production. 0 15 N. Y., paper 1851.— GHOST STORIES, and Tales of Mystery. Illustrated by Phiz. 16mo, 840.— BLUE DEVILS. A Comedietta, Dublin, 185!, cloth rare 3 50 by George Colmau, the Younger. 12mo, gilt, N. Y. paper 0 15 Contains: The Watcher; the Murdered Cousin; Shalkeu the Painter ; and the Evil Guest. 1840.— SATAN IN PARIS; or, the Mys terious Stranger. A Drama, by Charles 1852.— THE DEVIL'S IN IT. A comic Op Selby. 12mo, N. Y., paper 0 15 era, by Balfe and B.inn. 12mo, paper.. 0 50

'OJttNE BOOTH ET PEEFECIUM A DEO, IMPEWECTUM A DIABOLO." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "HEAVEN'S EXILE STRAYING FROM THE ORB OF LIGHT." 35

— 1855. SOULIE, (Fr.) Les Memoires au tall, ifcc., &c., with eight hundred beautiful Diable. 2 vols., small 8vo, Paris, 1855, and very spirited engravings, Paris, 1869, paper $3 60 VEBY SCABCE, paper $14 00 " L'orguefl trouble souvent la ralson la plus saiue : The best account of Parisian life, in every phase of Demandez ;l Satan dans quels maifx 11entralne." society— high and low, rich and poor, aristocrat and parvenu— their manners, customs, habits, etc., ever 1855.— THE BAITAL PACHISI ; or published, the text by Balzac, Stahl, Droz, Musset, Twenty-five Tales of a Demon. In the Goglan, etc., and other esteemed authors. original Hindi text, with an interlinear The 800 illustrations are perfectly admirable. To English translation. 1 vol., large 8vo, one understanding French, the work is a rich treat. 1855 7 50 1870.— BURTON, (R. F.) Vikram and the — vampire or which dead Baltal a evil spirit animates Vampire ; or, Tales of Hindoo Deviltry. — bodies is an old and thoroughly Hindu repertory. With 33 illustrations by Griset. 12mo, It is the rnde beginning of that fictitious history which 1870, extra cloth 3 50 entertainments, and ripened to the Arabian Nights' ••The merit of these old stories is in their snggest- which, by Boccaccio, produced fostered the genius of iveuess and their general applicability. I have ven and devel the romance of the chivalrous days, its last tured to remedy the conciseness of their language, opment—the novel— that prose-epic of modern En- and to clothe the skeleton with flesh and blood." — rope. —Burton, Preface. 1861.— CRUIKSHANK. Shaving a. Ghost, 1870.— 'S GOBLINS. A Series of (the Devil) designed and etched by George pleasant tales for the Young. 1 vol. , 4to, Crnikshank. A very capital engraving, 1870,with colored illustrations, fancy PBOOF ON INDIA PAPEB, new and clean, boards 2 50 VEBY BARE 3 75 Contains : The Magic Gifts, the Enchanted Fish, the 1861.— LINTON, Witch stories col Goblin's Gifts, the Magic Knapsack, the Witch Queen, (E. L.) Goblins, lected from Scotland and England. 12mo, the Industrious the Magic Whistle, and nine cloth, 1861, scarce 4 00 ty-one other delightful tales. Contains : The Devil's Secretary ; Sandie and the 1870.— CRUIKSHANK'S TABLE BOOK, Devil ; the Devil of Glenluce ; the Succubus, (a demon edited by G. A. a Beckett. 1 vol., royal 8vo, with 128 under the form of a beautiful woman) ; the Man of exquisite illustrations by Hope and the Devil ; the Huntington Imps ; the Lan George Cruikshank, in his happiest style, cashire Witches, etc., etc. Cloth, gilt edges, 1870 6 50 Among many other clever articles will be found four 1864.— YARDLEY, (Edward) Fantastic tales : The Demon of 1815,illustrated ; The Doomed 12mo, Lond., 1864, 1 50 Tables. cloth. ... One; A Genuine Ghost Story; and A Legend of the Contains—The adventures of Prince Lulu, Marvellous Rhine, illustrated. History of Poopoo, The Magic Switch, &c., &c. 1870.— KILBOURNE, (L. H.) The Won 1867.— THE DEVIL IN AMERICA. A derful Murder Trial of Mad Kory O'Lar- Dramatic Satire. 12mo, Mobile, Ala., 1867, kins ; or, A Jersyman's Dream of a Court paper 0 50 Scene in Hell. 8vo, Jersey City, 1870, pa per, scarce 0 50 1868.— COUNT LUCANOR: or, the fifty pleasaut Stories of Patronio, written by 1871.— CRUIKSHANK. The true Legend the Prince Don Juan Manuel, A. D., 1535. of St. Dunstan and the Devil ; showing Done into English by J. York, 1868. 1 how the Horseshoe came to be a charm vol., 16mo, cloth 3.00 against Witchcraft. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. 1 voL, 12mo, Chap. XLVII. The Devil and the woman. square 1871, cloth ..1 75 "The doings, not the semblance, heed, Wouldst thou from evil chance be freed." The same, the ORIGINAL EDITION of 1851, EXCESSIVELY BABE 2 50 " The style of these little tales is quaint, shrewd, and One of the cleverest of George Cruikshank's works. very attractive."— Athcna-um. — HUNT, Popular Roman 1868.—ASMODEUS in New York; [or, So 1872. (Robert) ces of the West of England; or, the Drolls, ciety and Manners in 12mo, Gotham.] Traditions and Superstitions of old Corn cloth, 1868, scarce 3 00 wall. 1 vol.,' 12mo, illustrated by George Written " with malice towards noue, with charity Cruikshank, 1872, cloth 3 75 " for all." Still the author's advice is, Listen to every Contains—Peter the Devil, lago's Demon, the Devil body, and trust but a few." and his Dandy Dogs, Duffy and the Devil, Sir Francis Drake and his Demon, the Devil's Doorway, the Devil's LE DIABLE A PARIS. Paris et 1869.— Cribs, and 16other Legends of Demons and Spectres. les Parisiens. Moeurs et Continues, Carac- teres et Portraits des Habitants de Paris, 1872.—RALSTON, (W. R. S.) The Songs of Tableau complet de leur Vie privfJe, pub- the Russian People, as illustrative of Slavo lique, politique, artistique, littlraire, indus- nian Mythology and Bussian Social Life. trielle, &c., &c. 4 vols. , royal 8vo, illus 1 large vol., 8vo, Lond., 1872, cloth.. 6 00 trated by Gavarni, Granville, Cham, Ber- Chap. VI.— Songs of Sorcery and Witchcraft

"HELL IS USELESS TO SAGES, BUT NECESSARY TO THE BLIND POPULACE." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / 36 "SOME HOPE TO MERIT HEAVEN BY MAKING EARTH A HELL."

' A moral story, upon a theme My 1873 —CALDERON'S DRAMAS now first daring translated by D. F. MacCartby. 12mo, deduction, if the world will insist on a deduction, is cloth, 1873 $5 25 the native clinging curse which rests upon money aa mere money, and the proofs that the undue greed of it — Contains: The Wonder-working Magician, and the a conspicuous vice of our time, as all allow —by a never Purgatory of St. Patrick. failing and immortal law, brings its own ruin—its own " The most celebrated of all Calderon's writings." terrible retribution in the long run ; and ITS DEVIL'S " The Wander-Working Magician relates the adventures PENALTIES AND PIBE." — AutJtOT. of St. Cyprian and the various temptations and seduc tions of the Evil Spirit ; like Goethe's Faust, introduces 1874.—BALZAC, (Honore de) The Devil's the devil in the disguise of a fashionable and gallant Heir, the Succubus, (a Demon assuming gentleman."— Ticknor's Spanish Lit. the form of a woman,) and other Droll Di abolical Stories, collected from the Abbeys 1873.— RALSTON, (W. R. S.) Russian Folk of Touraine. Translated into English, Tales. 1 large TO!., 8vo, Lond., 1873, Il cloth 6 00 lustrated by Gustave Dore, with 425 singu larly curious designs. 1 thick vol., small Contains—Magic and Witchcraft, Legends about the ' 8vo, extra cloth $6 25 Devil, Legends of Demons, Ghost Stories, the Fiend, the Fiddler in Hell, the Smith and the Demon, the Victor Hugo says, "Balzac chastised vice, dissected Soldier and the Vampire, the Warlock, the Wood passion, fathomed and sounded man in his soul, his Demon, the Soldier and the Devil, &c. heart, his feelings, his brain — the abyss of each in its 1873.— MOTHERWELL, (W.) Minstrel very essence." Ancient and Modern, with historical in sy, THE MAGICIAN, a Drama in five troduction and notes. Small 4to, Paisley, 1874.— acts, A. D., 1470. 8vo, pp. 101, demy 8vo, 1873, cloth 7 50 sewed, Lond., 1874 2 00 Contains : The Demon Lover, the Elfin Knight, Hal- Grim, bert the &c. 1874.— BUSK, (R. H.) The Folk-Lore of Kome, word of mouth from 1873.— TIMES, (John) Clubs and Club collected by Life in London, with Anecdotes of its fa the People. 1 large vol., 8vo,Lond, 1874, mous Coffee-houses, Hostelries, and Tav cloth 6 25 erns, from the Seventeenth Century to the Contains : Very curious Legends (still firmly believed present time, with numerous illustrations. in Italy) of the Devil as a Husband, Compacts with the 1 thick vol., 12mo, Lond., 1873, cloth...3 75 Devil, the Devil in person, the Devil builds a bridge, Contains an account of The Blasphemous Clubs, and and on Ghosts, Hell, Magicians, Pluto, Spells, Witches, the hellish thoughts and opinions there promulgated. Witchcraft, Superstitions, Lycauthropy, &c., &c. Afterwards suppressed by government. Also, a pleas " and ant account of the Devil's Tavern ; the Toung Devil's A volume of exceedingly pleasant interesting char Tavern, and Heaven and Hell Tavern, and the devilish tales most agreeably told, and illustrating the which among the nightly orgies there enacted. acter and habits of thought prevail simple Italian people." —London Athenaeum. 1873.— NARREY, (C.) Le Bal du Diable. — Les cheveaux du Diable Le petit chaperon 1874.—THE DIALOGUES of St. Gregory Bose —Mise're et Pauvrete. In 1 vol. , 12mo, the Great. An old English version, edited with 22 vignettes par Bertal, &c., paper. H. J. Coleridge. 12mo, Lond, 1874, Paris, 1874 2 00 cloth 250 bien, "Les demons peuvent faire le tout ainsi que Contains: The Devil Conquered, the Devil Driven —Bodin, les anges pouvent faire le mal." Demonomanie. Away, Casting Out Devils, Anger of the Devil, the Devil 1874.—JENNINGS, (Hargrave) One of Exorcised, the Devil in Shape of a Serpent, the Devil the Thirty : a Strange Story, now for the Fears Holy Men, the Devil Subject to Our Lord, the first time told. 12mo, numerous engrav Devil in a Hog's Likeness, the Fire of Hell, Fire of ings, cloth 5 25 Purgatory, &c., &c.


"THEKE IS A DEVIL IN EVERY BERRY OF THE GRAPE." Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / INDEX.

•'An index is a necessary implement to a book."— DR. FULLER.

Acontius, Satan's Stratagems, p. 8 Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, p. 7 Adams (T.), White Devill, p. 7 Busk's Valleys of Tirol, p. 26 Diuell's Banket, p. 7 Folk Lore of Kome, p. 36 (A. L.), On Indian Myths, p. 25 Calderon's Dramas, p. 36 Agrippa's Occult Philosophy, p. 5 Callaway, On Cingalese Devils, p. 18 Philosophic Occulte, p. 5 Calmet, Sur les Apparitions, p. 14 Life, by Morley, p. 5 Phantom World, p. 14 Albert (Le Petit), Secrets, p. 16 Campbell, On the Middle State, p. 13 Alger, On a Future State, p. 23 Carle, Dogme sur 1'Enfer, p. 19 Angels, Good and Evil (Lectures), p. 22 Carlyle, On Evil Spirits, p. 18 Apule"e, de 1'Esprit, p. 12 Casaubon, On Enthusiasme, p. 8 i Course of Magic, p. 12 Cataplus, JEneas' Descent into Hell, p. 30 Arcndius, De Purgatorip Igne, p. 7 Cattani, Sopra la Superstizzione, p. 5 Arians' and Socin. Monitor, p. 15 Chamisso's Peter Schlemihl, p. 32 Atkins, Bestor. Mankind, p. 28 Cicero, On Divination, p. 4 Aubrey's Miscellanies, p. 11 Ciruelo, Beprovaciones, p. 5 Augustfne (St.), City of God, p. 7 Cobbe, On the Devil, p. 24 Bailey's (P. J.) Festus, p. 19 Cock-Lane Ghost, p. 15 , (J. N.), Gehenna, p. 19 Colquhoun, On Magic and Witchcraft, p. 21 Barrett's Magus, p. 16 Commiers, Oracles des Sibylles, p. 11 Barton, On Future Punishment, p. 23 Congregationalist, p. 24 Beard's Autobiography of Satan, p. 24 Constable's Hades, p. 25 Bekker's Monde Enchante, p. 11 On Future Punishment, p. 25 Berg, On Demons and Angels, p. 22 Conway's History of the Devil, 25 Bilson's Christ's Descent into Hell, p. 6 Cooper, On a Future State, p. 26 Binet, Theologie Payenne, p. 12 Coppin's Michael and the Dragon, p. 8 Blagrave's Astrological Physick, p. 9 Count Lucanor (Tales), p. 35 Blake's Heaven and Hell, p. 16 Cowan, On Eternal Punishment, p. 28 Blauvelt's Kingdom of Satan, p. 23 On Satanic Agency, p . 28 Blunt's Dictionary of Beligions, p. 26 Cox's Mythology of Aryan Nations, p. 24 Bodin's Demonomania, p. 6 Cranch's Satan, a Poem. p. 26 Boguet, Discours des Sorciers, p. 6 Craven, On Future Punishment, p. 28 Boissier, Sur les Malefices, p. 14 Crosland, On Apparitions, p. 22 Bolton's Four Last Things, p. 7 Crowe's Night-side of Nature, p. 21 Bona, De Discret. Spirituum, p. 10 Cruikshank's Table Book, p. 35 Boulton's History of Magick, p. 13 Daillon, Doctrine des Demons, p. 11 Bourn, On Future Punishment, p. 28 Dante's Vision, p. 4 Bradlaugh, On the Devil, p. 24 Daumer's Chrisflichen Alterthums, p. 20 Bragge's Defence of Jane Wenham, p. 28 Deacon A Walker's Discourses, p. 6 Brand's Popular Antiquities, p. 16 « Davies, Our Angel Companions, p. 23 Brewer's Dictionary of Fable, p. 26 Heterodox London, p. 26 Brown's Oriental Spiritualism, p. 23 Debes, Foeroe Islands, p. 10 Bnddeus, De Superstitione, etc., p. 14 De Caston, Superstition Humaine, p. 23 Buesching, De Potentia Diaboli, p. 12 Dee's Faithful Belation, p. 9 Bunyan's Sighs from Hell, p. 9 Diary, p. 9 Burgess' Beelzebub Driving, p. 17 Life, p. 9 Burnet, On the State of the Dead, p. 14 Defoe's History of the Devil, p. 13 Burnet, On Philosophy of Spirits, p. 21 Essay on Apparitions, p. 14 Burns' Tam O'Shanter, p. 33 Invisible World, p. 14 Address to the De'il,p. 33 System of Magick, p. 14 Burthogge's Causa Dei, p. 10 A Spy on the Conjuror, p. 31 Nature of Spirits, p. 10 Delandine, Enfer des Anciens, p. 16 Burton's Hindu Devilry, p. 35 Delaporte's History of the Devil, 24 Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "THE DEVtt IS THE EXTREME OF COBBUPTIOH."

Delepierre, Visions de 1'Enfer, p. 23 Diabo-Lady, p. 31 Delrio, Disquis. Magicarnm, p. 10 Dialogicall Discourses of Spirits, p. 6 Demoniacs. Various (ix. ), see page 28 Dialogues of St. Gregory, p. 36 Demoniacal Possessions, p. 17 Dreams, p. 10 Demonologia. By J. S. F., p. 19 Drexelius, on Eternity, p. 21 Demon Lover, a Drama, p. 34 Du Lnde, Treatise of Spirits, p. 13 Demons, Tales of (Baital), p. 35 Early Prose Romances (Thoms), p. 32 Dendy's Philosophy of Mystery, p. 15) Easterbrooks, on the Demoniacs, p. 28 Deniston's Perishing Soul, p. 27 Ennemoser's Hist, of Magic, p. 21 Der Freischiitz, Travestie, p. 32 Evil Persons— Warleign, p. 25 De Vere (Schele), Modern Magic, p. 25 Evil, Philosophy of, p. 20 Devil, a Review, p. 16 by Newman, Hinds, Vpysey, p. 23 Devil among the Placemen, p. 32 Faber's Mysteries of the Cabiri, p. 16 Devil and his Maker, p. 25 on Pagan Idolatry, p. 17 Devil and the Pope, p. 32 Fall (The) of Man, p. 28 Devil (the Arch), Belphegor, p. 34 Farmer, On the Demoniacs, p. 15 Devil (Little), a drama, p. 34 Farmer, On Christ's Temptation, pp. 15, 28 Devli (the Mowing), p. 10 Farmer's Letters to Worthington, p. 15 Devil (Roberte the Devil), a Poem, p. 31 Faust, Histoire de, p. 12 Devil (Robert the), an Opera, p. 34 Faustus, His Life and Death, p. 12 Devil (Robert the), a Tale, p. 32 Faustus, by Marlowe, p. 13 Devil (Shaving a), Cruikshank, p. 35 Faustus and the Devil, Drama, p. 34 Devil, Twelve Lectures on, p. 19 Faustus, de Historic, p. 13 Devil's Bridge, An Opera, p. 34 Faustus, a Fragment, p. 31 Devil's Ducat, a Drama, p. 34 Faust, von Goethe, p. 12 Devil's Elixir, a Tale, p. 33 (in English, ) p. 12 " " a Romance, p. 34 Faust, von Beckstein, p. 19 Devil's Festival, a Poem, p. 33 Faust, a Play, p. 34 Devil's in It, Opera, p. 34 •a Drama, p. 34 Devil's Masterpiece, p. 24 a Burlesque, p. 34 Devil's Memorandum Book, p. 33 Fell, On Demoniacs, p. 15 Devil's Mount, a Drama, p. 34 Ferriar, On Apparitions, p. 17 Devil's Pulpit (Taylor), p. 19 Feval, Le fils du Diable, p. 34 Devil's Progress, p. 33 Fiend, (The, ) a Poem, p. 21 Devil's Religion Gastineau, p. 22 Fowler, Daemonnm Meridianum, p. 8 Devil's Ring, a Drama, p. 34 Future Punishment, p. 28 Devil's Visit, a Poem, p. 33 Gabalis, Le Comte de, p. 10 Devil's Walk, by Coleridge and Southey, p. 33 Gaffarel's Unheard-of Curiosities, p. 8 Devil's Walk, Landseer's, p. 33 Gaffarel, Index Codicum, p. 8 Dissert, Devil's Walk (the Real), Facetiae, p. 33 Galleus, de Sibyllis, p. 11 Devil and the Baker, Poem, p. 33 Garinet, de la Magie, p. 17 Devil and Friar Bush, p. 30 Garzoni, de gli Stupori, p. 27 Devil and St. Dunstan, p. 35 Gascoigne's Wyll of the Devil, p. 5 Devil in America, p. 35 Gastineau's Mons. et Madame Satan, p. 22 Devil in Caricature — Wright, p. 22 Gentleman in Black, p. 34 Devil in Hell— Lafontaine, p. 32 Gerhard, ueber Daemonen, p. 21 Devil in London, p. 32 Gesta Romanorum, p. 30 Devil in Paris, p. 35 Ghosts — Lavater, p. 5 Devil in Berlin —Hoffman, p. 33 Crowe, p. 21 Devil in Love, p. 31 Proctor, p. 26 Devil in New York, p. 35 Ghosts, by Radcliffe, p. 22 Devil of 12 Ghost Stories, Accredited, 18 Delphos, "" p. Devil of a Duke, p. 31 colored plates, p. 18 Devil (Merry) of Edmonton, p. 30 Ghosts, Fallacy of, by Oliver, p. 20 Devil or Angel, Drama, p. 34 Ghost Stories, illustrated by Phiz, p. 34 Devil to Pay, Farce, p. 33 Gibson, On Milton's Satan, p. 26 Devil turned Hermit, p. 31 Gilpin's Demonologia, p. 14 Devil on Two Sticks, p. 30 Giraldo, Histoire des Sorciers, p. 20 Devil on Two Sticks in Engl. , p. 32 Glanvil, de Proprietatibus Rerum, p. 4 " "" " " Lond., p. 32 GlanvilPs Philos. Considerations, p. 9 • Devil (Gentleman in Black), p. 34 Sadducismns Triumphatus, p. 13 Devils (Blue), p. 34 Sadducismus Debellatus, p. 12 Devils (Dancing), p. 31 Godelmann, de Magis, etc., p. 27 Devils, Dialogues of— Macgowan, p. 15 Godfrey, on Satanic Agency, p. 28 Devils, Doctrine of, p. 10 Godwin's Lives Necromancers, p. 19 Devils (Olympic) Drama, p. 34 Goodwin's Punishment of Sin, p. 10 Devils (Tales of) Balzac, p. 36 Graesse, Bibliotheca Magica, p. 20 Devils, World Possessed with, p. 13 Grant's History of the Devil, p. 25 Diable Bossu, p. 30 Graves' Biography of Satan, p. 25 Diable a Paris, p. 35 Grimm's Goblins, p. 35 Diables de Londun p. 13 Grosius, Magica de Spectris, p. 8 Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / "THE DEVIL IS ALWAYS BUYING OTJB SOULS OF US." 39

Guaccius, Compend. Maleficarum, p. 7 Lodge's The Divel Conjured, p. 6 Haehn, de Magia, p. 15 Loier"s Treatise of Spectres, p. 6 Hammer-PurgstaH's Geiaterlehre, p. 21 Lord's Christ in Hades, p. 21 Harrowing of Hell, p. 4 Lucas, Infernal Quixote, p. 32 Haweis, On Hell and Spirit, p. 26 Lupton, On Future Punishments, p. 28 Heaven, (First day in,) p. 17 Luther's Table Talk, p. 5 Hell A Sure Guide to, p. 31 Lyall, On Witchcraft, p. 25 Harrowing of, p, 4 Lydius Vroliche Uren, p. 9 Praise of, p. 31 Macgowan's Death, a Vision, p. 16 Eloge de 1' Enfer, p. 31 Of Arians and Socinians, pp. 15, 17, 28 Visions de 1' Enfer, p. 23 Macgowan's Infernal Conference, p. 15 — — Question of, p. 25 Machiavel, Mariage de Belfegor, p, 30 Henn, On Eternal Torments, p. 25 MacKay's Popular Delusions, p. 19 Heywopd's Life of Merlin, p. 7 McRae's Lectures on Satan, p. 24 Hierarchie of Angels, p. 7 Magia Adamica, p. 8 Hibbert's Philosophy of Apparitions, p. 18 Magic and Pretended Miracles, p. 20 Hinds, Origin of Evil, p. 23 Magician, (The,) p. 36 Histoire des Fantomes, p. 17 Maimonides, More Nevochim, p. 18 Hoffmann's Devil's Elixir, p. 33 Malleus Maleficarum, p. 4 de Diaboli Potentia, p. 14 Man Wholly Mortal, p. 9 Hone's Ancient Mysteries, p. 18 Margarita Philosophica, p. 4 Hood's Scriptural Idea of the Devil, p. 25 Markham's Diuell Conquered, p. 6 Keligious Anecdotes, p. 24 Marshall, On the Fall of Man, p. 28 Horbery, On Future Punishment, p. 14 Martin, On Future Misery, p. 28 Horst, Zauber-Bibliothek, p. 17 Mary Jane ; or, Spiritualism, p. 22 Howitt's History of Supernatural, p. 22 Mason's Anatomie of Sorcerie, p. 7 Howitt's Pantika, p. 33 Masse, Imposture des Diables, p. 5 Hunt's Popular Romances, p. 35 Martini, de Daemonomania, p. 15 Hutchinson, On Witchcraft, p. 13 Masson, On the Three Devils, p. 27 , On Demoniacs, p. 28 Mather's Remark. Providences, 10 Infernal Conclave, p. 31 Wonders Invisible World, p. 11 Infernal Conference, p. 15 Mand, On Endless Torments, p. 14 Ingoldsby Legends, p. 34 Maury, Magie et Astrologie, p. 22 Inquirer, (The, ) p. 27 Mayo, On Popular Superstitions, p. 21 Isaac, on Future Punishment, p. 28 Mayer, Historia Diaboli, p. 15 Jacob, Croyances Populaires, p. 22. Meissner, de Apparat. Daemonuin, p. 13. James, VI., Demonologie, p. 6 Mengus, Flagellum Daemonum, p. 7 Jennings, One bf the Thirty, p. 36 Merlin's Life, by Heywood, p. 7 Jenks, On Hell Torments, p. 28 Merlino, Indovino e Negromante, p. 22 Johnson, On the Infernal Demon, p. 28 Metaphysician, (The,) p. 27 Kardec, le Ciel et 1'Enfer, p. 23 Michelet, The Sorcerer, p. 23 Reach's War with the Devil, p. 11 Mills, On Angels and Heaven, p. 20 Keruer's Seeress of Prevorst, p. 20 Milton's Paradise Lost, p. 9 Kerr, On Everlasting Punishment, p. 23 Miroir du Pecheur, p. 14 Kilbourne's Court-scene in Hell, p. 35 Moltior de Lamiis, p. 4 Kiniker, de Spectris, p. 9 Montgomery's Satan, p. 18 Koertum, Entstehungeschichte, p. 18 Motherwell's Minstrelsy, p. 36 Kyteler's (Daine) Narrative and Trial, p. 4 Nares, On Demon of Socrates, p. 15 Lafontaine's Tales, p. 32 Narrey, Le Bal du Diable, p. 30 Lagrange's Sciences Occultes, p. 22 Hash's (Tom) Ghost, p. 7 Lardner, On the Demoniacs, p. 15 Pierce Penilesse. p. fi Larkin's World to Come, p. 12 Nande's History of Magick, p. 8 Lavater, Of Ghostes and Spirites, p. 5 Apologie Soup9ounez, p, 8 , de Spectris, p. 5 Newman, Thoughts on Evil, p. 23 Lebruu, Hist, des Superstitions, p. 27 Newnham, On Superstition, p. 18 Lecky's Hist, of Rationalism, p. 23 News from Rome, p. 7 Legends of Terror, (Diablerie,) p. 32 Newton, On the Demoniacs, p. 28 Le Noble, Diable Borgne, p. 30 Niess, Alphabetum Diaboli, p. 7 Lenormant, Sciences Occultes, p. 2G Node.^Erreurs de Maleficiers, p. 5 Le Sage's Diable Boiteux, p.' 30 North's Free-trade in Souls, p. 34 — Devil on Two Sticks, p. 30 Nostradamus, his Prophecies, p. 9 Lettres Infernales, p. 31 Oersted's Soul in Nature, p. 21 Levi, Haute Magie, p. 22 Old Nick, p. 32 Lewis' West India Journal, p. 33 Ollier's Fallacy of Ghosts, p. 20 Tales of Terror, p. 32 Origen's Works, by Crombie, p. 27 Lilly's Astrology, p. 8 Osgood's Guide to Middle States, p. 27 Christian Astrology, 1647, p. 8 Otes, Witch of Endor, p. 10 Life of, p. 8 Oufle, Histoire Extragavante, p. 31 " Lindinger, de Daemonum, p. 15 (in English), p. 31 Lingua Tersancta, p. 12 Ouvaroff, On Eleusian Mysteries, p. 17 Linton's Witch Stories, p. 35 Owen's Debatable Land, p. 26 Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-08-03 12:22 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / • .•


Oxlee's Confutation of Diabolarcby, p. 20 Sign Boards, History of, p. 24 Paisley Witches, p. 15 Sinclair's Satan's Invis. World, p. 11 Pasquin's Visions, p. 11 Slavonic Fairy Tales, p. 27 Pegge's Auouymia, p. 1C Smedley, on the Occult Sciences, p. 22 Pererius, de Magia, p. 6 Smith, on a Future State, p. 28 Peucer, Com. de Divinationum, p. 6 Soulie, Memoires du Diable, p. 35

Picus, Miraudulanus. p. 8 Spencer's Discourse on Prodigies, p. 9 Plaucy, Dictionuaire Infernal, p. 17 Spiritual Herald, p. 28 Le Diable Peint par lui-meme, p. 32 St. Andre, sur la Magie, p. 1:, Plutarchus, on Superstition, p. 18 Stewart, on Popular Superstitions, p. 18 de Natura Daeiuouum, p. 27 Sturmy, on State of the Soul, p. 13 Polynesian Superstitious — Taylor, p. 24 Suckling's The Goblins, p. 30 Ponson, Magie Blanche, p. 21 Supernatural Religion, p. 2(i Poppewell, on the Day of Jndgment, p. 28 Swedenborg, on Heaven and Hell, p. 15 Ponton, on Future Life, p. 25 — Life of, p. 23 Popular Tales and Romances, p. :I2 Swinden's Nature of Hell, p. 13

Pratt, on the Last Judgment, p. 28 Taillepied, Traite des Esprits, p. 6 Preacher's Lantern, p. 25 Tavern Hunter, p. 30 Prieras de Strigimagaru n, p. 5 Taylor, (J.) Ruin, &c., of Mankind, p. 28 Proctor's Border Laud of Science, p. 26 Taylor, (Jos.) on Apparitions, p. 17

Purgatory, (Vision of), p. 10 Taylor, (Thos. ) Eleusian Mysteries, p. 17 Discourse against, p. 11 Taylor, (R.) New Zealand Superstitious, p. 24 Quevedo's Works and Visions, p. 31 Taylor, (Rob.) Devil's Pulpit, p. 19

Visions, p. 32 Diegesis, p. 19 Radcliffe, on Fiends, Ghosts, itc., p. 22 Teufel (Der), p. 16 Kalston's Russian Folk-Lore, p. 3(i Tiilotson, on Hell-Torments p. 28 • Russian Songs, p. 35 Timbs' Clubs and Club Life, p. 30 Hamesey's Astrologie Restored, p. 8 Thacher, on Demouology, p. 19 Randolph, on a Future State, p. 28 Tryon, on Dreams and Visions, p. 11 Read's Devil in History, p. 25 Tweils, on Demoniacs, p. 28. Records of the Past, p. 27 Tyler, on Primitive Culture, p. 24 Rev. lie's History of the Devil, p. 24 Unseen World, p. 21 Rival Demons, p. 34 Upham, (E.) on Devil Worship, p. IS Roback's Astrology, p. 21 (C. VV.) on Witchcraft, p. 19

Robert Le Dyable, p. 16 Yair, de Faacino, p. 5 • Roby's Traditions Lancashire, p. 33 Trois Livres des Charmes, p. 5 Roskoff s Geschichte des Teuiels, p. 24 Vallemont, Physique Occulte, p. 11 Rowel's Letters from Hell, p. 23 Vampyre (The), p. 32

Rule's History of thu Inquisition, p. 20 Veuerius, de Oraculis et Divin., p. 7

Sadducismus Debellatus, p. 13 Veron's Huutynge of Purgatorye, p. 5 Saintiue, Mythologie du Rhin, p. 22 Villars, Comte de Gabalis, p. 10 Sallust, on God, and the Gods, p. l(i Vowles, on Apparitions, p. 28 Salverte's Occult Sciences, p. 20 Voysey, on Moral Evil, p. 23 Satan in Paris, p. 34 Warleigh, on Evil Persons, p. 25 Satanic, Agency, p. 28 Webster's Displaying of Witchrraft, p. 10 Satan's Existence Disproved, p. 21 Welby's Signs before Death, p. 22 Saville, on Apparitions, p. 27 Whitcombe's Cornwall Superstition, p. 2(5 Scheffers History of Lapland, p. 14 Webster (John) Dramatic Works, p. 27 Schubert, de Poteutia Diaboli, p. 14 Webster (T.) on the Fall of Man, p. 28 Scott (P. ) Christianity and the Devil, p. 2ti White, on Infernal Spirits, 24

. Scott (R. ) on the Devil, Hades, &e., p. 17 Wierus, de Prajstigiis, p. 6 W. on Williams, Scott (Sir ) Demouology, p. IS on Supers itious, p. 23 Scott's (Reg.) Discovery of Witchcraft, p. 9. Withers, on Damnation, p. 28 Scott (W.) Existence Evil Spirits, p. 19 Woodward, on Demoniacal Possessions, p. 20 Seldeu's Table Talk, p. 20 World to Come, p. 12 Sender, Daemouologie, p. 15 World Possessed with Devils, p. 13 Shaftesbury's Characteristics, p. 13 Wort uugtoii, on the Demoniacks, p. 15 Sharp, on Demoniacal Possessions, 15, 28 p. Wright's History of Caricature, p. 22

on Angels and Devils, 12 , Shepherd, p. Wright's Narratives Sorcery and W. p. 21 on 23 St. Shipley, Purgatory, p. Wright's Patrick's Purgatory, p. 20

Shower, on Heaven and Hell, p.' 12 Yardley's Fantastic 'iales, p. 35 Sibly's Complete Astrology, p. 16

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