THE FAITH & BELIEF COMMUNITY AWARDS 2018 Celebrating the unsung heroes of London's faith and belief communities

With the support of Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London’s Council on Faith WELCOME

The content of this brochure gives an insight into a much bigger story. London’s diverse and vibrant population powers 24,000 voluntary organisations. That is 1 for every 360 Londoners. Many of these initiatives are working through values shared by people of different faiths and non-religious beliefs. This is worthy of celebration in itself, since it demonstrates how much we have in common. It underlines the notion that our diversity is not the problem we face. The work of those highlighted in this brochure demonstrates the deep, generous pool of diverse creativity that Londoners can draw on to tackle a wide range of societal issues. And herein lies the second cause for celebration. The projects on show here are tackling issues that have the potential to exclude and divide. If we are to truly extend the benefits of our city to all, then we need to ensure that all Londoners get fair access to services, we need to alleviate deprivation, reduce social tension and promote inclusion. This year we also celebrate those who inspire the next generation of Londoners. The fact that so many relatively small and modest organisations made up of people of different faiths and non-religious beliefs collaborate to achieve these aims gives hope and inspiration. This evening we are recognising and celebrating the contribution lesser-known projects are making to ensuring London is a more inclusive and a fairer city. We are honoured to host the second London Faith & Belief Community Awards with the continued support of Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London’s Council on Faith, to shine a light on those who do not receive sufficient recognition for the important work they do at the margins of our great city. We are proud that now over 200 projects and individuals have been recognised for their selfless work. May the examples of these inspiring projects motivate and challenge us. Phil Champain Director of the Faith & Belief Forum

3 In terms of diversity of background and It has been a pleasure for me to be Chair of MESSAGES culture, London is one of the richest the Judging Panel. The panel comprised of cities in the world. It boasts many sizable three members of the Council on Faith: Dr communities coming from every corner of Sheila Gewolb DL, Dr Mustafa Abu Lisan DL OF SUPPORT the globe. For many of these communities, and me, joined by Phil Champain, Hannah their faith or belief is their cultural fountain Taylor and Tim Mortimer from F&BF. and a source of their identity – representing The judging panel received 122 completed I wish to extend a warm welcome to all to the London universal core principles that are shared nominations by the deadline of 16th July Faith & Belief Community Awards. As the Lord- across all faith and belief systems. Our 2018. We had a week to scrutinise the Lieutenant of Greater London, I am Her Majesty The aspiration at the Council on Faith is to nomination forms and complete a judging Queen’s representative in Greater London, charged harness these values and reach out to all of grid. The grid assessed each submission with upholding the dignity of the Crown. I have over those who have made London their home. on three criteria based on increasing sense 100 Deputy Lieutenants, who, like me, are volunteers. By supporting the London Faith & Belief of belonging, building bridges and impact. I have 32 Representative Deputy Lieutenants, one Community Awards, we gain the opportunity for each London Borough, providing a vital link to meet and engage with those who have The judging panel met on 3rd with local communities across the capital. made it their mission to increase wellbeing September 2018 and discussed each within their local community, help individuals submission against the criteria. In addition, we are a bridge-builder, connecting individuals, build a sense of belonging within London organisations and social networks, to enhance Londoners’ It was a humbling and enlightening and build bridges across communities of sense of belonging and thereby increasing social experience to read and discuss the all faiths and beliefs. The London Faith & inclusion within the capital. Through its rich heritage nomination forms. The projects were Belief Community Awards is a wonderful and diverse population, London is home to many faith diverse, from across most London boroughs demonstration of what people motivated by groups from every religion. As The Queen said in her 50th and helping different groups. There was their faith or belief can achieve for this city. Christmas broadcast in 2001: ‘we all have something great uniformity amongst the 6 judges. By shining a light on their work, this event to learn from each other, whatever our faith’, because We were able to agree the 42 projects to promotes and connects the unsung heroes living life according to a strong set of positive values is be awarded £500 and the 66 projects to of London’s faith and belief communities. an antidote to exclusion. Overcoming differences and be awarded a certificate of recognition for This event also gives them access to misunderstandings, reducing prejudice, ignorance and their good work. The nominations this year further support which may enhance their fear, and learning the ethical lessons of the widest range also identified 16 individuals, encouraging work and inspire others to take action. of faiths and beliefs are objectives enshrined in our us to create a new award category – strategy Building Bridges for a fairer London. In that spirit, At last year’s event we were bowled Inspiring Individuals – and tonight we will be we recognise and celebrate the work of Londoners from over by the number of inspirational awarding their work through certification. all faiths and beliefs who create a sense of belonging dedicated selfless people we came I would like to thank my fellow judges and inclusion in our great city. Thank you to you all. across who are doing the most amazing for their hard work and support. and innovative things. It was an Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE Congratulations to all who are celebrated honour to meet those behind London’s The Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London and recognised at tonight’s event. inspirational community projects and learn from their work. I look forward to Mrs Bushra Nasir CBE DL continuing the conversation this year. Chair of the Judging Panel The London Faith & Belief Community Awards is primarily about celebration and recognition, and I am honoured that tonight we have the opportunity to celebrate over 120 projects and individuals. On behalf of Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London’s Council on Faith, I look forward to supporting this event further and to meeting many more of London’s unsung heroes as the initiative grows. Dr David Dangoor DL Chair of Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London’s Council on Faith

4 5 PROGRAMME Award Winners

The hosts of tonight’s ceremony are Eli Tamir, Fundraising and Development Coordinator at the Faith & Belief Forum and Rev Nims Obunge MBE DL, Pastor of Freedom’s Ark CREATIVE ARTS Church, Tottenham.

Welcome Phil Champain, Director of the Faith & Belief Forum AND THE MEDIA

Key note address Arts and the media have the power both to communicate Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant experiences of exclusion and belonging, and to reshape our of Greater London relationships with each other. Projects within this category Speech work with the arts or the media to explore the complexities Dr David Dangoor DL, Chair of Her Majesty’s Lord- of identity and belief and to deepen understanding. Lieutenant of Greater London’s Council on Faith

Presentation of awards MUJU Film and spoken word Brent Written and performed by George the Poet. Produced by The MUJU Crew bring Muslims and Rob Ryan, Deuce Films. Jews together through a shared passion for creating art. We believe this process creates a context of honesty, trust and Presentation of awards respect that breaks down barriers and allows for open conversations. Most Spoken word recently, MUJU have led workshops with new artists at the Young Vic, created sell Jaspreet Kaur out shows across London and developed a series of online sketches addressing the Certificates presented to recognised projects similarities between the two communities, reaching over one million viewers online. Closing speech Debbie Weekes-Bernard, Deputy Mayor for Social Integration, Social Mobility and Communities.

Refreshments and Networking in the Atrium


6 7 Age UK Hounslow Hounslow Our aims are to help elderly residents lead a healthy and active life and combat isolation. 450 residents per week from different faiths and beliefs enjoy social interaction: Physical Activities - Line Dancing, Zumba Fitness, Yoga, Pilates, Tai-Chi, Chair exercises; Educational – Computer, Sign Language and Basic English; Social - Games Club, Social groups, Knitting and Nattering, Bingo, Singing; Services - Foot Care, HEALTH AND Advice (Will & Probate) Gurkha Welfare Benefits & Dementia Sessions. Our café serves hot meals. WELLBEING British Sikn Nurses BAPS Swaminarayan British Sikh Nurses Sanstha Since starting in April 2016, British Projects in this category create specialised services for Sikh Nurses have carried out various the health and wellbeing of Londoners. They reduce Brent community work and projects in India and the United Kingdom. Our main focus has In the UK, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha social isolation and improve quality of life for vulnerable been working with the Sikh Community is respected as one of the largest and on issues around mental health, stem cell Londoners from different backgrounds. most active Hindu organisations within & organ donation and promoting healthy the Indian diaspora. One of our projects lifestyles. This is done by going out to reaches out to the elderly people in our Asian events and Gurdwaras to support community who feel isolated and lonely. individuals and raise awareness. We have been doing this project for last 4 years, our team of 17 ladies’ volunteers reach out to the residents every week connecting with over 250 residents. Christmas Lunch on Jesus Project, Jesus House Barnet Christmas Lunch on Jesus (CLOJ) distributes free hamper boxes during Christmas to residents in deprived wards of Barnet and other London boroughs. The hampers are sponsored by people from the church congregation, with various churches across the borough of Barnet and beyond joining in subsequent years. Now in its 10th year – mobilising hundreds of cross-generational volunteers to serve by delivering the hampers with love to residents in their own homes.

BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

8 9 Muslim Women Merton Muslim Women Merton ROBES Winter Night Shelter Merton Southwark Many BAME women face significant health Anyone can fall into the misfortune of inequalities. To address this disparity homelessness. Our amazing volunteers Embracing Age Muslim Women of Merton developed and partner churches allow us to offer health and wellbeing initiatives raising warm beds throughout the winter in our Embracing Age Jesuit Refugee Service UK awareness of the key issues and organised South London night shelters, while our health promotion events and activities for advice workers are busy all year round, Richmond upon Thames Tower Hamlets the community. Our volunteers have also providing guidance and support to our We are a Christian charity set up 3 years JRS UK started 20 years ago and fulfils been trained as Health Champions by homeless guests. We empower people ago to address the needs of the frail three aims: to accompany refugees, to One You Merton, so they can offer health who are homeless and help them rebuild elderly, particularly care home residents. serve refugees, and to advocate on behalf activities supporting the community. Our their lives. Our team of 60 volunteers find out the of refugees. Our weekly Day Centre hosts volunteers have introduced a weekly health interests of residents and tailor activities around 220 asylum seekers each month, walk, a coffee morning, where ladies enjoy accordingly. It may simply be spending providing practical and emotional support exercise and chat. an hour a week chatting with a resident, such as a hot meal, toiletry packs, and going for a walk, or reading to a resident - companionship from volunteers and The Delicate Mind any meaningful activity that a resident will fellow refugees. Day Centre Plus activities Tower Hamlets enjoy, and helps to build friendship. focus on building skills, confidence and resilience and include Gospel Choir, The MySpace Project, TDM is a Not for Profit organisation that Bike Project, prayer circles and osteopathy Southwark Diocesan works with faith leaders, mental health sessions. experts, schools, and parents to: de- Welcare stigmatise mental health. TDM investigates Faith to Faithless how issues of media misrepresentation, Southwark class, race and gender contribute to Islington Southwark Diocesan Welcare has been poor mental health within BAME Muslim Faith to Faithless (FtF) supports apostates working in South London since 1894. communities. TDM facilitates interfaith to build a new community and supports Its mission is to provide practical and workshops in London and a respectful reconciliation with families emotional support to help children and to generate awareness of mental health and friends where that is achievable. FtF their families overcome challenges services, and break down linguistic barriers is unique in operating the world’s first fully and build towards a better future. The to hold constructive conversations around integrated support programme for those project awarded is our MySpace project mental health, and generate community affected by the challenges of apostasy. - a community based treatment and cohesion. We were founded in London in 2015 and recovery programme for children aged are now a programme of Humanists UK, 8-13 exposed to domestic abuse. The TheDelicateMindNaazukZein with a long history of supporting the non- purpose of the group is to move children religious, and defending freedom of religion beyond what has happened in a safe and and belief for all. therapeutic way. Jesuit Refugee Service UK

10 11 INSPIRING YOUTH Young people from minority backgrounds are often overlooked and may be excluded from civic life. Projects within this category work with young people to encourage leadership and participation in their local community, Ebony Horse Club and connect them with opportunities beyond their Anti-Tribalism Movement Ebony Horse Club neighbourhoods. Hammersmith and Fulham Lambeth Our ‘Quit Knives Saves Lives Desistance Ebony Horse Cub was founded in 1996 Programme’ is a much-needed programme to provide opportunities for children and as we have seen a spike in the anti-social young people growing up in the inner city, behaviour affecting young Somali men specifically Brixton, South London, to learn living in London. Our programme provides to ride and care for horses. Interacting with mentoring support to young black men, horses teaches young people empathy, reaches out to parents and families of responsibility, determination and improves young people who are already engaged in their health and wellbeing. The centre offending behaviour and brings together provides them with a safe place to be in an those most impacted to take part in area rife with gang and drug culture. dialogue.

12 13 Mentor Wise Mentor Wise The Acts of Random Haringey Kindness project Mentor Wise is a London-based Westminster, King's College London organisation founded in 2016. It is Jubilee Sailing Trust The Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) dedicated to supporting youth in Britain Project is a student-run initiative with a particular focus on Muslim minority launched by The King’s College London Jubilee Sailing Trust Kennington Spear groups. To do this, Mentor Wise brings Islamic Society in 2012. Our aim is together inspired and trained mentors London wide Lambeth to provide students with a platform at the service of its mentees and their to serve our community through Our youth programme, Leadership @ Spear is a year-long programme that families. Through mentoring, the youth various volunteering opportunities. The Sea, supports the social and emotional equips 16-to-24-year-olds not in is supported to fulfil their potential project was formed based on Islamic development of young people aged 16 education, employment or training (NEET) and opportunities, thus building their teachings emphasising the benefits to 25. We help young people of all ability from disadvantaged backgrounds to find confidence and identity as contributing and importance of carrying out good levels make successful transitions into long-term employment. We coach young members of their community. deeds. We have five different subgroups: adulthood through experiencing new people to help overcome the attitudes and Gifts for Change, Neighbours, Tackling situations and building confidence. behaviours that are holding them back, Homelessness, Outreach and Academia. Working with young people is crucial and train employers to get the best out of to our cause, as we address both the them. We continue to support each young misconceptions around disability, and person for a year afterwards to help them Pray4Youth UK empower the youth of today to build a enter into employment and progress up the Hackney better and more inclusive future. career ladder. Pray4Youth UK is an inter-denominational Christian prayer initiative, leading a coordinated Church response to the increase in knife and violent crime among young people in London. It was founded in 2016 by Pastor Junior Spence, community Leader and Pastor of Faith City Church in Hackney. Our have received widespread support from Church leaders of various denominations, local politicians, community leaders, project workers, members of the Metropolitan Police and diverse groups from the local community. Kennington Spear about

14 15 Muslim Jewish Forum of Stamford Hill Hackney The Muslim Jewish Forum (MJF), founded in 2001 to bring the two faith groups, both often marginalised, together to build mutual INTERFAITH understanding, respect and intercommunal relationship. It was the first formal organisation of its kind between members of the two faiths in the UK. A steering committee of 10 faith representatives communicates with wider Jewish and RELATIONS Muslim communities in Hackney, likely St John’s Waterloo - Faith for the Climate Network numbering 40,000+ individuals. St John's Waterloo - Faith London’s neighbourhoods are multi-faith spaces Please contact the Faith & Belief Forum for more information for the Climate Network where people with different faiths and beliefs share the same public spaces and services. Southwark Redbridge Faith Forum Faith communities have a key role to play Projects within this category build bridges across in tackling climate change, encouraging Redbridge communities and create hubs that are open to all. more sustainable lifestyles, greening our Redbridge Faith Forum (RFF) is an places of worship, and making the moral independent organisation that aims to case for local and national action on tackle give Faith Communities in Redbridge climate change. The inter-faith Faith for a collective voice by identifying and the Climate Network was founded in 2015, addressing issues that affect residents. hosted by St John's Waterloo, to inspire, Our vision is to work towards and build equip and champion the work of faith a community that respects, co-operates communities on climate issues. We bring with and understands the integrity of each leaders of all faiths together to work on this other’s beliefs, culture and traditions. We key issue for all our communities, the Earth Lewisham Churches Mitzvah Day are also a strategic partner of the council. and future generations. Asylum Seekers Camden clean-air-climate Foodbank Mitzvah Day is the UK’s biggest faith based day of social action. Celebrating its Lewisham 10th anniversary in 2018, Mitzvah Day has LewCAS, formed in March 1996, has become a truly global and multi-faith event become a vital foodbank for vulnerable – involving 40,000 volunteers in more than members of our borough. It is composed 30 different countries. This year’s Mitzvah of representatives from churches of Day took place on Sunday 18 November all denominations (Church of ; with people of all faiths, and none, coming Roman Catholic; Baptist; Independent together in London and across the world Church; Quaker) who all share its aim of to support refugees, the homeless, elderly relieving poverty and advancing education and most vulnerable in society. amongst asylum seekers in SE London. Everybody in the organisation serves in a voluntary capacity. We welcome refugees and offer long-term support to people of all faiths and none. Mitzvah Day

16 17 Laamiga Women's The Harold Hill Foodbank Training and Mentoring Havering Camden The aims and objectives of the charity are for the relief of poverty or distress for Laamiga was formed in 2010 to persons in Harold Hill, London borough provide tailored employment support of Havering, who are in conditions of for black and minority ethnic women need of hardship by reason of their social from refugee and migrant communities IMPROVING and/or economic circumstances, by in London. Our services include one- providing food, debt advice, interviews and to-one mentoring, training courses, employability mentoring. Since starting business support and career coaching. in January 2012, the Foodbank has given Our flagship mentoring programme is free emergency food supplies to over 8000 designed and managed by Dr Emua Ali, people (adults and children). ACCESS TO an experienced project coordinator with over 20 years experience in personal development and leadership training. SERVICES St Margaret's Church, Lee – The ESOL and Sponsored by Genistar Friendship Project Working at the neighbourhood level, projects within this Lewisham Our ESOL and Friendship Project is category identify people who are often overlooked and run in partnership with AFRIL (Action excluded. These projects work over time to connect people for Refugees in Lewisham) and assists asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable to life-saving public services offered by local councils and migrants to rebuild their lives and integrate larger charities, as well as offering advice and support. into our community by offering English classes, help with accessing services and other support. This project is also run with the help from volunteers from All People All Places (APAP) East Greenwich other local churches and community groups providing an opportunity for Enfield Legal Advice Clinic everyone to make new friends. The Enfield and Haringey Homeless Greenwich Respite service works to break the cycle East Greenwich Legal Advice Clinic of homelessness. The core of our offer (EGLAC) is a pro bono (free) legal is an all year round daytime ‘Pathway’ advice and assistance service available service to help people move to sustainable to persons resident or based in solutions. This is with Councils and all South East London with a focus on local, regional and national services, East Greenwich. The clinic operates migrant advice, Salvation Army, Red fortnightly and clinic appointments are Cross and Mosques. Overnight respite held at Christ Church, East Greenwich (December to April) is voluntarily hosted which is part of the Church of England in churches and a synagogue. People parish which support the project. of all or no faith are welcome. St Margaret’s Church, Lee – The ESOL and Friendship Project

18 19 PEACE AND RECONCILIATION Kagyu Samye Dzong London Kagyu Samye Dzong Southwark Peace Garden Crime and violent attacks send a message of exclusion London Southwark and tear the fabric of London’s communities. Projects within Southwark The creation of a Peace Garden was born out of a strong community desire KSDL is a Tibetan Buddhist Meditation this category: support those affected by violence; bring to recognise and reflect upon the Centre for World Peace and Health. It tragedies that have resulted from knife communities together to stand against violence; and provides instruction in meditation and and other violent crime. The centre Buddhist teachings with the aim of promote peaceful relations. point of the garden is a globe-shaped enabling people to live happier, healthier sculpture made from surrendered and lives with a better understanding of their decommissioned knives, representing mind. It is open and accessible to all and transformation from instruments of no fees are charged for the Centre’s own violence to a symbol of peace. This courses and meditation sessions. project started in 2016 and have since become a passion for the community. Please contact the Faith & Belief Forum SAAFI Community for more information Brent The first generation of British born Somalis have inherited this dilemma and are caught between navigating the harsh barriers of society and the inter-generational gap with their immigrant parents. Somali youth have also had to deal with being disproportionately targeted by law enforcement. Our Motivational mentoring program a unique way of intervention and will facilitate opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise be possible to our young people. SAAFI Community

20 21 Abraham’s Tent Project Ethnic Minorities at South London Liberal Advocacy Group Synagogue Richmond Upon Tames Lambeth The Minority Elders Ethnic Group Project brings together elderly men and women The Abraham’s Tent Project is converting from isolated and vulnerable minority part of the South London Liberal communities of all backgrounds and faiths. Synagogue building into a home for a The projects aims to promote the rights refugee family. The project is named and needs of all minority ethnic elders, after Abraham’s Tent, which according create good relations between people of to biblical stories was open on all sides different racial groups and build stronger so he could welcome strangers from any communities in areas of disadvantage, PROMOTING direction. We’re partnering with Liberal deprivation and poverty. Judaism, West London Synagogue, and local religious and non-religious groups in an exciting interfaith collaboration to support the family when they arrive INCLUSION through community sponsorship. House of Rainbow CIC Waltham Forest Sponsored by Saker Nusseibeh House of Rainbow projects supports those Brent Action for Refugees who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) Londoners may face misunderstanding, isolation or Brent on their journey of reconciliation of their faith and sexuality. Too often there has Brent Action for Refugees (BA4R), exclusion because of their faith or belief. They may be been systematic abuse from primary a Community Association, was established faith communities on the grounds of their further excluded, due to other aspects of their identities in 2014 to help resettle Syrian families sexual orientation and gender identity. We to the London Borough of Brent under (e.g. ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, age and ability) – supported several 100s of LGBTIQ people the Vulnerable Persons’ Resettlement of African Caribbean descent include and this discrimination may take place within faith groups Programme. Over this period, this project family members and faith leaders. or wider society. Projects within this category work at has played a pivotal part in bringing forward privately rented properties at the intersection between faith/belief and other aspects of below market rate. This means that twelve identity – creating inclusive spaces. refugee Syrian families, 46 people, were able to come to the UK and be welcomed by the local community.

House of Rainbow CIC

22 23 New Roots Tower Hamlets Muslimaat London Silvernet at Harmony House Tower Hamlets Tower Hamlets Dagenham CIC New Roots helps new refugee and migrant Muslimaat London provides a platform to Barking and Dagenham women in Tower Hamlets improve their motivate women of all ages to embrace Silvernet helps older people to combat English skills, build confidence, meet their faith, acquire knowledge, and become social isolation and supports them to live people from different backgrounds and be positive role models. We organise a range as independently as possible. We facilitate part of their local community. During the of programmes and activities to bring 12 Get-together groups, a telephone project, women volunteer at community about greater awareness of Islam, Muslims befriending scheme, practical help at lunches, organise community events and citizenship in local communities and home, silver surfers computer classes and and take part in employability sessions institutions. We have over 100 regular 8 large event days and outings throughout and skills workshops. Since September participants at our local coffee mornings the year. Each week an average of 150 2017, over 300 Tower Hamlets residents, and a reach of over a 1000. elders attend groups, 70 have daily including 108 migrant women, 10 local Please contact the Faith & Belief Forum for telephone calls and 60 household tasks are Lama’s Pyjamas Charity Shop for the London Buddhist Centre groups and 8 ELATT staff members have more information completed. taken part in the project. Lama’s Pyjamas Charity Shop for the London Regenerate UK and Buddhist Centre Mother and Child Welfare its Feel Good Bakery Tower Hamlets Organisation Wandsworth Lama’s Pyjamas is a charity shop part of Regenerate is a Christian faith-based Hammersmith and Fulham the London Buddhist centre. We aspire youth and community charity that to build bridges, break down barriers and We visit Muslim prisoners at HMP supports young people in the Wandsworth befriend people of all faiths and none. Wormwood Scrubs and provide support borough – helping to transform lives and We offer a safe, nurturing inclusive place to their family networks. The aim of the communities from the inside out. We get where people can have a friendly chat project is to overcome the socially isolating alongside young people at our youth clubs, and get to know each other and the team and excluding impact of prison on the mentoring sessions and young leaders while buying low cost, quality and recycled prisoner and his family. The project has development programmes. Also, through goods. All profits go to support the influenced many lives, providing ex- our social enterprise, The Feel Good activities of the Buddhist Centre, including offenders with the personal and spiritual Bakery. Young people attempting to turn retreats for carers and schools outreach. resources to avoid reoffending. We work in their lives around are employed, mentored partnership with HMP Wormwood Scrubs and trained to develop life skills that Chaplaincy. The project has helped over prepare them for the workplace. 500 people since 2013.

New Roots Tower Hamlets Regenerate UK and it’s Feel Good Bakery

24 25 Hagir Ahmed Jaspreet Kaur First responder to Grenfell Fire Disaster Jaspreet Kaur, better known as Behind the Netra for her poetry, is an award- Hagir was instrumental in transforming winning Spoken Word Artist and History the Westway Sports Centre into a teacher from East London focused on temporary Crisis Centre to accommodate sharing her thoughts on gender issues, INSPIRATIONAL survivors, bereaved families and affected mental health stigma, historical topics communities. She co-ordinated services and positive social change. Jaspreet with multi- agencies and assisted the NHS actively works with national governments, dealing with traumatised survivors to set up corporations and charities alike, such a safe haven within the hotel for survivors, as TED, Westminster Interfaith Council residents and professionals to use whilst and Action for Children, using her INDIVIDUALS dealing with the bereaved and devastated poetry to inspire and drive change. community. Her work supporting this community continues today. London is full of inspirational individuals, people who make a lasting contribution to the life of our city. The individuals celebrated tonight have inspired others by their work for inclusion and wellbeing. Their acts of public service are matched by their attitude and values, exemplifying London as a welcoming place for people of all faiths and beliefs.

Howard Taylor Lindsey Macfarlane Grenfell United Coordinator Youth Development Worker, Croydon Circuit of Methodist Churches Grenfell United was formed in the very early days from survivors going around to Lindsey has for the last 15 years worked the support centres and making lists of tirelessly with local communities. She those that got out, trying to come together works predominantly to support positive to look after each other in absence of youth activities amongst eight Methodist official support. Howard, who worked at Churches and is also the Lead of the Youth the local organisation The ClementJames Localities East Network – a network of Centre, supported this group by linking statutory and community organisations them to major decision makers and helping enabling youth work across the Croydon them gain a voice in the aftermath of the Borough. Lindsey is a passionate supporter tragedy. He now works as Grenfell United’s of inclusion, diversity and connecting sole staff member. people up, and always works towards multicultural and inter-faith inclusivity.

26 27 Mfa Zaman Param Singh Remona Aly Umar Mahmood Qureshi Safe & Save Param Singh, a real estate investor and Remona is a journalist, broadcaster and Umar’s work has positively affected entrepreneur, was the key founding commentator with a focus on faith, lifestyle thousands of people at grassroots Once upon a time a homeless man, Mfa member of the City Sikhs and is currently and identity. Remona’s work benefits two and strategic levels. He has organised Zaman founded Safe & Save to serve the deputy Chairman. He has always main groups. First, it helps people from countless events to support interfaith and help homeless people around the worked tirelessly in the background to a non-religious background to better engagement, building trust and leading London; and inspire other young people create lasting interfaith initiatives and has understand how religious people apply to strategic level dialogue between to give their time to voluntary activities. done wonders to utilise automation in an their faith to their lives in a creative and community leaders to tackle faith issues He is also the co-founder of Community organisation that is fully run by volunteers. human way. Second, her work benefits and to come together at times of need. of Jews & Muslims which is an Inter-Faith Param is also Trustee of the British Sikh Londoners from different religions, and Through liaison with statutory bodies, such group in London & working tirelessly Report and an advisory member for the particularly Muslims, by presenting as the Metropolitan Police, on behalf of the to build a bridge of peace and love in Multicultural Professional Networks Forum. nuanced viewpoints about Muslims in Muslim community, he has helped develop between two faiths. His community London and the UK. mutual trust; promoting regular dialogue, efforts were covered by the BBC. interaction and initiatives.

Nighat Khan Pat Stevens Tara Khare Vinod M Kotecha New Vision for Women in Brixton Harrow Interfaith Tara, a retired practice manager, was born Hindu Bereavement Committee and brought up in India and arrived in the Nighat Khan is the founder of New Pat, for thirty years, has been a constant Mr Kotecha, a member of LCNL & Lions UK in 1971. She has for years worked Vision for Women, which delivers various and indispensable hub for all of Harrow Club and Trustee of Asian Foundation tirelessly for interfaith and multicultural programmes to help women develop by Interfaith’s activities. She provides for Help & Lohana Charity Foundation, activities in Waltham Forest. She became helping them identify life challenges and extensive secretarial support, facilitating, has dedicated time on a voluntary basis a voluntary ESL home tutor in 1976. She enabling them to work through these, coordinating and catering all Harrow serving the community for over 20 years. is a founding member of Waltham Forest so they grow to their full potential. The Interfaith’s events. Launching the Agreed He conducts funeral ceremonies, runs a Women’s Network, the founder of Waltham Lambeth programme, connected women Syllabus for RE with Harrow SACRE; spiritual centre in Wembley and is very Forest Women’s Interfaith Network from different faiths and cultures through co-organising events with the Police and active in supporting charities, raising funds and Faith Friendship Club. She is very cooking together sharing traditional food Safer Harrow, liaising with NHS Harrow’s for Cancer Research, NHS & Moorfields passionate about interfaith and cultural and building friendships, thus breaking Clinical Commissioning Group and with Eye hospitals, Women Empowerment, integration, community cohesion and down isolation, fears and prejudices about many local, voluntary sector organisations, Weddings for the under privileged families working towards peace and harmony in the the other and developing understanding in including St Luke’s Hospice. and providing food to hospitals. local community. safe and fun environment.


For services to and for faith and belief communities

Harris Bokhari Eddie Musonda, Angell Delight Community Centre Church of the Cross Naz Legancy Interfaith Iftar and Trudian Francis Lambeth Bexley Harris founded the Naz Legacy Annual The Balham Pathfinders Please contact F&BF for more information Please contact F&BF for more information Youth Interfaith Iftars 3 years ago to & Adventures Club bring young people representing all of Austin Forum Church of the Good Shepherd with St For over twenty years volunteers have the boroughs of London, of all faiths and Hammersmith & Fulham Peter, Lee – Helping Hands Food Bank successfully lead the Balham Pathfinders & none to meet each other for the first time Lewisham Adventures Club. For the past five years the and engage in social action. By engaging club has grown under the leadership of the those at the top of religious and political Barnet Multi Faith Forum current Director - Eddie and joint secretaries institutions, Harris has enabled young Barnet Crossway Pregnancy Crisis Centre Trudian and Natasha. Supporting over 15 people to also share their ideas with those Richmond upon Thames adult volunteers they all have been dedicated in office on how these communities can to inspiring and supporting a group of 40 work cohesively. Basics of Sikhi children to be good citizens, live a holistic Ealing Dadihiye Somali Development life, develop spiritual and physical well- Organisation being and work for their local community. Kensington and Chelsea Bexley Interfaith Forum Bexley dadihiye_somali_development_organisation Dying Well Bloody Good Period Lambeth Camden Faiths together in Lambeth British Islamic Medical Association Lambeth (BIMA) Camden Faizan-e-Islam mosque’s outreach work Waltham Forest British Sikh Report Westminster Father William Taylor and Clapton Commons Canaan Church Hackney Haringey Football Beyond Borders’ the ‘City of Cedar+ Group Initiative Nations’ project Merton Lambeth Please contact F&BF for more information

Christmas Inn, Winchester Road Forest Women's Interfaith Network Methodist Church Waltham Forest Waltham Forest Please contact F&BF for more information

30 31 Friends of Pasley Park London HIV Chaplaincy Riverbank Trust The Sikh Press Association’s Southwark Islington Richmond upon Thames Langar Week Please contact F&BF for more information. Hounslow Green Stars London Islamic Cultural Society Roehampton Coexist Enfield Haringey Wandsworth Total Family Coaching Kensington and Chelsea societies/coexist Hackney Winter Night Shelter London Lucumi Choir Hackney Haringey Sadeh VADIL SEVA KENDRA (VSK) Bromley Brent Please contact F&BF for contact details New Unity Health Promotions Hackney SINGA UK Voice of Salam Brent Hackney Croydon Please contact F&BF for more information. Newman House, Catholic Chaplaincy’s Hillingdon Asian Women's Group Sandwich Run St James' Church Legal Advice Centre Walworth/Old Kent Road Christian Hillingdon Camden Haringey Muslim Gathering Group Southwark time-of-need/legal-and-debt-services Please contact F&BF for contact details Hope for Home with Nisa-Nashim Christ Church Gypsy Hill Camden St Mary's Therapeutic Garden Westminster Cathedral Interfaith Group Lambeth Lewisham Westminster North London Muslim Community Centre Westminsterceathedralinterfaith Refugees as Rebuilders, Initiatives of Hackney Sunday Assembly London Change UK Camden Woven Gold Choir London-wide Hackney OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation Hammersmith and Fulham The Band for Life Project Just Read Tower Hamlets Xenia Women Tower Hamlets Hackney Pembroke House Southwark The Lewisham Faith Walk Keep our Hearts Beating Lewisham Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe (ZTFE) Barnet Please contact F&BF for more information. Harrow Physicians Across Continents, My Mosque Clinic The Listening Place at Stoke Newington Kingston Community Refugee London-wide Methodist Churches in partnership with Sponsorship Hackney Salvation Army Kingston upon Thames Hackney Prayer Space Please contact F&BF for contact details Greenwich Living Bankside The OK Foundation Southwark Haringey Rainham Foodbank Havering London Foguangshan Buddhist The Salam Project Temple - LBRSG Brent Westminster


Tonight’s event would not be The London Faith & Belief Community Thank you to the Royal Society of possible without the generous Awards would not have been possible Medicine for providing the venue and support of our sponsors. without the continued support and hospitality for tonight’s event at the guidance of Deputy Lieutenants who beautiful One Wimpole Street. F&BF would like to thank the following sit on Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of organisations and foundations for their Thank you to Rob Ryan from Deuce Greater London’s Council on Faith. kind donations supporting the projects Films ( for awarded at tonight’s ceremony. Particular thanks must be given to Bushra sharing the ‘my city’ film and Jaspreet Nasir CBE DL, who sat as Chair on the Kaur ( steering committee from the inception for your performance tonight. of this event and also acted as Chair of Thank you to all who nominated the Judging Panel. Thanks must also be projects for the awards. Without you this given to Dr Sheila Gewolb DL, Rev Nims event would not have been possible. Obunge DL and Babulal Sethia DL who Particular thanks must be given to offered their time and expertise as key members of the steering committee. BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir London We are grateful for the support of Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE, Her Majesty’s Barking and Dagenham Council Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London City Sikhs and Dr David Dangoor DL, Chair of Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of F&BF Youth Council Greater London’s Council on Faith. Hindu Forum for Britain Thank you to the Judging Panel Bushra Humanists UK Nasir CBE DL, Dr Mustafa Abu Lisan DL, Dr Sheila Gewolb DL, Phil Champain, Jain Centre Hannah Taylor and Tim Mortimer. Justice, Peace and the Integrity Thank you to The Greater London of Creation Department, The Lieutenancy office for its invaluable Diocese of Southwark support, especially to Mr Joe London Buddhist Centre Baker Esq (Clerk), Mrs Yvette Atori (Deputy Clerk), Molly Lynch Westminster Cathedral (Assistant) and Colleen Harris DL. Thank you to the F&BF staff and interns for all your support in making the event a success.

34 35 Who we are

The Faith & Belief Forum has worked for over 20 years to build good relations between people of all faiths and beliefs, and to create a society where difference is celebrated.

We create spaces in schools, universities, workplaces and the wider community where people can engage with questions of belief and identity and meet people different from themselves.

Our inclusive approach welcomes everyone – whether you’re an Atheist, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim, Zoroastrian, or identify with any other belief. The Faith & Belief Forum believes that intolerance has no place in our communities and that diversity adds value to society. Twitter: @faithbelieforum

How you can support us

At the Faith & Belief Forum we believe that everyone should have the chance to interact positively with people from different backgrounds – one day everyone will feel able to do it, and with your help and our support, that day will come sooner.

To find out more about how you can support us please visit