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Fall 2008 La Salle Magazine Fall 2008 La Salle University

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in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation This spring, La Salic alumni from as far as Texas, Florida, and Illinois joined former classmates from the region for Reunion 2008. Nearly 450 people attended activities on campus and throughout the city from the classes of '48, '53, '58, '63, '68, '73, and '78.

The weekend opened with a well-attended Phillies game and a reception at McPadden's, which was open to all alumni Finnigan's Wake also hosted a young alumni party that drew 250 people.

Saturday kicked off with the annual reunion golf outing at Limekiln Golf Club in Ambler, Pa. In honor of the


50th anniversary of the Class of 1958, alumni were welcome to attend the President's Reception, which was held for the first time at the historic gardens of the Peak House. Guests also participated in a tour of the University Art Museum and the Reunion Liturgy, which was concelebrated by Father James T. Dever, OSFS, Campus Minister, and Father James Driscoll, O.P., an honorary member of the Class of 1958 and a former La Salle faculty member.

As a way to keep alumni informed of La Salle's expansion and renovations, Brother Joseph Willard, F.S.C., '64, Executive Assistant to the President, hosted a campus tour and presentation. More than

70 alumni filled two Philadelphia trolley cars and a University bus for the tour.

Saturday evening, the Golden Explorers, alumni who celebrated their 50th reunions in previous years, and the Class of 1958 enjoyed an elegant dinner on campus at Treetops Cafe, while other classes gathered in La Salle's Union Building.

The night ended after an evening of entertain- ment and games during Night in Vegas. FALL 2008


>'"' *

Volume 52 I Number 3 2 President's Report

Michael J. McGinmss, F.S.C., Ph.D., 70 President 9 Honor Roll of Donors R. Brian Elderton Vice President for University Advancement 9 Corporations, Foundations, Joseph W. Donovan, '64 Assistant Vice President Trusts, and Others for Marketing and Communications James K. Gulick, '89 10 Alumni Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations Theresa K. Travis. '93. M.A. '08 13 President's Club Assistant Vice President for Development Edward A. Turzanski, '81 14 Reunion 2007 Giving Counsel to the President and Assistant Vice President for Government and 19 De La Salle Society Community Relations

Elizabeth R. Lochner, '87 21 Blue & Gold Society Director for Advancement Services

Gloria Pugliese 23 Institutionally Administered Scholarships Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

Fred J. Foley Jr. 25 The Christian Brothers Director of Grants. Research, and Support

Charles E. Gresh, F.S.C., '55 26 Memorial Gifts Felicia H. Gordon-Riehman, M.Ed. '01

Daniel P. Joyce, '01 Directors of Major Gifts 29 In Honor Of

Trey P. Ulrich, '99, MBA '02 Director of the Annual Fund 30 Athletics Program Partners and Sponsors Marian Butcher, M.A. '08 Director of Publications 33 Parents and Friends Editor. La Salle Magazine

Liz Vargo 38 Faculty and Staff Assistant Director of Publications Assistant Editor, La Salle Magazine 38 Government Grants Matthew M. Chverchko Senior Graphic Designer. La Salle Magazine

Francine Lottier, '01 39 News Alumni Notes Editor. La Salle Magazine

Jon Caroulis Amy Gardner Cranston 42 Alumni Notes Contributors

Dave Jackson Vincent Massa Jim Roese Photography

La Salle Magazine (USPS 299-940) is published quarterly for the University's alumni, students, faculty, and friends by the Office of University Communications (Joseph Donovan, Assistant Vice President). Address correspondence to the Editor, La Salle Magazine. 1900 W. Olney Ave., La Salle University. Philadelphia, PA 19141-1 199. Changes of address should be sent at least 30 days prior to publication of issue with which

it is to take effect to the University Advancement Office, La Salle University, 1900 W. Olney Avenue, Philadelphia. PA 19141-1199. Periodicals postage paid at Philadelphia, Pa. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to office listed above.


i —

2007-200 Preside

Dear Alumni/ae and Friends of La Salle:

When I reflect on the past academic year, the images have been substantial contributors for decades to young diat come to mind are not just obvious ones: the ground- alumni. These young alumni, graduates of more recent years, breakings for the Shoppes at La Salle and the Holroyd Hall are not in a financial position to be major donors but believe renovation and expansion project, the construction activity in La Salle and want to make a statement. One remarkable

at those locations and on West Campus, and die ceremonial example: donations of $2.26 million to the unrestricted opening of our new Montgomery County Center. Annual Fund, exceeding the goal, in difficult economic

times. To all, you have my deepest gratitude. What I see are the faces of those loyal supporters of this University who have made these developments possible I also want to publicly thank another group of loyal and many odier initiatives that are less obvious but equally Lasallians—our faculty and staff, who have done so much

important. Chief among our supporters is our dedicated this past year. Challenged by the additional responsibilities and visionary Board of Trustees. and disruptions that come with growth and change, they have to provide and support the quality education Under the leadership of Chairman Bill Sautter, the Board managed for which are known and, at the same time, to adapt has built die bridge between our present and our future. Our we Board members believe deeply in the mission of La Salle and plan for the future. University and in our potential to further impact our Led by our Planning Advisory Board, the University students, alumni, and community in a positive way. community has taken on the task of developing a new Strategic Plan. The effort has been substantial and the results What is also encouraging for La Salle's future is to see Plan, which identifies six broad priorities, the breadth and depth of support for our University as impressive. The will presented to the Board of Trustees in October. wn in the Honor Roll of Donors in this publication. be L ope you will take a few moments to look at this The Report that follows will bring you up to date on the

tion, which recognizes the generosity of all University's progress over the past year, as well as provide of our supporters, ranging from those who a preview of the new Strategic Plan.

In closing and on a more personal note, I was moved and gratified by the vote of the Board of Trustees, at their June meeting, to offer to me a third five-year term as President of La Salle University. As many of you already know, I have often spoken of the honor and privilege of serving my alma mater in my hometown and my home neighborhood. With the confidence and support of the Board and the sustained partnership of a widening circle of engaged alumni, friends, and colleagues at La Salle, I pledge to continue to work to ensure our University's well-deserved standing as a community shaped by Lasallian and Catholic values that makes a difference not only for individual lives but also for the common good.

Sincerely yours,

'' Michael J. McGinniss, F.S.C., President

LA SALLE MAGAZINE 2007-2008 Highlights The whirlwind continued as we renovated additional space in adjoining West Campus buildings for the temporary Campus Expansion and Development (one-year) relocation of most of our science programs while the expansion of Holroyd Hall is under way. Following our May purchase of the Germantown Hospital The Holroyd Hall construction project is in full swing. property, now known as West Campus, a whirlwind of activity Made possible by the success of our Shoulder to Shoulder: ensued at the University in the summer of 2007. One of Securing the Future fundraising initiative, which raised the buildings that we acquired was renamed St. Benilde $28 million, the new building is on target to open in August Tower, and before the summer was over, one floor of the 2009. Featuring the Hugh and Nancy Devlin Center for building was renovated to accommodate our University Science and Technology, the expanded facility will have Advancement offices. a "make science visible" theme—with windows into the Work continued throughout the fall on an ambitious labs and high-definition LCD displays showcasing students' schedule to prepare four floors for the relocation of our work and experiments. The building will feature a "green" School of Nursing and Health Sciences from Wister Hall in roof and other environmentally friendly features. time for the start of the spring semester in January. The new Also under construction—and soon to be completed—is facilities feature state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories a bridge over Wister Street that will connect the well-lighted for our students in nursing, nutrition, and speech-language - and beautifully landscaped pedestrian walkway on Main hearing science.

An aerial view of the Germantown Hospital property, now known

as West Campus. (Inset, left, from left) La Salle President

Brother Michael J. McEinniss, F.S.C., Ph.D., 70, School of Nursing

and Health Sciences Dean lane Wolf, Ph.D., and Campus Minister

Father lames Dever, 0SFS, at the blessing for St. Benilde Tower

on West Campus. (Inset, right) Construction on a pedestrian

walkway and bridge linking Main Campus to West Campus.

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 p r es i dent's report

Campus to an attractive glass atrium entrance at St. Benilde Another area of academic growth last year was the

Tower on West Campus, creating a safe and convenient implementation of La Salle's new master's degree program in

passageway for students, faculty, and staff. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

(To see live video of both the Holroyd Hall and bridge Under the auspices of our Hispanic Institute, the M.A.

projects, visit the "Campus Expansion and Development" in TESOL expands our offerings in support of the Hispanic link on the University's Web site home page.) community, and the Institute also includes Bilingual/

In addition to this year's on-campus development, we Bicultural Studies master's program and certificates in celebrated the opening of our new Montgomery County Translation—English/Spanish and ESL Specialist. In addition Center in January. Located in Plymouth Meeting, Pa., at to the programs of the Hispanic Institute, La Salle meets the Metroplex Corporate Center, our well-established MBA the needs of undergraduate Hispanic students through our and graduate Clinical-Counseling Psychology programs Bilingual Undergraduate Studies for Collegiate Advancement have been supplemented by new course offerings in the (BUSCA) program. Last year marked the 15th anniversary College of Professional and Continuing Studies. ofBUSCA.

artist's rendering of the renovated and expanded Holroyd Hall,

aiming the Hugh and Hancy Devlin Center tor Science and

'echnology. (Inset) Holroyd Hall under construction.

__demics and Student Life In an initiative led by the Provost's Office this past year, a concerted effort has been started to enhance academic The College of Professional and Continuing Studies, now support for our freshman students. The goal is to improve in its third year, continues to develop new programs for part- the University's already strong reputation for student retention. time adult students not only at our Main Campus but Our focus on first-year students has involved more research also at La Salle's Bucks County Center and Montgomery students, advances in advising, and County Center. New Graduate Accounting CPA and Post- to identify high-risk a renewed emphasis on tutoring and study skills, as well Baccalaureate Premedical certificate programs have been as an assessment of the First Year Odyssey program. added to those in Fraud and Forensic Accounting and Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. The College has Student organizations and individual students were

introduced accelerated programs in Business Administration, recognized for their achievements this past year—too many Corporate Communication, and Organizational Leadership to enumerate. One that is particularly noteworthy because and has taken a leadership role in online programming at of its centrality to our mission: the wide variety of service the University. Further, the College developed and received initiatives led by University Ministry and Service earned

state approval for a master's degree program in Instructional La Salle a spot on the President of the United States' Technology Management, which will be launched in January. Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll.

LA SALLE MAGAZINE Alumni Engagement Once again, our alumni have stepped up to increase their engagement with, and support of, their alma mater. This past year, alumni not only participated actively in Alumni Relations events, but diey also significantly increased their partnership with the Office of Undergraduate Admission in support of student recruitment and with the University's Career Services Center for career networking.

The La Salle Alumni Admission Network (LAAN) added new volunteers in the Lehigh Valley, Pittsburgh, and the southern Connecticut/Westchester County, N.Y., region.

The total number of LAAN volunteers grew from 1 10 to 1 54, a 40 percent increase, and alumni participated in 64 college fairs in nine states, a more than 83 percent increase from the previous year. In the career-networking program, alumni volunteers in die directory jumped to nearly 400, a 10 percent increase from the year before.

In addition, the Alumni Association Board of Directors took a leadership role in support of the Annual Fund, which raised $2.26 million, exceeding its goal.

Community Involvement and Economic Impact

La Salle's involvement with its neighborhood and wider community took a major leap forward this past year with the s with pro groundbreaking ceremony last fall for the Shoppes at La Salle, unt touaii ui utuui o uundgd r3lf 111 ot. L the shopping center being developed on the University's the La Salle Alumni Admission Network. (Inset) Bilingual Undergraduate Studies for Good Shepherd property. legiate Advancement (BUSCA) students at the 2008 Commencement ceremony. In partnership with Moreland Development, the Shoppes at La Salle are now under construction. The opening of the facilitate dialogue and greater cooperation with our neighbors

Shoppes is projected to take place in stages—from November and lead to community and economic developments diat for Rite Aid to January for most others and April for the will be mutually beneficial.

Fresh Grocer. The new shopping center will be a benefit not Further, the University's offices of Economic and only for the students, faculty, and staff of La Salle, but also Community Development and Government and Community for our neighbors, fostering a shared community spirit and Relations met regularly with local officials and community contributing to the quality of life in our community. leaders to plan for the future. Our positive economic impact

The University's commitment to improving the quality is important to our neighborhood, our city, our region, and of life in the community, supported by a grant from the our state, and it is important to La Salle that we use it wisely William Penn Foundation, has made tangible progress this and collaboratively. A report that we issued during the past year. La Salle added a Community Liaison position to the year, based on a study diat we commissioned, determined

Government and Community Relations staff, thereby increas- that our economic impact on last year was ing direct contact, and promoting better understanding, $255 million. La Salic employs approximately 1,300 people, between the University and community members. Working more than half of whom live in Philadelphia County and in partnership with the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs 20 percent of whom live in neighborhoods adjacent to

Coalition, La Salle is designing a long-term plan that will the University.


While these newer initiatives are being developed, last New Strategic Plan year La Salle continued to do what it has done for decades In addition to all of the "doing" this past year, 2007-2008 to contribute to our community. Because we believe that could be called a year of planning. The Planning Advisory education should be applied to service to others, our academic Board, the committee created to facilitate development of programs supported our Neighborhood Nursing Center, the new Strategic Plan, formed six University-wide teams a Speech-Language-Hearing Community Clinic, and and added an outside planning consultant to the group. Community Psychological Services. Students in nutrition After nine months of review and development a process and education contributed their service in community and — that included focus groups, a Web portal for inviting La Salle school settings. Our Nonprofit Center, Adult Literacy community feedback, and a review by our Board of Trustees Program, and students in more than 30 service-learning Planning Committee, the plan will be submitted to the full courses continued to contribute to die greater good in their Board of Trustees in October. own special ways. Our new strategic plan, titled The Will to Excel, will Last year, under the guidance of University Ministry and focus on a Lasallian education rooted in three key dimensions Service, more than 400 La Salle students donated almost of the Christian Brothers' heritage: context our urban 32,000 hours to community service activities, including — location; practicality linking theory and practice; and the neighborhood cleanups, home-rebuilding projects, and — social ends of learning commitment to others. tutoring. In addition, 80 percent of La Salle's 350 student- — athletes, through Project Teamwork, volunteered 3,600 hours Guided by The Will to Excel, the La Salle University of to such worthy projects as Adopt-a-School, Big Brothers and the future will be characterized by tangible and vibrant signs

Big Sisters, tutoring, and food drives. The Alumni Association of the Lasallian mission in action. La Salle will be a place joined with Project Teamwork in adopting nearby Logan where students and faculty share in a process of exploration Elementary School and conducting a successful book drive, in die context of a real community, one that links theory and among other activities. practice and focuses on a commitment to others. It will be

mmm^mmmm^ Construction workers build the framework for the Shoppes at La Salle. (Inset, from left) Pat Burns of Fresh Grocer; Eric Seidman of Moreland Development; State Rep. Dwight Evans, '75;

William Sautter, 77, Chair of La Salle's Board of Trustees; Brother Michael 1. McBinniss, F.S.C.,

Ph.D., '70, La Salle's President; State Sen. LeAnna Washington; Councilwoman Donna Reed

Miller; and State Rep. John Myers break ground at the future site of the Shoppes at La Salle.


fiscally responsible and optimize all of its resources, including Managing Enrollment its dedicated faculty and staff. It will be international in The University will manage its enrollment by employing perspective, yet remain a truly Philadelphia institution and the concept of optimum enrollment, which takes into a good neighbor. account desired student demographics, academic program

demand and capacity, mission-based target groups, and Here are the six broad priorities of the new plan: expansion of the University's physical plant. It will achieve Integrating Mission optimum enrollment through effective marketing, solid The University will expand the ways that its faculty, staff, retention initiatives, and academic program development. and students understand and can be inspired by, the life and legacy of St. John Baptist de La Salle and its relationship to Impacting Our Neighborhood Lasallian and Catholic heritage enabling students to explore — The University will enhance its visibility and presence the connections between faith and life and demonstrate among all sectors of its local community, creating and their commitment to service of others. promoting its competitive advantages, and will be recognized among regional constituencies as a readily accessible, high- Creating Academic Distinctiveness quality, and responsive resource that is vital to the economic, and Promoting Student Success social, and cultural growth and development of Philadelphia. The University will ensure that students have die opportu- nity to achieve academic success by providing them with Optimizing Our Human Resources professors committed to excellence in teaching, an engaging The University—recognizing that dedicated and highly learning environment, a focus on community as the central skilled faculty and staff are essential to achieving its vision means by which learning occurs, and a curriculum that is will use proactive, creative approaches to hiring, developing, not only creative, innovative, and practical, but is one that rewarding, and utilizing its employees. Also appreciating the also integrates the Lasallian tradition and Catholic social value of alumni as a resource, it will increase the number teaching where possible.

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 president's repor

of alumni connected to and involved in advancing the and objectives. It will diversify and maximize

educational heritage of La Salle. resources and utilize its physical resources in an environ- mentally conscious way. Maximizing Resources and Enhancing Institutional Capacity for Success In Closing The University will increase its competitive advantage, The steadfast implementation of TIjc Will to Excel will respond effectively to community needs, and enhance mean that the La Salle of the future will take the best of its teaching/learning excellence by acquiring and effectively past and present and make it even better. utilizing die essential fiscal and physical resources to adequately

support the implementation of its strategic priorities, goals,

Operating Revenue 1 Operating Expense'

Total h g in 000 s

Tuition and fees, net of discount of $39,251 (a) 73,408

Government grants (b) 6,865

Private gifts and grants (c) 6,373

Pledge revenue (d) 959 Total

Activities related to academic areas (e) 2,052 $ in 000's

Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises (f) 23,504 Instruction (a) 43,413

Interest income (g) 1,306 Research (b) 2,950

Endowment payout under spending policy Academic support (c) 14,599

Earnings on net investments (h) 2,234 Student services and athletics (d) 17,372

Net realized/unrealized gains/(losses) (i) — Public service (e) 3,361

Administrative and other revenues (j) 530 Institutional support (f) 20,480

Net Assets Released from restrictions (k) 7,730 Auxiliary enterprises (g) 22,690

Total Operating Revenue 124,961 Total Operating Expense 124,865

* Note: As of the publication date, the FY 2008 audit was not yet completed. Therefore, the FY 2008 numbers shown above are the unaudited numbers. Upon completion of the audit, copies of the

University's audited financial statements will be made available upon written request to: Vice President for Business Affairs, La Salle University, 1900 West Olney Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 79 J47-F799.


* Robert T Reichman, M.I PFPC Worldwide In. ot| 1 m i

Honor Roll 2007-2008 I he Siml iss V'..: 1 nci Inc Philadelphia 76ers Tasty Baking Foundation Philadelphia Eagles

1. Inilever United Si ites Foundation Inc Pi iln u al Edut atii m Fund

Gifts and grants reported in this section of the President's Report reflect donations University of Pennsylvania Pnntet Link The Foundation The Quaker Chemical Foundation received by the University with postmark dates between June 1, 2007, and May 31, 2008. William Saroyan Foundation Qui it Diagnostics lnc< u pi k ited (If your gift was postmarked in June 2008, please be assured that your gift will be Zool Dinon.P.A. Reilly Foam Corpi 11 11 \< m -[... listed in the 2009 President's Report.) Rt I Supply I lm. R.H. Arnold & Co. ( h airman's Club Rhawnhurst Catering Inc. Si S2 Gifts during Fiscal Year '08 may include any ot the following: gifts of cash; gifts I 499) Royal Caribbean Cruise- Ltd. Foundation of stock; matching gifts; grants; bequests; planned gifts; gifts-in-kind; real estate; JM Sakei ShopRites Inc. AETNA Foundation Schering-Plough 11 and gifts ot paid-up lite insurance. Found. \!-i ME 5i mm., l. applications International Anthony Baratta Foundation Corporation Every ettort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the donor list. If a name has ARAMARK Silverman est Fodera, P.< Arkema Inc. Foundation been misspelled or omitted, or if a gift has been reported incorrectly, we appreciate Smart Retirement Solutions Inc. \ -In r's Chocolates SP \> Enterprises Ini your assistance in reporting it to the University Advancement office at 215.951.5101. Avery Foundation Sprint Foundation Bank of America Foundation 1 iti I irm Companies Foundation Barclay Brand Corporation Subaru of America Foundation Inc. Benehcial Savings Rank Subaru of Americ i Inc Phoenixville Community ( !hristian Brothers—Roncalh Corporations, BlackRock Tierney Communications Health Foundation Commumi \ Bristol-Myers Squibb PA< Towers Perrin Foundations, PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Citizens Bank Match Program TransUnion LLC Verizon Foundation Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania Trusts, and Other Burns Logi sties EMCOR UBS Securities LLC C,A. McCann c* Sons Inc. United Healthcare 1 Corporation (Includes gifts from corporal mih, Exelon Corporation University Club The Carnage Shop U.S. Foodservice corporate foundations, and ExxonMobil Foundation (SlO.Oi.Mi s: 4 999) Chas Kur: ex Co Inc USI Insurance matching yilts) The Fidelio Foundation Chestnut Hill Dental Grou| Wells Foundation Alberrsons Stores Fargo Charitable GE Found. n ion ChevronTexaco William Dundas IV Mechanical Foundation Inc. A. President's Club IBM Corporatii in L'NA Foundation Anexinet Corp. Contractors (s, Joseph and Sally Handleman o and above) Domenick 0* Company Int WPVITV Station 1 \B( Century 21 Alliance Charitable Foundation Trust The Eileen M ! leek Foundation Part-Time The Andy Warhol Foundation Christian Brothcrs-St Mutien Your Controller LL< Building Supply Corp ol Pa KAMCO FTSec Inc. tnr the Visual Arts Hall Community National Philanthropic Trust Anonymous Fidelio Insurance Co. Christian R. ei Mar\ F. Lindba< k Marcus Group Founder's Club The Neiman Florence Putterman Foundation Caring People Alliance Southeast Foundation Office (S500 S999) Depoi Florida Athletic University Regional Key Commerce Bank P. Agnes Inc. ( iM At Mortgage Corporation AAA Mid-Atlantic Incorpoi ited 1. 11 ii itt'Lewis Corporation The Eh and Edythe L. Broad Philadelphia Education Fund The Great Britain- Albertson's Incorporated Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Foundation Sovereign Bank CharlesA.JHalpinJr.Esq American International Group The Hansen Charitable Foundation Garrison Printing < ompany SunTrust Mid Atlantic Foundation The Haverford Trust Company Incorporated Kean Hartquisi Foundation ( ilaxoSmithKline Foundation The Valentine Foundation Havden Real Estate Investments Angle Building ek Restoration Inc Independence Blue Cross LLC Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund The Vanguard Group Foundation IKON Office Solutions Foundation Inc Anonymous La Salle University Alumni Hagan Foundation The Vanguard Group Inc The International Fine Print Aon Foundation Association The James S. Kemper Foundation

Dealers Association Inc. The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation The Navesink Foundation Johnson 61 Johnson Family San Miguel Club Joseph T Miller Co. Inc. \straZeneca Pharmaceuticals LI' The New York Community Lrus! ot Companies

Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg Andrew I Candelore, OppenheimerFunds Legacy Program 4 999) DO Joseph Schmit: Jr. Trust & Filers LLP Catelli Brothers Inc Pennsylvania Higher Education Kessler Family Foundation The ACE 1NA Foundation Kleinbard Bell & Brecker LLP Chesapeake Corporation Foundation Foundation Inc. KPMG Foundation Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Law Offices of Charles M. DeFuccio C in. dkmi I lental Associates PTS Foundation Lomax Family Foundation Anonymous Marino Building Contractors Inc. ( liti-rian Brothers SaltieMae The Marsal Family Foundation Anonymous Merck Company Foundation Baltimore Province The Schwab Fund lor Montgomery, McCracken, Walker Asher &. Company

'.• Mien isi >tt ( irporation i '.'UK ist-Spectacoi Charitable Giving & Rhoads LLP AT&T Foundation

Nationwide Foundation Delaware Vallei Transl 11 SE1 I in ing Fund Newman's Own Foundation The Beneficial Foundation Nissan North America Inc Association Vanguard Charitable The Patricia Kind Family Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation The Options Clearing Corporation Deutsche Bank Americas Endowment Program Paul F kclh Foundation Canada Pry Delaware Valley PA Food Merchants Association Foundation The Violette de Mazia Foundation Philadelphia Frostbite Regatta Bottling Co. PECO Energy Company The Evening Bulletin Inc ["hi \\ illi.iin Penn Foundation The Pittsburgh Foundation Cento Fine Foods Inc Pepper Hamilton LLP First Sealord Surety Inc TheW.W Smith Charitable Trust Rotko Family Foundation CLBW Associates v Minn 1 I' Mandell B mndation Clipper Petroleum Inc. Charter Club TB Banknorth Chantahk Connelly Construction Corporation Foundation Creative Group (•>:; ooo S49.999) Financial Gift Summary Tenet Healthcare Foundation 1 towh 1 Ii ildings Inc. The Charlotte W. Newcomhe Uni\ersit\ ot North 1 'arolma Delaware Valley Chapter of Risk and Foundation at Chapel Hill Insurance Management Society Individuals $4,533,791 Christian Brothers—De La Salle van Ameringen Fi mndation Inc. Deloitte iS* Touche LLP Community Alumni $2,604,069 Vincent Giordano Corporation Ernst &. Young Foundation 1. Ilarke School for the 1 V. it Center Trustees $1,598,690 Willi. 1111 G McGi iw in Charitable 1DMAA lor Oral Education Fund Inc IPR Intern. iin mal Friends $101,576 Connelly Foundation La Salle i ollege I huh School Faculty/Staff $88,100 The George J Bucs Scholarship Fund Dr. Mutual of America LeoNiessen If Charitable Flubacher Club Parents $78,368 Nurses n. 000 Alumni \sso< i: German- Foundation (S5 S9 l) Christian Brothers $49,900 town Hospital ,n^.\ Medical Center McCormick Family Charitable Trust Accenture Foundation Inc OppenheimerFunds Legacy Program Alumni Spouses $13,088 Pennsylvania Thoroughbred Ann :ri< an Express Foundation Orthi ipaedic Surgery & Corporations $1,102,248 I lorsemen's Association Inc. Bank of America Rehabilitation Associates, P.C The Pew Charitable Trusts Foundations/trusts $2,823,294 Barnes Cx Noble t, lollege Philadelphia Chapter, CPCU

>• ( The Philadelphia I a ola Government $3,949,164 B01 ik sellei s lm The Philadelphia Foundation Bottling Co. Bradford Reniassance Portraits Philadelphia Insurance Companies Other S206.968 Corporation Philadelphia Stock Exchange Total Gifts for FY '07-'08 $12,615,465 The Prudential Foundation

HONOR ROU OF DONORS 2007-2008 1 1 1

( Gannei i ! Hugh I McCaffrey Vmeric in V iluation Iroup ln< N cx I Excavation Inc t938 Ameriprise Financial Neu York Lite Foundation

nmerce Mi [Life 1 oundation Arbor Tree cx Landsca] Sen i< 1 ul Park Home 6t School Association

MisskmStafl I I ( Physical Therapy Inc. ; irs For Less University Club

' [ Atlantic Physical Thi 1 ( tlS I iiftJ [Mi OOO 524

i .... 1 n.. In ui mi e I t>l \\ A Fi undation I V 11 si in Education I Estate ofRev. John A ( iuisc hard,

ttie I lori P cx P Transport lm Bare Builders Pennsyh ania A( a Ii my rh.a t ...

1 Penni iaksGolf( lub Bellann\ .1 of the Fine Arts

>l 1 IMSH Philips Medii Si stems Inc. B( gen I 1 tun! \ I nited Way Pennsy b ania Aggrt gates and Chairman's Club ndation Kilties Cape Harmonaries Barbershi

(5 - S2 I'm, I M ui. 499) lames I Con miction Hilll iolfl lul Investments Inc. Pennsylvania Power& Lighi

Company ln< Pra icair Incorporati I The Cheesecake Factory l . imp my Mr Vincent I Mianulli ••

.11 11, I I Son People- The I n Chubb cv Incorporated Light and Theatre

I oi Kelh, cx Massa Photograph) Robert Wood Johnson idattori Church Saint loan of An Pess mi >*s Variety Anniversary Club i ( ( " , ulven & Supph 1 iration omprehensive Information Pfizer Incorporated (S140 - Lockheed Martin Corporation St. Josaphai Holy Name So< iety Technology Audit Services Inc Phil idelphia Brewing t Company

. Foundation Sandy Run Country ( lub ( ongoleum Corporation Philadelphia Family Medical Mr Robert J. Stets

Marshall, Denncht} W irnei Sanoft-Aventis C ..r.illuiio Construction ( orp Assoc. Inc.

1 Si ( 1 irpi >i 11 l< in * Touch Coleman ioggin Siemens ( hristi Church H.O.P.E Please Museum Donors '1 > Mayfait |i Stradlei Ri monSteven :- LLP I raig Bradford Assoc of Pa Inc Radian Croup Inc (l ptoSlJ9)

Merrill Lynch & l o Foundation Im •sun Microsystems Incorpoi ited ' a d's Seafood and Steaks Raytheon Company

"...'. Estate >>l Joseph P Rhein t .. it .1 1 ui an lm orpoi in boro 1 Valm Hardware Cross Connect Solutions Ring Drugs Lid.

i 'MM Sates Inc. and Lumber Cruise Outlets International Inc. Riva Real Estate LLC

1 > OneBeacon Charitable Trusi S\* ift Mailing Services Inc, mill, 's Restaurant Ryan Mechanical * 1

-, 1 1 1 1 1 t i I -r 1 : iration nd Stephen C. De V atharine of Siena Parish i G r

The Palm I ound n i< m The Tru-t mark Foundation Defino Law Associates St Paul's Roman C atholic 1939 I The Paulits Foundation The L nion League of Philadelphia Dermatology Physicians . ] igreg hi. in Inc.

Pennypack Sup| l\ ( ompan^ Inc tin Philadelphia 1 1| South (ersey P \ Sail Worksll Anniversary Club 1 Diamond Philadelphia onvention and Yahoo Dream- Baseball \c idi my Joseph J. Santarone It , Attorney 1-14.' S249) \ isiti irs Bureau DJ Health Management LLC Sara Lee Foundation Sports Interior Philadelphia Congress Drucket Ox Scac< . tci, P.( Schramm'- Remodeling .. \nm\ frsari Club Mi Jesse I Stach The Planned Gh ing ( 'ompan^ LL( Dynamic Modern Dentistry LLt." and Repair Inc. Saint-Gobain Corporation Eaton Charitable Fund Shady Brook Farm Inc. AATC LLC: Foundation The Elite Brokerage I Iroup 1.1 Shula's M7w-.ll Saint Rita's/Saint Anthony's Altria Group Inc. Entergy Foundation SKF USA Inc.

American Express I Company Sealed Air Corpi n n Enterprise Leasing Company Solaris Grille I940 Anonymous 51 PAAHEC ol Philadelphia Daniel L. Soliday The Bay Lady Systemexperts i orporation Fannie Mae Foundation Sports Management Services Inc. Chairman's Clue Chestnut Hill Gallery Inc. Time Warner Fli i's ( Chinese Restaurant Spi inghouse Tavern (s S2 499) Constellation ( iroup United W.n of Southeastern Energy ln< FMC Foundation Sun Microsystems Foundation Inc. Horace G. Butler, M.D., Pennsylvania Costello Photography The FM Global Foundation Testa's Bakery

i, * ( 1 irge T. I lerenn i, I D.S. lassol 1940 — W B. Siegfi The Franklin Institute Texas Instruments F0unJ.1t 1, -n Dole Food Company lm Stanley M. Werner ( ! irden Mate Highway Product- lm Tim's Racquet Inc Doubletree Hotel Philadelphia The Willow Grove Found ii ion General Reinsurance 1 Corporation T. Rowe Price Assof iates Wyeth Ewing, Hmes e> Associates Goldman. Sachs 61 Co Fecundation Inc. i lates & -\, P.( Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart Ueland Junker McCauley I 94 Harrah's Hotel cx ( asino James Gross, DMD.P.< Nicholson LLC Ugo Donini Club J. Holiday Inn Incorporated H cx R Landscaping Inc. I nited Technologies ( orporation (S2S0 S499) I i. >IU W( '• \6 (. leaners Inc Chairman's Club The Harlevsv ille Insurance US Bancorp Foundation

\t|.UI\ 111. Ill- International (si 000 S2 IBM Foundation Companies L'- Maintenance 499) Boeing Company Lederach Golf Club DavidL Higgins.M D, P.< Utrecht Art Supplies Brother G. John Owens, I S.C., Campbell Soup Foundation Mellon Bank Corporation Supply Company Valley Green Inn Ped.D. . Cape Beha\ toral Health! tr iu] Robert H. Morro Inc Intuit Foundation The Village Compounding Pharmacy

Cedarhrook ( ountT} Club O'Malley ex O'Malley JohnC. McFadden & Associates, P.C. Wagner's \uti 1 Body Anniversary Club Charlie's Inc. Penn Mutual Lite In-ur ince K Cera Inc Weinkam&Weinkam,P.A i^i-i-' S249) Citizens Charitable Foundation 1 ompany Keco Engineered Contr I- West Catholic Reunion Commonwealth National Golf Club PG Commercial Real Estate Inc Keswick Jewelers Inc. West Heights Flowers Inc. John J. McHalet...

C enter Tine Crowne Plaza C m Brook Landscaping Knights of Columbus, Saint West Phila BronzeC Inc. Philadelphia The PNC Foundation Anthony's Council =1 1 585 Whirlpool Foundation Dean Special Risk Inc Prime Group Remediation Inc. LandAmerica Foundation W ilbtts-Hogan-Tonne Deversign Corp. D/B/A Sign-A-Rama The Procter Cx Gamble Fund La Salle University Health Winkler Real Estate Inc. Dow Jones cx Company Incorporated Public Service Electric cx 194- Professionals Alumni Association W . tod-Ridge Fire Department

Financial - Research Assoi iau Gas Company The Law Office of Maria Judith Worth ingum Plumbing cx Heating Firstrust Banli Buck Hotel Inc. Ruhhngs Rodriguez-Mart v.ik WW. Grainger Inc. Chairman's Clue

George Western Bakeries Inc. S A I lomunale ( inc. !ompany Leadership Pre-- lm Xerox Foundation (Sl.i >00 S2 40.1) The Gillette C St. Paul Travelers Foundation Leap Realty LudwigM. Frank. Ml' ... Greater Philadelphia Urban Sand Sells Go. Inc. Lehman Brothers Affairs Coalition The Thomson Corporation P. Stephen Lerario, Attorney .it Law

(. Iroup The Hartford Insurance WAWA Inc Lexus of Wilmington Donors

Heuer Foundation Wells Fargo Community Lima Precision Mfg. Co. Inc (Up to S139) Honeywell Support Hometown Solutions Programs Foundation Inc. Alumni MarkJ.Ciccantelli.M D , Hurt United William R. May Funeral Home Lombardo ek Associates. Inc. Kiwanis Club of Schoharie Long & Foster Real Estate Inc. Labor Rental Company Donors Ludu igfs Corner Veterinary The Law Offices of Brian Ettingei [Up to S139) Hospital LLC ex Associates Harry P. Manesis 1943 Abbott Labi iratories Fund 1937 Lei 1 Strauss Foundation Edward J. McGlinchery |r , Esq ACut Into Style Loews Philadelphia Hotel McNally's Tavern Advanta Foundation Founder's Clue Founder's Club Mark- Jewelers Medarex Incorporated S999) A|a\ (S500-S999) (Ssoo Marsh cx McLennan C Companies Management Corporation * Jerome L. Millan, I All Alfalfa's Inc. Mr Charles E Burke .... Incorporated Morgan Stanley Foundation Allan Zellis.M D



Donors Ugo Donini Club 1 ounder's Club H pto -i;-i (ssoo Uses of Gifts and Grants

...... 1 •• 1 Aaron 1 Bannett, M-D. Mr William Wisniewslci Mr. Thomas J.

*• . \\v\ Albert 1 ( lonnors, C ' M E Mr Sah atore 1 Stea /-"~"~~^^ Unrestricted 18.12% ( |r • Col. ieorge 1 Edelmann . Ret Donors Mr. losephj. Mi:Fadden ... (l p to MM) Ugo Donini Club Restricted i 81.88% ($250 S499) L ^Z- Mr. James F Cannon ... L^ ^ ...... Mr. Peter 1 Sweeney Mr. Robert 1 Foster f Mi [ames 1 Garv in **

1944 John 1. Mintzer .. ^^ loseph P Mooney, Ph D t .... San Miguel Club Emanuel M Remi, MP. * 1948 Mr. Richard F. Strosser***. (S2.500 M 999) Founder's Club University Club Edward G, Titterton Jr., '49 t .... (ssoo (mi: ooo S24 999) Dorothy K and Augustine 1 President's Club Chialastri, DDS ... John I Goodwin Jr., M.D. Mr and Mr- Frank Stanton .... (55 nd ibovi 1 Anniversary Club ii, 1 -i ol Edgar C.Smith |r.,M.D.t. (514a S249) Anonymous t ... Ugo Donini Club San Miguel Club .. Chairman's Club Patrick 1 Breslin (S250 S499) (S2.500 S4.999)

..1 s v Dr FlubacherClub 1 |ohn 1 Luxemburgei |r., 1 i ooO 2 499J Mr |ohnJ Cahill**.. I I I . .... >ani< I R igi mi PA (Sg 000 59 999) Retired .... Foster, Esq. .... ili. .... Joseph H. lr .... irk- A I HalpinJr.J D Mr. William C. Seiberlich Robert F. McMackin •*.

i .... Mi rancis 1 Speisei Mr. Thomas F. Kehoe ... losephA Plunkect,< :lassol 1949.* Mr. James A. McGovern ... Donors Chairman's Cli b Chairman's Club Mr C Steward Tomkins *» (UptoSl39) Donors (Si.i 1 - 199) (Si ooo $2 499) Francis] Donahoe, Ph.D. .. (UptoSi39) Anniversary Club Mi .mdMrs RobertC Crossonjr ••• Thaddeus C. Borek, Esq. • Mr and Mi- [ames W. and Anonymous ••• (5140 S249) Bertram Kreger, DPS ...» Harriet M Rnegan .... Mr. Joseph L Battaglini ...... Mr. and Mrs JohnL McCloske^ James F Almond [r .. Mr. Philip Lucia .... Mr. Joseph W Berenatojr .. J. Mr. Joseph F. Barthold • Brother Gregorian McLaughlin! F.S.( • ••• Mr Thomas 1 I Joughertj Mr, Thomas Brady »• 1945 Founder's Club J. Mr Thomas |. Molln\ ... Mr Anthony 1 Durkin .... Bill and Man Breeze.... (S500 S999) .*•* Mr. Willi. mi | Finegan Jr. Mr. James P C oylt lr ... 1 ounder's Club Mr. William T. Fitzgerald. Founder's Club Mr Edward G.Dolton Jr..... (S500 S999) Mr George T Evans •*• .... Paul E. Gillespie . S999) Paul \V McILvainc, M D Mt Francis S Gorski Mi and Mrs Joseph G. Greenberg t ... 1 .... Mr lames Dever .... Frank Hauser ...» Martin J Bukowski, M D Mr. Henry J. Gunther .... Ugo Donini Club Mr. John W. Lyle ... Mr. and Mrs, John B. Cregan .... . Mr. Harry J. Hagan Esq. ... Ugo Donini Club ($250 5499) WilliamD Mollo^ .. Charles P. Dugan, Mr. John M. Halloran Sr. ••** .... (S250 S499) Mi |ohnT Mulholland .... Mr. Frank J. Mauerjr. FreJ Bernhardi .... Mr, James P. McCool ... Mr James B. Naughton Mr. W.A. O'Callaghan 5i - Mr William A Geppcrl |r, ... Mr. John L. Connolly *. Mr. Charles 1: McShane •••• .... Mr. Thomas J. Welsh .. •• )ames V McMenamin Mr. [ames M. Coyle ••*• Rev Joseph 1 Miele

Frank T. Foti Sr .... Lawrence 11 Monaco, Ph.D. •*•• Ugo Donini Club •*• Donors (S250 S499) Anniversary Club Robert F Gallagher, DDS... Mr. John T. Nolan Pagltei .. (1 p ro$i39) Dr. Howard L. 1 [annum ... Mr, John A. (8140 S249) Mr. Gustave C. Cote . Mr, Herbert T. Picus .... Mr. NorbertJ. Aicher « Chestet T i fyzio, Esq. ... ValerioJ Federici, Ml 1 .. Mr WalterR Poltorak...... tnJ • *• Donors Daniel J Allan, Esq Matt \nne Fanning Mr. Albert W Rostien • (UpcoSl39) Mi Richard H Becker. Mr Ri illand i LeTourneau William A Rothwell lr .... Mr. Francis P. Bogle .... Francs J Wuest, Ph.D. .* Mr William F Albright Jr.*. Mt. Gerard Schorn.... J Mr. Frederick C. Brandt .... Mr [ames D. Ram . Chester E Smith, D.O. ... Mr. Walter Brought 1946 J. Anniversary Club Mr ( harlesM Boyle Jr ... Mr. Mitchell J. Yanak Sr. Mr [ohn 1 Conbo} •• (S140 V. Driscoll **•. Mr. Joseph Mr. Charles F, 1 William |. Deery, Ed.D. *. Founder's Club Joseph C. Flynn. M.D, .. Mr. Lawrence j. Bur Jr. .... Mr. Bernard J. Devlin ... S999) * ($500 Mr. William A. Graham Jr. Mr \ ... Mr William H. Graham ... Francis Campbell

Ji iseph R. Guerin, I'll D. ...» Thomas .... Mi Hugh F C onven • Mr I McCann Mi William R. Johnson... Mr Thomas |. 1 lickey ... Richard J Daisley, CPA .. Joseph 1 W Jones... . 1950 Mi [ohn 1 Jardine Mr. Francis R Donovan ••*• Ugo Donini Club The Honorable William \ Mr.WilliamG Kluth*.. .. Kingjr .... Mi fames E. 1 towne^ Si (S250 S499) Mr.JosephT, Longo *** Charter Club Mr. Francis J Hoban .... John |. Kintsch .. Mr. McGranaghan • John Rooney, Ph.D .... Robert J. (S25.O00 S49.999) Mr. Charles F Kiley , J Mr. Edward F. Lindsay ... James C. McLaughlin, M D . Gustave ( .. Klubal Mr laiiie^ McBride • Dorothy M. ;rnj William J. J. Mr. Thomas \ 1 Weill Mr Charles McDonald*. Mr. Gennaro C. Leone .... Anniversary Club Hennch Jr. .... M .. Mi ^ngelo 1 Perri Mr Harry 1 Mayer lr ... (S140 S249) JosephF 0'( allaghan, Ph.D, .... Mr. Kenneth R. Pfister •* Mr. Frederick C. Peech ... Mr Simon ]. Nagel ...

Rl-v ... i ... Sidney C. Burgoyne, Ph.D. Mi arlo .1- Salzano Dr. Flubacher Club • Mr loseph F Piarulli . Mr |ames 1 Phelan Robert J Carabasi, M D, .... Mr Frederick A Strasserjr. ... (S5.000 59.999) Mi Leon Stallings ••• ( ol Robert E. Stumpf, U.S Army, Stanton Teitelman, DDS. J. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gallagher .... Mr. Henry C. Taddei •* Retired .. Mr. James F. Taddei .... Donors William F. Grauer, CPA .... Mr John P. Welsh ...

(t pr.MM) Mi Harr! G Wieblei . Mr. Carmen Zaccaria •• Mr S. Thomas Deeney ... San Miguel Club J Donors

.. (UptoSl39) Paul 1 Salvo, M.D 1949 ($2 500 M 999)

••• Mi Joseph F Armstrong**.. Edward J Stemmler.M.D • President's Club |oseph E. Baumgartner Jr., Esq. ...

1 ""ii .nut above) Joseph Buyer .... (^s> Chairman's Club I9SI J, Mario A Bucci ... 1947 Mr. JohnL McHale ... (Si 000 52 499) Patrick Clancy . Charter Club Mr. J. Frank Kell) . Mr |oseph I Coadj •• Chairman's Club (S25 000 S49.999) Chairman's Club 1 •• Stanley L Kocot, M 1 Mr FrancisD Dei !eoi g< (s Si ^2 .... 499) (Sl.OOO 499) lohnV. Mclntyre, Ph D • •• Am nix mous Mr Philip E. Dolan ***.

... William V M.iiunc:, M D Mr Hum 1 Mason lr .

loseph P Melvin,CPA . Years of Civing: represents r ears

] Note Dai \ 1 r mi to k ro fis< m n

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 11 . «. . .

i i 1 1 • «L l . |i I' |i I If .. in isi ei Ml [ 1- ilucci 1 Ph.D Ml ihn mi 1 Kardish, M D —

1 I *. ». . Ilsll .. Mi Edward Mr. Francis X. la* igan •• Mr. James F Stanton RauloM Parmegiani, Ph D

. 1 1 II >• Mr |ohn 1 Mc( urn Mr. John iera jhi Mi Charles 1 Poolos «

< Mr. Edward »•.• ... JohnH McKay. PA*~ M Grood) |ohn 1 Siliquini Sr., M l\

\l, .... Hcrben 1 McLaughlin.- Flank A Harrison Donors 1 ouii 1 Stief.Ph.D ..

1 1 Ml 1 • Mi |os< ph A.i — Reuben G. Milter, Ph.D..*. Albert A Martw (1. ptoSl39) •• Frank K Mui.l. n k .. Mr. Thomas Mazza |r. ... J. Donors A lymous • Mi ri ... Mr. Richard W O'Brien... Mr. John B. McDevitl .. (Up to si J9) ...... Mr. John W. Birnhr.iuer ... Mi l hark H Hig ir — Edward A. Rogan t Charles McGettigan

1 Mr. John F Brickie^ . Frank M Borraccini 1 'in mn .... Mr. Jai rsSr. Mr Joseph E McGrath ...»

.. * Mr Michael 1 Burdziak Rev. Charles \ oyle, l.d.D. ... DDS « Mt |. (in \ Schorr ••* Mr. Herbert W Meyers.

1 V 1 .. it 1 iniels Mr. Richard T llilena ... - ••• •• Mr l.niiv T Mot ilynn *• Mr 1 lerbert E S< hweizei Mr. Francis E. Monaghari [1

Mr Gerald V. Faiss-.. Mr K. dcFranccsco . ( l •• ... John Jr. Mi iregi | R )°Bricn |im Hi. Arthur S. O'Neill Jr

1 ...... Mr |ames Fleming Mr. Thomas J Dempse\ Mr. |ohn V Pensiero .... Mi ( ierald 1 Tnu * harles \ Porrini, DDS —

«... •«. Mr Joseph P Heaney ... M 1 I iseph P Diviny . Rich i Mr Frederic! H Woznial — Mr. Robert V. Quindlen Love |ohn .. • ... Mr. Thomas M. Mr D. Duger^ |i ihn A Ryan, 1 -i Mr John F Rakszawski Robert Mr lohnF Schcnkcl.... Mr. and Mrs Francis V. Sardina ... H. MacWilliams, M.D. Mr. Joseph A, Fanelle ....

: Mr James | Martin .... Mi Joseph W. Foley • VI Schoetlhammer, 'SI .

.... Mi leromi P Mc( ann . Mr. Ralph], ltn.... Mr Harvei 1 Stefanon ica Mr *«•• Mr Michael F Thees.. [953 |ohn P. Mc Elvenny Jr. Mr William F. Kelly- |ohn Mooney ... Mr lohnH Knox.

'54 «... .. University Club 1954 Thomas 1 Padden, Mr. Joseph C. Lepone

Mr Robert E. Querubin The Honorable Edward t Mekel .... ( 999) [oseph E Quinn Mr Patriarca .. President's Club |ohn J. •••• Mr |ohn 1 French Mr. Eugene Roman .* Mr. Richard Prendergast -. [952 (S50 000 and above) J. J.

John R. Simms Jr. ... |o!m J. Schubert, M.D. ..

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J, Kean .... Chairm vn's Club Dr. Flubai her Club Mr ( m\ I Sottile .... Mr. Leon R. Stratoti •

(ss 1 59 ' Mr. Edward W. Stewart Jr. ** Mr. James A- Totarojr, ... (S S2 499) University Club Reverend Joseph W. Weller * Mr John A W.iison...... » s Mr. and Mrs. John J Zaccaria Mr Henri ^ Backe r •»•• (sio 000 524 999) ••• Edward 1 and Kaj Buchanan Mr |oseph R Sadowski .... Don Burkhimcr ... S \N Mu.l EL CLLB ••• Mr |. ihn 1 I 'ugan (s; . ....,..,1 500 | Mr and Mrs [oseph H. Torrence • Dr. FlubacherClub [95S [956 Paul J McGinnis, Ph.D. ...

' s ' ($5 ?)

Founder's Club University Club ( il \rterClub Chairman's Club ( apt. Edward F. Bronson, USN, ($500 S999) Retired .... ($10 000 524 999) (S25 1 v - (S 1 499)

1 ...... Estate of Mr Thomas 1 laughey t ...... John 1 Callan Mr and Mrs Leonard A. Ward Mr Leon EUerson • Brothet \rrhm I Bangs, F.S.( ,Ph.D Mi loseph ••• Mr and Mrs Paul M Moset ... J Molyneaux Mr LJ^.ir M Guertin .. The Honorable Joseph T Walsh — San Miguel Club Dr Flubacher Club G. Russell Reiss Jr., M.D. «•• S \n Miguel Club (si.soo 54.999) js; 000 59 999) Ugo Donini Club (S2 500 s-l Founder's Club Mr. Alherr A. Cantello ... Dr. and Mrs. Henry ( i. 1 VV'incent .... (S250 S499) Joseph .... J. Sweeney Brother ( .'h.irlcs (S500 5999) E. Gresh, F.S.C. .

Mr. Emanuel Benhayon ••- Mr. In-., ph i McKenna J. San Miguel Club 1 Rev harles 1 Da\ — Mr. Edward F. Burns Jr. *• The Honorable Joseph H. Rodriguez **» Chairman's Club (S2 JOG S4 999) Mr Leonard 1 Fernandez Mr 1 mn- t iibbons, 1 lass ol l'^- •* " •"• ($1 - . + " 1 Teter j. Finlev. Ed.D. Peter ... Mr. Francis V. Griffin ... Mr J. Finnegan - Chairman's Club Mr. ( ierald T 1 iawronski Maj. Gen. William F. Bums, I V

Mr |ohn 1 Malone .... (Si 000 $2 | T Greed, Ph I' . Retired .... 499) ... Robert J MaroSr., M D Chairman's Club • Mr R tymond t Ksiazek Mi 1 li\ id P- Malone .. Mr Frank J. Noonan .... Mr. Richard K.O'Donnell .. (Sl.000 s: 499) Mr William* McCoi .... Edward T McErlean, Esq. Dr. Charles W Reif.l ol.,USA, Don Reape • Mr Charles j. McGovern . Lawrence Mellon Jr., M.D. .... lames A. Gross, Ph.D .... D.C.. Retired .... J. Donald Sharp .... Mr. F. Brother William Quaintam 1 . Joseph A Kane, Ph.D .... Mr George W Rose ... Founder's Club F.S.C., Ed.D. Gerald W. McEntee, LHD *. 1 .. |r , |osephH.Wood M ' (S500 5999) Mr Tarleton D. Williams Si •• Mr. Stephen McLoughlin •«• Ugo Donini Club J lames R Bacon ... Thomas Murphy, CLU .... Anniversary Club (s^o S499) J. Founder's Club loseph L. Darr, M.D. S249) Mr. R Gallagher... ($140 Thomas Mr. Vincent A. DellaValle . (S500 S999) Founder's Club -. Lawrence J, Jordan, D.O. Frank A. Barrett .. (s,,.ro S999) Mr. Stephen G. McCarron .. Mr. Wilham B FynesSi .... Mr. George Ke Jr. Ugo Donini Ciub Mr. James A. Riviello .... Col. John R. Waite, AUS, Retired ... Robert W. Lynch, CPA...... Mr. Thomas J. Leahy (S250 S499) Mr. Thomas W. Sheehan ... Mr. Francis McTague ». ... J. John J. Mikus Thomas E. Wallace •• PeterJ.CritikosII.Ph.D. Robert M. Rogers, M.D Thomas L. Moy, D.O. ... Ugo Donini Club Mr. Donald W. Yurkon John F. Dinger, Esq. .. lames William Rodgers, '52 •• (S250 S499) Mr. Thomas E Dougherty .... Mr. Nicholas A. Salandria .... Ugo Donini Club O- Francis Biondi, Esq. *. Col. C.E. Goodyear

Mr Benjamin Sai 1 •• Anniversary Cllb (S2$0 5499) Rev. John F.Bloh.. Mr. George I. Haggerty * (Si 10 5249) •• Jerome H Brodish, M.D Mr. Francis \ J.irdel .... Charles W. and Jane (Gregorio)

Donors Eugene and Dorothy Brett .. Edward F. Heller . Greenberg ... Lee J. and Annette [Kosorog) [I proSi39) Fred P. ... ( A. Ph.D. •* OiTommaso Francis Loeber O'Connor, Ph.D. . lasimir Janicki,

Gardiner .... Mr. Joseph •• Honorable T.I. kelh |r. .... John J. W Matthews Si Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Rampulla ... The John Mr Thomas 1 Blessington • Robert T Lynch, Esq, . Mr. Richard W. Plant Mi and Mrs. Robert N. McNally .. Mr. Fred V. Boccella ...... Mr. Louis P MaSUCCJ Mr Robert J Schaefer*. Capt. lohn L. Sechler, USN, Mr. James P. Brennan ... Anniversary Club .... lames J McDevict, M.D. Peter F Shields .... Retired Mr. Albert R Chetius * (s U n 5249) Harry | White. Ph.D .... Mr Adam R. Smith Ml Thomas R. Geary ... Anthony N Coyle ... Mr JohnJ.Cush .. Donors Mr. Conrad M Cregan *.• 1 Mr fohn A DiMascio ••• 1. ptoSl39) Anniversary Club Anniversary Club ... Mr. Anthony J. Dennisonjr. Mr. William Dunn Jr ... (St40 S249) (SI40 S249) J. Anonym«ms ... Edward J. Fetter, Ph.D. ... Mr Thomas J. Feeney .. Mr. Sr •• Mr. .... Mr. Barrett . Anthony M. Carney James A. Convery Mr. Ronald N. Gangemi John J. Robert Fisher, M D •* Carroll « .. P Carey. Esq ... Henry M. Mr. Daniel J. Flanncry lames Ciarberma .. Edward Mr. Leonard F Gmeiner .... Mr. Angelo A. Dur» 1 .. Charles W. Gissel, CPA ... Francis P. Cosgrove .. Charles | Haag ... Mr. Edward V Graham . 1' aim - aid .... K a\ 1 Derbyshire .... I Fitter Geffrey B Kelly, STD, Mr. mond Ph.D., LLD — |ohn P |ungers,( PA .

DECEASEDt RETIRED' \\ omen's Giving Circle'


Re\ |ohn ( lharles Moore • Founder's Club Mr. Martin B. McCannJr. •

1- •• Mr. Pennestri .... \U Bei nard 1 Mc( ormii James J. President's Club 1 S999)

James A. Thomas Jr., M-D. eph F. McGuinness *•*• i Mr. Mario N D'Aulerio ...» Mr John A. Mellon ... Dead\ Sr.. La Salle gratefully recognizes individuals who John J, CPA... Donors Joseph A Murphy, Ph D • 1 - 1 •• Mi baric .1 am! contributed $50,000 or more to the University Mr, Alfred T Niczyporow icz ( i p to S139) .... Mi James 1 Mel lonald Panchella, ... during FY 2007-2008. loseph J. CPA Mr. Walter j. Meyers Jr. .. Mr. David L. Andrews .... Mr. Edward T. Pason ... Mr. EnosC. Ney .... Mi Th.m1.1-. Rm\, r J John P. Rossi, Ph.D .... Richard P . « t ... Dr. Peregoj William J Brady Jr. Anonymous LeoD. Rudnytzky, Ph.D .. Mr. Donald M Peterson. Mr Erwin A. Carp • • '82 ... Mr Bt mi ird 5tej anski ... Bruce J. and Susan Altamore Carusi. Esu.. Mr. George Schneider Jr . Mr. F t 'onnolly •* J Thomas Jr. Mi fames E Sullivan Jr, ... Mr. Thomas Curley, '70 ... DiPrimio, Ph.D. .. Mr. William B. Siegfried *. Anthony A. Mr. David P. Tomlinson • Devlin, '64 .... Dougherty Nancy and J. Hugh Mi Harry J. Mi Roben M Vass • .* '63 Mr Frank K Fighera Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fierko, ... Ugo Donini Club Mr. William J.Weber .. Mr Robert Fischer •*«« '72 Joan (Mancini), '74, and Thomas J. Fitzpatnclc )r., .... (S2S0 S499) Mi l*>hn Ginyard •* Mr. T. Fries, '66 . John Mr. Lawrence J. Borger ... * harles A. Glackin, Esq. . Mr. Elmer F. Hansen 111, '90 .. PaulE. Cundeyjr., M.D. Mi lames 1 i latch .... Mr Thomas F Dudley ... Mr Raymond G. Huml Jr .... Mr. Elmer F. Hansen Jr., '58 .. 1959 Mr. Anthony A. Ferrara Sr ...... Dr Roben F June-, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kean, '54 .... J. Edward L. Haas •• Mr. John F Kerstan ... '49 University Club Mr. John L. McHale, ... Mr. Adrian O. Hawryliw .. Joseph V Koehler, D.O. ** (- [o 000 S24 999] Anthony '66, and Ruth Nocella .... Mr. Gerald T Holmann ... Mr. Thomas F McGowan Jr. ... J.,

Mr Frederick L )aniszewski ... ( [ 1 •••• '62 l> iseph Flanagan, M Charles J. Moloney, M.D. Thomas F. Pyle Jr., . Mr. Edwin Luc ... Mr. Stanley L Morton ... J. Mr. Carmen V. Romeo, '65 .... Mr. William J. Manning Jr. .. Mr. Martin G. Pendergast Sr. ... Dr. Flubacher Club William R. Sautter, CPA, '71 .. Mr. Louis M. Melasecca .. Mr. Joseph M. Penrose ••• (SS OOO S9 "''•'J Mr. Robert H Mom-. Louis P. Reiff, PhD ...... Dick Noon . Mi William J. Borkjr. Mr |oseph W Suchinsky •• Michael M Schl u tei Mr. Frank I Trent .... Mr. Thomas C Smith .... George Warner *• San Miguel Club J. Jr. John R Galloway, Esq. .... Bud Wahl .. Rev. Paul A Wiedmann. fs> 50O S4.999) [oseph R. Kelly .. I9S8 Mr Edmund B Wutzer*.. Mr. Charles W. Kilbride.. Lawrence E McAlee, Esq .... Mr. Henry Kollert* Mi Ernest R. Varalli .. J. President's Club Anniversary Club Mr. Richard F. Langan ... ($50,000 and above) (S14O S249) I9S7 William T. Lee, CHFC, CLU .. Chairman's Club Elmer F. .. Philip J. LoPresti, M.D..*. Mr. Hansen Jr. Dr. Michael E. Boh an . (si 000 S2 499) Cmdr. Joseph M- McCauley, USN, [oseph F. Clarke, M.D. ... Dr. Flubacher Club Mr Donald F. Cunningham ... Retired . Charter Club Mr. Frank A. Dunn . ($5 000 S9.999) ••• John A. Duffy Jr., PhD .. Mr. John J Serratore Mr. James E. Fran: ($25 000 S49 999) David L Forde, M.D. .... Garrison . Mr. James J. Broussard ••»• Mr |ohn P. Mr. and Mrs William McCormick |i iseph L. Hanley .... Donors J. Pat Kennedy • Jr .... Mr. Eugene T Horan San Miguel Club (UptoSl39) Mr. John B Lynch Jr. John M. Strobel, Evening 1 fi\ ision • Mr. Joseph W. McBnde Sr .. ($2 50O S4.999) Mr. Paul T Braceland .. University Club Mr. Robert J. McCartney Mr. and Mrs. Hagan *•• Mr. Nuncio N < ali .. John J. (sro 000 524.999) Donald F McGuigan, DDS . Founder's Club Daniel L. and Catherine (Devlin) Mr. Thomas M. McLenigan .... (S500 S999) Callahan Mary I. and C. Gerard Kramer .... William J. Parkes 11 * Chairman's Club Mr Mrs. Charles Reinhardt . Mr. Edward V. Byrns .. Mr. Francis X. Cassid) •*•* and J. S2 Alfred T. Pepino, M.D. .. ($t.OOO 499) Mr. ... Francis Trzuskowski, •••• .. Milton A Washington J. Esq Mr. Theodore J. Chesk i Lt. Col. Charles J. Reich, USA, Mr Francis H. Bruce ... Mr. William R.Culp*. Retired . .... Michael Kerlin, Ph.D. t Mr. AltredO. Deckerr .... I J. I )F lubacherClub Mr. Richard A Repko .*. Ugo Donini Club Mr. Francis P. McMenamm Mr. John L. Delaney .... ( S9.999) Lt. Col. Joseph E. Scanlin ... (S250 S499) Mr. William P. Dierkcs... Mr. William J. Sheehan »• Robert J. Bray Jr., Esq. ••• Rob Davine ... Mr. John F. Dowling «»* Founder's Rev. Francis X Smith Club Mr. Donald W. Goodwin ... J Joseph Dowling, '59 Mr. Thomas P, Duffy Sr. ... (s$oo S999) Mr. James Walsh... J. Alan Fernet, Ed.D. .. | V. Duganjr., Ph.D. ... J William Barry, M.D. ... Donors Capt. Joseph T Kennedy, USN, J. Mr. John P. Gall* Mary Lou and Richard Monihan, (L pto$lJ9) Retired ... Ronald L. Gendaszek •• San Miguel Club Kroll M.D ... Mr. Richard J. John J.Gilroy, Ph.D. (S2 5O0 M 999) Anonymous . Thomas .. Joseph E. Pappanojr., .... J Lavin Jr M.D. Mr John C. Gyza .... Mr Edward J. Bader • Louis J Casale, M.D. * John A. Smith, Ed.D. .... Geoi ' P Liarakos, M.D. «... William Hall 111, M D .... J. Edward C Malarkey, Ph.D. . Mr. Frank E. Bottorfi ... Mr. Francis X. Tracey *• Mr. John S. Ligenza •••• Leon Jablonski .. J. Brother Gerard F Molyneaux, Rev. Joseph W Callahan .. Mi |oseph G Rodd\ ... Mr. James A. Kean Michael .... FS.C.Ph.D. .. Mr. A. Caputo Mr. George E. Keneipp Ugo Donini Club Mr. Joseph 1 < 'asey ••• |s_is" Nicholas C. Kihm, Esq. .... Anniversary Club S499) Mr. Thomas I Casey .... Mr. Richard A. King*.. Chairman's Club (S140 S249) Mr. Arthur J. Dustman Jr. .... Mr. A. Darragh . v Henry (51.000 : Mr. Richard S. Kozieja * 499) Richard Dyer.. Mr. K. . William A Fynes Daniel J. Colombi, M.D. **** Frederick J. Leinhauser Mr. Robert L Rohrer .. Otis and Madeline (Varga) ( ol |ohn( Farley, ISA, Retired .. t mJr. Victoi M I iavin, USN, Mr. Joseph T Maher Anthony L Cucu:iella, M.D. .. Fitzgerald .» '^J Retired .... Anthony P. Finamore, - I'll .. |ohn 1 Md ,mn, D EdwardS. Devlin, Class ol 1958*.. Mr. Bernard Freiland • Professor Charles Kindregan, '57 .* Mr Robert A. Godbe) •••• Mr. John C. McDevitt ...... Mr. Edward B. Gehring Mr, John I Gaworski Mr Donald Heisler. Gerard J. Lewis •• J. Mr. James P. McDonald . Joseph Anthony Giampietro, M.D. M Gindhart, Esq. M Mi [renaeus Isajiw Mr. H. Eugene Passmore Jr. *••• Mr. A. McNichol Jr ... John Mr. Kenneth G. Hagei t .. Mr, Ant hum |. Guerrieri ... Mr. Michael Magnotta 1 The Honorable Richard A J, Mr. Robert S. Mojica ... v .* Mr. John 1 Haggerty Jr. ••* ol Norman E. Kat: .... Powers III .. James F Srehli Mr. George H. Myers .... Esq .. Mr B.Kelly. James J- Kuhn Jr, John Mi Earl R.Sullivan. Mr. Vincent | Szymkowski ». Mr. Gabriel Pascuzzi .... J. Mr. Thomas F. McCrea .... Mr. William P. Lamb .... ••* Mi Lawrence J. Vannozzi

Mi [oseph F Pearson Sr. ... 1' I |> isin .... Mi ieraldM W.Ik.... Mr ihn Magi Jr. • Mr Samuel 1 Watl |r. •

Anniversary Club Mi I harles F. Rueger Sr. ... -\ John T. Williams St., M D ** Mr Donald Marrandino •

(S140 S249) Mi Richard |. Sexton Jr. ... •• Mr. Donald J McAnem |ohnJ Snyder, Ph D • • Mi ThomasP Mc( affre^ .. Rc\ 1 'i\ ivl 1. Beebe •

Mr 1 lenry 1 Sobieski .*• is Mr. \ I inegan Jr. .. B Mr. Henry W Zaknewski ... t ears of Giving represents five ^ ears oi giving ro La Salle Universi n

Noti Dai \ TR v._ ED B \t K TO 1 IS< U il vk [986

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 13 . . .

ll I- I \ORS Ugo Donini Club Mi incisj Weiss..*. Miln.nF Reunion 2008 Giving ili9) Whitehead-..

Mr. Robert T Alden Mr Laurence r. Crossan Sr. ...

<,. Mr Robert Baker ... Mi 1 1. iiu is I lelverson ... La Salle congratulates all of our Reunion classes I Mi |oseph M Brady . Mi |ames T McLaughlin ... and gratefully acknowledges the following Mr Peter Carides ... 1962 class gifts: 1 I ••• Joseph A ( iconte, 'Ml Anniversary Club Mr [ohnH.Cobb*. Class Year Amount |M|o S249) President's Club Mr. Edw.rd H Dcvet III ... $1,140 (S50 000 and above) 1938 Mr JohnR Digan .. I" Ann and Adolph BirkenberEer « Enrico DiRienzo, 1943 $770 Edward M Dougherty ... J M.D.. Thomas F. Pylejr.. Mr Robert A Donovan III .... 1948 $11,400 Mi I l.i rr v G Fleming •••

• John J Egan 1953 $17,900 Mr Michael I Gallaghei Charter Club I ... »• Raymond R lagen Sr. Mr Vincent I Greeh (s:, 001 1 S49 999)

1958 $152,399 I •• Mi tigene R Hahn ... Mi Walter I Griffin E. .. I li.nles 1 larkins Mr, John Glasei 1963 $404,065 Mi A Hemphill.. Ml T

. Col.l leraldT Hipp. USA. 1968 $54,275 Mr. Thomas | I loran Frank T kell\ ... Retired .... University 1973 $59,319 Club Li i ol lamcsJ.McGill, I IS V Mr Joseph A Koch ••• (SlO ><<• s24 999) 1978 $28,643 Retired ... Mr. and Mrs. Edward 1. Kreuser •. Mr. .... *.* Leo J. Schilling Jr Mr Frank A Manfredi ... |ohn I O'Driscoll

Mi Theodore M. Rogers Jr. ... Mr [ohn M Md . litem ...

Philip E. McGovern . James T.Sedlock, Ph.D. *+ Dr. Flubacher Club

I 1 Donors DB LUBACHER CLUB Mr. Francis T McGrath ... I Ion loseph M Shortall .. (ss S9.999) |i S i Mr Trappier .. ptoSl39) (S5.000 Mr. Tarnck McNamee • Donald I J. lohnF Carabello, DMD**.. Mr. Francis A. Miller ... • loin 1 1 1\ .•*• William Barbour Mi Mart Mr. Michael J. Griffin*.. s Mr |oseph M Murray .... Mr. Elmer Bauer It .... Mr. and Mrs. Robert T Wrighi r Donors Mr. ChariesJ. O'Brien ... Mr. Bruce T. Beaui n . Jr Brother Benedict San Miguel Club Robert Cahill...* Oliver, F.S.C. J. S \\ Miguel Club Paul \ Vlam./M .... (s; ;oO S4.999) Mr |imie G Ramirez Mr K i\ mond T ( lothicr • •• >> 1 ard l_ . i I Mi du Borneman Mr Robert M Reinhart . Nicholas Lisi, Esq. ... ( J. Mr D Id I i-U'.... I • )r |ohn I Brabazon .... Mr Peter A. Martosella Jr. .... Dr. James T Richard Mr. Michael McKenna . I la} ... J. Mi Anthoni I Mr |ohn I- Burke ... Mr. Paul M. Schofield ThomasC Rosica, LCSW, MCPsyA . Mi |i >lin I [ in |r .... Mr |,>seph P. Burke Sr.. Mr. John R. Schwartz • Mr. John M Flood .. Chairm \n\ Club Mr Daniel Campbell .... Mr. Christopher W Silvot,tiJr -.•• Mr. Hugh ( ( iallagher ••»• ($ 1 52 $99) Mr N Carides ... Chairman's Club \' John |ohn Snydei s r . Mr John V. Goldsmith •• (M 000 S^ Mi I iei irge A ( -arroll •••• 499) Samuel P C im I 'I )S .... I lonald I. Sprague, Esq. .« Mr John T t -i. .ii |i .. Mi |oseph C lentonze . - l A Brothei I dward 1 1 \11ih01n P Baratta, Esq. ... mwai Brother kY\ in M F E I Mr. Thomas Grimes .... Stanton, J. Mi Peter A. Citiberto Sr. ... Mi I ••• .... Richard Prendergasi Robert W. Suter, Esq. .. |ohn I t !onvey, Ph D I k raid .I Guarini • Mi .... lames I Connelly F • .... Brother David Rogers, F.S t Mr ThomasC Tarpi •• Mr. Thomas J. Lynch I ••• Mr James I tayburn Mr Timothy Coonahan .... L. Dennis Schuler, Esq. •*•• J. Charles Mr 1 larry T. Todd D.Oettle~* Mr. Louis I- Julg Jr. Lt.Col Richard E. Darcy, USA, Mr. Richard L. Vanderloo ... Mr. and Mrs. ChariesJ Reilly .... Mr. Francis R Klaster .• Retired ... Mr. F.Walsh... ChariesJ. and Mane Varker . Wilham Mr. Bruce J. Koegler Founder's Club ( harlesR Dees Jr., Ph.D. . Mr. Joseph A. LaMonaca III (S500 S999) Mr John J Dougherty Mr John L Langan • • Founder's Club Mr. Herbert R. Baiersdorfer Mr |oseph P Egan ....

Mr |oseph J. Lynch Jr. (S500 S999) Anthoni Battaglia, Ph.D. .. Mr. Clifford M. Gillespie . ... Mr. James J. Lynn . Mr. James 1 ( iosgrove I96I Mr Raymond W Gramlich*. William F. Cunningham, M.D. •• Mr Joseph A Marg 11 Frederick A Marecll Jr Mi William W Haines*.* Walter E. Dunn Jr. ...

Mr. Patrick I McFadden ... Mr ... ThomasR Swam, Ph.D.*** University Club |oseph I Hallman Linda A. and David R. Hepburn *• Mr |oseph A Met iehrin Sr . JohnP.WhitcarJr.,M.D . JohnK Held Mr. Francis B- McHugh .. (•• 10 •-.:-) Mr Thomas W Mel Irath »*•< 999) Mr. George S. Jordan .... Rohert|.P,collo...

Mr ( Seorge T Murphy Ugo Donini Club Mr. Joseph H. I .'lor. in .... Mr. William [.Kent .... Mr. William R.Regli**. Mr. Raymond I Nolenjr. ... Mr. Robert N Masucci ... Mr. Richard N Lacovara . Taras M. Wochok, Esq. *• (S250 S499) Mr. Clarence J. Now.Kk ... Mr I <.w id B I ong u i' •• Frank ... Mr J Obara Jr. Mr. Anthony M. Alberta .. Dr. Flubacher Club Mr. Thomas F. Lynch . Ugo Donini Club Mr. Charles K O'Malle^ .... Mr. James J Canavan Mr Joseph P. Marchione • l^s OOO S ($250 S499) Law rence M Oti U .. Mr. loseph D'AulerioJr, .... Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J Mascoli Mr losephj, Pello.. Vincent V. Anderson, Esq ... Mr. Joseph E. Hill *~ loseph S McAuliffe, Esq. ... Rev. Robert Albright *.* Mr. Remo M Pitassi *•• Mr- Altred A Lisiewski Sr. .... Mr. Joseph V. Ashman Jr. .... Mr I lanie! 1 McCarthy .. Joseph Raab, DDS •*. J. Mr. Francis R. McCullough ...... Mr. Anthony Clark Jr. .... San Miguel Club Mr. Martin J. McDonnell J.

William F.Raichle... |i Edward A. Miller .... Mi i-eph ( i ( iu-K [r, .... (v SOO S4 999) Mr. Gerard F. McLaughlin . Mr. William J. Randall***. Pendergast Sr. . Mr. Richard A. .* Joseph J, Joseph F. McMahon .. DiSammartino ... Mr. James D. McShea •••• John F. Reardon, Ed.D. Mr, Joseph A. Saioni ».* Tom Fugaro, '62 .. Mr. I \i\ id J. McMaster. Mr. F. .... Mi |oseph P. Roach .... James Mullan < harlesF. Scott Jr.*. Mr ThomasC Melle\ Sr • Mr. Charles W. Giannetti David M. Spratt, D.0 . . Mr. Owen L. Green III ... Mr. Robert | Mulligan Mr WilliamF Taylor. Chairman's Club Mi Thomas Kirsch .. Anniversary Club Mr. William J Neville... J. Mr WilliamM Weuler (Sl.000 >2 4'»") John L. McLaughlin, Ph.D . ($140 S*49) Martin I Ney, Ed.D. **** Mr.ThomasJ.Whelan*. .... Mr. David Norwitz .. John J. Neuschel Paul F. Ben, Ph.D. .... Jim White .. Mr. Anthony D. Caruso .... Mr. Robert Pace .. Eugene Nines ... Mr. Donald Brooks .. J. James B Dierkes, CPA, CLU . J. Thomas E, Peters *. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G Mr. ( .... William I iallagher, Esq. Mr. John Piatkowski ... Cavarocchi ... J. Anniversary Club Li ( lol Gerald J. Hone, USA, Mr Thomas |. Rafter .. Mr Fames P Edwards .... (S140 S249) Retired Richard M. Schieken, M.D. .... I960 Mr Philip W.J Fisher* Mr. Joseph V Kell\ ... l\m R. Allou.n .. Mr. Raymond C. Seiberlich .... Mr. Sidney J. Kowalczyk .... Mr. Paul G. Mattus ... |ohn D ( aputo, Ph.D ... Joseph T Sermanni ... Joseph P. McFadden ... University Club Mr Francis I.'. Newman . Frederick Ciao. Ph.D. *• Mr. Raymond Short ... J. Stanley T. Praiss, DDS, MAGD . J, (Sio 000 s^4 •>'»')) Robert E. Pianka Mr. Wilham P Doringjr.... Mr Donald A. Sivick • Mr. Joseph J. Ruzicka •••• Mr |oseph R. Walton. Mr Richard J. Hart... Mr. Gerald 1. Smith Anonymous •* Capt. Hugh A. Strehle, USN, Mr. James P Watersjr.*.. John F. Kenney . Bob and ... Mr. and Mrs Frederick I MiuhLr Retired ... Jean Strasavich Mi .... . Edward I Werner Brian T Ki Idee, Esq Mr. William H. Taylor .. Harry W. Woodcock, Ph I' .... Mi \ harlcs Mahon »••. Eugene R Valentine, M.P. J



'.- i I 1 • 1 1 . Mr. FrancisX McKeffcri Sr. ... Charles M DeFuccio, Esq. •• Mr. Frank 1 1 Matticola Mr. loseph McD Mr. ... - .. ... » 1 Mr Robert 1 Pblgar Michael F, Dougherty, Esq Mr Samuel Mc< Earthy Zachary Wochok, Ph.D

1' .... Thomas 1. Trainer ... Mr John F. Richardson ... Mr. |ohnW Itarran.... Mr Edward 1 McFadden Edward A Wrobleski,M Mr.

1 .. Robert Mr Thomas Ryan ••** Mr |oseph M Ridgwav .• Mr Eugene 1 Murphy Mr. P VanderNeut »»

... • • I'eterL. Viscusi, Ph 1 ... Capt. George P. Vercessi, USN. Mr. John F. Smart Jr Mi Robert P. O'Shaughnessj Ugo Donini Club Retired .. Mr. Eugene Park ... Mi William T Walker 111 .» J. (S2S0 5499) 1 ... Joseph E. Wreen. Ph.D ... Mr. James I Wuenschel .... Founder's Club Mr Michael W Park •••• ... Ri n elli .. Jim Abelc Mr Gerald 1 Ziccardi Mr. Francis S. (SSOO 5999) .... Mi Alfred B. Ruff ... Gene I Yl.uv.

1 Mr. Anthom A. Abbott ... Mr James \ toughi 1 Donors Mr Joseph 1 Ruggiero James A. Dalton .... Mr \ inceni A Gallagher •• Alben |. Schuler, Esq .. 1 1 p to SlJ9) Evancich ... Rev Emmett Gavin, . 1 Mr. Joseph M. Mr, Louis D. Seymout .. OCARM, JD 90S •** lack Hickey-Williams ... James J. Alesi Mr. Jack M.Lee.« Mr. Francis M Smith •.•.

. •• Mr. Franklin T Barrett ... Mr William 1 Rafteri .... Mr |ohn 1 Magee Joseph M Speakman, I'll 1 1 President's Clue

.... ' Mr. Crewalk •** Richard M Snyder, Esq . Mr. Eugene 1 Mather John J. Mr. Myron Suchanick .. (S50 OOO and . •» Mr |oseph F Murphy ... Mr. Robert J Dawson Mr. loseph T Szul -••• Mi 1 armen \ Romei 1 Mr Francis W. DeMarco Mr. John E Politowski .... Ugo Donini Club Mr 1 .mi- [ 1 T.idJei •• Russell T DiBella ... Barry J. Rosen. D.O. . Mi Eugene 1 ) \ annucci .. ($250 199)

1 1. .... [ >r Joseph M Di w m_-\ - John Snyder Unh ersh > Club Matthew 1 Wachowski .... Mr. Vincent V Berry ... Mr. Paul A. Dressel Mi WilliamE Wixted... 00 S24.9 Davis... Rev. Mr. William F Eliason .. Mr GeraldT Anniversary Club Mr. William V. Toner .. Mr Daniel Gill Jr.. Mr. F. Forand •». G Norman S249) (5140 1 (rs ZaneR andCharlesJ. Wolf Mr. Thomas L. Hagenbarth * Mr. Hugh A. *, tilrni ire 111 .... Mr. Joseph E. H anion .... Mr. John C. Altrogge .. Mr. John F. Hipp •• ... Mr Bernard Bieg .... Mr. PeterJ, Keenan •••• Jay H Holtzman, MO. 1964 J.

... ( lei irge .. Mr. Fred A Howell J. Bronkovic Jr Dr. Flubacher Club James J. Kelly, CPA.. L. 1::... M P .. Mr. C. Michael Davis .. S9.999) Mr. Albert L Kern •• Joseph President's Club Gerald P Kirsch ... Mi Edward D. Hauck ... Mr JohnL Knab ••-• ($50 000 and abovt | Mr Nicholas V. Gioi in Nicholas .... Mr Kautz |ames H. Knebel, Esq., "62 .. Mr. T Lutsch |ohn C.

\.im.\ and Hui;h Devlin • ••• • lames and Elizabeth McBrearty .* J. Mr. Robert 1 McAloon Mr. Eiirle ' Lande- •*** Tin !' s w Miguel Club 1 Novak Mr imas Mel lonnell Mr Vincent L Leonetti »* |ohn James P Reich, Thomas P McGorry, Ml*.. Is: ;oo 54.999) Mr Thomas F- Lindemuth * DMD«. Charter Club

•• 1 Mr.PhilipE Rog. rs I'. irl 1 Paperiello- Mr. EJwarJ C. Lucas . (S25 OOO 549999) |ohnW Becherjr., D.O. .. ». ••• lames J Straine lames W Ziccardi. D.O. Brother Joseph F Mahon, F.S I Mr |ohnJ. Collin- Dr, and Mrs. Roger G Buys ... *. Mr. Philip A. Sullivan ...... Neal McDonnell Mi loseph J. Connelly lr. Philip C. McGuire .... Donors John D. Leah} •••• University Club Mr.DanielJ.McNeff — Anniversary Club (Upto$l39) Mr. Stephen M Pa:uk • ... ($10 000 S24 999) Mr Edward T Moore Jr. (S140 S249) 1 . Mr lonald J. Campanile Mr William 1 Moore ...... t offey |i , Esq Joseph A. .. Chairman's Club Mr. Charles R Adelsbergei .. Mr. John 1 Canney Anthony C. Murdocca Mr Paul 1 ( iallagher*.. • (Si 52.499) Mr. John M Bradley.... Mi 1 1 incis J, Carroll ••• Mr John J. Murph\ Jr Dennis S. Mario, CPA .... ( Mr. |osepb P. Brennan .... Mi Vincent M 'erquitella Barn Mr Francis W. Pfluger.. Mr William V

Robert B. Brunt .. Mr Vincent M ( > m mey •• Mr. i. •• Dominic 1 otugno, Ed.D. Mr. Vincent J. Pinto .... Mi Vi( !<>r F Cantarella .... Dr. Flubacher Club Mr David P. Cullen ... Mr. Vincent C. Piselli ... Mr MbertW Davis.. : s '- \\ 1 ierald 1 In. in. ... F Sr 0( M.D i^ . 999) Mi [ames Cullen Honorable ... Mr. Robert C. Schmidt ... The John J. Donnelly •*• .. Mr Eugene M ( lonbo^ Mr William F D'Arcy ... . Mi Michael F. Doyle Mr James F SherlocJi Mr William J. Collins Jr.... 1 ... James C. Davidheiser, Ph D Dr. Lawrence 1 )e\ arc Jr. 1 harles E. Dunleavy ... Mr. Ravmond F Snyder .... Mr M \ Mele... Ml Jr. Mr. John E. Geraghty ... Mr John M. Donnelly ••• .* Mr. Francis \ Fee |r . Mr. Richard J. Travaline |i iseph C iallagher *» Mr. James M Joyce Mi P. Mr. Charles Kane .... Mr. Joseph C>. VanReymersdal .... J Mr. John Lafferty ... San Miguel Club Mi John C. Gallo ... *•»» J. Brother Richard Kestler, F-S.C. Mr. Frank J. Varga Mr. .... is; 500 S4 999) Mr. Anthony Gatt .... William A McDonald Jr J. |ohn E. McGonigle, CPA Mr. Frederic ( Vincent ...... John J. McGinnis Mr. DonatoGiusti • **• Mi lohn T Browne Jr. • Peggj and Jack Seydow Mr. James J. Weir Joseph E Met irath, Esq, * Mr Robert L. Giusti •• . Mr Frank C 1 lorace ... Frank J. Wood It Edward .. James A. Murphy. M D » Mr I Golden Jr. Mr Jos, |'|i Donovan ... Chester Zach .. W Founder's Club III .... Mr |oseph ••• I Guaraldo Mr. John Robrecht Bruce Dvch .... Mr. Josephs, Zajaczkowski . (S500 S999) Mr. Robert Vitalie ... Mr. Robert Gudknecht .... J. Peter A Horty.CPA ....

Mr. Thomas F White •• 1 V |( on Philip E. Heancv . W'.lham F Bryan 111 .... Joseph F. keen, in, Esq. •• Mr. Jules LHorvath*. Mr T. .... - Mr Paul F Naughton ... Joseph Cunnane Donors Eugene L lannotti, Ph.D. .. Mr Thoma- B PiPiolo..*. Mr. James H Kate- lr .... i .1 |ohn M Feret. Retired .. 1963 (i. to p $139) i ,h airman's Club Mi Paul M. Kilbride.. Gerald M. Handley, Esq ••• (Sl.000 >2 499) Frank J Battaglia, Ph.D. ... David B. .. '65 •• President's Club Mr. Knies lame- P. McFadden, Beck Mr. John J. I... Edie A. and Norhert F Belzer, Mr. William J. LahrllU... 1 odore M Pappas •• |v-,,, 1 above) Mr. James F. Boyle . •• Ph.D .... Mark J. Malone Sigrw md S Rutkowskijr., D.O. .... ;inJ Mr. Fieri,... Mr Richard D Breen . ... Mr. Edward J. Mr EdwardT CahillSr. Mi Edward F. Mastal MichaelJ ValUIlo, DDS« Mr. John T Breickner 111 .. Mr. Francis J. Walsh Jr. « Robert B Byrnes Sr. • McGee**. ••• Charter Club Si in( iresh.Ed.D. ... Thomas H Mr. Robert Vurgal Mi Eugene 1 t lerceo .••• ... lohn I McGroarty, Ed.D. (S2S.000 S49.999) Richard F Keeve^ .... Mr. Peter A, Certo ...... JohnW LynnJr.,CIC,( PIA« Mr Louis I Muracco Donini .- Ugo Club Mr |ohn 1 Langan John R Conwell Mr. Jim McGrath ... Patnckl O'Connor, Esq. (S250 5499) .. James D. Dcasy, Esq. John P Tenders, Esq .... Mr. Gerard B. O'Donnell .«

Mr Vincent DiPaolo .... • Michael A. Benko.DMD Dr. FlubacherClub Mr, Kenneth Shaw Jr .... Mr. lame- T Parsi ins

• |. «* Mr. Allan I Duff} ... Mr iseph 1 Boyce |s^ OOO 59 999) Dr. and Mr- Mark R Stein *• 1 h Lawrence D. Patter-on Mr |oseph B l.ih\ Peroni, Mr Michael A C lolucci Sr. ... 1 Peter Ed.D. Brother Joseph J. Willard S.< A Terence K. 1 Icanev. Esq. ... Michael Feerick ... Mr Maurice E I !oX Jr t .... J. Mr Gerald C Plewes .... Mr. Michael (! Mullen ... Mr John P Gallagher.... Pasquale F Finelli, M I '. Founder's Club Mi William A Run Mr. Thomas H. Haag ... • Mr. Edward R Fitzgerald Mr Anthony 1 Rokos (ssoo S999) Chairman's Club Ed Harbaugh •» John L\ .. John J Rooney.Ph D

Mr JosephL Hitchings 5i • Mr P, ... Michael Brocht Gormley, t ($1,000 $2,499) |oseph Batory Matthew N. Sabatine |r., DMD •• DDS, M.D ... Mr. Walter? Lapusheski 1 rani and Marion Brennan .. Mr Arnold D Samson .. CharlesF Haldeman, Ph.D. «. Mr. John B, Beal .... Mr James E Ma honey • ( Ironin, .... •• Mr Frank Kirk •• Dennis W M.D. Mi I lonald P Sa\ ab in is J. 1 1 »* ierard 1 )arpency, Esq •• | |r * 1 • Mr. Leo Mansi Mi 1' iseph 1 Hrschmann ... Father William Spencer .... Mi Michael I M mdoi JohnL Connell, CPA «. W Mr |ohn J. Mullin..

Years of Giving REPRESENTS FIVE i" EARS OF GIVING TO LA SaLLE UNIVERSITY Note: Data traced backi >nlti

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 15 . .

1 Wren •• Mr. R . ...


. ! , Ryan .• 1 ... b 2007-2008 Gift Summary >ys Source ... Mr. William N. Zelnei ....

|— Anniversary Cub Individuals 35.94% ^— "^\ Government 31.30% ] — "^ ;

...... 1966 \ir. n • Corporations 8.74% L -^M ^ Other 1.64% I.I .... President's Club Bill DiM - above)

iP.D oli - i Foundations and Trusts 22.38% Mr [ohn T. Fries . J^^^^^

i •••• Roben 1 Fr iser, Esq Anthony and Ruth Nocella ...... J. Mr Paul 1 Kerns

Mi \Vj\ ne ( J. McKeevcr •*•

Matthew L. Mullin .... University Club Mr. M. Shaetter ... Mr. Gerald Coghlan ... John 196- J. Mr David R. Murphy ••• .... 524.999) Mr Richard A Tucker... Mr. Joseph J. Drummond .

Mi Edward C. Rice ... .. Mr. Patrick I Ward.... Martin Frain Mr John I Ka\ anagh Sr. *• Mr. Joseph L Rigolizzo . Edward H. Wesiermann Sr. Charter Club Robert Lemke ••

1 .. Mi Edward Smith - %4 1 Nickels ~+ Mr. Joseph A. III S \\ Miguel Club ( .—• Mr. 1 Jeoi \t Stew art Thomas P. Ryan ... Donors Mr. Walter W. Noce Jr. ... (S : - 10 S4 999) Mr. George A. Vasihauskas .... Mr LeoW Pierce Jr.« DONi W Richard Bukata, M.D. ... Joseph P. WargoJr. ... Mr. Theodore H. Alber ... o S139) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene I- Ferry — Mr Michael A, Baum .. University Club Mr. William B Miller.... Donors Mr. Peter H Vlonzo Mr. Robert L. Browne * (SlO 000 J24 999) Mr and Mrs. Pearce ... Ham J. (Up to SIJ9) Mr. Robert |. Bachei .. Mr Mm J. Burfete Jr. Mr. J. Anthony Havden ** •**- William and Rosemary Baldino Richard Cahill... Mr. John P. Alcorn ... Chairman's Club J. Robert Burke . •* J Mr. Natal J. Carabello ••• Mr. Ronald M. Anthony IM San Miguel Club Mi 1 iseph F. Burns ...... I\mald R. Chienci Jr., Esq. Arthur J. Askins, CPA, CFE. CHA 1-: 500 s 4 \ttilio E 1 k Filippis 999) Mr. John M Kramer * Frank N. Clary Jr.. PhD ... Hannelore T. and Francis C. Ph.D. Anthony M Desiderio, Mr Louis F. Colantuono Jr. * Barbien Jr., Esq. ... lack Lisickv.OPA. Mr Robert J. O'Brien.. Si • Mr. Robert E. Donagh} Joseph L.Quinn.CrA .... Mr Ed« ar.l h ( > ilumbia • Barry F. Bennett ... Mr. Joseph F Donnelly * ... .. Charles L Conwa\ Sr . CPA Chairman's Club Mr. Thomas F. Boland Sr. Mr James A. Dunn Jr. •• Mr JohnC, Dabovich • Frederick J- Bostwick ,, '- Founder's Club (S|,( lOO >2 4 , l 1 _ ir\ ... il .. | Feldmeier, M.D. Bill Deutsch .... Raymond B. Bracis. M.D. *• M •• Mr. John O. Gardiner Jt Mr Donald A Discavage «• John C. Fusco Jr., CPA .. Mr. Daniel D. Burns Jr. ..

Mr DominickD. Garofano *•• Mr. George M. Beschen Sr...... Mr. Garrett Girvan .... P. »• Mr. Thomas J. Dvorak J. Mr. Thomas Casalnova Mr. Donald Gedney • .. David ... J. Mr. Peter M. Dougherty Mr. Herman Farher ... J. Linaugh, CPA Mr Richard J. Davis Mr. John T. Gorman .. Robert E. Gerhardt, M.D- ...... Mr. McGrath ...... Robert J. Fix John J. Mr. James B. Duffey

|> 'lin . • Mr T. Greene Mr. Edward J. Kohlhepp Mr Jerome Flomen •«*• Mr. William J. McLaughlin. Mr. Richard D- Epitanio .. Mr Joseph F. Heath Mr James M. Lord .... John S. Foller. M.D. ... Augustine E. Motritt Jr., Sc.D. ... Mr. Robert F. Fennell .

: Brother Enc j. Henderson, ! S ( Mr Serafin F. Sandella •»• Mr John H Forrest Raymond A. and Kathryn (Bareis) Mr. John N. Flinn *

Mr. James P. Hockin . Mr. Paul M. Schugsta |r .... C. Stephen French • Ricci .... Mr. Edward P. Flood « Mr. Joseph E. Holmes .. Mr Francis V Gentile . Leonard B. Terr, Esq. .. James Graham •• Hu> ... Mr. Edward W. Mr. Vincent Geraci .. Michael 1 Vergare, M.D. **• Mr. Martin H. Horchler *** Ugo Don ini Club J. .... Mr. Joseph J Karlesky Rev. Michael P. Hegarty, '66 •• Edward Peter Inrravartolo ... S499) Mr. Francis C. Keenan •*** Michael F Heron ... Founders Club Mr. Paul G. Jennings .... Lester Keyset, Joseph Contoy — J. Ph.D. Mr. John A. Juzaitis ... Mr. James A. Kamerdre .. (S500 S999J Mr Walter F. Crosslev ... Mr. John F. Knight Sr. .. Mr Thomas K. Kaftenberger .... Mr. Edward Kelly .... Gerald M. Dougherty . Joe Brisley •• Mr. Michael P Kratochwill ... Maj. Philip R. Kelley, Retired . Mr. Robert B. Kelly .. *• .... Mr. Francis Knvda . Mr James J. Higgins Vincent Butera, M.D. .... J. Nicholas C. Kierniesky, PhD. .. Edward J. Keppel Richard P. Hunter Jr., Esq. . F. Carroll .. Mr John Krumenacker ** Mr Lawrence . J. Mr. Walter J. Kirwan « Mr. Charles W. Knecht .. George Mecherlv. Ph.D. .... [ames E. Connell ... Mr Raymond J. Lear\ J. Mr. Wayne T Knapp Sr. t .... Mr Randolph K. Larsenjr. ... . »» Mr. Ralph A. Maiolino •• Ed Palsho Honorable Thomas E. Dempsey .... Mr. Charles J. Krauss • James C. Lieber Jr.. Esq. .... Mr. Lawrence D. Persick .. Mr. Ronald M. Pratowski Mr. Joseph J. Mark Mr. George H. Kugler .. Mr Walter N. Loburak ** ... Mr Joseph E. Markert ***. |oseph FX. Savona, Esq. Mr. Frank P. LeDonne . Mr. Leonard J. Maciaszek .... Paul V. Sipalajr. .. Wm. H. Marshall .. Mr • Roger A Loos .... Ugo Donini Club Mr. William J. Magarityjr. Louis ...» W. Ellis Smith, DMD, P.A. ... A. Masci Mr Edward T. Malatesta .. (S250 S499) Mr. Joseph W. Masterson .. Mr. George Matekovic •*• J Mr. Edward M- Mautner Mr. Michael J- McGee . Gerald A. Cropp .. Mr.EdwardJ-McCafferti .... E. * Anniversary Club Mr Robert J. McCannJr Mr. Charles McKinney Warren W. Faulk, Esq. ... Mr.JohnG.McNefT* ... (S140 S249) Mr. Frank J. McCoy ... Mr. John A. Michnowicz Mr. David C Fleming Jr. ... Mr Alfred Michini . J Mr. Edward H. McEntee John J. Moffat t Mr. Edward R. Agonis ... Ted Gallagher .... Mr E. Mulholland .. J. John Mr. Thomas W. McGlinn ... Mr. George J. Morrison ... John E. Culver Mr Alfred M Guaraldo ... Mr.JamesJ.O'Donnellin * Nvvelt .. Mr. Frank J. McNallyJr. Mr. Reuben J. .. .. Mr. Joseph H. Dettmar William J- McGinn Mr. Thomas M. O'Hora Jr. . Norman E. Morrell .... Mr. Raymond Ocikowski ... Norman A. Ettenger. M.D. •.+ Mr. Chester F. Michc-wic: Jr. .... Mr. Frank Pagano ...» .. J. Mr. James J. Murphy ... Mr. Edward A. O'Lone PeterJ.Ganto, rh.D. .... Mr. Thomas M. O'Keefe . Mr. Joseph R. Palaia Mr. James C. O'Laughlin *« Gerard M. Papp, D.O- • Mr. Vincent A. Grimes • Thomas F. Praiss, CFP, E.A. ... Mr. Donald J. Rainey Richard V.. '66. and David G„ '00, Mr. Theodore R. Quann .. Michael P. Mallov ... Mr. Vincent D. Qumn ... Mr. Joseph C. Reilly *. •• Pepino •» Mr. Martin J. Reddington Gerald J. McConeghy, Esq. .. Richard C. Smith ». Charles A. Rohino Jr. .... Mr. Kevin C. Reilly • Mr. Robert J. Seader •• Mr. Richard L. McCormick Timothy E Urbanski, M.D. .... Mr Robert T. Rueger * Mr. Ronald A. Saunders Edward J. Shields Mr. Thomas E. McGlinchy . John F. White, CPA .. Mr Joseph A Schiavone Sr. .. Mr. Kurt C. Schwind .... Mr. Robert C. Streit . Mr Francis T McLaughlin » Mr. Peter H. Zerega * David Sejda .* James W. Sisk Jr., Esq. • Mr. Robert T. Testa ... Mr. William E. Newbauer Jr. ... Mr William T.Sherlock.... Mr. John H. Speichert Edward A Trosi • Rev. Raymond C. O'Brien. Esq. . E.F. Joseph Siebold. DO. .. Jon P. Walheim, M.D. .. Anniversary Club Mr Joseph J. Varga .. Mr and Mrs Walter Plagens ... Richard D.O. •• J. C. Simmers Jr., Mr. Edward L. Williamson Jr. . (S140 S249) Mr Robert H.Wolk . Mr. John F. Reilly Sr. Sisca .. Mr. Anthony J. Mr fames R Yoa ••• Mr. Richard C Ziehnski ... Mr. Richard T Sands ... Francis C. A11, M.D. . Mr. William E. Smith .... Bruce Zehnle .... Mr. Frank Batavick ... Mr. Fredric J. Santolucito . J. Daniel F. Sceinmet: Jr., E>q. . Beccana, Ph.D. .... Mr. Thomas S. Saquella ... Louis J. Mr lame- H. Stewart ... Mr. James M. Savarese .* James A. Butler, Ph.D. .. Mr. Thomas J. Stinson • Mr. Max G Sewald »• Mr James F. Casey Jr. ...


16 LA SALLE MAGAZINE 1 . ' . •. .

Mr. Willi. mi |.Su LeoF.Mclnemey.CPA~ 1969 A.NNIVERSAIO Club 1968 Mr. Anthony 1. \ Mr. Robert C. McKenna Jr. • (S140 S249) Theodore Wahl .... Mr. Timothy F. McKenna .... Mr. W Mr. Robert Bugdal .... Charter Club J. Mr. Joseph B Werner . University Club Mr. Gerald J- Mergi Willi .1111 T ( h.imlr.M.D. Mr.Fredericl E. Wilson |i .... . ! i 9) (SIO OOO S2 t 999) Mr. J. David Owens Francis \ l h impine ...... JosephH Schenk.M D .... • R. Buckle) Edward Sheehy, I S.C ,Ph.D Mr. and Mrs Joseph .... Brother Mr Richard J. Conte i iregoty E Sciolla, Esq. .. William R. Sasso. Esq ... ! 1 Ken ind Molly DeDominicis . Mr. Thomas F. Strickland Jr .. 1 .... I kin . B Eastland. E-q. Dr FlubacherClub William M. Sullivan, Ph D ... [ University Club Daniel B and Elaine R (Volk) Flynn I970 Mr. John R Vasoli • Frank, .... (s 524 999) L. Matthew M.D • • I link I 1 Mi [herty Goldbeck Esq ... Joseph A. Jr., President^ club Mr Law rence A. Grabensiein ••* Mr John E. Wargajr. ....

Donors 1 Mr Roberi 1 ( ir |oseph and Katheen Murphy •••• (UptoSi39) Mr William Kiti ... ••• Dr. FlubacherClub Bernard Lowekamp .. Mr. Thomas Curley Lawrence A. Auerweck ....

1 Miguel Club (ss Rodger 1 and Margaret A. San Mr. Walter F. Beard Jt .... S4 '»•>•>) (McGuckin) McLaughlin .... ($2 500 Mr. John M. Bocelli *• Dr and Mrs. John M. Dal) .... CharterClub Mr Fi incis M Mooney .... .->o| F. Connor .. l Mr. Richard James F. and Margaret M. McManus, Broihei loseph F. Burke, I S Mi Charles Nemeth ... Mr. Robert L Conroy Sr...... J Ph D . PhD. Thomas A. Leonard, CPA ...... Mr. Denm- I Rochford . •• Mr. Charles J. Corace Mr Francis C Palopoli •• |ames and Anne Heger Margaret Mary and William J. Stuan s Sacks, Esq ••• Mr. John Crenm Jr. •• •• Thomas P Witt, Esq •• J. Dorothy and John W. Turner Jr. Markn We.-, M.D.... • lackS Mr. Edmund J. Cross* n Mr |ames V Welding Jr. •• Mr. Gerald E- Davis .... Chairman's Club San Miguel Club University Club Michael G. DeFino, Esq. .. , 1 joo (3 52 499) M 999) 100 S24.999) Mr Michael E. DiFebbo . Donors Richard L. Hill.... Mr Michael P Althoff .. Mr Joseph P. Flvnn Jr. .. II ptoSi39) Joseph A. D'Amato. CPA ....

.in* \ and Frank Possinger .... Anthony R. Giorgio, MIX .... Mr. Eugene F. Gery * N C, Raymond Larkin |r •• Anony mi ius * ... lames P and Marie (Mooney) Mr. Andrew J Gubicza Jr. Mr. John F Anthony •*• Steinitz .... Joseph P- Hickey ... Chairman's Club Mr. Robert P Bandholz*. Dr. Flubacher Club Mr. James |. Timoney .... Mr. Robert A Hodgk tss Sr. (Sl 1 S2 499) Mr. Raymond T Bickert ... [$5 000 S9 .. Mr. G William Ytckers Mr. David J. Holland.... W. Joseph Hethenngton, Esq. .... Mr and Mrs Boyd T. Bicknelljr. William M Wixted, M D Mr. Robert O. Hon ath .... Mr. Henry F. Eberhardt .... Mr. Gerald P. McBnde « Mr Andrew W Bommentre*» ... Thomas Mahoney, CPA .... Mr. Edgar J. Langdon J. Mr William D. Bradshaw . Thomas R. McGuigan. Esq. •• Lt. Col. John P. Leonard III. Mr. Anthony C McDermott Founder's Cll^b *** 1 Caffarella, CPA Mr. James M. O'Hara \nthony .... Robert M. Liwacz, E-q. •• Mr. and Mr- Dennis I Reid ... Mr. Chester Onechowski lr .... Mr. John P. Capuzzi Mr. Charles V. Lyman • J.

( I l W. Dennis Zerega, Ed D. ... Mr. ireogry ' A.J Candelore, DO...... Mr Michael 1 Maguire San Miguel Club Mr. Donald I Corcoran . Richard A Close, M.D. Raymond E. Majewski • ••- Mr. Thomas K. Dawson •• ($2,500 Michael E. ... Connaughton Mr James G. Marnn . Founder's Club John M. Devlin, Esq. • * Mr James | Ahern Jr. ... Eugene .1 Evans Ji .. Mr. Francis J. McBrtde Jr. S999) Mi 1 1« maid Doberstein >ii' •-• Brothel E Gerald Fitzgerald. F.S.C. Mr John J Gibbi '68, Thomas J. McCabe, Esq , ind lames B. Albrecht, M.D. ... [ames Doyle, Th.D .. J Thomas F Kennedy Jr., Esq. . Mr Harry F. Kusick Jr .... Susan K Chaloupka, Esq. ... Mr William P. Barnett ... Mr. Michael A. Erfurt • • Peter M. McGonigle. Esq. .... Charles E. Lally. ( PA - Mr JohnF.McClainJr.

and Marvanne R. Bednar, i azto Sr James A. Mr. Timothy I Bill, 70, and Cindy Mullen.. Mr. Robert W Sykes... Mr. John F. McCormick . Ph.D. Mr. Albert P Fcderico Jr. ...

Mr William I Warner.. Mr. Robert J. McDermott •••• Mi Sam C. Chung. Mr. Stephen C. Flood .. John G. Younglove, Esq. ... Mark G. McElwee ... Chairman's Club Kevin O Faley ... Mr. John V. Gambale ••• .. Mr. Paul T McGeehan 1 -i S2 -r»») Mr Kenneth R. Mancini Jt *» Mi |oSeph L. Gardner Jr .... McGonagle • Donini Mr Robert J. Ugo Club rie ••• I ug< F Massey Mr Way mond A. Gner Edward K- and Janice M Beit:. Mr. Gerald J. McNeil.. ($250 S499) .. Mr. Thomas I McElvogue Mr. Thomas A. Guggina Th.D.R.N.... Mr Peter Mecznik «••* Mr. Thomas]. Anderson ... John P. McLaughlin, DO.... Mr. Francis D. Heron .... Mr Robert L Bendorovich Jr...... Richard I Monastra ... Carroll, ... Mr John P D'Amato • ••• Francis M. Milone Mi William J Horney Gilbert C M D Mr. Dennis C Moore ... H. M.D. ... Huttlin Paul Mi WilliamD DeMarcoJi .. Joseph Reichman, rge A Mr J Conway Mr Edward F. Mosczynski • Mr lames Faulk .... Bill Reyers . Mr Richard C. Johnson .... Bernard and Ann Grossman ... J. Mr. Thomas R. Murphy ... .- Mr. Charles Tier l\ . Mr T.Kelly.... Brother Edward Hotmann, F.S.C. Mr. Edward J. Fos A Mm Mr. James H. Noon Jr. ... ( ••• *•* Tom and 'arolyn Kelly .. Mr WilliamB Wiegand — Mr Dennis M. Kensey Mr Thomas J, Hoskins Mr. William S Olarin .. . Levesque .. 1 .'1 Lawrence G. Lupus, Retired *•* Mr James H Klein George Brother Richard T Oliver. OSB . *** Francis E. and Miriam [i iary Mr |oseph F. Koscinski Jr. Brother Michael J. McGinntss, Mr John E. Paulits Ugo Donini Club Mil mey ... Mr PeterR.Krok. F S.C. Ph.D...... (S250 S499) James M. Penny Jr , Esq Daniel F Perugini, D.O., B.G., Mr, Kenneth R. Kryszczun ... Mr. Thomas N Pappas ... Mr. James F. Politowski »• Marino Andriani . »• USA, Retired ... Mr. Joseph P, Leska • Dennis I. Salvagio, Esq. Mr. George T. Pollitt |ohn C. Becker. Esq...... I ... Mr LoCasale I 01 ;i W Roesser, d.D. Edward J. Charles Potok ... J. Mr Joseph N. Bova Luhas Mr. Robert E. Useller .« Mr Michael J. . Mr. Francis W. Reagan .... Founder's Club Mr. Thomas F. Boyle •»** lamesB Wall, M D., P.C Joseph M. Marquart, '69 ... Dennis T. Reardon .... (S500 S999) Mr. Mr. Robert Coyle .... J- Joseph M. McGovem William C. Rees, M I' iin..- ...... I W. Degnan. Ph.D. ••*• Mr. Charles F. Clean Mr Joseph J. McKeefery ... Anniversary Club Mr. Gerald J. Reid Frances M (Madden) and John P Mr |oseph A Fick Jr. ... Mr ( leorge W. McKenna . (S140 S249) Dr. William J. Rieger...... Gallagher. Esq. Mr EJward Mockapetris .... Anthony M Giordano lr . M.D W.Rovell... Mr. Joseph •••• . Anonymous •• Mr George V. Griffith Mr John A Mokriski . Mr Thaddeus M. Kochanski Mr. E. Schank •• John Henry. r\i\ .. •« J. Patrick Ph.D...... Mr id C, Lancaster Anonymous Mr. Edward J. Nolen Mr. Lenl'erd J Seely .... Anonvmou> ... Mr [ohn P. Jasin •• Mr Gregory LeCerfl .... Mr I Bernard Noll Jr. Alan M- Spagnola, M.D ... P. •••• DenisS Longo, Ph D .... Mr. Thomas A. Oravez .... James Bradley ( harles \ 0'< onnell 111, Esq. Mr. Richard E Stoutzenberger ••* Mr Leon F. Machulski ... Mr John T Osmian •••• Will, an, I De Vngelis, Esq. • Mr. Edward J. Olwell.... Daniel F- Sullivan — Norman H Kappaport, DDS. MJJ ... Joseph M. Owens, Ph.D .... Mr William M Donlan. James and I, mice O'Neill * Mr. Peter I Tamagni • l.-hnT. Reed.. Ratchfbrd, Esq ... I Mr Thomas V ind >i ine M. Doyle Mr Peter] O'Neill ~~ ThomasC Robert G. Walker, R.N...... Edward M. Roberts. CPA .. Mr Charles Reynolds ... Vincent F Hmk Jr., Esq. Mr Angelo W Petrone J Mr. R. |ohn •• Werner ... . Mi . Rosina and Francis J. Ryan. Ed D Mr. Alan H Silverstein Mbert I Kazanjian Mr Michael 5. Radvansky ... Mr (ohn A Whiteside ... 11 ( 1 .« ... Mr. Robert Seminack .— S< 1 I :s M. Knepp W ... Mr. D. Mr Thomas " Reid Zarzycki |r ... Mr, John J. • I T 1 George W Luther 111, Ph.D. ... I :s M rhomas, CPA Mr. Philip Mr Leo J Rohan.. ... Eugene Whitakei |r., I'MD... [1 >sc I'll T Maurer Ms i atherine B. Seiwell ** J. Carl F.Shultz, CPA «. Mr Thomas R Mack ... * Mi George J- Steinbach

> ears of Giving represents five years of giving ro La Salle University Note DATA TRACED BACK TO F1S< \L 11

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 17 . . . .

»»• ioldrick, I ... i\i Club Gh nn Brother |ohn I Ma S.< |ohr P.( otter, Esq San Miuuel Club

: I. III M< Mull Ph.D. II las l "\ni J : ;< m 1 s., I 999)

1. • .. Mi ) mil. Mi Alpl iMcoJi Mr Dennis M Powell i I ronin ...... Mr »• |ames I Anderson . 1 E Miskel~. Mi Will M Siegle.— Charles E. and lane IV P. mil

Drs, Harrv and I 'lane ( Ihugani •* |o eph^f Mitchell... Mr. Dennis I ) I leegan • • ... Thomas S Kilcheski.M D .... 'i Mi ittola .... Mr. Peter Dougherty •• Founder's Club J. ... Brother Thomas McPhillips, F.S.C., I • Miiii.iv lr.. « \ D.O. Ml Michael J. Dunn ** imond • Ph.D. . Mi fames F Nacgeli .. Mr Charles F Fastiggi ....

I »•»• liFranco Robert 1 Mr Samuel I. Farruggiojr. ••• Mr. G. Schoenbetgi I homas L and Suzanne M. Mi W illiam I Fedyna lr • .. Mr Francis J. Dunphy Thomas] Feerick, Esq .... Francis P Sutter, DO. . Ison. Mi |ohn J Fitzgibbons Ji • Mr Bradford P Erickson •• Mr Robert J Hough • — Michael I Franczak, Ph D R. Ersner, 1 ... Arthur Ml Mr James F Met rowan It ... Mr. James F O'l tonnell ... Ml D. Michael Fic\ ... Chairman's Club

: ik ...... William A. and Beth (Halpin) Mi Mil hael 1 Paquet 1 homas C. Gallagl (s S2 499) Mr. It ... John J, Higgins Michuda .. Mi ( harles M Paul ... Mr Michael A ( lephart ... Dr. and Mrs. Robert Argentine .... Mi Michael C Kazarnowic: Papa, D.O. ** Mr. H. Randolph Pomero} .... Frank J. Mr. and Mrs Paul M Grahai .... Kells . David and Brenda Beavers Mr. William J Jr. Mr. Vincent M. Torno •• ( harles l-Quinn lr., Ph D . Mr. Thomas D. Hartigan .. .. i .... Robert E. Bonner. Mil :harles P Lutcavage, Ph.D. Mr Raymond R. Verbrugghc •• Mi Stephen A. Race . Mr James F. Helm . Mr. Donald L Courtney • Mi h -In I M.ili nn-\ .... Mr. LcoJ.Robh... Rev. Martin R. Hohlteld .. ... Arthur J. Culbert, Ph.D . Mi Martin J. McFadden Mi 1 harles V Roche... Donini Club Richard M. lovine .• Ugo Michael L. Duffy, .... Kenneth W Moore, ( PA.... J D I ... Mi rant is A Ronkowski (5150 S499) Mr PaulR |anke Mr Robert Nolasco •••• Robin F. Gallagher, DMD- J. Mr Michael N Ruggiero Mr Richard D. Kaczmarski William and Joan Nolle *• Mr Thomas A Bielecki •• Mr. Edward T Kane |r .. lr .. Mi |ohn I Saci andi Mr. John M Kaffenberg .... Gail and Jack Persia ... Mr Robert J. Pannepaeker RickBohs. Mr Timothi V( Santoni Mr Edward E Keidal ... Mr Thomas S Rittenhouse ... I - •• .. harlc I Pfi2enmayei Brian Byrne, Ph-D. •••• J. .... Mr MartinJ. SheeronSi Mr. Kenneth J. Kempt

( 1 1 • •• ' L. Esq. •• Anthony Santopolo, M I ... Loudon Joseph | Campbell, Mi ( harl - M Sir tski ... Mi John R. Kenny .. |ames M Conley, Esq ... Peggy and Jack Seydow • DavidB Smolizer.... Mr James R KUgholz ... Mi E. Thomas .... . r Daniel ( 1 s. I. •• Mi . ( rawford '• Anniversary Club Mr |amcs < Steele »• Paul Kruper ... •• Mr. Charles I Walsh Mr. Michael J. Higgins •• Ji (S140 S249) Mi Stanley E. Swalla Jr ... Mr Daniel A Lavner Mr Joseph A Krantz ... Thomas H. Ward, Esq, ... William Tinner .. Mr [oseph D Lawton B0r.1l... Mr. John J Richard E. Kreipe, M.D. ....

' • Rai mond F rhcilacki r, Ed I Mr Roman I Leszczyszyn .*• Mr. William Campo ••• Albert G. Kroll, Esq ... Founder's Club .. 1. Mi WalterM Urban Jr Mr 1 mis R Liberio »• lames * Carroll M Joseph P Linaugh, Jr. ... Mr Thomas M Vapniarek •»». Mr. Thomas M. Lofgren • ($soo 5999)

1 1 )i 'I ! 1 irgi I n nzo, I >S Mi l> iseph J. Lysek Jr. * Mi [osephR Volcskai Thomas Londergan • ••• Mr. Manuel W Diaz ••• Mr Raymond C. Freisheim *••• Mr Richard J O'Donnell.. • i I nn. Walker, Esq. . Mr. Vincent S M IS( Law Hi Rev. Leonard P. Hindsley, O.P., Ph.D. Mr Michael I Dillon .* Mr. Gerald R. Petre .... Mr. James M. Watson •• Mr. Frank McCall ... Mi Vincent A Guarini *. J Mr. James V. McDonald Thomas J. Pierce, Ph D .... Wilkin.. • I Richard Michael Mr \ McNalh — Mr. and Mrs Robert Tucket Mr. Thaddeus A. Jalkiewici lr ... MichaelJ Reinking,( PA,< SM( ... J Mr. Michael Wilson ... Robert Miller, Ed D ... •••• J. J Mr. Harry Leopold Jr John T. Santarlas, M.D. .. Mr Frederick A Zaiss • Mr Anthony P. Neri •• Mr GeraldT McAllister Sr. * Peter P Tozer, Esq ... Ugo Donini Club RonZinck... Mr. John P. Nolan ... Joseph and Patricia Napierkowski . ($250 -S499) Mr. Connell P. O'Brien ... Dr. and Mrs GuyNardella ••• .. Anniversary Club Mr James J. O'Neill Mr. John L. Austin .... Mr. Edward C. O'Donnell Jr. ... ($140 S249) Walter E.Pekula |i Joanne (Yanak) and Joseph Joel C, Rosenfeld, '70, and Beth A. J. Mr. Edwin S Pikalow • Ba.llie ... Ro enfold, '85 1971 Gerald R. Bodisch, Ph.D .... Mr Ji iseph L Ramsay |r. .... George Barhetto . Robert F. Cunningham, Ed I I .. Joseph K. Schmid .. loseph V, Brogan, Ph.D. ... Donors Mi George E. Davisson President's Club Michael C. Schneider 1. ieor^e S I 'onahue Daniel P. Delaney, Esq. •• ii ptoSi39) 11 • s 1 and abow ) Mr Robert I Seifert I \ mglas M>. Farlane ... Col. James M. Diamond, I IS V, Mr Robert G. Sneath Jr. ... John F Mclnerney, Ph D .... 1 . Michael Bcllenghi, ... CPA William R Sautter, CPA .. Retired ... Mr |erome S Szpila • Mr. Michael G. McMenamm • Mr PaulCBiegJr..... • Mi Alfred J. DiMatties Mr •• Edward I Tierne^ William Mullen... Mr. Nicholas Cappello Jr. .... • J. Mr Roger A. C rn gi 1 University Club Mr Erich L UhlenbrocV ... Michael D Nolan.. Mr. Philip C. Ciaverelli •* Michael R Hogan .... (SIO ."',1 s:4 999) Mr LetOl G Walker.... Mr. Joseph A. O'Neill Jr. ... Mr. Edward V. Colliton Mr Thomas M Jamrogowicz •» . Mr. Gary R. Walsh .. ] lr., Esq Mr. Michael DeLoretta lr •• Raymond Porreca J. Mr Owen J. Boylan Jr. John P. Lohn, 71 .. Thomas .... Mr J Wolf.. Mr. Robert W. Schwaneberg ... Mr. Thomas I Dispenzere Mr Robert J. Christian .. Peter J. Marie Jr , 71. and Christine I Mr and Mrs James Wright «*. Mr. Walter E Dono\ .111 Christopher F Koch and Sandra M McKenna .... Michael N. Dubroff, D.O. Koch Mr. James P. McCallerl\ ... Mr. Francis T Duff) ... James J. and Kathleen (Gordon) John M. McGowan, M.D •••• Anniversary Club Mr. George K Eckenrode * Lynch .... Mr James McKeogh •. (S140 J. 1972 $249) Mr Robert D. Freedman ... Mr and Mrs. Patrick O'Lcarv ...... J Mr Dominic I Motta lr Mr. Thomas W. Blester .... Mr. Frederick F. Galdo *• Mr Harry B. Sauers •••• Mr. Chester Capinski Jr Francis C. Gatti Esq. .... President^ Club J. Jr., Mr. Robert Walsh Jr .... Dr. Flubacher Club J. Mr. Marshall Dah - . (S50 1 '00 and above) Raymond M. Gerepka loseph B. Watson. Ph.D. ($5,000 S9 999) Francis \ Dillon, Esq ... Richard Girard Wiley Jr., Esq. .. John Joan (Mancini) and Thomas I Mr. William M Drayton ... Mr. Edward Gizelbach Robert A. Jenco .* J. Fitzpatrick .*** Jr. ... Mr. Russell J. Frith Irwin S- Goldstein, M.D. William A. and Carol K. Wachter . Donors Mr. George M. Gagnon Mr. John V. Gribbin (I ptoSi39) University Club Eugene V, Gallagher, Ph.D. ... Walter Griffin, ... J CPA San Miguel Club (Sio.i 101 1 ^24 999) Mr. Henry W. Goldberg .... Mi Michael C. Grundy ... Brother Timothy A. Ahem, F.S.C. (S2.500 m 999) Mr. James B. Gross • Charles A.J. Halpm III, Esq. . Anonymous *• Mr. Mark D Baldino .... Mike and Fran Jacob Diccicca ... Mr. James F.Hart 111...... Mr. PaulT. Hannan Thomas J. Baldino, Ph.D. Mr. Daniel A. and Mrs Kathleen Mr. Thomas J. Shaw Sr. •• Mr. Wearn D. Hem: .. Mr. Vincent P Haugh Jr. Mr. Francis C. Bauerle ». BeltattoGiannini ...

John J. Sweeder, Ed.D., and Ms Stephen M. Holtman Jr. and Gloria Mr. Thomas 1C Hendnck . Mr. Bernard E. Beck ... Marilyn (Davis) and Charles I Bonnie Amos Sweedet .... Hoffman ...... Mr. Edward J Lehman *• Mr Kenneth B. Bennington III Quattrone Jr. ...

Capt. William E. Lehner, M ( , Mr. George J. Lordi Jr . Mr. Daniel P. Biko ... USN, Retired . Mr. Robert C. Mahon Chairman's Club Mr. Richard A- Breeser * Dr. FlubacherClub Margaret R (Connors) Massara, Mr Thomas W Maresca*. (si 000 S2 Daniel L. and Catherine (Devlin) 499) (s s 0O0 $9,999) Esq. ... Mr. Luigi J. Marrafino * Callahan Laurence- V. Ashhacher, M.D. . William S Hough... Roman and Olh.i Nowakiswky ... Mr. Michael J. Masington Joseph F Capodanno Jr., Esq. .. Mr. David M. Gillece ...... Mr. Vinceni I O'l lonnell Mr Robert F. McAnespe^ . Mr. John V. Cofer ... Mr. Stephen L. McC lonigle 1 Esq. .. homas I Haines, Vincent M Tut in .. ••• Mr Vincent P Walls.... Mr. John J. McAvo} Mr. Robert I Colton •••* Mr. James M. Mack ...... Charles A. Rm.p, I PA.. Mr Michael P. McElroy .... Mr. J.uiies II Convert ... J. Michael Whitaker, M.D Mr Pasquale C. Marchese •••• Mr. Michael T.Rufo. .. .. Edward .1 McGlinchey Jr., Esq. Mr. John R. Corrigan



De La Salle Society

In recognition of their generosity to La Salle University, we gratefully acknowledge the following individuals with cumulative lifetime donations of $100,000 or more:

Donald W. Goodwin, '58 Lasallian Club St. Michael Club '75 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Guntle Jr., $2,500,000 and above $250,000-5499,999 '67 J. Anthony Hayden, Named in honor of St. Lti Stills. Named in honor of the parish that it as the foundation H. Blake Hayman, M.D., 41 t Ambassador t and Mrs. Walter H. Annenberg of La Salle High School and La Salle College. Ragan A. Henry, Esq. t The Christian Brothers of La Salle University Almira C. Bainbridge t Roland Holroyd, Ph.D. t '48 * Mr. and Mrs. John F. Connelly t William J. Binkowski. t Francis W. Judge, '50 t '64 G. DeVincent, M.D., '56 Nancy and J. Hugh Devlin, Henry Margaret and John Kelly, '37 t '73 J. John McShain t Catherine E. Doran, t '64 Chrisrine Kelly and Peter J. t Kiernan, Albina and Francis J. t Dunleavy La Salle University Alumni Association Brother Teliow Club Henriette and Paul G. t Ecker, M.D. Jean and Thomas A. Leonard, '70 $1,000,000-52,499,999 John E. Glaser, '62 Walter P. Lomaxjr., M.D., '53 '57 Named in honor of the founding President of La Salle. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hagan, Joseph G Markmann, CPA, '49 t Robert E. '75 Anthony J. Canavo Hanrahan Jr., Margaret Mary, '98, and William '90 J. Pascal R. Canavo, '55 t Elmer F. Hansen III, '70 A Markmann, M.D., Susan F. Altamore Carusi, '82 Rhea and Morton Mandell, M.D. Robert N. Masucci, '61 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fierko, '63 A Margaret Webster riass f J. '48 A Mr. and Mrs. John L. McCloskey, Joan Mancini, '74, and Thomas Fit-patrick Jr., 72 PTS Foundation J. Marc and Laura McKenna '50 F. '62 Dorothy M. and William J. Henrich Jr., Thomas Pyle Jr., John McNally, CPA, '64 t '65 '62 J. Carmen V. Romeo, Kathleen and Charles J. Reilly, Frederick C. Mischler Sr., '60 William R. Sasso, Esq., '69 James V, '79, and Katherine L. Morris Brother Anselm Club William R. Sautter, CPA, '71 James F. Mullan, '61 $500,000-$999,999 Frank Stanton, '51 Daniel R. Mullin, '41 t Named in honor of Brother Anselm, who, after '66, Anthony J., and Ruth Nocella serving La Salle College during the Depression 1863 Club Judith and G Dennis O'Brien, Ph.D. tilth his dedication and exceptional development $100,000-$249,000 Francis R. O'Hara, '54 t acumen, is considered by many to be the second Named in honor of our founding year. Patrick '71, and Patricia O'Leary founder of La Salle. Anonymous J., '33 t '70 Leon J. Perelman, Thomas Curley, Benjamin D. Bernstein t Philadelphia Frostbite Regatta Janet and Charles L. Daley, '57 Ted Branson, '54 Richard Prendergast, '60 Leon Ellerson, '56 Joseph R. Buckley, '69 J. '38 '58 Joseph P. Rhein, t Elmer F. Hansen Jr., Kathleen M. Burns, '75, MBA '81, '62 '54 Richard S. Rueda, Esq., Janet H. and Thomas J. Kean, and John Kapusnick Joseph R. Sadowski, '54 '77, '71 Kathleen Gordon, and James J. Lynch, Barbara and John F. Carabello, DMD, '62 '58 John O. Saeger t Jacqueline F. and William McCormick Jr., '52 J. Thomas J. Casey, t Alan H. Silverstein, '70 Thomas F. McGowan, '76 Joseph H. Cloran, '61 '49 Mrs. Joseph E. Slawek John L. McHale, Joseph A. Coffey Jr., Esq., '64 '69 Dorothy and John W. Turner Jr., '67 '51 Leo W. Pierce Jr., Ellen Jane and Robert C. Crosson Jr., John H. Veen, '59 t David T. Poies;, '80 '60 J. Russell Cullen Jr., '55 '20 Elizabeth A. and Leonard A. Ward, Joseph J. Schmit: Jr., t Walter M. C:arnota, '52 t '72 '59 J. Michael Whitaker, M.D., John J. Shea, t John M. Daly, M.D., '69 Zane R. Wolf, Ph.D., and Charles R. Stiefel '53 J. Jay John J. French, * Wolf'III, M.D., '65 John T. Fries, '66 Joseph A. Gallagher, '50 * 2008 Inductee

Gaetano P. Giordano, '76 A 2008 Club Advancement Nicholas A. Giordano, '65 t Deceased

Mr Henr\ A Schinnagel ... Christina T Curran .... Mr oid Mrs I I Gringeri Sr. Mr Michael A. Nuccio ... Brother Rot-err I Schieler, F.5.C..

. • Edward .... . Mr. Theodore J. Vanderslice Mr. Nicholas J. DeLong Mr F Gutekunsl Mr MarkC Olkowski Ed.D.

...... Mr. Andrew J. OiMaio Mr. Christian E. Henningsen Sr. Mr. Paul J. Pantano St hwegel, C PA

Concetta M. and William Charles R. and Loreria Heyduk .... James W. Pearson Jr., Esq. Mr William A. Seybold- Donors J. J. Doyle Jr. ... Walter and Mary Heyse t ... Mr. William Pescsk) .. Mr. Robert M. Shiminske (LptOMi'il J. Mr. Joseph O. Dunn .. Mr. Robert A. Kramer ... Ml lohnP. Quinn.. esG ~icsel

Mr L. Russell Abbey Jr. .. Mr Charles E. Edward- Ir Mr James A. Kuklinski . Mr Charles T Rauscher Lt. Col. Thomas W. Sprague, Mr P. Alilli •••• s I .. ... Ml icorge C. Ehrmann Mr Andrew Kushnerock Mr Stephen 1 Redden . Retired Mr John B. Best ... • Helen .. Dorotln l Francis .. Ms Anne Marie I Fallon Nile and Linn Ms Reillv... Mr. G. Steiner

Mr K Richard Bruhn. ... . Hi izannc M iRo\ le) and Frank A. Ms Elizabeth (Washofcky) Mann.. Mr Albert I Kieger Ir Mr \\ illiam N Tangradi Mr. James C. Buck ... Farrell Mr t harfesF Marshall 111 ... Mr |ohn\ Rocks*. Mr Pasquale A Tur-i ... Joseph E. Cannon, Ph.D. • Mr. Harrv A. Gabrielli . Mr Raymond A Mattem [r .. Mr |ohn Rodgen • ste M Veneri .. Joseph Capista, DDS ... J. Mr. Olafs Gaihiselis .... Mr Joseph A McGuriman*. Mr Daniel F. Ruggieri Jr. « Mt TI,o,„,,s P Walsh Jt ..

William ( oilier, ~.. J CPA Bill and Denise Calvin ... Mr |ohn P McHale. Mr Edward F Ruppel •• Mi Robert I.Weicke

1 Mr James I ( minor . .. s - r •• limes N. Giordano, Ph.D. . Mr Edward R. Merkle Michael I tile, Esq. White

Mr Kevin I t onnor ... Mr John H Grie-cmcr Ir .... Mr Joe Morn: .. Sal» ich, Ph D Mr. Richard G. Willi.: •• ... Mr. Lawrence 1 Nedzbala ... Mr Richard YZellcrJr

Tears of Giving: represents five years of giving to La Salle Universiti Noti Data traced baci LR1986ONL1

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 19 »

Rob n -Y Tolnis ... Ms. Maria (Puhy) Hand... Dennis lames Smith, '74, 1974 and Marie 1973 Arthur A VC arren, Esq. •«. Elizabeth (Rodini) and Paul Kunv *. Smith, parent^ of David, '03, M. Celeste and Steven M Zelitch.Esq Roberi H Lane,Ph.D.. and Nicholas, 'OH. Lj Salle

i \fKMT1 I L U B President's Club Charles G. Lare .... Parents' Association ... Donors (S50 OOO and above) H. David Madonna •* Mr. Charles Sramm ...

Mr Gerald J. Morrison . Mr Steven A Staranowski ••. |l_ Mr. Sti iei .... |M,m;.i) |om (Mancini) and Thomas J. Joe Palm.. Mr P Srees ...... Joseph Mi William 1 Srulgi Fit-patrick Jr. Mr K. ilt S ... Anoia John F. Povilaitis, Esq. ... Mr. Michael R. Thompson •• Beyer Mr. Joseph C. Mr Joseph M Rapcrynski . Mr. Joseph A. Tolan *

Dr. Flubacher( i i b Mr Robert] Black .. San Miguel Club . Peter J. Ryerson Ms. Frances (Parrotto) Trees .* Mr Bleattlerjr. .. ($2 son s 4 999) fohnH. Edward N. Sague, DDS, MAS . Hon. Barry E. Watson William Esq .... J Bonner Jr., T. (Corbett) .. Dr. Anthony and Lori Landis ... Mike and Fran Jacob Diccicco •»• Ms. Catherine Mr. Peter A. Weismuller John Branigan, Esq. ... J. Marianne (Salmon) and Siegfried]. Tereniak ... Ms. Patrice (Saggiomo) Werner .. Mr. Thomas M. Bnno Gauss ... Mr. CharlesJ Whalen ... S VN Miguel Club Frank Burr ... Mr A Mr. Lee Wiles 4 Donors J. (S2 5O0 M ») Mr. Scorr F. Campbell ... Rev. Richard C.Williams. Chairman's Club (I proSij9) Brother Joseph L. Grabensrein, F.SC Joseph A. Canuso Mr. Thomas M. Wisniewski ** (Si 000 52 499) Mr. Frank X Lynch .... Larrj Cardonick .... Robert D. Amerman, CPA, Vincent D.Zeller, CPA.... Ms. Patricia A. Carlo Mr. William T Duffy « Class of 1974- John Carrozza . Joseph F. Andrews, M.D. Chairman's Club J. Mr. Stephen E. Ert: .. Robert G. Casillo. Ph.D. .... Leonard F Mtlewski, M.D. .. Mr. Clifford R. Batezel .. vi 1 000 12 t99) Mr. Harry J. Collins •• Dennis R. Rubisch .... Bruce E. and Kathleen (Martin)

Mr. FhilipJ- Brcnnan |r. • • Mr Paul X Cook ... Beans .. 1975 William Flannery •»•• Mr. John T. Cooke *• Ms. Karen M. (Keenan) Bennett J. Founder's Club Blair H.Gould. CPA... Mr James S. Crawford . Ms. Denise (Vadenais) Berwind ... (Ssoo S999) University Club Ms. Jeanne M. Kelly •• Mr. Francis Curran .... Mr. Paul R. .. M. Brady (Sio 000-524.999) *• .... Mr. Robert J. Kujovsky Mr. John G. Darrah * Mr Joseph E. Abbott Mr. James P Campbell Jr. . Mr. James R. Guntle Jr. .... Mr. E. Dennis Lehman Jr. ... William R. Deiss. Esq. ... Mr. Mark Adelsherger ... David P. and Barbara (Gawinski) John and Joyce Mastronardo F. .. • and ... John Mencer, Esq. Mr. Francis J. Devinney John Rosemary (Angemi) Carberry (Reyers) Robert . .. Judith and V Spires Mr. Carl I Meyer Jr. James A. Di lenno, DC. DeSantis Mr. Peter A. Carpey

• Mr. William Friel .. Mr James M Paulits Mr. John B. Fassnacht J. Jr. Grace Piselli Casey and Daniel J.

John E. and Jane M. Tomasiewski *> Danny Flynn * Mr. Stanley F. Gora Jr. .. Casey, CPA Dr. FlubacherCujb Mr. John S. Wydrrynski .... Mr. John M. Flynn... Charles D. Henderson .... Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Cassady ($5,000 59.999)

Ronald Young •*• Mr. William D. Fox |l ... Madeline (Mallon) Janowski, CPA • • Mr. Philip E.CassidyJr .. Robert A. Shore, M.D. .... Mr. Wayne D. Gess •* Michael and Elizabeth Kauttman .. Robert D. Cipko, Ph.D. Founder's Club Mr. James R. Glanzmann St. * Theresa (Kline) and Edward N. Maj. John R. Cook *• Mr. Thomas E. Gore *. Macko . Mr. Richard B. Davis ... San Miguel Club ($500 S999) Jr. Leon E. Gosciniak, D.O. • Stephen Malpe::i •• Louis A. DiCcsan ••»• (52,500 54.999)

James Avery Jr., FSA * J. Mr. Frank E. Gostomski .. Mr. Thomas D. McGovern ... Mr Lawrence P. DiFranco . Ms. Kathleen M. Burns .... Mr. Gerard Binder .. J. Neil P. Greenberg, Esq. Richard A. Rothwelljr., DDS .... Mr. Michael A. Dillman * Ms. Kathleen (Scotti) McNichoI .... Mr. Mark V. Drewicz •••• Mr William R. Hausmannjr. •* Gary D. Smoller Mr. Neil Dougherty . J. Robert T. Reichman, M.D. ...

Mr. ! Grossojr . Dominic Ms. Elizabeth CHeldak. Herbert E.Taylor, Ph.D. ... Mr. Dennis M. Doyle ... Mr. Michael J. Ruane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Jacob *• Mr. Wesley C. Henry . Mr. Robert C. Drennen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kerwick ... Mr. Richard Hymes *. Ugo Donini Club Ms. Kathleen (McCullough) Dyer . Edward N. and Theresa (Kline) Chairman's Club Mr. James H. Jones Mr. John G. Esposito ... (S250 S499) Macko * ($1,000 -32.499) Mr. Arthur A. Kahn .... Mr. Richard L. Feldman . Mr Kevin O'Rourke .. Joseph and Catherine Baker • John W. Kinee • Mr. Cornelius A. Gibbons Ms. Barbara A. (Kelly) Brown ...... Dr. and Mrs. John A. Pron Mr. Steven J. Baruffi Mr Francis M Kingjr .... Mr. Dennis J. Gilmore . Mr. Robert E. Hanrahan . Mr. PaulG. Schott .... Alexander D. Bono, Esq. •* Mr. William J KuhU Ms. Diane (Reilly) Hagan Karen M. (Donchetz) and Joseph E. Tom and Rita Conroy ... Kathleen (Bodisch) Lynch, Ph.D. ... Mr. William M. Hann ... Schurt: ... DennisJ. Donohoe, M.D. .. Mr. Edward P. McGivern ... Mr. Daniel Higgins » Ugo Donini Club J. John and Debbie Smalari Brian S. Ettinger, Esq. .. (S250 S499) Mr. Vincent P. McNichoI .* Mr. Richard P. Himmer . Mark and Kathryne (McGrath) Michael j. Gallagher, DDS ... Mr. Thomas C. Menapace ... Bernadette F. and James J. Speaker .... Mr, Thomas M. Aton .. Mr. James M. Griffin Ms. Alexandra Milas . Kenny Jr. ... Mane (Mooney) and James P. Mr. Wayne D. Braddock Michael C. and Carol (Solomon) Mr. Donald Miller •»• Kevin P. and Karen M. Kohler Steinitz .... Frank and Jackie Coonahan • Kiefer . Mr. Charles F. Morris *. Mr. David P. Krutsch John E. and Jane M. Tomaszewski *»• Michael Mr. W. Dean.. Ms. Marcella T. Lillis Mr. W. Dennis Nolan * Mr. H. Gordon Kun:man .. Mr. Michael S. Hatfield ... Miriam (Gary) and Francis E. Thomas A. O'Brien, Ph.D. .. Ms. Joyce (Kenny) LaRue . William Founder's Club Mr. J. Lang Maloney .* Mr. Robert T. O'Sullivan Sr. «. Lewis M. Levinson « (S500 Mr. James L. McGinley •* Francis X. Moffatt ... 5999) Mr. Richard J. Papirio ... Louis A. Lombardo III .... D. Pagliaro, Esq. James * John Norcinijr., Ph.D. . John D. Pnnscott, M.D. . J. Mr. Thomas R. Lorandeau ... Ms. Beverly A. Bacon .... Joseph Pansi . Jr. Ms. Jean (Wall) Owens .. Lawrence T. Bowman, Esq. ... Mr. James ]. Racz Mr. Bernard J. Maier .... George and Carherine Peller *• . Robert (Bob) Polastre ... Mr. Richard S. Golaszewski ** Mr. Raymond J. Regan Francis A. Marro, M.D. Mr. George R. Rice *« Mr. Jeffrey Reisly * Kathleen Whalen Rett: ** J. Neil S. Marymor, M.D. Mr. Gerard A. Plourde .. Theodore E. Riegert * . .. Robert J. Stein, D.O. ... Michael V and Theresa C. Power, D.O. Leonard S. Richter, CGFM Mr. Jerome J. McAvoy Jr. Mr. Robert Sestito ... J. Jr. William E.Tierney, CPA. Mr. John M. Scarpellino .... John H.McCleary, Ph.D. ... Gary Smith*. Mr. EncO. Scheffler... James L. Turner, Esq. .. Mr. Francis M. McGoldrick Michael, DDS . Anniversary Club Mr. Robert L. Seiwell . Mr. Joseph L. McPhillips Ugo Donini Club (S140 S249) Lyndanne M. Whalen, Esq. ** Ms. Cecilia A. Sheehan ... Mr. John T. Mercer .. ($250-5499) Carol Lee Williamson . William M. Shields, Esq. . Mr. William S. Miller .... George A. Barnett and Mary R. Mr. Michael W. Adams Mr. Marc S. Silverman ... Ms. Kathleen M. Molla »» Hopper *. James F. Bernardo ... Anthony Sindoni .. Mr. Raymond J. Montoni •*. Mr. Joseph F. Brady Anniversary Club Michelle Lamb Boddortt .... Ms. Janice A. Smith . (S140 S249) Ms. Alice K. Moy .... Mr. Todd C. DeBarth . Mr. Kevin F. Brennan ... Mr. William F. Smith + Mr. Gary C. Nachtigall Mr. Robert D. Duckett .... Jr. Mr. Donald F. Ackerman .... Mr. Robert M. Casey ... Ms. Irene Z. Souder * Mr. Michael E. O'Donnell •*• Joan C. (Thomas) and Joseph G. Mr. Mark L. Belas . Ms. Catherine M. Dougherty .... Mr. Robert A. Stewart Mr. Michael C. Parella ... Gallagher Esq. ** Jr., Mr. Brian T. Byrnes . Mr, Stephen Finley ... Henry W., Esq. .. Mr. Frank A. Pauza . J. Edward B Horahan III. Esq. .... Mr. James F. Corcoran ... Mr. Kenneth G. Fulmerjr. ... Mr. Anthony R. Valeo Mr. David E. Reichert . Mr. Albert Link Jr. J. Diane M. and Thomas A. Doyle Ms. Therese M. Gruber . Mr. Edward Weiss .. Mr. Bernard F. Redly III.... Mr. Vincent Mancini ... J. Joan C. (Thomas) and Joseph G. Ms. Denise M. Guiniven ... Mr. Robert H.Welsh. Michael Rosner, M.D. ... Mr. Leo C. Schaeffler ... J. Gallagher Jr., Esq. ** Kevin D. Kelly, Esq. .. Mr. James F. Wilkinson » William Siddall. Mr. Libero Scinicariello .* J. Mr. Chris C. Giles • Carol (Solomon) and Michael C. Mr. Walter Williams Jr.. Ms. Donna M. Talis ... J. Mr. James T. Glowacki Kiefer.



•• Ms. Geraldine (Tward wski) Lai i j Blue & Gold Society Mr F\m 1L k A.McGinley.

Mark I Iul!' McLaughlin *•

Dominic D. Salvaton, Esq. . In recognition of our alumni an d friends who have honored La Sail 2 through their investments in Mr Michael ). Santoro planned giving and bequest commitments, the University has established the Blue & Gold Society. Mr Michael N. Sen uzzo ••• We gratefully acknowledge the following Society members: James A Sherlock, CPCU. CLU. ARM . '56 '46 Elizabeth McGinley Sultan .... Mr. David L. Andrews, Francis X. Farrell, M.D., Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCormick Mr. Mark P Stackl se • '58 Anonymous t Ms. Vernice D. Ferguson Jr.,

Anonymous t Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fierko, '63 Mr. James McDonald, '58 J. J. Anniversary Club Bainbridge t Flanagan, M.D., '59 Mr. '64 t Ms. Almira C. Joseph C. Michael W. McGuire, (S140 S249) '66 '64 Mr. John S. Baky Mr. Thomas J. Flood, John J. McNally, CPA, t Joseph S. Riondo ... Mr. James F. Barr, '49 t Joseph F. Flubacher, Ed.D., '35 t Joseph D. McNamara, '56 Daniel J. DeMasi, Class of 1975 .... '63 '48 Mr. John B. Beal, Joseph C. Flynn, M.D., John McShain t |ames 1 I >ctw iler. Esq Mr- Patrick Hogan ... Mr. LeroyJ. Bentdey, '66 Mrs. Helen V. Foote t Mr. William A. McShain, '62 t J. Robert G, Johnson Sr. . Paul F. Bet:. Ph.D., '61 Mr. Norman F. Forand, '62 Mr. James G. McSherry, '52 t Paul and Elizabeth (Rodini) Kuny .... '73 '51 '63 Mr. John L. Biehl Jr., Paul T Fortuna, D.O., Mr. Michael G Mullen, Dr. Stephen J. Leone

Judge Genevieve Blatt t Everett Frank Jr. t Mr. Daniel R. Mullin, '41 t Joan (Welte) and Daniel McKee .

'64 '42 '64 Mr. Vincent J. Primavera Harold J. Bliss Jr., Esq., Ludwig M. Frank, M.D., Mr. Paul F. Naughton, Harry S. Shanis, Ph.D. ... Luther W. Brady, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Helen F. North, Ph.D. Mr. Edward M, Shoemaker '54 '50 Jerome H. Brodish, M.D., Gallagher, G. Dennis O'Brien, Ph.D. Mr. David H.Valaro..

'50 '55 t '42 Ltnd.i Mr. Walter J. Brough, James I. Gillespie, CPA, Desmond S. O'Doherty, M.D., Ms. Winton '57 '65 Brig. Gen. John C. Woods. USA, Mr. James J. Broussard, Mr. Nicholas A. Giordano, Elsie E. O'Halloran t Retired '62 '40 Leonard A. Brownstein, Ph.D. Mr. John E. Glaser, Rev. Martin J. O'Halloran, t '69 '42 '54 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Buckley, Lawrence R. Goldbacher, M.D., t Francis R. O'Hara, Esq., t Donors '52 Don Burkhimer, William J. Good t Ms. Margaret (Webster) Plass t (Up to Si 39) Ms. Kathleen M. Burns, '75 Mr. Donald W. Goodwin, '58 Mr. and Mrs. David Poiesz, '80 Mr. Abe Abramovich .. William F. Burns, Rev. A. Guischard, Ph.D., '38 Mr. Mrs. Charles Maj. Gen. John and J. Mr. Eugene G. Ancharski .. USA, Retired, '54 Mr. Francis E. Halloran, '49 t Reinhardt, '58 Anonymous .. '44 '38 Michael G. and Mary]. Armstrong ... Mr. Anthony G. Canavo Charles A. J. Halpin Jr., J.D., Joseph P. Rhein, t Mr. Everett L. Arnold .. Pascal R. Canavo, '55 t Mr. Paul T. Hannan, '70 Mr. Joseph G. Roddy, '59 William and Rosemary Baldino ... '52 t Robert T. '64 Mr. t Thomas J. Casey, Hansen, George J. A. Roken, Jr. Dr. Robert A. Balotsky '46 Mary and Rudolf Chope t Claire M. Happ C. Jules Rominger, M.D., Mr. Edward J. Beck. '83 '50 '74 Ms. Irene (Smolenski) Benn Kathryn F. Cocozza, t Henry J. Happ Jr., t Dennis R. Rubisch, Mr. Bradford W.Bent: '54 '61 Mr. John H. Condon Sr. t Mr. Thomas J. Haughey, t Mr. Joseph J. Ruzicka, Mr. Paul F . Bhnn .... '49 Mr. John M. Connor, Katherine V. Hickey t Mr. John O. Saeger t Ms. Diane M. Bones ....

'50 '60 '48 .... Mr. Charles V. Cosgrove, Lt. Col. Allen E. Holmes, Mr. Carlo J. Salzano, Karen Fraunfelter Burnett, P.G. A. Casolaro •• Mr. Michael C. Coughlin, '83 Roland Holroyd, Ph.D. t Dr. Arthur Sandstrom t Donald Carl G. Castellano .. Mr. Maurice E. Cox, '65 t William E. Holt, M.D., '41 John F. Schenkel, '51 t ... Edward J. Charlton, Esq. Albert Crawford Esq., '36 t Peter A. Horty, '64 Schmidt, '52 t J. Jr., CPA, Mr. John W. David E. and Eva Christiansen ...

'79 '71 '20 t Thomas F. Crawford, Esq., Philip E. Hughes Jr., Esq., Mr. Joseph J. Schmitz, Jr., Mr. John J. Close

Mr, Thomas F. Conn • Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Francis W. Judge, '50 t Mr. Kenneth Shaw Jr., '64 M- Virginia M. Connor '51 '49 '50 Crosson Jr., Daniel H. Kane, t Col. James P. Sheehan, Retired, Sally M. CnniK*. Mr. Russell Cullen '60 Mr. Robert A. Kay, '50 t Mr. Sheehan, '53 J. Jr., Thomas W. Mr. Robert S. Croskey ... '22 '50 '79 Mr. J. Russell Cullen Sr., t Mr. Thomas F. Kehoe, Anneva L. Smith, t Ms. Kathleen M. DcHaven . Ms. Marie Dench ... Walter M. Czarnota, '52 t Joseph A. Kelbaugh, '60 t Edgar C. Smith Jr., M.D., '44 t C Ms. Theresa M. (Winski) Desmond ** '66 '39 t '57 J. Thomas Danzi, M.D., Mr. Maurice A. Kelley, Mr. Thomas F. Smith, t Mr Gerard C. Devine .* Mr. Frank E. Davis '51 Mr. Kelly, '37 t Mr. T. Sottile, '54 Jr., John J. Guy Mr. Thomas A. DiBello .

Ms. Mary E. Dean t Margaret M. Kelly t Mr. George W. Stairiker, '50 Stephen T Dugan Mr. Kevin Farnan Robert T. Deck, Ph.D., '56 The Honorable William A. Mr. Arthur C. Stanley J. Patrick and Patricia (Waters) '51 J. Dr. and Mrs. Henry G. King Jr., '50 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanton, Farrell • DeVincent, '56 C. Kleis, Ph.D. t Edward Stemmler, '50 John J. M.D, Theresa Dempsey Farrell •

'71 '48 '68 * Mr. Alfred J. DiMatties, Charles J. Kriessman Jr., Ph.D., Mr. Thomas F. Strickland Jr., Mr. Richard M Garstka '68 '56 Mr Eugene M. Glavin Jr * Rev. Thomas J. Donaghy, Ph.D. Mr. Harry F. Kusickjr., Mr. Isidor P. Strittmatter II, t Mr. W.lhamJ. Hagan « '78 '65 '59 Ms. Catherine E. Doran, t William J. Leimkuhler, t Michael L. Sullivan, t Mr. James H. Harkin- .. Michael L. Duffy, '72 Charles Leonard, Ph.D. t Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tomasco, '37 t J.D., A. J. RonaldG Hull. Esq. ..

JohnV. Duganjr., Ph.D., '57 Thomas A. Leonard, CPA, '70 Mr. Michael G. Valosky, '60 Marv Nena Hunt .

'62, Dr, William Istone .... Albina and Francis J. t Dunleavy John P. Lohn, 71 Charles J., and Marie Varker Mr. Rich, ird M Jaco\ mi ... '49 t '77, '52 Joseph J. Eberle Jr., Kathleen (Gordon), and Mr. Edward J. Vasoli, Mr lohn P. Kain. Brother Charles F. Echelmeier, F.S.C. t Lynch, '71 Mr. T. Vasoli, '54 James J. Raymond Mr. Joseph P Kenney ». '54 '59 Col. George J. Edelmann Jr., Mr. Anthony M. Marino, Mr. John H. Veen, t Edward J. and Maureen 1 (McNally) Retired, '43 John and Joyce Mastronardo, '75 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Ward, '55 Klenk ... Mr. Alexander C. Konieczny ••• '71 t '46 t David C. Eisenhart Jr., CPA, Mr. Thomas J. McCann, Mr. Gordon C. Zahn fames Luddv .. Mr. Leon Ellerson, '56 Mrs. Regina McCarren t Bruce Zehnle, '66 Carol L. (Carracciot Lent:. M.D* Anne Mane (McDonnell) and Gregg R. Lodes, D.C. ...

Ms Mary Anne S. Lut: ...

Years of Giving: represents five y ears of giving to La Salle University

Not i I Hi \ ikv id r u k rOFlSC u i i \k [986ONLI

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 21 . . «

.. !,.. 1 \ ••- Thomas h |r .. I Bukara, |oneS I M.D Founder's Club Mr William J. Graham •••• . I'M m Mi I rj M Kleinman ($500 S999) Mr Dennis M Haines ....

r. \\ I ••• u v Vngelis Maureen J. (McNally) and Mr Thomas V. Hanna Jr. ... Mr.JohnFanellilll ..

.- I 11 I « ... 1 ik ind Barbara k Laurentis Edward J. Klenk Mr. Raymond E. Heckroth Rosemary A. Gallagher, CPA ... Ri. \\ illi.uii ••• PaulP Lach... . Rev. I Di T Dougherty Mr Bernard Kinker Arthur and Elizabeth Grover . .. Mi |ohn F Dreyei • *• Mr Francis T M.illon ... Rev, David). Klein. Gordon M. Langston, M.D. .... •• [i limn Philip J. and Linda M (Stoiz) Ms. Jacquelyn (Harper) Mason Rev. and Mrs Charles F. Mr James G Lauckner • : Mr. I Grutzmachcr ... Ms. Marguerite (Madden) Knappenherner, STM • John K. Manani, D.O. •» ...... j Lawrence R. Hoifman, CPA. Esq NUF.uMen.... Mi I lary M Knoerlem ••• Mr Richard L Mathauser • ins) Murphy ... Robin Kroll, M.D., FA( OG Ms, Ri isemarie A McGinty .... Ms Nora K. Kramer Mr Anthony T. Mazzei Sr. .. I PA.. Ms. Joan C. Lamborne •• Ms. Elisa (Ziccardi) Mmm ... Ms. Concertina (Ruggeri) LiiL.irini Mr M. •• ..' Joseph Montgomery . ! .... | ci 1 ind Kathleen Shaw Math is Ms. Teresa A. Naughron 1 Leo Suzanne M. McDonough Salvatore and Elizabeth M. (Juliano) . m McCarthy, M.D. ... Judith ... Pezzementi, PhD M K Ms. Opatow Mr Louis J. McGrathlll.. Olivieri . John Pi William ). O'Donnell III, CP\ .— Mr Joseph V. Otro ... Mr Donald L. Moore .. Joanne (Collins) and Paul F. ' ••• ii I m G. Plewes .... Richard T Preiss, Esq Mr. James G. Pirolli . Mr. Stephen M. Naughton . Schneider ... Mi l.i. k \\ Pogue ... Randolph V. Ragsdale, Esq. ... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poles: ... Ms. Noreen (Kilro\) Nicolo .

Preis II E. ... Mr- Francis J. Colleen (Ruane) and lames Ms. Ann Reinhardt William J and Catherine M. Mr |ohn -\ R.H.i.. Robinson * Daniel M. and Patricia (Reidy) Rice • Ugo Donini Club Peberdy ..

Mr William T.Rambo Jr. *~ Mr. Frank -\ Steltt — Mr. Nicholas M. Rongione .* ($250 S499) Maureen (Lowery) and Leo

Ms Susan (Torpey) R.ine • Mike K. Thompson • Maureen B Rowley, Esq Pezzementi, Ph.D. * Dennis J. and Lorena (Filosa) Mr. Andrew C. Roppoli ... Mr Richard K Russ ... Mr. John E. Pooler Jr. «« p. >\ Ian •• • Mrs Anne (Wilson) Sabol ». Mr. Ernesi I Sabato Mr. Richard Powers *** Anniversary Club Lawrence Byrnes and Teresa J. Mr. Edward T. Sears Jr. Mr. Manuel M. Sabato .... Roberi P and Antoinette (Cavalier (S140 S249) Jackson .... Ms Margaret M (Sheerin) Shirk * Mr. Jerel P Saltzman .... Praciho .. Stephen P. Carter .. Mr. Robert L. Bergbauer . •. |i • Ms. Joan A. Smalarz iseph I Santarone Jr., Esq. Mr. Edward M. Pngge ... Mr Edward T. Duffy .. Margaret M. (Flanagan) Jr. Rj\ mond R. Stankiewicz, CPA •. Ms Mr. James P. Scanhn .. Sister Marie A. Punte Carl W. and Catherine T. (Carroll) DeLorenzo •*• Mr, Eugene J, Stumpo Ms. Anne M.(Dikun) Scull Mi Michael Quigg * Graf .... J. Ms. Barbara (Marro) Gillespie ... Ellen Walsh ... Mr. Victor E Skloff- Mr. Jose L. Ramos Mr. Kenneth M. Hartley • (Newell) Ms. Phyllis D. (Atkins) Zebin *~ Rosemarie and Joseph G. Regina (Cudemo) Smock, M.D. •* Karen S.tssaman Schlindwein Carol (Lentini) and Thomas G. (Millalll. Paul A Terpeluk. DO. . Ms. Rose M. Schreiner ... Helinek, M.D., Ph.D. ... Mr. D. Hagenbuch Homer Marianne (McGcttigan) Walker. Ms. Eugenia M. Shane .. Mr. Anthony Macrina «. Frances Harrison** J, Mrs J. Esq.-. Mr. Calvin C. Smith .. Eileen Mingen Mayer Howard, *• Stephen M- 76 Mr. ThomasJ. Walsh * Ms. Frances E. Stahlecker .... Jerry B. Schwartz, M.D. •• Mr. Martin A. Infanti • 1976 Mr. John A. Weaver * Mr. John G. Stuckert .. JohnJ.Waldron.Esq. .... Mr. Richard B •• Lowe losephW We.kel.Esq. . Mr. William Thompson .. Stephen A. Wydrzynski, Esq. ... J. Catherine M. Maher .. Charter Club Ms. Connie (McGowan) White ... Richard P. Tonetta, Esq. lames M. Matour, Esq. '' i)t) Mr. William C.Wood Jr. Mr. Larry S. Tuliszewski (S25 000 S49 ) Mr. James M. McAnenev .. Mr. Michael C. Wozniak ... Anniversary Club Mr. Joseph E. Warhula Mr. Gaetano P. Giordano .. Daniel and (Welte) McKee .. (S140 Joan Mr Paul F. Zakulec •• S249) Ms. Karen (Fries) Wolpert Mr. S. . John Naimoh . • Richard T. Wroblewski Mr. Vincent J. Ciavardini University Club Charles and Carole Resch ... Mr Kenneth T. Coppola Ms. Diane M. (Adelizii) Zapisek ... l, I V2 . II 4 M.I] Mr. Edward F. KevnolJs Mr. Albert J. Zimmerman ... Mr Robert J. Cunningham * Virginia M. Saguc, M.A., MLS.. Mr Thomas F. McGowan • AlanE Davis, CPA.. Ms. Beth (Felinski) Semler . 1977 foseph V. DiCecco, Ph.D. * William J. Tierney Ms. Nora (McFadden) Downey .. San Miguel Club Ms. Diane C- Witmanski .. University Club Michael A. Jankowski, Esq. • (52 500 m 999) Andrew B. Woldow, M.D. ... 1978 (S10.000 ^24 999) Henry M.Kloczynski, CPA. .... Mr. Terence J. Connors Joann Fernandez Magnatta Kathleen (Gordon) and James J. • Christine M. Halpin, Esq. . Donors Barbara Matas .. University Club Lynch ... Swinand M.D. **• (SIO.0OO- S24599) Mark R Klingensmirh, (UptoSljy) Dennis P. and Patricia A. McBnde

Michael T. Moknski ... Mr. William •••• Marilyn (Davis) and Charles Anstock Sr. Dr. FlubacherClub J. Thomas Monaghan and Kathleen Chairman's Club Kathleen (Martin) and Bruce E. J. Quattrone Jr. .. (Sg 000 S9.999) M. Monaghan ... ($1,000-52 499) Beans . Anna (Celenza) and Michael Roman and Olha Nowakiwsky ... Mr. William R. Behm .... J. Mr. Nicholas Amhrosini . Dr. FlubacherClub McAleer ... Ms. Nancy (Walker) Rogers ** Mr. George Bet: * Brother John M. Crawford, F.S.C. J. ($5,ooo-$g 999) Mr. Michael P Rose .. NK Mary K. (Smith) Ruff ... Ms. Sharonmarie Biastni .. Phyllis (Wolf) and William T. Peter M. DiBattiste, M.D. ... Gallagher. IvanC. Billet, Esq. . Ralph P. Bocchino, Esq. . Donors Joseph P. Stampone, Esq. * San Miguel Club Ms. Pearl (Frazier) Bullock .- (S2.500 S4.999) (UptoSl39) San Miguel Club

Joseph J. Buonpastote ... (S2,500-S4.999) Founder's Club William N. Allen, 77, and Anna Ms. Diane F. (Sweeney) Amitai ...» Mr. Donald J. Callahan (5500 S999) Melnyk Allen, '80, M.A. '02 . Mr. Michael F Anzin Walter W. and Susan Murphv Mr. John F. Cassidy ». Mr. Jonathan J. Palmer ... Mr. Joseph H. Bohr Dearolf.... George F. Beppel, CPA » Anthony and Maryann (Longshore) ... John A. (Jack) Bolash Donald J. DeGrazia. CPA. ABV ... Frank P. Buzydlowski, Esq. ... Colletta Mr. Thomas F. Bolton ... Mr. James A. Kazmerskie ... Phil and Kathleen (Guerin) Mr. Andrew P. Crane .... Chairman's Club Mr. Raymond L. Bond .. Layvrence White and Barbara Cosentino * William B. Davis and Maryann (S1.000--S2 499) Eileen M. Bonner, M.D., MPH ... Moser White, 79... Mr. James W. Fmegan .. Pantano Davis *• Russell R. and Susan M. (McErlean Mr. Harts B. Brown . Sallyanne Harper **** Ms. Christine (Romaniw) Barrett ... Michael R. Buckley, Ph.D. .. +*** Demidowich ... Chairman's Club John J. Merrick Jr. ... Paul M. Coady, M.D. Barbara (Gawinski) and David P. (s1.000-s2.499) Beth (Halpin) and William A. Michuda Mr. Daniel J. Devine *. Rose (Guenn) and Francis P. Day, Carberry .. James P. Murphy, Esq. ... Donald A. Dilenno, M.D. ... M.D. ... Rev. Jeffrey T. Cesarone, O.Praem. * Ms. Kathleen P. (Lefevre) Bloch . Paul F and Joanne (Collins) Mr. John R. Dipompeo Richard L. Fagnani, CPA .... Eileen (Hill) and Francis G. Devlin, Francis E. Dehel, Esq. ... Schneider ... James T and Mary T (Rush) Ronald F. Feinberg, M.D., Ph.D. CPA. Marylouise (Kratzer) Morgan and Mr. Raymond L. ... Do Ian .... Schutiman Brother Robert Kinzler, F.S.C. Leonard V. Fodera, Esq. . J. Mr David J. Dziena .* ... [ohnK Taus, HO. .... Mr. Edward J. Fitzpatrick Francis T. McGettigan, CPA *•* Ms. Gail (Rothberg) Eisenberg •» Mary Mullin McNamara, '80, Honorable Diane (McMonagle) Mr. Ronald M. Fonock ... M. Dr. and Mrs. James Perry .. and Robert M. McNamara, J. Debra (Steffa) and Kevin J. Farrell .. Welsh • . Rev. Neil Gutmaker .. Donna (DiBello) and Louis A. M.D., 78 ... Hon Mark J Fleming • Joseph A. Haas Jr. . Petroni, Esq. * Allan D. and Hayley (Atnikov) Donna (DiBello) and Louis A. Mr. Anthony Hagan . Ugo Donini Club J. Lisa (Adams) Stackhouse, D.O. .. Geller .... Petroni, Esq. . Ms. Joan M. (Butler) Hannigan ... (S250 S499) Ms. Elaine L. Glebocki .... Stephanie (Doncherz) and Joseph Mr. Arnold E. Hopson .. Ms. Diane M Glendon .... V. Vernace. M D .. Lorena (Filosa) and Dennis J. Boyian ••



Institutionally Administered Scholarships

Through the generous contributions of government agencies, foundations, corporations, and individuals, La Salle students are eligible for a variety of private scholarsh ps.

Accounting Department Scholarship Julius Fioravanti Memorial Scholarship Charles E. Merrill Trust Scholarship

Annenberg-Henrich Scholarship Dr. Joseph F. Flubacher Scholarship Lillian Beresnack Miller Memorial Scholarship

Gregg Argenziano Scholarship Germantown Hospital Nurse Association William F. Miller Sr. Scholarship Berger-Wallace Scholarship Daniel A. and Kathleen Belfatto Modern Handling Scholarship

William J. Binkowski Scholarship Giannini Scholarship Jacques and Blanche Moore Scholarship Fund

James J. Binns Scholarship Nicola Giordano Memorial Scholarship Joseph Moran Scholarship Fund

William J. Brett Jr. Memorial Scholarship John S. Grady Honors Scholarship Mable Morris Scholarship Brother Damian Connelly Scholarship James T. Guo Scholarship James V. Mulvihill Scholarship

Brother G. Claude Demitras Scholarship Rev. David I. Hagan Scholarship Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation Scholatship

Brother Pattick Ellis Alumni Scholarship J. Anthony Hayden Scholarship James and Margaret Newell Endowed Scholarship '66, Brother Emery Scholarship H. Blake Hayman Scholarship Anthony J., and Ruth Nocella

Brother Gerard Molyneaux Scholarship Anthony F. Heck Memorial Scholarship University Scholarship

Dr. Leonard A. Brownstein Scholarship Lt. John Henry Scholarship Northeast Catholic High School Scholarship George and Elsie Bucs Scholarship Hogan Award Pennsylvania Higher Education Foundation Helen Burke Memorial Scholarship Independence Blue Cross Nurse Scholars Grant Dr. Edna McKenne Scholarship for

John F. Byrne Memorial Scholarship Independence Blue Cross Supplemental Disadvantaged Students

Robert J. Chesco Memorial Scholarship Gtaduate Nurse Education Grant Pennsylvania Higher Education Foundation Christian Brothers Scholarship Independence Blue Cross Supplemental Graduate Nurse Education Grants Class of 1970 Scholarship Nursing Education Grant Pennsylvania Higher Education Foundation Communication Department Faculty Award Frances and John Jenich Memorial Scholarship Nursing Education Grants

Lt. John H. Condon Memorial Scholarship Johnson and Johnson Scholarship Ptber Scholarship Bishop Corrigan Memorial Scholarship Thomas and Janet Kean Scholarship Pyle Endowment Scholarship

'52, Dr. Robert J. Courtney Scholarship John J. Keenan, Memorial Scholarship Richard S. Rueda Scholarship Joseph Crowley Award Jack Keen Memorial Scholarship Joseph Lawrence Scheiter Memorial Scholarship

'37, J. Russell Cullen Sr. Memorial Scholarship John J., and Margaret M. Kelly- Sigma Phi Epsilon Scholarship Josephine Danielski Memorial Scholarship Endowed Memorial Scholarship Sigma Phi Lambda Scholarship Michael A. DeAngelis Memorial Scholarship Dr. Joseph Kelly Memorial Scholarship SIM Scholarship Robert L. Dean Writing Scholarship James S. Kemper Foundation Scholarship SLH-OD Graduate Scholarship

St. Francis de Sales Scholarship John P. Kiernan Jr. Fund Warren E. Smith, M.D., Scholarship

J. Hugh and Nancy Devlin Scholarship Peter J. Kiernan Scholarship W. W. Smith Charitable Trust Scholarship

Richard J. Diamond Memorial Scholarship Philip Kind Jr. Memorial Scholarship Michael J. Tanney Scholarship G. Fred DiBona Scholarship Mary and C. Gerard Kramer Scholarship Lillian and Ralph Tekel Scholarship Susan O'Neill Dietsch Scholarship Gregory LeCerff Grant UPS Scholarship Richard DiSammartino Scholarship Danielle Leonard Scholarship U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

Anne H. and Harry J. Donaghy Scholarship Maureen E. Lodge Scholarship Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship Dr. Paul R. Doran and Catherine E. Doran Francis X. McErlean University Scholarship U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Memorial Scholarship James A. McGovern Scholarship Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship

Francis J. Echelmeier Scholarship Thomas F. McGowan Scholarship U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Leon Ellerson Scholarship William G. McGowan Charitable Scholarships tor Disadvantaged Students

Darlene and Edward J. Fierko Scholarship Fund Scholarship John H. Veen Memorial Scholarship for the BS/MBA Degree Program John McHale Award Erwin and Carolyn Rye von Allman Scholarship

Edward J. Fierko Scholarship tor the Business John J. (Jack) McNally Scholarship Wachovia Foundation BUSCA Scholarship Scholars Co-Op Program John McShain Scholarship Thomas H. White Memorial Scholarship James A. Finnegan Public Service Fellowship Mercedes Benz/Lionel Simmons Scholarship John T. Zook Memorial Scholarship

Founder's Club Ugo Donini Club Mr. James F. Coleman Joseph Billet Maryanne (Walsh) and Joseph F. Mr. Robert Fanning ... Mr. William C.Bradley .... Hediger ... (S$O0 S999) (S2SO -S499) J Jr. Jr.

Michael A. Franchetu, M.D. « Ms t li.irlene L. Brennan • ... Ms. Judith A, lames .

Kathleen (Guerin) and Phil Robert J. Blester, M.D.... Michele Katkocin Harbison . Mr. William Brennan Ms. ( iri >1 T |ones •••• Cosentino .. William], Burns. . Jimmy McGmniss George Brenner, 78, MBA '88, and Carolann (Eisele) and Edward J. 1 ralante, Lisa M M.D., and Thoma: Frederick I Cantzjr., CPA • "81, • Mr. I )aniel A. Pierro • Joann (Lawler) Brenner, Kapuscinski |r. A. DeBerardinis, M.D. .. Ms. DeniseJ (Lamb) McF wrs - .. '84 .. .. Paul I S.num, D.O. MBA Mr Kevin V Kelle^ Mr. Thomas j. Hoban ... John P. Nolan Jr., M.D. . Ms Karen P. U'Hahe . Ms. Annemarie T. (Lento) Mr. Vincent T. Kelly • Catherine M Harper, Esq., and Mr. Bernard ]. Siegel ••** Brownnullcr ... Karen M. and Kevin T. Kohler Paul Kelly III, CPA.— Anna (McDonald) and Craig B J. Donors Ms MillicentJ.C atvalho Mr |ohnW Lamb- Eileen (Kelly) and Robert A. Tractenherg, Esq...... Eva and David E ( hristiansen .... Mi Huberi V Leonard (l pro $139) Kennedy |r • Mr. (, )raig M Waring ... Camille DiLullo, Ph.D .... Michael G.MalatestaSr., CPA.« Donald L. Lev ick, M.D. - Mr Michael Zeik*. Mr. Anthony J Allonardo Mitchell K Freedman, D.O. Ms. Murc\ A Martin *« Michael McGimey, Esq J. Mr. Carl Alnlta .... Ms Donna M. (Glowacki) Fulton • Margaret Grzesiak McAna — [osephF M iey, Ph.D .... Brian Animitli, *• Anniversary Club C- VMD Mr. Frank D. Giardini . Deborah (Boyle) and Michael \V Joseph M.Phillips Jr., Ph I' .. A. Baldassarre, * (S140 S249) Joseph CPA Helen Zygmont Glmski Mcllmail . Mr. Thomas Rice Mr. Michael Barmash •• Mr. Gerard S Hampshire ... Ms Sharon M McQuate ... |i . Mr. Lawrence I Busto X, Smith Jr. . [ohn and I 'athy Barr .. I Mil A Ms i Metrow

^y lars or Giving: represents five iears of giving to La Salle University

Not] Data traced back ro fis< w rEARi986 0NLi

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 23 . 1 .

l . ... • * ... i II P. 1 Mi Hugh 1 McCaffrey Spiewak Mi rani si ranco San MiguelClub

! 1 ...... I Matthew S Sreinb rg, >MD Ms Dorothy McBride ... ($2,500 |ami 79 •• |ohn C. Suchy «• Joseph C O'Neill |r

I iregor] O and Patricia M. Bruce*** ... M.irs •** Kathleen Meriwether, Esq Ms Frances (Whelan) SzpUa Robert | Pusham |i , Esq. ~ Mr. Timothi M O'Connor*" 1 (Ml I 1 ...» • Mr Francis M Mosei • \im tonald] and laig K Ms. Man I Taylor Mr. John A. Rankm If

• •• Mi . rdelli Tractenberg, Esq Mr. |oseph M. Watdton Paul and I >i Maria Schwab ... Ms Mai - Mr, Michael 1 Weyand Ms. Donna (DiEnno) Welser ** JamesP Whelan. Ph.D ... Chairman's Club ;n- M. and Willia Ms Jill (Smith) Whitney .... (M 000 %2 499)

r I) .. Marylou Lazzaro Williams .... Anniversary Club Donors Mr. John R. Benton Jr ..

; Karen R . Joseph P. and Nancy L (Twaddle) Yates 1249) (l pro S139) Duane F. and Maribeth (Malloy) E Quinn •• Kelly .. . - Dragane5cu,M.D.,FACP«. Eleanor A Allen : i lohnM Ms | . Mr. Robert M. Lut: ^ Hoppei and Go Anon) mous » in i Daniel M Rice • Man Mr Vmcent F. McGonagle •• •• Bar net t Cheryl (Yurkanint Aycoclt .» Mr B, iberi J. Senior MarvC O'Brien. M.D. .. Mr Michael T Sob) ••• M- 1 arol A. Humenick • I980 James T Basara, DMD *•• Mr. Edward A Turzanslci ... 1. iimi rortorelli ... Lennon Kelh, Mr. Brian R. Bent: ... Ms Edna C. Voh « & oti and Michele Krasnj .. Charter Club Mr. Chris G. Brondi Mr Raymond P Matrone * Paul M. and Anne Mane Carberry itherine P- Weigand ($25,000 549.999) Founders Club Diane (Marshall) uiJ A RasR Mayo [1 Mr Eugene L. Carelli (S50O S'>99) Mr and Mrs. David Poiesz .... .« Mr. Ernie \ Scaran< • Ms. Teresa (Murphy) Coggshall ... DDS Kathleen M. Chancier, Esq. .... Mv Margherice (Dehoratius) Alice B. Colon, Ph.D. . Nancy (McNally) and Thoni i P Richard J. and Giovanna ... Wilkinson • Shaeffer University Club Mr. John M. Conlow Jr. .. (Villafionta) Donnelly ... Carl B. Shanholt:, . (si, Mr. Noel G. Wray .. M.D. i.OOO S24.999) Mr. Kenneth J. Cooper Mr. James R. Flynn ...

Michael T. Steelman, D.O. .. I ouis I' .md Man Ann (Kaupp) .. Mr. John J. Krzeminski Ellen Meriwether Timothj P.WardSr.4 DeAngelo •• Gregory |. Nowak, Esq. .... Kathleen (Hess) and Walter R. Stephen C, DeAngelo, CPA . Kevin M. and Sandra (Tomkowicz) Wojciechowski ... San Miguel Club Cathy Del Ciotto .... Roddy .... 1979 (52 500 M 999) Ms. B. Joan Dougherty ... William T. and Clara (Ciossek) William N. Allen, and Mr. Mark E. Elsasser * Donors 77, Anna Wagner . leffrei W Ennoff, D.O. . University Club (Up to $159) Melnyk Allen, v\ M A. "02 ~ Ms. Deborah (Stofanik) Ferrell .. u i S24 999) Colleen P. Gillespie ... Mr. Donald L Abramowits Ugo Donini Club Mr. Roger Marchetti ** Ms 1 iail (Postles) Garbei Mr. James V, Morris ... Anonymous . IN-ISO S499) Max I Jeisler Mr. John J. Walsh. Mr. John N. Balsama ... Mr. Vincent Gtarroccoji • J. Timothy Corry . Ms Reverb L iBryce) Bey. Dr. FlubacherClub Ms. Loretta (Zwolak) Greene ... Mr. Joseph V. Hosack jr. .. Bivenour ... Chairman's Club i>s 000 sg Mr. Thaddeu> F Mr. Anthony C. Herman .... 999) Catherine F. Madden, CPA, and (si Mr Anthony P. Camilli .. 000 $2,499) Dorothy A. Hunes, M.D . Michael and Anna (Celenza] Kevin E. Madden, CPA ... J. Burton and HolUs Cohen .. Ms. Leslie L. Branda ..« Ms. Ann (McCulhssl Johnson •• McAleer .... Anne M. Manning. M.D. • Eileen (Gaddis) and Richard W. M John T. Capecci, CPA ... Mr MitchellE K..t:« . Ms. Kathleen (McLaughlin) Mr. and Mrs. James J. Smart I 1 imbatti •* Brother John Kane. F.S.C. . Mr. John A. Kelly. Mellett .... Mr Christopher E. Cummmgs ... Joseph and (Orteo) Manberh (Malloy) and Duane W Mane Mr. William C. Morsell .. San Miguel Club Mary Ann (Kaupp) and Louis P. ... F Kelh, .. Matera ... Robert J. Motley. M.D. ">4 I ($2 SOU 999) teAngelo • Mai) Mullin McNamara, '80, Ms. Ann E Matthews Rosemary (Kashlak) and Schuyler «• Richard DiGiacomo Ms. .. Lawrence White. 78, and Barbara and Robert M. McNamara, Claire McArdle Newman, M.D. « Mary T (Rush) and James T Dolan ... Mr. James McKinley Moser White ... M.D., 78... J. Herbert M. Ruetsch. CPA .. Concetta M. and William Doyle Jr. . J. ... Mr. Henry F. Monroe II .. Alfonso M. Salazar, Esq Mr. Bruce A. Ruggeri ... Elizabeth Doyle .... Water Ms. Denise P. Montell ... Ms. Ann E. Seiberlich .... [oseph R. Solimeo, CPA *. Chairman's Club .. Ml ( iregory I Farrell Mr. C. Christopher Mulder Edward M. and Kathleen (Golden) (Sl. 000 sz 499) Rev Rovella A Fleming Chris and Ruth Nolan Founder's Club Waddington . Ms. Linda A. (Morns) Fox ** Steven Olshevski . Mary Ann (Stefany) and Anthony I Mr. C. (Ssoo S999) Wanjek Family Ms. (Zienkewic:) Gies Catan:aro .... Lynnanne T Rosemary (Robinson) Pall, Esq. .... Mr. James M. Green Sr Beth Harper Bnglia • ... Mr. Brian J. Fit:gihhons ... Elizabeth J. (Mullarkey) and Mr Michael A Haskins . Mr. ... Anniversary Club Joseph P. Halpm .... James J. Dunleavy Joseph A. Piccolo *** Maryannc (Walsh) and Joseph F. ... (S140 S249) Patricia A. Mellon, Esq. . Mr. Dennis M. Durkin Ms. Patricia (Dajnowski) Quaile ... Hediger Jr ... Mr. Daniel Kelleher .. Mr. Patrick E.Walsh « J. Thomas E and Linda (Gauder) Theresa M- (DiLello) and Ms. Patricia (But:loff) Hickerson * Eileen (Kelly) Robert and A. Rakszawski. CPA ... Thomas G. Bachinsky . Ms. Karen (Kraft) Hoehn ... Kennedy • Founder's Club Jr Bernadette Lynn Ronca ... Rita A (Morrin) and John S. Carolann tEisele) and Edward ... J. Ms. Nancy Kyle William P. St. Clair IV, CPA. Birnhak *« (Ssoo S999) Kapuscinski Jr. . Mr. John P. Pierce ... Ms. Jane (McFarlane) Staats «. Mr. Robert J Blum Cicala, Ph.D., and Joanne Philip Keohane . Joseph J- J Mr. Frederic B. Trucker and Mr. F. Howard Braithwaite ....

C. Con Ion, Ed.D. *. Mr William L Lewis Jr. ••• Ugo Donini Club Joanne M. Walker, E^q . Mr. Michael P. Cramer . Mark Delowery, D.O. «. Mr. Michael P. Lonergan « ($250 S499) Diana (Gilmore) and Joseph T Mary (Curran) Dejoseph. D.O. .. Mr. P. .. Ml Robert Lvnch .* Joseph McCaffery J. Van Thuyne . Donna M. Gervasi •• Nancy Burawski .. Christopher P. Merrick, CPA ... Mr. Donald J. Mason *• Mr. William G.Walsh. Mr. Gerald J- Greenfield ... Dr. Timothy Jon Clay ... Elizabeth M (Juliano) and Mane (Orteo) and Joseph \Y ... Mr. Timothy J. Walters Ms. Eileen K. Halpin ... .* Ms. Jennifer Donohue ... Salvatore Olivieri ... Matera ... Mr. Gregory V. Watson Mr Ronald J. Kane *. Mr. Joseph ... Joanne (Bechta) Dugan, Ph.D. .... Maryellen T. Kueny and Donald J. T McGee Jr. .. Mr. Richard C. Watson Jr. Mr. Michael J. Pelone ...... Mr. Michael Hagan ... Rongione ***• Mr John J. McNamee Lucille R. (D'Emiho) and William J. Mr. John Ranieri • Brian Siegel ... Ms. Audrey T. Mento • Mark S. and Constance P. (Petroni) J. Wilkinson. Mr. Robert Ricks « Mr. Carl F Michini .* Lahoda, Esq. ... Mr. Charles L. Williams Ms Ann Mane (Mieriejewski) Edward j- and Karen G. (Eckard) Kathy and Rick Mauro Ugo Donini Club Ms. Valerie D. Williams. Sears • . Mortka • Manbel W. Molyneaux, Ph.D. ... (S25O S499) Ms Susan (Chubik) Wing.. Ms. Joan M. Smallwood .... Mr. Francis Noonan ... Mr. Michael J. Petrocik .. J. Mr. Gerard A. Sweeney ... Michele Anthony, M.D., 79, and Kevin O'Rourke ... Mr. Victor M. Pettyjohn .. M. Celeste and Steven M. Zelitch, James McClam. Esq., 79 .. Vincent A. Paccapaniccia, ... Christopher and Maureen CPA Esq.. Mr, Steven P. Brown Ms. Janice M. Pantano .... Serpico ....

James L. and Pamela K. Gertie . Ms. Rose L. Pauline . Mr. Russell A. Spruance •• 1 98 Donors Lawrence Byrnes and Teresa Mr. Lawrence M. Pierson .. Mary Montrella Waybill, M.D- ... Jackson ... (Up to $139) Mr. Ronald F. Ritschel .. Dr FlubacherClub Mr. Ned O. Kraft «. Ms. Patricia A. Sandstrom .... Mr- John R. Ando.. Anniversary Club ($5 coo $9 999) Herb and Francine Lottier . Mr. John P. Seykot *• Mr. James F. Barben **** ($140 S14 1') Col. Julie Trego Mania .. Mr. Kevin R.Alger.... Ms, Sara J. Shaw .. Kevin D. and Holly L. (Hale) B.m Kathy and Rick Mauro Mark R. Faber. M.D. ..



Kenneth H. Ryesky, Esq. *. Ms, Elizabeth (Gi ives) ', The Christian Brothers Ms. Deborah (Tygb) Sharp Mi I rancesca (Serra) Zorzi •*•• Bill Shields...

Thomas P. ind Diam [Li In FY 2007-2008, the Brothers contributed a total of $49,900 for unrestricted Svkes ... support, scholarship aid, and program assistance. This year, La Salle gratefully Mr. F. Kevin Tylus .• 198? acknowledges the following Christian Brothers, who provide leadership, Donors direction, and inspiration to the entire La Salle community: UniversityClub (Up to $139)

I S24 999) Mr Kevin G. Agw « Brother Hugh N. Albright, F.S.C. Brother Robert Kinzler, F.S.C. J. Linda \ (Schaefer) and Diego F. Mr. John R.Arnold

Brother Arthur J. Bangs, F.S.C. Brother Jules Knight, F.S.C. I ilderin*** Man (Fanelli)Ai ila, Ph D ...

Brother Richard Breese, F.S.C. Brother Edward Koronkiewici, F.S.C. Mr CharlesE Baxtei 111 . Brother Daniel W. Burke, F.S.C. Brother Dennis M. Malloy, F.S.C. Mr lame- F Behl 5l Dr FlubacherClub Ms. Deborah E Bernhardt ... Os OOO S<;.999) Brother Joseph F. Burke, F.S.C. Brother Michael J. McGinniss, F.S.C. Carol Fetterman Blauth ... Mr, Francis X. McGorry Jr Brother James L. Butler, F.S.C. Brother John J. McGoldrick, F.S.C. Ms. Cheryl (Seeds) Brotman • Helen (Neary) and Mark D. Swiski Brother Edward Conway, F.S.C. Brother Gregorian McLaughlin, F.S.C. Ms. LoisC. BuchoUki ..

Brother John Crawford, F.S.C. Brother Thomas H. McPhillips, F.S.C. Brother James L Burk-r, F.S I

Mr. John F. Butlet .. Chairman's Club Brother Kevin M. Dalmasse, F.S.C. Brother Emery C. Mollenhauer, F.S.C. Anne Marie md Paul M Carberry (St.OOO S2 499) Brother Edward Davis, F.S.C. Brother Gerard F. Molyneaux, F.S.C. J. Mr. James Carrigan ... J Edward K and Janice M. Beit:, Brother Joseph Dougherty, F.S.C. Brother Francis Tri Nguyen, F.S.C. Carmen and Shirley (Ellsworth) J. Ph.D., R.N. «. Chiaradonna .. Brother Gabriel A. Fagan, F.S.C. Brother G. John Owens, F.S.C. Mr Louis V Eccleston ••• Ms. Patricia L. Clemens . Gibbons, Esq .. Brother E. Gerald Fitzgerald, F.S.C. Brother William J. Quaintance, F.S.C. Joseph G. (Wolk) Devlin . Ms, Patricia Lynn M Keenan, M.D. Brother Timothy J. Froehlich, F.S.C. Brother David Rogers, F.S.C. Mr. Edward 1 is; - C Hug Ellen Reillv.. Brother Joseph Grahenstein, F.S.C. Brother Robert 1. Schieler, F.S.C. Mr. Zorian B. Dubenko .. Maria Tucker **• Donna Duffy-Bell Brother Charles E. Gresh, F.S.C. Brother Edward J. Sheehy, F.S.C. Deborah A- Fluehr .. Brother Edward Hofmann, F.S.C. Brother Kevin M. Stanton, F.S.C. Founder's Club Ms. Cecile (McCarthy) Gantert .... Brother John C. Johnston, F.S.C. Brother Fred Stelmach, F.S.C. ($500 S999) Matthew C. and Donna (Trolla)

Brother John Kane, F.S.C. Brother Joseph J. Willard, F.S.C. Gay nor Anonymous.

Gintare T. y !e( ys, D.O •• Anonymous •• Ms. Mary (Kaiser) Gille-.pie . Mr. Robert C. Dunne * Ms. Mary F. (Dettra) Bontempo Antoinette (Cavalieri) and Robert P Founders Club Ms. Patricia M. Hallman •• Richard and Alice Gaibler ...

Mr Edward Borek * Pracilio •• Mr. Edward B. Harnty . J 5999) Richard J. Henry, '83. •» Mr John J. Bowes Jr. » Thomas E. and Linda (Gauder) John and Donna Hasson Ms. Marlene M. (DcLaCru:* Snydei .. Giovanna (Villafiorita) and Richard George Brenner, 78, MBA '88, Rakszawski, CPA .... Ms. Karen M. (Smith) Hawk ins •» Mr |ohn D.Walsh. Donnelly .. '81, ••• J ... and Joann (Lawler) Brenner, Mr. Nicholas J Regina Loretta J. and Charles R. Hevduk Ms Victoria k Flaville •. '84 ... .. MBA » E. Jane Ruane Mr Francis J Horn M.u\ Ellen and Michael Gilbert . Ugo Donini Club Mr Thomas E. Campbell .... Kathleen M Sandman, Ph.D. ... Ms. Joanne M. (Sptissler) Kelly . Lynn M. Mueller, MBA '86 . ($250 s 4 99) Ms B.irkir.i A U blind) t . >| n n .. Rabbi Neal S. Scheindhn ... Mr. John C. Lancaster ... Mr. Eric Reiscmvit: ... M. .. Stephen Croghan • Mr. Joseph R Shattuck ... Ms Susan T Landau Paul and Teresa Adair Sandra (Tomkowicr) and Kevin Ms. Geraldine {Shields) Crumley ... Mr. Michael E. Sibiha ... Barbara Meskill Lettiere .. Ms. Susan (Comvay) Devane *• M. Roddy .... Mary A.E. Curran, DHM ... Ms. Eileen iMattheyvs) Suarski ... Lynn (Piatkowski) and Benjamin L I atolel (Rothong) Erlandson, M.D. * Mr. Paul A \ itacolonna ... Mr. Gerald R. Evans Jr. .. Mr. Anthony J. DiCicco Ms. Barbara L. Smith Le\'in ..

. *• *** Joy Fahei, Esq. **. Peter J. and Frances (Kozul) D'Orazia Ms. Elaine M Stoebenau Ms. Kathleen E. Littel

Ms Margaret (Donnelly) Douns Laura Frieze Sweze} • Ugo Donini Club Colleen (Wydro) Marano, Ph.D. .. Ms Katen M. (Ruszkoyvskil Fedele ««

Drs. Mary Jo (Wysock) and Eugene Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy, STD . (V'so 5499) Mr. Scott D. McCav. ... Mar\ V. Layvton Deborah B.A. '86, and A. Ehne Jr. . Ms. Janice M. (Neiman) Vukich ... Mr. Joseph L. Mellon . (Sawyer), Michael F. Bonner. CPA .... Patricia (Waters) and Patrick Mr Jeffrey ... David Miller, CPA... Martin B. McCann III, BBA '83, J. Thomas C. Breslin and Mary J. '93 Farrell Mr. Kevin M. Waldron .• Lori Stieffenhofer Mills . MBA . Trautwein ...... Mr. Dominic M. Faran:mu • Mary Louise Feron * Mr. Gregory J. Webster Mr Thomas M M v Mr Joseph B. Dougherty ... (Chester) Madeline (Varga) and Otis Fitzgerald • Mi Robert W. Windhaus .. Mr. Charles E. O'Connor Jr . Joseph L. and Ellen J. Bry.m A George, Esq Mr. Johnnie L. Freeman .. James A. Winn, Esq. •• Richard K.O'DonnellJr . Pasquale .. Ms K.ithvann (Cusack) Heilig •• Paula Gidjunis • Harrv Quinn ••• Thomas C. Breslin and Mar\ Carol (Lennni) and Thomas G. J. Jr. *• Ms. Marlene M. Goebig • Mr. Jeffrey K Randazzo •* Trautwein Helinek.M.D-.Ph.D... Ms. Barbara (Kelly) Greco Ger.ilx n (Mori) and George T. Patricia (Littel) Hobbib. Esq Mr Matinee* r Gmntkowski * Rizzuto • Anniversary Club 1982 Dorothy F. Jannelh, M.D. ... Melanie M. (Susiak) and Daniel T. Ms. Anna P. Russell... Mr. Vincent A. Melchiorre (si.)- S249) Guetin • Mr. James P. Ryan . • Mary Ellen T. and Andrew J. Miller - Michael A Becket, D.O M - Ms Fanny (Karivalis) Haidemenos President's Club Mr. Joseph K Scan Ion • Rosemarv (Kashlak) and Schuylei lames M Bohgit: Jr.. CPA ... Ms Thetese Joyce •* (S50 OOO and above) Mr. John J. Schneider « Newman, .. M D Patricia M tFendergastl and Mark T. Kenney, MAI, SRPA . Ms. Laura L. (Wescoat) Shelley . Carusi, *. Susan F (Altamore] Esq Kevin G. Finlav .... Ms. Janine M. Mariscotti Mr Thomas C. Stea Mr William P Giantorearo ... ANNIVERSARY CLUB .. Mr ixnjamin J. Mashioff Ms. Karen A. (Schuck) Stewart

( 1 'L 1 11 Kelly Long »» Mr. Michael McCall ~ Dr. FlubacherClub l^il" S249) Mr. John C. Stipa **• (s '>'") Michael Matthews Ms. Cindy M. (Ambruoso) S OOO S9 Mr, Matthew • J. Thomas G. and Theresa M. (DiLello) J. Syrek Richard C. and Jane! (Fitzgerald) McCutcheon •• Maureen T. (McGovern) and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Greed »*» Bachinsky • McElwee . Mr. Joseph G. McMahon *. Myron N. Tantumjr. Mr. JemnifS Lezynski II *•* Rev. Joseph L. Coffey •* . Mr. Michael J. Salazai £ lei irge G. and Annette M. (Bucci) Ms. Mary Beth *• Patrick Ms Renee C. Fairconeture . Tecce Alicia (Koszarelc) and I Patrii 1.1 A Serratore .. Mick ... Dr. Teresa N. Tobin • O'Grady, CPA .. Voir I urherman, M.D . Anne (Galasso) and Jim Templeton Ms. Harnette R. Mishkin ... Nicholas *» (Near, Ken Haas .... Mr. J Vaccarino Mark D and Helen I Swiski 1, .... Mr Patrick Mulligan ... Mr. »*. J. Ms. Verntta F. Hall .. Thomas A. Vinciguerra Jr. Mr. Don.ild C- White .. Ms. Christine (Domineskc) Musick *•» Mr. Kenneth S. White Chairman's Club Patricia A Kling ... Ms Sheila (Smith) O'Connell .. Ms. LisaC. Makosewski .... WilliamJ. and Lucille R (D'Emilio) (si 000 \: i'fo M. and Kevin • Mary (McGonigle) M. Ms. Kathleen (Conklin) McCabe ... Wilkinson Honors .. Oleksiak Ms M. Judith (Torres) Lynch ... Mr. John J. Williams |i (Up tD SiMl Mr. Francis J. MeGrath •. Ms. Maureen ... •• .. McGinn O'Neill Ms. Diane (Balzereit) Melley Mr Stephen M. Powell . Ms. Mary M. Winn Mi Stephen L. Alexander • Ms. Janet Pellicciotti ... Ms. [< Yates •• Mr. Daniel J. O'De. Ellen (Resinski) Rosen, Evq ... Montque hampagne) Ms El.nne E. (Spadaccini) Azzatanc -•

1 ears of Giving represents five years of giving to La Salle Universiti NOTE DATA TR ICED BACK TO FISCAL > FAR I^Sd ONL1

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 25 . . .

Founder's Club Ms |anei I Hill

""I Mi. hael \ lln-ch.MD . Memorial Gifts leanne (Yuengling) and R dph S 3 il ati ire and Lynn Fai.i HisleHU Richard and Alice Gaibler .. Mi James P Hopkins Jr. • In at La Salle Tefited from gifts in loving JohnR.Gimpcl, P< 1 ... 2007-2008, students be made Ms Susan M. Kaness • Tricia (Lenaghan) and Edward C. memory of the following individuals: Mr |ohn X Kearns .. •• I logan, Esq Mr. Austin P. Kelh, [i . Ms. Janice (Moser) Lupas . Ms Jeanie T Kelly \rgenziano Brother Joseph Keenan F.S.C., '56 Maureen (Mc( ionigal) and J. Michael B. Kogut, CPA Frederick C Mischler Jr. . Dennis A. Asselta, 'V Mr. Lawrence J.Kelly, CLU, *50 Ms Barbara (Lever) Krauss .. Roger Seasock .. Ms. Deborah A. • Mr. and Mr>. Thomas Barton Mr. Michael ]. Kerlin, Ph.D., '57 (Rygalski) Kurowski Ms. Agnes A. (Petka) Kwiatkowski • Mr. Robert L. Bolsover, '53 Mr.JohnJ.KozelJr.,'58 Ugo Donini Club Ms \ irginia D. (Pickup) Listman ... Tyler Bookman Danielle Mane Leonard, '06 (S2S0 s 4 Jane A. Lombard, Esq ..

Brother Edward Boric, F.S.C. Leroy E. Lewis Ms. Bridget G. Lowers •* Mr. Emilio E. Amodei Mr. L. Bower 11, '50 Mr. and Mrs. James E. McGoldrick Ms Karen (O'Grady) Manners... Thomas \\w\w mous •

li '1)11.1 1 M. McAnespev, DPM . '58 Kathleen Brother John J. Brady, F.S.C, Pat Mclntyre (Dynan) and James I Mr Edward J. McDevitt .... Mr. James Brennan Brother Jeremy McNamara, F.S.C. Black, Ph.D. .. Mr. Jeffrey M, McGarry .. Kellyann Jeletic .... '50 Mr. John Bresnan, Lillian B. Miller, Ph.D. Ms. Helen M (McBrvan) McCnnley .« J. Mr. Robert A. Krauss George and Elsie Bucs Joseph P. Mooney, Ph.D., '49 Mr. Robert E. Murphy |r Mr. James ! Mc Mahon .... Mr. Floyd R Nasuti . Eduardo G. Cangiano Mr. Joseph L. Moran Mr Robert F Meighan ... Mr. Charles RNelms Ellen (Chester) and Joseph L. Brother Lawrence Colhocker, F.S.C, Brother James Muldoon, F.S.C. J. J. Suzanne M and Thomas L. Pasquale .. '58 '80 Ed.D., John P. Murray Jr., Nickel-, 'ii John F.Piree, CPA... P. '84 Leo E. and Mary M. (Costello) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corlev, Peter Paranzino Patrick B. Shanahan **• O'Shea . '55 '84 Robert J. Courtney, Ph.D. Walter T. Peters, Lenore T105 anosk^ -Siegler, •- Ms. Kathleen M (Spaulding) Perry •« Walter R. Dean, OSFS Leonard Reichman, D.D.S., '38 Ms, Diane M Ungvarsky .. Mr. Charles A. Petosa ..

Joseph Degnan Elizabeth McCormick Rider Mr Stephen L. Pietnak Anniversary Club Mr. William F. DeHaven, '59 G. Augustine Roberts, F.S.C, Ph.D., '53 Ms. Anne (Roarty) Plummet. (S140 S249) Danya Pompeo * Anthony Demizio Joan M. Ruzicka Bencie .. Michael Refiner ... Matthew A. Demizio, '04 John W. Schmidt, '52 Family Ms. Marguerite (Elias) Rice .. Mr Sean P Brennan . H James Donaghy Edward V. Schulgen, Esq., '71 ... Ms [osianeM. Bulens-Wunderle * Ms. Karen (Smith) Roche '64 Ms. Karen A. (Lawlor) Rossi *. Mr. James J. Doyle Jr., Mr. and Mrs. David P. Shearn Mr. Edward W, Cummmgsjr. ** '44 '46 Mr. Arthur C. Dettra Ms. Cecilia M Ruppert ... Mr. John F. Flannery, Edward J. Sheehy, USNA, John T.Dovle. CPA.... Mr. Robert A. Salanik .. Mr. Robert A. Gorski, '47 Hugh Thomas Smith, '52 Mr Chnsropher Lamb ... Mr. George M. Sawn •» '50 J. Mr. I. Gracyalny, '76 James Mr. Paul M. Smith, Martin A. and Monica (Wiltshire) Ms. Ellen (Esposito) Schaible • Brother Gene Graham, F.S.C, '47 Mr. Thomas F. Smith, '59 Lupinetti Diane Pandoh Screnci ... Ms. Lisa (Basile) Shears ..*» Mr. Thomas E. Hartberger, '60 Mr. Benjamin Tumolo, '52 Janet (Fitzgerald) and Richard C. McElwee Ms. Eileen (McHugh) Silva * Mr. Walter Heyse, '72 Mark D. Williams, DDS, '82 J. Mr. Gregory .... Mr Robert A. Nyce . P Smith '38 William C. Howrie Jr., M.D., Mr. Kenneth Smith ... Mr. Dennis T Owen- ... J. Michael (Williams) Joseph B. Pmo, DMD... J. and Ruth M. Spadaro, Esq, Mr. Christopher J. Shields Mr. Benjamin G. B,nrJ •••« foseph R. Marbach, Ph.D. Paul and Joanne M- (Saponara) Mr. John C. Swiencicki ... J. Mr Henry J Straub ...... • Robert .. Ms Susiin C. (Petrucelli) Baldino Mr William 1 McFadden Tver .. Mary and James Tarabocchia Mr. M. Talbot

Rosemary A. Barbera, Ph-D., and Mr. Joseph McGrenra • Mr. Thomas M. Ullmer .... . James G. and Christine (Garvin) J. Charles J. Testa

Eduardo A. Villegas, M-W . Mr. |oseph E- McGuinness Kelly A. Walker* Tressel, D.O. . Paul J. Van Heest jr. Ms. Harriet M. Beckert •** Mr. Robert C. McMackin - Brian Walsh, D.O. . Joanne M. (Saponara) and

Ms Roseann (Fisher) Ms Watson .. Paul Tyer »• Joanna (Fox) Biello and James S Susan (Horton) Donors J. Ms. Dune M. Butler. Mintzer . Mr. Thomas Zamadics •• Matthew G.Walsh.. J. (UptoSl39) Annemarie F. (Organ) Clarke, Ph.D. •• Mr. Kenneth R. Mitchell Jr. .. Mr. Paul F. Waltnch Jr. ... and Charles E .... and Deborah A. (Eiser) and Jerome Anthony Zuaio, CPA. Jane B- Danihel Karen G. (Eckard) Edward .1 J. J.

Rick DeCarolis .* Mortka . Azarewicz ... s ... Ms Mary . De< ervantes Ms. Mariecte T O'Malley .. Ms. Mary A. Bacon

Mr. Paul M. Dempsej Mr. Joseph G. O'Neill... 1984 Patricia A. Bennett •

Mr. Richard J. Donaher ... Mary M (Costello) and Leo E. Deborah (Fay) and Joshua Buch,

. Ph.D. ... 198s Mr |ames J. Fullam O'Shea . University Club Ms Susan M Gallagher .. Elizabeth (Mastropaolo) and (S10.000 S24 999) Mr Michael P. Cassidy ...... •• Paul Gauss Jeffrey J. Oulton Ms. Pamela Z. Clary University Club Mr. Thomas R. Bonk .. Donna (Trolla) and Matthew C. Mr. Michael A. Papa .* Brian J. Connolly (S10.000-s24.999) ... Ralph J. Maura, Esq Gay nor . Ms. Maryann Pensiero • Mr. Paul Costalas J. Denise (D'Antonio) and Thomas Eileen M Kelly and Gregory Ms. Leslie (Rush) Pryor Gregory Curran .. J RMaleckiJi Geruson ... Mr. Lubomir B. Pyrih *. Dr. FlubacherClub William B. Davis and Maryann

Ms. Eileen M. Gildea •• Ms. Margaret M. Rosenberg .. (Ss.000 S9.999) Pantano Davis • Dr. Flubacher Club John F. Glowacki Jr. ... Mr. John F. Saponara M>. Maria (Bucci) DellaMonica . Robert L B Harman and Louise J. Earl Goldberg, Ed.D, APRN, and Mr. Grier D, Schaffei ... Ms. Ann (Mayo) Dunn ... (ss OOO S9.999) J.P. Harman ... Johanna Yurkow, MSN, . Ms. Bernadette . Alfred] Durney IV. Esq. ... CRNP (Glennon) Schoch Mr Roberr. F. Graham • Ms BarbaraL Goldstein. Mr. Robert E. Schonewolt .. Ms. Frances A. Dwyer * Chairman's Club Mr. John N. Gregorio • NK ArdisE (Ryder) Shea *** Mr. Eric S. Fillman * (S1.000~S2.499) San Miguel Club Jnhn and Donna Hasson •• Kathleen (Stewart) Stoneback, Mr Thomas M Flach ... (sz.soo S4.999) Ms. Linda (Johnston) Hevman • CPA ... Timothy C, and Yvonne V. Boyle ... Joan (Orsini) Ford, Esq.

...... Mr. Michael G- Huml Sr. Mr George B. Stroup Mr. Cornelius G. Curran .. Ms. Barbara D. (Thorp) Gentry Mr. Milton J Ball...

• Ms Michelle (Phinn) lannucci ... M- Karla M. Sztukowski ... Ms. MaryT. Giampietro 1. Mark Esq. ... Paul J. Duffy, CPA Coutson, Mr. ... S. E. Gibson * .... Joseph Irwin Michele (Pratt) and Bernard 1 is Ms L. J. rhi in, J. and Helen M (Schrama) Joan Richard Duszak Jr., MP.

Bets-j A (Stein) Izes, M.D. •« E. Tadley Mazzei ... Thomas M. and Mary I .. Ms Sandra M. Levit ••• Mr John P. Trace} Jr. • Mr. John A. McCann ... (DerGarabedian) Harper

Ms. Edith (Tamburro) Lewis -. Mirk S. Trachtman, M.D. » William F. Heim ...


26 LA SALLE MAGAZINE . . . . .

Chairman's Ms. Donna J. Bates •• Club Chairman's Club [eanne (Yuengling) and Ralph S. Mil,. Stahlei '8/

t (m 000 52 L 'l harlesD I alhoon, DDS t" 1 (si 0.1.1 s; .; ( Hisle 111 . ( l Ms . ierri (Watkins) Swen rlitsch • •• Arlenc B. Callender-Agiliga, Esq, Albert W Kellenbenz.. -.1 < Marco Coppola, D.O..FACEP. Beth M and Daniel K. [oseph M Claffey ... Fitzpatrick, Mi I ^ndn w I. ifond •• Mr. Douglas C. Dotzman . I PA, CFA.. Anniversary Club Ms. Deborah (Herman) C !losson .. Ms Barbara f iK illi m) Lamblin .« JohnK. Dugan,CPA« Michelle A Haitsch*... (S140 S249) Mr Lee I Culver ... Benjamin L. and Lynn (Piatkowski) Mr. Joseph R HuckJr..... Mr. A. ... Mr. Charles T. .. Dean Henry Downs Levin .. An. .n\ in. .us .. Mr Michael E. McDevitt * Helen M. (Schrama) and Thomas Mi Eugene I I >i iganosky ... .. Ms. 1 isa A. Loeher.. mous Elaine O Mshomba and Richard I I Mazzei • Ms Lisa «• (Goldman) Driban Ms Madeline T Madden ... Ms. Dolores A. Bym< ... Mshomba ... Mr Sean D Duffin .. Mr James E McGee ... Ms. Ce< ilia II ( lampbell * Nancy Monenson Neary • Ji Mr. Gregory A. • Evans Founder"* I hristinc 1 ... Club [ 'iane M lovern . M. hampine Mr Timothy O'Shaughnessy ... Md Mr Ralph E in I, .- .... km. 1 5999) Sean X. and Lands (VanArsdale) Mr. Timothy F * Jollins |r. ... Christine M (Tanzosh) and Peter M Denise • •• A Franchetti, CFA McGrath ... Diana Hermann, M.D, .. W. Tun... ( Iregor^ and Judith E. (Gallagher) ( Ihristopher R. Fulong, M • D ( larol Miller .. [oann M Lytle, Esq. • Mr. Thomas W. Whittle 111 «. Braun, M.D. ... Ms. Mary E. Gallagher ... Mr. Robert P. Miller... Mars and Michai I Moloney Ellen M Camphell .. Mr John R. Gauntt Mi Bobbi Poursanidis Thomas J. Monaghan and Kathleen Kevin M. Cregan, M.D. * Founder's Club . Denise j Halpin Mr. John A. Prendergast h M. Monaghan .... Andres Nugent Greening . (Ssoo 5999) Mary (DerGarahedian) and J. M loan M. Quinn .. Debra Ric ci Nasi •• Vincent J. Market .. Thomas M. Harper .. Rev. Michael R. OH. ira.OMI 1 Ms. Tricia (Lenaghan) and Edward '86, Constance D. Rice .. John F, R A. and Ros ry.

Arthur Hass, CPA ... ' Hogan, .. J. Mr Gerard P, Ryan and Ms. Eileen Carolyn A. Sheenan, I 'Ml Esq. (Brennan) McGonigle, MSN '96 • Ms. Linda (Bern) Hearn Lisa M Mallon ... J. M lonas-Ryan Dr. DoreeF Sitkoff. Mr Joseph M Herman Maureen (McGonigal) and Frederict Mi lost ph F 5( ullyjr. Patricia (Nines) and Edward V\ Mr. James R. Humphreys ... Ugo Donini Cllib C. Mischler )r . Mr. Brian R. Shields .. Skorpinski, M D. ... ($250 S499) Mr. Thomas I Hutchinson ... Mark Turner and Dr. Regina Jr. Man inne (McErlane) Smith. CPA Jonathan C. Squires. D.O Mr. Anthony C. Isabella • OristaglioTurnei •• Tons Ahillas Ms Agatha Stone ... Marie Yakubik, VMD. Paul M, Keenanand Cynthia M Maryheth (Senn) and Gregory A. Marge Tiernes ... (Barrolomeo) Keenan *. Ugo Donini Club Burton .. I iari D Vogin,M.D..« Donors Mr. Michael I Kenville •• I 'i -\ John and Leslie Connolly .. in< 1 Marshall) and Michael ($250 S499) (UptoSl39) Rev David Kossey. . J Ms. Kirn L G.iIIiks Weiss, I'Ds.. Kathleen Ms. Kathryn M (Dougherty) Lieb.... Lis. t Adamovage-Hoback ... [Dynan) and James j, Chip Greenberg ... Thomas P and Nancy (McNally) Black, Ph.D. .. Mr ReedC Lifka .. Catherine (Dunworth) and Robert M. and Joan P. (Bourrillion) Wilkin-, in Mt Joaquin P Lucero •* Christopher N. Bona .. Robert E. Bolgerji Larney Mi Joseph M Wojnai .. Mr. William A. Brennan Janice ( Iregor^ A and (Senn) T.McCloskey... John Jr. and Marybech Mr and Mrs |ohn Macoretta •• Maria Sheeron Zorzy ...

( Burton •• Mr. William H. McCormickJr. .. i isho Brennan . Deborah (Sawyer), R A. '86, ind John and Leslie Connolly .. Ms Patricia A Mel taniels . Robert T. Brill, Ph.D. ... Martin R McCann III. BBA "83, .. Robert Foul .. Mr Thomas J. McKenna . Ms. Laura J Cavanaugh MBA '93 . Ms. Mr Frank A. . Mr. James ( fallombardo .. Mary (Geyer) McLaughlin *** Chominski J Michael Simmonds-.. Mr. Eileen (Hill) and Francis [ane (< Iregorio) and Charles W. Joseph C. McTamney .... 1987 G Ms. Margaret A. Morthorst .... Devlin, CPA Greenberg ... Anniversary Club Ms. Rosemane *. Gerald C. Grunewald, Ph.D ... Ms. Marianne R Muller . University Club A. Devlin (S140 5249) Margarei ... Cynthia I liBuono, VMD .. Mr. Terrence ). .... Mortimer Olkowski Jacob > 524,999) Mr Steplun P. .... Dr. and Mrs- Bernard F. King .. Mr. Francis E. O'Rourke .. Ms. Rosemane Asamura » Dolan Jr. Joseph V, Queenan, M.D. .. Mr. Karl Ms. Lisa A. (Gallagher) . Nancj A (Brown) Marino, M.D. W. Orth Joseph W. Galassi [r., M.D. Dougherty Res. Edward Filardi Mr. Michael V, McDermott »• Ms. Diane Or:echossski • Ms Laura A. (Pesika) Gibble ... J- Jeltrey Patricia A. Fogel Mi Shelby F. Moore ... I and Eh:aherh (Mastropaolo) Lisa (Marino) and Michael Dr. Flubacher Club

Oulton .. Mr CharlesG Fries 111 . Mr Edward J. Reirmeyer ... HallowelU (Ss ooa S9.999) .. Fusco .. Phyllis Garberman Schapire, M D. ... Michele Patrick Mr. Harry G. Kyriakodis .• Jefl 5ti 1 I legnan ** Mr Robert »• Mr. Kevin P Gatlaghet •• Lisa Simonsonand Mario Jorquera .. Pavonc Ms. v .iniille (Janicki) Lajaunie . Pauline C Seals mo, Esq. .. Kathleen (Golden) and Edward M. Ms I. "i nne M (Hopkins) Pepe Monica (Wiltshire) and Martin Mr John A. Gamlin • Nicholas Thomas ... Waddington . A. Tick, R.Ph., MBA . A Lupinetti J. Gorman Mi Kathleen E. (Pedicone) Pinzka .. San Miguel Club Ms Victoria P Gradel .... Ml k. 1 m M. McCreery Ms. (52,500 S4.999) Ms. Elizabeth S. Anniversary Club Lisa A. (Hering) Pratt. Ms. Jacqueline T. McGrath ... Henry-Williams Robert Ms, Karen (Marshall) Raguso . Patrick C. Murphy. Esq . Young Chul Hyun (S140 S249) Elizabeth R (Leneweaver) • and Mr. David Paul M 1 W.Richard.. Joseph F. and Barharann (Leutner) Keenan and ynthia M Thomas J. Lochner ... John S. and Rita (Morrin) Rirnhak ... Ms. Margaret A Ruane .... Ruds (Bartolomeo) Keenan ..

Elaine R. (Volk) and Daniel B. Flynn . Mr. Mr. Charles N. Keith 111 ... Jaime P Salindongjr. ... Joseph D. Rush 111 .. Mr. Chairman's Club James C. Goldsmith ... Ms. Julie A. (Dougherty) Schuck ... Mr EncR.Scheftler... Ms Marhne S. Kraus ... (si 000 S2.499) Kevin V. James, ». M.D Charles L. and Mary E Schuster ... Mr Dimitry Shilenok *. Mr James F Langan .

Patricia A. and ['.inns I' McBride Mt. Joseph M. Simon Ms. Mary L Wdhy ... Mr. Stephen G. Meyer F Neil Lindentelser .. Alice (Premaza) Mueller, , Ms DO and Ms. WiIIj F. Stokes ... Maureen (Ryan) and John D. Rilhny, Marianne C. (Grahania) Lock .

John I- Mueller «. Mr Jr.. D.O. Ms, Karen A (Miller) Teitman . Donors CPA ... |oseph T Lukens

I 1 imes 1 Pickering |r , .. Ms Esq Mr. Gregory J. Telthorstcr ... Kathleen A Margay • (L ptoSijg) Mr John V Rattens .. Ms Mars E .... Ms.Charlene M oy) (McGee) Thompson Founder's Club (Md Mayer.*. loelC Rosenfeld, 70, and Jacqueline (Flaherty) and John P M Patricia G. (Simmons) Alderfer .. Michael P. and Kathleen R (O'Hara) ($500 S999) Beth A. '85 . Rosenfeld, Toner .. Mr Joseph J. Bisicchia . McGeehan .. Mr. Scott M. Schieck . James G. and Christine (Garvin) Mr. Michael P. Bradley .. Ana Maria Catanzaro * Mi. hek-M. Miller, R.N. .MSN... Patricia .. .. C Stimson Tressel, D.O. . Mr Frank J. Campisi .. Mr. John J. EderJr. Ms. Rosemane (( an sella) Miller ...

Danielle • Ms. M (Miller) Swishe( Ms Karen R. Weiss... Ms Jane E. (Rates) Cero .... Mr Matthew J Flamini John J. .md Alicia (1 lood) Morris ••

Ms. 1 Mars • Marilyn Youd Ms L I ) Ms Mr. Robert D. Williams —. lUIO.Crandley. Goldschmidt, Ph - Stephanie J. (Gamble) O'Hagan •+

Mimi V. Woods. R.N., BSN, CCRN .. Michael and Nancy Dickinson ... Mi Mario A, Oliveti .. Mr. John M. Douglass •• Mr Michael O'Neill Donors Ugo Donini Club J Mr. John R. Ferraro ... Anna Mane Pagliaccetti . ,1 pto >:?«)) (S250 S499) Ms Maureen A. (Kovatch) Ms. Gina (Cristiano) Rappaport Mr. Kenneth F, Atteldt Mr. William L. .. Flanagan .. Baldwin Ms. Linda A. Razler.. Ms. Elizabeth M. Aguilera . 1986 Mr Jerome T. Bradley ... Ms Carol L Gash... Mr Robert W Reeves Maureen (Gavaghan) and Scoti E. Jon R. and Kristine (( Irady) Haylej (Atnikov) and Ml in D Ms Jane (Kirk) Roberts — Arnold ... Derewtc:. Esq. . San Miguel Club Geller ... Ms \nnmarie P. Rsan .. Kimberly Ann Atkinson, D.O. Ms. Susan M. Dougherty • ($2 500 M '""'1 Annemane (Knox) and Terence P Patricia (Santry) and Paul T |erome I and Deborah A (Eiser) Mr Joseph F Hughes Jr. ( iillespie •» jeau •» Mr. Robert L.puk II.. Ar.uewic: ... W Ms Susan M Kennedy • Mr. William Gimpel Ji iseph M Shakely . Ms Ronnie J. Donna A. Bacon, Ph.D... Amos Sweedei and John Mr. Preston ... Mr. Bruce Hammerman John G. Bill and Janet Smith

I Sweeder, Ed.D. .. Ms. Elizabeth A Baker .. Maureen 1 Iholewiak Royds ... Roberi I tellings Ms. Thelma E Suggs ••* Mi Ni run T Scherer .

Years of Giving: 4- represents five years of giving to La Salle University


HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 27 . I . . .

Vnniversari Club [089 Mi Gerald T Mc( ami .. lennifei A (Nelson) • and Daniel rol H.Thm. .. S249) Ms Barbara M Mel tonald* A. Lalond .

1 1 in.K \1 (\ anArsdale) and Ms Anna L. Plakans

1. •• P h ird I Bailei Dr. Flubacher Club Sean X, Mc( irath *.

I imi \ Boyd • ($S 0O0 S9 ) Mr Peter A Mollica * Ugo Donini Club .. L Boyei •• litsky .. Mi If m ard M Morgan .. [''avid t •• 1' Mr. E. ireed S499) Mi John t. ampbell .. Karen S. (Bncker) Moscr Bernadette Mulligan Jams, Ed.D . and and 1 ••• Ellen Joe liorio Sean Patrick DeHaven Elizabeth (Doyle) and Timothy I I Christopher 1 Jams, CPA ... ; h li I ;s P M< arthy »• Moxey •* Mr. Sean M. Deviney Perl ... Ma Nancy M 1. \ I 1 id T and Lis. 1 A (Baum) Mr. Brian J Murr.n Ms. Linda K Robinson ... Chairman's Club Kev in M and Man, (McGonigle) Espen shade-

.ii Barl [1 1 |i iseph inn utnei I and 52 499) Oleksiak** Mr John J. Grabusky F. Rudy ... Mr. John F. Miller. Ms. Kelly A. Greenberg . Mr. Hermon L. Parker 1988 1 hristint M Velicer •• Mary Ellen (Banrord) and Thomas Andrei (Schwind) and John R Schwab Sharon (Monaghan) and Stephen | Michele (Tedeschi) Zimmerman, ... K. Pieiller . O'Malley, Esq. Mil. Christine University IcttKA S Piecreak, CPA ., and George A. Perfecky, Club Founder's Club •* Ph.D. . : 999] Mark and Bernice Purcell S999) Donors Paul T and Patricia (Santry) Mr. Scott G. Roper ... leffrei R Boyle.l PA ». (UptoSi39) lonathen and Theresa (Quane) Bell .. - nr. ageau • Mr. R. Matthew Stephenson Mr.Jerrold A. Walton. Kevin and Megan Byrne Brother Robert J. Schaefer, Fm Ms. Ann M (Uchtey) Avallone .. Dr. FlubacherClub William J. Dorgan, Esq. . Mr. Richard Schafei •• Mr J. Michael I Berchick**** I Brother Joseph Dougherty, F.S.C.. Ph.D Ms. Jennifer C. (Poe) Scheel .. Ms |ulie (Fetzer) Bigelow .. Anniversary Club ... Eras( 7. Pohorylo, Pharm D Ms. Carol (Timson) Schwarz .» (S140 Louise J-P. and Ri ibt tl Ms Kathleen A. (Hinchey)Cantrell « S249) Mr. Carroll E. RocLe\ •• SusanJ.Scutti.R.Ph-.J.D. ... L.B. Harman ... Mari D ind Francis N Cantwell 111 Laura (Gavin) Blanchheld ... |.i\ i D Stevens, M.D, ( 1 hi M. Sheehan • Christopher [anis, CPA, • J Moira (Brady) and Da\ id W ( ava Mr John B- Conroy . Mr. Michael E. Van Thuyne ••• Ms. Theresa M (Frydlewicz) and Bernadette Mulligan Cellucci, *•• |ohn M. M.D. Gail Beatty Davis * . •• Sheridan Janis, EJ D M ( )eravolo Shan nM Mr. Robert F. Fmkelston .. Romayne Parks Standi Joseph M- Kelly/Antrim ... Ugo Donini Club Mr Michael A Cory Carole A. Heys .. Ms. Christine (Nodler) Stone •• * M International Inc. ' (S2S0 S499) Mi |erry \\ Iran ford ... Kathleen (Quigley) and Christopher Ms. Carole (Whittell) Sweeney ... Mr. John N. McBryan • Mr Thomas Deegan • J. Mr. Michael H. Arment .. M. Hudak . Ms. Janice (Perry) Trichtinger ... Michael DiChristofaro, ... CPA h i Michael G. McCahe and Margaret I Mark Augello. J. Maureen E- (Pancoat) and Gerald W. Mr. Robert A. Diererle . S \n Miguel Club Charles P. ... Nichols McCahe ** Mr. Geary Jr. •* s Waddington Mr. Mattheu I Uugi • j 999) Jim Dandy •* Mr. James J. McCrane III • Sister Margaret E. Walsh, S.S I Ms Lynn (Woytyeky) Doan ... Mr. Michael t inltin ... Mr. and Mrs. David L. Rhoads Jr. . V. •• I In t< hen A (Hei bn< r) and Ms. Janet A. (Zatkins) Warner Ms ( nnst. in. 1 Rshei Dunston Mr |ames K.Gulick « Boh and Midge Shewhrooks Wade A- Brosius •*• Jr. Greg Whelan .. Michael En; ... Mi Stephen D kopec .. Dr. Frank M. Stearns * Mr. Da\ iJ M ( 'asale • Dana (Flaherty) Worthington, CPA .. Kevin ind I tebra (Sterra) Farrell .* J ... Virginia M. Wagner . Thomas M McGuire, Ph.D. .. Mr. George Haitsch ... Mr Mitchell I Yanak Jr. J. Carmen (Hinojosa) and Michael T. Jane E. Nagle, Esq. ... Carl R. Zampetti Mr. David P. McShane RtzPatrick • Miriam (Dvorak) and Mark A. Mr. Matthew Schwenderman •*• J. Mr Thomas L. Heron . Wennersten ... Donors Ms Margaret (Igoe) Hubert .. JosephJ.ZelinskyJr.,M.D.« { Up to S139) Chairman's Club Kim Lattimer Long Hyde * I990 •- • (S I i''''i Mi Roberi \ Kati Ms. Gina R. Amato • Anniversary Club Mr, loseph T. Kelly .. Ms. Denise (Cassidy) Arrigale . Mr. Matthew F. Costello * ($1 io 5249) President's Club Mr. Won S Kim.. Alexandria T. Bosch . Anthony anJ Karen C (Mooney) (S$0 00a and above) Katherine (Kaye) Lahman ... Mary Elizabeth Barr Ms. Deirdre S. Braciszewski • I lelVescova .. Mr. Michael A. Licata • Mr. Robert A. Butler ... Mr Elmer F. Hansen III ~ John A. Brennan Jr. and Janice John P. and Kathleen (Bagnell) Mr. Gilaad Matat . Gasho Brennan . Mr I tennis M Duhon ... Finnegan *• Ms. Christine (Mari) Mazzola • Peggy Gallagher Ms. Karen A. (Dougherty) Bura . Maureen (Gimpel) Maley, Esq. ... University Club Ms Miriam C, (Jawork) MeCauley** Ms. Valerie Green * Jennifer G. (White) and Paul F. Kevin F. O'Donnell (-1 S24 999) Annette M. (Bucci) and Tim Helmick, Helmick Prisco Centofanti Jr. Carolyn A. Piccone, M.D. ... Nancy G. and William W. Matthe\ George G. Mick »* &. Company • Patrick J. Conway ... Maureen (Ryan) and John D. Rilling, . III, Esq. ... Ms. . Alicia (Flood) and John J Morns Mr. David P. Horrell .. Sharon (Knieiewskt) Cryer CPA ... Mr. DavidJ.O'Malley •• Mr. Michael Curley Mr. Terrance | King J. Mr. Robert V. Pamhianco Jr. . Michael and Mary Moloney San Miguel Cllib Ms. Stephanie A. (Colello) Derrig *•* Founder's Club Ms. Nadia L. Pryszlak • Mr. James * Joseph G. and Shetla E. (Paul) G. Simone (S2.SO0 M ,1 (S500 S999) Ms. Michele A Sl.u mski-Mehlhaum Diane (Lisiewski) and Thomas D. Dever *. John Tripp Davis . Sykes *. Mr. Josh Ditsky . Mr. Steven J Coper.. Dot son *•• Michael and Mary Ellen Gilhert Jill B. (Cohen) Slutsky, DO., and Ms. Suzanne M. (Lardcar) Robert M. Slutsky, Esq. . Chairman's Club Ms. Kathleen E. Duggan ... Mr Timothy E Legler Donors Eileen M. (Carcione) Strulson, Est.| .. (Sl.OOO- S2 Brother Francis X. Eells, F.S.C. Ms. Judi (Walsh) Loughlin ... 499) I p to $139) Patricia Sutton-Ma::eo ... Brian Fancovic ... Ms L. Adeline (Cftrano) and James C. Anagnos, Esq. .. Zenobia Teel, R.N. .. David P. Bauer. CPA . Ms. Patricia C. Farrell Ron Mandel .. M. . Edie A. and Norhert F. Belzer, Ms. Barbara (Maier) Thomas • Ms. Andrea Bonaccorsi * Ms. Lorraine (Harbison) Fleury » Mr. Robert J. Wilkinson. PhD. . Ms. Marilyn Watkins * Mr. John P. Braunsat •» Brother Timothy Froehlich, F.S.C, Karen C. (Mooney) and Anthony J. Mrs. Bernadette M. (Bonaduce) Ms. Barbara A. Coady « Mr. Joseph S. Galvano . Ugo Donini Club DelVescovo Weaver . Maj. William J. Collins Jr. Ms. Christine L. (Malloy) Garr Peter Fr.sko .. (szso S499) Mr. J. Mr. William M. Coneghen * .. Mr. Douglas B. Weiler . Jr. Mr. Daniel J. Glowatski Mr. Christopher G. Jahn .. Douglas P. Allen .. Mr. Darren S. White Mr. Steven A. DeMasi .. Mr Robert W. Grimes • Mr. Paul D Schaefer .. * Dr. Paul L. and Vivien M. Boger Mr Ronald M. White Mr. Stephen J Dougherty Ms. Anne (Preisler) Groch *•• Ms. Marcella A. (Kuttler) Bossow Mr. Stephen Friend ... Mr. James R.Wilkins. Joan Rayca Fassano ** Ms. Regina G. (Banko) Halecky Schankweilet •* Susan Straub Fuller .. Mr. Michael D. Willis .. Michael T. and Carmen (Hinojosa) Ms. Laureen T (Cianfrini) Hayes • Anthony C. Tridico, Ph.D. .. Ms. Kathleen (Kuen:el) Gribb «• Ms. Linda A (Martin) Wojton * RtzPatrick Maria |. (Colsey) and Brian L. Heard •

Dr. Neil and Penny Johnson » Ms. Nancy E. Zoeltsch •*• Mr. Joseph A. Forcina *• Jennifer A. (Rosica) and Andrew

Christine and George A Perfecky, Mr. Christopher M. Zupko * Mr. Stephen P. Gessner *• Founder's Club C. Heiges Ph.D. .... Mr. George W. Glaze .. (ssoo S999) Ms. Mary (Ames) Hendry ... (Kearney) Daniel Mr. Thomas G Haight ... Mr. Larry D. Holman .. Marylynn and A. Mr. David B. Angelastro Stecher .. Ms. Diane L. Hamburg ** Homiak ** Michael F Gilronan and Maura E David Andrew C. and Jennifer A. (Rosica) Mr. Philip M. Indehcato. Harngan •

I leiges Ms. Maureen M. Kane •• James and Deborah Horan Ms. Wanda T. Houston ... Mr. Matthew M. Kilhnger •*• Ms. Blanche (Palacio) Kammei .. Mr. James A Kolpack ...


28 LA SALLE MAGAZINE . . . . » -

Anniversary Club Founder's Club Mr Arthur G Martin Jr. «

In Honor Of S249) -999) Thomas McDermoti and Bern 1

Henn. i Ms Jeanne Bayers Michael A and Trac} E (Malone) Mr. |ohn M Mi I . ... Ms. Frances J. Bennerr Boedevui: Gifts were made in 2007-2008 honoring Ms Veronica (Fallon) M '

Mr. Fred }. Domico •• Scott D. hi I Rente R. Camphell . the following individuals: Jr. Donna-Maria (T,n:ci* V. k'tt and Cathy Fn-k. i-Holsing .. Peg Forrestd .. MichaelS and Lisa M (Giacometti) Mr. Terence Gallagher • Ms. Lois W Kaznicki . Minghenelli • Edward I. Bernstein Mr. Thomas R. Purvcki Ms Janet L Parker ... Mr. Mr Qu>. D Nguyen

>i .. I frs I 'hii.i and l '->.| hi 1 Mr Michael P Smith • Brother Daniel Burke, F.S.C., Ph.D. Mr. Thomas J. O'Farrell Joe and Marcie Romano .. Clara (Ciossek) and William T \ O'Hara .. Brother Joseph F. Burke, F.S.C., Ph.D., '68 Ms. Denise M. Ms Louise F Winski •• Ms Mar, (Rinehart) O'Neill James Coleman Ugo Donini Club Mr Daniel S Pelu)lo«. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Derino Donors (S2SO S-(«m) liolas L. Perna Jr. •« Brother Gabriel A. Fagan, FS.C, Ph.D. S139) A. and Elizabeth Mr.Janie- M Dougherty* J. Salvatore R. Faia, '84 (Mullarke\ ) Pii Mr. Mr. Anthony P. Angelo Linda Ewald *• Marl and Bernice Purcell •• Ball .. G. Kathleen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Farrell, 75 Chuck Thomas and V Ms. Kathleen M (Loughman) Mr William Brown (McGovern) Furer • Mr. James I. Gracyalny, '50 t J. R .IlL- Traci DiDomenico Bruno •• Jason R. Gilbert • - Dr. and Dr. Charles Haberstroh Ms. Eleanor E. Richard- > 1 Ms Eva L. Burnett Loretta (Hotmann) and Edward P '64 Ms. Elena M (Snyder) Rodn^ue: . Ken Hill, Diane L- Campo Lemanowic:, E^q • Mr Jonathan I" 1 Roesser .. Jonathan Knappenberger, Ph.D. Ms. lne:B Clarke. Christine M (Kimmel) N! igi k^L-ph M. Csercse\ it'- and GinaM. Mr. Myles T. Kuppe, '73 Ms * i>lleen M. (Hahn) Connor . PHR.. Ruvm.. CPA . Joseph M C-crc^evits and Ms, Kerr'. M. McCormack Norman Labell Mr. Thomas C h GinaM Russo I PA. William F. Miller . MarkRatkus, Ph.D., "69 Ms Lindamarie B. (Sand Ms ( athyann (Ries) Dalaimo *•• Mr. Damian [ Mogavero • Mr William J. Thanel Mr. .tnd Mrs. Robert F. McGinley ricia DeSanto •** Beth (Fabritius) Moreau .» Ms Charlene (Dewees) Vail .. '50 Jeanne M. Gaughan, DVM • Mr. James A. McGovern, Mr- Karen (Oakley) Wallitsch. Mr. ChnsropherJ. Gill •• J. '72 Anniversary Club Brother Thomas H. McPhillips, F.S.C., Ph.D., Mr Ji ihn T Willi Michael W. and Chnsta A. S249) '90 Laura L iReit-'stad) and Paul J. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meko Jr., llohnson) Glaze Zekr:ewski, P.O. t "hn< and (en Barhier .. Marc R. Moreau, Ph.D. Mr. Joel S. Graett •» Mr Michael Kevin D Be^k, Ph.D. . J. Ziff— Ms. Catherine Romeo Ms Sylvia T (Becse) Hahn-Griffiths Joseph R. Hainthaler. '91, Mr. Carl M. Bradley Ms. Carmella Salvucci and MaryAnn (Buschka) Thomas and Melissa (Guenther)

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Spera Hainthaler. "92 .. Cieslak *. .. Mr. Charle> I Durmngjr. Mr. Robert Wilkinson, '88 Diane M iBr.iJ\ ) Janosek, Esq • J. 1993 Mr, Robert Geiss .. Bernadette F. and James Kenny Jr. .. J. Mr. Nelson Williams J. ... Ms. Heather A. (Stnetl Gervais • Ms Carta J. Lauh Ms. Zoe M. Zielinski Hill University Club Mr Walter T- Loma\ . Ms Maryellen (Shields)

. . . S24 999) Nicholas P LoPresti, M.D. t Christopher M. and Kathleen Mr Gino Lostracco •. (Quigley) Hudal • Thilip T and Bridget Hintre « Mr MevenJ. Laderman »* Traci Wilheim 1991 Ms, Clare Y. Marnn .. Kohli Mr MatthewJ. LedVuh |r Mr. Joseph Massucci ... Ms Patricia L (Pfleger) McGoldrick. I' ** Mr- ihanna Lea i Dr Flubacher Club Ms. Jeanne M. Mattel lame* A and Eileen M (Ruff) Moran - Mr Dennis C Linso . Dr FlubacherClub (S5.000 Mr, and Mrs David L. Rhoad> Jr. • Mr. James J. McDonald Jr. — Ms. Miriam L. (Gardner! Lukas C&S OOO S< Ms. Christina (Maria) McGamgle **• Ms. Leslie A. (Blanchard) Stapletord — Mr. Anthony F \'erle::a •• Andrew L (Palumho) and Mr Kyle V. Mar\anski •* Mr Millet Daniel D. Swankoski • Darrvl L Mack .. Stephen K and Sharon (Monaghan) Mr and Mr-. Chri-topher B. San Miguel Club Anthony ( ! Martillotti.CPA.CFE*** Taulane ... Chairman's Club Pic i tier vi Mr John-Claude Marnn .. 999) (Si.ooi 52.4 |oanne M. (Dolack) and k>veph A. Ms. Ruthlvn X Martin Tar\n tMcDermott> and Richard T Quattrone ... Donors Ms \\ anda M iDamels) Martorano *•* Ms Lisa V. Emenck • • De\ incent Mr. Thomas]. Schugsta .* S ( Up to Ho I Ms Christine (LaPointe) McHale Mr Jason M. Harris « Mr. Frederick Schwa nenhach . Mr. William D. McMcnamin •• Eric and Suranne Topp\ •• Ms Anne K Bishop ... Mr hide A -X'Jhak Chairman's Club C hristine R. (Klaster) Meko, E^q.. " Ms Lorraine (Mittura) I •• Mr. Francis G. Steiner III i and John J. Meko h Mr. Camilo D. Camp 15 ,|J Founder's Club Theresa C. (McDonnell) Sticknev, 1 .

Lisa iC'iacometti) : 1 • M and Michael S. Jennifer G (White) and Paul F. leannine Calhoun ($500 S999) Ms. Shei ieritz • • Mingheneth Centotanti Jr Daniel L. DeStetano Ms Anne Mane (Haist) Thomas .. Daniel A. and Jennifer *• Joseph Morelli A Michael A Consiglio, Esq. • wa b) Hohenleitner M- Mary Ellen C. (Tomas:ewskii I i • • Ms. Karen S. (Granc. Moyet . Nelson) Latond Rev. David E. Diamond Theresa K Travis and John F Gill Thorpe ... Tim and Jen Nogowski and Family . Mr.JamesJ.McBndelN Mark DiCnstino . Ms Carolyn A vonMechow*** Kunherly S. Toome*. • Mi [oseph J. O'Connor III *• Ms. Mr. Robert L.Dreibhold. Mr. Jason M W.ik-man *• Founder's Club Mr Mark W Pinto- Ms Kathryn M. Esposito * Michael P. and Maureen (Buckle\ I *»• Barbara Pope Mr. Robert B Frv . Ugo Donini Club Ward Ms Alice M.R.(Wingert) Price. Traci E. (Malone) and Michael A. (S250 S499) Brian P. Gerrard .. Mr Robert T Wrighl lr. ... Bernadette Puodnunas Boedew William 1 Gretzula • . Laura L iReiiMad* and Paul J. Sci itt and Ir-ni Besler I ole) Davis« Ms Sharon (Sochanchak) Scharr*** losephR Hainthaler, '91, Zekrzeusk., DO Mr. Steven R. DeLahio . Mr and Mrs Leah (Barrett I Ms. Dehra L Scott .. and MarvAnn (Buschka] Bernadette Dlugokecki . Finnesan •• i hristi 'pher E- Selgrath. D.O. . Hainthaler, '92 -. Ms. Susan (Murphy) Spence Li- 1 M Donahue and Kenneth I. M-. Kath\ (Brown) Rtzpatrick .. Brother Brian Henderson 1 E I Rose III .. John P Sheahan .. Ms. Catherine A. (Kellv) Joseph Hogan, CPA, MBA- David T. and Lisa (Baum) Makem Stock . A 1992 PaulM-Hogate.M \ . LCSW.LPC, Espenshade Ms. Kathleen P. (Connor) Sweeney Mr Sean A. Hughes Ugo Donini Club Mr. Charles W. Greenhery * Mr Michael P. Tedesoi .. Jr. -\.m - A\ aiitsch) indJohnT Hurd 199) s Judith A. (Drohile) and Daniel P. Chairman Club Mr Michael C. Thomson •* Ms Marguerite M. Kane •• ... ! : 4-101 Anonymi ». Joyce Jr Ms Jennifei A. Turner Sir. Peter W Lafl 1' Mr William P. Browne . Mr David R.Tuttle.. Loretta (Hotmann) and Edw n.l Chris and Jeannine Calhoun Mr. Charles G. Lannutti • Lemanowic:, Esq. Mr |ohnH Ladeh.. Ms, Paula A \ enen * Joe and Sue (Schwah) Hohenleitner * Ms Ellen H. Link ..

Helene T. and Mai l Mr Andrew \\ sK , . Grady P. J Maureen (Buckley) and Michael Tom _ ( nd Janet Lutter Mr. Andrei N Lushnycky < Gallagher • \\ n.l. Ms. Kathleen S MacDonald ...

Mr Kenneth E West Jr ..

Mr Michael 1 Young

Ms. Arpie Zerounian •• Years of Giving represents five i ears of giving to La Salle University


HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 29 . . . 1 . . -

I .,' i. . i lei ild « and M en (P I Athletics Program Partners and Sponsors •• en I Wei i

'.! Fi ml M W i ler.« We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals, companies, and institutions who contributed products, goods, and services to La Salle in 2007-2008: \ \ •>. ry Club

Corporate Partners La Salle University Graduate Education 1994 Acme Markets La Salle University School oi Business Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Maganty Ford ek Chevrolet il >wski •• ( hairman's Club AT&T Wireless Stout's Chatter Service : I'M!' Leil crt, 52 499) . Ms Barbai > (Lance) Men in Coca-Cola The Ugly Moose - M (McErlean) and Russell R. Crowne Plana Main Line I irrett • |i -• ( ierald I Tai tnc A 1

: Donuts Kailu I Raymond A Dunkin' Mr Carl S Watts F - Independence Blue Cross Gifts-in-Kind

1. M Donors mi La Salle University Alumni Association Tony Abbott Mr Harvey M S( holl NovaCare Rehabilitation B&E Sportswear AmyLynn 1 lood and Michael

-1. I I . . F. 1 I I I L Susquehanna Bank John Carabello, DMD • • Mi Daniel 1 Albrechi

Marl \ ^ngelo United Healthcare Carfagno Chevrolet

\ n. !!', in. lUS • Founders Club Bill DeMarco Mr Andrew R Beck. ($500 S999) Supporting Sponsors Frank Felice Ms.Brunella L (Mirarchi) Benali s •• Heather (Mclnerney) Foor.CPA- Ambler Fireplace & Patio Ed Fierko Ms Carol I Bosworth

Shirley (Ellsworth) and Carmen J. Amtrak Holiday Inn Fort Washington Chiaradonna Ugo Donini Club Beneficial Bank Metropolitan Flag & Banner

Ms. Veronica V. il ludson) I 'aniel Brothers of the Christian Schools Pio Imports Ms Kathleen M (Mahoney) Mi I lennis 1. 1 Ihristofoi . Bill Dantzter California Pizza Kitchen Raftery Kathleen N (Mc( Sovern) and Mr Arnold \ DeLeon • Dole Packaged Foods Sneaker Villa * Thomas * I urei

Mr CraigS I >< \ in< Murlu wD.( Sallagher and Finnigan's Wake Sorella Rose Grille i'< I I :es (Kozul) and P. ter] »ra i< Helene T Grady • Frank's Family Deli Maria Tucker Ms 1 lonna M (Zanzinger) Karen M. (Liechty) and Michael B. Farrington »* ' Ms iih \ Fowser * Mr and Mrs William P Mitchell*. Tina M. (Ortlieh) and Thomas R Hall Thi mias V Murphy Ms. Sandra M. Searle * Ms Barbara A Gatlen . David II and Heather D. • Mr Matthew W. Howlev M- ( .1r.1l L Ramsey-Smith Mr. Robert P Stella M irg m r [Rayca) and [ames P (MacPherson) Smith • Ms \nnemane (Braun) Jannotta 1 leather 1 1 (MacPherson) and Mr. Carl A. Tori Canter • Stephen F iron (Risa) Starr, mdSh Sister Mar> Karen Kelly, GNSH . David H. Smith. Catherine M- Treac\ * Mr. J. Christopher Gibson MSN - David ind Maureen (Foley) Kimmel Ms Leslie A Turchetti Natalie A (Tibenski » an I I tennis R Mi Tilson •• Timothy R Timothy Kindt and Family •• Michael VardaroJr. +* i ilowacki )r . Anniversary Club

Woratyla and Si 11 . (S! it< r) |oseph Mr |ason A. Ktotkowski Thomas R. and Tina M (Ortlieb) (S140 S249) Woratyla • Mr Steven Kobasa * Hall J Ms. Patricia (I Fole> * Mr Erie L Kratschmer A larriman) Erin K. (Hickey) and Troi 1 Hegglin** Michael A. Kumer Eileen M (Ruff) and |ames A Moran • Mr. Drew A Hoben Anniversary Club Dr. Daniel A. Rakowski and 1996 (5140 S249) Jane A. (Jones) and Tony L. Lane * Ms 1 lenis< M (Green) [udd • I Jr. lo\ M ( iianvittorio * Davi and Jen (Rueter) Lebisk) • Ms Angela (Duffy) Kelh, • * • Stefam 1 usano •• Ms. Sandra M (Ruscica) McDevitt Jennifei Han Seidel Chairman's Club Mi I lennis D Kcllv Rev Thomas 1 ( iardot ki, I'm D •- Ms. Frances C. McKeown .. (m 000 S2 4>->-->\ David and Maureen (Foley) Kimmel Ms Tricia A. ( iiordano •* Ms. Ava L. Norfleet * Donors Ms I'.hi.iY King Bob Hurley Ms. Connie A. Fennell Ms Patricia M. Short +• (L'p Jennifer King, • to S139) M M D Mi EdwardF Kelleher. Mr. Thomas A. Leonard Jr. * linn.- A and ReginaC. (Qtiinn) •• Michael ] Kokosk} Ivrck P andStaci M. (Wilhelm) * I Mi Sanja^ M Kotcchs Mi. I )ani( I Atkinson Sonrag * Ms. Linda Kunka .. Loranca . Mm I louglas A. LeVien 111 •• Holly L. (Hale) and Kevin D Ram Ms. Ellen M Truck- • Ms Sara 1 1 MacNeil Mr Patrick |. Moone^ • * Timothy Beehler *• Mr. Ronald D. Washington J. . Mr. Gary J- Mather Ms Michael 1 and Maria L. (Whitman) Diane Bilda.* Founder's Club Mr. Thomas M .urd\ .. Md Brown . Miimm Ms. Amaris (Rodriguez) (s$oo S999) Thomas McDermott and 1 hi is and [en Parisi Mr. Michael |. Burdziak lr . '86, Bernadette Hennegan * John P., B.A. and Rosemary Mr NicholasL Pfeiffer Mr. Chhoeung V C !hao * '96, Mr William H McDermoti HI • (Brennan), MSN McGonigte * loseph and Nicole (Shelly) Ptlkus» 1995 Mr. Neil Clover *» Ms Colleen M McGeehan .. l 111 Mr. Edward I Sheedy Jr. Mr Maurice E '.OX Ms Kelley A (O'Malley) McGhee. Dr. Donna Ti >nre\ . Ms. Ave M. Devei • Donini Club A Chairman's Club Ugo NK. Mana {Sa\ aresi l McKeown Sheila F_ (Paul) and Joseph G. Dever (S250 S499) (Si OOO S2.499) Mr. Michael L. McLaverty • Ms. Marie T. (Boyle) Fazio . Donors Mr. Thomas M Denno * Matthew D. Melinson .* • 1 Barry and Carleen D. Dickinson Mi Jeffrey Canter • (UptoSi39) J. Frances M. (Madden) and Mr. Matthew C. Miehle AmyLynn Flood and Michael Mr. Andrew H. Giorgi • John P. Gallagher, Esq. • ( are} and Christine (Mulh) Mollo} • Ms Barbara L (Vandergrift) Siciliano *» Mr. Stanley A. Guogas Ji ** Catherine T. (Carroll) and Ms. R> isemar^ R -. .. Morse Bittinger Mr. Dennis A. Forte * • Jr Martin J. Hayes l arlW viral.. Bernadette Murray Nace •• * MarcAnthony DeLeo StaciM (Wilhelm) and Ms. Diane M. Heal ** '96, '98, Joseph W , and Alicia M.. Mrs. Julie A. (Zimmerman) Heather (McKenzie) De\ ic 1 Derek Loranca .. P Troy 1 and Erin K (Hickey) Markmann O'Malley « 1 liGiovanni Dean and [ennifer . Hegglin . Ms. Sharon (Pennington) Spear * . Mr.DavidJ.OwsikJr [ aren M I riStefano-Spring * Founder's Club Dr. Roseanne M I lofmann Mar\ E. and Charles L. Schuster » Patrick Mi H Durkin. Mr. James Johnston • (S500 S999) J. Ms. Annrene Snypse Ms Ellen I. Eidc-lson* Mr. Derek G.Kephart Anniversary Club Mr. Jerome Steffe »» Ms. Denise M. (Avnet) Adamczyk J. Ms Laura E England Kathleen R. (O'Hara) and (S140 S249)

Ms. Patricia A. Stover .. Ms ( hristi \ (< lose) Enright Michael P, McGeehan Ms. Melissa A. (Heider) Gompanick *< • Mr. Timothy Stn isse i and E. J Jennett (Feldmayer) George Brian and Ktisten (Doheiiv) Ugo Donini Club Ms Susan C, Fallon - Mr. Thomas |. Tantillo *•* Fassnacht Jr. McVeigh •• (S250 S499) Elena M. jams .. Ms Susan S. Thomas Mr. Raul A. Fonts • Ms • Eileen E (Hawke) Niksa Kathleen T. (Brennan) and » •• Paul and Teresa Adair Ms. Andrea j. (Lapusheski) Vicente 1 lni-i.i A (Johnson) and Michael Mr John F. O'Farrell . William Jones •• Ms. Marta V. Alvarez .. J. Jr. W. Glaze Debbie (Carry) Pileggi • Mr. Brian T. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Lyons *


30 LA SALLE MAGAZINE « . • • ) « .


Mr Brian W Kirwan • Kristin and ( lint Fairwi ai her. Ms Denise M (Markmann) Dhawan Ms 1 hristina A Kozi n Mi and Mrs Robert 1 lelp

• iha i inta Mark 1 1 John I Schmitt III Kristina W ihl Glan :mann Mr. Thomas J. Donnelly M M

Ms. M. Susan Tuk •• Ms Sharon M Hafner • Mr. Ji iseph M. Huher Deanna E. Monroe . lolden

'96, '98, \ - Mr. and Mrs. Marl and Lisa M Donahue and [osephW., and \licia M . Mr. Sean M O'Brien n halifa

Patricia Wojtowicz Kenneth 1. Rose 111 . Mr David 1 Schalleut Ms. Kimberly (Dale) McGurlc , Markmann C

[I . . Ann M iallagher) indEric 1 Till. Ms Natalie M (Toomey) T haver Erie 1 and Ann M (( !all igher) Till

Donors Andrew R Trella, Pharm 1 Michael j. Mumm

M.(Fed 1 Planita (l p to siM) Anniversary Club Anniversary Club Mr Brian P Pugtiese . ($140 S249) Anniversary Club ($140 S249) Hanneli ire T and Franc i- ( Ms j.ine (Ervin) Rus> ($140 S249) bieri * 1 irillone •* 1 .line Matthew • Bai Jr., Esq, Mr. John and Berran le fer and Ryan Whipple

. Melissa . i .11 * ( iene 1 l.."lear\ . Ms ri< i Ms. Renita A (Pascale) Brady M Kane and Matthew Berran Mr Mr harli \ White. Mr |ohnF BrayshawSr... Theresa M (Burke) and |ohn Howard Krn:er .

. Mv I \ in I Nasi.. Ms. Bernice E. (Clark) Burnej Donors W.Cosgrifl Young Alumni Club • Troy 1 • Mr. Thomas J. Campbell Mr. A Harrj 'hrisi is id Lisa 3 iffici H pto$l 19) ($70 S|.;.,| i I i.i \ • Mr. Michael J. DeFlavia. RobertF Kotb Ms m Rij wijk

Anonymous i 1 Patricl and ( hristine M Mr. Paul T Larsen el i id and Erin Vizza Mi Todd \ Brii . Ms. Rica D Ballingei . (Donahue) Doogan •* Gabriel and Erin \ izza I irolyn M Wellocl . James S. and Marian G (Mori

. Mr. Paul I Benish Christine M. (Dieckhaus) Fandozzi •* Ms. Maxine L. Wu * Ms. M.n il\ n (Bier) Winiecki • Butcher . NU\ L Benner • * • Ms Anne M 1 Sv, i enei Fi ilej Mr. Kevin P Fait

Deborah Boedeu ig .. Edward Fornias 111, Esq * A Dominic J. Young Alumni Club Young Alumni Club . Ms. Claudia E. Bmchuisk\ '. Ms MeganT (Whiteside) Golden ir _.\ui.\ A. Paone S139) ( ($70 5139) ($70 Ms- Denise A 'asej • !' 'I • Ms. Meghan M 1 lanson Mi en 1 ( iibbons

( • 1 * Ms. Deborah A (Pilla) astellano Mr. Timothy I Benson Ms. Can iline N irennan Ms. Bert} A (Beck) Hedges.. Ms Melissa 1 Hodge-Smith

i. Ms Theresa 1. Cooli •• 1 aura C. Black . Mr. Andrew M 'ostello Ms Pamela M (Narcavage) Mr. and 1 1 [a> ovini

. 1 ). Mr. Paul H. deLuca Mr. Cesidio V, Colasante Ms. Nicok (Saui rs) l\n . Hoehler . Ms Donn i M Massam n a C.S. Dolan Brett \V. Lovelidge and Regina Stan Elias Mr. James M |ackson Jean Suzanne K. Mintzer, Esq .

1 i hnsiiiR M 1 1 tonahue) and H. Inverso laniK L. Longo and Michael P 1 1 r in-.l Ms 1 mra I (Fyfe) |askot~ id Monica Stan k h Mr- Rita Man K Jones J. Patrick Doogan * Mr. Christopher P. Lvdon • Gallagher -

• Mr. Thomas M. Gallagher Ms Heathei \ McClung Ms. Roxanne M 1 lughes Ms. Margaret A (Riizo) Kaufman * Donors Ms \nnejudith M (Barlow) Mr Joel M ( Jreco • Mr John T McDonald • Kristofet S Matullo, M D • 1 1 ptl ..! 1

1 • Mr. Donald |. 1 lenr, Chris and Sai in l,i ip] O'Brien Jennifer Myers K is Hunter

Vii.Ii. . Henry. EJ . 1 \ (( * \ Eliza A. (Comodromos) and Michelle S. D Ms borah S laughan) Voit Ms Harriet! Wolff. (Rawlinson) md M ttthew

K- (Rinke) 1 i. losgrove • Paul A. Langan • Ms. Margit Uggins P.

Regina H. Inverso and Rosemarie R. (Mc< onomi 1 md Mr- t pristine (Donnelly) Lombrana DONORS Donors

(Stuckert) Mayall Brett W. Lovelidge [oseph [ DeFelice, Esq Ms KathleenE (1 proS69) ii. pro$69) Mr. John D. McGinty Ms. 1 >tT.i?h\ A Klimck •» Ms Mary E.Ellis. Ms. Nicole Ambrosini • Am an mOUS • (Ruercr) • 1 1 lavden . Ms. Colleen M. McNally *. Dave and Jen Lebiskj Maureen (Dougherty * Richard B. Arbour Ms. Yolande (Thermidor) Bien-Aime * Ms. MaryellenC (Malak) Madden Mi 1 nine L Howard Janei (Munyan) and Arthur 1 Mee Ms Sandra M Buna::,! •• Ms |enine M (Kee) Crawford Mr. Clement T Masciantonio III • Ms Carolyn M (Moi me) ^ Hunte • Savcno P. Mirarchi, Esq.

Ms, Ingaro) 1 *•• * Therese M. (1 tonahue Eric and Karen (Sax) Crossin Natalie Kareli Ms. Margaret L. Mitchell . Ms. Heather D. Meehan Capt. Ms Carol B. (Kinney) Drummond Rosemarie R (Mc( onomy) and Mr Robert P Monte Ms. Nicole B Miller . Ms Kathleen M. (McLaughlin) Lawler

Robert Foreakei Joseph J. DeFelice, Esq. Ms PatriceB (McGovern) Mount Mr. Thomas M. Miller «. I. met A. (Whyte) Linaweaver . • Mr Michael | 1 uri Mi ( hristopher D. DePalma Jennifer (Davis) Mulewski • Jennifer Murphy Maryellen Lomurno '99. jiiJ Paul Goldhammer . WendiT (O'Boyle) Duffy, Ms. Kathleen (Taylor) Nolan • Kristin M (Murray) Timothy J. Ms. Theresa M. (Binczewski) - F .. Ms WendolynR Grac. Mi Stephen Duncheskie • Ms Danielle N.O'Le.m . Nash McMonagle

Mr. And\ Gwiazda • Ms Erin E i. iallagher-Eisenhart Ms. Donna Kolodziej Peek •• Vonda C Page Arjun Mody ! ii'. [ em P Kin- Mr M. lannetta Ms Jennifer U \-A\) i\ "utt.i Ro [oseph Mi Michael P O'Farrell Matthew M. Quick and Alicia 1 Mrs. Lear • Morris 111 Mr. and Michael J Mr. Edward H. Bessette Mark ! Pont:cr. J.D. . Mr. David G. Pepino Ms Shannon (Blackburn) Leber Theresa (Leonard) O'Garr • Ms. Loredana B Sesso •• Ms Marilyn E. (Lehlbach) R.k-v . Ms. Karyn (Di ibn iskei i Rien:i

Ms- Geraldine 1 (Craige) Ms ( ii, .1 A. Prendergast , McDonnell c Ms KirstinB Shrom-Rhoads X 1 1 1 . ,ns R Russo III . Robert Stanle\ Rufhn • '97, Paul E. McManus Jr. Ms 1 m -1 S Ramsey Ms BarbaraJ (Bradbury) Stewart Diana (Portillo) Sisum, Mr 1 >a\ id 1 Scott

,,,s Ms Michelle K Montano Ms Rebei t a M R iszewski * Bethanne White (Dadario) •• and Tn>\ Sisum, • Ms JillTerch. Timothy and Kristin M Mi Francis Selinger Mr. Huntet L Slugg Jr. J. J Ms. • arolyn S. Truxell * (Murra\) . Mark S. Regina C. iQuann) and Nash Mr Terruso Ms. Diana L Wemlein •

1 itherine E- Paczkowski Ms. Joanna M. Vecchio James A Sontag •• Ms. \ ic toria A. West • Theresa M. (Spinner) and Mar\ • 1 . Ms. .Ann M Steitz I Witulski Michael P 1997 M- |oj A Szopinski • Pelham Mr. Robert F Wlotkojr. • Mr. Michael R. Ta\lnr . Mr. Thoma-. a. Peters

inies Townscnel, • Ms MichelleA (Priestley) Rathbun Chairman's Club I. E. D.O. Tro) Sisum, '98, and Plana 2000 Eduardo \ Villegas. < MSW, tnd 10-S2 499) (Portillo) Sisum, '97 . Rosemary A Barbera, Ph.D. • Mr. Joseph G. Dombrowski • Ms 2001 Mr. Mark A. Walsh .- Linda M. Toth Chairman's Club Mr Michael Furey J (St .ooo -$2,499) Mi William F Lee. Chairman's Club Mr in,! Mr- 1 tregor) G. Rots Thomas G. and Teresa (R.i.intree) ($] 52 499) Founder's Club Yaegel • 1999 Matthew and Meghann (Kepf ird) ($500 S999) 1998 Chiappa •

Maura 1. 1 la r rig in and Mit hael F Kathleen (Bagnell) and Founder's Club Chairman's Club Ugo Donini Club Gilronan S499) Ji ihn P. Finnegan • ($500 S999) ($i ooo S2 499) C$250 Mi Eric M McNeil.* Flame O Mshomba and -\nd • Mr Tre\ P Ulrich . Gloria Matthew Cissne M.n \ l_. >m and Richard Monihan, Mr. Edward A Chiosso Richard E Mshomba •• Erin Kenny Ml'. Mr Edward W Colferjr . Roantree) and Thomas Mi Frederick I ' Manning Mi Paul M Walchak. Mr Daniel 1 Morriss^ Founder's Club i . faegel Si in Mel levin * Mr ( hriscophet P Picollo — (SSOO $999) Nath m md Julia {[ (rev • Ugo Donini Club Thomas 1 Sinclaii |r.,M.D Founder's Club JeffreyJ ( hrin, < PA . Scon Thorp *

($250 S499) ($500 s Ugo Donini Club Cmdr Grafton D Chase Jr., SC, Ugo Donini Club Anniversary Club Michael and ( nn.i Kot i (Vv: S499) USN. ($250 S499) ($i ) 5249) Mr Christopher M McBryan Timothy Espositoand Laurie Ms. Judy (Scefanki) Allison .

1- • 1 m.l.i M (Storz) and Philip Ms Karen (1 leistand) ^mbrosim * f. Shirle\ Esposito Mr. Anthony J DeMarzio 111 • Grutzmacher Mi \ irginio 1 ivalli

Years of Giving: represents five years of giving to La Salle University Note Data tf u K TO FISCAL T EAl

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 31 .. . •

Ms EstherC Wooley • i Kristin A Large Ms Donini Club lOOl Ms Jean E, Hansen Mr |ames * Y< mn| • |ohn P Linden Ms KarenO lark) Kell 1 Ms retyana Lisova Stacey Kuhfahl v n airman'sClub Ms M.i[\ Catherine Marych Shannon M. Landue -- s I 1 001 Ms Lorraine H M.iti]kiw Mr. John F. Maher

Ms Melissa C. Mazut Mi ( Mr DennisM O'NeillJr. Sean MiMahon IuJnh \ (Drobile)an I i toniel P 2003 Mr. James P McPhilemy Ms. Rebecca M. (Coccta) Mcss l( |i thn I. Ii.iM-i -. Esq e jr. . Ri 'I it ill:. . New mver Mr, Thomas J. Nanni

1 ' 1 - . in. Mr and Mi K in i niiiiR-y Founder's Club David M. Odorisio Alicia Orlowski (] ebeljl iu! i • Founder's Cluh (jsoo $999) Mr Gabriel M. Randall [oseph O'Tmle Jr., D.Min. Frani inc and I lerb Lotticr • Ms. Christine A Renzi Ms Knniter A. (Millard) Peacher Mr. James R Gilbartj Allan JosephMi I * losephS Franco lr . Lcigb Rohmei Ms. Jennifer Ru::i Ms. Margaret A. Kane . I Metis i Myers \i.ln w Metzgei and Maureen Mi Steven M. Rosselli Mi Michael B. Shmn Matthew Topley • Michael and Elizabeth Kauffm in '

I Adele A. I Ms Santa Teresa Ms. Amanda D. Spalding Kei Michael and Gina Kochanski Mr Paul V Palaruan Ms kelh Shelinski Ms Michele M. Timmins Mr |ackson W.Oliver |eltre\ \V'awr:\ nek Mr Nicholas I Paul and Stacey ll lerubin) Sizer \nm\ ersari Club Mi John S Trace) • Ms- Danielle M Wilson ($140 S24'l>

'1.' Ms Regina M I lierhi 1 UGO Donini Club Ugo Donini Club 200S Ms. Helene Holmes • • (S2S0 $499) 2004 Ms. ( indy L Keisei

Ms Rosemary \ I allon • Mr Thomas G Garvey IV San Miguel Club Ms. Kathleen J. (Dobbins) McG Mr Patrick Feeley • I Chairman's Club (si $00 Ms. Brenna McLaughlin • Nicole M. Graham $4,999)

k ( Mr Roderit I iysling (m 000 $2 4«-»«->) • Dr Larry S. Seidman • lames ( M> n n iw Mr Jeffrey A. Leauby Ms ( 'acherine L Koien ( Ihristian and Lisa Saffici Mr. Gregory Fala Rosalind W (Wilson) Sutch, '02 J. Ms Roseann Silenzio • Anniversary Club Anniversary Club k.-v Mil hael s Tripleti ($140 S249) Founder's Club (SI40 S249) 1 us \io Charles C Weeks Jr., J.D Anni\ Club ($500 $999) Stacei 1 (Schulu) and dark (S140 S249) John C Ms Patricia Dolinick RobertJ.EmnchJr.CPA Mr and Mrs G. Fred DiBona III Ms. Jacqueline Furda t Young Alumni Club Mr. Joseph I angi; Ms. Kristen M. Hess Mr. Kevin Hyslop ($70 srj9) Mike Dijulia J. Mr KvleM. Jakob. Dons Anne Mayner Andrew C, Greth, '02 * Ugo Donini Club Mr Thomas Marx . Juan E. (King) and Mil hael ( avallaro Ms 0:an S. Seybold Margaret A. (Mc( !ui I in) and S499) Ms. Erin M. Finn Mi Michael Pidhirsky •

Ri igei 1 McLaughlin William F.Haynes Jr., M.D.. Kimberly Evans Sanders Matthew and Gloria Cissne 1,1 ,ri Vkil « tie: l( I'Garro Young Alumni Club Mi Eri( ! loej Mr. William S. Lockard 111 (570 5139) John Kelly, M.D. Mr Michael Swider J. Young Alumni Club J. Mr Jeffrey Markowski • Young Alumni Club Mr. William F.Wiegman III Marie D- and Francis N Canrwel C ($70 Sl?9) Ms. Mary K. McGettigan * (S70 m;.,| Mi Ryan C. Fennelly

Eugene Andruc:yk, D.O , MBA Mr James Nagclherg Mr. Srash J. Graham Stephen W Crognale )r. and Anniversary Club Shannon M. Bauer » Mr. Patrick R Sc Mr. Edward P. Mahon anion 1 Mar\ I Then- • ($140 ^24 ') Ms. Marybeth A. Beavei I >a\ id and Mi mil .1 Sti h Elizabeth M. Meehan Susan Nespola • Haggerty Susan Ms. E. Broeze Ms Ion N. Charles Mr Andrew Pawlak Patricia (Gauss) and Thomas Kelly J. Ms. • • Seanna L. Brum> Mr Terrance P. Coyne Stetanie Perrone Donors Kristin A (Conley) McMenanun, D.O. 1 John and Janet Bruzzi Selina I Doncevic, R.N. Mark Tierney (UptoS69) Jill Mane Nicoletti Ms. Julie Cappiell 1 Mr and Mrs Thomas and

Mr Michael J. Post Karen R. (Krylowicz) Altobelli, Mr. Kevin M. Cole • LauraBeth McAllister M- ( ienevra (Furlan) Rossman • Donors MSN,( KM'. B.< • Mr. John R. Klohoker Ms. Gertrud K Sullivan Louis and Jillian Stellato (Iptosr..,) Ms. Patricia C. Bell Tony L. and Jane \ (Jones) Lane Ms. Allison C (Murphy) Tayloi •. Mr PhtlipX Telan Mr. Adrian Brown Mr. DaviJR. Lynch Ms. Janet M. Bollinger Mr . Todd I Warner Lauren (Mel termott) < Campbell • Joanna E. McChnron, Esq. Rebecca G. Boudwin Alison M (Met M.ulii and Young Alumni Club Paul Kimbeth; 1 lelanj Mr A Mr. Raymond W. Buber Marrhew P York (S70 SUM) Kathleen M. Diamond • Ms. Kelly G. (Mitura) Redkoles Ms. Helen (Draho) Buhka Ms. Mildred Caparro Mr. Kevin A Donnelly • Ms. Kathleen A- Reichert Mr. Jorge L. Carrion Mr Francesco Ciaburri Mr. Gerald E. Dunn Donors Mr. Kevin G. Serlass Ms. Carol A. Cherry- (L'ptuSI.M) Ms Jenna L. Darcy Ms. Deborah A. (Yakubik) Forgione Louis and Jillian Stellato Ms. Ann I. Davis MissP Gain Ms. Kathleen Wuerth M 5 Xiaoyan Guo Mr. Thomas A. DiCamillo Ms. Rachael H Rev* Mr. Matthew J Hemberger Dr. Binoy K Gogoi Mr. Andrew J. Estrott Jillian Cnnochan * Ms Kristin Hoffman Fales Ms. Pamela Marker: Mr. Ryan J Ms. Maureen I )o) U Donors Ms. Louise Huis Mr. Jeffrey McCuskei H Ms Kathleen M. Farmer 1 Mi Matthew E. Falvo 1 p to S69) Ms (- arolyn Johnson Ms. Melissa A McVey . J. Ms. Lindsay Fir:patnck Mr. NicholasJ. Fulton Eric E. AnJruczyk Ms Elizabeth A. Kosmin Ms. Laura E Newhard Joan P. Frizzell, Ph.D., R.N. . Trae\ iRvtof) Giamhrone Mr. James M. Aros li • Mr Brian McGinley Susan {Porcellil and Andrew D. ( it igno Family Ms. Betii A (< oleman)! ileba Erin M. Baker D. Sprandiojr. * Pessano John Mr. John P. Graham Mr. Nicholas A. Hagdorn Ms. Pamela A. Beatne Karen M. Toner, MBA Ms l orinne M Pinkercon Ms Jessica A. Greathouse Mr John Hanna * Ms. Varissa A. Bender Johanna Yurkow, MSN, CRNP. and Sister Karen K Pourby, O.S.F . Aileen P. Guerin Ms. Donna M Kay Shawn L. Blue Earl Goldberg, Ed.D.APRN Joseph A. and Joanne M Ms. Cortney j. Howard Ms. Marguerite A (Hall) Kellner . Mr Thomas D. Brown (Dolack) Quattrone . Mr. Marthew C. Joram Ms. Nancy Li Ms. Maryanne R. Burnett Peter Mr. Gregory M. Seymour Donors J Keenan Mr. Sean P. McGinley Ms. Ann M. (Benincasa) Christian * Ms. Tracey C. Spinelli (i ptoS6g) Ms. Victoria A. Kline Mr. Anthony T. Nanni * Clare Cunningham Ms. Kathryn j. Swank Ms Sarah E. Kovacs Michael Napierkowski Ms. Jennifer R. Curley Mr. Jason P. Ager Jame.s M. Townsend . Ms Rosemarie C. Leone Ms Marilyn S. Orr • Mr. Charles Dougherty Mr. Thomas H. Anderson Mr. Stephen Waltrich J. Amy Marriott J. Ms. Peaker Thelma M. Ms, Elizabeth S. Ashton » Barbara Ward Ms. MarybethK. Du Till Ml Masiak Mr. Matthew T Peloso Ms. Maria T. Esposito Ms. Hope C. Banchi Mr. Robert F. Wummer Anne G Moore Ms. Kathleen A. Roth Ms. Jeanerte A. (Fit:eerald) Ewer Ms. Amy (Graham) Barth Ms- Elisabetta M Zodeiko Mr Robert E. Moore Nicholas Francis Sanna Victoria A. Franz Ms Kelh Bohrei Mr. Michael J. Morawski Linda Roller Sobolewski Mr. Anthony Briscella HI Mr. Christopher M. Garrihy Ms. Kathryn Nardella Michael Tolassi J. Jr. Mr. John P. Ms. Christiann M. Griffith Mr. PeterJ.Ohst Ms. Enca (Delavan) Tollini • Mr Robert Dugan Ms. Paula C. (Davis) Hart J, Ms Deborah D. Phillips William H. Wellen Ms Bernadette Gillen • T. Maria Jones. R.N. Mt. Csongor Pinter Ms.Jami L Wilus Heather K. Goscmiak Ms Linda M Kasprzak * Mi Matthew G. Roesser

Mr. Brian J. Hagan



Mr Stuart G. Rothstein Ms r lise D Kepplei Ms. Angeline C. Stangei Ms. Emily K. LaBell Dr. FlubacherClub

1. Mr- James A. Scallan 111 Ms. Dana G Koch Mi lines Stangerjr Ms. Mana-Elana B (Lai encheel 1 Is, 000 59

Ms ( arolyn L- Schustrich Mr JohnF Kolla Ms Andrea Stein Lanahan hi Fr.iiK is ind Rosalind Cuss M-. |n lie A Stanoch [oseph Konopka Rev. James Maurice Taylor Elizabeth Przeptorka Landis Mr. R Brian Elderton Kelly Strobel Ms Meghan E. Korp Ms. Lauren E Taylor Andrew G. Lewis v Bruce A. Leauby, PhD Ms S Sweeney Sean Lavelle Ms luAnna M. Van Thuyne Mr. Matthew Malloi James F. and Margaret M Ms. Colleen F Tischner Mr. J. Sean Mel !ook Mr. Gjergj Mara McManus, Ph.D. Ms Rosemarie Veltn Ms. Tanya N. Miller Mr. Mikael Mara Professor Jen" Russell Ms. Samantha Wagner Ms. Michele A Morton Ms. Karherine A. McDevitt Dr and Mrs. Robert SadotY Ms Margaret M. Walsh Colleen Mullarke^ Robert McGink-\ Ms. Breanne A. Ward Ms. Muposem K. Mutemba 2008 Christopher Miller

Nancy L. (Twaddle) and Joseph P fates Paul Albert Panepinto Erica Joy Natw tele San Miguel Club Mr Jeffrey A Yurcan Ms. Diane M. (Craig) Peterman Chairman's Club Ms. MaeganC Neil] ($2,500 S4.999)

Ms 1 oleen Zisa Mr. Thomas A Plick (Si 000 Si Ms. Jessica G. Nissen 499) Anonymous Valerie R Pron .. Hillary Pauti Theresa K Travis and John F. Gi Shirley P. Bower Mr. David Quartullo Ms. KimberlyN. Pecca Mr. Thomas L. Bower 11 Ms. Jill C. Remcntet Mr. Robert L. Penrose III Dorothy K. and Augustine J. Ms. Kristen M. Smith Founder's Club Ms. Jennifer M. Porter Chialastri, DDS 2006 Mr. Kevin L. Strickland (SSOO S999) Kristen Marie Rea\ e\

1 Irs Mark and Melissa Cornfeld Nicole A. Swetra William Ms. Andrea N. Bacchus Mr. C. Rhea Mr. Birr v S Feierstein and San Miguel Club Ms. Stephanie A. Szulborski Ms Claire T. Riordan Ms. Rebecca F Mahne) Mrs Rohm Sorkin (S2 500 $4 999) Mr. Khoa M. Tran Ms. Melissa M. Risch Ralph, Cinda. and Kristen Hall Mr. James Benajmin Travers Mr Geoffrey M Schaeffer and Elizabeth R. Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Klesius Thomas J. Anniversary Club Mr. Theodore H. Schuck (Leneweaver) Lochner • (S140 S249) Mi and Mrs William M Lee- Ms, Natalie M. Seal Mr William H. Morgan Mr. Thomas F. Bender Stephen Silverman Helen F. North. Ph.D. 1 ounder's Club Amy Gardner Cranston Nicholas Smith James A. Talaga, Ph.D. i999) 2007 Mr. Hu\ A. Dao Santina Speara Mr and Mrs. Robert J. Truitt

Mike 1 \ rtouzoE Mr. David S. Struse Mr Anthony J. Giovannucci

Founder's Club Mr. Taylor G. Garley Mr Frank J Visco Ms *. ieraldine A. (Damiecki) Irish (S500 s>)>)')| Ms Bridget C. Konczyk Ms Kara B. Wall Chairman's Club ( Ms. Regina (Mansfield) Molon^ Ms. Gabnelle V. Waring S2.499) Ugo Donini Club Ms. Robinette (Ramsey) Barnes » Ms 1 leather 1 Watkins Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Argenziano S499) Ms. Petra R. (Myles) Watson Young Alumni Club Mrs Betty M. Bott Dana L. D'Ulisse Ugo Donini Club Ms Lisa R. (Hughes) Williams ($70 SI?')) Mr. Vincent L. Burns (S250 S499) Nikolas G. Kozel Ms. Michele A. Clark, Avery Ellen Axelsen Michael J. O'Donnell Ms. Corynda L. (Williams) Hagamin • Foundation Marian G. (Morton) and Stephen R. and Sharon (Risa) [oseph V. DelRaso, Esq. Starr. MSN James S. Butcher Rev Thomas 1 Ponaehx. Th.D Anniversary Club Mr. Jason A. Caucci Mr. and Mrs. William A Dundas l\ Ms Michelle M. Kuppe Anniversary Club Current Students Dr and Mrs R Lawrence Dunworth Matthew Mastronardo Mr. Keith W Bisceglia Evangetista (S140 sa en Mr. and Mrs. Anthom S Mr. Daniel |. Matrone Mr Scott Krwowski Mrs Rosemary M Flannery Steven Conway Ms. Dorothy Newman J. Fred] Foley Jr., Ph.D Tiffany Jean Davts Donors Mr. and Mrs. David Godin Regina K. Mantuano Young Alumni Club (Up to 569) Class of 2010 Nelson G. Harris, Esq Mr. Dennis J. McGowan |r and Mrs. William Jones s r ($70 S139) Mr. J. Ms [essica A Werdmann Ms. Megan E. Ahl Chairman's Club Ms. Mary Ann Kerhn Ms. Heather G Boudwin Ms. Christina M Ambs Dr. and Mrs H.C Kutteh ($1,000 >2 499) Ms. Mildred L (Hogate) Hopper Ms. Christine Arens Koung Alumni Club Dr Anthonv L. Laganelli Ms Olivia R. Mr. Thomas M. O'Keefe Aument Ms. Lisa A. Zimmerman, '10 ($70 Sl}9) Ms. Denise C. Marbach Ms. Misty A. Velasques Caitlin Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. May Ms. Stephanie E. Cartier Ms. Ten A. Baumgarten Ms. Ashley H. McCormick Courtneay Cipolone Ms. Tara M. Bevivino

Donors Mr. Francis J. McGarvev Jr Mr. Kevin J. Coleman Mr. Mark J. Bielecki (UptoS69) Mr. and Mrs. William C. McGmle\ Ms. Erin J. Geiger Ms. Constance K- Caesar Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McKenna Jr. Kathleen McCormick Ms. Carolyn F. Caine Christina Celano Parents and Mr and Mrs Robert E. McKenna Mr lolmj O'Brien Miltun Carden Ms Lisa A. Comet Friends Dr. Nathan Miller Mi ( ieorge P. Sananos Ms Kimberh, ( ecchi Mr. Stephen J. Cowan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R Nelson Mr Frederick H.Taber III Kim Cheshire-Kinney Mr David K. Dee Mt Robert J. Nicholls Maureen T. (McGovern) and Mr. Edward A. Clark Robert A. Defino President's Cllib G. Dennis O'Brien, Ph.D. Myron N. Tantum Jr. Theresa M. DeLaurentis Mr. Joseph S. DelVecchio (S50 000 and above) Mr and Mrs James V O'Rourke Mr Matthew W. Tiedeken Ms. Sara C. Dougherty • Ms Alexist DeSalva Jr. \ inceni C.A. Scully Jr., Esq Ms, Jasmine Tilson Mr Eric J Dreyei Laura Elaine DeZolt Mr. Bruce J. Carusi Mr. Dennis R Severt Mr. Matthew R. Venanzi Ms. Beth A. (Sherrer) Dunn Ms. Mar\ S. English Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slawek Ms. Claire M. Endres Ms. Amanda K Everh Charter Club Mr Paul D. Smith Ms. Allison R ( m igei Mr Louis A- Fair Donors (S25 c 19 Mr and Mt- Edward G .Stafford '07 Devon Virginia Grow, Mr. Christopher J. Fanelti (UptoS69) Brother Stelmach, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watkins Fred F.S.C. Mr. Jin Long Huang Ms. Samantha J. Farrell Friar Nader N. Ata, O.F.A., Com Beth Swann Meg Kristiniak Mr Jordan P. Feld Sydorenkoand Charma R.Bell 11 Mr Mykhailo Melanie (Colcher) Krysko Mr Robert 1. Fierro University Club Tim Boyle Ms. Natalia Kroutchkevitch Mr. James V. Malazita Mr Christopher P. Flite (S10.000 S2 | 999) Ms lane E. Brown Dr. James R. Tanis Ms ( hery] \ Malizia Ms. Danielle M. Forsythe George ]. Tur.ik Ms Christine S- Catanzaro Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bookman Mr. t.Ti. -> 'i Mr. 1 1 Manning Ms. Julia S. (Cook) Goble KelK E Cochlin Estate of Mrs. Rudoll Chope t Mr. Shea P. McDe\ it) Mr. Patrick F. Golden Mr. Joseph A. Frick Matthew P and Audrey A. Ms. Pamela S McDonald Ms. Catherine M Gulkis Founder's Club (Rawlinson) Cosgrove Mr. John P Garrison III Ms. Jessica E Mice! Mr. Joey Hamm S999)

Ms Fiona A Duffj Mr- Michael I Hagan Ms. Therese E Pomen \ Ms. Amy Inkrott J. Mr and Mrs. Robert M Aaron Ms Teresa Ecker Morton S. Mandell, M.D Ms. Beth A Reillv Margaret Faia Christina Kind Ms Brvan and Kathleen Marsal Baiocchi Elizabeth M. Geiger Ms. Marybell Rodriguez Lauren A. Kane Marc and Laura McKenna Mr md Mrs. Teter Bajoi Regina M Giebel Ms. Jennifer C. Shipp Ms KaraN.Kaschak Mr and Mrs L>hn C. Barr\ Mr Mr. and Mrs Ja\ R Stiefel Luis Gonzalez Timothy [oseph Stnalarz Ms Amanda Koltalo The Bedos Family Ms. Elizabeth M Kenny JohnD.Zook.CPA

1 Tears of Giving REPRESENTS FIVE 'l EARS OF GIVING TO La SaLLE UNIVERMT ) Note Data traced back ro fiscal year 1986 onli

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 33 I Mi .,ii,l Mr- Stephl nl' an Mi ind Mrs A illiam F Qutnn Mi

I ; M I ..rroll ( s r I Hisei Mi ind Mrs harlesj Rendall Mr. m-h] Mi- lames M Vros

I Mill > M, inJ Mi- i I 1. Petei ind Sandi lackson DonaldR holish Mi Joseph Riles Bl in. .in, I in, 1 ViLvn-u an

Mi .111,1 Mi s ( iregoi v Mi ( alho I Kaisei Si and Mr- |ohn ibbarelli Mi Mi, hael I Rittenhouse Mr. .\i-\J Mrs. David L. Ausman

I . in 1 I 1111, \ I I 1. Mill Ml Mi Mr. and Mrs ugem 1 hanowsk) Mi and Mrs, Edward P. Rossjr. t 'urns and Eili en \xelsen

M, I, .Im : Randy and Cindi I lark Mi and Mrs. Brian I' Ruhhng Sr. Mr. andMrs Martini Baietti

l .in. 1 (:. - Mi .m,l Mrs I dward Kevorkian Mi Mi j igei L. C01 Ms P. in, i V Ryan Mi md Mi- Thomas Baietti

I .in,l Alar. 1 irkcrj Jr. Mr Mr- Roger M Kimiet ik Family of Costa Mr and Mr- Justin \ Santangelo Mi I dward Baldwin

l\ 1 .in .ni.l I Teresa Kutteh Mr and Mrs Thomas J Crouse Senatot Raul A Sarlo Mt and Mi- |ohn Balestrieri

nneth M "V" I', Will, .in, R 1. iki Mr and Mr-. Du< M111I1 I lao Mr andMrs Paul \ Scicluna Mr m\A Mrs Louis Balestrieri

1 M.i.l. 1 I ). Diederic li Ms leinc 1 Hi Mrs Mi and Mrs. |ohn a Thomas J DellaFranco Mr and Patrick Scrivens Mi Aloysius I Ballisti

Mi and Mrs William C Fur Mi |. hi A Levy Mr andMrs Aldol Del uca Mi I lene W Shaffer Mr and Mrs Jeffrey L. Bani.i

' .'..| I ni< \ oos \ni\ and Dennis Lipovsk^ Mi s Margarei I V\ Mr and Mi Roben ( Shavi Mis l_ut \ Baran

Mi and Mrs F enneth 1 Frederick |ohn ind Debbie Mallov Mr and Mr- John I Diana Mr and Dr. William W. Shipley Mi .wm\ Mis Joseph Baranoski

I ( an,! i I tlebei Mi leffrei P McFadden Mr Mrs lenri HSalvo Mr. Gar\ I Sigall Mr .ind Mrs. David G. Barba

•.< I'll" I 'i.M\ t Mi Mr- Mr Frederick | 1 )j in li mi. I Mi I i ii Mi S Sr. md Paul P Mi Farland Mi i j Sigall Mr .md Mr- Richard P Barca

l iuido Mi and Mrs Timothy B McKinnei Mr and Mr- |ohn I I tonahue Mr Edward I Sloyei Mr .md Mr- Howard M Barreti Jr,

''. Mi |i Andrew I Mr. and Mr- 1 1 m lie} Mr and Mrs ihn Gumbrecht Man Ellen T and Miller |am< and Mrs. John R. Stamm Ms. Jennifer J. Barrett

I .nul Ms Shanm in I lallcran |ames P Maribel W Molyneaux, Mr Richard M PI UisseSt Mr Arthui * Stanley Mi and Mrs. Peter R. Bat-:

11, I Mrs Frances M Harper D Mr. and Mrs. Francis F Fabei Mr lenry F Steele Ms Barbara ( usa Bashore

Mr and Mrs WilliamR Irish Mi and Mrs Robert M < Mr. and Mr- Timoih\ P.Faulk Mr. and Mrs Steven Stemper Mi and Mr-. John A Bate-

in. Mi and Mrs GaryC Kaufman Mi I Mrs lack Morey Pn sd 'ii P. Feden, Ed. P. Mr 7 hi "n.\- I Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Batnsta

Mi lii Kei perman Mi and Mi - fohn F. Mi irrissei Ponna R. Fiedler, Ph D Mi and Mrs. Roheri Sweeney Mi .md Mrs. Michael P. Battistelh

Mi and Mn ro'dd M Kemper Mr. and Mr- |ohn O'Bomsawin Ml Ronald A. Flax Mi St< phen |. Thomas Mr and Mrs. Rohert Bauhof

Mi in I P. Mr. and Mr- ki \ in l )i I '.I Toto Mrs Mk hael Keough O'Rourke Mr. and Mrs. William A. Floyd ise I Mr. and Mrs. Danny P. Baylor

Mi .in. I < \h Michael D Kerlint Mr- William I Perri Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Fonseca Mi md Mrs |ames R. Traut Mr. Edward C. Bavnes

I' I Mi m, I Mi- Michael Kukawski Ms Ulisonl Philips Mr. and Mr- Robert ranee loin Mini: I 'liner and Ra\ Ulmer Mr and Mr-. Amhon\ M Bed nan

S. Lazi in. I Mi- ill 1 Mr-, t Mr and Mr- Paul a M. M Plucinski Mr Bart L Frazziita Mi md labriele P. Verrecchia Mi md Mt- Joseph J. Bednarzjr.

1' Mr in.) Mi- Sidney J. MacLeod Jr. I li md Mr- |oseph Quintiliani Si Mr. and Mrs. Howard A ( , d, Mr and Mr- |ames A Visco III Mr andMrs George W. Belheld

I Rncr.i ( ierharr Massa Mr Matthew Ms. lanice A. Mi and Mrs Nicholas J Vitalo Mr and Mrs. Donald D. Bell

i I Ms. L.tur K Masti ingeto Mr and Mrs. Bill Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Noil A rial Omi I ti Mr and Mrs Richard T. Vosseller Mi .md Mi- Stan Belliveau

Shai in mi Matlock*Turner M • 1 1 ien I Roland Mr and Mrs |ohn 1 I iillespie Mr and Mr- Richard Wenzel Mr. and Mrs Andrew M Bencivengo

I I Mrs Mr and Mrs- Francis I McAteer Rosina ind rancis Ryan, Ed.D. Mr. and James A Gouryeb Mr and Mr-. Michael Werth Mi. and Mrs. Paul A. Benner

* roci 1 Graher Mr. and Mrs, Alex and Karen McCurdy Anthony Santa Mr John SamuelJ. Wiley, Ph.P- Mr and Mrs. Frames J. Bennett s in. I ( .i\^\ Mi Mrs leorge McElhinney loseph Seltzer, Ph.D. Mr and Mrs Edward J Gracyalnj M- Evelyn M. Wilkinson Mr. Mrs Ronald M Benson

in. I 1 Mi I Mrs 'ai id Mergard Dale md Diane Smith Pr. and Mrs William 1 Green Ms. Teresa F. Wilson Mi and Mrs. Brian Berber

1- Mi lustinM Mill- Mr. and Mrs Stuart H Sorkin Mr-. Donna M Gn m i Mr and Mr- William A Wil-on Mi and Mrs. John Beryin

Mr Kevin B O'Neill Thomas S Straub, Ph D Mr- Phyllis < Gulick Mr andMrs Raymond A. Yantosh Mi and Mi- Edward P Tx-rkoski Sr.

Mi and Mrs Edward Orcnstcin Mr .md Mr- Gerard 1 Sullivan Mr and Mrs. Michael R Guveiyian Brenda and Frank Zcmo Mr Bernard Bernstein

Mi and Mrs Michael P. Rockwood Si Mi I T Sullh .hi Mi and Mr- W Rand Hickman Ms Robinj. Bernstein and

I s Mi '.im. 1 M Rosenberg Mi |ohn E :\-:L.i Mr andMrs, William Holmes Mr. Herbert J Donors Siegle Mr Bryan A Schwartz Mi and Mrs. kc\ in L Tare Mr and Mr- John l Pnnelh Mi md Mrs Joseph P. Berry (UptoSi39)

Mi and Mrs. Frank Sipics Mi .in,! Mi- Willi. mi 1 I, imlinsi in Mr. and Mrs Michael lohnstone Mi and Mrs, Rohert Berry

Mr and Mi - Mark .Aaron Mi in. I Mi- |ohnC. Smolarekjr. M- lanei Trueworthj Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kincade Mi and Mrs. Bernard J. Bertels K. Mi lack Mr. and Mrs Peter Ahrac:in-ka- Mi and Mrs. Mk hae! Stolo and Mr- P Tyler Jr. Richard Mark and Maureen S. Kirkner Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bctancouri Ms Ahrams Ms Kacherine E. Teevan Mi in. I Mr- |ohnT L Iczycki Mr William E. Kline Ms Loretta T. Betchker

Mr and Mrs |oseph 1 Abriola Tin. Benjamin Tumolo Family Mi ind Mr- |i Im M V inccnt Ms Hilda A Kochei Ms Patricia M. Biello

Mi .md Mi- Joseph L. Abriola Jr. Mi and Mrs. Peter G. Vizza M, |ohn Walsh Jr. Mr. andMrs Joseph P La Hi Mr. and Mrs Massimo Bier Bernadette Adam- Mr Peter Whatnell Mrs Janet LaMontc Mr Anthony 1- Bumdo Sr Mr andMrs Matthew Adams in, I \ J. Mr Mrs Kirk Wiedemer Anniversary Club Mr. and Mrs. William I Lapetina Mrs Catherine M. Bish M- |oyce M. Adler Mr .111,1 Mrs William G.Wolfe Mr. and Mrs Richard Longmore Mr. and Mrs. James C Black (Si i" S249) Mr. iuA Mrs Theodore Agelis Mr and Ms Stephen \X ynne Mr and Mrs. Douglas LongO Mr and Mrs Michael W Black

Mr and Mis Anthon\ I Adams Jr Mr. -n^\ Mrs. William M. Ager Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Longobardi Mi and Mrs. Edward M. Blair .in. Mi I Mr-- Michael G. Anderson Mr. ,\[iA Mrs. Angelo Agudelo \jgo Donini Club Mi and Mr- David I. Milam' Mr. and Mrs. David Blaise Mr Willi. mi \ngelone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A Mascio Ronaldo Aguilat Mr. andMrs |ohn Blanda (S2S0 S499) Mr. and Mr- Charles Asensio M- Allison Ahl Mr. and Mrs. Anthony I Massa Mr. Bruce R. Blandiord

Mi R. I and Mrs. Michael Albertelli Mr. Jeffrey J Baldasano Frank, Kathv. Chris, '10, and Mi and Mr- larry Ahl Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Blandford Mi Mrs. Richard F. Anderson Steven and Barbara Bancroft Mr and Mrs. Samuel A|ach md Ponna Materia J Mi and Mrs |o- L-ph A- Blansrield in,l anil Mr-- B.inhit: Mr Mr- MichaelD Barnhart Mr Gordan I Mr and Mr-. William R May Mr and Mrs J.imes L Aker Mr. and Mrs. Eucene T Bliszczvk

,111,1 Mr Mi 5 |ames R Rier\ Larrv and Pegg} Bell Mr. and Mr- Sareth W. Alakoon Mr. .ind Mrs. John I McGovern Mr and Mr- Wayne Bodnar

Mr. and Mrs. -Michael G. Borruso Mr and Mr- |ohnJ. Biancami Mr. Vincent J. Albanese Tlw McGowan Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bo I, ind Mrs Barbara Bresnan Mi .inJ Mr- |oseph S. Bodalski Mr. Glenn E. M Mr. Joseph F. McKenna Albrecht Mr Russell A. Bono Mr and Mi- John Bru:zi Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Alan E. J. Nicholas W Botta Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. McNamara Aldnch Mr and Mis Richard Bitrish Mr. William E. Bui • Drs. Georye W. and Marilyn Ms. Patricia B. Mr and Mrs. Leroy W Meyer Aleksinas Mr and Mrs. John B. Bosco Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Caimano |r. (Ross) Bradford Ms. Patricia Alford Mr. and Mrs- Lawrence Mirro Mr and Mrs. A. Raymond Bosserr II Mr. and Mrs. L. Ccrasari and Mrs. Steve John Mr J. Branson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy Deborah L Allmond Mr. .\nd Mrs. David A. Bottegal Mr. James L. Coyne Bill and Mar\ Breeze Mr. and Mrs David C. Almquist Mr and Mrs. Quan H. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Bourgeois

'. Mr. and Mi- [ean I Del} Tony an,l Tn-li Briscella Mr, and Mrs Ezio I Altamura Mr lames J. O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Michael R Bowers

Mr. li and Mr-. Crit PeMent Mi and Mrs James E Broun Ms. Lori A. Odell Mr Edward S Ambacher Mr. Dennis Bowman

I -1 . Mr- '.ir. / I VMi:i. Mi m. I Mr- Mrs Michael Brown Mr and Mrs. Lawrence C. O'Steen Mr. and |ames R Ameling Thomas Bowman, Esq.

Mr Michael De Pass Mr ind Mrs. Richard G Br. >\\ n Mr andMrs |oseph D- Amici Mr and Mrs Ronald 1 Patterson Mr .u\y\ Mrs Dennis I Boyce

>i M-^r r.inl \ I tugheri \ Mr and Mrs Robert W Brown |r Mrs. Mi .md Mrs Stephen |. Anastasi Mrs Mr. and James J. Pearce Mr. and [anie- M. Boyle hi .iikI Mrs. D .0 id I. Prapcho Mi and Mrs, Rosario Buccafuri Mr andMrs [oseph W Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Penza Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Boyle

Fmch I kieran Bunnell John and amili Ms. L. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Pizza The Anniballi Family Mr. and Mrs |oseph A Brancaleone Ms. Barbara M Fischer Mr aii,l Mrs James D. Burke Anonymous Mrs. Lauretta A. Prendergasl Mr and Mr- WalterC Brant:enherL; Jr. Ford A. JamesC. and Elizabeth Scofield Mr. Nicholas Busillo Ms Arm Pressman Anonymous Mr and Mis Kenneth B. Btant .ni,l i,irk\ Mrs Mr Mrs R S« ott( Mr and Michael P R\rnc- Mr. and Mr-. Daniel Prestayko Mr and Mrs. H.trrv W. Antes Ann and Ron Brennan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Garrlan Mr and Mrs. Thomas Cahill Ms Susan M Apis. ( J. Mr. and Mr-. Anthony |. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Brennan Sr Judith Goldhammer Ld and Rcrnadetre Campbell Mr and Mrs. Pommic M. Aquilino Ms. Theresa P\ tlewski Mr Peru. H,l I Breslin

Mr ln-nn R. Handler Mi and Mrs Eduardo Cangiano, in Mr ( iregor^ 1 1. Archer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas] Qmnn [V Francis i.'. Brestin ,\nJ Claire k. '06 memory ot Eduardo Cangiano, Hagerti

DECEASEDt/RETiRED* Women's Giving Circle*


( I \ i i Mrs [oseph |i ihri 1 1 Mi and Mr- Ke\ in I Breti Mr and Mr- Ronald ialino Mr and Mrs Robert jadi Mr and R Famul.u Mi rehman

Main-. -\ i L. Mrs Frank i Mi , and Mrs. Edward S. Brinkos Mr and Mr- ieri Mr Robert Delp Mr. and A Mr, and Mr- Richard Gehman

Mi s. Dionizia Brochinsky Mi- and Mrs Edward K 1 dun Ms Joanne P DelPrado Mr .md Mr- Harry J Farnon Ms, Rita A. Gehman

Mi .andMrs William W. Brock Mr andMrs John Cinkowski Ms 1 irace 1 IcMarco Mr. and Mrs Andrew Parrel 1 11 th E. Gehman

Mr . and Mrs, George H. Brodbeck Mr and Mr- Peter L. Cii - n R.c hard and Rita DeMaria Mr. andMrs |ohnJ. Farren Rosemary Bradley Gehrlein

Mi .inJ Mrs Tim Brodcn Gary K. Clabaugh, Ed.D, Mr and Mr- Joseph M 1 temars Mr and Mr- Joseph W 1 Mr. and Mr- Joseph P Geiger

Mi I )a\ id T Brooking Mr and Mrs Ronald B 1 larl Mr and Mr- Joseph D 1 )*Errio i Dr andMrs Kalmen A. Feinberg Mr and Mrs Thomas L. Geisler Jr.

- 1 1 inci Mr and Mrs. Robert G. Brm i\ Mr md Mrs. John J. Clifford Mr .md Mr- [ames N lertouzos Mr. and Mrs, Barry B- Feinei \ E. Gelb

Mi and Mrs. Alan R Brown Ms . Gail M. Coggins Mr and Mrs. John P. Dertouzos Thomas and LuAnn Feist Mr and Mrs. Kenneth L Geller

Mr and Mrs, Edward T. Broun Mr and Mrs John W 1 ohi Mr and Mrs Gregory \ I >eSalva Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Fell Mr. and Mr- Sabino P 1 iengaro

( 1 Mr and Mr- Michael ! Brow n Ms Mafalda R Colati Mr and Mrs Glenn I i leSantis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P Feola Mr md Mrs ^ngeli 1

1 Mr and Mrs Michael K Br, >vt n Mr and Mrs. Christopher ( .olbridge Mr and Mr- Gio\ .mm 1 leSimone Ms Lisa F. Ferguson Mr and Mrs. James A 1

Mr and Mr-. Richard Bn iw n M- Margaret P Colbridge Mr and Mr- Da* id A Detweiler Ms Vernice D. Ferguson Ms. It., nt ' "

i Mr and Mr- Robert Lee Brown 111 Mr and Mr- William J. Colbridge III Mr .md Mrs [oseph A. DiAngelo Jr Mr and Mrs. Eugene J. Ferr.u>>lo Ms. \ icki jephart

Mr and Mrs. David B Bmwnlee Mr ind Mrs Raymond 1 Colucci Mr and Mrs Teodon i P. Diaz Mr. andMrs Dennis E Ferreri Mi ind Mr- S imuel \ Geragi

Ml and Mrv Ron;ild R. Bruce Mr ind Mrs Richard D. * olucci Mr. and Mrs Victor 1. Dia: Ms Joyce M Ferry Mi ind Mrs Mark 1 jerard

Mr and Mrs John V. Brull Mr and Mrs lames ( i nnei Mr and Mrs John F. Dickinson Ms. Gina Fiamma Mr and Mrs. ( lharles D.

'.. Mr s |oan A Brunner Mr ind Mrs Paul ( Coneys Sr Mr and Mrs. Gerald J DieckhausSr. Mr and Mr- William 1 1 Giamberardino

( l Mr , and Mrs. Cecil G. Br \ in M- E\ a 1. lonli Mr and Mr- Anthom P DiMeo Ms Maureen RcOtUrO Mr an.l Mr-. Michael Giardino

i i. Mr and Mr- Christopher Rrvan Mr and Mr- lohn J. Conlon Mr Albert T D'Imperto Mr and Mrs Michael A Figui I Mr and Mrs Walter E- Gibbons

T. mi and Beth Bucci Mr and Mrs. Donald W Conner Mr and Mrs. John R DiPompeo St Mr and Mrs. Eugene R F ml , Mr and Mr- l_ Anthony Gibson

Mr . .ind Mrs, Timothy J. Buekheir Ms Geraldine L. Conner Mr and Mrs Dennis Distel Mr md Mr-. James j. Rnnegan Mr and Mrs. Stephen Gilchrist Jr. Ms Melissa Buckingham Ms Alyce R. Connor Mr md Mrs Joseph L, DiTomoJi Mr and Mrs, Kenneth W. Fmnell Mr, and Mr-, David Gilfillan Fiorella Mr Joe Ruckles Mr and Mr- Francis W. G innors Ms , Laura J. Diver Mr and Mr-. 1 "on-rantmo Mr. and Mrs Robert T. Gilhuly

>\ Mr and Mr- Lawrence R Budd Mr and Mrs. Paul H. ( <

Mi and Mr- Kevin F Rucll Mr and Mr- WanenJ.C onstantinejr. Mr and Mrs, David A Dodies Mr. Louis Fiorella Mi and Mr- lames P. Gillon

Mi Ronald T, Bulmer Mr and Mr- Vincent Conti Mr, and Mr- Lawrence S Dombrowski Mr and Mr- Samuel R. Fire 1 Mr- John T. Gimpel and Mr-. Mi and Mrs. Henn I Bultman Jr. Mr andMrs Stephen J. Cook Mr J. Joseph Donahue Mr. and Mrs Harvey A. Fischer Jr. Ms. Dorothy F.Glanzmann

Ms . Ann G. Bunnell Mr, |< Fft r\ M Cooper Mr j\^\ Mr- [oseph L I lonahue 111 Ms. Janice A. Fischer Mr andMr- Michael S. Gla:ier

i Ms . Janet M. Bunnell Rose and Paul C orkiJli Ms Kathr\ n A Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Fischer Mr .mdMr- StanleyJ Glowackijr.

Steve and Claie Bunnell M- liiii. i.i M i \>v\\ n Ms M o\ Ellen Donahue Mr. BobFishback Mr and Mrs Robert F ( ii dard

Ms Paula L. Bunney Ms Margaret H. Corcoran Ms Lorraine Doneker Mrs. Dons P Rshei Mr and Mr- Edward Gold

'.< Mr- 1- > Ms, Mr and Mrs Sebastian J. Buonato III Mr ind inn L ( r-riasa Ms Donna M Donohue Kelh Flanagan Mr Mitchell Gold

' 1 in 1 Mr in..! Mr- |ames Bui gi [i Mr Mario .onadi Mr Mi- R ichard CD mohue Ms. Rosemane Flanagan Mr. and Mrs John T Golden

Mr and Mr- James J. Bur^e Jr. Mr and Mrs, Ricardo E. Correal Mr and Mrs William J Donohue Mi and Mr- Richard M. Flick Mr. and Mrs W iltiam E. Golden Jr.

Mr ind Mrs. Timothy S. Bur^e-net Mr and Mrs. Thomas C. Corson Mr and Mrs. David L Dotj II Mi andMrs. Richard L Floyd Ms. Cu>\ M ( Sorgo!

Mr and Mrs. David B Bui Mr and Mr- 1 ierald B 1 ossack Mr and Mi- Christopher E. Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis 1 Gi itthardt

( "o-.t, Mr .111..I Mrs. William E. Burgess Jr. Mr and Mr- Christopher J II.. Dougherty Mr Hedwig Folei Mr. Michael D. Gottsch

Mr oil Mrs. R> iben 1- Burke Mr and Mrs. John Costello Mr and Mrs. Dennis G. Dougherty M- Lauren M. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gracyatny

|. Mrs Sharon L Burke Mr Patrick i Costello Mr and Mrs, Francis Dougherty Teresa and \t Folt\ Ms. Elizabeth M. Grady

1. 1-. 1, '1 ii r.n rick B. Burns, DBA Mr ph ] Cowan Mr 1 n 1 1 lughert^ Mr, and Mrs Antonio C Fonseca Mr nut Mrs. George R Grad)

Mr .md Mrs. Julian P. Burr Mr and Mrs Edward 1 1 oylt Ms Rita | Dougherty Mr and Mr- R Edward Foran Mr. Martin I Grady

Kevin Burioughs Mr and Mrs Francis 1 1 o) Iv Mr and Mr- Robert 1 Dougherty Mr and Mrs William F Ford Ms Mar\ Beth Grady

I. i Mr Matthew Bush Mr and Mrs. Brian . oyne Mr and Mrs. Tim Doughen Mi andMrs lames P. For rest el Mr. and Mrs. David E. Graham \

l. ird and Mr and Mrs George J. Byrnes Mr and Mrs. Tom Craw Mr Mrs. James D Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Forstei Ms Heather L. Graham

Mr and Mr-. John T. Cahihi Mr and Mi- 1 r ml 1 roo Mrs. Margaret j. Doyle Mr and Mrs. Michael E Forsythe Mi md Mr- l.o E Graham

Mr .md Mrs Michael I Cahtll Mr and Mr- Enol D ( ro t kctt Mr. and Mr- Thomas Drake Mr. and Mr- James M. Fox Jr. Mr ind Mrs. Stephen J. Granato

, > i Mr and Mrs. David M. Cahn Mr and Mrs, Robert \\ | M | Mr .\nJ Mr- Peter S I trOtch Mr and Mr-. Thorna- Francano Mr. and Mrs. James G Cr

Mr and Mrs Gregor\ K Cain SI- Helen E. Cullman Mr and Mr- Peter F. Drurv Jr Mrs. Margaret K Franco Ms. Susan L. Green

. Mrs i! 1 * Mr and Mr- William R. Calabrese M- Susan Cullman Joyce A. Dubon. Parent, Class Mrs. Carmen J Frangii Mr and Mr-. Harvey S. Ireenberg

Mr . and Mrs. Helmuth Caldwell Ms . Anne L. Culwell of 1990 Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig J. Fran- Mr and Mrs. Thomas J. Greenfield

1 i 1 Mr and Mrs. >a\ id C lallaghan Mr and Mrs. Robert L. Cunningham Mr andMrs. Patrick J, luff} Mr and Mrs. Peter Fraver Mr. aixl Mrs, J. Eric Greenwood

1 I Mr and Mr-. Joseph Campanella Mr and Mrs James T. Curran Mr and Mr- Robert F. Duncheskae Mr. Fran! 1 Fregoni Mr Roger Grell

Mr and Mrs Charles A t lanfarotta Ms Mar- irei M v. nr r\ Ms I Vm-i.' A. Dunchick Mr. and Mr- Richard Fre\ Mr. and Mr- Edward H. limber

Ms . Ruth M. Capolino Mr- Maureen E Cu-hman Mi and Mr- Kevin J. Dunn Mr andMr- Dennis M Frickei Mr and Mr- Da\ id 1. Grunfeld

( » i -1- n. Mr and Mrs. Argante appelli Mr. and Mrs. Eugene 1 tajl « i Mr and Mr- F.iml N Du] Ms lie more Fnel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K Gtunan

Mr and Mrs Nicholas A Mr and Mrs. James Daci Mr and Mrs. Joseph F. Durkin Mi ml Mrs. Steven T. Fries Mr ind Mr- lames T Gula

> l E aramanici Si Mr and Mr-. Fred N 1 Jaile) ireg'j R Durlorskv. Esq Dr. and Mrs Peter P. Frisko Mr. James H. GuIIKtl:

1 i i. i Mi and Mrs Jack C Carini Mr and Mrs, George F Dale Mr and Mrs Peter J Duskc\ Ms. Evelyn Frolich Mr. and Mr- Stanley P tow

i Mr and Mrs. Timothy 1 arlej Ms Karen D'Alessandro Mr Adam Dvorin Mr and Mr- Bruce \\ Froshoui Mr, and Mr- Scott A. ILklrield

Ms Angel i £ arter Mr John Daley Mr and Mr- Michael P. Egan Mr and Mr- Mark Fruit- Mr andMr- George C. Haffer 111

r Ms Ms iryli arter Mr and Mrs. Thomas R. Daley Peggj I Ellis Mr. and Mr- Michael Fuchs Mr ind Mrs. G.( iregor) ' lagai

Mr and Mrs. Denis B * .a-e\ Mr and Mrs Daniel J. Dalton Mr and Mrs Harry Elwel! |r Mr, Brian K Funaki Mr and Mr- i iregon L Haidemenos

Mr and Mrs, Melvin E. Cassady Ms Margaret G. 1 ) i\\ Mr and Mrs. David R Emery Ms, Rebecca C. Fuqua Mr ind Mrs Bradley C.Hall

Mi . and Mrs. James E i ,assai Mr and Mrs. Anthony F D'Amore Mr and Mrs. Peter English Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Furer Mr and Mrs Richard L. Hallamyei

1 Mrs. I.\ 1 Mi and Mr- Raymond Cassel Mr .md Mr- Louis D'Amore Dr. .md Mrs. lenrj M Engstet Mr. and Anthony J. Gaddess Ms. nn ialper

Mr Sah atore C. Catania Mr and Mrs Brian Daniel Jr. Mr Michael |. Erdlen Ms Lois S. Gaine Mr and Mr- |oel Hamilton

Mi ind Mrs. Andrew P. Cecchi Mr and Mrs. John L. Daniel- Ir Mr and Mrs Scott A Erickson Paul W. Galetto, OSA Mr Robert P. Hammond Mi and Mrs. Kenneth Ceriello Mr and Mrs. Joseph D. Daniels Mr and Mrs Geoffrey W Mr .md Mr-. Daniel T Gallagher Mr and Mr- Arthur W. Hankin

Mr and Mrs. Louis Cerm, i Si Mr and Mr-. Daniel Danish Ermentrout Mr md Mrs. Joseph P Gallaghei Mr and Mr- Kevin J Harding

i and Mr- arl Chamhless |. v. 1 Mi J. Mr and Mrs. Frank J. Dare Ms Denise S Ervin Mr. and Mr- Mark Gambino Mr ind Mr-. Mark largl ives

i . it Mr and Mrs. Bong H hang Th e Dash Family Mr and Mr- lame-. 1 Esposito Ms. Pai-s G Gambino M v Lee Harpel

Ms . Petrona Charles A and Norma Jean P.n i- Mr Jacob Ettelman Mr. and Mrs. William H I iambi* Mr and Mr- lun Ha;

iv Myles, Monica, Dawn, and |ason Man .md Patricl 1 1 is Mr .u\A Mrs Paul A Euga Ms. Florence M Gan Elizabeth Harris Charlton Mr and Mrs. David M Meaner Mr and Mrs. Daniel A Evanilla ~r Mr m.l Mr- Harishchandra Ganatra Mr andMrs Kevin L. Harris

Mi and Mr- Charles E. Cherry HI Ms Elizabeth M Dcaner Mr and Mrs Paul \ Evanko M f elli G Ganglofi Mr. and Mrs |oseph F. Harrison 111

Mi and Mrs. Dominick E Chieneo Mr Robert W Deanei Mr and Mrs. Andrew H. Evan Mr. and Mrs Stephen M 1 tardnei Mr and Mr- Richard L, Harrison Ir

Mr , and Mrs. Charles E Chism Ms 5am V DeAngelis Ms Kristin Everitt Mrs. Deborah A. Garrou Mr. and Mr- William E. Harter

i Mr and Mrs (ames W Ihristenson and Mrs. Michael R. DeBiase . Josephine T. Fai.i Mr. and Mrs Arthur X t !aspei Mr and Mrs. Robert Harvey Mr Ms J.

Mr .andMrs Stephen* hristopher David Kile Dee Mr and Mrs. Ronald Falcone Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. 1 laus Ms. Andrea R, Harvie

( iii,I 1 1 1 Mr and Mr-. Michael hn imiak Mr Mrs Scott B Dei ley Mr ind Mr-. John Fallon Ml and Mr- | ime- \ Mr and Mr- 1 Kiane E lawk

],,[ n md K. mi C hwastylt Sandra and Gustavo I V La Cruz Mr and Mrs. Joseph 1 Falvo Ms ( hristine Gazurian Ms Maureen E Have-

> ears of Giving: represents five years of giving to L \ s\li_f University Notf Data traced baci roFiSi tL year 1986 onli



1 l i, Ki inj Junod Mr. and Mrs. Da> id H ang |i Mt Philip Mannino Mr .un\ Mi raid Ml ii. i

I 1 ri 1 | Mi |oseph 1 Kain Mi and Mrs irdi in 1 Lang Mi and Mrs rank Marched. Mis ham es 1 M( uli rv i

1- Mi, - 1 >n< i 1 Mr. Jam- anzalt Mt and Mrs )ale 1 Marino Mr and Mrs. William R, MeyersIU

iii 1 1, 1> Mi Mi .Mi. iel P 1 im Mr. and Mrs Stephen 1 Lapctina |r Mi Jeffrey Marsh Mi and Mr- William 1. Merger

i . ii - I. Mi an I Mi Paul ! K Mr and Mrs Norman Larsen Mr and Mr. |ohn P Marsteller Mr Robert B Miedel

i and Mr. a H inold 1 ifford and Barbara Karchmei Mr Mrs. Norman L Larsen h Mr and Mr- |ohn Martin Mr. Matthew M. Migliore

' in, I.Mr- Mrs. .^\A 1 rank Mr William A Karpovichji Mr and John L. Laurrell Mi Mr- A M.utinucci Mr. Todd J Migliore

''"" altci 1 Karver K. k i and Mi- 1 Ms Rom Man ' Mi and Mrs W Ms. Joyce LaViolette Ro Marziam Mr |erome Millan

> 1 k Mr. and Mrs |ohn 1 1 lensey Mr and Mrs Sruari K ai i and Family Mi Edwin G. Lawler Ms lolon s Marzo Ms Diane Miller

Mi in Hi rlihy Ms Veronica E Katziani i Ms Lynne Lawrence Mi ind Mrs Frank 1 Mastrangeli i Mi andMrs Forney W Miller

1 ( ii Laws Mi ind Mrs Martin 1 lerman Ms rie Ann, Kauffman Ms Myra T Mr and Mrs. Frank Materia Ms MaryAnne Miller

1 1 in Mrs Mi ind Mrs Willi ira 1 l< Mi and Mrs Kraig Kaufhold Ms. Betty Lawsi Mr and Kenneth Maula Mr.and Mrs. Robert C Miller

Mi ,m i Mi Ronald Hetrick Mr and Mrs Daniel 1 Ki am Mr. and Mrs William J Leahy Mr and Mis Joseph P Mauro Mr and Mrs. Stephen W Miller

IJ Hcus Mi and Mrs Jeremiah P. Kearney Mi and Mrs Geoffrey B. Lechner Mr .md Mi- I >enni- P Mayer Mr and Mrs Thomas Milmoe

1 1 111 Patricia Mi ind Mrs o\ D lewett Mr andMrs Ubert 1 Keefe Ms M irgaret Lechner Mr s. McAllister IV and Mrs. John S. Misiewicz Mrs. Mi ind Mrs Ronald Hexcall Mr and Mrs Michael J. Keenan Mr and Patrick Lechner Mr and Mrs James A, McAteet Ms. Christine 1. Mitchell

1 li 1 S. Leeount Mi and Mrs James 1 i h and Mrs Robert i Keene Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ms Marguerite P. McAvinue Mr. andMrs. Chlord Mitchell

Mi md Mi- |. isi I'd 1 Heyer Mr DanielC Keller Jr. Ms, Barbara M. Ledgiscer l\v nel .xnA Kathleen McBndc Mr. Michael Mitchell

r- 1 -. Ms Sharon M 1 leyer Mr- |oa n 1 1 Bernard Lee. Esq. Mr ind Mrs Gerald B. McCallJr. Ms. Ann Mane Monaghan Ms K ri ten M Heying Rev Kevin J. Kelly Judy O.Lee Mr and Mrs Garry R McCord Mr. George Monaghan

i > Mi ind Mr-- urtis 1 lightower Mi and Mrs Leo ( Kelly Mr ind Mrs, Wei H. Lee Mr and Mrs Brian J. McCormick Ms. Lillian M. Monaghan

l.i. i, DavidP Hilton, < PA Ms Margaret M Kclh Mr Jeffrey N 1 , I Ms Jennifer E, McCrindle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas (, 1, Monech

Mi md Mi v« ilrei 1 ) Hinck Mi and Mrs. Robert J. Kelly Mr and Mrs. Robert H. Lehman Mr [oseph L McCummings Mr and Mrs |ellre\ \ Mone\

Mi and Mrs. |oseph T. Hoepp Ms (. ieraldine H. Kelscy Dolores Lc-hr, Ph D Mr Richard B McCummings Ms. Bridget Elizabeth Mooney

Mi and Mrs Mi. h iel I [oh man Sr Mi James W Ki nnedi Mr and Mis Jon P. Lehr Ms Lisa M. Mci. !usker Mr andMrs Donald E Moore

Ms Madge 1 loHingsworth Mrs Li Tin i Kenned) Mr. and Mrs. Karl Leibold Mr and Mrs ]ohn McDevitt Mr. and Mrs Ransom E Moore Jr

Ms Diam M Holzw irth Ms \nni 1 Keyset Ms. Joan E Leight'Herzog Mr and Ms, lames McDonald Ms. Shirle\ A Mi " ire

! art Ms Lena D Hoopes Mi and Mrs 1 larry k u iis< h Mr and Mrs. Edward | l.eii Mr and Mr- Martin J. McDonald Jr. M- ( arol'Lynn E Moran

Mi and Mrs. ( Christopher Houlihan Mr and Mrs Selahattin Kihe Mr. Francis M. Leonard Ms Maryanne McDonald Ms. Margaret M Moran

Ms Peggi Howard Mi ind Mrs rhi imas E Killeen Mr. and Mrs Carmen D, Lestino Mr and Mrs Michael L. McDonald Mr and Mrs. Steven L. Moskowtr:

Mr and Mrs.* iary ( 1 1 lowel! Mr andMrs Laurence F. Kilhan Mr. and Mrs. John Lestino Mr and Mrs. Gregory M. McDi mi tugh Ms Anita 1. Moxon

Mrs Mary E 1 1' m i ie Mr. John F. Kinder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Leusncr Mr and Mrs Ronald T McDonson Ms Sandra Mudrick

|. Ms |udith A Huher isi I'h and Susan King Dr. James S. LeVan Ms Mari 1 ranees McElhare Mr Brian M. Mullane

Mr 1 lary B Huddell Mr and Mrs Kevin R King Gary and Eileen G. Lewis Mr and Mrs. Joseph F. McElwee Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mullen

Mi and Mrs. Richard H Huehnet Mr and Mrs 1 )ennis Kinslovi Mr. and Mrs. James D. Libonate Mr s. Margaret C. McEwan Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Mulligan Kir\ hue! anil Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Robert J. Huebner Ms, Alice Mr. Frank J. Lichtner Ms Janet R. McFadden Mr. and Joseph V. Mulhn Mi and Mrs. Kenneth D. Huff Mi and Mis Roben W. Kirker Mr. and Mrs Leland L Lindenmuth Mr John C. McFadden Ms. Mary M. Murphy

Mr. and Mrs, Richard T. Hughes Mr. and Mrs Robert E. Kirkner Mr. and Mrs- William P. List Mr and Mrs Daniel F. McGettigan Ms. Michele Murphy

Mr.and Mr- Michael W. Hulse Mis Patricia E. Kirlm Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lochner Mr and Mrs lames J. McGhee Mr. and Mrs William T. Murphy

Mi |oseph T. Humphries Mr. .mdMrs Robert M Knowles Ms Kathleen A Lochner Mi Joe Mc( iilvery Mr . mil Mrs. Joseph Murray

Mr and Mrs Francis ri Hurgin Mr. andMrs Daniel W Koch Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Lodato Mr and Mis Robert F. McGmley Tracey and Daniel Murray

Mr .ind Mrs Douglas P Huss Russ i- 1 tei m i ind Stei e S< hreibet Mr and Mrs Anrhom A. Lot r redo Mr and Mrs Alex McGivern Mi md Mrs. Michael B. Muscatello

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Huss Ms. Stacey A Kohlbrenner Mr and Mrs William P Pottus Mr and Mrs Francis X. McGlinn Mr and Mrs. Vincent J. Mutarelli

Mr and Mrs Donald W Hutchinson Mr .md Mrs Stephen J. Kopat Mr. and Mrs Joseph M Lombardi Mr and Mrs. Douglas B. McGlothlin Sr. Mi md Mis Donald F, Myers

Mr and Mrs Ernest Hutchinson Mrs M Judith kopec Mr. Rae J. London Mr and Mrs Eugene A. McGonagle Mi and Mrs. Robert A. Naegely

Mr.and Mrs Robert W. Hutz Jr. Mr and Mrs Edw ird 1 Kosinski Mr Joseph C. Loonstyn Mr and Mrs David J. McGrarh Ms. Regma A. Nagle

.Mr and Mrs Mart P Hyde Mr and Mrs R, ibe n Ki i\ at k Mr ind Mr- i hark - B LopcT Mr |osi phT Mc( irath Mr Ronald E, Nagle Loir Mr. and Mrs Francis J. Hyder Mr- Marie E. Kozel Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Mr and Mrs Thomas V. McGrath Mr and Mrs. Joseph G. Nahas Jr.

r 1 . « r \ Mi. and Mrs 1 imes tnnizzotto Mr and Mrs |ohn E. Krall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lott Ms gr. Charles E. McGn Dt and Mrs. Louis Napolitano

1 li.ine ( -! M- M lglesias and Mr- Mire\ P Kramer Mr and Mrs, Thomas J. Louden Jr. Mr and Mrs. William J. McGroarty Sr. Ms. Lynn Natale

Mi and Mrs Robert E . Immerman Ms. Dorothy Krause Mr .md Mrs Robert C Loughnej St Mr and Mrs Michael J. McHale Mr. and Mrs. Eric T- Natwick

M Debra' tngel Mr andMrs Joseph Krolikowski Ms. Rosemane C. Lowe Mr and Mrs Gregory McKeever Mr. and Mrs. Emil A. Nettke Jr. Mr. C irey R Inglee Ms. Laura Krolikowski Mr and Mrs John D. Lowry Mr anil Mrs. Brian E. McKenna Ms. Tanya L. Neitke

1 >i and Mrs. Milton Isaac si in Mr Wolf 1 Krusemark Mr. and Mrs. John E Lowry Mr -. Elizabeth J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Neumann

Mr and Mrs. Aret H Izzet Ms. Kathleen Kubala Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Lu Mr and Mrs, James J. McKenna Ms. Miriam R. New-Ion

Mrs. Sandra L [ablonski Mr and Mrs Man 1 ! Kuchler Mr. Fred M. Ludwig Mr and Mrs. William M. McKeown Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D, Newmaster Mr and Mrs Michael Jacabacci Mr .md Mrs Thomas M Kuchler Mr and Mrs, John A. Luke Mr andMrs Nelson A. McLaren Mr- and Mrs. Khang Ngoc Nguyen

Mr. .ind Mrs. Andrew W. Jackson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A- Kuehn Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Lunn Mr and Mr- Robert C. McLaughlin Dl andMrs. Robert T.Nible

- i il Mi and Mi Bri in D 1 1< s Mr and Mrs John D. Kuesct r Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Luskin Mr and Mrs Joseph McMahon Mr and Mrs. Constantine N. Nichols

Sunnie |ai obs and Vincem Koch Mr and Mrs Sceven A Kuhls Joann and Tom Lynch Mr > 1 lolleen M. McManus Mr- and Mrs. Anthony G. Nicolosi Jr

Ms ( lollotia Jacobson Mrs. Barbara A. (Croul) Kulpa Mr. and Mrs. Richard E L\ nch Mr andMrs William D McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Nissen

| Kulpa P. Soraya [afari, \^D^ Mr. and Mrs Matthew Jr. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Lynch Mr Mark J McNally Dr. and Mrs. Robert S- Nuzhcrg Mr Mrs Mr .ind Michael and and Mrs Ms. Nochera and John 1 Jancuska Mrs P Kump Mr Mrs. James J. Lynn Mr Peter C. McNally Martha R.

Mr. and Mrs Vincent J Jannetti Ms i \ nthia Kumpel Mr and Mrs. John R Lynn Mr and Mrs Richard B. McPherson Ms. Bernadette Nolan Mr. and Mrs Willi, im T jarrett Mr and Mrs Richard Kutchko Mr and Mrs. Richard Lyons Mr .\nA Mrs James McPhtlemy Mr and Mrs. H Vincent Nolan

and Mrs. I |aworski Mr and Mrs Mark R. and Mis ( Ms Lisa Mr. John Kut: Mr and Mrs. Anthony Machcinski Mr lerard I McPhtllips A. Nolan

Mr, and Mrs, Donald V. Jellig Ms. Kimberh, Kuzina Mr andMrs Robert T. Macintosh Mr and Mrs Mark McWilliams Ms. Mirta Nolasco

s. Mr. md Mrs Kevin J Johansen M> Suzanne K. Laborda Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mackell Mr Jane Meagher Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Nolet Mrs. Mrs. Mrs, Mr. and Charles J Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John E, Lacy Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Madron Mr and Anthony M Medoro Mr. and Joseph E. Nolt Jr. Mr and Mrs Derrick A. Johnson Sr. Ms. Cathy M. LaFlamme Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mahney Ms Ann Marie Meehan Ms RhodaH.Nolt

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James P. Lake Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Mahoney Mr and Mrs Dennis J. Meehan Mrs. Susan D. Nonnoyle

Mr. and Mrs Stuart E.Johnson Mrs. Joan H. Lake Ms. Yesenia Maldonado Mr s. Virginia M. Mehrer Mr. and Mis James R Nugent ]r. Ms Barbara Ann |onczyk Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Lalli Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Mallamaci Ms Virginia M. (Tepper) Mehrer Mr. and Mrs. James M Nuskey

Mr. and Mrs. Carl E )i mes Ms. Maryanne C. Lalli Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Malloy Mr and Mrs. Robert J. Mele Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nuss

Mi and Mrs. John W Jones Mr andMrs Ralph E Lalli Mr. Joseph E- Malloy III Mr S. Mary A Meloscia Barbara Ann Nti::olo

Mr, and Ms Oscar Jones Mr. and Mrs Raphael A. Lalli Ms. Sherilyn Mallo: Mr and Mrs. Nicolas Meloscia Mr. and Mrs, Charles J. O'Brien

Robert E. Jones, M I 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Lally Mr. Joseph Malott Ms Jennifer A. Menditto and Family Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O'Brien

M 1 indy F. Joseph Mr and Mrs Thomas 1 ). Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Manesis Mi and Mrs Michael S. Menge Mr. and Mrs. Robert O'Brien

Ri< li and Erin Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Lambros Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mangone Mr and Mrs. Russell B. Menze Mr. and Mrs. William G. O'Connor

Mr Jack Jumper Ms. Lisa LaMonte Mrs Kathleen P. Manning Mr Richard E. Merchant III Mr and Mrs. Lee B. O'Dea

1 l-.imson Mr and Mrs. Brian Junod Mr andMrs Michael Mi ,\nA Mrs. Raymond J. Manning Mr and Mrs Mark Merlini Mr andMrs Michael P O'Dea Mrs Mr and Gerard 1 Junod Mr. and Mrs lames 1 Lane |i Mr-Timothy K Manning Mr and Mrs. Francis T Merrick Paul and Terry O'Donnell



Mr. jnJ Mrs. Lawrence M * V sti rbo Mi and Mr-. Ludwig ( Rafano Mr Edmond 1 1 Salkow ski Ms |( ui M Squitiere therine Turner-Yei-er

• Mr andMrs Paul E O'Keefe Mr andMrs Robert] R iffi rti Mr .in.! Mr [ohn Salmieri David I! Stachowicz, DMD Mr .ind Mr-. Daniel I i rurygan

t Alice '-(Amour Mi .in.! Mrs I Mi and Mrs losephj Olszak Mr Joseph I Ragg |r. Ms. leraldine M Sams Ms. H Michael

I '.mid O'Neill Mi and Mis Petei I Randall Mr. and Mrs Francis N Sanri i Bonnie T Stanli DDS Mr Anthony Ullrich Mr and Mrs A. J J.

Mr- Li i I Mr and Mrs Mil hat I Onufrychuk U Mr niki Mrs. Kenneth H Rant; Mike and Kath) Santmtre Mi and mard St o Mr Thomas J Ullnch

Mr andMrs Joseph G. Opalka Mr and Mrs AngeloRatini Mr. and Mrs Mark \ Sassi K aren Staub Mi ind Mrs. Edtt in A ' :

Mrs Michael ( R.i\ I S. Steele Mi ml Mrs Augustus Underhdl Mr. and Mr-. Christopher J. Opdyke Mr and Ms Maria Sawicl Mr John - Mr [ohn ( )rfao Mi Samuel L. Ray Mr. James A Scallan |r. Mr. and Mrs Mark Steele I nderu .1 Mi Ms. Grace ( )rlandi i Mr and Mrs. Kim R. Raymer Mr. and Mrs Scott M Schaeffer Ms. Millie M Srehr Ralph T.Unkefer Jr.

Mr andMrs Daryl S. Ormont Mi and Mrs. David Raymond S} \\ n and Don Schaller Mr Jerome M Steilen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Unl

in I [ Mr .inJ Mrs. Charles F. Ornish, Mrs Donald Raymond Mr and Mr- Paul J. Scheper Mr and Mrs. loseph Fl Stellabotte Mi Mrs iseph Vaccone

). in I |i Mi MarcoOrorato Mr and Mrs. James Kc.i\e\ Mr. and Mrs DavidC Schlottfeld Mr. Christopher I Stern Mr Mr- ihn J. Valentino in. .ii I Ms. Christine Osisck Ms Linda G. Redding Mr. and Mrs Charles W Mr I Mi Forrest v! Stevens Mi Mrs WillardE. Vandiverji

1- i I Tod, I I Mr and Mrs. Gregory R Oti Mr and Mrs James Reed Mr. and Mrs. Harold J Schneider Jr. Mr. Thomas Stew an Mr. and Mr- Vanett

Sti Mr and Mr- |ohn 1 1 Overpeck Jr. Mr and Mrs. William | Reed 111 Ms. Mary B. Schneider Mr and Mr- Mart in A. me Mary Kathryn, Mike, and Matt Mr and Mrs Richard Owens Mr. andMrs James W Regan Ms Mar\ L Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C Stonis Vaughan

Steven Mrs Mr. .in Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Leonard J Paccionejr. M md Mrs. Patrick M Regan Mr. and Mrs D. Schock Mr. and Howard Strick lei J Tin imas D. Vcitz Ms Mrs Bruno Mr and Mrs. Ronald J. Pace Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Rehdl Kristen M Scholt: Mr. and James T Stringer Mr. M Ventresca

-. i i Samuel and Carolyn Pace Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Reichard Ms. Anna M ^~^-\^r idei Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Stritzl Mi .in. I Mi Ti imas Ventura

- 1. Mr and Mrs. Edward T. Paffett Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Reiliy Mr. and Mrs Richard M. Schramm Jr. Mr. and Mrs Paul Suder Mi .ni.l Mrs. [.urn. 1 Verrillo

Mr. and Mrs [ohn B. Pagliaccetti M Helen ReilK Mr. and Mrs. Curt T. Schulmeistei Mr. and Mrs |ohn J. Sullivan

Ms Francine T Palena Joe, Betsy, and Brenna Reiliy Ms Maureen Schulte Mr John Sullivan Mr and Mr-. David I \ ickers Mr andMrs DavidC Pallas Mr. and Mrs. John B, Reiliy Mr Steve Schult: Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sullivan Franl md Mary Viger

Mr and Mrs Ricardo F Palos Ms SheilaE. ReilU Mr and Mrs Edwin W. Schulz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H Surahi.m Mi and Mr- |oseph I' \ ilord Sussmann and Mi and Mrs. Carl J. Paltjon L. Remeika and R. Remeikiene Ms June M Schulz Ellen and Barr\ Brian B Maureen M Wade

Mrs .in.l Mr- I. III Mr and Mrs. Daniel S Paltjon Mi and Mrs. James J. Rementer Ms Sand) R Schulz Mr. and |ohn Swainson Ji Mi Benjamin A ilbert

Swank Di 'i' ithy Mr. and Mrs. David J. Pah|on Mr and Mrs. Michael J Remy Mr and Mrs. lames Schwab Taul and Penny M- M Waldrcp

S. Mr. and Mrs. Edward j. Sweeney ind Mrs. Walker Ms. Melissa A, Paltjon Mr. and Mrs Michael I Renzi Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schwartz Mr John J. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Pape Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Retter Ms. Margaret Schweikart Mr. and Mrs. Carroll D. Swenson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wallace

Mr ,\nJ Mrs. Raymond J. Paptn Mr. and Mrs Alan Reymann Mrs James Schwender Mr and Mrs. William J. Swift Stephen Wallace and Theresa Kacrich

Ms Rachel Parisse Mr. William HRhemer Mr. and Mi- Anthony N Scibetta Mr and Mrs. Augustine S:myt Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James F \\ llsh

Mr and Mrs Mahendra Patel Mi and Mrs. Alan J. Ricchezza Mr and Mrs Domenic S< i ondi i Mrs, Jane S:ulhorski Ms Linda S Walsh

ill Mrs Lois Pattei ;i m Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Richards III Mr .md Mrs Gilbert I Seg Mi andMrs |ohn M. S:\rnanski Mr and Mrs. Thomas M. Walsh

|r Ms. Eleanor J. Patty Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B Richards Mr. and Mrs Kevin Seip Mr. and Mrs. Bernard T Tabasko Mr. F Bruce Walter

|etlre\ I Mr. and Mrs Francis J. Pelone Ms Mildred A. Richardson Mr md Mrs Randall L Selah Mr. and Mrs Brian M. Talenco Mr. and Mr- Walton

Mr. and Mrs Francis B. Pendola Mr andMrs. Frank L. RickardsIN Mr. and Mr- David \ Se} moui Ms Audrey I Talley Mr. and Mrs. William R Ward

Ms. 1 lanielle Pennabakei Ms. Jacqueline L RickarJs M- I aroh, H S Shaffer Mr. and Mrs Thomas M Tammani Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warren

Mr andMrs Matthew F. Penniman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Riddle Mr. and Mrs. Rohert L. Shaffer Mr. and Mrs Donald Tasu.i Ms |ac K n A asmund

Mr Norton B. Pereira Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Rigolizzo Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shalit Mr. Nicholas Tate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F Waters [i

L. Wawr;ynek Ms. Gail A. Perfetti Ms Rosemary Riley Mr Kevin I Shanle} Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Tayloi h Mr. and Mrs. Joseph

Mi andMrs Raymond P. Perfetti Mr. and Mrs- Lawrence S Rinaldi Mr. and Mrs Kevin E. Shanoski Ms. Nanc\ 1 1 Taylor Mr. md Mrs. Bruce Waxman

Ms Diane E Pema Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Riordan 111 Mr. and Mrs Flarvev Shapiro Mr and Mrs Rohert S Taylor Mr and Mr- Dennis A axman

Mr and Mrs. John Peselli Mr. and Mrs. Clinton L- Robertson M- Mi mique T Shapiro Ms Mary Jean Tecce DeCarlo Mr NealWebb

Mr. and Mrs Michael F Peterson Mr and Mrs. Andrew Robinson Mr and Mrs i Irani M Shai p Susan Terranova Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P Webstet ^r

Mr and Mrs Gary M. Phelan Ms Lynn S Roccanello Mr MichaelR Sheehy Mrs. Judith A Terrill Mr andMrs Robert C Weckesser Jr

1 ) .in.l I Mr. and Mrs ^cott C. Philips Mr and Mrs. Jesse W Roche Mr. William I Sheridan )i Mi [oseph Terry Mr Mr- William Weigle

Michael Thomas F |r Mr- i iregor^ \\ Thistle Mr Mr- Mr. Ralph M. Pickering Mr. and Mrs. I Rodden Mr. Shive Mr. and md Daniel A Weingarten

Mr. and Mrs Andrew E. Pierce Mr. and Mrs (. !hristopher B. Rodgers Arthur B Shostak, Ph D Mr. and Mrs. Mathevv S. Thomas M - I eah f" Weir

Ms. Margaret S. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rogan Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Siegelbaum Mi and Mrs Gerald D. Thompson Ms Mm P Weiss

Mr andMrs. William B. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. ( lei irge ( Ri ihi mcz} Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Siegfried Mr. Rohert W. Thompson Mr and Mrs. Patrick J. Welch

Mi and Mrs. Oliver Pieretti Mr David J.Rohr Mr. David M Sigall Mr. and Mrs. William S. Thompson Mr andMrs loin, I. Welsh Jr

Mr and Mrs. Leonard W Pietrzak Mr. and Mrs. David K. Rokes Ms Ellen Silverstein Ms Barbara A Tice Mi .in,! Mrs. John E Wendling

Ms. Stephanie Prgnetti Ms Wendy Roland Mr. and Mrs. Edward A Silvej Mr. Rodney R. Tice Mr and Mrs |a\ -\ Wengei Mrs Mr. and Thomas J. Pilot Mr and Mrs. R. Kent Roman Mr. Sumie A. Simon The Honorable and Mrs. Arthur Ms Irene Went: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pmgue h David and Sue Ann Romanek Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simpson R.Trlson Mr and Mrs. William A. West

Mr. and Mrs John Piree Ms t Catherine Romeo Mr and Mr- ( Carmine \ Sinobio Mr. and Mrs. Enck Timber and Mr and Mrs Robert V Wetzel

Mr. andMrs Philip M. Pitis Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E Romero Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Sir.ivo Jr Children Mr Michael R. Wheeler

Mr. and Mrs Jack Polsenberg Mr |ohn J. Ronan Mr. Brian Skellan Mr andMrs Eugene Tirado Mr. and Mrs. James M. White

Mr and Mrs. Alphonso Pompeo Mr. Patrick Ronan Mr andMrs Allan' i Skewers Mr and Mrs. Frank Tischner Mr in I J. Donald M.Wil \

Louise E. jr Mrs Mi Ms. K. Pompilii Mr. and Mrs. John Rom Mr. and Charles L. Skibbe 111 Mr and Mr> |acob I Steven C. Wilansky

Ms. Margit Pi mg-1 h mstyn Ms Sandra Rosario Mr. and Mrs Francis L Slane Mr. and Mrs Paul O Toland Mr Thomas A. Williams

i Dr and Mrs. Brian R. Port I li harles and Dr. Karen Rose Mr. Levi E. Smalls Mr. and Mrs William Toland Mi .in. I Mr-, li'lni R A ilson

Mr and Mrs Raymond Porter Mr and Mrs James J Roszkowski Mr. John R Smart Mr and Mrs Martin B. Toner Mr and Mrs. S Robert Winstanley

Ms [anei A Porto Mi B\ ron Roye Ms. Barbara A- Smith Mr. and Mrs [ tonald W Torrens Mr and Mrs. Ronald D Winterbergei

Ms Mildred K. Portuguese Mr and Mrs. Raymond P Rudick Mr. and Mrs. I tennis B Smith Ms sretanic Torrens Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M Witko

Mrs. P. Dr and Joseph Potosk^ Mi and Mrs |amesR Rudolph Mr. and Mrs Francis J. Smith Ms. Isabel Toto Mr and Mr- David l> Wiculsk.

I; Mr and Mrs. Richard Poynton Mr- and Mrs Paul P. Rudolph Sr Mr. and Mi- I urn.- A •smith Mr. and Mrs Michael A TotO Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K A

i ! Mr and Mrs Iraig O Preis Mr. and Mrs. William ERutt Mr. and Mrs lames ! "smith Mr. and Mrs. Tony Toto Mi and Mrs. Robert Woolsron

Mr and Mis John I Prendt rgasl Mr. and Mrs HilconL.Rush Rev Msgi Joseph P.T Smith xMr. and Mrs James R. Trainer Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Prendergast Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T Russell Ms. Teresa C. Smyth Mr. and Mrs Robert Tramaghni Mr. and Mrs. Richard A Wright

Mi in. 1 Mrs Robert A. Pressei h Mr and Mrs. Louis D. Russo Mr and Mrs. Carl L. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. James F. Tramel Mi and Mrs. Samuel Ybhannan

I 'i 1 i Ms trie* 1 Pres >\e\ Mi md Mrs teorge R Ruth Mr. and Mr- Raymond D Snyder Mr ind M;- Santo Trapani Mr andMrs David H Young

Ms.Candace A Pridemore Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ruth Mr Rohert D. Snyder Mr and Mr- Jeltrev Travaline Mr Wendell \L Young HI

Mr and Mrs Richard L- Propp Mi and Mr. Edward L Ryan Megan ami Nick Sola o Mr. and Mrs. |ohn C. Tr.n ei - Mr and Mr- William H Young

Ms. Christina I. Pullella Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Ryan Mr inJ Mi- WernerS Sontagh Mr and Mrs Edward G. Tngnani Mi hi. I Mr- |aime / thallero

Ms. Margarel M Purack Mr andMrs. Michael J Rykaczewski Mr and Mrs Jonathon P.S] lai Mr ind Mrs Walter Trollman Mr. md Mrs. Paul 0. Zaehrv

1 Mr and Mrs William Pvle Ms. Alice J. Saathoff Mr and Mrs Michael D. Spinelli Mi Mark N Trudel Mr and Mr- I i\ id * i. Zahka

Mr andMrs William J Quiglei Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A Sabol Mr. and Mrs Louis D Spino Mr and Mrs Beiim Tucker Ms. Elena Zelman

Ms Florence E. Quinn Mi and Mrs. Eugene J. Sakal Mr. and Mrs Preston Spivey Mr and Mrs Edward F Tulskie Mr and Mr- Steven M Ziegter Mrs. Mr. and John A. Quinn Mr and Mrs. Joseph Salchert Mr. Joseph P. Spollen Mr. and Mrs Anthony J. Turchi

NK Margaret G. Quinn Michael J Salchert, P.A Ms C in iU Spi ingei R ilej Mr. and Mrs Thomas Turner

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 37 1 1 )

I linniss, 1 Faculty vnd Stafi Brothei Michael Mc( Jonathan Knappenbi rger, Ph D Mi Moysius I Ballistj nelia Tsakirido

[ 1 -1 -i . Ph D Mi Stephen 1 Kopei Mi |am< I Behi Mi lulie R Valenti

I . y; Brothei lohn I McGoldrick, S.( Nikolas Kozel Deboi 1I1 (1 iy)and loshua Buch, Ph.D Ms Mar* M W.nn

PRESI Ph D Mr Louis A Lamorte h Mai i-ui C ' (Morion) and

Karen and Matthew S McManness I rant ine and Herb Lottiei lames S Butcher

( |i Brothei Emi ry Mi illenhauer, Mi ihn I M.ilone Mr. Jeremiah M Butler

I 3d ,Ph.D \oo\1 Mickle.Ph.D Ms SarahP Cadbun

<\^\ 1 t Elaine O Mshomba Richard E. loseph P M ley, Ph 1 Ms Christine M ( ihil

I \l Lee and LUB thomba J. Annette (KoSOTOg) MarieD andFrancisN ( unwell 111 Government Brorhei It. VanNguyen.1 S.I ,Ph.D ( )'( onnor, Ph.D. Ms Sarah H. Clthn Grants Mr. Edward A Nickerson Michael 1 O'Donnell Garyl Clal iugh,Ed.D ,' ;!l: Hi, |

( Brother - |ohn Owen-, i 5 I ( hristine and * iei irge \ * M.D Perfecky, Annemarie F (Organ) larke, Ph.D Ped.D Ph D Ms Rosemary ( lorn er^ Commonwealth of Rai I \ and Kathryn (Barcis) Ms GloriaM Pugliese Rosemarie R. (McConomy) and Pennsylvania UNi\ I I'M I i ( LUB Ricci Mi lack M Rappapori Joseph |. DeFelice, I sq

(Sio.ooa Si4 i Brother David E Rogers, I S.I Michael A. Redmond, Ph D Rev James T Dever, OSFS Department of Labor and Industry

Peggl and [act Seydow Paul and Kathleen E Really Mi William 1 DeVito Drs.ZancR andCharlesJ WolfTll J. (Philadelphia Workforce Theresa K Travis and John F. Gill David Robison, Ph.D. Mr Thomas A. Di( )amillo I Brothei i S.C..Ph.D Investment Board; Life Science Zook,l Mr. Edward A. Turzanski |ohn I Rooney.Ph.D Henri W Dmochowski, Ph.D. |ohn D PA Career Alliance)

'-in 1 1- Mr Tre> P I inch Ri md Fi in< I Ryan, Ed.D. ( hristine M. (Donahue) and lnno> .it ive Initiative Position

Brothei (oseph I Willard, F.S.( Elizabeth A. Scofi< Id and I Patrick Doogan 1 in in b u. her Club Simulation Coordinator Position James I ord Peter C J. and Frances (Kozul) D'( Jrazio 1.999) Loaned Faculty Position loseph Seltzer. Ph. P. ( etta M. and William Doyle Founders Club J Jr. R. Mr Brian Elderton Prof. George I Shotzbarger Ms Maureen Doyle (s 5 1 Pennsylvania Higher Education ( Brothei iabriel A. Fagan, F.S.( !., Phi"). (English Depi I AoneF EJlin, PhD. Ms Robinette (Ramsey) Barnes Assistance Agency Bruce A Leauby, Ph.D Stephen R and Sharon (Risa) Mr Daniel V. Ert: WAGE Program \nn.t James A and Maryanne R. Bednar, (( i lenza) and Michael I Starr, MSN Ms Susan M Ferrara Ph.D M, Meei Thomas S. Straub, Ph.l >. Ms Erin M. Finn Re\ Francis Bern... O I'M Department of Education Minus, J I lames F. and Margaret M M< Mr. Richard Si r 1SS1 I loan P Frizzell, Ph I', R.N. Act 101, Academic Discovery Program Ph.D. Susan ( Borkowski, Ph D Kathryn A Szabat, Ph D Ml Andrew N. Gettes Suzanne Boyll, Ph Act 14' (YMCAol Philadelphia and D Mr. William F. Wiegman 111 Ms Bernadette Gillen PaulR, Brazina,< PA Vicinity), Adult Learning Project San M iguei Club Mr Mai the» Gionta Beth Harper Briglia ( 1 "iiMe " ( s Ms iiugliano ( ^ SOO ') Anniversary m Club of Maria *• atanzaro Department Public Welfare Ana Earl Goldberg, Ed.D., APRN, and

'77 <- "onnections Initiative i Community William N Allen, ind "inn losephj Cicala, Ph.D.,and lohanna Yurkow, MSN, CRNP Melnyl Mien, '80, '02 Joanne Conlon, Ed.D. E. M A C John Beatty, Ph D Patricia B. and Charles Haherstroh,

I In ."i\ ( olfet !:. I Commission on Crime O and Patricia M Bruce Mr. Edward W |i David Beebi PhD Brothei |oseph F. Burke, F.S.< Dr. John F. Connors Vd Mi loseph A. Birstei and Delinquency Ms. Mildred L (Hogate) 1 lopper

Mr Joseph I )< mi n an Michael and Mar\ Ellen Gilbert lames A Butler, Ph * Liquor Control Board W D Mr, Joseph T. Humphries

Brother E.Gerald Fitzgerald, F.S.C Mr John S t Jrady Sr. t Mi Matthew M ( Ihverchko Rev. ( arl F Janicki

Marianne (Salmon) and Siegfried Mi Stephen ( Greb \un ( iardnei ( ranston Pingjun (June) Jiang Federal Government

I Arthur and ( Gauss Elizabeth irover Preston D. Feden, Ed.D. Mrs Barbara A. (Croul) Kulpa

( ,,[ii..>l t ileber, Ph.D. Rev Kenneth P.J Hallahan DonnaR Fiedler, Ph D Mr Peter W. Lattem National Science Foundation

Brother Joseph L. Grabenstein, I S.I Alice L. Hoersch, PhD Mr. William Gei tbel J. Dolores Lehr. Ph.D. Mathematics and Science Partner- Brother Charles E Gresh, 1 SJ Mr.RobertC Krohjr. Mr Dennis P Graeber Ling Liang, Ph D ship of Greater Philadelphia Thomas and Elizabeth R. Mr. Raymond L Ksiazek * KevinJ.Harty, Ph.D. J. laiui A (Whyte) Linaweavei Computer Science Engineering and Mi Lend (Leneweaver) Lochnei Sidney 1 Mai Jr. Ms. Regina M Hierholzei laime 1 Longo and Michael P, Mathematics Scholarship Program Ms Kathleen (Scotti) McNichol Mr. James | McDonald Ms Helene Holmes Gallagher

Brothei Thomas McPhillips, Marc R. Moreau, Ph.D, Ms l> tyce Hunlev Mr John M. Mackin Department of Health and F.S.C., Hi D Ms. ( ieorgette M Most Mr KyleM Jakob MarvellenC (Malakt M Madden Human Services Broth* f ( ierard F. Molyneaux, Mr. David Q. Otwell Geffrey B. Kelly, STD, Ph.D., LL D. Mr Francis T. Ma Hon Community, Based Abstinence F.S.C., Ph.D Dr Mar\ Anne A Peters Ms. Leen Khalifa Mi lames Mancinelh Edut ation Program

I Mi I imes Mullan |ohn \ Smith, Ed.D EvelynR Klein, Ph.D., CCC/SLP Ms J, mine M Mariscotti Advanced Education Nursing Mi * Robert I O'Brien Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Tekcl Mr. William E, Kline Ph.D.* John J. McCann, Program Dr. and Mrs. John Sweeder Anne M. Walsh, DSW Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mast io Ms Barbara J. McDonald Scholarships tor Disadvantaged James A- Talaga, Ph D Jeanne Welsh. Ph D Virginia B. Modla, Ph.D. Sister Roseanne McDougall, SHCJ Students Mi Mm B Wendell MaribelW Molyneaux, Ph.D. Mi Lawrence J. McElroy Advanced Education Nursing Bonni H. Zetick, Ph.D. Lane B Neubauer, Ph.D. Chairman's Club Ms M,ii\ k McGettigan Trainee-ship

Patti R. Zuzelo, Ed.D., R N I 5 Mr. Robert A Nvcc (SJ S2 499) Steven I Meisel, Ph I Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship Andrea Z. Okagawa Ms. Rebecca M (Coccia) Messa Bangs, F.S.C., Brother Arthui I Ph D Phillips Mr. Thomas R, Mr. Robert B. Miedel Ugo Donini Club Department of Edward K. and Janice M. Beit:, Education Mr. Matthew F. Sinn h (5250 Sr. Mr. L Martin Miller PhD, R.N. 5499) Section 121 (YMCA of Philadelphia Mr. David M. Stever Ms Donna V. Mills and Vicinity), Adult Learning Edic A. and Norbert F. Belzer, Ph D, Lester B. Barenhaum, Ph.D. William M Sullivan, Ph D Diane Montague, Ph.D. Ellen and Thomas M. Brennan, Ed.D Ms. Joyce Bei Project Ms AllisonC (Murphy) Taylor Mrs Amber Elizabeth Mullen * Brother Daniel Burke. F.S.C, Ph.D. Ms. Lynda G, Black Dr Donna A. Tonrey Ms Kathryn J. Nardella Brother Edward Conway, F.S.C. Joseph V Brogan, Ph D r. . Local Government M Cha rles H Tor pe y III Mr Peter J.Obst John A. Dully Jr. Ph D Ms. Genevieve M Carlton foan Mint; Ulmer and Ray Ulmer Mr (Horace G. Owens Mr. Gregory J- Fala Mr. Jon C. Carouhs Frederick City of Philadelphia Van Fleteren, Ph.D. Elizabeth A Paulin, Ph.D. Kathleen and P. and Swee-Lnti CBagnell) John May Chia LiaC. Van Rijswijl Title V, Health Intervention Program Ms. Ms. Rose L. Pauline

Finnegan David I Cichowicz, Ph.D Mr. Charles A. « hit. Mark and Bernice Purcell Step-Up Program Mrs. Fred J. Foley Jr., Ph.D. Mr. and John F. Dolan Ms. LEAP Program Mary L. WilK |ohn F Reardon, Ed.D JohnC FuscoJr.,CPA Mr 1 '.iv id ( Fleming Jr Zone- Samuel J. Wiley, Ph.D. Empowerment Ms Sarah J- Rooney John Giannini, Ph.D. Richard Goedkoop, Ph.D. * lohnP Rossi, Ph.D. Charles A.J. Halpin Jr., D Mr. Perry Golia J Donors LeoD Rudnytzky.Ph D School District of Philadelphia Brother John Kane. F.S.C. Ms. Felicia H. Gordon-Riehman Mrs ( "Iieryl Ruffin * (Up E0S159) Joseph A. Kane, Ph.D. Mr. James K. Gulick Jr. Ms. Barbara A. Santone Dual Enrollment Program Thomas A. and Kay L. Keagv Ms. Corynda L. (Williams) Hagamin Mrs Susan E. Adams Mr. Bertram L. Strieb * Michael I Kerlin, Ph.D. t Dr Howard L Hannuin Marjorie Allen, Ph.D. S. Pennsylvania Ms. Kathryn J. Swank Southeast Area

I Brother Robert I Kinzler, S.< Lawrence Byrnes and Teresa [ackson Anonymous Ms Belinda Taylor Health Education Center Mi Leon \ I aRosa Jr Judith A (Drobile) and Daniel P Mr. Joshua A. Ash I 'i Lynne A Texter

\ Mr. and Mrs John L. McCloski Joyce Jr. M.irv Ellen Balchunis, Ph 1 Mrs. Evelyn Torres



CAMPUS EXPANSION AND Alumni Association to Bestow Awards DEVELOPMEI Crews at La Salle on University, Community Leaders continued on-campus improvements over This November, La Salle's Alumni Association will bestow the summer months. awards upon individuals who have dedicated their service to Work has progressed La Salle and to the community. Al Cantello, '55, will receive the on Holroyd Hall, John J. Finley, '24, Award and Jane Golden will receive the Signum Fidei Medal. featuring the Hugh '24, The John J. Finley, Award honors a La Salle graduate who has exhibited and Nancy Devlin outstanding leadership service to the University. The award is named after Finley, and Center for Science a former Alumni Association president who was known to many as "Mr. La Salle." and Technology.

Cantello, Head Coach of the cross country team at the United States Naval Preparations have Construction at the Academy in Annapolis, Md., has been a catalyst for countless La Salle projects, begun to construct Shoppes at La Salle

including the construction of the Verdeur Memorial in Hayman Hall, the "Arboretum the building's new

Project," the Butcher Memorial, the construction of Wetzler Track, and the organizing wing, and the center of the only NCAA Cross Country meet ever held at La Salle. is on track for a fall 2009 reopening. The site work has been completed and A charter member of the La Salle University Hall of Athletes, Cantello has been most of the foundation has been laid named NCAA Mid-Atlantic Regional Coach of the Year three times. In 1997, he for the Shoppes at La Salle, located received both the Distinguished Athletic Leadership Award from the Naval Academy on the former Good Shepherd property. Alumni Association and the Tom Hamilton Teaching/Coaching Award. Cantello Construction also continues on West competed for the U.S. Olympic Team in 1960 and once held every national and Campus as crews have begun work international record in the javelin. He was voted world's greatest competitor in the on a two-story glass atrium and terrace javelin by Sport magazine in 1964. off Wister Street. A pedestrian bridge, Since 1942, the Signum Fidei Medal has honored individuals beginning on Mam Campus near the or groups for their contributions to humanitarian principles San Miguel Townhouses, will link to and for upholding the mission and goals of La Salle University the atrium and lead into the lobby. and the Christian Brothers. Signum Fidei, which means "sign Work should be completed this fall. of faith," is the motto of the Christian Brothers. Elements Cafe also recently opened

Golden's commitment to service as Director of Phildelphia's in St. Benilde Tower on West Campus. Mural Arts Program highlights two important vocations of La Salle LA SALLE UNIVERSITY RECENTLY and the Christian Brothers. Through the Mural Arts Program, HAS Golden helps make education accessible and simultaneously RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING GRANTS: beautifies many of Philadelphia's forgotten neighborhoods. • Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: one-year grant of The Mural Arts Program has become world-renowned under Golden's leadership, $13,500 for the Collegiate Athletic and she received an honorary doctorate from La Salle in 2005. Alcohol Prevention Project. Before coming to Philadelphia, Golden was Director and co-Founder of the Los Angeles • ConvaTec, a division of E.R. Squibb Public Arts Foundation. She worked with Philadelphia's Anti-Graffiti network for and Sons: $77,714 research grant 11 years, where she introduced graffiti artists to painting and helped them complete to the School of Nursing and Health court-appointed workshops in Philadelphia churches and schools. Sciences for a project titled In 1984, Golden began an effort to revitalize city neighborhoods by working diligently "Validating Solutions R Algorithms to make the Anti-Graffiti Network a comprehensive and collaborative program. She has for Use with Registered Nurses." helped the Mural Arts Program become the most successful of its kind in the nation • Pennsylvania Higher Education and has helped hundreds of artists and volunteers dedicate their talents to creating Foundation: $220,000 Nursing more than ., 2,400 murals citywide. , ' —Liz Vareo Education Grant and $16,877 Independence Blue Cross Supple- CORRECTION mental Nursing Education Grant

An article in the news section of the Summer 2008 edition of La Salle Magazine listed for scholarship assistance for an incorrect timeframe for Brother Michael J. McGmniss' third five-year term as La Salle full-time undergraduate BSN

President. Br. Michael's third term will run from July 1, 2009, until June 30, 2014. students during 2008-09.

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 39 Commenc Graduates included 457 students from 27 states outside Pennsylvania and 29 students from 19 countries outside the United States.

Degrees and Certificates awarded: 1,544

• Doctoral 18 Associate's 4.

• Master's 506 Certificates bachelor's 892 ^ R

Prominent Philadelphians Receive Honorary Degrees at La Salle

During spring Commencement, La Salle invested in cities from Washington, D.C., of the Graduate

University awarded honorary degrees to to Newark, N.J. Program in two Philadelphia natives who have made Professional Ciarrocchi, a graduate of Rosemont significant contributions in their fields. Communication at La Salle. College, began her career in radio in

Jeremy Nowak, President of The Wilmington, Del. She soon moved into Ciarrocchi said some of her most Reinvestment Fund (TRF), and Pat television as an anchor, reporter, and memorable career moments were report-

Ciarrocchi, anchor for CBS 3 Eyewitness producer for WHAG-TV in Hagerstown, ing live from the Vatican. Most recently,

News at noon, received the honor for Md. Ciarrocchi joined CBS 3 in 1982 she reported live from Washington, D.C. dedication to their profession and to anchor the early morning news. From during Pope Benedict XVI's first papal commitment to their community. 1991 to 1992, she co-hosted Evening visit to the United States.

Magazine, traveling to places such as As founder of TRF in 1985, Nowak Through her work at CBS 3, Ciarrocchi Great Britain and Israel for special reports. has been committed to earned a Philadelphia Emmy Award. She also served as the station's medical rebuilding cities while In addition, she won the Gabriel Award reporter for five years. creating opportunities from the National Catholic Association

for low-income "From covering the news of the day to of Broadcasters and the Sarah Award

families. Nowak, developing the health beat in this region, from the local Women in Communications.

who grew up in Pat has kept her responsibility to viewers In 2000, she was inducted into the Philadelphia's West front and center throughout her career," Philadelphia Broadcast Pioneers Hall

Oak Lane section said Michael Smith, Ph.D., associate of Fame for her accomplishments in near La Salle, said professor of communication and Director the television industry.

his focus on revitalizing urban communities came from


been developed in underserved Pennsyl- history behind them and a different journey ahead of them— / vania communities. Last summer, this but they are forever members of the La Salle community. /

initiative to a helped secure Fresh Grocer In addressing his fellow graduates, Costello said, I supermarket as part of the future Shoppes "La Salle, as a community, can be described aptly in one \ at La Salle on Chew Avenue, marking word: reaching. When my professors planned my future \ the neighborhood's first grocery store with me rather than for me, they were reaching out to me. \ in more than 40 years. When the University reviewed my application and made me

TRF's financing has resulted in the an offer, they reached out to me." creation of 17,000 housing units, 30,000 Costello, an English major from the Roxborough section of Philadelphia, served as charter school and child-care placements, a student writing tutor, was named a University Writing Fellow, and was selected as a and 6 million square feet of commercial member of the Honors Program Board. He was also a writer and editor for the Collegian,

real estate. The organization has more the student-run newspaper, and was involved in The Masque theater group. Costello than $450 million in assets and has hopes to continue his education by pursuing a graduate degree in theater. —Amy Gardner Cranston


First Co-op Scholars Graduate Accounting Professor Leauby Receives Lindback Award

At a La Salle field hockey game a few years

ago, a player waved

to a man watching on

the sidelines. "Is that

your dad?" a teammate asked. "No," she replied, "he's my

(Standing, from left) Sean Henry, lohn (lack) Quinn, Penelope (Penny) Grob, Director accounting professor!" of the Business Scholars Co-op Program, Edward Fierko, '63, Darlene Fierko. Gregory It is not rare for Bruce Bruce. Dean Emeritus of the School of Business and Director of the Business Scholars A. Leauby, Ph.D., Co-op Program. Paul Brazina. Dean of the School of Business, and Matthew (Matt) Lambie. associate professor (Seated, from left) Jessica Runyen. Angelica Mota, Michael Cieri. Kathryn (Kate) Dougherty, and Samantba Still. Not pictured are Amanda Cassetta and Stefania Veneziale. of accounting, to Provost Richard Nigro. Ph.D.. and Bruce A. Leauby. Ph.D. be cheering for his La Salle's first class of students in the Business Scholars Co-op students at extracurricular activities. "I tell the parents while Program graduated this spring. All of the students completed

their children are students at La Salle, I will treat them like two full-time work assignments totaling 12 months of experience my own," Leauby said. in their chosen career fields, all while fulfilling course requirements For his dedication both inside and outside the classroom, that allowed them to stay on track and graduate in four years. Leauby received the 2008 Lindback Award for Distinguished La Salle has corporate partnerships with numerous well-known Teaching as part of Commencement ceremonies. organizations to give students co-op and networking opportunities. "I was in total shock," Leauby said. "It means a lot to This year's graduating co-op students worked at Charming me

to be recognized for something that I love to do." Shoppes Inc., Ernst & Young LLP, 160over90, Johnson &

Johnson, KPMG, SAP America Inc., the Philadelphia Eagles, Leauby came to La Salle in 1989, teaching courses such and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, among other companies. as taxation, auditing, financial accounting, and health-care finance. For the past eight years, Leauby also has taught Edward J. Fierko, '63, provided a generous gift that launched a course that combines one of his financial accounting the Business Scholars Co-op Program, but his involvement did linked with an English composition class, providing a cross- not end there. Fierko has continued to be generous with his classes disciplinary experience. time by participating in classes as well as Bankers Day, Executives on Campus, and the Ethics Lecture Series. Those who nominated Leauby for the award said he is

"the personification of the Lasallian tradition" and "is always Fierko and his wife, Darlene, continue to support the Business prepared, very innovative, and very enthusiastic in class." Scholars Co-op program by funding multiple scholarships for —Amy Gardner Cranston students who may otherwise not have been able to attend La Salle.


(From left) Diane Leibinger. La Salle Switzerland Club President. Frank Sutterlin, Oliver Marc Steudler, Sunny Ifeanyi George Nwogor Markus Christoph

Geissmann, Giuseppe Amato. Wolfgang Holzgreve, M.D.. and Joseph Ugras. Ph.D.. Dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Studies, celebrate

Commencement in Basel, Switzerland, where seven people graduated from La Salle s Master of Business Administration program in January. This year.

La Salle's Master of Arts in Professional Communication and Public Relations in Athens. Greece, graduated 17 students who came from Greece. Albania.

Jordan. Ukraine, and the United States.

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 41 notes

19 5 John J. Kintsch (B.S.) of Warminster, Karen M. Fischer, '94, and Pa., celebrated his granddaughter Michelle Peter A. Ganatra. '94, were

Kintsch's graduation from La Salle in May 2008. married on Nov. 3,2007. Several of their Sigma Epsilon

fraternity brothers and Alpha 19 5 1 Herbert F. Patrick (B.A.) of Wilhams- Theta Alpha sorority sisters town, N.J., retired from the Social Security were in attendance. Administration since 1987, has been a substitute

teacher at Wilhamstown High School since Top photo: (Back row, from

1990. At age 80, he is the school's oldest left) Chris Gibson. '93. Karen substitute teacher. (Fischer) Ganatra, '94. Pete Ganatra, '94, Dave Murphy,

'92, and Jim Niland, '94. 19 5 2 Frank A. Barrett (B.S.) of Sea Isle (Seated, from left) Chris Miller, City, N.J.. welcomed his seventh grandchild, Gene Volpe, '92, Joey Martin, Tatum, in December 2007. and Brian Gillespie, 'S3.

1953 • REUNION YEAR Bottom photo: (Back row, from left) Jackie (Loker) Galvin, '94, Karen (Fischer) Ganatra, '94, Pete Ganatra, '94.

and Jennifer (Hallinan) LaSerre, '95. (Seated, from 19 5 6 Anthony A. DiPrimio, Ph.D. (B.S.) left) Heather (McKenzie) DeVico, '94. and Kristine of Turnersville, N.J., was appointed to a (Hodgkiss) Horn, 92. second term as Chairman of the Department

of Administrative Sciences at Holy Family University. 19 6 5 John H. Uelses (B.A.) of Valley Center, His textbook, Managing Corporate 19 6 8 Dennis F. Calif., a former world-record-holding pole Communications, was recently published by O'Brien (B.A.) of Newtown, Pa., was sworn in vaulter, was honored for his work to promote Cengage Learning. as Mayor of Newtown in May 2008. He also the sport of pole vaulting during the opening serves as President of the Board of Newtown George J. Jr. (B.A.) of of the 18th annual Pole Vault Wagner Southampton, ceremony Summit Library Co. N.J., celebrated his 56th wedding anniversary at the Livestock Events Center in Reno, Nev.

with his wife, Betty, in June 2008. 196 9 William R. Sasso, Esq. (B.A.) of Hon. Joseph C. Visalli (B.S.) of Wildwood, N.J., Philadelphia, Pa., has been appointed Vice- has retired after 22 years on the Cape May 1958 Robert H. Chair of the Pennsylvania Board of Law (B.A.) County Superior Court bench. Morro of Drexel Hill, Pa., was honored, Examiners. He has served as Chairman of along with his wife, Peg, with the Dr. George Stradley Ronon since 1994 and is member 19 6 6 Robert E. Gerhardt, M.D. (B.S.) of Morton lllman Award from the Malta Boat of La Salle's Board of Trustees. Club for long-time service and volunteer work Wayne, Pa., retired in 2004 as Chief of the Section on Renal Diseases and Hypertension to the Philadelphia rowing community. He is Francis J. Sullivan, Esq. (B.A.) of Yardley, Pa., at Pennsylvania Hospital and Clinical Professor Secretary of the Dad Vail Regatta and helps has been appointed President of the Family of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania to coordinate other competitive rowing events Service Association of Bucks County. that take place on the Schuylkill River. School of Medicine. He earned a Master of Arts in the history of art from the University 19 7 William T. Belden of Lancaster, Pa., is Charles J. Reinhardt (B.S.) of Bedford, Texas, of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Arts and PNC Bank's Vice President of Business Develop- sold ZIP Cleaners and University and Linen Sciences in May 2008. ment in its PNC Wealth Management division. Rental, which served 11 counties in Texas

and had 85 employees, in 2005 after being Walter J. Plagens Jr. (B.A.) of Holiday, Fla., 19 7 1 Richard E. Kreipe, M.D. (B.S.) of in business for 38V2 years. He and his wife, coaches an 18 and older adult basketball Rush, N.Y., is President of the Society for Marge, will celebrate their 50th wedding league, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Adolescent Medicine, an international multi- anniversary in September 2008. at the Holiday Recreation Center. disciplinary professional organization devoted to supporting the health of adolescents. 196 3 Hon. John 196 7 Warren W. Faulk, Esq. (B.A.) of Haddonfield, N.J., has been nominated by A. Sweeney of Florence, N.J., has retired from Neil F. Nigro (B.S.) of Wallingford, Pa., retired New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine to be the next Burlington County Superior Court. He had from the U.S. Postal Service in 2007 after Camden County Prosecutor. He is a longtime served since 1992 and was the county's 34 years of service. highest-ranking judge. After taking some time civil trial attorney and a partner at Westmont, Connery. off, he plans to work for a Philadelphia N.J. -based Brown and William M. Siegle (B.S.) of Moorestown, N.J.,

that is opening an office in Mount Holly, N.J. retired from the ACE Group in 2008 after Andrew M. Jurek (B.S.) of Wilhamstown, N.J., 30 years. has been performing with a theater group, the 19 6 4 John W. Lynn Jr., CIC, CPIA (B.S.) Way Off Broadway Players, for the past six years. of Philadelphia, of Medford, N.J., is a partner in the Dalton George A. Tomezsko (B.A.) Pa., recently revised Insurance Agency in Glassboro, N.J. He has updated and one of his James T. McAvoy (B.A.) of Pottstown, Pa., completed a one-year term as President books, Flawed Foundings, to include a chapter has been named a deacon by the Archdiocese of the Professional Insurance Association on the political philosophy of the Confederacy. of Philadelphia at St. Elizabeth's Parish in of the State of New Jersey. Uwchlan, Pa.


1972 Stephen M. Hoffman Jr. (B.S.) of Gerald J. Kochanski, CPA (B.S., MBA '84) of algebra II at Holy Ghost Preparatory School in

San Francisco, Calif., is the head of Baning Warminster, Pa., has been appointed Chief Bensalem, Pa. He was one of 50 state winners Supervision and Regulation for the 12th Financial Officer of Nephros Inc., a medical of an award from the Siemens Foundation for

Federal Reserve District at the Federal device company. exceptional achievement in teaching Advanced Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Placement science, math, and technology. 1976 Antoinette (Giampaolo) Guerra Donald J. DeGrazia, CPA, ABV (B.S.) of 197 3 William L. (B.A., MBA '82) of Philadelphia, Pa., recently Cherry Hill, N.J.. has been appointed Global Stulginsky (B.S.) of Media, Pa., has been celebrated her daughter Janine's graduation Chairman of Integra International, a worldwide appointed Chairman of the Board of the Visiting from Temple University's Beasley School association of independent accounting firms. Nurse Association of Greater Philadelphia. of Law and her son Joseph's completion of his first year at Drexel University's Earle Mark A. Salvatore (B.S.) of Elkins Park, Pa., Craig S. Trujillo (B.S.) of Simsbury, Conn., was Mack School of Law. has been named a deacon by the Archdiocese appointed Deputy Chief Auditor for the City of Philadelphia at St. Dominick Parish in of Hartford, Conn. Lawrence R. Hoffman, CPA, Esq. (B.S.) of Yardley. Pa., has been appointed Chief Financial Officer Philadelphia, Pa.

William I. Weber III, MBA (B.S.) of Phoenixville. of Averion International Corp., a clinical

Pa., has been promoted to President of AON research organization specializing in oncology, 19 7 9 Paul J. Perrello (B.A.) of Philadelphia, Affinity's Life and Health Division. cardiovascular diseases, and medical devices. Pa., makes a cameo appearance in Tom Quinn's (B.A. '98) film The New Year Parade.

19 7 4 Thomas M. Feeney (B.S.) of Dublin, 19 7 7 Rev. David J. Klein (B.A.) of Black Bruce C. Rosetto, Esq. (B.A.) of Boca Raton, Ohio, has been promoted to President and wood, N.J., has been Judicial Vicar of the Fla., has joined international law firm CEO of Belron US. Diocese of Camden since 2003 and is currently Greenberg Traurig LLP's Palm Beach County in residence at the Bishop's residence. Edward R. Hitzel (B.A.) of Mays Landing, N.J., team as a corporate and securities attorney.

celebrated his 10th anniversary hosting a 19 7 8 EAR Scott T. radio show on travel, dining, and hospitality 19 8 Rev. Perry A. Cherubim (B.A.) of Becker (B.S.) of Chardon, Ohio, has been on WOND in Atlantic City, N.J. He also hosts Absecon, N.J., was appointed President of appointed President of Plasticolors Inc., a a weekly television segment on dining on the Holy Spirit High School in Absecon in January manufacturer of custom colorant and chemical NBC affiliate in Atlantic City. 2008. He will continue to serve as Pastor of dispersions for the thermoset plastics and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Absecon. paint and coatings industries. He is a trustee 19 7 5 Irene Benn (B.A.) of Bayville, N.J., for the Civic Development Corporation of Lt. Col. Keith M. Cianfrani, Ret. (B.S.) of has retired as Principal at Toms River Inter- Ashtabula County and a Board Member for Sellersville, Pa., Commandant of the mediate North. She in the district worked Partnership for Education in Ashtabula County. Philadelphia Military Academy, has joined for 33 years as a special education teacher, the staff of Rotor and Wing Magazine as the assistant principal, and principal. Gerald Colapinto (B.A.) of Yardley, Pa., teaches Safety Editor. His columns on aviation safety Advanced Placement calculus and geometry/ are featured monthly in the magazine.

Maria (Musumeci) Schwab, Ed.D. (B.A.) of Phoenixville, Pa., has been appointed Superintendent of the Phoenixville Area

School District.

19 8 1 Jay E. Fishman, FASA (MBA) of Bryn Mawr, Pa., has been appointed to the Internal

Revenue Service Advisory Committee. He is

the first valuation specialist to be appointed to the committee.

Patrick J. McLoone (B.S.) of Havertown, Pa., has been named Managing Editor of the Philadelphia Daily News.

John D. Rossi III (B.S.) of Northampton, Pa., received the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Lehigh Valley Chapter

Volunteer Service Award in May 2008. He was also recently appointed to the Pennsylvania Jennifer Ruzzi, '04, married Michael Hartle on April 1 1, 2008, at Old St. Joseph s Church in Philadelphia. All tour ot CPA Journal editorial board. her bridesmaids are La Salle graduates, and many other La Salle alumni attended the wedding. (Back row, from left)

Kevin Emery, '00, Sam Ciccimaro, '05, Joe Ciccimaro, 'SI, Megan Emery, '02, Joe Monforto, '04, Maureen Flynn, '04, Eileen (Matthews) Sitarski (B.A.) of Gulph Mills, Renee D'Angelo. '04, Bernadette Ciaravino, '04, Pat Whipkey, '05, Lauren Wojick, '04, Kate Moyer, '05, and Sal Scalora, '05. Pa., produced a special for NBC10 on the (Middle row, from left) The bride, Jennifer Ruzzi, '04, Marielle Martino. 04, Jen Scalora, '04, and Katie Patterson, '04. Nature's Castles treehouse exhibit at Longwood (Front row, from left) Don Thompson, '04, Alexis Ciccimaro, '04, and Mike Ruzzi. '00. Gardens, which aired in May 2008.

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 43 notes

faculty member at Philadelphia College of Marriages Osteopathic Medicine, and serves as Vice Chairman of the Department of Family Practice 19 8 5 Timothy P. Cogan (B.A.) to Danielle F. Thurber (B.S., MBA '05) to and Vice President of the medical staff at Pat McGoldrick. Jason W. Palmer (B.S. ). Crozer-Chester Medical Center in Upland, Pa.

19 9 9 Alexander M. Groff (B.A.) to 2 3 Stacey L. Schultz (B.S.) to John C. Christopher S. Durkin (B.A.) of Jenkintown,

Sherri Halpin. Clark (B.S.). Pa., is serving his first full term as Jenkintown Borough Councilman after being elected into Monica L. Konicki (B.A.) to Joseph Gardner. 2 Dominic A. Folino (B.A.) to Virginia A. office in November 2007. Paone (B.A.) Elizabeth Kelly (B.A.) to Kyle T. Morris (B.A. '02). Paul D. Ehrlichman (B.S.) of Kennett Square,

Paul R. Thompson (B.S.) to Maura C. Calahan Pa., was recently appointed Chairman and Jessica L. McGowan (B.S.) to John A. Meehan (B.A. '01, MBA '04). Chief Investment Officer of Global Currents (BSW). Investment Management, a provider of global

Amy J. Wood (B.A.) to Jaret Mierzwicki. asset-management services. Keri K. O'Connor (B.A.) to Douglas E. Robinson (B.S. '02, MBA '08). Adam M. Zdanavage (B.A.) to Kristen Tustin. Rev. Donna M. Elia (B.A.) of Schenectady, N.Y.,

is Executive Director of the Troy Area United Mary E. Ubbens (B.S.) to Stephen W. Crognale 2 01 Maura C. Calahan (B.A., MBA '04) Ministries. She organized the annual Crop Jr. (B.S. '02). to Paul R. Thompson (B.S. '00). Walk to raise awareness of hunger and to raise money for Joseph's House and Unity House Brian P. Veitz (B.A.) to Lauren M. Kauffman Michael Cavallaro (B.A.) to Joan E. King (B.S.). and for national and international relief. (A.A. '07).

2 2 Stephen W. Crognale Jr. (B.S.) to Mary Ann Lush (BSN) of Milford, Del., traveled 2 4 Mary Therese Motley (B.S., M.S. '05) MaryE. Ubbens (B.S. '03) to Beijing. China, as an ambassador with the to Michael W. Sabatino (B.A. '02). People to People Program, co-sponsored by Kyle T. Morris (B.A.) to Elizabeth Kelly (B.A. '03). Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Jennifer Ruzzi (B.A.) to Michael Hartle. Society, in May 2008. Douglas E. Robinson (B.S., MBA '08) to Keri K. 2 7 Lauren M. Kauffman (A.A.) to Brian P. O'Connor (B.A. '03). Kathleen M. McCartney (B.S.), of Newtown Veitz (B.A. '03). Square, Pa., coaches the girls' basketball to Michael W. Sabatino (B.A.) Mary Therese team at Villa Maria Academy in Malvern, Pa. (B.S. '04, '05) Melanie Krysko (BSN) to Evan Colcher. Motley M.S. Her team played in the PIAA Class AAA state

final in March 2008.

Bernadette (Prendergast) McPherson, Esq. (B.A.)

Edward L. Turner Jr. (B.A.) of Washington, D.C., Richard K. 0'Donnell Jr. (B.S.) of Holland, of Rutherford, N.J., earned a law degree from

is Special Assistant to the Administrative Pa., has opened an insurance and real estate Temple University and serves on the Bergen

Assistant to the Chief Justice of the U.S. office in Feasterville, Pa. County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Her Supreme Court. He received an award for daughter Bernadette graduated with La Salle's

25 years of Supreme Court service during Thomas P. 0'Mara (B.S.) of Portland, Ore., has Class of 2008 and will attend Widener

a ceremony at the Court in May. been promoted to Chief Executive Officer of University School of Law, and her son David

Rodin Audio. He also serves as President of the will graduate from La Salle in 2012. mobile audio audio/video 19 8 2 Rev. Joseph L. Coffey (B.A.) of Cape and home company. (B.A.) of Hill, N.C., May, N.J., is completing a three-year tour Mary Elizabeth Reiss Chapel William F. Warrender (B.S.) of Collegeville, Pa., at the U.S. Coast Guard boot camp. His next is Vice President of Contracts at Research has been hired as Senior Vice President of Triangle Institute, responsible contracts set of orders is with the 3rd Marine Airwing for Global Sales at Ascension Orthopedics Inc., export research contracts supporting in Camp Pendleton, Calif., beginning in and September 2008. a leader in orthopedic extremity implants. each of the business groups.

Jan M. Wieczerzak (B.A.) of Cherry Hill, N.J., Kurt E. Kramer, Esq. (B.S.) of Cherry Hill, N.J., 19 84 JohnR. Gimpel, D.0. (B.A.)of is Director of User Experience with the Comcast has joined the Philadelphia office of White Lafayette Hill, Pa., has been named Dean User Experience Group. and Williams LLP as counsel in the Commercial and Vice President for Health Services Litigation Department. at the medical school at the University

1983 Anthony E. of New England in Maine. Earl E. Montebello (B.A.) of Philadelphia, Pa., DiMarco, D.0. (B.A.) of Kennett Square. Pa., retired from the Philadelphia Fire Department was elected Vice Speaker of the House of Martin A. Lupinetti (B.S.) of Haddonfield, N.J.,

in 2007, after 34'/ 2 years of service. He retired Delegates during the Pennsylvania Osteopathic has been named Principal by the Philadelphia-

from the military as a master sergeant in the Medical Association's Centennial Clinical area office of the North Highland Company,

U.S. Air Force Reserves in August 2005 after Assembly. Board certified in family practice, an independent management and technology 22 years of service. he practices at the Crozer Medical Plaza at consulting services provider.

Brinton Lake in Glen Mills, Pa., is an adjunct


Patrick B. Shanahan (B.S.) of Philadelphia, 19 8 9 Brian F. Bamberger (B.S.) of Rydal, Pa., at Moorestown Friends School, where she Pa., was named Teacher of the Year at Roman has joined TGaS Advisors as Vice President, has taught since 1994. Washington has also Catholic High School for 2006-07. Management Advisor, for TGaS Advisors' served as a part-time diversity coordinator and Managed Markets Practice. Chair of the World Languages Department.

19 8 5 Joseph M. Mazurek (B.A.) of Jackson, Daniel B. Cory (B.S., MBA '91) of Maple Glen, N.J., is the Restaurant General Manager 19 9 1 Timothy J. Ernst, ABC, MAE (B.A.) of for the St. Stephen's Green Publick House Pa., has been named Vice President of Erdenheim, Pa., has opened his own marketing/ in Spring Lake, N.J. Finance for ISA Consulting. communications firm, RavenWood Creative,

specializing in writing and graphic/Web design. Tomas S. Kelliher (B.A.) of County Kerry, Ireland, 19 8 6 Alvin Fennell III (B.A.) of Philadelphia, was elected to a five-year term on the Board Pa., was recently promoted to Vice President Douglas M. Overton (B.A.) of Glen Mills, Pa., of Directors of Killarney Golf Club. of Underwriting and Direct Sales for AON has been named an assistant coach for the Corporation. New Jersey Nets. Thomas M. McGeehan (MBA) of King of

Prussia, Pa., has been appointed interim CFO Patrick P. Sheridan (B.S.) of Clarence Center, 19 8 7 Patricia Gibbons, DMD (B.A.) of Cape of United America Indemnity. He has served N.Y., has been appointed Operations/Marketing May, N.J., staffs Ocean Health Initiatives' Toms as the company's Corporate Controller since Liaison for Wilson Farms Inc. in Buffalo, N.Y. River, N.J., dental office for adults and children. 2005 and as a vice president since 2006.

19 9 2 Heather A. (Streit) Gervais (B.S.) 19 8 8 Stephanie P. Maureen E. Tate (M.A.) of Philadelphia, Pa., of Langhorne, Pa., was promoted to Vice (Angstadt) Dever (B.S.) of Folsom, Pa., was was honored, along with her husband, Jerry President, Operations, of Cadient Group. awarded the designation of Accredited Buyer McHugh, by the Friends for Effective Education. Representative from the Real Estate Buyer's Sean A. Hughes (B.A., M.Ed. '96) of Phoenix- Agent Council of the National Association 19 9 Mark W. Falvo (B.S.) of San Antonio, ville, Pa., has been appointed Principal of Realtors. Texas, is opening a San Antonio branch for of Lower Merion High School. He has also national financial firm, his search Corporate been an adjunct instructor in La Salle's Peter Z. Teluk, Esq. (B.A.) of Kyiv, Ukraine, Search Partners. Graduate Education program since 2000. has been hired by the international law firm Squire, Sanders & Dempsey as the Managing Dennis P. McHugh, D.O. (B.A.) of Plymouth Michele S. (Siciliano) Schwartz (B.A.) Partner of the Kyiv office. Meeting, Pa., is co-Medical Director of of Marlton, N.J., is enrolled in Camden the new Mercy Suburban Center for Joint County College's Personal Trainer Peter T. Wakiyama, Esq. (B.A.) of Villanova, Replacement. Certification Program. Pa., is a partner in the Philadelphia office of WolfBlock and co-chairs the firm's Intellec- Karen E. Washington (M.A.) of Willingboro, N.J., tual Property Information Technology and has been named Multicultural Affairs Director Practice Group. Births and Adoptions

19 9 2 A daughter, Maura Catherine, A son, Theodore, to Theodore Pietryka and A son, Nicholas, to Melissa and Frank J. to David and Donna L. Green (B.S.). Jennifer L. (Noakes) Pietryka (B.S., MBA '01). Moffa IV (B.S.).

A son, Patrick Anastasios, to Nicholas P. 19 9 3 A son, Maxwell Francis, to 19 9 8 A daughter, Madalena Elizabeth, Orphanos (B.A.) and Mary (Burke) Orphanos Christopher S. Parisi (B.A.) and Jennifer L. tolMoberto Torres and Katherine R. (B.A. '99, M.Ed. '03). (Richards) Parisi (B.A. '94) DeStefano-Torres (B.A.) A son, Jamison Scott, to Bonnie R. (Clawson)

Tormey (B.A.) and Justin L. Tormey (B.A. '01). 19 9 4 A daughter, Maggie Ann, to Sharon 19 9 9 A son, Tyler Michael, to Michael and and Raphael J. Ho Tai Jr. (B.A.). Nicole (DeProspero) Jason (B.A.).

2 1 A son, Drew Vincent, to Christopher A daughter, Alma Casimira, to Gia and A son, Aidan James, to Amy and Thomas M. and Jennifer L. (Etsell) Penna (B.A.) Anthony J. Kimsal (B.S.). Lannen (B.A.). A son, Jamison Scott, to Justin L. Tormey (B.A.) A son, Maxwell Francis, to Jennifer L. (Richards) A daughter, Aimee Catherine, to Megan J. and Bonnie R. (Clawson) Tormey (B.A. '00). Parisi (B.A.) and Christopher S. Parisi (B.A. '93). (Carey) Lottier (B.S.) and John D. Lottier (B.S.).

A son, Patrick Anastasios, to Mary (Burke) 2 3 A son, Matthew Owen, to Maria and 19 9 6 A daughter, Madeline Elizabeth, Orphanos (B.A., M.Ed. '03) and Nicholas P. Frank L. Varanavage (B.S.) adopted by Scott and Christine E. (Nolte) Orphanos (B.A. '00). Dustin (B.A.). 2 4 A daughter, Margaret Lynne, to

A son, Carter Sean, to Jason and Caroline 2 00 A son, John Thomas, to Brian M. Joseph F. Harrison IV (B.S.) and Susan E.

S. (Tranie) Lowry (B.A.). and Christine (Pier i) Barnhart (B.A.). (Corcoran) Harrison (B.A. '05).

A daughter, Cecilia Elise, to Christopher A daughter, Kaylin Olivia, to Shannon and 2 5 A daughter, Margaret Lynne, to Susan and Kathleen E. (Stuckert) Mayall (B.S.). Colin A. Brennan (B.A.). E. (Corcoran) Harrison (B.A.) and Joseph F.

Harrison IV (B.S. '04).

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 45 notes

In Memoriam: John Grady

John Jack Grady, an economics For several years, he also served as professor and Director of La Salle's moderator of the University's Debate

Honors Program for nearly 40 years, died Team, which won the state championship

of cancer on July 15, 2008, at age 70. in 1966.

Grady, a son of Irish immigrants, Former students and colleagues

grew up in Philadelphia's Olney described Grady as a dedicated professor section and graduated from North who was involved with his students. His Catholic High School. He attended the dedication earned him the Lindback

University of Notre Dame on a Ford Award for Distinguished Teaching in

Foundation Scholarship and earned his 1972. In 2003, graduates of the Honors

bachelor's degree in economics. He also Program established a scholarship in his

studied economics at the University four decades, he was the heart and soul honor.

of Pennsylvania on a Woodrow Wilson of this nationally recognized program, His wife, Helen, noted that he called Scholarship and then completed his serving as a mentor, adviser, and friend each scholarship student individually master's in economics at Temple to many of the best and brightest to discuss his or her goals and still University. students who ever attended La Salle," found the energy to meet with incoming said La Salle President Brother Michael In 1960, Grady accepted a temporary freshmen this past May. She also said J. McGinniss, F.S.C., Ph.D., 70. "His job at La Salle teaching economics. their family lived in Philadelphia's East personal commitment to, and influence He kept that position and took on the Oak Lane section for many years because on, our students and La Salle has been responsibility of Director of the Honors Grady wanted to be able to walk to work incredible." Program in 1969. at La Salle. Grady was well known for his work "I have had the privilege of knowing In addition to his wife of 45 years, with the National Collegiate Honors Jack Grady since he became Director Grady is survived by two sons, three Council as founding Chair of the Honors of the Honors Program. ... For almost daughters, and 14 grandchildren. Assessment and Evaluation Committee.

Leslie A. (Blanchard) Stapleford (B.A.) of Matthew 0. Melinson, CPA (B.S.) of Ivyland, 19 9 6 Sandra McCarthy-Meeks (B.S.) of

Smyrna, Del., was promoted to Marketing Pa., has been promoted to Tax Managing Naples, Fla., has obtained a Florida state

Senior Manager of Acquisitions Direct Mail Director at SMART Business Advisory and broker real estate license and is in training

for JP Morgan Chase Card Services. Consulting LLC. He is also the President to be a state-certified appraiser. She also of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of the volunteers with a local literacy program

Walter B. Zinych (B.A.) of Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public to teach English to migrant workers. has accepted a position as the Regional Accountants, an adjunct professor at

Vice President for Pacific Life Mutual Funds Philadelphia University's Master of Science James F. Peoples III, M.D., M.S. (B.A.) of

and Annuities in the Financial Institutions in Taxation program, and a member of the Downmgtown, Pa., is a neurology resident Division in eastern Pennsylvania and southern City of Philadelphia Department of Revenue at Temple University Hospital's Department New Jersey. Commissioner's Tax Advisory Committee. of Neurology and will be pursuing a career

in interventional vascular neurology. 1993 Melinda Loretta K. Pugh (M.A.) of Youngstown, Ohio, has Collingswood, N.J.. (Padlo) Carangi (B.A.) of Clifton Heights, Pa., been appointed Director of Mission Integration Matthew M. Quick (B.A.) of has written a novel, The Silver Linings Playbook, is pursuing a Master of Science in Education for Humility of Mary Health Partners, based which will be published in September 2008. in Instructional Leadership at Neumann at St. Elizabeth Health Center. The novel a Kirkus Reviews First Fiction College in Aston, Pa. was also written 19 9 5 Brian M. Marriott, Esq. (B.A.). of Selection in April 2008. He has Star. Tomasina A. Chamberlain (MBA) of Pottstown, Holland, Pa., has joined Curtm & Heefner in a young adult book, Sorta Like a Rock

Pa., has been named Administrator of the Morrisville, Pa., as an attorney in the firm's

Hospice of the Madlyn and Leonard Abramson litigation group. He is on the Board of the 19 9 7 Kristin J. (Hairrell) Fairweather (B.A.)

Center for Jewish Life in North Wales, Pa. St. Bede's Alumni Association, coaches of Philadelphia, Pa., has been hired as an

his son's soccer team, and is a Big Brother associate producer of the film Future Weather. of Karen M. (Galup) Heisler (M.S.) Huntingdon in the Pennsbury School District. Valley, Pa., has been appointed Corporate Mark J. Pontzer, J.D. (B.A.) of Downmgtown,

Vice President of Human Resources for James G. Rumsey (B.S.) of Sewell, N.J., has Pa., has earned a law degree from Widener

Precyse Solutions. joined Cipriani Builders Inc. in Woodbury, University School of Law.

N.J., as Sales Manager.


1998 Erin Hlivia Family/Consumer Science departments at David f. Rajakovich (B.A.) of Pittsburgh, Pa.,

(B.A.) of Philadelphia, Pa., is engaged to Lenape High School in Medford, N.J. is a graduate student at Essex University in

Jesse B. Bagans (B.S. '03, M.S. '05). England. Melissa D. Parker (B.A.) of Philadelphia,

Carl H. Manstein, M.D. (MBA) of Elkins Park. Pa., was hired in February 2008 by Wolters 2 2 Michelle K. Brigoli (B.A.) of Arlington, plastic Kluwer Health as the marketing manager of Pa., a surgeon, took a two-week Va., earned a Master of Science in Computer missionary trip in Eritrea, Africa, with medical journals with specialties in surgery Science from the University of Oxford for and oncology. Physicians Peace. He was part of a team in England. She is an IT consultant with of 20 physicians and nurses who worked in Accenture in the Washington, D.C., area. the previously war-torn country with patients Paul R. Thompson (B.S.) of Central Hong with war wounds of the face and babies with Kong, is a vice president for JP Morgan Elisabeth A. Matulewicz (B.A.) of Philadelphia, Private Bank. cleft lips and palates and other conditions. Pa., is a technical sergeant with the

Pennsylvania Air National Guard. She is a Kelly R. Tierney, M.D. (B.A.) of Rochester, Thomas E. Quinn Jr. (B.A.) of Churchville, Pa., public affairs multimedia manager assigned Minn., is in her last year of dermatology had his film, The New Year Parade, open as to the 111th Fighter Wing at Willow Grove residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. part of the Philadelphia Film Festival. The film Air Reserve Station. She has also published She was recently awarded a fellowship in won Best Narrative Film at the Slamdance a children's book, Benny and Marshmallow: dermatopathology at the Mayo Clinic. Festival in Utah and Best Acting Ensemble A Day of Mischief. at the Ashland Film Festival in Oregon.

2 00 1 Lisa R. Arrington, R.N. (BSN) Capt. Robert P. Texter Jr. (B.A.) of Killeen,

19 9 9 Kevin R. Burkitt (B.A.) of Manasquan, of Philadelphia, Pa., graduated from Texas, will be assuming command of the

N.J., is a media technician specialist at Philadelphia University in May 2008 with a Headquarters Company for the 1st Cavalry

Brookdale Community College responsible master's degree in nurse-midwifery. Her first Division in Fort Hood, Texas. for running, scheduling, and maintaining grandchild, Natalie Marie Rivera, was born on April 5, 2008. the MPG-2 video server used to broadcast 2 00 3 Jesse B. Telecourse, Distance Education, and locally Bagans (B.S., M.S. '05) of Laureldale, Pa., Roseanne R. Capaccio (B.A.) of Philadelphia, produced programming. is engaged to Erin Hlivia (B.A. '98). Pa., is in her second year of playing for the Philadelphia Phoenix professional Jesse Cute (B.A.) of Philadelphia, Pa., spent Women's Christine M. Coates (B.A.) of Newtown Square, tackle football team, part of the National six days working in New York at the Sex and Pa., is engaged to Christopher Seaver (B.S. '04) Women's Football Association. She is a the City film junket. A September 2008 wedding is planned. starting offensive lineman and also plays

Thomas M. Darcy (B.A.) of Abmgton, Pa., has special teams. Raequel A. Forbes (B.A.). of Lansdowne, Pa., started an Internet search engine company, is completing a master's degree in social James P. Gannone (MBA) of Philadelphia, Pa.,, with a partner to promote work and is engaged to be married in May 2009. small businesses. has been named Director of Finance for the Lansdale Borough Council. Nicole M. Graham (B.A.) of Fredenckburg,

Thomas J. Gaydos Jr. (B.A.) of King of Prussia, Va., completed her tour of duty in the U.S. Robert E. Gillespie (B.A.) of Baltimore, Md., Pa., is Director of Marketing at Evolve IP, Air Force and is now a nurse in a trauma is pursuing a Master of Arts in publication a managed technology provider in Wayne, Pa. intensive care unit in Virginia. design at the University of Baltimore.

2 Brady Hicks (B.A.) of Bensalem, Pa., Amy K. Hartke, M.D. (B.A.) of Havertown, Pa., Gina M. Leoni (B.S.) of Fort Wayne, Ind., is an is engaged to Jeannette Ryder. graduated from Jefferson Medical College information technology program manager for in May 2008. She began a residency in Warsaw, Ind. -based DePuy Orthopaedics Inc. Kevin M. Kots (B.A.) of Philadelphia, Pa., is emergency medicine at the University of She is a board member with Young Leaders engaged to Susan Fredericks. Pittsburgh in June. of Northeast Indiana, and she helped create

Tracy L. Mann (B.A.) of Newark, Del., has the group's Leadership Institute, which Elizabeth (Kelly) Morris (B.A.) of Philadelphia. accepted a fellowship with the Learn the involves seminars focused on personal and Pa., earned an M.S. in reading and teaches

Signs. Act Early, campaign in the Prevention professional education. third grade in the Colonial School District. Research Branch of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Therese J. (Zaccagnino) Marmion (B.A. '01) of Evan M. Todd (B.S.) of Philadelphia. Pa., of the Centers for Disease Control and Philadelphia, Pa., has accepted a job as major is engaged to Meghan Kelly (B.A.) of

Prevention. gifts officer at the University of Pennsylvania's Philadelphia. A fall 2008 wedding is planned. Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.

Frank J. Moffa IV (B.S.) of Royersford, Pa., was Frank L. Varanavage (B.S.) of Philadelphia, Pa., named Manager of Vegetation Management Melissa L. Nassar (B.A.) of Wayne, Pa., was passed the CPA exam in February 2008. for PECO Energy. interviewed in May 2008 for The Index Investing Show with Ron DeLegge. She is 20 04 Mary Luz Angulo (M.A.) of principal Nicholas P. Orphanos (B.A.) of Pennsauken, a at Vanguard Financial Advisor Philadelphia, Pa., earned a Master of Science N.J., Services. has been promoted to Department in Library Science from Clarion University of

Coordinator for the World Language and Pennsylvania in May 2008.

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 47 notes

Stephanie Bellanza (B.S.) of Philadelphia, Pa., In M e m o r j a m is engaged to James P. Macrina (B.A. '05).

A November 2008 wedding is planned.

Raymond J. Dawsonoa (B.A.) 19 6 3 Milton 0. Dickerson, Ph.D. (B.A.) Amanda C. DiGiandomenico (B.A.) of Shaker of Allentown, Pa., on Dec. 4, 2007. of Washington, D.C., on May 25, 2008. Heights, Ohio, is engaged to Scott T. Hicken

(B.A. '05). A March 2009 wedding is planned. 19 4 6 Brother D. Andrew Oinoto, F.S.C. (B.A.) Richard J. Walsh (B.A.) of Maple Glen, Pa., of Lmcroft, N.J., April on May 14, 2008. on 5, 2008. Todd R. Henderson (B.A.) of Newtown, Pa., has been named field producer for The Dog 19 6 4 Frank S. Arena (B.S.) of Warrington, 19 4 8 Edward J. Perri (B.S.) of Philadelphia, Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel. Pa., on Dec. 28, 2007. Pa., on Dec. 1, 2007.

Kristin E. Ochal (B.A.) of Jamison, Pa., has

194 9 Charles P. Fagan (B.S.) of 19 6 6 Robert G. Fryling, Esq. (B.S.) of accepted a new position with AmeriHealth

Philadelphia, Pa., on Feb. 5, 2008. Philadelphia, Pa., on March 23, 2008. Administrators as a proposal coordinator in the Marketing Services Department. Jerold Gottlieb (B.S.) of Boca Raton, Fla., 195 James W. Donaghy (B.A.) of She has also recently become a member on June 6, 2007. Youngstown. Ohio, on Feb. 19, 2008. of the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) and has begun APMP's Wayne T. Knapp Sr. (B.S.) of Pemberton, N.J., Dennis J. Donovan (B.S.) of Raleigh, N.C. accreditation program. on Feb. 28, 2008. on Sept. 14, 2007.

Joseph F. O'Toole Jr., D.Min. (M.A.) of

8 J. (B.S.) of Leonard J. Grecco (B.S.) of Eau Claire, Wis., 196 David McCarthy Rochester, Minn., completed his Doctor of

on Jan. 2, 2008. Philadelphia, Pa., on April 16, 2008. Ministry and moved to Rochester to be Parish Administrator at Holy Spirit Parish.

Joseph F. Harrison Jr. (B.S.) of Morton, Pa., 19 7 2 Gerald J. Heckler (B.S.) of Bensalem, on June 21, 2008. Pa., on Feb. 14, 2008. Christopher M. Seaver (B.S.) of Broomall, Pa.,

is engaged to Christine Coates (B.A. '03).

Walter J. Heyse (B.S.) of Philadelphia, Pa., 19 5 1 Joseph F. Spellman (B.A.) of Racine, A September 2008 wedding is planned. Wis., on April 24, 2008. on May 10, 2008. Matthew R. Ulmer (B.A.) of Wynnewood,

Alexander L. Avallon Sr. (B.A.) of Willow Grove, 19 7 4 John T. McGuigan (B.S.) of Exton, Pa. Pa., has been promoted to Communications Pa., on April 21, 2008. on March 19, 2008. and Public Relations Manager at Education Dynamics.

19 5 6 George T. Dukes (B.A.) of Fern Park, 19 7 5 Joseph A. Ciccitto, Esq. (B.S.) of Fla., on May 13, 2008. Upper Providence, Pa., on Nov. 27, 2007. 2 5 Patricia D. Goloff (B.A.) of Nornstown, Pa., is engaged to Anthony Mark. An October

19 5 8 Alfonso R. Lombardi (B.S.) of Yardley, Lillian S. Kachmar (B.A.) of Villanova, Pa., 2008 wedding is planned.

Pa., on Feb. 6, 2008. on April 13, 2007. Shannon L. Hallamyer (B.A.) of Collingsdale,

James J. Manion Jr. (B.S.) of Malvern, Pa., Pa., has been named Assistant Editor and 19 5 9 Frederick A. Cassidy (B.S.) of Dale on June 21, 2008. features writer for Main Line Today. City, Va., on Jan. 17, 2008.

Scott T. Hicken (B.A) of Cleveland, Ohio, is James V. Mallon (B.A.) of Cambria, Calif., 198 2 Howard D. Feinstein, CPA (MBA) engaged to Amanda C. DiGiandomenico (B.A. and Sea Isle City, N.J., on June 9, 2008. of Doylestown, Pa., on Jan. 1, 2008. '04). A March 2009 wedding is planned.

John J. Shea (B.S.) of Tucson, Ariz., on 19 8 5 Robert M. Bauer (B.S.) of Riverton, Eliza K. Jeiliff (B.A., M.A. '08) of Sea Girt, May 27, 2008. N.J., on April 7, 2008. N.J., earned a master's degree from La Salle

in clinical-counseling psychology.

19 6 Peter J. O'Hara (B.S.) of Harnsburg, 1990 JohnB. Sherwood (B.S. , MBA 93) Pa., on April 24, 2008. of Lilburn, Ga., on Feb. 19, 2008. James P. Macrina (B.A.) of Philadelphia, Pa.,

is engaged to Stephanie Bellanza (B.S. '04) Charles D. Branch Jr. (B.S.) of Pa., Wyncote, 2 3 Henry W. Cody (A.A.) of Philadelphia, A November 2008 wedding is planned. on Oct. 4, 2007. Pa., on May 4, 2008.

Erin E. Ray (B.A.) of Reading, Pa., graduated 19 6 1 Francis J. Devlin Jr. (B.A.) of Hatboro, Trustee Emeritus with a Master of Science in criminology from Pa., on Feb. 2, 2008. Ragan A. Henry, of Merion, Pa., on St. Joseph's University and is a member of July 26, 2008. the Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society and the Omega Chapter of the Alpha Epsilon Lambda graduate honor society.



She is engaged to Kyle Frees, and a summer 2 7 Jennifer Abraczinskas (B.A.) of Pictures as Associate Producer, specializing

2009 wedding is planned. Conshohocken, Pa., appears in What's Your in commercials, corporate videos, and film. Point, Honey?, a documentary film on the

Jason R. Rogers (MBA) of Yardley, Pa., has future of women's leadership. 2 8 Joseph J. Gouryeb of Cinnaminson, joined the Product Control group at Goldman N.J., was commissioned as a second

Sachs as an associate in the Finance division. Luke A. Bollerman (B.A.) of Little Silver, N.J., lieutenant in the U.S. Army at the 90th is an institutional equity derivatives trader Annual Army ROTC Task Force Dragon Breanne A. Ward (B.S.) of Holland, Pa., with the GFT Group. Commissioning Ceremony at Drexel University. graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Gouryeb, who earned the ROTC's George C. Jefferson University Cheshire-Kinney (B.A.) of Nursing from Thomas Kimberly R. Marshall award as the most outstanding cadet in May 2008. Newtown, Pa., is pursuing a Master of in Drexel's ROTC program, will attend the Science in Health Sciences at George Basic Officer Leadership Course at Fort Sill, (B. A.) of Washington University. 20 6 Shannon L. DeSalme Okla. He will be stationed at Fort Drum, N.Y., is of Social Huntsville, Ala., pursuing a Master in the 10th Mountain Division. of Phoenixville, Pa., is Work at Alabama A&M University. Paul C. Coneys (B.A.) an assistant producer for The Dog Whisperer Brian McKenna (B.S.) of Upper Darby, Pa., was (B.A.) of Langhorne, Pa., on the National Geographic Channel. Dana G. Koch has commissioned as a second lieutenant in the completed a master's degree in laboratory U.S. Army at the 90th Annual Army ROTC Alejandro W. Hagan (BSW) of East Greenwich, and animal science at Drexel University. Task Force Dragon Commissioning Ceremony R.I., has been accepted into the MSW/ at Drexel University. He will become part Colleen B. Mullarkey (B.A.) of Havertown, Pa., MBA dual-degree program at the University of the New Jersey National Guard in the was promoted to Assistant Editor of Advance of Pennsylvania. armor branch after taking courses at Fort for Managers of Respiratory Care. Benning, Ga. Mallory L. Kessler (B.A.) of El Paso, Texas,

Gregory R. Thomas (B.A.) of Wyncote, Pa., is graduated from the Air Defense Artillery Steven M. Ziegler of Philadelphia, Pa., has a warrant investigator with the First Judicial Officer Basic Course as an honor graduate. been appointed Director of Marketing and District of Pennsylvania. She will join the 11th Air Defense Artillery Admissions at Roman Catholic High School Brigade based at Fort Bliss in El Paso. in Philadelphia. Jermaine D. Thomas of Frederick, Md., plays basketball for the Kormend, Hungary, team JoAnna M. Van Thuyne (B.A.) of Broomall, in the European League A Division. Pa., has joined the staff of ShadowBox


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HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2007-2008 49 1 ^ f Tk kl J.-, f3B

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The University Board of Trustees 2007-2008

'01 '90 '69 Megan Burnett, Timothy J. Froehlich, F.S.C., Sharmain Matlock-Turner William R. Sasso, Esq.,

Susan Barrett, '94 Ronald Gallagher, F.S.C., Ph.D. William W. Matthews III, Esq., '90 William R. Sautter, CPA, '71, Chair '54, '76 '58 '72 Maj. Gen. William F. Burns, USA (Ret.) Gaetano P. Giordano, William J. McCormick Jr., Robert Schieler, F.S.C, Ed.D,

'82 F. '58 '70, James L. Butler, F.S.C., Elmer (Bud) Hansen Jr., Michael J. McGinniss, F.S.C, Ph.D., James J. Smart, CPA '82 '67 '75 Susan F. Altamore Carusi, Esq., J. Anthony Hayden, President Judith Spires,

Robert Christian, C. Johnston, F.S.C. t F. '76 J. 71 John Thomas McGowan, Officers Dalmasse, F.S.C., '81 William E. Kelly, '74 Laura Kevin M. J.D., Kind McKenna Matthew S. McManness, Vice President Daly, M.D., '69 Richard Kestler, F.S.C, '65 John M. FACS, G. Dennis O'Brien, Ph.D. for Business Affairs and Treasurer '71 Louis OeThomasis, F.S.C., Ph.D. James J. Lynch, James V. O'Rourke '68 Edward J. Sheehy, F.S.C, Ph.D., Fierko, '63 Denise Malecki, '85 David '80 Edward J. DAntonio T. Poiesz, Vice President of the Corporation C. Flanagan, M.D., '59 Dennis Malloy, F.S.C, '74, '83 H. Rodriguez, '55 Joseph M.A. Hon. Joseph J.D., Louis A. Petroni, Esq., '77, Legal Advisor '70 '65 Joseph A. Frick William J. Markmann, M.D., Carmen V. Romeo, r P^*N ri i^. .^^ji^C - ^ >'**>

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LA SALLE MAGAZINE Philadelphia, PA 19141