F.R.O.G. ™* Handmade & Earth-Friendly *From Reclaimed Oil & Glycerin A cleaner alternative! Bremerton, WA 98312 360-377-3773

F.R.O.G. Soap™ Newsletter – June,2013

Welcome to another issue of the F.R.O.G. Soap™ Newsletter

June is a happenin’ month here in the Great Pacific Northwest! Why, you may be asking? Because, my friends, the sun comes out; and that’s a pretty big deal around these parts, after a long, wet winter.

Let us all stand up, boogaloo, and do a Sun Dance!

What else happens in June?

Well for starters, we have a fresh batch of graduates running amok in this great country of ours, and 99.9% of them don’t have jobs; don’t have a place to live… and definitely cannot afford a bar of soap.

Keep America Clean! Buy a graduate some fantastic F.R.O.G. Soap™ and start them on their journey through life, right!

Next up:

Dad’s Day! Okay… Father’s Day, to be more precise; and it lands on Sunday, June 16th.

So, what are you going to give dear old dad this year? Another tie? Another ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron? Some sort of yard tool, e.g. a rake, lawn mower or leaf blower? Or, when your brain finally gives up because everything you see is just another version of the same old- same old… you grab some ‘dust catcher’ from a gift shop; that he can put on his desk at work? Oh joy!

Take some advice from a genuine, bonafide daughter… Don’t Do It! Leave the dust catcher in the store and get the heck out of there!

Whew… sorry I shouted; but dang… dads get tired of the same old-same old.

Dads’, after all, are people too and aren’t really boring; although after 3 lectures about ‘when he was a boy,’ it seems like it!

No, really… inside Dad, there’s this really hip guy that got a little lost over the decades because he was raising you! Life is like that.

What Dad wants is something new, exciting and fun, and I’m not talking a trip to the Bahamas or a new sports car, or even the coveted blow-up doll… no… I’m talking F.R.O.G. Soap™!

Can you see where I’m headed!?! Of course you can… expensive trips and toys can’t buy Dad’s heart (well maybe they can, but who’s got that kind of dough?)

Instead, get dad some F.R.O.G. Soap™!

Is Dad a gardener, a fisherman or a sexy… wait a minute… rephrasing here… a handsome man about town? Well, we’ve got the soap, /body bar or cake that will make him; his and skin feel like he’s had a week’s vacation.

He’ll also know that you really and truly thought about his gift this year and didn’t just cruise the mall until you ran out of steam… or quit looking for something, because you had a hot date and ran out of time.

Not to worry… ‘cuz we’ve got you covered!

We here at F.R.O.G. Soap™ make an outstanding bar of soap for the avid gardener; Gardener’s Soap; , and boy does it clean cruddy, dirty hands, leaving them feeling clean and soft… not dried out.

The bottom layer of this great bar, has sand from the Puget Sound, topped with a layer of dried sea weed that is also from the Sound; which, as it happens is our front yard! The sand works as a light pumice and the sea weed as a great healer. The remainder of the bar is pure and creamy, glycerin-rich soap. It’s a terrific combo.

We’ve also got ‘Guy’ Soap that’s loaded with activated charcoal and is perfect for ‘smelly ol’ fisherman dad.’

A good go around with this soap and that fish smell is history! Our ‘Guy Soap’ will also nullify the smell of onions and garlic on his hands if he’s the family chef!

Heck, we’ve even got soap we made from beer… it’s our Black & Tan! Do be careful when giving this bar of soap to Dad, because just looking at it could bring on a real ‘thirst,’ and send him down the road for a ‘cool one.’ That could tick mom off, especially if she’s made a really fancy dinner!

Now, here’s a good one for you… Swamp Dog Shampoo.

I designed it for my ‘Swamp Dog Katie’ as a shampoo to soothe her skin and knock out the odor that can make her tough on our noses.

But, it’s also a really great choice for Dad or anyone else who works and plays hard and then smells like an old swamp dog when done!

It’s a fantastic rich shampoo with yummy essential oils and activated charcoal…., our Swamp Dog Shampoo will make Dad feel great. You might even want to cuddle with dear ol’ dad afterwards. Tis true.

We've even got Patchouli Soap; under the very, cool name of ‘Chunk O’ Chouli,’ that will make him feel like he's a young stud-muffin again. Why, Dad will feel so good he'll grab his sweet wife, (your sainted mother), take her in his arms and...

…well, he'll probably just sit down and watch a football game... but maybe, just maybe, he’ll grab her up and take her dancing! Or maybe he’ll take her for a sweet summer walk and an ice cream cone. Now that is romance! I expect the odds are that Dad shaves; did shave; or will shave in the future. That being the case, we here at F.R.O.G. Soap™ make the most fantastic shaving soap. It’s rich… it’s creamy, it is the cat’s meow… and it’s the bee’s knees.

We make it in beautiful creamy cakes, to be used with a … not that stuff in a can that’s pushed around by aerosol. Nope, our Shaving Soap is good for Dad’s face and it’s good for the planet. Get a brush, a couple cakes of our shaving soap and find a way-cool cup to put it in. A fantastic gift!

Dad’s Day Specials to make it easy for you!

 Buy Two Bars of any F.R.O.G. Soap™ and get One Bar FREE $9.00  Buy Two Bars of any F.R.O.G. Shampoo/Body Bars™ and One Bar FREE $11.00  Buy Two Cakes Shaving Soap and get One Cake Free

Note: To make your Shaving Soap Gift extra special, find an antique cup or nifty cup for the Shaving Cakes.

Check out all these way-cool specials here: www.frogsoap.com/newsletterspecial.htm

If your order is going to be shipped, be sure to allow at least 3 days for it to arrive on time for the big day; the 12th of June at the latest.

And when you’re done… don’t forget to thank dad for just being dad! Dad’s like to hear that mushy stuff, even if they pretend not to!

Always give a gift that you would want to receive yourself! It's an excellent rule of thumb!

Next: Flag Day, occurring on the 14th of June. We do not make soap that looks like the U.S. Flag, but… F.R.O.G. Soap™ is helping out the ‘land of the free and the home of the brave’ by keeping as much waste as we can out of her landfills as we can! ‘Knee-deep! One of our goals here at F.R.O.G. Soap™, is to ensure that all Americans smell sweet and clean while being kind to our planet!

Okay, it’s not your everyday sort of goal; making sure people are clean… but, it is a goal! Maybe not even ‘lofty,’ as goals go; but terribly important to those of us who work and live around other Americans.

Do a fellow American a favor and give him or her a great bar of earth-friendly F.R.O.G. Soap™! It’s the right thing to do!

Limited Edition!

Our good friend and big fan of F.R.O.G. Soap™, from East Mill Woodworks of Long Valley, New Jersey, has generously presented us, with a Limited Edition batch of hand crafted soap holders.

Crafted from hardwood gleaned from New England historic homes, barns and even a piano, these splendid soap holders are a touch of Early American History. Topped with a bar of our handmade, earth-friendly F.R.O.G. Soap™, you’ve got an American Classic!

Choose from Mahogany, Barn Siding with Traditional Red Paint, Cherry, Long Leaf Heart Pine Barn Siding, and White Oak (The White Oak soap holders are about half the size of the other soap holders).

F.R.O.G. Soap™ is selling this limited batch of hand crafted soap holders for $5.50 each. We don’t have these hardwood soap holders for sale on the website, because they are too limited in amount and type. But, if you would like to order one, just send e-mail to [email protected]

Better still, order up a couple bars of F.R.O.G. Soap™ to make the shipping fee worth your while. You can do that via e-mail as well… just let me know what you want and I’ll send you an invoice! (Please list a first and second choice in case your first choice has sold out.)

***These Limited Edition Soap Holders and our Father’s Day Specials are also available at our F.R.O.G. Soap™ Tent at the Bremerton Farmer’s Market!

P.S. Orders that tally up to $50.00+, ship for FREE! Something to keep in mind; FREE is good!

All Natural Laundry Powder

A big round of applause to my sister Mickie! All hail Mickie, all hail Mickie!

She is truly the inspiration for packaging our F.R.O.G. Soap™ All Natural Laundry Powder.

Many of you have been making All Natural Laundry Powder using our You Betcha! Soap, and recipe.

But, many of you don't have time to make your own, and some don’t want to be bothered.

Well, we’ve got you covered, ‘cuz, now we’re doing it for you!

We have put together 2-pound bags of our All Natural Laundry Powder, which is good for about 30 loads of laundry! It will leave your clothes smelling of ‘clean,’ and nothing else.

Our wonderful All Natural Laundry Powder will not leave a harsh residue of detergent on your clothes that is prone to irritating skin. You will feel better after having washed your clothes with our F.R.O.G. Soap™ All Natural Laundry Powder, because it is less costly, using only 2-3 Tbsps. per load, has no detergent in it! Better still, it’s good for you and our planet… our home!

We just can’t stress that last point enough…. ‘Good for you and good for our planet.’

Bremerton Farmer's Market – Come on Down! You talk about a hoot and a holler... whoa... I love going to the Farmer's Market. I love meeting new folks and seeing so many of you come back for more information and more F.R.O.G. Soap™.

I love the questions; I love the looks that say "You've got to be kidding!" I love the question that so many ask... "How do you make soap from frogs?"

It's all so great. I love educating and informing folks about what they're using and believe it to be soap, only to learn that they’ve been using detergent.

It then comes as no surprise to them that they've been stripping their skin dry, like it was a greasy old pan. Not acceptable at all!

What's even better, is when the same folks come back to see me the following week and tell me how good their skin feels... how soft and manageable their hair is after using our F.R.O.G. Soap™ Soap and Shampoo/Body Bars. I love that the guys are just lovin’ the shampoo/body bar too... they lather up starting at the top of their heads and work it down to their wiggling toes!

Then ‘Poof!’ They are done... no bottle...no cap to lose or drop… Badda bing... badda boom!

Come down to the F.R.O.G. Soap™ Tent and visit us. We'll have samples for you to try, and we'll answer as many questions about our fantastic F.R.O.G. Soap™, and just bubble over with joy telling you just how green this whole outfit is!

The Official F.R.O.G. Soap™ Buggy! For all you folks out there in the Great Pacific NW, or even those folks just passing through, if you snap a photo of the F.R.O.G. Soap™ Buggy and send it to us here at F.R.O.G. Soap™, you'll have earned yourself a 20% Discount Certificate. Please let us know where you were when you snapped the photo.

Locally, you can claim your discount at the Bremerton Farmer's Market or any event where the F.R.O.G. Soap Tent is set up.

If you are from away and just passing through… drop us a piece of e-mail [email protected] and we'll make sure you get that discount!

We're looking forward to seeing your photos of F.R.O.G. Soap™ Buggy, and handing out those 20% Discounts Certificates!

A Word about our F.R.O.G. Soap™ Shampoo/Body Bars!

We are going to making a new Shampoo/Body Bar, and we want you to choose what we make. As you rabid fans know, we have Lavender, Tea Tree, Swamp Dog and Plain & Simple at the present.

We need to branch out a bit and get a few more ‘flavors’ in the mix. There has been interest shown in making Coconut, Grapefruit, Lemon, and a few others that elude me at the moment. I’ve got it written down some place. If you’ve seen the office lately, you’ll know it is complete folly to even think about finding it!

You let us know your choice by sending e-mail to [email protected] The flavor' that gets the most votes... is what we'll make. And, when it is cured... we'll give yooze newsletter subscribers a 10% discount for participating in the naming process and being close, personal friends and family! Besides, who doesn't like a discount, I ask ya? Whoo hooo! I sound like that ‘hooty’ owl that lives up in the woods behind us!

For those of you who haven’t tried our F.R.O.G. Soap™ Shampoo/Body Bars yet, you are in for a treat. No bottles with screw tops, flip-tops and what nots, that needs to be thrown away or dealt with while in the shower... nope, just a really great bar of shampoo.

That’s the ticket, right there… Bar of Shampoo! Believe it or not the lather worked up when using these bars is amazing. You will find yourself looking forward to the next time you get to use the shampoo/body bar, because it’s such a wicked new experience. It’s downright fun! You’ll also find yourself talking about it to your family, friends and even the people you work with. They will think you’ve finally gone over the edge, until you share your bar with them, or get your hands on a sample gizmo to give them.

Happens all the time… that’s why I make so many batches of the shampoo/body bars… because they don’t stay on the shelves very long... cure time only and they are out the door. It’s pretty cool!

To use your shampoo/body bar, cut the bar in half, or even quarters; as it is a good-size bar. Start at the top of your head, rubbing the bar in circles on your wet hair; then wash your way down to your wiggling toes. Before you know it, you will be covered in rich, creamy and abundant lather that will leave your hair and body clean, but not dry and itchy.

For those with , like myself... follow with a final rinse of 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar and a cup of warm water... you will never use cream rinse or conditioner again. Your hair will be soft and shiny like you've never felt it before. By the way, the recipe for the apple cider vinegar rinse is on the inside of the label! http://www.frogsoap.com/catalog.htm

F.R.O.G. Soap™ has diverted 2,391.5 pounds

of Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO), Bio-Diesel Glycerin, Corrugated Cardboard & Junk Mail to make, package and ship our Earth-Friendly, Handmade F.R.O.G. Soap™ to date!

The do good - feel-good factor…

For every bar of F.R.O.G. Soap™ you buy, or give as a gift, YOU are keeping a minimum of 4.23 ounces of the above mentioned waste material, from being hauled by train to a land fill in Eastern Oregon!

That’s over a quarter of a pound of waste material per each bar of F.R.O.G. Soap™, that doesn’t end up on that train! Here’s a link to an interesting article: “Talking Trash!” http://www.wmnorthwest.com/guidelines/news/talkingtrash0108.htm

To get a really good gander of what we do around here, besides having a ball making our Earth-Friendly F.R.O.G. Soap™, please go to http://www.frogsoap.com/F.R.O.G.%20Soap%20Flow%20Chart.htm

We know you’ll be impressed.

Not yet on the list to receive the F.R.O.G. Soap Newsletter? Then ‘hop’ on over to http://www.frogsoap.com/newsletter%20sign-up.htm to sign up! Be sure to forward it on to all the folks you know who would love to hear about F.R.O.G. Soap™, and what we’re doing to help save the planet, one gallon of oil at a time!

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