United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,484,100 Sato (45) Date of Patent: Nov
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United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,484,100 Sato (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 20, 1984 54 CATHODE-RAY TUBE FOR PROJECTOR 3,681,637 8/1972 Simpson ................................ 313/44 HAVING HEAT CONDUCTION AND RADATING MEANS FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 75) Inventor: Takeo Sato, Fukaya, Japan 1315125 4/1973 United Kingdom ................ 313/362 73) Assignee: Tokyo Shibaura Denki Kabushiki OTHER PUBLICATIONS Kaisha, Kawasaki, Japan McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical 21 Appl. No.: 348,076 Terms, 2nd Edition, pp. 731 and 1180. Primary Examiner-Palmer Demeo 22 Filed: Feb. 11, 1982 Assistant Examiner-Sandra L. O'Shea 30 Foreign Application Priority Data Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Finnegan, Henderson, Feb. 12, 1981 JP Japan .................................. 56-18047 Farabow, Garrett & Dunner 51 Int. Cl. .......................... H01J 7/24; H01J 29/86 57 ABSTRACT 52 U.S. C. ........................................ 313/44; 313/46; A cathode-ray tube for a projector, wherein a mesh-like 313/477 R. or striped heat conduction member is disposed on an 58 Field of Search ............... 313/477 R, 44, 46, 462; outer surface of a faceplate corresponding to an effec 220/2.3 A tive area of a phosphor screen, and the heat conduction 56) References Cited member is conductively in contact with a heat radiator U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS which is secured on the outer side of the faceplate. 2,832,911 4/1958 Velzer ................................. 313/429 5 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 1984 Sheet 1 of 2 4,484,100 F G. ... -i. U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 1984 Sheet 2 of 2 4,484,100 F G. 3 (02)3Sid3&nlw&EdWEL 4O 6O 8O OO RUNNING TIME ( MINUTES) F G. 4 33 .OOO (O<tCN 4O TEMPERATURE MEASURING POSITION (mm) 4,484,100 2 radiator which is secured on the outer side of the effec CATH ODE-RAYTUBE FOR PROJECTOR HAVING tive area of the faceplate. HEAT CONDUCTION AND RADATING MEANS, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGs BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 FIGS. 1 and 2 are views showing a cathode-ray tube for a projector according to one embodiment of the The present invention relates to a cathode-ray tube present invention in which FIG. 1 is a sectional view for a projector, the heat dissipation characteristic of thereof and FIG. 2 is a plan view of a heat radiating which is improved. assembly thereof; and In the cathode-ray tube for a projector, a phosphor O FIGS. 3 and 4 are graphs for comparing the charac screen formed on the inner surface of a faceplate is teristics of a conventional cathode-ray tube for a projec scanned with an electron beam from an electron gun. tor and a cathode-ray tube for a projector of one em An image of an effective surface is thus obtained. The bodiment of the present invention, in which FIG. 3 is a image of the effective surface is focused on a projection graph for explaining the relation between the running screen by an optical system arranged outside or inside 15 period and the temperature rise at the central outer the tube. The cathode-ray tube for a video projector surface of a faceplate, and FIG. 4 is a graph for explain must be activated at a final anode potential, that is, a ing the relation between a predetermined temperature potential of +25 kV to +30 kV on the phosphor measuring position on the outer surface of the faceplate screen. The phosphor screen of the cathode-ray tube for and the temperature rise on the outer surface thereof. a video projector must be scanned with an electron 20 beam in which the current density is a multiple of ten DETALEED DESCRIPTION OF THE time the density of the electron beam used for a cath PREFERRED EMBODIMENT ode-ray tube for television. 90% of the input power of A cathode-ray tube for a projector according to one 0.05 to 1.0 W/cm2 will vanish as heat loss. The heat loss embodiment of the present invention will be described causes the temperature of the phosphor to rise in the 25 in detail with reference to FIGS. 1 and 2. effective area which is scanned with the electron beam A phosphor screen 14 and a metal back layer 15 are and in the temperature of the outer surface of the face formed on an inner surface of a faceplate 11 of an enve plate corresponding to the effective area. Therefore, the lope comprising the faceplate 11, a funnel 12 and a neck following problems are presented. 13. An electron gun 17 which emits an electron beam 16 (l) Luminous efficiency is degraded owing to the rise 30 for scanning an effective surface of the phosphor screen of temperature of the phosphor. 14 is disposed in the neck 13. A deflection yoke 18 is (2) The faceplate may be cracked by a stress which is mounted on an outer wall portion extending from the caused by a difference between the temperature rise on funnel 12 to the neck 13. The above structure is substan the outer surface corresponding to the effective area tially the same as that in the conventional cathode-ray and the temperature rise on the peripheral outer surface 35 tube. Further, in the present invention, a number of thin which surrounds the outer surface corresponding to the wires 22 made of a good heat conduction material such effective area. as copper are meshed or arranged in a stripe pattern. The thin wires 22 are arranged in contact with the outer In order to solve the first problem, a cooling mecha surface of the faceplate 11 corresponding to the effec nism on the inner surface of the faceplate may be tive area of the phosphor screen 14. Further, the ends of adopted. However, such a cooling mechanism is not the thin wires 22 are conductively in contact with a proposed in practice. In fact, a cooling mechanism frame-like heat plate 21 extending outward from the which cools the phosphor indirectly from the outer edge portion of the faceplate 11. The thin wires 22 are surface of the faceplate is currently used. Further, in sealed in a transparent sealing member layer 23 of a thin order to solve the second problem, it is very effective to 45 film. Further, a transparent plate 24 for mechanically reduce the temperature difference between the outer reinforcing and preventing damage of the transparent surface corresponding to the effective area and the sealing member layer 23 is formed. peripheral outer surface by conducting heat on the After the heat radiating plate 21 is formed, a copper outer surface of the faceplate corresponding to the ef wire of 0.1 to 0.2 mm in diameter is wound around the fective area to the peripheral outer surface and the 50 plate 21 at a pitch of 1 to 3 mm. Alternatively, a heat peripheral part of the faceplate. For this purpose, con conductive member may be printed on a portion of the ventionally, various structures have been proposed. transparent plate 24 corresponding to the faceplate 11. However, these cooling devices are large in size, result In this case, the heat radiation plate 21 preferably ex ing in low relative luminance. Thus, the satisfactory tends from the periphery of the transparent plate 24 in cathode-ray tube for a projector cannot be obtained. 55 consideration of heat radiation. The connection be tween the thin wires 22 and the heat radiating plate 21 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION shape may be preferably established by adhesion under It is an object of the present invention to provide a pressure, soldering or welding. Further, it is effective to cathode-ray tube for a projector which is relatively increase heat absorption and radiation by subjecting the simple in construction and low in cost and which elimi 60 heat radiating plate 21 and the thin wires 22 to the nates or reduces the above problems. blackening treatment. A transparent synthetic resin, In order to achieve the above and other objects of the especially, an addition reaction type transparent silicone present invention, there is provided a cathode-ray tube is preferable as the transparent sealing member layer 23. for a projector characterized in that a mesh-like or According to a method for manufacturing a cathode striped heat conduction member is disposed on the 65 ray tube for a projector of the present invention, a heat outer surface of the faceplate corresponding to the ef radiating assembly comprising the heat dissipating plate fective area of the phosphor screen, and the heat con 21 and the thin wires 22 is placed on the outer surface of duction member is conductively in contact with a heat the faceplate 11. Transparent silicone which is hardened 4,484, 100 3 4. by the addition reaction is poured. Further, the trans transparent silicone and of the transparent plate, the parent plate 24 is placed on poured transparent silicone. total luminous efficacy is improved by 5%. The heat radiating assembly is sandwiched between the Therefore, in order to minimize the decrease in lumi transparent plate 24 and the outer surface of the face nous efficacy due to the temperature rise of the phos plate 11 and adhered under pressure. phor, the size of the opening must be further enlarged Various characteristics of a conventional cathode-ray and heat conductivity of the thin wires 22 must be in tube for a projector and a cathode-ray tube of one em creased. bodiment of the present invention will be described The distribution of heat on the outer surface of the with reference to FIGS.