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The Art and Arts of E. Howard Hunt Gore Vidal

The Art and Arts of E. Howard Hunt Gore Vidal

The Art and Arts of E. Howard Hunt Gore Vidal

From December 7, 1941, to August something of the Kapstein creative island story has this our embattled yet correspondent in the Pacific." Who', 15, 1973, the United Slate' has been writing method. I require the tyro still mightily sceptered realm owed to Who corroborates, "Movie script angl- continuously at am except fore brief, pen-oleo to copy out in long hand but one man...." er, editor March of Time (1942-43): too little celebrated interregnum. Be- some acknowledged world masterpiece. H. H. is a daydreamer and like all was corr. Life meg. 1942." Yet one tween 1945 and 1950 the Howie copied out-if memory serves- great dreamers II think particularly of wonders what movies he wrote and turned its attention to peaceful pur- Of Human Bondage." Edgar Rice Burroughs) he stirs one's what Arides he filed, and from where. suits and colored something of a own inner theater into productions of Limit of Darkness (Random House, golden or at leen (or us not too But until the Kapstein Connection is the most lurid morn, aerials from which 1944) was written during this period. brazen in age. The arts in perticulor made, I must search the public record dull fact must be rigorously ex- H. H.'s second novel is concerned with nourished. Each week new genius was for clues. The IWO locket of H. WS cluded-like the Random Hoop blurb? a novel air squadron on Guadalcanal in revealed by the press, and old genius first novel Letts us that he became a "In February, 1942, Howard Hunt was the SOI0M001. Was H. H. actually on decently boned Among the new novel naval enotan in May, 1941 -There detached from has ship and sent to Guadalcanal or did he use as source Leta of that far-off time were Truman followed merry months of active duty Boston." Now if the dates given on the book Ira Wolfert's just published Battle Capota (today a much loved television at sea on a destroyer, on the North jacket are accurate, he served as an for she Solomons? Possible clue: the performer) sod myself. Although we Atlantic patrol. protecting the life-line ensign for no more than nine months. character of war correspondent Fran- were cor.....4 (a wort! (het the late to :thlhattled P,1:1: Ss) Till( of tom Biro: month: .h X. 0'80.11Ori... r,at list girth. William Faulkner thought meant evil at a surrogate for H. H. who never casts the same hint as), we were unlike: himself In his boots as anything but a Cappto looked upon the gorgeous Wasp. O'Bannon is everything H. H. Speed Laud. as a Ulm tiger in the detests-a low-class papist vulgarian Capotean garden where l saw mere who is also-what else?-"unhealthily tambkin astray in my devouring jungle. fat and his jowls were pasty." The au- The mu thing that Capote end I did thor contrasts him most unfavorably have in common was a need for with the gallant Wasps to whom he dedi- money And so each of us applied to cate, the novel: "The Men Who Flew the Guggenheim Foundation for a from Henderson." grant; and cacti was turned down. They are incredibly fine, these Shocked, we compared notes, Studied young chaps. They ought to be with the hat of More who had received names like McRae, Cordell, Forsyth, grants 'VW you just look." moaned Lambert, Lewis, Griffin, Sampson, Truman. "at those 4kb-full pie-pull Vaughan, Scott-not a nigger, faggot, they keep giving oruh-nee tor Racer lake, or woo in the outfit. Just reel for the admirable Carson McCollers guys who say real true simple things like who got so many gran. in her day "a guy who's fighting just to get back that she was known as the conductress to the States is only half fighting ..." on the gravy train, the list of honored A love scene: "'Oh, Ben, if it only writers ins not to our minds disc would stop.' She put her face into the =Visited Typical of the sort of hollow of his shoulder. 'No,' he novelist the Guggenheims preferred to sad.... 'We haven't killed enough of Capote and me in 194-6 was twenty. them yet or burned their cities or right-year-old iproctleally middle-aged) bombed them to hell the way we Howard Hunt, author of Ear, of must. When I put away my wings I F.:wawa:I (Random House, 1943); want it to be for good-not just for a novel described by the publishers as few years.' " A key motif in the H.11. "probably the foss novel about this Oetivie the enemy must be defeated was by en American who actually more like it. My eyes shut: the ma. A could he have spent protecting Eng- once and for all so that man can live helped fight it." The blurb LI unusually cold foggy day. Slender, •trite H. H. land's embattled life-line? It tUa naval at peace with himself in a world where elicited. Apparently, H.14. "grew up arrives (by kayak?) at a secret rendez- career ends when he is "sent to United Fruit and ITT' know what'. .`. like any other American boy" (no vous with a British battleship. On the Boston, to lake treatment for an Injury best not only for their stockholders tap-dancing on a river boat for him) bridge u Admiral Sir Ledie Charteria. in a naval hospital." This is worthy of but for their customers as well "gomg to public schools and to college It's Walter Pidgeon, of count. the Great Anti-Semanticist Nixon him- An academic critic would doubtless (Brown University, where he studied "Thank God, you got through. I never self. Did H. H. dip a disk while taking make something of the fact that since under 1.1. Kapstein)." thought it possible. There's someone cholera shot down in the dispensary? the only had guy in the book is a fat, A clue. I slip iota Uriefie, Kapstein particularly WleLS to thank you." Then Who', Who merely records: "Served pasty Catholic newspaperman, H. H. will prove to be my Rooebud. The key out of the swirling fog items a altort with USNR, 194(1-42." might well be reproaching himself for to the Hunt mystery. But doe. Key. burly figure; the face h truculent yet . not having flown with the golden stein still H.? WIII he talk? Or f, he somehow indomitable (no, it's not I turn for Information to Mr. Tad gallant guys who gave so much of afreml I daydream. "Hunt ... E. How- ). In one powerful band Sault, H. it's principal biographer and themselves for freedom, to get the job ard Hunt ... ab, yet. Sit down, he holds a thick cigar. When He an invaluable source of reference. done. In their numinous company. Mr.... ash, Boxell? Forgive me .. this speaks, the voice is the very voice of According to Mr. Soak, H. IL worked H. FL may very well have fell like an lest stroke memo to have.... Where human freedom and. yea, dignity. "En- for the next two years "as a movie overweight Catholic-and all because of were we? Howie, Yes. I must tell you sign Hunt. seldom in the annals of our script writes sod, briefly, as a was that mysterious accident in the naval


Give Us This Day Maelstrom Be My Victin The Coven by Howard Hunt. by Howard Hunt. by Robert Dietrich. by David St. John. Arlington House, 215 pp., 57.95 Farrar, Simms & (firm., 1948 Dell, 1957 Weybrieht and Talley (1972l, ■ 159 pp., 54.95; The Berlin Ending Bimini Run End of Stripper Fawcett (1972), 159 pp.,1.95 (paper) by E. Howard Hunt. by Howard Hunt. by Robert Dietrich. Potions's. 310 pp.. 56.95 Dell, 1960 Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1949 Compulsive Spy: The Strange Macfadden-Bartell, 160 pp., Eon of Farmsell Angel Eyes Career of E. Howard Hunt by Howard Hunt. 5.75 (paper) by Robert Dietrich. by Tad Stoic. Random Howe, 1943 Dell, 1961 Viking, 179 pp, 55,95 A Foreign Affair Limit of Darkness A Gift for (to be published in January) by John Baxter. Goma. by Howard Hunt. by John Basler. Aron, 1954 Anismin's Dairy Random House, 1944 Lippincott, 1962 by Arthur H. Bremer, Stranger in MINI 1 Come to Kill Where Murder Wall Harper's Mapaine Press, by Howard Hunt. by Gordon Davis,. by Gordon Davis. 14? pp., 16.50 Random Howe, 1947 Fawcett, 1954 Fawcett (19651, 157 pp., 5.95 (paper) Pocket Hooka 51,51l

The New lark Arnim worthy black retainer who could have weren't very clean. and after It was all hospital; In Its wry so like Homy fight for human dignity, this time in Green Pastures. A ones when 1 was down on the street James's often alluded to but never the skies. played De Lewd in quick resume of Fleming's career fol- again, walking home, I thought that precisely by the Master named dis- But aceopAng to Mr. Saute what lows. never wanted to see lies again." Ernest ability which turned out to have H. H. really joined was not the Air Incidentally, each of H. H.'s narra- would have added min to that sen- been—after years of petient literary Force bur the Office of Strategic tives U periodically brought to a halt tence, if not to the scene. detective work—chronic acumination. Services, a cloak-and-dagger outfit while he provides the reader with Academe- critic. are not always wrong. whose clandestine activities probably did not appreciably lengthen the vat highly detailed capsule biographies Who', Who style. it H. The themes that are to run through "Al a cover, hr was given the rank of written in H. el.'s work and life are all to be Limit of Air Corps Lieutenant." Mr Sauk tells plainly enjoys composing plausible The actual limiting of found ui Stranger in Town. The sense Darkness is not at all bad: it Is not at us that ft II. was sent to China to (and implausible) biographies for his characters—not to mention for himself. that blacks and Latins are not quite all good either. H. H. demonstrates the- train guerrillas behind the Japanese Contemporary Authors, II. H. com- human (Fleming is attracted to a way a whole generator, of writers Linea Curiously enough. I have not In Posed a hio. for his pseudonym Robert "Negress" but fears syphilis). The in- ordered words upon the page in Imita- come across a Chinese setting In any of age, terest in pre-war laze: Beidcrbecke and H. H.'a nose's Was he ever in China? Dietrich. taking len years off his tion of what they took to be Heroine- Goodman. A love of fancy food. drink, One daydreams. "'Lieutenant Hunt putting; himself in the infantry during way's technique. At beat Hemingway decor, yet whenever the author tries to reporting for duty, General." The hag- Kota, awarding himself a Bronze Star was an artful, careful writer who took strike the elegant worldly note, drapes gaol face with the luminous strange and a degree from Georgetown. A a good deal of trouble to master meats not curtains tend to obscure the view sel hint through the tangled quarter century later when the grand- of action—the hardest kind of writing eyes stared from his not so magic casements, vines. 'Lieutenant Hunt?' WIngate's mother trampler and special councilor to do, while his dialogue looks most looking out on tacky lands forlorn. voice was shrill with awe. 'Until today, to the President Charles W. Colson attractive an the page. Yet unwary Throughout his life's work there Is a no man ha, ever hacked hie way wanted documents invented and his- imitators use apt to find themselves (as constant wistful and. finally, rather through that living wall of slant-eyed tory revised to the interest of Nixon's in Limit of Darkness) slipping into touching ideroilicstion with the old Japanese flesh....' " re-election, he turned with confidence aimless redundancies. Wanting to Hem- American patriciate. to H. IL He knew his man—and fellow insets-vile the actual cadences of Wasp Them is a rather less touching Brown alumnus. speech as spoken by young fliers, H. H. In 1946,14,11. returned to civilian mathusinara for war: "An atom bornb is so stylizes their voices that one char- life and wrote what Is probably his Just a bigger and better bomb," while acter Mends with another. Although most self-revealing novel, Stranger in A. Fleming orders himself cham- "the only justification for killing in Hemingway worked with pasteboard Town (Random House. 19471. This pagne and a luxurious meal ending wet is that evil must be destroyed." cutouts, too, he was cunning enough must have been very nearly the first of with Baked Alaska (for one!), we get Although evil is never exactly defined, to set his dolls against moat stylishly the returned war veteran novels. a the hlo. He has been everywhere in the the killers for goodness aught to be rendered landscapes; he also gave them left alone to kill in their own way vivid things to do: the duck that got because "If I hired a man to do a dirty shot was always a real duck that really job for me, I wouldn't be pre- got shot. Finally, the Hemingway trick sumptuous enough to specify what of repeating key &OWLS and proper weapons he was to use or at what names is simply not possible for other hour...." Toward the end of the writers—as ten thousand novels lin- hook, H. H. strikes a minatory anti- eluding Vale of Hemingway's Own/ communist note. Fleming denounces testify. Pacifists and "a new organization In H.11.1 early books, which won called the Veterans Action Council" for him a coveted (by Capote and rate) whose "Ideals had been a paraphrase of Gummobsun grant, there is a certain the Communist manifesto." Apparently amount of solemnity if not seriousness. these veterans prefer to follow the The early H. H. liked to quote from party line which is to disarm the US high-toned writers like Pliny and Louis while Rona' arms. A few year. later echt genre best exemplified by Merle Mil- war from "Jugland" (Yugoslavia?) to MacNeke as well as from that when Joe McCarthy got going. this war ter's That Winne; reading it, I confess the Far East. He remembers good American Wasp Witham Cullen Bry- a standard line. But It was hot stuff in to a certain nostalgic. meals in Shanghai and Johnny Walker ant—whose radical politics would have 1945, and had the bookchat writers of Block Label. Steak_ Yet his memories shocked H. H. had he but known. But Handsome, virile young Major Flem- the day like Orville Prescott and am hitter. He is bitter. He is also edgy. Men I suspect the quotations are not ing returns to New York City, a Charles Poore not hewed to closely to "1 can't go around for the rest of my from H. H.'s wide reading of world glittering Babylon in those days before the commie line Stranger in Town life like somebody out of the Ministry literature but from brief random in- the writing appeared on Mayor Lind- would have been much read. As it was. Harlem's Familiar Ow, of Fear." spection. of say's wall, Fleming has a sense of the book failed. Too avant-garde. Too lotions. Alienation (new d'ord in 1947). He Fleming if an artist. A sculptor. patriotic. H.11.'s fliers are conservative lads ...moot bear the callous civilian world H. H, conforms to that immutable rule who don't think much of Rooievelt's which he contrail, unfavorably with of had fiction which requires the sensitive here to practice the one art he gullible Who*: Who now tells us Four Freedoms. They fight to get the how it was for us back them in the T his creator knows nothing about. We that H. H. was a "screen writer. Job dale. That's alt. Old Glory. H. It Pacific in our eruddr foxholes with the learn that Fleming's old girl friend her 1947-48; attache Am Embassy. Pero, la plainly dotty about the Wasp aristoc- frigging sound or mortal overhead and married someone else, This is a re- France, 1948-1.5i." But Mr. Saute racy. One of the characters in Limit u/ our buddies dying—for what? How current theme in the early novels. Was knows better. Apparently H.H. Darkness is almost unhinged when he could any blackiparketing civilians spiv H. H. jilted? Recipient of o Dear John joined the CIA "early in 1949, and learns that a gill he has ,met went to know what war was really like? letter? Get cracking, thesis-writers. after • short period in Washington Ethel Walker. Had H. Ft. not chosen a Actually. none of Lis knew what it The civilian world of New York, headquarters. he was sent to Paris for life of adventure I think he might have was Like either ainde, as far as my 1946, anr.oya Fleming ("maybe the nearly two years. Now for a cover, he made a good second string to O'Hara's investigations have liken me, no novel- Far East hes spoiled me for America"). called himself • State Department second string to Hemingway. H. H. has ist of the Sectrid World War or He is particularly enraged by demobili- reserve officer." But the chronology the O'Hara sense of irredeemable social returned-veteran-front-lhe•war novelist zation. "Oversees. the nineteen-year-old *cents a bit off. Inferiority which takes the place for so ever took part in any action. Most milksops were bleeding for their According to the blurb of a John many Irish-American writer. of original mete clerks in headquarter companies the toolbar', and their mothers were bleed- Bunn novel, the author (H. H.) tin, he also shares O'Hara's pleasure in or with Yana or Stare and Striper; ing for them, and the army was being "worked as a screen writer until Holly- listing the better ',rend names of thai manlier was a cook. H. H. may have some of the war all a corre- demobilized, stripped of its poems.... wood felt the impact of TV. 'When world. Evan on Guadalcanal we are ohsened spondent and, perhaps, from behind the He had had faith In the war until they unemployed screen wnter colleagues tie- told of a pipe tobacco from "a tether lines in China, but no foxhole ever partitioned Poland win.... Wherever pin hanging themselves aboard their good hew Zealand leaf." ' Russia moved in. that pert of the yachts,' Baxter joined the Foreign Ser- By 1943 H. was a promising held him, no Wed ever fed him, no world was sealed off." Fleming has I vice." I slip into reverie. I am with author. According to The New Yuri vastatIon overwhelmed him in the suspicion that he la not going to like Leonard Spigelgaw. the doyen of Times, "East of Farewell was a fine Gellert' at Naples. But the daydreamer whet he calls "the Atomic Age." But movie writers al MGM. "Lenny, do realistic novel, without any doubt the of course is always there. And how! then, "They trained nee to be you remember E. Howard Hunt alias best sea story of the wet " Without The book is dedicated to two dead ... Now they'll have to undo John Baxter alias Robert Dietrich Ol- any doubt it was probably the only sea officers (Wasp), as well as to "The it" ga ..." Lenny nods: a small smile story of the war at that point but the other gallant young vice who did not At a chic night club, Fleming meets plays across his handsome mouth. Timer has a style to maintain. Now • return." Only a book reviewer whose the greasy Argentine husband of his "Howie never got credit on a moor momentous change in the daydreamer's dues were faithfully paid up to the old flame; he beats hire up. It seems picture. Used to try to peddle them life. With Limit of Darkness in the Communist Party could keep a tear that Fleming her never been very keen foreign Intrigue scripts, He was hipped works at Random House. H. H. (ac- from his eye as he read that line. Then about Latine. When he was a school- on assassination, I Ma' Poor Howie. cording to Who's Who) honed the the story, it Is early 1946, Maine boy at Choate (yes, Choate). he met Not even Universal would touch him." USAF (1943-1946); and rose to the Fleming checks Into the elegant Man- an Italian girl in New York. She took But I feu that like Pontius Pilate in rank of first lieutenant. It would mean hattan flat of his noncombatant him home and got his cherry. But "she the Anatole France story, Lenny that despite "the injury in a nasal brother who is out of town but has smelled of girlie. and the sheet, would merely say, "E. Howard Hunt? I hospital" our hero was again able to given him the flat and the services of a The New York Review

problem is, simply. • basic loathing of Howie. April, 1961. Out of that humiliation ham Manchester's book for a time democracy, even of the superficial In 1960 H. H. publirhed three Diet- grew the Rertin Wall, the missile crisis, focused public attention on events American sort. The boobs will only rich thrillers. In 1961 It H. published guerrilla enrage thoughout Latin surrounding the assassination of John send boots to Comsteu unless a clever two Dietrich thrillers. to 1962 there America and Africa, and our Domini- Fitzgerald Kennedy. Once again it smooth operator like Representative was no Dietrich thriller. But as John can Republic intervention. Castro'. became fashionable to hold the city of Lansdale in End of a Shipper 1114114444-1 Beeler H. H. published Gift for Go-- beachhead triumph opened a bottom- Dallas collectively responsible for his to buy an election in order to drive male (Lippincott, 1962). The dates Ins less Pandora's box of difficulties...." murder. Still, and let this not be the country, wittingly or unwittinglY, sianifir-anL In 1961 H. FL wan involved "This is the classic reactionary's view of forgotten, Lee Harvey Oswald was a further along the road to collectivism. in the Bey of Pip and so, presumably, the world, unoompnonLved by mete partisan of Fidel Castro, and an ad- It would be much simpler in the world too busy to write books After the Bey fact. How does one lose China if ono mitted Marxist who made desperate of Steve Bentley not to have elections of Pigs, he dropped Robert Dietrich did not possess Chino in the first efforts to loin the Red Revolution in of any kind. and revived John Butter, a straight if place? And what on earth did John- Havana. In the end he was an activist Steve doesn't much cotton to lady rather light novelist who deals with the son's loony intervention is the Domini- for the Fair Play for Cuba Commit- publisher. either. "lest,. lay Redpath, not-so-high comedy of Kennedy Wash- can Republic really have to do with tee." Well, this is what H. H. and a otherwise known as Alma Ward" (or ington. out unsuccessful attempt to overthrow good many like-minded people want us Mr.. Philip Graham, otherwise known Castro? to believe. But is it nue? Or special as Kay Meyer) 411444 an appearance in H. It begins his apologia for his H. ti. deplores the shortness of the pleading? Ora cone! son? A pattern Angel Eyes, and hard as milli she ix part in the Bay of Piga with the national memory for America's dis- emerges. Steve masters the pinko spitfire. statement that "No event wince the grace twelve years ago. He denounces H. H.'i memoir is chatty. He tells fie mums, everything, In feet, but communiretion of China In 1949 has the media's effort to make JFK seem ■ bow in 1926 his father traced an Washington efeelf with its "muggen had such a profound effect on the hero foe having pulled bock from the absconding partner to Havana and with and heroin numbers and the white- end as aim u the brink of Mold War Ill. Oddly, he an Army Colt .45 got luck his money. slavers and the taggotry.... halo town Ireful of the US-trained Cuban inva- remarks that "Tbe death of lack Ruby "Father's intervention was direct, die seed. a purifying rain!" Amen to that, sion brigade at the Bay of Pigs in and worldwide controvern over Wit. gel, and effective." Years later his son's Cuban work proved to be indirect and ineffective; but at least it mu every hit as illegal as Dad's. Again one comes up against the panda of the right-wing American who swean by hue and order yet never hesitates to break the law for his own benefit. Either law and order ie simply • code phrase meaning 44t A startling and the commie-weirdo-fag-nigger-lovers or FL H.'s Nixonien concept of law and order is nut due process but vigilante.

A. IL H. tells as how be is brought wholly original essay into the Cuban adventure, the narrative reads just like one of his thrliten with the some capsule biographies, the name tight-lipped nide.. "I'm a career offi- cer. I lake orden and carry them out." on the causes It appear. that ex-Resident Fiancees offered to provide the anti-Castro Cuban, with a base in Costa Rico (the name Fiancees sheltered Mr. Vesco), But the Costs Rican sacrament de- of war' cided not to be host to the patriots so FL H. set up his Cuban government-in- exlie in Mexico City, resigning from the Foreign Service this cover). He told "A uniquely challenging and everyone he had come into some provocative work ....Sampson money And planned to live in Mexico. weaves a stunning essay in European Privately, he tells us he was dedicated history culminating in to getting rid of the "blood-waked a categorical rejection of a world gang" in li by shedding mum order based on democratic national blood. states." —Kirkus nevi:eras Thin was the Raring and Ammer of 1960 and Kennedy and Nixon were "A moat unusual approach to the running fur president. Since Kennedy's subject of power and Its relationship denunciations of the commie regime to war ... It reveals a fresh mind ninety man off the coast of Florida asking extremely penetrating ques- were more bellicose than Nixon's, the tions about nations and societies that ended Cubans tended to be pro- have shown historical proclivities Kennedy in the election. But not H. H. He most have known even then this toward war-making ... British JFK van a communist at bean because political scientist Sampson analyzes his chief support came from the pinko Tolstoy's religious and sociological elements in the land. H. ti, also had a thought. especially his moral views certain insight into the new President's on war, along with the ideas and character because "WK end t wen influence of some of his predecessors college contemporaries" (what he —de Malaise, Stendhal, Herten and mean. is that when lack cues at Proudhon Sampson's approach Harvard Howie was at Brown) "and I through studieS of Julien Sorel, had met him at a Boston debut" (of protagonist of Stendhal's The Red whet!) "where he was pointed out ro me ... I freely confess not having and the Black, and of Tolstoy's major discerned in Me relaxed Lin.ments the characters In War and Peace, may be future naval hero, Killdeer laureate. offbeat political science, but it cer- Senator, and President." tainly enhances the interest of the Meanwhile It. H. is suck with his general reader." provisional government in Mexico and —Publishers Weekly he was "disappointed, For Letin Amer- ican males their caliber was about .areas; they displayed most Latin faults and few Latin virtues.' In other g6.95, now et your boolutere words, alliftlees but not musical. What can an associate member of the Wasp 11111111 patriciate and would-be killer of com- Pantheon mies do but grin and hear it and try to L make I silk-purse or two of his Latin The New, Yogic Reeiew

pi ears? In 19'60 Allen Dulles recolved'the top teem for a briefing On the pro- posed liberation of Cuba. H. H. was them and tells us of the plan to drop paratroopers at "Santa Clara, located Frederic C. Lane ethical In Cuba's geographic center while "reithibtalng troops would land by Maim at Santa Clare and Trini- VENICE dad ... on the southern coast" Assum- ing that Caaluu'e troops would be in A Maritime Republic the [Inane area, the Brigade would "march nit and west, picking up "The publication of this book is an event of paramount irrt- strength as they went." There would portanee . . the culmination of a lifetime of careful research also be, simultaneonely. a Gfth column by one of the country's finest historians "—Louis B. Wright to "blow up bridges and cut oarnmuni. cations." But "let me underscore that Few cities in world history have held so much fascination as neither during thin tintother meetings Venice. In, Fredenc Lane's graceful narrative the sixth was It asserted that the underground or through the eighteenth centuries of Venetian history unfold the populace was to play a decisive — the maritime life so central to the city's development role in the campaign." H. H. goes on the unique and jealously guarded social and political institu- to explain that the CIA operation was tions envied by her neighbors . the architecture, sculp- to be essentially military and he ad- ture, and painting that made Venice a center of artistic crea- mits, tacitly. that these would prob- tion . . and the peculiar genius and industry of her people. ably he no great uprising apinn Lanes massive, richly illustrated volume is truly the most Conn, Thee Is candid but then H, complete history of Venice published in 50 years. wants no part of any revolution. At Photographs, maps, drawings one point he expiable to on ;hat the Deluxe clothbound edition $17,50 American revolution was nut a class Softbound edition $6.95 revolution but a encenful reparation The wooden t.agr at Rube. a pseud 01, C.1174,1.10 of a colony from an empire. "Clan warfare, therefore, is of foreign ori- Ernesto Cardenal

The Kennedy administration did not inspire H. H. with confidence. Richard "Extraordinary," Daniel Berrigan calls this book Goodwin, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Ches- ler Bowles "all had a common beck- of poems. 1Cardenall blows into flame the extin- pound in Americans for Democratic guished fires of love, hatred, passion, for survi- Action—the ADA." In H. H.'s world to val, cold fury, the very soul of those first inhabit- belong to ADA 11 tantamount to ants who sing in their chains and die of their love membership in the Communiu party. of life. . . . In Ernesto, they have a voice in our True to form, the White House Fenles midst, . . He grants us a future, a second birth started saying that the Castro revolu- out of our bloody torment." tion had been a good thing until Homage Ernesto Cardenal is a Nicaraguan poet and priest betrayed by Castro. This Trotskyite now recognized in this country as a major voice in variation was also played by Marthio to the Latin Amin-lam letters. Rey, e liberal Cuban leader H. ft. Translated by Carlos and Monique Altschul found as eminently &hallow and oppor- American Indians illustrated by Dino Aranda tunistic as the White House found $6.95 cloth, $2.50 paper whin, H. H. had hit hands full with the Console or goveounent-tn-be of Cube. Meanwhile, troops were being trained In Guatemala. H. H. made e Murray Krieger ',nit to their secret camp and took a number of photographs of the Bripde Proud of his einem he thought they Visions of Exremity should be published in order to 'gins- unite recruiling" also, to Shaw the world that members of the Connie in Modern Literature wen getting on wall with the Brigade, Originally published separately, The Tropic Vision and The Classic Vision are now available in paperback as which they were riot companion volumes under a new title, Visions of Extremity in Modern Literature. Murray Krieger has written a At this point in time (an opposed to new introduction to the set. fictional point, out of time), antis- Volume I: Volume untie Tracy Barnes suggested that FL H. meet Arthur Schlesinger, It. at The Tragic Vision The Classic Vision the White House where Camelot', his. The Confrontation of Extremity The Retreat front Extremity torten was currently "pounding out" "A very full book indeed, -Krieger is one of the most discern- the White Paper on Cub. for Arthur with not only a rationale of ing, seminal literary critis in this the King. Arthur the historian "wee tragedy and the outline of a country, and each new volume of wand it his desk typing furiously, a new literary method rihetha- criticism has been awaited by seri- cigarette clinging to hie half-open tics') but perceptive analyses ous students of the subject. But mouth, baking as disorderly at when of fourteen novels... I know none more than this.... Krieger we had firm met In Pan, a decade of no criticism that confronts us turns his attention to a `retreat from before." Although H. H.'s etyle Is not to powerfully with that first extremity,' to the self-imposed re- elegant he seldom comes up with an phase of every tragic course — the straints and discipline enabling the entirely wrong word; it it particularly experience of stark, stains evil, the writer to accept the human condition nice that in the moneternidden cellar demoniac, the monstrous, the absurd. instead of rejecting it.... Krieger's. of his brain the word "disorderly" From now on, we can talk about 'the introductory essays brilliantly set his thesis should have surfaced instead of "di- tragic vision' with significant precision." - into proper perspective. .. . A major work of sheveled" for are not all ADA'ers R. B. Sewall in Yak Review $3.25 paper critidsm."--Air race $12.50 cloth, $3.65 paper enemies of law'n'order and so Ills orderly? at your bookstore or order direct from During this meeting. H. H. learns that Dean Rink has vetoed she seizure from the ail or Trinidad because the Johns Hopkins world would then know that the IFS The Johns Hopkins University Press was deeply Emplinted in the invasion. Baltimore, Maryland 212I8 Let 13 MIL Al 3 II (The word ninaranah had not yet been I 'DeremVer 13, fon 13 minted by the empire's hardworking to say that there were no cowards on That is H.11.'1 only reference to Bernie later became a real estate cuphemists.1 Then the supreme master the beach, aboard the assault ships or Sturgis( Florini On the other hand, he agent in Miami Later still he was to of disorder appeared in the historian', . in the air." But the Bay of Pigs was a tens us a good deal about Bernard recruit two of his employees, Felipe de office. Said AdIS Stevenson to aristo- disaster for the free world and H. H. "Bernie" L. Barker, "Cohan-born US Dirge and Eugenic, P. Martinez, for cratic Tracy Barnes "'Everything go- uses the word "betrayal." As the sun citizen. First man in Cuba to volunteer duty as White House burglars. Accord- ing well, Tracy?' and Barns gave a set on the beachhead which he never after Pearl Herbs. Served as USAF ing to Barker, de Diego had conducted positive response. This exchange is saw, "only vultures moved." Although Captain /Bombardier. Shot down and "a successful raid In capture Casco important for it was later alleged that safe in Washington. "I was sick of spent eighteen months in a German government documents," while Mar- Stevenson had been kept in the dirk lying and deception, heartsick over prison camp," H. H. tells us how tine made over "300 infiltrations into shout invadon preparations" political compromise and military de- Bernie was used by the CIA to Castro Cuba." At the time of Water- Latei. waiting in the preen secretary's feat." Fortunately, H. H.'s sickness infiltrate the Hanna police so "that gate Martinez was still on the CIA °Mee. "I at an Pamela Tonsure's desk with lying and deception was only the CIA could have an inside view of payroll until the getaway signal came and we temporary. Ten years later Camelot Cuba n enttiubversive operations" could leave the While House un- would he replaced by Watergate and Whatever that means Bernie was observed, much like President Hard- FL H. would at last be able to hat the H. H.'s assistant in Miami during the G ire Us This Der is dedicated "To the Men of Brigade 2506." The hero ins'a mistress" Bull's eye, Howie! beach In freedom's name. pre-invasion period, He was "eager, Worthy of Saint-Simon, of Harold of the book is a very handsome young efficient, and completely dedicated." It Cuban leader named Artirne. H. H. Robbins!? Al least two other Watergate burg- wee Bernie who brought Dr. Jost Mira D-Day. "I was not on the beach- offers us t photograph of this glam- lar, were involved with the Bay of Pigs Cardona into H. H.'s life. Mho Is a mom youth with one arm circling the head, but I have talked with many mper. "Co-pilot of • plane that right-wing "former president of the haunted-eyed author-conspirator. II is a Cubans who were." Shades of the war dropped leaflets over Haven' I was an Cuban bar" and Later head of the ■ touching picture. No arm, however, novelise of quarter century before es-Marine named Frank Fiarini," who is Cuban revolutionary council. He had figuratively speaking, ever encircles the "Rather than attempt to write what identified in a footnote: "Later, as also been, briefly. Castro', prime minis. equally han some Augustus of the het been written before, It is enough , a Watergate defendant." ter. d West. H. H. is particularly exercised by what he believes to love been Ken- nedy's tactic "to whitewash the New Frontier by heaping pall on the CIA." Philosophy H. H. is bitter at the way the media played along with this "unparalleled campaign of vilification and obloquy and that must have made the Kremlin mad c with Joy." To H. H., the real enemy is Religion anyone who affects "to are tom. munani springing from poverty" rather than from the machinations of the men in the Kremlin. "On December 29, 1962, President AESTHETICS AND THE CANTS ANALOGIES OF CANTS POLITICAL THOUGHT Kennedy reviewed the survivors of the THEORY OF CRITICISM EXPERIENCE: Its Origin! and Derekreorund Brigade in Miami's Orange Bowl. Selected Essay. of Arnold Isenberg Arthur ?debris* Rana Saner Watching the televised ceremony, I saw Edited by William Callaghan Translated by E. B. Ashton Pepe San Roman Ore JFK the Br- et al. With an Introduction by Offering new interpretaihau of Kant's Mary Misheraill and a Biographical argiansents Melmck outlines and de- Winner of the Ilerman Hesse Prize in glade's flog" (Footnote: "Artime told Sketch by William Callaghan fends Karat's theurim of substance. Germany in 1968. -Here," says Karl me the flag was a replica, and that the ceusation, and interaction in order to Jaspers. "for the Brat time, the weight Sixteen of the late philosopher's ea- Brigade feeling against Kennedy ens so establish the indinscrumbility of these or Kant's political thinking In the con- says. explaining hat concept of aes- great that the presentation nearly did notions in human experienc e. text of his entire philosophy is . . . not take place") "for temporary safe- thetic mammy and his radically demister/at/id in a complete interpre- innovative approach to traditional Leticia' " $12.75 keeping In response the President said, problems in criticise. and Illustrating 'I can assure you that this flag will be his distinctive contribution to twenti. returned to this Brigade in a free sh-century philosophy. 312.50 Havana.' " it H. adds toady, "One and its paperback ... wonders what time period he had in mind." THE WORLDS OF EXISTENTIALISM INTRODUCTION TO ARISTOTLE A Critical Render Second Edition, &reined and Enlarged Edited, with Introductiona and a Conclusion by Edited by Richard McKeon ho's Who tells us that H. H. was e Maurice Friedman W The snowbird met for 11111,111,0112 courses in philosophy and consultant with the Defense Depart. Organized around central argues, this voliane Includes the humanities nose with new introductions throughout. nient 1960-1965. Mr. Smile finds this material from the whole range of existentialist writings, and exparekd to Include material front the Metairie much never before available in English, by such Notre" and period of H. If.'s gaga entirety murky. On thr Pans of Aniseeds. $3.25 as Melville, Kafka, Billie, and Same. 14.95 Apparently H. H. became personal assistent to Allen Dulles after the Bay The Find Two Volumes in as New Series, Chicago History of American Religion of Pig,. Mr. Seale also tells us the! in Martin E. Marty, Editor 1963 the American ambassador to Spain refused to accept H. H. as dep- DISSENT IN AMERICAN RELIGION AMERICAN RELIGIOUS THOUGHT uty chief of the local CIA station Edwin Scott Coasted A History because of H. H.'s peculiar activities as Thee categories of dissenters—Sehisrdics, Heretics, and William A. Clebsch Misfits—am eaplored, as Caused presents. for the first station chit( for Uruguay in 1 95 9. Clebsch examines the time, the broad current of mligkus dissent as a pervasive in fine of American religious After persuading President Nucleon to thole which, although varied and essential clement in both the past and the futtne in its frg,115, 13 1/.19/C.1111.. , of hope ul end practical_ He emphasizes the traddim of ask Eisenhower to keep him en pone American life. $0395 "esthetic retigiousnem" created and perpetuated by such In Uruguay, H. H. then tried to over- pioneer Minkel" as Jonathan Edwards. Emmen, and throw the same President Nardone William James. $6.95 without telling the American 'ambas- and in paperback . . . sador. It was OM tactless treatment of the ambassador this colt II. H. the SYS t t—NIATIC THEOLOGY THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS Spanish post Vedusee One &twain Marthodo/ogy 01111 of H. H.'s friends told Paul Tillich Edited by Mimeo Mimic and Joseph M. Citagevra Mr. Sculc, "This is when Howard really The firstsert of Tillich's three-volume work, containing his Seven scholars consider rneehociolotScal problems which began losing touch with reality."' In famous correlation" of man's deepest question, with then- the history of religions as a discipline must meet in its logien] answers and focueing Give Us This Day 11. H. tells how he on tbe concepts of being and tempt to integotte historical and syttematie ospects of the enamor. " . . a noble., a profound. cknely reasoned, tote- forma of religious capreseinn. "Highly recummendmi."— tried to sell Tracy Barnes on having grated presentation. —H. Bichsel Niebuhr. Union Sere- Ti.. Perairnatias $1.95 Casten murdered. Although H. H. gives man Quarterly Review $2.95 the impression that he failed to per- suade the .CIA to have a go at killing the Antichrist, columnist lack Ander- son has a different story to tell about the CIA. In a column for January 25. 1971, he tells us that an attempt was made to kill Castro in March, 1961, month before the invasion. Castro was

'77se New York Tfrner Suede), _Maga. Chkuipa 60637 nee, lune 3, 1973, p.l 1., 14 'NYC %ail + 3sl apron /V.; The Neww York Review suspect the! whoever planned the exotic backgrounds with a bit of murder must have been astonished et diabolism thrown the reaction of the American establish- As Gordon Curie H. H. also wrote NEW ment. The most vengeful of all the Where Murder Wales, a book Similar in Kennedy, made no move to discover spirit to Limit of Dorknexr. In the PRINCETON who really killed his brother. In thin, nark work H. 1.1. daydreams about the Bobby woo a true American. close brave lads who flew out of Henderson, PApERbACkS mnks, pretend there was no ern., often to death against the foe. In spiracy, do not rock the Mas- Where Minder Waite H. Hes dream self otti/Warty when both MOSCOW and hits the bends at the Bay of Pigs, that Hanna remelt dose to nerenuo break- beach where, finally, only vultures downs at the thought that they might stirred. Captured, the hero spends nine be implicated In the death of the Great months. in the primers of the archfiend Prince. The Warm, Report then as- Castro, Once 09019: Expiation for sured that the loot killer H. dreams begins self-lour. who haunts the American psyche hod It Is curious that as H. H. moves out struck win. The fact that Bobby of the random and into the glare of Kennedy accepted the Warren Report Watergate his books are more and was proof to moot people (myself more open about his politico/ obses- among them) that Donald acted alone. sions The Caren, by David SL John, Is It was not until several yeah later that copyrighted 1972. In July of 1971, on I learned from a member of the family the recommendation of Charles that although Bobby will head Of lite you have them by the balls their hearra Deportment of Justice at the time, he and minds will foLlosv"1 Colston, H. H. refused to look at any of the FBI was hired by the White House and be- regalia or EMI SpeCMITe on- what earn! a part-time criminal at 9100 I might have happened at Dailra, Too day. Zeal for his new marten informs shaken up, I wa told. every page of The Corers. The villain is

A KIERKEGAARD THE CONSTITUTION AND ANTHOLOGY Edited by Robert Breton. A eons- WHAT IT MEANS TODAY preherksive anthology from the fest by Edward S. Corwin. Revised and lowing works: Either/Or • Fear and edited by Harald W, Chars and Craig Trembling • Stages on Lift's Way • R. D11.11. 1973 Edition complete g with supplement of the 1972-73 ses- WientifieWorks of Postscript Lost • Consbailin • Attack upon sion of the Supremo Court. 'The "Christendom" • The Sicineet Hose indirpenrable guide." - Wmbinglan Death • Philosophical Fragments • Fortunately,. others have tried to the hustling handsome rich young ?dandily. •288. 93.95 and others. #305. 53.95 unravel the tangle. Most intriguing is Senator Vane with "a rag appeal to the COURTS ON TRIAL MACHIAVELLI AND Richard H. Poplin's theory that there young and disadvantaged" (i.e., com- Myth and Reality In GLLICCIARDINI were two Olivalda4 One was a had mie:CI-jun Like Jack-Bobby-Teddy. The American Janke Politics sued Illenory shot; did nut drive a car: wanted the description of Mrs. Vane make. one he Arcane Fronk_ "A book which Stneenth-Century Florence world to know that he was pro-Cameo. think irresistibly (and intentionally) of laymen Miyake read for insight into by Felix Gilbert. "The fruit of years This Oswald was caught by the Dallas Madame Onassis-not to mention the operation of the cOurta of Ma of original research worse Floren- Harold Robbina, Jacqueline Swann, country."-Justice William 0. Doug- tine archirar.. .. It should he widely palm and murdered on television. The las #299. $3.43 read and used as the authoritative other os-6...ta wn seen driving a car, and the horde of other writers who treatment of the .object by an co- Cuing at a rifle range, perhaps talking take ouch people and put them in THE CAPTIVE PRESS IN isera"-F. A. Yates. The New York to Mrs. Odin; he was hired by... ? books thinly revealed rather than din, THE THIRD REICH Review of Boat. #301 93.43 suspect we may find out one of these viand_ by Oron 3, Hale. The definitive days. "The Vanes are legony married to bunk on what happened to the poem each other and that's about all. Their in Nazi Grammy.... His account of the supressica ofa free ores,: con- More New Princeton Paper bac Ls In 1962 11, IL published A Gift for private lives are separate.. He's a terror tain, warnings and kasons for to Goma& an John Baxter, This wits an among the chicks, and she gets her all today."-William L. Slim. #301. INTEREST GROUPS IN attempt to satirise the age of Camelot- jollies from the artists, writers and $3.43 SOVIET POUTIICS Lippincott suggests that it is "must Mach boy types Vane gets public VICTORS' JUSTICE Edited by H. Gordan Shilling and reading for followers of Reston, Alsop grants for." She also seduces her The Tokyo War Cameo TANI Franklyn Grillo*, #191. 13.9S and Lipprnann who am looking for narrator. "I had seen a hundred map- by Richard H. Uinta:F. - A devastm- SOVIET PERSPECTIVES comic relief." One would think that aine and newspaper photographs of her ins critique.... Aside from Telford ON INTERNATIONAL anyone who tried to follow all three of cutting ribbons, rust-nighting, fox- Taylor's Nuremberg and Vietnam RELATIONS, 1956-1967 . . [it III the most important study thole magi would he beyond comic hunting at Warrenton, and emeethiene of our time on the aublect of war by la' Morn Zimmerman #292.93 al retie, The tale is cluenry: o black with padded kids. But, as H. H. crimes." - Richard A. Falk. #290. HOW THE CONSERVATIVES opportunist dreams up as a represent- reminds rat, "only a fool thinks there's 12.93 RULE JAPAN ative from a now African nation and any resemblance between a public AND STILL by Nathaniel H.Thayer.•30g. 33.45 tries to get a loan from Congress; on figure's public Image and reality." THE WATERS RUN roLrricAt DEVELOPMENT the verge of success, Gurnala maw to Fortunately the narrator is able to IN MODERN JAPAN drive the Vane family out of public The !tetra, al of the Edited by Robert F. Ward. #309 eosin. Uke , H, H. thinks Five Coilked Tribes 03.95 African republics are pretty Joky af- life (they are prone to taking off their by Angie Debo, "Extremely timely .. should by picked up by that in- GIBEON WHERE THE SUN fairs but he guar us no Jokes, clothes at orgies where the devil is creating number of coneereeti citi- STOOD STILL For about a year during this period invoked). H. H. believes quite rightly zens who want W know the true The Dkrovery of the Biblical pry ( I 965-1966) H. H. woe living in Spain, that the presidency must never go to history."-Polniriters Weekly. #207. by hones 8. Pritchard. #304. SIAS Whether or not he was working for the devil-worshipers who appeal to the $2.95 CIA is moot, We do know that he was young and disadvantaged. At bookstores or direct Irmo matting a new Literary persona: Divehi The chronology of H. H.'s life is a PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS St. John, whose speciality is thrusting a tangle until 1968 when he buys Primacy, New Wray 0134u CIA man named Paler Ward into Witches Island, a hour at Potomac, The Sevond °soca Maryland (his wife went in for halms).

16 The New York Review to be poisoned with a capsule in his doing his best . to become Identified Pompano Beach. Florida, Sun-Sentinel Oswald had killed Kennedy, on orders food_ Capsule to be supplied by one publicly with the Fair Play for Cubs to the effect that Oswald had been In from Castro or horn those of his John Rueelli—s Las Vega, mobster who Committee as well as setting Lona touch with Cuban Intelligence the U11'111=11 who thought that the murder was eager to overthrow Castro and up privately as a sort of Soviet spy by previous year, as well as with pro- of an American president might in re-open the mob's casinos. Also in- writing • mysterious "fact"-filled letter Castroites in Miami, Mexico City, New some way cave the life of a Cuban volved in the project was a former FBI to the Soviet Embassy. That the Orleans. A Mrs. Marjorie Brazil re- president. agent Robert M•heu, later to be How- Russians were genuinely mystified by ported that she had beard that Oswald ard Hughes's viceroy at Las Vegas. hi, letter was proved when they turned had been in Miami demonstrating in Yet the only Cuban group that It is known that Castro did become it over to the American government front of the office of the Cuban would be entirely satisfied by Ken- ill in March In February-March, 1963, after the assassinatIon. Also, most. Revolutionary Council headed by our nedy's death would be the right-wing the CIA again tried to kill Castro. Intriguingly. Oswald visited Mexico old friend Dr. Min5 Cardona, A sister enemies of Castro who held Kennedy Anderson wonders, not Illogically, if City In September, 1963, when, ac- of one Miguel Suarez told mow Mar- responsible for their humiliaelon at the Castro might have been sufficiently cording to Mr. Souk, H. Fl. was acting jorie Heimbecker who told the FBI Bay of PIP. To kill hint would avenge piqued by these attempts on his life to chief of the CIA station there. Finally. that JFK wdult1 be killed by Castro- their honor. Best of all, setting up want to knock off Kennedy. This was Oswald's widow tells US that he took hes. The FBI seems eventually to have Oswald as a pro-Castro, pro-Moscow Lyndon Johnson's theory. He thought pot-shot at the reactionary General deckled that they were dealing with agent, they might be able to precipi- the Cmtroitee hid hired Oswald. The Walker, the sort of things deranged lot of wishful thinkers. tate some desperate international crisis Scourge of Asia was also distressed to commie Could do. Was he then simply Fiorini/Sturgia denied the that would serve their cause. Certainly learn upon taking office that "We had a deranged commit? The right-wing story in the Sun-Sentinel: he said that Castro at this date had no motive for been operating a damned Murder. Inc., Cabana and their American admirers he had merely speculated with the killing Kennedy, who had ordered a in the Caribbean." Since it is now clear certainly avec us to think so. writer on some of the gossip that was crack-down on clandestine Cuban raids to everyone except perhaps Earl War- After the murder of the President, making the rounds in MUMPS antb from the United States—of the sort ren that Oswald was part of a con- one of those heard from was Frank Castro Cuban community. The gossip, that Eugenio Martinez is alleged so wintry, who were his fellow conspira- FiorinilSturgis, who was quoted in the however, tended to be the mime; often to have made. tor.? Considering Oswald'. strenuous attempts to Identify himself with Caw no. it d logical to assume that his associates had Cuban interests. But New from California which Cubans? Pro-Castro or anti- Castr o? The World in Depression. 1929-1939 The Foreign Policy of the Third Reich Charles P Kineleherger Klaus Hildebrand think back on the evidence Syl- I The gnat economic depression which hit Arne-kiln 1929 In this short history of Hitler's foreign policy, Professor via gave the FBI and the War- and sorest throughout the world In the 1930a has bean Hildebrand commies that the Notional Socialist Perry ren Commission's investigator.' vwiously attributed to American misjudgment and to the achieved popularity largely beldame It intaeraud all the Odin war an anti-Castro, pro-Menolo general breekdown of world matadors. systems. Prof VISOf political, economic acid socio-political expact•tions me- Ray Cuban exile who two months K nd leberger. however, moves that the dlexassion was wide- wiling in Germany since Barnwok. before the nasalisation of President spread, deep, and prolonged, not because of the Maroc 240 pages cloth, 610.00; ewer, S3-96 Kennedy was visited in her Dallas bonus to the system, bin because the cyanm itself was apartment by three melt Two were basica:1y unstable 336 pages cloth, 910.00; MON% 83:46 Latins (Mexican, she thought, they Autopsy on People's War weren't the right color for Cubans). Chalmws Johnson The third, she maintained, was Oswald, This short essay, by an ex pawned observer of Ana and They said they were member, of her revolutionary rnoremants, oilers a Mg-Vie:UM as es. friend Menolo Ray's organization and of the revolutionary strategy known as people's war. one of them said that their companion A Quantum Book 128 Oet)et cknh, 99.75i, palm. $726 Oswald thought Kennedy should have been Mot after the Bey of Pigs, If Mrs. Odin is telling the truth, then whoever The Heroic Image in Chile WAS about to murder Kennedy nay Arturo Prat, Semler Stunt have wanted the left-wing anti-Castro THE WORLD William F, Saar group of Manolo Ray to gel the IN DEPRESSION Thu volume describes how a Chilean navel °thew became credit,' 19291939 a hero In the War of the Pacific. More than 4 triograrrhY, thrills this period Oswald's behavior the book corniders the wnole phenomenon at heroism was odd but not, necessarily, as official and hero-making. 366 pater $10.50 chroniclers maintain, road. Oswald was

'Warren Commission Hearings, Vote XI: 369-381 and XXVI: 834-838; see also National Archives: Commission Document No. 1553, 'The Warren Commission and the FBI never satisfactorily identified Mrs. Odio's visitors. Just before the Report • war finished the FBI reported to the Warren Commission that one Loran , I Eugene Hall, "a participant in numer- A ous anti-Castro activities," had recalled vatting her with two other men, one of them, William Seymour, resembling Oswald. But after the Report appeared the FBI sent the Commission a report that Hall had retracted his story and that Mot Oslo could not Identify Hall or Seymour as the men the had men, (Sea Richard H. Popkin, The Second Ormsid I Avon, 19671, pp. 75-80.) Hall had already beers brought to the Commission's attention In June, 1964, under the names of "Lorenzo Hall, altar Lorenzo Piscillio." The FBI heard in that Hall and a man called ferry Patrick Hemming had pawned a 30.06 rifle, which Hall redeemed shortly before the assassin. lion with • check drawn on the account of the "Committee to Free Cubs." Hemming was Identified In 1962 as one of the leaders of Frank el your bookseller Sturgis's anti-Castro brigade. (See War- ren Commission Document 1179: 296-298 and, Hans Tanner, Counter R e soh, tip nary Brigade I London, 1%21,p. 127.) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS tperkeiey • Los Angeles • New York

December 13, 1973 the Nixon campaign." This. Nixon fern to some 'reticle as "tailor than me on the sound track would hare intuited, might cost him the election.° 5'6." 1 doubt if e neurotic twenty- in his head. ewoyear.old would want to remind Coast to coast, himself on the par that ho ie only The diary tells on how Bremer ay 15.1972, Arthur H. Bremer M 5'h" tall. When people talk to them- to kill Nixon. The spelling gets shot tramp Wallace. governor of Ala- praise upon selves they seldom say anything so and worse as Bremer bee bama. at Laurel, Maryland. and was obvious. On the other hand, authors "theirody pieced off." Yet ordden praise... rely identified as the gunman and like this sort or detail. writes, "nth will be one of the taken tom custody- Nearby In a rented Poputar paperback fiction requires a closely read pages since the Scroll: car. the palace found Beemer's diary The fuck scene no later than a dozen paper thole caves." A late April entry (odd that In the poet-Gutenberg age into the narrative, The author of the cords. "Hal bad pain in my left (en Oswald, Salim. and Bremer should diary gives us a food ono Bremer goo & just re front & about it," He is n have all committed to paper their to maestro parlor in hew York the going mad as all the lose killers s perinea). No told the diary that tie is a and refer, to ',rolling a War According to the diary, Bremer had LIVING vtrgin-would he'? Perhaps) where he Peace." tried to kill Nixon in Canada but failed given an unsatisfying head-lob. The More Sintatell "taw 'Clockwork 0 to gat care enough, He then decided PRESIDENCY scene is nicely done and the author ante' and thought about getting Wallac to kW %Mace. The absence of George writes correctly and lucidly until, sud- all thru the picture-fentasing my self a any logical motive is now familiar to Emmet Jahn hushes denty. e block occurs and he can't the Alek on the screen...." This it I most Americans. who art quits at NEW YORK REVIEW OF spell anything right-al if the author low blow at highbrow sex'n'violence BOOKS: -Me. Hughata a long- home with the batty killer who aces suddenly remembers that he IS meant hooks and flicks. It is also-again- time aficionado of the Preel- Slone in order to be on televioon. to to be illiterate. evaat-earde. Only recently has a debate danay, hey us riot so mud) he forever entwined with the golden thermry as a poetical and moral One of these Mocks occurs toward begot, in England whether or not the legend of the hero he has gunned tract whine draws on hletory , the end of the massage scene when the Cam Clockwork Orange may have politico. taw. and personal expe- down. In a nation that worthier girl teth Bremer that she likes to go CO caused unbelenrod youths to commit rience informed, intaiegent, psychopaths. the Ostwalzi-Bremer-Sir- -woolen." This is too cute to be crimes (clever youths now tell the and acute " hao-Ray figure is to the general lames, Court with tears in their eye. Thal it -Henry Siesta COM/nage( believed. Every red-blooded American what Robin Hood was to a greener, was the movie that made them trash 11/12I41airtTriai einigT• .uggde, Miler world. —the- mice-old amen .Ccrua . is ar(if surely ba the basal of AM Brernel'a diary is a festinating decade on the Presidency. thrilled). The author anticipated that Neese has thane been a grealor work-of art? From what we Lowe of ploy all right -and no matter who need to know how the Pres- the tethrolt-two-yearsold author he did wrote the diary we are dealing with a idency really function". Hers it not haee a Literary earn of mind true author. One who writes. "Like a III is: both close-up and In per- lemons his affects were comic books, ✓ novelist who knows not how his hook erbose A Intl teal." some porno). He was a television baby, -Clayton Fffichey will end-I have written this joerrial- and a dull one, Politico had no interest what a shocking surprise that my inner CHICAGO TRIBUNE BOOK for him. Yet suddenly-for reasons he WORLD: ''l can thine 01 no character shall steal the climax and never gives la-he decides to kill the better cum for Um pesPrniem destroy the author and save the anti- causan by Watergate than the President and stern to keep a diary on hero from mazinationl" Only one April 4, 1972. honest wisdom contained in THE mi./than-hot in that purple patch, But LIVING PRESIDENCY.- said borne. I Am A Hamlet." It is - Reber Cannily "en I ccording to Mr, Seek, in March, not irony that abounds so mach in TIME: "El/taffy, gracefully, A these pager as literature, sheeWdly. With ancedote mad 1972, H. ft visited Dita ("call Inc Hashes of Insight. Hughes in- Mother") Beard in Denver. Wearing a May s, Bremer is reading R.F.X. viltei humans and priclical rod wig and a noire modulator,- H. H. More Diet by Robert Blair Kaiser. Like reelection upon the most mow persuaded Dita to denounce ae a his predecessor he want. to he noticed lefietue And Important public and then die because "suicide is a birth office in lite world." forgery the memo also had written right." But Wallace did not die and - Timothy Fools linking ITV's pay-off to the Republican Bremer did not die. Hr Ls now at a CHICAGO SUN-TIMES: "All party with the government's mese- prison in Baltimore, awaiting a second Emmet John Hughes powers Of quent dropping of the best part of tie perception, analysis and ex- antitrust suit against the conglomerate. boy, virgin or not, know. the word triaL If he lives to be le-examined. one pression lay siege to the mind In May, H.H. was installing the first "orgy." Furthermore, Bremer has been wonders If he will ten us what com- of the reader and open hie eyes, sot of bap at the Democratic head- wandering around porno bookstore, on pany he kept during the spring of as it for the first tins. to some 4Lad Srrest and the word "orgy" 1972, and whether or not a nice man of the tundairental Mahe about quarters. His movements between April the Presidency' 4 and May it might be usefully occurs gnarl an often in his fro:reed helped him to write his diary, as a -Sidney Hyman Mainlined-not to mention those of G. ` teats as "fjord" More In the mint. document for the ages like the scrolls PITTSBURGH PRESS: "THE Gordon Liddy, et al. when an illiterate is forced to guess it in those eaves. (Although H. H. it a UVING PRESIDENCY rill un- For someone who is supposed to he the spelling of a word he will render it self-admitted forger of State ewers I doubtedly become a standard neatly illiterate there are startling titer' phonetically. I cannot imagine that the do not think that ha actually had a and definitive week on the .cry iefcren..ea and flourishes in the silt said anything that sounded like hand in writing Bremer's diary an the orithe of America's chled sem- "wa-see," It is as if the senior had ground that the thereat is a brilliant if take." Bremer diary, The second entry con- tains."You heard of Day in rime suddenly recalled the eponymous hard- Rowed job of work, and beyond NEWSDAY; A Crook permeated Lila of farm D_Introrich.! Yesterday MR he iii of the Film Jae. f t illO) where H. H.'s known literary uompeleneel by a sophielleared Ova Of coun. —Tr" rmmnl grie war nary day. c mhapctling of ell du bitty.. ter nee vu staiatyingly traordinary in the range Of hie Denisoviah it not had Cl all. Cure and the "g" in orgy wet pronounced Lack of originality has marked the knowledge •thlering the faro that the RAMO is . 5 hard. On this page, ac though to current Administrationei general style CLEVELAND PLAIN-DEALER: hard ono for English-;peaking people emehatieset Bremen's illiteracy, we got lee opposed to the vivid originality of "A ethnithasinneta, sympathetic to get straight, it is something of a "spear" Irtar "spare," "grapheme for its substance: witness, the first maids and work Witten with learned reiracie that Bernice could sound the "emphasis," and "rememmber." Yet trate's relentless attempts to subvert wisdom and respect." four sytteligen of the mime correctly in on the ,liar per the diariel has no the Conatitutiont. Whatever PR has HARTFORD COURANT; "Thin his head. Perhaps he had the hook In trouble spelling "anticipation." "re- worked in the pert is tried again. book on the development and sponse," -edvanees.- Goof? Then take the Marne yourself - growth of Presidential powar is front of him but if he had, he would e rr good that It la hard to do not have got the one letter *moos The author of the diary give. us jun like JFK after the Bay of Pigs. Justice to II." The same entry produces more good 'Homy random little facts-seal Caught with your bend in the till? S EATTLE TIMES: "ProtsabLy no mysteries. "Wallace sat hla big vorne• numbers of airplanes, prices of meals. Checker's time on the tube end the political writer eine° Harold from Republicans who didn't have any He does not like "hairy hippies." pulling of heart strings. Laser published The American choice of candidates on their mac dislike he 'shams with H. H. He also Went to assassinate a rival" Then Presidency In 1940 has anyone batloL Had only about $UMS when I striker oddly Jarring Mersey notes. On how ,bout the Dallas scenario? One tackled such a monumentaljOb slips into reverie. Why not set up of eralythe and appraisal. left." This is the first and only ;es arrival in New York, be tells 'la Hughes Is strong and thear " mention of politics until page 45 where that he forgot his guns which the Bremer as a crazy whn wants to shoot And thorn Foreign Mobs Mag- he describes his queer clothes and captain then turned over to him, Nixon fthet will avert gust-deem)? But azine, the last word: "This heiecut as "jest A disguise to get clam causing the dierial lo remark "Irony have him fail to kilt Nixon lust as Wok will lest, for It ranks with to Nixon." shooed,," A Peeve one doubts that Oswald was said to have failed to kill the molter works by Corwin, line reference tie Widlece it the the actual Anhui Bremer woold have his tied target General Walker. In Rosati-ea and Rooster." beginning. then Another one to Nixon used. As word and qeality, irons, is nil midarrain have Bremer- like trwald SIJ 10 or ml t,c.:^6.r.:r.ros a &wen page. lamer. Oleo, Where did part of America's dernnilit speech nr min um a different quarry To the real the 51.055 come from? Firedly. style. Later. arnring the Great Lakes quarry, Make Bremer, unlike Oswald, COWARD. MCCANN A minor psychological point Bremer re- hr declarer "I all me timid" Had be apolorial. lio heavy an identification GEOGHEGAN read Wee Dirk" Unlikely. Had ha with the Derethouts might leackTim. ' New Frisk Purr, June 21, 1973. wen the movie on the Late Showa Thee- oh, veiniest-let's help him to reprinting a Washingron Pen story. Possibly, But 1 doubt that the phrase write a diary to get the story across.

The New York Itentew

pail 3D, 1970, the new squirt story this simmer,' former CIA offi- tion to the Democrats, or at kart New York Paid was "Hunt Tall of from the CIA under a cloud-he cial Miles Copeland is reported to have denied Nixon a majority and sent the Orders to Raid Bremer', Flat." ailed too often. But H. H. had a laid that "senior agency ofilcials are election to the House. According to the story by Bob on; he also had a lively new convinced Senator Edward Muskie's "This entire strategy of ours," Woodward and Carl Bernstein, H. H_ ionym David St. John; his wife damaging breakdown during the prey Robert Finch said in March, 1972, told the Senate investigators that an >thy had a job at the Spanish idential campaign last year was caused "depends on whether George Wallace hour after Wallace was shot. Colson may. But H. H. Flan always needed by convicted Welerpte conspirator E_ makes a roe on his own." For four ordered him to fly to Milwaukee and my no he went to work for Robert Howard Hunl or his henchman spiking years Nilson had done everything possi- borglerhie the flat of Arthur H. Brem- Mullen and Company, a PR firm his drink with a sophisticated form of ble to keep Wallace from running; and er, the would-be assassin-in order to di links to the Republican parry and LSD." fatted. "With Wallace apparently connect Bremer somehow with the faces not only a block from the When Wallace ran for president in stronger in the primaries In 1972 than commies? Characteritically, the tele- bite liaise but across Ike street from 1968, he got 13 percent of the vote; he had been before,' Theodore White vision senator, let that oils slip by ,e Committee to Re-Elect the Peek- and Nixon nearly Met to Monotony. In observed, "with the needle sticking at them. As one might expect, Colson vol. May, 1972, 17 percent favored Wallace 43 percent of the vote for Nixon, the denied ordering H. H. to Milwaukee for Mullen represented Howard Hughes for president in the Harris Poll. Wallace President was still vulnerable-until, of any purpose. Colson did say that he n Washington. H. H. knew his way had walked off with the Michigan course, May IS and the shooting. Then had talked to H. H. atout the shoot- around the Hughes operation-after all, Democratic prirry. Were he to con- it was all over."' ing. Colson also said that he had been Hughes's man m 1. Vegas was Robert tinue his campaign for president as an Wallace was shot by the now famil- having dinner with the President that highest. whose contribution to Cuban independent or as a Democrat in states iar lone as aasin-a demented (as usual) evening. Woodwerd'n and Bernatein's alleles, according to lack Anderson.' where he was nos filed under his own busboy named Arthur Bremer. Then "White House source" said, "The Presi- was to ">et up the Castro amasaine- party, he could been swung the eke on June 21, 1973, the headline to the dent became deeply upset and voiced Don" plot in 1961, and whose con- concern that the attempt on tribution to Nixon mu to funnel 'AP Dispatch, London. August 17, 'The Making of the President, 1972 bfe might have been made by someone 5100,000 to Bebe Reboots an 1970. 1973. (Atheneum, 1973), p. 231. with ties to the Repoli/ion Party or But Hughes sacked Maheu late in 1770. la 1911 If. FL found a second borne at the White House, usiessed with G. Gordon Liddy to "the Room 16 project- where the Administration Israel at 25 1..01111 Do you want to learn a great prepared its crimes. Room 16 marks the high point of YIDDISH vs. JEWISH: deal more about what has just been H. H.'s career; his IA and arts were A DIALOGUE now perfected. Masterfully, he forestt, HAL a Irel. ■ he borgiared; he conspired. The Shake- happening in the Middle East speare of the CIA had found, as it THE 1923 ELECTIONS were, his Globe Theatre. Nothing was IN FRANCE beyond him-including tragedy. Ao MICHAEL HARRINGTON cording to', told THE JEWISH ACADEMIC Senate investigator' that H. II, "had a owe. 1040.1 will discuss, in the December MIDSTREAM contract" from "low-level White Mows 1../ ea.. Israel as a problem of American politics in officials" to murder the President of swam Main. the wake of the Yom Kippur War, Panama for not obeying with sufficient foal, 0 Loa. laaaad ass. tys. zeal the American Bureau of Narcotics directives. "Hunt. according to Dean, &NEWLY 1973 The December had his team in Mexico before the the mission we, aborted,"' rreel,eel, the War & MIDSTREAM As the world now knows, an the errifories will also contain analyses, and evening of lune 16, 1912, H. H. gave a Liberalism and reports on the War by splendid lobster dinner to the Water- HE DESTRUCTION 1.10.+•s0 s Pm./ gate burglars and then lent Bernie F KOLVILLAG Barker end his Cuban, into battle to MY WARTIME FLIGHT bug the offices of the Democratic JON KIMCHE THROUGH THE U.S.S.R. NE WEST BANK ARAB party because H. H. had been told by 42o. tar." ESS G. Gordon Liddy "that Castro funds URI RA'ANAN were going to the Democrats in hopes GFORGE LICHTHEI4 JEWISH that a rapprochement with Cuba would BfN•ZION. ..uNTER be effected by a successful Democratic MALAMUDS HEAD r EDWARD GROSSMAN presidential candidate." H. H. has also rE VOW,. al AS CRITIC said (Time, August 27, 1973) that his ALFRED KAZIN tit Sm. NISSIM REJWAN own break-in of the office of Daniel Ca•••■•••• a. a. Seaa Elisberg's psychiatrist was an attempt 14.a.ta l...... 0 now to find out whether Nigher' "might be 0.1 ANTHONY ASTRACHAN a controlled agent for the Sov." OCTOBER 1973 One daydreams: "Doctor Fielding, I have these terrible headache. They and started rust after I met my control Ivan and he mid, 'Well, boychick, it's MIDSTREAM MARIE SYRKIN been five years now since you signed A MONTHLY IEWISH REVIEW on at a controlled agent. Now I guess as well as The Cultivation of 1973 YOR know that if there', one thing we 74,3,..smsts reviews of books, SO. hate It's a non-producer so....' Truthfulness .,.uncle Published by The Theodor Doctor Fielding, I hope you're writing movies and theater. Heal FounelOhon Inc all this down and not just staring out YOUNG NEWCOMERS I. the window like Jul lime." IN ISRAEL ".scup .11 ■4.1. Do you wanl to Special introductory Offer JEWS. THE LIFT G THE understand more for New Subscribers Now for the 'booting of George ELECTIONS IN FRANCE Wallace. It in not unnatural to suspect about Jewish affairs Sit Past Avenue the White Houle burglars of having a MIDSTREAM THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL in general, in America, Now Yorlg. N. Y. 181022 hand in the shooting. But suspicion in wwwww Plymy• ewer rns, aubncolotion to MIDSTREAM RI not evidence and there u no evidence in Israel, and th• omelet introductory rola.- l YR., 104 011111 55.0011 save Edon an Newsstand that H. H. was Involved. Besides, a ARTHUR A_ COHEN'S Price,) good CIA man would no doubt hevc throughout the world? profaned the poison capsule to • Then you should 1.13ROMR. gunahot-slipping ole George this sort h..... • ••••• Y. •••••7 row .1 subscribe to of slow but lethal dose that Castro'' Clh - Mats. Iw. /leaf Wm... powerful gut rejected. In an AP D Encl.:med. Bill ma. A UGUS SEPTEMP•ER 973 MIDSTREAM 'Japan Times, January 23, 1971. 'Newsweek, June IS, 1973. p. 22.

December 13, 1973 (Incidentally, the of phony fictitious Soviet submarine commander documents and memoirs is a major who had defected to the Free industry of our secret police forces. World.)1° When the one-man terror of the South- The White House's reaction to the east Asian seas Lieutenant Commander Watergate burglary was the first clue Marcus Aurelius Arnheiter was relieved of his command, the Pentagon put him "See The Arnheiter Affair by Neal to work writing the "memoirs" of a Sheehan (Random House, 1971).

have. But have the horrors ceased? Is that something terrible has gone wrong there something that our rulers know with us. The elaborate and disastrous that we don't? Is it possible that cover-up was out of all proportion to during the dark night of our empire's what was, in effect, a small crime the Administration could have lived with. I defeat in Cuba and Asia the American story shifted from cheerful familiar suspect that our rulers' state of panic farce to Jacobean tragedy—to murder, came from the fear that other horrors ❑ chaos? would come to light—as indeed they