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[version: January 7, 2014] Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) vol. 12 (2013), no. 4, 863{902 DOI 10.2422/2036-2145.201107 006 Structure of level sets and Sard-type properties of Lipschitz maps Giovanni Alberti, Stefano Bianchini, Gianluca Crippa 2 d d−1 Abstract. We consider certain properties of maps of class C from R to R that are strictly related to Sard's theorem, and show that some of them can be extended to Lipschitz maps, while others still require some additional regularity. We also give examples showing that, in term of regularity, our results are optimal. Keywords: Lipschitz maps, level sets, critical set, Sard's theorem, weak Sard property, distri- butional divergence. MSC (2010): 26B35, 26B10, 26B05, 49Q15, 58C25. 1. Introduction In this paper we study three problems which are strictly interconnected and ultimately related to Sard's theorem: structure of the level sets of maps from d d−1 2 R to R , weak Sard property of functions from R to R, and locality of the divergence operator. Some of the questions we consider originated from a PDE problem studied in the companion paper [1]; they are however interesting in their own right, and this paper is in fact largely independent of [1]. d d−1 2 Structure of level sets. In case of maps f : R ! R of class C , Sard's theorem (see [17], [12, Chapter 3, Theorem 1.3])1 states that the set of critical values of f, namely the image according to f of the critical set S := x : rank(rf(x)) < d − 1 ; (1.1) has (Lebesgue) measure zero.
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