Wader Quest the Newsletter CONSERVATION
Volume 2 Issue 3 SUPPORTING October 2015 SHOREBIRD Wader Quest the newsletter CONSERVATION Forthcoming talks: Editor’s diatribe 13/11/2015 Potters Bar and Barnet RSPB local group. 19.45 Tilbury Hall, United Reform Church, Wader Quest seems to be go- Darles Lane, Potters Bar. EN6 1BZ. ing from strength to strength with all the effort beginning to 07/12/2015 Hemel Hempstead pay some dividends. RSPB local group. 20.00 We have been working very The Cavendish School, Warners End Road, Hemel Hempstead. HP1 3DW. hard this year on many fronts, both personal and for Wader 07/01/2016 Woodbridge RSPB local Quest. It has been an exhausting Group. 19.30 Woodbridge process and of course it is not Community Hall, Station Road, over yet. Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP12 4AU. We do seem to be making advances as far as our public 16/02/2016 Milton Keynes Natural profile is concerned. We had History Society. (Waders of Milton Keynes) 20.00 Cruck Barn Alston Dr, become quite accustomed to Milton Keynes MK13 9AP people saying ‘Wader Quest? I’ve never heard of you!’ such is 14/04/2016 Gravesend RSPB local the lot of a new organisation. Group. 19.30 North Fleet School for However latterly we have been Girls, Hall Road, Gravesend, DA11 hearing this less and hearing ‘Ah Juvenile Dunlin Calidris alpina - Elis Simpson. 8AQ. yes, I’ve heard of you; tell me again, what is it exactly that you excellent conservation organisa- Officer for Wader Quest with 17/05/2016 19.30 Temple Hall, York St John University, do?’ This shows that we are at tions, especially those that are such enthusiasm.
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