Copyrighted Material
267 INDEX a berries gumpaste, 130–32 adding machine paper, 108, 144 marzipan, 130–31, 136 adornments, inedible black and white cake, 141, 148–51 acorns, 178 borders fabric ribbon (See ribbon, fabric) bead (oval), 145 fresh flowers, 11 piped rope, 63, 67, 94–95 knife corsage and ribbons, 156–57 ribbon, 28, 52, 68–69, 106–7, 162 pearls, 38 boutonniere, gumpaste, 77 airplane, cake shipment by, 13 Bouvardia almond gumpaste flower, 46–47, 49–50 paste cake, 198 piping embroidery, 46, 51 /walnut pound cake, 204 bows amaretto mocha buttercream, 209 gumpaste, 76, 148–50 anthurium lily, gumpaste, 86–89 ribbon, 124, 130, 162–63 appliqué, gumpaste flowers box, cake, 67 examples, 94, 102–3, 106–7, 124–25, bride, as a consumer, 8–10. See also 142–43, 156–57 consultations technique, 104–5, 129, 147, 161 brush embroidery, 68–71 apricot jam filling, 234 brush embroidery cake, 61, 68–71, 249 artistic license, 5 brushes artistic style, 7, 186 pastry, 96, 101, 108, 181 arum lily, gumpaste, 46–48 sable paintbrush, 27, 70, 71, 133 assembly of the cake, final, 12 bubble wrap, to texture gumpaste, 174–75, Australian stringwork, 144–45, 151 177 autumn design, 60, 121, 178–79 business. See cake design business azalea, fondant or gumpaste, 102–3, 104 butterflies, flooded, 38–40 buttons, gumpaste, 75, 148, 151 bCOPYRIGHTED MATERIALc baked goods, retail, 185 bakery, cake purchased through, 8 cake baking ingredients, 188 cutting and preserving techniques, 67 baking process, timeframe, 12 cutting guides, 257–66 ball tool, 20, 136 domed shape, 94–95 bells flavor combinations flooded, 46, 50 with filling, icing, and fondant, 236 sugar, 106–9 of tiers, 11, 84 groom’s, 61, 72–77 INDEX 268 cake, cont’d.
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