WHO UN in World Health Organization

UN Under- General and UNDP Administrator Mark Malloch Brown Visits Russia

loch Brown undertook an official Oblast’s governor Yuri Lodkin af- visit of Russia. He was accompanied ter the visit. by UNDP Director for Europe and the CIS Kalman Mizsei. In Moscow, Mr Malloch Brown met with State Duma Speaker Boris In the first leg of his trip, Mr Mal- Gryzlov, Prime Minister Mikhail loch Brown visited Bryansk in the Kasyanov, Minister of Foreign Af- Chernobyl-affected region of Russia. fairs Igor Ivanov, other top offi- Mr Mark Malloch Brown met with cials, as well as representatives of the Bryansk Oblast’s governor Mr civil society and the business com- Yuri Lodkin and with representa- munity. tives of civil society to discuss sever- al initiatives of the Chernobyl recov- During these meetings, Mr Mark ery programme. Malloch Brown discussed Russia’s increasing role as a full-fledged part- “We welcome UNDP’s assistance ner in developmental assistance not only as a donor but especially as around the world, encouraged the Mr Mark Malloch Brown a provider of knowledge and advice active participation of civil society in From February 15th through 18, UN on economic development, and as a the policy dialogue, and advocated Under-Secretary General and partner in attracting international for a multi-sectoral approach in re- UNDP Administrator Mark Mal- investments to the area”, said the sponse to HIV/AIDS.

Contents: UNDP UNESCO UN Under-Secretary General and UNDP Administrator For Restoration of the Education System Mark Malloch Brown Visits Russia ...... 1 in the Chechen Republic ...... 9 New UNDP Report Warns about the Risks UNESCO Awaits Full Report on Lake Baikal ...... 9 of a Generalized HIV/AIDS Epidemic ...... 2 UNICEF OCHA Welcome to My Family, Yura! ...... 10 Jan Egeland, UN Under-Secretary-General Visits The International Festival of TV Programmes the Russian Federation ...... 4 for Children and Youth ...... 12 WPF Mr Carel De Rooy Appointed UNICEF Representative Visit of WFP Executive Director, James Morris, for the Russian Federation and Belarus ...... 12 to Russia ...... 5 WHO UNHCR Road Safety Is No Accident ...... 13 High Commissioner for Refugees Ruud Lubbers Health Sector Coordination in Russia...... 14 Meets with President of the Republic of Launch of the Health Care Systems in Transition Murat Zyazikov ...... 6 Profile on the Russian Federation ...... 15 Angelina Jolie Releases a New Online Journal UNIC on Her Trip to Russia ...... 6 The UN and International Law’s Future: A Look from UNSECOORD Moscow ...... 16 Meeting Office of the Security UNA - Russia Coordinator in the Russian Federation ...... 7 The Youth Learn to Elect ...... 16

1 UN in RUSSIA UN Development Programme New UNDP Report Warns about the Risks of a Generalized HIV/AIDS Epidemic By 2015 all United Nations Member States have pledged to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS (from UN Millennium Development Goals) A Televised debate, dedicated to presentation of a new United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Report “Reversing the Epidemic: Facts and Policy Options” was held at the Russian Information Agen- cy “Novosti” on 17 February. The Report offers the first comprehen- sive profile of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 28 countries of East and South Eastern Europe, the Baltics and the CIS.

as well as experts, representatives of in the region, the growth in new HIV NGO and mass media took part in infections reported over the last sev- the debates followed by press con- eral years in Estonia, Russia and ference. Ukraine are among the world’s highest. Upwards of one out of ev- The participants, responding to the ery one hundred adults living in Report, expressed their alarm: East- these three countries is now estimat- ern Europe has some of the fastest ed to be carrying the virus – a growing rates of HIV/AIDS in the threshold above which efforts to world. The impact is compounded turn back the epidemic have failed by still insufficient public awareness, in many other countries. Also, if not The panel discussion was moderat- frequent stigmatization and lack of curbed, the disease will threaten de- ed by Vladimir Pozner, a well-known adequate policy instruments to cope velopment prospects in Eastern journalist from Russian TV Chan- with the disease. Nonetheless, the Europe and the CIS. nel One – the main state channel. UN region also has success stories, from Under-Secretary General Mark which valuable lessons should be Data from the region unambiguous- Malloch Brown, who undertook an taken. ly points to the socio-economic and official visit of Russia, Director of governance dimensions of the epi- the UNDP Regional Bureau for Eu- The Report offers HIV/AIDS pro- demic. Members of at-risk groups rope and CIS Kalman Mizsei, Direc- files for the countries of the region, are often subject to social exclusion, tor of UNDP Regional Centre in describes high-risks groups and the poverty, stigmatisation, or incarcer- Bratislava Ben Slay, Special Repre- behaviours that make them vulner- ation. Also, the above-average prev- sentative of the WHO Director Gen- able to infection, and discusses why alence of HIV in the region’s over- eral in Russia Dr Mikko Vienonen human rights is an es- crowded penal institutions – which sential ingredient for the Report calls “real HIV incuba- fighting the epidemic. tors” – is a serious cause for concern. The Report also touches upon the is- According to the Report, the disease sues of decriminalis- threatens to affect the region’s pros- ing injecting drug use pects for economic growth and hu- and undertaking com- man development. The epidemic will prehensive prison re- put new strains on already overbur- form. The inclusion of dened social protection systems. If the marginalized groups epidemic generalizes premature mor- in policy processes is bidity and mortality in age cohorts also considered a key with high productive capacities could element in the re- reduce annual GDP growth by one sponse to HIV/AIDS. full percentage point, a tremendous impact for any country. Increased Vladimir Pozner moderates the panel discussion at Despite a compara- health expenditures associated with the Russian Information Agency "Novosti" tively low prevalence treating people living with AIDS

2 UN in RUSSIA UN Development Programme

the Advisory Council on spread of the epidemic. They have HIV/AIDS at the Ministry been able to leverage progress in of Health of the Russian building social tolerance into effec- Federation, comprised of tive responses to HIV/AIDS. At the government and civil soci- same time, a relatively successful ety leaders, and support- transition outcome does not in itself ed by UNDP, represents a guarantee an effective response, as successful example of such a partnership.

Of the 80,000 people in the entire region who, accord- ing to WHO guidelines, Mark Malloch Brown: "This report does not currently require treatment simply analyse the problems: it offers concrete for AIDS, only 7,000 now solutions. Drawing on best practices and on the receive it. This comes de- proven experience of countries and communities spite dramatically expand- where HIV/AIDS prevention and care have ed access to treatment and produce results, it sets out a series of new initiatives to lower the recommendations for policy makers, costs of antiretreviral ther- government institutions, business and civil apy. Some 70 percent of society actors on exactly how that can be done. the approximately 3,000 Director of UNDP Regional Centre A product of the joint efforts of a team of people in CIS countries in Bratislava Ben Slay researchers drawn from UN agencies, civil who are receiving antire- society organisations and other partners, it is a treviral therapy live in Rus- is apparent in the case of Estonia, powerful call to action" sia. According to the Re- which combines one of the region’s port, extensive use of could consume one to three percent- successful transitions with some of monotherapeutic antiretreviral reg- age points of annual GDP. These fig- its highest HIV prevalence rates. iments in this region increases the ures represent particular challenges risk of generating a drug-resistant for the poorest CIS countries. “All experts concur that delays are strain of HIV. This risk needs to be disastrous when dealing with HIV/ closely monitored by the appropri- The growing socio-economic threat AIDS. Just as in some CIS countries ate authorities. posed by HIV/AIDS places in- today, only twelve years ago South creased pressure on policy makers – Africa too saw less than 1% of its A number of countries in Central particularly in the Western CIS and adult population infected – now that and South-Eastern Europe, such as the Baltic states – to avert what is rate is twenty times higher.It is al- Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slo- becoming a devastating public ready too late to speak of avoiding vakia have recorded important suc- health problem. The Report sup- a crisis in Eastern Europe and the cesses in halting or reversing the ports a better policy balance be- CIS. Nevertheless, there is still much tween criminalisation and exclusion that governments and civil societies on the one hand, and tolerance, in- can do to reduce the social, demo- clusion, and treatment on the oth- graphic and economic consequenc- er. Policy makers are also called to es of HIV/AIDS and even reverse the carefully consider the evidence-base epidemic”, said Director of the for harm-reduction approaches as UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe an effective means for reversing the and CIS Kalman Mizsei. spread of HIV among injecting drug users. In addressing HIV/AIDS, The televised debate concluded with good governance includes expand- a lively Q&A session involving the ing access to information, protect- participants and the mass media. ing the human rights of vulnerable groups, increasing the participation For more information, please of civil society in decision-making contact Mr Shombi Sharp, processes and establishing partner- Director of the UNDP Regional Assistant Resident Representative ships between public authorities and Bureau for Europe and CIS Kalman + (7095) 787-2164, civil society groups. For instance, Mizsei e-mail: [email protected] 3 UN in RUSSIA OCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland, UN Under-Secretary-General Visits the Russian Federation

From 25–29 January, the United Na- Russian Federation in internation- tia. He expressed concern that ac- tions Under-Secretary-General for al humanitarian operations by in- cording to some displaced, they feel Humanitarian Affairs and Emergen- volving its logistic, transportation pressure to return to . cy Relief Coordinator, Mr Jan Ege- and human resources. land, undertook an official visit to Mr Egeland received assurances the Russian Federation, which in- In Chechnya, the Under-Secretary- from both federal and local authori- cluded high-level meetings in Mos- General met government officials ties that the operational environment cow and a mission to Chechnya and and discussed coordination issues. and security conditions for the hu- Ingushetia. He visited three sites in Grozny: a manitarian community would be temporary accommodation center improved, and that the principle of He met Russian officials including for returnees, a childcare center that voluntary return for displaced per- the Federal Minister for Chechnya, provides psychological assistance to sons to Chechnya from Ingushetia Mr Stanislav Ilyasov, the Minister disabled children and mine victims, would be observed. However, con- for Civil Defence, Emergencies and and a maternity hospital. Mr Ege- flicting statements regarding the Elimination of Consequences of land noted that substantial numbers deadline for the closure of tent camps Natural Disasters, Mr Sergei of people are now returning from in Ingushetia on 1 March persisted Shoigu, President of the Republic Ingushetia to Chechnya and that the throughout the visit. of Ingushetia Mr Murat Zyazikov, United Nations stood ready to in- the Deputy Chairman of the Gov- crease its work in Chechnya. “This On behalf of the humanitarian com- ernment of the Russian Federation, is a decisive hour for humanitarian munity, Mr Egeland stressed the Ms Galina Karelova, the Deputy work and the future of internally need to secure the earliest release of Chairman of the State Duma, Mr displaced persons in Ingushetia”, Mr Arjan Erkel, a Médecins Sans Georgy Boos, the Head of the Mi- Mr Egeland said. Humanitarian Frontiéres worker, abducted in the gration Service, Mr Alexandre conditions in Chechnya, he noted, North Caucasus 18 months ago. Checkalin, President of the Chech- are precarious, and the security en- en Republic Mr Akhmat Kadyrov, vironment difficult. There is more- To get the full picture of the human- and the Minister for Foreign Af- over a major lack of housing for itarian situation in the North Cau- fairs, Mr Igor Ivanov. Mr Egeland those who return. Authorities in casus and the humanitarian com- discussed a broad range of issues Chechnya told the UN Under-Sec- munity’s work there, Mr Egeland related to cooperation between the retary-General that they would en- met members of the UN Humani- United Nations and the Russian sure that conditions are adequate tarian Coordination Group and the Federation in the North Caucasus for people to return. UN Country Team in Moscow as and elsewhere. In addition, the well as representatives of the inter- sides considered the feasibility of a Mr Egeland then traveled to , national humanitarian community more active participation of the Ingushetia, where he met President in Nazran. Murat Zyazikov. He emphasized that Mr. Egeland also discussed with the all returns from In- Russian government the response to gushetia to Chech- the consequences of the Chernobyl nya be voluntary. disaster. He suggested that a new For his part, Presi- policy forum be established for dis- dent of Ingushetia cussing cooperation between Rus- offered his assur- sian and the UN counterparts relat- ances that involun- ed to Chernobyl, and Russian offi- tary return would cials expressed support of the UN’s not occur and that intention to shift from relief to de- no camps would be velopment in working with Cherno- forcibly closed. The byl-affected population. From Mos- Under-Secretary- cow, the UN Under-Secretary-Gene- General visited ral left for Ukraine and Belarus, The United Nations Under-Secretary-General three tent camps for countries that also suffer the effects for Humanitarian Affairs Mr Jan Egeland in a tent internally displaced of the Chernobyl disaster, to contin- camp in Ingushetia persons in Ingushe- ue discussions of the issue.

4 WFP UN in RUSSIA UN Visit of WFP Executive Director, James Morris, to Russia bution, some techni- nior government officials. Discus- cal details were still to sions of possibilities of WFP coop- be finalized on ship- eration with large Russian compa- ment of approxi- nies who can become corporate part- mately 35,000 mt of ners to WFP and contribute to its Russian wheat. humanitarian operations worldwide, revealed profound interest on behalf During his visit, Mr of representatives of Russian busi- Morris had meetings ness community. with Minister of For- eign Affairs Mr Igor Mr Morris informed the Russian Ivanov and Deputy and international colleagues that in Minister Mr Yury 2003 WFP provided food assistance Fedotov, Minister of to over 110 million hungry people World Food Programme Executive Director Mr EMERCOM Mr from 83 countries of the world, in- James Morris (centre) in WFP Moscow Office Sergei Shoigu and cluding 50 million people in Africa, Deputy Minister Mr 9.2 million people in Afghanistan Mr James T. Morris visited Russian Yury Brazhnikov, Patriarch of the and 6.4 million people in DPRK, Federation on 7–11 December 2003 His Ex- mainly women and children. For the under an official invitation of Mr cellency Alexii II, Vice President Mr next two years WFP budget will Igor Ivanov, Minister of Foreign Boris Pastukhov and members of the amount to US$ 8.4 billion. Mr Mor- Affairs of Russia. This was preceed- Russian Chamber of Commerce and ris also singled out the invaluable ed by a preparatory visit to Russia Industry, President Mr Arkady Vol- support on behalf of WFP corporate by Mr John Powell, Assistant Exec- sky and a group of prominent busi- partners, who have gained recogni- utive Director and Head of Fund- nessmen – members of the Russian tion all over the world thanks to their raising and Communications De- Union of Industrialists and Entre- cooperation with WFP. partment of WFP. Mr Powell met preneurs, and UNCT in Russia. with Deputy Minister of Agriculture Mr Morris also briefed the partici- Mr Anatolii Mikhalev and Deputy A wide range of questions pertinent pants of the meetings about the new Minister of EMERCOM of Russia to development of WFP cooperation WFP emergency operation in the Mr Yuri Brazhnikov, World Bank with the Russian government struc- North Caucasus for the next 18 Representative in Russia Mr Julian tures, WFP and EMERCOM of months, under which 259,000 bene- Schweizer, Vice-President of the Russia joint humanitarian assistance ficiaries will receive food assistance, Russian Union of Industrialists and on provision of food aid in emergen- including 78,000 primary and pre- Entrepreneurs Mr Igor Urgens and cy regions of the world, future co- school children in targeted districts other officials to discuss various is- operation in light of the recently of Chechnya and 8,000 primary and sues linked with the visit of the Ex- signed Stand-by Agreement with pre-school children enrolled in ecutive Director to Russia. EMERCOM of Russia, were dis- schools established for displaced cussed at the meetings with the se- children in Ingushetia. This was the second time that Mr Morris visited Russia (after his first UN World Food Programme (WFP) Mission Statement visit in October 2002). The aim of the WFP provides emergency food assistance: present visit was to thank the Rus- sian Federation officials for the first –to save lives of people in refugeå and other emergency situations; donation of US$ 11 million for WFP humanitarian operations in DPRK –to improve the nutrition and quality of life of the most vulnerable and Angola and to evaluate its im- people at critical times of their lives; plementation. By the time of Mr –to help build assets and promote self-reliance of poor people and com- Morris’ visit to Russia, distribution munities, particularly through labour-intensive works. of 1,880 mt of maize purchased out of US$ 1 million donated by Russia For more information on WFP and its activities, for WFP operation in Angola had visit out web site at www.wfp.org, already been started. As to imple- or contact WFP, Russia, mentation of DPRK part of contri- Tel: (7-095) 956-49-68, Fax: (7-095) 956-49-89

5 UN in RUSSIA UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés High Commissioner for Refugees Ruud Lubbers Meets with President of the Republic of Ingushetia Murat Zyazikov

High Commissioner for Refugees said he was personally committed to As of 31 January 2004, a total of Ruud Lubbers met on 19 January respecting the principle of voluntary 65,799 internally displaced persons 2004 with President Murat Zyazik- return. from Chechnya were registered for ov of the Republic of Ingushetia. assistance in Ingushetia in the da- President Zyazikov was accompa- The High Commissioner reiterated tabase of UNHCR’s implementing nied by Mr Stefan Vassilev, the UN his wish to promote a positive en- partner, the Danish Refugee Resident Coordinator and acting gagement of the international hu- Council (DRC). Of this total, 5,978 Humanitarian Coordinator in RF manitarian community through a people were registered in three on a visit to Humanitarian Agencies two-pronged approach in which safe tented camps, another 23,897 per- based in Geneva. haven would be guaranteed in In- sons in temporary settlements and gushetia for those not wishing to re- 35,924 persons in private accom- The discussion focused on the issue turn, while those returning to Chech- modation. of the remaining almost 66 thousand nya of their own free choice displaced people from Chechnya would be supported by great- benefiting from safe haven in the er involvement and presence neighboring Republic of Ingushetia. in Chechnya by humanitari- The High Commissioner expressed an agencies. concern over a recent announcement by Russian officials that the three re- The High Commissioner also maining tented camps in Ingushetia, raised the issue of the abduc- where several thousand IDPs are still tion of Arjan Erkel of Me- sheltered, will be closed prior to pres- decins Sans Frontieres in idential elections in the Russian Fed- Dagestan. He stated that the eration in March. If this happens abduction overshadows the without a realistic provision of any image of the North Caucasus UNHCR/S.Hopper alternative shelter, then the principle region to which Ingushetia High Commissioner for Refugees of safe haven would be seriously belongs and requested any Ruud Lubbers (left) meets with jeopardized. Mr Lubbers was reas- possible intervention from President of the Republic of Ingushetia sured by President Zyazikov, who the Ingush President. Murat Zyazikov

Angelina Jolie Releases a New Online Journal on Her Trip to Russia

The UN refugee agency’s Goodwill shows both sides of the picture, re- In Moscow, Jolie was invited into the Ambassador, Angelina Jolie, re- flecting the displaced people’s fears homes of African refugees, where she leased on 26 January a new online about security in Chechnya along- heard their problems ranging from journal documenting her mission to side the authorities’ view of the sit- xenophobic attacks to a lack of sta- the Russian Federation, where she uation. tus. She also met an Afghan wom- met displaced as well as en’s support group, as well as a refugees in Moscow and North Os- In North Ossetia, a republic border- group of African refugees who had setia. ing Georgia, the Goodwill Ambas- set up a non-governmental organi- sador visited the Gizel collective cen- sation with help from UNHCR. During her four-day mission from tre, where she spoke to elderly Geor- August 21-24 last year, Jolie trav- gian refugees, many of whom had Jolie’s journal recorded more than elled to the republic of Ingushetia lost loved ones and were living alone. her experiences with displaced pop- in the North Caucasus, meeting In- At a housing project in Komsomol- ulations. It also reflected her concern gush President Murat Zyazikov skoe, she was welcomed by a tradi- for humanitarian workers working and displaced Chechens in Bella tional dance and refugees grateful for in the field – from a long list of aid and Sputnik camps. Her journal their new homes. workers attacked in the Caucasus

6 UNHCR UN in RUSSIA United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés region, to those killed when the UN Is it old news? Are headquarters in was they too many? Or bombed just days before the start of is it that they have her mission. The Goodwill Ambas- nothing we feel to sador also mourned the deaths of give to us in return? UNHCR’s friend and 2003 Nansen Which is of course Refugee Award winner Annalena wrong because they Tonelli in Somalia and aid worker have everything to Bettina Goislard in Afghanistan. offer,” concluded the journal. “I know that if thousands of people were dying every day in Califor- “At the end of the nia, London or New York, it would day, what should be very different. But most of these that matter, we are During her trip to Russia Angelina Jolie (left) people are in places like Africa, equal. They are dialogues an IDP woman from Chechnya Chechnya, the Balkans, Central Asia families like us. And and , and maybe the world they need our help, our support. And not to forget.” (for details refer to is used to hearing about their deaths? in areas like Chechnya, they need us www.unhcr.ru)

UNSECOORD United Nations Security Coordinator in the Russian Federation Meeting Office of the United Nations Security Coordinator in the Russian Federation

Four years ago in January 2000, the Office of the United Nations Security Coordinator (UNSECOORD) established its presence in the Russian Federation to support the UN Designated Official for Security and the Security Management Team, by developing, managing, coordinating and facilitating systems, practices, policies and procedures that are necessary for the safety and security of UN staff and property located throughout the Russian Federation. To achieve this, UNSECOORD maintains an office in Moscow, and sub-offices in the North Caucasus – in Nazran (Republic of Ingushetia) and Vladikavkaz (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania).

The primary geographic area of kidnapping and abduction; target- its partners’ ability to move around concern within the Russian Feder- ing by militants and criminal gangs; the region safely. ation with respect to UN security is and mines and unexploded ord- the North Caucasus and there are nance. The role of UNSECOORD extends six UN agencies as well as other UN beyond security coordination and staff on mission, the ICRC, and ap- To provide a relatively safe living management. The office has become proximately forty local and interna- environment for UN staff operating a source of independent security ex- tional NGOs currently providing in the North Caucasus, UNSECO- pertise providing information, guid- humanitarian assistance in the re- ORD has introduced, and continues ance, support and advice to the hu- gion. The UN presence in the North to apply, stringent preventive secu- manitarian community at large. UN- Caucasus is expected to expand in rity strategies. The UN offices and SECOORD disseminates threat as- 2004 with more agencies implement- staff member private accommoda- sessments and security and travel ad- ing programmes. Additionally, the tion is equipped with modern secu- visories and daily security reports. It focus of operations is shifting more rity technologies. Regular liaison also offers professional security exper- to the Republic of Chechnya. The and close contact between UN- tise to all humanitarian aid agencies primary risk to aid workers in the SECOORD and local law enforce- present in the North Caucasus. region is assessed as being derived ment, militia and security officials from three main sources of threat: has further supported the UN and (To be continued on p. 8)

7 UN in RUSSIA UNSECOORD United Nations Security Coordinator in the Russian Federation (Continued from p. 7) preparing security and contingency – conducting security, threat and risk plans and coordinating staff safety assessments and vulnerability re- UNSECOORD’s current two interna- programmes; views; tional professional Field Security Co- ordination Officers in the Russian – supervising the various organisa- – providing security briefings and Federation, (one for Russian Federa- tions that provide armed static and specialised security advice to the UN tion as a whole and the other for mobile security escort services; and humanitarian aid communities; North Caucasus), are supported by a team of locally recruited Security As- – coordinating medical evacu- sistants, Transport Coordinators, ation arrangements and fa- Radio Operators and other support cilitating first-aid training staff. While the primary responsibil- and stress counseling ; ity for the safety and security of UN and humanitarian aid workers – organizing security escorts rests with the host govern- for assessments, programme ment, UNSECO- implementation, monitor- ORD contributes to ing and special missions and creating a secure en- visits; vironment for the hu- manitarian commu- – providing transport coor- nity by: dination services and man- agement of the UN’s ar- – acting as the UN’s moured vehicle fleet; primary liaison with the Russian Govern- – providing incident analysis and ment on staff safety and database management; and security matters; – managing the UN’s radio commu- – managing the UN’s entire staff – providing personalised security nication network in the North Cau- safety and security system, including training for UN staff and partners; casus.

UNSECOORD addresses and contact details in the Russian Federation

Mr. John Schot, Field Security Coordination Officer, RF E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Stanislaw Sliwak, Deputy Field Security Coordination, North Caucasus E-mail: [email protected]

Moscow Address: Obukha Per, 6. Moscow, 103064 Tel: +7 - 095 - 231-3307 Fax: +7 - 095 - 231-3308 Moussa Arsabiev, Field Security Coordination Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Ekaterina Gershenzon, Administrative Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Olga Komarova, Database Coordinator E-mail: [email protected]

Nazran (Republic of Ingushetia) Address: 28, Naberezhnaya Street, (Targim), Nazran Tel: + 7 - 8732 -26-49-(96 -99); or Moscow line: +7 (095) 787-9279 Fax: +7 - 8732 - 22 - 15 37 Ruslan Elmurzaev, Field Security Coordination Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Alan Kaloyev, Field Security Coordination Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Khamzat Yasaev, Field Security Coordination Assistant E-mail: [email protected] UNSECOORD radio room Nazran E-mail: [email protected]

Vladikavkaz (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania) Address: 4, Tkhapsaeva Street, Vladikavkaz, 362040 Tel: +7- 8672 - 54 - 6095 Fax: +7 - 8672 - 54 - 6097 Vladimir Petrov, Field Security Coordination Assistant E-mail: [email protected] UNSECOORD radio room, Vladikavkaz E-mail: [email protected]

8 UNESCO UN in RUSSIA UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization For Restoration of the Education System in the Chechen Republic A presentation of the UNESCO Project on Restoration of the Educa- tion System in the Chechen Republic took place at the Russian Minis- try of Foreign Affairs on 22 January 2004. The Project was developed in accordance with the agreement that had been reached at the meeting between Mr -President of the Russian Federation and Mr Koichiro Matsuura - Director-General of UNESCO. This initiative envisages the imple- international community, this event mentation of a number of large-scale will allow to have a better understand- measures to upgrade the qualifica- ing of the situation and to facilitate tions of educators in the Republic, finding solutions. Funding was not to introduce up-to-date information the only objective of this meeting. In technologies in the teaching process fact, it was about sensitising and in- The participants of the presentation and to assist the organization of the forming the technical and financial (left to right): Akhmad Kadyrov, psychosocial rehabilitation of school partners on the necessity to partici- Igor Ivanov, Vladimir Filippov age children. pate in the consolidation of the peace in this Republic by joining efforts for brought up in the spirit of peace and Mr Igor Ivanov, Minister of Foreign its effective development. mutual understanding. Affairs of the Russian Federation chaired the presentation and in his Federal Education Minister Vladimir At the presentation were invited Ms opening remarks emphasized that the Filippov recognized a fruitful coop- Dzhakhan Pollyyeva – Deputy Head project meets the immediate needs of eration between the Ministry of Edu- of the Russian President’s Adminis- the education system of the Chechen cation and UNESCO in developing tration; Mr Stanislav Ilyasov – Rus- Republic. Mr Ivanov declared the the Assessment report and Project sian Federal Minister for Chechen Af- Foreign Ministry’s readiness to make documents on Restoration of Educa- fairs; Mr Murat Zyazikov – President full use of its capacities to enlist the tion System in the Chechen Republic. of the Republic of Ingushetia; Mr international community in restoring Vladimir Fortov – Chairman of the a peaceful life in the Republic. Speaking at the presentation, Presi- Russian Federation Commission for dent of the Chechen Republic Akh- UNESCO; Ambassadors of a number Mr Stany Kol, Deputy Assistant Di- mad Kadyrov expressed profound of countries accredited to Moscow, as rector General of UNESCO, stated gratitude to President of Russia and well as representatives of international that the organization of this presen- to the leaders of UNESCO, as well as organizations and concerned agencies tation is a direct response to the deep to the Russian Ministries and Depart- of the Russian Federation. concern of the international commu- ments for their contribution in assist- nity with regard to the socio-educa- ing the rehabilitation of Chechnya’s On the conclusion of the formal part tional situation in Chechnya. By education system and providing its the Zia Bazhayev Children’s Choreo- bringing together the national author- young generation with opportunities graphic Ensemble successfully per- ities and the representatives of the to get a quality education and be formed before the guests. UNESCO Awaits Full Report on Lake Baikal During several meetings of the ever, the Committee mentioned sever- Achim Steiner, Director-General of UNESCO World Heritage Commit- al issues of concern for the safeguard- IUCN met with representatives of the tee, issues have been raised about the ing of this unique ecosystem, e.g. legal Ministry of Natural Resources of the integrity of the Lake Baikal World aspects, pollution and funding of the Russian Federation. Heritage site. protected areas surrounding the lake. This meeting was generally judged as The “Pearl of Siberia”, as Lake Baikal Recently, the Russian authorities in- very fruitful and substantive. The is known in the Russian Federation, vited a delegation from the World Ministry presented comprehensive in- was nominated for World Heritage by Heritage Centre and from the World formation on issues related to the cur- the Russian authorities in 1995 as the Conservation Union (IUCN), to meet rent state of conservation of the site, most outstanding example of a fresh- with the relevant authorities in Mos- as well as measures undertaken by the water ecosystem, as the oldest and cow and to review in detail issues con- Russian authorities to address these deepest of the world’s lakes contain- cerning the state of conservation of issues. During this event, the Russian ing nearly 20% of the world’s unfro- Lake Baikal. Upon the invitation of side confirmed its preparedness to zen freshwater reserve. During the 20th Mr K. Jankov, Vice Minister of the present a full and detailed report by session of the World Heritage Com- Ministry of Natural Resources, Mr February 2004, in line with the re- mittee in 1996 Lake Baikal was in- Francesco Bandarin, Director of the quests of the 26th and 27th sessions of scribed into this prestigious list. How- World Heritage Centre and Mr the World Heritage Committee.

9 UN in RUSSIA UNICEF UN Children`s Fund Welcome to My Family, Yura!

Today, almost half a million Russian children live in different children’s homes and boarding schools. Most of them are so-called social orphans whose mothers and fathers have lost their parental rights. A large number of them are also doomed to grow up and live in these bleak surroundings until they are of age, and their chances of ever being adopted are very slim. In some parts of Russia, alternative programmes are successfully working to look after children who have been deprived of parental care. One of these is UNICEF’s programme in Kaliningrad for the support and development of the fostering system.

It costs the state 7,300 rubles a month Nadezhda, who was once nothing but his permanently drunken mother. He to support a child at the Kaliningrad a stranger to them. then found himself living in a shelter, city shelter. Of this, only one-fifth is where he was happy that he could spent on food. The rest goes to pay Ms Tkachenko described the reaction now attend school. When Nadezhda for communal expenses, minimal of the children when they first enter suggested that he come and live in clothing, and the salaries of the child her modest two-room apartment: her apartment, and that she would care workers. In no respect does life ”The kids who were 12, 13 – they just look after him, Yura agreed at once. in the shelter compare to living in a had no idea of what it’s like to have a He’s had no reason to regret it. He family. home, live in an apartment, have their still hasn’t gotten used to the fact own place to sleep ” that, in the family, they use words Life in a foster home offers a child a like “please” and “what do you think normal home life and a stable income All of the children have had a difficult about this ”? Earlier, he’d never for the foster parents. In such cases, life. For some of them, the past heard anything of the sort. When the state pays only 4,000 rubles a included life on the streets, living in a they gave him a wristwatch for his month to support the foster family. shelter, missed schooling, poor birthday and baked him a birthday Those who wish to become foster health. Family warmth, routine, and cake, he cried silently. parents sign an agreement with the mutual support have worked appropriate state agencies to care for wonders over time. The children have Yura remembers the nightmare that a child from a shelter, children’s begun to attend school regularly, get was his previous life: “The worst thing home, or boarding school for a involved in sports, write poetry, and of all? When you’re all alone. I used period of one year or more. The more. At family meetings, they decide to wander the streets at night, and my agreement can be dissolved at any how to distribute their overall budget. mom would show up drunk just time. The child’s living conditions in Everything is completely above board before sunrise. That’s what I hated the such a family are regularly and out in the open. most. There was never anything to monitored by social workers. eat. Now, that’s all in the past. I’ve Last year, Yura Parfenov came to started doing well in school, my health There are now seven children aged 7 live in Nadezhda’s family. For is okay, I’m on a track and field team, to 17 living in Nadezhda Tkachenko’s almost a year, he had squatted with and I’m taking computer courses. I family. The five girls and two boys his mother in one abandoned don’t want to compare it to living at weren’t wanted by their parents, but building after another, and was the shelter, or with my mom and they’ve become very important to compelled to live in basements with stepdad. Of course, living in a family is best. As far as I’m concerned, Nadezhda is now my mom. Now, I always have someone to talk to, who I know will always help me out”.

In Kaliningrad today, 191 children are living in foster homes. This experiment isn’t catching on as quickly or as easily as one might like. There aren’t that many families willing to assume responsibility for someone else’s child, even when they realize that, unlike adoption, it doesn’t have to be forever.

Natalia Benni has a daughter, a son, This photograph could not include all members of the family of Nadezhda and another daughter: six-year-old Tkachenko (centre) Sasha, to whom she became a foster

10 UNICEF UN in RUSSIA UN Children`s Fund mother three years ago. People drugs, and often end responded in different ways when up repeating the fate Natalia, who teaches music, and her of their parents. husband, a driver with the transport Children from foster police, made the decision to take homes, even if they live Sasha from the children’s home. in a family situation “Different people feel differently for only a few years, about our decision,” says Natalia. are able to avoid such “We’ve run into some major a fate”. difficulties, especially at my husband’s place of work. We had a The workers at the really unpleasant situation when one Centre deal with one of my husband’s superiors told him, of the most difficult so, you’ve assumed responsibility for problems of somebody else’s child, and now you contemporary society: want certain benefits. As a result, my families in crisis. husband had to quit his job. Every Psychologists and Three in a walk, except the dog: Natalia Benni, cloud has a silver lining; he now has social workers try to Sasha and Natalia’s husband Ivan a great boss, and everyone helps.” expose the problem at the very start, promptly offer the their children. There are around 2,000 Once she became a foster mother, women and children the help they such asocial families in our city. We Natalia Benni, teacher of music, was need, and to prevent the collapse of can’t take the parents’ place, but we able to give up the two outside jobs the family. They set up psychological can in any case decide children’s fate, that she had earlier been forced to counseling, help place children in find them social support, and provide take in order for her family to make day care centers, and help the women them with a dignified existence. We ends meet. Natalia now spends her cope with such matters as must and we will. Foster care is, in free time with Sasha and the other alcoholism. In the most extreme my view, one of the best ways of children. Sasha is studying music, cases, they take steps to have the channeling such assistance”. drawing and painting; learning to children removed from the family read, and getting ready to start school. and then do their best to have them With UNICEF’s help, the Kaliningrad placed in foster homes. Centre of Social Support to Family and Nadezhda Tkachenko takes stock of Children is sharing its accumulated the changes in her life: “Being a The Centre operates in close experience, and the methods it has foster parent solves the problem of cooperation with the city developed for working with problem social employment. It gives you the administration and with its support. families, with other regions of Russia. chance to help out not just with the In the opinion of Kaliningrad’s vice- “Leave No Child Out” – this is the fate of a child, but your own as well: mayor, Tatiana Morozova: principle that guides the people who to build a normal life, feel that you’re “Unfortunately, the state’s policy are working to implement the foster needed, and to have a guaranteed over the last ten years has led to such care programme and support income. I now feel that I have some things as social orphanage. There are UNICEF’s efforts to see that as few social security”. some parents who don’t loom after children as possible remain in state their children, and don’t assume any children’s institutions, and that as

Nina Vorontsova is the director of social responsibility for the fate of many as possible live in families.

✒ ✒ ✒ ✒ the Kaliningrad Centre of Social ✒ Support to Family and Children, a long-time and reliable partner of For your UN file UNICEF. She says: “Thanks to the work of our foster families, we’re International Days able to avoid the post-institutional 8 March International Women's Day syndrome. It’s no secret that those 21 March International Day for the Elimination of Racial who come from children’s homes Discrimination leave them little prepared for the Beginning realities of life. They don’t know how 21 March Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Straggling against to spend money, to make decisions Racism and Racial Discrimination on their own, or how to carry them 22 March World Day for Water out. This is why children often 23 March World Meteorological Day become the victims of con artists and 24 March World TB day lose their place to live, try to make 7 April World Health Day their lives easier with alcohol and 23 April World Book and Copyright Day

11 UN in RUSSIA UNICEF UN Children`s Fund The International Festival of TV Programmes for Children and Youth In Moscow, the “Up to Sixteen and children and young adults, revealing “Best Entertainment Programme for Older” XIV International Festival of the trends and prospects for its Teenagers”. As part of the theme of TV Programmes for Children and development, summarizing and International Children’s Day of Young Adults has come to an end. making known the experience of Broadcasting, traditionally Previous festivals were hosted by professionals, raising their supported by UNICEF, a special Yekaterinburg, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, qualifications, and discovering new category was instituted: “Get Ahold Pyatigorsk, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, talent for children’s TV. Young of Yourselves, Friends!” This Astrakhan, and Moscow. UNICEF viewers came from more than 40 of included brief stories about the was one of the festival’s founders, Russia’s regions to attend the positive experiences, initiatives, and along with the Moscow city festival. The works they presented leaders of the children’s movement. government, the Association for were judged under the categories of The Grand Prix went to Children’s and Young Adults’ “Best Children’s Educational Novosibirsk’s TV station. After a Television, the Department of Programme”, “Best Children’s week of intensive viewing and Journalism at Moscow State Informational Programme”, Best discussions, the children went back University, the Russian Union of Children’s Entertainment to their homes. They took with them Journalists, et al. Among the Programme”, “Best Children’s News prizes and videotapes of brief scenes purposes of the festival were shaping Programme”, and “Best Educational that give one a taste of future TV a policy and philosophy of TV for Programme for Teenagers”, and shows and other works.

Appointment Mr Carel De Rooy Appointed UNICEF Representative for the Russian Federation and Belarus Carel De Rooy was appointed Senior Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil in Project Officer to Water and 1981–1983. Sanitation Department in UNICEF headquarters in New York in 1989. Mr De Rooy obtained a Bachelor’s Mr De Rooy was appointed degree in Geology at the Federal Regional Planning Adviser in University of Rio de Janeiro in 1975. Abidjan, Ivory Coast in 1993, where He obtained a Master’s degree in he was responsible for planning, Hydrology/Hydrogeology from the coordinating, strategy development International Institute of Aerial Survey and technical support to the and Earth Sciences, Enschede, The preparation of country programmes Netherlands in 1981. Carel De Rooy as well as understanding and speaks English, French, Spanish, updating the situation of children in Portuguese and Dutch languages. 23 countries of the West and Central Africa Region. Mr Carel De Rooy Mr Carel De Rooy has citizenship Mr Carel De Rooy was appointed was appointed UNICEF Area of the Netherlands Kingdom. He UNICEF Representative for the Representative for Colombia and was born in the Netherlands on 5th Russian Federation and Belarus from Venezuela in 1998, where he worked January 1952. the position of UNICEF till his appointment Representative for Iraq, where he had for Iraq in 2001. been responsible for planning, coordination and realization of a wide Carel De Rooy spectrum of UNICEF programmes to worked as Geophysics the interest of Iraqi children and technician, then women during 2001–2003. Specialized geologist with Multitron SA Mr Carel De Rooy began his work and with COPASA- in UNICEF as Coordinator of MG in Brazil in 1973- Water and Sanitation Programmes 1978. He worked as in Nigeria in 1984. He headed Water Visiting professor of and Sanitation Section in 1987, being geophysics and aerial responsible for managing and photograph coordination of a multi-disciplinary interpretation at Mr Carel De Rooy meets Russian children at the water and sanitation programme. Federal University of centre “Broken Flower”

12 WHO UN in RUSSIA World Health Organization Road Safety Is No Accident

The World Health Organization has chosen road safety as the topic for World Health Day held on 7 April this year. “UN in Russia” asked Special Rep- resentative of the WHO Director General in Russia Dr Mikko Vienonen to comment this decision.

Each year road traffic injuries take resources are available, commensu- same figure for instance for neigh- the lives of 1.2 million men, women rate with the size of the road safety bouring country Finland with simi- and children around the world, and problem in their country”. The UN lar climatic conditions was 5.2 per seriously injure millions more. General Assembly has agreed in 100.000 population in 2003. Russian connection to the World Health figure is 3.4 times higher! One could The death toll is highest and still Day to launch on 14 April the say that the excess mortality in traf- growing in low and middle-income World Report on Road Traffic In- fic accidents in Russia is at least countries (as in the Russian Fed- jury Prevention. 25,000. It means that some 70 or eration), where pedestrians, motor- more Russians die every day in vain cyclists, cyclists and passengers are Is this at all relevant to Russia? Now just because safety belts are not especially vulnerable. that Russians finally can freely buy used, the driver goes too fast or is cars, new and old, fast and slow, drunk or talks to a mobile tele- In addition to human suffering, es- should we just let people to decide phone, has received his/her drivers timated costs of road traffic inju- by themselves, what they want to do license without proper training, the ries are between 1% and 2% of with them? But a car is not only a brakes and tires are in bad condi- GNP per annum in these countries. useful means of transportation. It tion, the road markings are not This represents a loss approximate- can be turned into a killer weapon properly maintained, etc. etc. ly US$ 65 billion every year; almost in less than a second. And it is not twice the total development assis- just the drivers’ own life and health Looked through the eyes of a for- tance received worldwide by devel- at stake, but often totally innocent eigner, in Moscow the traffic culture oping countries. bystanders are hit. is really something very wild. One can only wonder, how is it possible Yet, road traffic accidents can be The Russian road accident figures that some people can still stay alive prevented. Addressing issues such reveal that there is a full epidemic in the “jungle”. Probably it is only as speeding and driving under the of deaths in the streets going on, the number of cars and ever wors- influence of alcohol; promoting the largely unnoticed and unrecognised. ening traffic jams that have prevent- use of helmets, seat belts and other In 2002 the total number of killed ed a total catastrophe from taking restraints; ensuring that people was 33,234 and last year the figure place. walking and cycling are more easily was 35,605. The numbers of injured visible; enforcing road safety regu- was about 7 times higher. The inci- When you take a car in Moscow and lations; and improving emergency dence is about one death per 4,000 try to touch a safety belt, which response services has demonstrated people or 25 traffic deaths per symbolically still hangs on the wall, that the needless deaths and disabil- 100.000 population per year. The the driver gets very upset and tells ities caused by road traffic collisions you that “it is only to be used at the can be prevented. time of an accident”. If there is no “probka” that would slow down On the release his report in August your speed to walking level, the car 2003 on “Road Safety”, the UN will dash like a rocket through the Secretary-General Mr streets, and every hole in the street declared that “Improving road safe- will shake you and the poor little ty requires strong political will on Zhiguli so that you think your or- the part of governments. Countries should aim to ensure that sufficient (To be continued on p. 14)

13 UN in RUSSIA WHO World Health Organization

(Continued from p. 13) ger and taking risks and they hate sites to make Russian roads the saf- regulations after getting enough of est in the world. gans will fall off together with any them during . There- vital parts of the car itself. When fore, nothing could be done about WHO has started in 2003 a collab- you get to where you wanted (if you road accidents except to build more orative programme together with ever do), you are sweaty, shaky and hospitals to take care of the victims, the Ministry of Health to focus on with a pulse over 150. I have wit- and more cemeteries to bury the road safety. The World Health Day nessed more serious car accidents dead. I say: NONSENSE! I have is an excellent way to boost up in- during my 5 years in Moscow than seen many Russian taxi– and bus terest towards this important prob- during my 53 years of life before drivers in other countries who are lem at all levels. that. excellent chauffeurs and obedient to safety regulations. By their natural Dr Mikko Vienonen Everybody tells me that Russians sense of rhythm and fast reflexes Special Representative of the WHO like to drive fast and they like dan- they have actually better prerequi- Director General in Russia

Health Sector Coordination in Russia In February 2004, the fiftieth Inter- tendance at monthly meetings var- in Russia, TACIS primary health care agency Meeting on Health Sector ies from 15–40. projects in Russia, and CIDA (Cana- Coordination in Russia was held dian International Development under the guidance of WHO office These monthly meetings provide an Agency) health projects in Russia. in Moscow. Since its inception over opportunity to share information four years ago, the Interagency and updates on the many activities One of the important goals of this meetings have included representa- taking place in donor funded health Interagency coordination activity tives of the United Nations and oth- care projects in Russia. As well, has been to reduce duplication of er international agencies, national each meeting focuses on either a spe- effort and ultimately to improve the development agencies and interna- cific project or theme for presenta- results and effectiveness of interna- tional non-government organiza- tion and discussion. tional donor health projects in Rus- tions, all of whom are involved in sia. Another outcome has been the either funding or executing health Among recent topics have been do- development of a comprehensive list projects in Russia. Over 60 agencies nor funded health education pro- of current donor funded health are now on the mailing list and at- grams in Russia, HIV/Aids programs projects in Russia and the develop- ment of an electronic roster of such projects, past and present. The lat- er activity which is now known as the “Zdravinform” library is devel- oped and maintained by the Central Scientific Research Institute for Or- ganization and Informatization of the Health Care. It was initiated with TACIS funding and is now being supported with assistance from the WHO/CIDA HCPSR Pro- gramme. Over 85 projects have been entered into the data base and the information is available at website: http://zdravinform.ru

For further information about the Interagency meetings, please e-mail The participants of the fiftieth Interagency Meeting on Health Sector [email protected] or Coordination in Russia [email protected] 14 WHO UN in RUSSIA World Health Organization Launch of the Health Care Systems in Transition Profile on the Russian Federation Deep concern over the inefficiencies HiT profile on the Russian Federa- health system’s design, organization, of the health care system and the tion. management and financing. Fur- need to confront its severe funding thermore, the HiT describes accu- shortage prompted the Russian Fed- The Observatory’s HiT series is a rately the process and content of re- eration to embark on radical re- collection of analytical country form programmes and their imple- forms. The latter were drawn up based profiles, which can be used as mentation. Thereby the HiT high- with the clear aim of preserving ac- comparative tools of evidence-based lights challenges and areas that re- cess to a basic benefit package for health systems policy across the Eu- quire further in-depth analysis. the whole population. The keystone ropean region. The HiT on the Rus- In cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies the World Health Organization, the The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies is a unique World Bank and the European Ob- partnership between the World Health Organization Regional Office for servatory on Health Systems and Europe, the Governments of Greece, Norway and Spain, the European Policies will be officially launching Investment Bank, the Open Society Institute, the World Bank as well as the HiT for the Russian Federation the London School of Economics and Political Science and the London on 24 February 2003 in Moscow. School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. It aims to advance evidence- based health policy making in Europe. The first HiT on the Russian Fed- eration was published in 1998, its of the reform, the introduction of sian Federation allows to bench update was finalized in December national, mandatory health insur- mark the country’s health system 2003. English and ance to supplement tax-based fund- performance against the perfor- versions of the profile are available ing was intended to link the issues mance of other regional countries. in hard copy as well as for down- funding, efficiency and decentraliza- Policy makers, analysts and academ- load from the Observatory’s web- tion. There has been a major decen- ics on the national as well as the in- site at http://www.observatory.dk tralization of power with the conse- ternational level will appreciate the On the website summaries of the quent withdrawal of the Ministry of HiT on the Russian Federation to HiT profile in Russian and English Health from planning, regulation provide a wealth of knowledge of the can also be found. and management. Experience to date however shows that the reform World Health Organization (WHO) works with others to improve the has been at best only partially suc- health of population, by helping Member States. WHO is a specialized cessful: not all regions and districts agency of the United Nations with 192 Member States. WHO Head- are able to meet the responsibilities quarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. The European Regional Bureau is devolved to them. A huge challenge in Copenhagen, Denmark. is the level of state commitments to health care benefits in view of dire WHO has four main functions: – to give worldwide guidance in the field of health; financial constraints faced by bud- – to set global standards for health; getary and health insurance funding – to cooperate with governments in strengthening national health sources. There are serious threats to programmes; equity due to growing differences in – to develop and transfer appropriate health technology, economic performance and capabil- information and standards. ity across regions as well as the de- terioration of formal cost-sharing For further information please visit mechanisms. These are some of the www.who.int and www.who.dk (European Region) main conclusions arising from the WHO office in Russia: 28, Ostozhenka 119034 Moscow latest addition to the European Ob- Tel: +7 095 787 21 17 Fax: +7 095 787 21 19 servatory on Health Systems & Pol- e-mail: [email protected] icies’ Health Care Systems in Tran- Special Representative of the Director – General in Russia – Dr. Mikko Vienonen. sition (HiT) series, the update of the

15 UN in RUSSIA UNIC UN Information Centre The UN and International Law’s Future: A Look from Moscow “UN in Russia” presents the final part of the address made by Alexandre Gorelik, Director of the UN Information Centre in Moscow, to the International Conference “The Future of the UN and International Law”, held in Bonn. The beginning of the address was published in No.6, 2003. Those measures were meant to rees- cy-making the interests of other ing the number of both permanent tablish the Council as an indispens- states as they have been expressed. and non-permanent members is pos- able mechanism that reconciles na- But to be able to engage all of its sible in a not so distant future. Proba- tional interests with the international members, the Council, among other bly, the main precondition for such an rules of the game provided mainly by things, has to have a record of say- important shift would be for the cur- the UN Charter. But all too often the ing no to impossible missions and rent permanent members to resolve to Security Council is involved in work- poorly drafted mandates. take the lead in the reform effort in- ing out patchy compromises that leave stead of staying on the sidelines. Par- the UN in a quicksand of vague man- To change the status quo in the Coun- adoxical, as it may seem, the P5’s for- dates. Kosovo and Iraq showed how cil implies to find a golden mean be- tunes can really benefit from the ex- harmful ambiguity may be. tween the imperatives of greater rep- pansion exercise provided its members resentativeness and efficiency with an keep their current prerogatives. In today’s post-cold-war world the emphasis on the latter. The decision Council acts at times more like a on an expansion formula is still elu- The saga of reforms at the UN body of multilateral damage-control sive after ten years of laborious discus- proves that there are always excuses than an ultimate decision-maker in sions in the so-called working group for inaction. But now, amid the un- critical issues of war and peace. This at the UN. On the face of it, this might certainties of the globalizing world, means that the SC’s political role has be seen as a paradox since practically those excuses are less and less valid. to be re-asserted to match its statu- all states agree that changes in the tory legal prerogatives. Council’s composition are necessary. The Security Council as the back- But, when specific talks start, vested bone of the whole UN structure Probably, this is the main lesson interests quickly emerge. ought to be fully empowered as a learned of the last year: there is no body with unique legitimacy, expe- rationale for a major state to seek a The fact that a number of the work- rience and potential. This is not a UN blessing unless it is ready to rec- ing group members have chosen not counsel of perfection for the Securi- ognize the outcome of the negotia- to choose is disappointing. It is to be ty Counsil. This is the way forward. tions process and reflect in its poli- hoped that an agreement on increas- UNA – Russia United Nations Association of Russia The Youth Learn to Elect The School of Parlamentarianism of candidates for deputies, an- games will contribute to raise level attached to Chita branch of UN swered questions, and asked ques- of political culture, which is pledge Association of Russia was among tions to the rivals. The organizers of strengthening the bases of dem- organizers of SUPER ELEC- are deeply convinced that such ocratic society and tolerance. TIONS-2003 political game. The game was held at Zabaikalsky State ANNOUNCEMENT: From April 5 through the 9th, the UN Association of Pedagogic University named after Russia together with Moscow State Institute of International Relations and N.G. Chernyshevsky in Chita. The under the aegis of World Federation of UN Associations will organize Mos- participants presented programmes cow International Model UN.

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