•. '' R~1ne1"?-l~e~g t oR n1.ernber the 913 Ei,res·:Lost ~t Jonesto\Aln"

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2006 EVERGREEN CEMETERY 6450 CAMDEN STREET OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 11:00AM ~~l'k~t'//1 {jj))_ ._!If nona ,) J{,;,,,oN/ CEO, Cherishing the Children/Guyana Tribute Foundation

Dear Family and Friends,

Welcome to the 28th Annual Guyana Tribute Services. We appreciate your presence today in honor of the 913 hard working amazing American citizens of Jonestown. Today we are memorializing them and the dreams which they attempted to bring to fruition. The 281h year anniversary comes at a time in history that exemplifies the dissatisfaction of the American people. This last election proved that. News interviews with families around the globe stated that people are not happy, they are not happy with politics, their community, their lives or the prospect of their future. They stated before and after the elections that those issues that are near to their hearts; good education for their children, health care for everyone especially their seniors, economic security, good paying jobs, unity and peace are not coming to fruition. We now see psychologist, life coach's, self help classes and seminar invitation's on every channel in the news and on special daily news programs i.e. Good Morning America, etc. giving people positive affirmations, best books to buy to "ensure" their happiness and ways on how to improve your daily life.

As it is today it was then in the 70's, before and after our loved ones went to Jonestown. They had a concern for the welfare of their children, seniors and themselves. To understand why they went to Jonestown to be subjected to the horror of Jonestown we must understand the facts surrounding the People's Temple Church and not just how our loved ones died but how they lived.

Our family lost 27 family members including our mother, Fairy Norwood and the youngest victim of Jonestown my cousin, Charles Garry Henderson, Jr. Although I was never a member of Peoples Temples and ended up rescuing/kidnapping, my son from my family as they were raising him while I traveled and preached as an evangelist, these loving people were the kindest and bravest most selfless people you would have ever wanted to meet. Our loved ones were deceived! They were held in captivity by Jim Jones and we now need your help in remembering them

As I call on everyone here and the public to support our efforts in erecting the Memorial I continue to receive mixed emotions. Many have come to know because of the facts revealed while others just know in their hearts that our loved ones were murdered. Because the public at large does not understand what happened or why these senseless deaths took place there is a stigma that still surrounds this tragedy wherein religion and belief have become mixed up with manipulation and politics. People believe that they willingly consumed the flavor-aid instead of being forcibly injected or forced to drink the poison. , The truth is, the People's Temple Church was made up of good, earnest people who desired equality and security for themselves and their families. Jim Jones promised them a utopian society, free from racial, sexual and political barriers. Who wouldn't choose that?"

Jim Jones elevated himself to political and social favor by developing programs that did , in fact, assist Bay area and Los Angeles citizens who were hungry, homeless, and drug-addicted. He invited people of all backgrounds into his church. He befriended people of stature in politics, religion and entertainment. But, this was a cover for the subversive activities later discovered, including murder and extortion. When his shiny exterior became tarnished, he manipulated many of the church members to move to Guyana, South America, where they would be free to live without scrutiny. After Congressman Leo Ryan traveled to Guyana to investigate Jones and was murdered with part of his party, the mass murder occurred. Know this that the 913 people of Jonestown did not choose to die. The 276 children did not choose to die.

We speak of those who die with dignity. Let's talk about these wonderful people who lived with dignity and honor their memory with a Memorial. They lived and died with idealistic dreams and were willing to pay the price of being in a hot jungle, with no 20th Century accommodations, or air conditioning etc., to make their lives comfortable and easy. We cannot forget them, because they not only represent what was, but sadly, what still is today ...... people searching for a "Better Day, a Better World, a Better Life".

We need your support today to erect the Cherishing the Children Healing Memorial Wall in memory of the 276 children, their families, Congressman Leo Ryan and the UPI news crew who perished in this incredible act of violence. The survivors and surviving families of Jonestown have resolved, with the public's help, to erect this memorial. The monument will be placed in the Evergreen Cemetery in Oakland, California where 406 bodies lay in a mass grave who are mostly children . In the spirit of those who honored the tragic passing of their loved ones in events such as the Jewish Holocaust, the Columbine shooting, the Vietnam War and most recently, the tragedy of 9/11, we envision the erection of this wall in memorial to the Jonestown Massacre. The children in this brochure perished in Jonestown without a fighting chance and we must say; "Never again ...... gone but not forgotten." Although the donations have come in slowly over the years, the monies, which remain in escrow for the Cherishing the Children Healing Memorial Wall, still continue to gain interest. Senator Dianne Feinstein appointed the late police psychologist, Dr. Chris Hatcher to the surviving families for counseling. Dr. Hatcher became the first signature on the memorial wall bank account, along with former Human Rights Commissioner Rev. Eugene Lumpkin. Rev. Lumpkin was appointed by then Mayor Frank Jordan as our liaison to San Francisco City Hall. Dr. Hatcher and Rev. Lumpkin joined me as we opened the Jonestown Memorial Wall Fund with our own money. We have always had four signatures on our bank account. Also, it is mandatory that two signatures are required in order to remove any funds from the account. The Jonestown Memorial Wall Fund account is always available for public viewing.

We are not a part of any other groups collecting monies for any type of memorial in the name of the Jonestown victims. We are the official group who received a liaison from City Hall. As in all Memorials there is struggle; some fought to keep Dr. Martin Luther King's holiday and Memorial from being erected, but Dr. King's family continued with the help of the public to bring honor to his memory. Although, we have experienced the same thing, we forgive those who have tried to hinder our progress and our efforts. We also forgive those who would try to make the world believe that the people wanted to DIE, which is absolutely, positively not true. The staff remains vigilant in their efforts to erect the wall, which will have a three-fold purpose: To honor the sanctity of the innocent lives that were lost; to raise public awareness that you never give up your ability to think for yourself,· and to question everyone and everything!

I implore you by making two requests:

1) To help us erect this Historical Memorial Wall by making a donation today by placing your donation in the envelope with the donation sheet provided.

2) Contact your friends, business owners, corporations to make a donation of granite, inscribers or a contribution. We are 501(c) 3 tax-deductible.

A percentage of the funds will be donated to students in building their future by giving them scholarships to attend college or technical school. Jacque Behar is our scholarship director. You can send all donations to: KAIPERM (FCU) 2101 BROADWAY ST., OAKLAND, CA. 94612 attn: SHARON, or you can give your donation to our treasurer today in the envelope provided with the donation page to REV. EUGENE LUMPKIN and you can send all letters with your sentiments about the victims with or without your donation to: DR. NORWOOD, PO BOX 3330, HOLLYWOOD, CA. 90078.

The wall will consist of seven black granite panels inscribed with victims' names (including those of Congressman Ryan and his party) with the names of children in a heart. Dr. Maya Angelou has agreed to write a dedication for the 20-foot wall. It is imperative that we have a physical illustration that the living has not been forgotten. While donations of any amount are appreciated, people can Adopt-a-Name of the infants for $40, of children for $276, and each adult for $913. We have spoken with several Architects and one Oakland developer said, 'To build a fitting Memorial and at the minimum the Memorial will cost $250,000.

The wall is needed because it is a symbol of their lives and that they were human beings. It represents healing. The Memorial Wall will allow us the opportunity to pause and reflect our experience and stand as a Monument to others of our ability to heal. It is our vision to one day run our fingers across the names of our lost loved ones, embrace the spirit of their lives and continue in the love that was shared by them to us. Please give us your support to erect the "Cherishing the Children Healing Memorial Wall." as we heal. Thank you for your help!

www.jones-town.org drnorwood@jones-town .org. CITY OF OAKLAND


Office of the Mayor (510) 238-3141 Jerry Brown FAX: (510) 238-4731 Mayor TDD: (510) 839-6451

November 13,2006

Dr. Jynona Norwood Cherishing the Children Memorial 645 W. Arbor Vitae Inglewood, CA 90301

Dr. Norwood and the Cherishing the Children Memorial team:

It is a great honor to write in support of your efforts to create a memorial for the victims of Jonestown. While occurring nearly 3 decades ago, the event still carries a poignancy unsurpassed in California history.

The memorial will serve not only to honor the lives of Jonestown victims, but also be an important reminder to future generations. It is critical that such tragedies are not repeated.

I wish you the greatest success with your Memorial Service on Saturday, November 18, 2006. Although I cannot be there, please know that I share your commitment.

Jerry Brown Office of the Mayor Gavin Newsom City & County of San Francisco

November 18, 2006

Dr. Jynona Norwood Cherishing the Children Memorial 645 W. Arbor Vitae Inglewood, CA 90301

Dear Dr. Norwood,

I would like to commend the members of the Guyana Tribute Foundations for their role in honoring the victims of Jonestown with the Cherishing the Children Memorial. This memorial is beneficial to the grieving process of the families that lost so many loved ones in Jonestown on that tragic day.

Your work ensures that we never forget the terrible events in Jonestown. More importantly, your work helps all of us remember the victims so that their deaths were not in vain, but serve as a solemn reminder to never allow these events to occur again. I support your effort with this memorial and wish you the best of luck in future endeavors.

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl:tcc. Room 200, San Frandsw, C;difornb 9l102-4(d! [email protected] • (415) 'i54-61-il . ' ANTONIO R. VILLA RAIGOSA •MAYOR

November 18, 2006

Cherishing the Children Memorial 645 W. Arbor Vitae Inglewood, CA 90301

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the City of Los Angeles, it is my pleasure to welcome guests of the Cherishing the Children Healing Memorial Wall Service.

I commend the Cherishing the Children Memorial for their efforts to commemorate the Jonestown tragedy. For years now, this organization has been dedicated to embracing the spirit of the lives that were lost and stand as a symbol of healing and hope. It is always a pleasure to unite with people and organizations that are dedicated to strengthening our great City and making it a better place for their fellow citizens.

I extend my best wishes for a memorable celebration.

Very truly yours,



Learning Prom rrlie ((913 Innocent}lmericans.Wiio Live£ In (f)ignity (}one (But :Not Porgotten"

Musical Prelude La Tanya Lovett

Invocation Rev. Eugene Lumpkin, Sr.

Scripture Reading Old Testament Psalm 118: 13-17 - Steve Lewis

New Testament I Corinthians 15: 51-58- Minister Ed Norwood

Selection Janie Dodgens

Remembering Attorney Mark Lane Jim Jones Attorney who escaped Jonestown

Loving God and Loving Your Neighbor Bishop Bob Jackson - Acts Full Gospel

Selection Jessica Smith

913 Innocent Americans Dr. Jynona Norwood

Life in Jonestown Officer Yulanda Williams SFPD CITY OF OAKLAND


Police Department Telephone Device for the Deaf (510) 238-3227 Patrol Desk (510) 238-3455 Fax (51 0} 238-2251

November 18,2006

To the members of the Cherishing the Children/ Guyana Tribute Foundation:

The disastrous events of the Jonestown tragedy left a grim imprint on the soul of humanity. While the 913 men, women, and children who perished as a result of heinous crimes against them are not forgotten, organizations such as Cherishing the Children/Guyana Tribute Foundation have taken steps to ensure their memory lives on.

The Cherishing the Children/Guyana Tribute Foundation has worked tirelessly in an effort to prevent such tragedies from reoccurring, while preserving the memory of those who perished in Jonestown, on November 18, 1978.

On behalf of the men and woman of the Oakland Police Department, I hereby support the Cherishing the Children/Guyana Tribute Foundation, on this date ofNovember 18,2006, as they honor the purity of the innocent lives that were taken in the Jonestown tragedy.

The erecting of the Jonestown Memorial Wall will serve as an institution of support for families and friends who have lost love ones, while reminding us all of our ability to heal.


~~~~Wayne G. Tucker Chief of Police Certificate of Special Recognition presenteD to cberisbing tbe cbil~ren Foun~ation in recognition of its efforts to memorialize the man~ lives that were lost in the Jonestown Massacre b~ erecting the "Cherishing the chi loren Healing Memorial Wall" to be locateo in Evergreen Cemeter~ in the Cit~ of oaklano, california

Maxine Waters Member of Co119ress 35th District, California On tbis r8tlj Da~ of November, 2.006 •





16th ASSEMBLY DISTRICT CALIFORNIA STATE LEGISLATURE ************************ '~ Re membering o n'Le:n:"'l.,ber the 9 13 Li,res L o s t: At Jon sto'\.N1.,_' "

...... ' ... ~ .







AREA CODE/ PHONE NUMBER: I I I 1.--1---.------.--1 -----,----1 ----..1-'--'--=--T'-1 '-=--=T-'--1:c.:...._,l

EMAIL ADDRESS: I I I I I I I I I I You can HONOR the lives and memory of our loving innocent family and friends who made a difference in the world. You can MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the world by lifting their names on a Memorial Tribute Wall, with a special dedication inscription written by Dr. Maya Angelou

This wall ensures that our loved ones are remembered as Gods creation and that we are all vulnerable as human beings ...... but we are human beings who walk in the love of God and who caies about rvhat happens to od1er hwnan beings...... MAKE YOUR DONATION 'TODAY!

__ $10.00 ___$276.00

__$913.00 ___$40.00 ___Other ___$100.00


Organization ______


City______CA ______.Zip _____

Gifts to the JONESTOWN MEMORIAL WALL FUND are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Thank you.



If you would like to send a loving letter to be posted on our website about your loved one and/or send a donation you can send it to: DR. NORWOOD, PO Box 3330 Hollywood, CA. 90078. PROGRAMME

Selection Fred Jackson

The Memorial Wall Former Human Rights Commissioner. Liaison from City Hall Rev. Eugene Lumpkin

Poem Alvaray Antione

Why my Mother. Son. Grandmother. Sister. Brother. Nephew and 27 family members went to Jonestown Valaray Henderson and Minister Ed Norwood

Proclamations, Recognitions & Letters of Support Mayor Jerry Brown - Jessica Smith

Mayor Gavin Newsom- LaTonya Lovett

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles- Michelle Allen

Yvonne B. Burke, Supervisor, Second District- Rebecca Pollack

Maxine Waters, Member of Congress - Steve Lewis

Congresswoman Barbara Lee - Althea Roberts

Diane E. Watson, Member of Congress -Victoria Yates

Senator Don Perata - Mary N'Diaye

"We pay special tribute and honor to Congressman Leo Ryan and the UP! News Crew who lost their lives in Jonestown."

Benediction Minister Ed Norwood Jonie Dodgens - Minister 01 Soloist 01 Worship Leader

Janie Dodgens is an ordained minister, talented soloist and worship leader from Sacramento, California. Blessed with an extraordinary gift of music and an insatiable desire to reach the lost for Christ, Janie (pronounced Jo-nay) is a warrior for the Kingdom of God, using her voice as a weapon in prayer and to create a ministry in song.

Her mezzo soprano voice is lauded by religious and traditional audiences alike. Known for her strong operatic voice, she calls her traditional vocal styling "Opera Gospel". Janie sings the classics and more contemporary gospel melodies using her anointed voice, she sings effortlessly in ranges up to High A.

Her other ministry work includes, outreach services, counseling, and monthly healing and deliverance services. Isaiah 61 :1 reads in the King James version, "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound." Life Under the Son Ministries, an outreach ministry which Dr. Dodgens founded, has programs that range from Designing Women for Destiny, which provides help for women who have been challenged by drug and alcohol abuse, to the Elijah Institute; both have this as its foundational scripture and guiding principal."

I am here to make a difference. God has gifted me for such a time as this," says Dr. Dodgens.


Jessica Smith

Jessica started singing at a very early age, so much so that her mother started voice lessons at the age of 7 years. She studied voice until the age of 19. After graduating Business College she went to Los Angeles, California.

Jessica sang backup for Michael Jackson, Ann Margaret, Thelma Houston Leave This Way), Elton John, Stevie Wonder and Quincy Jones, H. B. Barnum a host of others. She opened for The Jazz Crusader, Ann Margaret, AI Green and many, many more.

1 Jessica later formed a group Hodges, James & Smith where they had two albums on 20 h Century Fox and two albums on Decca. The albums took her around the world to France, Greece, England, Singapore, Korea, Spain and many, many more.

Jessica opened for The Jazz Crusader, Ann Margaret, AI Green and many, many more.

Jessica also starred in the television special Rosemary and on stage in New York for one year.

Presently, Jessica is the assistant director at St. Eugenea Catholic Church and regular singer at Tony Alamo Christian Ministries in Santa Clarita, California.

LaTonya Lovett

ministers in song in her church choir at Family Christian Cathedral under the leadership Dr. Jynona Norwood . YVONNE B. BURKE Supervisor, Second District, County of Los Angeles 500 W. Temple Street, Rm. 866 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Board of Supervisors GLORIA MOLINA First District

YVONNE B. BURKE Second District


Third O.stnd November 18, 2006 DON KNABE Fourth District

MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH Fifth District jonestown Memoria[ Service Clieris li t lie Cfii[dren 2 o o 6

I am pleased to extend greetings to all of you attending the 28th Annual Jonestown Memorial Service.

I pay tribute to the surviving families of Jonestown Guyana for their leadership and commitment to continue to raise public awareness to the senseless tragedy of Jonestown and commemorate the victims at this annual Memorial Service. I support their efforts to honor the memory of the 276 children who perished with the construction of the "Cherishing the Children Healing Memorial Wall".

On behalf of the more than 10 million people who live in the 88 cities and 138 unincorporated communities of the County of Los Angeles, I extend sincere best wishes for a very successful and most memorable service. A number of community and religious organizations and individuals have joined Dr. Jynona Norwood, Eddie Norwood, Juana Norwood, Jahdu, Althea, Paul, Omar Norwood, Val Henderson, Johnnie Goodwin, and Gwendolyn Anthony who lost 27 family members. Survivor, Officer Yulanda and Rose Williams, Lezle Fortier, Ann Moore, Juanita Bogue, Rev. John and Barbara Moore, Liz Scwartz, and the late Fred Lewis, Julia Gales, Dr. Chris Hatcher, Beverly Oliver, Chester Wilson, Elder Richard Clark, and other survivors and family members join in this effort to erect "The Jonestown Memorial Wall". This polished stone monument will list the names and ages of the families, Congressman Leo Ryan and the international news team who lost their lives in this senseless tragedy.

Following is a partial iist of persons who have pledged their support financially or morally:

Dr. Maya Ange/ou is writing the dedication inscription for this tributary wall. Liz M. Aguirre, Ultrasea/lnternational Inc., Donated $10,000.00 to the Wall. Doctor, donates $5,000 to the Wall, Mayor Gavin Newsome, Former Mayor Willie Brown, SF, CA - Former Mayor Frank Jordan, Mayor Jerry Brown, Oakland, California - Former Mayor Elihu Harris, Sup. Yvonne Brathwaite Burke, Los Angeles, CA.- Dr. Amos Brown- Pastor & SF Housing Commisioner/ Bishop H. H. Brookins- Fmr. Gov. Gray Davis/CA - Fmr. Gov. Pete Wilson- Mayor Shirley Dean/Berkley, California - Senator Dianne Feinstein/United States Senator- Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally, LA,CA-Dick Gregory/Civil rights leader - Aileen Hernandez Commissioner/S.F. Kene Holliday/ T.V.series -Rev. Jesse Jackson/Rainbow Coalition-Willie B. Kennedy/Former Supervisor IS. F., California- Nat Mason & Alex Pitcher-N.A.C.C.P.- Jim Mayo­ UNCF/S.F., CA- Dr. Cecil "Chip" Murray/FAME, Gail E. Neira, San Francisco County Republican Assembly Nominee, Incumbent - Rev. Leonard Jackson, LAPD Chaplain and former President LA Council Of Churches,-Dr. Wade Nobles & Dr. Thomas Parham/ Nat. Assoc. of Black Psychologists -Steven Phillips-Commissioner/S.F. Board of Education - Ms. Joan PraWComptroller, Bait. Md. - Fmr. Mayor Richard Riordan/LA, CA-Congresswoman Maxine Waters /Rev. Carl Washington/CA Congresswoman Diane Watson LA, CA, Gaynell Armstrong, S.F.-Paula Ashby L.A. -Ann Austin S. F. - Rev. Edgar E. Boyd A.M.E, S.F.- Margo Brooks, Chicago, - Pres Blackmon KTYM L.A. - Rev. Lorenzo Carlisle, Prophetic Movement Oakland - Professor Nontsizi 5 Cayu, S.F. State-Or. Mayme Clayton, WSBResearch & Educ. Ctr., L.A.- Rev. Henry Davis 111 T Union Baptist S.F. - Rev. Larry Dodson, A.M.E. Visalia, CA.- Rev. A. J. Eberhardt Sr., St. Paul Tabernacle Baptist, Professor Albirda Eberhardt, S. F. -Leonard "Lefty" Gordon, Ella Hill Hutch Ctr S.F. -Rev. Roland Gordon, Ingleside Presbyterian, S.F.- Rev. Donald Green, S.F. Christian Ctr. -Rev. Martin Grizzell, Rev. Carieta Cain Grizzell, S. F.- Denise Gums, S.F.- Rev.Gerald Harris Warden/Bethany C.O.G.I.C. Gilroy, CA. - Sarah Harris & Associates, L.A. - Rev. Arnold Howard PFAW Bait. MD, -Alma J. Jackson, S.F.- Fred Jackson, Oakland- Bishop Franzo King, St. John Coltrane African Methodist, S.F. - the late Rev. John Lane, Donneter Lane, Emergency Relief Council for Jonestown victims/1978, S.F.- Rev. Eugene Lumpkin, Ebenezar Baptist Church, SF- Denise Maunder KPOO, S.F.- Rev. James McCray Jr., S.F. Ms. Joyce Miller, Coalition for an African American Community Agenda, S.F.- Rev. Cecil "Chip" Murray, 1st A.M.E., L.A. - LaVonnia Perryman, LPWC, Washington DC & Georgia, -Rev. John J. O'Connor, St. Mary's Cathedral, S.F. - Melody Powers, Powers and Associates, S.F. -Leo Ramos, Attorney, LA- Pastor Pearl Bradley & LaTonya Reed L.A.,- Dr. Ray Richardson, Marcus Garvey Book Store, S.F. - Rev. Shad Riddick, Metropolitan Baptist, S.F. - Ceandra Scott, Washington, DC- Rev. Clarence Shaw, S.F. - Rev. Chuck Singleton, Loveland Church, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.- Pastor Edward Stewart, Assembly of God Community, S.F.- Dr. Margaret Singer, Berkley - Mr. James Taylor,S.F.- Dr. William Taylor M.D., L.A. - Dr. Shirley Thorton, Retired Principal Marin County CA. - Mr. Kola Thomas, Professor Oba T'Shaka, Fmr. Chairman African Amer. Studies, S.F. State- Rev. Rance Whiteside-Pres. Of The S.F. Religious Council, Pres. Bap. Min. Conf.- Dr. Sodonia Wilson, S.F. - Mr. Prentiss Woods, M.O.R.E. Radio, Oakland, CA. - Mr. Oscar Wright, B.U.F.F.E.R., Oakland - Minister Christopher X, The Nation Of lslam-S.F.

Visit our website: Guyana Tribute Foundation-www.JONES-TOWN.org For more information: *Los Angeles: Dr. Jynona Norwood (310) 419-3930 SACRAMENTO OFFICE STATE CAPITOL. ROOM 205 Qlalifornia ~tate ~enate SAC11AMCNTO CA t-5&14 Ti.L c ~l6 1 651 4009 rA.x(91Gl327· 19!)'7 DISTRICT OFFICE SENATOR DON PERATA lS15 C l .ltY' STREET SUITE 2202 OAKLANO CA 9 4 6t2 TEi.. 1510) 266 1333 PRESIDENT P RO TEMPORE fAA iSlO: 286 385$

NoYcmber 18, 2006

Chcrishing the Children Memorial 645 W. Arbor Vitae Inglewood, CA 90301

Dear Uucsts:

I am honored to extend a warm welcome to you on the occasion of the creation of the Cherishing the Children llculing Memorial Wall. This monument is essential in commemorating the lives of those \Vho perished in the Jonestown massacre.

The ,., ents in Jonestown have left an imprint not only in American history, but also in the li ves of survivors. families and communities connected to this catastrophe. The victims of this tmgcdy were li1milies who came together to achieve what we all desire. a good life . Let us remember them and their loved ones through The Memorial Wall.

Ma)· the Cherishing the Children I kuling Memorial \~all serve as a symbol of community and of the strength and support we lend to one another in times of hardship. God bles:. you as :rou remember the li\eS or passed Jonestown residents on this day and a h\U) S.



November 18, 2006

Cherishing the Children Memorial Foundation 645 W. Arbor Vitae Inglewood, CA 90301 (jreetingsfrom Congresswoman 0ar6ara £ee

Dear Friends:

It is with a heavy heart but a hopeful spirit that I write you today in support of your efforts to commemorate the lives of the children we lost in the Jonestown Massacre nearly 30 years ago.

Our community and our world suffered an unspeakable loss on the day of the tragedy at Jonestown. It is of critical importance that determined individuals such as yourself, as well as our community as a whole, continue to bring attention to this atrocious incident. Your work to commemorate the lives of the ones we lost pays tribute to their spirits and honors the loved ones who have had to carry on without them. I salute you for your continuing dedication, and thank you for your immeasurable contributions to our community.

Again, I am pleased to offer my support of your work, and I wish you the best for a successful and memorable event.

Sincerely, ~~ Member of Congress


~It DIANE E. WATSON INTERNATIONAL RElATIONS COMMITTEE CALIFORNIA SubComm•ltlle on Aau •nU lho Paclftc Subcornm.ttee on Afru:;o~ Glob~! H"'"'"" Rrghts W .lSHitlG OU rF t E ,)n(] lntefi'\JUOnal Qp~r oHIOI'\S 125 C.vv.o~ Bu4. Dl~'u WASHINGTON DC 20515 GOVERN MEN r REFORM CO MMITT EE 12021 225· 708• 12021 225 2422 IOU) CCongrrss of tlfr Unitcil elates Subconm1114!'t on Enet"IJV .Jne.l A.. ~ourc•• A.~n••no M. nomv ~.· ~b.,r DISTRICT OFFICE SubcotnrTM:tec on Crirr•.,n•l Ju~llcc Drug Pohc'f oliJ22 WilSHIRE Bovl£VARO mouse of ilrpresrntatiues •nd 1-tuma.n R•source• Roo" 302 LOS A.•~Gfl.£5, CA 90010 13231965·1 •22 DEMOCRATIC REGIONAL WHIP 13231965-1113 • CHAIR Congross10nol Entef!u~nment WWW I'IOUU !)OV WillSOn lndusmes Caucus

Greetings 0 ~------~~~~ I am pleased to extend greetings to everyone attending the 1 28 h annual Jonestown Memorial Service.

I pay tribute to the surviving families of Jonestown Guyana fnr their lcader<>hip and commitment to continue to raise public awareness to the senseless tragedy of Jonestown and commemorate the victims at this annual Memorial Service.

I support their efforts to honor the memory of the 276 children who perished with the construction of the "Cherishing the Children Healing Memorial Wall."

Dia11t: E. Watson, Plz. D. Member vf Cougress

Pr•'ltcd :.n Rcc •• "«! ,o1W • •£etters o(Support"

CONGRESSWOMAN MAXINE WATERS: "I want to join your many supporters in commending your efforts to erect tfie Jonestown :Memoria{ wa« in fionor of tlie innocent victims ofJonestown-men, women ana especialfy cfiiUren-wfio died" twenty­ si{.years ago ... fet it 6e a fesson in liistory tfiat fiuman Cife is precious ana it must 6e treasured."

GOVERNOR ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER: ':Jls we mourn tfie aevastating foss of more tfian 900 innocent fives, we pause to pray for tfieir famifies anafrienas and" a{{ tfiose wfio fiave Cost {OTJea ones to sense Cess acts of vio{ence... In remem6ering tfiis great fiuman traged'y, we reaedicate ourse{ves to com6at iry'ustice, ana e fionor tfie triumpfiant spirit of tfie }lmerican peopfe. ))

DR. MAYA ANGELOU: ''I fiearti{y support tfie itfea of a tri6utary wa« aed"icated" to tfie spirits of tfiose wfio were Cost. I wi{{ 6e p{eased" to write a aedication to 6e inscri6ed" on an arcfiitecture 6ui{t for tfiose putposes. "

SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN: ''I am proud" to recognize a{{tfie staffana vo{unteers oftlie quyana rr'ri6ute Pounaation. %ur work, wi[[ fie[p ensure tfiat we wi[[ nroer forget tfie victims of Jim Jones. 'You are in my tfiougfits anaprayers."

FORMER MAYOR ELIHU M. HARRIS: ''I support tfie construction of tfie Jonestown :Memoria{Waff to commemorate tfie Jonestown traged'y. rrliis is an important issue ana I wiff lie[p in roery way to mak,g tfie memoria{ Wa{[ a fasting reminaer so tfiat tfiese men, women, ana cfiiUren fiave not perisfiea in vain. "

ATTORNEY MARK LANE: 'rrfiey were innocent cliiUren. rrfiey went witfi tfieirfami{y anafrienas to try to 6uiU a Getter Cife. rrfiey carved" a remark,a6fe community out of an area tfiat was a aangerous[y inliospita6fe environment. rrfiey cfevefoped" a society, unfik,g tfie one tfiat tfiey fiaa Ceft, tfiat proviaea a good" scfioo~ fiea{tfi care ana a pface witfiout racism. Porces tfiat tfiey coura not contro~ not even inffuence, 6rougfit a6out tfie end" of tfieir qperiment ana tfie end" of tfieir fives. We sfioura remem6er tfiem, remem6er hOW tfiey fived" ana wfiy tfiey died. II

CONGRESSWOMAN MAXINE WATERS: I want to join your many supporters in commending your efforts to erect tfie Jonestown :Memoria{ Wa« in fionor of tfie innocent victims ofJonestown-men, women ana especialfy cliiUren-wfio died" twenty­ si{.years ago ... fet it 6e a fesson in liistory tfiat fiuman fife is precious ana it must 6e treasured.))

DICK GREGORY: 'Jonestown is one of tfie greatest tragedies of moaern times tfiat fea tfie way 6efore otfier catastrophic events. rrliis traged"y was unpreceaentea ana}lmerica aid' not k,now fiow to aea{ witfi tfiis kjna of mass aeatli. Jonestown was tfie first major traged"y tfiat peopfe fiaa in tfieir fiving rooms. rrfie fact tliat roery6oay watcliea it in tfieir fiving rooms is tfie reason wfiy }lmerica neeas fieafing. rrfie Wa« represents our fieafing. "

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