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Interactive Rendering of Caustics Using Interpolated Warped Volumes

Interactive Rendering of Caustics Using Interpolated Warped Volumes

Interactive Rendering of Caustics using Interpolated Warped Volumes

Manfred Ernst Tomas Akenine-Moller¨ Henrik Wann Jensen University of Erlangen Lund University UC San Diego

Figure 1: A metallic ring on a wooden floor creates the classic cardioid-shaped caustics, rendered at 512 × 512 pixels with 2 × 64 × 8 triangles on the ring. From left to right: a) the full scene rendered using our new algorithm, b) closeup of algorithm using constant intensity across caustic triangles (62 fps from the view in the leftmost image), c) closeup of our algorithm using interpolation (47 fps without any precomputation from the view in the leftmost image), d) closeup of the reference image computed using with one million photons (130 seconds).

Abstract high-quality offline rendering systems, but only a limited In this paper we present an improved technique for inter- set of techniques for real-time rendering of caustics are active rendering of caustics using programmable graphics available. This means that caustics are rarely included in hardware. Previous real-time methods have used simple applications such as games. prisms for the caustic volumes and a constant intensity In this paper we present a new technique for interactive approximation at the receiver. Our approach uses inter- rendering of smoothly interpolated caustics using pro- polated caustic volumes to render smooth high-quality grammable graphics hardware. Our method is based on caustics. We have derived a simple formula for evalu- caustic volumes [19, 13] as shown in Figure 2. We ren- ating the density of wave-fronts along a caustic , and der these caustic volumes using programmable graphics we have developed a precise method for rendering caustic hardware similar to approaches for real-time shadow ren- volumes bounded by bilinear patches. The new optimiza- dering that uses the shadow volumes algorithm [5]. Our tions are well suited for programmable graphics hardware contributions are summarized below: and our results demonstrate interactive rendering of caus- • Fast and simple interpolation of the light intensity tics from refracting and reflecting surfaces as well as vol- over each caustic triangle to avoid blocky appear- ume caustics. In contrast to previous work, our method ance. renders high quality caustics generated by specular sur- faces with much fewer polygons. • The use of warped caustic volumes as shown in Fig- ure 2, which is significantly more accurate than the prisms used in previous work. Key words: Caustics, caustic volumes, volume caustics, real-time rendering, graphics hardware. • Fast analytic computation for volume caustics in ho- mogeneous participating media. 1 Introduction • An algorithm formulated for the standard pro- Caustics are beautiful and complex patterns of light gen- grammable feed-forward rasterization architecture erated by specular to diffuse light transport. Examples in- with many optimizations that makes for high per- clude the shimmering light at the bottom of a swimming formance. pool and light focused through a of wine onto a ta- ble. There are several techniques for rendering caustics in These key properties are illustrated in Figure 1. specular triangles light polygon divided by the area of the caustic polygon. Shinya et al. [15] present pencil tracing, where a pencil is a set of rays in the vicinity of a given axial ray. This work can be seen as an extension of [7] in the sense that it handles more accurately, and also provides error tolerance analysis in an elegant caustic triangles manner. However, it is not targeted for use with graphics hardware. Figure 2: Three different cases of caustic volumes. From Nishita and Nakamae present a sophisticated shading left to right: caustic volumes that are diverging, converg- model for rendering the optical effects within water [13]. ing, and warped, where the sides clearly are not planar. In contrast to Watt [19], they also take into account the volumetric effects, and can thus render volumetric caus- 2 Previous Work tics. For each scanline, their rendering process finds the Rendering of caustics has been an active area of research intersected volumes, and accumulates their results into an in graphics for roughly 20 years. Early work concentrated accumulation buffer. Homogeneous participating media on rendering complex caustic patterns, while recent work can be handled. Iwasaki et al. [8] present an algorithm has focused on faster rendering. that implements Nishita and Nakamae’s techniques us- ing graphics hardware. Since they use a constant inten- Work based on was started in 1986, when sity across caustic triangles, they have to use large water Arvo [1] presented backwards ray tracing as the first prac- surface meshes (512 × 512 vertices) to avoid blocky ap- tical technique for rendering caustics. His method traced pearance of the caustics, which makes performance suf- rays “backwards” from the light sources into the scene fer. Also, they do not handle warped caustic volumes, as storing information about the caustics in texture maps. shown to the right in Figure 2. However, they can account Collins [4] introduced an improved backwards ray tracing for a homogeneous participating media, which makes for technique, which tracks the wavefront [12] of the caustic beautiful images of volumetric caustics. rays. This method gives higher accuracy, but is limited to planar diffuse receivers. Jensen [10] uses photon tracing Iwasaki et al. [9] present a technique, based on Nishita (similar concept as backwards ray tracing) and stores the and Nakamae’s algorithm, that can render reflective and caustics in a caustics photon map — the photon map can refractive caustics using graphics hardware. Their algo- render caustics on arbitrary geometry with non-diffuse rithm is a volume rendering technique, where receiver ob- materials. The photon mapping algorithm has been ex- jects are sliced by several planes, and caustics rendered tended to handle participating media and effects such as on each of these. The rendering quality increases with volume caustics [11]. Recently, Guenther et al. [6] use a the number of slicing planes. This algorithm cannot han- cluster of 18 dual Athlon PCs to render caustics at 10– dle participating media and does not use warped caustic 20 frames per second with photon mapping. Wyman et volumes. Furthermore, no interpolation over caustic tri- al. [20] use a shared-memory machine with 32 CPUs to- angles is used. Frame rates of 2.5–10 images per second gether with precomputation in order to obtain real-time are reported for water meshes of 64 × 64 to 128 × 128 rendering of caustics. Due to the precomputation phase, vertices. a limited set of scene configurations can be rendered in The methods that use caustic polygons and assume real time. Purcell et al. [14] use graphics hardware to uniform intensity across each caustic polygon all require render images with caustics using the photon map algo- a finely tessellated specular surface, and have problems rithm. They use the graphics hardware to implement a when the curvature of the specular surface is high. This breadth-first stochastic ray tracer. A scene similar to our issue was addressed by Briere` and Poulin [2] by a su- ring scene takes about 8 seconds to render. perior approach that tracks the wavefront of each ray of Heckbert and Hanrahan [7] introduced the concept of the volume and uses barycentric interpolation over each beam tracing, and this concept was used by Watt [19] in a caustic triangle. This avoids the blocky appearance of two-pass algorithm capable of rendering caustics. In the the techniques presented above. Their algorithm is tar- first pass, a beam of light is created for each water surface geted for ray tracing, and rendering times of minutes up polygon, and for each receiver it hits, a pointer is stored to to many hours are reported. In our work, a simpler and the water surface polygon. The projected polygon of the faster interpolation scheme over each caustic triangle is beam where it hits the receiver is called a caustic polygon. used. In the second rendering pass, the intensity of the caustic Stam [16] renders approximate textures of underwater polygon is proportional to the area of the water surface caustics on a plane using wave theory. Trendall and Stew- art [17] show that general calculations can be performed the description. The implementation works with an arbi- using the graphics hardware of 2000. Their test applica- trary number of reflective/refractive generators and mul- tion is that of refractive caustics on the bottom plane of a tiple lights. All geometry is stored as indexed triangle pool of water. This work is important in the sense that it sets. Caustic volumes are computed by the CPU for every considered the graphics hardware as a general tool for dif- frame. Therefore, we can handle fully dynamic scenes. ferent calculations. Neither of these two techniques gen- At each vertex vi of the generator, the vector from the eralize to arbitrary receivers. Wand and Strasser [18] take light source to vi is refracted at the surface using the ver- a completely different approach by placing sample points tex normal ni. Refracted vectors ri are stored in an array, on the specular surfaces, and then treating each sample similar to vertices and normals. Each triangle ∆jkl con- point as a camera that projects an image of the incom- sisting of vertices vj, vk and vl generates a caustic vol- ing light onto diffuse receivers. They take into account ume bounded by the rays vj + trj, vk + trk and vl + trl, local curvature to decrease antialiasing, and can use high where t ≥ 0. dynamic range images as lights. The number of passes Our algorithm works like this: In a first pass, the world of this algorithm is directly proportional to the number space positions of the receivers are rendered to a texture of sample points on the specular surfaces, and in the pre- using a simple fragment program. Because of this, re- sented images, undersampling problems are visible. ceiver geometry can be arbitrary. It need only be possible Neither of the algorithms above is capable of render- to render it with OpenGL/DirectX. In the second pass, the ing caustics onto arbitrary receivers at interactive frame crucial operation is to draw a bounding volume for each rates using only a single PC with a graphics card with- caustic volume. Using the positions from the texture, out a blocky appearance or noise in the caustics. In the point-in-volume tests are computed for every visited pixel following, we present an algorithm based on caustic vol- by a fragment shader. For points inside the volume, caus- umes that addresses these issues. tic intensity is computed and accumulated in the frame buffer. The accumulation is achieved by simple additive 3 Caustics Algorithm blending. Intensity calculation and point-in-volume tests The geometry in the scene is separated into generators need some more detailed explanation. and receivers. Generators are objects with a specular The following section lists the limitations of our algo- component in their BRDF, while receivers always have a rithm, and then follows the details of our warped caustic diffuse component. Glossy effects are neglected for caus- volumes. In Section 3.3, we describe our method for test- tic computations. An object may be both a generator and ing whether a point, p, is inside such a volume. For points a receiver. inside a volume, we compute its intensity as described in Rendering caustics using a caustic volume approach Section 3.4 as well as volumetric effects in the presence can be carried out according to a simple algorithm: of participating media (Section 3.5). foreach visible point P on a receiver 3.1 Limitations foreach caustic volume V The limitations of our algorithm are summarized in the if P is inside V following list: Compute & accumulate caustic intensity • Only a single specular bounce Various hierarchical data structures have been pro- posed to reduce the number of point-in-volume tests for • No shadowing for caustics CPU based rendering. However, GPUs perform best • Generators must be triangular meshes when executing highly optimized brute-force algorithms, and we use a highly optimized inner loop rather than a • It must be possible to render receivers into the Z- hierarchical method to obtain real-time performance. buffer Simplifying assumptions about the geometry of the caustic volumes are often made to reduce the compu- • Reflected/Refracted vectors are linearly interpolated tational cost. Artifacts and the inability to render self- over specular triangles intersecting volumes are the price for this speedup. Our method computes exact point-in-volume tests efficiently, 3.2 Warped Caustic Volumes and it is not limited to GPU implementations. Previous algorithms for rendering caustics with caustic Without loss of generality, we will outline the algo- volumes using graphics hardware have all assumed that rithm for a scene with one refractive generator (e.g. a the volumes are prisms, that is, with planar side surfaces. water surface) and one light source in order to simplify However, due to different normals at the vertices of a Figure 4: Caustics from a section of an ocean surface with 64 × 64 points rendered at 256 × 256 pixels. The left Figure 3: a) An example of a warped caustic volume. image was rendered with triangulated prisms as bound- b) The two-dimensional coordinate system in which our ing volumes. Gaps between adjacent prisms result in caustic volumes are represented. clearly visible artifacts. The right image was rendered with tightly fitting bounding volumes and our exact point specular triangle, this is in general not true. An exam- in volume test. ple of this is shown to the left in Figure 3. 3.3 Point-in-Volume Test The side surfaces of a caustic volume are defined by the three vertices, vi, i ∈ [0, 1, 2], of the specular tri- The point-in-volume test is the performance hot-spot of angle, and the reflected/refracted vectors, ri, associated the algorithm, since this is executed for every pixel cov- with each vertex. Assuming a finite caustic, the exact ered by the bounding volume of each caustic volume. same side surfaces could each be defined by four possi- Thus, thorough optimization is crucial for real-time per- bly non-planar points; two from the specular triangle, and formance. The basic idea to test if a point p in world two from the bottom of the caustic volume. Such a sur- space is inside of a volume V is simple. First, p is trans- face is the simplest of bilinear patches. Our assumption formed into the local coordinate system of V , yielding p0. All subsequent computations are carried out in the here is that the reflected/refracted vectors when traveling 0 1 2 from one vertex, vi, to another, vj, can be created by lin- local coordinate system. The vertices c , c and c of early interpolating ri into rj. In terms of the generated the caustic triangle ∆c are computed by intersecting the side surfaces, this is an approximation in the case of re- caustic rays with a virtual plane with normal n = (0, 1, 0) containing p0 (see Figure 3 to the right). Any point- fraction, but it is much more precise than the use of planar 0 side surfaces. in-triangle test can now be used to check if p is in- side ∆ . We apply a test that computes three values β For a point, p, inside a caustic volume, we need to find c i proportional to the barycentric coordinates, because they the area of the caustic triangle of p. The choice of the are needed for linear interpolation later on. The actual plane used to find the caustic triangle is arbitrary as long barycentric coordinates could be computed from β by as it passes through p. Intersecting a plane with a bilinear i division by the area of the ∆ . Below, we show how the patch results, in general, in a quadratic curve. Thus the c unnormalized β can be computed, and then we describe “caustic triangle” would have curved edges. However, i some optimizations. by choosing the normal of that plane to the same as the normal of the specular triangle, i.e., the two triangles are 0 α = py parallel, we are guaranteed that the caustic triangle will ci = vi + αri, i ∈ [0, 1, 2] have straight edges. This is the approach we take for our i 0 i computations. e = p − c , i ∈ [0, 1, 2] 1 2 To simplify the shader optimizations presented in Sec- β0 = |e × e | 2 0 tion 4, we change the coordinate system so that the y-axis β1 = |e × e | coincides with the normal of the specular triangle’s plane, β = |e0 × e1| and so that the y-coordinates of the vi are all set to zero. 2 i 0 Furthermore, the directions r are scaled so that the y- The point p is inside V if all βi have the same sign. i components are set to one, i.e., ry = 1. This is illustrated A significant performance gain can be achieved, when to the right in Figure 3. the point-in-triangle test is done in two dimensions, us- In Figure 4, we show the differences between using ing a projection of the involved points onto a plane. The triangulated volumes and using warped volumes. ratios of the barycentric coordinates are invariant under this transformation. We choose to project along the local If all caustic volumes are described in the same coordi- y-axis, since that will give numerically stable results. nate system, interpolation could be done as follows. For Due to the code above, all ci and p0 lie in the same every vertex vi of a generator, the triangle fan around plane, y = α, which means that the y-component of all ei this vertex is used to compute an area function for the i i will be zero. Thus, the computations of the β s simplify vertex. The n triangles around v are denoted ∆j, j ∈ to: [1, 2, . . . , n]. The area coefficients for a vertex vi could

1 2 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 be computed by just summing up the triangle area coeffi- β0 =|e ×e |= p (c −c ) + p (c −c ) + c c − c c i x z z z x x z x x z cients, aj, bj, cj of the n triangles around v : 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 β1 =|e ×e |= px(cz −cz) + pz(cx −cx) + czcx − cxcz 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 n n n β2 =|e ×e |= px(cz −cz) + pz(cx −cx) + czcx − cxcz X X X ai = aj, bi = bj, ci = cj, To test whether a point is inside a caustic volume, a frag- j=1 j=1 j=1 ment shader computes the β’s as shown above, and tests whether all β’s have the same sign. If this is the case, the Note that A(∆j) = Aj(0) = aj, so ai is the sum of i point is inside. The comparison is further optimized in the areas of the triangle fans around vertex v . A per i Section 4.2. vertex caustic intensity Ii for v at depth α is computed i using the area ai of the triangle fan around v and the 3.4 Caustics Interpolation area Ai(α) of the caustic fan: In order to avoid the blocky appearance of caustics, we interpolate the intensities inside the caustic triangles. Do- 2 Ai(α) = ai + αbi + α ci, ing linear interpolation requires the computation of inten- I = a /A (α). sity values per vertex, as opposed to computing a single i i i value for an entire caustic triangle. For this purpose, we where a , b , and c are computed for each vertex by the considered a wavefront based method [2], but decided to i i i CPU. An interpolated intensity I at the point p0 in a caus- use a simpler and more efficient function to calculate the tic volume, defined by the vertices v0, v1 and v2, is com- intensity at a given depth, α, inside a caustic volume. It puted using the non-normalized barycentric coordinates is suited for both an optimized hardware implementation β , i ∈ [0, 1, 2]: and linear interpolation. The area of the caustic triangle i 1 A(∆c) is defined as : β a + β a + β a I = 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 0 A(∆c) = |(c − c ) × (c − c )| β0A0(α) + β1A1(α) + β2A2(α)

To simplify notation, we introduce a set of new vectors: The problem with this approach is that caustic vol- umes, in general, need not share a common coordinate ki = vi − v0, li = ri − r0, i ∈ [1, 2] system. Fortunately, we can enforce this condition lo- i i i Note that ky = ly = 0. We can rewrite the area func- cally, by flattening the fan around vertex v for the com- tion as a function of the depth, α, along the y-axis in the putation of the coefficients. For this purpose, the local y- coordinate system from Figure 3 as: axis is chosen to be the vertex normal ni. All vertices in the fan are projected along their reflected/refracted vec- 1 1 2 2 2 A(α) = |(k + αl ) × (k + αl )| = a + αb + α c tors into a plane with normal ni containing vi. This trans- where the triangle area coefficients a, b and c are defined formation is depicted in Figure 5. as: The transformation is still problematic because the point p would have to be transformed into three differ- 1 2 1 2 a = kz kx − kxkz , ent coordinate systems to compute the three vertex in- 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 tensities. For a real-time system, this is a costly opera- b = kz lx − kxlz + lzkx − lxkz , tion. However, it can be avoided when area coefficients c = l1l2 − l1l2. z x x z are computed for every vertex of every triangle and not The a, b and c can be precomputed and sent to the frag- for every point in the mesh. The fan is then flattened ment program as texture coordinates. For our hardware to a plane with the geometric normal of the specular tri- implementation, we rewrite the function as a dot product: angle. In this way, the coordinate system for the fan is the same as the coordinate system of the caustic volume. 2 A(α) = (1, α , α) · (a, c, b) The y-coordinate of p0 can be used for both the point-in- 1Actually, this is twice the area, but we always compute ratios of volume test and the intensity calculation. Exactly how I triangle areas, and so these terms cancel. is computed using the GPU is described in Section 4. n0 specular 4 Implementation and Optimizations v0 triangles v0 0 In this section, our optimizations of the implementation will be described. flattening 4.1 Vertical SIMD on GPUs SIMD computations can be separated into horizontal and vertical computation models. Let the size of the SIMD registers be three, for example. In a horizontal model, a set of three vectors would be stored in registers like this:

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Figure 5: Flattening of triangle fan around vertex v0 with v =(vx, vy, vz ), v =(vx, vy, vz ), v =(vx, vy, vz ) normal n0, shown in two dimensions. Note that this flat- In a vertical model, all x, y and z components are stored tening is only used in order to compute the area function together in registers. This leads to the following data lay- coefficients, and that the side surfaces of the volumes re- out: main intact. 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 vx = (vx, vx, vx), vy = (vy, vy, vy), vz = (vz , vz , vz ) 3.5 Volumetric Caustics While this layout seems unnatural, it can be much more Scattering in participating media is described by the ra- efficient, because the values in one register all have the diative transport equation [3], which relates the change in same meaning. The same computations are applied to radiance along a direction in a medium to the loss due to all three vectors in parallel. However, it can be tricky to extinction and the gain due to inscattered light. We will always find three such vectors. consider only homogeneous media in the following. This GPU computations are usually carried out in horizontal means that we can use a simple analytical evaluation of mode, while SIMD code for CPUs is arranged in vertical the scattering contribution due to a caustic beam [11]: mode for optimal performance. We have applied vertical SIMD computations to the GPU with great success. This −σtde −σtds 0 0 Le(~ω) = e e ∆xσsp(~ω · ~ω )Li(~ω ), is due to the fact, that most computations operate only on the x and z components of the vectors. Such calculations can be expressed without any overhead of the unneces- where L is the radiance seen at the eye, σ is the extinc- e t sary y-components in vertical mode. tion coefficient, σ is the scattering coefficient, d and d s e s Computation of the β-values in vertical mode looks are the distances in the medium of the eye ray and the like this in Cg: caustic beam, p is the phase function of the medium, Li is the incident radiance of the caustic beam, and ∆x is float3 p = texRECT(pTex, wPos.xy).xyz; the distance that the eye ray passes through the caustic // Transform p to local space here ... beam. In the following we will describe how we compute float alpha = p.y; float3 cx = alpha * rx.xyz + vx.xyz; d , d , and ∆x—the remaining values are parameters for e s float3 cz = alpha * rz.xyz + vz.xyz; the participating medium. float3 beta = p.x * (cz.zxy - cz.yzx) We draw a bounding volume for each caustic volume + p.z * (cx.yzx - cx.zxy) and execute a fragment program for each visited pixel, + cz.yzx * cx.zxy computing the intersection of the scan plane with the - cx.yzx * cz.zxy; three caustic rays. In general the resulting triangle has The texture containing receiver world space positions curved edges, but we assume that it is linear in the case is bound to parameter pTex. The x and z coordinates of volumetric caustics. This approximation works well of the specular triangle vertices vx, vz and the as the error for the accumulated volumetric effect is neg- vectors (rx, rz) are passed in as texture coordinates. Re- ligible and does not result in any gaps between adjacent member that the y-components of the refraction vectors volumes. It should be noted that we still use the more are normalized to one and that the y-coordinates of the precise computations for geometric receivers. The entry specular triangle vertices are zero. point pn and the exit point pf into the volume are com- puted by intersecting the triangle edges with the eye ray 4.2 Shader Optimizations in the scan plane. Thus, ∆x is the distance between pn Shading language compilers usually fail to generate opti- and pf . de and ds are the distances from (pn + pf )/2 to mal assembly code. Optimization of the output is benefi- the eye point and the specular triangle, respectively. cial in most cases. Simplification of boolean expressions and usage of special instructions are most problematic. We will describe two important optimizations here, that result in a performance improvement of 20%. A point p is inside the volume if all βi ≥ 0, ∀i ∈ 2 [0, 1, 2] or βi ≤ 0, ∀i ∈ [0, 1, 2]. When we ignore the case where one or two β-values are zero and the remain- ing are negative, the test can be reduced from nine as- sembly instructions to three. The β-vector is compared componentwise to a zero vector. A dot product of the re- sulting boolean vector with a vector, containing all ones, gives the number of β-values greater or equal to zero. If Figure 6: To the left a caustic volume is illustrated, and this value is either one or two, the tested point is not in to the right its corresponding bounding prism is shown. the volume and the fragment can be discarded. Pseudo assembly code for this test is given below: SGER TEMP, BETA, {0,0,0,0}; // >=0 DP3H TEMP.x, TEMP, {1,1,1}; // dot prod SEQHC HC, TEMP.xxxx, {1, 2, 1, 2}; KIL GT; // kill fragment if outside The computation of the caustic intensity requires a vec- 0 2 0 tor m = (1, (py) , py). Compiler output uses three in- structions to generate this vector. Using the DST instruc- tion, it can be computed efficiently with a single instruc- tion: Figure 7: An ocean surface with 64 × 64 points rendered DSTH M, P.yyyy, P.yyyy; at 512 × 512 pixels. The left image was rendered at 10.7 4.3 Bounding Prisms fps with our technique without interpolation, and the right For each caustic volume, a screen-size quad could be ren- image was rendered at 8.9 fps using interpolation. As can dered and the point-in-volume test be executed for every be seen, the quality is substantially improved with our pixel. This would be extremely slow, and in our first interpolation scheme. implementation, we instead rasterized an axis-aligned bounding box for each volume. However, the tighter in the positive half space of the plane. The plane that bounding volume, the fewer point-in-volume tests need holds the entire caustic volume in its negative half space to be executed. In this section, we describe how a tight is the plane that we need to build our prism. For such a i k i bounding prism can be computed for a caustic volume. plane, the following must hold: n · b + d ≤ 0, for This prism is then rasterized, and the fragment shader is all k ∈ [0, 1, 2]. Note that all three planes must be tested executed for each visited pixel. since the volume can be self-intersecting (converging). Recall that the vertices of the specular triangle are vi, Once a plane has been found for each of the edges of and for all practical applications, the volume need also be the specular triangle, the ray of each vertex is computed of finite length. So, assume that the vertices of the “bot- as the intersection of the adjacent edges’ plane equations. tom triangle” of the volume are denoted bi. The specular Finally, a bottom triangle is found by making certain that i triangle will be the top of the triangular prism, and a tight all b are inside the volume. plane which contains an edge will be computed for each An example is shown in Figure 6. Notice that the edge of the specular triangle. Such a plane is computed bounding prism always is much tighter than using an as follows. axis-aligned bounding box. We have observed a speedup Assume, that we want to compute a plane for the edge of about 2× because of this. v0v1. Three planes, ni · x + di = 0, i ∈ [0, 1, 2] can be 5 Results computed as: In all our test results, we have used a PC with an AMD ni = (v1 − v0) × (bi − v0), di = −ni · v0. Dual Athlon MP 1800 (though only one CPU was used), and a GeForce 6800 GT. In Figure 7, caustics from an Ensure that the plane normal points outwards from the ocean surface are shown when viewed from above. No- i i 2 volume by flipping sign of n and d if the point v is tice in particular the quality improvement using our inter- 2We have not experienced any visual artifacts due to this optimiza- polation scheme. tion. For the ring scene, shown in Figure 1, we achieve a Figure 8: Zoomed-in renderings of the cardioid caustic generated by a reflective ring. The first three images from left to right show renderings with increasing generator resolution (1024, 4096 and 16384 triangles) but without interpolation. In the last image, our new interpolation technique was used with a resolution of 1024 triangles. To clearly see the artifacts in the third and fourth image, zoom in the pdf. frame rate of about 47 fps. Static generators require al- ing interpolation of the caustic intensity for each caustic most no CPU computations. With dynamic generator ge- triangle. We also presented a fast method for simulating ometry, the CPU consumes 15% of the rendering time for volumetric caustics in homogeneous participating media, the computation of caustic rays and area function coeffi- and finally we presented a number of optimizations that cients. To achieve similar image quality with no interpo- take advantage of programmable graphics hardware. Our lation, the resolution of the ring needed to be increased current algorithm takes into account only one specular-to- by a factor of 16, which made the frame rate drop to 15 diffuse bounce. More specular bounces could be included fps. Thus, the similar image quality can be obtained with- using the techniques presented by Briere` and Poulin [2], out interpolation by increasing the resolution. However, but this would probably require some non-trivial clipping our interpolated version runs about 3× faster, and also of the volumes. continues to look reasonable even when you zoom in on For future work, we would like to add shadow mapping the caustics. This is not the case for the non-interpolated as an approximation to shadows in the caustics, since cur- version. Zooming in on the caustic is further explored in rently occlusion is not handled in our framework. We Figure 8. would also like to implement the entire creation of the In Figure 9 all effects using our algorithm are shown. caustic volumes in a vertex shader. Also, it would be in- This includes caustics on the bottom and in a homoge- teresting to investigate whether our interpolation scheme neous participating media. We have also added disper- could be used in other rendering systems, e.g., ray tracing sion by using slightly different refraction indices for R, based algorithms. G, and B, and rendered one pass per color. CPU time for updating the dynamic ocean generator is 5% of the total Acknowledgements rendering time per frame. Thanks to Marc Stamminger and Gunther¨ Greiner for ini- A discoball is generating volumetric caustics in Fig- tiating Manfred’s visit at UCSD, and to Craig Donner for ure 10. Each quadrilateral on the sphere generator uses the water surface generation code. Manfred was funded the normal of the quadrilateral to generate reflection vec- by Bavaria California Technology Center. Tomas was tors from the light source. This is another example that supported by the Hans Werthen´ foundation, Carl Tryg- shows that our algorithm can handle arbitrary receiving gers foundation, Ernhold Lundstroms¨ foundation, and the geometry. Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. Henrik was In Figure 11 we demonstrate the advantage of our supported by a Sloan Fellowship and the National Sci- algorithm in the case of high curvature generators and ence Foundation under Grant No. 0305399. receivers. Without interpolation the caustics look very References blocky, while they are perfectly smooth with the new technique. [1] James Arvo. Backward Ray Tracing. In Devel- opments in Ray Tracing, SIGGRAPH ‘86 Course 6 Conclusion and Future Work Notes, August 1986. We have presented a technique for rapidly rendering [2] Normand Briere` and Pierre Poulin. Adaptive Rep- caustics using programmable graphics hardware. We resentation of Specular Light . In Graphics In- avoid the blocky artifacts of previous techniques by us- terface, pages 127–136, May 2000. Figure 9: Two images of volumetric caustics from a 128×128 ocean surface. The bottom image has a more pronounced bottom surface, i.e., receiver). 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Figure 11: Caustics of a sphere with smooth surface nor- mals at the ceiling of a Cornell-box-like room. Top: caus- tics with no interpolation. Bottom: smoothly interpolated caustics with our new method.

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