BIOSIS RESEARCH Cross Street Electrical Substation. Footscray Report for City of Maribyrnong July 2007 Biosis Research Pty Ltd. Project no: 6388 Author: Gary Vines Ballarat: 449 Doveton Street North Ballarat3350 Ph: (03) 5331 7000 Fax: (03) 5331 7033 email:
[email protected] Melbourne: 38 Bertie Street Port Melbourne 3207 Ph: (03) 9646 9499 Fax: (03) 9646 9242 email:
[email protected] Queanbeyan: 55 Lorn Road Queanbeyan 2620 Ph: (02) 6284 4633 Fax: (02) 6284 4699 email:
[email protected] Sydney: 15 – 17 Henrietta Street Chippendale 2008 Ph: (02) 9690 2777 Fax: (02) 9690 2577 email:
[email protected] Cross Street electricity substation, West Footscray ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Biosis Research acknowledges the contribution of the following people and organisations in preparing this report: • Kerryn O’Keeffe, (City of Maribyrnong) • David Moloney (National Trust of Australia (Victoria) ABBREVIATIONS AHC Australian Heritage Commission AMG Australian Map Grid ARC Australian Research Council DSE Department of Sustainability and Environment DOI Department of Infrastructure DPI Department of Primary Industries HO Heritage Overlay HPA 1995 Heritage Protection Act 1995 HV Heritage Victoria (DSE) HVI Heritage Victoria Inventory ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites NT National Trust of Australia (Victoria) PEA 1987 Planning and Environment Act 1987 PROV Public Records Office of Victoria RNE Register of the National Estate SLV State Library of Victoria VHR Victorian Heritage Register BIOSIS