Issue 210 News June 2021

Kingfisher Corner, Catfield Staithe

June Notice Board

The Catfield Crown is now open for inside service See page 23 for opening hours We would like to say thank you to all the hardy souls who have supported us these last weeks in the cold and windy weather. Gail and Scott

The Mobile Library Service is now back. Check the website for the latest updates.

On behalf of Catfield Church Council may we thank you for the amazing result of £1200 given on the Church Gift Day on April 23rd. We are very grateful. Judith Gardiner and Dr Keith Bacon, Church Wardens

Fancy joining the Catfield News team, now is your chance. See page 6 for more information.

There are still books and jigsaws available in Catfield Church porch for you to borrow .



To all our neighbours and friends for their support after my husband’s horrific accident at home. A special thanks to Ryan and Matt our local builders who came to our rescue to finish our bathroom. The air ambulance and paramedic crews were fantastic. We will be forever in everyone’s debt; it truly restores your faith in people. Thanks again,

Sue and Mick Catfield Court Back Lane

I recently saw a flyer regarding parish elections (regarding Mrs Gardiner’s campaign) and there was mention of yet plans for further housing within our village. Does literally every inch of open space need to be built upon? It appears that the whole of Norfolk’s open spaces is being rapidly and dramatically built upon as to quickly be changing it from a quaint and peaceful county into a vast built up urban jungle! Norfolk is already struggling to provide sufficient services such as schools and medical services to the existing population let alone a dramatic increase. It just seems like madness and capitalism reigns supreme. It strikes me that countries such as Australia, Ireland and Canada don’t suffer the sort of housing crisis faced by and so what is going on with our country?

I do appreciate that the Parish Council influence probably doesn’t extent further than our parish or county but nevertheless for perspective I gave the bigger picture. And I know I’m not alone in my thoughts and opinions within our parish. Please no more houses in Catfield.


3 This year’s Annual Parish Meeting was held over Zoom on the 5th May.

This is the meeting for any parishioner to ask questions of our parish council and to receive reports from various clubs and activities within the parish.

There were twenty members of the public, nine of these were parish councillors, our County Councillor and one of our District Councillors in attendance

Reports were received from:

Chairman of Parish Council Parish Council Finances from the Clerk Poor’s Trust – Keith Bacon Village Hall - Jason Sexton Magazine - Steve Beckley Church – Keith Bacon Fishing Club - Jill Wickens School - Angie Johnson Pauline Grove-Jones - District Councillor Richard Price - County Councillor

The Annual Parish Council Meeting was also held on the 5th May via Zoom.

At this meeting Keith Bacon and Ray Read were nominated for Chairman and Keith Bacon was elected after a vote. Ray Read was elected unopposed as Vice Chairman.

The result of the election for parish councillor held on the 6th May was:

GARDINER Judith Norah 181 Elected HARRIS Jennifer Sharon Independent 167 Electorate 804 Ballot Papers Issued:357 Turnout: 44.40%

The result of the election for parish councillor held on the 20th May was:

Edwards Graham Charles 125 Elected Gardiner Judith Nora 27 Shearing Cora Jean 119 Electorate 805 Ballot Papers Issued 272 Turnout 21.9%

We have asked the parish clerk for a full list of your parish councillors along with their contact details and will publish them next month. 4 The results of the County Council Election held on Thursday 6th May


PRICE, RICHARD (CON): 1,381 VARLEY, Adam (LD): 1,165 FILGATE, Anne (GRN): 198 GAYNOR-POWELL, Finola (LAB): 133 COPPACK, Nicholas (IND): 86 Total votes: 2,980 Turnout: 41.71%

Dear Parishioner,

I just want to thank all those that voted for me in the County Elections resulting in my winning again, with an increased majority, to continue serving you all. I have been both a District Councillor and now your County Councillor for 14 years and during those years have learnt much.

My most important statement is that in those 14 years I have never asked anyone who has contacted me about their personal political beliefs, because I have been selected to represent you all.

I am actively involved in several major projects and am excited that I have now a mandate to pursue them on your behalf.

Please never hesitate to contact me if you need help and I can assure you that both myself and my good longstanding friend, Duncan Baker, our MP, will do everything possible to help and support you.

Best Wishes


Cllr Richard Price Phone: 07880791258 Email: [email protected]

5 Come and join the Catfield News Team

One of our members is moving away in the next few months so we are looking for a new member of the team.

We have a monthly meeting, usually mid month, to discuss the content of the magazine. Although we have our core contributors the content can vary month to month as we try to include local news and highlight anything that may be of interest to our readers. Advertisers also come and go, so new ones need to be found.

The magazine is created using Publisher. We have a standard layout we use but the final positioning of articles is not usually decided until we have received everything. Occasionally we have space to fill so have to be a bit creative.

Once the magazine has been compiled it is Proof Read by the team. Proof reading comments are incorporated and the magazine information is delivered to the printers.

Whilst COVID restrictions have been in place our meetings have been via Zoom, but we would normally meet in the Chairman’s house

The printer delivers the printed magazines to a member of the team and they are bagged up into their delivery packs and these packs are dropped off to each of the distributors who pop the magazine through your letterbox.

As you can see from the above there are a number of different jobs involved in the production of the magazine.

If you think you might be interested email [email protected].

WANTED - Catfield News distributor We need someone to deliver magazines to Lea Road and to a few houses on New Road. If you are interested please email [email protected] 6

Chef’s Specials

Coco-Berry-Nut Squares

Ingredients 250g butter, softened 1 tsp vanilla essence Coconut Topping 275g caster sugar 50g plain flour 3 eggs 2 tbsp caster sugar 100g plain flour 40g butter 150g self-raising flour 15g flaked coconut, chopped coarsely 55g ground hazelnuts 150g frozen raspberries

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 160C. Grease a deep 23cm (9inch) square cake tin lining the base with baking parchment. 2. Beat butter, essence and sugar in a small bowl with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until just combined between additions. 3. Transfer mixture to a large bowl. Using a wooden spoon, stir in flours and ground hazelnuts. 4. Spread mixture evenly into prepared tin. 5. To make the coconut topping, combine the flour and sugar in a small bowl. Rub in the butter and then using a fork, stir in coconut. 6. Sprinkle the raspberries evenly over the cake mix then add the coconut topping. 7. Bake the cake for approximately 50 minutes. Stand cake for 5 minutes then turn onto wire rack; turn cake top-side up to cool. D.S.

Tip: Stop a heavy mirror or picture frame from getting crooked and marking the wall by gluing erasers to the bottom corners of the frame. They will now hang straighter and not leave marks. 7 Nature Notes for June 2021 By J & C

The cuckoo, with its unmistakeable call in springtime and its parasitic breeding behaviour, is one of our most fascinating summer migrants. According to the British Trust for Ornithology cuckoo numbers since the early 1980s have dropped by 65%. The decline of the cuckoo is not fully understood but one theory is it may be due in part to the decline in the small birds, such as dunnocks and reed warblers, it uses as hosts for its own eggs.

The BTO cuckoo tracking project 24 Apr 2021. After five years and a staggering 50,000 miles, Suffolk Cuckoo PJ has once again returned from Africa to his breeding grounds in the King's Forest, Suffolk. He is the first of our tagged Cuckoos to survive five complete migrations with his tag still functioning. When we last updated you he was having a well deserved rest on the Isle of Wight, but despite the many attractions of that fine place, it couldn't keep him away from East Anglia for long. New updates received from PJ's tag at 07:30 yesterday morning (Friday 22nd April) showed that he had covered the final 223km (139 miles) from the Isle of Wight to Suffolk. Further updates since show him flying around his breeding grounds, less than five miles from us here at BTO HQ in Thetford. He will stay here until early July before beginning his journey back to Africa once again.

Beavers are being reintroduced to counties across the UK after 400 years of extinction. By the sixteenth century, they became extinct in many countries, including the UK. Beavers are a keystone species, which means their presence is good for nature in the areas they live. Beavers are among the largest living rodents in the world. They have thick fur, webbed feet and flattened, scale-covered tails. With powerful jaws and strong teeth, they fell trees in order to build homes and dams, often changing their environment in ways few other animals can. In fact, the idioms "busy as a beaver" and "eager beaver" are synonymous with being industrious and hardworking. Summer is a great season to be on the lookout for young frogs as they leave the pond for the first time. Before they hide away to hibernate for winter, these amphibians will be finding their feet as they hop towards damp habitats such as woodlands, hedgerows, fields and gardens where they can keep their skin moist. When the common frog is first spotted you may be unsure whether you have found a frog or a toad, but there are some very distinctive characteristics which enable you to tell them apart. Frogs have more slender bodies, smooth skin and jump or hop, whereas toads have more bulbous bodies, dry warty skin and tend to crawl.

8 9 All Saints’ Church Catfield June Services

6th June 2021 10am Morning Worship Joint service with at Catfield Judith Gardiner AWA 13th June 2021 10am Morning Worship Joint service with Potter Heigham at Potter Heigham Lynda Savage AWA 20th June 2021 10am Morning Worship Joint service with Potter Heigham at Catfield Judith Gardiner AWA 27th June 2021 10am Holy Communion Joint service with Potter Heigham at Potter Heigham Rev'd Paul Yeoman

Glad that I live am I, That the sky is blue; Glad for the country lanes and the fall of dew After the sun the rain, After the rain the sun,

I wonder how many of you can remember singing this hymn in school assembly? I still can’t decide whether it was a favourite with my headmistress but with this one and When a Knight Won His Spurs, looking back I think it may have completed her playing repertoire. Thank goodness the music teacher was a little more talented! Yet, the words come into my mind often and of course if it rains and the sun is shining then I consider myself especially lucky to see a rainbow.

By the time you read this I can hardly believe we will be in the sixth month, yes half way through the year. I hope things have improved and our new found freedom has been managed sensibly and Covid numbers are still under control. I, of course acknowledge that we have been so lucky in this area but still mindful of those who have lost a loved one or have spent many hours alone over the past year.

But I consider myself lucky, every morning I wake and look out of my window, at least I have done that I’m still alive! I could say Glad that I live am I but if the sun is shining I hear myself saying “Thank you God for a beautiful day” and if it’s raining I tend to mutter “Oh well the plants will be happy”.

I am still able to see the country lanes and watch as Spring turns into Summer and remember that we are blessed in living in a country where there is peace, and when we see that rainbow let’s pause for a moment and remember what we have all been through and give thanks for all those who have cared and kept us safe, and like the hymn there will be sun after the rain. May God be with us all.


THOMAS GORDON OXER 20th November 1932 - 1st March 2021

Tommy was born in Brumstead to farm labourer Charles and former Bressingham Hall chambermaid Charlotte, and was the youngest of three sons. At the age of two, he moved with the family to Manor Farm, very close to Hickling Broad where, growing up alongside his elder brothers Reggie and Lenny, young Tommy embraced his love of nature and the countryside. After about 10 years, the Oxer family moved into a row of cottages near Whinmere Farm. On completing his education at Secondary School, Tommy found employment in Sutton, working amongst tomatoes and chrysanthemums at glasshouses run by Fred Grimes. He could very often be seen riding a trade bike laden with produce to shops located in Stalham High Street and to the train station. When the nursery closed down and the land sold for housing, Tommy soon accepted a job offer working for Jocelyn Gardiner at White House Farm in Catfield, from 1963 until his retirement. In the meantime, Tommy met Pamela Nicholson, who had also been working in horticulture since leaving school. Following almost three years of courting, they wed at All Saints' Church, Catfield on 25th August 1956. Their relationship built upon a solid bond of love and trust bore three children: Glynis, Sandra and Jason. Having shared a cottage at Limes Road with Pam's parents, in May 1973 Tommy and family started a new life at St Catherines Avenue, where self-sufficiency in the vegetable garden was achieved with great aplomb. When Tommy had time to relax, he enjoyed watching sport on tv; listening to music, especially his favourite singer Jim Reeves; bike rides and walks in the country air; and day trips on coaches. In more recent years, Tommy gradually declined into ill health, suffering with osteoarthritis, and later being diagnosed with dementia. After a short illness, he passed suddenly at home at the age of 88. A family service and burial was conducted by the Reverend David Smith at Catfield Church on Wednesday 21st April. Tommy leaves a wife, to whom he was happily married for 64-and-a-half-years, three children, six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, and he will remain forever in all our hearts.


It finally seems as though Spring has sprung after what’s seemed like an endless winter. With the longer days comes more times outdoors for almost all our pets, especially cats. This coincides with the clocks going forward and in my experience there seems to be an increase in the number of road traffic accidents (RTA’s) at this time of year as well. In fact, as people and their pets become more active, we seem to get busier at the vets as well! One such case was Kimi a three year old Domestic Shorthaired cat who was hit by a car and subsequently went missing for two days before being brought to the surgery. She seemed quite bright in herself, but her respiration rate was elevated and she was occasionally coughing up blood. Kimi is only small so the impact from a car, even at low speeds, can be catastrophic, so it is always wise to take x-rays of any patient that has had an RTA. X-rays of her chest revealed a tear in her diaphragm that had allowed part of her liver to slide into her chest collapsing the lung on the right hand side. This type of injury, known as a diaphragmatic hernia, is relatively common and often life threatening. Fortunately, there were no other breaks or fractures visible and her owners were keen to try everything to save her. Kimi was stabilised on intravenous fluids and pain relief before surgery was performed the following day. She had torn two thirds of her diaphragm, but her internal organs were not otherwise damaged and surgery to repair her diaphragm was a success. She recovered incredibly quickly and was home with her owners 48 hours later and has gone from strength to strength. We can’t unfortunately teach our cats road sense, but we can slow down in built up areas and be mindful of the cats out there who don’t always look left then right!

Toby Morrell MRCVS Westover Vets

12 ***STOP PRESS*** Who’d be interested in offering their garden, small or big in a Charity CATFIELD OPEN GARDENS event in aid of Catfield All Saints Church in late August/early September? Mine will have a very shaggy look as we’re going to try out the NO MOW plan in bits of it! Please contact me if you’d be interested with dates that would suit you ...Saturday or Sunday would be best.

13 FARMING NEWS Spring 2021 was dry, without a drop of rain, but frosts have meant very reduced growth of crops and grass. Wet fields dried eventually and look fine now, spring barley, sugar beet, beans and potatoes have all been planted in near perfect conditions. Then after a few feeble attempts it rained hard and we are just waiting for the land to dry to plant maize. Insect pests are non-existent and disease pressure is low but I suspect all that will change as the humid conditions will encourage insects to breed rapidly and for diseases to take off. As farming evolves, we are looking for technology to find solutions. We have wheat that is resistant to aphids, we have sugar beet varieties we can grow where there are weed beet, I’ve even got one box of beet yellows resistance sugar beet but it didn’t seem to like the frost. Maize for Biogas seem to be more frost resistant than conventional varieties so we can establish crops earlier. Oil Seed Rape is moving ever further north as new varieties survive the colder temperatures. All these technologies are seed based solutions but what we really need is more chemistry. It’s pretty straightforward to keep abreast of new fertilizer requirements of crops which are based on your soil nutrients, keeping on top of compliance of fertilizer in the form of animal manure is difficult for some farmers. Traditionally farmers are very good at recycling nutrients either from previous crops or from muck but the CAP forced farmers away from diverse cropping to more streamlined cropping based on wheat and oil seed rape because we had the technology to do so. But slowly the bricks that hold this farming system together are being removed by a succession of either EU or Government legislation. The result is that contractors are beginning to go back to the landowners and give up land, this opens up opportunities for others to farm or to start to look at how the land should be farmed. It’s called regenerative agriculture, a longer rotation with break crops- it’s what we’ve been doing in Catfield for years. I had a keen young farm manager wanting to come and quiz me on what my farm looked like having farmed this way for 50 years, expecting it to be full of wild oats and Blackgrass but I had to say we have no Blackgrass but do have the odd wild oat. To me it’s almost like we have a new generation of farmers who have forgotten the basics of a good rotation to keep pests and diseases in check, a mix of winter and spring crops to keep weeds in check and regular field walking. The last bit is vital- the agronomist- the role is two-fold: make sure we comply with all legislation and advise on crop inputs. This combination makes sure we pass our assurance checks, receive our grain passports and can sell our produce into the marketplace plus ensure that nothing gets into any watercourse by using best practice. Chicken and pig farms are regulated through the market place as most of the animals are on contract to a slaughter house. On the other hand, cattle and sheep farmers only have to pass assurance if their customer demands it. This might explain why there are so many cross compliance failures on stock farms- there is no need to be at the correct standard. I’ve been a bit concerned that the rise in the numbers of birds of prey has had a negative effect on the local grass snake and adder population as I’d not seen one for four to five years but last week I did see the trail of a big grass snake, however it was in my grain store. Perhaps it felt safe in there but that’s an area where rats and mice are not permitted and I don’t need a grass snake to help me control them. I wonder what else has reduced in numbers because of the birds of prey? There’s not much frog’s spawn about this year. AWA 10.5.2021. 14 ThinkWilt looks back

As further faltering steps are taken to “normality”, ThinkWilt ends this short sequence of anniversary recollections by looking back to two years, 1953 and 1968, and contrasting past and present.

June 1953 saw the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. ThinkWilt’s grandad, a skilled worker at Short Bros., who still made flying boats at Rochester, had been able to save up to buy a television. The set arrived in time for the Cup Final in May, the one in which Stanley Matthews took Blackpool from 3-1 down to a 4-3 victory over Bolton. On Coronation Day, as the only household in our street with a TV set, we hosted what’s best described as an indoor street party. Neighbours contributed tasty treats, and came and went through the day, crowding round the set for the critical moments of the broadcast, which culminated in the appearance of Her Majesty on the balcony at Buckingham Palace, the same balcony from which her father had greeted the crowds on VE Day only eight years earlier. Commentary was provided by the BBC’s Richard Dimbleby, who kept the audience educated, entertained and informed during the long periods when, in truth, nothing much was happening, and introduced each development with a sonorous “And now ...”. Everybody had a good time and nobody complained. This year, the BBC’s coverage of the Duke of Edinburgh’s passing and of his funeral was acclaimed by some but variously condemned by others as too much or too little, compounding the unfortunate Corporation’s offence of suspending out of respect the broadcast of soaps. As the Roman orator Cicero remarked over two thousand years earlier, O Tempora, O Mores - what times, what customs! And to add insult to injury, the proud protagonists of that Cup Final now languish in the lower leagues.

In the Radio 4 series The Life Scientific, in which scientists talk about their work, ThinkWilt was fascinated to hear from Sir Martin Sweeting, respected expert in the field of satellite communication, of his long association with the University of Surrey. Sir Martin began his long career as undergraduate, researcher and entrepreneur shortly after the arrival at Surrey in June 1968 of a very wet-behind-the-ears ThinkWilt to join a group of programmers in the challenging task of persuading two computers not only to communicate with each other but actually to get words and images to appear on a screen. Like Sir Martin and like all visionaries, we were ahead of our time, but lacked his academic and tech- nical capability and persuasive powers, so it was left to our successors to de- velop the technology that now enables us to do all these things, not in a room full of boxes, cables and blinking lights .... but in the palm of the hand.

The happy outcome for ThinkWilt was to move into his own flat ... and to meet the neighbour who became his wife.

ThinkWilt is the pen name of Richard Reid. The views expressed are his own.


Norfolk Wildlife Trust – Hickling Broad

What a month May turned out to be! With temperatures reminiscent of winter and showers that were lacking in April the reserve had a great month for interesting bird sightings. Yellow wagtails and wheatears arrived from Africa along with a much rarer visitor, a wryneck. A member of the woodpecker family and now extinct in the UK this starling-sized bird drew in a few extra visitors and within days, ten black tern were spotted over the Broad, once again not a common sighting. An osprey passed through and a temminck’s stint spent some time feeding on Brendan’s Marsh. Some visitors were lucky enough to capture these rarer species on camera.

Upcoming events 13th June 11am – 4pm Join us in celebration of World Swallowtail Day and one of Norfolk’s rarest and most iconic species, the Swallowtail butterfly, only found in the Norfolk Broads. NWT Hickling Broad is one of the very best places to see this elusive species. There will be butterfly-crafting activities with Dr Tim Willey and the unveiling of his new reed swallowtail sculpture. Other butterfly activities and information will be available from Butterfly Conservation. With a chance to see the beautiful swallowtail butterfly, there will be guided walks with Andy Brazil, (County Butterfly Recorder) throughout the day and our experts will share their best butterflying tips and infectious love for these insects. We’ll be offering trips on board our boat “Swallowtail” exploring the intimate backwaters of Hickling Broad. Free reserve entry to all on the day. There will be a charge for walks and boat trips. Booking: Essential for costed events Please call us for more details 01692 598276 Our evening water trail returns at 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June – August. Our guide will meet you at the visitor centre and lead you through the reserve to the boat jetty before sailing off into the sunset. This tranquil evening boat ride will take you in search of marsh harriers, crane and the elusive bittern. Booking and prepayment essential. (Approx. duration 2 hours)

For more information about the trust or the reserve visit our website Rachel Frain – Senior Visitor Centre Coordinator Hickling Broad


Wheatear Picture by Nick Goodrum

Wryneck Picture by Nick Goodrum

SUDOKU Complete the grid so that every row, Column and every 3x3 box contains Every digit from 1 to 9 Last Month’s Solution

8 3 2 7 5 9 1 6 4 8 1 2 8 5 9 4 6 7 3 1 2 3 6 7 9 2 8 4 6 1 2 8 3 5 9 7 9 6 5 6 9 8 1 3 4 7 2 5 7 3 5 1 7 1 2 6 5 8 9 3 4 5 7 2 5 3 4 7 2 9 8 6 1 3 8 9 1 6 7 2 8 5 3 4 6 1 7 9 4 9 9 7 6 8 1 2 4 5 3 5 1 4 3 9 7 5 2 8 6


QUIZ FOR JUNE General Knowledge 1. Of what is ‘choux’ a type? 2. In which year did Kellogs launch Rice Krispies? 3. In 1869 which engineering feat linking two seas was opened? 4. Who was the sole prisoner in a German jail for 21 years? 5. What was accidentally discovered in some jars in Jordan in 1947? Science and nature 6. Which part of the brain is responsible for balance and muscular co-ordination? 7. There are two types of artichoke…one is the Jerusalem. the other…………? 8. What kind of astral body is Eros? 9. What is made from Crocus Sativus? 10. Which is the fastest swimming whale? Music 11. When were the Oscars first awarded? 1928. 1929 or 1930 12. Buddy Holly and the ------? 13. Which group had a hit with Nights in White Satin? 14. Who wrote the music for Indiana Jones? 15. How many symphonies did Beethoven write? History 16. What did Russia sell to the USA in 1867? 17. What was Sir Francis Drake doing when the Spanish Armada was sighted? 18. Who arrived in Botany Bay in 1788? 19. Which great liner was launched in Birkenhead in 1938? 20. In which year did Jack the Ripper become notorious in Whitechapel?

Answers please clearly written and numbered on a piece of paper with your name and contact details and put in the magazine box in the shop by the 10th of June or e.mail to [email protected] All correct answers will be entered into a draw to find the winner who will receive a voucher to spend in Catfield village shop. Why not do it as a family and use the internet to help you find the answers?

May answers 1. sit watching T.V 2. a sauce used in cooking 3. butter, cabbage and cream 4. international Monetary Fund. 5. Woden or Odin (same God) 6. Bale 7. Lobster are from the order decapoda so 10 8. Aluminium 9. Inwards. 10. none! There is a gap between their incisors and molars 11. Robert Burns 12. Blues 13.Shadows 14. Mendelssohn 15. Piano 16. 1492 17. 1978 18. Became Empress of India 19. Very strong winds Beaufort 10/11 20. 1852 May winner Val Hawkes


QUIZ ANSWER SHEET General Knowledge 1 …………………………………………………………………….. 2 …………………………………………………………………….. 3 ……………………………………………………………………... 4 ……………………………………………………………………... 5 ……………………………………………………………………...

Science and nature 6 ...…………………………………………………………………... 7 .…………………………………………………………………….. 8. …………………………………………………………………….. 9..…………………………………………………………………….. 10...…………………………………………………………………..

Music 11.…………………………………………………………………… 12. ………………………………………………………………….. 13.…………………………………………………………………… 14……………………………………………………………………. 15…………………………………………………………………….

History 16.…………………………………………………………………... 17.……………………………………………………………………. 18.…………………………………………………………………… 19.…………………………………………………………………… 20.……………………………………………………………………

Name ………………………………………………………………………… Contact Details …………………………………………………………….

19 Buy-to-Let Property Market Going into Crisis?

Landlords, sell your property portfolios, your tenants will soon be leaving in droves as they buy their first home with the new 5% deposit mortgages backed by the Government’s new mortgage-guarantee scheme revealed in March’s budget! These 95% mortgages are to be supported by the Treasury, lessening losses for mortgage lenders should the borrower be incapable of repaying and get repossessed, as the Government want Generation Rent to turn into Generation Buy.

This sounds like the death knell for buy-to-let investment as many tenants will soon be buying their first home – or is it?

It’s true that on first impressions it might look like many first-time buyers will now be leaving their rental properties in their droves with this new low deposit mortgage scheme. However, these potential first-time buyers are facing four big issues which will inhibit their ability to take advantage of the mortgage scheme, meaning many will continue to rent.

Firstly, the mortgage rate for 95% mortgages has increased. The lowest five-year fixed-rate mortgage with a 5% deposit today (with Barclays) is 3.45%, up from 2019’s best rate of 2.75%. That doesn’t sound a lot, yet it makes a massive difference to the monthly mortgage payments (as you will see below).

Secondly, due to pent-up demand post lockdown and the stamp duty holiday, this has increased demand for property, placing upward pressure on property prices which has made it problematic for first-time buyers to get on the property ladder.

The third issue is demand for local first-time property from buy-to-let landlords is surpassing supply, adding further fuel to the fire of driving up prices.

You might say things will change in 2022 but would it surprise you that 95% mortgages have been available to first time buyers since the summer of 2010 and were only withdrawn during the first lockdown in 2020?

Since 2010, even with ultra-low interest rates, the number of private rented properties in the UK has grown by 580,000 households from 3.8m households to 4.4m households and will continue to grow, let me explain why.

The notion that buy-to-let property is a strong long-term investment has not altered with the pandemic. Since 1930 with the all the crises we have had with WW2, the Oil Crisis, 3 day week and hyper-inflation in the 1970’s, property has been a hedge against inflation and in addition, delivers a decent income yield of 5% and upwards. Not bad when compared to the 0.5% with a savings account (if you are lucky).

It is a fact that those landlords that see buy-to-let investment as a long-term strategy will win.

It is certainly the case that I am starting to see an exodus of the ‘amateur landlord’, leaving more professional landlords who see ‘landlord-ing’ as a business, not a game. Those long-term landlords can see through the present predicament as they have a long-term buy-to-let investment mindset.

Many landlords are intensely aware that demand for high quality private rental properties is only going to flourish as a consequence of the pandemic; whilst not forgetting that demand presently exceeds supply. Also, those same landlords know that a responsible approach to their tenants with regard to condition and repairs is a key to ensuring the rent keeps flowing in with minimal void periods.

Finally, even though house prices are, on average, on the up, there are still some bargains even in this market. By doing their homework and working with an agent like myself, these savvy landlords are paying reasonable prices, thus giving them a sturdier rental yield and the ability for future capital growth.

If you are a landlord, as my clients all know, I am here to help and guide landlords on their long-term invest- ment strategy. I therefore extend this offer to all landlords, irrespective of whether you manage your property yourself, or use one of my excellent competitor agents in Aylsham or Stalham, I am here to help.

Daniel Trett of Trett Phillips Residential 01692 531400 20 WROXHAM AND LIONS CLUB An extract from the May report.

My year as President would have been coming to a close this month and we would have been welcoming Lion Terry Vout into the position. However, he has undergone major heart surgery and is recovering so I will be carrying on in the role for next year. We all wish him a speedy recovery.

For those of you who may not have heard, regrettably it has been necessary to cancel this years planned fete in August, as we have been informed that the Village Hall will still be required for the Covid vaccination programme until September. Unfortunately neither of the other two suitable venues in the village is available. However we will be back in 2022.

Although over the past year our fund raising activities have been severely restricted, we’ve still managed to serve our local, national and international communities. Throughout the Pandemic we’ve transported food to the Food bank warehouse and provided food parcels for disadvantaged families at Christmas. We’ve just donated nine sets of Wild Tribe Heroes books to Primary Schools in our catchment area. These are designed to raise awareness of the plight of our wild life with plastic, pollution and habitat destruction. Monetary donations have been given to numerous charities and organisations, including the Lions Clubs International Foundation, who have made large grants throughout the world during the Pandemic, which included the UK Air Ambulances through our Multiple District HQ and recently India, to support their efforts in battling COVID 19. Every grant went directly to Lions clubs for use in those areas affected. Overcoming the impact COVID-19 is having on fundraising is why we need your support now more than ever. Every ticket you purchase in the Community at Heart Lottery helps fund our work and we would like to say a huge thank you for your continued support. If you haven’t signed up yet visit our page -

Beat The Supermarket Queues!

Be in the draw on the 26th June and you could WIN one of three amazing national prizes. In addition to the £25,000 Jackpot, you could WIN a years supply of fruit and veg home delivery. If you're one of three winners, you'll receive a coupon to redeem with Boxfresh that includes 12 x £30 purchases, see website terms and conditions for full prize details.

Our Lions Shop in the Hoveton precinct is always on the lookout for good quality Bric a Brac or clean clothing, so please bring them along or we can collect – just ring 01603 783737. Would you like to volunteer to help in the shop? If so, drop into the shop and talk to a member of staff.

You can follow us on Facebook or our website. As always we look forward to seeing or hearing from you.

Lion Mick Holden, President. 21 Independent Lifeboat

We now have a great new design in our range of merchandise and new for this summer this is also available from our beach stall which is open every Sunday morning (as well as from our usual outlets). Come along and see us and have a go on our giant deck chair! PS. Don’t forget Lifeboat Day on Sunday 22nd August 2021

For details of our supporters’ merchandise, memorial plaques, business advertising space or how to make a donation please see our website, face book page or e-mail han- [email protected] or [email protected]

Articles and pictures for the Catfield News If you have an article for the magazine we would love to receive it, but please remember to include your name as we do not print articles if we do not know who the author is. We don’t have to print your name, but we need to know who you are. Do you have a picture that you think would look good on the cover? We are always on the lookout for cover pictures. Articles and pictures can either be e-mailed, see page 34 for contact details, or dropped into the Catfield News box in the Catfield Stores. Thank you.

Need somewhere to advertise? We currently have advertising space available in the Catfield News. For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected]

If you would like a copy of the P C Minutes please contact the Parish Clerk, [email protected] . The minutes can also be viewed on the village website and are displayed on the notice board outside the Village Hall.

One Liner: To every arch there is but one keystone.

22 Lockwood Plumbing Heating & Gas Services Ltd THIS ADVERISING SPACE COULD BE YOURS Free Quotations Boiler Installations and Services Contact Services on Gas, LPG & Oil Appliances [email protected] All Plumbing Jobs Undertaken for more information 01692 580547 07765850365

Gas Safe & Oftec Registered

CATFIELD STORES & POST OFFICE Opening hours Monday to Friday 7.00am - 8.00pm Saturday & Sunday 8.00am - 8.00pm Bank Holidays 8.00am - 8.00pm Tel: 01692 583489

THE CROWN INN The Street, Catfield NR29 5AA - 01692 580128 Email us at [email protected] Bar Food Monday 12.00pm - 2.30pm No food Evening closed Tuesday to Thursday 12.00pm - 2.30pm 12.00pm - 2.00pm 6.00pm - 10.30pm 6.00pm - 9.00pm Friday 12.00pm - 2.30pm 12.00pm - 2.00pm 5.00pm - 11.00pm 5.00pm - 9.00pm Saturday 12.00pm - 11.00pm 12.00pm - 2.00pm 6.00pm - 9.00pm Sunday 12.00pm - 10.30pm 12.00pm - 8.30pm 23 BURE VALLEY WOODBURNERS Multi Fuel Burners installed. Garry’s Property Maintenance Chimney Repairs. Fireplaces. HETAS REGISTERED Telephone: 01692 581823 Chris Beardsmore Mobile: 07859048007 Tel: 01603 736073 or 07717574659 Domestic Plumbing - All Tiling Undertaken [email protected] Kitchen & Bathroom Fitting - BUILDING WORK Decorating Extensions. Renovations. Garden Walls Drains Cleared & Installed - Glazing Lime Mortar Work. Fascias. Guttering. uPVC Facias, Windows & Doors NO JOB TOO SMALL

Your Friendly, Local Electrician Lighting Design Specialist Electric Heating, Storage heaters, Security lighting, Showers, Repair/Testing, Water Heaters, Emergency Breakdowns All work fully guaranteed, free advice, survey & estimates & Area GLEN ROGERS ELECTRICAL LTD Tel: 01692 538515 Mob: 07774 103426

Irstead Cottage, The Shoals, Irstead, Norfolk NR12 8XS

Feline Executive Travel Operating out of our Office in Unit 2, Horizon Industrial Estate, Sutton Road, Catfield NR29 5BE. We are pleased to announce that we now offer a Private Hire Taxi Service + 16 seat EXECUTIVE MINICOACHES Serving the Local Community with all your Transport requirements. Medication Service. Doctor and Hospital Appointments. Shopping Runs. Airport - Sea Port – Railway Station. Licenced Uniformed Friendly Staff. Female Driver upon request. Competitive Rates, Reliable Service. Catering from 1 to 16 Passengers in Comfort. Call in at our Office or Telephone 01692 584987


BROADLAND HOUSE VETERINARY SURGERY High Street, Stalham, Norfolk NR12 9AH Tel: 01692 580171 Fax: 01692 580577 Hilary WARNER BSc, BVM&S, Cert VC MRCVS And Associate. Veterinary Surgeons CONSULTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT

25 CLEARVIEW Financial Consultants Ltd. 1 Burgh Road, Aylsham, Broadland Fuels Norfolk NR11 6AJ An unbiased whole of market service, offering tailored & accountable advice. Investment Planning & Reviews Your local & reliable fuel supplier Inheritance Tax/Wealth Preservation For a competitive price, with a Care Cost Advice-Personal Protection Policies Pensions & Retirement Options. great service, call us today on … Home appointments to suit your diary Office: 01263 734859 Mob: 07584030071 01493 748 888 Part of NWF Fuels

Shop Open: MON-SAT: 6am to 9pm - SUN: 7am to 9pm

26 Green Gardens Landscaping est 2001 patios, turfing, fencing and planting from one off jobs to complete redesigns Contact Chris on Loads from £60 01692 581453 07553 926892

Rob The Window Cleaner BROADLAND PROBATE SERVICES LTD Your Traditional Local Window Cleaner  Wills to include tax planning Reasonable Quotes for your Windows,  Administration of Estates Gutters, Conservatories & Fascias  Lasting Power of Attorney deeds  Registration of LPA & EPA deeds

 Court of Protection work, etc


Murrant Family Funeral Services Visit the new look Antiques, Books and Collectables Family Owned Independent Funeral Directors @ Bowline and Bunting. Michael & Lynn Murrant & Sarah Woodhall Womack Staithe, Horsefen Rd, For 24 hour personal attention . NR29 5QG. 14 The Green Vintage store. Martham Open daily from 10am. NR29 4PA Sundays from 11am. Telephone: 01493 748613 e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 07493 935106 27 Tel -01603 781655 DORRINGTONS MOB-07721608938 Cess-pool & Septic tank Emptying Service

Tina Thacker S.A.C. Dip. (Foot Health Practitioner) Barry Dorrington Professional treatment of foot related problems in the Proprietor

comfort of your own home TEL: 01692 584233 - Routine Foot & Nail Care - Fungal Infections MOB: 07775 995407 - Corn & Callus removal - Athletes Foot - Ingrown Toenail - Hard Skin Removal [email protected] - Foot Care for Diabetics - Verrucae Treatments [email protected] Chestnuts, Wood St. Catfield, Norfolk NR29 5DF

Sparkling Cleaning Services From one off to every week we do it all

All domestic cleaning, ironing. Holiday lets. End of tenancy and Lauren/Shel much more. Contact for more Cleaner/House keeper Information Family run business 07908628822

[email protected]

SYDNEY HOUSE Residential Care Home for Older people, Providing 24hr Person Centred Care for those needing long or short term Care. Also Day Care provision. Brochures and charges are available on request Please ring 01692 580520 [email protected]


Our own Sausages & Burgers made on site

Local Pies & Bacon sold

Local quality beef, pork & lamb

Ludham (01692) 678226

28 Edward Boardman LOCAL FOOT HEALTH PROFESSIONAL Providing complete foot care in the comfort of your own home 5 DAYS A WEEK Treatments include Corn/Hard Skin Removal, Other Foot Treatments, Long Nails Cut t:01603 737452 m:07765 893913

e:[email protected] Wednesdays at Miss Unique Ormesby 01493 732724

ALAN, YOUR LOCAL REPAIR MAN Washing Machines, Tumble Dryers, Dishwashers, Plumbing, Electrics fitted, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Telephone Extensions Property Maintenance 25 yrs experience FREE QUOTATION

Tel: 01692 580121 Mobile: 07818 670090 Pips Cottage, The Street, Catfield Gt. Yarmouth, NR29 5AA

Learn to L Fully Quailified A.D.I. Michelle Mobile Hairdresser Drive! with L Full one hour lessons Fully Qualified with over 20 years experience Pam’s L Instruction tailored to meet your needs Ladies, Gents, Children Academy L Motorway Refresher Courses of Family discounts given Motoring L Nervous pupils welcome

Call Now L Discount on Pre-Paid Block booking Trims, Blowdrys, Sets, L Pass Plus Scheme Perms, Colours, Wedding L Air conditioned/Duel controlled car & Prom hair

Please ring for an appointment – 07766491169 07772 189210




07899 793768

29 Paul's Bricklaying Services.

City & Guilds qualified. Brickwork, Paving, Patios, Driveways & Flintwork For more info 01692 598179, 073 76781399 email: [email protected]

Flower Moments

Beautiful Flowers for All Occasions


35a High Street, Stalham, NR12 9AH

Tel. (01692) 584804

HORIZON MOT Centre Class 4, 5, 7, Cars, Large Vans, Minibuses, Campers and Motorcycles too.





♦ REPAIRS CAN BE DONE ON SITE Jeckells Upholsterers, Covermakers & Chandlers Unit One,Horizon Estate, Catfield, To update the upholstery in your Great Yarmouth NR29 5BG home, boat or caravan, call for a free quotation. Tel:01603 784488 Telephone and Fax email: [email protected] (01692) 582101 Riverside Road, Wroxham NR12 8UQ. Mobile 07774 734369 30 STEPHANIE ROWLAND NVQ Level 3 Hairstylist THE LITTLE STYLING HOUSE | Arcacia | The Street | Catfield For all your styling needs NR29 5AZ 07809442202

Platten Pest Control

Specialising in the Management of Wasps, Rats,Mice, Moles, Rabbits, Squirrels etc. Commercial, Agricultural and Domestic Locally Based, Family Run Business 01692 670219 Please contact us on for a no obligation quotation: Tel/Fax: 01692 631173 Mobile 07711391839 Web: Email: [email protected]

Colin the Plumber The Cats Whiskers For Repairs and Renewal High Street, Ludham, NR29 5QQ of all types of Domestic Pre-booked appointments only Plumbing e.g. Debbie - Hairdressing Bathrooms, Wednesdays & Fridays Radiators, Stopcocks, 07771677447 Ball Valves and Lisa - Hairdressing Burst Pipes etc. Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays Please call: Colin at home on 07733322413 Holly - Nail Tech 01692 670657 or Mob: 07990 650331 Tuesday & Wednesday evenings, Saturdays 07493482281 Ludham Carpets Carpets and vinyl flooring supplied and fitted, samples brought to your home, furniture moved and replaced as well as old flooring removed and disposed of. We also offer carpet and upholstery cleaning.

07841277482 or 01692678322


SUTTON GARDEN & AQUATIC CENTRE P&A Plant Supplies Ltd The Street, Sutton, Norfolk NR12 9RA COME AND SEE US!!

The Street Sutton NR12 9RA AQUATICS CENTRE Tel:- 01692 580424 Email: OPEN AS USUAL [email protected]



Property maintenance for HOME& BUSINESS All Work Undertaken Tel: 01692 598430

32 Catfield Fishing Club

Members applying for tickets should produce an Environment Agency Rod Licence Tickets available for the 2021/22 season From Jill Wickens on 01692 584179

Contact details for local clubs and facilities

Catfield community shopper coach Contact Pat Letten on 01692 652399

Catfield paper crafters Contact Gill on 01692 631592

Catfield stitching group Contact pat reid on 582978 or Brenda hackney on 678128

Catfield gardeners’ club Contact jean on 670679 or pam on 580751

Parkinson’s group Contact dave Easton on 07817998771

Mobile library

Norfolk wildlife trust

Stalham & district horticultural society

VIBES HEALTH & FITNESS—Indoor Contact jane on 07907844433 cycling Classes held via Zoom

If you would like to view the Catfield News on line it can be found on the Village website and the Waterside Group website

33 Some useful Contact and Telephone Numbers

Chairman of Dr. Keith Bacon 01692 581314 Parish Council Clerk of Sarah Vergette 07818709080 [email protected] Parish Council

Village Hall Elaine Smith 01692 580056 [email protected] Booking Clerk Village Correspondent Catfield Stores & Vish and Karthi 01692 580262 P. O. Head of Catfield Mrs Jacqui Sinkins 01692 580568 Primary School catfield Catfield United Jill Wickens 01692 584179 [email protected] Charities Local District Pauline Grove-Jones 01692 580071 Pauline.grove-jones@ Councillors Marion Millership 07387586268 Marion.millership@ Local County Richard Carey Price 07880791258 richard.price.cllr@ Councillor (work hours) Local MP Duncan Baker 01692 558458 [email protected]

Police PC 1298 Tom Gibbs 07800510713 [email protected] Beat Manager Non emergen- Hoveton Police Stn cy 101 CATFIELD NEWS Contacts: Steve Beckley: Chair/Treasurer Tel: 582913 - Email: [email protected] Heather Hollister - [email protected] Mary Hodder - [email protected] Judith Gardiner - [email protected] YOU CAN drop your competitions entries and /or ANY correspondence into the CATFIELD NEWS BOX inside the Post Office, Special thanks to Vish & Karthi. All submissions to be posted no later than the 10th of the month. Please address your envelope to Catfield News

The Catfield News is an independent magazine with no affiliation to the Parish Council, Church or any other body. We are a self funded magazine, produced by a group of volunteers with the income from advertisers paying for the production costs. 34

DOCTORS SURGERIES Staithe Surgery Stalham Surgery - 01692 582000

Surgery Hours Monday to Friday 8.30 am – 5.30 pm

Dispensary Hours Monday to Friday 8.40 am – 12.30 pm 13.30 pm - 17.30 pm Stalham Green Surgery Surgery – 01692 580880 Surgery Hours Mon 8.30 am – 6.00 pm 6.30pm - 7.30pm Tues, Weds & Fri 8.30 am – 6.00 pm Thurs 8.30 am - 1.00 pm Dispensary Hours Mon, Tue & Fri 10.00 am - 4.00 pm Wed 10.00 am - 6.00 pm Thurs 10.00 am - 1.00 pm Ludham Surgery Surgery – 01692 678611 Surgery Hours Mon 8.30 am – 6.00 pm 6.30pm - 7.30pm Tues, Thurs & Fri 8.30 am - 6.00 pm Weds 8.30 am - 1.00 pm Dispensary Hours Mon, Thurs & Fri 10.00 am - 4.00 pm Tues 10.00 am - 6.00 pm Weds 10.00 am - 1.00 pm RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS

Church of England Service – See page 10 for details. Church Wardens – All Saints’ Church, Judith Gardiner Catfield 01692 580391 Dr Keith Bacon 01692 581314 Baptist See for Pastor – Rev. Ron Baptist Chapel, Stalham latest updates Skivington – 01692 582091 Roman Catholic See Father James Walsh Saint Helens, Hoveton – 01692 403258 Sacred Heart, for latest updates N. Walsham Methodist See or Rev. Andrew King Ludham facebook pages for latest updates – 01493 750799 Alan Croft - Steward (Ludham) Sutton - 01692 582104 Diane Mann - Steward (Sutton) - 01692 580827 Saint Fursey’s See website – Rev. Stephen Weston Orthodox Christian – 01692 580552 Centre, Sutton 35

Matrimonial and Family Law We currently offer a fixed fee initial appointment. Please see our website for further details. To book a consultation please contact Dawn Pennell on 01692 581231 or by email to [email protected]

6 High Street, STALHAM, Norfolk, NR12 9AN 01692 581231 Broads Centre, WROXHAM, Norfolk, NR12 8AJ 01603 783818 Station Road, WROXHAM, Norfolk, NR12 8UR 01603 783818 [email protected]

CATFIELD NEWS – Contributions & Advertisements

Items for inclusion need to be received no later than 10 th of each month. Items can be e-mailed to the team, contacts detailed on page 34, or left in the Catfield News box in the Village Shop. Articles should be no more than 400 words and have the contributor’s name attached, but the name does not have to appear in the magazine. The Catfield News aims to be a magazine of local news and events and although we cannot always guarantee to include all items received, we will always give priority to Catfield news and events. If you have something you would like published in the magazine, please contact one of the team. For Business advertisements or small Classified Ads., please contact one of the Catfield News Team for details. Catfield News items are published in good faith with every effort made to ensure accuracy of content as given to us. No liability can be accepted for inconvenience arising from error or omission. The views expressed in Catfield News are not necessarily the views of the Team. We are dependent on our contributors for content. Sometimes the material they submit may have copyright attached, and we ask our contributors to check if this is the case. Nevertheless, sometimes material gets past our extensive editorial process. If we have inadvertently reprinted copyright material please accept our apologies. If any copyright holder feels they have had their work taken without permission, please contact the Catfield News Team and we will ensure due acknowledgement is made. 36