DUHAMEL BROADCASTING (RADIO) EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT (Dec. 1, 2017 thru Nov. 30, 2018) A. Full-Time Vacancies Filled During Past Year 1. Job Title: DBE Account Executive Recruitment Source of Hire Indeed.com 2. Job Title: KZLK Morning Show Co-Host Recruitment Source of Hire All Access.com 3. Job Title: 4. Job Title: 5. Job Title: 6. Job Title: 7. Job Title: 8. Job Title: 9. Job Title 10. Job Title 11. Job Title 12. Job Title 13. Job Title B. Recruitment/Referral Sources Used to Seek Candidates for each Vacancy Job Number Used For (from list above) Sources Contact Address telephone number Email 2823 West Main St., Rapid Black Hills Veterans Job Fair (605) 737-6540
[email protected] 1,2 City, SD 57702 Lona Christnesen KOTA, KDDX, KQRQ, KZLK, KZZI PO Box 1760, Rapid City, SD (605) 342-2000
[email protected] 2 Radio On-Air Listing 57709 Ted Peiffer 111 New York Street One Stop Career Center Rapid City, South Dakota 605 394-1680
[email protected] 1, 2 57701 Jerome Wickersham South Dakota Broadcaster Assn. Pierre, South Dakota (605) 224-1034
[email protected] 1, 2 Marla Willard 518 St. Joseph Street Rapid Current Employee (605) 342-2000
[email protected] 1 City, South Dakota 57701 Ted Peiffer 1200 University St. Spring Jacket Job Fair, Black Hills Spearfish, South Dakota (605) 642-62777
[email protected] 1, 2 State University 2:18 PM 2018 Duhamel57783 Broadcasting EEO Public File Report (2017-18) 11/30/2018 Lisa Harsh 518 St.