To the independent electors, of the City and County of Albany. At a public and general meeting of the Federalists of the City of Albany, a committee, consisting of fifteen persons was appointed for the purpose of collecting the sentiments of the different districts of the County, on the subject of nominating candidates for members of the convention and Legislature ... [Dated] Albany, 16th March, 1788. [Albany] Printed by Charles R. Webster, [1788] [Positive photostat.].

To the INDEPENDENT ELECTORS, of the City and County of Albany.

AT a public and general MEETING of the FEDERALISTS of the City of ALBANY, a Committee, consisting of fifteen Persons, was appointed for the Purpose of collecting the Sentiments of the different Districts of the County, on the Subject of nominating Candidates for Members of the CONVENTION and LEGISLATURE. The Committee having had actual Conference with a Number of respectable Characters in each District, report, That it appears to be a general Opinion, that the following Gentlemen be held up as Candidates. For the Convention. Senator for the Western District. For Assemblymen. Abraham Ten Broeck, Peter Silvester. Stephen , Jacob Cuyler, Leonard Gansevoort, Francis Nicoll, Richard Sill, Jeronemus Hoogland, John Younglove, , jun. Isaac Vrooman, James Gordon, Hezekiah Van Orden, John W. Schermerborn, John Knickerbacker, jr. In forming the above Lists, Care has been taken not to hold up as a Candidate for Convention, any Person enjoying an Office of Profit under this State or the ; considering it highly indelicate and improper, that the Peace and Happiness of our Country, should be risqued in Opposition to private Motives: It has likewise been deemed inexpedient, to add the Name of any Person who has officially determined on the proposed Plan of Government—knowing that Errors adopted casually and without Reflection,by being long cherished in the Mind, are often received and persisted in as found Political Principles.

We are authorised to inform the Public, That the Gentlemen for the Convention, are fully impressed with that Spirit of Amity and Conciliation lately evinced by the Conduct of our Sister State of Massachusetts, on AL QUESTION; and it is our general Wish and Expectation, tha? be adopted as nearly as possible upon the same Principles—that Confirming the Constitution in its present Form, and strongly proposed by that State, as well as any others which may, on a this Important Business, be found requisite.

It being universally admitted, that the present System of our is totally inadequate to the great Purposes of the Nation, we therefore that the proposed Constitution is in general well adapted

To the independent electors, of the City and County of Albany. At a public and general meeting of the Federalists of the City of Albany, a committee, consisting of fifteen persons was appointed for the purpose of collecting the sentiments of the different districts of the County, on the subject of nominating candidates for members of the convention and Legislature ... [Dated] Albany, 16th March, 1788. [Albany] Printed by Charles R. Webster, [1788] [Positive photostat.]. to the Liberty and Happiness of our Country, as from the Consideration of its dy RATIFIED by SIX powerful States—FOUR of which are our —are fully persuaded that the above Candidates, will receive the all those Independent Electors who wish to see HARMONY and MENT rise superior to a State of Anarchy and Confusion.

By the unanimous Order of the Federal

Robert M'Clallen??

ALBANY, 16 th March, 1788.

Printed by CHARLES R. WEBSTER, No. 36, State-Street, near the

To the independent electors, of the City and County of Albany. At a public and general meeting of the Federalists of the City of Albany, a committee, consisting of fifteen persons was appointed for the purpose of collecting the sentiments of the different districts of the County, on the subject of nominating candidates for members of the convention and Legislature ... [Dated] Albany, 16th March, 1788. [Albany] Printed by Charles R. Webster, [1788] [Positive photostat.].