Congressional Record—Senate S9317

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Congressional Record—Senate S9317 July 17, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9317 As you chart the course of this great na- generations of scientists and farmers am honored to have been able to co- tion for the future benefit of our children, to innovate and lift those mired in pov- sponsor this award for Dr. Borlaug. grand-children, and great-grandchildren, I erty. f ask you to think more boldly and humanely As a fellow Iowan said, ‘‘If you never about the Third World and develop a new stick your neck out, you’ll never get RECESS version of the Marshall plan, this time not to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- rescue a war-torn Europe, but now to help your head above the crowd.’’ the nearly one billion, mostly rural poor peo- Dr. Borlaug stuck his neck out and ate stands in recess under the previous ple still trapped in hunger and misery. It is became a hero and a legend. order. within America’s technical and financial He deserves every bit of recognition Thereupon, at 1:15 p.m., the Senate power to help end this human tragedy and and gratitude we can find to offer him. recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- injustice, if we set our hearts and minds to Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask bled when called to order by the Pre- the task. my colleagues to join me today in hon- siding Officer (Mr. CASEY). Mr. HARKIN. I yield the floor. oring Dr. Norman Borlaug of Dallas, f Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, ear- TX. NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- lier today in the Capitol Rotunda we Today, Dr. Borlaug receives the Con- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR honored Dr. Norman Borlaug with the gressional Gold Medal—the Nation’s 2008—Continued Congressional Gold Medal. This is the highest civilian decoration. highest expression of national appre- Dr. Borlaug’s service to the world’s AMENDMENT NO. 2100 ciation. hungry was cultivated on his boyhood The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under At least two-thirds of Federal law- farm in Iowa where he learned the the previous order, there will now be 30 makers must sign on to support a value of hard work. He sharpened his minutes of debate equally divided on nominee before his or her nomination knowledge of agriculture and science amendment No. 2100 offered by the Sen- is allowed to advance through Commit- at the University of Minnesota and ator from Texas, Mr. CORNYN. The Senator from Texas is recog- tees in the House and Senate. Previous later applied his farm and classroom recipients include distinguished public nized. experiences to researching and devel- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I yield servants, military heroes, humani- oping high-yield wheat varieties in myself 10 minutes. tarians, entertainers, musicians, au- Mexico that thrived in arid conditions. I rise to discuss my amendment thors, athletes, religious leaders and Under his leadership, these innovative which lays out the consequences of a pioneers in the fields of medicine, crops were introduced into India, Paki- failed state in Iraq. As every parent of science, and aeronautics including our stan, and later Africa, having since fed a teenager knows, one of the things Nation’s first President, George Wash- the hungry in astonishing numbers. you have to impress upon your teen- ington. Never allowing himself to become ager is the consequences of their ac- Many of you know that I farm in satisfied with the status quo, Dr. tions. I think we need to have an adult Iowa with my son Robin. Borlaug continued his humanitarian ef- conversation and talk about the con- Those of us farming take satisfaction forts, paving the way for other sci- sequences of our actions in Iraq. in feeding people through our labors. entists to fight hunger and to feed the The one thing we all agree on is that Through his labors, Dr. Borlaug has world’s increasing population. Dr. we want to bring our troops home. We been able to feed many more people Borlaug created the annual World Food want to bring them home as soon as we that Robin and I will ever be able to, Prize to recognize and reward those can. The line of division between us even if we worked day and night. who advance human development by seems to be between those who want to He has spared more people from the improving the quality, quantity, and do so based upon an arbitrary political sharp hunger pains that strike an availability of food in the world. timetable and those who want to do so empty stomach than anyone of us Each fall semester, Dr. Borlaug re- based on conditions on the ground. So could ever dream of doing. turns to Texas A&M University to I think it is important to have—as any He has saved more lives than any teach those who would follow in his adult would say to their child—a con- other person in history. footsteps and continue to innovate. In versation about the consequences of An extraordinary man, with a bril- his role as distinguished professor of your actions because I think these are liant vision, and the common sense to international agriculture in the De- the birds that are going to come home turn his dreams into a reality—that’s partment of Soil & Crop Sciences, as- to roost should the Levin amendment Norm Borlaug. piring Aggie students have the oppor- be adopted. I am grateful, but not surprised, that tunity to witness hard-working benevo- As we know from the Iraq Study it didn’t take long for Congress to ad- lence and learn from one of mankind’s Group as well as the National Intel- vance the legislation giving Dr. greatest and most humble benefactors. ligence Estimate, the consequences of Borlaug this award. There are many lessons we can learn a failed state in Iraq are numerous, but A few years ago, I spoke with Dr. from Dr. Borlaug’s service. This man they are significant and highly dan- Borlaug just outside the Senate Cham- saw a need and applied his education to gerous to the United States. ber. the realities of poverty and hunger. He First of all, Iraq would become a safe It was overwhelming just how many chose to put his hands in the soil and haven for Islamic radicals, including Senators came off the Senate floor to work to make a vision become reality. al-Qaida and Hezbollah, who are deter- shake hands with him. Dr. Borlaug reminds us that a single mined to attack the United States and I was glad to be able to claim Dr. individual with the knowledge and U.S. allies. The Iraq Study Group found Borlaug as a native Iowan who has be- courage to make a difference can in- that a chaotic Iraq would provide a come a true citizen of the world—from deed change the world. still stronger base of operation for ter- a boyhood on a farm in northeast The Congressional Gold Medal is the rorists who seek to act regionally or Iowa—a one-room schoolhouse—to a most recent addition to a long list of even globally. That is not me talking; PhD in plant pathology, to decades in accolades that Dr. Borlaug has earned that is the Iraq Study Group. The Iraq the poorest areas of rural Mexico, and throughout his lifetime, including the Study Group also noted that al-Qaida a life of scientific breakthroughs to 1970 Nobel Peace Prize for his innova- will portray any failure by the United ease malnutrition and famine all over tive work in agriculture. It has been States in Iraq as a significant victory the world. His work in biotechnology suggested that Dr. Borlaug’s humani- that will be featured prominently as has vastly improved food security for tarian efforts have saved the lives of they recruit for their cause in the re- countries including India, Pakistan, perhaps one billion of the world’s hun- gion and around the world. and Mexico. This humanitarian hero gry, and through his ongoing legacy of The National Intelligence Estimate has been instrumental in seeking social leadership his work will feed many presented by the intelligence commu- justice and promoting peace around the more. nity, which consists of the best and the world. We join in gratitude for his con- brightest America has to offer, con- Far from resting on his laurels, Dr. sistent dedication in applying the agri- cluded that the consequences of a pre- Borlaug continues to inspire future cultural sciences to benefit so many. I mature withdrawal from Iraq would be VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:09 Mar 13, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2007SENATE\S17JY7.REC S17JY7 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 17, 2007 that al-Qaida would attempt to use when that vote is scheduled. I can’t and go out and pray to God they will Anbar Province for further attacks imagine any possible objection to this live for another day. Is that what we outside of Iraq, neighboring countries sense of the Senate on the con- bargained for when President Bush said would consider actively intervening in sequences of a failed state in Iraq. we had to rid ourselves of Saddam Hus- Iraq, and sectarian violence would sig- Finally, I would say this is an impor- sein and weapons of mass destruction? nificantly increase in Iraq, accom- tant part of the overall debate where The Senator from Texas makes the panied by massive civilian casualties we talk about not only what our pre- argument that if we leave, things could and displacement.
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