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NPA Bulletin NPA Bulletin National Parks Association of the A.C.T. Vol.23 No.1 September 1985 ~IATIONAL PARKS ASSOCIATION OF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY INC. In,lUgurated 1S/60 Aims and Objects of the Association Classified P,romollno 01 n,H1ondl Ilolrb dod of m,'d'U'''' 101 lI1L If you have anything to sell, swap or whatever, post your 11 Nl t'OI1 I Idun" and fiord scene I dnd ndlUrJI advertisement to the Editor NPA Bulletin, Box 457 GPO, ledlul,,, In the AU,lldlidn <'dpll,11 TrllllIJr\ Jnd ebe­ wile,., Jnu the le\en"lIon "I ,pecoll' dled_. Canberra, 2601, or drop it into the NPA Office, Kingsley Street, Acton. Advertisements are restricted to members InlLI,',1 in th., rrm'i,jon ul JPI)WPII tic uUldoor n" of this Association and to 20 words each, and are free. C'''dllon arc..>. Closing date for the next Bulletin is 15 October 1985. IImulaliQn of inlel!' I 10. ,Ino dpnreLl,lllun dnd enlo~, ment 01, ~u~h ndlurdl phenomen" b~ Or 'In,sed 11"lll For sale Qutings, mectings nr ,lOy olh.'r mean, ield Guide 10 the Native Trees of the ACT $4 at meetings o-operdliun with mlldni,,,tioOl dno p.,sun, hJv,nl' $5 posted. Write to G PO Box 457, Canberra 2601, 0; Imlldr IOICIC I' dnd oblectives. phone (062) 571061 Promt lion uf, "no edU~Jl'(ln lor. n,HUI e comel VJliol1 Cloth badges with NPA of the ACT logo, $1.20 at meeting, and Ilh' pl~nnlnl( 01 1,1",1 UW 10 ,,~hH'v, LUnsc, V~1I0n. $1.50 posted. Write to GPO Box 457, Canberra 2601, or ~ phone (062) 571 063. ~ Office bearers and committee Near new boots: man's size 43B, $50; woman's size 6 (large), $-10. Phone Noeline Denize on 514492. f'r,·,itJi'n/ Ross Carlton 11 BJlchtiPI Ireel, Torren" 2/iO-. 11",81)2 (H) hll~ /iii (W) lIi(,' I'rl'l/dl!/I1 Fiona Brand . 11 I),,\on Ireet. yndl,lm, 1602. 4795 8 Hi) . ,', rr/llf\ Anne Robertson , P )!:l" 124, DIL"\on, 2,,02­ 724~34 (WI 21939 (II) CONTENTS frctJwrn. Syd Comfort I, 17 h.llkl,lon (IOLUlI, 1\ 1,1\"0n, President's Foreword 3 2607 8f)~ q8 (H) Draft Plan Almost There 3 A ,i"',1II1 ,)"U('II1('\ : V,te.lnl 1969 and All That Land Use in the I'"hlt(,!.\ rill/fe" , 190."1\ 'illl',·I. W[l'I,mg,·~." Peter best South-east Region 4 261.1 'i4~119 (Ill 'l1l1~'i (W) Email Boycott 5 COnlmillef! lIrmbFr~: Neville Esau 8/> 117r, (II) 1'14 -~ I {II l. The Burning Question 6 Kevin Frawley 112IORO (11\ 6811l0q (Wl. 1,ln ArboretaH.I nl" in the Brindabellas 7 514702 (HI 1\1." '''~ K,,,,I,,,d 4116!19 1111 4 I ~11.!: Kevin TotterdellWhen' Have All the Rangers Gone 7 RI4410 (II' 632817 (IV). 8 8111/('(ill Ltlitor. 1\1.lrgu\ 'ellll.lld. 17 I dirblldg (""~l'nl, Survey of Glendale Tree Planting 1985 Australian Marine and Estuarine Protected Areas 9 Ain~lie, 2602. ,I 61-19 (Ill, 46n22 (\II) oolamine 10 OllllnQ' Cnllv"l1nr: Ian Haynes 2! RubcllS IInl, M,IL"u~tie. The Walk to Mount Clear 12 2fi14. 'i1 In2lHl Alaska - Tongass National Forest 13 Public om, er: Charles Hill <) Q2·1 (11 Nature Conservation in the ACT 14 Personality Profile: Julie Henry 15 The NPA of the ACT office is IULdted in Kinl(S1cy SlI CI, 16 AClon. Hours: 9.30d.m. to noon MondJYs, 9.30a.m. Just Briefly Letter to the Editor 17 to 3p.m. Wedne,days dnd Thulsd,l\·". 17 Telephone: 5 7106' Outings Program Outings Summary 20 Postal Address: Bo' 4.17 (,PO, L,nberld, 2601. 20 Membership inquiries welcome, pleJse rhOnl' PA ofIicc General Meetings on 571063. Annual Subscription Rates (I ) ulv-30 Illnl 1 --~_._--------------- member~ Familv 515 5r udenl members 6 BULLETIN Single mernbei5 512 COlpor"tc memher' S8 Pensione s S 6 Bullerin onlv S8 This issue of the NPA Bulletin is For ne\\' members ioining between: the last one to be prepared under I IJnuary and 31 March - hall specified rJIC 1 pril and 30 June - annual suhscription \ 15 months Babette Scougall's editor hip. She onembcrshir b nefir) was assisted th is time by the new editorial collective (see June issue, "'._. DEADLINE DATES for NPA BULLETIN contributions: p_ 5) who shared the tasks of editing, 15 October, 15 December, 15 April, 15 July proofreading, layout, and liaison with the typesetter and printer. This team will lighten the load of future editors, Articles by contributors may not necessarily reflert Associalion opinion or objectil'c . (,0\ f::R Snm,gum ( ULdl~ fllU5 flauLillora s/lbsp. Printed by Derek Kelly 541226 niphophilJ) <1/ ChlJrlol/1! PlJss. Typeset by Belconncn Typesetting 547390 Photo' Co'in Totterdidl 2 PRESIDENTS FOREWORD Namadgi National Park is and will probably always remain the focus of attention for this Association. Although we enjoy the pleasures of many other parks and work for many other causes, Namadgi is 'our' park, our home ground. It is hardly surprising then that much of our activity and much of our endeavour is directed towards Namadgi. In the office there is a map (produced by Reg Alder) showing all the walks NPA has done in the park in the last six years. As you might expect, we have covered it pretty well and of course many of the more popular walks are regularly repeated. (I understand one or two are likely never to be repeated.) The Namadgi Sub-committee (expanded by a number of interested volunteers) has recently held several meetings to thrash out the Association's policy on a number of thorny management issues in pre­ paration for the release of the Department of Territories' Draft Plan of Management (expected in September). The results of these deliberations will form the basis of our input to the Namadgi Consultative Committee and wiJI be discussed in future Bulletins. In addition to walks and talks the Association has carried out a certain amount of work within the park. Trees have been planted and maintained and fire trails re-vegetated. It is planned to expand this type of activity in which members contribute directly to the enhancement of the park and work in partnership with the Parks and Conservation Service to supplement that organisation's meagre resources. The Association's other role in relation to Namadgi is publicity and education. Many people in the ACT have never heard of Namadgi and few know much about it. Increasingly, part of our task will be to explain to non-members the where, what and why of Namadgi. So whether you are an owl or a fowl* you should find something to interest you in our Association's association with Namadgi. * Owls are old and wise and come out at night to hoot over policy. Fowls get up early and scratch about in the bush. DRAFT PLAN ALMOST It's a comprehensive document, cover­ CONFERENCE THERE ing all critical management issues, although perhaps not always in the Denise Robin direction, or as decisively, as NPA AUSTRALIA'S ALPINE might like. AREAS: MANAGEMENT FOR The Draft Plan of Management for NPA is gearing up for its response. CONSERVATION Namadgi National Park is nearly at Anyone wishing to participate in this hand! process should make contact with This conference being organised by It is being published and will be Fiona Brand, Convenor of the NPA, is intended to foster a co­ officially launched for public com­ Namadgi Sub-committee. operative approach to the conservation of the alpine areas of Victoria, New ment by the Minister for Territories on South Wales and the Australian Capital 18 September. Territory. The conference will be held Two-and-a-half months will be in Canberra on the weekend of 30 allowed for public comment. The November/1 December 1985 at the closing date has been set for the week Huxley Lecture Theatre, Australian after NPA's alpine management seminar National University. There will be to allow interested parties to weigh up three sessions. The first is intended considerations from the seminar be­ COMMENT CORNER to outline the natural and cultural fore putting the final touches to their values of the alpine area. The second submissions. will detail the management problems. During the period the draft plan is The Pierces Creek Falls walk on 16 The third session will examine the re­ open for comment the Parks and Con­ June had sixty people on it, including sponse of managers to these problems servation Service hopes to stimulate about fifteen under-12-year-olds. This — what is being done and what should comment by circulating an exhibition be done. on the plan around major public impressive number was swollen by the libraries and another in the large Ka m ba h G rou p Two Cu b Pac k. By coincidence, we now find that shopping malls. A third display will Their leaders deserve congratulations 1 December is the date the Victorian be erected in the Service's premises for the way the boys behaved through­ government has indicated that it will in Civic. With the objective of pro­ out what must have been a fairly long declare the new Alpine National Park. moting informed discussion, the Service day for them. They had been briefed We expect, therefore, a good deal of on what to do and not do in the bush interest in the conference, and already also plans to conduct a few tours reactions from various quarters have within the park to acquaint interest and their behaviour was excellent.
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