New Zealand Gazette
/:;(:~:'{'~_-?-~~\\ i't Jnmb. 50. 1543 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920. RRATA.- In the Schedule to the Order in Council Additional Land at Waingawa taken for the Purpo1es of the E exempting the north-we.tern side of portion of Ryle ll"ellington-Napier Railway. Street, in the City of Auckland, from the provisions of section 117 of the Public Works Act, 1908, subject to a. condhion as to the building- line, published in Gt1ze1te No. 46, [L.B.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. of lilth May. 1920, for'· 48290" re11.d ·• 48291." A PROCLAMATION. In notification of Mining Privileges struck off the Register, published in Gazei,te No. 32, of the 25th March, 1920, page 971, HERE AS it has been fonnd desirable for the use, con reml "Nasehy" far "Riverton" in the the first line thereof. W venience, and enjoyment of the Wellington-Na.pier Railway to take further land at Waingawa., in addition to land previously acquired for the purposes of the said rail- Land in Borough of Que,n1towt1 taken for Railway Purposes way: . (Lake Wakatipu Service). I Now, therefore, I, Arthur Wilham de Brito Sa.vile, Earl of __ · Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New [L.s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. Zeala.nd, in e~ercise of the powers a.nd a.uthoriiies eon!erred · A PROCLt\.MATION on me by sections twenty-ntne and one hundred and eighty- • • • · eight of the Public Works Act, 1\l08, and of every mher HEREAS it has been found desi1alile for the use, power and aut1,ority in anywise enabling me in this beh,.Jf, W convenience, and enjoyment of the New Ze•laud do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in Oovernm.ut kailw ..ys to take Ian i in the .
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