by Kathy Rose

Everett Collection /

s a consulting astrologer, I am to see and feel the pattern of planetary mother’s death finally caught up with fascinated with patterns, as are development associated with his emo- him. He also revealed that, during the A many in our practice. Our con- tional breakthrough. last few years, he sought professional stant and sometimes obsessive inter- I researched, connected, and calcu- counseling and started out on the path est in exploring and understanding the lated, and a marvelous pattern revealed toward healing. rhythms of planetary cycles and the ef- itself in planetary movement tied to the As part of this journey, Harry has fects they have on life trains us to step timing of emotional release for Prince announced his new public service cam- back and view events from a big-picture Harry. This pattern is important because paign, “Heads Together,” with the perspective. We seek the planetary con- it illustrates that areas in the intention of ending the stigma around nections that link together past, present, can retain pain or trauma from a past those who are dealing with mental and future — we look for the embedded event — and, when reactivated by tran- health issues in the UK. The Heads To- patterns that are associated with certain sits or solar arcs later in life, can trigger gether project is a family affair, jointly behaviors and also with major life events. the same issue to come to the surface. coordinated by the Duke and Duchess of Perhaps the undeniable curiosity I’ve seen this potent pattern before Cambridge, and is a partnership among that drives most astrologers to connect in many consultations I’ve done. This very several charities. life events to planetary contact super- public case, with Prince Harry’s remark- Attention began to focus on Harry sensitizes the part of our brain used able journey of healing, is a wonderful in mid April 2017, when the prince for pattern recognition. We observe, example from which we can learn a lot. shared his newfound emotional chal- calculate, research, and then reveal es- lenges and insights during a podcast sential patterns that help us to anticipate The Breaking Story with interviewer Bryony Gordon on her behavior. This process is also projected Prince Harry has been a hot topic of program, Mad World: Why It’s Totally into forecasting and prediction. discussion recently because he opened Normal to Feel Weird. In the 27-minute In essence, this is what led me to up so intimately about his struggle with podcast, we find out that it was only in write about Prince Harry and his long loss and his grief for his late mother. the past four years that Prince Harry road to healing from the deep emotional The younger son of Princess Diana and finally started to face the emotional wounds left by the death of his mother, Prince Charles shared with the world upheaval from his mother’s death on Princess Diana. I listened to the story he that many years of suppressing, even August 31, 1997. Harry was 12 when recently shared and immediately wanted denying, the hurt and anguish over his Princess Diana died — a very tender age

48 — THE MOUNTAIN ASTROLOGER for a boy to lose his mother — and this lapping planetary cycles that are present ested in seeing what was presently ac- trauma was made even more difficult during an individual’s biggest life events. tive in his horoscope, as well as what by his living in the public spotlight with We must anticipate that the most has been in development for the past people’s expectation of scripted royal powerful events — whether traumatic or few years, leading up to the press re- behavior. rewarding — take place when there is lease about the new campaign that, in The British have always been contact from solar arcs or outer-planet some respects, shatters a longstanding known for their “stiff upper lip” when transits to the angles in the chart or, facet of British culture. facing such trauma or adversity. The secondarily, to the planets ruling the na- The next step was to compare cultural tradition has been to remain tal angles: the Ascendant, Descendant, the recent activity in his chart with the resolute and unemotional as a sign of Midheaven (MC), and IC. These four planetary cycles that were occurring at strength and fortitude. In the podcast cardinal points in the chart are the most the time of his mother’s death. I have with Gordon, Prince Harry let down powerful zones for development; we learned that very often we will see fasci- his guard and revealed that shutting can count on angular involvement when nating and instructive repeating patterns down all of his emotions was the way he there is a life-changing moment in time. in the areas of the horoscope that are coped with the sudden loss. He chose to We can also expect that there will activated. refuse to ever think about Diana’s pass- be more than one arc or transit mea- ing, because all it would do was make surement during the same period. Echoes in Development him sad. Trying to deal with his feelings Rarely does just one transit or solar arc When an intense event in life man- wouldn’t help the situation, so he locked produce a major breakthrough. These ifests during a challenging solar arc or the pain away. overlapping planetary cycles can be con- transit period, it follows that the areas Prince Harry specifically mentions sidered power clusters for development in the chart receiving the activity may that he began to address his tumultuous in life, and are incredibly reliable for retain an emotional echo of the event. grief when he was 28, after feeling that prediction and forecasting. If the life event that is presented during he was “on the verge of punching some- When I began to research the tran- a series of arcs or transits is a power- one” and also because of recurring anxi- sits and solar arcs that were activating ful emotional trauma or loss, it’s as if an ety during royal engagements. He shared Harry’s chart for the past four years, energetic bruise forms, and a sensitized that he was “very close to a complete I found just what I anticipated: a se- tender spot in the natal chart develops. breakdown on numerous occasions.” ries of strong planetary contacts begin- This is very similar to when we have a With the support of his older brother, ning in 2013 and continuing until now, painful bruise on our body: If pressure is Prince William (the Duke of Cambridge), providing the impetus for a change in applied to that area, we experience an he finally sought counseling and began awareness. acute reminder of the injury. facing and releasing the locked-up emo- So, it also follows that when an tions and addressing the pain. Prince emotionally injured or bruised area of Harry, now 32, shared that not dealing the chart receives contact from solar with the trauma of his mother’s death had Prince Harry, now arcs or transits later in life — to the very contributed to years of “total chaos” in same areas that were involved during a his late 20s. He is now being applauded 32, shared that traumatic period — the planetary con- for bringing awareness to a very sensi- not dealing with tact may reactivate the original injury, tive issue, and his efforts to call attention and there may be powerful development to his situation, as well as to the cultural the trauma of his related to the theme of the issue. norm behind it, have gone viral. It’s logical to anticipate that the mother’s death had very same planets and angles that re- The Saturn Return contributed to years ceived contact from solar arcs and tran- There are certain buzzwords that sits when Prince Harry’s mother died attract an astrologer’s attention when of “total chaos” 20 years ago had been reactivated in they are emphasized as part of a news the past four years, opening the door to cycle. When I listened to the podcast in his late 20s. his emotional breakthrough. Indeed, the and heard Prince Harry say that his new “stiff upper lip” that had been Harry’s emotional awareness started when he emotional defense mechanism — pro- was 28 years old, I became instantly in- tecting him from feeling the pain of loss terested in his story. Viewing the Pattern — symbolically began to tremble and My astrologer’s antennae were ac- My first step was to look at the cur- relax during a very important cluster of tivated because I knew that the prince’s rent cycles in Prince Harry’s chart — planetary reactivation starting in 2013. healing journey and new perspective searching for the solar arcs and transits The doors opened for healing, and he were keyed to the Saturn return. I antic- coinciding with the announcement of walked through! ipated that there would be much more his Heads Together initiative. Harry is in This is what I find so fascinating cyclic activity in his chart accompanying the middle of a major publicity period; about the artistic design of planetary the Saturn transit, simply because I have his poignant personal story is causing movement in . learned to assume that there will be over- quite a stir in social media. I was inter-

OCT./NOV. 2017 — 49 stress, pain, and emotional loss already In this case, Neptune adds a sense Prince Harry building in Harry’s reality, which began of ego wipeout, confusion, and bewilder- in late 1996. ment. Harry used the fog offered from Cycle Timeline for Prince Harry The combination of Pluto and Sat- Neptune to avoid facing deep pain. Let’s begin an in-depth analysis by urn conveys a very serious energy, heavy looking at what was present in Prince and deep. This is never a lighthearted • SA Venus conjunct N Pluto, exact Harry’s chart in 1997 when his mother transit or solar arc. We are required to November 2, 1997. died of injuries suffered in a car crash. work hard, and often there is loss or nec- It’s important to note that Venus (See Chart 1, below.) essary release. rules the IC. I look at the 4th house Saturn rules Harry’s As- and the planet that rules the sign on SOLAR ARCS cendant. The powerful solar arc from that cusp to symbolize the mother. Pluto disrupted identity development (the Pluto rules the MC, and the transits • Solar Arc (SA) Pluto conjunct purview of the Ascendant) at a key time and solar arcs that involve an angle or natal (N) Saturn in , exact in life. Harry was just 12 years old, at the ruler of an angle are always the April 6, 1997. the entrance to puberty, when the emo- most powerful. What is especially sig- Planets moving by solar arc advance tional order of his world was shattered. nificant is that angles during childhood five minutes of a degree per month, or usually belong to the province of the 1 generally, one degree (60 minutes) per • SA Neptune conjunct N Ascen- parents, and here we see the ruler of year. It does not trouble me that this su- dant, exact September 4, 1997. the 4th (Venus) conjunct by solar arc per powerful arc was exact four months This Neptune solar arc, precisely with the ruler of the MC. before Princess Diana’s death. Solar exact just a few days after the tragic Venus (mother symbol) coming in Inner Wheel event that took Diana’s life in Paris,Outer Wheel contact with Pluto (symbol of death) is Princearcs are Harry often active four to five months Prince Harry Natalprior Chart to being exact, and continue to be is so very important. HereDirected again, - Solarwe Arc such a powerful message of the deep Sep 15 1984, Sat feel the identity receiving aAug blow 31 1997,and Sun loss the child sustained. 4:20strong pm BSTfour -1:00 to five months afterward. 4:13:08 pm BST -1:00 Paddington, We must England remember that Harry’s a tender, vulnerable spotPaddington, developing. England 51°N32' 000°W12' We can’t help noticing that51°N32' the pattern 000°W12' TRANSITS Geocentricparents went through an extremely pain- Geocentric Tropicalful period with their very public divorce, of power hits to the Ascendant (andTropical Placidus its ruling planet) points to that areaPlacidus of • Transiting (TR) Saturn oppo- Meanjust Nodea year before the tragic accident Mean Node that ended his mother’s the chart as being highly site N Venus, June 1997 – February 2 life. There was a sensitized, perhaps 1998. background of 17° ‡ 02' injured. Transiting Saturn making an op- 34' 19° position to the ruler of the 4th house ˆ ¾ Á † (mother symbol) at the time of Princess 06° 13° » 15' 25° 00° Diana’s death sensitizes Prince Har- ‡ ‡ 14' ‡ 31' ry’s natal Venus in . This is also 23' ¸ Ê 05° another symbol of heavy energy being 18' 13° † 04° ˆ ¾ 37' º connected to the mother. 30' Ê Á 17° ˆ 12° … ¿ 00° 00° » … 22° ¿ ‡ 53' 23° ˆ ˆ ‡ 17° 08' • TR Pluto square N Mercury, 33' 09° 50' ¼ ˆ 49' 33' † ¸ 16° Œ 42' 22° throughout 1997 and most of 1998. ¼ ˆ 52' … º 29° 57' 56' 05° Mercury in rules and is also ˆ 38' 10 9 … „ À 11 8 12' located in the 8th house. We often look 28°ˆ 39' to the 8th house in matters involv- ½ 03°‰ 11° 33' 12 7 11° À 11°‰ 20' ing death. Harry’s mindset received a ‰ ƒ profound and severe “bruise” with the ½ 16°‰ 14' 21' 1 6 21' news of his mother’s fatal accident. 2 5 • Sep- Š 3 4 TR Mars conjunct N Saturn, Œ tember 3, 1997. 49' 20' 04° ‚ 18' Ý 00° • TR Mars conjunct N MC, Septem- 21° ‹ 30' ‚ ber 9, 1997. É ‚ 08' ¶ 13° 23° 01' ‚ É 04° Chart 1: Bi-wheel. 19° ¶ 34' Inner wheel and house cusps: Ü ‚ Prince Harry, natal Charts use 15' 06° Outer wheel: Solar arcs for Placidus houses 17° Ý 02' and the Mean Node. August 31, 1997 (Diana’s death)

50 — THE MOUNTAIN ASTROLOGER We would expect some trigger hits from fast-moving Mars. This energizes, activates, and accentuates the separat- ing SA Pluto conjunct Saturn energy that was exact a few months earlier. We see that Prince Harry’s • Solar eclipse at 9° Virgo, Septem- ber 1, 1997. natal Saturn, Venus, Mercury, • Lunar eclipse at 23° , September 16, 1997. and Ascendant all I will often stretch to a 4° orb for a contact from an eclipse. Here, we see received potent the Virgo solar eclipse conjunct natal impact around the Mercury, further energizing the Pluto square Mercury transit affecting Harry’s time of his perspective. The lunar eclipse Moon was opposite his Sun. mother’s death.

We see that Prince Harry’s natal Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and Ascen- dant all received potent impact around gramming he received as part of the There’s so much more, though, and the time of his mother’s death. Isn’t it script for royal decorum about keeping now we need to look at all the activity interesting that natal Saturn in Scor- tight control over emotional expression that began in 2013 and led up to the pio, sitting so close to the MC, speaks — and no sign is better at emotional interview in April 2017 in which Prince volumes about Harry’s emotional shut- control than Scorpio. It’s just natural to Harry revealed his struggles with grief. down? This elevated Saturn surely see natal Saturn reactivated by transit (See Chart 2, on p. 53.) The echo pat- symbolizes the expectations and pro- when the healing begins for Harry. terns then, and beyond, are amazing!

OCT./NOV. 2017 — 51 are not looking at a circle, but rather a Prince Harry three-dimensional spiral of development. We need to look at the whole picture Along with karmic TRANSITS AND SOLAR ARCS, and incorporate all the activity. 2013–17 indicators, I use the • TR Neptune opposite N Mercury, nodal axis as • TR Saturn conjunct N Saturn, 2013–14. October 2013. Mercury had received a square from another symbol for Prince Harry’s Saturn return was transiting Pluto when Princess Diana what I call a “one-hit wonder.” There died, and was reactivated by the Nep- the mother because was only one exact contact, occurring tune opposition beginning in May 2013. of the link with in October 2013. In my experience, the This transit is made even more powerful transit has a more powerful effect when because, in June 2013, Neptune went lunar energy. making just one exact contact. retrograde exactly on the natal degree, Beginning in February 2013, tran- intensifying the impact. mother as having a dialog with the rev- siting Saturn was only one degree from olutionary force from the Uranus–Pluto exact contact. Pressure was being ap- • TR Uranus square N Ascendant, square, with a special emissary (Jupiter) plied to Harry for the entire year, and in May 2013 – March 2014. being sent in to negotiate, expand, and this type of case, when Saturn reaches smooth the process. exactitude only one time, it tends to • TR Pluto conjunct N Ascendant, Venus was “bruised” by transiting March 2013 – November 2014. Saturn’s opposition in 1997, and was The same area that had received symbolically invited to begin a healing Mercury had received a solar arc from Neptune in 1997 was process starting in 2015. again experiencing massive develop- a square from mental tension from two heavyweight • SA Pluto on N nodal axis, exact planets working together: Pluto and June 2015. transiting Pluto when Uranus. This power cluster lasted for Although the nodal axis wasn’t Princess Diana died, two years, 2013–14. Is it any wonder impacted directly when Princess Diana that the echo of pain and trauma would died, this is still an important measure- and was reactivated reverberate and demand attention? ment to consider. Along with karmic indicators, I use the nodal axis as an- by the Neptune • TR Saturn conjunct N MC, Decem- other symbol for the mother because opposition beginning ber 2013 – August 2014. of the link with lunar energy. SA Pluto Many times, one of the objectives conjunct the South Node in 2015 was in May 2013. arising from a Saturn transit is to get part of the trigger for a new emotional our train back on the track. If a course perspective and the release of grief con- correction is needed, Saturn is happy to nected to the mother. generate internal changes that bubble give us a push in the right direction. We beneath the surface until the exact hit must add that Harry’s MC became sensi- • SA Uranus conjunct N Ascendant, happens, which triggers the action in life. tized when it received the solar arc from exact September 2016. Let us remember that Harry’s natal Pluto just three years after his mother’s Once again, the Ascendant is acti- Saturn had been activated by SA Pluto death. Naturally, we have to look not vated — this time, the liberating energy during the year Diana died. It’s as if his only at August 1997, but also at the de- from Uranus comes in to help clear out Saturn had an echo of shock still be- velopment for the few years afterward. the stagnant emotional energy in the ing held in the planetary memory. Also, identity. The prince’s identity accepted transiting Mars had conjoined his Saturn • TR Uranus opposite N Venus, the special awakening from the Uranus just four days after he received the news April 2015 – February 2016. embrace, and the planetary echoes and of his mother’s tragic accident in 1997. repeating patterns continue. It is important to understand that it’s • TR Pluto square N Venus, March not just the Saturn return that triggered 2016 – December 2017. • Solar eclipse at 9° Virgo, Septem- Harry’s emotional growth toward heal- ber 1, 2016. ing — it’s the fact that Saturn returned • TR Jupiter conjunct N Venus, to activate the same planet that had re- December 2016 – August 2017. • Lunar eclipse at 24° Pisces, Sep- ceived a powerful blow from SA Pluto The pattern of reactivation contin- tember 16, 2016. when his mother was taken from him. ues with Venus being highly stimulated With a spectacular brushstroke, the We see the first planetary echo, for a long period of time by multiple very same eclipse pattern is repeated and it is through the simplicity of astro- planets, and this reiterates emphasis on during this critical period. Remember, the logical design that we appreciate just the ruler of the 4th house. We might vi- 1997 Virgo eclipse took place just one how significant this time frame was. We sualize the planet that symbolizes the day after Diana died. The fact that these

52 — THE MOUNTAIN ASTROLOGER eclipses repeated and were in contact with solar arcs and transits — gives us fewer Notes Harry’s chart clearly shows the incredible measurements, but also turns up the 1. For children age 14 and under, it is most com- artistic rhythm in astrological design! volume on how loudly each one of these mon that transits or solar arcs to angles will play cycles “sings.” out (manifest) in the reality of one of the parents. In this case, when the ruler of Prince Harry’s MC Summary Embracing the design of repeating was activated by Venus, he did not have career Planetary symbolism must faith­- planetary patterns, we can appreci- expansion — as might normally manifest if this fully reflect the reality that the arc of ate the breakthrough that thrust Prince activation took place when he was older. Instead, it major events can take a relatively long Harry into the news in the spring of marked significant development in his parent’s life. time to develop and play out. There is a 2017. The artistry in astrology shines 2. Transits are active from the first exact hit to buildup, the event itself, and then fallout through this case as we understand how the final one. significance. We see this so clearly in the this very public figure embarked on a example of Prince Harry’s long journey highly unusual journey of turning per- © 2017 Kathy Rose – all rights reserved of healing from his debilitating grief — sonal chaos into clarity. a journey lasting at least 20 years. Prince Harry was offered an “evolv- Kathy Rose is an astrologer with an interna- I place high priority on transits and able moment” as the arcs and transits tional clientele. She is a Highest Honors Grad- solar arcs to natal angles, or to the rul- pushed him to revisit his long-held pain. uate of Noel Tyl’s Master’s Degree Certification ers of the angles, to point out when life’s His soul agreed, he did the work, and Course in Astrology and serves as Tyl’s Teaching biggest events may manifest. I research he had a beautiful release! Associate. Kathy is also the producer and pub- how prior transit or arc contacts to an- lisher of the 9-part Tyl MasterWork DVD series, and has developed an gles or key inner planets have impacted Chart Data and Source appreciative audience the life direction, and then I try to find Prince Harry, September 15, 1984; 4:20 p.m. with her popular You Innerwhen Wheel those same spots will be activated GDT; Paddington, England (51°N32', Outer00°W12'): Wheel Tube channel (roseastrol- Princeagain. HarryI listen very carefully to what the A: news report. Prince Harry ogy), featuring more Natal Chart Directed - Solar Arc Sepclients 15 1984, share Sat about their past — and I Apr 17 2017, Mon than 100 videos. To 4:20look pm for BST repeating -1:00 patterns emerging in 2:54:26 pm BST -1:00 contact her, telephone: Paddington, England ChartPaddington, 2: Bi-wheel. England (757) 340-5516; e-mail: 51°N32'the future. 000°W12' 51°N32' 000°W12' roseastrology@yahoo. Geocentric Geocentric Tropical Astrologers learn to spot the key Inner wheel and house cusps:Tropical com; or visit her website: Placidusdevelopmental times and give them Prince Harry, Placidusnatal Meanmeaning. Node Using the simplest of aspects Mean Node 1/6th page tall ad (2.3” W x 4.75” H) and square ad (3.5” W x 3.5” H): colour and greyscale: Outer wheel: Solar arcs for — only the conjunction, April 17, 2017 (inter- square, and op- 17° ‡ 02' position from view goes viral) 34' 19° ˆ » † 06° Á 19° ¸ 15' 02° ‡ 25° ˆ 46' † º ¾ 37' 00' 07° 18' 14° † 04° ¾ 16' ˆ Ê Á ˆ 54' 12° … 00° 00° » ¿ ‡ 23° ˆ ‡ 17° 08' 09° 50' ¼ ˆ 49' 33' † ¸ 16° Œ 42' 22° 52' … º ˆ 05° 57' 10 9 56' … „ Ê 02° 12' ‰ 53' À 28° 11 8 ˆ 39' ½ 03°‰ 11° 33' 12 7 11° ‰ ƒ 11°‰ 56' 21' ¿ 1 6 21' 19°‰ 00' ¼ 43' 53' 00°Š 2 5 ƒ02° À 37' 3 4 É Š 05°Š Œ 23' ½ 49' ‚ 20' 23° 04° ‚ ¶ 18' Ý 00° 21° ‹ É ‚ 08' ¶ 23°

19° 34' Ü ‚ 15' 06° 17° Ý 02'

OCT./NOV. 2017 — 53