Page 2 Long-term sustainable recovery is needed after terrorist incidents 25 years after the terrorist attack In the 1990’s across the world. We offer extremism. This means that we must Warrington we have been remembering bereaved families, those injured and educate our children in peace building, and reflecting on the loss of Tim’s and witnesses a clinically advised health and recognise acts of kindness, celebrate Johnathan’s lives. We also remember, well-being approach combined with diversity and challenge hate and with by reading Colin and Wendy’s book ‘Tim: specialist advice in social and welfare your support, we will continue to do this. An Ordinary Boy’, how they responded matters. Every person receives a personal #WeStandTogether. in the days after the bombing. Colin care plan and access to a support and Wendy’s desire to create a charity to caseworker and this free, confidential help others affected by terrorism in the service is backed by specialist events future was partly driven by the lack of and access to private social media, the support available to them in 1993. enabling survivors of terrorism to cope and recover after their personal tragedy. In March 2018, we discovered, from Lord Kerslake’s report into the Manchester Our work is vital, but we cannot do it Arena attack, how first responders dealt without the help of all our supporters. with the Manchester attack, and also On March 20, Warrington came together that some things have still not changed. in solidarity, to remember 1993 and soon it will be the 1st anniversary of The Peace Foundation is calling for a the Manchester attack, when we will long-term sustainable approach to remember the people who lost their terrorism attack recovery. The Peace lives, the injured, and those affected Foundation operates the national in the Manchester bomb. With your Survivors Assistance Network, a free and support and donations, our Foundation confidential clinically informed service, will continue to help the many people available to any person resident in Great who live with the consequences of Britain, or British people abroad, who recent terrorist attacks. have been affected by acts of terrorism. Immediately following the attack on Since 1995, when it was founded by Manchester, the humanitarian response Colin and Wendy, the Foundation has and help of so many people was drawn upon what it learned from ‘the unprecedented. However, civil society Troubles’ in Britain and Ireland, as well and government must act together, if Nick Taylor, CEO Tim Parry as best practice which has evolved since we are to prevent further acts of violent Johnathan Ball Peace Foundation

New Patron The Foundation would like to welcome Vickie Sharpe as one of our new Patrons. Vickie was injured in the Manchester Arena bombing and came to the Foundation to get help from our Survivors Assistance Network Service (SAN). The Survivors Assistance Network Over the past 12 months, Vickie has helped to raise funds to support other victims and The Foundations Survivors Assistance The Foundation has 17 years’ experience to enable them to get the support that she Network service (SAN) is a free and working with victims of the Northern received from the Foundation. confidential clinically informed service, Ireland ‘Troubles ‘as well as those available to any person resident in Great affected by 7/7, Paris and Tunisia. It Britain, or British people abroad, who offers bereaved families, those injured may be affected by acts of terrorism. in the attack and witnesses, a clinically advised health and well-being approach The Foundation has handled over 750 combined with specialist advice in individual referrals, including members of nearly 400 families, since the social and welfare matters. Every person Manchester attack on 22nd May 2017. receives a personal care plan and access We are also helping those affected by to a caseworker as part of a free and other 2017 incidents in Barcelona and confidential service. The service includes London Westminster Bridge, Borough access to private social media enabling Market and Parsons Green. survivors of terrorism to cope and recover after such tragic events.

If you have been affected by an act of terror and would like our help, please call the SAN team on 01925 581240. Page 3 My letter to Tim My Letter to Tim was prompted by a Reporter from the Liverpool Echo, who asked me if I felt I could write such a letter on the 25th anniversary of my son’s death. I said I could, and here it is... To My Son, Tim and I set up a wonderful charity which is named after you and three-year-old Today, it is 25 long years since you were Johnathan Ball who died on that awful fatally injured by a bomb in Bridge Street. day. It is 25 long years since the very last time Seven years after we lost you, we opened I gazed upon your smiling face. a unique building named after you and Johnathan. It is a Peace Centre. No, it is It is 25 long years since I last heard you THE Peace Centre. It is the only Peace speak. Centre in this country and, so far as we know, it is the ONLY Peace Centre It is 25 long years since I last held you. anywhere in the whole world, and it You live on in so many ways. is your Peace Centre Tim. It is a living It has been 25 long years of the pain of memorial to you Tim and to Johnathan. Of course, whatever may have followed missing you. after we lost you, you would have lived Many good people supported us after on through your close family, but now, It has been 25 long years, which is more we lost you Tim, and they gave us the you have a family of millions. Your name than double the time we had you with strength to set up our charity in your is a symbol for peace just as I said that I us. name. hoped it would be, when I spoke at your funeral. Each of us – me, your Mum, your brother Many good people help us today and Dom, your sister Abbi, your cousins, every day, to keep your charity and your Since we lost you, your grandparents uncles, aunts and your dearest friends – Peace Centre going. have followed on. Grandad Eric went all miss you and never ever forget how first and was followed by your Nanna huge a part of our lives you were…and, Many thousands of people have been Betty and Grandad John. They lie with be assured, always will be. helped by your charity Tim. Their lives you overlooking Warrington, and when have been made better and safer thanks we visit where you lie we remember you But memories of when you were with to you, and we do it all in your name. all, including the one grandparent you us, precious as they are, will always be never met, my mother and your Nanna, shrouded in deep sadness that you had Your school photograph smiles down Lucy. I hope you have met her in heaven these 25 years stolen from you, and you on everyone who sets foot in the Peace with Eric, Betty and John. have missed so much. Centre or takes part in our peace work because your face is on everything we Rest easy Tim and be assured that you You have not shared the joy of the produce in print and on our website. have touched the lives of many people… birth of your three nieces and your one most of whom you never met, but they nephew. So, who and what would you have have met you and they thank you for become Tim on this day, at the age of 37 what you have given them. You will never ever hear them call you years and 200 days? Uncle Tim, but they do, and they do so It is 25 long years since I last saw you, often. Would you be a husband or partner to heard you and held you my son, but you someone you loved to share your life are never far. You will be with us all until They walk in the path that you walked. with? I think so. the time comes for us to join you and see They have all attended the same schools you, hear you and hold you once again. as you did. They often hear you named in Would you be a father to one, or more their school, whether as a mark of respect, children? I think so. With eternal love, or because of a special anniversary and, of course, the High School established a Would you be highly educated, with a Your Dad, who is proud that you are his memorial garden in your name. career in which you excelled? I think so. Son x You were the first name in the wall which Would you still have the passion you had marks the garden – though, sadly, more as a 12-year-old boy for sport? I think so. children than I would have ever expected have joined you in that wall, with you at Would you have brought up your son or its centre. sons or daughters to have the passion you shared with Dom, with me, with Two years after we lost you, your Mum your Grandad Eric, for Everton Football Club, and would you smile to know that Everton made a trophy, the ‘Tim Parry Trophy’, which Dom and I present every year at Goodison to the best player in the Everton Cup Final? I know so! So you see Tim, that your life and memory is a beacon to so many others. Your name is immortalised by your Peace Foundation and your Peace Centre. Page 4 Marking the 25th Anniversary of the Warrington Bombing

20th March 2018 was a day when the synonymous with the campaign for a happy person and packed more into 12 families and the town of Warrington peace. years than most do in a lifetime”. came together to remember Tim and Johnathan, and to share the emotional Wendy Parry said “Tim was a normal journeys of those injured on that day 25 cheeky 12-year-old boy who loved life Johnathan’s half-brother Paul Comerford years ago. and wanted to do everything. He was said” March 20, 1993, is the day none of having golf lessons, he played squash us will ever forget. It affected many, many Colin and Wendy Parry have worked with his dad, he played football for a people, none more so than our family. tirelessly to make sure their son was never Sunday team and for the school, he was The tragic events of that day broke all forgotten, and his legacy continues to be having guitar lessons and he was in the a catalyst for change and reconciliation. sea scouts. Just before he died, he had our hearts, but it shattered Johnathan’s Over the past quarter of a century Tim’s completed his solo sailing certificate mum’s into tiny pieces that would never and Johnathan’s names have become which he was very proud of. He was such be mended.

Thank you to Great Sankey High School, Barrow Hall Primary and Warrington Male Voice Choir for all their help and support during the 25th anniversary event. Teachers and pupils from both schools and the Male Voice Choir rang ‘Something Inside So Strong’ and ‘Imagine’. Both songs were sung beautifully and appropriate for such a day. Wendy Parry said” The 20th March was a day of commemoration as well as celebrating everything which has been achieved in Tim and Johnathan names. The choirs made the day prefect and special”. Page 5 Tributes to Tim Tim’s nieces and nephew attended the but one day I will”. 25th anniversary service and spoke about their uncle Tim. Evie said:” My uncle Tim would be so proud of the Foundation and the Peace Evie, Olivia, Isla and Arthur stood Centre named after him and Johnathan in front of hundreds of people and by my grandparents. Uncle Tim will spoke movingly while their proud always be a big part of my family and parents Dominic and Abbi Parry and when I have children of my own, I will tell grandparents Colin and Wendy Parry watched. them about their great uncle. I wish I had met my uncle Tim but one day I will”. Isla said: “I never met my uncle Tim, but I know what happened to him on this Wendy Parry said: “I am so proud of our street 25 years ago. My dad has told me beautiful children and grandchildren. lots of things about Tim from when he Thank you to everyone who played a was alive. How funny he was and always part in the service and especially to the Olivia and Isla Parry smiling. I wish I had met my uncle Tim choirs who made the day so special”. with Arthur and Evie Parry-Field Remembering Bronwen HRH The Princess Bronwen Vickers travelled to Warrington said her legs had gone and I said “what Royal visits town centre with her husband Paul and do you mean” recalled Paul. daughters Hannah, four, and newborn Warrington Harriet. Bronwen spent 10 hours in surgery as doctors desperately tried to save her left It was the first time they had ever leg but they were left with no choice but shopped in Warrington and the first day to amputate it above the knee. Bronwen out for Harriet who was just two weeks spent six weeks in hospital, inspired staff old. and fellow patients with her courage in learning to walk and drive again with the Paul said: “I was outside Boots with use of an artificial leg. Sadly, just over a Harriet in the pram who was fast asleep year later Bronwen died, from the same and Bronwen and Hannah were inside. skin cancer disease that she had once The first bomb went off and everyone beaten while at university. started to pour out of the shops. I was waiting for Bronwen and Hannah to come out. They eventually came outside Her daughter Harriet was inspired so and were walking towards me when the much by her mum’s courage and is now second bomb went off and impacted working for The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Bronwen significantly. Fortunately, Peace Foundation. Hannah and Harriet were uninjured apart from a small flake of metal on the back of Paul said: “I have nothing but praise for HRH The Princess Royal, Princess Hannah’s scalp. Harriet didn’t even wake the Foundation in terms of how they Anne, was Guest of Honour at the up which was staggering given the noise help survivors and the reconciliation Memorial Service held in Bridge of the explosion”. work, and I am hugely proud of Harriet Street, Warrington on March 20th, to and I know her mother would be too. I mark the 25th Anniversary of the IRA After rushing to his wife’s side, Paul know that Bronwen would have played a bombing. immediately knew that her injuries were big part in the Foundations work and the beyond his basic first aid training. She Peace Centre if she had survived”. Her Royal Highness sat with invited guests to listen to speeches by people representing the families of the bereaved and injured, before she enjoyed the wonderful singing of the combined choir of Great Sankey High School, Barrow Hall Primary School and the Warrington Male Voice Choir. When the service ended, Princess Anne spent time at the Peace Centre, meeting close family members of the Parry and Ball families, as well as many of the staff and volunteers who work for the Foundation. Throughout her visit, Princess Anne was extremely friendly and showed an interest in everyone she met. The Vickers family Hannah and Harriet Vickers Page 6 Small Steps for Peace The Foundation hosted a graduation others feel in conflict situations and programme are more able to manage ceremony for schoolchildren completing the consequences of violence; interpersonal, social and political the ‘Small Steps for Peace’ education • develop active listening skills; conflicts. By building their emotional programme. • build emotional intelligence, capabilities, they acquire transferable recognising and regulating their own skills, and are better equipped to bring School children from across the North- emotional responses, empathising with broader benefits for social cohesion and West attended a graduation ceremony others, and growing their confidence after completing a groundbreaking and capacity to communicate; good relations across communities. peace education programme designed • practice problem solving in creative by the Foundation. ways and in collaborative group We have also trained teachers across the settings North in Peace Education to equip them Small Steps for Peace is an interactive with the skills to teach Small Steps for peace education course for Key Stage 2 (9 Young people completing the Peace. and 10-year old) pupils. The course aims to help children understand the causes of conflict and gain awareness of the Project Area No. of Schools Peace Education Classroom Session impact and consequences of violence No. of Participants No. of Participants as well as practicing problem solving in creative ways and in collaborative group SS4P Burnley 3 27 83 settings. SS4P Calderdale 2 33 59 Ciara Kinsella, Project Lead for Small Steps for Peace said: “Small Steps for SS4P Liverpool 3 39 139 Peace is generating an incredibly positive response from pupils and teachers. SS4P Manchester 17 40 414 Our teachers pack includes a book, games and interactive exercises which SS4P Sheffield 4 17 59 are simple to run and understand and help young people explain and address their feelings with confidence. Small Steps gives children the tools to resolve problems without resorting to violence, which is essential as they approach their teenage years and adulthood.”

What does it do and what are the overall learning outcomes?

Small Steps for Peace helps young people to:

• understand the causes of conflict, how it can be driven by diverse needs and desired outcomes and how it can be entrenched between in-groups of ‘us’ and out-groups of ‘them’; • understand the impact of conflict, gaining awareness of how they and

Ciara Kinsella - Project Lead Colin with representatives of Everton Football Club Page 7

Hannah Larn, project lead for the International Women’s Day Women for Peace programme said: In March, women from around the world represented, to participate in public “2018 is a significant year for the Tim came together to celebrate International life, and to have access to the rights and Parry Johnathan Ball Peace Foundation Women’s Day. But what does this day services that they are entitled to as human and an event celebrating female really mean, why do we need to celebrate beings. Today is an opportunity to focus peacebuilders, looking at lessons we it and how does this link to the Women on the incredible contributions of women can learn from the Northern Ireland for Peace project run by the Tim Parry around the world, from those who fought conflict seemed like the right way for Johnathan Ball Peace Foundation? 100 years ago for women’s suffrage in the us to mark International Women’s Day UK, to those still working hard for their this year. Around the world, women are disproportionately affected by The idea of an International Women’s Day own rights in countries worldwide, often putting their lives in danger in the process. violent conflict. Yet despite this, began in the early 1900s, and since 1975 it women are frequently excluded from has been celebrated by the United Nations The central aim of the Peace Foundation’s the measures taken to seek peace on 8th March. Today, many counties take - from community level right up to it as a national holiday. These include Women for Peace project is to empower women to contribute to peace. Through international peace agreements. Our Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Eritrea, Russia, Women for Peace programme seeks to Ukraine, Vietnam and Zambia, and in a 10-week programme exploring identity, change this, empowering women to China, Madagascar and Nepal, it is a prejudice, extremism, conflict resolution become effective peacebuilders in their national holiday for women only. and leadership, participants become communities, spreading messages of more confident in their ability to deal with non-violence and inclusion.” Some may ask why we need to celebrate conflicts at home, at work, and in their women if we are working towards gender communities. Diverse groups of women equality. Our response is that throughout are able to learn from one another’s history, women have struggled to be experiences and create strong support networks.

We have come a long way, yet there is much more to do to reach gender equality in the UK and elsewhere. So, on this year’s International Women’s Day, let us celebrate the inspiring women in our communities, and continue to support and empower those who are working tirelessly every day. Communities for Peace Programmes Our Communities for Peace programme, funded by the Lottery, is currently Dialogue Event Rochdale delivering in two areas Rochdale and Our final dialogue event took place Oldham. Twenty young people from in the Castlemere Banqueting Hall in Rochdale have been trained in our Rochdale in March. Over 130 people accredited Conflict Resolution course, and attended. Our participants (including 14 of these young people are training to the young people) got up to speak become facilitators. and facilitated the evening dialogue which focused on how the community Running alongside the young people’s can make stronger connections across courses is our Women for Peace all cultural and religious communities programme. Sixty-one adults in Rochdale living in all four boroughs of Rochdale. took part in our accredited Conflict Resolution courses with 24 training to be facilitators. Sharing new experiences Several women who have attended the courses used their new skills to deliver Participants (most of whom have workshops in Rochdale for an International experienced war/ conflict in their Women’s Day event on March 8th. country of origin) were invited to bring their families to a Sharing New Experiences day in Todmorden. We delivered workshops in the morning and afternoon and had a “conversation walk” through the park. Everyone had a wonderful day. There will be more of these shared new experience programmes taking place from May to November. Our first residential for families will take place in June.

Christine Cox Programme Lead Page 8 BBC 2 announces new factual drama “Mother’s Day” A drama documentary filmed in Belfast in Irish history, with thousands of Irish and entitled ‘Mother’s Day’, has begun people gathering in the centre of Dublin to filming. The factual drama will be shown call for an end to the ‘Troubles’. Daniel Mays in the autumn and is about two families, will play Tim’s father Colin Parry, with David the aftermath and public response to the Wilmot as Arthur McHugh. Warrington bombing in 1993. Vicky McClure says: “Susan McHugh’s actions back in 1993 remain just as Written by Nick Leather, Mother’s Day inspirational today as they were 25 years focuses on two ordinary women living ago. I feel truly privileged to play her in this either side of the Irish Sea, brought incredibly moving new film.” together in the wake of the tragedy. Writer Nick Leather says: “As someone who grew up in Warrington and on my way into plays Wendy Parry, town on the day of the bombing, bringing the mother of 12-year-old Tim Parry and this astonishing story to the screen has Vicky McClure plays Susan McHugh, a been a career-long mission. Over the last Dublin mother of two, so outraged by year, I’ve been fortunate to work with a the IRA bombing in Warrington, that she wonderfully supportive team at the BBC, organised one of the largest peace rallies including the director Fergus O’Brien, and have found the Parry and McHugh families to be even more inspiring than I did as a kid. I hope people are as moved and affected by this film as we have been making it.”

Piers Wenger, Controller of BBC Drama, says: “It is with great power and poignancy Daniel Mays that Mother’s Day looks at how the worst of tragedies can affect both those directly involved and communities further afield, inspiring them to act. We’re immensely proud to tell this story.”

Patrick Holland, Channel Controller of BBC Two, says: “Nick Leather’s script takes us into the heart of a family’s grief whilst also following the extraordinary unwillingness to let another death be in vain. With the Anna Maxwell Martin outstanding Anna Maxwell Martin and Vicky McClure, this promises to be a remarkable and powerful film.”

Mother’s Day is produced by BBC Studios for BBC Two, and will be directed by Fergus O’Brien and produced by Scott Bassett. It was commissioned by Piers Wenger, Controller of BBC Drama, and Patrick Holland, Controller of BBC Two. Executive Producers are Tommy Bulfin for the BBC David Wilmot and Aysha Rafaele for BBC Studios. Vicky McClure

River of Pennies We would all like to come up with great in the same school and a letter comes ideas to fundraise for worthy causes, but home to go on a school trip, a non- Barrow Hall Community Primary School uniform day for charity or a number have done just that. of other things, it can be hard to say no. Everyone can give a penny, so this Each pupil donates a penny and add it to is a perfect way for every child to get the line which creates a river of pennies involved”. around the school. Down the corridors and In and out of the classrooms until all The Foundation would like to thank the children have placed their donations. Head Teacher John Littler, his staff & all the young people at the school for Wendy Parry said: “River of Pennies is a raising an amazing £440.00, and for fantastic idea and one which every pupil taking the Foundation as their Charity can take part in. I know from experience, of the Year. that when you have more than one child Thank you Page 9 Everton Legends Night - Oh, what a night! A fantastic night was had by all when Joe Royle, Ian Snodin, Graham Stuart along with Darren Griffiths from Everton TV, and MC / Comedian Malcolm Lord entertained 140 guests at the Hallmark Hotel. Colin Parry said: “We can’t thank them enough for what was a tremendous night. I spoke to many people at the end of the evening and the compliments were flowing. The stories and the gags were top class and even the few fans of the ‘other minor clubs’, were gushing”! The Foundation would like to thank Joe, Ian, Graham and Darren for giving their time freely and helping to raise £2664. Some of the guests said…

Andrew Collier said “What a great night, I really enjoyed it and I know nothing about football” Gary Jenkins said “The Everton Legends night was an incredible event. Gwilyn Griff said “Thank you for a Having legends from the Club help brilliant evening, we all really enjoyed the Foundation to raise much needed it, and I hope you raised some funds to funding for their amazing work across carry on your excellent work the country, was fantastic.”

Colours for Peace - Thank you to everyone who took part On 20th March, the Peace Foundation asked schools, companies and individuals to remember Tim and Johnathan and all those injured in 1993 by taking part in a Adele Carr Howard Worth St Andrews C of E Primary simple dress down day. Called Colours Alderman Bolton Ikea St Augustine’s Primary Barclays Irk Valley Community School St Barnabas’ Primary for Peace, hundreds of people dressed Barrowhall Primary School Ken Muir St Benedict’s Primary in the Foundations colours blue, white BCP - Carol Levison Kevin McAloon St Bridget’s Primary or green to help to raise funds for the Beamont Primary Kids Planet Day Nursery St Frances Primary Belong Warrington Lark Hill Primary St Gregory’s High School charity. Bench Hill Primary Latchford Cheshire Day Nursery St Matthews Stretton Primary School Birchwood Park, Chadwick House Latchford St James Primary School St Monica’s Catholic Primary Kate Deakin said: “This was a simple Black Mango Learn Direct St Paul of the Cross Primary School but effective way to raise funds for BNI Warrington Livewire Warrington St Peter’s Primary - Warrington Bradshaw Primary Lymm Statham Primary St Peters Primary the Foundation but more importantly Bridgewater High School Manchester Enterprise Academy St Phillips Primary School remember the boys. We would like this Brighter Kind Mrs Julie M Bennie St Stephens Primary to be an annual event, so we are hoping Broadhurst Primary Network Warrington St Thomas’ C of E Primary School Broomfield’s Junior School Newchurch primary Stanley Grove Primary Academy even more people will take part next Burnley High School Oakwood Primary Stockton Heath Primary year”. Carpe Diem Old Hall Primary School Techspace One Catalyst Coices Our Lady’s Catholic Primary Tesco Express Winwick Road Chapelford Primary School Parkroad Primary The Base Thank you for your support and for Cherry Tree Primary Patrizia The Cobbs Nursery and Infant School helping to raise over £15,000. Chorlton C of E Penketh High School The Fundraising Agency Christ Church Primary Penketh South Primary School The Hub Clubbercise Warrington Plus Dane Group The Innovation Centre Connex Education Plymouth Grove Primary The Jungle CPM Prestige LTD The Partridge Pub Croft Primary Prestige Recruitment Services The Village Hotel Warrington Crosslee Primary Priestley College The White House Culcheth Community Primary School Primas Law Twiss Green Primary Culcheth Day Nursery Ravenbank primary UTC Culture Warrington Ringway Primary United Utilities Dallam Primary School Royal Bank of Scotland University Academy Warrington Deepbridge Capital Rainhill High School Vale Royal College DWP Hilden House Rullion Recruitment Vanguard House Environment Agency Sacred Heart Primary School Vicky Schofield EPG Limited Sankey High Virgin Media Evelyn Street Primary Sankey Valley St James Primary Warrington Borough Council FDR Law School Warrington Collegiate Foxwood School Scottish Power Warrington Warrington Guardian Galliford Try Scottish Power Wrexham Warrington Wolves Gladstone Brookes SER LTD Watsons Solicitors Great Sankey Primary SIG PLC Webster Primary Halifax Warrington Signature FS Winwick Cheshire Day Nursery Helsby High School Sir Thomas Boteler High School Women & Children Health – Warrington Holly Grange Montesori Nursery St Agnes C of E Primary Hospital Holy Trinity Cof E Primary St Albans Primary Woolston Sixth Form Page 10 Launch of the Warrington Business Awards On 1st February, the Foundation hosted the launch of the Warrington Business Awards at the Peace Centre. The evening started with a Champagne reception followed by a 3-course meal supplied by Vanilla in all Seasons. After dinner, there was a Q&A session with Andy Burnham Mayor of Greater Manchester and Steve Rotheram Mayor of Liverpool City Region. The Foundation has been chosen to be the ‘Charity of the Year’ for the 2018 Warrington Business Awards which takes place on the 8th June at Lymm Rugby Club.

25th Anniversary Ball 2018 On 24th March, the Foundation hosted its 25th Anniversary Ball at the Park Royal Hotel and 260 guests enjoyed a fun packed evening with live entertainment, table magicians, casino tables, car simulators, a magic mirror and, for those who found the energy, hours of dancing to their favourite hits! Wendy Parry said: “it was a great evening, and I’ve had some lovely emails from guests saying what a fantastic time they had. With the help of our sponsors and the generosity of our guests, we raised £34,600 from the event, which is amazing”. “I would to thank Paul Crone from Granada Television, who MC’d the event and entertained the audience brilliantly. Paul also created and showed a DVD which was very moving, giving the audience a real insight into the Foundations work with victims of terrorism”. “Also, a big thank you to our main sponsors which included Richard Lennon/ Roofing Consultants Ltd, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank and Jonathan Ford Accountants for the entertainment & the Park Royal Hotel for the welcoming drinks. Without these people we wouldn’t have been able to raise the amount that we did”.

The Park Royal Hotel Warrington Page 11

Christmas Party 2017 The Foundation would like to thank First Recruitment for their sponsorship of the Peace Centre Christmas Party. The event was a resounding success, with great food, a great atmosphere and we raised just under £8,000 after costs which was fantastic. We are pleased to announce for the 4th year running, First Recruitment will be sponsoring this year’s Christmas Party on the 8th December at Peace Centre. Please contact Wendy on 01925 581234 or email [email protected] if you would like to reserve a table. Thank you

Up and Coming Events for 2018 May Royal Bank of Scotland Dinner / Organised by members of the Bank June 8th June - Warrington Business Awards /The Foundation have been nominated as their Charity of the Year. 15th June – Bradford University Concert July 13th July - The Park Royal Hotel 25th Anniversary Ball / The Foundation & Warrington Disability Partnership will benefit from the evening September Drama Documentary – to be aired in the Autumn 15th September – Deepbridge Ball 19th September – Annual Golf Day 29th September - Charity Ball in Leeds December 8th December – Annual Christmas party funded by First Recruitment IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR ANY OF THE ABOVE EVENTS, PLEASE CONTACT WENDY ON 01925 581234 OR KATE ON 01925 581210 OR EMAIL: [email protected]

Charity Golf Day 2018 at Warrington Golf Club on 19th September 2018

£360.00 Per 4 Ball Includes Lunch and Dinner

For more information or Sponsorship Opportunities, please call Wendy on 01925 581234 or email [email protected] Thank you for your support The Foundation would like to thank our volunteers who do so much, those who give to the Foundation on a monthly or annual basis, those who raise funds on behalf of the Foundation, and to the companies whose generosity we rely. Richard Lennon Roofing Consultants Ltd Joanne & Jordine Barrowhall Primary School Choir Barclays Bank Judith Kenyon Sankey High School Choir The Royal Bank of Scotland Patricia Peters Warrington Male Voice Choir Beth Wheatley D Printz Vickie Sharpe NG Bailey ITV /Coronation Street Network Warrington Karalius Skip Hire ITV /Emmerdale Warrington Borough Council Golden Square Management Loreal Manchester No Brainer LG Print Andy Burnham / Mayor of Manchester Warrington Wolves Hospitality Dimitri Artemis Steve Rotheram / Mayor of Liverpool Jasper’s Nick & his Team Jonathan Ford Accountants Jackie Baines The Park Royal Hotel Magicians in Black Hameera Darr Mike Lomax Andrew Collier Photography John Lewis Personal Stylists- Claire Paul Crone Sculpt Hairdressers

The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Peace Foundation The Peace Centre, Peace Drive, Warrington, WA5 1HQ Office Telephone No: 01925 581234 | Email: [email protected]