r *y War Savings Stamps The Weather **> Continued cold. Are Liberty's Lamps! Cotnplett torttttt tat low* • «urroundln< «UiM on p*g» FIRST WITH THE NEWS ESTABLISHED 1854 WATERLOO, IOWA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1943 FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS FIVE NAVY SULLIVANS MISSING OP A Freezes Corn Prices Happy When They Joined Cruiser Tales of Heroism Bared by JETS TO HILT Report of Hornet's Sinking RETBHT-

(The United Press war correspondent who wrote the .following dispatch has been compelled by reasons oi military security enforced by naval censorship, to suppress one of the best stories of the Pacific war since Oct. 26. On that date, he witnessed the death of the aircraft carrier Hornet, and now, with official permission, describes it.) Solomons Area Battle Cas- By CHARLES P. ARNOT ualty Lists Include Water- - • Headquarters, United States Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, Jan. 32.—(UP)—A seaman, lying oivthc blistering deck of. the loo Quintet, 20 to 2$. crippled aircraft carrier Hornet as enemy planes shrieked down, tried to climb off his stretcher "to have another shot at the Japs." One of his legs had been shattered, the other broken. DISPATCHES SAY SHIP Wlckard Approves Action by A man' with a broken back' tried to refuse a surgeon's care so his German Withdrawal from buddy could be treated first. "EXPLODED, .SANK .'FAST'' Byrnes, Director of Four men ran to throw a blazing, bone-searing incendiary bomb Some Sectors Close to off the deck. By J. L. (DIXIE) SMITH Stabilization. Becoming Rout. Courier Staff Writer , , Men rammed powder into almost red hot guns with their bare hands when the automatic controls were knocked out. Waterloo's five'fighting Sul- CEILING IS HIGH LEVEL Those are a few of the scores of incidents that made American REDS DRIVING TOWARD livan brothers Tuesday were of- heroes and American history when the 11 United States warships, ficially listed by the U. S. navy, PREVAILING ON MONDAY whose names were made public. ARMAVIR, VOROSHILOVSK department as "missing in .ac^: Tuesday, were sunk in the South These were happy days for the five Sullivan brothers.of Waterloo, shown above just after they had tion" after sinking of the cruis- Washington D. C.—(AP)— Pacific last fall, all fighting to the —(UP)—Red army been placed in the crew of (he cruiser Juneau when it wa» commissioned last February. Left to right, er Juneau during sea battles The office of price administra- last. OPA Extends troops drove from two direc- they are Joseph, Francis, Albert, Madison and George. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Sulli- in the Solomon island area during I was with the fleet. I saw the van, 98 Adams street. The Juneau was sunk last Nov. 14 in a Solomons battle, and the five Sullivans were November. tion Tuesday froze corn prices hit that crippled the Hornet, and 1 tions Tuesday on Armavir and officially reported missing Tuesday. on.all exchanges and in every heard at first hand the stories of Dates of Tire Voroshilovsk, German defense Sons of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. cash and local market over the officers and men in all four en- points northwest of Georgievsk, Sullivan, 98 Adams street, the five gagements concerned. boys, 20 to 29 years old, had en-- country, generally at the high- and front dispatches reported Get 4 Zeros listed in the naval service here est levels at which sales were Japan paid a price for those Inspections the axis retreat was becoming Dec. 28, 1941. made Monday. ships which her navy should nev- a rout in some sectors of the Cau- The action is designed to halt fur- er forget. The score was: casus. They boarded the U.S.S. Juneau, Washington, D. C.— (INS) —T h e in Solomons ne-^ S13.000.000 light cruiser,, at its ther sharp advances in the price of Hornet—Sunk in the battle of Maj. Gen. Ivan Krichenko's Cos- commissioning in Brooklyn, N. Y. corn, previously uncontrolled at Santa Cruz Oct. 2G. Japan, paid office cif price administration act- ed Tuesday to minimize public in- sacks raced 13 miles up the Cau- in mid-February last year — all five- all levels of distribution. with a large aircraft carrier dam- casus railroad from the town of Washington D. C.—(UP)—U. with the same ship at their own aged and probably sunk and two convenience in connection with It was taken upon instructions he tire inspection program, giv- during the -night. S. planes in an air battle in the insistence. ; cruisers and three destroyers dam- On "Missing" List. from Stabilization Director James aged by the Hornet's planes. ng holders of "A" gasoline ration They were within 100 miles of Solomons shot down four Japa- F. Byrnes, and was Approved by cards until the end of March for Armavir a strategic town on the To be carried on the navy's "miss- Cruisers Atlanta and Juneau, de- nese Zero fighters bringing en- ing" list until feviderice of their true/ Secretary of Agriculture Wickard, stroyers Laffey, Gushing, Monssen heir initial tire checks. railroad and on the Roslov-Mak- the announcement said. ach Kala oil line which parallels emy aircraft, losses in the Solo- fate has been; uncovered, the five and Barton—Japan paid with one Originally the deadline for the mons campaign to 680, the navy brothers included: The price ceilings were estab- battleship, three heavy and Iwa first examination vvas Jan. 31 for it. George,Thomas, 29, gunner's mate; all passenger car owners. announced Tuesday. ; lished by means of a temporary light cruisers and five destroyers Voroshilovsk, the other German The action took place Monday second class. > 607clay freeze^regulation, .effective sunk. . point immediately threatened, is 42 Francis Henry, 26, coxswain. - ' Destroyers Preston, "Walker'.and •QPA extended the deadline for (island time) between Santa Isabel Wednesday. .-, '/'\Georgia islands northwest Joseph Eugehe, 23, seaman, second Prices of corn futures contracts Benham—Japan paid with one bat- classy - - f*.. - •••• •• • •;•:'"••.'.;.?.".. tleship, three large cruisers and plementary gasoline 'ration books" Other soviet forces were driving of "Guadalcanal when 12 Zeros at- and prices for 'cash; .corn in the until the iend of February. tacked a force of Douglas Daunt- Madison Abel, 22, seaman, second recognized '' cash markets were one destroyer sunk. down from the Kalmyk steppes and class. • -• : •--..'• Cruiser Northampton—Japan paid At the same time OPA announced had advanced to Konstantinovskaya, less dive bombers escorted by Grum- Albert Leo, 20, seaman, second frozen at the highest level of man Wildcat fighters. prices prevailing Monday. with nine ships which tried to land that subsequent examinations will 34 miles northeast of Voroshilovsk. class. men and supplies on Guadalcanal be less frequent, since inspections In addition to.the four Zeros shot In most instances, these highs These two columns threatened to ' Of the five, only one, Albert, was island. so far have disclosed that a larger cut off the enemy troops retreating down, two.''Gibers were "possibly married. He is the father of a 21- were reached Monday. Japan lost at least 25 warships, proportion of car owners already from the Gebrgievsk-Mineralnye destroyed," the navy said. month-old son. Jimmy, now with Corn prices at the small local are taking^ care of their tires than One Wildcat fighter failed to re- markets were frozen at the high- possibly a big carrier and at least Vody- region captured his mother and grandparents at 98 125 planes for our 11 ships and ever; before. Monday by the Russians. turn. Adams. ..'•:'" est level of prices in the pen-id A force of fighter escorted Mar- Jan. 8-12. In most instances there an unspecified number of planes. After the initial inspection, "A" "Serious" Dietmar Says. The navy department's telegram book holders will be required to tin medium bombers attacked Japa- of condolence to the parents rTues- highs were reached Monday. The ships which we sank carried .(Axis sources refused to admit nese positions at Muhda on. New day gave no-details of the Juneau'S to their deaths thousands of Japa- have their tires examined only Plan Permanent Regulation. once in each six month 'period, the loss of the Georgievsk railroad Georgia 'the same, day, the navy loss, listed as of Nov. 14. nese troops -and seamen. The ac- center. said, but'clouds prevented accurate Admiral Sends Message.. '. ' Within the next 60 days, OPA tions staved off two big attempts against the former requirement of Records of the five Sullivan boys from the very beginning of their said, it will issue a permanent once every four months. (Radio Vichy said German reports bombing nnd made observation of Sent by Rear Admiral Randall to recapture Guadalcanal. asserted that "particularly violent" service in the United States navy are recorded'in this scrap book, pi\ice regulation on corn, which From a battleship which alone results difficult. which is being held by their mothor, Mrs, Thomas F. Sullivan, at will continue the levels frozen by Inspections for "B" book hold- fighting was in progress near shot down 32 planes I watched the ers will be once in every four Georgievsk and Pyatigorsk. their home, 98 Adams street. Standing with her is Genevieve, 25, sis- High naval personnel officials at Tuesday's action, and will be based battle of Santa Cruz Oct. 26 in ter of the Sullivan boys and Mrs. Sullivan's only remaining child. The Washington, D. C., told the Courier on $1 a bushel for No. 2 yellow months, and for "C" book holders (Gen. Kurt Dietmar, one of Ger- Allied Bombers by.long distance telephone Tuesday which the Hornet was the victim of once in every three months. many's leading military critics, ad- last entry/which Mrs. Sullivan'has not yet pasted in the scrap book, corn in Chicago. a mad aerial attack. is a telegram'informing Mr. and Mrs. Sulli%'an that their five sons are noon: ••'..."! In a joint statement Stabiliza- Our destroyers sank the Hornet Formerly the schedule called for mitted in a Berlin broadcast, how- Blast at Naples, all missing in action. . , "Loss of the five Sullivan brothers tion Director Byrnes, Secretary after two Japanese attacks had rid- examination of cars in these cate- ever, that the Russians had broken ranks as the greatest single blow Wickard apd J. K. Galbraith, OPA dled her with bombs. gories once every two months. thru axis lines on the southern suffered by any one family since deputy administrator, said present From my observation post I saw The OPA also extended to the front and that the situation had be- Axis Supply Port t/. 'S. Tax Revenue Pearl Harbor and, probably, in prices for corn exceed 100 per the Japanese planes shriek down end of February the deadline for come serious. Webb Dies of American naval history. . . •' cent of parity, taking into consid- The Hornet had sent out its planes initial inspections by motorists who ("The Russian offensive has London —(U.R)— Allied ' bombers, in Iowa Doubled "In peacetime, the navy has al- eration the AAA payments made to bomb a Japanese task force 100- hold bulk coupons and also by mad,e no inconsiderable penetra- maintaining a thundering, two- lowed brothers to serve together but by the department of agriculture. odd miles to the north. operators of fleets of vehicles. way air offensive against the axis Dos Moines—{INS)—Iowa internal in wartime U has been navy policy tions," he said. "There is need in the Mediterranean, struck again Heart Attack revenue collections in 1942 'more to separate members of the same- "Ceiling price levels set in They heavily damaged at least Thereafter they will be re- for more German troops in Rus- at Naples, one of the principal than doubled the figure of 1941 E. family. the temporary regulation," the two cruisers and three destroyers quired to have their tires inspect- sia.") statement said, "will be con- ports from which .supplies and re- Chicago—(UP.)—William J. (Billy) H. Birmingham, collector for the "Presence of the five Sullivans in addition to planting four to ed once every three months. Front reports said the Georgievsk inforcements are shipped to the state, said Tuesday, aboard the U.S.S. Juneau was at the tinued in the later permanent six 1,000 pound bombs on a new Webb, veteran coach 'of the Chi- Paul M. O'Leary, deputy admin- area was taken only after particu- Germans and Italians in Tunisia, cago' White Sox, died of a heart . He reported revenue from the insistence of. the. brothers them- order. aircraft carrier of the Zuikaku in daylight Monday, it ^was an- selves and in contradiction to the class, 17,000 tons or larger. istrator in charge of rationing, ap- larly heavy, fighting along the rail attack Tuesday while en route to various sources contributing to fed- "There definitely will be no in- pealed to drivers not to wait for lines leading to the junction. nounced Tuesday. work at Comiskey park. eral government reached $79,824,- repeated recommendations of the crease in the general level of corn It was a raging furnace when they deadlines. The newspaper Pravda said the The bombers were, believed to Webb was 'an executive in the 102.78 during the 1942 calendar year. ship's executive officer. prices." left it. Russians attacked all the centers of have included American Flying 'Comiskey organization. "Serving together had been one Only seed corn, pop corn, grain "The sooner you go to an official Fortresses snd Liberators. That compared with $38,131,- condition of their enlistment." But.the Japanese were sending resistance from various directions He was stricKen in his automo- 674.99 in 1941, he said. sorghums, sweet corn, broom corn wave upon wave .of dive bombers OPA inspection station, the better," and surrounded them. A Messerschmitt 109, one of mobile a short distance^ from thi and local-farmer-to-farmer sales of and torpedo planes against the Hor- he said. 's best fighting planes, . Largest'single source of revenue Before taking Georgievsk, Miner- was shot down as it tried to in- park. Jacobs, chief of naval personnel at' corn were exempted from price net and its escort. "If you need a recap, the irispec- Webb was 46. He had been con- was the individual income tax, Arlington, Va., the message read: ," tor will recommend it and help alnye Vody, Pyatigorsk, Zhelezno- tercept. which leaped from $9,380.417.10 in control. American fighter planes and the vodsk and Kislovdsk, the major Fighters and bombers of the nected with professional baseball Agriculture department officials, anti-aircraft guns shot doxvn many you fill out an application to your as a player, manager, coach and 1941 to $31,657,445.68 in 1942. "It is with deepest regret that who would not be quoted, said of them, but the remainder divec local rationing board." point surrounding the junction, the Middle Eastern command also the navy department confirms the soviet troops had to oppose the Ger- blasted axis bases and transport scout since 191G. Corporation income tax moved report that your five gallant sons the freezing was designed to pre- on thru a hell of fire. During his playing days Webb from $11,470.092.11 in 1941, when it serve a favorable ratio between Our ship was several thousanr mans along railroads, highways, and in Tunisia. —George Thomas, Francis Henry, streams and drive the enemy from was with Duluth, Birmingham, had been the largest single revenue Albert Leo, Joseph Eugene and the prices of corn on the one hand yards from the Hornet. It was 9:55 Pittsburgh, Akron, Newark, Buffa- source, to $19,637,197.27 in 1942. and hogs, cattle, milk, poultry and a. m. Rommel's Army heights in the area. Madison Abel—are missing as the lo and Toronto. Federal insurance contributions result of enemy action on Nov. eggs on the other. Singly, in pairs, in threes and Find Officers In Bed. OK's Campaign He, managed clubs at Buffalo, Present ratios make it profitable fours, at least 40 Japanese plane? Still Retreating were listed as .totaling $7,851,217.55 14 in the service of their country The collapse of the German gar- Binghamton and Galveston before in 1942, up from 1941's $6,987,942.50. and in the performance of duty. to feed corn to livestock and hurtled down on the Hornet, com risons came so suddenly, Pravda to Replace I/SO, joining the White Sox organization poultry. ing out of the sun thru low scat London —(INS)— Field Marshal said, that at one point a soviet tank in 1935. "They will be carried in the miss- Prices Advancing. tered clouds. Erwin Rommel has resumed his unit caught four German regimental "Chest" Drives Webb was survived by his widow, Dean of Women from ing status, pending evidence as to Officials said that corn prices They were almost on the ship retreat westward and now is be- leaders in bed. Frances, and one son, Billy, jr. their true fate. • nave been advancing in recent tween Eburat and Tripoli, the Mo- While the Red army developed its Iowa Finds Life in "The officer in charge of the U. S. rocco radio reported Tuesday, quot- Washington, D. C.—iVP)—- Presi- recruiting station at Des Moines, weeks, due principally to a sharp (Continued on page 2. column 2 offensive toward the Armavir-Vor- dent Roosevelt approved Tuesday Webb, in discharging his duties ing a Cairo dispatch. oshilovsk area, two other Russian as manager of the White Sox farm WAAC Satisfying la., acting as the emissary of the expansion in the production of The axis columns were report- a plan for two major money-rais- hogs and poultry, and to prospects columns menaced Salsk. 100 miles ing campaigns for relief activities clubs, frequently visited in Water- Leavenworth, Kan. —<£>}— First navy department, has. been re- that corn and other feed reserves ed being hammered constantly by southeast of Rostov and 95 miles loo over the last three years while quested to convey this sad news to, News Feature Index allied planes from Libya, Malta this year, one in the spring by Officer Mary S. Bell of the you personally and he reports that would be reduced considerably as north of Voroshilovsk. the American Red Cross and the the Chicago club owned and oper- WAACs, ready to return to Oma- Page and Tunisia. One force advanced on the city ated the Waterloo White Hawks he has accomplished this mission. a result of the consequent expan- General Jacques Leclerc's Fight- other in October for "a national ha, heard an army officer's sug- ' Sympathy Extended. sion in the demand for corn. "Believe It or Not" ing French forces were reported from the northeast and the other war fund.' of the Three-I league. A former gestion that she fly. Corn prices advanced from an from the east. Both were reported coach with the major league club, "The navy department extends, Brady's Health Talk continuing to advance toward Rom- The.latter will replace the vari- "In arc iirmy plane? How much siacerest sympathy to you in your' average of 76 cents to 80 cents a last within 30 miles of Salsk. ous individual campaigns for the he assumed his farm club connec- would it cost?" mel's lines from Murzuk. tions the same year in which Wa- great sorrow and to the many young bushel at local markets between Cedar Falls News 8 ' In the Georgievsk area, infan- United Service organizations, com- Officers, she was informed, don't friends of your sons who share your. mid-November and mid-December. munity chest and council, those o! terloo became affiliated with the have to pay. City in Brief 6 try moved in fast behind Krich- certain state war chest organiza- Comiskey organization. grief. — Rear Admiral Randall Ja- It was necessary, officials said, cnko's to mop up poc- "Goodie, goodie! This isn^t the cobs, chief of navy personnel." Classified Ads ' 12-13' 6 Die in Crash tions and the drive of major for- Webb was last here in September way it was when I was dean of to bring the corn price advance keted axis troops and collect rich when he assisted Manager Johnny to a halt because livestock, dairy Comics 14 eign relief agencies. women at Coe college in Cedar ' Breaking the news to Mr. and of Army Plane war spoils. The formula for the two cam- Mostil in cleaning up the club's Rapids, la.!" Mrs. Sullivan, their daughter and poultry products are subject paigns wjs presented in a repor.t business affairs at the close of the Genevieve, 25, and to Mrs. Al-• to government price ceilings. Editorial 4 Cavalry, tanks, armored cars and Markets n Colorado Springs, Colo.—(/P)—An motorized infantry captured the key of the war relief control board of season. bert Sullivan Monday, while here "If corn prices were allowed to army B-35 plane crashed Mondav towns of an entire Caucasus railroad which Joseph E. Davies, former Webb was a director of the Wa- Sold Right Away! on his secret mission, was Lieut- go much higher,'' an official ex- iMerry-Go-Round in News 4 on the central Colorado plains, system, reaching from the foothills ambassador to and to Bel- terloo baseball club. Comdr. Truman Jones, officer in • plained "the margin between feed gium, is chairman. charge of the Iowa recruiting of- Northeast Iowa Events 5 kiliing six persons, the public re- toward the Kalmyk steppes, in a This ad brought several fice of the navy at Des Molne*. prices and livestock prices would lations office "at Peterson field, day of big gains Monday. calls and an immediate narrow. Parsons' Movie Talk 10 home base of the craft, announced. On the Don river front the Red DRIED BOONE COUNTY American Plane Accompanying him here were a "The government would have to Private Lives 4 Names of the • victims were not army pressed steadily down the EGGS AID WAR EFFQRT sale. medical corps lieutenant commander-, raise ceilings on livestock, dairy released. v Stalingrad-Tikhoretsk railroad to- Sinks Submarine and a chici petty officer, also from and poultry products in order to Radio Programs /. 11 ward the junction city of Salsk, 100 FOLDING Baby Cab. Ph. 2-2173. Call the Des Moines navy office. maintain a favorable margin, else Hafvester, San Felice, Emerson now te. Boone, la.—(U.P.) —Boone county 49M» Lafayette St. Serial Story 7 King Edward quality Cigar 2 (or
