Friends of Bibliographical Sources for Mortifications City Archives 1699-1801

Headings Books and Titles

Books and articles

?Nicoll A. First History of Dundee 1776. (see A.H. Millar above)

Allardyce A. and Scotsmen in the Eighteenth Century, 1888

Ashley Smith. Birth of Modern Education. 1954

Bain A. Education in Stirlingshire from the to 1872.(1965)

Barrie D. City of Dundee Illustrated. 1890

Bell W. Dictionary of Law (Scotland)

Berwick J. History of Dundee. 1804

Boyd F. Records of the Dundee Stage. 1886

Buckle H. History of Civilisation in England. 1902

Campbell J. Balmerino and its Abbey. 1899

Cant R.G. University of . 1946

Chalmers - Life of Ruddiman. 1794

Chambers - Book of Days

Chambers - Book of Scotland. 1830

Chambers A. Dundee and Dundonians 70 years ago. 1892.

Chambers R. Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen(revised and re-edited). Thomson 1875

Chambers R. Domestic Annals of Scotland. Vol.3. 1861

Croft Dickinson W. Two Students of St Andrews (1711-1716). 1952

Cumming Skinner W. The Barronie of Hilltowne. 1927

Curtis S.J. History of Education in Great Britain (2nd edition) 1950.

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Dalgetty A.B. The Church and Parish of Liff. 1940

Dean I.F.M. The Scottish Spinning Schools. 1930

Doughty D.W. The Bibliotheck - A Note on Some Old Books Found in the High School of Dundee. No date cited Duncan D. Thomas Ruddiman. 1965

Edgar A. Old Church Life in Scotland.1886

Edgar J. History of Early Scottish Education. 1893

Elliot A. as it was and is. No date cited.

Forrest F. Chapters in the Life of a Dundee Factory Boy. 1850

Gibson C. Historic Dundee. No date cited.

Gibson W.J. Education in Scotland. 1912

Gilbert A. Biography of Fanny Wright. 1855

Gillon R. Appendix to Abridgment of Acts of General Assembly. (1638-1802 inclusive).

Graham H.G. Social Life in the Eighteenth Century Scotland.(2 vols). No date cited.

Grant J. History of the Burgh Schools of Scotland. 1876.

Hay Fleming. Extracts from Presbytery Records. No date cited.

Hay. W. Ancient Dundee. 1886

Hay. W. Charters and Documents. (Dundee 1291-1880).

Hill Burton. History of Scotland. No date cited.

Hume Brown P. History of Scotland. 1911.

Ireland. J. Life of a Dundee Draper. 1876.

Jessop J.C. Education in Angus. No date cited.

Kidd W. Dundee Market Crosses and Tolbooths. 1902.

Kirkland Cameron J. Auchterhouse Old and New. 1932

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Knox H. M. 250 years of Scottish Education (1696-1946). 1953

Law A. Education in in the Eighteenth Century. 1965

Lochhead M. The Scots Household in the Eighteenth Century. 1948

Mackie C. Historical Description of the Town of Dundee. 1836

Mackie R. L. Short History of Scotland. (Revised by Gordon Donaldson). 1961

Macphail - A History of Scotland for Schools. 1956

Maitland Anderson J. Matriculation Roll of the . 1747-1897.

Malcolm J. Parish of in Ancient and Modern Times. 1910.

Marshall W. Historical Scenes in Forfarshire. 1875

Mason Inglis W. An Angus Parish in the Eighteenth Century. 1904

Mathieson W.L. The Awakening of Scotland. 1747-1797

Maxwell A. Old Dundee Ecclestical, Burghal and Social prior to the Reformation. 1891

Maxwell C.C. A Historical and Descriptive Guide to Dundee. 1858.

Maxwell C.C. History of Old Dundee. No date cited.

McCrie - Life of Andrew Melville. No date cited

McEwan. A. Scotland at School. 1938

Meikkle H.W. A Description of Scotland and Scottish Life. 1947

Michie S. The Church and Scottish Social Development. 1960

Millar A.H. First History of Dundee 1776 (? By A.Nicoll) - Editing and annotation of original manuscript. Morgan A. Makers of Scottish Education. 1929

Mudie Sir Francis. The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen; Trinity House in Dundee. 1962.

Mure Mackenzie A. Scotland in Modern Times (1720-1939). 1947

Myles J. Rambles in Forfarshire. 1850

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Norrie W. Dundee Celebrities of the Nineteenth Century. 1876

Norrie W. Handbook to Dundee. 1876

Ochterlony of Guynd J. Account of the Shire of circa 1682.

Owen R.D. Threading my Way. No date cited

Paterson ?. History of Ayrshire.(Volume 2). No date cited

Philip A. Parish of Longforgan. 1895

Plant M. Domestic Life in the Eighteenth Century. 1952

Pococke R. Tours in Scotland 1747,1750,1760. 1887

Pratt Insh G. School Life in Old Scotland (From Contemporary Sources). No date cited

Pryde G.S. A New History of Scotland (Volume 2). 1962

Pryde G.S. and Rait R.S. Scotland (2nd edition). 1954

Rae ? Life of Adam Smith. No date cited.

Robertson A. History of the Dundee Theatre. 1949

Rollo J.A. Century's Records of Ecclestical Life in Dundee. 1902

Rollo J.A. The Parish and Burgh Churches of Dundee. 1897

Salmond J.B. Veterum Laudes. 1950

Sandford Terry. Scottish Historical Clubs. (1780 - 1908). 1909. Continued by Matheson C. (1908 - 1927). 1928 Scotland J. History of Education in Scotland (2 volumes). 1969

Scott H. Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae. 1925

Scott Lang Sir Peter. Duncan Dewar, a student of St Andrews 100 years ago. 1927

Scrymgeour N. A Visit to the Eastern Necropolis. 1865

Sinclair Sir John. First Statistical Account of Scotland (and letter to him from N.K. in volume 21). 1793 Small R. First Statistical Account of the Parish of Dundee (contributed to the Old Statistical Account of Scotland). No date cited.

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Smout T.C. History of the . 1560 - 1830. No publication date cited.

Somerville T. My Own Life and Times. 1861

Stewart G. Story of Scottish Education. 1927

Strong J. History of Secondary Education in Scotland. 1909

Stuart J. Historical Sketches of the Church and Parish of Fowlis Easter. 1865

Thackeray W.M. The Four Georges. No date cited.

Thomason C.W. Scotland's Work and Worth (2 volumes). 1909

Thomason J. History of Dundee. 1847

Trollope T.A. What I remember. No date cited.

Trollope(Mrs). Domestic Manners of the Americans. No date cited

Warden A.J. Angus or Forfarshire, the Land and its People. 1880

Warden A.J. Burgh Laws. No date cited.

Warden A.J. Trade, Ancient and Modern. 1864

Willsher H. The Sang Schule. (Short paper in typescript). 1930

Woodrow ?. Analecta Scotice. No date cited

Wright A. History of Education and of the old Parish Schools of Scotland. 1898

Wright F. A few days in Athens. No date cited

Young J. Passages in the History of a Town Draper. No date cited.

Manuscript Sources

Book of (with Index Volume collected by James Thomson, Antiquary)

Clerk of Penicuik's Papers(1744 - 1756)

Hospital Master's Accounts

Kirk Fabric(Kirk Master's Accounts)

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Kirk Session of Dundee Records

Kirk Session of Lundie and Fowlis Records

Kirk Session of Mains Records

Murray of Lintrose Papers(1788 - 1796)

Old Parish Registers of Dundee

Old Parish Registers of Fowlis Easter

Old Parish Registers of Kinnaird

Presbytery Records of (a) Dundee, Meigle and Forfar

Presbytery Records of (b) Dundee and Forfar

Presbytery Records of © Dundee

Register of Deeds and Burgh Court of Dundee

Register of Tombs and Monuments in Dundee Burial Ground

Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge 1707 -?

Town Council Records ( Chamberlain's Accounts)

Town Council Records (Minutes)

Town Council Records (Treasurer's Accounts)

Two Pennies on the Pint Accounts

Of anonymous or composite authorship

Acts of General Assembly

Acts of Parliament of Scotland

Bibliography of Dundee Periodical Literature

Chambers' Scots Dictionary

Course of Lectures on Physical Education and Moral Statistics of Dundee. 1841

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Dictionary of National Biography

Dundee Delineated. 1822

Dundee Directory (First). 1783

Dundee Directory(Second). 1809

Dundee Magazine and Journal of . (Volumes 1, 2 and 3). 1799 -1801

Dundee Northern Star. 1844

Dundee Past and Present. 1909

Dundee Register. 1782

Dundee Repository. Volume 1

Edinburgh Currant

Evidence of Commissioners on the Universities of Scotland. Volume 3 (St Andrews)

Gentleman's Magazine

History of Dundee with a view of its Present State. 1804

Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scottish Language

Mortifications - Report by the Committee of the Kirk Session. [1812]

Mortifications - Report on those under the Management of Town Council. 1845

Municipal History of the Royal Burgh of Dundee (improved edition). 1878

New English Dictionary

Roll of Eminent Burgesses of Dundee 1513 - 1886

Scots Dictionary - Warrack

Scots Magazine

Society Publications

Antiquaries of Scotland - Proceedings of

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Banffshire Field Club

Bannatyne Club

Church Law Society (Acts of General Assembly 1638 - 1842/1843

Conventions of the Royal Burghs of Scotland - Publications of. (edited by J.D Marwick)

Hawick Archaelogical Society)

Maitland Club

New Spalding Club

Scottish Burgh Society

Scottish Church History Society

Scottish Ecclesiological Society - Transactions of

Scottish Historical Review

Scottish History Society

Scottish Record Society

Scottish School Book Association

Society in Scotland for Propagating of Christian Knowledge (1709 - 1774)

Spalding Club

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