Dockage ,Still Point O/Help
• $ ;UP' P F .. P F P" F P •• F F Y=" 4 P F --. 'P" pi FE ••• PZ . F P' ......... ,... ... r" po .. •• ....."..---- ...--.---'t"'" • RECYCLING UNIVERSITY CENTER lIGGm SCHOOL Home of the New. • 1145 CMlI .... ..~" '-Y 11, ,. .. '"' Je.wy II, ~ 9:30 L ... 3:3O ,... CANS ~', Walohing'on load CClIlI In Gaf0te-M ... UHOCanl Ar. elKn, FIott.nod &. Witho", iobe4 •. Grosse Pointe ews ECO.L1NE 884.8567 Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes ~~V~O~L~.~-3_5-~~~N-~O~~.~5~1~~~-.---£-Il-I~:-::-I-~-II-f:~-C~-~d-D-~~-~-~I-,MM-&:-::--f,-:~-I-h-~-G--R-O-S-S-E-P-O-'N-T-E-,-M--IC--H-IG-_~-_-N-.}~T~H-._-U-R-S-D-A-Y-,-D-ECEMBER19, 1974 15<: Per Cop, '7." P~r Y~&r 30 Pages-Two Sections-Section One , --I. - HEADLINES :Nc\vspaper Dockage Sales Will WEEK ,Still Point O/Help Ncctly AI Compile •• )' die Groll' Poblte New. Lions Club Members Given Assistance by Po- Thursday, December lZ Concern in GPW lice, Firemen, Friends THE SECOND fatal shoot. in Annual Drive ing of a Detroit high school 'Bumping' Procedure Attacked, Defended in Two student in three days occur. While both the Grosse More Letters to Council; Subject of Amend- red yesterday outside Mac- Pointe Lions and Woods kenzie High School, 9275 ing Ordinance Beine,; Considered by Wyoming. Dead is Virgil But- Lions fell short of their Solons in Executive Session ler, 16. of 9622 Appoline. Goodfellow Newspaper About four hours after the By Roger A. Waha sale goals on Monday, De.
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