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RECYCLING UNIVERSITY CENTER lIGGm SCHOOL Home of the New. • 1145 CMlI ...... ~" '-Y 11, ,. .. '"' Je.wy II, ~ 9:30 L ... 3:3O ,... CANS ~', Walohing'on load L.an CClIlI In Gaf0te-M ... UHOCanl Ar. elKn, FIott.nod &. Witho", iobe4 •. Grosse Pointe ews ECO.L1NE 884.8567 Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes

~~V~O~L~.~-3_5-~~~N-~O~~.~5~1~~~-.---£-Il-I~:-::-I-~-II-f:~-C~-~d-D-~~-~-~I-,MM-&:-::--f,-:~-I-h-~-G--R-O-S-S-E-P-O-'N-T-E-,-M--IC--H-IG-_~-_-N-.}~T~H-._-U-R-S-D-A-Y-,-D-ECEMBER19, 1974 15<: Per Cop, '7." P~r Y~&r 30 Pages-Two Sections-Section One , --I. - HEADLINES :Nc\vspaper Dockage Sales Will WEEK ,Still Point O/Help Ncctly AI Compile •• )' die Groll' Poblte New. Lions Club Members Given Assistance by Po- Thursday, December lZ Concern in GPW lice, Firemen, Friends THE SECOND fatal shoot. in Annual Drive ing of a Detroit high school 'Bumping' Procedure Attacked, Defended in Two student in three days occur. While both the Grosse More Letters to Council; Subject of Amend- red yesterday outside Mac- Pointe Lions and Woods kenzie High School, 9275 ing Ordinance Beine,; Considered by Wyoming. Dead is Virgil But- Lions fell short of their Solons in Executive Session ler, 16. of 9622 Appoline. Goodfellow Newspaper About four hours after the By Roger A. Waha sale goals on Monday, De. cember 16, the amount morning shooting. police ar- Around 14 Woods citizens will receive letters rested a 17-year-old Macken. contributed was close to this week notifying them that they will be "bumped" zie junior for investigation. last year's total, in the from their boat docks at the Lake Front Park. Witnesses said an argument case of the GP Lions, or I!ence, they will go back onto the dockage waiting over a piece of paper two even bettered it, in the weeks ago triggered yester- lIst, These people have reportedly had their spaces day's violence. Detroit police for 10.14 years. ------case of Woods Lions. Sgt. Ronald Karchfski said a There are 230 boat docks Dallas R. Kilchen oC the fight prior to the shooting at the park and all are in GP Lions said sales brought involved 17 youngsters. use. There are 156 small Park Gives in $5,900, "We had a very docks and 74 lake side docks, good response from the peo- ple," he stated, "And we did Friday, December 13 This bumping procedure Awards for just as well as last year." A DETROIT POLICE tele. has been the subject of several letters to the council The Uons were shooting for phone operator lislened for a goal of $7,500. six minutes 10 an emergency since October with tile two Fine Service call while 24 bullets were latest being referred to the Meanwhile, Woods Lions fired into an east side Detroit Committee of the Whole, Ten Paid Honor at 15th netted $2,551.91. according to couple, but mistook the shots Photo by Nancy Krarn.r (C-W), in action taken at Dan Mahfet. "We did beller the regular meeting Thurs- Annual Presentation than last year by $80" he lor so me 0 n e "hammering" This elaborate Christmas display has been foot of Washington road, to help their grandchil- said. ' and dispatched the calI as a created by Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Speerschneider on dren celebrate the holidays, day, December 12. Ceremonies for routine burglary. The call their property in East Jefferson avenue at the Main Focus Dedication ~fr, MahCet said, while the came ,through the city's 911 The subject of alleged in- To Duty Lions were II lillie short or emergency line. A tape of equities in the boat dock as- buyers this year, overall the the call indicates that Mr. signment procedure has been At G sale was a "prelly good suc- and Mrs. Clifton Ledbetter Student Tea Woods Senior Citizens' See Santa, the subject of tnese letters, r 0 sse Pointe cess." Woods Lions were Three ol the four communi. Park's 15th Annual Serv- were shot when Mrs. Ledbet- striviug for $3,500, ter called to report a burglar Being Given Hopes Revived for Own Elves Get cations have nixed bumping, ice Awards presentation Give Helping Hand had entered their home while while the other backed such held on Monday, Decem- aclioI' . ber 16, a number of mu. Both clubs received the they were away and killed helpful assistance of friends their dog. The couple were By Hospital Housing Complex in Pal"k Set for Yule This procedure Is outlined nicipal employes were wives and members of locai dead when an offirer arrived in a ection of Ordinance honored by the city coun. police and {ire deparlments. at the home about 25 minutes Would-Be Nurses Invited Council Agrees to Make Thorough Study of Archi. Public Invited to See 269 \\/lich pr".'ides for the cil for their many years City, Park and Farms offi. alter the call. to See New Station tect's Feasibility Presentation with Members Unusual Christmas Ex- financing and cUI,~truction of of service to the commu- cers and firefighters along boat dockage facilities, the nity. Three sur p r i s e with members of The'Shores Concept in Bon of Commission Saturday, December 14 hibit Created by maintenance of such and the awards were made to Department of Public Safety, 3,000 PRO-BUSING mareh. SecQurs New By Roger A.' W.h.- '"- Pointe Residents. - procedW'e for filing..,.pplica- public officials,' all Of aided GP Lions, while Wood" ers and Boston police clashed Wing In a comeback that would please any athletic tions. whom served the city for public safety o!!lcers "pitched today as demonstrators tried coach, Woods senior citizens rallied from certain By Barbara Bruno A part of the section, en. years on non-paying J'obs. in" for Woods Lions. to push through a police bar. Bon Seco urs Hosp.tal1 de fea t on th'elr reques t for a h'ousmg comp ItSex a an t'a s pro duc t'Ion 0 f titled "priorityf' in the, is. Three awards. pins with Monies received from both ricade in the downtown area. will hold a tea for student th t d f Gh . P k t h f I II t f Ch' t suanee 0 permIts," whIch is sales will be used to bring Six arrests and one injury ewes en 0 esqulere ar 0 a more ope u a sor s 0 rlS mas the main attention getter the Seal of the City of Grosse Christmas cheer to Pointe were reported. The marchers nurses interested in the and stable plane at the regular council meeting toys continues precisely says: Pointe Park, designating the needy via Christmas baskets, were led by the Rev, Ralph hospital's no-nurse-station Thursday, December 12. - on schedule and can be In the evenl that there are number of years of service, food and clothing, plus vari- D. Abernathy and state Sen. concept on Friday, De. Action on a reeommenda- the Whole for further study seen right here in The not sufficient spaces avail. were presented in absentia ous Lion projects 10 aid Ihe William Owens. The violence cember 27, in the hospi- tion by the Senior Citizens with a report back to the Pointe. The entire com. able to accommodate all ap- to three employes, Police Sgt. blind. arose when the marchers tal's science hall. Commission for such a com. council. His colleagues unani- munity is invited to view plieants. tho s e applicants Thomas Martin, and Daniel With funds from the sale, ignored a parade route ap- Joan Noga. R.N., clinic di. plex was tabled by the solons mously agreed. Santa's elves busily build- who have had their applica. Weaver of the Department the less fortunate in Ihe area proved by the city and tried at the regular meeting No- Al the same time, the lions on file for a cont.-nuous of Public Works (DPW), for rector, will explain how Bon b 18 B t t th t . ing toys, readying his 25 dOG d will receive eye examinations, to follow one that had been vem er . u a a tIme, council. will meet with mem- period of two :iears or more. years; an mer 0 e- glasses and operations. Secours' unique system has and at the beginning of the bers of the Senior Citizens sleigh and grooming the (24 consecutl've c a I end a r froidt of the DPW, who has forbidden. The march cli- taken the nurse out from be- . d . th t b 'th th D maxed a week of violence at session on the 121h, the reo Commission on the housing rem eer III e cour. months), and have not '"een een WI e eparlment South Boston High School, as hind a desk and returned her quest appeared doomed. queslion upon the seniors' yar d 0 f a Jeff erson ave" able to procure a spa~ "duro for 15 years, to the patient's bedside. The h ".. .Judge Paterson students protested a federal system is in full operation in For the estimat'?d 40 sen. request after sufficient infor. Due orne at the foot of ing that period of time be. Officers lIouored court order for student bus. the hospital's new wing iors first heard Councilman mation is gathered. Washington road, cause space is unavailable, Police Department person Resigns Post ing. which opened this week. Rodger (\. Graef's m?!ion to Mayor Sympathetic Busy Elves (ContInued on Page 2) nel who were present to reo . • concur m the CommIttee of In lhis regard, Mayor Ben. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Speer------ceive Iheir pins, were as. Cily Municipal Judge Doug- Sunday, December 15 To TOur FacilIty the Whole's and the Citizens Ijamin W. Pinkos asked that scheider embarked on the I I sistant chief, Lt. Gordon J. las L. Paterson writing from PRESIDENT FORD, hold- Highlights of the hospital's Recreation. Commission's rec, a totat, in-depth study be project to help their grand- mporta nt ° Duncan, 25 years; and Pa- Arizona where' he has been ing a summit meeting with nurse internship program willi ommendatlons that Ghes- made of seniors' housing in children celebrale the season trolman Charles Slusser. a living in semirelirement for French president Valery Gis. also be covered in the pres.) quiere Par!:. not be, .used for the community, including fi. and turned oul a detailed Due to an altered printing 30-year vetpran of the De- (he pasl year, lennered his card d'Estaing on the Carib. entation. such a hOUSingfaCIlity. nancing. other possible sites, representalion of Santa's schedule be c a use of the partment. resignalion hy leiter 10 The bean island of Martinique, is The tea begins at 2 p.m. I A main reason f~r this ~s et al. He.told Ihe .commissi,on workshop. Mrs. Speersehnei. Christmas and New Yea r In the Fire Deparlment, City Council, it was an. moving closer to an accord with the program starting at because the park IS public to f~~ mformalton to CIty cler said it took six men the Iholidays, tbe NEWS' editions Chief Phillip M. Costa re- nounced al a regular council with France on an approach 2:30. Nursing sludents will ~roperty used for recre~. Administrator. C h est erE. /(ood part of one week to of Thursday, December 26. eeived a pin for his 25 years ~~e;i~,g on Monday, Decem. to handling increasing energy have time to qsk queslions tlOnal purpo~cs for all resl- Petersen, . CIty Attorne! erect the shop. reindeer and Thursday, January 2, of service; and Assislant lfjs post will become va- prices. according to spokes- _~e\v facl'II'ty, dents. Councilman Conrad. A. Georg.e Catlto, and the councIl t bl d hIt t h' Chief David Taylor, for 30 men for bolh sides. The sum. and tour the ., sac an cae. ype ouse, WIll be on thl' stands Thurs- f' ("ant on Tuesday, December mit began Saturday night where each patient room con- Naegel seconded the moll on. on thhlSquestion all containing mechanical day ralher than on Wednes- ye~~~ ~a~:;~~eRobert Slone 31. with a state dinner at which tains a nurse alcove and Seniors State Views T e mayor also requested figures. day_ called out the names of the Judge Paterson, who had the two leaders spoke pub- nurseserver supply eabine!. But then the seniors went that city officials look ir:\o The elves are painting, Ou.r mail. subscribers wi!1 honorees, and lhe awards heen justice of the peace . . steadily to work and ex this matter in such areas a~ receIve th I a F f 19 ' licly about the best approach Further !nfor~atlOn on the pressed their views to the aid from the state aOlI fed- pounding and sawing while e r p pers on r~ were presented by Mayor rom 55 unhl 1967 when to Ihe oil question. The meet. ~ea can be obtained by call. council. A big turning point eral governments, plus whal the people in the house trim day, December 27, and. FrI' Matthew Patterson, who with The City swilched to the mu. ing marked the first face-to- 109 343 1525 the tree and listen to earolers day, January 3. respectIvely. the members of the council nicipal court system. ex. face talks betwE'en the two - - came when architect W. D. other communities, who have outside. Santa himself super- ralher than on Thursda~.. congrb~ulated the employl's plnined in his lctter Ihat he men. Dolgner, a mem ber of (he been involved in housing for vises the entire operation The deadlme for claSSIfIed for cledication to their rluties. had held ofr resigning in RECEIVES IIONOR "Wo?ds . !Ieritage .Gro.up," seniors, have .done ancl meth. chel'king of( items on his list advertising for bolh issues Mr. Slone then announcecl hoPI'S lhat The City would Monday, December 16 Norman Centorbi, Texaco (senior cItizens organlzahon), ods of flnanctng used. a the II ff 1I II is Monday, December 23 and the surprise awards, one of pass a new Jll'nsion program PRICE INCREASES were retailer at East Jefferson ann presented a feasibility study Robert lloyd, of Clairl'icw is y ro 0 Ie assem I y 30, at noon. while thc display which was given to George that would ('I!I'er municipal announced today by the Un. Alter road, was I' e c en t Iy of a housing complcx at Ihe court, a memher of thc com-j lfie. advertising deadline is 4 p.m. Helm, chairman of Ihe Park Judges. 1I001'I'Vt'r.Cily Allor- ited States Steel Corp. that honored as the Detroit dis- park for the council's consid- mission, presenled pelitions I Await Rig Night on Monday. Planning Commission, who nl'Y Ilichal'd lIinks saill, un- will affect at least lwo.thirds trict champion in Texaco's cration, (Conlinul'd on Page 4) I In separate staib, Donner, News copy musl he reo has sefl'ed with thaI hody clc-r 1'11("City code, elected of its product line. The hikes "Round the Car Service" eon Then, alter some 3040 ---__ I Blitzen, Comet, Cupid and ceived (or both issues on Fri- for I:> years; and Council officiab arl' not eligihle for will be most noticeably felt lest. The award is presenled minutes of discussion, Mr. Woods ()ka vs I R u dol I' h. (complete with day, December 20 allJ 27, man Robert Hutton, who has thl' IYJlI' of plan the judge in the construction, rail and for giving the mllst complete Graef withdrew his previous .I blinking nosc,) awail Ihe bil( by 5 p.m. served the city for a total of hall sought, oil industries. Allhough the service on the service station moHon ann moved that this T,oa vel (~osts' I night when they will trans The cooperation of our 15 years, as a memher of the Mayor John L. King said company did not oulJine spe- driveway. He competecl for entire maller, includin;( Mr. port Santa ancl his goodie'Sto read ..rs in meeting Ihc deacl Park Doarcl of Review. Plan Th.. {'ity will now Ilclive'!y cific price increases it ap- six months against all Texaco Dolgner's sile plan, be T('. rooftops throughout the lanel lines will be apprecialed. I (Continul'd Oil ralle 6) I .sel'k a I1I'Wju"gl'. Applieants peared most would be in the retailers in the district. ferred to the Commiltec of Three members or The A smiling elf has Dancer in musl hI' allllrnl'YS licr 12. And ask. queshons rather lhan '_ comb County, according to AI the time of The Farms' (lenses mclude CounCIlmen officers were pleaserl how leavmg after lhe presentation -, ---- Tuesday, December \7 Farms Det. Earl Field. I arrest, he was out or. bonds George S. Freeman, $589.22; llighlight of Veal' w('lJ the sl'minar, which fo. was over, he eontinu("c!, KESSI.F.R IIONORED . PRESIDENT FORD and Det. Field said th.. arrest from a Woods hreakinl( and Roger A. Graef, $614.50; ~Ir Speerschneiner who I ('userl upon home bnrglary Youlh S("rvice Division Ol't AI thl' annual Awards 1)10' French President Valery of Larry Joseph Reminl(er, enlerin/: char/:e cen Ihey were a responsive and deS~les be;. F~fan, S ~u~ Medal. Mr, Kessler is a rei. sumer nations to unify Iheir ber 16 before Wayne County burglaries. for Mayor Benjamin W, a nut about Chrislmas," Mrs. inlerested audience. 08n . US~t'h raplc 'k'a", dY low or lhe American Institute : C. .' 1 cI 1 G'\ . I p. k $2328 S h.d \' rl Icerrf , ep en et rl an of Arehit~ct 11' r' I energy )ll'sllpls wer(" in. rrc(,ll'ed Iwo d(,sl~n aw~rds Ihe situation. 1'he agreemenl on Monday, January 27, at I day, December 7, and he I A. Naegel, $114.60; Mr. can henefit from that "nulli. Youth S("rvice Division Del att('ndan"(" '.(rom the chapler. The (,old calls for an ir,ternational oil 9 a,m. . . pointed out localions where Freeman, $114,63; Mr. Sabol, ness" as well by takin~ in the Patrick Fallan GPWrOA i The CI'Wl'OA I .. I Medal IS prescnted to a IIIl'm- conference to be held nexl Det. FIeld said Reminger i he had broken into bnsi. $115.30; and Councilwoman ("xhillit in the Speerschnei president "The people seem- : eral . 0' . . pa~s s~h': ber of Ihe ("haptl'r wh? has

year, stated he accumulated over I (Continued on Page 6) I Joan M. Mullan, $28.42. der's courtyard cd pleased with thh 'n.ta f t m re Sl'rnmars or (.1 rlrmonslrat~d Iradershl{l 111 . "prese . u ure, lhe profeSSIon.

" ~ '. em ... • • ms it ...... o+*it it +.a ••• .,d 40-= 4hart'+ it + +'+++tee" •• h • • Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 19, 19704 ------~_....----....-- Boat Dockage in Woods Still Causes Concern HOCKEY LOVERS (Continued Irom Page 1) "It is the intent of this pro. Ianswer. Mrs. Richard Noyes, Mr. ;lnd Merry space will be proviaed in the viso to remove from eliglblll. The mayor said the demo. Mrs. George Young and Mr. Young' or Old following calendar year for ty for a boat dockage permit 1Ition of the bridge miaht and Mrs. Mau~lce Dalessan' f an applicant or applicants. person or persons having the be a solution with the con. dro were against the pro. A Gift to Last . May FUe A(ala longest continuous period of s!ruction 01 a new bridge cedure. A Lifetime Christmas This would be done by elim. boat dock usage as deter. which would accommodate At the meeting on the 12th. inating from consid.'ration mined by the priority list. so the movement of all boats Mr. Noyes read his letter to 'Tis the season to b:: jolly and for a boat dockage permit a as to make available spaces beneath it. But this, he em. the solons, saying, "We feel ForY ... thank all ou' customers for person or persons who have for applicants who qualify phasized, would be an ex. that we are being discrimi. hc.YII'lI their support. II's been delight. ha:l the longest continuous as above provided," the mea. pensive proposition and that nated against. after l'.t years htI W'ttta ful serving you. Hoppy holidays. prior usage of space at Lake sure sillies. this was. oilly his op!nion., of loyalty, and payment. of 11I.I(jft Front Park. Since the first letter was Mr. PlDkos said thIS tOPIC fees to the park by bemg "Any applicant who has received by the council and would co~tinue to be studied 'bumped' out of our wells. been removed from eligl. referred to the C.W on Oe. In execuhye session and that Cites Hardshlp B. McDANIEL biJily for a boat dockage tober 21, the solons have the counCil would ask Parks "We do not feel this or. permit in complianee with ~een co~sidering, in execu. and Recreation Director Don. dinance is constitutional be. this provisio may filc a new live seSSion, whet~er or not al~ J. Hallmann to. me~t cause it is contrary to tradi. • All Pipe Construction GUN SHOP application, whieh will be to. amen~ the or.dmanee. At wllh them to see if thiS tional coneepts of seniority, • Chain link Net 15102 KERCHEVAL V A 1.8200 placed at the bottom of the t~l~ particular time, no de. matter can be resolved. whieh provide for privilege to • Weather Proof $49.95 ~-:. eligibility list for future COD' clslon has been reached. Apply Apla tbose in residence the longest 11: sideration. If there's no amendment to In the two latest letters, time." IN STOCK • Easily Stored ....,...... ilIliu .'d' .- ..------.---.-.. ------~ the measure. bumpillg will D, D. MeGraw felt the bump. (C't Att G C t 1l!')J,..~ " continue to take place. ing procedure was a fair . I Y orney ~org.e a.. DIJcu11IeI Meullfe one. "I see no reason why 1m. !old the c~unclI, ~n hiS .-:i!!!!! .-- ' In exploring the reasons lor those who have preferred and o~lm~n, the ord.l~ance !S con. the ordinance, Mayor Ben. enjoyed this privilege, par. stituhonal as It s ~amly a .GREAT LAKES 273.2900 Mon..fri. 9 10 5 jamin W. Pinkos said, "We ticularly for a long period tax supported facility and RNCE co, 16S.a G,_filld (S, of 6 Milo) 5alurclay 9 10 I didn't know. (at one time). of time. should not share eae~ taxpayer bas the oppor. how many boat docks would fairly with other citizens. tu~uty to make use of it). . be open and how many rllsi. "Anyone removed from an 'There ue very few sail. ~ dents would use them." So assigned dock can do pre. boats left at the park. Three ~ the measure included a bump. eisely what I and others have of. the 14 to be bumped are ~ ing clause "which would give done-apply for a dock and. sailboat owners. We unde.r. ~~ more people a ehanee to if necessary, wait until the stand the~e. an: 185 peo~ill use the boat docks." operation of the ordinance on the wailing list. (~e elty machine washable The mayor stressed this will in the same man n e r reports the number IS 135). F.xdu~h., ..I~' ror thf' man or Ir.dition ~ procedllfe has been more again give them an assigned Bumplag. 14. of the present f bl f I th d k " . boats will hardly make a l\lERINO WOOL a a pro em 0 ate as. ere oe space, he said: dent in the waiting Ii t" 'd ~ have been more applicants Mr. McGraw also saId, "J Mr Noyes s, sal New Shipment-just Arrived KNIT SHIRTS ~~ f~r docking facilities. He a.lso ~g~ .you as a body end as ':It would be a hardship for • Cited the problem of the high inIIlYldual members of the us to use a eommercial ma. THE CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS wate~ le~e! of the Milk River. city councll not to supp?rt rina. We race OUf boats in ~ the inability of some ~ats a change of ~ nature whieh waters direetly off Lake ~ to move under the brl~ge would e!fectively. deny the Front Park. Unlike power. DI.t1I.;Ifi ~ and.. accompanying dockmg opportumty of fair and rea. boats which can go 25-30 I o ~ faciltty a~eess problems.. sonable use o! city own.ed miles per hour it is more dif. He realizes many are dls, property to aU Interested cIty ficult for a sailboat located ~ enchanted with the bumping residents la order to give the a great diatance away to get ~ procedure but be didn't think lavor to a privlieged few." to the lace course ~ more docks was the mala On 1M other hand, Mr. and "We recommend that ac. ~ tion on bumping be postponed ~ Will Circulate School Survey unWestimates are received AU COTTON ~ by the Citizens Recreation LoCost. TURtLE NECK and IAAC TURTLE each $25.00 - POLO STYLE $28 50 ~ Committee to improve the Both loa,," ond Pointe residents will prob-I 'II major resource for making marina faeilities, including light sleeve, ~ ably be receiving a SChool recommendations to the th It f Ing th The classic 'crocodile; MAIL 1\ PHONE ORDERS TO '571 WOUDWARD AVE - PHONE 9642300 ~ System questioDDaire uoUoOO'Board for educatiooal im. e co 0 mov e bridge shirl Two.buNon ~ the first ...... of Ja ...' ...... as provement. upstream to a location closer plock.t neckline . .... ~ -~~ to Jeffe1'SOl1avenue," The active sportsman's part of • community wide To launch the project. the fovorit. shirl! 100% asseumeot program of edu- Board created a steering com. ,aNon lisl•• <:atlonal expectations and pro. mittee consisting of 10 memo For A Nautical Christmas woshabl •. Fo,est cedures. bers-at.large frtlm the com. gr•• n, cap.n blue. DAVID v.HITNEY BUILDING, DOWNTOWN' SOMERSET MALL IN TROY At a september meeting munity. Members are John BROWSE white, yellow. red. the Board of Education ap- Kennedy, MTS. C. J. Sutton, gold, burgundy, (oeoo, pumpkin, formation proved the of a Charle5 F. Woodbury Jr., THE SHIPS leNu,., pink steering committee for Com. Mrs. John R. Cobau, Richard S, M. l. XI, XXl. mUDity Asse.simeot8lld the E. Borland, J.Edward HaUl, WHEEL 51550 questionnaire is part of the Mrs. A. C. Dickson Jr .• Mrs. group's proposed Four Steps Carl J. Fischer, Neal Shine to Progreu. a total plan to and Mrs. LoUie Gerhardstein. enlist community oplnioo as Also servin( on the com. I mlttee is trustee John Bruce, ! ~~~. ..0:>- William Arbaugh, of the ,','- /), Santa Pictures Grosse Pointe Edu~ As- sociatiOll, Ricllard Kay, 01 <, .. ' ~'~ .,.,. End Dec. 24 the Grosse Pointe Adminia. I'~'.' '. ..- \ lraton AssoclatiOll and two .._ \ '" \ The Jaycee.Jaeobson's co- high school students, David sponsored "pictures with Howell, 01 Nortb .... Blair Santa" project ends Tues- Tily, of South. bIoth Damed CANVAS day. December 24. by theii' Student Associations. OXf'OlOl Color photOll, which cost Superintendent of Schools .. $2 per shot, will be taken by UATHU BLAZER VI Dr. James A. Adams and 0Xf0IDS the Jaycees from 1-5 p.m. Board president Mrs. Joan 0 and 6-8 p.m. Monday.Friday, Hanpeter will serve as ex. tM pical'ti-71 1'ton and from 1 p.m. until elosing officio members alOlli with 92 Kercheval-On the Hill The impeccably styled solid time on Saturday ..t the store several staff members. sIi,'s DeeI HI 2-8251 located In-The.VilIage. 1.605 .AOl tu 2.'_ color sponcoating makes The steering committee. OI'IH DAIlY • to 6 AU funds wll1 go back into whieb acts III an - advisory $ot ... S p.M. an excellent contribution Open 9 "Iii IJ 'Iii Chrislmas-Sal. 'til 6 the community via Jaycee council to the superi"tfo.ndtnt, to any man's wardrobe at projects. is in the final stages of rec- an equitable cost. ommending the survey to Dr. One billion new tree seed. Colors: Navy, Red, Adams for presentation to the lings are being planted in this Board. JACOBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOW TO CHRISTMAS Forest Green. Camel, country's forests this year- The community will be in. SHOPMONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'Tll9:00 P.M. Brown and Grey ... S125. nearly five for every Ameri. formed of the results of the Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. can. questionnaire as soon as the Orosse data are tabulated. i .outllwick j ,\ tradition l'nloll~~t'nlll'mril. Point~ News. r Published Every Tbllfsday by I Kohl. B. Edgar D/BI A. ADteebo Puhliabers 99 Kercheval Aveuue Groue Polate, Mlcb. f8236 carl sterr Phone TU 2-6900 by RDbert V. Bates R.Ph. Second Cia.. P",tOO. paid c! HARKNESS PHARMACY ON THE Hill Det,oit, Michigan. H d' f hi' Subscription Rates $7.00per yeor af enmg 0 tear erles per mail. h very prevalenl, and af- C~~~~f~d~' FJ~~sc:~~~i':ofecU many men and women 99 K.td'l~.ol,Grosse Point. F,"m~. under forty-five as well as The dead rm. fOf news copy J5 • It • Mondav noon. older. ArlerlOsclerosls - All advertis!ng cOPf must bIl In which is how hardening of :~e",N5U~i~~~V undov noon Ihe art~ries is known tech • .,::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:~:;:;:::::;:::;:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::.~~C:~~:~i~sIh: ;:ii~f:: ;:~:~: ::~:;:;imporlant arlery leading t~ ,':':': ':.:.:.the hearl. A fatly dep0!lll :::::: :::::::called choleslerol is laid ::::::: :::::::down in Ihe inner lining of :::::: :::::::the arleries. The deposit :::::: THE WEA THER KING. ;::::::evenlually lends 10 block :::::: :::::::Ihe flow of blood in Ihe ~~~~~~ by Zero K ing :~;~~~~arlery. Nutritio.n ~f Ihe :.:.:. :.:.:.:most balanced kmd IS nec- :::::: ;::::::essary 10 slem the lide of :::::: :::::::arleriosclerosis. ::::::., ::::::: Your local pharmaeisl ;::::: \ :::::: can help you when you :::::: . Stay warm and comfortable all::::;: need prescriplion or non- :::::: ~ :::::: prescriplion drugs. AI :::::: C. year with a Weather King-the ::::::HARKNESS PHARMACY, PI ERRE CAROl N :::::: ,;' zip coat with the pure alpaca ::~::20315 Mack Ave., at Loch- ::::;: • \ liner and removable collar. The ::::::moor Blvd., Grosse Pointe adds a touch ot Parisian ti nesse :::::: ., outer shell is a washable, two ::::::Woods, we give prom pi, to a gentleman's wardrobe with ::::::i ::::::professional service on :::::: ply polyester and cotton poplin. ::::::your prescriptions and his Sorbonne poplin dress shirt ot :::::: f.. The alpaca liner provides the maxi. ::::::offer free prescription de. :::::: l", • mum warmth with little weight. ::::::livery. We also carry a permanent press polyester/cotton. :::::: !. ::::::tarlile display of Christmas ::::::.. 125.00 ::::::lift ilems in our health and Designer.detailed with th~ :::::: ::::~ beauty aids department. ::::::~ ::::::~O ur cO!lmehc'd eparlmenl famous Cardin collar, easy fit and :::::: :::::: ha!! many delighlful "8tock. :::::: :::::: in,; !lluffer" girls by Revlon, concealed.button closure. :::::: • ~ :::::: I..ove and Aloe. "'or your Blue, white or ecru. 18.50 convenience we have a full :::::: f/iC71<~1f7',... e ·,'~~ ~:;:;:::::::line of liquor. "e are open :::::: ~'::::~ weekdays until 9 p.m .• nd :::::: :::::: Saturdays until 8 p.m. Can :::::: Since 1900 :.:.:.us at 884-3\00. ::~:~: :~:~:~HOUSEHOLD HINTS: :::::: KERCHEVAL ATST, CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE :::::: A recipe holder made of ~.~.t-~(....\.-~aCObBOrrs~ :::::: :::::: clear plaslic holds recipes ~::::: Open EveningJ 'Ii/ ChriJlmaJ :::::: al an angle and keeps them :::::: :::::: free of spallel'tl while in 2 HOURS FReE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S Will VALIDATE YOUR TICKET ~::::~:~:::::::::::::::~:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::=:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~;:;:;:f:;:;:;:;:~:;:f:;:;:;:m:;:;:;:;:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::E:::.'U&et t .. -""I • ; pp,; •• ppprps." .... P •• FF •• FPPU » ¥"" pi F" •• ." .... p p p *" P F f F F F P r= • + P' po ... F ...... ~.- -- --.....-- - ...-..-- ...--... - - -

Thursday, D~cember 19, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Woods Okays Two New Ask Assistance of Businessmen Our Sincere Thanks More cooperation on the wants to discuss this situa. Investment Counseling' La'ws on' December 16 parts of Woods businessmen tlon with his colleagues and • Capital Protection For Your Patronage along Mack avenue in clean. ask that they give him their The Woods Council unani. particularl)' regarding its ing up around their places permission 50 a letter can • Precious Metals Investments mously approved two new wording as approved by the after snow falls may be reo be written to businessmen • Gold, Silver, Foreign Currencies Wishing You and Yours t ordinances in aclion taken at other Pointes. quested by Mayor Benjamin requesting their cooperation. the regular meeting Monday, Through Tuesday morning. W. Pinkos via a letter. Mr. Pinkos said no services "Personal Consultation" the Very Best Decem~r 16, Both had first December 17, all municipati. The mayor commented will be discontinued at this 1st APPOINTMENT FREE! readings at the Thursday, ties, except The Shores, have u po n commercial district lime. However, if business. December 12. session and okayed such a law. snow removal in the city at men do not r.ooperate on this for a were ripe for approval on the Under the ordinance. em. the regular council meeting malter, consideration will be ICOII L. RICHI•• 16th. ployes and persons not cov. Thursday, December 12. He given to ending such services. 399-8596 Happy Hoiiday! One measure establishes I ered include employes in un. asked that this malter be an unemploymenl compensa- classified servIce including referred to the Committee of tion system to be adminis. but not limited to elected and the Whole for further discus. 15 Windows tered by the city. while the appo.in.ted officials: persons sion and his colleagues agreed. Broken at NH ....__ second provides that The provldmg contract ural servo 16900 kercheval avenue ._------,phone 882.2755 Mr. Pinkos said the De. Woods shall be the local en. ice to the city as specialists, K 15KA partment of Public Works Fifteen windows were dis. forcing agency for the soil, independent contractors or worked hard to clean up the erosion and sedimcntation employes thereof; and sea. covered broken at North High city during and alter the JEWELERS control act. Both measures sonal, temporary anu part. School. '107 Vernier road, d. m. egan massive snowfall Sunday, early Saturday morning. De. 63 KERCHEVAL On the Hill as emergency ordinances: ti.me employes as defined by N. December 1. "Crews cleaned cember 14. reported Woods apparel for men lower level Coloni:1 Fedtrol Bldg. take immediate efIect. j city rules, . up the sidewalks on Mack police. 885.5755 With the city's law, it be" The measu~ also prOVides avenue. a county road for All of the windows are comes exempt from parlici- for appeals VIa a~ unemploy. the businessmen," he Sb.ted. located on the buildinS's '" pating in the State's unem. ment co~pens~lIon appeal However, several DPW north side in the gymna. al/ his favorite ~~~ ~I ..,. ploYlllent compensalion sys. i board whICh Will c~nslst of workers complained t bat sium area. Officers believe tem, The ordinance may still. three members appotnted by some businessmen didn't the windows may have been be amended and a molion to the. mayor to serve for, a clean up in front of their own kicked in as no object was refer to the Committee 0' the penod of not more than five places, continued Mr. Pinkos, , ~'cars found at the scene which SHIRTS such as making a walkway Whole any future changes or i' ,. might have been used 10 amendments was unanimous. A,s for t~e soil erosion and so people climbing out of I break them. for Christmas Iy approved by the I sedll~entahon control act autos have a clear run to the so ons. and lIs enforcement, the law business. Eleven 6"2 by 3.foot win. provides that prior to the While some businesses dows were shaltered. each I Speeder Gives ground breaking of any con- have made an effort in this with a value of $85-$100. OPEN struction project in the city direction, apparently many Four 2"2 by 2-foot windows 'Dumb' Excuse involving one or more acres could do more. were broken, each with an Evenings of land. an erosion and sedi- As a result. the mayor estimated value of $30. mentation control plan must TIL A New Jersey motorist, be submitted to the city's NECKWEAR who was stopped for speed. building department in ac. Christmas ing on Lakeshore road by Fresh concepts in cordance with the rules of Shores public safety officers stripes. The perfect the Department of Natural on Thursday, December 12. HAVE WE GOT A gift for men of Resources, (DNR). could not give a good reason good taste. for drivin~ over the posted Upon payments of the nec- NAME FOR YOUI essary fecs to the city sub. from speed limit. Patrolmen Archie Grieve mitted plans will be reviewed and approl'ed and a permit SUITS and SWEATERS SLACKS and Robert Bensinger said • La...... 'Joyma, Rill>, they were on routine patrol will be issued, provided the SPORT • Dtummond .IC;~ at 10:25 p.m., going east on plans meet DNR standards • 0an09al '--1 COATS °Jat'!nWildJ "Toilot', e.nc:h Webber place. and when they which have been adopted b; '.C1btc.ni '''n~n .Pondlotan reached the Lakeshore inter. reference, to prevent soil "KingVldQ4' .....,. .l,e.vj', ..Golden HollM ..Amold PoImtr section, they saw Robert S. erosion at all major construc- .. Johnn.,. CO'loon Livingston. 23, heading south tion sites in the city in ex. TIES on the road at a fast clip. cess of one acre. (except SPORT SHIRTS "llon '- CUSTOM ..Johnn., CQnotI The officers took up pursuit isolated family dwellings). '00""'" ..Cart9f .. HoIl'M1 and paced the motorist at 60 "Enro TAILORED .I;nd~ton miles an hour. OOTHING Livingston was forced to To Light Trees .. CUllom Town tld. SHOES • AlIon Edmonck slow down because of heavy DRESS "Mann'" traffic and was stopped by ~4tSaint Puul the public safety officers at OUTERWEAR SHIRTS -En'Q Deeplands. When he was The annual lighting of '"lJpocuno HOSIERY asked why he was driving • St'Clto Joe 'CCI"'P Christmas decorations in the °lof\don FQi 'D'Onay .. Supp.Hose so fast. Livingston said "for gardens of Saint Pau1's-on. • RHd $portlwear he'll lOVE these plaid a dumb reason". but did not the. Lakeshore will be held FORMAL elaborate. He did, however, at 4 ~.m. on Sunday. Decem. Tuxedo Rentals DRESS SHIRTS BB.TS COTTON FLANNELS acknowledge that he was bel' 22. • O!.car de' 10 Renle -Korl'''U Ho"""" • After 51_ 'Al~.(Sia .JotlInny COnG" aware that the posted speed In addition to the lighting by Holbrook and 100% limit was 35 miles an hour. ceremonies. the afternoon Cotton Flannel by McGregor Livingston, who resides at will feature Christmas carols ARE YOU A MAN? 5 Essex. road. Washington, sung by the students of Saint Small thru Extra large $14 & $15 N.J .• was taken to the Shores Paul and sweet treats for all WITHOUT A STORE. station where he was issued youngsters. a violalion ticket for driving . 'The sponsor of the event is 1430 S. Grottot, ItA,. C~, I -. ~ 60 mph in a 35-zone. He ~as the. Saint' .Paul Teacher.Par. CORDUROY SPORT SHIRTS ",--""MiM.~'" • A.M ,,. ... released 'arter posting a bond ent Gu.I1d~. All Pointers arc J•• w..lI.~""'..... w" ".',M Navy, Beige, Tan or Green of $35. invited to attend. • • $16. ------

~A (;IFT TUAT WILL I.AST\ IJJ'ETIME AT\ O'tE-IN-A-lIF.:TIME PRI(:E! No-obligation estimates given gladly. Call today.

REFRIGERATION & ;lltJIIIS HEATING, INC. Yout Heating and Cooling Headquarter$ Since 1937 Trust Division • Kercheval-51. Clair Office • 886-4014 14711 HARPER AVE. TU 6-4848


_ "e, •• +' • • a • s.seo.s s••••• cc _- -d' ~ --ntaining over story structure with 120 units while stressing this is the the next city election was FO R CH R IS TMAS ? ~ signatures on why sen. and space for parking facili. property seniors want. next November but a special , Y • iors should have a portion of ties. He said there would be Resident Frank Cinder election could be called. This IHE 811lE SIAIION would cost around $4,000. TISKET. A TASKET' the park for housing. He said no infringement on play. chimed in that it would be Christmas & Spring Layaway! "~li-~""~'l , 153 of those who signed arc grounds but that a hard ball less costly to construct a With that. Mr. Graef with. I. ~ under the age of 55 years, field woutd have to be moved. building up high in compari. drew his old m 0 Ii0 nand i , • DIRT BIKES IN STOCK ~~ HAS , and are people who realize Wants Action Deferred son to one spread out. With made the new one much to I • OVER 200 BIKES ON HAND < ~ ~L FRUIT AND GIfT BASKETS I"we sh,1uld have been doing After the council spent a Vertical structure, few ele. the delight of the seniors in ' (Quality Bikes Backed With Service) , ~ FOR ALi OCCASIONS this 10-15 years ago," some 15 minutes reviewing vators would be needed, there attendance. I' ~, i Snow Stowed Efforts the plans and talking with would be less heat loss and The citizens, collectively Wicke' Baskets 10% OFF WITH THIS AD Mr. Bo)'d said seniors Mr. Doigner. Mr. Boyd asked electrical cosls would be and individually, have ex. I', Sold Separotely would have had far more what could be done to defer less, he noted. pressed a strong dcsire for .9270' I signa lures but the heavy council acli.on until a co~. Councilwoman J 0 an M, M CK HARVARD 886 housing. They feel there's a I' 17012 A at. I snowstorm and ensuing dan- plete st.udy ~s made. He said Mullan asked if an advisory • ZEU5 • ARTIC ..• MOHAWK definite need for it in the GROSSE POINTE PK. OPEN 9109 Ttl CHRISTMAS. SUN. 9 100 , fi:crous conditions slowed the more time IS needed by the referendum could be held on I" community. • AMF • M05BERG • BIANCHI ______'__ effort. As one lady told the coun. • PINERELlO • MATHEWS (Dirt) . Another citizen, who has cil, "Don't turn us down and I' lived in The Woods for 40 Pair Arrested after Robbery leave senior citizens out in ' years. wanted to know, if the the cold" on this subject. Thc . 21066 KELLY RD. council turns down the sen. Two Detroit youtns are free Cronin and Pryor while om council almost did, in the 3 Blocks North of Eastland iors' request, what the reason on $5,000 personal bond, fol. cer Miller searched the area eyes of senior citizens, before FOR A HOLIDAY GIFT would be. lowing their attempt at what with the complainant and reviewing their position. 771-3751 has legally been termed an OR CHRISTMAS DINNER ... TRY A Mr, Pinkos, in giving his found a 1968 Oldsmobile Scniors undoubtedly hope own opinion, replied that put. armed robbery although no abandoned nearby on Notre the solons' apparent willing- FULLY OVEN BAKED ting private housing on pub. weapon was actually found, Dame. ness to thoroughly and sin. • AND SPIRAL SLICED HAM Iic property is a serious ques. City police reported. The woman said it was the cerely study this matter reo tion, and he had doubts of the The incident, which occur. car Gayles had been driving mains steadfast, not for their relinquishing of such land red behind Kroger's In. The. and that the other suspect benefit alone but also for Everyone wants a for private housing. He also Village on Friday, Decem. had run toward the vehicle the comllJ\lnity at large. questioned how many fami. ber 13, was reported to City after taking her purse. When I ------lies could 00 housed, meth. Sgt. Douglas Allor at 9:20 Officer Miller tried to start GOOD Photo Album ods of financing and that all that evening. the vehicle with the keys r seniors would not benp-fit Officers Edward Miller and found on Gayles. it was dis from such housing. Ronald Pryor were dispatch. covered the battery was dead, for CHRISTMAS The mayor admitted the ed to the area of Waterloo Gayles later told police city hasn't done enougn for and Notre Dame avenue and that the second suspect was See our complete line of seniors and that more should told to be on the lookout for Marshall Shand, of 2947 be done. "Seniors have been a woman who said she had Lycaste and police located HOLSON ALBUMS in all an asset to the community been robbed and was seeking the complainant's purse in SO GOOD IT WILL and have never been a prob- help. She had given chase The City parking structure sizes and styles. lem. They are entitled to all to one of the suspects, follow. behind Jacobson's. HAUNT YOU TILL IT'S GONE ing him as he ran down (" ..cause ..... plann ..d it thai wa,} the help we can give them," Officers Pryor and Cronin he said. Notre Dame. were dispatched to the Then, a citizen who has The complainant, who has Shand address, ~nd talked * SPIRAL SUCED * HONEY GLAZED asked that her name be with- * FULLY COOKED * HICKORY SMOKED lived in the community for with the suspect's mother 34 years. stated she would held, was met by the officers. who said her SO'll had gone want to rent a place, not buy She told them two men were out with her car and had not one. "Many residents want involved in the robbery and yet returned. that her purse had been senior citizens' housing out At approximately 11:40 taken after one had allegedly here. There would be a wait. p.m., Shand called the sta. ing lis!." pointed something at her back. tiM, saying he was at home Talk of Recreation The youth she had been and wished to surrender. Recreation facilities fOJ chasing, Reginald Gayles, 17, The complainant's purse J{JiLla~ seniors also were questioned, of 2938 St. Jean, Detroit, was had about $200 in it, Lt. Rob. despite the Lake Front Park, subsequently apprehended as ert Van Tiem said, and aU win •• hop with one lady saying there's he was running ,in front of but $20 was recovered. no golf facilities anywhere Charterhouse and Company, WHOLE AND HALF FULLY COOKED HAMS for pitching-"We all can't 16835 Kercheval. American & play tennis," she stressed. Thieves Enter AVAILABLE AT All TIMES The offic,;rs searched him Imported At this point, Mr. Dolgner and found a sitver nail file was given the floor and he and a black key case con. Woods Home 29888 GRATIOT made his presentation to the taining three keys. In the WITH MAGNniC PAGES AT 12Y.! MILE - ROSEVILLE council. He stated the study meantime. City Officer James A West Emory court resi. Wines 775-7900 focused upon what could be Cronin had arrived at the dent leU his home at 8 p.m. 50 OPEN 9.6 MON .•SAT. done for seniors without in. scene and Gayles was leU on Friday, December 13, and £i(luol'S Style MV.1 (Simulated leather) $7 fringing on the public park. in the custody of Officers returned 45 minutes later to 00 discover that bas place had Style GMV-3 (Simulated leather) $12 been burglarized. Complete Stock 00 JACOBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOWTO CHRISTMAS Style MVL.5 (Genuine leather) $28 Woods police reported that 01 fine SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'Tll 9:00 P.M. a large amount of coins of Glassware Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. unknown value were taken from a bedroom. Entry w.as gained through Grosse Pointe's The CAMERA CENTER an open overhead garage only Complete door and by forcing open an inner garage door leading Party SIOTe 17114 Kercheval-In the Village into the home. The culprits 885-2267 exited through the rear door U328 E.Jefferson OPEN EVERY NIGHT of the family room. UNTIl (HRISTMAS This incident is under in. Grosse Pointe Park vestigation by the detective TO 9:00 P.M. bureau. VA l-11n

We advertise these products because they're new and convenient for you. And because they bring added revenue that helps keep the cost of your basic telephone service down. SALE

save 20% on SEa French electric cookware You'll love The ultimate in timesaving, flavor the step-saving retain ing stainless steel cookware imported from France ... now at convenience of large savings.

A. Non-stick minute grill cooks a Trimline@ 1-inch steak in 1% minutes with no spattering. Top adjusts for meats up Touch- Tone@ to 2% inch thick. 10W'x9Y2" steel grill, red metal top. NOW 35.95 Extensions! B. Deep fryer cooks without ever absorbing fat Charcoal filter does away with odors, and fish and other vegetables may be cooked in the same oil. 9% quart NOW 47.95

C. Super cooker, the only pressure cooker that can be opened under pressure without danger. 3 models. 6 quart aluminum cooker. NOW 19.95 If the ringing stops before your They're handy. Trimline Touch.Tone running does, get off the hook with phones nest neatly in one hand, 6-qt stainless steel. NOW 34.35 Trlmline" Touch-Tone" extension have illuminated touch buttons for phones. anytime-anywhere use. Available 8-qt stainless steel. NOW 38.35 in desk or wall models. They're convenient. Extra Trimline phones save you time, steps, D. Pressurized coffeemaker uses 50% They're inexpensive. Additional missed calls. And the Touch.Tone phones cost just pennies a day. less coffee, averages 6 minutes for feature makes every call faster, easier. too. Just call your local Michigan Bell 6 cups, ready to serve. business office and say you want a They're versatile. Use new new Trimline Touch.Tone 6 cup, NOW 13.55 9 cup, NOW 15.15 Trimline Touch.Tone extensions for Extension. Do It now! sharing calls (carrying on 3. or Not shown: ice cream maker. NOW 19.95 4.way confabs with family and You can have rotary dial Trimline phones in areas where Touch.Tone friends, for instance). Or as your service is not yet available. own personal phone for private conversations, They're attractive. High.fashion Trimline Touch.Tone phones in table or wall models come in these handsome decorator colors: beige, blue, green. ivory, red, white, yellow and basic black. They can match @ or complement the decor in every room, basement to attic. Michigan Bell


I •• ...... w ••• eo •••• m_ •• me t .. ... b. ". OS" .. ,' b " xr. Tn. .-- • ...~----- ..~. • .. ¥'" .. _ .....-----.-.---,.-- ...... ---__ -_ _ _ " 7 • p , p • PO ;0 as...... P 774>$ PPC'sP;4¥¥P •••• ' p • • • • ,


Thursday, December 19, 1974 ,..\;:l' R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Five ------~--~- ~~------~.~_._-~~------_._------Piercing Horn 'Girl Frulay' Retiring Promotions Annolmced Foils nohber After Serving 22 Years Ostomy surgery A h'Jllk of th~ h~rn isn'l nllvay.; the best way of foil By Roger A. Waba I "It's a good ~ommission in~ a robbery but for a De. Hedy Cassel, affectionately and we are workmg hard. to no ban to a full social life trrit woman Monday after. known as "Our Girl Friday" get a much nee~ed h.ousmg The person who has had a colostomy mad( :.~ -- ::~:: :~~.-~....:-~ll""" .~~\ ': "n .. n~:'lI. necember 9, it was around Woods city offices. complex for seniors m .the or other ostomy operation can-and ::~:.; tear ot odending. All are available Iw:'er thnn a shiny sixshool. came to the cil)' in 1952 to cit)'. We hav~ a 10t.oC senIOrs should-expect a r.ormal b;:siness, with Hollister's exclusive Karaya Seal er. help out with park passes for wh.o have hved In Grosse family, and social life. As protesslonal Ring, a natural gum cushion that sur- 'file l:Jdv came to Wo()d~ a threcmonth period. POll1te Woods f?r a long pharmacists who slock Hollister ostomy rounds the stoma and guards underly- h ','''''''arters and told om. A d k ,hat? She time and would like to stay producls, we can help assure this per- Ing skin against irritalion. The Karaya ("1' William Entwistle after stav~' 2~O;ea~ow w. here if they could move into ~he entered her parked car ,:] stayed b;cause ] liked an apartment." son's comfort, convenience, and peace Seal also simplifies rehabilitalion lor the person who has already suffered ~,~ the rear of the Woods the pc:>ple '1 worked with and About 200 seniors, mainly 01 mind. I ;lc.tre: a .ma~ ~uddenll': I enjoy working with people," widows and widOwers, arc Hollister h8S a one-piece, disposable skin damage. Cl!",!'.'rl h" drl\'er s SIde door: she said. "] learned more and very interested in such a appliance lor each 01 the ostomies- WI hive. Holllltir produc:t lor IVlry and tol<1 her to move ove.r.: more about people as the complex, she stated. I including urinary diversion, All are ollomy,,"d: When she asked why, he saId. years passed. A smile, a kind Mrs. Cassel also has plans ))(' wanted her money. I word and being willing to to do some volunteer work I Like a floor manager's cue, ' help people goes a long, long with children, such as read ll:at statement triggered the! w.IY." ing and making to)'s. i MANOR PHARMACY h'Jrn blowinff act'o Ob' I k " . , ,".' ;Mr. J;tobert tmesch (left) hos been promoled to food purct10sing man-j . bIn. VIOUS Mrs. Casse. a per y re. Before I retIre] onb \HSfi 'age, fa, Piper', Alley Ea,l. Shavld Ih. owner< ap'n a ,.cand PiP""1 22600 Mack a••., It. Clair Ihor •• Iy star.tled, Ihe frustrated ceptionist, spends her last 1 could say 'good.by~' to all IAlley. Mr. Imesch will be in charlie of ,eUinll vp acenl,ol wa,e b.I, 8 and 9 Mil. Rd. robber Jumped out of the car day at work on Tuesday, De. the pleasant people I VI' met ,hov,ing developmenl fa, all food ,nvenlory'"g. M,. W,ll,am RVlh. ),.1 778-l330 and ran towards the Woods: cember 31. And while lihe while working in city hall. '(,ight), a lifetime ,e,idenl 01 G,oBe Po,nle ha, been appoinled manager Theatre. I will no longer greet people, But since I can't, I waut :01 Pipe," Aile) .BOlh Mr. Rv,h and Mr .. In\~"h ,'H. 10 b. h''ijhl) ")In ~ \Ve ho.'e <) (omplete line 01 si"k'fOOIlI ond ,ollyoiescent wpplies. The suspect was described I collect violation tickets. issue " , " d II ,jmended for Ihe" lob '" ma,nlo,noog p,per, A,ley h'llh ,Iandard. In, to Sa) I Ie, enjo}e a ?l) iqvalily load, and service. G,alle Poinle" have enjoyed bolh SInce Ihel as a hlack man, with shorl park passes and licenses and years servll1g and helpJOg "eslavfon'" opening i~ Jvne at Ih" year. hair nnd thick eyebrows, and process boat dock applica. them." she said. of an "a\'erage size." He wa" lions as part of her job, she "] know I'll miss city hall : wearing a tan corduroy jac. will have more time to spend but I'll also enjoy my carty i kel and dark pants. on her son's boat. retirement." I Tile woman added the man I She also will have more While Mrs. Cassell will i kept his hand in his pocket Itim~ to ~e.vote to the .cit(s miss her "collea"ues" she' ns though armed while he SeOlor Cll1zens CommIssIon 0, i from the Treasure Cove of talked to her. of which she's a member. also will be missed. i ------City Administrator Chester i Nautical Gifts E. Petersen said. "She has I certainly been one of the city.s most loyal and dedicat. ed employes over the years. "She has performed various duties for the general ad. ministrative offices and has done so willingly. She tries to do all her tasks in a con- scientious manner." /. Aft.'r )our warralll)' eXllires, )'011 lOa)' wall I 10 COII- F d H . I lillut. takill~ ~'Ul~r ear to I~.' d.,aler for. r.ellair~, 011 Ih., or osplta ~rou11ds Ihal hiS ltIechalllcs arc faJIIllmr w.lth your p. k Off' type of car. Uemember, Ihlft )'OU will 1I0W be ehar~ed Ie S leers ) for ull th.' work Ihat is done. so thut it is best 10 be sell,(.ti ....,. Warranl,' work, Oil Ihe olh.,r hand, should Benson Ford, of Lakeshore be Iwrfon ... ,d at 'Ihe authorized dealer, Ihou/lh nol road, has been named to the ****, \, )'OU ..,<************** necessaril)' the om, ltoll/lhl )'our car from. YOllr newly created post of chair ~ ' .. ori"inal dealt'r, however, is Iikel)' 10 b., more alten- man and chief executive of. tt ..... I iH' to rour llroblems. ficer of the board of trustees of Henry Ford Hospital. IIIr. 1'01'\'1'10: IH)J)(~E_ INC, 18001 !\lack ,he., tUH- Ford had been president of 271 I) is allentil'e 10 )'OUr car llroblems. The Chrysl.,r, the hospital board since 1947. one-H'ar unlimilt,d new car warranh' and ser\'ice "IVIRYTHI; FOR THI BOATIR" Carlton M. Higbie Jr., for. SHORES MARINE, Inc. "r liS t 1101;(:) mea thaI we'll repla(,." ,,'ilho~1 eharl(e, an)' merly vice president of the def" ... i,'e fadory-inslalled part for one full ).,ar 110 ~ 24910 EAST JEFFERSON AV'e.., One Block South of 10 Mile re(':""" ...r,(V' board, was named president. • ST. CLAIR SHORES (nexl 10 Blue Lagoon Boat Sales) ~ w::;~_ ~ __.. mall.'r how many miles you drh'e .. _ you'll even find and William Clay Ford, Ben. il in wrilinl', son's brother, was reelected secretary.treasurer, p A UTO FA CI'.O;: ************************.~~------Be sun' 10 g.,t receillts for any emergent'). work Only suckers let their dOlle, and 10 keel) pariS Ihal have been relilaced, so money burn a hole in an. )'011 .'an apl)\y Ihem for a possible rdmbursellwnl. other's pocket. ... MARINE DISTRIBUTORS FOR RAYTHEON ELECTRONICS How is .. shop our complete G~hampagne (ALEIDlS~I selection of nautical Made? @FCt~~~PIIo 21113 MACK ••. 885-6783 "By Sheer Genius, BETWEEN ROSLYN ~ BRYS Accessories Sir, Sheer Genius," ~ and Convenotion at White's, Club london. England rOR I-IOLIDAY NEEDS (ft/tl(?@ru @>@@@.g, ~ :lite 1hnegurJen @O~ll~ ~ W~{A)lP~ Supplies The Finest Selection 0/ Wines @)~<5@)(;6&!'l?O@)OO~ ~ ;n Michigan Open Fri. 108 21016 Mock, G,oss. Poinl. Wood. Sundays 11.4 682.0140 t. ,.here'sjust a few suggestionst-*********************,\ v1eed\u ... winter class schedule: 0 CHRIS CRAFT ACCESSOIRES 0 SPERRY TOPSIDER SHOES 1- t i v NEEDLEPOINT v CREWEL v WEAVING I, II & III 0 FOUL WEATHER GEAR 0 CHAIRS 0 TABLES \ ~ ; K KNITTING v CROCHET v MACRAME t ~ , .. FOR ADULTS AND CHilDREN BEGINNING JANUARY 6th DO CLOCKS 0 BAROMETERS YJ lilt. i .\\\fl\\\\t\ * • accepting registrations now! Op.n Svn. 125 Thv". "ii 9 20956 Mock Ave B814567 t WIND INSTRUMENTS .~ttl.;..~,t ~ JOSEF'S NATURE'S ~ .t .\\~\\: ~ CREATIONS~~ It .. 0 UNUSUAL GIFT ITEMS ~ 7"eHt:~'Pa4t'tfl S~ Specializing in PLANT SPECIALISTS t 0 NAUTICAL JEWELRY * i.FRENCH !ASTRIES largest hoti(ptant Seledion .. HORNS 0 DANFORTH COMPASSES .- In The Areal .. ,.. TORTES-BREADS 20% Off AUJ ADES .. D NAUTICAL LAMPS ~ ~'n'~ • 1r ;'"A", WEDDING • SPE(IA~/:~ OTHER PLANTS • D Still In Doubt? _ GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE (Any Amount) :

'ou~: Dill ,. KMw or CAKES SANU HAD A PAR'SI GtiQl TMUIU? "We're Proud of OUR PERSONAL Service" ~ 211 SO Mack, corner Brys Open SUII,N_ 'til 5-MoII .•Thun..Fri. '$ill:3O HOURSr Tv... Ih,v Sol. 9 o.m 10 6 j>.m Phone, 20788 Ave. t If we don't have it WE'LL GET IT! ~ Macle Sunday 9 am 10 1,)0 p.m. 885 -4488 JUlt N. 01 Vernllr (Iol.d Mondoy ~ * from :OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEKMOO~~~:."fo;~X06778-3200~ SeaJon ~ all of us

_ ... _.._--- ••••••••••• .=...... ••.....•••.1 •••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• 44A ••••••••• ~_~.+..~.. rt~_ t • Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Deeember 19, 1974 ~------.------Woods Closes Traffic Case Park Gives Service A.wards at Ceremonies ed by the Michigan Munici . MINI-MASION With the apprehension of a, taken during the burglary of (Coatlnued from Page 1) from funds set aside by, and pay League. of which the ....~~ 'I / Detroit man on a capias. a st. Clair Shores home. ning Commission and as a solely administered by the '-, ~ Park is a member. (a writ of arrest), on Wed. Rials wasn't charged in The councilman. He is presently Park, as provided by a Mich. nes~ay, December 11, Woo, and groups and churches through. burglary of the Lochmoor With his arrest at that * SALES was assessed $330 in court out the community. Club on November 16). time, 19 break.ins, including * SERVICE costs.. . The affair is an excellent Reininger. who recently seven in The Woods and one The palr~ along WIth J~hn initiation into the community pled guilty to attempted in The Farms, were cleared. * PARTS Preston RIals o[ ~osevl~e [or new residents. breaking and entering of a officers said. These clear. * BODY SHOP were stopped by police WIth business place. was sen. ances also included a com. one headlight illuminated. In Group representatives will tenced before Wayne County bined total of 11 break.ins in ~APPAN ~::~~~~SOCIATES their auto, officers found two assemble at the Center before Circuit Court Judge John D. St. Clair Shores, Detroit and television sets, a record plat. the guests arrive and assume BOB lAMIL O'Hair on Monday, Decem. Roseville. AUTHORIZED totlAI ...".. er and radio. Investigation their positions to' greet the (I1fO.fUNln ?er 16. This. was from hls The officers who worked revealed these items were newcomers. 'VOLVO VOLVO DEALER Involvement In the break-1n on the case include Dets c{fj of the Roslyn Market, 21020 Everett Plumb and Donald Immediate Delivery Mack avenue. Sun and Det. Sgt. Bernard 7500 IS MIU RD. 268 Woods police reported he Kelly. Sl.~i"ll " ... h,. .9600 was placed on four year's probation with the first six months in the Detroit House Until January 25th IMPROVE STAFFING 30% '040% off Upon the recommendation on all special orders o[ Superintendent o[ Schools Dr. James A. Adams, and with Take advantage of 'fie oppor'unify now the unanimous aj>proval of the Board of Education, the a' School System has hired an UNIQUE FURNIIURE additional half - time kinder. GALLERIES garten teache r for Richard 29277 Southfield Rd., in Farrell's Plaza Marlhoro School and a full-time ad. \ ditional third grade teacher Southfield - 559-0260 for Maire School.


18328 MACK AVENUE 882.2530 This Week1s Bell Ringers Prices EHective Dec. 19,20 and 21 Closed All Day Sunday as Usual Closed Wp.d. 1 .P.M.


LARGE 23 SIZE FLORIDA U.S. No. J IDAHO GRAPE- BAKING FRUIT POTATOES 4 for99<; 10 BL:G $1.09 Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determmed That Clgaretle Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Personalized ... from California. Gilt ... Good FOT Any Occasionl 16 my: 'lar: '1.1 my, mcollne av, percigarelle, HC AeponOct:74 INNEr

, .."... Os Oz ••• en ..D...b •••••••• e en •. -m. -e •••• - -~-... ,.....--. ., •••• #4 . +4.4 po • *' • '+ • $ •• p "" ...... '(& po ...... ~--...... -~ - ~------;- ~ .., ., $'."S$$$'$$"".".'>O' $$

Thursday, December i9, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven 10 Drivers Pay Fines in Woods Police Score Shores Police Nab Speeder Ten persons received fines on a suspended license, and Traffic 'Hit' Shores Public Sa-fe-t-y-O-ff-i.-to-a-p-a-rtyat an apartment' Dial dawn. It addS up. when Woods Municipal Judge paid a $100 fine. cer Bruce Darlington was at Ten Mile road and Jef. J. Patrick Denis convened Glenn Harold Parker. of Shores police stopped an patrolling south on Lakeshore ferson in St. Clair Shores courl on Wednesday, Decem. 65 Moorland, pled guilty to East Detroit motorist for a rOlld, and was stopped for and had been quarreling with ber 4. Forty.two warrants a charge of no license on his traffic violation and made a Vernier road, at about 7:50 two men and a woman. He Every degree you dial were signed for failure to person, and was fined $50. "hit" as far as the passen. p,m. on Tuesday, December grabbed his coat and left. down pel'manenU~' answer summons, 11 cases Leonard Thomas King, of ger was concerned, when a 10. when a car passed him heading for home. He said cuts annual home were dismissed and there 17449 ~Iaumee avenue, on Law Enforcement Informa. at an extremely high rate of he believed that someone at heating costs by were three bond forfeitures. a following too close charge, tion Network (LEIN) reply speed, The officer gave the party had taken his wal. about this much. Patrick Joseph Clancy, of I had his bond forfeited in sat. revealed that the passenger chase. leI. He did not reveal its 8606 Gulfside, Union Lake, Isfaction, ($20 fine). was wanted by New Balti. PSO Darling!on said. he contents. pled guilty to a speeding David William Treder, of more police for failing to pay paced the motomt at 70 nHles St. Clair Shores police were charge, and paid a $25 fine. 449 Saddle lane, pled guilty court costs. an hour, from Renaud to the informed of the alleged theft Sarah Lynn Fur taw, of to a charge of disobeying Released to New Baltimore front of 521 Lakeshore, where and an officer was sent to 37712 CharIer Oaks, Mount a stop sign, and paid a $22 authorities was Robert W. the speeder was forced to the Shores station 10 take Clemens, pled guilty to a fine. He also pled nolo con. Craven. 21. of 24951 vaueY'1 the curb.. . . . the reporl, when LaPorte speeding charge, and was lendere to a charge of inter. Easl Detroit. The driver of The dnver, Idenl1fled as stated he wished to make a fined $20. ference with the public safety the car, Ke\'en Francis Kru. Le? LaPorte, 29, of 6110 formal complaint. ' John Francis Brennan, of departmenl, was issued costs ko\\'ski 18 of 14901 Shirley QUick street. LaSalle, On!., Officer Darlington issued Dial down your thermostat degrees to 69 degrees, 4957 Ashley, Detroit. pled of $100 and had his sentence Warre~. \V'as issued a ticket! Canada, st.ot. out of his auto LaPorte a violation ticket for -you'll sa\'e money leave it there during the guilty to a charge of driv. deferred to J!1ne 11, 1975. for not having a light mumi. I a~ the po1Jce.man approached speeding 70 mph in a 35.zone, ing on a suspended license. James Nicholas Vetere, of nalin« his rear license plale. ! hIm. He sa~d t11a~ he had and another for having no and Natural Gas. You can heating season, and you'll and was fined $100. He also 562 Shoreham road, pled I Publi~ S a f e t y Officer been in a fight With some. valid operator's license on save about 3%for every sa\'e about 3%. Set it back pled guilty to a no brake nolo contendere to a charge Michael Kenyon was on rou. one al an apartment in St. his person. The accused man degree you permanently further at niJ.{ht and you'll light charge, and paid a $10 of interference with the pub. tine patrol north on Lake- Clair Shores. and some per. posted a bond of $St). pending fine. lie safely department, was shore road, when Krukowski son, yet unknown, had a courl hearing scheduled for dial down during a hl'atillg save. too. Martin Leo Koch, of 23250 issued $100 costs and had his passed by and the officer stolen his wallet. After being February 12. season. Our (;as is your lowest South Rosedale, St. Clair senlence deferred to June noled he did not have the calmed down. LaPorte was He is charged with speed. 'For example, set your cost fuel. Vse it efficiently "'hores, pled gUI'lty to an l'm. 11, 1975. llighl, and sto.pped the. man informed that he was under. d f h. - t th D I t arrest for speeding. 109, an or not avmg a thermostat back from 70 and you'll SI\ n' even nlore. paired driving charge, and Anne La u r i e, of 23169 a e. uva In ersecllon. . Public safety officers, S~1. valid license on his person. was fined $100. Westbury dri\'e, St. Clair . (\. radIO call to the station Stanley Olulakowski and Pa. j ---- Charlie Floyd White. of Shores, pled not guilty bul Inltlal.ed a call on the LEIN trolman Robert Bensinger BRINGS PROBLEMS S07 Clairpointe, Detroit, pled was found guilty of speeding. ~achme. and a reIurn ~eply were dispatched to help Pa. Every day is the dawn of a guilty to a charge of driving, She paid a $5 fine. dIsclosed that KrukowskI was . MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY ~ ______nol wanted by any lawen. trolman Darlinglon, driving I new era, but somel1mes it

---- (orcement agencies, but New LaPorte to the station. l feels more lige the morning

Baltimore police wanted LaPorte said he had been j dler. Craven. At the station, a call to the department of that city confirmed the outstand. ing warrant against Craven Sonta's popping down and that he be held for a the chimney with a pick.up by a New Baltimore officer. "Merry Christmas," Craven was detained and to all our friends. Krukowski released aiter POINTE SCREEN &~ASH,INC:: being ticketed. The chronic crank soon fiRISTffiflSGR€€TlnG 20497 MACK TU 1-6130 ' comes to a turning point in his career. 6ive somet •

bettet: We Would Like to Thank You, Our Loyal Friends, for Your Patronage This Year. It Has Been a Real Pleasure Serving


MILT HANCHERUK General Manager OMAR BARR Collision Manager

DICK DOOLEY Used Car Manager RAY SANDOE Service Writer

JOE POMASKI lease Manager MIKE CAMPANELLI Service Writer

FRANK HIUEBRAND, JR. Business Manager JIM ROACH ~oles Representative

GEORGE ELLES Parts Manager GEORGE MURPHY Sales Representative

JACK LA VASSAR Assist. Parts Monager ED AGOPIAN Sales Representative

FRED LAGRANGE Paris Clerk GEORGE RIDENOUR Sa:1.;> Representative

HANK FERRIER Parts Clerk DENNIS BROWN Sales Representative

KENT KRIMMEL Part~ Clerk HENRY EISWIRTH Sales Representative

STEVE ANGEL Parts Clerk VIRGIL WHYTE Sales Representative

DALE MONTGOMERY Service Manager ED DONLIN Sales Repre~entative RA Y ZIOLKOWSKI Assist, Service Manager

TED EWALD TED EWALD CHEVROLET 15175 lAS' JIFF••• OII, .1 Lall.polnt. GROSII POINT. OPEN MON. AND THURS. UNTIL 9 P.M. VA 1.2000 Harwood. The better Canadian.1 Closed Satu rday ------~--:--:--:-:--:---:::-- ~ n.';H.~~~~~~~'I4~-~~~~~ 80 proof. 4-year-old, Imported and i)ulticeJ by tile Summit.------Mar ketlng Co" N,Y., NY 10022

. ~_~ ••••• ft_e ••••••••••• •••••••• :ee •••••• Ad. -de •••••••••• en. . _ _.-.__ .-.. _ Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 19, 1974 r Adopt English Center's Ski Hi Club Plan to Reopen Pool at Pierce CHRISTMAS WEEK Course Changes Sets Season Sehedllie WEEKOA Y HOURS If all goes according to OPEN SUNDAY The English Departments Mon., Tuel., at North and South High The War Memorial's Ski Marches at Walloon Lake plan. Pierce Middle School. Wed., ThurI., 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. School will be changing their Club is open to all students and supervision. ers will be able to use their 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. MONDAY approach to the English in .gra?~s seyen through 12. Boy~ Highlands, Walloon pool after classes resume Friday Electives Program during the It IS divided IDto two groupS: Hills and Boyne Mountain following the Christmas holi. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. 1975.76 School year it was Senior Schuss, for Senior will be skied. $3 skiing insur. days. Saturday announced at a rel1uiar meet. Schuss, for senior H i g h ance is required. Tows and At a Board of Education TUESDAY lunches are extra. The trip 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ing of the Board of Educa'i School students in grades ~ine meeting on Monday, Decem. CHRISTMAS EVE tion on Mouday. December 9. through 12. and J u n lor is for senior Schuss memo ber 9, Superintendent of bers. Schools Dr. James A. Adams Pric•• Good Thru Tu••.• 0..:. 24th 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. The modifications will be I Schuss for seventh and eighth ' d' C' graders. The weekend ski trip to said repair work on the de. w..... rv. 1M ... ht t. care fuIIy outlme m urrlcu, A f Il . t ' k' Collingwood, Canada, on Feb. Umit 'l..."tiliet. lum Guides at each school. u Win er s s I program teriorated roof over the poul I and extensive orientation IS.pl~nned for all. Member. ruary 14-16 is sold out. had, for the most part. been programs for ninth grade ship IS .$5. ... There will be one final ski completed and that the pool students and parents will be The fl,rst local skI trl~ wIll weekend for both Junior and was expected to be filled this conducted in January. 1975. be to PUle Knob on FrIday, Senior Schuss members to week. December 20. The charter Schuss Mountain on Feb. The only other items that Superintendent of Schools bus leaves the Center at 4 ruary 28-March 2. Round trip remained to be installed were I Dr. James A. Adams, in a p.m., returning by midnight. bus transportation. lodging, a pre.heat coil with thermo- report to the trust~es. noted Round trip bus transportation, meals, supervision and lift static controls. expected to that !ntroduclory High School all area lilt tickets and suo tickets will be included for arrive by December 15. English is a required course pervision are included for $64.50.plu~ $2.50 ski' insur. at both 5'chools. and explain. $6.75 per person. ance. The pool deck, balcony cd that all. MIddle School An additional $1 for skiing . . areas and the pool itself are U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF students commg to N?rth ~r ins u ran c e is mandatory. . All stu~e~t skiers are. !D. currently being cleaned and vII~d ~o lOin Grosse. Pomte checked in preparatiOll for South must. enro;l In thiS Those who do not have a Ski. Hl1l now and enlOY the the refilling. com~lon baSIC skills course Pine Knob ski patch arc reo entJre season. ~..I _ required of all students. quired to pass a group les. The elective program then, son costing $1 to get a patch N.Y. STRIP STEAK j,~ open to ~(udents who are allowing them to ski the taking or have taken the in. whole lIrea. troductory cou~se. Toward Other Pine Knob trips are the end of the first half year scheduled for Fridays Jan. in the introductory course, uary 3 and l'?and February SAVE ASSORTED $2.00 $ teachers will orient students 7 and 21. Both Junior and 99 to the elective classes avail. Senior Schuss members are 2.0%. PER POUND able to the!!, the fo.Howing welcome on these trips. KIIORR PKG. rear and ~SSIStthem 10 mak. A five.day Christmas holi. SOUP MIXES mg selections. day trip is planned between LB. Counselors will work wilh Christmas and New Years students and English teach. Day for members of Senior SWIFT BUTTERBALL ers in making meaningful Schuss. ~aving the Center 18-22 recommendations based on Thursday, December 26. at POUND student performance and test 4 p.m., charter buses will TON TURKEYS AVERAGE LB. results. take skiers to the Marches All elective courses will he at Wanoon Lake. SWIFT BUTTERBALL 10.12 explained to sludents by the Lodging and breakfasts English Department chair. and dinners will be provided. POUND man, a counselor and the The buses will be available BENTUIIEYS AVERAGE LB. Assistant Principal.Jnstruc- daily to transport skiers to tion. so all ninth grade stu. Boyne Highlands, Walloon U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF SAVE dents wil1 have the chance Hills, Thunder Mountain and $ to find out what options are Boyne Mountain. Supervision open to them. This will be will be included in the ski WROLE TENDERLOIN PER$~SND LB. 2.99 conducted the week of Janu. package for $69.50. Not in. ar:; 6.10. 1975. eluded will be food en route i WITH PEPPERIDGE FARMS STUFFING SAVE The week of January 13.17 or at the slopes ahd tow tic. English teachers will discus; kels.. . • the available electives with SkI IDsurance a~ $3.50 IS STUFFED PORK CHOPSPER:g~ND!.1.09 individual students in their mand.ato.ry. The trip returns ninth grade classes and a by mldmght Monday, Decem- 1A-LOIN 9 to 11 IN PKG. recommendation form will ber 30. . SAVE be filled out, signed by both There WIll be a four day 25" student and teacher and semester break trip, also to NUMBEI\. ONE WHERE PER POUND brought to the counselor's Boyne Country, Thursday, IT COUNTS,IN SCOTLAND PORK CHOPS office. January 23 through Sunday, • "'lCll1CIl WIISlY.1IS1lUI. 1WEl1olIl1lTlUl1lllllUM. January 26. Fee of $55 50 in. 1WlI1II1l1l(~ ..... 1ftIl •.• 0.,., .... U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF 5-6 RIB SAVE The counse~or will sign. if cludes bus transporlati~n up 20" he .agrees WIth ~he .elechve and back, daily transporta. $8.41 4/5 Qt. PER POUND chOIce. If there IS dlsagree~ tion to and from the slopes RIB ROAST men!, the counselor will reo food and lodging at th~ solve the matter with the DIET OR REGULAR leacher. GRAEF REAPPOINTED Parents will have ti.e op- Woods Councilman Rodger portunityto find out. about A. Graef was unanimously the elective program during reappointed 8S the city's leg. the Week of January 20-24, at islative coordinator for. next SEVEN-UP evening orientation sessions year's legislative session at involving the English De- lhe Michigan Municipal Lea. LIMIT partment chairman. counse. gue's request. The league 6BTLS. lorsand the Assistant Prin. will help keep all city coor- lEVIS'; FOR GAlS ?LEASE cipal.Instruction. Parents are dinators informed of pending urged to examine their chil. developments OIl the legisla. C dren's elective choices and tive frOnt. ThIs .otion was SAVE discuss special problems taken by the couhcil at tbe c with counselors after the gen- regular meetinf Thursday. 60 eral meeting. December 12. ON6 ,, 3 \02 -oz. [fPJJ MACADAMIA NUTS JAR 1.29 I REESE WHITE gets 61h -oz. c ~.~ IS PROUD OF ITS DOTTED CAN POL Y.COnON BLOUSE. ASPARAGUS SPEARS 65 :~ taken to all ,:,:: THANK YOU WHOLE E' MADE OF COMfORT ABLE 28-0Z. C the best places. PERMANENT PRESS FABRIC JAR 79 AND STYLED WITH A GREEN PEARS TRIM WESTERN SHAPE, NABISCO IT HAS THE TRADI. Agood loolling, lightweight. 100%solid state ~: TIONAllEVIS" POCKET 10-0Z. c Sony transportable will go from ship to shore. MR. SALTY PRETZELS BOX 59 ~! allaround the house, or across the country, And WITH IDENTIfYING . it will lleep on going, because every Sony is TAB. THE GALS MR. & MRS. \\T" carefully designed for solid durability and rug. HEAVY INDIGO

32-0Z. ::- ged dependability; styled to show off. as well F~',:, t~ BLUE DENIM JEAN BlL. $1.29 as on; and quality engineered to produce the ISONE OF THE BLOODY MARY MIX sharpest, hi contrast pictures. Come in.today, MANY LEG CAMELOT SLICED and picll up a Sony Then show it around all COVERINGS over the place THAT WILL WHITE BREAD s~~~O~lg~R 2~~:-38C ...... -...~.,., COMPLIMENT ~- THE TOP. ZIPPER SKIN r::=;;;;;;;;; I I I TANGERINES I C

11. screen measured dIagonally "1TS A SONY: $14995 BLOUSE $14 POINTE liE ELECTRONICS ti~~1: 4~() ~()W 19755 MACK MIC.HIG"N'5 ORIGINM "ND ONLY t\W71 GROSSE POINTE WOODS ("OM~IETe lEVI'S FAMilY STORE ~ Betw •• n 7 "n

______.II..- -. __ -. .. -.---...... _~_._~._... _.._ __..._ _ _ _b __ _e ..__•__ •__ -.. ..--.. _ ,C 3 e $2 P$ sa» PO a 'OSP"?».? .PPPFpP ...... r= ...... 't'"'"-...... -.....----.--,...-----..--...-- ...... --..---..--...- .... :0062420 .s. ;2"""".>.>' •• "; $i;

Thursday, December 19, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine Troops Busy Larceny Leads YSD Incidents Now Open' At Richard During November, 63 com. The YSD reports that egg WHAT ARE plaints were received Cor in. throwing at residences, cars The New Pro Shop U's been an active year vestigation by the Youth and people is a persisting for the Camp Fire Girls and Service Division, (YSD), with problem. YOU GIVING Blue Birds at Richard School. three proving to be unfound. Runaways was the third "The Three troops meet at the ed. The total oC 60 actual category oC highest incidence school M 0 n day s. after cases is an increase of 10 as seven such cases were reo classes. under the direction oVP.r November 1973 but a ported. These involved two Y'OUR HOME of Mellss8 Haring and Jan decrease oC 17 below Octo. boys and seven girls, with a FOR CENTRE Dahl. ber's total. pair involving two sisters Early in November. the Through last month, the I each. ~il'1s visited Seven Ponds na. year's total is 673 cases. This In addition. there was one CHRISTMAS? ture center to talk with the is a jump of 41 incidents over reported runaway w hie h COURT" naturalists thereabout the the same period in 1973. proved to be an over.lale reo girls' Save the Bluebird Larceny/theft was the cate. turn home from a teenage TOTAL HOME COMfORT SALE Of HEATING, AIR at ')roiect. The troons have been gory oC highest ineidence as party. . . CONDITIONING, ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANERS, work in!! on this National 14 such cases were reported Of th!! leglhmate runaways, POWER HUMIDIFIERS ... IS ON NOW! Camp Fire Girls project for involving 21 youths. When Cour girls and two boys .re. Want A Beller Way To Make a year. considered with related oC. turned h 0 me voluntanly, A Dream Come True? Christmas caroling and a Censes, robber)' armed, one while three girls were ~rrest'l presentation of handmade case, breaking and entering, ed and returned to theU' par. gifts were the purpose of a two, stolen auto, one, and enls. . I GIVE YOUR WHOLE HOUSE . is open for business visit to the Carmel Hall Con. possession oC stolen property There were SIX cas~s of valescent Home in Detroit on Cour. the total climbs to 22 violation oC controlled sub- I A MERRY CHRISTMAS We have the most extensive selection fo current tennis fashion Novl'mber 18. incidents involving 33 male stances and two cases of for men and women, featuring Head, Margaret Courl, Top I The next week, on Monday, juveniles. (These totals in. dru.nkeness:. . All YEAR LONG Seed, Pointe Set and Wilson, plus many tennis gift items. Our November 25. a ceremony elude unCounded cases) SIX marlJllana or hashish racquets are the finest selection of top.quality racquets. We , ('a~es in\'oll'cd thrce male was held to recognize lieII' The second highest. i.nci.' adults, three male juveniles oHer expert stringing and racquet repair. members and present awards. dence c.ategor}' IS mahel~us and two Cemale juveniles; Ginny Flowers is a new destruclion of ~roperty With one mescaline. (sale and pur. member of the Camp Fire ~1 suc~ cases be1l1g ~roce~sed chase). incident involved five Girls and Nel Mercier, Kris. m.volvmg 21 m,,;le .luvenil~. male juveniles; one driving Wimbledon Racquet Club tin Lopez and Heidi Wag. Five oC these ~cldents ~n- under the influence of alec. brqont l!oner are new members oC volved the throwmg of mls. hol and valium case involved Open 8 CI.m. to 10 p.m. daily the second and third grade sill'S, (eggs, mud or snow one male adult. and one Sales & Service on all makes. 20250 9 Mile Road, SI. Clair Shores Blue Birds. balls), at moving vehicles. drunkeness incld~nt involved Phone 774.1300 New members of the first I one female juvenile. grade Blue Bird troop are P k t H Ten applications for peU. Kris Brown, Kerry Callahan, a r 0 ave lion were tiled with Wayne FLAME FURNACE CO. Lisa Chamberlin. Michelle Bus Shelter County Juvenile Court, three Gwin. Beth Holman, Kath. of which have been acted ryn Maypole, Alison Murray, upon. Two, were authorized Call 571-4610 K. C. Staub, Rea,gan Vasher Southeastern M i chi g a n for aeceptance by the court and Christy Weinberg. Transportation Aut h 0 r i t y, and one was denied. Several girls earned the (SEMTA), bus riders in The ------Starbird patch Cor their work Park will soon be sheltered on the Save the Bluebird from the elements when the r project. They are Heidi. Kris installation oC a bus shelter and Johanna Staub, Katie at Jefferson avenue and Pem. Mercier, Barbara Youngs, berton road is finished. It's Kristina Dahl, Kelly Palms, scheduled to be completed in ,;, Ann O'Rourke and Sarah January. • M.. , ...il- Haring. The installation of a bus .~. The girls hosled a movie shelter at the west side oC party in the school gym on JeCferson, south oC Masonic, Saturday, December 9. Re. and a shelter at the west side Creshments were sold to oC Jefferson, north of 12 lillie raise funds to be used for a road, also will be completed winter camping trip to the next month in SI. Clair Camp -Fire Girls Camp in Shores. Holly, Mich, The Shelters arc part of a proudly presents 50.shelter project being ad- ministered by SEMTA. In City Approves addition to the shelters in MORE TIME TO SHOP The Park and St. Clair UC Ordinance Shores, others will be in. stalled in Royal Oak. Dear. Treasure Cay The City Council, at a reg. born, Inkster and Detroit. ular meeting on Monday, De. The total cost oC the pro- cember 16, voted to establish ject is $231,800, and is being NOW THRU DECEMBER 23 a local unemployment com. funded with grants from the pensation system that will Urban Mass Transportation become effective December Administration, (UMTA), and 31. the Mi~higan State Depart- ABACO Under State law. unem- ment of Highways, Urban ployment compensation cov. Transportation Division. 7 days of fun and sun Jacob SonS erage is required for services The sheller to be erected .performed for political sub- in The Park will be con- divisions and The City had a structed of aluminum and t/v{rr F,nl choice of either passing its Lexan and will feature sched. ALL Deportuu' Dol ... own ordinance by January I, ule information displays. SOlD OUT ... 8001 Will BEOPEN EVENINGS FOR ONLY Now 10/ '[lb. or automatically going under Shelters installed in the the State system. suburbs will be maintained $499. The ordinance, which has by the cities and those in- been drafted by City Direc- 'stalled in Detroit will be MONDAY THRU FRIDAY tor of Finance Dennis Foran, maintained hy the Detroit I City Attorney Riehard Hinks Department oC Transporta. * Round Trip Air fare Via Air Jamaica and a labor consultant, is tion. and Bahamasair considered equivalent to the UNTIL 9PM. The prime contractor for State system ~ince the rate oC this project is Cadillac Plas. Great Accommodations at Treasure Cay Hote: regular benefits and the dura. * tics and Chemical Company tion of benefits payable are and Villas Saturdays, 9:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Closed Sundays oC Detroit. determined on a basis simi- lar to that set forth in the For Care, routes and sched- * Breakfast and Dinners ule information call SEMTA State's Weekly Benefit Rate Optional Golf on a Championship Course Table. at 962-5515 or toll-free at 1- * 8()().462.5161. The local ordinance can . .. AND UNLIMITED fREE TENNIS DINING ROOM ~ also substitute Cor the State STUDY AMENDMENT system provided both share The adoption of an amend. * Departure Date ... Feb. 9, 1975 a common definition of the ment to Ordinance 198, which term "dependent," and pro. "".~ regulates the erection, con. vided dependency incre. Your struction and alleralion oC ments, used to establish the signs, waS! unanimously re claimant's wee k I y benefit Cerred to the Committee of " CALL 886-0500 ii rate, are comparable to those , I the Whol~ for further study Dream~Home set up in the State system. by The Woods Council. This The State also requires an action was taken at the regu. 19517 Mack Ave.... in the Woods internal appeals system be lar meeting Thursday, Dc. provided. . cember 12. ~~ Condominium Style

I, ,


~~~ U 1~

...... ~"Ii~~1Ul1

Spacious floor plans and interiors of Condominium Homes at the Jefferson Aparfmenfs feature <) foot ceilings. individual ga~ heating and cooling. rop of fhe line G,E. kitchen. wirh iccmaker and washer-dryer. A wet bar is conveniently located lor cntertaining. Insnlatcd "ails. floors. 1,Iumhi n/! and" indo" s insure maximum quiet. Natural fireplaces. A network 01 fhe most modern security systems guard you. your home and )'our possessions. There are three separate elevators and ap. FANTASTIC SA VINGS ON proximately 1,000 square feet of prlvare storage. E~lerlor maintenance. gardening and snow removal are arranged for a monthly fee. The Jefferson Apartments is an adult com. munit)'. Residents are home owners and enjoy fax deductions OVER 100 CARS IN STOCK! and lhe investment security of being a property owner and equity advanlages Located 2 blocks from a park with boat slips. ~ blocks from Grosse Pointe shopping. 20 minules from downtown Detroit bv bus. Model open 12 to 5 daily except Wednesday. Enter on Neff or St. Clair Roads. Priced from YOf}'LL NEllER SAl'E MORE!! $79.200 Sales and management by Michigan Condominium Corporal ion. 882- 7708 or 886.4880 ROGER RINKE CADILLAC CO. The}effersonApartments 11 MILE RD. EAST OF VAN DYKE 17111 E. Jefferson Avenue, Grosse Pointe 757-0767 536-6260 Groue Pointe'. Newest Condominium

-.. __ ~~~~-_~~~~~ ••• ~-~ ••••• _ •••• _ •••• _.~_ ••••••• A-.4 •••• _.~. __ .- ••• ~ •••••• ~ •• _ •••••••••••••••••••••• _.~.~~~~~~~ __ .. ,....

i Page T~n GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 19, 1974 II, COLD CASH Mon<,y may furnish a Just think of the tllings FEW WINNERS TRICKERY I Thrifty people save pennies house, but only love furnish. we could accomplish if we Woods Studies Alnend.nent St. James Sets It's true that only about The con man who lives by and make them count a hun. es a home, aU put our words to work. one man in a million catches his wils succeeds only if he ---_._-~---_._._-_.__ ._. ,---- A proposed amendment to on behalf o[ his eolleagues. Yltle Services up wilh that promising fu' can fool all the people all dred before spending a a section of Zoning Ordinance Two local builders object. ture. the time. dollar. No. 88 was unanimously reo ed to the proposal and felt ferred to the Committee of the measure shouldn't be Chris!mas services at Saint ~ the Whole and to the Plan. amended at all Ja~es Lutheran Church will ning Commission [or further A main jJrobl~m lhey said be,;'" with the traditional sludy by The Woods Council. was that cerlain s~b.divisions ChJ1dre!1's Christmas Service This aelion was taken. at which conlain large homes on Chnstmas Eve at 7 p.m. Put a little ~ lhe regular meeting Thurs. have smaller vacant lots and Sunday School and Tuesday day. December 12. while smaller homes ~ould School, bo.vs and girls will 'l . I proclaim In word song and The proposed amendment be bUI t, It could hurt ownern symbol th th ' "J sock inyour ,. provides for a schedule of of larger homes TIley were e erne. esus- regulations Ii m i tin g the against smaller 'homes in a Name of Wondrous Love." earning ~)-::. height and bulk of buildings. sub.division containing main. The Christmas Eve Mid. land use and area for resi. Iy larger homes. night Candlelight Service will denlial purposes. In this regard, resident D. begin at 11 (l.m, It will [ea. power At the public hearing on D. McGraw questioned the ture a carol festival on the lhe proposal. several persons ensuing markel value of largo theme of "Peace." arranged were in opposition to the er homes if smaller places by He~man Clein, Director amendment and changes were built in these sub. of MUSIC, and Pastors George made. divisions. Kurz and Geor,!!e Scheller. Two.year, four year, Thomas Fahrncr. Planning During the course of the The chancel choir and con. ' master's degree and Commission chairman, was discussion, Mr. Pinkos ques. gregation will sing and medl. upset because the council lioned, "Are we doing the tation will be on "The Prince continuing education didn't consult with the com. cily an injustice if we adopt of Peace." Pre.service music programs for men and mission before making some the ame~dment?" He raised will begin at 10:45 p.m. by women. Register NOW for chancres in the commission's other pomts, too. e.g., should assistant organist George January, Term II courses I I reco~lllelldati(lns. I certain .subdivisions be e~. Taylor, He said that after six cluded If the amendment IS The Chrislmas Morning I months of work. the commis. adopted ~~d. if so, which Festival Service on Christ. Call or write: sion came up with its recom. ones .sp.eclflca!1y. mas Day will begin at 11 a.m. Mr. Sob Graves, mendations on what they fell BUlldmg Inspector Earl with the celebration o[ Holy Marygrove College, was best for the ordinance Wakely also nixed the pro. Communion. 8425 W, McNichols, Mr. Fahrner stated befor~ posal as it currently stands. the council made changes So, with a~l thi~ opposition The church will be decor. Detroit, 48221, while in executive session, and some llngermg douhts, ated with everRreens, poin. 8628000 they didn't discuss such ad. the amendment returns to the setlias and red and white CLASSES BEGIN ~ justments with the commis. study stage. Mr. Pinkos said orchids in memory of memo sion, He felt the solons failed the council will definitely bers who died in 1974. JANUARY 8. '\ Open evenings III 9 January 2 . 7, and to give the commissioners an meel with the Planning Com- A new Year's Eve Candle. opportunity to give their mission and the building in. light Vesper Service wilJ be. I 4.11 o.m. to :> p.m viewpoints. spector to .work out. proble.ms ,gin at 7:30 p.m., December Marygrove College Mayor Benjamin W. Pinkos ~or a poSSible public hearmg 31, with Holy Communion Mg said while the council has lhe III the future, celcbrated. right to make aU final deci. sions, it made a mistake on North High SA Keeping Active the communication fronl. He Dial down. It adds up. apologized to lIlr. Fahrner The North High School Stu., for Christmas. 45 of Ihe ~ent ~ssociation has involved school's 100 homerooms have Dial down your thermostat just five degrees during Itself III a number of worth. adopted families to make -you'll Silve money and the heating season and while activities this year. , baskets [or during the holi. you'll reduce your use of Following 'a Halloween I day season. The students will Natural Gas. For every de- tradition, 159 students collect. plan the menus, donate or gree you dial down perma- Gas about 15". cd $875 for UNICEF, bring- buy the necessary food and nently during the heating Our Gas is your lowest ing their five year tolal of make the deliveries them. contributions to the organiza. selves. season, you'll save about 3~, cost fuel. Use it efficiently tion to $4,000, They also Tuesday aflernoon, Decem. son and Curtis, Inc.. was ber 3. eleeled to the Board of Di. On that date, a Penney reclors of the securities firm. department manager said he The announcement was made saw the woman remove the by James W. Davant, Chair. suits from a display rack in man. He is the former chair. the ready wear department man of the New York Stock before leaving the store. The Exchange Marketing Com. store's assistant manager, mittee. former vice chairman whl' was immediately noti. of the Michigan Group of the fied. nabbed her on Mack Inveslmenl Bankers Associa- I avenue outside the east exil tion, and a former member and held her until police of the District Eight Com. ::~~...~~\.tJ:~~':." I came. mittel' of the National Asso. ~~~~~.~"Q , She was ultimalely relcas. ciation of Securities. He now ~\~,\ ~.;/... I ed on $50 bond. resides in Greenwich, Conn. ,,..,),I.\~:,-~.. - co ~~f,\\'.,.):),. _\ \~'.. '1/ h We'll pull ~ thrU! IliIlliliUIUlifillllllllillllllllllmiJIUUllIIlIlII'llilUiUli1 Why take a chance? Come in today I FREE SNOW BRUSH* fiI orf a free battery test ... and free !1000e10 a CUllOm" .,Ih Ih,s ,",ponl l!iI snow brush. ... II A good deal 101 you A good deal for us = lI!II Wlnle' IS when moS! II IOU ~eed , ~,"e,y. we'd I,ke 10 sell II II ~al1e"es lari IOUone We h", goad qual,ly. ,nd a • when you let us~ive II When yaure sluck w,lh 'ulll,ne !Ill you t. FREEBATTERYI adead bonNy you're Ser"" tall, m pari 01 ou' businell, II TEST Ila\es, m"u,"sl llII ,ruc\ bul~e'd 'ar:,el helpvu, cuslomers be iii 10 BI "IIIO'~ BI GlAHR DR DRII'IWI, SAlf\MA~ Ii Iha!"s when IOU pal 10le Ihey have I'ouble-,I, goad 10' ReA XL-100 Color TV 1& • emergenc~ ::-rlces our {epolal1ao = ~l-;(-i.-;~-":-"'l ~---. lOP dol(ar \l, ~e sholl\' yOU yOU! bal1e1i mtghllall, D 7'U'":"i.""-O;;.!--;i-""~-,;-,f.'--~ ..,--~ ._. _! No.,." dunng OUI ballNY lr'I'E nd~'e a chance to sell yOli a new One Year UII:! ...... SiliiE sale, VOu can bur a1 one rather Ihao see ynu be IOfeed 10 = o.rn';; ci;.;,,;,,(,,;" -- --~~ ------Ill! our sperr,' pmos on ~uy ,ome.h"e else .hen your pres ... ~.~_ I! a plaMed 'tl.~SIS no1 enl bartery I~ dead FREE ~ e ....rl! 'I~ I,lllNU' AC;7JP[;"-----.--- S when vou're slutk The mOle ballN~eswe sell belore wm im~;;;r~'H~i~o;g;;;.~~'~-~~-;;;@~';;,,;~u~o~n:e~~: ~:~~':~u ::::~~,e,sc:he.~~~~,~e .ch~n:,:Id:.,;~ In-Home Sill! tfa ...e d ctlolce 10 buy Ia:~('ren a11he dpad of wlnle, Service ===SALE-PRICED BA1TERIES WORTH THINKING ABOUT NOW! =~== On All [~;~[:....-.,...... ""'~~"~";~::":::TH lor as rong as vOU own your car 1IIIlftiii- XL-l00's II IIfallnlanyllme. '1.,11 ~. GUARANTEE -II T~. COSMOS n .. Mod,l FTS05 ~e "placed heo 01 'harge =. '21" dUlID",ol .tUlI. (CommerCial u~e ucepled. Imailinsialialion (hargel AMOCO. UPSTART • 0 u' moSl powe.ful 24.95 Our 45th Year of Serving This Community .54 plales b'II"y • Permalul prorecliOn • H19~Impact cas.e SIZE 23 needs Illhng only .Ou. besl "Iue In ,\ .' Now In Our 10th Year In This Location. three limes. a year low priced ballery \{ // in nOlmallJ~e • OFFfRS MAY VARY fROM OfAtrR TO DrAIER AA " 'We Wish You and Yours A Very Merry Christmas' ...... ;;. Check your participating CHARGE IT ,. Dealer where you SH ~T& "We'll pull you thru!" signs with your Amoco. Torch Club STANDARD or Diners Club credit card .PRIC!S MAY VARY FROM O!AtrR ro orAlIA ES]"'~~,.~... • [iiU--''.' - TV& ...• . . ,'- . ~,. . . 'WEll PUll YOU THRU" SPECIAL [iii]IIiIi .. - ,- ,- . @ Sri'rwt;Ir(! Q,r OfVl'~.-'On Amoco 0,1 C(,mp;:my ENDS DECEMBER 31. 1974 STEREO MACK.RIVARD STANDARD 17800 KERCHEVAL at RIVARD 885-2932 886 4260 H0 MONDAY-FRIDAY 10.9 - U RS: :O~~~~~~_~0-8 STANDARD ON THE HILL 20649 MACK AVE., GROSSE PTE. WOODS 131 KERCHEVAL 885-4630 VILLAGE STANDARD SERVICE WE TAKE TRADES-SAME DAY DELIVERY 16821 KERCHEVAL at CADIEUX 884-8850 4SSPP"PPPPPS $ $ ats)",;.",;>""';'.'.'. "P;P$Pj.7PP.PPPPPPPPPPPFr~~F.F~~~~r~~~~~-~~-~~

Thursday, December 19, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P"get Eleven

WAY O}' LIFE A treaty is just like any Loo~t~c~I:OI~~=:~hen-1 ObOt ° II Nursery Hosts G. P. Theater Oil Decenlber 7 other bargain-it takes two It is possible to derive some I U The Small Set Nursery of produc-ti-on-.------vant, Mark Nolte, Sister Lu. to make it, and only one ben. useful lessons from past i -, anes 1 efits. the Neighborhood Ctub hosted The inCormal nursery room cille Hamacek, Veronica Pas. errors. __ I AL\'IN G. RUSSELL MARION W. LAMPMAN the Grosse Pointe Theatre on setting allowed the children quinelli, Vicloria Panella, J::r7~~ I Funeral services for Mr. Funeral services for Miss Saturday, December 7, The to closely obsen.'e the .danhc. Tammy Booth, !Ilardi Black, Russell, 66, of Norwood drive, Lampman. 71. of Stephens I players put on a performance ers. They also partook In t e

wcre h~ld Friday, l:>ecember road, were held Wedn~sday, 'I of "The Liltlest Angel." creative movement class Linda Slein, Mary Ann Mil. ~~ 13, at the A. H. Peters Fun. December 18, at the Wltzler., The show was told in mod. held afler the play under the. ler and Andrea Altier. fall S eral Home, He died Monday, Shank Funeral Ho!"e. Per'i ern dance while the story direction of Denise Szykula.! ------'ftQ'ost (orl1~h".I"'O' J I December 9, in Bon Secours rysburg, O. She dIed Mon. I was narrated. After the per. She also directed the theater: Oilen the voice of con. \O,~pu,d'O.e Hospital. day. December 16. I formance the spectators, both cas!. 'science is never heard until Mr. Russell was active in .She is sUfl'iI'ed by one children and adulls, expres. Cast members included! it echoes back from the G~ I HOMELITE'j ~:~t~L:~:\0e:E~~:er:r ~~: ::~rI~rg;~~:;~,~:Ph~W\ort I ;:::::::;:;;:~::::~;::;:;::::::::~:::;:;;;\;::::~:-:_~_:;:-;:~-:;:-;:-:-::~_::-:;-:;:-;:~-:;:a-;:::-~:~-:;:-;:~-:;~_::-:;:.-.:~_::-::-::.-.:;~::::;~::::;::::::::::~::;:;:;~:~;:;~::;:::: Bell Telephone Co. Memorial contributions may! JACO BSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOW TO CHRISTMAS NEWXL2 I An alumnus of Penns)'1 be made to the Neehish Pion. i vania State University, he eers Association, Inc., of SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'TIL 9;00 P.M. CHAINSAWi Barbeau, Mich., or the was an amateur radio opera Founders Society of lhe De., Satu rday, 9; 30 A.M. to 5: 30 P.M. tor for 20 years. He provided t . I . MAKES CUnlNG i communications for mission. rOlt nshtule of Arls. ,

aries in Africa and emer. MRS. KAT~E~I~E PIGGINS I,. TWICE-AI-EASY j gency communications for disaster areas. A memorial service for I * Lightweight I Mrs. Piggins, 59, of Pember. He was an associate memo ton road. was held Monday, ' EXClUSiVE TWIN.TRIGGER - , ber of the Medical Amateur December 16, at Jefferson 1 DUAL CONTROL SYSTEM LANGE BOOTS I Radio Council and the Amer. Avenue Presbyterian Church. i i ican Radio Relay League. She died Friday, December! FRONT , He is survived by his wife, 13, in University of Michigan! 20% to 50% off (~:;~~n Lela; two sons, Thomas A. Hospital. Ann Arbor. I TRIGGER and John W; a daughler, Mrs. Piggins taught in the! For easier TALL SKIS for TALL PEOPLE Mrs. Rulh Velasquez; lwo Detroit Public School Sys.! SALE control grandchildren, and one sis. tem and was a member of -I in close K2 - Rossignol YOUR (HtllCf ter. the Detroit Society of Women quarters Head - Fisher Interment was in Forest Painter!> and Sculptors. At-Home Wear and tricky 190 C.m - 210 em I Lawn Cemetery. She is survived by her hus ' angles. reg. $110 b $160 ------band. Frederick F.; two save 30% to 40% daughters, Judith Lynn and Thank Officers Janet Elaine; her mother, Mrs. William A. Hoffman, For Assistance and a brother. an exciting selection The body wal> donated to of hostess gowns, robes, Farms Police Chief Robert the University of Michigan Ferber has commended offi. IIIedical School. lounging pyjamas and • Buckle Boots cers in both the Harper e e e • Red 7 White Skiis with Metal Edges 49 Woods and Grosse Pointe MRS. MARY CHAMPINE caftans for glamourous • Step. in Bindings with safety straps 95 Woods Police Departments Funeral services for Mrs. I • Metal Poles for the excellent work they Champine, 91, of Kerby road . holiday evenings or REAR TRIGGER did in assisting The Farms were held Tuesday, Decem. Trade.;n Program on Ihe Youth 800ls Makes faster work in the line of duty. bcr 17, at the Verheyden relaxed at-home of cutting WEEKEND SKI OUTFIT Funeral Home and Saint Paul firewood • Davos Skis Harper Woods Patrolmen Church. She died Saturday, entertaining ... prints or lumber. Michael Hodges and David December 14. in the Clinton. 5 Buckle Boots - self molding Zomeisky responded to a view Nursing Home. or solids in a wide 'array • Cubco Bindings felony description broadcast • Poles • Safety Straps 7450 by The Farms Decemher . Born. in The Pointe, she of festive or cozy fabrics, Reg. value $133.95 5, and observed the suspects IS surVIVed by two sisters, matching the description and Mrs. Jenny Trombley and In 6-18 sizes. HEAD SHORT SKI PKG. held them for the Farms de'l.Mrs, Alice Gilchrist. All new Head 460 short ski . ,65.00 partmenl. Interment was in Saint I Paul Cemetery. Gertsch Binding ..... '. 37.50 On December 6. Ll. Peter Self Molding Flo Boot. . .. 60.00 TI1omas, Cp1. Jerry Kensora Ii Ski Poles .. , ... _ . . .. 7.95 50 and PLIO. William Duster of I Trllstees OkllY I Regular Value 270.45 169 The Woods Department of Public Safely, responded to I 1M Trad""mark of Homelite, Career Classes a di ...ision 01 Te.dron Inc. a Farms' request for assist- fh~O~n~ ~~~~T~e~nP~~i~~9Gt 95 • 7.llhs.less har & chain, 89 ance in the apprehension of Provided it can get state TRAK "No Wax" Skis ~ burglary suspect in a build- funding, the Grosse Pointe SKIIS, POLES, Boqrs, BINDINGS F,•• inslallaljon mg. I Schllo! System will be add. \ In his leiter, to the chiefs ing I ~ur ".ew career prepara. of bolh departments, Chief I tion courses to its agenda Ferber said. "On behalf of next fall. Nelson c. Grosse Pointe b the officers of the Grosse At a meeting of the Board Pointe Farms Police Depart. of Education on Monday. De- ment. I wish to thank and cember .9. Superintendent of \ FROLUND SKI HUT ~ commend lhe officers for Schools Dr. James A. Adams 19815 MACK AVE. their initiative and actions said two of the courses, Den. n the Woods- TU 1-6233 Phone 884-5660 which were rendered in the tal Aide and Technical Draw- Doily, B 10 5,30 best inlerests of mutual ing. would be offered at 501., 8 10 4,00 police concern and profes. North High and the other \ Maclc: at 7 Mile (next 10 the Woods Theater) I \ sional police service." two, Radio and TV Repair Open 9:30 a.m. 109:00 p.m. daily ---- and Graphic Arts, would be I - \,~ HEAR NORTH SINGER,!; given at South High. All 4~~> I classes will s e r v e both ~Iembers of the Grosse schools, however. The Board Pomte Rotary Club, galhcred unanimously approved the JACOBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOWTO CHRISTMAS for a luncheon meeting on new offerings. SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'TIt 9;00 P.M. Monday, December 16, Iistcn. If lhese programs are not :Ji}~\,Jacobsons Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. cd to North High School's I approved at thc slale level, ~ Choir, Chorale and Honcy. 'I Dr. Adams noled. he would stones perform a program of take the malter back to the 2 HOURS FREE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S WilL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET . I trustees. .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:.:~:.:~:~:..:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.: ..:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:~:~:~:::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.:.: ------.__._-----.---_.~ 'Mlieage ha~ed 0n German Indu~try ~t;lndaTd I DIN. 7(~n()1 With words like'inflatiori'around, do words like'luxury; performallce, • and economy'mean anything?

It seems the tighter the money, the looser the lan- orthopedically designed to fit to the body and to help guage. And these days the word "luxury" is almost as prevent fatiguc; so much legroom and headroom you inflated as the dollar, can stretch out even if you're well over 6 feet; front-wheel The fact i~, the Audi' lfX)LS actually IS a luxury drive; front disc brakes; rack-and-pinion steering; in- car at a reasonable pricc. It h:mulcs so easily and rides dependent front suspension. so smoothly you'd simply cxpect it to cost much more. And, with it all, 24 miles to the gallon:' Basically, for one reason: German engineering and "Luxury. performance and economy," even in times craftsmanship. like these? Specifically, for rcason~ like these: seats th<1l arc No qucstion ahout it.



new body-dressing with a fragrance to remember. , .the fresh smell of a floral garden after a soft spring rain, enhanced with rare oils that create a warm, captivating scent that lingers ... even after you've made your exit. Eau de Parfum Spray, two oz" $9


I One sure way to get on the There are many times ON THE SKIDS I PAUNCHY The fellow who mect~ The average middle.aged Hears 7 Cases in City Court Church Offers Choral Service ways and means committee when the almighty dollar won't even purchase a little trouble halCwar is in poor man would be happier if he is to take out a marriage Woods Municipal Judge J. ed to January 14 and one T h' e annual Christmas Vaughn Williams and Franz company the rest of the had less weight to throw license. courtesy. I Patrick Denis. sitting in for hearing was set for the same Choral Worship Service at Wasner. The Youth choir journer. around. City Municipal Judge Doug. date. First English Evangelical w i I I sin g "Shepherds. --,------._. --_._------.------_. __ .._------_.__ .•.- ..- - - - las Paterson. convened court Lutheran Church. 800 Ver. Awake." by Katherine Davis. ~ ~ -- - on TucsdllY. Dcccmber 10. Nathaniel R u sse II, 6834 nier road, will be held Sun. and works by Barthelson and ROBERT BUEHLER and heard a total of scvcn Charlevoix, Detroit. pled day, December 22. at 11 a.m. Gieschen. . B.RD cases. guilty to driving under the The service will be led by Regney and Shayne's "Do I' influence of liquor and was the Senior, Youth and Junior VOU Hear What 1 Hear?" I One person was found FIIDIR. llii ~~~@iM~lro fined $100. He was also choirs of the church under will be sung by the Junior. . • PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE guilty on one count and not placed on a year's probation the direction of Mr. Werner choir. Organist Linda Bauer ancl Pol •• guilty on another. One per. General Repairs I during which time he is not Stuecher. The recently dedi. will play Pachelbel's "From son was found guilty and two to drink and his license was caled antiphonal organ will Heaven Above to EI/rth I Corel.ooel persons w ere found not EUC!!tI~L TV 2.2800 PlUMBINC!1 suspended for 90 days. offer added dimension 10 the Come." guilty. One case was adjourn. worship as will a brass quar. PEANUTS - John Veech. 532 Lakeland. The community is invited let and drums. to attend the services and THISTLE SEED was found not guilty on a The Senior choir will fea. SUNFLOWER SEED careless driving charge and share in this musical celebra. ture works by Healey Willan, pled not guilty bul was found tion of the birth of Jesus. guilty of failure to yIeld the WilD IIRI SUi...... I •. t. 50 .s. right of way. He was fined ~ ~ $25. . '. ..""... ,.. ''"•.. .'llilOIl FJED,' 51 •. ~ltl Galal .~ .•1. .r.~" Kenneth Williams. S080 .NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTYI ~ DO'1 CAHooD (ctlllM4l (",'rk .. IS PROUD TO PRESENT Iroquois. Detroit. was ar- ...... prkes ",...... noeI wc.,..... DCHi I (AT FOOD(Dryl .. m .. ~1fI. 'ric .. C raigned on a disorderly per- s,.dII ,.... he III. H son charge and his hearing Doncillil & CocklQil. lill J o.m SAVE ON NAME BRAND was set for January 14. $5.00 C.ver Char .. per ,.._ r------, FERTILIZERS E Perty Favor$ lnduftd JIM ROACH 'i George Cohan, 932 Rivard, Me c:.....,.,. DinMtOMy....-.9 p.m. RENTALS GRASS SEED was charged with harboring PIeoM pUlcho .. Of" "iefn lid:." in ad "'gnce TIwI Ich •• m . MAll ORDERS AVA'IABIE LAWN TOOLS As Salesman of the Month R a nuisance and his case was M4lw...... o adjourned te January 14. Trim_ .. , SptHd. SNAPPER MOWERS 21".26".30" en, 10I1e". TED EWALD L "Cuts and 8ags" Jim Roa(h ~~J1~ QUALITY FEED & GARDEN SUPPLY E It seems as though it's 100 ...... 1M< ... ,. MI. Qo...-. Mich. 411143 20726 HI/per It Vernier fRU 28420 Groesbecll 20 Years CHEVROLET T worth more to live today than _ Dot, 29J-3391 or • ...- I I Same location Harper Woods TU '.8870 D(LlVIRY RosevililPR f..8B40 15175 E. Jefferson VA 1.2000 in past years - at least it co~~s more.

Grosse Pointe i~M~ ~_-~--~-----~ United Methodist Church i JEFFERSON AVENUE AMERICAN I 211 Morass Road I BAPDST CHURCH ~ Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. I 13337 E. JeUerson at Lakeview ! :l1ill;$/cr .-- Pern' A, 'l'JWflUls l1i CHRISTMAS SUNDA Y ~ Ii Church School 10:15 a.m. - Worship 11:30 a.m. . i'I Vi Sermon: "TO GIFT OR NOT TO GIFT" i'jl 882.2728 Ii Christmas Eve 7:30 Candlelight Communion Service ~ DECEMBER 22nd Sunday School 9,45 '" l'i 19678 Lochmoor Drive. Harper Woods • Worship Ser'lice 11:00 MORNING WORSHIP I Sermon: "HISTORY AND THE HEART" • "THE SHEPHERD'S REPORT" 9:15 and 11:15 1lf Robert Fletcher Smitb. Pastor ~ Evening Family Ser"ice 7:00 111e Grosse Pointe . , CHRISTMAS EVE "BETHLEHEM" GROSSE POINTE f( Everyone' Welcome )t Rey Ron Kernahan 5,00 and 6:30 p.m.-Family "Service of lights" WOODS UNITARIAN 11 :30 p.m,-Service of the Christmas Vigil pre3Lyieriutl CHURCH ~~~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~ and Haly Communion 1'7150 Maumee C~urc~ 881.0410 First Church of 1'1'1.;0MAI:Jo.4\f. .• 1 TOiiHr.\ KU. FaUlth. Service 10:30 CHRIST THE KING lIlIb-IJOO \V orsllip Serviee 11 :O() . \Q D.m. Wonhip Sef"iu end Chrisllllas Eve LUTHERAN CHURCH Undentanding Church S<-h-ool Family Service 7:00 p.m.' Mack and lochmoor The Grosse Pointe Congregational Chur(h Grosse Poinle "SilENT P'IIlGtU" Or. $fv(1I1 M. Polel'on St'nin~ Tilll": "Chrislmasn Grosse Pointe Woods 2AO Chalfonte a' Lothrop, Groue Pointe, Mic.h. War Memorial Ch.i.tma, f .. 7 p.lTI. Fomify Sel'Yiclt 11 p,m. COJl.dlf.light ~ .... ic. wil.h CoonlillaJor Dor!::; Eubal.~ Dec. 20-Children's Christmas Services 7,00 p.m. BId\{. Or. PattorW)tl 'lpRiI"'g 10:00 a.m. Psalm Dec. 24, Christmos Eve: Choral Service ) T:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Special "JESUS-The Babe. Dec. 25. Christmas Doy: The Man, The Savior" Festival Service 10:30 a.m. ley. SlIrah Salada, D,D, Dec. 31, New Year's Eve: 882-5327 Communion Vespers 7:30 p.m.

Sunday: Regular Worship Service 9:30 & 11 A.M. Sermon Topic: - "Then and Now" ... _-----_ .. Candlelight Services-December 24: 1~~BiOittiRN:iAPiiSifiLOwiHiP--l FIRST ENGLISH EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH 7:30 p.m,. Nursery Facilities available ' St. Paul Ev. , Vernier Road at Wedgewood Drive Grosse Pointe Woods aOFhe REV. P. KEPPLER - TU 4.5040 11: 15 p.m,. Worship Service ~ fiRST CHURCH THE BROTHERN I ...,.....;.:.:.; ...:.:,. The Rev. Roy R. Hutcheon, D.O. .J'' ~ 19678 Lochmoor Harper Woods ! Lutheran Ouch, Christmas Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. ;.. Chalfonte and lothrop _Re~. J. H_.Cu~mings: AS5o~jate Min}ster ...... Yl TU .-6670 lj; Sunday School 10:45 a.m. III SUNDAY. DEe. 22- ~ Robert Fletcher Smith. Pastor, preaching I 9,30 & 1UIO a.m.-Worship l.( Sermon: "TO GIFT OR NOT TO GIFT" I 9,30 & 1100 a.m.-Sunday ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service )f School l$1 7:30 p.m. >ll TUESDAY. DEC. 24- ~ Sermon: "HISTORY AND THE HEART" ! 6,30 p.m. Family Christmas irl1ttf g fpistnpttl: Worship ~t. it f.{ r Everyone Welcome ~ SUNDAY, DEC. 22- 1LOO pm Fe,lival Chri,lmo, Worship. Church Worship 8,30 o.m. Holy Communion SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOl-9,30 a.m.

OUR CHRISTMAS PACKAGE GROSSE POINTE BAPTIST CHURCH CHRISTMAS MORNING 2 J 336 MACK AVE. FESTIVAL SERVICE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25. GROSSE POINTE WOODS 11:00 a_m. with Holy Communion Choirs in Conce,t. Sunday. Dee. 22. 7,00 p.m. We a'e happy Christ Church 10 prelent the- Gras-Soe Pointe 8opfl5.1 Church Choit in con- Pastors: George E. Kurz cer! fealuring Ihe Primo')' Junior Youth & Chancel Choi ... Geroge M. Scheller dire

Thursday, December 19, 1974 G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Page Thirteen ------_._, ...__ ..__ ._._----_._ .._-- ..--_ .._------....__."-_ ..-~._---~_.,--~-~._--._------_._-_..._----_ ..•. --._----_._-_._-_._--_.--_ ..--~.----_._-_._------,------_. __ ._----- BELLE ISLE Pointers Swi"" in AAV Meet I Coulpule .. Tl'ies Hand al Poeh'y I AARP Cltapter Plans Meeting Competition from Lake. and fifths in the SO free, -By NaDey Kramer I English classes to shed some The Grosse Pointe Chapler The meeting will be follow. wood, 0.. and other states (26.0), and 200 free. (2:05.8). Can a machine produce a light in the areas of language of the American Association ed by • cookie and coHee AWNING CO. made for fast times at the Todd Lindheim, 12. a sev.' wor~ o.f art? .More specifical. !:yntax and sentence struc. of Retired Persons, (AARP). hour, Hostesses for this parI ,Warren Consolidated "A" enth grader at Pierce, look Iy, IS It pos.slble for ,: com. ture. continues its organizational of the program will he Laura * Christm\1S Special .. Meet for AAU swimmers Sa. first in the 100free for 11 and puter to .wrlte poetr). Both teachers came to the planning, looking forward to SchoC;eld and Bess Dettmer, For Ih. co!l.g. ,'ud.nl on you, gj(I Ii" lurday-Sunday, December 14. 12 bovs (59.6)' second in the Not qUite. . rather interesting conclusion committee appointments with. 15. 100 'b;east. '(1 :20.4); and . Douglas NorriS, math~~a. that the poetry in question is in the next month. Delroit Yacht Club swim. fifth in the 200 1M. t~cs t~acher at the Um\er. not truly art. At its monthly meeting to DIRECTOR'S mers. with 13 Pointers on its . . I slty Liggett. School came t~ Art. according to Mr. Nor. be held on Monday. Decem. $2395 ber 23, at 1 p.m. in the Grosse roster, did very well in plac. Ten.year.old Mimi Storen Ihat .concl~slon after expeTl' ris, is an expression of mood CHAIR I ing 26 times in individual ~f The Farms placed sec0.nd mentmg with a ~omp.uter at t~at suggests different mean. Pointe Woods Presbyterian I events and having six relays :n the 100 1M. (1:16.6); third Wayne Stale Umverslty. ings to different people. Church. 19950 Mack avenue. also taking medals. 'n the 1~ free. (t :07.8); took With the ill'l\> of another Based upon Mr. Norris' defi. the group will be entertained WINTERDiSCOUNT ON- The 13.14 boys' 200 medley fourths m the 50 back and ULS faculty member Larry nilion the art'st must have by the Bell Ringers of the AWNINGS NO~ IN EFFECT I. relay wilh Pointers Chris ~ree; and a. six~h in the 50 Fields, who teaches' poetry someihing in :nind when he church. I NerDs. Nick. Trost and Toby breast. . Thl~teen. year .. old and Latin. he programmed creates his work. The com. These are youngsters 16.15 w;,o continue a tradition that Selving G,osse Pointe Since 1931 - Lindheim took third in 2:04.7. Toby Lmdhell!!' an eighth the machine; set it up with puler has no mind and there. The same age boys also took :::rader .at Pierce. placed an assortment of intransitive Core has no rhyme or reason adorns the Christmas season. I 22704 'Harper They are under the direction! a third in the 800 free relay fourth In the 100 back, and transitive verbs. nouns, for spewing out the poetry. 774-1010 St. Clair Shores of Russell D. Reed. I STARTING FRIOAY in 9:04.3. (l :07.2); 100 free. (57.0): articles. prepositions. adjec. M N' d th Cha r1ton Heilon I Trost. an eighth grader at' fifth i~ the.200 1M. (2;25.0); Iive~ and. conjuncti~s. all tharanyor~~~~f:i~~r.~nvol:~ I WE Koren Block Brownell. also took second anu sl~th I.n the 200 f~ee, dealing with the subject of in writing the computer SlLF.CTIONCARRYVIGEsrOF in the 100 back. (1:04.3): sec. along With hiS relays placing. death. I poetry must be traced back George Kennedy ond in the 200 open back, d HId d h _ANO 12:19.8); third in the 100 free. The DYC 10 and un er e a so pre etermine t e to Ihe person responsible for "'0 Gloria Swanson (561) d 100 fI (1'021)' boys' 200 free relay took I sentence structure the com. programming the machine ~~r. I ., an y.... fourth and the same age I-iuter would follow. i ... in this case. Mr.. Norris 11Io ... "AIRPORT 1915" "","'"1.0. group boys 'also \ook fourth The two came up with four, and Dr. Fields. In PanovltolOn and in the 200 medley relay. three.stanza poems e a c h Hill & Hill ltd. technicolor, rated 'PG' NH Rebounds 19529 Mock, G. ~. Woodt Pointers swimming on those stanza comprised of ~ix lines. ULS Cagers 882.9452 I relays were David Wittwer All the poems are similar to After SH Loss w. corl)' '$h.'",on AN Joboc

• * thll • * ''''H (hlf~ to my M.... ' Ch"9' My Accounl Number ., • * Call 882-0700 for Carry-Out • * r.tITJIm]~ImmOJ en • * (,OOIl 1HIli) • * SIGN/I TURE. _ PURPhE • * .jI,PlelGE • * Seon check p~vohle 10 01. YMf'liI S TilDIUM Allow",,,' wro"k IOf mod • * E:.ncIOSf! c,Tr1mpl'rl '5p.1f ".1c1c1rp.5sertr.nvnlopf> T ICkt-IS m(lV be pUf(.haSN1 In the Village at 630 St. Clair Ave. • * ~I OL VMPIA S 1ADIUM ROX Of riCE T'ckel, 0""" ",od.""lly "~'" • * No rr'hnrls. or p)({,h;lrlqf'~~ : CALL FOR INFORMATION: OLYMPIA STADIUM • now open ll-midnight Mon.-Thurs. : 884-7210 : 5920 Grand River D~troit 48208 • open 11 a.m.p 1 a.m. Fri. & Sat. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (313) 895-7000 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

, "f

\ ,

... J~oranything and everything from an ice shanty to a grand piano ... to rent a room or buy a chalet ... to .(ix up YOllrhome ... to sell it, or buy an estate, it's the place to look first for fast action. Grosse Pointe News Class~fied Ads are your weekly directory to what's new and 'what's old in the Grosse Pointe market place. A II it takes is a phone call to one of our Classified A d Counselors for prompt, courteous help on composing your ad, or, stop by the office any day iWonday through Friday 8:30 a.m. 'ltil 5 p.rn. H'e're at 99 I(erc!zel'a! on the hill.

at your service• - BETTY BLOSSOM - JO MULHERIN - DOROTHY SCHIMANSKY - II THlRy 12 _,'or all new copy, chantes •• copy :11~ CLASSIFIED .. c_ollatieM. I, il SlIIItltM Itla, all r..J estate DEADLINE :;11 copy Ito HIImi"M I. _ offico by Monclay 5 ,.m. , ,...... -.--.--.•. * ,-.- ,r ,F .

Thu~.y. Deeember 19,1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen Coeducational Games Offered Auxiliary Sets Boating Class S~, 1{~IAi~~ SHB~iR~,~s~~~;;2nd_.~~ ~c~,~~ 1he Neighborhood Club is I ullls. The teams will play for ~::g::;~ 1;~"RD:~::::1271 ro~~~:d Flotilla 12.12, of the Uliited Thc/'(' is no registration removing the baiTier between 9 weeks. A $5 Club memo South High School cagers I ~outh cam.e out funning I fnulh Iligh School's I'arsily 'nil el'cnt. Stales Coast Guard Auxiliary, charge {or the class: only adult men's and womell's bership is also required. boosted their searon's record I usmg offensive fa£tbreaks I ;wim team continued to pre. In lhe 2OO.yard backstroke is offering a 12.lecturo, 12. books and materials will be recreational activities with its I For th . f to an un.blemished 40 ~ith and speed to control the ~all pare lhemselves for the relay, South took second week course, on SaCe Boating charged at a nominal rate. newest ofiering _ co-educa. . e converu~ce ? and Seamanship. The course Classes will be held at the tiooal badminton. marn.ed couples wllh chil recent wms over Roseville. a g a Ins t crosslJwn f1val ough E a s t ern Michigan place with a time of 1:56.30. dren In grades three through 66.38;, North, 60.45; and East North. . League season ahead by plac. Mickey Montagne, Bill Brow. is a public service of the War Memorial Ballroom, 32 The games will be held on six, Neighborhood Club Fri. DetrOit, 68.51. It seemed at Ilrst.as though in~ second in the Rochester nell, Mike Gaitley, and Tom Auxiliary directed at increas. Lakeshore road. Friday evenings, from 7-9 day Fun Night .activities are The Devils host. Warrel\ N?rth I~oul~ provide Soul~ (clays Saturday, December Fetters were the Devil swim. ing safety on the waters. Classes begin Tuesday, p.m., beginning January 10. scheduled in the adjacent Tower tomorrow mght, De. \~'Ilh t~elr first real ~ompet:. !4. at Rochester. mers. The Auxiliary stresses that January 7, at 7 p,m. Rellis' They will be played in the Brownell gym during the cember 20, in. a non.league tlOn thiS year. But thiS dl~n I Of lhe 11 leams entered in saCe boating is no accident tration may take place then Brownell Middle School iym. same lime period. g~me. ~outh IS ex~cted t? happen, as So~th fell behl,nd the meet onl host Rochester In the 200-yard breaststroke and the course should help or prior to that by calling wm easily over Ihe mexperl' only once dunng the enllre I \d t' Y th D '1 b relay the Datators took d prevent boating mishaps. 886.8158 or 293.3430, Fee fer the activity is $51 Further information can be enced Warren Tower team, game The Devils ol'ercame I I ~rns ,oppe e eVI s Y another second place in per couple or $3 for individ- obtained by calling 8854600. which is only in its fourth a three point delicit early in I tak.llngsflrlsht. place. E adst De. ~:04.91. Swimmers for South . th f' t . d t I d t th ' rOl, au s expec et com. were Er'c R dl'n Cra'" and year o~ eXistence.. e Irs peno a ea a e I petition for the ElIIL cham. I 0, ID It Will be a good bUild Up hall 31.23. i Jionshi h' d I Steve Swanson and Pete !J,~A nUlfli('ut CITY OF game for the Devils as they Senior forwards Tim Kra'I!:h nj t I~hyea~lIIa~ t a so Frear. enter the Lakeshore Chrisl. mer and Kel'in Kovanda led en~l'r~d \ ~h er I', ea~ The 400.yard individual Brows. mas Tournament w hiI' h the team !n offense ~ith 21 i present ~s a~/~ a~ sCiwasn medley relay was swum by C/,"iJlmuJ ul 1tr ------and 24 poLnts~ respech\lely. \ . Ie pa e . Gait1ey. Rodin, Montagne, the <6rnsSt Jntutt nrtUS The Del,ils dominated play' As In the Ro}'al Oak relays and Drew Pillsbury with the MICHIGAN CaptltreS 11t1l throughout the game though! a week before, ~outh, aga~n third place time of 4:08.91. S/,'iJ ~ W/'eet ship's . both teams made crucial i .foo~ ,only one first place In In the 2OO.yard freestyle NlMical Gifts & loot S.... ies turnovers on offense. It was: mdlvldual events. This time I S th k In 01Y"lplCS O whe.1 a closely played contesl wilh II however. the Devils made raenoathYeVthe~td' pl0u t'tOh 'ure it wa 'bl' t er II' ace WI a • Dockloy', Sp .- NOTICE Kelly Walker, a student South edging away as the's. a slza e VIC ory time f 1'38 92 Do Ug Wau. 7x50 CF game pro"ressed South's bi<' as South divers Gary Jack." 0 S't . 's 'th U'ik (ea,y ,." plo".r) at Defer School last year o. b P t S d r ..aman, an ml, m e and pre senti). a fifth graJcr quarler w~s the third ~s they ~on. e e a!(!(au an Ju Ie Scott and Rick Speer were BINOCULAR • s,a.'ry Toptia.r TO TAXPAYERS outs cored North 19.14 Hookanson a 01 ass e d 4881 th De'l . at Saint Matthew's School. " . Ide VI sWimmers Ideal for Sof.ty 100' Shoe, recently finished 11th in the de1!na~:;tca~:e~il~~~ ~~~Ih;~ 'Jam s an_s_e__t _a_n_c_w_R_oc_h_e_s.A third place !i~sh also • Ship', w ..... Clock, The 1974 County and School Tax is now Po wer or $14.50 VALUE cross country event in the the game to assure the Devils A. H was won by South in the 200. • Nauli.",: Lamp. payable at the City .Office, 90 Kerby Road, Junior Olympics National their lirst Eastern Michigan USlln to ost ya~d butterfly rela.y. The Ch3mpionship held in North Sail! $5950 • S.,h Thoma. Marin. League victory. (The win Y I T sWI~mers were Pillsbury, Clock.and earom.'." Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236. Carolina. She competed with over East Detroit was its II e ourney Craig and Steve Swanson and girls from across the United second). South's one quarter Tony Montagne. Their time Payment without penalty may be made up States. of almost shutout defense By Jim Cnockaen was 1:48.21. Kelly is running for the came late in the game and and Paul T. Denls ~till another third place H ••• to and including February 14, 1975. Upkc Track Club this year It'. IItJllt/c" in the nine-and.under age secured victory. The Austin varsity hockey finish was taken In the ':We didn't play good de- team will be hosting its first crescendo relay by Smith, group. This team runs one The City Office will close at 12:00 Noon on fenSe' Wltil very late in the annual Christmas Hockey Scott. Speer and Pillsbury. "'''ice mile. This year she has also game." commented cO:Jch Tournament at the Grosse Their time was 8:39.05. W,'" 6ft Itf Dacember 24th for Christmas, and will also competed in Ohio and On- Charles Hollos)'. "We had one Pointe Community Rink Sat. In the 2OO-yard medl tario. Locally, she placed good strong quarter delen. d S d I" ey close at 12:00 Noon on December 31st for New first at the Wolverine Track sively But it will take more ur ay. un ay, December 28. re ar, Gallley, Rodm and Club in Lincoln Park and . . 29. The teams competing in Cral~ and Steve Swanson Years Day. conSlstenCy. to make our th:s year's tournament are combined t t ke I rth first in an open meet in West tcam eCIcellve." . 0 a .ou Bloom{ield. The Devils cam/! on in the Harper Woods Notre Dame, place With a time of 1:50.12. Kelly first began compet- fourth quarter with a fast Alpena, Windsor Assumption The 4OO.yard freestyle reo Florine Stallard ing in sports last June in the break offense and ran the and Austin. lay. event was swum by 19605 h"ck TU 2.1340 TREASURER State Junior Olympics, where ball until Roseville had been On December 28, Notre Smith, Scott, Speer and 0.0.. DIlly ,.,. Set., S ".11I. CITY OF GROSSE she tied for first place. Now badly beaten. The cagers Dame will play Windsor As- ~rownell in the fourth place POINTE FARMS it's a year 'round activity. came up with 24 steals sumption 'at 6 p.m., followed hme of 3:41.36. Besides the enjoyment of throughout the evening with by a game between Austin A fifth place finish was I the competitions, Kelly is many coming in the final and Alpena at 8:30 p.m. The taken by South in the 800- 118*ItICi Of Published Grosse Pointe News, Dec. 19, 1974 also afforded the opportunity period. two losers will play a con- yard freestyle relay with a to travel to attend the meets. South ran on offense and solation 'game at 5 p.m. on time of 8:23.35. Swimmers Following the South Carolina played aggres'live defense as December 29, which will be were Mike Bernard, Mon- Olympics, she took a two-day they mounted an awesome followed by the championship tagne, Todd Ralph and REMODEL tour of Washington, D.C. attack late in the game to game.at 7:30 p.m. Brownell. She plans to compete at outscore Rcseville. 20.4, in The Grosse Pointe Com. South's next swim meet is CITY OF an indoor meet in Pittsburgh the final period. munity Rink is located on tomorrow, December 20 in the lo-and.under age .. ----- Canyon avenue between Mack a~ainst powerful Rocbeste~ LETTER and East Warren, right next Adams on the road. As was 118~ group. She will participate in V\-lNS the high jump, relay team North High School graduate to Austin High School. evident on the 14th. South DOII11 TAU A CIWKE-CALL A PROFESSIONAL ~rnsSt 'niutt 3J1arms run and one mile rllce.walk Jack Reinelt, a sophomore at The Austin Friar hockey could onl:e again have its Y..,r ...... 1... Plan_ lay hpertl MICHIGAN events. Western Michigan Univer. team, coached by Bud New- hands full. :::..~~= -=-:,'::r.l'~.;.p.L:.":: r_ Kelly is the daughter of the sity, was one of over 40 grid- berry. is 3.2.2 on the season ..~ IoOIM6ooI .... = William Walkers II, formerly ders who received leiters for thus far. The team Is led w. :::r= ,'II I ...... Ie ,.. WIll ,.., 5.=t= .... 'r'!' wilt 100. of Beaconsfield avenue, and participating on WMU's soIt. by captain Tim Eisbrenner GPSC Natators Y.., ICMw ,..,. Colt In, AclYaftCe CODE NO. 12-04 now residing in Chandler ball squad this season, Rei. and leading scorers Brian Y. _'t , ,-__- ..__ ".'0.. ".. II _, nelt is a guard. Carron and George Dritsas. Improve Times Park Drive. YouoIWo Get 'hlClncl_ Help You Need O"RDINANCE NO. 203 Sophomore goalie Greg Suo QlI1OIIN:IAn let ,.. _ pina has ~topped 148 shots Several member. Of the we _ ... "'" ...... will .. fIol..... • • • • ,.. AN ORDINANCE TO CONTROL SOIL and has a goals against ave. Grosse Pointe Swim Club, "_ ... - ...... ,.. II REMODEL NOW! rage of 3.55 in seven games. (GPSC). were In Cincinnati, You Get Top Quality Jolt, 'b,I""" On Tim. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION Their second setback of the 0., Friday.Sunday, December " ,., _ • _lIS .ames 1111111II.IR. IIIIIIS .U_ year came 'against Catholic 13-15, for the eighth annual ~...... ",IIIS • CUll. UIlIlS ..... "1IIlI Central, 3.2, in a recently Cinn Marlin 'International In. THE CITY''8'rGROSSE POINTF3 FARMS' played h"ome game. vitationa1. The' actiOll had The game was II tough de- over 1,100 swimmers from ORDAINS: Me_ local building fensive contest with the score " nearly every 8tale, canada, ' .W3lNZ.i'I- codes require lhat tied 00 at the end of the England and a powerful rep. I Section 1. Local Enfort!ing Agent!y -Bw.Q:ci.iMg - your property be first period. In the sceond resentalion from Russia. updated prior to period the Friars quickly In boys 10 and under, Mark It is the intent of the City to become the ;a"J. ADDITIONS seHing or re.renting. found themselves down two Stoyka had a fine time of 'O~"j REMODELING Enjoy this improre' , goals after only 46 seconds. 36.8 in the SO.yard breast- local enforcing agency in regard to implement. 777-6840 '::;: ment while you are 'I Later in the period Mark stroke, good fora solid fourth , ing Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control living in your home. ,Santi scored with an assist place. Act 347 of P.A. 1972 within the municipal IVININGS G' TV 1.'744 going 10 Dal'e Baratta for the In girl's 11 and 12, Frances limits of the City. fAST srDE AND I Friars' first goal. Shook went 1:12.895 in the ' (I'OUI POINIU Once a~ain in the third lOO.yard breast and that time period Catholic Cenlral got was the ,Michigan slate reI" Section 2. Rules Adopted UPDATE YOUR BATtilOOM, KITCHEN, Ihe opening goat. The Friars (lrd. Not only was it the were quick to rcspond with fastest time ever swam by 8 ) The City hereby adopts by reference the PlUMBING and ELECTRIC Captain Eisbrenner scoring Michigan 12.year-()ld girl but latest rules promulgated by the Michigan De- l from Brian Carron. it was also better tban the partment of Natural Resources relative to Soil ALL HOME & OFFICE SERVICES I ------Ohio record. But Fnmces was . C beaten by Tracy CaulJdns of Ero~ion and Sedimentation Control Act 347 of INCLUDING WALL WASHING, CARPET A IIstllt a~ers Nashville, Tenn., who went P.A. 1972, said rules to be available for public j CLEANING AND PAINTING! 1 5 1:11.7. distribution, at a reasonable charge, with not St all d. at -, The club's 11 and 12 girls by John E. Brink less than ten (10) copies to be available for pub- relay team composed ot Amy ______. - - _ ------By Paul T. Denis Rentc1J.ler, Pam Rinke, Whit. When il Ihe proper rime '0 .. II your home ond when il the lime 10 lic inspection at the Office of the City Clerk. Thl' fighting Friars basket. ney Semple and Frances purchase your new home? Generally the mOQnitud. of the sole diclote1- I ball team is off to a rough Shook went the fJllltest time ,hat ,he .. lie, mu,I buy wh.n he .. U. Vou ni9~1 deducl Ihen Iho' Section 3. Submission of Plans 'II start Six games into the for 'a Michigan girls 200 med. from a financial (onsiderotion there reoUy isn't an optimum 1lme. I season their record stands ley relay team. Their time Before ground breaking of any construc- The faell a.. ,ho' a well mointoined, clean, neo', nicely doco(ored !I at 15. ot 2:04.45 was good for a house will sell fost in competent Reol E"rat. hand". How much "ti.. tion project in the City involving one or more 'I Last week's loss against fifth place. The same relay up" money thJ~ requites does. net moUer becao1e it 011 (orne" bad!. acres of land, an erosion and sedimentation con- I; Brother Rice ended another also placed ninth in the 200 plul 10m. wh.n tho hou .. i, ,old. trol plan shall be submitted to the City in ac- i tough game for Ihe Friars. Cree relay. The .. lIing 01 on .. p"",no\ homo i, one 01 Ih. lorg .. l doUor .010. J Rice, led by 6 foot 10 inch Megan Montagne went her in on i:ndividuals la•. There is easily a SIO,OOO to $25,000 '(oriance cordance with DNR rules mentioned in section i ('cnler Will Franklin, heat best 5O.yard free lillie ever in which 0 home con be sold. Avollability at comparable home" 10. 124.02. , Auslin, 8565. and her 25.1 was good for a (o'ion fa .he.. homes, condition and mortgo'ile auumplian Qr. iU1' Q feW' things. to be consid.red. High scorers for the Friars, third place in girls 13 and Section 4. Pennlts and Fees were 6 foot 1 inch junior I iJ. Megan swam along side Th. Reo$ Eslat, profeuion earns i15 livelihood from good advice, cenler Bob Keuten with 22 of the girl who broke the •• pert evaluation and (Qunlleu noun of patienl home reviewing. II Upon payment of the necessary fees to the points and senior Tom Char. national record in the same is paid by ,h. ..llor and i. thorefare a hee, .oluoble .... i" 10 hcneau with 12. Keuten and heat. buyers, And. because its e.ll:pertise poinh oul way~ to bfing Ihe lOp City in accordance with a fee schedule to be donor for the \ener. the ,.,vice.I inyo'u:ab'e lor thl' ",Uer. Charheneau also are one 111'0 Most of the elub's swim. determined by the City Council, and amended in lolal scoring with 91 and meT'S who made the tough School "I.t 0""" generally 1f1ils the lempo 10' leUing t1ome,. lhi" from time to time by simple resolution, the sub- 89 points, respeclively. meet betlered their times. meo,'" H'Iot from now on you will see on increo~ing n'Jmbe( of home, appear on tne mork.t. The folh ot Graue Pointe Real h'ate Co. mitted plans shall be reviewed and approved The Friars only win this Tim Nelson was in boys 13 will be hoppy 10 koep you opproi.od 01 Ih... new 1i,ling'. Coli Ihom and a permit shall issue, provided the plans year came lasL week at home and 14. Lisa Colletti, Abbie 01 88'2.0087 and "gi.I" your d.. ire. wirh Ih.m, You'll be pleo .. d '~gamst Romulus. Leading Frame and Debbie King were with their "Pe.ter f,ee" friendly service. meet DNR standards, which have been adopted the Fri~rs to victory was in girls 13 and 14. by reference, to prevent soil ere-sion at all HElPFUL HINT: Charbcneau with 27 points. "The Pointe Swimmers lI_ard your lloot estole ,ol"mon with loyalty, It you like him and major construction sites adopted by reference, Other big scorers were Bob were pleased with their ef. th. way h. works lor you. ,.11 him '0, You'll bo 9,otified by hi• profeSl~nal (lid and probably (on"rder him your Irieond for many to prevent soil erosion at all major construction ., ~~ul:;d w~~c~6h:n~~v;t~,le~~: :~~sU:~d s~m~ ~~~:~ga~ years '0 come. sites in the City in excess of one (1) acre (except In earlier acLion Austin beginning to make an empaas isolated single family dwellings). lost Lo UD, 74.54. with Char. on the national scene," saId Section 5. Site Inspettlon dtildREN heneall and Keuten each Jack Shook of the club. gelling 10 points. Grosse The local enforcing agency shall inspect CAN'T WONdERiNG_ Pointe South heat the Friars, I the construction site at least at the beginning, ItElp 81.49, with 10 points coming And they wonder a lot about God, They seem to have from both Keuten and Mike GOOIIIfaa SUb9rbanite POLYGLAS during construction and at the end of the proj- a natural awareness t"at He's here, and that He's Smith. ect and shall issue cease and desist orders upon important. But they want 10 know more, Austin's toughest loss came violation of the rules set forth in Act 347 of In the Christian Science Sunday School. Gods nea,. ,against DeLaSalle, 54'51'1 EI'IIE P'.A.I972. I Keuten had 22, Dan Matzka, 95 ness and goodness become practical realities to IS, Charbeneau. 12, and Bob children. They study and discuss weekly Bible Les. I TUIE.UP Section 6. It is hereby declared that this Kozinski finished the scoring $34 sons. and how to apply their truths each day, They with 2 points. I ordinance is immediately necessary for the Add $4 for' cyt .• $2 for air condition tearn to look to God for His unfailing help The Friars first g a m f' ! preservation of the public peace, health and No need for your child to go on wondering, Let nlm , aga inst SI. Andrews was a I • With elec'ronic equipmen. our profe5lionals fine.tune safety and is therefore given immediate effect. slart discovering, at our Sunday School, We'll be I 7261 loss, Once again Char. \ your engine, installing new poin's, plugs & condenser delighted to welcome him and his friends ' heneau, Matzka and Keuten • Helps maintain 0 smooth fUnning engine for maximum lied the scoring wiLh 22, 15 gas mileage. ENACTED: Dec. 2, 1974 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL i and 11 points, respectively. : The Friars tough JV squad WE HAVE PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZE Andrew Bremer, Jr. I suffered its only setback (If __ RIST.... CHURCH_ OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST112 (hollo.,. A.. ,,'. '" I t:1C year against Brother - G.E. APPLIANCES and TV - CITY MANAGER AND SvNkty S4mc. & $u,.doy S<~ , 0, 30 _. W.d 8 00 ...... , 19613 _. Avo., TU •• '.190 "'~'"' I Rice, 41.42. Their record cur . CITY CLERK SIXTH CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST ; : I. renlly stands at 5.1. CURTO & CURTO & 00''''" .14710 K... h.... ' A.. '\ ..' II The JV is led in seoring '!tv,.. ~ ... 'Go30 oftd Sou'r" S<~OOI '0,30, W.d a 00 I KNIGHT, INC. ROBINSON, INC. -... a_, '4707 ... "'-01, o.tn>+I, Mi...... , I: hy Dave Van Egmond with I ?ublished Grosse Pointe News, Dec. 19, 1974 .22.U6S '"'I MIdI ..... '46N IIIrptr It PWNp ._ .----11!11 points, IMike Emmerich ww.... with 66 and John Champagne I 885-1700 VIE9-5050 with &1 (or the season. •

1. .1••••••••••• &11I&11I&•• &.'.& .. &112&.&..... '14114.... 4...... 11&511.'c.~QIIIId'IIC'.'IIIId'lICala... allCallla... a...a.&... a... &..'... &... IIII ...... IIIQ.... 11I0... "ZIIIIIISIIIQIQ" .... aIllQQIIlIll' ... 1II0...... ,III4',..c!!". CI.,!"'

Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Deeember IY, 1974 -_._------Grosse Poillte News r What Goes ••11 ROBERT B. EDGAR D/B/ A Anteebo Publishers, "'---_M_em_or_ia_1 C_en_te_r_Sc_he_du_le_1 Whalj OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL nwon at Open Daily 9 a.m ••9 p.m. GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 I, (Offices Closed Sundays) Set<)nd Class Postage Paid at Delroll. Michigan Yo••r Library -_._------~------~----.------December 19. December 26 l FULLY PAID CIRCULATION By Arthur Woodford .r"l E ..UII , ':'All Memorial sponsored activities open to Chief of Central Library By Pat Rousseau ~IIlco. Pross AssotloUon 0011 :>:allonal Edllonol Association the Grosse Pointe public. Hospital equip- ment available for free loan: crutches, Say Merry Christmas ... with books {rom Phone TU 2.6900 The hohday season is fre. 'shops today." In this book The Book Shelf, 112 Kercheval, 886.2066. ------'.~-~-'------'----~'- --'-. , quently a time for displaying Ilhe authors are concerned wheelchairs, hospital beds and heating ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOR and PUBLISHER i and using ~our fanciest can. only with poured candles _ lamps. WILLIAM ADAMO ADVERTISING MANAGER, I dies. For those who like to as opposed to dipped can. The Ideal Christmas• Gift For The Fa~ily GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER JANET MUELLER FEATURE PAGE, SOCIET~ , have candles in their home. dies _ because "these pro. ... the Water Pic Pulsating Shower Head, fInd AND LENDING LIBRARY. Volunteer JAMES J. NJAllIl NEWS I and mioht want to take a try vide areat variety and reo consultant on duty Friday 2.4 p.m. Tele- it at Trail Apothecary, 1~1 Kercheval wh~re ROGER A. WAlIA /;PORTS, NEWS at Illaking their own, I would spond" best to the demands there's a selection of electnc razors and favonte :\A);CY KRAMER EDUCATION, NEWS like to recommend several of imagination." phone 881.4594. BARBARA BRUNO... NEWS of our new books on candle. Tre authors tell what ma fragrances for men and women. LILLIAN KARR ADVERTISING making. lerials are needed. how to Thursday, December 19 .\IARY LORIMER ADVERTISING, A candle is simply a cylin. make many differenl kinds • 9:00 a.m. Bobbin Lace - Mrs. James Ruffner, Gifts• For The Christmas PAT ROUSSEAU ADVERTISING: der of lallow wax or olher of candles including ice. sand, Instructor Bar ... $20 and under at the CHARLES DICKSON ADVERTI&lNG ~oJirl fat containing a wick and decorated ones. and how * 9:30 a.m. Water Color-Ingrid Hofer, Instructor League Shop, 98 Kerchev~I, JOHN :'lacKENZIE BUSINESS to give ~(f light when burn. to develop and use a wide 10:00 a.m. Pointer Girls Bridge I include Christmas glasses In JOANNE BUR~AR , . ACCOUNTS ing But besides giving lighl. variety of molds. 1:30 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Transcendental Medita- I the Christmas tree pattern JO MULlIERI~ CLASSIFIED AiJVERTlSING a candle can be made to "ive This book concludes with a tion . . . good selection of old DOROTHY SCHlMANSKY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING color and fragrance and to chap'er entitled "Turn Your • 4:00 p.m, Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor BETTY BLOSSOM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING give pleasure 10 lhe aesthetic Candles into Dollars." which fashion and high ball glas- • 7:30 p.m. Organ-Stella May, Instructor Ill. COLETIE KREINER ~_~IRC~LATION sense by the addition of includes a fine section wilh ses ice buckets, bar acces. .------pleasing design. suggestions for opening and • 7:45 p.m . Adult Ballet - Mary Ellen Cooper, sories, coasters, lucite wine Instructor racks, wine glasses. Install Pointe FOP Officers WUe is known of the -his. operating your own candle 8:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Cinema League tory of candles. though we do "hon, , * ----~---~----- h 1'1 know they were used as early Fo.r tho<;e.readers mlere?t. * 8:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m.-Far Eastern Dancing - The officers elected to I Oflicer Kraiza, w ° C( I S d k I Fariba Bringard, Instructor Picard-Norton . •. . is abounding with )losts of the Fraternal Order the news of the P?inte Lodge. as 3000 B.C. by the Egyp " In ma Ill" a very soeCla of Police. Grosse Pointe I comprised of offlc:!rs of all 'ians. The modern candle lvn~ of candle I would re~. • 8:00 p.m. Sculpture-Frank Varga, Instructor cruisewear, sport shirts, sport coats, ~tcetera I probably evolved from the or'lll1l'''d Gary Koppnel s Friday, December 20 for that forward-looking Christmas gIft • . . Lod/(e No. 102, were officially Ithe pointes and I r.rpe.r :'liddle Age custom of dip. SCUI.PTUREO. SANDCAST 92 Kercheval. inslalled prior to the Presi. Woods. discloscd in the offl ping cores of wood. rush or CANDLES ~ChJ!lon). . 12:00 noon Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe- dent's Ball held at the Grosse cial publication of the Fra. cords in household grease Though Ihls bonk deSCribes Open Card Day Pointe Yacht Club on ilion. ternal Order of Police, State d h '" th t II the slep~ for makinl( a very * 4:00 p.m. Ski Hi Trip to Pine Knob Imported Embroidered• Tee Shirts . . . day. December 16. All had Lodge of Michigan lIIaga. ,m urnm, ese a ows as 1" k' d f dl th lclJ • 4:00 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor make gay fashion gifts for Christmas. Our been unopposed for eleclion zine "The Peace Officer" a source of Iil(ht. In about oa;ll ar m 0 ~~nt h.e ~i Karate-Sang Kyu Shim, Director Ilal'the lonal Lodge will hold 18~5 Ihe use of tallow. bees. ria~ °l~ assuresfu ,,! ad I IS • 7:00 p.m. favorite, embroidered with windmills and and will take office for one •• , d t bl 'rec 'O"S are 0l owe . even 7;00 p.m. ycar. beginning January 1. its Christmas party for chll. wax an ve!!e a e wax was II) b' ')) I 'Ih Village Music Studio Concert tulips. Find them all at The Greenhouse, 117 (Iren 'tS members lomor. sunplemented by slearin. At e egmner WI mee WI * 7:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. Philip Gibbs, Kercheval where Christmas patchwork orna. Installed for his second of l b I th I' t' t d Slll'cess P k row December 20 al the a ou e same Ime. WISe K . lb' 'th Director ments are available. term as president was ar Gro~se Pointe Amerieanj' l'0rd was replaced by a . oepne e~m~ WI a 8:00 p.m. Ski Club Wine Tasting Party Palrolman Andrew Meeker. . plaited wick as the candle's lhoroll~h descflptlon of how * The 1975 vice presidenl is LegIOn Hall. Mack avenue " 10 sel up vour own sludio. * 8;00 p.m. 5th Annual Christmas Ballet • Harper Woods Patrolman and Hamplon road. under the ~?rc. FIfty .'ears later, para. He th'n "walks with the School Play Aprons ... make pretty and Saturday. December 21 practical presents. Choose an apron with a slate Jeff Manor; secretary. Woods chairmanship of Patrolman I ~~~x~"'sa~s~~ded10 lhe lIsl of reader" throu'{h the four * 9:30 a.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor Patrolman Jim Fowler; Fowler. .,' . basic ~Ietls of sandcasting and chalk, paint and paint brush or coloring 12:00 noon Grosse Pointe Jaycees Christmas book and crayons. They are $5 at Young treasurer, Shores Sgt. Don In the current issue of the 1 here ~re t~ree maIO and sculolinl!. Next, he ,hows Party Jacob; guards, Shores Pa- "The Peace Officer". pub. methods o. m~kmg candles thp reader how to make 18 Clothes, 110 Kercheval. trolman Archie Grie)'e and lisheli quarterly. it was reo hI' hand: rolhng f~eets .of different candles. varyin~ • 2:00 p.m. Christmas for Children Woods Patrolman Pal Fagan; vealed that Lodge No. 102's ll:e<;wax a:ou~d a Wick, dip, from b~sic.sha""r! sanrlcasts * 7:30.10:30 p.m. Junior Youth Council Christ- Virginia Williams •Suggests ... Florentine conductor. Woods Patrolman Softball Team journeyed lo omg .the WICK10 hot \~ax and to sandcael"chapters on Merry Christmas to all the Community from the staff RobeIIe's On The •Hill ... 104 Kercheval, leUer as a special "Thank tell a differenl slory. 'll~ki"'! candles. the alilhor of the War Memorial You" fro~ the citizens of Representing the Lodge dpsl'ribes several methods announce a pre-holiday sale to help you beat Grosse POInte to the school team were: Shores Patrol. of r1e"oratin'! them. These One View Thursday, December 26 inflation. 25% off all coats and pantsuits, 15% and city officials who made men Archie Grieve, John metlJorls include: r!I'ometric * 4:00 p.m. Ski Hi 'frip leaves for Walloon Lake off all store dresses. Open evenings, December il possible for us to resume Trevillian and Mike Kenyon; riP'ign. from. wax sheets. c.ut'j From The 7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Numismatic Society 16 through 23. nearly normal activities so Woods Patrolmen Bruce 0111 desiens. and (1esigns Capitol soon after the recent record Marone, Wayne Baum, Tom fro m plaster. casl wax For Men ... caribou •leath •. snowfall. Hunke "Pat" Divine, Ted moulds. 8y William R. Bryan!, Jr. er travel pieces at the Mer. Sueh effectiveness is not Him. . Rick Lovelace and Ms. Strose conclude" her maid include hanging gar- possible without careful pre. Mike Vandeginste; Park Pa. Iillle book with some helpful The Michil!an Legislature I g ment bags, travel bars and planning and a special com. lrolmen Dave Hiller and I noillt"rs on Ihe proper wav has adjourned for lhe Yllar. • •• a on mi1mcnt to community sen'. Mike Kortas. who lhrough I" Iillht. burn, and extinguish When we reconvene Janu. utility pieces. Open Thursday ice on the part of those in. I' ~is own eUorl. gllthered sup. tile flame on your newly ary 8, for a new session. I evening, volved. port from Richard Buick and rn~de candle. lhere will be scores of new Again a special "Thank ?ointe Dodge which supplicd Terence McLallehlin'<; CAN. Je!!!~lal.ors eagpr to impart Whole Smoked Pheasan's from High Valley • You" to all of the city and :2.1m uniforms for the tour. nLE M A KIN r. (Drake) theIr WISr10mand enlhusiasm.. 'f l ••• d h F S PRE.CHRISTMAS SAVINGS . . . Friday school employcs of Grosse ,Lment and transportation to fl)o'l,h .

JUST ARRIVED ... •at Martha's Closet, in time ~ for Christmas giving. Cosmetic cases, sewing cases, BONSAI needlepoint cases and jewel cases in a flame stitch OPEN THURS. EVENING pattern and antique satin. See the great sweaters TREES ~ with the new look, one size fits all, in a wide range (Miniature of colors including the hot colors . . . 14k gold dl O~ jewelry with appropriate messages as "LOVE", Orietllal TrHI -SIOgn ,I)(~ 11)(' "SOLD", "MS." and symbols of hearts, doves, ar. large rows, apples, kissing kids and dollar signs. Shop for Variety these goodies in Martha's (,'1osct, 375 Fisher Road. I Open Nights 'Tit Christmas. Sat. 'Ti) 5:30; Sun. 11.3 ,;a Mermaid • It's a beautiful. relaxing place to Christmas Order Christmas center pieces and plants at The Shop. Join us for coffee and visit Gerrj's, The Post. I k75 Kercheval on the Hill • . . - Arrangement, 77 Fisher Road. mark and Kimberly Flowers. , --I ., :~

. , Thursday, Deeember 19, 1974 G R 0 S5 E POI N TEN E W 5 Page Seventeen Sunny Seeks Met Advertising Sales Alliance Classes . '. Celebrate 'Noel' French Carols Highlight Parenh' Night Program at War Memorial; Mrs. pc1frrek Griffin's . French Students are the "Stars" .~, Young and old(er} students of the Grosse Pointe Alliance Francaise French classes gathered last Monday evening, December 16, at the Gross~ Pointe War Memorial to ring and sing in the holiday season, ,! WOMEN'S PAGES Officiallv it was a Par. and Troy Bareume, Nicoli ents' Night Christmas and Michel Allen, Andre, Program, pl'es\:lIted by and Gabriella Gonsalez, Mi. the children in Mrs. Pat. chelle, Monica and Marcella From Another Pointe rick Griffin's classes who Bra;,!!, Anita Carrow, Brldl Short and to now have four months of Griffin, Frank and Michael French behind them. Robert, Nicki Bertram, Vic- of View ki, Susan alld Claudia Becll:;, The Pointe Mrs. Griffin's s t u den t s Miriam Maxwell, Danny •• By Janet MueUer ' range in agc from six to 17. Leif Stephanson, Tom Gip- ...... ------.... 1 MR. and MRS. TERRY They are divided into a be. bers and Chris Garret. The sounds of Christmas rang out from the. KRUTZ, of ~oyal Oak, an. 'II' ~;.,ginners' ami an advanced !'tIrs. Bachrach"s students Cloverly road home of Fran and Charlie Parcells nounce the birth of a daugh. group. "My classes MUST be fun, include Mrs. Denise Contro- last Tuesday evening as two groups of merry. ler, LISA KATHR~N. Octo- . ' d h' ber 31. Mrs. Krutz IS the for. '0' , so that the children will want lis. Mrs. Louis Craig, M.... makmg so~gst~rs helped. Ibex members an t elr mer LINDA SESSIONS, ,: to return," Mrs. Griml! ex. Yvon Des Roberts, Mrs. Doq. husbands rmg In the holiday season. daughter of MR. and MRS. plains. aId Fouchey, Mrs. Sam Hael. The Grunyons were there, harmonizing a cap. CECIL SESSIONS, of Hamp- "They'vc accomplished so dad, Mrs. Gerald Maddeli, pella as they have for 25 years for such groups as ton road. much in such a short time!", Mrs. Mark Nelson, Mrs. Ho..... Fine Arts and Players. • • • SUNNY (Mrs. Frank W., Jr.) MRS. JOHN C. GRIFFIN, (left}, of she adds proudly. "My class. ard Robinson, Mrs. Michel Western Michigan Univer. HAUSMANN, of McMillan road, es are very exciting (or Wondergem. Mrs. Charle. So were the Sharette Family: Roland and Bev- Lakeshore road, and MRS. DAVID me ... " Pinkham. Mrs, Johanll$ erly and their three teenagers, Rick, Denise and sity ROTC cad etTER- named Grosse Pointe area advertis. L. GAMBLE, (right), of Ridge road, RENCE KEYES, a fresh- The children prepared Meingast. Mrs. Jerome AI. r David. ing chairman for the 1975 season of as she checks over last year's pro- Christmas cards, pictures len, M.So Thomas Jefferis man from The Pointe, won a the Metropolitan Opera in Detroit at gram book advertisers. The Metro- * * * £econd place trophy for the and poems, all in French, for and Mrs. Arthur Sherman. The Grunyons you know - they're the local the annual Met Opera adverNsing Orange Course in the third politan Opera Company will present their Parents' Program. Join. Especially invited to Join I" f gentlemen who sing together for the love of it, annual Saint Bonaventure committee luncheon held recently at seven performances during its April ing them for the festivities the fun was Mme. Jaequ. , whose easy style is perfect for such numbers as University Open Orienteering the Detroit Athletic Club, is flanked 28 through May 3 visit to Detroit's werc members of the War Dircks-Dilly, wife of Detrolt~i I "Alfie," "Lazy Days," "Time Was" and "Ain't Got Meet. by the season's general co-chairmen Masonic Temple. Memorial's own adult French French Consul. ; Time To Die." classes, under the guidance Mrs. Griffin's AlllaDele • • • of Mrs. Chuck Bachrach - children resume their FrenQh I The Sharettes combine instrumental accompani. Among 60 Kalamazoo Col- Club of Detroit December 2, Detroit Inslitute of Tech. ate work in History at WSU who just happens to be Mrs. classes at the War Memorl.l ment with vocal arrangements of tunes like "Let lege freshmen who partici- presenting the construction nology graduate RICHARD and received her certification industry forecast {or the Griffin's mother. JarJUary 6. They are looldnC The Sunshine In," "LiviD' Together" and a special pated in an experiential B. STANDER, bolder of a in Me die a 1 Librarianship Young and old(er) joined forward 10 a series of speciil (Continued on Page 19) learning program Michigan coming year. His father. Bachelor of Arts degree in from the Medical Library HERBERT MARTIN, was in a presentation of their fav events in the New Year, ~. by Land and Sea, [)ackpack- Speech and English, son of Association. She is an Elder orite French Chrisl mas car. eluding French movies, a ing through the Pictured president of the Associated the M. S. STANDERS. of of Grosse Pointe Woods Pres. ols. trip to a French bakery, Rocks National Lakeshore General Contractors 45 years Washington road, has been byterian Church. Mrs. Griffin's carolers in. cheese tastings and exelUl\I Park and sailing aboard the ago. appointed DIT manager of • • • eluded Kellie Egan, Theresa French speakers. .' Toronto brigantine "Play. • • • ccrporation and foundation Chosen {or listing as a fair," was LEO B. HUR- Mr. and Mrs. AL MAZ- rei a t ion s. He previously Western Michigan University LEY. son of the WILLIAM L. served as staff director for representative in the 1974-75 was ~ cross-country state WACKI, of Webber place; IARZ, of Bedford road, an- champion and All Bi.County NANCY SULFRIDGE, it HURLEYS, of Lakeland ave- nounce the birth o( a son, the United Foundation in De. e d I t Ion of "Who's Who nue. Leo, W:10 spent the first troit and is a member of the Among Students in American and All-State choice {or two Erlangen. Gennany, daul~' JOHN EDWARD, October 23. ter of MR. and MRS. DAVID of the orientation program's Mrs. Maziarz is the former Grosse Pointe Jaycees. Universities and Colleges" is years, has completed his first three weeks sailing on Lake cross.country season with the SULFRIDGE, of Vernier SUSAN GRUCA, daughter of • • • NANCY JEANNE DIEHL, road; and MARK THOJ4. Huron and Georgian Bay. ob. the EDWARD GRUCAS, of Texas Christian University daughter of the ROBERT J. Hillsdale College Chargers. serves: "The first week had Tom, in the varsity line-up SON, in Str8sbourg, Franet. Lakepointe avenue. Palernal s en i 0 r TERENCE J. DlEHLS, of Buckingham and MICHAEL THOMSON, the highest level of impact grandparents are MR. and LYNCH, of Roslyn road, has road. since he got to training camp, for me because everything MRS. JOHN MAZIARZ, of became an All.State for the in Alx-en.Provence, Fra~. been selected as recipient of • • • sons of the JOHN TKQM. was new-I was in the midst Chicago. Young John has a a TCU scholarship_ DEBORAH J. STRACHAN, first time in college at the of people I did;).'t know, do. SONS, of Three Mile drive. slx-year-old sister, LISA • • • daughter of MR. and MRS. state meet. He closed the ing something I had never MARIE, season at the NAIA national dOile before in a completely For mer Pointer EDNA GEORGE STRACHAN, of . . .. meet with a 29th place finish, .Former Pointer ISOBEL foreign environment: the • • • JOLLIFF, who now resides Merriweather road, travel- only four places away from Grosse Pointe North High in East Jefferson avenue, ed with the Wheaton College MOSS, who now realdes in water. From that came very All-American, strong friendship bonds." School graduate CONNIE Detroit, has been appointed Symphony Orchestra during Sun City Center, FII., WI,. • • • HOWARD, a junior English associate librarian for the its December 7 through 15 • • • among members of the Ultle Among an international major at Central Michigan Harper Hospital Division of tour throurll Ohio, Pennsyl. Participating in the cur. Manatee Questers Chapter group of 41 Yale alumni University, daughter of the United Hospitals of Detroit. vam",Ma, "'and. Virginia, rent Kalamazoo Colll'J(e jun- participating In a recent 11eld named to the Advisory com- EDMUND HOWARDS, of I Mrs. Jolliff, who received West Virginl. nd Indiana. ior year foreign study pro- trip to Gamble Mansion and mittee to guide and assist the Vernier circle, is a member 1 her Bachelor of Arts and * • • gram are KAREN GLO. Museum hi Ellenton, Fla. of the property crew for the Masters degrees in Library TOM HAMMER. graduated WACK1, in tile U",lteq K,lng. Mrs. fwl:ou 18 the. CI\.pter'~ Campaign for Yale which secretary. ~'- . : seeks to raise $3'I\'-'mll1ion University Theater produc- Science {rom Wayne State I tliisyear frciin Grosse Pointe aom;"daugliter 'of 'DR. an(l ~I for the University over the tion of "Twelfth Night." University. has done gradu. North High School where he MRS. EDWARD GLO. (Conllnue4 oa Pa,e 10) . next three years is HENRY FORD, II, of Lakeshore road, Class of 1940. .. " ROBERT A. MARTIN. of I Barl Edmond Beauly 5alon Loehmoor boulevard. cur- Jhe shops of • G.OSSE f'OlNTE WOODS DOWNtOWN 2t3l6 Meat" A... 45. E. Adam, rently serving as president of I 11!16.6060 WO 2.1112 Associated General Contrac- See Our Viv;ane Woodard Make Up Artish! tors, Detroit Chapter, Inc .• • G'DIN: 'aint. SedOr? open '/il 9 addressed the Economic W4tt"lt..l'i~..c~ 16828 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe 2861 Somerset Mall Troy


from att of uj

Store Hours: Monday at Ihru Friday 9:30 o.m. ,/lJtlt~ 'Iii 5:30 p.m. Closed Saturdays 3 Kercheval Ave., sf Fisher Rd. (Punch and Judy Block) ------~...... ---~,'~~"

<, Thursday, December 19, 1974 _Page Eighteen _ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Women's Page- by, of and for Pointe Women

Set Goldsboro Benefit Brunch TodflY for Pear Tree Phase I Fete for New Year IFaculty Wives Mrs. George R. Lutfy For Retarded Citizens I Mrs, Robert Waldeck is Brunch. A New Year's Eve cele. payable to }'IIASE L Present Santa opening her Fairholme road Each member has been hralion has been planned by Further delails may be ob. Singer.composer Bob b y Goldsboro will celebrate his home at 10 o'clock this morn. asked to bring two wrapped Phase I. a ~roup for singles !ained by calling Frank Bis. Grosse Pointe Fa e u It Y ing for the Pear Tree Chap- gins. marked for "man" or 20 10 40. Thl' parly will be sig al 885-0282. Wives welcomed Santa to 10th anniversary as a per. forming star by giving a tel' of Questers' Christmas I "woman," for later distribu. hl'ld at t~le Detroit Boat Club Phase I will go Christmas their annual children's Christ. ------..--- , lion to residents of the Grosse beginnin~ at 9:30 o'clock, caroling around The Pointe benefit concert ior the Detroit Both singles and couples arl' Sunday evening, December mas party last Saturday. De. Association for Retarded as possible, They will reside! Pointe NursinJ( Home, cember 14, from 3 to 4:30 ill\i~e:L The sg.per.persoll I 22, Interested singles are in. Citizens, Friday, January 31, in a home.like atmosphere,; Members have also been a .l:l~SSlon includes dancing' vited to meet al 6 o'clock at o'clock at Monleith School. at Henry and Edsel Ford be employed in a shellered asked to bring items for a I" :: lil'(' band, hors d'oeuI'r('s :'Ielllorial Church. Entertainment by the Ball Auditorium, workshop. earn money for i Silent Auction,. to be follow,ed :1;:,1 hrC'akfasl. Reservations Refreshments will be roon; lII~n. was ~lIOhwed h~~ Tickets are $10 each and their personal needs and be 1 by a carol slOg.along With ll1:lY be made bl' sending sen'ed around the fireplace. caro ,smgmg.. ac c I may be purchased by mail. able to live meanir.gful and: accompaniment by Cheryl l,I",C':s to Gust Jahnke, in the Church lounge after! a~tendmg receIved a small Orders will be accepted if more enjoyable lives, I Waldeck on the organ. (; ,'n':e Poi n t '" Memorial caroling. I gilt, a tree ornament mad~ paid by cashier's check, Church. 16 Lakeshore road,' Ph3se I resumes regular I by 1111's, Herbert Ladd ana certified check or money Grosse Pointe Farms. 1IIich, Sunday night meetings at i Mrs, James Hunt. order. 48236, Checks should be made :'lemorial Church Sunday,' Cookies and punch were Tickets should include a ..' Celebrate The Holidays .-.-._._-'. ------I served by lIlrs. Ladd. self-addressed stamped enve. ,- '. " '" II it!z A neaut~flll Hair Style lope and be sent to Detroit ~'~. . from r ~ • January 5. Further informa. Assoeiation for Retarded ~ . -~------~~LLO~l(l(I ~ I tion on the group's activities Citizens, 51 West Hancock, .... ""... • may be obtained by contact. De t ro it, Michigan, 48201. in~ Gust Jahnke at 882-5330, Checks should be made pay- I• ~O 15300 Kercheval. ------able to D.A.R.C. Cor. Beaconsfield The concert is a fund'rais. • tfl] I ing project to help Detroit's I ZS 821.9320 • mentally retarded. Proceeds 20335 Mack Ave. 881-7252 will be used to construct resi. I • dential homes for retarded ' I Specially Prited For Christmas II citizens, many of whom pre ...... ------.. ------.. I Decoupage or Hand Painted Purses 'Since 1908 viously ~ved. in institutions. A reSidentIal borne with a .1 PA RK MALL I 00 foster mother and father will I. $25 AND UP • FU~~~T~RE I .. I • ClEANERS provide retarded citizens with I 15229 Kercheval I I Key Finders - $2.50 and $3.50. (Ity WIDl a place where they can start to live as nearly normal lives I THE FLOWER POT I I Tree Ornaments to Paint I N:~:I~ME ").,JL :....~ • Gift Certificates For Any Amount I '.OR~N~R ~}, 'IIIIIIiIa I I '-& 1WL U. Ie , ,. r... , .'", "L & Sol ... Ie 5 ... 8088 E. FOREST ." .... Photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr, I Tiny Terrarium Plants to 15' I AC=:fy Exchanging marriage vows in the Grosse ...... ,..... WA 5-2343 Ficus Benjamina for $1500 L; Pointe Academy Chapel Saturday. September 7. I I --~._---:r-""'-"'----"'" were DOLORES ANN GALORNEAU, daughter I See our complete line of living I of Mr. and Mrs, Russel A. Galorneau, of Higbie I Christmas plants. place south, and Mr. Lutiy, son of the Albert Lut. -I fys, of Detroit. &i1010UN r------'I" NURSING Dolores Galorneau HOME ISHUSSER ART GALLERY I • Original paintings, graphics, jewelry I 8045 EAST JErFERSOl\ I and leaded stained glass terrariums. Wed To Mr. Lutfy DETROIT, ~IICll. I Bride's White SilkJersey Gown Features a Chapel Train; Pair Are at Home in Grosse Pointe Q•• I~:~:~:(A~ I o..~?~..~~9 I Woods after Vacation in Montreal and Qt:abec A reception in the Grosse Pointe War Me. L------J~ morial's Fries Crystal Ballroom followed the Satur. Jacobson's of Grosse Poinle is plea,;ed to offer day. September 7, wedding of Dolores Ann Galor- A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT! neau and George Robert Lutfy. Father Timothy Bab- you individual. personalized service during this cock presided at the rites in the Grosse Pointe be beautiful Academy Chapel. (~ holiday seasoJ:!. If you are unable to visit our slore The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. .:mdMrs. Russel )Iit:, big to select a gift, OT would appreciate assistance in A. Galorneau, of Higbie place south, the bride- The "POINTE TO ACHIEVE" '- IS determining what 10 give a cerlain someone .. ,our groom the son of Mr. and 'Je~

~ lOWeN811~r !.-,' .,.~ 50% off our regular prices! Even the ~~'- MIJN'H~' 'M merchandise arriving daily will be sale ~ 4 I priced at least 15% off! We hope this will J ~ Hand-pointed, enable you to have a Very Merry Christmas, Porcelain Pendant ~ ft Hand'painted in a postel ~ ::::: T~ 1. , " ,~ .. ,,81S13 .p 'N ,.. S1$ ;~.~ floral design, 20" =:s:: porcelain pendant in '~~, ~~,...... ' ,I, 'j !",AT ...... :r-'II,2"I' -:j . ~ 12.kt. gold filled, $12. Matching bracelet, $'24. ~ , Notr. Dam. Pltarmacygift center " .'.":,-:;;-,';T;rd:~l';~~':~,~ Matching earrings, S 11. ~ ,~ ~J:/ I~ 't>AlM PHARj(Acyl~

SAVE 15% TO 50% ""f " in '., ' , W"ghl Kay Option Account 1~ hssell s_ ...., rn..,...,..-...... l$ .,:::r~. Mosfer C"orge. BonkAmeficord :6" -, - II - - .-, .... ,,''''''-:: ._..,..,... .," iilf I c. fnF-n a.cb, M!dots, li;rhfs ,,' ,~ 'r': -l~r' 'i'6. ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK! Wright Kay ~ A CerM fer W...... ,Iiet, ."" ...... Ionrsllos ,j,/ / ,I~:-.'I ~,),', '/:; I~~ 01101" POI,," it .. ..--,...,.....Ws, llil. 1Ms)!l ///.H i,+ii';i~ lJ'. 11051 K.,che",a' A"t"'''' • MASTERCHARGE • BANKAMERICARD • MARilYN SHOPPE CHARGE 88HS15 D!UOll NOUHlANO ~-4i ::ff", ,,::::Ll,::/H,"d:: : "".,:Jrj~: '::;:::::;:ll .,. 'FAIR TRADED ITEMS EXCLUDED 9610100 356,3040 :t;j. Packaged L•.quor Dealer i'.... ""':. . 'it!t IIIRMINGHAM SAOINAW 199.8410 6411015 iL.f. . 16926 Kercheval, in-the.village ~.• '.tNt ..JlWltER5 SINCE 1S6' tl ~J,. Imported Domesti WI.nes SMP o'''y 8 30 • m 109 pm IMpn It,,., S"I 885 of course ••• FREE GIFT WRAP! ~l • \f Sund ...y~ . H011t111p(S 9 30 4 •• 21541, ~• ~~~~M~~~~"~~~",~~~,,,,~,,&.~.:.~"~~~-r~' .~t ~ ~"'~~_"'lIliiFJIt=-,~,...~~ ..~~~,..i/t '.M:-":C:..t:« ..lJI "'.~~t.ii~,~~~ _ '\0

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Thursday, December 19, 1974 G R 0 SSE PO IN T E NEW S Page Nineteen Society News Gathered from the Pointes

TODD MARTELL REMUS, I to Cadet Private First Class I Music," supported by Cindy At the conclusion of the son of MR. and MRS. STAN. I at Howe. Military School From Another Pointe of View Center A 'Waits Sallta's Visit Reynolds, Tom Wiseley, Christmas program all Chilo LEY R. REMUS, of Prest. I where he IS a freshman memo Suzy Kappaz, John Wise, dren's Theatre members wick road, has been promoted I ber of Company "B." ...... ------> I Santa Claus has invited all Grosse Pointe Children's Robin Lees, Amy Dietz, gather around the manger ------(Continued from Page 17) Grosse Poi n t e pre.school Theatre members under the Katie Mercier ;,nd Sue Bram. for a tableau while Silent WII" IHII Christmas medley including "The Little Drummer through fourth grade children direction of lIIrs. Sydney mer. Night is sung. Boy," "Do You Hear What I Hear?" and the "Burt to meet him, tell him what Reynolds will stage a beauti. AD ONLY Carols." they want for Christmas, ful free show, a special F · EE enjoy a show and get candy Christmas matinee prior to TAKE DOWN and REINSTALLATION Their fame is international. During a tour of canes. cocoa and cookies Santa's visit featuring Alice -~Call or.come in ~o~')- eight European countries they brought the house this Saturday afternoon. De. In WOl\derland characters ~ for a new experience ~~ OF YOUR DRAPERIESwhen cleaned down at Munich's Yellow Submarine nightclub, cember 21, lit 2 o'clock in the come to life and the entire b , singing "You Are The Sunshine of My Life" . .. Grosse Pointe War Memorial Von Trapp family singing the in dining pleasure '£ y US. were called back bv United States servie"emen at Center's "Christmas Wonder. glorious "Sounds of Music." I • DRAPERIES' ~WAGS & TAilS' VALANCES Berchtesgaden for two encores of "Day by Day" ... la~d" Cry~tal. Ballroom and Lisa Keegan will be fea. - Lebanese-Syrian Dinners • CORNICE BOARDS • BEDSPREADS f cd th "A' f th S 'le' D M' "b Frtes AudllorJUm , • BLANKETS' SLIPCOVERS per or.m e ne rom e W 1n alor Y, Center Youth Council per. tured as Alice in Wonder. i and Catering • COUCH COVERS' lAMP SHADES, ete. Bach, 1n t~e rotunda of the Madrid Pal~ce with the I sonneI will act as Santa's land. Marlha Terry will be i hotel s sumg quartet ... and drew a bigger crowd helpers. I Maria in the "Sound of I - Oriental Pastries E ute. than the bathing beauties on the beach at Monte ------Groceries TOUR OUR PUNT ~tN C~1l . Carlo. • * • .1 facing stress. "seethed,!ference" U:OJ R'raol" . " , . Hattie, who l~t her husband ~o heart disease I I· C~RRY OUT and CATERING 'C&tJMi Q~~ p(:~; D'" 30150 GRATIOT AVE. . Do~g Kneger was. at ,th~ Parcells. plano, cap. and her daughter-m-Iaw to cancer U1 the last four .I With any of our (bel 12- & \3 tol" RoseVille p.mg thiS perfect evenVlg WIth a Christmas ~aroll years has built a new life bv serving her community. COMPETITION PHONE 779-3550 slOg.along. Nancy Tewes and her how;e committee I' •• • • Open daily 9.6 S"ndays 10-4 "Drapery Care is a Family Affair" provided the holiday cheer. I The Assistance League has been a continuing middle GaJI Claud Mand"y., ~!!!JIII!IIIII!!!!!!IIIII!!!!!!IIIII!!!!!!IIIII!!!!!!IIIII!!!!!!IIIII!!!!!!IIIII!!!!!!IIIII!!!!!!~~IIIII!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!11!!!!!!~~ .. * * beneficiary of her time and talent. She was one of GOURMETSHOPPE Gift For A Giver its founding members in 1968, has held board posi. The Northeast Guidance Center treats many lions as treasurer and historian and served as finance J 52 J J Mack Ave., nr. Lahpoinfe 886-8540 people who are trying to cope with stress in their chairman for three major projects: the Guidance LOOKING FOR A lives, and Hattie (Mrs, Arthur R.) Pfannenschmidt, (Continued on Page 23) SHADY DEAL? of Vernier road, newest life member of the Center's Assistance League, might serve as D model for those •------~• 20% to 500/0 OFF HARVEY'S I OVER 4,000 ~II Tr~e to Grow ~ArEI SHADES TO SUtlAYS 12 5 • N COMPLEAT TRAVELER to III "tcracker' l CHOOSE FROM 1[ .. \1 LAm ~ A shimmering Christmas 2()% I , tree will grow to 3 height of by martin inc. : ". 30 feet before the eyes of f Open .' delighted concertgoers at this I ON ALL I EXPfRT LAMP REPAIRS yea r 's performances of n",r.da)' 11 l.~tlf!1Iin,. 'til lamps' shades' parts' china THE SQUIRREL'S NEST Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker flt.,i.'rrra. I WALL DECOR I lighting' filovr~ • cvstom ,hod~ ballet, being staged as part ~ 19849 MACK of the Detroit Symphony Or. 1 LAMPS, MIRRORS I 15439 mack ave. detroit ~ 114.6615 chestra's 1974 Christmas Fes. phone TU 1.9333 ~_~: tival in Ford Auditorium. • DECORATOR I r.,",~~~ The tree, which "grows" I on cue from a height of 10 to 30 feet in a matter of seconds II ACCESSORIES I GIVE CHILDREN ... at the conclusion of Act One, was designed especially for II AI$o SEE ovr fine selections of recliners, II Wearables from Conr.;es Nutcracker by Tim Dewart, curios, bar. cabinets, love chests and an industrial theater design. I occasional tables. • Snowmobile Suits er and former Wayne State University HillJerry Theater 1 • • Pajamas & Gowns designer who currently in. • • Snow Suits structs at the University of • Idea' Gilt. 10, The Home I Detroit. • B~vs Jackets IIIIIB US YOUII His design, based on a 'HARII TO FIT IOY • Gloves WE CAMY A hoop.skirt concept, is made line leathers lor men & women lAII8E UIIE Of of 15 aluminum rings starting I VAN FURNITURE I I • Mittens HUSKIES IN SUIS at a radius of seven feet six PERSONALIZED with your I da/l~~;Y~~Ytt7;~ • Dresses inches at the base and dimin . I ishing by six inches with initials AT NO EXTRA CHARGE 20343 MACK Ave., GROSSE POINTE • Skirts every ascending ring to form i I I (Between Vernier & Moron Phone TU 4-5885 I • Ties the cone.shaped tree . It will be decorated with 345 FISHERROAD - 881-0200 IL Shop MDndoy, Thunday, frid"y 111I9p.m. .I • Shirts FREE ALTERA TlOIIS 400feet of colored Mylar gar- OIlIOYS' H' lands" aodaPPl'!!ximately 500 • Slippers llIRLS' SUCKS twinkling-lights;, . Nutcracker; which annual. ------". Sox ly plays before record crowds, mSCOUNT PRICES ON will be performed by the , , Severo Ballet Com pan y HEAVY WINTER GARMENTS FIIEE under the direction of Sandra Iacobell's ~ ~11.z~S ~::~~~a;: ~cea~~e: 2~,CI~~~ " .~ at 7:30 o'clock Sunday, Dec- •• 'URoALIZER ember 22. Theo Alcantara .~ WeWelcome. Mkhip a-kAmefi(ard. Mast ... 0... will conduct the Orchestra. Tickets are available at $6, . , $4.50 and $3 at Ford Auditor. has Calf CO nnle s - BOYS' qnd GIRLS' WEAR ium. 961-<1700, aU Hudson's, • Cam CA 3.5100, and Gl'in.oell's, Patent & Calf ,~:. Blae Ample Parlcing in Front and Rear 961.5075, ticket offices. Child. Black Wine tour size Red 23208 MACK near 9 MILE Open friday Eve. ',iI 9 PR 7-8020 ren 12 and under are admit. Blue Bone .... , ted at half.price. Brown your Ilze Blue Green Gray - Ill( I 11 II I t!i .1 IfIt 11 1111 12 •••• ~ 'I~ JACOBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOW TO CHRISTMAS • • SHOPMONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'T1l9:00 P.M. ... • •••••• • • • • • • :(~ Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. ... ••• •••.~• • • • • • M •• • • •• • ------".:_i'.,.;.~ • ••_ I_• ••_ • • •- • • • • • • 'I-" . I t .~ "'I I_ - ~7~ amel Calf Jll:k • ••• • • • • -• • - BI ", t • 1. ue Calf Patent • • • • • • • • BIaek Patent - - - ,- - Black • ••••• •_ • ••• • •• • .• A ed Patent Treasured gifts from Wm. Adams - so hand. Blue ( I- • Red •••• •• - - some you'll want to huy tw0r one for your White own hol iday table and one to please a friend Most shoes ayoilallle in all sizes. for Christmas. They're heavy lead crystal with remarkable color, brilliance and sparkle, en- hanced with fine quality silver.plate. SEE OUR A. Three-compartment relish dish with silver. OPENING SPECIALS ON SELECTED SHOES plated rim. 8-inch diameter. $10 80 B. Beautifully cut crystal salad bowl with silver. $J6 B Coordinated Purses Available C. Val 51. Lambert crystal cake plate on NOW OPEN silverplated base. 11%")(5" tall. 22.50 IACOBELL~S c NATURALIZER ~"';i~.t~»lC,,()})f.j()l I'S SHOES @~@)~ {f@)[f' 'lillu@ Du@ovu@ • 2 HOURS FREE PARKING ... ,JACOBSON'S Will VALIDATE YOUR TICKET Eastland Center 839-0080

______._. .._ ..-. « _. ...& _ ...-...- ._~ _ = __ o-w-.-., ""'1. ~__ ...-. --. _.._ ~ Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 19, 1974 Women's Page- by, of and for Pointe Women ------~-----_._------'Amaltl'Slated Ttvice Sunday IEpstein-Jay July Bride Miss Oldani Prize-Winning Sculpture Set on Kern Block The 1974Deiroit Symphony I Mehta and Howard Krakov' Troth Is Told To Say Vows A new and interesting Monday, December 16, as the Kern Block, Orchestra Chrislmas Festival ski. alternating as Amah!; __ sculpture, winning entry in part of Detroit's annual Noel Made of unfinished elm it a competltlon for college art Night celebration. is constructed in four large concludes at Ford Audilori. Eugene Bayless as King Kas. Mr and MEld' B J Mr. and Mrs. William John urn Sunday afternoon a~d p~r, Roger Havranek as of Iiandy ;~ad ~:ve' :~: Oldani, of Balfour road, are 'students in the metropolitan The sculpture by Stash angular sections which the c\'£>nml':.December 22 With Kmg Balthazar and Kevin T. nouneed the en~agement f area sponsored by the Junior Smaka, a senior in Wayne artist is rearranging every announcing the engagement League of Detroit, the Michi. State University's Art De. three or four days during the fullystaged and costumed Carter as. the Page. their daughler Mar Hele~ of their daughter, Anne gan Council for the Arts and partment, is now in place on 'Christmas season. performances of Amahl and Chorus IS the Norlhweslern to I arry Ft '. y f M ' Breen. to Otto Kern. son of t"lC Night Visitors at 1:30 and High School Madrigal Sing. antl'M A'Phsem. Esonlo. r , the Recreation Department, - f Mr. and Mrs. Ernst F. Kern, 3:30 and The Nuterae ker at ers, directed. by Brazeal Den Z.'ranklinrs. ram ,ps em• 0 City of Detroit. was exhibited of Bloomfield Hills. in Detroit's Cultural Center 7:30 o:clock: nard. Dancers will be Lila Both .\fiss Jay and her n. The bride. elect is an Dal'ld AI~en,. who sang Jan Miller, Adrian Bailey anee are Michigan State Uni alumna of the Academy of . ~mg !>,felchlO; III the 19.~1 and Charles Bankston. of the versity graduates. lIe is pres. the Sacred Heart Bloom. Her fiance was graduated t:B~.T\ premier o~ M~noth s Severo School of Ballet. enll)' attending Detroit Col. field Hills and Barat Col. from C r a 0 b roo k School, Wiggs Very Special Chnstmas opera, IS director Paul Freeman,DSO con. lege of law lege, Lak~ Forest, Ill. She Bloomfield Hills, and Albion and producer of the afte.r. ductor.in.residence, will di. A Ja~ua'ry wedding is received her Masters degree College. Pre-Christmas Offer . , noon pe~[or,:"a?ces. He Will rect the Orchestra for both planned. [rom Xavier University. Cin.' A May 31 wed din g is repeat hiS smgmg role. performanees. ------donati, O. planned. Rosemary Kuhlman will That evening the DSO will formances of Tchaikovsky's sing Amahl's Mother, the be directed by Theo Alcan. Nutcracker. This year marks role she created in 1951. tara for the last of three Severo Ballet's 20th season Plans for a July 25 wed. Others in the cast are Nuvi Severo Ballet Company per. of pcrform:mces with the ding are being made by RE. DSO. GINA MARY MASHOUR Holiday Fur Sale Tickets are available at $6. and William Lawrence Bris. NEED HELP WITH YOUR $4.50 and $3 at Ford Audi. tol whose engagement has torium. 961-0700. all Hud. been announced by her par. SPECIAL PARTY PLANS? son's. CA 3-5100. and Grin. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Alexand. nell's. 961.5075. ticket offices. er Mashour, of Blairmoor Meehan's Resiauran' ••• Children 12 and under are court. Can Supply You With: admitted at half.price. 25% OFF I The bride.elect received • Hot & Cold HOB D'oeuvres her Bacbelor of Science de. gree from the University of SALE. • Party Trays XMAS GIFTS Michigan last May. Her See our collection fiance, son of Mrs. William of • Ice Cream & Snacks R. Bristol, of Moross road, on FOR DAD and the late Dr. Bristol. was designer furs by graduated from Wayne State Pierre Cordin, Rl'[>OU5SP two 71035 . :. University where he is now Geoffrey Beene, [nlricatp, floral - CAll . attending the School of Medi. ,cllll'turpd paltprn famous patterns MACK Stephen Burrows, first inlrouu(,pti hy 884-": • cine. __ Chester Samup) Kirk in j 182A. at 1170 THE SQUIRREL'S HEST Hold Christmas Special Weinberg, from Roslp , I~ 19849 MACK Dinner Program Tuesday Schiaparelli, Samuel Kirk & Son ,~884-661" -- all at sale prices. ~1I!!It1l!!l _ 1I!!It1l!!l1l!l .. !!I._II!!It~ __...II!!ItIl!!lIl!!ltIl!ll"!!li:1I!Iii1l!!Ol ~ ~ Christian Business ood America's Oldest Silversmiths ------,;'I-i=-~-~-i=-:-'I.-~-i:'I.-~-=-::,-'I.-~-i:-'l.-~-=-::,-i~'" -=-l=-~~~~~~=;~a=:~a=~~~tEastProfessionalSide Council,Women.welcomedDetroit soprano Rosemary Jackson LIMITED TIME ONLY! as guest musician and &peak. ~• er at a Christmas Special ,,( ' ,,( dinner program last Tuesday, We urge our lriends ~ to take advantage of this ftt ~ l'~lntChe VI'llagee" J :'~t'~~~r 17. at Thomas h r special sale. ti Mrs. Jackson, Metropolitan IOpera auditions finalist, is currently a Voice teacher at Schoolcraft College as well .25% ON 32 JX:. SETS 1972-1973-1974 HUMMEL PLATES as a radio and recording ar. tist. Al Yungton was her ac. 20"10ON OPEN STOCK companist, Old Maryland N Ilah Sarber, violinist, also Engraved performed. On(' of America's _ Hummel Figurines - Pewter Figurines Demonstrations or how tel all . lime fa\orites, make attractive Christmas this graceful classic _ Pewter Candle Holden; - Music Boxes ornaments and decorations is individ~aJly hand finish"d by th(' .. Pholo Albums - Scrap Books were presented by special maslpr craf!sm£>n f eat u re guest Catherine 01 Kirk . • Chess Sels - Christmas Candles Wedge, of Blairmoor court. Mn. Wedge, wife of Dr. _ Christmas Cards and Party Goods George C. Wedge, conducted two successful and productive workshops attended by sev- eral Christian Business and . ~ 'fr pro f e s s ion a 1 members in of Grosse Poiilte preparation for their Cbrist. ~:.> -:ti..,~~~~:~~t~ff-:'- mas Fair held last month, ~ ~~4 ';;'d/4 which was also very success. 19261 MACK(~earMoro••) 886-7715 ful. (Next to IT'ood. Theatre) 4080 TELEGRAPH (at Long Lake Rd.) Open Thun., Fri. & Sat. 'Iii ~ p.m. • 644.7370 Among St. Clair Yacht Open Doily 9:30 10 5:30 p.m .• Thurs. & Fri. 'iiI 8 p.m. 17047 KERCHEVAL TU 2-7790 Club Flag Officers for 1975 is Fleet Captain ROBERT MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, 9:30 - 9:00. SAT. 9:30 - 5:30 E. HABITZRUTHER, of Hol. ~~~~ lywood avenue. JACOBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOW TO CHRISTMAS SHOPMONDAY THROUGH fRIDAY 'TIL 9:00 P.M. Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.

no-iron, soil.rel ... finish tableclo1hs rAJ "Harvest", an autumn print tablecloth by "Shadow Fern" art print by Vera , an Fallani and Cohn, generously bordered by overall beige/brown original designon brown and orange fruit designon a carefree easy-carecotton, beautifully compatible white cotton background, with any table setting,

Visit our 10 )0" lOOKCASI '219 52")(70"oblong..$1' 60")(84" oblong. $18 52")(62" square,$852")(70" oblong. $11 Clock Shop 60")(85" oval. $18 60")(84" oblong. $11 60")(82" oval, $11 lor additional 10 DIll SINK'199 DOUGH IOV 7rY' round $18 17")(11" napkin. Each 1.50' 7(1' round. $18 17")(17" napkin. Each 1.50 gilt ideas I ENDTAIl! '9910

oru .. our Draper's or U.. Out Rovolvlnll 'line furniture i._I Rovolvlnll Charge. • , Cha''1e. I"--- 23020 MACK, near 9 Mite, ST. CLAIR SHORES 778.3500 2 HOURS FREE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET Open Ev••• 'til 9 p.m, Mon. thru Thurs., F,i. Other days 'til 5:30 p.m. ------~~~~~~~~"""~"~-"~"""""_""R._ ...------. F-F_ __ _._ p_._._..•_. '"""._.._p _._ p_._ _._ P_P_ P P_."'lp _ F-.F _F F ~------~ - -- ....--- - ...-- - .. • - .. - ..- -

Thursday, December 19, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pa98 Twenty-One Society News Gathered from the Pointes

------_._-~._------~------_.__ .__ ..__ ., .. _-----, ._------_.-,------Old.to.N etv Y ltle Project 'I Motor City Business Ilion of Retarded Citizens" was given by Patricia Mc. ~J t' 'was guest speaker. Voca.: Alinden. escrow officer, Bur- Enjoy Marygrove Celebr~tyAfterglow Wome n H0 Id lV1eo m9 ! . b' Most people looking at an I Hem into something useful I The Motor City Charter ~~~l spt'ec~or th~~~~t~_ton~~racl Compan). old table leg would see just and decorative. For are. Chapter 0( the American' Ih~t: an old table leg. cycling project that lends Business Women's Associa. Joe Cox looks at an old Iitself to the holiday season tion of Retarded Citizens .. table leg and sees a Christ. he suggests making candle- meeting at 6:30 o'dock 1- --.------mas cenlerpiece. holders from old table legs. yesterday, December 18, at, I , Joe, Extension Specialist I "Combined with cones, the Sentinel Center in East I In. L~ndscape Architecture at !sprigs of evergreens and Jefferson avenue. I ~!I~hlgan S.tate University, other trimmings, table leg Ray Smarl. executil'e di enJoys turnmg a "useless" eandleholders can become rector of the Detroit Assoria- 'la::;H::;;:f:.'fH.:.~~~~~~= Trowel, Error MERRY CHRISTMAS SALE Club to lUeet The Trowel and Error Gar. 250/0 OFF den Club will hold its Christ. Selected Hand Made Ornaments mas party today, Thursday. December 19, at 11:30 o'clock and Ch,istmas W,ap in the Blairmoor court home of Mrs. John Por\('r, There will be a gift ex. I change and a program on ~~.~D"!!.~!~E!!.de I Christmas Legends. ~":H!.~~~ HIP'S WHEEL FOUL WEATHEIt SAILING Nalr/ral Sholllder Clothing SUIT Festive Entertaining wilh the by MR. and MRS. VINCENT F. LO- humorist-singer Jud Strunk and the Lenox CICERO, of Barrington road, greet incomparable Pearl Bailey, backed HIDDEN HOOD $42.50 Value radio personality J. P. McCARTHY, up by a 17-piece orchestra and top China created especially lor Chrislmas. . (right), at the Marygrove Celebrity drummer Louie Bellson. This is the 50 sprigged wilh holly and bordered in 24.kl. gold. Night Afterglow in Ford Auditorium. third annual benefit for Marygrove $32 Hand decorated. 13" diameter holiday hosless plotter Mr. McCarthy was master of cere. College and many Pointers were ac- • lor M.n and is a Iraditional favorile for canapes and Womt>n monies for the November 15 fund- tive on the committee. • \\' ate rproof buffet dishes. $23. Red and green holly raiser which featured "Daisy a Day" • \\'wdproof candlesticks. $22 pair. • Slaill and dlrt No Other Sport Shirts Have n'IH:"J1t'nt • ~Iocd is lIn(>d and .Wr;gn' Kay Option Accoun' -SonIc:Americo(d .MoSler Charge the focal point of a holiday I home decor. Use red, green fo\ds into a neat the Sumptuous NURSING SERVIUS centerpiece." Cox says. I and white to give them a ('ollar • 1<1•• 1 lor FOOT. YOU CAN DEPEND ON The first step is to acquire holiday look. BALL. SNOW. /DAY OR NIGHT an old table leg. If you don't Vou can antique them or MOBILE and all VIYELLA .... have one on hand check out sand them down a bit and outdoor sporls. Wright Kay .'''Ilypes oj nursinll care neighborhood garage and stain and varnish them. Vou Oltonl 'OINU Il.MINGHAM . ,endererl by our employee, Look and Feel 1,~O~I Kt'(~e ..al A.e"Wf M... ,,'I ... , C1Moll ~8(' '5.... ",''''' W'l'dwQ'll Houls to suil your needs. rummage salcs, farm auc. can leave them in their "na. 88111'1 o!llill~ ]01") R.N. supe.wision. tions. flea markets and sec. tural" state for a rustic look Dlnon Plain Colors-$29. Experienced.Screened • and.hand .slores. To complete your center: NonHlANO SAGINAW ''>Oll W(lll"'OHI Insured Dependmg on the shape piece arrange cones, sprigs ':,h(\~~lnq (t-,..tof' !ASH'ON SOU ... , MAll Plaids and Checks-$32.50 90/ 0')00 ll6 J040 74191410 you can usually get two or of evergreens, nuts and MEDICAL MICHIGAN.S FINEST JEWELERS SINCE 1861 PERSONNEL three candle holders from one berries or other things in POOL ~able. leg. If you have two place. Top with a candle. Idenltcal table legs you can If I hi I h d m a k e ealldleholders in your a e eg a a carl sterr For Informolion Coil matched pairs. cas.ter mounted at the bottom 882.'6640 of It the hole left when you ON THE HilL Grosse Pointe Cle.an.the leg and. carefully take it out will hold the can. HI) to\.er4,,:h("\ aJ. (.ro"lo't Poinl~ farmilo saw It mto lhe deSired num- die Cox points out 354-4290 ber of pieces. Usually the top' . Del,oil-Soulhfietd and bottom have the most To mount a candle on a interesting shapes Cox b. flat surface melt the bottom Hours; 9 10 5::\0 994-4200 serves ,0 of the candle a bit before Ann Arbor "Fol: stability glue or nail placing. it on lhe h.older. Th.e , , the candleholders into blocks hardenmg wax w1l1 hold It ...... ' .:e,.. of wood," he suggests. on. : • e.,,'.. :.~'" "Plaques hobby shops sell for Table legs are not the only ••\ •••• ~: •• fj" : decoupage have a nice fin. items that can be recycled ...... '\ •• : So,', •••••• •••.)! •••••• • ished edge, but any flat piece into candleholders. Cox notes . • of wood will do as a base." The turnings from an old , I/II--A:II» /Cueter) You can finish the candle. porch rail or the spindles '..'~."._':C/!JJh!Jt tuil./DA.D \ holders. in several ways. out of a stairway bannister ...... '.. .JEWELER Paint them to match your are also ideal...... Clothing CosLs Can Be Pared .. . et ...... cheo .,I'" With the cost of everything I new ways 10 combine or reo • h~O lfOoIiIlo ~u -' ."., ri" to 01' • ~Ol L-' .... riJlP .• : _1 I4olo to... 1""""-' . going up, up, uP. many fami. vamp old garments to give • Choi

No increase In pnce HOME? v Hand dipped chocolates, $4.40 lb. box ovel 'ost y~o, Come 10 VAN See complete (;n,,~,' I'"i "'" !C":I! t-:~tall' line, by qualily maker, . all 01 (:". 11Il~ IIlf1rf' 1111iqlll' reesona ble price,. large ,elecl;onl V' Candy Canes, aluminum wrapped chocolate Christmas \\':I~''''l ''':tn ~'nll ~'.nninta~- focilitale your choice. tree ornaments. iIII'. Th,,~ II"r,'huM' '"11- ri~ht al fair pril'I'~. Th,'~ VAN hm more, loa' Beoullful dis Ill" I' Ihr'ir tI,'~i",rU' .. rf'- V' Chocolate Santos 4 for 25c to $1.75 each, all sizes. ploy galleries. feoluring f.ne

and Mrs. Totte are Mrs. Mrs. Richard Thams. I Barb Riehl and Pam Mebus. Christmas Tree Trend is 'ReaP ill Michigan This Year GPYC to Host Theodore Smith, Mrs. Robert Holly girls will be Carrie General cbairwoman for Yulm, Mrs. Peter O'Rourke, Gallagher, Colleen Gallagher, I this event is Mrs. Robert Only about half lhe Christ. I gan State University Exlen various products - from tur. 28 percent of the people who Sallta SUllday Mrs. James Mitchell and Sharoa Thams, Chris Riehl, IHaney, mas trees in Michigan homes sion Marketing Agent. key sausages and vide-dried buy real trees go where they last year were lil'ecut but "A nice.looking artificial those Michiganders who go tree can run into a lot of oul after a lil'e tree still money." Mr. Trocke says. ~~~:~~~~~~:a~:~~~::~::f; f!:~~~:}::!n~w~:~:~~n:~~ ~~~:~ G:;~~~i:~~~: :SoJfi. ~.i!:.; :':':':':':':F'o:Bi:~:IE'R:::S':':'F:o'i:':':F'i:N:E':':'Fu'iiG:iT:UI{E':':':':':':f:~::.~.... make it a family experience. "For economic reasons many er~n~e panel spon~ored. ~y and has advantages for both in the arrival of Santa and .'. DRAPERIES AND CARPETING Although there has been a people may return to Iive.cut MichIgan State U.mversJly s consumer and tree grower. ~ Holly Helpers. Co.chair. ::: gr

Elegant condominiums priced from the mid 40's to mid 60's. You'll love JACOBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOW TO CHRISTMAS our brick walled countTy gounnet SHOPMONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'Tll9:00 P.M. Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. kitchens. and our attached garages too. Gatehouse entrance located on Mack Ave., 1/4 mile north of Vernier Rd.

Furnished models open daily noon till 7 P.M. 885-8800 (ClosedThursdays)

(i) the soft, rich touch CHRISTMAS of melon-cotor pigskin WRAPPING ~ leather is a gift of FOR HER! absolute luxury. Roger THINK FlJR ... T1EIIiEGI Kuper knowingly shapes it ELEGANCE AT into a pantsuit of unique beauty IT'S FINEST IIGlIIL with diamond-topstitched western-cut THE FUTURE shirt jacket and gently flared pants. OFTHEWATCH! The color, the design, the subtle casual mood ... connoisseur's Omega digital.Asynlf1etic ruby screen covers the choice. Sizes 6 to 14. dial ... press a bullon 10 show the luminous hour and minutes, continue Shirt jacket, $115 Pants, $75 pressing buBon to show seconds. COAT ANDSUIT SALON Tomorrow here loday ... ;belroil :Jur Corp. in this 14K gold-filled,waler. resistanlcase ,1ndmatching ami bracelet '.95. Also avoilable in Day a nd Do,. Madel '595.

Valente JewelerJ' 20237 MACK AVE., Bet. 7 and 8 Mile Rds. 16601 E. Warren TU 1-4800 GROSSE PTE. WOODS 885.9000 Open Mon. thru Sal. 9 a.m. 'til 7:30 p.m. MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTfD OPEN FRI. UNTIL' P.M. Until Christmas 2 HOURS FREE PARKING, .. JACOBSON'S WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET - -~ __ """'''''-''''''''''''''-'P'''''''' __ '''''_' .., _ • .., _ _.______p_: ..p_P_ p_._p _._p_p p_p_p..p_P_• ..,..-.p_P..P_.__ __ F _ .. _ __ .-. ..., _ ..., .-.-:"'"---...,.....--...--...--..,...... ,.....-..".,-.

Thursday, December 19, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Three Society News Gathered from the Pointes Consider Lawn, Garden Gifts From Another Pointe of View Christmas Cyclamen Needs Minimal Care Wondering what to get centers or nurseries," Mr. 1------Plenty of light, thorough Temperatures around ~ duced through January; then Hal! the corm should b€' some of those problem peo- Cox suggests. (Continued from Page 19) watering and cool tempera- degrees at night and 60 to they wiU stop appearing and above the soil surface, tures are the keys to keeping 65 degrees F during the day the leaves of the plant will Let the cyclamen spend ple on your Christmas list? "A gift like this brings joy Gazette, Mini.Mart and Lobster Bake. Jf tJey are lawn and garden twice - on Christmas and your Christmas cyclamen in are best. turn brown. This is your sig. the summer outdoors in a buffs consider the probtem again in the spring, when it's She has lent her expertise and judgment twice blooming good health says Th I . nal that it's time to give the well.lighted location with par- solved. lime to pick out the plants." as a member of the League's futUre planning com. William Carlson, Extension e eye ame!! r e qUI res plant a rest. lial shade during the bright- "Almost anything connec- For the nature lover on mittee. She has assisted with such activities as the Horticulturist at Michi'lan tho~ough watering and good Reduce the amount and est part of the da~'. ted with nature and the great your list a bird feeder and M41Iionaire's Party, the Tommy Dorsey Dinner State University. d~ma~:. Yo~ ;h~UI~ wa~r lrequency of watering and I Take it indoors belore outdoors would be welcome a supply of wild bird seed D c d th H H t T t' g P t II " w en ,e so ee s ry. t store in a cool area-40 to frost in the fall, give it full under the Christmas tree," might be just the thing. If an e an e appy as ess as in ar y. An east window IS usually; keep l'Oater oll the foha~e 50 degrees-until spring. Re'l sun and temperatures no says Joe Cox, Extension you're handy with woodwork- * * * an ideal location for a cycla. I ~nd crown. A w~t plant IS Iplant the bulb.like corm ir'I' higher than 65 Mgrees, and Landscape Architect at Mich- ing tools try making the bird And the Guidance Center Assistance League Is men," Mr. Carlson explains Ilikety to become diseased. a mix made up of equal parts your cyclamen should bloom igan State University. feeder ~' or a flower box" one among many conununity-service commitments. "It should be near but not New flowers will be pro. soil, peat moss and sand. again for Christmas, Plants are always a fav------_._-~-,_._".-- a hangmg planter o~ any Project Hope will be the focus of Hattie's efforts touching the glass." orite with people who like to numb~r of oth~r useful tlems. next year as she assumes the presidency of the make things grow. For some- A gift doesn ~ always have local HOPE Women's Committee thing a little different from to be somethmg you can . Among 29 Kalamazoo Col. ::liue the usual poinsettias, house- wrap and lay un d e r the She's already served in a similar capacity for lege students cited for excel. plants or terrariums give Christmas tree. Give the the Women's Committee of the Tuberculosis and lence in specific academic ~'our plant fancier the mak- folks on. your list an IOU Health Society, (now the Women's Committee of the fields at the College's an- ings of an indoor bulb gar- nual Honors Day convoca- SECREI ARIES and that entItIes them t~ make American Lung Association). The Archives of Amer. den. use ol your gardeDing and. A .• . tion recently was RICHARD Bulbs for winter forcing, a landscape skills: shoveling Ican rt has beDt:fltted tWl~e frOnt her energe~lc L. ANZINGER, son of MRS. planter with good drainage walks and driveways, prun- efforts as East SIde collectIons chairman for Its MARGARET F. ANZINGER, and soil and sand for plant- ing runaway shrubs, giving Garage Sale. of Rivard boulevard. winner RECEPIIONISIS ing will bring a touch of the home grou.nds a. spring ~he has chaired the Debutante Ball for Mount of the O. M. Allen Prize for spring to winter's gloom and clean.up, clearmg raID gut. C IM I ' the best essay written by a a lot of pleasure to the per- lers of leaves, planting next art. e erty Hosp tal and is co-chairman of 1975 s member of the freshman son who receives them. Don't year's garden. (Continued on Page 30) class. EARN GOOD MONEY forget suggested directions "These kinds of 'doing' -'. for best results! gilts are especially appre. Christmas Day Dinner 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. by reservations only Did the plump. juicy toma- ciated by older people who ENROLL NOW FOR THE toes you grew last year or can no longer do the work 8 Special Selections to choose from. From $10 to $15 Complete the giant yellow marigolds themselves and may not be that brightened your flower able to hire someone to do it, From Soup to Dessert WINTER TERM garden bring raves from and the only cost to you is friends or family? Then why an investment of yoursel!, not give a gift ol seeds? your time and energy." Typing Bookkeeping "Though you can't very :J~e Shorthand Business Machines well give a person a living TRUE COURSE Medical Terminology Filing shrub. tree or strawberry People seldom get far oll patch at this time of year, the straight and narrow path Jtfftrson legal Procedures Receptionist you can give gilt certilicates il they will use the golden Morning Classes & Afternoon Classes from lawn and garden supply rule to measure their actions. qrolonnabt Financial Aids Available ERYTHING YOU NEE family owned Restaurant DOi

leDDER"iL--. ~ You'll find all those difficult-to-Iocate craft accessories that add your personal signature to whatever you create. Free Group Demonstrations ,~...J and 're'gu'Hirly schedu led Classes are offered in Decoupage, Papier Tole, Tole and Decorative Painting, Dried Flowers, Quilting and Multi-Craft techniques. Fisher Wallpaper &: Paint 16847 Kercheval Grosse Pointe "In the Village". 882-0903

.~ ,.: Farms Ollice stall at their Lochmoof Club Victory Luncheon Left to Right: front Row: Jim lowery; les Barrett; Paul R, Schweit- Center Row: Pete .....,i,uraca; Bette Wright; Ruth Back Row: Mary DeWid; John Timko; Josie Bedard; zer, President; Freda Robinson; Violet Schweitzer, Meloche, Farms Office Secretary; Genevieve Bordato; Chuck Ohlsson; Walter Smith; Gerrie Wormer; Ann Boord Chairman; Fred Pulve, Vice President; Karl Grace Puia; Marie Sobol; Grace lentini; Christa Mcintyre; John Paul. Mauelshagen, Farms Office Manager; Fred Stone. Mauelshagen; Al Valley. Absent from the Photo: Penny ledlie. linda Zampich.

The Staff of Schweitzer's Grosse Pointe Farms office were the leaders in sales volume for November among the Company's ten residential sales offices. r- The Farms Office sales for the past three months ift- exceeded their 1973 sales for the same period by 43%. Tile St.e'ai(:loOftl

now open Monday thru Fridav F ~ evenings throughout the holiday season. For pleasant ~- evenings of both shopping and leisurely restaurant dining, NEAR LOCHMOOR CLUB LAKEFRONT CHOICE OF TERMS Lovely three bedroom home in the mosl wanted Sprawling 5500 square foot home on 0 3.79 acres Enjoy the many excellent features available in this bring the family to Jacobson's. area of Grosse Pointe Woods. Fireplace in the estate with 265 feet of lake frontage, Four bed. immaculate thrt'e bedroom home. The paneled den, family room. Built in room cooler. Tiled basement. rooms, five and a half baths. Huge living room. Open Saturdays til 5:30 P.M. family room and finished basement provide ample F252 large family room, office. First floor laundry and space for everyone's activities. You can buy it by first floor workshop. Attached three car garage assuming the mortgage, on a land conlract or With SHOPPER'S SPECIAL EVERY NIGHT plus a tractor garage. Maids apartment. F310 a new mortgage. F132 ------.. _--._.----- r TONIGHT'S FEATURE NEED A I BEEF STROGANOFF GOOD I I ChOice of Vegelable, Salad, Beverage, CHANGE? NEWS I Roll and Butter, Dessert The opportunity for high eorninos is. W~ HAVE 2.50 no1urally better when you work out of L_. o high volume ollie •. W. hoy. op.n. SCHWEITZER ings. now for men or women '0 sail % real estate. Our (ommission and bonu1o REALTORS 8114 pion i. attroctive ond •• peciolly lucra- annual interest rote tive for ,he high prodvcer. Experience 18780 Mack mortgage money available i, not enentia' since WI ~ove an eK- c.ll.n! Iraining progrom. To •• plore The omounl is limited. !he po .. ibilil.', call Fr.d Pulye. Vic. BUY WHILE Pruidenl 01 886.5800. 886-5800 IT LASTS

______~_~ ...... eft:,ft" « « . ne_ .n • «_. d. d • r « d d < ....« cC ..... d d 4 .4 z4 .... :1 •• rd' 4 .e« « :1'C ., 4. "...... ~~ .~~-'~ ~ ~ J ~ _ .-I -J __ -:It _~ , , \ I i I

Page Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 19, 1974

'",'. ;';:"'.;.;.:C':"",:::';.:':"':"':""; 0-':':. Call TUxetlp2-6900< :, CL.ASSl1J'IB1Jl.il.DS 3 Trunk Lines to Serve YouOUieklN

l__A-=PERS~_~~~~----- )~::~~R'1tNTED 15-~~UN,\T~gN COLOH WEDDING , . .._ ------. ~_~~~~;=~~.~~__.._ ~~~~~~_~~H~~ :,c;::~~~-{~~~te~E:: I:~:-~~~~ ;d~:~E:ed r :-::~:~~LE:q::::~~~ C..\NDIDS RN's.LPN's - Full or pari i NURSE'S AIDE wanls pri- SHARP 5 room flat, $130 WHITnER. Cadieux area, eled, luxurious deluxe in., gentleman wllh references glass tank, healer, hood. For 15 years, Grosse Poinle's I time, all shills. Good fringe! vale dUly Grosse Pointe monthly. utilities paid. Car. newly dccorated, lower 2 teriors, private' hathrooms.: desires room and gar~ge,: filters, stand. Call Tom. mo,1 ('rt'ath'e. least expen. benefits. Sl. Anne's Nurs-! area. Experienced with ex. peted, appliances, laundry bedroom aparlment, rormal carve ling, air conditioning, G.~. are.a. Would consider I 885.8510, 882.9087. "il'('. Samples shown in ing Home. Cadieux.Harper. I cellent references. 882.0708. ' facilities. Kids, pels ok. dining room, living room, private parking. Immediate dOIDg ml,n?r house.hold reo FIREWOOD 18 x 4 x 8 ft .. lour hOl\le. John S. Dc 8862502. i R & J PAINTER-~; av~ilab)~ £ears Rentals. 368.3600. ceramic tile bath, security. I oce"pancy. For renl or will pairs, dnvmg service. etc, . d 'd $35 d I' d 'Forest. 8844852. 4A-HELP WANTED i before the new year. Re. AT$IT5RoACmToI-nVIEh--lv.2-bf-1.erderp'~loa~ce',~~3-~~~~'. Evenl'ngs 882- 1 sell complete building,. Call evenings, 8858815. ;~~:519wOO , e Ivere . 4782 OOPS: Somebody slipped, DOMESTIC liable, reasonable rates - , 20550 Vernier oce 194 ex- 8-ARTICLES FORSALE ----. ------! large rooms, basement HAR~~T~_~ AS~OCI~!~S pressway near Eastland. _ TROPICAL aquarium. fish. Will the hosless who has ------I 8820139. 'd t k S Mr. Piku. 7766660. DINING ROOM table and 4 Must give awav• Call Tom. lIoll\' on per Party Im'ita., WAN TED - Experienced garage. KI s, pe so. ears NEFF - 3 bedroom upper ' licn~ please call 885.6063. cooks, waitresses and ~u. I WILL FIX ~'our car in my Rentals. 368.3600. with garage, No children or ------. chairs, Fruitwood finish, 882.9087, 885-8510. --'--- pies. Grosse Pointe Em. garage. Pick up and de------pets. $200 month. 884. 2 OFFICES available on "The gl?:;s top, 1 leaf extension, r ployment Agency, TUxedo livery possible. Very rea- STYLISH 2 bedroom bunga- C600. Hill," $70 and $50. 885. $250. Call 771.6158 after 9: CARPETING, gold aery IC 5!l 2A-MUSIC son able rates. 773.9535. low. $150 monlhly, attached 7510. - sq. yards. Excellent condl- EDUCATION 5.4576. ______. parage. fenced yard, ap. Johnston & Johnslone --'- ----.-. ------pm, tion. 2 years old. $200. Also HA~DY~fAN-Tlred of nag-I pliances. Kids ok. Sears 942 NOTTINGHAM 6' room OFFICE SUITE, approxi. HARDWOOD, $25 and $28. gold drapes. Miss Carmi. GUITAR Lessons. Folk and: MOTHERLESS gmg your hus~and to do I Mentals. 368.36liO. I upper flat. newiy decor- I mately 2450 square feet, all White Birch, $31. Fruil- chael, 9651900, ext. 269 or modern. Woods Music Slu'i HOME all those odd lobs around ------I d fi I or part, will divide. Excel. wood, $33. Kindling wood, I 8822896. dio 20551 Mack. 885.0024.' Ihe house? Hire your own ~te, rep ace, .street park. Ienl location. Ample park- $4. 24' available. $3 stack. ------Call ~londa~', Wednesday. Need housek~eper. Insurance SHORELINE EAST i h and y man, reasonable 109, park pnvlleges of ing. 779.510 or 886.5159, ing. Any carrying exira. MINK COAT, Aulumn Haze, Friday. 3.4 p.m. or Thurs. I and vacaho.n plan, Your rates. Painting, paperhang. Delivers pampered privacy boating, swimming, tennis, ------1.9490095. size 10. Like new. Less than dav ('I'elling. own room with bath :Dclud. in studio, 1., 2., 3.bedroom I picnic area included. $200. MACK A 1 year old. 881-4810. . ------cd. Call Mr. Spragens, 8:30 I ing, minor plumbing, etc. apartments. Seeurily guard 823-2973, 921.2555. VENUE, Grosse OLD GOLD, old jewelry. . '3HIGGS.L1NDOW STUDIOS to 5 p.m 355.9144. No job too small. 886.1251. I service and 24.hour door. TOWNHOUSE I d fPointe. Suite or single of- Buv.Sell-Or Repair. Jewel- BICYCLE, Dawes. English Piano an(1 Theory ------I ocate near ice available January I. ' d 10 dUd Punch and Jud\' Building CARE for children, 10~~ and MALE college student desires man enables you to relax - . 886.8892. ry appraisal service (with ma e, spee. se very odd jobs for next three to scenic Riversirle views ~aslland Shoppmg Center, photographs), Edward little. Original price $190. :\IlLDRED BRIGGS Jefferson. References need. weeks. 884.9125. Chauffeur service valet oodbridge Easl, 2 bed. MACK. CADIEUX area. 3 Kiska Jeweler, 63 Kerche- Sell $130. 885-1787. Studio: 8825680 ed. Need own Iransporta------______p3rking, Penthous~ Club rooms, 2'12 baths, fully room office building, 2 lav. val, lower level Colonial ------LAURA LINDOW : tion. 7;15 a.m ..3:30 p.m. 1. SENIOR DRAFTSMAN wilh and roof top terrace. Where draped and carpeted .. $350 atories. 881-0292. Federal Building, 885.5755. PANASONIC Hi Fi slereo, Studio: 881.7747 I Middleaged woman, highly Induslrial Conslruclion Su- Jiving mea n exclusi monlh. 773.3623 busmess ---______----~------AM/FM combination. $50. Residence: 773.6315 responsible with common pervlsJOn. .. expenence, de. from $205 monthS (when'VI' phone 60- C "ALMOST-NEW" APPAREL 885-1787. CHARLENE McELWEE sense and love for children. VA ATION _ sires work in office or field. available), Inquiries taken GRACIOUS 3 bedroom, al'r RENTALS Carefully selected current SKI EQUIPMENT' I Studio: 881-7747 I' Call after 4 p.m. for inter. stvles of designer and bet. 10 exce- 293.1276. at 824.8288. eonditioned duplex with ga. ------~ I t dT Fi h Sil Residence: 885.3671 view 7757950. . DELUXE Chalel, Boyne.Wal. ter apparel, accessories, en con 1 Ion. SC er . h' 2 bl k ------INTERIOR painting. Experi. ONE bedroom apartment I'n rage. oc s from VJ1lage. furs, J' I' we I r 'I and "old. verglass 150 em. Wit LADY to share my home and Call 886 '962 aft 6 loon-Petoskey, 3 bedroom, M k t . b'nd' g S enced. Free estimates. excellent East side location. ... er p.m. 2 baths, fireplace, beamed tiques". adr er IS eP ' In. II RIDd GROSSE POI NTE care for 2 children while K Neat. clean. 886-1333. I Whitlier near 1.94. Priced I Consignments Welcome an po es. nelss e INSTITUTE OF mother works. P r i vat e INDIAN VILLAGE garage cei ing; seasonal rental pre. Stars 170 cm. with Nevada MUSIC quarters, 5 days per week. COLLEGE student would like £rom $165.$180 per month aparlment, 2 bedrooms, ferred. 356.6798. LEE'S step-in bindings and poles. Register now for East side, 365.4110. babysitting housework on 1 year leases. Phone gas heat, $200 per month . 20339 Mack (near 8 Mile) Buckle boots sizes 2 and Second Semester Monday tbm Friday till I ~6513 or 3530664 for ap. plus utilities. References, MARCO. ISLAND, Florida. 881.80&2 I 6'h. Telephone 882-8571. BABYSITTER wan ted, 3 January. 824-4112, _po_ID_t_m_e_n_t_. security deposit required. New condominium facing Instruction offered in Piano, p.m. to midnighl. Must Available immediately. Af- Gulf, sleeps 4, pool, fish. AUTOMOBILE owners! As HAlG ULTRA golf irons. Voice. G u ita r, Strings. have own transportation for COLLEGE student desires KELLY. Morang area. Execu. ter 6 p.m. 821.6988. ing, golf, tennis. 886.3578. low as $27.34 quarterly new, $100. Cost $166. 885. Woodwinds. Distinguished month of January only. part-time, child care house- tive type 3 bedroom brick ------I LAUDERDALE BY SEA. buys $50.()OO.$I00,OOO Li. 5489 after 4:30 p.m. faculty. TU 2.4963. 16237 Cail after 5 p.m. 882.5362. !\lack at Three lIIile. work, office or h~spital. available, recreation base. ONE bedroom apartment (up- Ocean front ~ -bedroom lux. ability, Property Damage. ------Christmas holida)'s. 886- ment, 2 ca,r garage, fenced per) heat, hot water, air - TV 12376 2 BOY'S 10 speed Scbwinn GUITAR LESSONS tal'ght by COMPANION - Live in for 7C96. yard, beautifully land. conditioning. Cadieux.Mack ury townhouse. P r i vat e '_' . Varsity bikes 24", Excel- high school senior. Acous. recuperating elderly worn. I ------scaped, sun room. 294-2642. $195. Adults, no pets. 885. beach. close to everything. FU RS WANTED lent condition. 885.Q538. tical or electric. 884.7964. an, private room, pleasant CHILD care in my Eastside ------3728. 963-3123 evenings-884-7944. ------surroundings. 884.4506. home. All a.ges. 526.3014. CHARMING 4ro~m apart.I ! ------Consignment or Buy PANASONIC (model RS 2805) 28- TUTORING ment fo~ respo!,slble ?ache. 4 ROOM upper income, 1 FLORIDA, Mar c 0 Island. AM/FM stereo, cassette 4C-HOUSE SETTING NURSE - Private duty, ex. lor, avaJlable Immediately. bedroom, stove, refrigera- Renting beautiful water- LEE'S recorder and turntable, PRIVATE TUTORING SERVICE eellent Grosse Pointe ref- TU 2.1391. If no answer call tor. garage basemenl. Ideal front condominium villa, 20339 Mack 881.8082 $125. 527.8181. in --- erences. 372 ..0246. between 7 and 10 p.m. for single or couple. Sey. bj.weekly, monthly. fish. I . HOUSE SITTING while you 1______. b' FLUTE A t $ 2 YOUR OWN HOME mour-Gratiot, security de- mg, oat1Og. pool, etc. PLANTS _ PLANTS . rms rong, 1 5. All subjects; all levels. aired d8Way, pet care in. HAVING a party? Need a TOWNHOUSE - 2 bedrooms, POSI't, references, no pels. Sleeps 4 adults, new com. Bumper pool table, $50. Adulls and children. Cer. cue . Bonded silters. 646- Santa? Ca II Pat. VA 1-6420. den, separa te basemen t 886.2044. p Ietely fur n ish e d. TU PLANTS 884.2565. tified teachers. '5599. and allic. Park privileges, I 1.4982. LARGEST EXOTIC PLANT I Call: 5-SITUAT 0 MALE NURSE available for yard. Adults only, no pets, JEFFERSON - City limits I ------. selection in this area. MENS' size 12 Ski boots DETROIT AND SUBURBAN WANT I N duty I'n prl'vate resl'dence. $1.85 821-5448. Detroit. 4 room lower, BOYNE siers,k' re I'ax In com. P aIms, Lush C actus. Suc.,. L ange SwIDger. an d L a TUTORING SERVICE ED Will accept case requiring clean. good neighborhood, fy, convenient, private chao culenls, Hanging plants, Dolomile (Italian). Reason. 356.0099 HOME & HEALTH great strength, kindness HOUSTON 14182 near Chal. $95. Security deposit, refer. let, fireplace. 778-4824. planters, terrariums. able. VA 1-~-4. and understanding. Excel- mers. Upper 3 rooms and ences. 885.2352. PLANTS SPECIALIST I COLLEGE STUDENT will CARE lent Grosse Pointe refer- i bath, stove, refrigerator, I ------MODERN 4 bedroom chalet NAT ES MAGAZINES, Gourmet, Sun- tulor high school Spanish, BY ences. 882.5671. I heat. Nice location. $135. GROSSE POINTE PARK I with fireplace. Pet 0 sky U R set. Kniting. Excellent Con- this Christmas vacation. HOMEMAKERS.UPJOHN No pets. 884-9977. Somerset 1344. upper 6 rooms, area. Available by week or CREATIONS dition. Must sell. 372.9183. Phone Mike at 881.2871 or Nurses, Nurse Aids, Geria. LOCAL young married man i -I-M-M-E-D-I-A-T-E-P-O-S-S-E-S-S-I'-O-Nseparate utilities, separate week-end. 882-5749 or 421- 20788 MACK AVE. I SKIS, Fisher Silverglas 195 S81.5821. tric aids and housekeepers seeks household employ' I $275 AND UP basement. Immediate pos'l 1762. GROSSE POINTE WOODS with Dover bindings, $100 to work part or all the ment, painting or full time APARTMENTS _ session. $200 month. No ------8854488 valu Sell f $55 886 3144 3-LOS:r A.~D..FqUtol,D ..time'!' All em pi 0 y'e e s jo~. J ha,v.e a, Col1ege degree TOWNHOUSES pets. '1' SELL OR RENT Condimini- . I e. or.'. LOST--2 keys on decoupage, screened. bonded and in-I in psychology. 8224292. NEW 2 BEDROOMS GEORGE J. KUSHNER um, Longboat Key, Sara. JEWELRY Manufacturer - FUR %. ik'~~okoi lamb coat, holder, on the "HI'II" or d 24 h . AS TU 1.8400 Realtor sola, Fionda, 545-1521 after Precious Stone Importer autumn haze mink collar, Dsuret '. our service. IHAVE S'A_~'TA" VISIT your BEMENT, A'TT. GARAGE ------6. 88-~-9333 days. will sell a quintily of DIA. $350. Ranch mink stole, _V_i_ll_a_ge_._T_U_2_-3_4_6_5_,_~ e rOil Mt. Clemens child Christmas eve Call AIR CONDITIONING 5 ROOM upper flat, carpet. ------MONDS, EMERALDS, RU. "425' excellent condit" n 872'()200 792.0620 822.8422. . CHOICE OF CARPETING ed. Adulls. Lease and se. A FRAME Chalet on lake BIES and SAPPHIRES at settler , estate. 886.2724. 10 , 4-HELP WANTED MODEL OPEN DA JLY 9.9 curity deposit required. Call near Cadillac. Color TV, GENERAL I TYPING ;n ~y home. Envel. 'I RELIABLE family man with I 38171 JEFFERSON after 5. 822-9108. dishwasher, fir e p I ace. ~~ole::;~i~::s t~i;~e ~~~ "AUTHENTIC By z ant in e ope ~ddress1l1g, letters, des. good drivin~ record; sOber'j STIEBER REALTY CO. -.------Week or week-end I'nclud. ICONS, Collectors Items, ertallons resumes etc k Caral. Appointment only. BELIEVE IT , ,. nonsmo er desires pari 465-5581 6A-FOR RENT ing holidays. 521.3931. 885.8155. 200 Years Old. Will Sacri. OR NOT _P_a_u_lin_e_'_s,_8_2_4._34_7_0_. time job as chauffeur. PR ------1 FURNISHED I. fice.398-4181. 8-7267. lONE hedroom, livin<:! room. PETOSKEY - Ideal chalet Our residential real estale ~ - JEWELRY SALE busI'ness for 1974 I'S 380,1. RN LPN dinillg room, kitchen and NEWPORT RICHEY G If for skiers. 3 bedrooms, 2 ITALIAN folding B i k e - .v - EX~ERIENCED W? 1\1 A N I bath, porch. $175 per monlh ,U balhs, benmed cathedral Y2 OFF Nearly new, wilh light and ahear! of a year ago. We Wishes work, cleamng, wall plus security deposit. In. Harbors, Florida. 2 bed- ceiling, brick wall with pump. 886-4244. need more salespeople to Temporary private duty and washing, painting, sleam eludes laundry room gas room. 2 bath condominium, Jewel r y manufacturers' I handle the vol I'revi staff relief assignments ' private pool and beach fireplace. Complelely car. ume. - ~arpet cleanin.g. Reference and heat. Good transporta. ' I d salesmens samples will CHRISTMAS Crib, childs ous experience is not reo are available now. Work If needed. Reliable and de- lion. No children or pets. I furnished. covered parking pc e . 6812223. b~ sold 10 the public at rocker, sofa cover, throw quired. Call Fred Pulve when you want for as long pendable, do A.I job. 923 8226611 after 10 a.m. and on the water. Availahle LONGBOAT KEY, Sarasota, wholesale ... the same rugs, cot. 881.2115, 2 tn 4 for an explanation of what as you want near your i 2077. , January I. 1975. Monthly J • If' h d price as they are sold to Saturday. we have to offer. home. No fee. i CITY of Grosse Pointe. 1 and or yearly. Adults only. 821- uXUrJous y urms e apart- th . I t d' 6--FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartments from 1852. ment. 2 bedrooms, color th: ~::: ~Y. ~ ~~~~ch ~~m~ OLD Movie Star Clothing. SCHWEITZER TOP PAY UNFURNISHED., $220. No security deposl't ------. -----.- TV. slereo, sauna, pool. 867-2384-10 to 1 p.m. RN TO $5.87 , required. Rang.e, refrigera. NICELY furms hed SUIt d 0 Ocean front. Two weeks off of retail. 3413690- - 3 to 8 p.m. LPN TO $470 ------I t t G $550. Four weeks 1,000. RINGS' . t 886-5800 . GRACIOUS surroundings en_liar and. heat mcluded. No apar men n ear rosse , pms. earrmgs, e C. P' t E t J ff 't TU 2-2153. SOLID GOLD & GENUINE ROSE occasional chair, Ba- OUTSTANDING hance the quality of care-. renl until January 1. Closed om e, as e erson CIY ---- varian plates and misceI. BABYSITTER needed for in COMPANY BENEFITS free living at its finest in Thursday. 881.8828. limits. $135-$150 per WEST PAl,M BEACH, Flor- STONES. Diamonds, emer- I 884 fan: and pre.school child .• Hospitalization thO t" I 3 b d ------month. Electricity includ- 'd All t' C I aIds, rubies, opals, etc., __ a_n_eo_u_s_.__ '_89_86_. _ 2 day~ a week. Own trans. • Paid Vacation IS excep IOna e room, BEAUTIFUL Woods Colonial I ed. Nice for one adult or I a, an IS ountry Cub. etc. porlatlOn 88~._:287. • Holiday Pay 2 bath offering in the mosll on corner fenced lot wool working couple. No pets. 2 bedroom villa, complete- O~IG~NAL plush, h and Sh'f if scughl aft~r ren~al .area of carpel th~oughout, all ap City and Grosse Pointe 1'1furnished. private 27 hole Sale starts 10 a.m. Ihe day 00 ed rug, 52"x35". Make BABYSITTER for 2 pre., : W I ~ D' ferential .Gross~ Pomte. wlthm w~)k- pliances and nalural fire- buses. Quiet building. Tele. golf co!rrse, pool. Weekly after Thanksgiving. Lay. unusual Xmas gifts. One ~~~~~~~~~~tfo~~e~e~~~~. ~~I~ i • so~ra:";~~ri~;mpensation Ing ~Istance of. beautiful I plac£'. You'll love it. Call phone 331-3909, 821.2818 ~~5_2~;9~thly. Adults only. aways accepted if picked ~rnaeng:~rp1~~dla~~~de~e~~d shoppmg, lakeSide park 881:.0532or 823.1020. or 821-8985. up by Dec. 24th. Written $3 _y435: . .___ Call or write today and public transporlation. appraisals by gemologist aqua, 00. 884.7680 before 882.6640 Grand views. privacy, at. 1 ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom, GROSSE POINTE SHORES CLEARWATER Area - De available upon request. 1 p.m. or after 7:30 p.m. CLERICAL he I p wanled. mosphere and spaciousness full basement, $180 month. -3 bedroom 2'12 bath Farm luxe condominium. Call for LEE'S ' LAWN BOY, 3-21 inch, 2- Grosse Poinle area office, MED ICAL characterizes this remark- 1'1, large I~t. garage, appli. Colonial. 15x20 fa mil y _i_n_fo_r_m_a_tion.821.0042. ~0339 Mack 881-8082 1974's, all excellent condi. liCe insurance experience PERSONNEL able aparlment. Available, ances, kIds. pets, ok. room. Paneled rec room. FORT LAU-D-E-R-D-ALE-.-O-n-e ------______tion. Best offer. Great for desirahl~. 886.7700. 1 POOL immediately at $325/mo., I Scnrs Renlals. 368-3600. 2 car attached garage. 1 b STADIUM blankets in vinyl lawn service use. Hart KCTCIIENh~ip.-;';aite~r! 63 Kercheval w/.lease. References reo CUTE-6-room f~$145 year leas~ with possible f~I~;o~:n~:::~~l~;~I,ta:~~: cases, terrific value. fabu- Jubilee ski's, 200 cm. $50 or waitress. pari time only. Grosse Pointe Farms qmred.886.8981 after 6 p,m. monthly, sha~ carpeting, extension. reational facilities. No chil. lous gift idea. $8. 882.3320. best offer. Trappeur Boots 10 a,m.-2 p.m. ~londay . .__ iND-iA~'J VILI~AGE=if~dcr~ paneled, appliances, kids, HrGBIE MAXON dren.979-3829. ------size 12, $25 or best offer: I h r 0 ugh Friday. WO PR IVATE N pels ok Searl. Renlals 368 --- .__ CANADIAN wild mink cape 884.3078 45699. URSI NG one hedroom aparlmenl, . ,. 886.3400 BEAUTIJo'UI, I bed roo m jacket, size 12, like new. . . . __. .__ .___ Around the Clock carpeled uliJiti2s. privale _3_600_. . ------apartment furnished 0 n White mink clulch. TU 4- SCHWINN Sportstourer, 26" MALE - Local c.ollege ~tu. In home, hospital or nursing parking al door, $150. 499- CHANDLER PARK area, 2 2 BEDROOM upper, com Ore an. Besl location in 7275. frame, 10 speed. light blue, denls a II end In g mght h 9378. 961.7411. bedroom, wl'th sludy, $170 pletely furnished, redecor P I B h ------extras. Call after 5 p.m. '1 bl f k orne. RN's, LPN's, Aides, a m eaC' For Ihe sea- KA 5Ch00,I aval a e or wor I companions. male attend. NEWPORT-kii~;:-~~-n.-3-roo-m- monthly. basement. ga. aled. Adults. Chandler son. 259-1492. STLE skis with Solomon 881-8910. f:30. a.m. on 5 days, ap- ants, II've.I'ns. Screened and t Is f $9 rage, appliances. Kids ok. Park-Dickerson. $175. 886. ------______S40 bindings, rarely used, --3-M------t 1 h apar men , rom 5 per I 08?3 Daiwa skis with Solomon Copy Machine $50 proxIma ey 6 10.7 ours bonded. 24 hour service. month. Adults only 821.7492. Sears Renla s. 368-3600. __ . _.___ DELUXE CHALET, Boyne S444 b' d' d WEDDING INVITATIONS per day, Both office. work Licensed nurses for insur. -- .. ----. - ...--.------_.---. , . I Walloon-Petoskey. 3 bed In lOgs. never use. Discount with this ad and service work available. ance cases. GROSSE POINTE FARMS, LARGE 5 room home, newly NICELtY furlnJschedd.I bedMroom room, 2 haths, fireplace. Kolfach ski boots size 6'h, . 7741617 it 3 large, modern 3 bedroom cecorated. appliances, $150 apar men, a leux - ac k b amed T A'I bl excellenl condition, Piber. INSTANT COPIES 10c . '.._~_~~~:.._ POINTE AREA NURSES Colonl'al, fa m I'1'1 room, monlhly, carpeted, garage. area. 2931632. e. cel mg. val a e hofer ski boots, size 4'12-5, Low price instant printing. ______Chflstmas.New Year's. 356- SCRATCH PADS 3 L BABYSITTER needed, Mon. TU 4.3180 clean, carpeterl. 884.9~63. Kids ok. Sears Rentals, I 6798. rarely uced, Ski poles. bool 5c B. day. Tuesday, Tf!ursday, I .___ 3583600. GROSSE POINTE SUBLET, __ Iree. 8869035. 3 Ibs. $1.00 Friday. 8 to 5:30. 2 year old BOOKKEEPING, accounting, TROMBLEY ROAD, 2 bed------.. ---- January. May, furnished BOYNE COUNTRY .---- Open Mon. Thru Sat. 9.5 p.m. hoy. 6 year old girl, after payroll, financial state. room upper nat, decorated, 418 CAOTEUX. 3 bedroom studio apartment, ulililies Com pie tel 'I furnished, all BICYCLE Royce Union 10 ECONOMEE SERVICE school. My home preferred. ments, quarlerly reports, fireplace, stove, refrigera. upper, $300 a month. No paid. Friday afler 6 p,m. eleclric, 2 tier Chale!. Up. speed men's, new in box PRINTING Grosse Poinle area. 885. taxes, my home between tor, security, adults only. pet~. Shown by appoint. VA 1-5536. per tier _ 4 bedrooms, 2 $75:_~~3178. 15201 Kercheval al Lakepointe 3291. 89 Mile road. 7738786. 3313727. menl. 8865914. ------balhs, kitchen, living room SKI BOO-T'-S-Sa-n-M-a'-rco size Grosse Pointe VA 27100 ------. ------EASTJ:A-N-D-ARE-A----L-a-r-g-e 3ROO~is-~d-- bath. stove S~ed~:o~; d:~~X,v~~e.:no~ with fireplace. Lower tier: 8'1,: hock~y equipmc~t, jr. CHRISTMAS Gifls. Holiday MEDICAL ME D I C A L ASSISTANT, luxury Townhouse. also 1 and refrigerator. All Util'l including ulilties. Available 3 hedrooms. 2 balhs. kitch. size. 8820243. wear. Cruise.Resort ware. SERVICE E.K.G" venal puncture, in and 2 brdroom aparlments. __ities. $85__. VA 4.4818. Feb. 1 for 9 months to I en, living room with fire.I-.------All at the RESALE SHOP. jeclions, insurances, office place, TiNS inlerconnected, SNARE DRUM. and sland Grosse Pointe Unitarian Proresslnnal care when needed management, good patienl Carpeted, nppliances, pool, 4 ROO~I APARTMENT - year. Call QUEEN REAL if desired. Ski reservations' plus lop hat foot cymbol, Church annex. 17150 Mau. Sl. CI:i':7~h~~~~~Tidr 48081 rapport. 884.6846. carport. From $195. Spa Alter. Kercheval, $120 ESTATE 886.4141. now being taken 425 8933 885.4594 W d NURSES ------ciou:, grounds. 469.3162, monl'! 7753791 . . , . mee, e nesday 10 a.m ..2 R,N. - TOTAL SERVICE _ No ac. 7731341, 9617411. -. . . ---- SOMERSET near Vernor. 6E-GARAGfr:ori-iiNT CHIPPENDALE sofa, good p.m. Thursday 7 p.m ..9 k;I;;N. counting or syslem job 100 ------LOWER 2 bedrooms, carpet. First floor flat with 2 hed. . . condition, white and gold. p.m. Hems accepted on Live on East Side? small or difficult. Available 'IILI.CRF.Sr Country Club ing. garage, air condition. rooms, carpels. gas forced MACK.MOROSS area. 4 car $125. 8842809. consignment on Wednes- U",'e Young Children al Home? coverage part time, full area. 2 !'edroom. 2 hath ing. No children or pets. air heat. Adulls only, No garage. Siorage boat or car 1------days. 882.9755. Wish rne~~~~emenl time or as needed. reason- ~cw Townhouse. individual $245. 8844669. pets. 882.8094, . ELECTRIC BLANKET, pair ------.-- Family Income? able rates. 884.1145. pri\'alc patio. carpeted, an. --- ..------S of boudoir lamps, hair dry Mr~K jackels a.nd hal, coals Work As JIIany Days As You p1iance~. infant O.K. 469. 5 ROOM upper, slove, refrig. PURDY AND TOLE 1-WANTt:D TO RENT er. 82.15468. size 18. Chinese figure \Vanl, Any ShUt. 1.------, 3162. 7731341. 961.7411. erator. $150 plus security. ASSOCIATES INC 1 ..... ------._-.~------.. -----.- lamp. pedestal table, cane. TOP PAY The "POINTE ------Couple. 822.1640. 889 0500 ' . PLEASE help Santa f10d a WING BACK sofa. quilled back chairs and ~erver, odd TO ACHIEVE" Lo\RGE 3 bedroom, $170 I' flat. Prefer near Trombley print. $85, Pair of swivel chairs. 293.6465. PrOrmIO&~~d~~ablllt)' Ins. I. monthly. utilities paid. LOWER 2 bedrooms, carpet. 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT I school or De:er, 2 good rockers, Other chairs. 882. I ------Paid Vacations TO GET IT DONE Applianres. newly deco. ing. garage, air condition. kids, 4 and 6 years old, 9236. SKI ~QurPMENT-2 pair of

~~:rkt:~!:\io~; ~~~l w.p~~~:~(':~OU!e:co; t~r I ~~~I:I~i~~~~~~. ok. Sears ~~~o.N;84~~~~d:.en or pets. OFFICE-fo-r -r~~l.17-008-~fack. 8218748. I CROSI~E-Y-eJe~lr-i-c-.S--IO-v.£'..,.$35, I ~~~:;~I bi~~i~:/~i~ai;i~~ 'MiCh. Unemployment ~~~p,n~:~~~~f1~:",88fi~~: Grosse Pointe, 18x18, also MATURE couple wishes 2 Westinghouse refrigerator, I metal skiis with Look.Ne Cnntact • Parly Plannlnll • Calcrinll 15 ROOM upper. Very clean. THREE ROOM apartment. ample slorage area. $110 hedroom house or apart, $70. Chrysler air temp air vada bindings, 1 pair Trap. __ lII_rs_._B_._I_;;_~._~"_I~_r_I,_LP_.N_._ ,L._._E_n~_~_~_~_~~_;::_~_~t_:_D_s_~_II_~:_tl_n...Jg~il~dl$t~e~~~~:I~&n~:2~~ :l~k~~~h~~n:h~d88~;;;:.ly. i~;6.month. 882.0453 or 923. ~f~~~' 6 ;~~. ~~~74~rbuy. I ~~n~i~~~~;, $110. 886.8459 i ~~~~ ~~~;d:~.6766 after 6 , en - _ ..-..-....-..~.~ _ -~------~~~-~--~~~-~.._~~ . • • ••••••• 0° tr • te n ••• _ • b b t • t b be_ b b •• b -- Thursday, December 19, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Five 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE aI-ANTIQUES 11-CARS FOR SALE ll-CARS FOR SALE ll-CARS FOR SALE 13-RlAL ESTATE FOR SALE MEN'S SUITS size 44, top. TREASURES and trinkets PAIR elegant fireside chairs I AUTOMOBILE Insurance as 1969 M.G.C ..G.T. 6 cylinder, '71 FIREBIRD, 350, auto. FOR SALE coat, winter coat. TU 2.2488. garage sale, tables, chairs, 2 white and gold lamps. ORIENTAL rugs, Cloisonne, low as $56 per yr:Jr. Call automatic. 4 new radials. matic, air, power. AM.FM, ------couch, miscellaneous fumi. Gent's like new, large size Sel of Oriental China din. Chesney Insurance Agency tape. $1,800 or best offer. MASTER WORKS s t ere 0 f th h $2.000. Allard Hardware, CONDOMINIUMS ture, winter coats, jewelry, overcoat, beautifut genuine ner dishes. chines export or your over e pone 886.3338. TU 2.7740, NORTH BAY VILLAGE compact AM.FM casette many miscellaneous items. Beaver collar and lapels. porclein. ivaries, 5 to 7 quotation. 884.5337. ------. and records, 881.4142. h d . ------_. __ . 1972 L.T.D. Brougham, all IlA-CAR REPAIR 35110 E, JEFFERSON ------I T urs ay 8.12, Friday all Large fireplace screen. Af. p.m. 886.5901. 1965 CHEVROLET Station d' I h . (South of Shook Rd.) ANTIQUE Colonial Early day. 10337 Morang. ter 12. 456 Neff. FURNITURE refinished, reo wagon, 75,000 miles make ~~~r 3.t~~la;ile~. a8r~':l;'::A --U-T-O-M-A-T-IC--a-n-d-s-ta-n-d-ar-dPriced from $28,900 to $31,' American cradle with ped. LOVE HER? Full length GIRL'S 26" bike, reasonable. paired, stripped, any type best offer. Also 4 Chevrolet ------'- transmission repair. Rea. 900. 2 bedrooms. aUached estal. solid Hickory Fruit. mink, originally $5,000, ask. TV 5.9054. of caning. Free estimates, wire wheels H78.14, $50. OLDSMOBILE Toronado 1973 sonable. garages. Models open daily wood finish, a treasured gift in" $1300 7720980 ------474.8953. TU 20966. loaded, clean. private own. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 1.6 p.m. for that favorite grandchild ~,. '. CHILDREN'S new handknit. 1'--'- -.------er. must sacrifice, best of. $150. 88485]3. HART SKIS, medium flex, ted sweaters, long formals, ----- .------1970 MAVERICi(--hardtop, 6 fer. 779.4960. 882_._620_4 _ BIDIGARE BROTHERS ------.-- 6'1" long. Good condition. party and daytime dresses, 8C-OFFICE I cylinder, automatic, 35,000 ------.---- .. ---'~"'- 12A-SUBURBAN INC. TOP OF the line General $40. 776.1220, 12.14. Miscellaneous. 521. EQUIPMENT miles. 884.4444 after 7 p.m. 1974 PINTO wagon, auto- HOME Model phone 791.6880 Evenings TV 1.6988 ~~~ct~~~I'~ug~~:~~h~I~~~~f~ H.O. SCALE race car track 8743. .__ VICTOR Calculator $99. Rem. _ 882.~:..______~aai~c. :~~k.tin;~~ gl~~ldl~:: representative c h a n gin g with 15 cars. Many, many SKI EQUIPMENT. 2 pair skis ington Rand calculator $99, WAGON - Dodge Polua '66. Low m:leage, $2,600. 886 models, wood front, $85. pieces of track plus extra with Cub co bindings. Men's Sears adder $45. 3M copy automatic. air, pow e r 6430. ROCHESTER BY OWNER, Built 1958. 885.9243. car parts. Ideal Christmas 10M Henke buckle boo~s machine $50. VA 2.7100. steering, pow ...r brakes. __ ._ .. ___._.. .. _ THIS lo\'elv Dulch Colonial is Large 3 bedroom witli den ------gifl. $30 takes all. 8825285. 886.1324 or 886.8892. Good shape, $300. 886.1762. 11960 PONTIAC Hearse, 47,000 (can be 4th bedroom) and ~IANS brown leather full ------RECORD.O.FONE ;----~_.---~------original miles. excellent situated on a woodcd 101 ill family room. large living length coat, worn once, BASEMENT SALE - Hard. CLARINET, large baby crib, Automatically answers phone 12 !\I~NTE CARLO, power conditio:!. $1.500. 884.8513. a country atmosphere. It room with fireplace, dining size 42, $75. Man's tan 34 wood chairs, throw rugs, like new. Office desks. and records messages, steermg. power brakes, .___._~ .. ~ _ offers approximately 2,600 I room. 1'>2 baths, large eat. t.oggle coat with hood, size pictures. many miscellan. chairs, miscellaneous. 527 Equipped with call monitor AM/FM. stereo tape deck, 1973 CUTLASS, power steer. square feet of comfortable I in kitchen with built.ins, 42, like new $25. 881.2669. eous items. 1321 Grayton. 0568. and remo:e coding 50 that air, Vinyl top. 778-4072. ing. brakes, I'inyl top, mags and elegant living in one of full tiled basement, 2 car - Th d 10 3 ------)'OU can call in from out. --~------FM stereo rust proofed. Rochester's finest areas, N~O-RTiiiA~~DWood skis, urs ay '. COUCH, 2 chairs, kitchen set side phone and get )'our 1972 !\lARK. IV, triple while, $?,795. 8814506. $85,500. garage, carpeting through. complete with bindings, EARLY Americiln maple, $50. Good condition. 881. messages. Excellenl cO:1di. 36.000 miles, all power. _ out. Assumable 6% mort. poles. boots. 8x8 train lay. table, 2 mates chairs, for. 9401. tion. Sacrifice price. TU 5 AM/FM stereo. lilt w:leel, PINTO 1974,3 door Runaboul, APPROXIMATELY 2~~ acres gage. 1497 Rosl)'n. G. P. out complete. 882.6361. mica top. Brand new. 885. ------3220 burglar alarm, $4,900 or decor group, automatic, ra. of property plus a very at Woods, 881.9192. No brok. ~-----~------7649 after 6. I SA-MUSICAL . _ _ best offer. 293.3917. dial tires, like n('w, private. tractive home in the hills ers, BASE~fENT SALE. ~l:o\'ing I -- --- '-1 INSTRUMENTS I'~------.- - ~-- 1-- - b ff 8866056 01 Rochester is one of ,lur end of December. Days DIN I N G room furniture, ------9-ARTICLES WANTED I '72 CHRYSLER New Yorker, __ es_t_o_e_r_.__ .__ .' _ nicest listings. Included are after 4 p.m. 3634 Chats. French bench, mason jars. PIANOS WANTED -- 2 door hardtop. power '73 ELECTRA 4 door, all ex, storage buildings and a 3 BY OWNER: Custom Brick worth near Mack. 885-8071. I 885.4348. GRANDS, Spinets, Consoles 0 RIEN TA L steering, brakes, win. Iras including stereo, 60.40 car garage, $83,400. Canal Home. Excellent con. and Small Uprights. Cash. dows, bucket seals. Best ~eat and more. 881.4862, --~------I LAND CONTRACT terms are dition. 3 bedrooms, l\~ CIIILDRENS picmc table, 2-7.00xI3" SNOW tires. Best VE 7-0506 RUG S 0loffe.. r886..1401 - 6 p.m. to 476.6500 business. baths, c us tom kitchen, handcrafted, 4' long, Red. offer. 884.0963. pm ~__ available. 3 bedroom ranch home located on 40 acres large living room, brick wood finish on solid pine. GROSSE PTE. NEWS II---A-L-L-M-U-S-I-C-AL-- 1-19-7-3-G-R-A-N-P-R-IX-.. -I-oa-d-e-d, 1965 CHEVROLET Impala SS WANTE D of land. This property has fireplace, large den, quality ~76.19~ ~ 8 - INSTRUMENTS I under 30.000, firm, $3-400. automatic, power steering. many possibilities. Call to- carpeting, drapes and fix. TAPPAN 30" gas range, self RCA portable tape recorder, 'Rentals $8.50 per month. All sizes _ best prices. I TU 1.9593. Runs good, needs work. day for more details. $130,. tures, Anderson windows. cleaning oven, 5 years old, 4 speakers, 4 track and 3 Drum ouUits, amplifiers, 451------$200 or best offer. 886.4418 000. n at u r a I woodwork and excellent condition, $100 or speed, contour e h aIr.. TU gUitars,. fl utes, saxop hones, ~99.1179 547.51 I 1965 DODGE Dart 6 stl'ck a fter 6. floors, wet plaster, garage, best offer. 886.8536. 4.2266. electric basses, classical ------some rusl, runs godd, ask: ------_ WEIR, MANUEL patio, open canal, Excel. " '" ------guitars, violins, trumpets, SAFES WANTED. Almost ing $150 Mike 8843574 1971 T.BlRD, 44.000 miles, lent shopping and schools. 16 SCHWINN PIXie bicycle, BLAC~. vinyl sofa. exc~lIent organs, banjos, con g a a!1Y condition. Woods Lock ' . , . full power, $1,850. 8853625. SNYDER & RANKE Priced to sell, $49,900. No 8854152. condition. Other mlscel. drums. clarinets. Others. and Safe. TU 1.9247. '1969 JAVELIN, 2 door, radio, 1971 GREMLIN, stick 6, $900. 6446300 brokers. PR 8-0673 - TV WHIRLPOOL d' h h I laneous furniture, cheap, All rental fees applied to BOOKS, Art Objects Sought. :::Sd condition, $895. 772 881.8436. 2.3740. porlable, excell:~t w~~n~~: . 886.9733. purchase price. Studio, Browsers always welcom",. . .______12C-FARMS FOR SALE tion, $150. Can make de. GIVE yourself a carmel color 861.2662. B. C Claes Book Shop. 1967 JAQUAR 3,4 sedan, reo CADILLAC 1973, C(;upe de CITY OF Grosse Pointe - Condominium ranch homes. I.Ivery arrangements. 823. beaver coat for Christmas, BALDWIN HOME ORGANS" .1'IsS Eth' e. CI aes, 1670 L e. bUI'It engme.' bra ke sys tem, Ville, loaded, sharp. 18,000 METAMORA From $20,990. 1 and 2 bed. 6926. $450 or best offer. TU SOUND BETTER verette (48216). WO 3. generator and more, excel. miles, $4,650. 179.3821. HORSE COUNTRY rooms. New range, new ------1.5670. 4267. lent condition. Besl offer 1974 PINTO station wagon, GOOD INVESTMENT DRESSING table wilh mir. $ $3 800 271 "23 refrigerator and new car. I ------I 10 Spinet Models, from 995 ------•...... company vehicle, treasurer ror, Chifferobe, single bed. ' ANTI""-, WANTED _ Lapeer County, Michigan. peting. 17580 Mack Apart. G.E. 30" electric range, ex.) to $3310. 6 console models '< 1971 COUGER XR7, power says sell below book price. Up to 275 acres. Rolling $150. TV 5.5134. cellent condition, red, $75. with 25 or 32 pedals. from We pay fair value for one steering, power brakes, 779.5100. ment #2. 3 blocks East of countryside. 20% down, Cadieux. . Phone 881.8828. LIFE life 7 ft. plastic Spruce 885.8735. $3,385 to $6,020. See and piece or many. liiYOUhave AM/FM stereo. air. auto. 1 land contract terms, 8% in. Open daily and Sunday 1 Ch r1stmas. tree, in storage ------hear a Baldwin before you old. glass,I '1china, urDiture.t C II ma t'IC vlny. I top $1 800 TRIUMPH 1972, Spitfire, ex. terest. box. Used 1 season. $18. NEW $2,500 dark ranch buy. Select Walnut Cab ]ewe ry, 51 ver, e c. a • , . cellent condition, AM.FM, througli 7, Closed Thurs- After 6, 775,2256. mink, small size. $700. My inets. Stereo sound with us. Estate Specialists. Yes. 882.8489. also 2 snow tires, $1.750. GE(,. PALMS REALTOR day, Michigan Condomini. 886.4444 urn Corporation. mother's 'l~ length Persian dance rhythms. A fine teryear Antiques 886.1553, SPORT Fury 68. very good I 886.7729. SKIS, 190 cm. Cober bind. Lamb coat, $40. deluxe demonstrator at bot h 881-4177. condition. $400 or best 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ings, poles. Men's 11 Rie. Ironrite ironer, $40. 821. st~res. JEWELRY, OLD GO L D, offer 8244188 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ker boots, boy's 71/2 Henke. 1782. STERLING. ANTIQUES & _88_1__10_22_. K.2 COMPETITION skis with SMI LEY BROS. FURS wanted on consign. BUICK 1972 Estate wagon 9 BEAUTIFUL black mink marker bindings, 207 CM. BIRMINGHAM 1647.1177 ment or will buy. Our pa ssenger, all extras. coat, almost new, also tan good condition, $50. 886- Week days ti I 8:30 profit is small 50 you get $3,100. 882.0069. tweed winter coat, size 14. 8832 Sat. till 5 p.m. more 16. 777.2187. . DETROIT - 8757100 . 1972 CHEVROLET Caprice 4 'I Puzzled ?? RETIRED jeweler has selec. Daily and Sat. tit 5:30 p.m. LEE'S door, loaded. Must sell. 2 REFRIGERATORS, 1 Gen. tion of beautiful diamond SUNDAY '-5 20339 Mack 881.8082 8867404. Why not give them a special gift that will have a era I Electric P7, electric rings. SacriIiC

WEIGHT ref t I the ------music books. TV 4.2694. I,,! '74 Cpe. de Ville. Stereo. I 109 se, a 'l>ANASONIC RS.790 A.D. 4 ------~_ '74 Sd d V'II L d d SOME SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFERINGS jig saw, miscellaneous. 881 track stereo, reel 10 reel, DRUM set, 8 piece, profes. n. e I e. oa e . 7187 '72 Cpc. de Ville. Clean. RITTER FIRST OFFERING of a spacious RANCH on lovely ld~!le site near the lake. --.:.--- ..------tape deck, like ncw" $250 or sional. In good condition. '74 Eldo. Loaded. CUSTOM set of Gorman gal' best offer. Volke skis, 200 Ideal Christmas gift, $]25 3 twin.size hedrooms all with double closets, 2 full baths, jalousied porch. cluhs, 3 woods. 10 irons CM, Look bindings. Stefan or best offer. 882.5671. : '74 Brougham. Loaried. CHEVROLET kitchen with br('akfast area, fireplace and allached garage. $62,500. 8!W0600. used twice. $275. 886.3573 boots, size 11, poles, $t5O or VIOLIN -and ceIlo,-~cry' fin~e: '69 Cpe De Ville. 31.055 PRICE REDUCED to $84,900 on outstanding 3 bedroom. 2% bath air. condition cd ------.----- best offer, K.2 skis, 210 CM, instruments. 2937314. miles. RANCH near lake wilh TWO family rooms, handy 1st floor laundry, and FINAL SALE: Unusual chess Marker bindings, boot size '14 OI~ls 98 Re!:ency Srin. 16700 HARPER Mutschler kitchen with all buill ins. 8816300. table $10, boys hocke~ 10, poles. $75 or best offer, ROGERS drum set:6 piece. sticks, helmct, gloves, 2 ba' Child's K2 Elite skl~ hest .. Call Mack 885.1187. 881-7600 CONTEMPOHAHY COLONIAL in Star of Sea Parish wilh 4 bedrooms (master stools. tahle soccer game aHer. Aftcr 6 p.m. 885.8419 HAMMOND organ model L: 26x(5), 2'12 haths, huge redwood paneled family room, kilchen blli1lins, and $8. Twin b~dspread. waHl, or 882~868. 103, excellent condilion. McGLONE quick occupancy. $69,500. 881.6300. iron, camera. girls skates ....--- ....----~..------1 8818305. siz(; 12','2 and I. Humidifier. "001, TABLE (Valley) 7' ~ .. _.. FIHST OFFERING of gracious 4hedroom, 3'12 bath center hall COLONIAL wilh 455 Lincoln road, Friday I iC'lt slate top, cost $800. STARLIGHT 5 piece drum CADILLAC terrace. panelcd Iibrar)', (ine games room, 2'car allached garage, and lovely Dcc. 20, 9:3/) 10 12 noon. sell $425 complete. Pin!: set, Good condition, $85. 20903 HARPER BUSINESS 150x156 foot sile. $75.000. 8816300. -- -~~-.-.-.--~ pon~; TV !:ame $350. 884. 881.7709. 2 blocks norlh of Vernier PINBALL machines fa 8835. -~.--______~ 881.6600 GROSSE POINTE SHOI~ES-Very special 4 bedroom, 2';" bath Farm Colonial. Christmas. Afternoons anc" .------3B-ANTIQUE£ IS GREAT Great kitchen with all buill.ins and a barheque, paneled family room and evenings, 463.1411.o\UGUSTUS Rex Me i 5 en FOR SALE .. AT much more to like, An attractive home allraclively priced 884.0600. lamp. antique mirror and ---_~_.~ . FIREWOOD - Split. mixer' other collector items. 886. '_EADED GJ FT ITEMS IF YOU AR~: ACCUSTOMED TO TilE BEST, this well mainlained peWe mansion could be the answer to your quest, Over An acre o( heautifully landscaped dry hardwood. $25 deliver 2344. ',i!fany lamp forms, slaincd ed, Stacked extra. 1752 ------I ' \' t CI . YEAR SEYMOUR grounds wilh healed swimming pool. 4 family bedrooms, 4 baths and 3 bed. 2401. FRENCH PROVINCIAL dou. g ass specla IS s. asses In rooms and balb on 3rd floor. Library, terrace, morning room, fahulous !lamcs -- .. --- ble bed, excellent condi stained glass window mak. room with fireplace. Cenlral air conditioning. 8814200. ANTIQUE Iimoges luncheor tion. 882'{)85O. ing start Jan. 7.8.9. Limit END CADILLAC scl. sil\'H antique tea ser .~. .. __ . ..._ cd registrations. Let Ihe THERE MUST BE GROSSF. POINTE WOODS-Not a mark on it! Beualifully kept one owner home vir" $200. Dricd flower anc:, 'UR COAT. Beaver jacket. professional show you how. CLEARANCE on popular street convenient to bus, shops, schools, Lovcly 3 hedroom I' .... ChrIStmas arrangomentf.! small. Mouton Lamb coal. Call 885.1362, S t e ph en A REASON! slory with family room and paneled gamcs room. Up.dated kitchen. fireplace, Bowmaker machine, cc~'. medium. TU 4.0844. Frank Studios. 16414 E. STOP IN AND garage. Can't be matched al $37,900. 884.0600. dId' .: Warren near Oulcr Drive. $65. sell $2.5 G?O a lOS, ";'UFTEO-tuxedo lo~~- se;' ._._. _._~._ .. SALE VISITWITH ATIRACTJV~; WOODS RANCH near hus and shops wilh 2 bcdrooms. Jalousied coats. c10thmg size 12. Cal.. $250. 2 wing chairs $100 WOODEN kitchen cabinet, OUR Florida room, aHachrd garage, immediate occupancy and new pricc o( $37,900, ~_af~e~_~_p~m:~1~403~:___ each, 2 Country French side small wooden ice box. prim. 8R16300. BLACK custom leather coucl chairs $100 each. All in itive oak couch, wooden ENTHUSIASTIC i YORKTOWN--Pil1arcd 4 bedroom. 2% halh COLONIAl. with family room, ultrO! 6 frct. excellenl conditior brown naugahydc 882-ll850 show case, roll top desk, ROGER modern kitchen with built.ins. 2car atlachecl garage and immediate occupancy. on brass casters, Cuslor --~-~_.----. ------marble top Victorian table, 881.6300. maroon leath('r chair wit' '::HRISTMAS TREE - II ft. marble top wash stand, SALESMEN' I matchinJ:l ottoman. both 0: green-$25, Was $50 new wooden wash stand. oak RINKE TERRIFIC ASSUMPTION POSSIBILITIES on this c!elil:hllully decoraled 3hed hrass casters. Matching an last year. Also sled, skis. floor la mp with shade, urn. I IT'S MUCH rOom COLONIAL with (amily room ncor Mason School. Idel1l (or young mar. tiquc avocado green chairs,~~~4.: . brella stand with marble I CADILLAC CO. BETTER THAN rieds at $38,900. llBI'6300, rrushed velvet. 8825269. ;;TF.R LING pie server $8, insert, gateles: lable, prim. salt. peppcr $10. antique i1ive lables, 2 old radios. II MILE RD. YOU MAY THINK JIJS r L1Sn:D! W~;LL K ~:PT 3 hedroom. 2 balh COLONIAL wilh family room ~allers $12. Silverplale Re. Chippendale server. small and games room in popular WOODS area handy to shops and s('hools. This East of Van Dyke one won'l last long, Hurry. 881.6300. FIREPLACE WOOD vere coffee service $aS, De. wardrobe cabin~t. wcod.m 18", Mople, Ash, Oak canler with glasses-glass flour bin, 2 Tiffany table Warren , SEYMOUR $29. f:ce cord and silver $22. 884.1144. lamps, QUCC!'<1 }.nne high. . ... boy, other fine antiques. 536-6260 I CADILLAC JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE DELIVERED . VOOL shorl twist aqua green Call only if interested. No OR I 3180 E, JEFFERSON 881-0292 carpeting,95 y a r d s plus. dealers please. 822.3586 or 757-0767 REALTOR@ $150. 884.4931. 386.3726, I 964-6811 "4 ...... , , , "F-Y

P.ge Twenty-Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December 19, 1974 !13-REAL EST'"11 FOR S"'LE 'i'} , U-REAL EST"'TE FOR SALE 13-.REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEDFORD Spotless air.conditioned Colonial. 4 bedrooms. 31h baths, panel2d libl ary. Attached garage. FEW RANCH HOMES in Grosse Pointe Woods are A LARGE PLUSH carpeted family room 16x27 with FIRST OFFERINGS comparable to this one. Facing on a winding rich paneling is the living nerve center for this NEWBERRY Ian:! it has easy access with its two car at- four bedroom two bath decorators home. All tached garage. A large first floor laundry rCQm AND WHY NOT buy the family a brand new house for l"EAH TilE LAKE rooms newly decorated and ready to move in. saves time and endless stair climbing. The Chrislmas? In the Farr.ls we have on sale a house Custom home .. 5 bedrooms, 3'/" lJaths. study, Family Considered as a moderately young neighborhood, living room and dining room share a view of the so new that it can be ready by Christmas. There room, attachcd garage. Exceptional construction. the location is superb and within walking dis. is a family room, separate dining room and format fireplace. Master bedroom has its own private tance of shopping and transportation. Asking living room. Priced at $44,900 this package can be lavatory. Two remaining bedrooms share a large $47,500. wrapped up for less money than the older com. McKINLEY dO:lllle sink tiled bath. Asking only $62,500 for petition. Custom 3 bzdroom. 1L/i bath Colonial with den. Modern a fast sale plus a large land contract at 7% is MANY OTHER houses available. Why not call us kitchen wilh hreakfast bay. Large rooms. available. today and register your desires. We'd be happy TAKE YOUR CHOICE. We! can sell you either one or to keep you posted. both of these houses, one in the City and one in the Farms are being offered to that $20,000 pros. pect. Don't wait for the post.Christmas sales be DAVI ES- MOFFETT 882-0087 882-0087 cause these two probably will be sold at that time. TU 5-3220 Grosse Pointe Real Estate BY APPOINTMENTS PLEA~E Grosse Pointe Real Estate ON Tim COUNTHY CLUB Golf Course with a view co. HANG YOUR CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS OVER THE co. shared by only a few! As any prestigious home, In the Heart of Grosse Pointe FtREPLACE in this four bedroom colonial on there are fire places in eil:ht locations. How In the Heart of Grosse Pointe Windmill Pointe Drive. There is still time to un. nice the master bedroom is with its private pack and sellie down for the Holidays, This partie. dressing room and allached balh. ular offering has fireplaces in both the library and living room and a Florida room which offers a The form21 wing is ~cparated from the family room AS CHARMING as an old fashioned Christmas card fine view of the large and well landscaped back. area by a 50' gal!ery hall which makes a fan- our 2 Colonials look especially warm and inviting yard. A large mortgage balance at 6V~% may be taslieally beautiful greenery and gallery in their cloaks of snow. Imagine; your children assumed. all snug in the thr'le good sized bedrooms. A A very private sunken library wilh dark, rlark, walnut row of stockings hung from the mantle of the CHAMPION IF THERE IS ANOTHER HOUSE in the City of paneling and rustic fireplace has exils to golf natural fireplace in a living room big enough Grosse Pointe which offers three bedrooms, a bath wurse and "ilbiJ,," tenit"". II wraps around OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 to accommodate a whopper of a tree. hundreds and a half on tbe second floor, a den, a large you like a ('ashmere sweater. Almost every 1J~:i. of gifls, and the jolly old elf himself. Spicy 403 LEXINGTON - Ideal Cox and Baker Custom screened and covered porch and can be bought for room has its own bath and fireplace. smells drifting from the kitchen (both have dish. less money than our Washington Road, we don't Ranch. Two bedrooms, spacious Iiving.dining washers and disposals for easy holiday clean up). know about it. Take advantage of an existing morl- If you are leoking in the $200,000 range this is yaur room, sharp kitchen, den - many special features. All this plus a 2112 sleigh garage. All of this gage and step up to this property which is priced house with lots of money back, If your in the An excellent opportunity to own a well built house could come true for YOIl on either Hunt Club or well below the neighborhood. $100,000 range its just a little stretch, When you of attractive design. Priced in fifties. have an opporlLmily 10 feel this very gracious Norwood-Our hetpers are waiting to help you! home arouna you. price will be secondary. BY APPOINTMENT YULE LOG ENOUGH MILES on ~'our car dashing around trying to find this mini.estate located CHRISTMAS GIFT for the people who have every- A wonderful place to spend the rest of your life. FARMS LOCATION - This house has been planned in a private woods within the Farms. Why not tbing: Our smashing first offering on Lakeshore A terrific house for children of all ages. We call with tie accant on value, livability and quaiily, S'lve yourself some time and give us a call. - an absolute one of a kind ranch. A peek into Ihis our Christfas house becaus(' it feels Iik~ with a beautiful first floor master suite. plus two We'd like to tell you in detail about this one.of- this package reveals 3 spacious bedrooms master Christmas all year lon:~, bedrooms and a bath upstairs. A swimming pool a-kind house which features multi levels and bedroom has adjoining bath), hall bath with and greenhouse add to it's graciousness. A large every room with a view. Contemporary at its double vanity sinks, king size living room with living room, family room and dining room make it finest wedded to a wooded setting which would natural fireplace, country kitchen with built.ins perfect for entertaining and ideal for a family be wonderful to unwind in . . . wouldn't it? 882-0087 and eating area. Family room, first floor laundry seeking ease of maintenance along with spaciOUS' for extra convenience, gourmet entertainment Robert G. Edgar Honor Lofstrom ness. room with natural fireplace, tiled and paneled Norm Cassube Dan Lundell Grosse Pointe Real Estate rec. room. Curiosity aroused? Satisfy it - give IN THE SHORES - designed with the timeless beauty Dave Dennis Bob Monroe co. us a call! that is always in good taste. this five year old Frank J. Huster Marty Owens In the Heart of Grosse Poinle executive house is perfedion in all details. The H. Thomas Keppelman Beverly Pack master suite is on the first floor with two bed. Karl Koenigsmann John Pierce SHOREWOOD rooms upstairs, a large beamed ceiling family Richard Wallace 20431 Mack REALTY CO. 886-8710 room is ideal for entertaining with a wet bar. This house includes every superior feature to insure the HAPPY HOLI DA YS maximum of gracious living. R. G. FROM 14 WILLISON-Warm inviting Cape Cod charm. Near VACANT PROPERTY the lake. Three bedrooms, tb.ree baths, plus a EDGAR large hobby room, family room plus library make & ASSOCiATES HIGBIE MAXON BEAUTIFUL LOT on Sunningdale at entrance of it a home truly designed for expansive living with- Lochmoor Club. Large old trees. deep and wide out extensive maintenance. 114 KERCHEVAL 8866010 31ST OFFER INGS for just about any size house. 30 seconds from Lochmoor Club, 3 minutes from expressway, 1 1745 ROSLYN - This perfect three bedroom Cape Cod GROSSE PTE. FARMS-3 bedroom I/~ bath Colonial minule from Lakeshore. $35,000. possesses many enjoyable features, a large living superbly maintained by original owner. Pass thru room with fireplace, family room cverlooking an hall to kitchen with breakfast room. Screened LARGE PLAT of land on Lakeshore. Ready for enclosed yard, three bedrooms upstairs. All newly porch. Lovely carpeting in living and dining developer or individual. A portion 200x350 avail. THIS IS THE HOUSE everyone is talking about. decorated to move right in $34,900. rooms. 2 car garage. Low 40's. able separately for $70,000 or half for $35,000. Its just about completed and its breathtaking. Beautiful wooded area-a must see if you are IN THE FARMS-Spacious and beautifully decorated A family room with sliding door wall onto the MEADOW LANE-3 or 4 bedroom 21f.! bath Colonial. building your own house. three bedroom Ranch. OHering quality combined huge 12x24 wood deck has open ceiling to 2nd. 28 fool living room with fireplace. Modern kitch- witl carefully considered planning. Fine modern story roof line. Hand hewn beams on the ceil- en with blt.ins. Gas forced air heat. ANY PROPERTY in Grosse Pointe is a good spec- kitchen, paneled library and family room. Call for ing arch over the balcony. A rustic banister, ulative investment. There are very very few lots appt. heavy and solid, lines the hall to three bedrooms PROVENCAL ROAD -Built in 1958 this authentic for 5ale in the Pointes. and bath upstairs. A fourth bedroom and bath Monticello Colonial features on the first floor a 557 FISHER ROAD - Spacious livable 4 Bedroom are on first floor level. The living room, warm master Ledroom with balh plus a paneled library English, a perfect family horne. Living room with with beams and 12' bow window lends itself for (or bedroom), large family room with fireplace. fireplace, dining room with bay, library, fully 882-0087 formal or informal living. The kitchen, custom step down living room, screened terrace and equipped kitchen. Priced at $53,500. built on the job is all formica with unusually maids room. 2nd floor has 2 large bedrooms with connecting 11i2 bath. There are 41f.! baths in all. Grosse Pointe Real Estate 23112 WESTBURY, St. Clair Shores. Cozy three bed. clean design. Super vinyl brick floor is the finest Garage storage for 4 cars. Central air condition- room Ranch, 1... baths with.a.large family room. you can. buy. Range, refrigerator. d.i~l\washer co. ing for Jiving area,' 'Excdfent hindscaplng. This house is tastefully decorated and immacu- are new and included as are the plush carpets In the Heart of Grosse Pointe lately clean reflecting the outstanding care given throughout the house. About the only thing this it by the owners. Near grade school. house doesn't have is a huge price tag. $54,500 and is yours. BEAUPRE-Cape Cod. 2 bedrooms on 1st floor. Din- RENTAL - Neff Road - living room, dining room, ing area plus eating space in kitcben. Expansion :'itC:IeD, two bedrooms, bath, paneled enclosed attic for 2 additional bedrooms and bath. 2 car JOHN s. porch - Upper - completely furnished. 882-0087 allached garage. Immcdiate possession. Mortgage assumption available. Priced reduced. Wm. J. CHAMPION CO. Grosse Pointe Real Estate FOR THE EXECUTIVE-On the waler, with a new GOODMAN co. sea wall this beautiful brick and stone English INC. TU.4-5700 house offers a large paneled library with fire. In the Heart of Grosse Pointe place, a 30 foot glassed porch, 4 family bedrooms "BE SECURE, GOODMAN FOR SURE" 102 Kercheval "On the Hill" each with bath. 2 guest rooms with bath. 4 car garage wilh apartment abovc. "May these holidays bring friends GRO£SE POINTE SHORES - Superb contemporary to your fireplace and peace to your featured in Home Building Ideas. 1st floor master path-" WE HAVE EVERYTHING ITTAKES TO GIVE YOU bedroom suite. Large activities room with fire- place, bar and attached greenhouse. Fine kitchen OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 with bllins. 1st floor laundry. 2nd floor has 2 bed. room~, fireplace and full bath. Basement is fin- EEVERN 1623-FIRST OFFERING! DelighUul 3 bed- THE MOST COMPLETE ished with billiard room, exercise room, sauna room, 1'12 bath colonial with many "JUST FIN- bath and thermostatically controlled wine cellar. ISHED" features due to unexpected transfer in- Large patio. heated swimming pool and central cluding new recreation room and carpeting along HOME SELLING AND BUYING SERVICE air conditiDning. Financing available. with freshly painted trim. Family comforts in. c1ude family room (l9xI5) with fireplace, mod. TERRIFICLY landscaped grounds with creek sur- ern kitchen with built.ins, 2 furnaces, and 2 car '* FAR MORE EXPOSURE * GUARANTEED SALE PLAN round this charming white collage in the farms garage. near the pier. Cathedral c('ling in living room, Four Multi-List boards, including Grosse Pointe - Why wait? Pick your new home and buy it 1st fiDnr den plus a 151 floor bedroom and bath. ST. CLAIR RD 503-Farm House colonial with 5 bed. over 2,000 sales agents working for you for fast, Schweitzer can offer you a guaranteed sales price ~nci fleor has ma~ter bedroom suite with fire- rooms and 2 full baths with 1st floor suite for top.dollar action. for your present home. place. s:ltin:~ room and bath, phs 2 family bed. family privacy. Perfectly maintained throughout reoms and bath. ShDwn hy appointment. the years with spacious rooms and deep lot with MORE OUT-OF-TOWN garrs. !.ighted yard and patio. Land contract terms available. F278. 886-5800. and cocktail loun~e har. 2nd floor features 5 bcd- dining rooms. family and rec rooms with 2nd roollls and 0\ ha Ih~. Thc masler ~uile has a pull- kitchen ideal for entertaining and holidays. BUY OF THE YEAR! - Three bedrooms, paneled family room. finished rec room witr ceramic half man kitchen anr! steam room. Th(' professionally AUDUBON-3 bedroom, 2'k bath colonial with fam- bath. Spacious kitchen with stove, refrigerator. dishwas'ler. Garage, patio, central air conditioning. rione decor includes 51rau"s ery~t" I chandeliers, Convenient location and immediate occupallcy. Priced in upper thirties. F302. 8865800. ily room, recreation, and a bar room. Well- Ila lian marhle. French silks. Belgium lace drape. located for schools, shopping, and transportation. BEST BUY - Five bedrooIT. two bath brick home. Fireplace. Recreation room. Garage. Big lot. Save by ries. ellstol1\ wallpaper and carpeting. Other de. assuming the 5....% annual interest rate mortgage or land contract terms. $34.900. F244. 886.5800. tails ine\ude a ,,,'cllrily an~1 firr alarm s}.~tem, THREE MILE DHIVE-6 bedroom, 5 bath Georgian central air conditioning. fron! lawn sprinkler s~'s- with outstanding wood paneling in a number of SAVINGS HERE - Three bedroom brick colonial with central air conditioning. Formal dining room. Family tem. cif('II\ar dr;,'r anel allachcd garage rooms already highlighted with stunning fire. room. Fireplac~. Beautiful updated kitehen with a built in dishwasher. New drive to the two car gar- places. TOIJll!\INE llOAD - G('orgian Colonial on nicely age. Save by assuming the existing mortgage. F289. 886.5800. landscapcd IC5 feot lot with circular drive. Mar. CANTERBURY-Spacious colonial built to custom GROSSE POINTE FARMS - Lovely 3 bedroom brick ranch with aUachcd terrarium. Dining room, Family hIe floor foyer wilh circular ~taircasc. 15x16 foot design in 1970 with 5 bedrooms, family room with r~!::n. rcc~eation room wifl fireplace and recessed lighting. Two car attached garagl'. covered patio and paneled lihrary with firl'placc and a glas~ed.in fireplace and library plus modern kitchen and fou;,ta;n. Lar,d Contract terms available. G529. 886-4200. terrace leadin ~ to hrick patio. 2nd floor has 6 circular drive. hedrooms and 4 balhs. H('c. room in basement. QU:ZT - La.'ely four bedroom 21h bath colonial horne nine years old and in excellent condition. Refrigerator Buili by MicIJll. Burgbr alarm sy~tem, Immedi. CRANFORD LANE-Comforts of TOWNHOUSE Iiv. 1!n:J bl'ilt in range. Large terrace. Attached garage. Nice tocation on a court with little traffic. G525, ale possc~sion. ing with the sizc and variety of a horne including 886.420~. 5 bcdroClms and 3 baths with charm including I':NGLISII TUDOR buill h\' Kahn on 222.foot lake ~ide walled garden. INCOME - Large brick two family home. Unusual floor plan with four bedrooms in thc upper which lot. Fronl hrick wall~(l courtyard with circular is r.ewly decorated. Two bedroom lower rents for $170. Four car garage. $33,900. G489. 886.4200. drivc. Tremendo\\.' living room with 2 slory heam. :\1cKINLEY-A comfortable English with Farms 10' (':1 cc'lin~. Paneled family room wilh fireplace. call'. 3 bcdrooms. modcrn kitchen, adjoining G?02=.E POINTE WOODS - Well maintained brick colonial with aluminum trim and gutki's. Carpcted morning room with fireplaC'r. har and tap room. breakfast room, den, powder room, and 2 car paneled basement with a half bath. Garage. G534. 886.5800. Florid a room. updated kitC'hl'n and l.~t floor laun. garage. dry. 2nd floor has master r.cdroom suit with firC' BALFOUR-Unique 4 bedroom English with 3 baths, plac,' and balll. silting room, 3 family bedrooms and tasteful addition including ullra.modern wit'l 2 halhs, 2 maids rooms and h

Thursday, December 19, 1974 Page Twenty-Eighf GROSSE POINTE NEWS ---_._------._----_._---_._------_._------_.'------~_._-_.,------_._--~------_.-,----- 21S-CARPENTER I CITY OF the City of Grosse Pointe Park to be administered by 6. Participation in a strike or other concerted ac. WORK I Frank Colombo the Unemployment Compensation Board of the City of tion con:rary to a collective bargaining agreement, or Grosse Pointe Park. This plan is established pursuant in a wildcat strike or other concerted action not au. HARRY S1I1I111 I Retires Jail. 31 to Act No. 170 of the Public Acts of 1958, as amended, thorized by the individual's bargaining representative, BUILDING CO. of the State of Michigan. 7. A neaotiated agreement or contract which pro. Established in (jrosse Pointe Park Section 2, Definitions. vides for n~onetary payments upon separation from Grosse Pointe Area Since 1937 The J. L. Hudson Company TIesidential and Commereilll a "nounces the retirement of "Average Weekly Wage" with respect to a base per- employment. Remodeling Frank A. Colombo, of Lake ORDINANCE NO. 64 iod of employment. shall be the amount determined by Section 10. Payment of and Restrictions on Benefits. :\lIerations and Maintenance Shore road. ExecLlti\'e Vice dividing total wages for credit weeks (larned by the Benefits shall be paid bi.weekly at a lime and place Nell' Construction : President, Em'ironmental De. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH AN number of such credit weeks chargeable to the City fixed by the Unemployment.Compcnsation Board. All 885,3900 885.7013 \'clopment, to become effec. of Grosse Pointe Park as employer. beneficiaries must report bi.weekly to the ~ecretary ; tive on January 31, 1975, UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION "Base Period" means the period of 52 consecutive Examiner's office on designated days for biweekly bene. CL:STOM HOME REPAIRS aCier 35 years o[ actil'l' serl" SYSTEM calendar weeks ending with the day immediately pre. fit checks and determination of continuing eligibility. Any kind, no job too small ice, WHEREAS: The State of Michigan by Act. No. 104 ceding the first day of an individual's benefit year. For continuing eligibility, a beneficiary must be actively or big. Work alone. Rotte]) Colombo J'oincd Hudson's of the Public Acls of 1974, has required unemployment "Benefit Yellr" with respect to any individual means seeking work, and mus,t be regi~te~ed with the ~Ii,chi. window jams. doors and in 1939 after graduation from the period of 52 consecutive calendar weeks beginning gan Employment SecurIty CommiSSIOn. No benellClary window cords, porches, tre Harvard Graduate School compensation cOI'<'fagc for scrvices performed for political subdivisions. with the first calendar week with respect to which the who shall refuse any reasonable bona fide offer of basements. attics. Call Bill of Business Administration. TilE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE PARK ORDAINS individual, who does not already have a benefit year employment shall re"eive any benefits after such reo L~nn, 8B90298. In 1949 he was promoted to there is hereby adopled Chapter 8.A, Unemployment in effect, files a claim for benefits under this ordinance fusal. assistant manager of the Bud C t' f 1"lJ I Ad . 't t. 'd. provided that the individual has earned wages of at SJbject to all of the provisil)ns of Section 27 of -PLUMBING A"'D,... 'get Store and became mana ompensa lon, 0 Ie, II1IIllSra Ion, provi wg as 21T least $25.01 in 14 or more calendar weeks within the Michigan Employment Security Act, each eligible indi- HEATING follo\\'s: ... __ _. __ gel' in 1954. In 1956 he was i Section 1. Unemplo~'ment Compensation System. Base Period. Such weeks are called "Credit Weeks." vidual shall be paid his weekly benefit rate with respect FOil CLEA~ aud dependable elected to the board of prisl'd o[ students frol11 Aus ner and further must. redetermination or to appeal any decision, determina- ies and viewed a display of at 7:30 am. each day and tin a nd Our Lady Star 0[ the TO BID . a) Be able and available 10 perform suitable full- tion or redetermination, falls on a Saturday, Sunday or art work that consisted main- return at 4 p,m. Each trip Sea. many Players go on to \lm~ work whi~h. he is qualified to perform by past ex. legal holiday, su~h period shall run until the end of the Iy of portraits of :'Ilr. Lowther will consist of approximatcly major in theater and the penence or trammg, and of a character generally simi- next day whIch IS not a Saturday. Sunday or holiday. done b)' hi~ students. rivc hours of ski time arts in college WINDOW AIR lar 10 work for which he has earned wages; and Section 19. Finances. Mr, Lowther was presented Cost for the entire package Over 2,30) sllldents haye . b) ~e in compliance with registration and report. Financing shall b: accomplished through the Unem. with a book prepared by the of trips is $45 without rental, participated in the Players CONDITIONERS IIlg requIrements; and ployment Compensallon System Reserve, herewith es. sta[f which contained draw $60 with. Individual trips over the ,:;roup's t7year c) Be seeking work. tablished to account for related revenue and expend i- ings, essa>'s. photographs and "ost $13 without rental amI history, all \lndcr the direc CITY OF Section 8. Disqualifications. tures, including payment of unemployment benefits. m('mentos from every child ~17 with, tion of Thoma, E, nailcy, o[ GROSSE POINTE PARK . A claimant is disqualified from receiving benefits The City Comptroller shall recommend to the City Coun al Defer, The [e('s include trauspor 1luntington road. If the Secretary-Examiner finds that an individual is cil annuat appropriations to be made for this activity, ______'alion. lessons and tOll' Sea led bids will be received unemployed due to an ineligible termination or separa. provided that no appropriations will be required after CAN DEUVER 'ickets. PITFAI.l~<; by the City Clerk of the Citv lion as specified in Section 9, has left his work volun. a Reserve balance of $10,000 has been accumulated in Those who have the ability Furthcr information on the Keeping Ollt o[ the ruts is of Grosse Pointe Park. Michi. tarily or has accepted permanent full.time work with the Unemptoyment Compensation System Reserve. to accomplish things can af. :'ki outings may be ohtaincd the main difficulty when one gan until 10 A. M. on Janu. another employer. or has failed without just cause to Section 20, False Statements. Cord to let others do the: ')y calling the Club at 885. is tral'eling the l' 0 a d to ary 6, 1975, for the furnish. apply for available suitable work or has failed to accept No person shall. with intent to deceive, make any talking, I 4600, success. ing of 17 window air condi. SUitable work when offered, or has failed when directed false or untrue statement~ or report~. In lieu o[ crimi. tioners, to return to his customary work. Further, no employee nal action bllscd on any false or untrue statements or Bid envelopes shall be shall be eligible for benefits uolder this ordinance if reports, the Board may recommend disciplina)' or other BILL REPP!:R'. plainly marked "Bid on Win. such employee is eligible to receive unemployment com. action to the ('ontrolling department, board or commis. dow Air Conditioners" and pensation benefits from the Michigan Employment Se- sion. direcled to the allention of curity Commission as a result of prior employment Section 21. Catchline Headings. the City Clerk in the Munici. with an emp~oyer other than this City. The catchline headings of the sections of this ordi. DOWNTOWN FORD pal TluilrlinJ:(, t5115 E. Jeffer. Section 9. Ineligible Terminations and Separations. nance shall in no way be considered to be a part of the II son Ave., Grosse Pointe An employee shall not be eligible for benefits under respective sections or of this ordinance but arc inserted Park, Michigan. the Unemployment Compcnsation System established hy herein for purpo~es o[ convcnien(e. Invites You To See Mario "Mike" Farmis this ordinance, if the unemployment shall result from: Section 22. Severability. Detailed specifications are 1. Retirement under any present or fut',lre retire. Each section, and every part of each section, i~ For Your Next New or Used Car availahle in the Public Ser. ment system covering City employees. hereby decla red to he independent sections and parts of vice Department of the Mu. 2. Discharge or susgension for misconduct connecl. sections, and holrling of any section or part of section • If you hav,. shopped and have a price in mind, nicipal Building. cd with one's work, including, hut not limited to. for to he void and ineffcctive for any cause, shall not bc mak~ us an offer! The City of Grosse Pointe intoxication while at work, for absence due to imprison. deemed to affect any other section or part of section. Park reserves t:le right to ment, or for an act of assault, theft or sabotage con. Section 23. Effeetive Date. • Chauffeur Service to Your Downtown Office or nected wilh his wr.-k, . The effective date of the Unemploymcnt Compen~a. Mario "Mike" Farmi. accept or reject any or all Downtown Shopping Area hicls or any part thereof, 3. Resignations, including resignations in lieu of lion System and henefit fund estahlished hy this ordi. discharge. nance and o[ coverage thereunder shall he Dcccmber A Good Man 1833 E. JEFFERSON N. J. Ortisi 4. Leaves of absence for any reason, whether \'11. 31, 1974. City Clerk untary or involuntary, N. J. Ortisi To Know 5. Temporary separations made at the request of City Clerk WO 3.4700 GI' News 12.18.74 the employee. GPN 12/19/74 P.'PPPPPPPP"'PP •• PPPP.PP •••••• PPPP.PPPPP •••• PPPPPDP •• PP •••• FFP~~rF~.F.p.ppFrF ••• prFP.F

Thursday, December 19, 1974 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Nine Nata.tors Make Fine Showing TWOPre-Christmas OffERINGS The Grosse Poinle Swim Club traveled to the St Clair .,~,,'- ....~' Shores Class "C" Swim Meet last weekend and scored im. J WE'VE OPEIIED pressively in many el'ents, Most swimmers turned in performances that qualified li'em for "B" meet competi. tion in their respective age ADOORFOR group. Five relay teams placed: boys-10 and under 200 med- ley relay. second; girls- 10 AIIERICA'S and under 200 medley relay. first; girls-ll and 12 200 medley relay. third: boys-' 13 and over 200 medley re'l lay, third; girls-10 and un. YOU"NI der 200 free relay, sixth. Outstanding individual per I formances (and placing in one or more events), came I from Bill Nixon, Mack Mill-I len. Theresa Meeban, Chris Truhol, Carolyn Jones, Dan Levitl, Bill Hohman, Mack I Thi5 bright package can be opened for YOUt family and Yuhn. Tom Gallagher, Kathy Roarty, Judas Kotas, Kalhy furniture shortly after Christmas. The brick colonial in the Oldham, Katio:-Echel, Laura Farms has four bedrooms, a den, spanking new kitchen, Hackman and James Mec- ham. central air conditioning and is near Kerby and Brownell The following swimmers also were heat winners: Jud- schools. son Kotas, Laura Hackman. Ann Mitchell, Sue Wilson, Jeanne Lilner, Chris Brown, Dan Levitt. Bill Nixon, Chris Truhol, two, Patty Streicker, Paul Hosea, Bill Hohman and Katie Eckel. Coach Kilty Montagne was pleased with the results of her many swimmers and felt rewarded b~' their perform. ances after spending 20 hours at pool.side during the lwo. day meet. Aviation Class For NH Okayed

The Board of Education, at a meeting on Monday. De. 'Tis the Season to be iolly but we're absolutely ecstatic over cember 9, approved a rec. ommendation from superin. this handsome Georgian colonial and its beautiful setting. tendent of Schools Dr. James A. Adams, to initiate a new Just as great looking inside as out, it has family room and course in Aviation Science at library, six bedrooms and four baths on the second floor. North High School for the 1975-76 school year. Get a move on and we'll get you moved in. Dr. Adams explained that I there is already a teacher at North qualified to provicle instruction for the course. The class will be science. related without involving any actual training, but it will explore various career op portunities in the field. Adopted by the Board with the stipulation that it be There is a positive force that is moving forward in America today, opening doors for young men and offered in a minimum of two women who will make a difference in the America of tomorrow. sections, the class will be Since 19.7.0"~hn,We5ley,CoUegei"unde~,,t~ dynamic leadership of its presiden~"Or",~~thS.,A~mr taught (or one semester, on a .114 Kltr~h.val. on the Hill - 886-6610 pilot basis. . strong, has been pulling back the curtain on unique and exciting educational programs. These are programs that live on the cutting edge of tomorrow. They are designed to meet America's youth where they are living and take them to a point of responsible living and leadership. This is not a new idea. The small private Christian college has been one of the greatest influences in shaping America's leadership in the world. One hundred twgnty-five years ago, these colleges served nearly all of America's college students. New Convenience for Today, while many of these small, private colleges are dying, some - such as John Wesley College- are findi, new vitality and reclaiming their heritage of providing a guiding and stabilizing force in the midst of social and moral upheaval in America and of being pioneers in education by designing and implementing educational programs that meet the real needs of America's youth. Placing Your a few things you should know about john wesley college

LEARNING VILLAGE LEADERSHIP The compus of John Wesley Col. The suc

As .John Wesley College keeps on growing, so do the needs for the youth who come to the campus. Date Classification Desired Next school year, at least 100 new beds will be needed to accommodate the continued projected in- crease in student enrollment. New classrooms, lecture halls, an audio.visual center, and a fine arts building Enclosed is my check or money order for $ are all important additions that need to be constructed in the English Learning Village. To herp finance its capitalized expansion program, John Wesley College goes directly to investors in. NAME ADDRESS stead of financial lending institutions and pays investors 9 per cent annual interest. The College offers its $1,000 minimum Investment Certificates through a professional firm, Atlantic CITY AREA CODE PHONE. Charter Corporation, whose representatives are all licensed with the Security Exchange Commission. Investors in John Wesley College come from all walks of life - farmers, doctors, dentists, small busi Mail 10: Classified Adverlising Dept. Grosse Pointe News, 9C/ Kerthe~ol. nessmen, industrialists, factory workers, retired ministers, educators, and many others. Grosse Poinle Farms, Mich. 41236

Ther~ are at least two reasons why they invest in WRITE YOUR AD BELOW OR ON A SIPARATE SHIIT IF NEIDID John Wesley College: 1) A rate of interest that pro. Minimum Cost Is $2.25 For 12 Worels.Aelditional Words 10' vides them with a good yield on their savings, and 2) r------,Mr. Kenneth Floyd 1.()217 1. 4 There is double satisfaction in knowing that invested Atlantic ellarler Corp. 2422$ Welt 9 Mile Ro.d dollars can be used to provide valuable living.learning Southfield, Mlchl,.n 48075 I: H experic:nces for youth who can make a positive con- tribution to the quality of life in America. .. 9 1(, II II _ .. :'1 America needs men and women who are willing Aetdr , , ••••••••••• '0' . 13 14 I~ It. to invest in the youth of ollr nation. There are some C;o, , .s. . 1.1\ I 45 I ~~ It.', doors that only they can open. }(J ZipC - .. 17. III 19 For more information on the John Wesley eol. ~.••••....•.•...., "TIllo -....- 10 -.. .._...•....•.•oHO. _ • __ -.-.------~01 off .. u.~ 2.85 I Y5 ii") lege investment program, mail the coupon today. .. W, ..., 01_ <_....ThooIlorift9; ...., by Iho ,,_ .. 21 77 13 14 I :I I.', J ?5 \1', , ?5 I~ 71 If: ! 355 365 "~1 ?9 30 31 J7 3 95 4 05 4 I ~ .( i', ,I I~------j Thursday, December 19, 1974 Page Thirty GROSSE POINTE NEWS * Feature Page ------* * ------* .--_._------..- -~---.-.__ ._------~------* * * * Pointers of Interest I Short and 10 11",-_F_rO_m_A_n_ot_h_er_Po_i_nt_~_o_f_V_ie_W_ fJ~nte (Continued from Page 23 I The Pointe ,MarchI of Dimes Sweetheart Ball with Mrs, Florence Counter Points fl. '- .-' Sisman. by Pat Rousseau (Continued from Page 17) I Then there's h;r ch~"rch: ;irst En~li~h L~t.her. Grosse Poinle Norlh High I an, That, too, has benefitted from Hattie s spmt of Topping Everything ... the new Qiana blouses School graduate STEPHEN \ giving. at Walton.Pierce which come in stock.tie or shirt. ~f. SCHLEICHE~, a defens- i She has served several years as chairman of waist styles and in beautiful solid shades of Beige, Ive back. le~terwlnner on AI : stewardship dinners and has been a frequent con. blue, pink, grey, and white. Prints are borrowed ma College s 1974 footba.l~ tributor to First English's Christmas Fair, creating from the art of Van Gogh, Renoir and there is a team, was honored by hiS . 't . d Ch ' t k. d t e poster print shirtwaist. All look like sjlk but are Alma teammates at the end! eX9ulsI e sequmne nstmas s Ot mgs an re really easy.care polyester. To coordinate with these of the season by being selecl ' skIrts. beautiful blouses there's a new selection of pants. cd the team's mosl valuable • player. He also was named Recently the tables were turned: Hattie Pfan' palazzos and skirts. Tanner collectors will be de. 10 the All-MIAA team and nenschmidt found herself on the receiving end for a lighted with the new collection of long and short was picked by the coaching change. In recognition of her many contributions dresses which are meant to head South after the I slaff as Alma's outslanding to the Assistance League to the Northeast Guidance holidays. i .. .. '" back for 1974. l:enter, she was awarded a lifetime membership in " " " i the I~eague. Relax Alld Be Pampered . at Tile Jefferson One of four letlermen re.1 M J . d .t Apartmellts, Grosse Pointe's newest condominium. turning to play with Wayne, j .r~: ohn Jay, pre~enhng the honor, summe I A do01"lna1l parks your car, receives your package:; State University's varsity all up. We of t~e ASSistance League are v~ry !~r. mId stores your groceries in a special refrigerator basketball team this season tunate to ha\'e With us a person who truly gives. if you are 1Iot Ilome. There's no need to arrange is Grosse Pointe North High 0:- ,< snow removal, gardening or exterior maintenance. i Schol graduate RON ZENN, , i, Carolyn Lucas' Christmas Poem ,~ Maximum illsulation insures a quiet environment. guard, a WSU sopnomore. , YOllr icelllaker alld wet bar are ready for elltertaill- I " " " As always, Carolyn and Russell Lucas' Christ- I A .. t . illg. Plan a trip. Three security systems will guard Photo by Nancy Kramer I mong parllclpan sma mas card brings wishes for a joyous holiday season THE REVEREND ROBERT F. McGREGOR, RECTOR, (CENTER), THE REV. recenl seminar on the 1974 to all their friends-and Carolyn's own Christmas your opartment-home. Visit the model apartment, J t..REND VINCENT WARNER, (LEFT), ANt> THE REVEREND PAUL S. HI-I Pension Reform Act were poem, This year's is entitled: , 17111 E. Jefferson. Enter on Neff or St. Clair. Open ; YAMA, ASSOCIATES, CHRIST EP1SCOPAI~ CHURCH, GROSSE POINTE I DR. PATRICIA J. SHONTZ, 12-5 daily except Wednesday. 882-7708 or 886.4880. ______------of Bishop road, economist * ... * and financial columnist, pro- THE CHILD Kindergards. the child saleh' lock for kitchen cabinet By Janet Mueller and cons were weighcd, the fessor of Business Admin. doors and other areas, are available at lUutschler Kitchens. possibilities explored. The A 'children's panel' comes and goes Mr. McGregor arrived in March. For the past decision to go wasunani- istration at the University of Three in a package for $2.35 for self.installation, 20227 Mack But how eternal is the rose. 15 years, first in Newark, N.J., then in Providence, mous. Michigan Graduate School of Avenue. TU 4.3700." '" '" Business, and RALPH J. Its price? Devoted years of life R.I., he had had a commercial district parish in the The Warners moved into That lend and spend thro' joy and strife. With every good wish for your KLIBER CPA, of North Ox- heart of the central city. He'd been considering a a Christ Church owned home A child must see with quick surprise happiness this Holiday Season. Those ford road. MIL . change, but a suburban parish had had, frankly, in Meadow lane July 1. Rignt Bright summer in its mother's eyt's Folks At Mr. Q 886.0500. no part in his considerations. off the bat that was "differ- (! • * ... Nor t h woo d Institute's I And feel the tenderness she gives "After 11 years in Provi- ent;" always before they'd In every moment that she lives. Gift Lists. . . are easily checked off in The JOHN ALLEN, a Grosse dence, 15 in the central city, Pointe extraordinarily easy. owned their own home. Pointe North High School A child is such a simple tlling- Notre Dame Pharmacy Gift Department. Floren- I felt I needed a distinct new "Mary Lou and I have com- The children kept asking graduate, has been named to But 0, the cherishing to bring tine gold Kleenex boxes, trays, pencil holders, ash perspective. I had decided to mented frequently on how where the mountains were. the All-League team of the The heart and mind to know the truth trays, waste basicets come in a beautiful selection get it through a six month comfortably we have moved Someone offered to take the Great Lakes Intercollegiate That leads on into splendid youth. of white and gold, black, orange and gold, black and leave of absence." into this community. family over and show them Athletic Conference. He has The worth of this the world may see been a starting offensive gold, green and gold. Also find CornwaH wooden He'd lined up things to do, "Of course, there is one The Hill. To mountain folk, When twigs are bent to make tile tree. pieces and Stylebuilt accessories. people to 8ee. And, after six advantage the clergy have The Hill qualifies as a slight tackle on the past two North- . . ... montns, he'd r e tu r n to that 1 don't think you find in b'Jmp in the road. wood teams which won tne r------Eyebrows ... are such an impllrtant facial feature for Grace Church, Providence, any other profession. Wher- Mr. Warner was graduated League title in 1973, the co- graduate and member of Poinle North High School men, women and teens. Tess Nepi witb a license In Coso refreshed . . . ever we go, there is always from Roanoke College in championship in 1974, Saint Ambrose Parish, is in graduate. metology, expertly styled eyebrows for men, women and a community ready to pick 1963, from Virginia Seminary volved in Ibe Aquinas Acad- "Then this came up. I d I " • • • teens by appointment at tbe Edward Nepi Salon, 19463 Mack, decided a new and meaning. us up an ove us, in '71. Featured with tlle Berklee emy, cheer leading, the Zako Grosse Pointe South High TU 4.8858. ful situation like this would Came To Have Look "My background, skills College of Music, Boston, pianie Dancers, the Eagle School graduate WILLIAM ...... yearbook and volleyball club perform the same function as Mr. Warner arrived in and training in the church Mass., Concert Band in a De- ANDRIES COLE, JR., son of Works Of Art ... for the floor from Concept and serves as part-time sec- the WILLIAM A, COLES, of a six-month-leave of absence." July. He'd flown up earlier put me primarily under the cember 12 performance will retary to CARL MIDDLE- Internation,,1 can be seen at Ed Maliszewski. Hand Kensington road, has pledged Providence is permanently from Roanoke, Va., to see banner of program man for be STEPHEN MARSTON, TON, associate director of woven, hand screened-printed area and wool rugs behind him now. There was how he liked the parish and the parish." Adult Education, string bass, son of MR. and Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity the Center for Pastoral Stud- at Hillsdale College wnere in unique designs and subtle graduations of colors no time' for th~ leave of ab- how the parish liked him. Youth Pro g ram s and the MRS: CHARLES MARSTON, ies, are an important part of the extensive selection of senee. Mr. McGregor picked Mr. Church School are his main of I\hd~lese~ bo~levard. Ste. he is a freshman. carpeting at 20435 Mack. Christ Churcb Rector Warner up at tne airport, concerns: "I'm trying to find I phen, m hiS third. year. at • * (, • " * * .. Mr. MeGregor is Christ tben, on the way home, pro- lay people who will run lng:Ber~lee wher,: .he IS maJor- A i l' man WENDELL G. RICHARD THO MAS * ceeded to get lost Mr M them" 'I m ComposItion. has been WILCOX, son of retired Air BEAUPRE. son of the HAR- In Keeping With The Spirit Of The Church, Grosse Pointe's new G t'll' t . l' c. . a featured soloist with var- Force MAJOR and MRS. Reclo.r, regor was s I rave mg Lilt C Un . C II I OLD A. BEAUPRES, of Season . , . the Steeple Clock win pretty much through terra es ounse g lOllS 0 ege ensem lIes in WILLIAM W. WILCOX. of Ridgemont road, has receiv- grace any space on the mantle. It's It's a rcturn to mid.West- incognita himself. High on his list of priori- similar concerts. Ida lane, has been assigned ed his Baenelor of Science battery operated, $85 at the Squirrel's ern origins, for he was ties is pastoral counseling, • • " to tbe Technical Training degree in Civil Engineering Nest-Sphere, 19849 Mack Avenue. brought up in Illinois, (Chi- After three years at St. one-toone contact. "1 think RENEE SLIMAN, daugh. Center at Chanute Air Force from Michigan Technological Open 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. week days, cago environs}, and grad. John's in nis hometown, Roa. that's one of the keys to tel' of the JOSEPH SLI- Base, Ill., for specialized University. uated from Oberlin College noke, Mr. Warner was look. ministering." He is also, as MANS, of Nottingham road, training in !lircraft equip- Sundays 12 to 5. ... in Oberlin, O. ing at several churches and are all members of the Christ was recently elected second ment maintenance aft e l' * • h several churebes were bok- Church team, involved in all vice president of tbe fresh. AT BIJOUTERIE ••. Jewelry by Cueter • see t e' After s t u die s at New ing at him, but Michil;:ln was the traditional things: hospi. completing basic training at beauliful styled Microma digital gold filled watches for men York's General Theolo"ical nownere on his looking list. tal calling. worship. preach. ~~~ Ic~a;~ ,ato;c~~~d M~;{~~ Lackland Air Force Base, or women ... elegantly styled for any oc~asion, at 19860 Seminary he relurned" to "Then Bob called and asked . "w t \ M k A 1\1 t Ch B kA d four mg . " e prel y muc.1 Renee, a Servite High School Tex. He is a 1974 Grosse ac venue. as er arge an merlcar or y OhiQ and, after two years at me to come up here." Well rotate." 1------.-- convenience. tnree small missions in the ' .. why not? It was a nire lie I'Sespecl'all" anxI.ollSto here." '" * * center of the state, relurned time to get away. and if . J • that we might not be able to Joyce, the stylist at the Woods Optical Studios to Oberlin as Rector of the notbing came of it, (and stress the. parISh s. depend- Very Happy Family do by oursell'cs. sa~/s that the person with a rather small face and Church and Chaplain to the probably nolhing would), it enee upon Its pamblOners, to His own family, Grace and His Own Ideas a very narrow jawline c

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