CAKE AND COCKHORSE r 11111 BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Autumn/Winter2014 £2.50 Volume 19 Number 7 ISSN (>522--082l BANBURY filSTORICALSOCIETY Registered Charily No. 260581 Websi1e: Prtsldent TheLord Saye and Sele Chairman DeborahHayier, Walnul House. Charhon. Banbury OX 17 3 DR (1el. 01295 81 1176; email:
[email protected]) Cake n11d Cot:klrorse[ditoria1 Committee Editor: Chris Day.37 Oaveston Gardens, Hemp1on Road. Deddington. Oxon OXl5 0NX (lcl. 01869 337204: email:
[email protected]) Assislant editors: Deborah Hayter. Melen Forde; sub-etliling. kn:nay Gibson non. Secretary: Ron. Treasurtr: Simon To�11send, GeoffGr i ffiohs. Banbury Museum. 39 Waller Drive. Spiceball Park Road. Banbury. Banbury OX 16 2PQ Oxon.OX 16 9NS: (tel. 01295 753781; email: (lei. 01295 263944: email:
[email protected]) gs@, Publicity: Local Research Ad"iser: Clare Jakeman, Brlan Lit1le. Fa1r:1cre. 12 Longfellow Road, Mars1on St Lawrence. Banbury. Banbury OX 17 2DB Oxon. OX 16 9LB: (lei.01295 264972) (ema,I: SJakcmanS
[email protected]) Documentary Research Ad,1 isor: Dr Barrie Trinder. 5 Wagstaff Way. Olney. Bucks. MK46 5FD (tel. 01234 712009; email:
[email protected]) E-dilor,R«ords Seri,s:Jeremy Gib.son, Harts Co11•ge,Church Hanborough. OX29 SAB (tcl. 01993 �82982; cmail:
[email protected]) Other Committee Members Helen Forde, Brian Goodey,Beryl Hudson Membership Secrerary Mrs Margarcl Li11le. clo Banbury Museum. Spiccball Parl< Road,Banbury. Oxon. OX16 2PQ (email:
[email protected]). Details of the Society's acr•,,ities and publications will be found on the back cover. C 2014 Banbury I Society on behalf of its contributors.