
The hymnal, with five hymns written by Reverend . Boston, Mass., The Christian Science Publishing Society [1909 i.e. 1910] https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015056375143

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PUBLISHEDBY THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY FALMOUTH AND ST. PAUL STREETS BOSTON, U.S.A. Copyright, 1898, 1903, 1905 and 1909 by The Christian Science Board of Directors" BOSTON, MASS.

All rights reserved.


In presenting the 19 10 edition of the Hymnal, the Committee does not claim that all the hymns therein are strictly scientific, as the selection had to be made very largely from the writings of authors who were unacquainted with the teachings of Christian Science. Nevertheless, it is believed that it is representative of the best religious and poetic thought in hymnology, including a number of excel lent compositions contributed by Christian Scientists. In the musical department an effort has been made to present a useful and varied collection of tunes, the purpose being to appeal to every lover of music, of whatever taste or ability. The improvements introduced in the edition of 1898 (which was a comprehensive revision of the earlier one) have been retained, not the least of these being the printing of the words and syllables beneath the notes to which they are to be sung. The present edition contains five hymns written by Mary " Baker Eddy, and the hymns I need Thee every hour," " " I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger," and Eternity," which were originally included in the Hymnal in accordance with her wish. Also two of the tunes, which, in the earlier editions, " had become very closely associated with her hymns Shep " herd, show me how to go" and O'er waiting harp-strings of the mind," have been reinserted, at Mrs*. Eddy's request. iii CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

The new book may be used in connection with former editions, as it is not so much a revision of the Hymnal, as it is an enlargement. A number of tunes that were rarely used have been replaced by others of exceptional merit, and some were removed because of complications in the copyright, but in most cases the hymns and tunes from i to 193 remain " unchanged. A new tune has been composed for Shepherd, show me how to go," by Mrs. Eddy, and thirty-six other hymns have been given additional settings, the new music having been selected, after careful consideration, from a list of several hundred tunes taken from the best English, Ger man, and American sources. Ten new hymns have been set to the following tunes: "The Mother's Evening " by " Mrs. Eddy to a tune called "Morecambe"; The heavens " " declare the glory," All power is given unto our Lord," Our " " God is Love," and O tender, loving Shepherd all by " Frederic W. Root to " St. Anselm by Barnby, " Ein Feste " " " Burg by Martin Luther, Varina by George F. Root, " and v Homeland by Sir Arthur Sullivan, respectively; "He leadeth me" by J. H. Gilmore to "Aughton" by Bradbury; " We thank Thee, heavenly Father," from The Christian Sci " ence Journal, to a tune by Mendelssohn ; O God, our help " " " " in ages past by Watts to St. Anne by Croft; There's " a wideness in God's mercy by the Rev. F. W. Faber to " " " " Carter by E. S. Carter, and Come, ye disconsolate by " Thomas Moore to " Consolator by Samuel Webbe. A new " arrangement of " Abide with me by Bertha Woods, and a " hymn by Mr. Root suggested by the words Rock of Ages," have also been added. Grateful acknowledgments are due to the following pub iv CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

Ushers and individuals, for the use of tunes copyrighted, published, composed, or arranged by them : In England — the Rev. W. Boyd, 207; the Rev. R. R. Chope, 230; The Congre gational Union of England and Wales, 218; J. W. Elliott, 200; W. Garrett Horder, 64, go; M. F. Lomas, 224; James Nisbet & Co., 100; Novello & Co., Ltd., 16, 24, 34, 36, 38, 40, 150, 157, 169, 219, 222, 228, 237; E. M. Oakeley, 206;

Reid Bros., Ltd., 226; Weekes & Co., 132, 177 : In America — American Baptist Publication Society, 92: A. S. Barnes & Co., 55, 66, 167 ; Biglow & Main, 208 ; Lyman F. Brack- ett, many tunes; John Church Co., 193 ; Albert F. Conant, 118, 189, 196, 197; Oliver Ditson Co., 51, 115, 163, 171,

186 ; Fillmore Bros., 192 ; the Rev. Charles L. Hutchins, 53,91, 93; Beekman F. Ilsley, 130; William L. Johnson, 161, 179; Mrs. Mary Runyon Lowry, 182; Charles H.

Morse, 172 ; Frederic W. Root, 79, 88, 122, 143, 144, 191 ; Mrs. C. W. Rosan, 37 ; George C. Stebbins, 225, and the Century Company for over fifty tunes, arrangements, and harmonizations taken from their publications. Permission to use hymns written, published, or controlled by them has been graciously given by the following named firms and person's; the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, 161, 178,

179, 186, 189, 195, 196, 197, 198; American Baptist Publi cation Society, 27, 56, 66, 75, 130, 212; A. S. Barnes & Co., io, 26, 89, 141, 147, 167, 204; Biglow & Main Co., 208; Century Co., 102, 113, 116, 120, 143, 168, 181, 183, 225;

John Church Co., 193 ; Miss Alice Dayton, 92; Rev. S. Baring- Gould, 157; Hodder and Stoughton, 76; H. O. Houghton,

3. 8, 17. 34, 49> 71' 77. 82> 83> 84. 85, 90, 172, 176, 201, 220; Mrs. Isabella Keyes, 28 ; Miss Laura C. Nourse, 121. v CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

122; Frederic W. Root, 188, 191, 237, 238, 240; and the Universalist Publishing House, 7, 43, 94. Thanks are also due for similar courtesies to the firms of C. H. Richards, American Unitarian Association, Methodist Book Concern, Anson D. F. Randolph & Co., and J. & A. McMillan. In ascertaining the ownership of tunes copyrighted in England, much assistance was rendered by the firm of Novello & Co., Ltd., of London ; and valuable information " has been obtained from the " Dictionary of Hymnology " by John Julian, D. D., and from the Biographical Diction " ary of Musicians by Theodore Baker. Words and music known to be copyrighted have not been used without the permission of the owners. If inadvertently any copyrighted material has been inserted without knowledge of the copyright, the publishers, trusting that they may be pardoned for the unwitting infringement, will gladly rectify the mistake in subsequent editions.

The Publishers.

Boston, Mass., December, 1909.


Communion Doxology.

Time, Old Hundred. I«. M. Guillaume Pranok. —p i * * Be Thou, God, ex alt • ed high,

Pie mm

And as Thy glo - ry fills the sky, So let It be on

■f- JL -JL -A.

n ^5jf^-f=f-£-P-p — — fS 1 1— 1— p > 1

0] S1 earth dls- played, Till Thou art here and now o - beyed.


1 Old Hundred, l. m.

Isaao Watts, alt. Gnillaume Franck.

-3 — 1 1— *-#7-r 1 1— ■ 1 1 1 • 1 - —• 1 1 4 wk=£=^ M |=£z —1 K J L* ^ } 4—4^ * * 1. From all that dwell be low the skies, 2. E ter - nal are Thy mer - cles, Lord;

— * m | J R^Srr —* w r % • — —J • 4— 1 — — — ' —r 1 b— t— 1 Ft -FF=P- • 1 1 r 1 1 •—

— 1 1 ^ hj— h— J 1 1 -— J—| 3— |J—*—J—J— $=3 1 t=i=l-p ^ * Let the Cre - a - tor's praise a - rise; Let the Re-deem-er's E - ter - nal truth at - tends Thy word ; Thy praise shall sound from _ ■ I a -f- m T- -f-—#■ —JL— Jfi- cj£=t—[f—t l C 11 -| r—F=C=rt t-i^=

^ 1 1

name be sung Thro' ev - 'ry land, by ev - 'ry tongue. shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more.


2 I Praise Thee, Lord, for Blessings Sent. l. m.


s 1—1 i I i 1 • — * 1 — I

— • ^ • 0-. J= 1=3 — r r I 1. praise Thee, Lord, for bless • ings sent To • 2. I take Thy hand and fears grow still; Be

3. That truth gives prom - ise of a dawn, Be ■ is i J -J i J. J" J i . i J.

=£&m1- e rr break the dream of hu - manpow'r. For now myshal-low hold Thy face, and doubts re -move; Who would not yield his

neath whose light I am to see, When all these blind -ing i v i/ i 1 i r r r t

Pi i» 5t P

cis - tern's spent, 1 find Thy font and thirst no more.

wav • 'ring will To per . feet truth and bound - loss love I vails are drawn, This was the wis - est path for me. m 3E m CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

3 Missionary Chant. L. M.

Samuel Longfellow. Charles Zenner. 4-

1. O Life that mak etb all things new,— 2. From hand to hand the greet - ing flows, 3. One lu the free dom of the truth, 4. The fie - er step, the full - er breath,

j—J—j= -/pis'

The bloom-ing earth, the thoughts of menl Our pil-grim From eye to eye the sig - nals run, Fromheartto One in the joy of paths un - trod, One in the The wide lior - i - zon's grand - er view, The sense of -<&- -m -is>- 3=F —?>5

: i i =1=^=1 U 4 — -tH\ al: 1 — ^ — «l j , : —* -•— • 1&—&-

feet, wet with thy dew, In glad-ness hith-er turn a - gain. heart the bright hope glows ; Tlie seekers of the Liglit are one. heart's per-en-nial youth, One in the larg-er tlio't of God. Life that knows no death,— The Life that maketli all things new. - - - f-f- r» -f»- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

4 Press On, Press On, Ye Sons of Light. l. m.

William Gaskell. Brackett,

1. Press on, press on! ye sons of light, 2. Press on, press on! still look in faith

Un - tlr - ing in your ho - ly fight, Still tread-lug eacli temp- To Him who con-q'reth sin and death : Then shall ye hear His

——H. , T 1 1— — — -I -I—F- •5- 1 • i^>-i 1 V

• ijrJj 1 , II Qyv i - -4-=o 1—

ta - tion down, And bat - tling for a bright - er crown. word,"Well done." True to the last, press on, press on.

5 Truro, l. m,

John leblej abr. Charles Bnrney.

1. If on our dai • ly course, our mind Be set, to 2. Old friends.old scenes, will love - lier be, As more of 3. The triv - ial round, the com - mon task. Will fur - nish

hal - low all we find, New treas-ures still, of heav'n in each we see; Some soft - 'ning gleam of much we ought to ask;— Room to de • ny our

-0- .! i^*) t*n " _1 U i. — — 1 — m- -S—? ?—„ i to —te w-H *-H"-+M ^ ■ ^ U-f — i— 1 1 1-P—M—if-— 1—

— 1 — ,sl" i , —II —3-

- count-less price, God will pro - vide for sac - rl flee. love and pray'r Sliall dawn on ev - 'ry cross and care. selves, a road To bring us dai - ly near - er God.


6 Alsace, l. m. Isaac Watts, abr, Beethoven. T 1 h

* *-

1. King-doms and thrones to God be -long; Crown Him, ye 2. Pro-claim Him King, pro - nounce Him blest; He's your de ' 1m £ui-£-

lift ! J i i ,i i—^M-h—5 l-J

na • tions, in your song; His - won - droits name and fence, your joy, your rest; When ter rors rise, and

1 1 r "^1 R^H I '» h-

i 1 ki —~— • i H—H ipt — r—JL S pow'r re - hearse ; His hon - ors shall en - rich your verse. na - tions laint, God is the strength of ev - 'ry .


7 Germany, l. m.

Mrs. Mary A, Livermore, abr, Beethoven.


1. Je ■ sus, what pre - cept like thine, 2. Not by the harsh or scorn ful word, 3. But from our hearts must ev er flow

-|5! jit-*- B5B+ —~ a I

"For -give, as ye would be for-giv'n!" If heed - ed, Should we our broth - er seek to gain ; Not by the A love that will his wrong out- weigh; Our lips must

42- — f— i r-T 'r=~r=FD^-Lr

— "-p—»J . u I i ^ O what pow'rdl - vine Would then trans-form our earth to heav'n. pris-on or the sword.The shack-le, or the clank-ing chain. on - lybless-ings know. And wrath.and sin shall die a -way. J m

Words used by arrangement with the Umiveesalist Publishing) House. 8 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

8 Sun of Our Life, Thy Quickening Ray. l.m.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, abr. Brackett.

1. Sun of our life, Thy quick 'niug ray 2. Lord of all life, be - low, a - bove, 3. Grant U8 Thy truth to make us free,


Sheds on our path the glow of day ; Star of our hope, Thy Whose light is truth.whose warmth is love, Be - fore Thy ev - er And- kin-dling hearts that burn for Thee, Till all Thy liv - ing

s —i 2-H i rr r r1

0 h ! 1 1 — —1 ^— — •— — ■—• *\ • — • ± fx- i H !— — — i——•— —1 — — — — w—• * & H-& * * • r- S soft-ened light Clieers the long watch-es of the night. blaz - ing throne We ask no lus - tre of our own. al - tars claim One ho - ly light, one heav'n-ly flame.

— — i i j id yy p=f j* j* j*


9 Ware. l. m.

Isaao Watts. George Kingsley,

1. Our God shall reign wher - e'er the sun 2. Peo - pie and realms of ev - 'ry tongue 3. Bless - ings a - bound wlier - e'er He reigns; 4. Let ev - 'ry crea ture rise, and bring — -I i r r t r r

gl * 4— -•- -•- -

. . l i H . 1 i T h I 1 — ~— m r — *>— i— - * Y- ^ • • =*b

stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. voi - ces shall pro-claim Their ear- ly bless-ings on His name. find e - ter - nal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. scend with songs a - gain, And earth re-peat the long A - men. ~ " " " ' "j2_ 1


10 Father, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts, t. m. Bernard of Clairvaux Tr. by Eay Palmer. Brackett. r\llr k v k 1 i k — r . r ^Ufta 4^-t-ih ±- ^— — Wi i • t-1=3. %-— i i 1 1

1 Fa - ther. Thou Joy of lov - ing hearts, 2. Thy truth un - changed hath ev - er stood;

^ # A *n** - r> -p • i■ fi 1 r W & — —i 1 ^ 1* P 1" -1 4 U U i> ' i i> r r ' 1 ? =V

Thou Fount of life! Thou Light of men! From the best Thou sav - est those that on Thee call; To them that


s --A 1 ^— —1 - I ■ »i r. i h »■ » — |J i—4—•-.II 8) i f- • • 1 •J j- V." bliss that earth im - parts, We turn un - filled to Thee a - gain, seek Thee Thou art good, To them that find Thee, All in all. £U * . _ ■ r ■■ — 1 >» r — -k h -v P- tiTTT i ii CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

1 1 Wareham. l. m.

Oharles H. Barlow. William Knapp.

1. Why search the fu - ture and the past? 2. As death less as His Spir. it free, 3. Of all that was and is to come, 4. Then rise and greet the signs that prove


Why do ye look with tear - ful eyes, And seek, far The Per - feet lives and works to - day,— As in the The pres - ent holds the Mind anil Cause; And God lives Un • real the a - ges' long la - ment! The "one far - J


3= ' # 5

off, for Par-a-dise? Be - neaththy feet.Life's pearl is cast, an-cient Prophet's lay, AVhere there's an o - pen eye to see. in e - ter-nal laws, And here, to - day, up - holds His throne. oft di-vine e- vent" Is now, and that e - vent is Love. : • * -f^—P — i W—m— 1 12 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

12 Canonbury. l. m.

Caroline Oilman. Schumann,

*—*r -v- T 1. Lord, may Thy truth up on the heart Now 2. May pray'r now lift her sa cred wings, Con •

-I— j 1— ^— a-

fall and dwell as heav'u - ly dew, And flow'rs of grace in tent - ed with that aim a - lone Which bears her to the

— -1 i- 1—H rf#-t--^r^r-\ =#3=•— J- S:Z j— m- , i u r - 7 J f 1 # fresh - ness start Wliere oik e the weeds of er - ror grewl King of kings.And res ts her at His shel t'ring throne!

r-l ! _ • • — — " • d-*-* 1- P * »n -i — i II I — - T L 1 1 0 1 — r « -r 1 r 13 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

13 Park Street. l. m.

Bev. John 8. B. Monsell, alt. and air. Frederick M. A. Venna.

i =1= i i , I i

*-' - L«>— « M=2 i 1. Fight the good right with all thy might,Christ is thy strength,and 2. Run the straight race thro' God's good grace,Lift up thine eyes, and 3. Faint not nor fear, His arms are near, He changeth not, and

g> L^ — Li& —i-t-fii—i111,©— » * * ^-g^-*-1 p^J

Christ thy right; Lay hold on life, and it shall he Thy joy and seek His face; Life with its way he-fore us lies, Christ is tiie thou art dear: Re - ly on Him, and thou shaft see That Christ Is

- 0M 4M\ r crown e - ter - nal - ly, Thy joy and crown e - ter - nal-ly. path, and Christ the prize, Christ is the path, and Christ the prize. all in all to thee, That Christ is all in all to thee. i— —— -*>- — r* 1 1 ^- * f~^-*-i- r *- C *-T 1- H i i


14 Had I the Tongues of Greeks and Jews. l. m.

Isaac Watts, air. Brackett.

W= *=*—«— L *—3—J 1 J■.^ 1. Had I tlie tongues of Greeks and Jews, 2. Should I dis • trib • ute all my store 3. If love to God and love to men

— • g g 5 2 EE E f i I | | I -L|a

And no - bier speeeh than an • gels use, If love be To feed the nun - gry, clothe the poor; Or give my Be ab - sent, all my hopes are vain; Nor tongues.nor - — -# — — B-zfefi-t to=t||r— - h r*- 1 ^^^f^ y t — i r-

- p —— 4U| 1 i r ab • sent, I am found Like tink-ling brass, an emp-ty sound, bod • y to the flame, To gain a mar • tyr's glo - rious name:— gilts, nor fle-iy zeal, The work of love can e'er ful - fill.

1 — P^l? u-E&4fMEp=^| T| p— i [r=^U 16 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

15 Zephyr. l.m.

John Bowling, alt. W. B. Bradbury,

1. Up - on the Gos - pel's sa ered page 2. On might - ier wing, in loft ier flight, 3. More glo - rious still, as cen turies roll, 4. Flow to re - store, but not de stroy"; I- -iS>-

:fec -r- i m m The gatli-ered beams of a - ges shine; And, as it From year to year does knowl - edge soar; And, as it New re - gions blest, new pow'rs un - furled, So Truth re As when the cloud - less lamp of day Pours out its I I -rir I J ^

-J—4^ mm hast - ens, ev - 'ry age But makes its bright-ness more di - vine. soars, the Gos - pel light Be- comes ef - ful - gent more and more. veals the per - feet whole, Its radiance shall o'er -flow the world,- floods of light and joy, And sweeps the ling'ring mist a - way.


16 Deventer. l. m.

Stephen G. Bulnnch, aor. Berthold Toms.

1. Hath not thy heart with • in thee burned 2. It was the voice of God that spake

I c : : 1 I v [-

-i r-J- -m— lM- i-q—mB — — — 0_|i1—a, -m ' m a • 4 9 J -& -J At eve-ning'scalm and ho - ly hour, As if its in -most In si-lence to thy si - lent heart ; And bade each wor-thier

t • *—L-l-U-

depths dis-cerned The pies - ence of a loft - ier pow'r ? thought a - wake, And ev - 'ry dream of earth de - part.

By permission of Novbllo & Co., Ltd. 17 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

17 Wood worth. l.m.

J. G. Whittier. W. B. Bradbury.

That all of good the past hatli had He - mains to Thro' the harsh nois - es of our day, A low sweet Henceforth my heart shall sigh no more For old - en


I wrong, th' e • ter • nal Right; And step by step, since make our own time glad, Our com - mon, dai - ly pre - hide finds its way; Thro' clouds of doubt, and time and ho • Her shore : God's love and bless - ing, -f»- m i i - time be gan, We see the stead -y gain of man. life di - vine, And ev - 'ry land a Pal - es - tine. of fear, A light is breaking calm and clear, then and there, Are now and here and ev - 'ry • where.



18 Melcombe. l.m. W. H. Burleigh, abr. SamuelWebbe.

1. A - bide not in the realm of dreams, 2. Think not in sleep to fold thy hands,

O man, how - ev - er fair it seems ; But with clear eye the For-get - ful of thy Lord's commands: From du - ty's claims no

-•- - H 1 ^— •— 1— r P 4= H r i—i—f-l

pres - ent scan, And hear the call of God and man. life is free — Be - hold, to - day hath need of thee. t 0" f—i 1 II 1 ! rr H— • 1 11 P T f CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

19 Retreat, l. m.

James Montgomery, alt. and abr. Thomas Hastings.

1. When like a stran - ger on our sphere The 2. With bound - ing steps the halt and lame. To 3. Thro' paths of lov - lng kind - ness led Where -•- -tS>- ^ft-f— t—f b- — \—i i-— -t r r r

o 1 1 | -i — k] — —^ Is! 1 1 *i-"Jr —Fri4^ I ±-j M—^-i=i- -J- ^3 * low - ly .Te - sus wan - dered here, Wher-e'er he went af - hail their great De - liv - 'rer, came ; For him the grave could Je - sus tri - umphed we would tread ; To all with will . ing

1 — 1— —— 1 r i I 1 i

flic - tion fled, The sick were healed, the hun - gry fed. hold no dread. He spoke the word and raised the dead, hands dis-pense The gifts of our be-nev - o - lence. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

20 Father, My All in All Thou Art. l.m.


1. Fa - ther, my all in all Thou art, 2. In bonds, my per lect lib - er - ty; 3. My smile be - neath the cold world's frown; J- ~. F a—F- i -f r I 1


My rest in toil, my ease in pain; The heal-ing My light in e - vil's dark - est hour; In want, my In grief, my Joy un - speak - a ble; In shame, my

of my bro- ken heart; In strife, my peace ; in loss, my gain; plen-ti-ful sup-ply; In weak-ness, my almight-y power; glo - ry and my crown; My life in death, my all in all. J- i . ■ =F=F= FT 21 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

21 Wareham. l. m.

Hoaea Ballon, alt. and air, William Knapp.

1. When God Is seen with men to dwell, 2. Ce - les - tial streams shall gen • tly flow ; 3. The weak be strong, the fear . ful bold,

_2_ £51 f=±f — — m i rj 4 m r-hi

And all ere - a - tion makes a - new, What tongue can The wil - der-ness shall joy - ful be; Lil - ies on The deaf shall hear, the dumb shall sing, The lame shall

half the won-ders tell? What eye the daz-zling glo -riesview? parcb-ed ground shall grow; And glad-ness spring on ev - 'ry tree; walk, the blind be - hold, And joy through all the earth shall ring.

22 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. 22 Winchester, New. l.m. Sir Eobert Grant, Mnsikalisob.es Handbuoh, Hamburg.

1. The hopes Thy ho • ly word sup - plies, Its 2. AI - might - y Lord, the sun shall fail, The 3. But fixed for ev • er • last - ing years, Un -

f- I — la 1 —•—— •— -s r f— *— ^ r *—'- i—i H* 1 # # =&=—^———■—-1 ■— ' i r 1

1 i< 1 r- — —i——i—i— «—*J— — -2 —— -w 1— J i i_j 1—3= j r 1 —- • -1 -8 t truth di - vine and pre - cepts wise, In each a heav'n - ly moon for - get her night -ly tale, And deep -est si-lence moved, a - mid the wreek oi spheres, Thy word shall shine in

beam I see, And ev - 'ry beam con - duets to Thee. hush on high The ra - diant cho - rus of the sky;— cloud - less day, When ueav'n and earth have passed a - way.


23 Federal Street. l. m.

A. 0. Coze. alt. and abr. H. K. Oliver.

-I—m—\-» -7^— f —0 How beau - teous were the works ili vine, Oh! who like thee so calm, so blight, Oh! who like thee so hum - bly bote Oh! in thy light, be mine to go. ItI 1

#— I 1—I- 4—J- — & 4— That in thy meek ■ness used to shine, That lit thy So■ pure, so made to live in light? Oil! who like The scorn, the scoffs of men, be fore? So meek, for - II - lum - ing all my way of woe! And give me

lone-ly path - way, trod In wondrous love, O Son of God! thee did ev - er go So pa-tientthro' a world of woe? giv - ing, God.- like, high, So glo-rious in lm - mil - i - ty? ev - er on the road To trace thy foot-steps, Son of God! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

24 Thy Will, Almighty Father, Thine. l. m.

H. 3. S, Wesley,

1. -Thy will, al - might - y Fa - ther, Thine, 2. Re • fleet - ors, we, of all Thou art,

And Thine a - lone be ev - er done ; For Thou art Life and Of all the sun -shine of Thy love, No life from Thee we

— — t 9 $ — « f ' ' — ft— p ^*rb £ J "b h r i i f1 r i—I—1— 1— — Hg F=f zfc1

, — j ——— I i h GfftT" -i i i +=H =3=3=4 ly Truth and Love, The great, e - ter - nal, ho - One. know a - part, But peace on earth of heav'n a - bove.

By permission of Novello & Co., Ltd.


25 Hursley. l. m. P, J. Haydn. 'William Cowper, alt. Air. by William Henry Monk, Mns. Doc.

peo ple meet, 1. O Lord! wher - e'er Thy walls con fined, 2. For Thou, with • in no pow'r of pray'r 3. Here we may prove the

- cy - seat; Wher -e'er they There they be - hold Thy mer - mind; Such ev - er In - hah - it - est the hum ble - care; To teach our To strength-en faith and sweet en i • '

is hal - low'd ground . seek' Thee, Thou art found, Andev-'ry place to their home. bring Thee where they come, And go-ing, take Thee rise, And bring all heav'n be our eyes. faint de- sires to -fore^ ■ m . • , ^"Tf rSr, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

26 O God, Whose Presence Glows in All. l■ m.

JT. L. Frothingham, abr. Braokett. N I f\- m 1. O God, whose pres ence glows in all, 2. That love its ho ly in - fluence pour 3. Send down its an gel to our side,

«- fi W | * ? i f | g > 1

With -in, a- round us, and a- bovel Thy word we bless, Thy To keep us meek, and make us free; And throw its bind-ing Send in its calm up - on the breast; For we would know no

—w i_ht p ftp 7 | I v b

name we call, Whose word is Truth, whose name is Love. bless - ing more Round each with all, and all with Thee. otn - er guide; And we can need no oth - er rest.

* —

a 1 *

— J J

— * % f "1 1 — j_4! 4=H= J-MI 27 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I1YMNAL.

27 Duke Street. l. m.

0. W. Everest. J, Hatton.

1. "Take up thy cross," the Sav - iour said, 2 Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame; 3. Take up thy cross, then, in his strength,

It thou wouldst my dis - ci - pie be; De - ny thy - Nor let tliy fool - ish pride re - bel; Thy Lord for And calm-ly ev - 'ry dan - ger brave; 'Twill guide thee

self, the world for - sake, And humbly iol - low af.ter me. thee the cross en - dured, He conquered sin, and death, and bell, to a bet - ter home, And lead to vie - fry o'er the grave. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

28 God is the Life, the Truth, the Way. l. m.

Mrs. Isabella E. Keyes. Brackett.

L God is the Liie, the Truth, the Way 2. Come to this fount which flows lor all, 3. Press for - ward to the Ho - reb height,

j-st- iim -Z5>- Which leads un - to the per - feet day, The Way which Come, and ac- cept the gra -cious call, Je - sus, who Look up and thou shalt see the Light, Ac- quaint thy- gL> » a m m a 0 jz■ mm■ r—

mortals should a- dore, II they would reach the un- seen shore. cametheWay to show, Has said, that all, the Way may know, self at once with Love, And Truth shall guide to Light a-bove.

■ *— — ^— — ^ r& m—r<9 ■ • rP* 0—t-pd *-r<5 I ■


29 Hamburg, l. m. Gregorian Tone viii. Arr. by Lowell Mason.

1. Wlien Je - sus, our great Mas - ter came 2. So let our lips and lives ;x - press 3. Tims shall we best pro - claim a - broad, 1 ■ ♦ ^ «>- -s>- i \ • v -g S — *> h=F— —* ^fiyl 1—1— v& i i1 rP- I 1


To teach us in his Fa ther's name, In ev - 'ry The ho - ly gos - pel we pro - fess; So let our The hon-ors of our Sav - iour, God, When the sal •


aet, in ev - 'ry thought, He lived the pre-cepts which He taught. works and vir - tues shine, To prove the doc-trine all di - vine. va - tion reigns with - in, And grace subdues the claim of sin.

■g- £- -9-


30 If My Immortal Saviour Lives, l. m.

Anne Steele. Brackett.

■ m [ rH —-L m-' % J 1 T 1. If my lm - mor - tal Sav lives, 2. Here let my faith un sliak en dwell j 3. Here, O my heart, thy trust re - pose,

Then my im - mor - tal life is sure ; His word a For ev - er sure the prom-lse stands; Not all the If Je - sus is for - ev - er mine, Not death it ■ r ft

firm foun-da-tion gives; Here may I build, and rest se-cure. claims of earth or hell Can e'er dis-solve the sa - cred bands, self — that last of foes— Shall break a un „- Ion so di - vine.

' ! -J- "2Z


31 Hebron, l. m. James Montgomery. Lowell Maaon.

1. The Chris - tian war - rior, see him stand 2. In pan - op - ly of truth com - plete, 3. With this om - nip - o tenee he moves; i. Thus strong in his Re • deem - er's strength,

In the whole ar - mor of his God ; The Spir - it's sword is Sal - va-tion's hel - met on his head. With right-eous-ness, a From this the a - lien ar-mies flee; Till more than con-quer. Sin, death.and hell he tramples down,— Fights the good fight ; and

» £=y= •— 1 1 1 r i

in his hand; His feet are with the gos - pel shod, breastplate meet, And faith's broad shield be - fore him spread, or he proves, Through Christ.who gives him vie - to - ry. takes at length, Through mer - cy, an im - mor - tal crown.


32 I Cannot Always Trace the Way. l. m.

John Bowling, Brackets

1. I can not al - ways trace the way 2. Yes, God is love;— a thought like this, j

N i ft=fc

Where Thou, Al- might -y One, dost move; But I can al-ways, Can ev - 'ry gloom- y thought re -move, And turn ail tears, all

f ,f f f-J ^ ,f ? fa—f-

al - ways say, Tliat God love, that God Is love, woes, to bliss, For God love, for God is love. i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

33 Ward. l.m.

John Bowring. Scotch Melody. Arr, by Lowell Mason.

1. How sweet - ly flowed the gos - pel sound 2. From heav'n he came, of heav'n lie spoke, 3. "Come, wan - d'rers, to my Fa - tber's home ;

From Hps of gen - tie - ness and grace, When llst-'nhig To heav'n he led his fol - 1'wers' way; Dark clouds of Coine, all ye wea - ry ones, and rest:" Yes, sa-cred

-b— 1- 3^5

thou-sands gath-er'd round, And joy and rev-'renee filled the place! gloom-y night he broke, Un - veil -ing an im - mor - tal day. Teach-er, we will come, O - bey thee, love thee, and be blest.

-- 1


34 O Love Divine, Whose Constant Beam. l. m.

J. Q. Whittier, abr. Bir Joseph Barnby,

1. O Love Di . vine, whose con - stant beam 2, Nor bounds, nor clime, nor Thou know'st;

= — a I rj p i i Shines on the eyes that will not see. And waits to bless us Wide as our need. Thy fa - vors fall The white wings of the U- . . - i |C c f l ip h »

-- j i — n j i j -i n— i II

while we dream. Thou leav'st us when we turn from Thee I Ho • ly Ghost Stoop, un • seen, o'er the heads of all.

By permission of Novello & Co., Ltd. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

35 Rockingham, l. m.

W. H. Drnmmoiid. Lowell Mason.

1. One cup of heal - ing oil and wine, 2. In true and in - ward faith we trace 3. Kind deeds of peace and love be - tray

M m ! m f\ p 4 m "_ 2 d 1~ 2 I r 5 1 S A | P P 1 u w \ 4- V v f 1 —v ——L<— [ — 1

One of-Fring laid on mer-cy's shrine, Is thrice more grate-ful, The source of ev - 'ry out-ward grace ; With - in the pi - ous Wlier - e'er the stream has found its way; But, where these spring not

I ■ 1— y ^ 0—I—^ 1 1— E 1 1 1 ^ 1

•—*—1 — — — — — * ^p— — —* ;j■ * -i-

Lord, to Thee, Than lift - ed eye or bend - ed knee.

heart it plays, A liv - ing fount of joy and praise. rich and fair, The stream has nev - er wan -dered there.


36 Saxby. l. m. i T, B. Matthews. 1. The lift - ed eye, and bend ed knee, Are but vain 2. The pure, the hum - ble, con - trite mind, Sin - cere, and 3 Love God and man— this great com - mand Doth on e -

-,—I 1 L-

1 4-4:

hom - age, Lord, to Thee; In vain our lips Thy to Thy will re - signed, To Thee a no - bier ter - nal pil • lars stand ; This did Thine an - cient

VL—p -H—t I f=r=r:

1 1 —i— — — J i— I i -a -J- praise pro - long. The heart, a stran - ger to the song, of - f'ring yields, Than Sneba's groves, or Shar- on's fields, pro - pbets teach, And this Thy Well - Be - lov - ed preach.

By permission of Novbllo 4 Co., Ltd. 37 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

37 Linwood. l. m.

Anon. G. A, Bossinl.

1. Be true and list the voice with - In, 2. God is the on ly per feet One: 3. II true to God, and God is Love,

■f- ^4:

73 F"

Be true un - to thy high i - deal, Thy per -feet self, that My per- feet self, one must it be With God,then,— and that Love de - duce we then; "Be true"means,true to Then true to Hi J

* m =»±ib -6h r knows no sin— That self that is the on - ly real, thought be -gun It solv-eth all the mys - ter - y. God a - bove, To self, and to our fel - low -men. I Harmony used by permission of Mrs. Charles W. RoSAN, 38 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

38 Eschol. L. M. Isaao Watts, alt, and abr. — — G. M. Garrett. < d J" 1 rr-i - 'J— •=1 1 1 1 FfiHtt-i « 1— 9 J=^■ • •8 1— • •— ■ -r • 1. High in the heav'ns, e • ter - nal God! 2. For • ev - er firm Thy jus - tice stands, 3. Life like a foun - tain rich and free,


Thy good-ness in full glo-ry shines; Thy truth shall.break thro' As moun-tains their foun- da -tlons keep: Wise are the won-ders Springs from the pres-ence of my Lord ; And in Thy light we

4- =£=£=

f-T-f I I I ri-

ev - 'ry cloud That vails and dark - ens Thy de - signs, of Thy hands; Thy jiidg-ments are a might - y deep, all shall see The glo - lies prom-ised in Thy word. -A be

By permission of Novbllo & Co., Ltd. 39 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1IYMNAL.

39 Bera. l. m. ei.

Ninety First Psalm, arr. Tate and Brady, J. E. Gonld. ~ —'a— 75»- 1. He that has God his guar - dian made, 2. His ten - der love and watch - ful care 3. Be - cause with well placed con - fi dence


^1= i Shall un - der the Al might - y's shade Shall free thee from the fow - ler's snare Thou mak'st the Lord thy sure de • fence,


tzv a

Se - cure and un - dis - turbed a . bide; And from the noi - some pes - ti • lence; Thy ref - uge, e ven God most high;

« f f r* • " -> 1 5^ ¥ ¥ f — 1 1 r ^ — 1


2 3BE

Thus to my - self of Him I'll say, He o - ver thee His wings shall spread, There - fore no ill on thee shall come, Eg

J j -1 t=H- K\yv g\ S—1_ — a Hz —1

He is my for - tress and my stay, And cov - er thy mi - guard - ed head; Nor to thy heav'n - pro - teet - ed home rsrr-r P f f i p P r-P p- L r-4- I L L - ^ — — ' — ^ r H I I r


God, in whom I will eon - fide. truth shall be thy strong de - fence. o - ver - whelm - ing plagues draw nigh.



40 Valete. l. m. a.

Mrs. J. H. Bell. Sir Arthur S. Sullivan. HHm —r—ii—i 1 1—1 h- ±— -n 1 1 \-J ) 4 4 J3 1 1 i h { i * 1. Press onl dear trav • el ler, press onl 2. Press on! and know tbat God is all,

f —f f r ~ fb b b — — -S—f •*r Fi 1l U 1—i 1


I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, He Is the Life, the Truth, the Love,


It Is the straight and nar - row way It is the way the Sav - iour trod.


41 Ortonville. cm.

Anon. Thomas Hastings.

1. "I am the way, the truth, the lite," Our 2. A way, it is not hedged witli forms, A 3. To point that liv - mg way, to speak That

— — i • s • ■ • " 1 * =F— *—c— — * p— — — 1 h b 1t=t— b —£■(7-8—* —ir—^ 4-—^

bless - ed Mas-ter said; "And who -so to the Farther comes, truth, toolarge for creeds, A life, in -dwell-ing, deep and broad, truth "which makes men free," To bringthatquick'ninglifefromheav'n, sr; r •—•— • —•— — b • i » « r l*1 —P— : : J 1 |

—i v—1

i wi — — —rJ ■-i j p~— — r* t=n- M _J _l * « • *~ • ■2- «

- J( II — —3 3 -4 ^ # Must in my path-way tread, Must in my path-way tread." That meets the heart's great needs, That meets the heart's great needs. Is high-est mill - is - try, Is high- est min-is - try.


42 The Breathes upon the Word. c. m.

William Cowper, abr. Brackatt.

1. The Spir It breathes up . on the word; 2. The hand that gave it, still sup • plies 3. Let 6T er - last lng thanks be thine,

i J:

And brings the truth to sight; Pre - cepts and The gra - cious light and heat; Its truths up - For such a bright dis • play. As makes a

r If t

1 b h en p=4- I /K |=rH £J f=fjd— 1 [1 -—• 4 g 1 g •J . II j--. H- r -3- prom - Is - es af - ford A sane -tl - fy - ing light, on the na-tions rise,— They rise, but nev - er set. world of dark-ness shine With beams of heav'n-ly day.

-a- • — — » —• —r-°- ■ Is — i i -70 1-^5—— H


43 Dedham. c. m. Wm. Gardiner.

—, fftt a ! J1 J J (" 9 5 1 p< ' — 61 -*4 1 1 H 1. Faith grasps the bless - ing she de - sires, 2. But sweet - er far the still small voice, 3. No ac - cents flow, no words as - cend ; - g-


j — j-1 1 r- 1 1 18 «« Us) p Hope points the up - ward gaze; And Love, ce - Un - heard by hu - man ear. When God has All ut - ter-ance fail - eth there; But God Him-


les - tial Love, in - spires The el - o - quence of praise. made the heart re - joice, And dried the bit - ter tear, self doth com - pre - hend And an - swer si - lent prayer.

r-lS> p| 1 0 J ft 1 p Words used by arrangement with the Umivebsalist Publishing Houss. 40 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

44 Lambeth, c. m. Isaac Watts, alti and abr. Anon.

' lA 'J J I I I I xiPf-^ i Li H=g^

1. Hap - py the heart where gra - ces reign, 2. Know -ledge— a - las! 'tis all in vain, 3. This is the grace that lives and sings, -fflL — -> • i g=q ■ 9 1 (i 1—i— i -l J^A-A ^—H 1

, — 1 pi T— rf#- 1 1- HL |■J— — 7J i ! A Ih^-M * rH —»—*—j-i Where love in - spires the breast: . . Love is the And all in vain our fear;. . . Our stub -born When faith and hope shall cease; . . 'Tis 'this shall

42-' -<=-• -f- -f«- -ft

| 1 —H—l U- 1 r r4 f

bright- est of the train, And strengthens all the rest.. . sins will fight and reign, If love be ab - sent there. . strike our joy - ful strings, In bright - est realms of bliss. .

. f 1 -* T g g: < i 1 t

g ~ g - 1 k:ft

f F r™ fn " 1 1 1 1

r I-1


45 Coronation, c. m.

Bev, F, W. Faber, alt. Oliver Holden.

1. God's glo-ry is a wond'rous thing.Most strange in all its ways, 2. Oh, blest is he to whom is giv'n The in-stinet that can tell 3. And blest is h* who can di-vine Where right doth real-ly lie, 4. And right isright.since God is God; And right the daymust win;

JL + ■.■ m JL L C L L ^ A -

And of all things on earth.least like What men a - gree to praise, That God is on the field, when He Is most in - vis - i - ble! And dares to take the side that seems Wrong to man's blind-fold eye! To doubt would be dis -loy - al - ty, To fal-ter would be sin!

~ ■^-i—S S d^m 0 I And of all things on earth.least like What men a • gree to praise. That God is on the field, when He Is most in - vis i - ble! And dares to take the side that seems Wrong to man's blind - fold eye! To doubt would be dis -loy- al - ty, To fal-ter would be sin!

T ^j;f-|^|-| 48 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. ' 46 Chesterfields c. m. Q. F. P. Hardenbnrg, abr. Rev. Thomas Haweia.

ML — ^3- mm

1. We say to all men far and near, 2. lie lives; His pres ence hath not ceased,


i r That Christ has rls'n a - gain; That He is with us Though foes and fears be rife; And thus we hail the

1i— r 1 — ^ ■! 1 17 ■ 1—i- ~« II 4» 1 H 3 1 -1/ ' 1 now and here, And ev - er shall re - main. gos - pel feast, A world re • newed to life I

— H^rr — 1:1 'I H -Ji-^r I ^ 49 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

47 Peterborough, c. m.

Ieaao Watts, ahr. Ralph Harrison.

J ■ J^ J J — o© * 1 —1 » 1 . • u

1. Joy to the world,— the Lord is come ; 2. No more let sin and sor • row grow, 3. He rules the world with truth and grace,

it -p- i Let earth re - ceive her King; Let ev • 'ry heart pre- Nor thorns in - lest the ground. He comes to make His And makes the na - tions prove The glo •ries of His

-(2. f J 1 % \ % H $

Ufl g_Jz 1 — 1 | |2JL_| u i i


■4 n

=1= J J =t=F rf* _i * 1 " r r pare Him room, And heav'n and na - ture sing, found, bless - ings flow, Far as the curse is right - eous - ness. And won - ders of His love. — — V II i r-i jgg= i he -Zr-'


48 Oaksville. c. m.

Charles Zenner.


1. Scorn not the slight - est word or deed, 2. No act falls fruit - less; none can tell 3. Work and de spair not; bring thy mite,

r 1 1 p f"4f=i

— — r— 1 J^-, —rt #t hr i j 1 1 1 1* .1 T |» r Nor deem it void of pow'r; There's fruit in How vast its pow'r may be ; Nor what re - care how small it be; (lod is with ■H -ir r— $=-1— "i r «=3=1 4=

1 1 n kl i | i n^i 7 H 1-4—M-f* H 1 i ■ 3=" *n r Cr- each wind-waft - ed seed, Wait - ing its na • tal hour, suits en - fold - ed dwell With - in it si - lent - ly. all that serve the right, The ho ly, true, and free. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BYMNAL.

49 Arlington, c. m.

J. Q. WMttier, abr, Thomas A. Arne,

—' =H —i *—i 4— «. 1 1 —g ^ * 1 «b i "9J., •J £>

L We may not climb the heav'n - ly steeps 2. But warm, sweet, ten - der, e - ven yet 3. The heal - ing of the seam ■ less dress 4. O Lord and Mas - ter of us all,

-A tr — To bring the Lord Christ down; In vain we search the A pres -ent help is He; And faith has yet its Is by our beds of pain; We touch Him in life's What-e'er our name or sign, We own Thy sway, we ^ * J 3E— -i 1-


low - est deeps, For Him no depths can drown. O1 - iv - et, And love its Gal i lee. throng and press, And we are whole gain. hear Thy call, We test our lives by Thinel

7- -a-


50 Whatever Dims Thy Sense of Truth, cm.

liary W. Hale! alt. and abr. Erackett.

1. What — ev - er dims thy sense of truth, 2. Pre - serve the tab - let of thy thoughts 3. And pray ol God, that grace be giv'u

-p p p-

1 J-^-fr *--i—f—:—j- 3 J i1 Or stains thy pur - i - ty, Though light as breath of From ev - 'ry blem - lsh free, While the Re-deem -er's To tread this nar - row way:— How dark so - ev - er

m m- V

g I \— | =s u

sum - mer air, Count it as sin to thee. low - ly faith Its tem - pie makes with thee. it may seem, It leads to cloud - less day.

— — — ^-H? i'i S m—1 f 9~s f a H rf—1 \* *. .— r r L■— —. 1— ■— —i— *—i— i* —r I | u 63 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

61 Manoah. c. m.

William Goode. Am from 3. A. Bossini.

3= i 1W l^l-tht^ L How blest are they whose hearts are pure, 2. They tru - ry rest up • on His word, 3. They who In faith nn • mixed with doubt 4. For them far great • er things than these — ^tf7 1 f-tf pp 4- TrJ From guile their thot's are free, To them shall God re - In full - est light of love, In this their trust, they Th' en-graft - ed word re - ceive, Whom the first sign of Doth Christ the Lord pre - pare ; Whose bliss no heart of

— —— r— i [■- | i II r——i * — <9 JJL J ' 3 " H r r real Him • self, They shall His glo ask no more Than guid - ance from heav'n-ly pow'r Per - suades, and they man can reach, No ha - man voice — l=rrig £-


52 Bemerton. c. m. H. W. Greatorex. 0. F. Alexander, abr. — H1—4-F J |i i—= f=J==i )P4 J 1 l=*=a 1 1

1. Ob! ev - er on our earth ly path 2. Lift up the heart, lift up the mind!

1 I I

— « — * . Ki | i ■1 » 1-

Some gleam of glo • ry lies; And heav'nis all a- Un • til the grace be giv'n, That, while we trav • ail

'^TTTni^L " 'IT 1 'p-r

round us now, If we but lift our eyes, yet on earth, Our hearts may be in heav'u.

»—-f -I i -c •- —r i->s>—r^-• e 66 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

53 Naomi, c. m. J. H. G. Naegell. — Arr. by Lowell Mason. 4 — —f * — 1 W ii—i s —t—t- s t —% 1. He lp us to help each oth - er, Lord, 2. He lp us to build each oth - er up, 3. Up in - to Thee, our liv - ing Head,

• m m A m j . : " — ' 1 E F F 1 » i —• ! *=-t r r - 1i L , 1 ^Trf— 1 V ?—i—i— K 1

Each oth • er's cross to bear; Let each his friend - ly Our lit • tie stock im - prove; In - crease our faith, con* Let us in all things grow; Till Thou hast made us

i 1—I N t J—*I aid af - ford, And feel his broth - er's care. firm our hope, And per - feet us in love. free in - deed, And spot - less here be - low. I

Harmony copyright by Rev. Chables L. Uutohins. Used by permission. 66 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL

54 St. Etheldreda. c. m.

Horatius Bonar, alt, aid abr. Bev. Thomas Tnrton.

=t= -i 1—3-

1. Church of the ev - er liv - ing God, 2. Not ma ny rich or no - ble called, — — — g^t-r^Ff f=-r p=Fzp=f r 1 i

The Fa-ther's gra-cious choice, A - mid the vol - ces Not ma - ny great or wise; They whom God makes His

— j—J J | i II H

oj this earth H ow mi ght - y is Thy voice! kings and priests A re Pt or iu hu - man eyes. * »- — ■ 0 J* * i f—I 1 J 1- 1 1 4- i 1 .■ L H fl —*-' 1 -f-r N 67 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

55 Maitland. c. m.

John Milton, alt. and abr. G. N, Allen. — i '0 ~< 3 1. How love ly are Thy dwell ings, Lord, 2. Lord God of Hosts, that reign'st on high, 3. For God the Lord, both sun and shield,


Fit *—zF

From noise and trou - ble free; How beau - tl • ful the They are the tru • ly blest Who on Thee on - Iy Gives grace and glo - ry bright; No good from him shall


sweet ac • cord Of those who pray to Thee I . . will re - ly, In Thee a • lone will rest. . . . be with - held Whose ways are just and right. . .


56 Oh, Speed Thee, Christian, on Thy Way. c. m.

Anon. Brackett. m 9 mo 1. Oh, speed thee, Chris tian, on thy way, 2. There Is a bat tie to be fought, 3. Oh, faint not, Chris tian I not with sighs A

PSIS 1 r r r- 5 ft?* And to thy ar - nior cling: .... With gird - ed An up - ward race to run ; A crown of Come thou be - fore His throne : . . . . The race must

loins the call o - bey, That grace and mer-cy bring. . . glo - ry to be sought, A vic - fry to be won.. . come be -fore the prize, The cross be -fore the crown..


57 Balerma. c. m.

Joseph Swain. Hugh "Wilson.

xJ 9 L How sweet, how heav'n - ly is the sight, 2. 'When, free Irom en - vy, scorn, and pride, 3. Let love, in one de • light - ful stream, 4. Love is the gold - en chain that binds

When those who love the Lord In one an- Our wish - es all a - bove, Each can hia Through ev - 'ry bos - ora flow; And un - ion The hap - py hearts a • bove; And he's an 1 J

1 r 4-4 4 oth • er's peace de - light, And so ful - fill His word! broth -er's fail - ings hide, And show a broth-er's lovel sweet, and dear es - teem In ev • 'ry ac - Hon glow, heir of heav'n who finds His bos - om glow with love.



58 Albano. c. m.

Anon. — Vincent Novello. 2 g 3—^ P 1. Be - neath the thick but break ing cloud, 2. Tra - dl - tions, forms, and self . ish aims 3. Strong hearts and will ing hands we need,

We talk of Chris - tian lif e ; The words of Je - sus Have dimmed the in • ner light ; Have close - ly veiled the Our tem • pie to re - pair; Re - move the gath-'ring

*> * -|S>- Cy— —<&,— i — — •y— » i— l -J1 F ?5 •—^ — 5L_^fe |— = ' 1 '— -F 1 1 a.

I I—=p — — — 1 tr __1 ■gr-

on our lips, Our hearts with man at strife. spir • it • world And an • gels from our sight. dust of years, And show the mod el fair.

— E -ts>- -f


59 Evan. c. m.

Hymns and Tunes, abr. Wo. E. Havergal.

— IHE i 1 5* h —St— t 7 * ^ 1 1 --it- 1. Now to our lov - ing Fa - ther, God, 2. We need not, Lord, our glad - ness leave, 3. The pure in heart are al - ways glad; r mm 3= A glad-some song be - gin; His smile is on the To wor - ship Thee a - right; Our joy -ful- ness for The smile of God they feel; He doth the se - cret

-19- Sr

world a - broad, His joy our hearts with - in. praise re - ceivel Thou mak'stour lives so bright! of His Joy To blame -less hearts re - veal.

-f g F -12-


60 Speak Gently, It is Better Far. c. m. iG. W. Langford. Brackett. r - 1. Speak gen tly, it is bet - ter far 2. Speak gen - tly to the err - ing: know 3. Speak gen - tly: 'tis a • lit - tie thing,

rb-ir as —i— —55= —i— T^t f T To rrule by love than fear; Speak gen - tly: They must have toiled in vain ; Per - chance un - Dropped in the heart's deep well; The good, the


let no harsh word mar The good we may do here. kind - ness made them so ; O win them back a - gain. joy that it may bring, E - ter - ni - ty shall tell. rr i 63 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

61 Azmon. c. m.

Isaac Watts, Air. by William Cameron,alt. and abr. 0. G. G/laser. Arr, by Lowell IE i 3= 1. Su • preme in wis - dom as in pow'r, 2. He gives the con - quest to the weak, 3. Mere hu - man en - er gy shall faint, 4. Tliey, with un wea - ried step, shall tread

A—V =4=q

The Rock of ges stands; Canst thou not search His Sup - ports the faint- ing heart; And cour-age in the And youth-ful vfg - or cease; But those who wait up • The path of life di - vine; With grow-ing ar - dor J—J _g_ -J-r-g— , I J X- I mind, and trace The work - ing of His hands? e - vil hour His heav'n - ly aids im - part. on the Lord, In strength shall still in - crease. ou - ward move, With grow - ing bright ' ness shine. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

62 Ye Timid , Fresh Courage Take. c. m.

William Cowper, alt. and abr. Braokett.

*— §£:4=:|^g3: 4 * t=^i=

1. Ye tim id saints, fresh conr - age take I 2. His pur - pos - es will ri , pen fast, 3. Blind un - be - lief is sure to err,

ft , *_= fl ft ft ■ «-! ft it .

^^r^i c r r^^-M

The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mer - cy, Un - fold - ing ev - 'ry hour; The bud may have a And scan His work in vain; God is His own in -

and will break In bless - ings on your head, bit - ter taste, But sweet will be the flow'r. ter - pret - er, And He will make it plain.


63 Hebdomadal, c. m. Bernard Barton, alt. and abr. Thomas Banks Strong. ip=d= for* rrr 1. Walk in the light! so thou . . . shalt know 2. Walk in the light! and thou . . . ghalt find 3. Walk in the light! and thou . . . shalt own 4. Walk in the light! and thou . . . shalt see


-et —

That fel - low - ship of love, His Spir-it on - ly Thy heart made tru - ly His, Who dwells in cloud - less Thy dark - ness passed a - way, Be - cause that Light hath Thy path, though thorn - y, bright, For God by grace shall

-75 p I 72 1 r » be - stow, Who reigns in light bove. light en-shrined In whom no dark - ness is. on thee slione In which is per feet day. dwell with thee, And God Him self Is Light.


64 Sacrifice. c. m.

Isaac Watts, abr. Henry Lahee.

-«! 1 3 -=i— 5^

1. Joy to the world, the Lord la come; 2. No more let sin and sor row grow, 2. He rules the world with truth and grace,

7g- 5t

Let earth re - ceive her King; Let ev - 'ry heart pre - Nor thorns in - Jest the ground, He comes to make His And makes the na-tions prove The glo - lies of His

pare Him room, And heav'n and na - ture sing, bless - ings flow, Far as the curse is found, right - eous - ness, And won - ders of His love.

By permission of W. Garrett Hordbb. 67 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

65 St. Agnes, c. m.

Samuel Johnson, abr. Kev. J. B. Dykes, Mns. Doc. 7^ 1. Cit - y of God, how broad aud far 2. One ho - ly Church, one ar - my strong, 3. How gleam Thy watch - fires through the night, 4. In vain the sur - ge's an - gry shock, Sri -B>-


OutspreadThy walls sub - lime! The true Thy char-tered One stead-fast high in - tent, One work-ing band, one With nev - er - faint - ing ray! How rise Thy tow'rs, se - In vain the drift - ing sands ; Un-harmed up - on th' £

t - ZJIff—! ! 1—, -0—•—•— —&> m— i i T l -4- f=F3p3 IF f t ' r-r free - men are, Of ev - 'ry age and clime. har - vest - song, One King om nip o - tentl rene and bright, To meet the dawn • ing day! ter - nal Rock, Th'E-ter-nal Cit y stands. mm 4 68 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

66 Elvet. c. m. 8. F. Smith, abr. Bev, J. B. Dykes, Mns. Doc.

•— m

1. Plant • ed in Christ, the liv - ing vine, 2. Joined in one bod - y may we be :

*==E-t=rtFf 1

-b—a rd 1 1 1 ■ i N—k—'

This day, with one ae - cord, Our-selves,with hum - ble One in - ward life par - take ; One be our heart, one

#—V- 1

mm x=---j— 1—-F II i faith and joy, We yield to Thee, O Lord I heav'n - ly hope In ev - 'ry bos - om wake.

T=f= Music from Plymouth Hymnal, published by A. S. Barnes & Co. Used by per. 60 CHRISTIAN- SCIENCE HYMNAL.

67 Belmont. c. m.

W. H. Bathnrst, abr. Mozart. ^ -+— _j j_ — fft =i * Ml' —i r 1 E3=^ g

1. O for a faith that will not shrink, 2. A faith that shines more bright and clear 3. Oh, give us such a faith as this,

4- $3 J 'h r

23Z ■f2- i I I Though pressed by ev - ■'ry foe; . That will not trem-ble When tem- pests rage with -out;. That when in dan - ger And then, what - e'er may come, We'll taste.e'en here the

1 1 hi i -d 4t>J h i . l- 5- ' H r— r * l-J: j. on the brink Of a - ny earth - ly woe; . knows no fear, In dark-ness feels no doubt ; . hal - low'd bliss Of an e - ter - nal home. .



68 I Worship Thee, Sweet Will of God. c. m. Bev. F. W. Faber, abr. Braokett. i 7 1. I wor ship Thee, sweet Will of God, 2. When ob sta - cles and tri - als seem 3. He al ways wins who sides with God,

And all Thy ways a - dore ; . . And ev - 'ry day I Like pris - on walls to be, . . .- I do the lit - tie To him nochance is lost;... God's will is sweet-est

r1 r f r

live, I seem To love Thee more and more. I can do, And leave the rest to Thee. to him when It tri - umphs at his cost. mm


69 Christmas, c. m.

John Morison, abr. Air. from G. F, Handel.

f Fj H 1 1 -4 — -4 hi— s 1 T- i 1. To us a Child of Hope is born, 2. His name shall be the Prince of Peace, 3. His pow'r, in - creas - ing, still shall spread;

To us a Son is giv'n; Him shall the tribes of earth o - bey, For - ev-er-morea - dor'd; The Won-der -ful, the Counsel - lor, His reign no end shall know; Jus-tice shall guard Histhrone a- bove,

—1 4 — - II

Him all the hosts of heav'n, Him all the hosts of heav'n. The great and might-y Lord! The great and might-y Lord! And peace a-bound be - low, And peace a - bound be - low.

-m- -*— i -Vrl— *—• 1— * 1 - r--Ml —LSh —» 1 1— U


70 Lord ! I Have Made Thy Words My Choice. c. m.

Isaao Watts, alt. and abr. Brackett.

j I 1—j 1 1 —h r*l

1. Lord! I have made Thy word my choice, 2. I'll read the his fry of Thy love, 3. 'Tis a broad land of wealth uti - known, ft

All Voices in Unison (or So

I 1 1 iH s

S3 r r i i My last - ing her - i - tage : There shall my no - blest And keep Thy law in sight, While thro' the prom - is - Where springs of life a - rise; Seeds of im - mor - tal -t

U f/T\ V www^ iJ « I J r br f pow'rs re - jolce,' My warm - est thoughts en - gage. es I rove, With ev - er fresh de - light. bliss are sown, And hid - den glo - ry lies. -•- — • =t— — • — i— i— =$= F^4- The small notes are for accompaniment only. 73 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I1YMNAL.

71 Simpson, cm.

J, G. Whittier, alir. From Louis Spohr,

^ i 1— 9h M h- i 1— M J f M -f 1~ -d i (— 1 1. O Love! O Life! our faith and sight 2. We faint - ly hear, we dim - ly see, 3 To do Thy will is more than praise, 4 Our Friend, our Broth - er, and our Lord,

i- =3=

Thy pres - ence mak etli one : As, tlirougli trans - In dift - 'ring phrase we pray; But, dim or As words are less than deeds ; And sim - pie What may thy set' - vice be? Nor name, nor

— *— 4=

t t fig - ured clouds of white, We trace the noon - day sun. clear, we own In Thee The Light, the Truth, the Way. trust can find Thy ways We miss witli chart of creeds, form, nor lit - ual word, But sun - ply fol - l'wing Thee. J- —a—I —


72 St. Flavian, cm.

Isaac Watts, alt. Day's Psalter.

* -• i .

1. We walk by faith of joys to come ; 2. 'Tis pleas - ant to be lieve Thy grace, em

— - — 1 i 1 j i i |—U t— — —; 1— E^=|-*= -i ^ i

Faith lives up - on His word; But while the bod - y But we had rath - er see ; We would be ab - sent

-•- g—» r j • b i p —1» 2-* 1 1 —i -i——— j T i i i—

is our home, We're ab . sent from the Lord, from the flesh, And pres - ent, Lord, with Thee. — — eiT— f t^-=^=i-'j—hf f • ' i n I Pt p p P-hf p f f-p-M


73 Avon. c. m.

F=h ^4—— - 7^y»«— r-F J | 1 =1 « ^=1 g g '< 1 *-> -3 ^ 1. Our God is love; and all His saints 2. Teach us to love each oth - er, Lord, 3. Heirs of the same im - mor - tal bliss, 4. So may the un be - liev - ing world 6^ -is>- ~

His im - age bear be - low; The lieart with love to As we are loved by Thee; None who are tru - ly Our hopes and aims the same, With bonds of love our See how true Chris - tians love; And glo - it - fy our egg

God in - spired, With love to man will glow, born of God, Can live in en - mi - ty. hearts u - nite, With mu tual love in - flame. Sav - iour's grace. And seek that grace to prove. ftT5-fcH^=l?F=Pf i 79 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

74 Come, Ye that Know and Fear the Lord. c. m.

GeorgeBnrder, abr. Brackett.

1. Come, ye that know and fear the Lord, 2. This pre - cious truth His word de - ciares,

■ rj -ftfclg r | K\ H— — — — — — 5 p p r^^f And raise your thoughts a - bove: Let ev - 'ry And all His iner - cies prove; Je - sus, the

heart and voice ac-cord, To sing tliat "God . . is love." gift of gifts ap-pears, Toshowthaf'God . . is love."


75 Heber. c. m.

G. W. Doane,alt. George Kingsley. m m 1. Thou art the Way: to Thee a - lone 2. Thou art the Truth: Thy word a - lone 3. Thou art the Life: the rend - lug tomb 4. Thou art the Way, the Truth, tlie Life, -9- 3 -fS>- -•- -»-• —-•-i

±=SL 2r OD ST From 'sin and death we flee; And he who would the True wis-dom can im - part; Thou on - ly canst un - Pro - claims Thy con - qu'ring arm ; And those who put their Grant us that Way to know; That Truth to keep, that


-w ■—a- 1

Fa - ther seek, Must seek Him, Lord, by Thee. fold that Truth, And pu - ri - fy tlie heart. trust in Thee Nor death nor hell shall harm. Life to win, Whose joys e - ter - nal flow. I 78 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

76 St. Leonard. C. M.

T. H. Gill. Henry Smart.

4- -3r-

1. Walk with your God a - long the road, 2. Ye shall not faint, ye shall not fail,

m - ' I

Your strength He will re new; Wait on the ev - er- Made in the spir - it strong; Each task di - vine ye


-4- -zir -Bt- -z3-

last - lug God, And He will work with you. still shall hail, And blend it with a song. - •— — ?2 —8 H ^H; 1

77 Colchester, c. m.

J. G. WMttier. Henry Purcell.

i 1 a -*1 I 1. Im - mor tal Love, for ev er full, 2. Our out - ward lips con fess the name 3. Blow, winds of God, a wake and blow 4. The let ter fails, the sys terns fall,

• a— i—fcr 5 1

r i For ev - er flow - ing free, For ev er shared, for All otli - er names a - bove; But love a - lone knows The mists of earth a - way! Shine out, O Light di - And ev - 'ry sym - bol wanes: The Spir -it o - ver- J2 I I

fEZ=i I ev - er whole, A nev er - ebb - ing seal whence it came, And com pre - hend eth love. vine, and show How wide and far we stray! brood - ing all, E - ter nal Love, re - mains. J—


78 Harville. c. m.

Caroline A. Mason, abr. James Flint.

r--) 1 —J— ^* 1 * # • — &> — * -• r—i r 1. 1 can - not walk in dark ness 2. He is my stay and my de • J 1

long, My Light is by my side: I can - not stnm-ble fence, How shall I fail or fall ? My keep - er is Om-

p —« a , i 0 a. «_ d 1 r- t r '

-f2- ■-g>— < 1 1

or go wrong, While fol • 1'wing such a guide. nip - o - tence; My Eu - ler rul • eth all. J41 Sites (2- P i 81 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

79 Coventry, c. m. English Melody, Arr. by Frederio W. Boot.

* I r- The God who made both heav'n and earth, The poor, op pressed by all their wrong, By Him the blind re ceive their sight,

See II

And all that they con - tain, Will nev • er quit Bis Are saved by His de • cree ; He gives the mm • gry The weak and fall'u He rears; With kind re • gard and BE? r-r-r-- m

— — P2 1 7T +=n r" —H a !s> • 1 1 u stead - fast truth Nor make His prom - ise vain. need - lul food, And sets the pris - 'uers free. ten der love He for the right -eous cares. i


80 Bright was the Guiding Star that Led. c. m. Brackett. Harriet Auber, abr,

H -s>-

- that led, 1. Bright was the guid ing star - - er light, 2. But, lol a bright er, clear • it leadsl 3. Ob, haste to fol low where

PS id* =f=T

The Gen -tiles to the With mild, be - nig - nant ray, . - shines thro' sin and Now points to his a bode: It - Be rug - ged wilds or The gra-cious call o bey,.

- . er lay. . low - ly shed Where the Re deem our Lord, . sor - row's night, To guide us to - ■ tined way. . flow - 'ry meads The Chris tian's des



81 Southport. c. m. GeorgeKingsley. 4- -A S f 1. In at - mos - phere of love dl - vine, 2. The Prin - cl - pie of be - ing, God, 3. The mor - tal sense we must de - stroy,

(2 ■*- -fs>- b2z T=f=fc

We live, and move, and breathe; Tho' mor -tal eyes may Is with us ev - 'ry - where; He holds us per • feet If we would tiring to light The won-ders of e -

EE m 1 r r see it not; 'Tis sense that would de celve. in His love, And we His im - age bear, ter - nal Mind, Where sense is lost in sight. ^0


82 Abrige. c. m.

Samuel Longfellow. Isaac Smith,

:1. The lov - ing friend to all who bowed 2. The faith - ful wit ness to the truth, 3. No hoi low rite, no life less creed,

<3 —AC

a— IjgJ | ■ ^ 1 1 2 4-*= 5t>2 1 r ^=

13 -fit p r

Be - neath life's wea - ry load, From lips bap-tized in His just re - buke was hurled Out from a heart that His piere-ing glance could bear; But long - ing hearts which

hum - ble pray'r, His con . so - la - tions flowed, burned to break The fet - ters of the world, sought Him found That God and heav'n were there.



83 Dundee, c. m.

J. G. Whittier. Guillanme Franok.

1. O pure Re - form . ers! not in vain 2. The truths ye urge are borne a - broad 3. Press on! anil, if we may not share — — — — I i i & 7 T i i

— — — — - vfnt 1 1 i , , F— i 3- — a —i ^ 1 — — =fc J -1 W -»-J i 4 i • Your trust in hu - man kind ; The good which blood-shed By ev - 'ry wind and tide; The voice of na - ture The glo - ry of your fight, We'll ask at least, in

? r-£ —• — =r-=F:T— !■ 1 : H*— 'm P 1 ' 1 r He r 1^— : t=

could not gain, Your peace - ful zeal shall find, and of God Speaks out up - on your side. ear - nest pray'r, God's bless - ing on the Right.

* » 1— • t -f » h i I- 4 8 H ?=F= b= 3— =f— H


84 St. Magnus, cm

Samuel Longfellow. Jeremiah Clark,

— i—i — 1— -j— — *—t -0 fJ -d—•—3 0 —¥■ r i i 1. Be - neath the shad • ow of the cross, As 2. O bond of un - ion, strong and deep! O 3. Then, Je - sus, be thy Spir - it ours; And

j- i \ 1 rff— 1— • 1 T" —« 1 1 •i— • j J

earth - ly hopes re - move, His new com-mand-ment bond of per - feet peace! Not e'en the lift - ed swift our feet shall move To deeds of pure self -

■y.fr \


Je - sus gives,— His bless - ed word of love. cross can harm, If we but hold to this, sac - ri - rice, And the sweet tasks of love.

=F ^r-f±


85 St. Martin's, cm.

Samuel Longfellow, al>r. William Tansnr. J- 12

I I 1. One lio - ly Church of God ap - pears 2. From old - est time, on far - thest shores, 3. Her priests are all God's faith - ful sous,

I r-sJT3_i ■ ^ 4l F r j-a- 111 I•J Tliro' ev 'ry age and race, Un - wast - ed Be - neath the pine or palm, One Un - seen To serve the world raised up; The pure in **J

-k. P by the lapse of years, Un - changed by chang-iug place. Pres - ence she a - dores, With si - lence or with psalm, heart her bap - tized ones; Love, her com - mun - ion cup.


86 Make Channels for the Streams of Love. c. m.

Bichard C. Trench. Braokett. -J

« 1 $ 1 ^—•■ s »—

1. Make chan - nels for the streams of love, 2. But if at a ny time we cease 3. For we must share, if we would keep -i^i— 9- -f— ^ J— —— » feM -i 1 rr 1

T Where they may broad - ly run; . . And lovelov has Such chan -nels to pro - vide, . . The ver - y That bless - ing from a - bove : . . Ceas - ing to J- r-r

EC 2Z'

I o - ver - flow - ing streams, To fill them ev - 'ry one. . founts of love for us Will soon be parched and dried, give, we cease to have, Such is the law of love. ,


87 Eckhardtsheim. c. m.

Charles Zeuner. — 7^H 1 j-n %— |£M—j—4- — -4—H 1. Low - ly in heart to all wlio sought, 2. Midst keen re - proach and cru el scorn, 3. Je - sus our pat - tern and our guide f=- 4_lil"L/_

i-— . I I -a — — —™ — — — — i «J-— — d—*i — -

A friend and ser - vant found; [He washed their Pa - tient and meek lie stood; His foes, un - His cross may we all bear; O may we

— jff cfrdt • — p -P f-T- ~b— ■ — 1- 4 F- r feet, he wiped their tears, And healed each bleed-ing wound, grate -ful.sought his life; He la - bored for their good,

tread his ho - ly steps, His joy and glo - ry share.

, *p 'T g-lf II


88 Preghiera. c. m.

James Montgomery, alt. and abr. Frederic W. Boot.

—P P -J- -J-

v- f 1 3=f r J - 1. Pray'r is the heart's sin cere de sire,. . 2. Pray'r is the sim - plest form of speech, That

3. Tray'r is the Chris -tian's vl - tal breath, The

jfr t 1— — ? H2-

— —-1 I- ^ *-h^

I fzTfrf

- - - ; - Ut tered or uu ex pressed The mo tion of a

in - fant lips can try; . . Pray'r the sub -lim- est

. . - Chris -tian's na - tive air:. His watch word o - ver - -I •— -m—

^5J Nj- £2=

hid - den fire . That trem • bles in the breast. strains that reach The Ma] - es - ty on high. com - eth death - He en - tersnheav'n with pray'r.

E i


89 St. Asaph, cm.d.

E. H, Seats, alt. J. M, GiornovichL

=s—. : I

1. it came np ■ on the mid - night clear, That 2. O ye, be ' neath life's crush - ing load, Whose 3. For lo, the days are hast - 'ning on, By m

t i j— i—

glo - rious song of old, . The an - gels bend - ing forms are bend - Ing low, . Who toll a - long the proph-ets seen of old, . When with the ev . er • I t T J

•—4- m j -st-.1- near the earth Their won - drous sto • ry . told ; climb- ing way With pain - ful steps and slow! cir - cling years Shall come the time fore told. i


5g i 1 1—i-^=i=^-n-±=' o

Peace on the earth, good . will to men, Look now, for glad and gold • en hours When the new heav'n and earth shall own rtj^Hn i if J—i

— r—1 -J—id—*— L_J J 4+ —d — tft— #— j. t~*=l

Fromheav'n'sall-gra-cious King; The world in sol-emn Come swift - ly on the wing; O rest be - side the The Prince of Peace their King, And the whole world send

still - ness lay To hear the an - gels sing, wea - ry road. And hear the an - gels sing, back the song Which now the an - gels sing.


90 Petersham, c. m. d. J. G. WMttior. C. "W. Poole.

t—r 1. Oh! not a - lone with out - ward sign 2. Though her - aid - ed by naught of fear,

m=r- m


Of fear, or voice from heav'n, The mes-sage of a Or out- ward sign or show; Though on - ly to thei to

j—-pq-j— — 4■ fv-

truth di - vine, The call of God, is glv'n ; in - ward ear It whis - pers soft and low; 9m -b 4—k h— rm By permission of W. Garrett Horder. 94 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

i i i i , im j n ^

- if*1- A wak 'ning in the bu - man heart, Though drop - ping as the man - na fell, eat X it f .-— r i e -t t i

— rir-—J-l— 1-1— — 1—3- — — i H -F r —LJ

Love for the true and right. Zeal for the Chris - tian's CTn - seen, yet from a - bove. Ho - ly and gen - tie ■ft — »«■ 11 1 p— U — — =r-T 1F- ff-r— C_J p- 1 rr r

bet - ter part, Strength for the Chris - tian's fight. heed it well, The call to Truth and Love.


91 Brattle Street. cm.d.

John Eyland, Ignace Pleyel.


1. O Lord, I would de - light in Thee, 2. No good in crea - tures can be found, 3. He that has made my heav'n se - cure,

r r r

And on Thy care de - pend; To Thee in ev - 'ry But may he found in Thee; I must have all things Will here all good pro - vide; While Christ is rich, can I ^ J.

— — ^ * s 3 %f

trou - We flee, My best, my on - ly Friend! and a - bound, While God is God to me. I be poor? What can I want be - side?

— —r Harmony copyright by Rev. Charles L. Hutohins. Used by permission. 96 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

BE i 1 i: i J f i When all ma - te rial streams are dried, 0 that I had a stron ■ ger faith, O God, I cast my care on Thee;

* Hfc — t r i -M-. f> Thy full - ness is the same ; May I with this be To look with - in the veil, To cred - it what my I tri - umph and a dore ; Hence-forth my great con ■ 'A -4 9 * i I r

f=Bc sat - is - fled, And glo - ry in Thy name. Sav - iour saith, Whose word can nev - er fall, cern shall be To love and praise Thee more. ^ n


92 Spohr. c. m. d.

Alioe Dayton, Louis Spohr.

—N- wm 3= 1. E - ter - nal Mind the Pot - ter is, 2. God could not make im - per - feet man 3. God's will is done; His king - dom come.

■f- ' * L • 1 R%tn —L- 1 r f— ^ 1 v 1 v—

And thought, the' -ter - nal clay. The hand that fash - ions His mod - el In - ft - nite; TJn - hal-Iowed thought He The Pot - ter's work is plain. The long - lug to be

is dl - vine; His works pass not a - way. could not plan — Love's work and Love must fit. . good and true Has brought the Light a - gain.


1— — i f* Fj H J 1J -J $ 1 * 4

Man ts the no blest work of God, Life, Truth, and Love the pat • tern make, And Man does stand as God's own child,

■m- *- -ft- A

T v

His beau - ty, pow'r, and grace, Im - mor - tal j per - feet Christ Is the per - feet heir; The clouds of sense roll The lm - age of His Love. Let glad - ness ring from —* *r PS. =5=

li— I p>—i—■—* 3 f

as His Mind Re - fleet - ed, face to face. . back, and show The form di - vine - ly fair. . ev - 'ry tongue, And heav'n and earth ap • prove. m •


93 Dennis, s. m.

Philip Doddridge, abr. J. E. 0. Naegeli.

EE =6*

1. How gen tle God's com - mandsl How 2. Be - neath His watch ful eye His 3. Bis good ness stands ap - proved, Un-

— J— -t 1 = •- i jfe—K i i4::K7~i-h"=l=d=H^=j=N!^i:

kind His pre - cepts are! Come, cast your bur - dens saints se - cure - ly dwell; That hand which bears cre- changedfrom day to day I'll drop my bur - den £4-

z -*■ on the Lord, And trust His con - stant care. a - tion up Shall guard His chil - dren well, at His feet, And bear a song a - way.

1 r=—• i g i tr— 1 1 * J- -(2 Pi P-^ Harmony copyright by Kev. Chaelbs L. Hdtohiks. Used by permission.


94 Our Heaven is Everywhere, s. m.

Miss Fletcher, alt. and abr, Brackett. i P L Our heav'n is ev - 'ry . where, 2. "Tis where the trust • lug heart . 3. Wher . ev - er truth a - bides,

If we but love our God, . . Un - swerv - iug tread the Bows meek - ly to its grief, . Still look - ing up with Sweet peace is ev • er there ; . If we but love and

4s* -?9- 1

nar - row way, And ev . er slum the broad, ear - nest faitli For com - fort and re - lief, serve the Lord, Our heav'n is ev - 'ry - where.

— 151-=- 1 '1^1 Words used by arrangement with the Universalis! Publishing House. 101 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

95 Thatcher, s. m.

Anon. G. F. Handel. — 1 1 -2H f 1-4- O Spir - it, source of light, Thy gi-ace is Now to our eyes dis ■ Play The truth Thy Thy teach -lugs make us know The mys - fries

-*z- HS>- m

— i— — _ i 5$ n —«!— -1 hKi-J ujr—c « —H»

un - con - fined; Dis - pel the gloom - y words re - veal; Cause us to run the of Thy love; The van '- i . ty of

U4- mi r • I shades of night, Re veal the light of Mind, lieav'n • ly way, De light - ing in Thy will, things be - low, The joy of things a - bove. -a- I I 103 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

96 Imposture Shrinks from Light. s. m.

Thomas Scott, alt. and abr. Braokett.

1. Im - pos - ture shrinks from light, And dreads the 2. With lui - der - stand - ing blest, Cre - at - ed 3. The truth Thou dost im - part, May we with

-r& — • — -e— r - 1 f" it *

1—r 2! I I i i pierc - ing eye; . But sa - cred truths the to be free, . Our faith on man we Arm • ness own ; . Ab - horr - ing each e -

— J || — —a *- ^ II test in - vite, They bid us search and try.. , dare not rest, Sub - jeet to none but Tliee. . va - sive art. And fear - ing Thee a lone. .

-jg- m ■*-



97 State Street. s.m.

Felicia D. Hemans, alt. and abr. Jonathan C. Woodman.

— i- " 75 Z)

1. Come to the land of peace ; From 2. Fear hath no dwell ing here ; But 3. In this di • vine a bode Change

, . ~ =ft-

shad - ows come a way ; Where all the sounds of pure re - pose and love Breathe thro' the bright, ce . leaves no sad - d'nhig trace; Come, trusting heart, come

— ■— & g—I— u W * :g. S I S 5 weep - ing cease, And storms no more have sway, les - tial air The spir - it of the dove. to thy God, Thy ho . ly rest . ing place.

— — — 1 — c5$-t t 1* -I4— II ^—• —p— i


98 Let Party Names No More. s.m.

Benjamin Beddome. Braciett.

1. Let par - ty names no more The 2. A - niong the saints on earth, Let 3. Thus will the church be low Re-


-s* s<-

Chris-tian world o'er - spread ; Gen - tile and Jew, and mn - tual love be found; Heirs of the same in • sem-ble that a - bove; Where streams of pleas - ure



bond and free, Are one in Christ their head, her - i - tance, With mu - tual bless - ings crowned, ev - er flow, And ev - 'ry heart is love.



99 Laban. s. m.

M. J. E, Zink, abr. Lowell Mason,

1. Thine . . is a liv - lng way; In 2. Oh ... bless • ed, bless - ed Light I Oh 3. The . . . Spir - It's sweet con • trol Free

-m- 3=^


death It has no part; From fear of all dis • joy - ful, joy - fnl news! Thy law Is Life, Thy ly we will con - fess,— Fly to Thine out-stretched PEE

5 -■si-

and sin, It will re - lleve the heart. way ia peace, No oth - er can we choose. arms of love, And there find health and rest.

J- -p- -p- I


100 Holyrood. s. m.

Bev. George Herbert) abr. James Watson. 1 1 —'— i i * J"m M 1 I j a *. ■ 1— • • — a 0 i ■ m 1

1. Teach me, my God and King, In 2. To scorn the sens • es' sway While 3. If done be - neath Thy laws, E'en • • — — —I- S r-* 1 S to — 1 I ^— F-b4=— ! 1— i 1 1 ' 1 1 HJ£± 1 1—1 ■—'

fc*— II

a - thing, To do it as for Thee. Thou the way,— In all be Thou the end. this the cause, J_Tlie mean est work di vine. 1

Copyright by James Nisbet & Co. Used by permission. 107 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

101 St. Thomas. s.m. ifJames Montgomery, alt. William Tansur. 1. 'Tis God the Spir - it leads In paths be - 2. Sup - port - ed by His grace, We still pur - 3. 'Tis He that works to will, 'Tls He that I A■ gas


fore un - known; The work to be per - sue our way; As sured that we shall works to do; His is the pow'r by


formed is ours, The strength is all His own. reach the prize, Se - cure in end - less day. which we act, His be the glo - ry too. f ,f f I


102 Mornington. s.m. Mrs. Lydia E. Sigourney, abr. 0. 0. W. Mornington.

=F -- r 1 Ser vants of Christ, a rise, 2. Go where the sick re cline, 3. So shall you share the wealth, J-

iS>- s> a *—

And gird you for the toil, The dew of Where mourn - ing hearts de plore ; And where the That earth may ne'er de spoil, And the blest JL as F gtte JT ■& i f r -b- prom -lse from the skies AI - read - y cheers the soil, sons of sor - row pine, Dis - pense your hal - Iow'd lore. gos - pel's sav - ing health Re - pay your ar-d'ous toll. -J- J i r 109 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

103 Boylston. s.m.

Charles Wesley, abr. Lowell Mason. 3 j =±=t m

1. Sol • diers of Christ, a rise, And 2. Stand then in His great might, With 3. From strength to strength go on; Wres He P

put your ar • mor on, Strong Is the strength which all His strength en dued, And take, to arm you tie, and fight, and pray; Tread all the pow'rs of

1 1 g ' ' I F 1 3=F — — f-J i '\jF^==^=4==j jA-$ H God sup - plies Through His e - ter • nal Son. for the fight, The pan - o - ply of God. dark-ness down, And win the well - fought day.


104 Heirs of Unending Life. s.m.

Benjamin Beddome, Biackett.

— pN s — P1—i — k —^ — ' ^43- J • i *-> 'i1— • yet we so - journ here, Oh, let us our sal - might be - fore un - known ; The work to be per • He that works to do; His is the pow'r by

i — —-- Li|J i t ft #=11

va - tion work With tremb - ling and with fear, formed is ours, The strength is all His own. which we aet, His be the glo - ry tool . 9 \ t f ?• 9- w~ ' u C E--l" —u 1 U HI CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

105 Athol. s.m.

Philip Doddridge. Balph Harrison.

1 1 1— * « —1 1 w—4-* 4 — — —r^ Ltf^r- • 1. Ye ser - vants of the Lord 1 Each 2. Let all your lamps be bright, And 3. Watch,— 'tis your Lord's com • mand ; And i. Oh, hap - py ser - vant he, In



in his of - flee wait, Ob - ser vant of II is trim the gold - en flame; G ird up your loins as while we speak He's near; Mark the first sig - nal such a pos - ture found! He shall His Lord with

. , •

j i EE

heav'n-ly word, And watch - ful at His gate. in His sight, For Per - feet is His name. of His hand, And read - y all ap - pear, rap - tiire , see, And be with lion or crowned.

: t i i 1


106 Carlisle. s. m.

Mrs. Yokes. Charles lookhart. ~~ 3^ —SHj-

1. Ye mes - sen gers of Christ! His 2. The Mas - te'r, whom you serve, Will 3. Moun - tains shall sink to plains, And

I 1=F

1 uJ sov -'reign voice o - bey; A - rise, and fol - low need - ful strength be - stow; De - pend - ing on His hell in yain.> op - pose; The cause is God's— and

•- = *—•*» r—v . r f r Fr=F * r r ^ i— i ■ -—!*j—r—ss-L_

2fc - 0 • a 1- 1 — i where He leads, And peace at - tend your way. prom - ised aid. With sa - cred cour - age go. will pre - vail, In spite of ail His foes. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

107 Olmutz. s.m.

Charles Parsons, abr. Arr. by Lowell Mason, ~

—a— 1. Oh do not bar your mind A • 2. It will from er ror free Your 3. Hid treas - ures it re - veals To 4. Then o - pen wide your heart To _sz 3t mi mi gainst the light of good ; But o - pen wide, let long en - Slav • ed mind; And bring the light of all who know its pow'r; And all who will may Truth and Light and Love; You then shall know your


in the Word, And Truth will be your food, lib - er - ty ■Where it shall be en - shrined, liglit re - ceive, In this most gra cious liour. Life is hid With Christ in God a - bove.



108 Sow in the Morn Thy Seed. s. m.

Erackett. — =4= t 1 i % — s— g: i 1 |

1. Sow in the morn thy seed, At 2. And du shall ap pear In


P PI I eve hold not thy hand; To doubt and fear give ver - dure, beau - ty, strength, The ten - der blade, the

— —■ 4-11 i— i— "I 1 jp—g—«H —• J

thou no heed; Broad - cast it o'er the land, stalk, the ear, And the full corn at length.

=^=11 ^8= it -f==t 116 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

109 Silver Street. s.m.

Rev. Thomas Cogswell Upham. Isaao Smith. 3 i • 1. Hap py the man, who knows His 2. He ris • eth to his task, Soon 3. Noth • ing he calls his own; Noth . 4. Give us, O God, this mind, Which

2z 1=3= It:

3^ -6*-. m Mas - ter ro - bey; Whose life of care and as the word is giv'n; Nor waits, nor doth a ing he hath to say; His feet are shod for waits for Thy com maud, And doth its high est


-IS>- I [ -^1 I I I la - bor flows, Where God points out the way. ques - tion ask, When or ders come from Heav'n. God a - lone, And God a - lone o • bey. pleas - lire find In Thy great word to stand.



110 Make Haste, O Man, to Do. s.m.

Horatlu Bonar, alt, and abr. Braokett.

1. Make haste, O man, to do . . What - 2. Up then, with speed and work; Fling ±1— it—Jf

ev - er must be done; Tliou hast no time to ease and self a • way- This is no time for

F f- .-* — f— • — j * f m f| 1 a n —r =-f i u — ag-r—j -J 1 fr» I h OH — I . h

«=»=iF PI I

lose in sloth, "When all to Truth must come. thee to sleep— Up, watch, and work, and prayl

-* r> r He i I i !


Ill Sicily. 8b, 7s. John Bowe, alt. and abr. Sicilian Melody, gfcbn 1 -1 rd * 4 z rr i «-

1. From the ta • ble now re . tir - h)g, 2. His ex - am - pie while be . hold - lug, 3. Love to .God and man dis - play - ing, , ,L 1 | 1 | I 1 — -g—— F^ -J -d -F FM ——dF J Er f— ^——1 =P

-i—i— * * n (eh —i n ■^H • ^3=

Which for us the Lord hath spread, May our thoughts re - May our lives His lm - age bear; Him our Lord and Walk -ing stead -fast in His way, Joy at - tend us — — 5 — —— i*—*— i 9^ j- fc=1 i i — - h •—1=- tt-g-f=f- r r 1 =H=H r 'i r l "I


fresh - ment find - ing, Grow in all things like our Head. Mas - ter call -ing, His com-mandsmay we re-vere. in be - liev-lng, Peace from God, thro' end -less dayl


112 St. Oswald. 8s,7s.

James Montgomery, abr. Bev. J. B, Dykes, Mus. Boo.

-gj- -gh -st =3^ 3=

1. Call the Lord thy sure sal • va • tlon, 2. He shall charge His an . gel le . gions 3. There no tu • mult can a • larm thee,

3 . I—g£

Rest be - neath th'Al -might -y's shade; In His se - cret ■Watchand ward o'er thee to keep, Though thou walk thro' Thou shalt dread no hid - den snare ; Guile nor vf • o • r

hab - i • ta - tion Dwell, nor ev - er be dis - mayed. hos - tile re -gions, Though in des - ert wilds thou sleep, lence shall harm thee In e - ter • nal safe - guard there.


1 13 Bartimeus. ss, 7s.

Samuel Johnson, abr. Stephen Jenks.

1 ' t-^-K N 1 N—— — N It , 1 P d P J, Lu g 1 * 1— 4— 1 1 ti 3 S %— ■ s % • 1

1. On ward, Chris • tian, though the re - gion 2. By the thorn • road, and none oth • er, 3. By thy trust • ful, calm en • deav - or,

s — — —— P=f=P— — — 1 ^^m-r E F ^ H r 1

hp—— — ! ^ * • 1 « "j •— —• L«i— • —J. 1 1 tr f * J t : *—r— •—•-J

Where thou art be drear and lone; God hath set a Is the mount of vis » ion won ; Tread it with - out Guid • ing, cheer - ing, like the sun, Earth - bound hearts thou

1— — — r ^ 1—f*— ti 1—sr II

guar - dian le - gion Ver - y near thee,— press thou on! shrink - ing, broth -erl Je - sus trod it,— press thou onl shalt de - liv - er; Oh, for their sake, —press thou on! _T3_— ^ b 1 11 t Lr 1 120 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

114 Merton. 8s, 7s.

John Bowring, abii William Henry Monk, Mus. Doo.

■2=2= 3E i -&- -6>- -eh 1. God is Love; His mer cy bright - ens 2. E'en the hour that dark est seem - eth, 3. He with earth ly cares en - twin - eth I J H5»- p—fL- Ml r1

All the path in which we rove; Bliss He wakes and Will His change-less good - ness prove; From the gloom His Hope and com - fort from a - hove; Ev - 'ry - where His

r=f=F S3

— rn^ g— Egj- 4te I woe He light - ens; God is wis-dom, God is Love. bright ness stream - eth j God is wis - dom, God is Love. glo - ry shin - eth; God is wis-dom, God is Love.

-fB- -(2 —: -t5>- 1 i I X21 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

115 Rathbun. 8s, 7S.

Gottfried Arnold. Tr. by Miss 0. Winkworth, alt. and abr. Ithamar Conkey.

-w- I ! 1. Well for him who all things los - inn, 2. Well for him who noth - in); know - eth 3. Well for him who all for - sak - ing, i. 0 that we our hearts might sev - er m -4t_

£!-•-«»—r^- Ls< —*—4

E'en him - self (loth count as naught, Still the one thing But his God, whose bound-less love Makesthe heart wliere- Walk - eth not in shad-ows vain, But the path of From earth's tempt - ing van - i - tics, Fix - jug them on

I r rf*- 4t- *Efc PS 3B£ need - ful ehoos-ing, That with all true bliss is fraught! in it glow -eth Calm and pure and faith -ful prove! peace is tak - ing Through this vale of tears and painl Him for - ev - er In whom all our ful-ness lies!


116 Oast Thy Bread upon the Waters. 8s,7s.

PhoebeA. Hanaford, alt. and abr. Brackett.

1. Cast thy bread up - on the wa - ters, 2. Cast thy bread up • on the wa • ters, 3. As the seed by bil • lows float - ed,

— f-rf F v v- -v F-F-

Think -ing not 'tis thrown a - way; God Him-self saith.thou shalt Wild . ly tho' the bil- lows roll, They but aid thee as thou To some dis- taut is • land lone, So to hu -man hearts be -

| p t P |/ V

gatli • er It a • gain some fu • ture day. toil • est Truth to spread from pole to pole. night • ed, That thou fling - est may be borne. -4: — -P p- b b i 123 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

117 Stockwell. 8s,7s.

P. Li Heywood, D. E. Jones.

0 ■d i -i I d « I i I 1. Hear our pray'r, oh gra - cious Fa ther, 2. Armed with faitli may we press on ward, 3. Like the star of Beth - 1'liem shin


Au • thor of ce • les • tial good, That Thy Know-ing noth ing hut Thy will, Con-qu'ring Love will guide us all the way, From the

S- t *— • r-*52 r —F=f r Ti : ^r v v v —Rg 1 1 V X

• Ob 1* iP ni 1 1 r r — —— " -iTi f* I r- II «r i 3 J

laws so pure and ho - ly May be bet-ter un - der - stood, ev - 'ry storm of er - ror, With the sweet words,"Peaee,be still." depthsof er- ror's darkness, In - to Truth's e - ter-nal day.

to — — — —~ 'Iii =^—9 -»m im h 1


118 Know, O Child, Thy Pull Salvation. 8s,7s. J. S. Bach. Henry Francis Lyte, alt. and abr. Arr. by Albert F. Conant. gin A m

1. Know, O child, thy lull sal - va - Hon; 2. Think what spir . it dwells with - in thee ; 3. Haste thee on Irom grace to glo - ry, m•-A 1

— -• • =3= Rlse o'er sin and fear and care ; Joy to find, in Think what Fa-ther's smiles are thine ; Think what Je - sus Arm'd with faith and wing'd with pray'r, Heav'n's e - ter - nal I J -•- mm m

; — ALJ J— J—J— i i -i—l+n J i~n

ev ■ 'ry sta - tion, Some-thing still to do, or bear, did to win thee; Child of heav'n.can'stthou re - pine? day be - fore thee, God's own hand shall guide thee there.

— g—rf— f— p f . i s Tj( f-f- p■ Q-i— 126 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

119 Wilmot. 8s, 7s. St. Thomas of Aquino. —C. M. von Weber. I 3 — > —t- *

On tlie night of that last sup - per, He, man with man con - vers - ing, Lo! o'er an - cient forms de - part - ing, - er - last - - IS To the ev ing Fa tlier,

Seat - ed with His clio - sen baud, Christ, as food to Staid the seeds of truth to sow; Then he closed, in New - er rights of grace pre - vail; Faith for all de- Tlno' the Son who reigns on high, Be sal • va - tion,

* d *— 4 1 «— —1——— • — — — 'h r l I r f b 1 — — -J— =4= h i

all His breth-ren, Gives Him - self, with His own hand, sol - emn or - der, Won-drous - ly. His life of woe. feets sup - ply - ing, Where the fee - ble sens- es fall, lion - or, bless- ing, Might, and end - less maj-es - ty.

^. . 1 1 »— . » —«—*—n—pa —t—«—r


120 Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer. 8s,7s.

Mrs. L. M, Willis, abr. Braokett,


1. Fa llier, hear the pray'r we of fer: 2. Not for ev er in green pas tines 3. Not for ev er by still wa ters

*^ • v v v * > > \, f Not for ease that pray'r shall be; But forstrength.that wemay Do we ask our way to be; But the steep and rugged Would we i - dly qui - et stay; But would smite the liv-ing

- « *

— p , ;—•—• • —• — m p —ftp — — — ^, b» yft-* , 0 i

7! H 1 1 S F

^3 -i. I ev - er Live our lives cour - age - ous - ly. path - way May we tread re - joic - ing - ly. foun - tains From the rocks a - long our way. , P P .• p■■ fra rVj • t-^tt n — — — — —

v — u F-H r r p r-H [II g 127 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

121 Science, ss, 7s.

Laura 0. Nourse, alt. and abr, Braokett.

7 1 J .1 1 —1 J J TV**1 • • p—j 1. Now sweep - ing down the years tin - told, 2. For flow'r and fruit * age now are seen, S. His liv - ing pres • ence we have felt—

w C)^-jwt % — pt I -p-i: ■ —-4 »-=—1 s^jM^-T— 1— —1 i t— 1— —x-i 1 1— -i ■ — ■ j 1 1- —1 1 -1 — «< — - T t

— —N- — — rT 1 p * * ps Vfi° — i--H- rl — m- — m■— 1 d 1^—t- —•—— — ' —j •-*• —H ri The day of Truth is break- ing: And sweet and fair the Where blight and mil - dew rest - ed: The Christ to - day to The "word made flesh" a-mong us: And hearts of stone be-

leaves un - fold, Of Love's im - mor - tal wak • ing. us, has been By word and deed at - test • ed. fore Him melt— His peace Is brood - ing o'er us.


122 Redeemer. 8s,7s. G. F. Handel. Laura C. Hoarse, alt. and abr, Arr. by Frederic W- Hoot. — 1 , 1— ■ 1 uT3 — ' !=^-t 1 —d1 — =1 2 — E« i J Jd— ^ # « — g—1 f r r -J 1. With Lotb and Peace and Joy su . preme, 2. For God Is all; and Christ the way —

— — i ■ — — tg 1 -te— s r j 1


We hall the new ap - pear - lng ; From out the dark-ness Earth's meek and bold de - fend - er— Has cleft the night, and

=8* m r r I and the dream, The hav'n of rest is near - ing. lo I the day Bursts forth in might - y splen - dor. -«-F9— J=J: Pi 12!) CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

123 St. Sylvester. 8s,7s. E. 0. Waterson, abr. Bev. J, B. Dykea, Mns. Doc.

1. The • o • ries, which thou - sands cher ish, 2. World - lings blind • ly may re • iuse Her, 3. Thrones may tot - ter, em - pires crurn ble,


i>=t=t=*=i=v Pass likecloudsthatsweep the sky; Creeds and dog- mas all may Close their eyes and call it night; Learn - ed scof-fers may a • All their glo-ries cease to be; While She,Christ-like,crownsthe

JL. -A. J*. 9- \ 4=-

per • Ish; Truth Her -self can nev - er die. buse Her, But they can - not quench Her llghtl hum • ble, And from bond -age sets them free.

' Ft—I I " E^- r^f— )* 130 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

124 Vainly Through Night's Weary Hours. 8s,7s.

Henry Francis Lyte. Braokett. m 1. Vain - ly, through night's wea ry hours, . . 2. Vain were all our toil and la - bor, 3. Vain ■ er still the hope of heav - en, mi * j li ^=^=Z^ • J 1 1 P =g T £ i—

Keep we watch, lest foes a - larmj Vain our bul-warks,and our Did not God that la - bor bless; Valn,with-out His grace and That on hu - man strength re - lies; But to him shall help be

' Qf-8^U= IT" I*—m—\-d l-i*—F= H*— H*— CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

1 25 Autumn, ss, 7s, d.

Mrs. F. S. Lovejoy. Spanish Melody. Marechio.

1. O, my peo - pie! jour - n'ying on • ward,— 2. This the path which you must fol - low, 3. If you will but heed tins les sou,

- i-H— —9— — — — — — — m -& t t c =j 1 1 ^ — — — ^ 1 y —f—r r J

— 1 — —;=U2- * tr § * eJ- * Hj-T-jr-L^^^ "f". You of Christ's great broth-er- hood, Heed the les - sons which He This the way the Sav-iour trod; And He teach - es this will Which the bless - ed Sav-iour gave, Go - ing out in - to the

i — 1 — p— t— r i r t=z^=s=zzp==f

— — t^— =3? Jr. r gives you, Writ - ten in His bless - ed word, lead you In - to peace and up to God. by - ways Seek - ing those He came to save,


Strong and clear and full of mean - ing: 'Tls in deeds we serve the Mas - ter,— Tell - ing them the won - drous sto - ry,

^ \ iTT i i —C-U —

i • Come, if you would fol-low Me, Down a ■mong thepoorand Words are i - die, emp-ty prayer; All our Chris-Man life a With an earn - est heart of love,— Yours will be a glc-rious

— — — i =f=N^j^= m' ^^^-^fl

i low - ly; Here your Chris tian work must be. pre - tense, If the deeds are want - ing there. har - vest Gath-ered for the fold a - hove.


1 26 Austria. 8s, 7s, d.

Elizabeth Charles, alt. and air, F. J. Haydn.

' ' 1 : ' < : P• 1. True, the heart grows rich in giv ing; 2. Is the heart a well left emp • ty?

— —I-- ? f: *—^f- * m 0

All its wealth is liv - ing grain; Seeds which mil - dew None but God its void can fill; Noth - ing but a t f t

■ * , *

in the gar - ner, Scat-tered, fill witii gold the plain. cease-less Foun - tain Can its cease- less long-lugs still.

-j—i— r-^- Mm T f 184

7 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. m Is thy bur - den hard and heav - y? Is the heart a liv - ing pow - er?

— §— 1 I L

13 ♦ Pi I I I

Do thy steps drag wear - i - ly? Help to bear thy Self en - twined, its strength sinks low. It can on . ly


-•-■- 1 1-

broth- er's bur - den, God will bear both it and thee, live in lov - ing, And by serv - ing love will grow. PS • P- ' ^ i f I I— 135 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

1 27 Bavaria, ss, 7s, d.

F. L. Heywood, alt. and abr. Qerman. — — f 151 I ' 1 — i ( F

1. Break - ing through the clouds of dark - ness, 2. Christ - like in its ben - e • die - tious,


—j— i— 1—h

Black with er • ror, doubt, and fear; Light -ing up each som-bre God - like in its strength sub- lime; Conqu'riug ev - 'ry sub-tie

— — •< F H •— F— I 1 1 I—* 1 IH 1 Kb> L[ — t/ L« ' | f—

— — = — #=3 J=F? ? =3 3 — 1 1 -

shad - ow, Witli a ra - dlance soft and clear; er - ror, With a meek - ness all di - vine,—

I p p 1 y I T p / > £—| 136 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

. . i • ■ ■ 1 1 — — | v> —'—5—-J J J a * 4 1

Fill - tag ev • 'ry heart with glad - ness. Ma? It go a • cross the o • cean,

-*- -S- ♦ -f- -fl-

" j «! ■ eft f lij >i J-J I f JiJ ■J m

That Its ho - ly pow-er feels, Comes the Chris-tian Scl-ence And be known in ev - 'ry land. Till our sis - ters and our

1 r"? 1 ■ jhf-rh , -1 -- j V—f- 1—£— : % 4 y-

— ' — m a «t— s -» 3r

Gos • pel; Sin It kills and grief it heals, broth • ers Are n • nl • ted in one band,



128 Peace be to this Congregation. 8s, 7S, D.

Charles Wesley. Brackett.

4 * Pee*

1. Peace be to tbls con gre - ga - tlonl 2. O thou God ol Peace, be near us,

* r ^— i

Peace to ev 'ry heart there-in! Peace, the ear - nest Fix with - in our hearts Thy homej Witli Tliy briglit ap • 1.

—1 — — 1 [K-i-^-i M , 1 S 1 « 1 1— -. i r* of sal - \a-tion; Peace, the fruit of con-quered sin; pear - in g cheer us, In Thy bless • ed free-dom come.


All Voices in Unison.

Peace, that speaks the lieav'n - ly Giv - er; Come with all Thy rev . e • la tions,

1 — n 1 0 — — iV |— H i—i~l J i hi 1 I Peace, to world minds un - known ; Peace, that flow - eth, Truth which we 90 long have sought; Come with Thy deep -J—M-

* — -j— — — l-l i H nil• J ffi-H^l^i * ' ■ - - - as a riv - er, From th'e ter nal £ ource a lone. con - so - la - tions.Peace of God which pass - eth thought.

— IPI * jzd — -fc P— 1| td -f ^^-^ The small notes are (or accompaniment only. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

129 Greenville. 8S,73, d.

J. It. Neale, alt, J. J. Bosseau.

1. Ho ly Fa - ther, Thou hast taught us 2. We would trust in Thy pro - teet - tag, 4—»- t4—r^ mm

— . pl 1 n 1 m —I— — — — —1— — J*— • —J ^— — 9■ m E E 1— 4 —■d • TO *S 2 • a m X: Z■ i '2 —f F—p—1 J 1 r r r r f - We should live to Thee a lone; Year by year, Thy Whol-ly rest up • 011 Thine arm, Fol - low whol - ly

- J"1 I *H f f g-> f ' • • ^: —» e— »— 1—r k> • s—s -f—r—k—l4=: —F=f-

hand hath brouglit us On through dan-gers oft un - known, Tliy di - reet - ing, Tliou our on - ly guard from harm 1


When we wan • dered, Thou hast found usj Keep us from our own un - do - ing,

—j—*=f*- 4 g i—%— —* %p^r=jr= f-*—*

When we doubt - ed, sent us light; Still Thine arm has Help us turn to Thee when tried, Still our strength in

been a - round us, All our paths were in Thy sight. Thee re - new - ing. Keep us ev - er at Thy sidel


130 Ilsley. 8s,7s,d.

Thomas Hastings, alt. F. G. Ilsley,

1. He that go eth forth with weep . Ing, 2. Sow thy seed, be nev - er wea - ry,

0 ■ II r

— — — — — *— i— — ■J 1 « =i— i i v m P ^ —1 M—J= '* » ?• Bear - ing still ttle pre • clous seed, Nev • er Let not fear ttly thoughts em - ploy; Though the

R :—g— ft 1 1 1 ^ ^FT— i r r i — ^ „— —4 1

— ^ 1 — | f* H J J 1 -H b ^ E

tir - ing, nev- er £leep - ing. Soon shall see his toil suo- ceed; pros-peet be mostd rear - y, Thoumay'st reap the fruits of Joy:

—L 4» « i « " 1 — 1 -1—*—v z1— f—FhPe

Music copyright by Bbbkman F. Ilsley. Used by permission. 142 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

—«- i -J S=J=bjB fv ^-h ^

Show'rs of rain will fall from heav - en, Lol the scene of ver - dure bright - 'ning,

fefe -«-s-

U 1/

Then the cheer - ing sun will shine; So shall See the ris ■ ing grain ap • pear; Look a -

-r 11

— fK ' ' HiJ— =3=^H i- w4 1 i-

plen-teous fruit be giv - en, Through an in-fluence all di - vine, gain! the fields are whit-'ning, Har-vest time is sure-ly near.


131 Weimar. 8s, 7S,4s.

Bev. Thomas Kelly, alt. Ancient Melody.

1. Look, ye saints! the day Is break-ing; Joy - fill times are 2. God of Ja - cob, high and glo-rionsl Let Thy peo-ple a_ (5!- j


near at hand ; God.the might-y God, is speak-ing By His word in see Thy pow'r; Let the gos-pel be vie - to-lious Thro' the world for

-f=- -02- -!=£-

zftj I I I =1—1 , I I =!_U- J_L- i I i 1 I f=| |

ev-'ry land: Day ad - van-ces— Dark-ness flees at His com-mand, ev-er- more: Then shall i - dols Per- ish, while Thy saints a - dore.

1 1 1 ^ ' i1 mi r r T ^ipru 144 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

132 Wildersmouth. 8B, 7b, 4s. Eev. Thomas Kelly, abr. E J. Hopkins, Una. Dm -H hi— — ■- — N is S 1——f<

- T V Ev 'ry hu-man tie may per -Ish ; Friend to friend un-faithful prove ; 8. In the furnace God may prove thee, Thence to bring thee forth more bright,

* • * • — — — • r-Hr T i Tl 1 hr r'rr¥t H-

- _, -r— 1-, £4 — J-1

Moth-ers cease their own to cher-ish; Heav'n and earth at last re - move ; But can nev - er cease to lovetheejThou art pre-cious in His sight:

But no chan - ges Can at - tend Je - ho - vah's love.

God is with thee ; God thine ev - er • last - ing light.

By permission of Messrs. Week Es ft Co., on behalf of the Exors. of the late E. J. Hopkins, 145 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

133 Zion. 8s, 7s, 4s.

Jonathan Evans. Thomas Hastings.

1. Come, Thou all trans - form • Ing Spir - rit, 2. Ob, may all en - joy the bless - Ing i Bless the sow er and the Which Thy word's de - signed to give; CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. m Raise the weak, the hun gry feed! Joy lul - ly the truth re oeive ;

■y-s V \

■ PL s -m ' M"i 2 ^ g r r* v I $ c• g r r r From the gos - pel Now sup - ply Thy peo - pie's need, And for • ev - er To Thyp raise and glo ry live,

•' J J J — <» 1 rJ ^

-P rS — — —*— — — (MW H r— F -R-i —4 N& 1i 1 i—II 9 u E_I E LS B — 5—f —I—~ig—

From the gos - pel Now sup - ply Thy peo - pie's need. And for - ev - er To Tliy praise and glo - ry live.

\rr-l. 1— —

: i f: i ?■ I -l» — tf—r——M - — 4= L- H 147 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BYMNAL.

134 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah! 8s,7s,4s.

William Williams, alt. and abr. Brackett. #M =F ^, 1=

1. Guide me, O Thou great Je - ho - vah! 2. O • pen is the crys - tal foun - tain,

• 4- -f& l» -1— H=H=i 1—ai •— — 1rd 2-*T P H 1 H

n 1 1 — — W , t H 1 - 1 1 <3— #>=^& e1 LgJ ■ J ^ • ^ * r L-<5^ Pil - grim through this bar - ren land: ■Whence the heal • ing wa - ters flow:

0 ■f- r ■ ■ ^ 1- f2 E 1 CJi r-l 1 1 ' ■ # "V • fc — 1 1 1 1 f^— — 1 H p_ r -1 F -r r

' a)

1 am weak, but Thou art might y. fl And the ery cloud y Pil lar m


\&T^r- J I J M-«l P

Hold me with Thy pow'r - ful hand. Leads me all my jour - ney through. J -• -*- rj . qiT=^==q i i i—+-g F=pg-^- —Ha 1 3——i ' p-n — J—d— «M— >§ i— a

Bread of heav - -en! Strong De liv - - 'rerl [ — (Z 4 Rfft— Q 1 f5^1 & 1 _ — 1— -_jS£_! ' 1 —1 1 m Lt^ •—

Tf-ft 1 J—

Feed me till I want no more. Still Thou art my strength and shield,

1 4 — " I 1 ^ i=ti F^i 149 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

135 Nuremburg. 7s.

Josiah Condcr, Johann Rudolph Able- 5 -*— 1. Day by day the mau - na fell: 2. Day by day tbe prom - ise reads, 3. Lord, my times are in Thy hand: 4. Tliou my dai iy task shalt give; =1-

Oh, to learn this les - son well I Still by eon-stant "Dai -ly strength for dai - ly needs: Cast fore - bod - ing All my sau -guine hopes have planned, To Thy wis - dom Day by day to Thee I live; So shall add - ed

=t -0 •- r 4=1= • m 1 -r sr

- ■r, mer cy fed, Give me, Lord, my dai y bread, fears a - way; Take the man - na of to - day." I re . sign, And would mould my will to Thine. years ful • til Not my own, my Fa • tiler's will.


136 Everlasting Arms of Love. 73.

J. E. Macduff. is Bracfcett. 1 Ev - er last big arms of Love . 2. He our ev pies - ent 0 uide

■f —i*-

Are be - nealli, a - round, a - bove; God ft is who Faith-ful is what - e'er be - tide-, Glad - ly, then, we

bears us on, . His the arm we lean up - on. jour-ney on, . . With His arm to lean up - on.

, ~ . ^ —I - P o f2 1— • —n s — — r-H i i r^i h=j—f \^^-\ ^ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

137 Hendon. 7s.

William Gaskell, abr. and alti 0. E, A. Malan,

1. Might- y God, the First, the Last, What are a - ges 2. All that be - ing e'er shall know, On, still on, thro' 3. What so - e'er our lot may be, Calm - ly in this i ■*■ -p- — *—• —— t t rl t—T-i 1— -i i 1— -1 1 Ft-I 4-f—t- A-4- | — —F-

in Thy sight But as yes - ter - day when past, Or a far-thest years, All e - ter - ni - ty can show, Bright be - tho't we'll rest,— When we see as Thou dost see, We shall

watch with- in the night? Or a watch with -in the night? fore Thee now ap - pears, Bright be - fore Thee now ap - pears, love Thee and be blest, We shall love Thee and ■be blest.

152 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. f38 Partners of a Glorious Hope. 7s.

Charles Wesley, alt. Brackett.

- I —Ps- 3=

L Part • ners of a glo rlous hope! 2. Still tor get the tbings he - hind, 3. In our Hves oui faith be known, mi Unison. Pi Lift your hearts and voi - ces Jup; No - bly let us Fol - low God the on - ly Mind, To the mark un - Failh by ho - ly ac - tions shown; Faith that lnoiui - tains

I ^- f *■ t — — — -H F F F

Unison. 5± II f I bear the strife, Keep the ho - Ii - ness of life; wea ried press Seize the crown of right - eons - ness. can re - move, Faitli that al - ways works by love.

1— • .— • ■ m The small notes are for accompaniment only. 153 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

139 Pleyel. 7S.

J. F. Bahnmaier. Tr, by Miss 0, Winkworth, abr. Ignace Pleyel. I-4-J-— J 4 1

1. Word of Life, most pure, most strong! 2. Lo! the rip • 'ning fields we see: 3. Lord of liar . vest, let there be a*4z

— -4 5=* 3=3 -m 1

Lol for thee the na - tions long; Spread, till from its Might- y shall the liar- vest be; But the reap - ers Joy and strength to work for Thee, Till the na - tions

*=-! —E f r =t=f=

m ii I drear - y night All the world a - wakes to light. still are few; Great the work they have to do. far and near See Thy light, Thy law re - vere.


140 Wait, My Heart, upon the Lord. 73.

W. F. Lloyd, alt. and abr. Brackett.

1/ 1. Walt, my heart, up - on the Lord, 2. If the sor - rows of thy case 3. Bock of A - ges, I'm se - cure,

— "I— — 1—1 1 ■— Bw ^ 1 • a 1 >— 1 — * • •-. 0^—0 jjj <& • 0- a— t i I To His gra - cious prom-ise flee, Lay - ing hold up - Seem pe - cul - lar still to thee, God has prom - ised - With Thy prom - ise full and free; Faith -ful, pos i -

— — — p: -r r =>n r 5 I

'-^1/1- zc r_ i on His word, "As thy days thy strength shall be." need - ful grace- "As thy days thy strength shall be." tive, and sure— "As thy days tby strength shall be." -9- * * f ,

T• f ... 1~ . ■ ~. r 1 1 1 f 1 1 !■ "• — • —|l=— — — — 1 H 1 1 h

>} 1 1 1 j , !L"LJ [,/ / 1 * «2 — p — — — « v


141 Dijon. 7s.

Oliver Holden. J. G. Bitthauer.

o :3:7 -•- -•- • > ■ 1. They who seek the throne of grace, . . 2. In our sick - ness, in our health ; . 3. Then, my heart, in ev - 'ry strait, . .

-ig- ^8 ME

Find that throne in ev - 'ry place ; If we In our want, or in our wealth, If we To thy Fa - ther come and wait; He will

1— -xi «— M— I , -g- live a life of pray'r, God is pres-ent ev - 'ry - where. look to God in pray'r, God is pres-ent ev - 'ry - where, an-swer ev - 'ry pray'r, God is pres-ent ev - 'ry - where. — .11! — H —i 1— =H- P—*M— rt-f-— 1 1 t * Us


142 Holy ! Book Divine! 7s.

John Burton, abr. Braokett,

1. Ho Bi - ble! book di vine! ' 2. Mine to chide me when I rove, 3. Mine to com - fort in dls tress,

H« F 1 • •

1 1 — i 1 F i 1 — i i—i—H-j— — — * 1 J—ti-fed • • i- 4~ *-

Pre - cious treas - urel thou art mine: Mine to tell me Mine to show a Sav-iour's love; Mine thou art to If the Ho - ly Spir - it bless; Mine to show, by

3-b - ^—J J 1 — a — ^ — fV —•i • & 1— a— S—J— Y- R-J l-—irT?-U ts 1 whence I came; Mine to tell me what 1 am;— guide and guard; Mine to give a rich re - ward; — liv - ing faith, Man can tri - umph o - ver death. — — — ^vf— t E h -F—f f«— n — *r—Ff= •r-t=r— »—a— f— i i 167 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

143 Herford. 7s. English Melody. J. Bt Lowell. Ait. by Frederio W. Boot. — — — 1 h-l -1 1 . ' — J ' 3 — |>^4 J J 3 1&—1-5 - 1. They are slaves who will not choose Ha tred, 2. They are slaves who fear to speak For the i 4 * -#4V = 1 n*"

J— 1 i r —i i—

- - scof - fing, and a buse, Rath er than, in fall • en and the weak; They are slaves, who

— r-m—~ ^ b t=ir 1

^-L= 1 1 HT— ri P LsH [l-f- PT

— # hi F3=n ep2— J —.

si • lence, shrink From the truth they needs must think, dare not be In the right with two or three. f — f ■— > ^^rr =±— ii C- — II 1


144 Elijah. 73.

Mendelssohn. James Montgomery. Adapted by Frederio W. Boot.

1 i — 1— - =2 «_ ^ ^— — «• »— s£—I ^ l—fi, r 7 -<9- 1. God made all His crea - 'tare's £ree; 2. So shall all our Slav - ery cease,

& P m 1 — — ' p*—1 &- P— 1 ; — 1 ^ L 1 1 1— 1 1 ^ (Si H 1 —-f= l 1 -r -r r_i>

Life It - self Is lib - er - ty; God or - dalnedno All God's chll-dren dwell in peace, And the new-born

oth • er bands . . Than u - nit - ed hearts and hands, earth re - cord . . Love, and Love a - lone, is Lord. c f2. . u 6> 4— — - * 1 r 11 "F • i5'5?> ir" -1 1© CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

145 Halle. 7s, ei.

F. J. Haydn. Thomas Toke Lynch, alt. and abr. Arr, by Thomas Hastings. I — 4 a ■ r 1. Gra - cious spir ~ dwell with me ; 2. Truth - ful spir it, dwell with me ; 3. Might - y spir it. dwell with me :

my - self . would gra - cious be, my - self . would truth - fill be, my - self . would might • y be,


Would Thy life in mine re - veal ;

Let Thy life in mine ap - pear ; ■ ■Where un aid • ed man must fail ;

u=- ■-

Eg I -J J—Efe£

And with ac tions bold and meek

And with ac tions broth er iy a Et er by might y hope


146 Watchman. 7s, D.

John Bowring. Lowell Mason.

■> *

1. Watch man, tell us of the night, 2. Watch man, tell us ol the night; 3. Watch man, tell us of the night. — ^— r 1

W * S * J—L^ l^T: _? •w-i—*m

What its signs ot prom - ise are? Trav - 'ler, o'er yon High - er yet that star as-ceuds; Trav - 'ler, bless - ed - For the morn - ing seems to dawn j Trav - 'ler, dark - ness — — — — : t—*—i I—w=* —lp f—p Ip — F —1 r— 1 v I v f-^ H I 1

tT 1 * #^

moun tain's height See that glo - ry - beam - ing starl ness and llglit, Peace and truth its course por- tends; takes its flight, Doubt and ter - ror are with-drawu; m i 102 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE UTMNAL.

Watch • man, does Its beau - t'ous ray "Watch - man, will its beams a - lone Watch • man, let thy wan - d'rings cease;

— <- ■A n-

Aught of hope or joy fore -tell? Trav - 'ler, yes; It Gild the spot that gave them birth? Trav - 'ler, a • ges Hie thee to thy qui - et homel Trav - 'ler, lot the

—1 * — W 1 5 * i * ' V 4- f brings the day, Prom - ised day of Ts ■ ra - el. are its own; See, it bursts o'er all the earthl Prince of peace, Lot the Son of God, is comel CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

147 Webb. 7S,6S, D.

8. F. Smith. G. J. Webb.

1. The morn ing light Is break i"g; 2. Blest riv er of sal va tionl

The dark-ness dis - ap - pears! The sons of earth are Pur - sue thine on -ward way; Flow thou to ev - 'ry — 1—— 1 L i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

-1—,— 1— —iSI --4. — , =4 1 1 • 4 4 z* 4 1

Each breeze that sweeps the o - cean Stay not till all the low • ly

I < I ^ • r—#H • J • ■ i ,

Brings ti - dings from a • far, Of na - tions in com • Tri - umph-ant reach their home: Stay not till all the

— — -J =1 1 — — s-H j— i J 1 ^ -J =4 . J—

mo . tion, Pre - pared for Zi - on's war. ho - ly Pro - claim— "The Lord is come."


148 Aurelia. 73,6s, d. James Montgomery, abr. S. S. Wesley, tins. Doo.

±=fz tr-

1. God comes, with sue - cor speed 2. To Him shall pray'r uu eeas lug,


m To those who suf - fer wrong; To help the poor and And dai • ly vows as - cend ; His king- dom still in -

need y, And bid the weak be strong, creas Ing, A king - dom with out end. ■ft- r j- EE

166 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. — ' 1 1— -3 I —1 —■ h l— =— 1 w * *——■ ^ 2 :

He cornea to break op • pres sion, The tide of time shall nev • er

R-H? —i —• — — * -1 1 — J 1 1 r 1 J

i «— i JT_N4-4—J J— 1^ ^^^^^Ny17 p*^— 1— 1 j» ^-feyri--3

And set the cap - tive tree. To take a - way trans - His cov ■ e - nant re • move ; His name shall stand for -

■*-. km ■*- ■*- -jg-» a m m -P- m

v j I 1 p3 f^-Pfr-f-H- \ i-pFf I I

* it f gres sion. And rule in e • qui • ty. 6T er; His great, best name of Love.

, , . , J J — f '7 1 J ^ I 167 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1IYMNAL.

149 Ewing. 7s, Gs, D.

Ai L, W. Alexander Ewing.

1. In heav'n - ly love a • bid • ing, 2. Wher - ev - er He may guide me, 3. Greeu pas - tures are be • fore me,

^-H-r—Ff- j p —I

g^-44-J-j=4-Hii4-4^-J 1 J I I i i ' -*-«iH-gi-F» I i |3 , j-^p No change my lieart shall fear; And safe is such con - No want shall turn me back; My shep-herd is be - Which yet I have not seen; Bright skies will soon be -ft 93 :*r*- — 4=t=Mlh h- 4=i

fid - ing, For noth - ing cliang - es here. side lue, And noth - ing can I lack, o'er me, Where dark - est clouds have been.

168 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. 0m The storm may roar with out me, His wis - dom ev - er wak eth, My hope I can - not meas are, I

j \A''['/t i i J. i J i i i i

My heart may low be laid ; But God Is round a - His sight is nev - er dim; He knows the way He My path ui life is free; My Fa - ther has my

bout me, And can I be dis - mayed? tak - eth, And I will walk with Him. treas - ure, And He will walk with me.

— » 1 ^-'-f I M i=f f if^a 189 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

150 Day of Rest. 7s.eS, d.

Jane Borthwick, abr. J. W, Elliott. i 2z 1. Now is the time ap proach lng, 2. Let all that now dl vides us jr I By proph - ets long fore - told, When all shall dwell to- Re - move and pass a - way. Like shad - ows of the

4L«— 1— T

-si- 9^

Beth er, One shep - herd and one fold, morn ing Be fore the blaze of day.

I 2?Z

By permission of Novello & Co., Ltd. 170 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

-3r T Now Jew and Gen - tile, meet - ing Let all that now u nites . . us


i— — -j j i i =f=f "3 1 i 1 -1 «< ^b=^r- "5"'

From many a dis - tant shore, A - round one al - tar More sweet and last - ing prove, A clos - er bond of


kneel ing, One com mon Lord a dore■ nion, In a blest land of love

I I -72- 3= Ft The small notes are for accompaniment only. 171 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

151 Greenland. 7s,6s,d.

Benjamin Gongh, abr, Lausanne Psalter.

1 J j I i— -1 — tJ—s—J-— o - : -6> 1 1

1. How beau - t'ous on the moun tains, 2. Break forth in hymns of glad ness ; -P • m rr The feet of him that brings, Like streams from liv - lng O waste Je - ru • sa - leml Let songs, in - stead of — i r -(2-'

si — — — r3=i=l— d ~ j— F=r—— *— ■—4— *— =4= 1 -3— ^

foun tains, Good tld - ings of good tbings; sad ness, Thy ju - bi ■ lee pro - claim; m


-i— 1 5

That pub - lish - eth sal va tion, The Lord, in strength vie to rlous,

r And ]u - bi - lee re - lease, To ev - 'ry tribe and Up - on til y foes hath trod; Be - hold, O earth! the I m


tion, God's reign of joy and peace! glo rious Sal - va - tion of our God!


152 Munich, ts.gs, d. J. Or,Storl's Choralbuch. James Montgomery. Harmonized by—Mendelssohn. h—J—j- i in =f=i

i 1. God Is my strong sal • va - Hon; 2. Place on the Lord re 11 - ance;

~ J^"] J f . (S ft , 1" ^ • P5 N» 1 ^|f-*J— p =r—w -• p-4-P r— 1

* 33

What foe have I to fear? In dark -ness and temp- My heart, with cour- age wait; His truth be thine af -

T *- +■

g P I I:

— — — —— t#§M* i i i I 1 1— — S g—:!= s> 1 1 ta - tion, My Light, my Help is near: fi • ance, When faint and des • o • late:


P -J J | Though hosts en camp a - round me, His might thy heart shall strength en,

-p p =|' 1 1

*—-— ^- ^—*—• - i Tj» j*-

Firm in the fight I stand; What ter - ror can con- Hls love thy Joy in - crease; Mer - cy thy day shall mi r i

found me, With God at my right hand 1 length - en: The Lord will give thee peace!

— i r


153 Missionary Hymn. 7s,cs,d.

Lowell Masoni mi

1. A glo - rious day Is dawn - ing, 2. The ad - vo - cates of er - ror 3. Tlie watch - word has been spo - keu,

And o'er the wak-ing eartli The her -aids of the Fore - see the glo- rious morn, And hear in shrink-ing The light has brok-en forth. Far shines the bless- ed I

morn - ing Are spring - ing in - to birth. ter - ror, The wateli - word o£ re - form, to - keu Up - on the star - tied earth.


r-l 1 FT J J J -H i—=i * — fc=l i j : i w ^f=2 2 — In dark and hid - den pla - ces It rings from hill and val - ley, To hearts and homes he - night - ed

—r ET 3 5 a=l

There shines the bless -ed light; The beam of truth dis - It breaks op - pres-sion's chain, A thou -sand free -men The bless - ed truth Is giv'n, And peace and love, u -

pla - ces The dark - ness of the night, ral - ly, And swell the might - y strain. nit - ed, Point up - ward un - to heav'n.


154 Wordsworth. 7s,6s,d.

Eev. Carl Johann Philipp Spitta. Tr. by Bichard Hassle, alt, and abr. William Henry Monk, Mns. Doc, -0- I 1. I know no life dl - vld - ed, 2. I fear no tnb u - la . tion,

a a. — a & A — 5 N 1 f- 1 —P 1 f-fe | 1 i F—p— |»

, , i ■ i — —' d aj zrf— i r-t- "4 « pi -gL a ' ^-"s J—J- & • «J LfiJ—si— si—«.

O Lord "of life, from Thee; In Thee is life pro - Since,what - so - e'er it be, It makes no sep - a - mi CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. Ittt r 3 J i m I know no death, 0 Fa ther, Since Thou, my God and Teach er,

-ts>- r


Be - cause I live in Thee ; Thy life it is which Vouchsafe to be my own, Though poor, I shall be

&—S G> m 5 f2— W

pi H-U—j 1 ii i i 1 1 m frees us From death e • ter • nal • ly. rich - er Than mon • arch on his throne. g * 1 r r r 8: II -^tt* M S> 1 p II r h f 179 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE UYMNAL.

155 St. Cecilia. 6s.

Emily F. Seal, alt. and abr. Bev. L. G. Hayne, Mns. Doo.

1. What is thy birth - right, man, Child 2. Thou art Truth's lion - est child, Sin • 3. Dreams of sense dis - ap pear As 4. Take then the charm - ed rod; Thou -w" -r- -r- "w ' i r* ■—z 1 -L P L ==— tzr: 1 S ^ Z*5_j H- _ 1^ 3

1—I- * * Sir r of the per - feet One! What is thy Fa - ther's less and pure of heart, Tread - ing, meek, un - de - Truth dawns on the sight, The plian - toms of tliy art not er - thrall! Thou hast the gift from

i plan For His be - lov - ed son? filed In Christ - ly paths a • part. fear, Flee - ing be - fore the light. God— Do - min - ion o - ver all. 4=2-- H«- i 180 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IIYMNAL.

156 If God is All in All. es.

Emily F. Seal, alt. and abr. Brackett. — —* : h -J f>-

1. If God is all in 2. If God is alt, in 3. We see ere - a - tive 4. Oh, Per - feet and Dl :

N — t*—s 1 M—!-^=^J—===r -« J— * ' v v > — His cliil-dren can - not fear. See base -less e - vil No sub - tie er - ror creeps. We see Truth's glow-ing ThePrln- ci - pie, the Life; And Soul and Sub stance We hear Thy lov - lug call, And seek no earth - ly

i — — h L " — — ^ v v— \ v v— f f-

.4 WW/e slower, -f* 1* hr

T fall, . . Know - ing that God Is here ! face, . And Love that nev ■ er sleeps, find, . But nev - er dis - cord, strife. shrine . But "crown Thee Lord of All." P— m 181 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

157 St. Gertrude. cs,6s.

8. Baring-Gould. Sir Arthur S, Sullivan. Q „ I 111, L-J | , , , ■ r-r -i

1. On - ward, Chris- tian sol - diers, March -lug as to war, 2. Like a might- y ar - my Moves the Church of God; 3. Crowns and thrones may per - ish, King - doms rise and wane, 4. On - ward, then, ye peo - pie, Join our hap-py throng;

^2■ 4=- Me f44 is -«>- With the cross of Je - sns Go - ing on be - fore. Broth-ers, we are tread - ing Where the saints have trod; But the Cliurch of Je - sus Con - stant will re - main; Blend with ours your voi - ces In the tri - umph - song ; 1/—- TS ■*-■*--»- -t- ha a ■*- -f*-

r— J • 1— - — — — * 1 =*=F 4 4 r — *r- —s —J- d b J— 1

Christ.the roy - al Mas - ter, Leads a - gainst the foe; We are not di - vid - ed, All one bod - y we, Gates of hell can nev - er 'Gainst that Church pre • vail; Glo - ry, laud, and hon - or Un - to Christ the King;

By permission of Novbllo A Co., Ltd. 182 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

r—r BE -IS- For - ward in • to bat tie, See, his ban - ners go. One in hope and doo • trine, One in char - I • ty. We have Christ's own prom - ise, And that can • not fail. This through count-less a • ges, Men and an • gels sing.

Chorus. — yf ——1— b 1 1 1 f--j -i— i— TV * 1 —ir^ -*. *. • p * r-j■-j■-i-«r- r r -j- -j- b r On-ward,Chris-tian sol . diers, JV[arch-ing a I to war,

r* P P—*— h=)-!=t=f- P f j_ -%—1 -J P- 1 P- L —*— — U-j-4- — 1 L-"=r t- 1



158 Bethany. es,4s.

Sarah F. Adams. Lowell Mason.


1. Near er, my God, to Thee, 2. Though like the wan der - er, 3. There let the way ap - pear

)•-! m

a—- — — —— 7 ■ F H J t- H f i 0

near - e to Thee: E'en though it be a cross the sun gone down, Dark - ness be ver me, steps un - to heav'n; All that Thou send - est me — ■«-. Yf—t: > f=f=H= 1 1 — I h

tliat rais - eth me, Still all my song shall be,- my rest a stone, Yet in my dreams I'd be in mer - cy giv'n ; An ■ gels to beek - on me, !



Near - er, my God, to Thee, Near - er, my

93=^ p—u4P^=f-==l^=^p=^

— 25—

God, to Thee, to Tliee.


4 Then, with my waking thoughts bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee.

5 Or if on joyful wing cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, upwards I fly, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee.


159 Italian Hymn. 6S,43.

M. II., alt. F. Qiardini.

n i , I— F*M= — 4=4e: i 1. From out the hid - 'ous night, Seek-ing Thy per - feet light, 2. Armed with Thy Truth's sharp steel, No fear of foes I feel,— 3. Turn - ing from death and sin, Thy Life to en - ter in,

Dear Lord, I come! Ambushed on ev - 'ry side, Dark er-ror's Strong in Thy might. Love,crown-ing all with peace.Bids strife and Lord, may I prove,— All things to us are giv'n, Health,hope,and •

■4- J I , -m- . -.«-

foe-men hide; Ambushed on ev - 'ry side, Thou lead'stme on. tu- nml t cease; Love,crown-ing all with peace, Makes ser-vice light. joys of heav'u,— All things to us are giv'n, Gifts of Thy love. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

160 Truth Comes Alike to All. rs,4s.

S. J. Avery. Braokett. IS •«h- 39= m 3E

1. Truth comes a - like to all, Who on Her name dare call, 2. Come, all - per - vad - ing Love, Blest heart of Heav'n a - bove,

1 fcrT 55 5

With mo - tives pure ; Then let us all u-nite, Whh Freedom's O Spir-it blestl Life,Truth,and Good shall be Our glo-rious

—— —— 3 i I F 1 i r

star insight, Press on -ward in the right. Which shall en -dure. Trln - 1 - ty. And ev - 'ry heart shall see E - ter - nal rest. 3E


161 Shepherd, Show Me How to Go. 7s,5s,d.

Mary Baker Eddy. William Lyman Johnson. Prayerfully.

1. Shep - herd, show me how to go 2. Thou wilt bind the stub born will, 3. So, when day grows dark and cold, — 1 h—»■

O'er the hill - side steep, How to gath - er, Wound the cal - lous breast, Make self -right -eons - Tear or tri - umph harms, Lead Thy lamb - kins


how to sow, How to feed Thy sheep; ness be still, Break earth's stu - pid rest. to the fold, Take them in Thine arms;

1=T m Words copyright, 1887,by Mary Bakbb Eddy. Used by permission. Music copyright, 1906,by Thb Christian Scibncb Board ouvDirkutors, 188 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

\M J. J i =j^±4— — gp-«^-=j j g i— h —^ I will lis ten for Thy voice, Stran - gers on a bar ren shore, Feed the hun gry, heal the heart.

cres -

Lest my foot - steps stray; I will fol - low La - b'ringloug and lone, We would en - ter Till the morn - ing's beam; White as wool, ere J f


and re - jolce All the rug - ged way. by the door, And Thou know'st Thine own; they de - part, Shep - herd, wash them clean. I

& * 1- * ' f>' si ii


162 Capetown. 7s, 3s.

Charlotte Elliott, abr, Prom "Geistliche Lieder." Friedrioli Filitz, f§|E — —wm» 1. Gird thy heav'n - ly ar - mor on, 2. Hear the vie - tors who o'er - came; 3. Hear, a - bove all, hear thy Lord ; i 9 ,— p • • p 8 — a 2 | £|t • F >- 1 — i jii± P i ■ ■ —i ' 1

Wear It ev er night and day; Still they mark each war - rior's way; Him thou lov est to o bey;


Am-bushed lies the e - vil one: Watch and pray, All with warn-ing voice ex - claim,— Watch and pray, Hide with - iu thy heart His word,— Watch and pray. m


163 Gottschalk. 73.

Josiah Conder. Arr, from L, M, Gottschalk.

1. Day by day the man - na fell; Oh, to 2. Day by (lay the prom - ise reads, "Dal - ly 3. Lord, my times are in thy hand: AH my 4. Thou my dai - ly task shalt give; Day by

— ^— ——h- — -J | | —h m t¥— %—2-

learn this les - son well! Still by con - stant strength for dal - ly needs: Cast fore -bod - tug san - giiine hopes have planned, To Thy wis - dom day to Thee I live; So shall add - ed

— r=H=~ "®t "In * s r mer - cy fed Give me, Lord, my dai - ly bread, fears a - way; Take the man - na of to - day." I re - sign, And would mould my will to Thine. years ful - fill Not my own, my Fa - titer's will.

• — P=F —P= : F Music "bypermission of Olivbb Ditson Co. 191 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

164 St. Vincent. 9s, u. Frances A. Fox, abr. J. TJglow. — ■ — -M r r pt- -1 1 -t-l- t i

1. Ill Tliee, oh Spir - it, true . . . and ten - der, 2. With - in Thy Love is safe ... a - bid - ing 3. In Thee I have no pain ... or sor - row,

I find my Life, as God's own child; With - in Thy From ev - 'ry thought tliat f?iv - eth fear; With - in Thy No anx - ions thought, no load of care. Thou art the £Lt jgjjkfl , Jl &

-r—H-rFrFF k-frH l J J 1-4J-J-

i1 wild, Light of glo-rious splendor, I lose the earth-clouds,drear and Truth, a per-fect chid-ing, Should I for - get that Thou art near, same to - day, to - mor-row; Thy love and truth are ev - 'ry- where. j - ' ^ jyi* - i , . - : • n• .* • _i_ rJ » _ i J « i rjg lj ^ ^ f f^rr LP i r 192 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

165 Eventide. ios.

Henry Francis Lyte, abr. William Henry Monk, Mns. Doc.

-0 •-

1■A - bide with me: fast falls the e - ven - tide; The dark ness 2.1 need Thy pres-ence ev-'ry pass ing hour. What but Thy 3 I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no I XZ—'S- a , =t==i= T 54=

l—l — ———— .. f-b ^—H i 1 i i l-l > =* *J 1 laJ 1 -J ff \vn | -< a fl" 1 1 V z —— <& •— —

deep - ens; Lord, with me a - bide: When oth-er help - ers grace can foil the tempter's pow'r? Who like Thy - self my - - weight.and tears no bit ter uess : Where is death's sting?where,

p i i_=r:=i=zi= Es==S=f=E^g= -se

- fail, and comforts flee, Help of the help-less, O a bide witli me.

guide and stay can be? Thro' cloud and sunshine, O a- bide with me. I grave.thy vic-to - ry? triumph still, if Thou a -bide with me. I I II | r I 193 CHRISTIAN- SCIENCE HYMNAL.

166 Toulon. ios.

Horatius Bonar alt The Geneva Psalter.

a —i U -1 1 — — 1— r^4 i 1 -11 1— |— d— J- & — — — — 1— ■ •—~- -& ^ '-I ^ d 1— X m *r -3- r ■ s 1. Here O my Lord I'd see Theeface to face; Herewould I 2. Here would I feed up - on the bread of God; Here drink with 3. And as we rise, the sym - bols dis - ap - pear ; The feast, tho' 4. Feast af-ter feast thus comes and pass-es by; Yet pass-ing,

-.111 —is>— 1— touch and han-dle things un - seen ; Here grasp with firm •• er Thee the roy-al wine of heav'n; Herewould I lay a- not the love, is pass'd and gone ; The bread and wine re • points to the glad feast a • bove — Giv - lng sweet fore- taste


hand th' e-ter-nal grace, And all my wea-rl-nessup - on Thee lean, side each earthly load, Here taste a - fresh the calm of sin for - giv'n. move,but Thou art here— Near - erthan ev-er—still my Shield and Sun. of the fes-tal joy, The Lamb's great bridal feastof bliss and love.


167 Berlin. ios.

W. F. Sherwin, al)r. Mendelssohn. SI ^4—+ 5 " - u r i -f i ^ 1. Why is thy faith, O child of God, so small? 2. Oh, blest as - sur - ance from our ris - en Lord! 3. "Ask what thou wilt," but, oh, re-mem-ber this,— el


Why doth thy heart shrink back at du-ty's call? Art thou o - bey - ing Oh, preeious com - fort breathing from the Word ! H ow great the prom-ise ! We ask and have not, for we ask a - miss When, weak in faith, we I - e) g • . • a h= e— ^&-\ f±=t= •f r -^M>-——V i r rr — ^4 ! i 1/

this— "A-bide in me," And doth the Master's word abide in thee? " could there greater be? "Ask what thou wilt.it shall be done for thee! on - ly half be - lieve That what we ask we real-ly shall re-ceive■

• *—•—— •—m -*-} 1 % ' 1 F- \\ ;bbff r 1 1 1 - b II • 136 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

1 68 Savannah. ios.

Theodore Parker. Ifrnace Pleyel. s

— • ■ 1

hi s • ">"! 1 1 i • • LJ— — — m 1 «J 1 ■ 1. O Thou great Friend to all the sons of men. Who once ap 2. We look to thee: thy truth is still the light Which guides the 3. Yes: Thou art still the Life ;Thou art the Way The ho-liest



1 f-d-

peared in humblest guise be - low, Sin to re - buke, to break the na - tions, grop-ing on their way, Stumbling and fall-ing in dis-

know,— Light.Life .andWay of heav'n ; And they who dear-est hope,and

T3^ 1

1" J rr 3=r 4J j ; +4 J ^=5 cap-tive's chain, And call thy brelh-ren forth from want andwoel as-trous night, Vet hop-ing ev - er for the per -feet day. deep -est pray, Toil, by the Light,Life,Way,which Thou hast giv'n.


169 Lux Benigna. 10,4,10,4,10,10.

John Henry Newman, abr. Eev, J. B. Dyk es,Mns. Doc,

* r -j-H— -IN)* ^ M 1 | 1 \r 1. Lead.kindly LIght.amid th' encircling gloom.Lead Thoume on IThe night is 2. I was not ever thus.nor pray'd that Thou Shouldst lead me on ; I lov'd to

dark, and I am far from home,— Lead Thon me on ! Keep Thou my feetl I choose and see my path jbut now.Lead Thou me on ! I loved the gar - ish

- * p m rets>— -rtS"—F—"-r I I P L % R- - -1tg 'to9 t=3= in f- 1

fc±=t 4 SI3 •11

do not ask to see. . Thedis-tant scene,—one step enough forme, day.and spite of fears, . Pride ruled my will :remember not past years.

1 si ^jy,Kb [ #-15'-[ *-f=- 1

By permission of Novbllo & Co., Ltd. 197 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

170 Portuguese. lis.

George Keith, abr. John Beading.


1. How firm a foun - da tion, ye 2. " Fear not I am with tliee, oh, 3. "When through ery tri • als thy

*4^' j g r I saints of the Lord ! Is laid for your be not dis mayed For I am thy path - way shall lie, My grace, all suf i - J i

1— J j j 1 N i i i-^ —1— r— tr*—^Us M-J- r r faith in His ex - eel - lent word ! What more can He God, I will still give thee aid; I'll strength -en thee, fi - cient.shall be thy sup - ply; The flame shall not CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

mi=f=£r m ' i who for say, than to you He hath said,— To you, - My help thee, and cause thee to stand, Up held by - dross to con- hurt thee; I on - ly de sign Thy

—— i — i H i ^ -i*i— - n r+ —. y^4 u ■0 you, who for ref - uge to Je - sus have fled? held by My gra - cious, om - ni - po - tent hand, dross to con - sume, and thy gold to re - fine.

J — i K i •—• i H— — W— , , p p- M ; T_ \-a— » m — -j w —i 1 i — — i-f h=±+ -s


171 Henley, ns.ios.

Harriet Beeoher Stowe, abr. Lowell Mason.

1. Still, still with Thee when pur-ple morning break-eth, When the tired 2. A - lone with Thee, a - mid the seeming shad - ows, The sol -emu 3. So shall it ev - er be in that bright morning, WhenDi-vine

-mrt— »- Em i

-gj- mm-0- v v wak - eth, and the shad-owa flee, Fair - er than morn - tag, hush of be- ing, new- ly born, A - lone with Thee, in sense bids ev-'ry shad-ow flee, And in that hour fair- -(2 ^ p— 0 =t=n i r

love-lier than the daylight.Dawns the sweet consciousness,I am with Thee. breathless ad- o - ra-tion,In the calm dew and freshness of the mom. er than daylight dawning.Re -mains the glorious thought I am with Thee.

3=t t—ii I I


172 Seccomb. us, ios.

J. G. Whittier. Charles H. Morse. d-t-r -s>- -si- ■# ^ TSt" 1. Oh, he whom Je- sus lovedhastru-ly spo-ken, That ho - lier 2. Then.brother man, fold to thy heart. thy broth-er! For where love 3. Fol - low.with rev-'rentsteps,thegreatex-am- ple O1 him whose

3ER -U—s

wor - ship, which God deigns to bless, Re- stores the lost, and dwells, the peace of God Is there : To wor - ship right - ly ho - ly work was do - ing good ; So shall the wide earth


—UU- — | J |] n *— 4=|t<-' -

Copyright by Charles H. Morsb, 1893. Used by permission. 201 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

173 Lyons, us (or 12s, 11s).

Anon. F. J. Haydn.

— r— ^ 1 1 - 1 —F=3 5=? —m • H d s : W*i J — — b-J i J •J -5- E3.

1. Be firm and be faith • ful; de •

2. If scorn be thy por - tion, if

sert not the right; The brave be . come ha - tred and loss, If stripes or a

bold - er the dark - er the night! - pris - 011, re mem - ber the cross I I I J ,

— : • — • — „ . • • r- • a s> .


Then up and be do . ing, though God watch • es a • hove thee, and

m 1 — b. — ———— Rf-b-K t —t —f ^ m mb '—w— — w— F - F F - 1 1 -f" h r h

1— —. —-U=»sJ — — — — — •■■— 4 i i j j— — <— —• J—' I-

cow aids may fail; Thy du - ty pur - He will re - quite; De - sert those that —r-*— Rf-b-s— 3 1 i b b H-rH1— - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RTMNAL.

174 While Thou, O My God, Art My Help and Defender, us, (12s,us). Brackett.

-22Ju —1 —« J 1 =*= t ah J- *' J * —*' " — 7l' T 1. While The u, 0 my (}od, art my 2. Yes, Tho u art my ref - uge ill

| n • 1 p S •— —" U1 i J I p -p_ g 1 . r£_—rfc ! 5=

i£fc*= — EE— J J— 1 — ^ ^=— 1 =tP- 1 wlielm me, no ter . rora ap - pall; Sllf fer, my hope when I fall,

-19- m * " — f- —' g ■ f—¥— 1- 1 — — b=t 1 — =t . " f r 1 1 1 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. — lA^ i —& 1 F=| 1 J= ' — J 2/ Lj —1— >W f | Tlie wiles and the snares of tins My com fort and joy in this mi

r woi'ld will but ren - der More live - ly my land of the stran - ger, My treas - ure, my

_| 1 U4-r# r-g-

hopes in my God and my all. glo ry, my God, and my all.


175 Lischer. h. m. F. J. 0. Sohnelder. Isaac Watts, alt. and abr. Ait. by Lowell Hason.

1. My feet shall nev - er slide, Nor

fall in fa tal snares, Since God, my guard and blasts of 'ning air, Shall take my health a -

— m , . -f- f-

-\ I | i U I I

oft | ,—•"1 I I | ri —«U- - — —• — «— M — a — — 1 1 F-1-' — *J m 1 Ctr- Si • -3 -3= Ed -f- I guide, De - fends me from my it ars: way, For God is with me ti lere:

1 —— rf f»— f ■ - —1 • fJ 1 =F


Those wake - ful eyes That nev - er sleep, Thou art my sun, And Tliou my shade,

ji H : j t• =4=^ % s -HI £ 1 - Shall Is - - rael keep When dan gers rise. yc To guard my head By llight loon. 9- fit • . ■ ~ — i i i i 1 -©* 1

176 Calm. 8,0,8,6,8,8.

Samuel Longfellow, abr. Thomas Hastings,


1. I look to Tliee in ev 'ry need, 2. Dis - cour - aged in the work of life, . . 3. Em - bos - omed deep in Thy dear love.


I feel Thy touch, e - ter nal Love, Shamed by its fail • ures or its fears, Tliy hand in all things I be - hold, s -g-


m The thought of Thee is might ier far But let me on ly think of Tliee, Thou lead • est me by un sought ways,


Than sin and pain and sor • row are. . And then new heart springs up in me. . , And turu'st my mourn - ing in • to praise. , o- 9* -»— SI 209 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

1 77 Wessex. 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 8.

Bernard Barton, alt. E. J, Hopkins, Una. Doo.

1. Oh, be not faith - less! with the morn 2. Thou know - est not which seed shall grow 3. Oh, could our in - ward eye but view, ■m-

Cast thou a broad thy grain! Or which may die or live; Our hearts but feel a right,

At noon faint not, nor be for - lorn, In faith and hope, and pa - tlence, sow! What faith and love and hope can do,


By permission of Messrs. V7EEKES & Co., on behalf of the Exoxa. of the late E. J. HoPKIHS. 210 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. —— i 1 !>_ ■ — 1 — kafo j a -M m 1 1 =1 tr * •i r0 m-— m |p r At eir - 'nlng sow a gain! The ic - crease God shall give, By theIr ce - les - tial might,

—• £ r . *— I 1. L L i=&i 1 ^ 17 * — P F F —1 1

— j l_J' | — N—:! * -3 l Bless - ed are they, what - e'er be - tide, Ac - cord - ing to His gra - cious will,— We should not say, with lone • ly dread,


Who thus an wa - ters sow be - side. As best His pur - pose may ful - ML The pow'r of mir - a - cle Is fled.


178 Communion Hymn. 10,7,7,7, £

Mary Baker Eddy. Brackett, r 1. Saw ye my Sav iour? 2. Mourn er, it calls you,— 3. Sin ner, It calls you,— 4. Strong est de liv 'rer,

5-b4— f-

" is£ terse ow/y. 2d, 3d, and 4th verses only. i -iS>- Heard ye the glad sound? {Omit. . . . . ) (Omi< ) come to my bos - om, (Omit. . . ) come to this foun - tain ; (Omit ) friend of the friend - less, 2 ,B


Felt ye the pow'r of the Word? Love wipes your tears all a - way. Cleanse the foul sen • ses with - hi; Life of all Be • ing di - vine:

Copyright, 1889,by Mary Bakbr Eddy. Used by permission. 212 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

1 -©>- —*i—* -

'Twas the Truth that made us free, And will lift the shade of gloom, 'Tis the Spir it that makes pure, Thou the Christ, and not the creed ; m -m—0 0- t i r

And was found by you and me And for you make ra - diaut room That ex - alts thee, and will cure Thou the Truth in thought and deed;

tx • IB

111 the life and the love of our Lord, Midst the glo - ries . of one end - less day. All thy sor - row and sick - ness and sin. Thou the wa - ter, the bread, and the wine. -0- -0- bf-


179 O'er Waiting Harpstrings of the Mind. gs>4s.

Mary Baker Eddy, William Lyman Johnson, With feeling.

1. O'er wait - lug harp - strings of the mind 3. Then His un - veiled, sweet mer - cies show 6. Tims Truth en - grounds me on the Rock 7. My pray'r, some dai - ly good to do

^ f There sweeps a strain, Low, sad, and sweet, whose Life's bur - dens light; I kiss the cross, and Up - on Life's shore, 'Gainst which the winds and To Thine, for Thee ; An of - f'ring pure of I

3=S -L-4— L m p meas - ures bind The pow'r of pain. 2. And wake to know A world more bright. 4. And waves can shock, Oh, nev - er morel 6. From Love, where - to God (Omit ) - ! =g m \ ti r• n 'f Words copyright, 1887,by Mary Bakes Eddy. Used by permission. Music copyright, 1906.by The Christian Scirmob Board op Directors. 214. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

Last stanza only. End L_r r {Omit wake a white - winged {Omit .... o'er earth's trou - bled, {Omit .... tir - ed joy and lead • etli '


an gel throng Of thoughts, il - lumed By an gry sea, I see Christ walk, And grief a - far, And near - er Thee, . . .


I faith, and breathed in rap - lined song, With love per>fumed come to me. and ten - der - ly, Di - vine -Iy talk, Fa - ther.wliere Thine own chil - dien are. 1 love to be. I -»- -•- I I f=±f=r i 215 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

180 Blumenthal. 8s, 7S, D.

J, If. Neale, alt. J. D. Blumenthal. J J V I

1. Ho . ly Fa ■ tlier, Thou hast taught us 2. We would trust lu Thy pro • teet • ing, m ^—r—H=4=

- — i 1 Fj=T 1 I—h— ^ J—gH :L-l t t ^7 1 We should live to Thee a • lone; Year by year, Thy Whol • ly rest up • on Thine arm, Fol - low wliol - ly i i ■ * « f* . p p f f — — T r r

-N —

hand hath brought us, On through dan - gers oft nn- known Thy di • reet - ing, Thou our on - ly guard from harm !

■f- hf- §S3 m


When we wan - dered, Thou Iiast found usj Keep us from our own un - do - ing.

When we doubt - ed, sent us light; Still Thine arm has Help us turn to Thee when tried, Still our strength in

been a - round us. All our paths are In Thy sight. - Thee re - new - ing, Keep us ev er at Thy side 1


181 I'm a Pilgrim and I'm a Stranger.

II. 8. B. Sana. Anon.

1. I'm a pil • grim, and I'm a stran - gerj 2. There the glo • ry is ev • er shin - ingl 3. There's the cl • ty to which I Jour - ney;

— P tr-1- " tr I can tar - ry, I can tar - ry but a night; Oh, my long - lug heart, my long- ing heart is there! My lie - deem - er, my Re - deem - er, is its light! JL 4L 4L JL J■ JL JL

Do not de - tain me, for I am go • ing Here in this conn - try so dark and drear - y, There Is no sor • row, nor a . uy sigh - ing, m m By permission of the Century Co. 218 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

a=fc i . * i i

To where the fomi - tains are ev - er - flow - lug: I long have wan - dered for - loin and wea - ry: Nor an - y tears there, nor an - y dy - ing;

9- " 7 I'm pil . grim, and I'm stran - gerj ^3 .

« — — — mm « : .*

I can tar - ry, I can tar - ry but a night.

JL JL JL jfL JL Jt j 1 I- PI 1


182 I Need Thee Every Hour. " Without me ye can do nothing." John 15: 5. His. Annie S. Hawks. Bobert Lowry. I—I— i—i— * , • * \" V 1 ■ ■ - Z - — — • r I- « -»■ r r J 2. I need Tbee ev'ry hour; Stay Tliou near by ; Tempta-tions lose their 3. I need Thee ev'ry hour, In joy or pain ; Come quickly and a - 4. I need Thee ev'ry hour; Teach me Thy will; And Thy rich promis - 5. I need Thee ev'ry hour, Most Ho - Iy One; Oh, make me Thine in - 0


ThineCan peace af - ford, I ueedThee,oh! I needTheejEv'ryhourl pow'r When Thou art nigh, hide, Or life is vain, es In me ful - fll. deed, Thou bless ed Son. -*- -•- f-fff

need Thee ; O bless ma now, my Sav - iour ! I come to Thee.

i i Copyright, 1914. Renewal by Mary Runyon Lowry. Used by permission. 220 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

183 Onward, Christian, Though the Region. 8s,7s.

Samuel Johnson, abri George Goltermann, arr,

I 1—i—* N-

1. On - ward, Chris - tian, though the re - gion Where thou 2. By the thorn - road, and no oth - er Is the 3. By thy trust - ful calm en - deav - or, Guld - ing,

v t/ t r v

f£=K= — — 1 +—K i r-"t 1 «^-*—• I

art be drear and lone; God hath set a guar-dian mount of vis -Ion won; Tread it with - out shrink-mg, cheer - ing, like the sun ; Earth-bound hearts thou shalt de -

-»- mm P, 1 A P f i le - gion Ver - y near thee,— press thou onl broth - er! Je - sus trod it, — press thou on] liv • er; Oh, lor their sake,— press thou on!


184 Benevento. 7s, d.

John Taylor. Bamnel Wetbe.

9 * 9 9 * -& * * ^ -7? 1. Glo - ry be to God on high, God whose glo-ry fills the sky; 2. Mark the wonders of His hand, Pow'rno em-pire can with-stand ; • p—p— rp ——■#—irP-—P—(2—. i r 1 I h r 8*4 1 1 }=

Peace on earth to man for-giv'n, Man.the well be-loved of heav'n. Wis-dom, an-gels' glo-rloustheme;Goodnessonee-ter-nal stream.

— p=p- m j p-i- rf 4— *■ =t t=t=t=P Fa-vored mor-tals, raise the song ; End-less thanks to God be -long; Gracious Be-ing, from Thy throne .,,,,,)Send Thy promised bless-ing down ; I II «■ .^iJfjp- 1 I I L L 0mm -m- Hearts o'er-flow-ing with His praise, Join the nymns your voices raise. Let Thy light.Thy truth, Thy peace Bid our ra-ging passions cease. P » f I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

185 Eventide. ios.

Bertha Woods. William Henry Monk, Mns. Doo. — 1—r —i— i] 3 3 ^

1. A- bide with me I Fast breaks the morning Light, Our day-star 2. I know no fear, with Thee at hand to bless, Sin bath no 3. I know thy Pres-ence ev - 'ry pass-ing hour, I know thy

P * — — ,—] —M v*2—1 i l tr-

i i ris - es, ban-ish-ing all night; Thou art our strength, oh power and life no wretch-ed - ness j Health, hope, and love in peace, for Thou a- lone art power; O Love Di - vine— a-

-ft i— 6— — r f-pi r

i i i ii i|i to 8=8= •ee-

Truth that maketh free! We would unfail-ing-ly a -bide in Thee, all a-round I see For those who trustingly a -bide in Thee, bid- ing con-stant-ly— I neednotplead,Thoudostabide with me. ttrrr 223 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

186 Serenity. 8s, 4s. MarySIPSBaker Eddy. Pi Arr. from W. V. Wallace. 1. Blest Christ - mas morn, though murk - y clouds Pur • 2. Dear Christ, tor • ev • er here and near, No 3. Thou God • 1 ■ de - a, Life en - crowned, The 4. Thou gen - tie beam of liv - Ing Love, And 5. Or cru • el creed, or earth - born taint, Fill « ^—\*—t—V- _k egg?

He-61-=- P sue thy way- Tliy light was born where era die song— No na - tal hour and Beth le - hem babe Be - loved, re • plete, by death less Life— Truth in - fl - nite — so us to - day With all thou art— be -fe* ■fS! EEfc r-w- =4=4= i storm en - shrouds Nor dawn nor T:dayl moth - er's tear- To thee be long, flesh em - bound Was but thy shade. far a - bove All mor tal strife, thou our saint— Our stay, al way.

-e>- ^1 ■\Vordscopyright, 1903,by Mary Baker Eddy. Used by permission. Music by permission of Olives Ditsom Co. 224 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

187 In Thee, Oh Spirit, True and Tender, ds.ss. Frances A. Fox, abr. Brackett. ± —■—j— r 1. In Thee, O Spir - it, true and ten - der, I 2. With - in Thy Love is safe a • bid - ing, From 3. In Thee, I have no pain or sor - row, No

J . , J -r— rr

find my Life as God's own child; With -in Thy Light of ev - 'ry thought that giv - eth fear; With -in Thy Truth a anx-ious thought.no load of care. Thou art the same to-


■(2- f t f 'I I fT — I 3* 3 ^: glo - rious splendor, I lose the earth-clouds,drear and wild, per - feet chid -ing, Should I for - get that Thou art near, day, to - mor-row ; Thy Love and Truth are ev - 'ry- where.



188 Toplady. n.a. F. W. B. Words suggestedby the popular hymn by Eev. A. If. Toplady. Thomas Eastings.

1. Rock of A - ges,Truth Dl-vine, Be Thy strength for-ev-er mine; 2. Rock of Truth.our for - tress strong, Ref-uge from the shafts of wrong, 3. Truth, the Christ, a - sy-lum sure, On this rock we are se- cure j


1 \/ 1 i/

-1— i — • — i rT-l • 1 ——fl 5 i f- ^" *i 1 0— — 1 ' sLj— — ■ 1 • L. J * J. J 4 « Let me rest se- cure on Thee, Safe a -bove life's rag- ing sea. ■Whenfrom foes of sense I flee, Let me hide my -self in Thee. Cure is there for ev - 'ry 111, Peace is there our life to fill.

— g • » i y - v ' * —r f i o \' V- —F * 1

— i -t i i — * 4 1 s> Bock of A - ges, Truth Di- vine, Be Thy strength for-ev - er mine.

• • p p . a 0 , c?—. a 0 . ig-i——


189 Christmas Morn. 8s, 4s.

Mary Baker Eddy. Albert F. Conaiit. 4i 1. Blest Christ • mas morn, though murk - y clouds Pur ■ 2. Dear Clirist for - ev - er liere and near, No 3. Thou God 1 de - a, Life en - crowned, The 4. Thou gen tie beam of liv - ing Love, And 5. Or cru el creed, 01 earth - born taint, Fill =f==t=t

9 i H -fr Thy light was born where No na • tal hour and Be - loved, re - plete, by

Truth in - fi - nlte— so With all thou art— be w

storm en - shrouds Nor dawnx nor day! moth - er's tear— To thee be long. flesh em - bound Was but thy shade. - far a bove All mor tal strife, thou our saint— Our stay, al way. I 1 i Words copyright, 1903,by Mart Baker Eddy. Used by permission. Music copyright, 1903,by Tun Christian Science Board ov Directors. 227 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

190 Lead, Kindly Light, Amid the Encircling Gloom. 10,4, io, 4. io, io.

John Henry Newman, abr. Brackett. 0 hL 1 1 1 ! 1 I 1 APdo ! ! ! ^ j ■ ki L"f 1■■■■ a p P • P- !r J 1 4 J « r 7 »+ - - r • s PP J f •

1. Lead, kind - iy Light, a - mid th'en - cir - cling gloom, 2. I was not ev . er thus, nor pray'd that Thou

-s>- — — 0 - _ a _ .—■• • " ■ I i sI iWiy*h' ! ! ! 1 ! r r r * m (•j P ft V 1 r 1 1 1

0 h" i 1 / , h i j / 1 ! «j 1 If ■ P ' u • K 1 ,! J • • ■ "j5 J T 1 Lead Thou me on! . . . The night is Shouldst lead me on; . . . I loved to

dark, and I am far from home,— choose and see my path; but now, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BYMNAL.

i EfekM— 4=^ p=4=— •—*— i—J— '

Keep Thou my feet! I do not ask to see I loved the gar Ish day, and, spite of fears,

The dls • tant scene,— one step e-nough for me. Pride ruled my wills re - mem • ber not past years.

i— — b — — 3:. b t ? a a hfer= II CHRISTIAN SCIENCM HYMNAL.

191 Varina. C. M. D. George F. Boot<

4= S ^1 g—T m

1. Our God is Love, un - chang - ing Love, 2. Our God is Mind, the per - feet Mind, 3. O lov - ing Fa - ther, well we know ' # 1— ■-" P P P 1 P -p P i f-+4—M—

— t — s<

A.nd can we ask for more ? Our prayer is vain that In - tel - li-gence Di - vine, Shall mor - tal man ask That words a -lone are vain, That those who seek Thy ' 11 , • —1— & 1—•—1 p —p—p P i

jba-— -J-—hU^S^3^Eip^— — —y ' 1-- f—I '-J ]—p - - - asks in - crease ; 'Twas in 4 nlte be fore. - - Him to change His in fl nite de • sign? - will to do, The true com-mun ion gain. m r 1 f 230 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

Ask not the Lord with breath of praise For The heart that yearns for right - eous-ness, • With Then may our deeds our pure de - sire For p^—& • 1— • • • 1— p- • » ■ 9—

—- ^fcig-jE r—1 -1 1 1 -» S 1 H — 1 GF* — 4 . ' Si 1 ' — ■ • S •—a—» p L* g 4 [■

more than we ac - cept; The o - pen fount is long - ing un - al - loyed, In such de - sire sends growth in grace ex - press, That we may know how

• —1 — • ^ '5—1 1 1 h— Hf rr=f w■ — 1 —1 \ \ r h -v

1 r free to all, God's prom - is - es are kept. up a prayer That ne'er re - turn - eth void. Love Di - vine For - ev - er waits to bless. S3 4UL_ I


192 Rouse, ye Soldiers. Watchye,standfast in thefaith, quit you like men,bestrong.—1Cor. 16: 13. M. H. Tipton. J. H. F, Earnestly.

4=^ =2=

1. Rouse, ye sol - diers of the cross! And 2. House, ye sol - diers brave and true! Un - 3. Rouse, ye sol - diers, to the charge! Our k -I. k N -J- J, mi Tt-J t ir m -3r

-4— H R=jF |

put your ar - mor on; Brave - ly fight for truth and furl your ban - ner high! Bold - ly stand at Christ's corn-

- - ly Cap-tain's gone be fore ; Grand march with shout and

prn J-•

right Till vie - to ■ ry Is won.

mand, For, see, the foe is nigh! song, Un - til the war is o'er. j j j 1

I IS Copyright, 1884,by Fillmore Bros. By permission.r 232 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

193 Eternity.

Ellen M. H. Gates.

1. Oh, the clang - ing bells of Time! Night "and 2. Oh, the clang -ing bells of Timel How their

«. f § I « S . / % «J ttt -m- y

- day they nev - er cease ; We are wea ried with their chime, chang-es rise and fall, But in un - der- tone sub-lime,

-•- -» -»- • m -0- -#- m

For they do not bring us peace; And we Sound - ing clear - ly through them all, Is a

Copyright by The John Chueoh Co. Used by permission. 234 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

hush our breath to hear, • And we strain our eyes to see voice that must be heard, As our mo - ments on - ward flee,

1 —=?— — 1— — — — — — * ? f g t b

jR#. Rallentando.

If thy shores are drawing near,— E-ter-ni-tyl E - ter - ni -tyL And it speak-eth, aye, one word,— E - ter - nl - tyl E - ter - ni - tyl

—H»— r » » j - — £EE£ Izt^EP— M H-E I H V V

Z Oh, the clanging bells of Timel To their voices, loud and low, In a long, unresting line We are marching to and fro; And we yearn for sight or sound Of the life that is to be, For thy breath doth wrap us round,— Eternity! Eternity!

4 Oh, the clanging bells of Time! Soon their notes will all be dumb, And in joy and peace sublime, We shall feel the silence come ; And our souls their thirst will slake, And our eyes the King will see, When thy glorious morn shall break,— Eternity! Eternity!


194 Carter. 8s, 73. Bev. F. W. Faber, alt, and abr. Bev. E. 3. Garter.

1. There's a wide - ness in God's mer - cy, 2. For the love of God is broad - er 3. If our love were but more sim - ple,


Like the wide - ness of the sea; There's a kind-ness Than is seen by bu-man mind, And the heart of We should take Him at Bis word; And our lives would

in His jus - tice, Which is more than lib - er - ty. the E - ter - nal Is most won - der - ful - ly kind, be all sun - shine In the sweet-ness of our Lord.


195 Shepherd, Show Me How to Go. 7s, 5s, D.

Mary Baker Eddy. Brackett.

* * 1^— W—:!*y—iw-*—+I-*—t-grl-f=:z* 1. Sliep - herd.show me liow to go O'er the hill-side steep.How to gath-er, 2.Thou wilt bind the stubborn wlll.Wouiid the callous breast.Make self-righteous- 3.So, when day grows dark and cold.Tear or triumph harms.Lead Tliy lambkins

i how to sow — How to feed Thy sheep; I will lis-ten for Thy voice, ness be still, Break earth's stupid rest. Strangers on a bar ren shore, to the fold, Take them ill Thine arms ; Feed the hungry ,heal the heart,

Huh i^jjifSil All the rugged way. |Lest my footsteps stray; I will follow and re-joice own ; Lab'ringlong and lone.We would enter by the door.And Thou know'st Thine they depart.Shepherd.wash them clean. |Till the morning's beamjWhite as wool.ere 9- P m

4-4-4-4-4^= I Words copyright, 1887,by Mary Baker Eddy. Used by permission. 237 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

196 Shepherd. 7s,5s, d.

Mary Baker Eddy, Albert F. Conant.

1. Shep - herd, show me how to go 2. Thou wilt bind the stuh - born will, 3. So, wheu day grows dark and cold,



O'er the hill - side steep, How to gath - er, Wound the cal - lous breast, Make self - right - eous • Tear or tri - umph harms, Lead Thy lamb - kins

-ee- — 1 F

- - i how to sow, How to feed Thy sheep; ness be still, Break earth's stu - pid rest. to the fold, Take them in Thine arms; —i i »J-

Words copyright, 1887,by MART BAKER Edot. Used by permission. Music copyright, iy09,by Tuk Christian Scibncb Board of Dirbotors. 238 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. m

I will lis ten for Thy voice, . Stran - gers on bar ren shore, , Feed the nun gry, heal the heart, .


Lest my foot- steps stray; I will fol - low La - b'ring long and lone. We would en • ter Till the morn-ing's beam; White as wool, ere i 1

and re - joice All the rug - ged way. by the door, And Thou know'st Thine own; they de - part, Shep • herd, wash them clean.


197 Morecambe. 10s.

Anon. Itary Baker Eddy. Ait. by Albert F. Oonant.

1. O gen - tie pres - ence, peace and joy and pow'r, 2. Love is our ref - uge; on - ly with mine eye 3. O, make me glad for ev - 'ry scald - ing tear. g i«—F -J—s—e


O Life di vine, that owns each wait - ing hour, Can I be hold the snare, the pit, the fall; For hope de ferred, in gra - ti - tude, dis - dain! m _ - -a f-^r+-h

— «

iThou Love that guards the nest -ling's fal-t'ring flight! His hab - i - ta - tion high is here, and nigh, Wait, and love more for ev - 'ry hate, and fear -f=z- -

— » l=z P V £ P P— 1 — —p — r I I 1 — r V 1 E= i =1=

Words copyright, 1893,by Mast Baser Eddy. Used by permission. Harmonization copyright, 1909,by The Christian Soibkob Board op Directors. 240 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

1st verse only.

^— fit

Keep Thou my child on up - ward wing to - night. (.Omit ) (Omit )

-m- -

2d, 3d, 4th and 5th verses only.


(Omit ) His arm en - cir - cles me, and mine, and all. No ill,— since God Is good, and loss is gain. -• —P- i

4 Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing; In that sweet seeret of the narrow way, Seeking and finding, with the angels sing: " Lo! I am with you alway," — watch and pray.

6 No snare, no fowler, pestilence, or pain; No night drops down upon the troubled breast, When heaven's aftersmile earth's teardrops gain, And mother finds her home and heavenly rest.


198 Eddy. 8s,4s. Mary Baker Eddy. Braokett. hi *— • 1 • 1. O'er wait -ing harp-strings of the mind There sweeps a strain, 2. And wake a white-winged an -gel throng Of thoughts, il-lumed 3. Then His un-veiled,sweet mercies show Life's bur - dens light;

-»FT»- mi i Low, sad, and sweet.whose measures bind The power of pain. By faith.and breathed in rap-tured song, With love per - fumed. I kiss the cross, and wake to know A world more bright rv i * Mr— r-rfr— f-fy-rk 4 m 4 And o'er earth's troubled, angry sea I see Christ walk, And come to me, and tenderly, Divinely talk. 5 Thus Truth engrounds'me on the Rock, Upon Life's shore, 'Gainst which the winds and waves can shock, Oh, nevermore! 6 From tired joy and grief afar, And nearer Thee,— Father, where Thine own children are, I love to be. 7 My prayer, some daily good to do To Thine, for Thee; An off'ring pure of Love, whereto God leadeth me. Words copyright, 1887,by Mary Baker Eddy. Used by permission. 242 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

199 Festus. l.m. From a German Chorale,

M 4-

1. I praise Thee, Lord, for bless ings sent 2. I take Thy hand and fears grow still ; 3. That truth gives prom Ise of a dawn,

J , . , 3i,4z

To break the dream of hu-man pow'r. For now my shal-low Be- hold Thy face, and doubts re- move; Who would not yield his Be-neath whose light I am to see, When all these blinding

y-L t ir c c "E^^r-Ftw E—F M ^—f^f^^H^^^h

cis - tern's spent, I find Thy font and thirst no more. wav - 'ring will To per-fect truth and boundless love! vails are drawn, This was the wis - est path for n)^.


200 Church Triumphant, l. m.

William Gaskell. J. W. Elliott. m r 1. Press on, press on! ye sons of light, Un 2. Press on, press on! still look in faith To

ri J 4

tir - ing in your ho - ly fight, Still tread - ing each temp • Him who con-q'reth sin and death: Then shall ye hear His

l f l I ll ta - tion down, And hat - tling lor a bright-er crown, word, "Well done." True to the last, press on, press on! 5- m

Copyright by J. W. Elliott. Used by permission. 244 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

201 Rivaulx. l.m. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Eev. J. B. Dykes, Has, Doo. ~ is

1. Sun of our life, Thy quick -'ning ray Sheds on our 2. Lord of all life, be - low, a - bove, Whose light is 3. Grant us Thy truth to make us free, And kind-ling

-m- -(=-•

vrr path the glow of day; Star of our hope, Thy truth, whose warmth is love, Be - fore Thy ev - er hearts that burn for Thee, Till all Thy liv • lug m Si-

«3 1

soft - ened light Cheers the long watch- es of the night. blaz - ing throne We ask no lus - tre of our own. al - tars claim One ho - ly light, one heav'n- ly flame.

- ^ rJ 1 rp— ■>—f 1 hr—1 1 —1 (d f L*Lr-J 246 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

202 Tallis' Canon. l.m. Isaac Watts. Thomas Tallis. I m 1. Our God shall reign wher e'er the sun 2. Peo - pie and realms of ev 'ry tongue 3. Bless - inga a • bound wher e'er He reigns ; 4. Let 6T 'ry crea - ture rise, and bring ME — 1 H '

Does his sue - ces - sive jour - neys run ; His king-dom stretch from Dwell on His love with sweet- est song, And in -f ant voi - ces The pris-'ner leaps to loose his chains, The wea - ry find e - Pe - cu - liar hon - ors to our King ; An - gels de - scend with ISrTTT m shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and waneffPno more, shall pro- claim Their ear - ly bless -ings on His name, ter - nal rest, And all the sons of want are blest, songs a - gain, And earth re - peat the long A - men.


203 Eisenach, l. m. Johann Hermann Sonein,

1. Fa • ther, my all in all Thou art. My 2. In bonds, my per - leet lib - er - ty; My 3. My smile be - neath the cold world's frown ; In hrfiT1! r if Hmk

rest in toil, my ease in pain ; The heal - ing of my light in e - vil's dark - est hour . In want, my plen - ti - grief.my joy un-speak-a • ble; In shame.my glo - ry p.j.iP fH 1—1 p-H

bro - ken heart ; In strif e,my peace ; In loss, my gain ; ful sup - ply; In weak-ness, my al - might- y power; and my crown; My life in death, my all in all.


204 Louvan. t. m.

H. L. Frothingham, air. v- °- Taylor'

1. O God, whose pres-ence glows in all, 'With - In, a - 2. That love Its ho - ly in - fluencepour To keep us 8. Send down its an - gel to our side, Send in its

-JT- r—,■9 •— h r—a ~~ ' iy=4d F i

— — J- "S» 1 1 I 1 4

round us, and a - hovel Thy word we bless, Thy meek, and make us free; And throw its bind - ing calm up • on the breast ; For we would know no

name we call, Whose word is Truth.whose name is Love, bless -ing more Round each with all, and all with Thee, oth - er guide; And we can need no oth - er rest.


205 Refuge, l. m.

Anne Steele. Arr. from a German

E XT L If my im - mor - tat Sav - iour lives, Then my im 2. Here let my faltb un - shak - en dwell ; For ev - er 3. Here, O my heart, thy trust re - pose, If Je - sus

i,lt±5» —h-

:JR= -fS-

mor - tal life is sure ; His word a firm foun • sure the prom - ise stands ; Not all the claims of Is for - ev - er mine, Not death it - self— that

p 3E p ^ag±g_fij Ig! \J.

da - tion gives ; Here may I build, and rest se - cure. earth or hell Can e'er dis - solve the sa - cred bands, last of foes— Shall break a un - ion so di - vine. J G3= -k 'f F- 249 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

206 Abends, l. m. S, Mns, John Bowring. E. Oakeley, Doo.

Thou, 1. I can -not al - ways trace the way Where Al - 2. Yes, God is love;— a thought like this Can ev 'ry

cmxn : r—r^r-g —te_tX^-^.i6H-i-* r-T

- might - y One, dost move; But I can al ways, gloom - y thought re - move, And turn all tears, all

^^^^^al - ways say, That God is love, that God is love. woes, to bliss, For God is love, for God. is love.


By permission of E. M. Oakeley. 250 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

207 Pentecost.

Bev. John S. B. Monsell, alt, and abr, Bev. William Boyd. I 1 —u 1 — ■—*— 4n — ■ — — 1 &—i— — 1 a =d 1 « 1. Fight the good fight with all thy; might, Christ is thy 2. Kuu the straight race thro' God's good grace, Lift up thine 3. Faint not nor fear, His arms are near, He chang-eth

h 4 _ ^ —j—

strength, and Christ thy right; Lay hold on life, and eyes, and seek His face; Life with its way be- not, and thou art dear: Be - ly on Him, and

*—<- r-f2 r^— -ft ■ i

- —i 4 r ^% -r —H1 1 — '$f

e - - it shall be Thy joy and crown ter nal - ly. fore us lies, Christ is the path, and Christ the prize. thou shalt see That Christ is all in all to thee.

Copyright by Rev. William Boyd. Used by permission. 261 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

208 Aughton. l. m. d. J. H. Gilmore, abr, \T. B. Bradbury.

-S- -m- 1. Be lead - eth me! O bless - ed thoughtl O 2. Some - times 'mid scenes of deep - est gloom, Some - ■ — — —i %— t %- ijf) r i r i i ——ni—i-i■f— i r i

words with heav'n-ly com -lort fraught! What-e'er I do, wher - times where E - den's bow-ers bloom, By wa- ters calm, o'er

• r '• ' - 1 * Ur m r r-i pi J J ' - : r r r i r H

e'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that lead • eth me. trou - bled sea, StlU 'tis His hand that lead - eth me.

Used by permission of the Biolow & Main Co., owners of copyright. 252 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. t Refrain.

He lead - etb me.' He lead • eth met By

— -P- P- p —i —• Hi 1 4=| 1

— — 1 H— 1 !%= r- i — H=r=i i. S f *H=4 m

His own hand He lead -etb met His faith -ful fol-I'wer

r* • • 1 1 T i, |i i -f- f 1 f1 1 r i 1 r \ Ht-t-H if

1— P—• - J— 5 1 rr-H 1

I would be, For I>y His hand He lead - eth me.

- ,f ■ tt t 1 - h P f i II 1 f' 1 ' F r i r r 263 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

209 York. cm. Anon. Scotch Psalter. — — 7^4 1 1 1 —» —1—. -9 # w*=4 1 1. "I am the way, the truth, the life," Our 2. A way, 1t is not hedged with forms, A 3. To point that liv - ing way, to speak That

ME i

— — a • ■ r 3

bless - ed Mas - ter said ; "And who - so to the truth, too large for creeds, A life, in - dwell - lug, truth "whichniakes men free," To bring that quick-'ning 4t- 4=£ =t=*=

Fa - ther comes, Must in my path - way tread, deep and broad, That meets the heart's great needs, life from heav'n. Is high - est min - is - try.

=| X-J-if if


210 St. Stephen, cm.

William Oowper,abr. Rev. William Jones.

~— — tr— * ^* iiii 1. The Spir - it breathes up on the word; And 2. The hand that gave it, still sup - plies The 3. Let ev • er - last - ing thanks be thine, For

:—— 4z m i r

brings the truth to sight; Pre - cepts and prom - is • gra - cious light and heat; Its truths up - on the such. a bright dis • play. As makes a world of


es af - ford A sane . ti - fy - ing light, na - Hons rise,— They rise, but nev - er set. dark - ness shine With beams of heav'n - ly day.

f —r- 0 m- 1


211 St. Peter, cm. John Hilton, alt. and abr. A. E. Belnagle.

1 i— c • J 1 i 5 ^-5 —1 F • 0

1. How love - ly are Thy dwell - ings, Lord, 2. Lord God of Hosts, that reign'st on high, 3. For God the Lord, both sun and shield,

From noise and trou - ble free ; How beau - ti - ful the They are the tru - ly blest Who on Thee on - ly Gives grace and glo - ry bright ; No good from him shall

sweet ac - cord Of those who pray to Thee! will re - ly, In Thee a - lone will rest. be with - held Whose ways are just and right.


212 Hummel, c. m. Anon. Charles Zenner. -4- -

1. Ob, speed thee, Chris - tian, on thy way, 2. There is a bat tie to be fought, 3. Oh, faint not, Chris tian! not with sighs -P- -jg-* SIP —■fi-»— -4=- !

And to thy ar - mor cling; With gird • ed An up - ward race to run; A crown of Come thou be - fore His tbrone; The race must


• did r"*T r r loins the call o - bey, That grace and mer-cy bring, glo • r/ to be sought, A vie -fry to be won. come be - fore the prize, The cross be-fore the crown.


Q. W. Langford. James Waloh.

1 | — —i— i — — i t 4— s< !— • — =3T. p-^ 1— •i—L-gH ■ I 1. Speak gen - tly, it la bet tei far 2. Speak gen - tly to the err - ing: know 3. Speak gen - tly: 'tis a lit - tie tbing,

H K b 4- s» f=f T—

i i^i i — 1

i \-i J M j ; — — — ] — «P - To rule by love than fear j Speak gen tly: - They must have toiled in vain j Per chance un - Dropped in the heart's deep well; The good, the is -*2-

« -

let no harsh word mar The good we may do here,

klnd-ness made them so; O win them back a- gain,

joy that it may bring, E - ter- ni - ty shall tell.


214 Southwell, cm. William Cowper, alt. and air. H. S. Irons.

#1 i I =s=s= mmtr 1. Ye tim - id saints, fresh cour age take! 2. His pur - pos - es will rip en fast, 3. Blind un - be - lief is sure to err. slip

^ 1* L-! 5 * The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mer - cy, Un - fold - ing ev - 'ry hour ; The bud may have a And scan His work in vain ; God is His own iin •

and will break In bless - ings on your head, bit - ter taste, But sweet will be the flow'r. ter - pret - er, And He will make it plain. r-i d J §8^ 1


215 St. Anne. cm. Isaao Watts, alt. and abr. — William Croft. J j i J J J-f-i:

1. O God, our help in a - ges past, 2. Be fore the hills in or - der stood, 3. A thou - sand a - ges in Thy sight 4. O God, our help in a • ges past,

l2fc r i r i t i

$ —± Our hope for time to come, Our shel - ter from the Or earth re - ceived her frame, From ev - er - last - ing Are like an eve - ning gone, Short as the watch that Our hope for time to come, Thou art our guard while

m i storm - y . blast, And . our e - ter - nal> home; Thou art God, To end - less years the same. ends the night Be fore the ris - ing sun. ges last, And our e ter - nal home.

1 ■ ' ' i i i i i 200 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

216 Maker, cm. Rev. F. W. Faber, abr. F. 0. Maker.

1. I wor ship Thee, sweet Will of God, 2. When ob sta - cles and tri - als seem 3. He al ways wins who sides with God,


And all Thy ways a - dore; And ev tr Like pris - on walls to be, I do the To him .no chance is lost; God's will is -f=-

l p pjplpipii

— — 4 " — 1- —t- II i f- "4— hr 0 | £ J" day I live, I seem To love Thee more and more, lit - tie I can do, And leave the rest to Thee, sweet - est to him when It tri - umphs at his cost.

- >- ■> f i i I |=—^— H ^ i —I—J— — 9b 1 I— Us- i H5-1 II Music copyright, l>yP. C. Maker. Used by permission. 261 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

217 Warwick, cm.

Isaao Watti, alt. and abr. Samuel Stanley.

,lrJ i J"^T;' fin J I I 1. Lordl I have made Thy word my choice, 2. I'll read the his - fry ot Thy love, 3. 'Tis a broad land ot wealth un - known,

My last . ing her - i - tage: There shall my And keep Thy law in sight, While thro' the Where springs of life a - rise; Seeds of tan •

- ■^,.r MM* ■ S>fl

^ - — — J -«j -* II hi l"i -irf-

J — i « HA 2 •

no - blest pow'rs re - joice, My warm - est thoughts en - gage. - prom is - es I rove, With ev - er fresh de - light. mor - tal bliss are sown, And hid - den glo • ry lies.


218 Bracondale. cm. George Burder, abr, Josiah Boothi

L Come, ye that know and fear the lord, 2. This pre - clous truth His word de - clares,

V V 1 1

s — r— n ~ — — — i 1 1 Is f Is- 1^ —4- ' i a! it-1 4r i frJ An d raise your thoughts a ■ bove: Let ev • 'ry An d all His mer - cies prove; Je • sus, the

—• era *- c: 1 ; —J1 J- t—h

" heart and voice ac - cord, To sing that God is love." " gift of gifts ap- pears, To show that God is love."

Copyright by the Congbbgational Union of Englahd & Wales. Used by permission. 263 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

219 St. Leonard. C. M. D. John Byland. Henry Hiles, Mna. Doc. # 1. o Lord, I would de - light in Thee, 2. No good in crea - tures can be lound, 3. He that has made my heaven se - cure,

-g- -^S" r42^— % % |

And on Thy care de - pend; To Thee in ev - 'ry But may he found in Thee ; I must have all things Will here all good pro - vide ; While Christ is rich, can


trou - ble flee, My best, my on - ly Friend! and a - hound, While God is God to me. I be poor ? What can I want be - side ?

1 • I ZZI

By permission of Novello A Co., Ltd. 201 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

i r

When all ma - te - rial streams are dried, O that I had a stron - ger faith, O God, I cast my care on Thee ; 4=- m

1 1* — — — — hC —J*S — 1— tttIII— *h 1 « l • — 1 — w i=^y 1—kJ— —* r=F-'—' ^ 1— 1

Thy full-ness is the same ; May I with this be To look with - in the veil, To cred - it what my I tri-umph and a - dore; Hence-forth my great con •

— 0 K— 1 sat - Is - fled, And glo - ry in Thy name. Sav - lour saith, Whose word can nev - er fail. cern shall be To love and praise Thee more. BE 4^ -V-


220 Nox Praecessit. cm. Samuel Longfellow, abr. J. B, Calkin. N ■ ■ *i—• — m— • ■ •1 * ' W^*1 * 4 — —if— 1. One ho - ly Church of God ap - pears 2. From old - est time, on far - thest shores, 3. Her priests are all God's faith - ful sons, — jig \ % j i j ¥=f I

— 1— i • ^— • J-

Thro' ev - 'ry age and race, Un - wast - ed by the Be - neath the pine or palm, One Un - seen Pres - ence To serve the world raised up; The pure in heart her

— • — epS r I f * K r i b i g==F I l L— r

lapse of years, Un - changed by chang - lng place. she a - dores, With si - lence or with psalm, bap - tized ones j Love, her com - mu - nion - cup. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

221 Franconia. s. m. Benjamin Beddome. J. G. Ebellng,

j i g mr 1. Heirs of uu - end - ing life, While 2. God will sup - port our hearts, With 3. 'Tis He that works to will, *Tis

^t>4 t =jr I I

— — -1 . 1 • h 1 1 1 1I— ■a—• «L_j=^= gj: ' • •

yet we so - journ here, Oh, let us our sal might be - fore un - known ; The work to be per • He that works to do; His is the pow'r by


va - tion work With tremb - ling and with fear,

formed is ours, The strength is all His own. which we aet, His he the glo - ry too!

— * <■ — S fef P 1 n P 151 r-^-; n


222 Chiselhurst. s. m.

James Montgomery. Sir Joaeph Bamby. J j • M\ i — =3=--—^ f=H=i— — — hj 11——1 1 3 J 1

1. Sow in the morn thy seed, At■ eve hold 2. And du shall ap pear In ver - dure,

— — — — 1 1 1 1 1 i — —-i 1

#= 1 1 1 ■ —t

IP irl Jr

not thy hand ; To doubt and fear give beau ty, strength, The ten - der blade, j p

. ■ • — — p Ik— 1 rvfttt f (2 — —■— i £ 1 — — — —Fu i r rJ

thou no heed; Broad -cast It o'er the land, stalk, the ear, And the full corn at length.

-f* p , , J f»- f §5

By permission of Novello & Co., Ltd. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

223 Schumann, s. m. Horatius Bonar, alt, and abr. An. from Schumann.

1 * i . 1. Make haste, O man, to do What 2. Up then, with speed and work; Fling mm

mi -* *—I— '—»

ey • er must be done; Thou hast no time to ease and self a - way— This is no time for

■ I EE

lose in sloth, When all to Truth must come. thee to sleep— Up, watch, and work, and pray I t—»— S — — ^f-^u— 1i iJ i r- » * —*— Ff=Hi 1 i-f- r r i i 269 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

224 Ohamouni. ss, 7S, d. Q, LomaBi St, Thomas of Aquino.

- 1. On the night of that last sup per Seat- ed - - 3. Lo! o'er an • cient forms de part ing, New-er

1 with His ehos - en band, Christ, as food to all His - - rights of grace pre - vail ; Faith for all de fects sup

■>--#--•- = i #=.lfi 1_ U 2_bV4 V & I *—

breth - ren Gives Him - self with His own hand, ply - ing, Where the fee ble sens - es fail.

-m- 4fc

Copyright by M. F. LoHA9. Used by permission, 270 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

± — — — 2E I J J*-^ g I J | | m_

2. He, as man with man con vers - tag, Staid the i. To the 6T er - last - tag Fa - ther, Thro' the

-fl it 3= 4b

— — --4s f f-

seeds of truth to sow ; Then He closed in sol - emn Son who reigns on high, Be sal - va - tion, hon-or,

or - der, Won - drous - ly, His life of woe. bless - ing, Might, and end - less maj - es - ty.

f»—•— ^—f>•— —i—' —II i■ -f?— ^ 1 t4=h -P H 271 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

225 Evening Prayer. 8s, 7s. PhoebeA. Hanaford, alt. and abr. G, 0, Stebbins.

1. Cast thy bread up - on the wa - ters, Think - ing 2. Cast thy bread up - on the wa - ters, Wild - ly 3. As the seed by bil - lows float - ed, To some

ft i r-l

not 'tis thrown a - way ; God Him - self saith, thou shalt tho' the bil - lows roll, They but aid thee as thou dis - tant is - land lone, So to hu - man hearts be -

• r-0- • r 0 ^ ,f n =^-b—i i —m

gath • er It a - gain some fu - ture day. toil - est Truth to spread Irom pole to pole. night - ed, That thou fling - est may be borne.

| | 9-

Copyright, 1906,by Geo. C. Stebbins. Used by permission. 272 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

226 Galilee. 8S,7s.

Henry Francis Lyte, air, H. Jude, £ j J J-

1. Vain - ly, through night's wea - ry hours, . . 2. Vain were all our toil and la - bor, 3. Vain - er stillj thei hope of heav - en, I. L P 4 f f-

Keep we watch, lest foes a - larm; Vain our bul-warks, and our Did not God that la - bor bless; Vain, with -out His grace and That on hu - man strength re -lies; But to him shall help be m

d—J— 4-4 -t- 1

tow - ers, But for God's pro teet - ing arm. fa - vor, Ev - 'ry tal - ent we pos - sess. giv - en, Who in hum • ble faith ap - plies. -ti-i.

By permission of Keid Bbos., Ltd., 69Wells St., Oxford St., London, W.


227 Beecher. 8s,7s,d. diaries Wesley. Johann ZondeL — i i a j * • . \

1. Peace be to this eon gre ga - tlon! 2. O thou God of peace, be near us,


Peace to ev -'ry heart there - in I Peace, the ear- nest Fix with - in our hearts Thy home ; With Thy bright ap -

«—^— —— ■ h- H=4= —«M=1

of sal - va-tlon; Peace, the fruit of con - quer'd sin; pear - ing cheer us, In Thy bless - ed free - dom come. ' r—t i Iffi 1 1 j 274 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. mm

Peace, that speaks the heav'n - ly Giv - er ; Come with all Thy rev - e la - tions,

r-ft-h-J J J U_J—d_j , ,

Peace, to world -ly minds un - known; Peace, that flow-eth, Truth which we so long have sought ; Come with Thy deep

1 1 -r— r — — ^*>— f 1 1-r—r f—r— ^rr- !—

— i 4- as a riv - er, From th' e - ter - nal Source a - lone, con - so - la - tions, Peace of God which pass - eth thought!

p , f— — —t g— p P t T- J H " E * rf " 1 + Ml T r r J H


228 Lux Eoi. 8s,7s,d. J. Hi Neale, alt. Sir Arthur S. Sullivan.

I I . I

1. Ho - ly Fa - ther, Thou hast taught us 2. We would trust in Thy pro - teet - ing,

— I i/ F m


We should live to Thee a - lone ; Year by year, Thy Whol - ly rest up - on Thine arm, Fol - low whol - ly mm If

hand hath brought us On through dan - gers oft un- known, Thy di-reet- ing, Thou our on - ly guard from harm!

g=f=|i=p=^Ff f f \ g i m By permission of Novbllo & Co., Ltd. 276 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. S3

When wan - dared, Thou hast found us ; Keep from our own un • do • ing,

Hi it mz

When we doubt - ed, sent us light ; Still Thine arm has Help us turn to Thee when tried, Still our strength in

4- -ff- -•- i r i*

been a - round us, All our paths were in Thy sight. Thee re - new - ing, Keep us ev - er at Thy side!

M [if=hHiJ i r ii [[ 277 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

229 Regent Square. 8s, 7S,61.

Jonathan Evans. Henry Smart, mm

1. Come, Thou all - trans - form ing Splr - it, 2. Oh, may all en • joy the bless - lng

m -m- -0- P 1 l mi =f=f V ' ' — I

4— -J-

Bless the sow er and the seed; Which Thy word's de signed to give; 3=S — ; f#=h J i 1 i 1 [J- t=i I

each heart grace in - h er - 11 Let Thy !i

Let us all, Thy love po j - sess - in g. — P 1 rf" 1 CBUISTIAN SCIENCE HYMN At.

— 1 ■2 f" i S=H >— 1 Hi ic j— a #1=

Raise the we. the hun - gry feed! Joy - ful - 1J the truth re - celve j J : f1- E) | b ~ 1 1 =4 -r— f b 1

From the gos - pel, from the gos - pel And for - ev er, and for ■ ev - er

— j i k= » i i =i

-m— 1

Now sup - ply Thy peo ple's need, To Thy praise and glo ry live.


230 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. 8s,7s,4s. William Williams, alt. and abr. H, S, Irons.


1. Guide me, O Thou great Je - ho - vah! 2. O - pen is the crys - tal loun - tain. m

Pil - grim through this bar - ren land: Whence the heal - ing wa - ters flow:

mm i am weak, but Thou art might - y, And the ft - ery, cloud - y pil ■ lar

r r r r m Chopb. By permission,of the Rev. R. R. M CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. m ! j I T 1 Hold me with Thy pow'r - ful hand, Leads me all my jour - ney through.


n ■« ■ ! • •

Bread of heav en! Feed me Strong De Ut 'rer! StiU Thou

r till I want art my strength and shield,



231 St. Bees. 7s.

Charles Wesley, alt. Eev. J. B. Dykes, Mns. Dog,

1 ^— — ■ i 1 1 rb4 :' •—k—I 4=:' - i 1 1. Part - ners of a glo - rious hope! 2. Btill lor - get the things be - hind, 3. In our lives our faith be known, i ' — a — — RHrs4 r -P £—i— ■ tP f[ i — —|

, i — i— • J J i — i —j 3 3 j =5 1—• — •

Lift your hearts and voi-ces up; No - bly let us Fol - low God the on - ly Mind, To the mark un - Faith by ho - ly ac - tions shown ; Faitli that moun - tains

• — — — — -s s b I i J bv 1 ^—i—

—•—*- ft bear the strife, Keep the ho - li • ness of life; wea-ried press, Seize the crown of right - eous-ness. can re - move, Faith that al - ways works by love. e n, fc r f „ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

232 Seymour. 7s. W. F. Lloyd, alt. and abr. Arr. from C. M, von Weber.

1. Walt, my heart, up - on the Lord, 2. If tue sor - rows of thy case 3. Rock of A - ges, I'm se cure,

-#- 4= iF —— h | -| « | F_ F^=3=| €^-4— {— J 3 i % To His gra - clous prom-ise flee, Lay - ing hold up - Seem po - cul - iar still to thee, God has prom - ised With Thy prom - Ise full and free ; Faith - ful, pos - 1 -

on His word, " As thy days thy strength shall be." need - ful grace— "As tby days thy strength shall be." tive, and sure— "As thy days thy strength shall be."


233 St. George. 7s,d.

John Boning. Bir George J. Elvey, liu. Boo.

L Watch man, tell us of the night, 2. Watch man, tell us of the night; 3. Watch man, tell us of the night, I -£ ^ A— eE3

-—« U—• (ftp— ' d d ^ ^—. 1 •— i—h■—0Lj «1 4 • 1 m * ' —f What its signs of prom - ise are? Trav - 'ler, o'er yon High - er yet that star as - cends ; Trav - 'ler, bless - ed - For the morn - ing seems to dawn ; Trav - 'ler, dark - ness

i 4=£ p I —t 1— I ! p

m I tain's height See that glo - ry- beam - ing star! and light, Peace and truth its course por - tends; takes its flight, Doubt and ter - ror are with - drawn ;


— »-

Watch man, does it* beau - t'ous ray Watch man, will its beams a - lone Watch man, let thy wan - d'rings cease ; ^=4 I r

Aught of hope or Joy fore ■tell ? Trav 'ler, yes; it Gild the spot that gave them birth 1 Trav 'ler, a - gea Hie thee to thy qui - et home! Trav 'ler, lol the J. * J i J. J 1

iJft J- J J i J > J i i J i -n

brings the day, Prom - ised day of Is - ra - el. are its own ; See, it bursts o'er all the earth ! Prince of peace, Lol the Son of God, is come!

mt i I i i i f n;


234 Holley. ?«. John Burton, abr. George Hews.

1. Ho - ly Bi - ble! book dl vinel 2. Mine to chide me when I rove, 3. Mine to com - fort in dis tress.

kj ,— „. P \-r-j r» i-V P f= .

Pre - cious treas- ure! thou art mine: Mine to tell me Mine to show a Sav - four's love; Mine thou art to If the Ho - ly Spir - it bless ; Mine to show, by

. i \ \

1 i 1 1 j i ii i- j

whence I came; Mine to tell me what I am; — guide and guard; Mine to give a rich re - ward; — liv - ing faith, Man can tri - umph o » ver death.

»j I : r ir g

prffir l if: CHMSTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL. 235 Serug. es,4e. Anon. aflft J J J H 1 J J J i

1. Truth comes a - like to all, Who on Her name dare call, 2. Come, all - per - vad • ing Love, Blest heart of Heav'n a - bove,

T>- J . , ,J~J J . rr f fir i m

With motives pure; Then let us all u-nite, With Freedom's O 8pir-it blest! Life.Truth, and Good shall be Our glo-rious

*— t t I p— a—i ii i n i-

0mm ^-4

star in sight, Press on-ward in the right, Whichshall en - dure. Trin - 1 - ty. And ev - 'ry heart shall see E - ter - nal rest.


236 Horbury. es, 43. Sarah F. Adams. Eev. J. B. Dykes, Mas. Doc.

r—r 0-r- 1. Near er, my God, to Thee, 2. Though like a wan der - er, 3. There let the way ap • pear

—• — —0- I Near er to Thee I E'en though it The sun gone dowu, Dark - ness be Steps un to ueav'n ; All that Thou

-i—?H-jy- »t —-1—1 — 1-

be a cross That rais - eth me; 0 • ver me, My rest a stoue ; send - est me In mer - cy given;


Still all my song shall be, Near - er, my Yet in my dreams I'd be Near - er, my An - gels to beck - on me Near - er, my tr-s » *

f to Thee, Near - er to Thee! mm —0-

4 Then, with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony grieis, Bethel I'll raise; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Theel

B Or if on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee!


237 St. Anselm. 7s, 6S,d.

F, W. K, Sir Joseph Barnhy,

1. The heav'ns de - clare the glo - ry Of 2. His law man's path - way bright - ens, His 3. In dai - ly con - tem - pla - tion Of

i j • J 3=— 1 ^ Him who made all things; Each day re - peats the judg-ments all are pure, His word the thought en - Thee, I take de - light; O, let my med - i -

c-fa-g fc— i

m=t=4 — i—^— B* Sto • ry, Each night Its trib ute brings. light - ens, And ev • er. shall en • dure. ta - tion Lay hold of Tliee right, J—J-4 i P- Br permission of Novello & Co., Ltd. 290 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

To earth's re - mot - est bor • der His To heed his tes - ti mo - ny, And Aid me in the sup • pres - sion O1

FvrfHi Ns> 1—8— %—£ ^ T i "t 1 ggrT r f— r r^^^^ —— q=i i i in i t=t=q I ■1 J J w1—.-3-4-4 might - y pow'r is known; In beau - ty, grand -eur, Wis - dom's way to hold, Is sweet - er far than i - dle thought or word ; Keep me from all trans -

or - der, His hand • i • work is shown, hon - ey, And bet - ter far than gold, gres - sion Re - deem - er. Strength, and Lord.


238 Homeland. 7s, 6s, D. F. W. S. Sir Arthur S. Sullivan.

1. O ten ■ der, lov - lng Shep - herd, We 2. We know, be - lov - ed Shep - herd, The 8. Through-out the ■way, dear Shep - herd, Thy m

xr- -j. -5- -f- -5-. | long to fol - low thee, To fol - low where thou path that thou hast trod Leads ev • er out of strong hand doth up - hold; The wea - ry ones, at

■ —•— 1—J— • r-* 1—•—a 1 ■ H 1 p ■ F ^i-b 1 f i • —H=H

■ — fefe | 1— 1 17 ™!-1 J• 1 — \" —1 J -«!-=—1 J 1—i (Z & g 9 —S=8i

lead - est, Tho' rough the path may be; dark - ness, And on and up to God. night • fall. Thou gent - ly dost en • fold. —s 'J— — — e=fc= 1 t ^ i 3 i r '


N ■ 1 ,,j

p4= 4 1= 1 a 1=

Tho' dark and hea - vy shad - ows En If from that path we wan • der, And And when to Truth's green pas ■ tures, With

4L f

J f J J i bo d i -•Le 4 : Ctf-b —P — — t —1 1 1 | If i 4 1 Kbl 11 if r

a .

shroud the way with gloom, We know that Love will far a-stray we roam, O, call us, faith ■ ful

joy at length we come, There shall we find, O

— — 0 £ i £— — — — ! F 1

pi p w P • rf^-rH- -jp F i =Ch—h- ———|

SEE i Pi '1 1

guide ns, And safe - ly lead us home. - Sbep herd, And bring us safe - ly home.

Shep - herd, Our blest, e ter - nal home.

-m •

3a i ± — r^f r 293 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

239 We Thank Thee, Heavenly Father. 7s,6s,d.

Anon Arr. from Mendelssohn, m u 1. We thank Thee, heav'n ly Fa ther, For 2. Oil, let us tread the path way Nor I m

i 1 1 ps— 7 J J 4- « ■ j- r-^ 1 |i - 1 r 1^ 3 tr t-i

Thy cor - reet - ing rod, Which guides us in our ev - er turn a - side, Al - lured by ways of \ 1 • —

jour - ney, And leads us home to God. nior - tal sense, Whose paths are broad and wide.


It tells us not of an • ger. The Toward Thee, while press - ing on ■ ward, The

» r-fea-= • f—r r\(2 t . T n i •—•— -p * 1 * bt= 1— V—l-_ V— 1 1 J

' i ; j 1 i j 1 „ i J i J ^

weap - on mor - tals sway, But Love dl - vine, that way will bright - er grow, For Thou, through - out the

helps us To keep the bet - ter way. Jour ney Thy lov - ing care wilt show.

-a-i- — I— —I |? jf ji 295 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL.

240 Em' Peste Burg. p.m.

F. W. E. Martin Luther. — 2 — 1 * » J» izflj j ■ J i ) 1 W L- 1 "> n —A — —- ^ 1 ■ r r u 1. All pow'r Is giv'n un - to our Lord, On 2. Re • joice, ye peo - pie, praise His name, His 3. O, then, give thanks to God on high, Who

Him we place re - li • - ance ; With Truth from out His care doth e'er sur - round . us. His Love to er . ror's life to all Is giv - - lng; The hosts of Death be.


'With Him we shall pre - vail, What-ev-er may as- sail; - Our Lord is God a - lone, No oth er pow'r we own; - Then let us know no fear, Our King is ev er near;

He is our shield and tower, Al • might - y is His - No oth - er voice we heed, No oth er help we Our stay and lor - tress strong, Our strength, our hope, our


241 Consolator. 11. 109,

Thomas Moore, alt, Samuel Webbe.

7 1. Come, ye dis-con-so-late, wher-e'er ye Ian-guish, Here health and 2. Joy of the des-o- late, light of the stray-lng, Hope of the 3. Here see the Bread of Life, see wa-ters flow - ing Forth from the A ^

TOT 4- g" 5 peace are found, Life,Truth,andLove; Here bring your wounded hearts, pen • i - tent, fade - less and pure ; Here speaks the Com-f ort-er, throne of God, pure from a bove; Come to the feast of love,

rr *— - here tell your an - guish ; Earth has no sorrow but Love can re-move, ten-der-ly say - ing, Earth has no sorrow that Love cannotcure. come,ev-er know-lng Earth has no sorrow but Love can re-move. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF FIRST LINES. first line. Author. Hymn Abide not in the realm of dreams W. H. Burleigh 18 Abide with mel Fast breaks the morning light... Berlha Woods 185 Abide with me: fast falls theeventide Henry Francis Lyte 165 A gloriousday is dawning 153 All poweris given unto our Lord F. W. R, 340 Be firm and be faithful; desertnot the right Anon 173 Beneaththe shadowof the cross SamuelLongfellow 84 Beneaththe thick but breakingcloud Anon 58 Be Thou, O God, exaltedhigh. Anon page 1 Be true and list the voicewithin Anon 37 Blest Christmasmorn, though murky clouds. . ■.Mary Baker Eddy 186 Blest Christmasmorn, though murky clouds Mary Baker Eddy 189 Breaking through the cloudsof darkness F. L. Heywood 127 Bright was the guiding star that led Harriet Auber 80 Call the Lord thy sure salvation James Montgomery 11a Cast thy bread upon the waters PhcebeA. Hanaford 116 Cast thy bread upon the waters Phabe A. Hanaford 223 Church of the ever-livingGod Horatius Bonar 54 City of God, how broad and far SamuelJohnson 65 Come,Thou all-transformingSpirit Jonathan Evans 133 Come,Thou all-transformingSpirit Jonathan Evans 229 Come to the land of peace Felicia D. Hemans 97 Come,ye disconsolate,where'erye languish ThomasMoore 241 Come,ye that know and fear the Lord GeorgeBurder 74 Come, ye that know and fear the Lord GeorgeBurder ; . 218 Day by day the manna fell Josiah Conder 13S Day by day the manna fell Josiah Conder 163 Eternal Mind the Potter is Alice Dayton 92 Everlastingarms of Love J. R. Macduff 136 Every human tie may perish Rev. ThomasKelley 132 Faith graspsthe blessingshedesires 43 Father, hear the prayerwe offer Mrs. L. M. Willis 120 Father, my all in all Thou art 20 Father, my all in all Thou art 203 Father, Thou Joy of loving hearts Bernard of Clairvaux. Tr. by Ray Palmer 10 Fight the good fight with all thy might Rev. John S. B. Monsell 13 Fight the good fight with all thy might Rev. John S. B. Monsell 207 From all that dwell below the skies Isaac Watts 1 From out the hideousnight M. M 159 From the tablenow retiring John Rowe 111 Gird thy heavenlyarmor on CharlotteElliot 162 Glory be to God on high John Taylor 184 God comes,with succorspeedy James Montgomery 148 God is Love; His mercybrightens John Bowring 114 God is my strong salvation James Montgomery 152 God is the Life, the Truth, the Way Mrs. Isabella B. Keyes 28 God madeall His creaturesfree James Montgomery 144 God's gloiy is a wondrousthing Rev. F. W. Faber 45 Gracious spirit, dwell with me Thomas Toke Lynch 145 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah William Williams i34 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah William Williams 330 299 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF FIRST LINES. first line. Author. Hymn Had I the tonguesof Greeksand Jews Isaac Watts 14 Happy the heart wheregracesreign Isaac Watts 44 Happy the man, who knows Rev. ThomasCogswellUpham.. 100 Hath not thy heart within theeburned StephenG. Bulinch 16 Hear our prayer,oh graciousFather F. L. Heywood 117 Heirs of unendinglife Benjamin Beddome 104 Heirs of unendinglife Benjamin Beddome 221 He leadethme! O blessedthought! J. H. CUmore 208 Help us to help eachother, Lord S3 Here, O my Lord, I'd seeThee face to face Horatius Bonar 166 He that goethforth with weeping ThomasHastings 130 He that has God his guardian made Tate and Brady 39 High in the heavens,eternalGod Isaac Watts 38 Holy Bible! book divine John Burton 142 Holy Bible! book divine John Burton 234 Holy Father, Thou hast taughtus /. M. Nealc 129 Holy Father, Thou hast taughtus J. M. Nealc 180 Holy Father, Thou hast taughtus J. M. Neale , 228 How beauteouson the mountains Benjamin Cough 151 How beauteouswere the works divine A. C. Coxe 23 How blestare they whoseheartsare pure William Goode 51 How firm a foundation,ye saintsof the Lord GeorgeKeith.. 170 How gentleGod's commands Philip Doddridge 93 How lovelyare Thy dwellings,Lord John Milton 55 How lovelyare Thy dwellings,Lord John Milton an How sweet,how heavenlyis the sight Joseph Swain 57 How sweetlyflowedthe gospelsound John Bowring 33

"I am the way, the truth, the life" Anon 41 "I am the way, the truth, the life" Anon 209 I cannotalwaystrace the way John Bmvring 32 I cannotalways tracethe way John Bowring 206 I cannotwalk in darknesslong CarolineA. Mason 78 If God is all in all Emily F. Seal 156 If my immortalSaviour lives Anne Steele 30 If my immortalSaviourlives Anne Steele 205 If on our daily course,our mind John Keble 5 I know no life divided Rev. Carl J. P. Spitta. Tr. by Richard Massie 154 I look to Thee in everyneed SamuelLongfellow 176 I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger M. S. B. Dana 181 Immortal Love, foreverfull /. G. Whitlicr 77 Impostureshrinks from light ThomasScott 96 In atmosphereof lovedivine 8i I needThee everyhour Mrs. Annie S. Hawks 182 In heavenlylove abiding A. L. W 149 In Thee, oh Spirit, trueand tender FrancesA. Fox 164 In Thee, oh Spirit, true and tender -■ FrancesA. Fox 187 I praiseThee, Lord, for blessingssent a I praiseThee, Lord, for blessingssent 199 It cameupon the midnightclear E. H. Sears 89 I worship Thee, sweetWill of God Rev. F. W. Faber 68 I worship Thee, sweetWill of God Rev. F. W. Faber 216

Jesus, what preceptis like thine Mrs. Mary A. Livermore 7 Joy to the world, — the Lord is come Isaac Watts — 47 Joy to the world, the Lord is come Isaac Watts 64

Kingdoms and thronesto God belong Isaac Watts 6 Know, O child, thy full salvation Henry Francis Lyte zx8 3°° ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF FIRST LINES. first line. Author. Hymn Lead, kindly Light, amid the encirclinggloom... .John Henry Newman 169 Lead, kindly Light, amid the encirclinggloom... .John Henry Newman 19© Let party namesno more Benjamin Beddome 9» Look, ye saints! the day is breaking Rev. ThomasKelley 13* Lord! I havemadeThy word my choice Isaac Watts 70 Lord! I havemadeThy word my choice Isaac Watts 217 Lord, may Thy truth upon the heart Caroline GUman 12 Lowly in heart to all who sought *7 Make channelsfor the streamsof love Richard C. Trench 86 Make haste,O man, to do Horatius Bonar no Make haste,O man, to do Horahus Bonar 223 Mighty God, the First, the Last Wtlltam Gaskell 137 My feetshall neverslide Isaac Watts 175

Nearer, my God, to Thee Sarah F. Adams 158 Nearer, my God, to Thee Sarah F. Adams 236 Now is the time approaching Jane Borthivick 150' Now sweepingdown the yearsuntold Laura C. Noursc 121 Now to our loving Father, God Hymns and Tunes 59

O'er waiting harp-stringsof the mind Mary Baker Eddy 179 O'er waiting harp-stringsof the mind Mary Baker Eddy 198 O for a faith that will not shrink W. H. Bathurst 67 O! gentlepresence,peaceand joy and power- . .Mary Baker Eddy i97 O God, our help in agespast Isaac Watts 215 0 God, whosepresenceglows in all N. L. Frothingham 26 O God, whosepresenceglows in nil N. L. Frothingham 204 On, be not faithless!with the morn BernardBarton 177 Oh do not bar your mind CharlesParsons 107 Oh! everon our earthly path C. F. Alexander Oh, he S3 whom loved has truly spoken J. G. Whittier 17a Oh! not alone with outward sigh J. G. Whittier Oh, 90 sometimesgleamsupon our sight /. G. Whittier 17 Oh, speedthee, Christian, on thy way Anon 56 Oh, speedthee,Christian, on thy way Anon Oh, 21a the clangingbells of Time Ellen M. H. Gates 193 O Life that makethall thingsnew SamuelLongfellow O Lord, 3 I would delight in Thee John Ryland. 91 O Lord, I would delight in Thee John Ryland O Lord! 219 where'erThy peoplemeet William Cowper 25 O Love Divine, whoseconstantbeam /. G. Whittier 34 O Love! O Lifel our faith and sight J. G. Whittier O, my people! 71 journeyingonward Mrs. F. S. Lm>ejoy 125 One cup of healingoil and wine W. H. Drummond One holy 35 Church of God appears SamuelLongfellow 85 One holy Church of God appears SamuelLongfellow 220 On the night of that last supper St. Thomasof Aquino 119 On the night of that last supper St, Thomas Aquino Onward, of 224 Christian soldiers 5. Baring-Gould 157 Onward, Christian, thoughthe region SamuelJohnson Onward, Christian, 113 thoughthe region. » SamuelJohnson 183 O pure Reformers!not in vain /. G. Whittier O Spirit, 83 sourceof light Anon 9: O tender,loving Shepherd F. W. R a; O Thou great Friend to all the sonsof men TheodoreParker i( Our God is love; and all His saints Anon Our God is Love, 73 unchangingLove F. W. R 191 Our God shall reign where'er " the sun Isaac Watts » 9 Our God shall reign where'erthe sun Isaac Watts aoa Our heavenis everywhere -- Miss Fletcher 04 3d ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF FIRST LINES first line. Author. Hymn Partnersof a glorious hope Charles Wesley 138 Partnersof a glorioushope Charles Wesley 231 Peacebe to this congregation Charles Wesley 128 Peacebe to this congregation Charles Wesley 227 Planted in Christ, the living vine S. F. Smith 66 Prayer is the heart'ssinceredesire James Montgomery 88 Presson! dear traveller,presson Mrs. J. H. Bell 40 Presson, presson! yc sonsof light William Gaskell 4 Presson, presson! ye sonsof light William Gaskell 200 Rock of Ages, Truth Divine F.W.R.. 188 Rouse, ye soldiersof the cross M. H. Tipton I9a

Saw ye my Saviour!Heard ye the glad sound.. .Mary Baker Eddy 178 Scornnot the slightestword or deed 48 Servantsof Christ, arise Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourncy 102 Shepherd,show me how to go Mary Baker Eddy 161 Shepherd,show me how to go Mary Baker Eddy 195 Shepherd,show me how to go Mary Baker Eddy 196 Soldiersof Christ, arise CharlesWesley 103 Sow in the morn thy seed James Montgomery 108 Sow in the mom thy seed. James Montgomery 222 Speakgently,it is betterfar G. W. Longford 60 Speakgently,it is betterfar G. W. Longford 213 Still,still with Thee whenpurplemorningbreakethHarriet BeecherSlave 171 Sun of pur life, Thy quickeningray Oliver WendellHolmes 8 Sun of'our life, Thy quickeningray Oliver WendellHolmes 201 Supremein wisdomas in power Isaac Watls,arr. by William Cam eron 61

"Take up thy cross," the Savioursaid C. W. Everest 27 Teach me, my God, and King Rev. GeorgeHerbert 100 The Christian warrior, seehim stand James Montgomery 31 The God who madeboth heavenand earth 79 The heavensdeclarethe glory F.W.R■ 237 The hopesThy holy word supplies Sir RobertGrant 23 The lifted eye,and bendedknee 36 The loving friend to all who bowed SamuelLongfellow 82 The morninglight is breaking A'.F. Smith 147 Theories,which thousandscherish R. C. Waterslon 123 There'sa widenessin God's mercy Rev. F. W. Fabcr 194 The Spirit breathesupon the word William Cowpcr 42 The Spirit breathesupon the word William Cowper 210 They are slaveswho will not choose /. R. Lowell 143 They who seekthe throneof grace Oliver Holden 141 Thine is a living way M. J. H. Zink 99 Thou art the Way: to Thee alone GeorgeW. Doane 75 Thy will, almighty Father, Thine H 24 'Tis God the Spirit leads James Montgomery 101 To us a Child of Hope is born John M orison 69 True, the heartgrows rich in giving ElizabethCharles 126 Truth comesalike to all S. J. Avery 160 Truth comesalike to all S. J. Avery 23s Upon 's sacredpage John Bowring Ij

Vainly, throughnight's wearyhours Henry Francis Lyte 134 Vainly, throughnight's weary hours Henry Francis Lyte aa6

Wait, my heart,upon the Lord W.F.Lloyd 140 Wait, my heart, upon the Lord .....W.F.Lloyd 232


first line. Author. Hymn Walk in the light! so thou shaltknow BernardBarton 63 Walk with your God along the road T. H. Gill 76 Watchman,tell us of the night John Bowring 146 Watchman,tell us of the night John Bowring 233 Well for him who all thingslosing Gottfried Arnold. Tr. by Miss Winkworlh US We may not climb the heavenlysteeps J.G. Whittier 49 We say to all men far and near G. F. P. Hardenburg 46 We thank Thee, heavenlyFather Anon 239 We walk by faith of joys to come Isaac WatUs 72 Whateverdims thy senseof truth Mary W. Hale 5° What is thy birthright, man Emtly F. Seal 155 When God is seenwith men to dwell Hosea Ballon 21 When Jesus, our great Master, came 29 When like a strangeron our sphere James Montgomery 19 While Thou, O myGod, art myhelpanddefender 174 Why is thy faith, O child of God, so small W. F. Sherwin 167 Why searchthe future and the past CharlesH. Barlow 11 With Love and Peaceand Joy supreme Laura C. Nourse 123 Word of Life, most pure, moststrong J. F. Bahnmaier. Tr. by Miss Winkworlh 139 Ye messengersof Christ Mrs. Votes 106 Ye servantsof the Lord Philip Doddridge 105 Ye timid saints,fresh couragetake William Cowper 62 Ye timid saints, freshcouragetake William Cowper 314

303 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TUNES. tune. Composer. Hymn Abends H. S. Oakelcy 206 Abrige Isaac Smilh 82 Albano VincentNovello 58 Alsace Beethoven 6 Arlington ThomasA. Arne 49 Athol Ralph Harrison 105 Aughton W. B. Bradbury 208 Aurelia S. S. Wesley 148 Austria F. J. Haydn 126 Autumn Marechio 125 Avon Hugh Wilson 73 Azmon Gldser-Mason 61

Balerma .Hugh Wilson 57 Bartimeus StephenJenks 113 Bavaria German 127 Beecher Johann Zundel 227 Belmont Mozart 67 Bemerton H.W. Greatorex S2 Benevento Samuel Webbe 184 Bera /. B. Gould 39 Berlin Mendelssohn 167 Bethany Lowell Mason 158 Blumenthal J. D. Blumenthal 180 Boylston Lowell Mason 103 Bracondale Josiah Booth 218 Brattle Street IgnacePleyel 91 Bright was the guiding star Brackett 80

Calm ThomasHastings 176 Canonbury Schumann 12 Capetown Friedrich Fililz 162 Carlisle CharlesLockhart 106 Carter Rev. E. S. Carter i94 Cast thy bread upon the waters Brackett 116 Chamouni ■G.Lomas 224 Chesterfield Rev. ThomasHaweis. . . 46 Chiselhurst Sir Joseph Barnby 222 Christmas arr.from G. F. Handel.. 69 Christmas Morn Albert F. Conant 189 Church Triumphant /. W. Elliott 200 Colchester Henry Purcell 77 Comeye that know and fear the Lord Brackett 74 Communion Doxology GuillaumeFranck p. 1 CommunionHymn Brackett 178 Consolator SamuelWebbe 241 Coronation Oliver Holden 45 Coventry arr. F, W. Root 79

Day of Rest /. W. Elliott 150 Dedham William Gardiner 43 Dennis J.H.G. Naegeli 93 Deveuter BertholdTours 16 Dijon /. G. Bitthauer 14T Duke Street /. HaUon 27 Dundee Guillaume Franck...... 83 3°4 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TUNES. tune. Composer. Hymn Eckhardtsheim CharlesZeuner 87 Eddy Bracken 198 Ein FesteBurg Martin Luther 340 Eisenach Johann H. Schein 303 Elijah Mendelssohn-Root 144 El vet Rev.J. B. Dykes 66 Eschol G.M. Garrett 38 Eternity P.P. Bliss 193 Evan William H. Havergal.. . 59 Evening Prayer G. C. Stebbins 225 Eventide William H. Monk 165 Eventide William H. Monk 185 Everlastingarms of Love BrackeU 136 Ewing AlexanderEwing 149 Father, hear the prayerwe offer Brackett 120 Father, my all in all Thou art Brackett 20 Father, Thou Joy of loving hearts Brackett 10 Federal Street H. K. Oliver 23 Festus From a GermanChorale. 199 Franconia J. G. Ebeling, 221

Galilee W.H. Jude 226 Germany Beethoven 7 God is the Life Brackett 28 Gottschalk Goltschalk-Main 163 Greenland LausannePsalter 151 Greenville J.J. Rousseau 129 Guide me, O Thou greatJehovah Brackett 134 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah H. S. Irons 230

Had I the tonguesof Greeksand Jews Brackett 14 Halle Haydn-Hastings I4S Hamburg . arr. Lowell Mason 29 Harville James Flint 78 Hebdomadal ThomasB. Strong • 63 Heber GeorgeKingsley 75 Hebron Lowell Mason 31 Heirs of unendinglife Brackett 104 Hendon C. H. A. Malan 137 Henley Lowell Mason 171 Herford arr. F. W. Root 143 Hollev GeorgeHews 234 Holy Bible Brackett 14a Holyrood James Watson 100 Homeland Sir Arthur S. Sullivan.. 238 Horbury Rev. J. B. Dykes 236 Hummel CharlesZeuner 212 Hursley Haydn-Monk 25 I cannotalways tracethe way Brackett 3a If God is all in all Brackeit 156 If my immortal Saviour lives Bracket! 3° Ilsley F. G■llsley 130 I'm a pilgrim Anon 181 Impostureshrinks from light Brackett 96 I needThee everyhour Rev. RobertLowry 182 In Thee, Oh Spirit, true and tender Brackett 187 I praiseThee, Lord Brackett 2 Italian Hymn F. Giardini 159 I worship Thee. . , Brackett 68

305 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TUNES tune. Composer. Hymn Know, O child, thy full salvation Bach-Conant 118

Laban Lowell Mason 99 Lambeth Anon 44 Lead, kindly Light Bracketl 190 Let party namesno more Bracketl 98 Linwood G. A. Rossini 37 Lischer Schneider-Mason 175 Lord! I have madeThy words my choice Bracketl 70 Louvan V. C. Taylor 204 Lux Benigna Rev. J. B. Dykes 169 Lux Eoi Sir Arthur S. Sullivan.. 228 Lyons F. J. Haydn 173 Maitland G. N. Allen 55 Make channels Bracketl 86 Make haste,O man Bracketl 110 Maker F. C. Maker 216 Manoah arr./rom G. A. Rossini.. 51 Melcombe SamuelWebbe 18 Merton William H. Monk 114 Missionary Chant CharlesZeuner 3 Missionary Hymn Lowell Mason 153 Morecambe Anon 197 Mornington G. C. W. Mornington. . ■ 102 Munich Sidrl-Mendelssohn 152

Naomi Naegeli-Mason 53 Nox Praxessit J. B. Calkin 220 Nuremburg Johann Rudolph Ahle... 135 Oaksville CharlesZeuner 48 O'er waiting harp-stringsof the mind William L. Johnson 179 O God, whosepresenceglows in all Brackett 26 Oh, speedthee Brackett 56 Old Hundred GuillaumeFranck 1 Olmutz arr. by Lowell Mason...■ 107 O Love Divine Sir Joseph Barnby 34 Onward, Christian, though the region GeorgeGollerman 183 Ortonville ThomasHastings 41 Our heavenis everywhere Brackett 94

Park Street F. M. A. Venua 13 Partnersof a glorious hope Brackett 138 Peacebe to this congregation Brackett 128 Pentecost Rev. William Boyd 307 Peterborough Ralph Harrison 47 Petersham C. W. Poole 90 Pleyel IgnacePleyel 139 Portuguese John Reading 170 Pretfhiera Frederic W. Root 88 Press on, presson! Brackett 4

Rathbun llhamar Conkey 115 Redeemer Handel-Root 122 Refuge From a GermanChorale 205 RegentSquare Henry Smart 229 Retreat ThomasHastings 19 Rivaulx Rev. J. B. Dykes 201 Rockingham Lowell Mason 35 Rouse, ye soldiers J. if. F 192

306 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TUNES tune. Composer. Hymn Sacrifice Henry Lahee 64 Savannah IgnacePleyel 168 Sawley James Walch Saxby 213 T. R. Matthews 36 Schumann arr.from Schumann 223 Science BrackeU 121 Seccomb CharlesH. Morse 17a Serenity arr.from W. V. Wallace. 186 Serug Anon 23s Seymour arr.fromC. M. vonWeber 232 Shepherd Albert F. Conant 196 Shepherd,show mehow to go William L. Johnson 161 Shepherd,show me how to go BrackeU 195 Sicily Sicilian Melody 111 Silver Street Isaac Smith 109 Simpson from Louis Spohr 71 Southport GeorgeKingsley 81 Southwell H. S. Irons 214 Sow in the morn BrackeU 108 Speak gently BrackeU 60 Spohr Louis Spohr 92 St- Agnes ■■Rev.J. B. Dykes 65 St. Anne William Croft 215 St. Anselm Sir Joseph Barnby 237 St. Asaph J. M. Giornovichi 89 State Street /. C. Woodman 97 St Bees Rev. J. B. Dykes 231 St. Cecilia Rev. L. G. Hayne 155 St. Etheldreda Rev. Thomas Turton.. .. 54 St. Flavian Day's Psalter 72 St. George Sir GeorgeJ. Elvey. . . . 233 St Gertrude Sir Arthur S. Sullivan.. 157 St. Leonard Henry Smart 76 St. Leonard Henry Hiles 219 St. Magnus Jeremiah Clark 84 St. Martin's William Tansur 85 Stockwell D. E. Jones 117 St. Oswald Rev. J. B. Dykes 112 St Peter A. R. Reinagle 211 St Stephen Rev. William Jones 210 St Sylvester Rev. J. B. Dykes 123 St. Thomas William Tansur. 101 St Vincent J. Uglow 164 Sun of our life BrackeU 8 Tallis Canon Thomas Tallis 202 Thatcher G. F. Handel 95 The Spirit breathesupon the word BrackeU 42 Thy will, almighty Father, Thine S. S. Wesley 34 Toplady ThomasHastings 188 Toulon. .,. The GenevaPsalter 166 Truro CharlesBumey 5 Truth comesalike to all BrackeU 160

Vainly, through night'swearyhours BrackeU 124 Valete Sir A rthur S. Sullivan . . 40 Varina GeorgeF. Root 191

Wait my heart,upon the Lord BrackeU 140 Ward err. by Lowell Mason. . . 33 307 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TUNES. tune. Composer, Hymn Ware GeorgeKingsley 9 Wareham William Knapp 11 Wareham William Knapp 21 Warwick SamuelStanley 217 Watchman Lowell Mason 146 Webb G. J. Webb 147 Weimar Ancient Melody 131 Wessex E.J. Hopkins 177 We thank Thee Mendelssohn 239 Whateverdims thy senseof truth BrackeU 50 While Thou, O my God, art my help BrackeU 174 Wildersmouth E. J. Hopkins 132 Wilmot C. M. von Weber 119 Winchester,New MusikalisckesHandbuck, Hamburg 2a Woodworth W. B. Bradbury 17 Wordsworth William H. Monk 154 Ye timid saints BrackeU 62 York ScotchPsalter 209

Zephyr W. B. Bradbury 15 Zion ThomasHastings 133


308 I


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