Annexure B ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT & SESSION JUDGE KHUSHAB DISTRICT RETURNING OFFICER NA-94 KHUSHAB-II NOTIFICATION District Khushab, Dated 23rd June 2018 No.31/A-16/Elec:- In pursuance of the Provisions of Rule 50 sub-Rule(4) Election Rules 2017 and Section 59, sub-section (6) of Election Act 2017, I, Mahar Tahir Nawaz Khan, District Returning Officer, Khushab hereby publi h for general information the final list of polling stations in respect of Gene Election-2018 of Constituency No.NA-94 Khushab-II. By Order of Election Commission of Pakistan Mahar Tahir Nalovaz Khan District & Sessions Judge/ District Returning Officer Constituency NA-94 Khushab-I District KhUshab STATEMENT SHOWING THE TOTAL NO. OF POLLING STATIONS, POLLING BOOTHS, NO. OF VOTERS AND NO. OF POLLING PERSONAL OF CONSTITUENCY NA -94 FOR GENERAL EELECTIOIN-2018 OF DISTRICT KHUSHAB t No. of Voters No. of Polling Stations No. of Booths Assistant Presiding Polling Sr. No. & Name of Presiding Naib Qasid Name of District Officers Officers No. Constituency Officers Male Female Total Male Female Combine Total Improvised Male Female Total 323 1650 825 323 1 Khushab NA-94 Khushab-II 212399 187395 399794 57 56 210 323 - 418 407 825 MALIK EJAZ ASIF Addl. District & Sessions Judge/ Returning Officer (NA-94), Khushab II 1701„.12.____ Mahar I,' ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN 4 FORM-28 [see rule 50] LIST OF POLLING STATIONS FOR A CONSTITUENCY OF Election to the National Assembly of the NA-94 KHUSHAB-II Number of voters assigned to Number of polling booths In Case of Rural Areas In Case of Urban Areas S.
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