Dr. H. C. Slade Memorial Issue
it Vol. 53, No.6 130 Gerrard 'St. E., June 13, 1974 Whole Number 2385 Dr. H. C. Slade Memorial Issue REV. H. C. SLADE D.D., LL.D. Esteemed Pastor of Jarvis Street Baptist Church April 1955 - May 1974 REV. HAROLD CURTIS SLADE, D.D., LL.D. SEPTEMBER 9, 1902 - MAY 16, 1974 Dr. H. C. Slade was born in Oxford, Nova Scotia, on September 9, 1902. A young man while in the dry goods business in his home town heard the Gospel through a visiting evangelist in a Modernistic church. A year after DR. T. T. SHIELDS - FOUNDER AND FIRST EDITOR (1922·1955) his conversion he sold his business to attend Toronto DR. H. C. SLADE-(1955·1974) Baptist Seminary. It was through THE GOSPEL WITNESS that his godly p3Jfents learned of the sl'and of Dr. Shields and the founding of Toronto Baptist Sem Published bi-weekly on Thursday for the propagation of the Evangelical principles of the Protestant Reformation and in inary. The fact that a promising young man was leaving defence of the faith once delivered to the Sainh. town to attend "Shields' Seminary" made local headlines. $4.00 Per Year. Postpaid to any addre". 20¢ P.r Single Copy While at the Seminary Dr. Slade served the Baptist Sterling Countries £1.7 (2 y.ars 3£) payabl. to Canadian Imperial Ohurch of Westport, Ontario, for four years. DUlfing his Bank of Commerce, 2 Lombard Stre.t, London, England last year as student pastor Viola Prevost, a young l'ady, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ"-Romans 1:16 was converted and baptized by Dr.
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