Syrian Premier Attacks Idea of Forming Islamic Alliance

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Syrian Premier Attacks Idea of Forming Islamic Alliance University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 5-2-1966 Kabul Times (May 2, 1966, vol. 5, no. 32) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (May 2, 1966, vol. 5, no. 32)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1220. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact L PAM:- 4 'filEJl.'KABUL. TIMES, Mc'NamgiO'Urges French. Take PartIn :W~y-sr9 TCillesOn . l' ,. Broaden' NAto Parlidpa~on '- WASIIINGTO:N, May 1.­ 3 U.S. Sccretary of Defcncc Robcrt. S. 'McNamara said Saturday (SO~ ~2; 1345, S.H.) "wc'd be dcllgbtcd,,·to bave.yr:mce join hi NATO's discussions on '» I . , .,' ..~7 '\" ......,. •••, ,," ' •• ~,.""",,~> ways to' broaden alliancc participation In planning for usc of <.. ", "\ nuclcar weapons • !,~:p~a:ri\,iYjSit$;\:,,-.\;,;: '~,~i ...sT0 UAR'CanlsJ)'li~S' :<A.'~~i~ ::fi.:::Work .', McNamata sa~J. this in response lished now Rahim. ·Akiffi olliciiit· of .. to a question as he returned ,f:rom ?tories from London, denied by ,~~~~~:\s.~~OO)~':·\\·;,. :l'f"::,'~:rer.d ,'·:~ipen"e \\'0 daYs of consultations in the Pentagon. said the U.s."dele­ Fr()m"l'emejl}::N'is~~:tf~t~s kABVL;"!~~r.'2, (B~h.tar),-'-"'.In!·i!. .'1~):o:..' ~,!j:~ \ .... ~~"~'t~~ ";.["'" • Lon'don with top defence minis- gation to London proposed thltt ., '.. R,· . , .• ." ler of .Educatloll" Mohammad,. Os~ \,!,,~J:~SS ft~U '., '. ..... ; .' .:KO~B~i\Ma'y'Z,:(AP).- ters of West 'Germany, Italy,' plans be drawn up for automatic Iver ":" . Anwari sperii,' two days .visili~i"'tIie \,,,.K;~IiUL, May'· 2;" (i1althtar).::.... Turkey and Britain. use oC nuclear' weapons in three President .Gamal AlJdel Nasscr threitcncd Sunday nlgitt to OCCt1PY ~e e*t~nsion The' discussions were the second situat.ions: , lN~t1on·., *dminiatiativc ,,~d .educa·' :Work;;'~n of the gas with UARtroops ,two lU'eas inside ,Saudi 'ArabI:4, wItICI!:M:';~!\4 tional actiVities of his itiiriislry. in,l ';'pfpeline across the Amu "river 'bet n a series that is expected to 1. Use of atomic antiaircraft the· "centres of aggression against the Yemcnl revolution." centre o~ qh~~i provi'.1ce ~nd also io' ;'wee:n Afgha,nist.nn anc;l the ,Soviet lead to changes that will give wcapons in event of attack on f The Saudi'. !lave Irained aod. M'uqur, 'j~ghon and Mallslan wales" Umon was maugurated Saturday member countries of the North NATO territory ~rmed A~I .' " . The pipeline, With a ·diameter of Yem.eni ;'oyalistll. tP, gO PreSident. b Atlantic Trealy Organisation a 2. 'the laying of atomic land walis. mto Yemen to ambush UAR . '. ' . ..,.~ The:rrilnisler who returned from: bi~': '426 m,m., will be extended for 1,200 great role in the alliance's nuclear mines to block invasion fcom troo~s ~ai and then to return to Calls For Unity trip Saturday· night said .S1,1n·day '. metres. 4J" ' Irrangements. across the iron curtain. Saudi . Arabian refuges", Nasser ..' .. ' .~.l, the People of the areas he visitCd have . Engineer Khudai Noor Mend~ .: Nhcn ,\skcd if a new nuclear 3. Atomic depth charges and declared. extended' 'till 'kinas 'ot' cooperation" for Khail, director of thepipelinc.said Among' ·Mu"'l·t··ms ' strategy was in prospect for antisubmarine I weapons in uif.any future aggression 'or in- .. .:.~,,\ ~ , ..~~ 'IATO. McNamara said: event.of assault. on NATO naval KABUL. 'May I; (Bakhtar).-Abdul lhe further deyelap",eri.t and ext>tinlion. SU'nday that the pipelirie ero~ses ·th.e filtration from Saudi Arabia is RAWALPINDI"PJlIC!~ta.n,',·.May 2 cC'ftninly not ilS a result of our forces' or' harbors: / Hakim. ngricurtural vice·prcsiderlt of of' education iri' their, areas.' rIver at a pOint where the fiver 18 carried out against Yemen, we (AP).-PreSideat Ayub hKh~a :.IIM t1i:-i<:ussions of the last few dayS:.',' The story said thIs ntlclear res lh'e Helmnnd Valley Autliorily return Anwarl, ;who'w'as'aI50 .llccompaJ1,ie4. 60 'metres deep R~d ,106 metr~ wide must' strike these centres of ag- P~kistan said' Sund.ay'·Muslby(·c~ult" The Defence Secretary said ponse would be 'p'urely defensive cd here Snt\itday aner a two week. v'iail by'Mahmoud Karimzada, president of . He added that .1 IS planned 10 I!UI gression, not only that, but we Ines should work' 'closer~' logethon \ that the defenc(.' ministers and and would not involve atomic 1'0 Pakistan. where he· :I;\cqullinted .him two inspection' department. also 'visited, th~ In t~rec plpelmes, ~~o of th.em With must occUpy them." . and help each other, to ··develop· ec~ J;r~. se~ool.ln 'self with wheat cultivation methods ten Sanai high the' ceDtre of a .dmmeler of 426 m.m, and ,another Nasser made the threat'ln lUI nomicallY· ' .. '. :., ···.~j:l;·1'1 lheir military aides reviewed .iac- wcapons at the enemy's territory /~'M: t· me~er }"l(" GbUnL' . wtlh a d.. of 72? m.m. r~prslc<;t ural and force questions as n The reported proposals, the '.Jfi, and also agricultural cooPeratives address to a May Day rally In 1ft a .. rialjon-wide r.a..\I,io; , ~he ,e.~tenslon • roundatiori ror the planning published report said, would end His trip was 'sponsoflfd by the not A middle school is now 'being built of first plpelme this 'northern UAR" industrial broadcast, A:rub..,,',~de<,J,.for_,.¥m~ The 65th birth annlvcrsary of His Majcsty 'thc Emperor of japan was observed by. tbe USAID . M h ' b tw' K b I whloh Will be 1,200 melres long was centre. among Muslim nations and men- \\"Illch is going on, present uncertainty in NATO as In uqur on t C WilY. e cen n U begun Saturday. Nasser said ,UAR forces "could lioned King Faisal'-of' 'Saudf' Ara .., He said he saw no need to altet' to the timing and conditions Japanesc Embassy In Kabul. and Kanaahar, through the help of the Menda 'j<hail said that the three thl' NATO regional command set- under which nuclear weapons Prime Minister Mollammad HasbIm Malwandwal, the Mlnlstcr of Fl1relgn and MAZARI SHARIF, May I, lBakh"'r) simply isolate Saudi Arabia from bia's visit to Pakistan·.. last week, '" Mairs people of area. branches will meet be adequate to up which he Said is "well estab- would be used in defence of somc. othcr members of thc cablnct, hlgb rank Ing offieials, and diplomats In Kabul attended A delegation of experts from Agricul 'I the whole of Yemen. We can take "King Faisal is Ilnr'~rdent ;adv~ Also .several s~hools nre. being cons- carry the required gas to be expor Europe. In its statement, the Pen Afghan- Delegation the areaS of Jizan and Nagran. cate of Islamic uni~y"al\1! Solid!'ritr~; thc rcceptlon hcld In the Japancsc Embassy In Kabul on Friday cvening lure and Irrigation Ministry which had trocted 10 Jaghon and Mahstan through ted to· the Soviet Union tagon said Hcrc the PrIme Mlnlstcr shakcs hands with Mrs. Hidc'ki Masaki. wifc· of thc Japanese arrived here 10 inspect kaiukul coope donations made by the public. .. In 1930 these a~eas' were Yeme- he. said. ...<.'., .", ""1r.:r Jowzjan Returns From India ni territorY," he said. "The Saudis . Unforlunalely, forelgo cjot!)jna Nangarhar College ambassador In Kabul • rative! affairs left for Wednes He said the assistance rendered by Concerning fhe general work on News stories alleging that the KABUL, May 2, (Bakhrar).'-The seized it through illegal invasion, tion has left behind, ~~rlain legacies (Co1llifl/lell from pa~ I) day. 't' the. pcopl'e for .the development of laying 'the gas pipdine, the official United States proposed a shift Arghanistan delegation returned Sunday It is always possible that the which tend to perpelila!e' mlsgiying. he Fulbright Programme, he education was satisfactory 23 in NATO defence strategy dur said that kilometres of tbe pipe­ Yemenis will reclaim these' areas a'!l0ng some of the .,. ~usllni cou'n't pnsldered It a cultural and edu KABUL, May I, lBakhiar).-After from .New Delhi after taking part in While Visiting the Sap;ai high schbol ing the meetings of the last two line with a diqmeter of 820 m.m and Egyptians would fight in this tries. Consequently. )inily amohg l!1\'nal c\periencc or mutual benefit (0 Shepherd, Sheep taking part in Iqbal Day celebration in a symposium of Asian and African he said. the principal of the school has been welded. Of this 20 kilome days in London are not correct Pakistan, H, Mojndedi Dean of' the scientists ·held ·in the Indian capital battle with tne ,Yemenis". these countrtes haS not so fat .taXon h(' Arghan and American sides I~j reported to him that t'he teacher short tres have actually been put on the At the meetings in London Killed By Lightning College of Literature and Sarwar Ooya The leader of delegation Dr, Abdul Earlier, Nasser delivered 8 a practical, shape,,. :. 1 .~ '~.' age has been etiminnted the high .. an lnstruetor he had valued lhe ministers discussed possible In pipeline tracks and joined together lengthy veiled attack against "May the misgi''(ings. and misu... the' spirit of cooperation among HERAT, May J. (Bakhlar).-A Etemadi, advisor in Education Ministry Ghntroor Qaisani ~aid on arrival that school to a certain extent AUogether 200 experts and offi modification in organisation and '4 Saudi Arabian King Faisal:" ." dcrst~ndings soon disappear." "" college <.lnd staJf and the acade shcpherd died after being bit by returned here Saturday the aim or the symposium was to fur clals work cn the project, he said 0 procedures to improve allied par 'II Meerzad Leaves For FRG W.ithout mentioning Faisal by Th,~ was appar~n~ .
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