Comparex VSE User Guide

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Comparex VSE User Guide SERENA COMPAREX 8.7 for z/OS User’s Guide Serena Proprietary and Confidential Information Copyright Copyright © 2001–2011 Serena Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This document, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Serena. Any reproduction of such software product user documentation, regardless of whether the documentation is reproduced in whole or in part, must be accompanied by this copyright statement in its entirety, without modification. This document contains proprietary and confidential information, and no reproduction or dissemination of any information contained herein is allowed without the express permission of Serena Software. The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Serena. Serena assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document. Trademarks Serena, TeamTrack, StarTool, PVCS, Collage, Comparex, Dimensions, Serena Dimensions, Mashup Composer, Mashup Exchange, Prototype Composer, Mariner and ChangeMan are registered trademarks of Serena Software, Inc. The Serena logo, Version Manager, Meritage and Mover are trademarks of Serena Software, Inc. All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners. U.S. Government Rights Any Software product acquired by Licensee under this Agreement for or on behalf of the U.S. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities is "commercial software" as defined by the FAR. Use, duplication, and disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in the license under which the Software was acquired. The manufacturer is Serena Software, Inc., 1900 Seaport Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Redwood City, California 94063-5587. Publication date: April 2011 (updated 17 June 2011) CONTENTS About This Book 17 Audience 17 Code Conventions 17 Legend 18 Related Documents 19 Chapter 1: Introduction In This Chapter 21 Comparex Overview 22 Types of Files You Can Compare 22 Running Comparex: All-Defaults or Keywords 23 All-Defaults 23 Keywords 24 DATA or TEXT File Comparison 24 DATA 24 TEXT 24 Environment Definitions 26 Chapter 2: Major Processing Steps Processing Steps 29 Comparex with No Keywords 30 Comparex Defaults 31 Comparex with Keywords 33 Processing of SYSPRINT 34 Files Opened 34 Reading of Records 35 Comparison of Records - DATA 35 Comparison of Records - TEXT 36 Writing of SYSUT3 36 Writing of SYSUT3x 36 Writing of SYSPRINT 37 End-of-Job Processing 38 Keyword General Comments 39 Sample Run 41 3 Contents Chapter 3: TEXT Keywords What Is TEXT? 43 TEXT Processing Keywords 44 What Is TEXT Comparison Logic? 45 TEXT Examples 47 Keywords Not Available with TEXT 50 DUMMY File 50 KEYs 50 SEGMENTs 50 DATA 50 IDENTITYs 50 Fields 51 DESENs 51 MASKs 51 FLDSONLY 51 LINE 51 LINELIM 51 NIBBLE 51 PRINTs 52 Advantages of TEXT 52 Disadvantages of TEXT 53 Decisions About DATA and TEXT 53 End-of-Job Counts 53 TEXT Keywords 53 BUFF 54 FRAME 55 MLC 55 PRINT 56 SQUEEZE 56 TEXT 56 Chapter 4: DATA Keywords DATA File Synchronization Keywords 63 What Is DATA? 64 What Is DATA Comparison Logic? 64 DUMMY Files 64 KEY Synchronization 65 SEGMENT Synchronization 67 Physical-Record-Number Synchronization 71 Keywords Not Available with DATA 73 Advantages of DATA 73 4 Serena® Comparex® 8.7 for z/OS User’s Guide Disadvantage of DATA 74 Decisions About DATA and TEXT 74 End-of-Job Counts 74 CPX74I - Bytes Underscored 74 CPX73I - COPYSPLIT Record Counts 74 CPX75I - Record Counts 75 CPX76I - Unusable Fields, IDENTITYs, SEGMENTs, DESENs 75 CPX78I - Member Counts 75 DATA Keywords 75 KEY, KEY1, and KEY2 Keywords 75 KEY1 77 KEY2 77 SEGMENT 77 Chapter 5: Input Processing Keywords List of Keywords 81 Comparex Keyword Input 84 Comments 84 HELP 84 Incorrect Keywords 85 Correct Keywords 85 Correct and Incorrect Keywords on Same SYSIN Record 85 End of Data on SYSIN 85 SYSUT1, SYSUT2, and SYSUT3 or SYSUT3x Opened 85 SYSUT1 and SYSUT2 Opened 85 SKIPUT1 and SKIPUT2 86 SYSUT3 Opened 86 SYSUT3x Opened 86 SYSUT1 and SYSUT2 Read 86 STOPAFT 87 CONTINUE 87 Displacement 87 Selecting Records for Comparison 87 Keywords 88 Form of Keywords 88 Inclusive Keywords 89 Exclusive Keywords 89 Pairing Records for Comparison 90 Types of DATA Synchronization 90 TEXT 91 Comparing Only on Specific Fields 91 5 Contents FIELD 91 MASK 92 IDENTITY 92 Keywords for Input Processing 93 CCSID1 and CCSID2 93 CONTINUE 95 CPXEXIT 95 CPXIFACE 96 DATA 96 CSECT Parsing Enhancements 98 DESEN 99 DESEN1 100 DESEN2 100 DIRECTORY 100 END 103 FIELD, FIELD1, and FIELD2 Keywords 104 FIELD1 108 FIELD2 108 FILTERIN 108 FILTEROUT 110 FILTORIN 110 FILTOROUT 111 IDENTITY 111 A-IDENTITY 113 IGNORSIN 114 MASK 114 MASK1 115 MASK2 116 MODE 116 SCAN 117 SKIPUT1 118 SKIPUT2 118 STOPAFT 119 SYSUT1 119 SYSUT2 122 WILDCARD 122 Chapter 6: Display Processing Keywords Printing the Comparison Results 125 Display Processing Keywords 125 All-Defaults Difference Report 128 6 Serena® Comparex® 8.7 for z/OS User’s Guide All-Defaults Difference Report with DATA 128 Modifying the Difference Report 129 ASCII 129 CASE 130 DASH 131 DECIMAL 131 EBCDIC 132 FLDSONLY 132 FORMAT 133 Smart Fields 136 GENFLDS 137 HALT 137 HEX 138 IGNORSIN 138 INTERLEAVE 139 KEYSONLY 139 KILLECHO 139 KILLRC 140 KILLSPIE 140 LINE 140 LINELIM 141 MAXDIFF 141 MAXMATCH 142 MBRHDR 142 NIBBLE 143 PAGE 144 PLUS 144 PRINT 145 UNICODE 146 Chapter 7: Copyfile to Output Files Copyfile Keywords 147 Output Definition SYSUT3 148 Output Definitions SYSUT3A Through SYSUT3E 149 Copying Differing Records 150 Identifying Differing Records 150 COPYDIFF 152 COPYDIFF Format Options 153 ChangeMan ZMF (TEXT), GEM, Panvalet, or Librarian Format Types 154 Generating Delta Deck Control Cards 156 INSERT 157 7 Contents DELETE 157 REPLACE 158 Delta Deck Examples 159 Copying Matching Records 161 COPYSAME 161 End-of-Job Record Count 161 Copying Matching and Differing Records Concurrently 162 COPYSPLIT 162 End-of-Job Record Count 163 Chapter 8: Using Comparex Interactively ISPF Interface 165 Accessing Interactive Comparex Functions 165 Comparex Primary Menu 165 Interactive Workflow 167 Keyword Support 167 Using Option Profiles 168 Save an Option Profile 168 Load a Previously Saved Option Profile 169 Example ISPF Sessions 170 DATA Comparison in Foreground 170 TEXT Comparison Via Short Cut 176 Comparing z/OS Unix Directories 178 Comparing a Panvalet Directory to a PDS Using an Edited Batch Job 179 Parsing Copybooks 180 Chapter 9: Copybook and Copylib Assisted Comparisons Copybook and Copylib Parser 183 Chapter 10: DB2 Comparisons in ISPF and Batch Advanced DB2 Support 197 Interfaces 197 Performance 198 Requirements 198 Interactive DB2 Table Comparisons in ISPF 198 Selecting the DB2 Tables to Compare 199 Specifying Columns for Selection and Comparison 202 Viewing and Editing SQL Statements 205 Assessing the Results of the Comparison 206 Batch DB2 Table Comparisons with Rexx 206 Sample Rexx Program DB2SMPL 206 8 Serena® Comparex® 8.7 for z/OS User’s Guide Source Code to Establish DB2 Connection 207 Source Code to Create Comparex Input Parameters 208 Source Code to Write DB2 Data to a Flat File 209 Error Diagnostics 210 Batch JCL to Run DB2SMPL 210 Batch JCL to Execute Comparex 211 Assessing the Results of the Comparison 212 Limitations of Comparison in DB2 Environments 212 Chapter 11: CPXIFACE Integration with External Data Managers Panvalet, Librarian, and GEM 213 Panvalet 213 Librarian 215 GEM 216 All DBMS Products 218 ADABAS 218 CINCOM 223 Condor CAMLIB 224 DATACOM 226 DB2 (Legacy Interface) 227 DL/1 233 DMS: DASD Management System 236 FOCUS 237 IAM 239 IDMS 240 ORACLE 245 OWL - Online Without Limits 247 RAMIS II 248 ROSCOE 250 WYLBUR 251 Roll Your Own 252 Synchronizing Databases 254 Chapter 12: Delta Deck Option Delta Deck Option 259 Panvalet Format 259 Librarian Format 260 ChangeMan ZMF Format 262 PDS Versus Proprietary Structure 263 Relative Line Numbers in ChangeMan ZMF Format 263 Update Directive 263 9 Contents Line Directives 264 Execution JCL 265 File Attributes 265 Multiple Decks 266 Integrity 266 Directory Statistics 266 Sample Report 267 Explanation 267 Error Messages 269 Appendix A: Examples 305 SCENARIO 1 - Scanning for Date Fields 305 SCENARIO 2 - Comparing Source Code to Detect Changes 306 SCENARIO 3 - Detecting Missing Source or Load Modules 308 SCENARIO 4 - Generating Test Data 309 SCENARIO 5 - Verifying Field Modifications 310 SCENARIO 6 - Validating Database Conversions 314 Select One Account - FILTERIN 317 Select Two Accounts - FILTORINs 317 Exclusive Filters 317 Filter Out One Record 318 Filter Out All But Certain Records 318 Filter Out and Filter In 318 Disregard Inserted Records 318 Complex Filtering 319 IDENTITYs and FIELDs 319 COBOL Source Code Changes 319 Filters with TEXT 319 Audit PDS Libraries 320 Compare JCL Libraries 321 Regression Test in Database Environment 321 Compare to Backup 321 Find Latest Versions 322 IEBUPDTE Formatting of Audit Trail 322 Delta Deck in ChangeMan ZMF Format Audit Trail 323 Desensitize Live Production Data 324 Reverse Delta Deck 325 Appendix B: Effective Testing 327 Some Effective Testing Flowcharts
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