DPS Always Prepared to Assist in an Emergency
Volume 10. Number 16 Northern Kentucky Uniuer&ity Wedne•day, January 20, 1982 DPS always prepared to assist in an emergency pbyeical education, end ROTC pro 'l'ba Foundation offered Kroger a are no barrien prohibiting co-op." pama. 50-yoar IMN and a package In which tho The ..-n:h complex ehould booat The fac:Wty will Include a awlmmlng company would pay 60'JI> of tho prime in· economic development In Northern Ken· Tho future of Nortbem'a Health and pool, racquetball end handball courta, t.erNt ratl on bonda iaoued by Campbell tucky and encourage other companieo to Phyalcal Education (HPE) building now ancla main activity Ooor, which lncludee County. Rent, under tho agreement, waa look at opportunitioo in thla uoa, ....to In tho honda of tho atlte Gononl a ........,;.,. tnck. epace for baaketball, for •25,000 a year. Albright oald . Aeaembly, after Governor John Y. volleyball, tennlo and badminton, Albright aaid that reBNrCh will moat Tho facility will be built on 71'1 ac.... Brown cut tho project from the 1982-34 Albrlsht oald. probably be dono on food technology, of the 67 acre tract owned by the Foun· budpt. Studentl and faculty will have accaee nutrition end food chomiotry; marketln& dation. The tract liea among the in· The General Aleembly ia curnntiy to tho facilitieo aa will the community, reiNJ'Ch will be excluded. toroectione of 1·275, 1_.71, and U.S. 27. roviewins the buclpt and will IJOOD be Albrlsht added. The facility ahould have OPODingo for The Foundation ia otill -"'og com· ••••••ln1 unlvereity project., eaid ''The buUdlng will be particularly chemi1t1, mlcrobiologiete, and lab mitmentl from compani01 to build a univereity Preoidont A.D.
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