April - May Copenhagen
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Newsletter for St Alban’s Church, Diocese in Europe, April - May Copenhagen. www.st-albans.dk 2013 Church Calendar April - May Sunday 14 April The Third Sunday of Easter 1000 Service at Kastrup Lutheran Church (Kastruplundgade 3, 2770 Kastrup) 1030 Parish Eucharist at St Alban’s Wednesday 17 April 1030 Holy Communion Sunday 21 April The Fourth Sunday of Easter 1030 Parish Eucharist Wednesday 24 April 1030 Morning Prayer Sunday 28 April St Mark 1030 Parish Eucharist at St Alban’s Followed by Annual Church Meeting Wednesday 1 May 1 St Philip & St James 030 Morning Prayer Sunday 5 May The Sixth Sunday of Easter 1030 Family Eucharist NB Visitors’ season starts with Guardians’ Team Wednesday 8 May Julian of Norwich 1030 Holy Communion Thursday 9 May Ascension Day 11:00 Eucharist Sunday 12 May 1030 Parish Eucharist Wednesday 15 May St Matthias the Apostle 1030 Morning Prayer 2 Sunday 19 May Pentecost 1030 Eucharist Wednesday 22 May 1030 Morning Prayer Sunday 26 May Trinity Sunday 1030 Eucharist Wednesday 29 May Corpus Christi 1030 Holy Communion You are invited to join us for refreshments after the 10:30 Sunday Service St Albans’ Church in Jutland (in partnership with the Danish Lutheran Church) Sunday 28 April at 1400 at Løgetkirke, Løget Center 2, 7100 Vejle: Inter- national Service (in English) led by Deacon Christophe. All welcome. Info from [email protected] Sunday 12 May at 1900 at Mollevangskirke, Aarhus: Ascension Eucharist (in English) led by Archdeacon Jonathan. All welcome. Info from [email protected] Concerts at St Alban’s Church Sunday 21 April at 1200 ‘Wind Trio Amerise’ (free) Sunday 12 May at 1600 The Roskilde Choir (tickets on door) Sunday 26 May at 1200 Copenhagen Trombone Quartet (free) 3 %-51·6,17(51$7,21$/6&+22/ %M¡UQ·V ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6FKRRO LV D VPDOO DQG IULHQGO\ VFKRRO LQ &RSHQKDJHQRIIHULQJDTXDOLW\HGXFDWLRQIRUFKLOGUHQIURPWR\HDUV RIDJH6WXGHQWVIURPWKURXJKRXWWKHZRUOGDWWHQG%M¡UQ·V,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6FKRRODQGIROORZHLWKHUDQ(QJOLVKRU'DQLVKFXUULFXOXP %M¡UQ·V ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6FKRRO LV SDUWLDOO\ VXEVLGL]HGE\WKHVWDWHDQG DGKHUHV WR WKH QDWLRQDO VWDQGDUGV DQG TXDOLILFDWLRQV IRU VFKRROV LQ 'HQPDUN 7KRVHVWXGHQWVZKRSODQWROLYHLQ'HQPDUNIRUDWOHDVWIRXU \HDUV DQG HQUROO LQ WKH 'DQLVKVSHDNLQJ 'HSDUWPHQW ZLOO UHFHLYH DQ HGXFDWLRQWKDWIROORZVWKH'DQLVK6FKRRO&XUULFXOXP 8SRQ JUDGXDWLQJ IURP %M¡UQ·V ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6FKRRO VWXGHQWV LQ WKH (QJOLVKVSHDNLQJ 'HSDUWPHQW ZLOO KDYH IROORZHG WKH FXUULFXOXP UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH ,*6( ,QWHUQDWLRQDO *HQHUDO &HUWLILFDWH RI 6HFRQGDU\ (GXFDWLRQ 7KH VWXGHQWV ZLOO KDYH KDG WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ RI WDNLQJ WKH ,*&6( H[DPLQDWLRQV LQ XS WR VL[ VXEMHFWV (QJOLVK 0DWKV 6FLHQFH *HRJUDSK\+LVWRU\DQG$UWDQG'HVLJQ 7KH'DQLVKDQG(QJOLVKGHSDUWPHQWVDUHIUHTXHQWO\FRPELQHGVRWKHUHLV FRQVWDQWLQWHUDFWLRQEHWZHHQWKHVWXGHQWVLQERWKGHSDUWPHQWV 3OHDVHIHHOIUHHWRFRQWDFWWKHVFKRRODQGDUUDQJHDWLPHIRUDYLVLW:H ZRXOGEHKDSS\WRDQVZHU\RXUTXHVWLRQVDQGVKRZ\RXWKHVFKRRO $GGUHVV %M¡UQ·V,QWHUQDWLRQDO6FKRRO *DUWQHULYHM &RSHQKDJHQ 3KRQH FRXQWU\FRGH )D[ FRXQWU\FRGH 6FKRRO/HDGHU 3LD'UDERZLF] 4 Dear Friends November. We remember fondly his last visit here last summer at the Deanery Synod Eucharist, and the It was lovely to welcome so many fantastic African lunch that followed visitors on Easter Day. the service, and his presenting Maundy Coins to Carole Rasmussen Thank you to our choir and organist, to honour 50 years of being a sidesmen and women, flower team, chorister. verger and churchwardens for all their hard work. The process of finding a new Diocesan Bishop will take about a I am grateful to Bishop John Saxbee year, and Bishop David Hamid will for his moving and challenging lead our diocese during this time of input into our worship over the vacancy. I will keep you briefed on three days of Maundy Thursday, any updates. Good Friday and Easter Day - known as The Triduum. We also look forward to the Spring and Summer, and our St Alban’s As we move into the 50 days of Annual Church Meeting which will Easter, we look to the future of our take place on Sunday 28 April at 1130. Church. We have a new archbishop This will be a time to take stock, to - Justin Welby - now installed at hear reports from the various areas Canterbury. There are many huge of our church life, and look to the issues that need to be resolved in the future with the excitement of the world-wide Church, including gat resurrection of Jesus still ringing in marriage, women bishops, and the our hearts. cultural clashes across the Anglican Communion. He certainly needs Allelulia, Chirst is risen! He is risen our prayers! And we have a new indeed, Alleluia! Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis, who has quickly made an impression May the joy and peace of the risen with a new style of leadership. Lord, be yours this Eastertide. Our own Diocesan Bishop, Bishop Geoffrey Rowell (who shares his Jonathan Easter message in this edition) has announced that he will retire in 5 Members of the Lent Study Group with the book ‘Abiding’ Lent study group against this he explores the habit concludes of patience, the willingness to learn and be changed, the readiness to be A small group of women and someone else’s guest and dependent, men have met over the Sundays not being in sole control of our lives. of Lent to explore our Christian It is a book about learning to inhabit faith in the context of the our own bodies and our history, Archbishop of Canterbury’s and it is also about inhabiting recommended book for Lent 2013. mindfully the discipline of prayer and the reading of Scripture. The book is written by Ben Quash, Professor of Christianity and the Ben Quash places these qualities Arts at King’s College, London. within the tradition of the Anglican The title of the book is Abiding Ethos, suggesting the rarely used and, as the Archbishop writes in concept of Abiding as the key to his introduction, is a reflection on the exploration of the depth and where we find our centre of gravity. hidden treasurers of our faith. It is a remarkable small book and Ben Quash looks at the different has been a blessing and challenge for ways in which we can misunderstand the group of us who have met over our need for continuity and security Lent to deepen our understanding – by resorting to inflexible habits or of faith by working through it. expectations in a world where things naturally change - and Ulla Monberg 6 St Alban’s member takes on Copenhagen Marathon This year, member of St Alban’s Owen Prewett will be running the Copen- hagen Marthon for charity again, on this occasion for UNICEF. On the past two attempts, the congregation of St. Alban’s have been particularly generous in their support, helping to raise over 10.000 kroner for Red- den in 2011, and in excess of 6.000 kroner for Save the Children last year. If you want to offer your support and encouragement this year, you can donate to UNICEF either by going direct to his Just Giving web page at: http://www.justgiving.com/Owen-Prewett2 or by giving your cash donation to him after which it will be transferred to his Just Giving account with a message to say where the money has come from. Owen knows that these are difficult times, and knows that you have given countless times – and that some of you have supported his efforts before – but asks you to please consider giving again. Any amount will help spur him on and make sure that children across the world get the help they so desperately need. Last chance to join the new St Alban’s Electoral Roll If you haven’t yet joined the new Electoral Roll (check the list on the no- tice board in the Narthex), there may still be time. The absolute deadline is April 14th if you want to be able to take part in and vote at the ACM on April 28th. The applications forms are also on the notice board and there is a box on the window sill for the filled in forms. Also, when you change your address, email or telephone number, do re- member to inform the Electoral Roll Officer: [email protected]. 7 Lunchtime concert Thanking them, the Chaplain said he felt as though he was on his way to programme delights heaven with the angels. As the music floated gently and harmoniously growing audiences into the heights, we all agreed. The collective noun simply must be “a The new programme of monthly heavenliness of harps”. Helen has lunch-time concerts is proving delighted us on several occasions a great success. Audiences have alone, but few had heard an entire doubled and so has the revenue group before, led so ably by her, and spontaneously collected. We began her two guests. in February with an astonishing concert of piano accordionists In Queen Elizabeth I’s day harpists who played a wide range of music had high status and played at the from baroque to blues. Those who tables of royalty and nobility. As attended were surprised at the musical tradition changed, the variety of tone and rhythm and style role of the harper diminished the performers exhibited. but fortunately the music played centuries ago still exists and today On 24 March 10 Irish harps were one has a sense of a faraway, delicate wheeled into the church and a jollity in some of the tunes. The concert, arranged by Helen Davis gentle repetitiveness of the melody was held. The performers – called and the choruses is meditative and “harpers” not “harpists” we learnt as the rhythm changes one can - had just completed a weekend picture how new groups of dancers workshop held by two very famous and revelers would take the floor. Irish harpers, Kathleen Lougkane from Galway and Aibhlin McCram We hope that Dorthe Nielsen, from Dublin.