DIALOGUE FOR PEACE Somali Programme Roots for Good Governance Establishing the Legal Foundations for Local Government in Puntland Garowe, Puntland Phone: (+252 5) 84 4480 Thuraya: +88 216 4333 8170 Galkayo Phone: (+252 5) 85 4200 Thuraya: +88 216 43341184
[email protected] www.pdrc.somalia.org Acknowledgements Editor: Ralph Johnstone, The WordWorks Design and Layout: Cege Mwangi, Arcadia Associates Photographs: © Puntland Development Research Centre Front cover photo: Garowe district council members vote for their mayor in June 2005: the election was overseen by the Islan Issa and took place at the PDRC conference hall Back cover photo: Puntland President Adde Musa (second from left) and Vice President, Hassan Daahir (far left) enjoy a light moment with other senior dignitaries during the launch of the Puntland Reform programme in April 2006 at the PDRC conference hall in Garowe. In the background are PDRC research coordinator Ali Farah and Puntland journalists This report was produced by the Puntland Development Research Centre and Interpeace and represents exclusively their own views. These views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the contributing donors and should not be relied upon as a statement of the contributing donors or their services. The contributing donors do not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this report, nor do they accept responsibility for any use made thereof. 2 Roots for Goods Governance Contents November 2006 Introduction to the Dialogue for Peace .....................................................................................