Please note: The City Council may take up items out of the order shown on any Agenda. The City Council reserves the right fo discuss all or part of any item in an executive session at any time during a meeting or work session, as necessary and allowed by state law. Votes or finaldecr'sions are made only in open Regular or Special meetings, not in either a work session or executiye session.


A. City Council will discuss or receive reports on the following current matters or projects. (1) Review agenda items for regular meeting and attachments; (2) Discuss City Council Meeting Rules of Decorum and Public Comment; (3) Discussion on Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics; (4) QuarterlyPorts-to-PlainsUpdates; (5) Quarterly Reports on lT Analytics; (6) Discuss Solid Waste Proposed Ordinance Amêndments; (7) Reports and updates from City Councilmembers serving on outside Boards: Amarillo Local Government Corporation Amarillo MPO Policy Committee Beautification and Public Arts Advisory Board Center City Board Chamber of Commerce Board Convention and Visitor Council Environmental Task Force First Responder's Excellence and lnnovation Fund Board Panhandle Regional Planning Commission Board Panhandle Workforce Development Policy Governance Board Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Advisory Committee Ports-to-Plains Santa Fe Depot Subcomittee (8) Consider future Agenda items and request reports from City Manager. B. City Council may convene in Executive Session to receive reports on or discuss any of the following pending projects or matters. (1) Sec.551 .071 - Consult with Attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, resolution or settlement of same. (a) Pending litigation: City of Amarillo vs. Mission Clay Pipe, et al. (2) Section 551.074 - Discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, and qualifications of a public officer or employee, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. (a) Discussion of City Manager Jared Miller's performance evaluation and compensation.


INVOGATION: Camden Cary lven Cary - Pledge of Allegiance

PUBLIC COMMENT: Citizens who desire to address the City Council with regard to matters on the agenda or having to do with the City's policies, programs, or services will be received at this time. The total time allotted for comments is 30-minutes with each speaker limited to three (3) minutes. City Council may not discuss items not on this agenda, but may respond with factual, established policy information, or refer to staff. The City Council may choose to place the item on a future agenda. (Texas Attomey General Opinion. JC-0169.) 1 CONSENT AGENDA: It is recommended that the following items be approved and that the City Manager be authorized to execute all documents necessary for each transaction:


A. MINUTES: Approval of the City Council minutes of the regular meeting held on April 17,2018.

B ORDINANCE NO. 7728: (Contact: AJ Fawver, Planning and Zoning Director) This the second and final reading of an ordinance rezoning of Lot 7, Block 38, Lawrence Park Unit No. 69, in Section 227, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail (GR) to General Retail with Specific Use Permit 191 (GR/S-191) for on-premise alcohol sales and service. (Vicinity: Olsen Boulevard and Lometa Drive.)

c. oRD|NANCE NO.7729 (Contact: AJ Favwer, Planning and Zoning Director) This is the second and final reading of an ordinance rezoning Lot 1J, Block 25, Sleepy Hollow Unit No. 95, in Section 41, Block g, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 192 (GR/S-192) for on- premise primary use alcohol sales and service.

D. CONS¡DER APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AGREEMENT WITH NORTHWEST TÐ(AS HEALTHCARE SYSTEM: (Contact: Kevin Starbuck, Assistant City Manager) This agreement will authorize Northwest Texas Healthcare System to operate on the City of Amarillo NEXGEN Radio Communications System with applicable infrastructure support fees assessed per the agreement.

E. CONSIDER PURCHASE OF HEAVY EQU¡PMENT IDITCHERS. LOADERS. AIR COMPRESSORS. AND ): (Contact: Glenn Lavender, Fleet Services Superintendent) Award to listed local vendors, Associated Supply Co. lines 3,6,8,9,11 $402,759.00 Ditch Witch of West Texas lines 1 , 12 $213,800.52 Clark Equipment Co. Line 7 $71,371.44 Total Award $687,930.96 Scheduled replacements, additions of Fleet Equipment. Equipment has reached or exceeded useable life cycle. Equipment will be used by the following divisions, Street, Parks Maintenance, Surface Water Treatment, Waste Water Collection, Comanche Trail, and Ross Rogers Golf. Equipment will be used for daily operational requirements.

F. CONSIDER PURCHASE OF ASPHALT ZIPPER MILLING MACHINE (Contact: Glenn Lavender, Fleet Services Superintendent) Award to best evaluated vendor: Asphalt Zipper, Inc. - $100,480.00 This equipment will be used by the Street Division for daily operational requirements. The vendor offered trade-in option with bid. Original bid $1 26,480.00, trade-in offered $26,000.00. G. AWARD PURCHASE OF NEW LIGHTS AND POLES FOR DOWNTOWN PROJECTS (Contact: Trent Davis, Purchasing Agent) Awarded to: Techline, Inc. -- $108,782.40 This award is to approve the purchase of Downtown lights and poles.


ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT (Contact. Floyd Hartman, Assistant City Manager) This software will facilitate contract management of capital and development projects, improve project execution, increase productivity, reduced costs, and speed up project delivery.


2 MPEV CONSTRUCTION UPDATE (Contact: Jerry Danforth, Facilities and Special Project Administrator)

3. ORDINANCE NO. 7727: (Contact: AJ Fawver, Planning and Zoning Director) This is the second and final reading of an ordinance rezoning of Lot 228, Block 23, Glendale Addition Unit No. 26, in Section 5, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 193 (GR/S-193) for a Shooting Range, lndoor. (Vicinity: Bell Street and Hillside Road.)

Amarillo City^Hall is accessible to individuals with disabilities through its main entry on the south side (Southeast 7"' Avenue) of the building. An access ramp leading to the main entry is located at the southwest corner of the building. Parking spaces for individuals with disabilities are available in the south parking lot. City Hall is equipped with restroom facilities, communications equipment and elevators that are accessible. lndividuals with disabilities who require special accommodations or a sign language interpreter must contact the City Secretary's Office 48 hours prior to meeting time by telephoning 378- 3013 or the City TDD number at3784229.

Posted this 20th day of April2018. Amarillo City Council meetings stream live on Cable Channel 10 and are available online at: www .amarillo. q ov/o ra n i c u s Archived meet¡ngs are also available. Ê


On the 17th day of April 2018, the Amarillo City Council met at 5:00 p.m. for the regular session in the Council Chamber located on the third floor of City Hall at 509 Southeast 7th Avenue, with the following members present:


Absent was Eddy Sauer, Councilmember No. 3. Also in attendance were the following administrative officials


The invocation was given by Herman Ca Chapel P Baptist. Councilmember Hays led the audience in the e ce

A proclamation was presented for ma Ph

Mayor Nelson established a quoru order, welcomed those in attendance and the following items nd

Steven W. Pair, Legacy e raged Council to stay the course. He stated the values Pan held . He also encouraged the Council to work togeth work on the agenda, and the need for vtslon a r excited about the direction of the city. Clau mith, Drive, stated Council has previously asked citizens to to the facts. She alleged that Council has broken the law, lost trust and pen Meetings Act. She further stated that the referen a small of was far from factual. Mike Fisher, 4410 Van Kriston D uestioned ng faith as a shield while the homeless are being evicted. Nicholas J 3616 3oth Avenue, stated he has spoken previously about the homeless uncil to recognize the movement. He stated people are watching and I usty Tomlinson, 5700 Canyon Drive, spoke on the arrest of a man for clapping a previous meeting. He stated the need to care about the homeless. He further spoke on civil disobedience. Denny Deaver, 4707 Princeton Street, stated the laws restricting outdoor camping are unconstitutional when enough shelters do not exist. He asked Council to rescind the anti-camping ordinance in Amarillo. James Schenck, 6216 Gainsborough Road, stated all good and bad government begins at the local level. He further stated previous Councils allowed for public comments on agenda items and stated clapping should be allowed. Dan Ferguson, 3807 Beaver Drive, Yellow City Community Outreach, stated they assist the chronically homeless. He stated the need to solve the homelessness problem through civic responsibility which encompasses many aspects. He further stated in order for some of the homeless to keep their food stamps they will begin cleaning up alleys. Michael Davis, 4210 South Polk Street, stated he was appalled listening to the way people have spoken to the Council and encouraged to enact more restrictions for disrespectfulness. He further called on this community to unity. Lee Jacobsen, 4203 Tulia Street, spoke about on the Madame Queen and the need to put together a committee much like the committee to be discussed for the Santa Fe Depot. He stated the Madame Queen was moved with volunteer funds and with the idea to make a small museum, but instead they decided to try to get the locomotive running. He stated there was a need to look at the original plan for a small museum. Signed up but did not appear: Addie Walsh, 5816 Syracuse Drive and Matt Dietz, 5617 Shady Drive. Signed up but did not speak: Robert Goodrich, Kathie Altman and Noah Dawson. There were no further comments.

ITEM 1: Mayor Nelson presented the consent agenda and asked if any item should be removed for discussion or separate consideration. Motion was made by Councilmember Powell to approvalthe consent agenda, seconded by Councilmember Smith.

Voting AYE were Mayor Nelson, Councilmembers Hays, Powell and Smith; voting NO were none; the motion carried by a 4:0 vote of the Council.

A. MINUTES Approval of the City Council minutes of the regular meeting and special meeting held on April 3, 2018

B ORDINANCE NO.7726: (Contact: AJ Fawver, Planning and Zon This is a second and final reading of iding for specified changes in the adopted Compre Plan City of Amarillo, Texas by adding the Barrio Plan ponent; and providing an effective date.

C. CONSIDER APPROVAL NTAL DATA NT (Contact: Shaun ronme Director) Award to Tyler Tech 1,697 lative S-year contract) The Digital Health rsa rated software solution for Environmental Health provides a web- based r and inspection activities s. Purchase includes initial sta 1-5 ng (paid annually).


,Pu ng Agent) on Watenruorks -- $79,585.00 This award of the annual Brass Water Fittings


Martin Birkenfield, Assistant Police Chief) Th ts provides for a mutual responsibility of Amarillo Police nt and Amarillo College Police Department for coordinated responses in the investigation of criminal activity and assisting in providing additional law enforcement officers and resources to protect the health, life and property of the individuals serviced by the Parties.

F. CONSIDER AWARD OF LED SIGNAL DISPLAYS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADS: (Contact: Michael Padilla, Transportation Superintendent) Trastar, lnc. - $103,517.20 These items will replace the current LED signal displays, red, amber, green, red arrow, amber arrow, green arrow and countdown pedestrian signals that were purchased in 2011 through a federally funded contract. These LED's are approaching their lifespan of seven (7) years. They need to be replaced before they go out. The federal contract replaced 1/3 of the City over a three-year period; this purchase is for 113 of the City's. LED Traffic Signal indications indicate to drivers what the color the light is. G (Contact: Michael Padilla, Transportation Superintendent) Purchased off of State Contract Awarded to Twincrest Technologies - $91,850.00 This item purchases the additional and replacement of traffic detections at five (5) intersections. One (1) new intersection and four (4) replacements of old outdated video detection. The radar detection picks up the movement of vehicles approaching the intersection and inputs a call to the controller to give a green light. Detection for signalized intersections is used at all signalized intersections in Amarillo. Radar technology is the newest and most advance detection. Radar detection has been found to work the best in Amarillo.

H. CONS¡DER AWARD - SACKED CEMENT (Contact: Trent Davis, Purchasing Agent) Awarded to: A-1 Building Supply $87,639.20 Tascosa Brick, lnc $1.881.60 Total $89,520.80 This item is to consider award of Annual Supply Agreement


(Contact: Russell Grubbs, Di uti Ruhrphumpen, Inc. -- $59,653.00 Pump #1 atArden p to be repaired in the amount of $59,653.00. Cu are two ur pumps out of service and one more likely to er ing, we need to have at least two pumps ope supply of water to our custome WE cause of the failures of the p u for irs and re-installation is

J.P rks Superintendent) Co ntract -- ,500.00 Th IS uled purchase of a Trommel Screen for the new com ity I enable the Solid Waste Division to produce high quality fin that will be ready for use by city departments and for marketi roug a vendor network.

K D POSSIBLE ACTION ON A DEDICA dedication of 7,782 square feet and 2,166 square feet of Pub Of-Way located on portions of Lot 1, Block 1, Plemons Additi nit No. 22, an addition to the City of Amarillo, in Sections 155 and 170, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, Texas. This dedication was reviewed and recommended for approval by a 4:0 vote from the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Vicinity: Southeast 8th Avenue and South Buchanan Street.)

ITEM 2: Mr. Danforth presented an update on the MPEV construction project. He stated they were still ahead of schedule. He stated they have started drilling the storm water pit. The rebar is onsite and in place. They will be ready for the retaining walls. The first base line is complete and steel should begin next week. The onsite dirt is bedding sand for the foundations and pipe that will be placed in the ground.

ITEM 3: Mayor Nelson presented the first reading of an ordinance rezoning of Lot22B, Block 23, Glendale Addition Unit No. 26, in Section 5, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 193 (GR/S-193) for a Shooting Range, Indoor. (Vicinity: Bell Street and Hillside Road.) This item was presented by AJ Fawver, Planning Director. Mayor Nelson opened a public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Nelson closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Councilmember Powell, seconded by Councilmember Hays, that the following captioned ordinance be passed:


Voting AYE were Mayor Nelson, Councilmembers Hays, Powell and Smith; voting NO were none; the motion carried by a 4:0 vote of the Council.

ITEM 4: Mayor Nelson presented the first reading ofa ance rezoning of Lot 7, Block 38, Lawrence Park Unit No. 69, in Section 22 AB&M Survey, Potter County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding a blic ways to change from General Retail (GR) to General Retail with Use Pe 1 (GR/S-191) for on-premise alcohol sales and service. (Vicin Bouleva Lometa Drive.) This item was presented by AJ Fawver, P Director. Mayor n opened a public hearing. There were no comments Nel closed the hearing Motion was made by Councilmember Powel m Smith, that the following captioned ordinance be passed:



Voting n, Coun rs Hays, Powell and Smith; voting NO were a 4:O vote of the Council

first reading of an ordinance rezoning Lot 1J, Block itNo. 95, in Section 41, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from Gene GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 192 (GR/S-1e2) primary use alcohol sales and service. This item was presented by AJ , Planning Director. Mayor Nelson opened a public hearing. There were no co Mr. Miller stated there was a letter of support submitted. Mayor Nelson closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Hays, that the following captioned ordinance be passed:


Voting AYE were Mayor Nelson, Councilmembers Hays, Powell and Smith; voting NO were none; the motion carried by a 4:0 vote of the Council. ITEM 6: Mayor Nelson presented a resolution approving the vacation of a 30' Public Utility Easement (PUE), located in a portion of Pinnacle Unit No. 2, located in Section 3, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas. This vacation was reviewed and recommended for approval by a 5:0 vote from the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Vicinity: Meadow Ridge Drive and South Western Street.) This item was presented by AJ Fawver, Planning Director. Mr. Miller stated this item was Canyon ISD property. Motion was made by Councilmember Powell, seconded by Councilmember Hays, that the following captioned resolution be passed:


Voting AYE were Mayor Nelson, Councilmembers Hays, Powell and Smith; voting NO were none; the motion carried by a 4:0 vote of the Council.

ITEM 7: Mayor Nelson presented a resolution approving th adopt the proposed 2018 Community Risk AssessmenUStandards of C recommended by the Amarillo Fire Department. This item was presented nlee, Fire Chief and Marc Lusk, Deputy Fire Chief. Motion was made Hays, seconded by Councilmember Smith, that the following resolution


Voting AYE were Mayor Nelson, and Smith; voting NO were none; the motion carried by a 4 cil

ITEM 8: Mayor N the disc appointments of a Council Subcommittee to the Fe uses. Mr. Miller stated the City acquired the Santa Fe which is ,000 square feet and another building which is 28,000 rrently being used. Several entities have mittee would evaluate and review the Mayor inquired if Councilmember Smith and Hays bei ng. Councilmember Powell stated she also had names of uals they Motion was made by Councilmember Powell, seco bvcouncr ¡th, that Councilmember Howard Smith and Counci r Elaine be nted to the Council Subcommittee to evaluate the Santa Fe for possi SCS

Voting AYE lson, Councilmembers Hays, Powell and Smith; voting NO were none; the m rried by a 4:0 vote of the Council

ITEM 9: Amarillo EDC Quarterly Updates. This item was presented by Barry Albrecht, President, Amarillo Economic Development Corporation. Mr. Albrecht spoke on the marketing and promotional support from Xcel. Ronnie Walker, Regional Manager of Xcel Energy stated Xcel created a program in 2016 for economic development. Xcel will have Certified Sites to focus on establishing real estate options for business attractions and expansion projects. Brian Jennings, Amarillo Economic Development Corporation stated Xcel is an acting partner for AEDC and the City for a common vision for our community. Councilmember Hays inquired if these sites would strictly be commercial. Mayor Nelson inquired if it stated local incentives. Councilmember Hays asked if this process was unique. Mr. Jennings stated it was a very economically thing to do. Mr. Albrecht thanked Xcel for their partnership. He stated there are site selectors that require Certified Sites. He stated they are great marketing tools and they have a great partnership with Xcel. He further presented a CenterPort Business Park Promotional Material video. He stated their strategic plan indicated we were losing the workforce so they hired a Workforce Coordinator, Sabrina Meck. ITEM 10: Mr. McWilliams advised at 6:58 p.m. that the City Council would convene in Executive Session per Texas Government Code section 551.074, Section 551.087 - Discuss commercial or financial information received from an existing business or business prospect with which the City is negotiating for the location, retention or expansion of a facility, or for incentives the City is willing to extend, or financial information submitted by same - Project #17-10-01 (); and Section 551.074 - Discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, and qualifications of a public officer or employee, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act -- Discussion of City Manager Jared Miller's performance evaluation and compensation.

Mr. McWilliams announced that the Executive Session was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. and recessed the Regular Meeting.


Frances Hibbs, City Secretary Ginger ayor Amarillo City Council CITY OF Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARIL[O' CITY MANAGER

April 24, 2018 ffi Community Appearance Planning AJ Fawver Jeffrey English - Planner I (Case Manager)

Vicinity: Olsen Blvd. & Lometa Dr.

PRESENTATION AND CONSIDERATION of rezoning of Lot 7, Block 38, Lawrence Park Unit No. 69, in Section 227, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail (GR) to General Retail with Specific Use Permit L9L (GR/S-191) for on-premise alcohol sales and service.

Staffs analysis of zoning change requests begins with referring to the Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use and Character Map in order to identify what it recommends for future land uses. Staff also considers how any zoning changé would impact the Comprehensive Plan's recommended Neighborhood Unit Concept (NUC) of development whereby non-residential land uses are encouraged at section-line arterial intersections with a transition to residential uses as development occurs away and inward from the arterial intersections. Staff also considers the principles and recommendations laid out within the Comprehensive Plan, as well as existing zoning and development patterns in the area.

During the site visit, Planning Department staff noticed that - to the south and north across Olsen Blvd. were retail and/or commercial uses. Looking west and east is also retail and commercial uses. Specifically, there is a photo shop and day spa to the north, restaurants to the west and northwest, a guitar store to the southeast, a paint store to the south, and in the strip mall itself were café restaurants, jewelry store, financial advisors, and spa/beauty supply store to name a few.

This rezoning request is consistent with the adopted 20L0 Comprehensive Future Land Use and Character Map, which designates this area for a future "General Commercial (GC)" land use. The Comprehensive Plan states that the character and intensity of this land use category allows "Wide range of commercial retail and service" uses.

The Neighborhood Unit Concept is also a key piece of the adopted plan, in which zoning transitions from areas of higher density at section line corners to areas of low density. This concept of development ensures that commercial areas will have less of an impact to residential areas. This concept does follow the Neighborhood Unit Concept as this request is part of a larger LC & GR zoned areas that start at the section line arterial intersection (Wolflin Avenue & South Western Street) where commercial and retail uses are highly recommended. This square mile section developed a little differently than the other square mile NUCs in Amarillo as residential is found nowhere along the northern half of this square mile section that follows along lnterstate 40. Amarillo City Council ctlv oF Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARILLO' CITY l¡IANAGER

The adopted Comprehensive Plan contains a number of action strategies that are to be followed when making decisions about land use, development, and other community elements. These include: o Emphasis on infill development and encouraging development in existing undeveloped portions of the city where utility services are already available. (poge 3.3, Growth Management & Capacity)

This location was given a liquor license back in 2006 when this tenant slot was a restaurant (The Dugout), but it closed in 2015 at this location and MJ's saloon opened in 2016 with no intention of opening a kitchen, thus defining the business as a bar (Primary sales are alcohol with gross receipts greater than 50%) in the zoning ordinance and the business owner was notified to bring the property into compliance by April 24h. The requested zone change would create a Specific Use Permit in General Retail District (GR) zoning district for on-premise primary alcohol sales and bring the recently established business into compliance with the zoning ordinance since on-premise primary alcohol sales is not allowed by right in GR. As required by ordinance and the Specific Use Permit (SUP) application an appraisal was done on the property by a state licensed appraiser and found no negative impacts on the business on nearby properties.


Jeffrey English, Planner l, presented this item, and advised that the applicant is requesting a zone change in order to comply with zoning standards for on-premise alcohol sales in General Retail District on the site. Mr. English stated that the request would bring the property into compliance with the zoning ordinance and would allow alcohol sales by specific use permit. Mr. English concluded with a staff recommendation of approval as submitted.

Chairman Parker asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of or against this item. No comments were made.

A motion to approve Z-L8-O7 was made by Commissioner Thomason, seconded by Commissioner Harman, and carried unanimously.

RequesËdActîon The applicant is requesting the rezoning of Lot 7, Block 38, Lawrence Park Unit No. 69, in Section227, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail (GR) to General Retail with Specific Use Permit 191 (GR/S-191) for on-premise alcohol sales and service.

N/A Amarillo City Council ctTY oa Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARIILO. CITY MANAGER

Level 2 - The item was distributed to all applicable internal and external entities. Notices have been sent out to 21 property owners within 200 feet regarding this proposed rezoning. At the time of this writing, the Planning Department has received no comments regarding this request.

The item was recommended for approval by 5:0 vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission at its April 9,2Ot8 public meeting.

Planning Staff has reviewed the associated ordinance and exhibit and recommends the City Council approve the item as submitted. 4/1212018 LSS



WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the "Amarillo Comprehensive Plan" on October 12, 2010, which established zoning districts and regulations in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, a proposed change to such established zoning districts and regulations was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, after a public meeting before the Planning and Zoning Commission on proposed zoning changes on the property hereinafter described, the Commission filed its final recommendation and report on such proposed zoning changes with the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the final recommendation and report of the Planning and Zoning Commission and has held public hearings on such proposed zoning changes, all as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council further determined that the request to rezone the location indicated herein is consistent with the goals, policies, and future land use map of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Amarillo, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMARILLO: SECTION l. All of the above premises are hereby found to be true and correct legislative and factual findings of the City Council and are hereby approved and incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2. The zoning map of the City of Amarillo adopted by Section 4-10 of the Amarillo Municipal Code and on file in the office of the Planning Director is hereby amended to reflect the following zoning use changes: Rezoning of Lot 7, Block 38, Lawrence Park Unit No. 69, in Section 227,Block2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public_ways to change from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 191 (GR/S-191) for on-premise alcohol sales and service.

SECTION 3. All ordinances and resolutions or parts thereof that conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. In the event this ordinance or any part hereof is found to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of the ordinance, and such remaining portions shall continue to be in full force and effect. The Director of Planning is authorized to make corrections and minor changes to the site plan or development documents to the extent that

z-18-07 Page 1 of 2 such does not materially alter the nature, scope, or intent of the approval granted by this ordinance. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of final passage. INTRODUCED AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Amarillo, Texas, on First Reading on this the day of April, 2018 and PASSED on Second and Final Reading on this the _ day of April, 2018.

Ginger Nelson, Mayor


Frances Hibbs, City Secretary


Bryan McWilliams, Interim City Attorney

z-18-07 Page 2 of 2 Looking south at the proposed rezoning tract from Olsen Blvd

Looking west up Olsen Blvd from the proposed rezoning tract (Zoned LC). Looking north across from the proposed rezoning tract (Zoned LC)

Looking east down Olsen Blvd. from the proposed rezoning tract (Zoned GR). Looking southeast from Olsen Blvd. at the remainder proposed rezoning tract. (Zoned GR)

Looking south down Hobbs Road from the NW corner of the proposed rezoning tract. Looking southwest across Hobbs Road from the proposed rezoning tract. (Zoned LC)

Looking north up Hobbs Road from the proposed rezoning tract (Zoned LC). GASE 2-18-$7 REZONTNG FROM GENERAL RETAIL {GR) TO GENER.AL RETAIL W/ SPECIFIC; USE PERMIT GR/S-191

4 9C i UNPLAÎTÊD 7A t- 8A -.1 Ø 32=', I uJ -t ,l o i É. l¡t ----i I E I PD- 80 OA I r0B 8A "" ''I-:C i o= i o I 7A 5A "-l 6B 6C 2OO' NOTICE AREA ,.OLSENALVD- 6E þts

: .or.gelt8,Ë it i

t -..,-_---,,. UÐ. 15D í ,'GRi '-+- J'-'*'-.-. ,i , :1 l, È, '4 I 4¡ 37'*.*--j

l IJJ 1rf I E I I o J 3 2 ;1 6 i GR/S-3'98 38 2 t 2à 4 I 14A. 148 138 t

'r¡aas- , .. :,*" 1 14 13 i 20 I 12 ¡'' I :\t'-., ., ,.. u# i tt l _ ___t_ !; 10 .-.tYt@Êt{{NÊBlRùtT.- .8' 15 ,J i

I 14 ,t_..... Legend 1A 13 12 Proposed Rezoning 46 rrrara 10 É. 45 200' Notice Area I o '¿ãe l-rri F BIock Numbers l¡J 434 z 428 .l - 42Ã Platted Parcel 4rA Zoning Boundary 41 MF.1 -.- 40 Zoni ng Classifications ao 38 GR General Retail 26 SAVE LC Light Commercial

36 . - MF-1 N/u¡t'ple Family 1 PD Planned Development

Rezoning of Lot 7, Block 38, Lawrence Park Unit No. 69, in CITY OF AMARILLO Section 227,Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, Texas, plus one-h;rlf of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change PLANNING DEPARTMENT from Gieneral Retail (GR) to General Retail with Specific Use Permil, 191 (GR/S-191)for on-premise alcohol sales and service.

N licant: Kenneth Vineyard, Jr Sca le: 1 inch = 200 feet I] nity: Olsen Blvd. & Lometa Dr Date: 312U2A18 "@ S lflanager: Jeffrey EnElish

DISCLAIM ER: T he City of Amarillo is provid ing th is information as a public se¡vice. The information shown ¡s for ¡nformatron pu rposes on ly and except where noied, âll of the daþ or features $own or depicþd on this map is not to be ønstrued or intêrpreþd as accurate and/or rel¡able; the City of Amarillo assumes no liabal¡ty or respons¡bility for any di$repancjes or errors for the us of the informâtion prov¡ded. Amarillo City Council

l:_ llì

Agenda Tra nsmitta I Memo .:,. . CITY MANAGER

Meeting Date April24,2OL8 CouncilPriority Regular Agenda ltem

Depertment Planning Department Contact AJ Fawver, Planning Director Cody Balzen, Planner (Case Manager)

Agenda Caption

Second and Final Reading on an Ordinance Rezoning Lot LJ, Block 25, Sleepy Hollow Unit No. 95, in Section 4l-, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit L92 (GR/S-192)for on-premise primary use alcoholsales and service.

Agenda ltem Summary

Area Characteristics

The applicant's property is located in Southwest Amarillo. Adjacent zoning consists of General Retail District (GR) in all directions. Adjacent land use consists of restaurant and bar to the west, flooring center to the north, bank to the east, and McDonald Lake Plaza to the south across SW 45th Avenue. Subject property was an old York Tire facility.


Staffs analysis of zoning change requests begins with referring to the Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use and Character Map in order to identify what it recommends for future land uses. Staff also considers how any zoning change would impact the Comprehensive Plan's recommended Neighborhood Unit Concept (NUC) of development whereby non-residential land uses are encouraged at section-line arter¡al intersections with a transition to residential uses as development occurs away and inward from the arterial intersections. Staff also considers the principles and recommendations laid out within the Comprehensive Plan, as well existing zoning and development patterns in the area.

This rezoning request is consistent with the adopted 20L0 Comprehensive Future Land Use and Character Map, which designates this area for a future "general commercial" land use. The Comprehensive Plan states that the development type in this designation should be that associated with a wide range of commercial retail and service uses at varying scales and intensities. The current and proposed zoning both fit this description.

The Neighborhood Unit Concept is also a key piece of the adopted plan, in which zoning transitions from areas of higher density at section line corners to areas of lower density toward the center of the section. This concept of development ensures that commercial areas will have less of an impact to residential areas. The current zoning and proposed SUP request both follow the Neighborhood Unit Concept. The current pattern of intensity of development has established hieher density types around the intersection Amarillo City Council c¡lY oF Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARIILO' CITY MANÂGER of the section line arterials of SW 45th Avenue and S Coulter Street while development of lesser density and intensity occurs as the distance from this intersection increases which helps the transition into the low intensity interior residences or the section. The granting of a SUP in this location does not compromíse the compliance with the Neighborhood Unit Concept in this area.

The adopted Comprehensive Plan contains a number of action strategies that are to be followed when making decisions about land use, development, and other community elements. One of these strategies is an emphasis on infill development and encouraging development in existing undeveloped portions of the city where utility services are already available. (page 3.3, Growth Management & Capacity) This action strategy is supported in this situation as the requested zoning change would create the opportunity for redevelopment of the previously tire shop into a brewery.

This rezoning request is consistent with the current pattern of development of the surroundings. The underlying zoning in this instance would not change from General Retail, but the addition of the Specific Use Permit over the zoning would allow for the primary use on-premise sale and service of alcohol. The applicant has submitted an appraisal packet created by a licensed real-estate appraiser in which it was determined that the establishment of a brewery at this location would not have any negative impacts on surrounding property owners. The granting of a SUP at this location would not compromise the established pattern of development or be detrimental for the surrounding properties.

Requested Action

The applicant is requesting the rezoning of Lot lJ, Block 25 of Sleepy Hollow Unit No. 95 to change from General Retail District to General Retail District with a Specific Use Permit (5-1,92) for on-premise primary use alcohol sales and service in order to redevelop the site with a small scale community centered brewery.


The item was distributed to all applicable internal and external entities. Not¡ces have been sent out to I property owners (sent out 3/28/20781within 200 feet regarding this proposed rezoning. At the time of this writing, the Planning Department has received no calls regarding this request. The neighbor to the west spoke in favor of the zoning change during the Planning and Zoning Commission's public hearing comment section for the item.

The item was recommended for approval by 5:0 vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission at its April 9,20tg public meeting.

Community lmpact: Level 1- Modest on selected area and/or community group Amarillo City Council çrÎY OF Agenda Transmitta I Memo AMARILLO' CITY MANAGER

Staff recommends approval of this item, as presented

1. Ordinance and Exhibits 2. Maps of the property 3. Site Photos

Cody Balzen, Planner l, presented this item, and advised the applicant is requesting a change in zoning from General Retail District to General Retail with a specific use permit in order to redevelopment the property with a brewery. Mr. Balzen concluded his presentation with a staff recommendation of approval as submitted.

Chairman Parker asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of this item. Tommy Stafford, 6104 S. Fannin, spoke in favor of this item stating that he would welcome the change as a neighboring business owner. Kaleb West, the owner, also spoke to further express his plans for a business that he hopes will improve the neighborhood. Chairman Parker asked if anyone wanted to speak against this item. No comments were made.

A motion to approve Z-18-08 was made by Commissioner Ford and seconded by Commissioner Thomason, and carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO rf;r'#.Çþ


WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has held public hearings on proposed zoning changes on the property hereinafter described and has filed its final recommendation and report on such proposed zoning changes with the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the final recommendation and report of the Planning and Zoning Commission and has held public hearings on such proposed zoning changes, all as required by law; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMARILLO: SECTION 1. The zoning map of the City of Amarillo adopted by Section 4-10 of the Amarillo Municipal Code and on file in the office of the Planning Director is hereby amended to reflect the following zoning use changes: Rezoninq of Lot 1J, Block 25, Sleepv Hollow Unit No. 95. in Section 41. Block 9. BS&F Survev. Randall Countv. Texas. plus one-half of all boundino streets. allevs. and oublic wavs to chanqe from General Retail District (GR) to General District with Specific Use Permit 192 (GR/S-192) for on-premise primarv use alcohol sales and service. See Exhibit A & B.

SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions or parts thereof that conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. ln the event this ordinance or any part hereof is found to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of the ordinance, and such remaining portions shall continue to be in full force and effect. The Director of Ptanning is authorized to make corrections and minor changes to the site plan or development documents to the extent that such does not materially alter the nature, scope, or intent of the approval granted by this ordinance. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of final passage. INTRODUCED AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Amarillo, Texas, on First Reading on this the _ day of April, 2018 and PASSED on Second and Final Reading on this the day of April, 2018.

Ginger Nelson, Mayor ATTEST

Frances Hibbs, City Secretary


Bryan McWilliams, Interim City Attorney

z-18-O8 Page 1 of I Ordinance No. EXHIBIT A

Rezoning GR to GR/SUP-192 Existing Auto Repoir building to be remodeled ond on oddition odded


l, i¡ II l' /: _- _,

l¡ 'I

¡ I I ---+

Site Plon of oddition ond remodel for Toke Aim Shooting Ronge Doy Core Center to lhe eosl of proposed Toke Aim indoor shooting ronge.

Office ond Worehouse buildings directly to the south of proposed shooting ronge. 9 REZONTNG FROM GENERAL RETATL (GR) TO GENERAL RETAIL W/ SPECIFIC USE PERMIT GRvS-193

6 D ii n l, .' ul'liflliil --+ 34 l- ñ{ Ê.- ì z 2 61 r+¡\ +# 8lq. ¡rr ¡* ! r i fr ti â F3 t |¡ tllr. ^- o ll¡ -l r-* !- ñ. ñF . j t¡r Ë à!f' -. ú T : ¡H rt ! ¡f ,Ji¡'- þa ¡ i I tà- 5 I È Sr ñ lr. lib¡ I I fr \, I d'" lì 'r .6 ¡ ¡l I _ _. ___j at .ñ SEC'L ION l:l[\lE HILLSIDE g rl rÊ RD+ â t. ¡{ ¡.-1 rìl F ul -a.f.

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'-ú 9 r19 iil 18 \. arñ , 'i- l- ,t .Þ t 8! Legend @ erono."d Rezoning I l+ L @ atocr Numbers ô5 64 61 58 57 56 Platted Parcel lt I I

Rezoning oî Lot22B, Block 23, Glendale Addition Unit No 26, in CITY OF AMARILLO Section 5, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change PLANNING DEPARTMENT from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 193 (GR/S-193) for indoor shooting range.

N icant: Steve Mondini Sca le: 1 inch = 200 feet Ì/ E Date: 3t28t2018 @ cinit¡¡: Hillside St & S Bell St S Manager: Sherry Bailey

DISCUIMER: The City of Amarillo construed or ìnterpreþd as accurate and/or reliable; he City of Amarillo assumes no liâbility or responsibility for any d¡srepånc¡esor errorsfor the uæ of the information prov¡ded. E Z-1 REZONTNG FROM GENERAL RETAIL (GR) TO GENERAL RETAIL W/ SPECIFIC USE PERMIT GRYS.I9


1Q ---{I ,JI

F,t','t ;

Legend ZT Proposed Rezoning t 200'Notice Area I enct Numbers Platted Parcel -rr zoning Boundary Zoning Classifications I Cn ceneral Reta¡l fll "o Ptanned Devetoprnent R-1 Res¡dent¡al District 1 ffi] n-s Resident¡al D¡shict 3

Rezoning oÍ Lot22B, Block 23, Glendale Addition Unit No 26, in CITY OF AMARILLO on 5, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County Texas, plus of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to PLANNING DEPARTMENT General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Use Permit 193 (GR/S-193) for indoor shooting range.

N nt Steve Mondini Scale: I inch = 200 feet E inity: Hillside Date: 3t28t2018 '@ St & S Bell St S Manager: Sherry Bailey

DßCUIMER: Thê provbing th¡s informat¡on as â publìc *rv¡ce, The informalion shown ¡s for ¡nformat¡on purpos€ only and exæpt where nobd, all of he deb or feâturesshown or dep¡æd on th¡s map ¡s notb be ænsÍued or ¡nterpreÞd æ accurate and/or reliable; he City of Amar¡llo assumes l¡abil¡ty or r6pons¡b¡l¡ty for any d¡$repanc¡esor eroßlor lhe ue of the ¡nformation prov¡ded. Amarillo City Council a Agenda Transmittal Memo ; CITY MÄNÄGER

Meet¡ng Date April24,2Ot8 CouncilPrioriW Public Safety Department Radio Communications Contact Kevin Starbuck, Assistant City Manager


Agenda ltem Summary This agreement will authorize Northwest Texas Healthcare System to operate on the City of Amarillo NEXGEN Radio Communications System with applicable infrastructure support fees assessed per the agreement.

Requested Act¡on Request City Council approve the Communications System Agreement; System Subscriber - Northwest Texas Healthcare System. The agreement will ensure interoperability between the City of Amarillo and Northwest Texas Healthcare System for day-to-day and emergency operations, enhancing overall coordination of the community response to crisis situations.

Funding Summary Northwest Texas Healthcare System will pay the City of Amarillo an annual lnfrastructure Support Fee in the amount of 520.00 per month, per subscriber radio or console and 5500.00 per year for each assigned talk-group on the radio communications system. Additional fees for OTAR services will be assessed as applicable. Revenue is estimated to be 51-4,000 annually. Revenue will be used to offset annual maintenance and operating costs of the NEXGEN Radio Communications System.

Community Engagement Summary N/A

Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Communications System Agreement with Northwest Texas Healthcare System. SYSTEM SIIBSCRIBER - Northwest Texas Healthcare system

MAdC ANd ETTtETEd iNtO bY ANd ThiS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AGREEMENT iS authorized city Manager, and between the city of Amarillo acting herein by and through its duly its duly authorized cEo staq Northwest Texas Healthcare system, acting herein by and lhrough as the "parties'" The individually referred to âs a'þarty,';collectively referred to herein Tatum. and authorized COA or City shall include all direciors, officers, agents, "*pioy""r, officers, agents, and authorized representatives. usER shall include alf employees, directors, representatives- RÐ,CIT4.LS

WHEREAS, this Agreement is made under the authority of Sections 791.00i-797'029, Texas Government Code; and or in paying for \ryHEREAS, each governir:g body, in performing goveÌnmental functions that performance or those rhe performan". of' jolr"rã*ental irnction, L"r.un¿er, iir4 make payåents from current reveïes legalþ available to that party; and is necessary for \ryIIEREAS, each governing body finds thatthe subject ofthis Agreement perform and to provide the the benefit of the p,tttl"-un¿ tt* the legal authority to "u.h and governmental functiån or service which is the subject matter of this Agreement; is in the WIIEREAS, each governing body fínds that the performance of this Agreement the pertbrrring coil'*on interest of iloth päti.t anð that the division of ðosts fairly compensates parfy for the services or functions under this Agreement; and qystems for the WIIEREAS, City o\ll'ns, op€rates, and maintains trunked voice radio sole license holder of purpose of providin! p"Ufir sate'ty ïoice radio communications and is the thereof' the COA trunked voice ,adio systems with all privileges and responsibilities

NOW TI{EREFORE, City and USER agree as follows:

1. GRANT-OF TJCENSF owned or leased field radio City hereby gants the USER specific permission to operate USER's voice radio system (the equipment or equipment attached andlor interfaced to the COA tunked for use as ..ådio system") infuasfructure in accordance with the specific details and requirements ,.Exhibit hereto, incorporated herein, and made a set forth in A, Terms of IJse," which is attachãd and Àgreement for all purposes. Failure to comply with these specific details ;;-;itthis permissions' requirements may result in the immediate withdrawal of the specified

City of Amaritlo Communieations System ÂgrÔemcnt Ûovemment EntitY Name Page I of1l 2. TERM parties an{ shall continue This Agreement shall begin uponthe last day executed by 4 authorized forth herein and in in full force and effect r.til"sLr-inated in âccordance with the provisions set ExhibitA.

1. COMPENSATION A' USER shall remit payrnent to City in the amount and manner set forth in Exhibit 4. LI.{BILITY by its own negligence, Each party agrees to be liable for any damages or loss that_may be caused party shall include omission or intentional misconduct. For putpor". of this Section 4, the term consultants, and employees, directors, officers, agents, auúorizedrepresentatives, subcontractors, shall impose any volirntãers'of the respective pafty.Nothing in the perfomance of this Agreement Act fiaùiii4'for claims ugui*t *i*rri party other thanfor claims for which the Texas Tort Claims may impose liabilitY.


as to It is expressly understood and agreed that USER shall operate as an independent contractor the all rights and privileges grantedlerein, and not as agent, represeatative or employee of City' USER shall Subjãct to anå in acJordãnce with the conditions and provisions of this Agreement, have the exclusive rigtrt to control the details of its operations and activities and be solely responsible for the a;s and omissions of its employees, directors, officers, agents, authorized representatives, subcontractors, and consultants- USER acknowledges that tlre doctrine of risponáeat sup4ríor shall not apply as between th.e City, its employees, directors, officeÍs' agents, anå authori".d ,rpres"ntatives, and USER and its errployees, directors, officers, agents, authorized representatives, subcontractors, and consultants. USER frrrther agrces that nothing herein shall bè construed as the creation of a parhrership or joint enterprise between the City and USER.


Cify and USER will use best efforts to appropriate sufficient fimds to support obligations under this Agreement. However, in the event that sufficient firnds are not appropriated by either party's goverñngbody, and as aresul! that partyis unable to fulfill its obligations r.mderthis Agreement, ihat parry-(Ð rhull pro*ptly norify the other parfy in writing and (ii) may terminate this Agreemen! effeõtive as of the last day for wh:ich sufficíent firnds have been appropriated' 7. RIGTIO AUDrr

USER agrees thæ the City shall, until the expíration of three (3) years after termination of this AgreemJnt, have aeress to and the right to exanine at reasonable times any directly pertinent bJoks, documents, papers, records, and communications of the USER involving transactions relæing to this Agreèment at no additional costto the Ciry. USER agrees that the City shall have

Cþ of .Amarillo Communications System Agreement GoveÍment Etti$Name Page 2 ofl1 and shall be provided access during normal working hours to all necessary USER facilities compliance with the provisions adequate and appropriate *ork-rpu"" in orderto conduct audits in of intended audits' of this section. The Cig shatl give USER reasonable advance notice


This Agreement is not assignable.

9. NO \il. AIVER or condition of this The failwe of either party to insist upon the perfonnance of any provision of that parËy's right Agreement or to exeróise any right granted herein shall not constitr.rte a waiver future occasion' to insist upon appropriate p.tfot-*"e or to assert any such right on any


nor USER waives It is understood and agreed that by execution ofthis Agreement, the neither COA or surrender any of its govemmental powers or immr¡nities'


amendment No a*endment to this Agreement shall be binding upon either party hereto unless such ís set forth in writing and signed by both parfies.

12. SEVERABILITY illegal If any provision ofthis Agreement is held by a court of comqe]entjurisdictiontobe invalid, or.,*"irforreable, the validity, legality and enforceabilify of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or imPaired-


To the extent perrnitted by law, USER for itself and its ofñcers, agents and employees, agrees that it shall treat all information provided to it by the City as conñdential and shall not disclose any such information to a third parfy without the prior written approval of the City, unless such disclosure is required by laqrdà, regulation, court order, in which event USER shall notify the City in witing åf such iequiremerit in sufficient time to allow the City to seek injunctive or other relief to prevãnt such discloswe. USER shall store and maintain Clty information in a secure manner and shall not allow r.¡¡rauthorized users to access, modiff, delete or otherwise corrupt City information in any way. USER shall notifythe COA immediately ifthe security ol integrrty of any City informationLas been compromised or is believed to have been compromised'


The parties shall exercise their best efforts to meet their respective duties and obligations here¿nder, but shail not be held liable for any detay in or omission of performance due to force majeure or other causes beyond their reasonable control, including, but not limited to, compliance

City of Amarillo Communications System Agreement Governme*t EntityName Page 3 ofll lockouts, with any state or federal law or regulation, acts of God, acts of omission, fires, strikes, problems, natíonai disasters, wars, riots, *ãt"riut or labor restrictions, transportation existing contractual obligations áirectly related to the subject matter of this Agreement, or declaration of a state of disaster or emergency by the federal, state, county, or city governmerrt in accordance with applicable law.


Notices required puïsuant to the provisions of thís Agreement shall be conclusively determined servants to have beern delivered when (1) hand-delivered to the other party, its agents, employees, or or representatives, (2) delivered by facsimite with electronic confirmation of the transmission, (3) received bV thè other party by United States Mail, registered, retum receipt requested, addressed as follows:

City of Amarillo Norlåwest Texas Healthcare System Attn: Kevin Starbucþ Assistant Cþ Manager Ath: Stan Tatum, Chief Executive Officer P.O. Box 1971 1501 S Coulter Amarillo, TX 79105-797 1 Amarillo, Texas 79rc6 Facsimile: (806) 37 8-939 4 Facsimile (806) 35 4-7122

\Mith copy to the City AttomeY at same address


This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas- Venue for any action brought on the basis of this Agreement shail 1ie exclusively in state corxts located in Potter County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas - Amarillo Division. In any such action, each party shali pay its olvn attomeys' fees, court costs and other expenses incurred as a result ofthe action'


The person signing this Agreement hereby wa¡rants that he/she has the legal authorify to execute this Agreement on behalf of his or her respective party, and that such binding autlrority has been gfanted by proper order, resolution, ordinance or other al¡thorization of the entity. The other party is fu]ly entitled to rely on this warranty and representation in entering into this Agreement.


This written instrument, including all Exhibits attached hereto, contains the entire rurderstanding and agreement between City and USER as to the matters contained herein. Any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement is hereby declared null and void to the extent in conflict with this Agreement. Any previously executed Communication System Agree,rnent between the parties shali be terminated simultaneously withthe final execution of this Agreement by bothparties.

Cify of Amaritto Commrmications Systen Agreement Govemme¡t EntityName Page 4 ofll 19. COT}NTERPARTS. for all This Agreement may be executed in one oï more counteqparts and each counterpart shall, prrrporãr, be deemed an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one aûd the sarne instrument.

EXECUTED IN MULTIPLE ORIGINALS on this the day of " , 20-- -


By: By: Jared Miller Stan City Manager Chief Bxecutive Officer Date: Date: â"- ê.i-[6


By: By: Frances Hibbs Nnme: City Secretary Title:

City of Amarillo Commrmications System Agreement GovemmentEntity Name Page 5 ofll EXIIIBIT A


The following defînitions shall have the meanings set forth below and apply to this Agreement and the Terms of Use set forth herein:

DEFINITTONS aConsole System' shall mean all hardware and software associated with any dispatch console or set of consoles operated by the USERthat are connected to the COA master site. refnfr¡structure Support Fee" shall mean the annual fee charged by COA to offset costs incu:red by the COA in the operation and maintenance of the radio system.

.¿Interoper¿ble Communications Plan" means the plan developed and established by COA to enhancaand simplify radio communications among al1 agencies the COA public safety radio system or connecting its site repeater systems or console systems to the COA master site.

,.Master Site" shall mean the hardware and software provided by COA as the core component of the Motorola Solutions ASTRO 25 radio communications system. Al1 site repeater systems and console systems must connect to the master site.

.oOver The Air Rekeying" ((OTAR') shall mean the management and support of subscriber radio encryption keys via over-the-air, radio channel transmission'

"OTAR Administration Fee" shall msan the ar¡rual fee charged by COA to offset costs incurred by the COA in the management and support of subscriber radio encryption keys administered throughthe radio system's OTAR functions.

,,Over the Air Programming" ("OTAP") shall mean the method of implementing programming changes to subscriber radios using the over-the-air data capabilities of the radio system. o.Private CalI" shall mean a feature that reserves channel resources specifically for conversations between two zubscriber radios.

"Site Repeater System' shall mean the base stations, shelter, tower and all site-specific hardware and software infrastructure associated with the provision of a radio site connected to the COA master site.

,,subscriber Radiot' shall mean a control station (desk top radio), mobile radio, or portable radio, wþich has a unique idenfification nurnber and is programmed to operate on the COA frunked voice radio system.

,.System Upgrade Agreement Fee" shall mean the annual fee charged by COA to offset cost incrtred by the City from Motorola Solutions for the maintenance of the System lJpgrade Agreement applicable to the master site, site repeater systems, and console systerns. City of Amarillo Communioations Sy$ern Àgfeement Govemmenl EntityNâm€ Pagc 6 of1l (Talk Group' shall mean a specific group of subscriber radios allowed to commirnicate privately within that group over shared infrastructure resources.

TERMS o4 -r¿gE

1. The COA shalt provide and maintain the Motorola Soiutions ASTRO 25 Master Site to which the USER's equipment will connect. If the USER íncreases its number of equipment, the USER will incur all costs, if any, resulting from the expansion of capacity of the system and associated hardware and softrvare required to accommodate the USER's additions.

2. The COA shall execute with Motorola Solutions a System Upgrade Agreement for the System, every ASTRO 25 radio site connecting to the System, and all other hardware such as console systems thatwould be affected by the software upgrades. The USER is responsible for executing similar agreements for site repeater systems and/or console systems owned (or leased) and operated by the USER. Unless the USER is notified otlrerwise by COA, the radio system, site repeater systems, and console systems will be upgraded to tlre current levei every two years- The USER will provide all reasonable coordination necessary for the upgrade of its site repeater systems and/or console systems. USER acknowledges that reductions in functionalrty may occur during the upgrade process.

3. The COA shall provide radio IDs lor all radios and dispatch consoles owned and operated by the USER. USER must provide written authorization to the COA prior to the release of the USER's radio IDs Õr any othsr informationto athird party vendor or agÕncy.

4- The acquisition, installation and maintenance of the USER s console systems are the responsibility of the USER unless otherwise stated inthis Agreement"

5. USER'ø¡ill be responsible for the acquisition, programming, and maintenance of all equipment USER will be utilizing in connection with the radio system infrastructure, including, but not limited to, subscriber radios, consoles, and speciai equipment.

6. I¡r orderto ensure hardware and software compatibility with the radio system infrastucture, ail subscriber radios and consoles intended for use by USER on the radio system shall be compliant with Project 25 Phase II (TDMA) standards established by the Telecommunications Industry Association. The use of unauthorized radios on the radio system may result in suspended operation of the radios and/or termination of the Agreement-

7. The USER is responsible for providing all network connectivity and associated hardware and software necessary to connect its site repeater systems and console systems to the system. All costs associaÍed with provision of connectivity will be bome by the USER.

8. USER agrces to exclusively utilize antennas specifically approved by the radio manufacturer for use with the specific models of USER's ¡adios. The use of short, broad spectrum, or "sûtbby," antennas is not recommended. USER shalt be solely liable for coverage gaps inthe event USER utilizes short broad spectrum or strrbby antennas or other antennas not approved by the manufacturer for use with the specific models of USER's radios.

City ofÁ¡oarilIo Communications System Agleement Govcmment EntityName Page 7 ofll 9' The COA is the holder of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) license(s) that t¡e radio system uses for its operation. This Agreement shall not be construed or interpreted to grant, convey' or otherwise provide USER with any rights whatsoever to the COA FCC license(sfor to the radio frequency spectrum used by the radio system.

10. The COA makes no guarantee, either express or implied, as to radio signal strength or a specific level of radio covemge in a particular iocation. n uspn is resfonsible îor conducting appropriate applicaPle " and in-buitding and geographical coverage tèsting to detennine the e4pected radio coverage level for USER,s equipment-

I USER i. shall use due diligence in the maintenance and configuration of their subscriber radio equipment to ensure that no USER radio causes a degradation to system operation The COA shall have the right to remoïe from operation any field radio unit or owned by USER that "q"ip*eo? is operating on, afiached and/or interfaced to the COA infrastructure, if such equipment is found to cause interference or harm to the system in any way. The COA will make the USER u*u* of any subscriber radio equipment that is subject to being removed from the system prior to bein; removed except for severe circumstances. The COA reserves the right tb request t}at USER operated field radio units or equipment operating o4 attached and/or interfaced to t1¡e infraskucture be tested for proper operation and/or repaired by an authorized radio repair facility. The cost of such testing or repair wíli be the sole responsibility of USER. Furthermoie, the COA shall have the right to deactivate, without prior notification to or consent of USE& any field radio suspected of causing interference, intentionally or unintentionall¡ to any otherradios on the radio system or to the radio systems overall operation.

12. USER's radios may be used for voice radio communications over the radio system inûastruchre in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement for as long as this Agreement remains in effect. i3. The COA witl be responsible for managing infiastructure loading and demand. COAreserves the right, without notice to incumbent useïs, to enter into a similar agreement with other entities or to deny the addition of new subscriber radio equipment to any user of the radio system. The COA shall have sole discretion in determining whether to allow additional ussrs or radios based on COA's determination of rvhether such addition to the radio system can be made withor¡t adversely impacting the radio system.

14- USER is prohibited ûom utilizing telephone intercon¡rect on the radio system. This prohibition shall Ínclude, but is not limited to, connecting to either the PSTN @ublic S\Mitched Telephone Networþ or USER's internal phone system(s) through a console patch into the radio system or to any subscriber radio on the radio system-

15. Due to the radio inûastructure resource allocations required by "Private Call," USER is not perrnitted to utilize '?rivate Call" on the radio system.

16. USER's utilization of data communications on the radio system wilt be limited to the radio system's OTAP fimctions. Performaace of data communications over the radio system is not guaranteed. Forprogramming changes involving more than ten subscriber radios, USÊR agrees to

City of Amarillo Communications System Agreement Govemment Entity Name Page I of 1l coordinate with COA prior to executing changes to minimize impact on other users and on the radio system.

17. The use of OTAR in association with subscriber radio encr¡rtion is prohibited without prior approval of COA. Administration of encryption keys will be performed exclusively by COA, unless otherwise agreed to in writing between the COA and USER. USER may utilize and administer othet encryltion methods as required.

18. The COA may provide USER with an Advanced System Key (ASK) for use with the USER's subscriber radios only, The ASK will be updated annually. USER will be responsible for safeguarding the security of the ASK to prevent theft and/or loss. USER agrees to notifr COA immediately uponthe theft or loss of the ASK.

19. COA will assign the USER talk group IDs unique to USER operation. AII talk group names shall include a prefix unique to the USËR's agency. No other agency will be authorized to use USER talk groups without the express written permissioa of USER, and a copy of such permission must be on frie with the COA before such use may occur. The COA reseryes the right to require certain talk group ID's to be programmed in USER radios. Additionally, the COA shall have the right to limit the nurnber of tatk group ID's to be used by USER and to disable talk groups IÐ's as it deems appropriate-

20. The COA \Ã/ill maintain a coordinated lnteroperable Commr¡nications Plan tq apply to COA and the users of its Radio Systern. USER agrees to participatc in the Plan and include the Plan's interoperable talk grorys in the programrning of its subscriber radios and console systems,

21. Roaming to other systems or the use of USER's talk groups on other tlr¡nked systems that are interconnected to the radio system is prohibited without prior approval by COA. Roaming to other trunked systems wilt be limited to the radio system's interoperable talk grotlPS, although this capability may be tersrinated by COA if its use is detennined to result in performance degradation to either the radio system or the interconnected trunked system.

22. USER may utilize a Network Management Console (I'IMC) to manage its own environment. USER is responsible for acquiring and maintaining, at USER's sole cost, all components required to connect the NMC to the radio system. The USER's NMC must be partitioned in marurer to limit access to USER's own environment only and to prevent USER from viewing, accessing, or making any changes to equipment that is not owned or leased by USER. The USER must ensure the NMC is located in a secure area. USB ports on the NMC must be deactivated except during maintenance activity. A1l. security patches related to operating systems and other associated softwaremustbemaintained atcurentmanufacûrer-tested levels. No other software applications may be utilized by the NMC.

23. USB ports on the USER's console systems must be deactivated except during maintenance activity. All security patches related to operating systems and other associated software must be maintained at cur¡entmanufacturer-tested levels. If required, all connectivity betweenthe console systems and the radio system is the responsibility of the USER, including software, ha¡dware and carrier ser'¡ices. Associated costs will be incuued by the USER- Unless otherwise approved by COA, c.onnectivity will be achieved through local terrcstial circuit facilities. The use of other

City of Amæi110 Communications System Agreement Government EntityName Page 9 of 11 connectivity methods, including but not limited to microwave or fiber, must be approved by tbe COA. USERmay incu additional costs from COA for othcr connectivity methods.


24' USER shall pay the COA an annual l1!rytructure Support Fee in rhe amormt of $20.00 per month, per subscriber radio or console and $500.00 per year for each USER assigned talk-$oip- This payable fee is in advance on an annual basis forall ãctive radío IDs and talkloups issued io the USER at the time oftle annual billing. Invoicing will occw on a pro-rata basis when new radio IDs or talk-groups are issued, and thereafter, at the beginning of each COA f,rscal year. There will be no refunds or credits for radios or talk-groups removed from service dr.uing t}e fiscal year.

25.If the USER subscribes to OTAR services, the USER shali pay the COA an annual OTAR Administration Fee in the amount of $3 per month, per subscribãr iadio. This fee is payable in advance on an anmral basis for all active rãdio IDs issued to USER at the time of the a¡nual billing. Invoicing will occw on a pro-rata basis when new radio IDs are issued, and thereafter, at th! beginning of each COA fiscal year.

26. COA shall have the right to increase any applicable fees this Agreement each fiscal year to offset any increased costs incurred by COA in the operation or maint"t uo"" of the sysiem. Any incrsase in applicable fees will be efÊective at the beginning of tlre next COA fiscai year. COA shall provide USER with 60 days' vuritten notice of any intended fee increase, pto'oid"4 howevet, ttrat this notice period may be less than 60 days if Motorola Solutions provides COA with less than 60 days' notice of an increase in the System Upgrade,A.greemeniFee and such reduced notice period shall not impact USER's obligationto pay tle increãsed fee.

27. Either party may terminafe this Agreement upon ninety (90) days written notice. Additionally, the COA in its sole discretion shall have the right to deny USER açcess to the radio inåastructrue and/or the right to terminate the Agreement ímmediately if USER fails to make full payment of invoiced system fees as referenced in paragraphs 24 and 25 within thirty (30) days uft.iUSER," receipt of written notice that payment of such fees is delinquent. Additionally, the COA fürther reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately, or deny access to USER, upon USER misuse of the system in a way that cornpromises the security or fimctionality of the rysæm for the COA's puryoses.


28. The USER shall comply with all cu:rent and furtre federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and mandates, including FCC rules and regulations regarding proper use of radio communications equipment. The USER will also comply with the guidelines, or procedures set oìÍ in this agreement. Furthermore, the IJSER is responsible for enforcing such compliance by its employees, volunleerc, or any individual operating USER zubscriber radio equipment. Furthermore, the USER will be responsible for payment of any fines and penalties levied ãgainst the COA (as the licensee) as a result of improper or unlawful use of subscriber radio equipment ownedbyUSER.

Cþ of Amarillo Communications System Ag¡eement Goveroment EntityName Page 1û of1l 29- In order to comply with federal state, and local laws and/ or mandates, the COA, as the licensee, may need to act on behalf ofthe USER regarding possible modifications, reconfiguratior¡ or exchange of owned ¡ubscriber radio equipment in otder to meet these obligaúons. Foi as long as this agreement is in force, the USER will allow the COA to facilitate suoh aãtivitíes on USER's behalfas necessary.

[End of Docr:ment]

City of Anaillo Cornmunications Systern dgrccrnent Govemment Entity Næ¡e Page l1 ofll -L-

Amarillo City Council Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARIILO' CITY MANAGER

April24,2078 Fiscal Responsibility-Best Practices Customer Service Fleet Services Division Glenn Lavender, Fleet Services Superintendent

Consider: Purchase of , Ditchers, loaders, air compressors, and Tractors. B¡d #6008

Award to listed local vendors, Associated Supply Co. lines 3,6,8,9,L1 $402,759.00 Ditch Witch of West Texas línes 1, 1,2 S213,800.52 Clark Equipment Co. Line 7 57L,37L.44 Total Award S0gz,ggO.g0

Scheduled replacements, additions of Fleet Equipment. Equipment has reached or exceeded useable life cycle. Equipment will be used by the following divisions, Street, Parks Maintenance, Surface Water Treatment, Waste Water Collection, Comanche Trail, and Ross Rogers Golf. Equipment will be used for daily operational requirements.

Recommend approval to various vendors as listed on Bid Evaluation and Recommendation Form.

Funding for this purchase will be from 61120.84200 Fleet Services Machinery General Total Cost 5687,930.96 fund remaining balance S1,312,069.00


Staff recommends Approval purchase of replacement equipment. This bid was a Competitive bid sent out to 166 vendors. Bid No. 6800 HEAVY EQUIPMENT

Clark Equ¡pment Company Associated Supply company lnc Associated Supply company A5phalt Zipper Inc Asphalt zlpper lnc To be ãwe¡ded es one lot D¡tchw¡tch Undêrcon dbã Bobcãt Cômoãñv - Case lnc std #2 Bid ü1 VermeerTX-LA Yellowhouse Måch¡nery Co K¡rby-Sm¡th Machlnery lnc Amarillo Machinery Company Warren Cat

Line 1 TEctors, Wheel fype (except F arm tGctorsxlncluding walk- trencher/backhoe 4-wheel drive with tEilerl, per specifications 1ea Unit s104,34s.680 s0.000 so.oo so.oo So.oo 5111,1s0.00 s0.00 so.oo 50.00 So.oo Extendêd Price

Line 2 Loaders, Pneumatic T¡red with Tool Carr¡er, per spec¡fications 1ea Unit Price SO.O0O So.0o 5321,640.000 5372,367.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 S30s,200.00 S289,28s.00 5293,530.00 S386,69s.77 Extendad Price - - 321,640.00 312,367.00 - - - 305,200.00 289,289.00 291530.00 _ 38g,6gS.ZZ

Line 3 Loaders, Front end (for wheel type t.âctors), Land Scape TÊctor, per specifications 1ea Unit Pr¡ce so.oo s7s,s36.000 So.oo s0.00 s0.00 so.oo s88,4s0.00 so.oo so.oo s0.00 Extendêd Price

llne 4 FloorStr¡pper and cleaner Chariot style commercial Floor scrubber, per specifications 2ea s0.00 lJnit Pr¡ce 9o.oo 50.00 So.oo So.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo s0.00 s0.00

Line 5 Asphalt sca.ifiers Millint Machinet Scrape.s, etc, Maintenance, Asphalt Zlpper Model A2500, per specifications 1ea LJnit Price so.oo so.oo s126,480.00 s117,990.00 So.oo 50.00 so.oo So.oo so.oo Pricê

Line 6 Loaders, Pneumatic Tired 2,4 Yard Articulated Wheel Loader, per speclficatlons 1ea Un¡t Price so.oo s168,505.000 s133,688.00 so.oo So.oo so.oo 5139,400.00 S13s,03o.oo s130,061.00 5133,303.93 Enended Pr¡ce DID NOT MEET SPEC5 DID NOT MEETSPECS Line 7 Loaders, Pneumatic Tired 75HP dlesel Hydrostatic skid Loader, per spec¡fìcatigns 1ea Unlt Prlce s39,868.180 577,37L.44 so.oo s0.00 s0.00 5o.oo s72,900.00 s0.00 s74,547.00 S143,200.94

DID NOT MÉET SPECS Line 8 Compressorand Parts Trailer Mounted A¡r Compressor, per specifications 3ea Un¡t Pricê so.oo s31,86s.00 so.0o $o.oo s0.oo $0.00 s0.00 S54949.00 55¿70o.oo ClarkEqulpmentCompany Assoc¡at€dSupplycompanylnc AssociatedSupplycompany AsphaltZipporlnc Asphalt ZippEr lnc Ditchwitch Undercon dba - Case lnc Bld #2 B¡d fl VermeerTX-LA Yellowhouse Machlnery Co Klrby-Smlth Machinery lnc Amarillo Machinery Company Warren Cat

Line 9 Backhoe/Loader qomb¡nation TÊctor with Frontloader, Backhoe and Tniler, porspeclflcat¡ons 1ea unit Pt¡ce $0.000 s0.oo so.o0o s94,950.00 so.oo So.oo 59s,8s0.00 so.oo s0.00 s111,385.99

line 10 Asphalt Distributors, Levele6, m¡xers, Crack Sea¡ing Êquip, Bottom fi.ed Kettle, per spec¡flcatlons 1ea Unit Pr¡ce so.oo s0.000 s0.00 s0.00 so.0o so.oo s0.00 s0.00 so.oo 90.oo

Line llTampers (except pneumatic) and VibÊtlng Flat Plate Compactor, Vibrating Plate Compactor, per spec¡f¡câtions 2ea Unit Price s0.000 so.o0 s1,495.000 so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo $2,9so.oo so.oo $2,187.00 So.oo

Line 12 Eackhoe/Loadercomblnation, 4- Wheel Dr¡ve Dlesel Backhoe and T¡encher, per spec¡f¡cations 2êa Unit Price ss4,727.420 so.oo0 so.oo So.oo so.oo s0.00 so.oo so.oo 50.00 50.oo Extended Pricê

Bid Tôtel 253.664.70 71.377.M 649,302.00 536,600.00 125,480.00 117.990.00 111,150.00 707,700.00 424,3I9.00 567,359.00 947.6A6.63

Award by Vendor 213,800.s2 7L,37t.44 7A,525.00 324,233.00 r

Amarillo City Council Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARILLO' CITY HÀNA6ER

April24,2OL8 Fiscal Responsibility-Best Practices Customer Service Fleet Services Division Glenn Lavender, Fleet Services Superintendent

Consider: Purchase of Asphalt Zipper milling machine. Continuation of Bid #6008 Heavy Equipment

Award to best evaluated vendor, Asphalt Zipper lnc. 5100.430.00 Vendor offered trade-in option with bid. Original bid S126,480.00, trade-in offered S26,000.00

Scheduled replacement of Unit 6950, 2007 Asphalt Zipper milling equipment. This equipment will be used by the Street Division for daily operational requirements.

Recommend approval to purchase from Asphalt Zipper lnc. as listed on Bid Evaluation and Recommendation Form.

Funding for this purchase will be from 61120.842OO Fleet Services Machinery General Totalcost s100,480.00


Staff recommends Approval purchase of replacement equipment. This bid was a Competitive bid sent out to 166 vendors. B¡d No. 5800 WastewaterCollection lmprovements: FY16-17 Sewer Main Rehab by Pipe Bursting - Var¡ous Locations ôbêñêd ¿:O0 D-m. AuøúsÌ 3. 2077

Asphalt zipper lnc clarkEquipmentCompany AssociatedSupplycompanylnc Assoc¡atedSupplycompany Asphålt zipper lnc To be ¿wãrded às oñê lot B¡d *2 Ditchwitch Undercon dba Bobcat Company - Case lnc Btd #1 VermeerTX-LA Yellowhouse Machinery Co Kirby-Smith Machinery lLc Amãrillo Machi¡ery Company Wa¡ren cât

Line 1 TEctors, Wheel Type (except F arm tFctors)(including wälk- trencher/backhoe 4-wheel drive w¡th tEiler), per spec¡fications 1eã Unit Price so.oo s104,345.680 5o.oo $ So.oo so.oo s111,1s0.00 s0.00 50.oo so.oo So.oo Extended Price

Line 2 Loaders, Pneumatic Tlred Loader with Tool Carrier, pe¡ specifications 1ea un¡t Price so.oo s0.000 so.oo s321, s3L2,367.00 so.oo sO.Oo s3o5,2o0.oo s2s9,2s9.oo 5293,530.00 s386,6g5J7 Extended Price - - - 321,90.00 31¿367.00 - - 305,200.00 289,289.00 293,530.00 396,695.77

L¡ne 3 Loaders, Front end (for wheel type tractors), Land Scape Ïractor, per speciflcations 1ea Unit Price so.oo so.oo S7s, so.oo So.oo so.oo s894s0.00 So.oo 50.00 So.oo Extênded Price

L¡ne 4 Floor Stripper and cleaner chariot Style Commercial Floor Scrubber, per specifìcatlons 2ea so.oo Unit Price so.oo so,ooo so.oo $o.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo

Line 5 Asph3lt Scarífiers Milling Machines, ScEpêrt etc, Maintenance, Asphalt Zipper Model 42500, per specif¡cetions 1ea LJnit Pr¡ce S126,480.00 so.oo So.oo S117,990.00 so.oo So.oo 5o.oo s0.00 So.oo Price lrade ¡n Allowðnce (2E00o.oo) fotal Pr¡ce r00,4tû00 L¡ne 6 Loaders, Pneumatic 1¡red 2,4 Ya.d Articulãted Wheel Loader, per specificätions 1ea LJnit Price so.oo s0.000 so.oo S168, s133,688.00 So'oo so.oo s139,400.00 s13s,030.00 S130,o61.oo s133,303.93 Ftrêndêd P¡icê 158.505.00 133,688.00 139,400.00 135,030.00 130,061.00 133.303.q1

Line 7 Loaders, Pneumat¡c Tired 75HP diesel Hydrostatic sk¡d Loader, per specif¡cations 1ea Unit Price So.oo s39,868.180 s77,377.44 S80, so.0o $0.00 s0.00 s72,900.00 so.oo s74,547.o0 5143,200.94

Line 8 compressor and Parts Trailer Mounted AirCompressor, per spec¡fications 3eã Unlt Prlce So.oo so.oo s0.000 s31,865.00 s0.00 s0.00 s0.00 s0.00 ss4,949.00 ss7,70o.0o Efended Pr¡cê 95,595.00 : - 19,847.OO 173.100.00 Asphalt Zipper lnc Clark Equipment Company Assoc¡ãted Supply company lnc Associated supply company Asphalt Zipper lnc To be ewerded as onê lot 8id #2 Ditchwitch Undercon dbâ Bobcat company - Case lnc Bid å1 VermeerTX-LA Yellowhouse Mãchinery Co Kirby-smith Mach¡nery lnc Amar¡llo Mach¡nery Company Waren Cat

Line 9 Backhoe/Loade.combinat¡on Tnctor with Frontloader, Backhoe and Trailer, per specificat¡ons Lea Uñit Pr¡ce so.oo s0.000 so.oo s94,9s0.00 so.oo s0.00 s9s,8s0.00 So.oo s0.00 s111,38s.9e

t¡ne 10 Asphalt D¡stributors, Levelers, m¡xers, Crack Sealin€ Equip, Bottom f¡red Kettle, per specificatlons 1ea Unit Pric€ so.oo 50.000 So.oo s0.000 5o.oo so.oo so.oo So.oo so.o0 So.oo so.oo Êftended Price

L¡ne 11 Tampers (except pneumatic) and V¡brating Flat Plate Compactor, Vlbrating Plate Compactor, per spec¡f¡catlons 2ea tJnit Price s0.00 So.oo s1,4es.000 so.o0 s0.00 s0.00 s2,9s0.00 5o.oo s2,187.00 So.oo

L¡ne 12 Bàckhoe/Loãdercombination, 4- Wheel Drlve D¡esel Backhoe and Trenchêr, per specifications 2ea $o.oo Unit Price so.oo ss4,727.420 5o.oo so.o0 50.00 So.oo So.oo s0.00 So.oo Êxtended Price 709,454.84

Bid Total 200,960.00 2s3,668.7O 7137!. 777,990.00 111150.00 707,7OO.OO 424,319.00 667,359.00 947,6A6.63

Award by Vendor s100,480.00 q(t Amarillo City Council ctlv oF Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARIttO CITY MANAGER

April24,2OLB E¡l/n Central Stores Trent Davis

Award - The purchase of new lights and poles for downtown projects

Award to Techline lnc., in the amount of S108,782.40

This award is to approve the purchase of Downtown Lights and Poles

Award of Downtown Lights and Poles

Consider approval and award for the City's Downtown Lights and Poles

Funding for this award is available in the Central Stores lnventory Account 1000.15400


City Staff is recommending approval and award of th¡s contract Bid No.6073 LIGHTS FOR DOWNTOWN LIGHTING PROJECTS Opened 4:00 p.m. April L6,2018

To be awarded as one lot TECHLINE INC

Line 1 Black LED light fixture, per specifications 49 ea Unit Price S1, Extended Price 58,016.00

Line 2 Black bracket, per specifications 22 ea Unit Price Extended Price 5,852.00

Line 3 Black street light pole, per specifications 23 ea Unit Price S1,933.000 Extended Price 44,459.OO

Line 4 Anchor bolts for street lights, per specifications t2 ea Unit Price s37.9s0 Extended Price 455.40

Bid Total

Award by Vendor ro8,782.40 t)

Amarillo City Council ctTv oF Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARI[[O. CITY MANAGER

April 2018 Fiscal Responsibility

CP&D Engineering

Award - Purchase of "e-builder" project management software for Capital Projects and Development (CP&D) Engineering Department. This software will facilitate contract management of capital and development projects, improve project execution, increase productivity, reduced costs, and speed up project delivery.

Consider for approval the acquisition and implementation of "e-builder" Project Management Software system, including software acquisition, implementation services, and training; awarding a contract in the amount of 5269,228.40; authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents upon final approval.

RequeÉted Action Approval

Funding is available in Job Number 411358 Project Management Software


City staff recommends approval Bid No. 6063 E-BULDER SOFTWARE AND IMPLEMENTATION TRAINING Opened 4:00 p.m. April 16,2018

To be awarded as one lot DELL MARKETING LP

Line 1 Project Management, per specifications 1ls Unit Price 578,1"1-9.020 Extended Price 78,r19.O2

Line 2 System lmplementation and engineering services, per specifications 1ls Unit Price 5L91,109.380 Extended Price 191,109.38

Bid Total

Award by Vendor 269,228.40 3

Amarillo City Council CITY OF Agenda Tra nsmittal Memo AMARILLO' CITY ¡,IANAGER

April24,2Ot8 Community Appearance Safety Planning AJ Fawver

.; : .: -,. ,t Vicinity: BellSt. and Hillside Rd.

PRESENTATION AND CONSIDERATION of Rezoning of Lot 228, Block 23, Glendale Addition Un¡t No. 26, in Section 5, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 193 (GR/S-193) for a Shooting Range, lndoor.

IPlanning & Zoning Commission DRAFT minutes from 4/9/2018 on Z-18-09lS-193] "Sherry Boiley, Senior Planner, presented this item, ond odvised the opplicant is requesting o change from General Retoil D¡str¡ct to General Reta¡l District with o specific use permit in order to develop the property for an indoor shooting range. Ms. Bailey concluded her presentation with o stoff recommendotion of approval with the condition thot the focility will be built to Nationol Rifle Associotion Stonddrds for shooting ronges occommodating high velocity "rifle rated" Iones.

Chairmon Porker osked if onyone wanted to speak in fovor of this item, Ed McConnell, 7804 Pineridge stood to express his support for the training ond safe practice of firearms. ML McConnell stated that he does think thot the facility would be useful and mentioned his discussion with the owner regarding the sofety of the facility itself. Chairmon Porker osked if onyone wanted to speok ogo¡nst this item. No comments were made.

Commissioner Ford wanted ¡t noted on the record that he would abstain Írom voting as he owns property neorby. Commissioner Ford also stoted thot as o property owner, he has no objections.

A motion to approve 2-18-09 wos made by Commissioner Thomason ond seconded by Commissioner Gooch, ond corried unanimously."

The applicant is requesting the zoning of 0.81 acre tract of Iand, previously zoned General Retail, to change to General Retail/SUP-193 in order to develop the propefi for an indoor shooting range.

Staffs analysis of zoning change requests begins with referring to the Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use and Character Map in order to identifli what it recommends for future land uses. Staff also considers how any zoning change would impact the Comprehensive Plan's recommended Neighborhood Unit Concept {NUC) of development whereby non-residential land uses are encouraged at section-line arterial intersections with a transition to residential uses as development occurs away and inward from the arterial intersections. Staff also considers the principles and recommendations laid out within the Comprehensive Plan, as well as existing zoning and development patterns in the area. Amarillo City Council Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARILLO. CITY MANAGER

This rezoning request is consistent with the adopted 2010 Comprehensive Future Land Use and Character Map, which designates this area for a future "general commercial" land use. The Comprehensive Plan states that the development type in this designation should be that associated with a wide range of commercial retail and service uses at varying scales and intensities. The current and proposed zoning both fit this description.

The Comprehensive Plan states characteristics of this zoning are to be an auto-oriented character, which can be offset by things such as enhanced building design and landscaping.(4.10.248-255). The purposed specific use development is identified as having a client base that will travel to utilize this facility which is consistent with the current pattern of development of the surroundings. The underlying zoning in this instance would not change from General Retail, but the addition of the Specific Use Permit over the zoning would allow for the primary use of a shooting range, indoor.

The applicant has submitted an business plan packet establishing the design specifics that will be employed both through the city's new use ordinance and state law that requires design and construction standards as established by the National Rifle Association which would require the use of a backstop or other barrier that is designed to completely stop the projectile or prevent a potentially dangerous ricochet. Those standards also require noise attenuation standards be met so that the site will not have any negative impacts on surrounding property owners. The granting of a SUP at this location would not compromise the established pattern of development or be detrimental to the surrounding properties including the adjacent .daycare to the east.

Based on the above analysis, planning staff believes the requested rezoning specific use permit seems appropriate.


Considering the above, staff believes the applicant's request is appropriate and recommends approval as presented with the condition listed below:

The facility listed in Specific Use Permit request SUP-193 will be built to National Rifle Association Standards for shooting ranges accommodating high velocity "rifle rated" lanes.

Notices have been sent out to 7 property owners (sent on 3/28/2OL8\ within 200 feet regarding this proposed rezoning. At the time of this writing, the Planning Department has received no comments regarding this request, either in favor of or in opposition to the request. Amarillo City Council ctÌY oF Agenda Transmittal Memo AMARITLO CITY l¡IANAGER

The applicant is request¡ng the rezoning of"Lot 228, Block 23, Glendale Addition Unit No. 26, in Section 5, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randal! County, Texas plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 193 (GR/S-193) for a Shooting Range, lndoor.


Level 4 - The item was distributed to all applicable internal and external entities. Not¡ces have been sent out to 7 property owners within 200 feet regarding this proposed rezoning. At the time of this writing, the Planning Department has received no comments regarding this request.

The item was recommended for approval by 6:0 vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission at its April 9,2Ot8 public meeting.

Planning Staff has reviewed the associated ordinance and exhibit and recommends the City Council approve the item with the condition:

The facility listed in Specific Use Permit request SUP-193 will be built to National Rifle Association Standards for shooting ranges accommodating high velocity "rifle rated" lanes. 4t11t2018 LSS

r*ZF -':,: :d*'-r! ORDINANCE NO { ttv¿- I


WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the "Amarillo Comprehensive Plan" on October 12, 2010, which established zoning districts and regulations in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, a proposed change to such established zoning districts and regulations was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, after a public meeting before the Planning and Zoning Commission on proposed zoning changes on the property hereinafter described, the Commission filed its final recommendation and report on such proposed zoning changes with the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the final recommendation and report of the Planning and Zoning Commission and has held public hearings on such proposed zoning changes, all as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council further determined that the request to rezone the location indicated herein is consistent with the goals, policies, and future land use map of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Amarillo, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMARILLO: SECTION 1. All of the above premises are hereby found to be true and correct legislative and factual findings of the City Council and are hereby approved and incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. SECT¡ON 2. The zoning map of the City of Amarillo adopted by Section 4-10 of the Amarillo Municipal Code and on file in the office of the Planning Director is hereby amended to reflect the following zoning use changes:

Rezoning of Lot 228, Block 23, Glendale Addition Unit No 26, in Section 5, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County Texas, plus one- half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change from General Retail District IGR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 193 (GR/S-193) for Shooting Range, lndoor.

SECTION 3. As a condition required in the Specific Use Permit request SUP-1g3, the Shooting Range, Indoor, shall be built in compliance with the National Rifle Association Standards for shooting ranges accommodating high velocity "rifle rated" lanes. SECTION 4. All ordinances and resolutions or parts thereof that conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, to the extent of such conflict.

z-18-03 Page 1 ol 2 SECTION 5. ln the event this ordinance or any part hereof is found to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of the ordinance, and such remaining portions shall continue to be in full force and effect. The Director of Planning is authorized to make corrections and minor changes to the site plan or development documents to the extent that such does not materially alter the nature, scope, or intent of the approval granted by this ordinance. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of final passage. INTRODUCED AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Amarillo, Texas, on First Reading on this the day of April, 2018 and PASSED on Second and Final Reading on this the _ day of April, 2018.

Ginger Nelson, Mayor


Frances Hibbs, City Secretary


Bryan McWilliams, lnterim City Attorney

z-18-03 Page2 of2 REZON¡NG FROM GENER,AL RETATL (GR) TO GENERAL RETAIL W/ SPECIFIC USE PERMIT GR/S.I Í \1 1B sa .t 1 t\,1 ' \, PD-226 1N s¿ rlr', PD-328 _ -.1 ti '. 55 l'

56 1E 2-A 1-A 1-Q -1 . GR 50 2 J f- 1D 58 2 o I F GR É L l¡- I -r L¡l 2OO' NOTICE AREA 6 Y '1 .E 1l 1-O 1P I + # 60 t ,,,PD-350 Io I I 1---_ --*-_ _-__ I I --^ --!- g< ¡¡


ÞD-z6r I 4

-1 :;s .1..,i

GR Legend

Proposed Rezoning a¡-rr- l-.ri 200' Notice Area 1 Block Numbers

Platted Parcel r¡r zoning Boundary Zoning Glassifications A Agricultural GR General Retail î1l o I office District I PD Planned Development

R-2 Residential District 2 R-3 Residential District 3

Rezoning of Lot 1J, Block 25, Sleepy Hollow Unit No. 95, in CITY OF AMARILLO Section 41, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and publ¡c ways to change PLANNING DEPARTMENT m General Retail District (GR) to General Retail District with Specific Use Permit 192 (GR/S-192) for on-premise alcohol sales and service. N Scale: 1 inch = 200 feet icia nt: Kaleb West .,,A E nit¡r SW 45th Avre. & Lake Front Ln Date: 3128t20',t8 ""Kv

S Case lllanager: Cody Balzen Ordinance No._ EXHIBIT B

Rezoning GR to GR/SUP-L92 12

SITE PLAN NOTES Þp dR o I' o o o tõ> o o s rY -o- o .P"'5ts o ,R5Nì @ 9ðãei o cCr2i @ ;ÈtE= ()o c) ,t '-- O ,'r". ,",. 6a!,.. s¡'rlÒL rÌtr.¡ÊroÊ o< o .r 3éb:H

-t INDEX raFtt .: ll I I SP1.t)1 SITE PLAN I I o I SP2.O1 ELEVATIONS I SITE I I æ \\ I I æ= // 1 æ=t- I i I æ'=_ I Ãich'íteciñ --_€ I tNc \ I NORTH  ..r'!i'19 o,,o o.,vÊsrc!:sfol".Ð cÕ.1.'r t. rl€,¿q!,cnìÈ,ìts.'f Se.1.¡ 9 Òr ¡ thÊ Develot,me.ì Êo¡i.! ¡/a.uú ol ihe aìtr ol Amoriro uñles: n.lec olherwis.:. 5 a' e,reiior 'qhi ñ! s¡or: oe d,recte¡ cñio lire o¡.þ.'ly -'- tú ñr ñi'1:le <¡- p,oDê/Lr- .e. - VICINITY MAP ..,os: odjo.e¡1 t t--. \1. sig.s shor bÉ.¡eroiei o¡ ihe p,oÞerly ihol ,se or hole cl1.(hec -t 1.02 NJ.S. o.\ lrsii.9. pùso(ñ.;, o, ¡3 'ololhc rã!, I ghrina s.u'.e or ¡É' No Do¡icc. .9n: vr I !i ûlì¡r/e¿. I i:! I i ¡,rr odditio.o b!l o,.jreo ¡i: "!l -.,J ,1:1 . :r zcnna d;stricr i. v¡i.l "'ÌhÉ Frope¡tt r'ts o:.ied trio¡ l¡ th..¡è¡dnre¡ì it: :l a ûû¿ o utiily.eo.olìo¡s o¡ cdruslñe¡1s ric!¡ec i.'t¡,. :'I ceve^it .Þnr€¡ì : ro !c tñc ,es.¡ns,b iv or Ê r:e :l pi SPECIFIC r.e devÉ ooe¡(s). w ¡r : À r€icag. s.,e€..9 o.dsc.pi.c. drvetrcys. ônc por¡i.q o,ea: sh. b€ :å9 it F 'o i, . diio I a a -l l z cÌ o tihe: t! i,wner: A l.¡¡s.,r¡.q i. oe lôst¡lled ir,.' io o I '...v].. a¡s o USE ...1:rj.otÉ rt occL,[]o¡cy. ., I tl r!it.l. !, ¡ìonil: ¿f Õ.c!py .! :ì' u.1ù, É 1 D.d vrÈoii Ê, e sls A onCs..!É I ü :ri rôìeri.r. r.e?s, ¡:r I t! 9/oss. be i.sioled o¡ th€ sìie in tfÉ sonie û o: deÞcted 2it I PERMIT slì.Jbs. eic, sho I Êl .Ò lhis .;te .rd¡ .no orr :5i I M i¡ncs.úped oJeos sh.i be servèd wit¡ a sp'1., e, syslem I 6. ilìc opp..vo ol lhis dev!opr¿.r b) thÊ Cilv ol Áma' 1. r.. *dv sho I ,l arte, or obr.,!oie req!i¡ I or lne nler.olln, ol 8!ìding aode o: o¡.pled onù omeñ¡eC b) t¡e Citl or I Ámoi Lc I ¡ Á.y !se..thÉ, tho. tnú1 c¡losÉC !'de,1he p,e!ióu::ô¡iñc.r.s:il.c|ó. I is I o' ìh01 shi.h spe.:lì€d bt th: rlel,Lu)s4¡!q _ _ t -l sire pr.n. eil requi'e o z¡.inq onre, d¡rÊ¡i. ihor v/hoi is I I srr*n o¡ lhe site oñ is l t I I I ûrúp.sed o.d is o.vre. !nae, the p,Évo!! I \ _o^___. i tl i-¡. ng d'slrìcr) déve opme.ì 3 I eìlh thÊ City Õl Anra, . lo¡ -! O d ¡on.E irr (l¡sÉ'l go 'o \--€)+ I sto.dorûs sho ccnrol! t¡J I t¡evioús i.,nr¡q d'str c1) ti I t-ì øE '-t: deve cPñ'€.t Q< \ 9t- .:i.. aitv r,I Amoril(, a' ir: lro..¡ised uiiily sha ioi i? r-.q!irci 1(, ts: ,þ itÍ ooili¡-os ìhot ñùsì be .enrov€d q!,ìiq ihE course of r¡¡.,., I .ó.!l' uct on o, r Ê.or1sl¡!.t . i ih,. I a.f plb . !t ìy o' drai.aqe eoseñre¡1 i1 @ I o J. A: e"re¡io¡ mechoñic.r equiomenl shor bc ocote¡ ond/c¡ screèñe. in I I ñi.iinle núis. a.d vi:úo iñpact t. adloceil o¡oÊÈies I I Ar, sùdoce siornr v7o1er coireiied on ths sile shol ..o'. dìr€.ly io E-* I $r T odlc.ê.1 oublc rìqh1 ôl woy ô: by olhÈ, .O+ means ir opproved by ihe Cl{t E.!¡. L .he deveioper s¡ol .o,nÞy wil¡, ar ADA r.!!ii¡eDeiìt: ph--r€ required.


s9ÈH R:*3 P9Ës È?g= N'y3 -lo; Ë=ãdõq1É

sourH ELEVATToN +-'' ?Éra sP2.01

ffi+,i¡:e?. ¡Ã G=È-æÐ.' Ärõhïtècffi lñ"c

¡! 1à: :;¡ 'rl¡trÌ ¡ie #--q+.i!'ål 22 20r I ,:¡ EAST ELEVATION w SCAE 3/16'= l'{' SPECIFIC

USE 3:; PERMIT i-" 4 *=i:¡4:å:¡i = ftr PONDASETA BREWING CO, ßEBffiST AMRILLO,EMS 86.382.0634

LEGAL DISCRIPTION f ii'-i,r,r-I J i-ti+ ul = ø& uJ f;É É. z t=!rds¡' + .--' ..-- J HOLÌR-S 0- ATloN 12:00 PM TO 10 PM. MoNDAY-S ruRDAY GP2¡BI-I9BM!EY""*.*. ¡ri *. EMPLOYEES F 4 EMPLOYEÉS U) $ì--'.'¿l¡t' - o .68 ACRES OR ul 29,636 TOTAL SQ. FT. OF LAND Ø TO BE DEVELOPED t¡.I üISIre WÐSCAPING NDfRËES IO REMN, É. 5,56 SQ. fl.OFEXiSIING WDSCAPEOARffi f 8%OFfrEIOTALPROPFRII) 4 ASÍNCTREES 5 NEW2'CAIIPER TREES

aFtNG BU¡IDING tS 5,097SO. F. (17% OF nE TOTI PROPERTY) usED FoR sTomGE 2.542 SO. il./ 3m = I PEOPLE iXIERIOR ELEVAIIONS USED FOR BRMre 1¡80 SO. fl. / 20Û = I PEOPTE


firì; 't i 1l .l-, iì:ì 1r i G{tu:n$"},ù.rïritlls 1M 1L 1N a, . a 1G 54 å' 1 ii 'ì"1

. ì-t-i.i1) I * l.i'r i 55

I t 56 ;n -: 2-A 1-Q =ta. 50 .:F i:' - 58 F. .1, É. , 2OO' NOTICE AREA llt 59 6 .l: '.1 1-O .5 60 "(,o I !i f- t..;..",/ .:. * ...,i I'I:: It SW45TH AVË tr ':ili{ i a .{ -r., --* a

I i"''''' "' '"''" 3 4 1

ù- 2A ,l 5

) Legend

Proposed Rezoning F¡¡-a lL'i 200' Not¡ce Area @ Block Numbers Platted Parcel Approved Comp Plan Land Use FLU General Commercial General Residential

l Suburban Commercial Suburban Residential

Rezoning of Lot 1J, Block 25, Sleepy Hollow Unit No. 95, in CITY OF AMARILLO Section 41 , Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change PLANNING DEPARTMENT from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail Districtwith Speciflc Use Permit 192 (GR/S-192) for on-premise alcohol sales d service. N Scale: 1 inch = 200 feet plicant: Kaleb West V/ E cinity: SW 45th Ave. & Lake Front Ln. Date: 3t28t2018 @ S l/lanager: Cody Balzen

DISCLAIMER: The C¡ty of Amâr¡llo is ptov¡ding th¡s ¡nformåtion as a public service. The ¡nformataon shown is for information purposes on ly and except where nobd, âll of the daþ or features $own or dep¡cted on th¡s map ¡s not b be consÙued or ¡nterpreþd âs accurate ând/or rel¡able: the City of Amarillo assumes no liability or respons'bility for any di$repancies or eÍorsfor the ue of the ¡nformation provided, REZONTNG FROM GENERAL RETAIL (GR) TO GENERAL RETAIL W/ SPECIFIC; USE PERMIT GRvS-1

l- i "i. .lrr ;i a frl:Ì:i I ll 1g t{}-TÏ11¡:r;.flìrrilS 1 t\4 ' 1L 1N t) a .{ -Ò,-, 5 iì ú .;-tì - ':--- -r1l t- 11 :i I 'tÍ: 1

*r I T-- { iry -- It :: ' 1i ".11 " * t-o.¡h .ä" '*-_.e_* , 57' "_ ¡_ ¡4 å¡¡- 11 ( I 4 1D' 58 F a É. út 1'Ç' *ä üJ 6 .L-'il 1t 1-O P .5 60 it{l .(,o L1 -^4 !i

--: lr f- ¡ lr ijlt' .1 i -r¡ trt : ;A ¡*;Á I I La¡. I 2 a t 3 I 4 É i '" f : t f F. l,- t I lË lm t + ;tr I u ¡ ll L tt I -$ I I

I es ¡ r::rld 1t... I -' \'.".. {- ¡ \t ] ',í LL "*Slg.\. _l ',- .-. \ lç'i ¡q^'.t ,-J ì. . . i{ 2i fi t'r ' :z -qq4 ;i ø ¡el ;\ ,, .\ 6. \ $'lt t I I 9l.l' I t ""r ;:": f þ t ¡¡¡ndfr .. ,¡ ll.. s'. t "lS'ùa¡'.î*v a nf i!*Y}" :.- ': lltr .rq.\-, l\ I: t ñ æ!*{-.¡ -__b ¡ ' "rt, ì 'a'+ã rÒf,- r. I qq \':: qA 'q !t\ r'. t. n-.'-'\'f )' !^/ ''.: . e( ô/: /. : ..:" I ¡rd.. ô.:,ìrrr ¡¡.: Legend i . i\-" I . 'r'. Qerooo""d Rezoning '¡ Iù{' \-^ ^ .-o . .v'..! ,Ã.ê i^ -ê t,o.* Numbers ,'L/ rì ffi . '.",ê,: a i .,^ t ,:. r- " Platted Parcel Ìi-: l 'ol' i, Rezoning of Lot 1J, Block 25, Sleepy Hollow Unit No. 95, in CITY OF AMARILLO Section 41 , Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas, plus one-half of all bounding streets, alleys, and public ways to change PLANNING DEPARTMENT from General Retail District (GR) to General Retail Districtwith Specific Use Permit 192 (GR/S-192) for on-premise alcohol sales d service. N Scale: 1 inch = 200 feet plicant: Kaleb West W E cinity: SW 45th Ave. & Lake Front Ln. Date: 3t28t20',t8 @ S Manager: Cody Balzen

DISCUIMERi lhe City of Amarillo is prov consÍued or ¡nterpreÞd as accurate and/or reliable; the City of Amarallo assumes no liabilit or responsib¡l¡ty for any d¡srepânciesor erorsfor the uæ of he ¡nformation prov¡ded. ' ti:: { 1

1ltfr t

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:v ,lir..91ú. .:* j i, '\"41':'.t ¡cl, ç' .i '' Looking northwest ot the proposed rezoning troct from Loke Fronl Ln & SW 45th. å ilI ff

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.-. . í,.. !, d-.-::1:. Looking eost of surrounding businesses from j

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Looking south or McDonold Loke Plozo from Loke Front Ln. & SW 45th. rl

I .l sN&s sÎ0ß Af,E Rent Unîts ?nl.


_ 'l '*i.¡il g;- ..L-_-_.. Þr :.'*1.' ,tdaø- ,¡ r¡¡flfi; :.p¡q':¡¡r. * TL-' t¡,,,r*.:l f "l*tô' þ . _.:,:: I -tlÊ---

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-:. : '¡g{.r-, ^ Looking west ot surrounding conditions from olong SW 45th Ave. 1


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Looking northwest of surrounding conditions from southwest corner of rezoning troct. - ..-: --=_;+

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; r, -'.:'l't./ a' /¡';!,;i¡: Looking norïhwest ot flooring r-æa I I I

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l,'r,.i: L--:--;-L_ 45TTI ST

SITE PLAN rute'-l? Proposed redevelopment Site Plon for Brewery.