? Religious Announcements

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? Religious Announcements PAGE 8 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOXE CHEERY 8800) Saturday, February 15, 1941 Jeffries Passes Lovell CHAIRMAN 4Y’Notes CHURCH DEDICATION SUNDAY Minister, Rabbi An open house in which upwards Answers of 10,000 school boys will be spe- Budget cial guests at the seven Y. M To Exchange School's C. A. branches, will open on Fri- Teaeliers day through j and continue March 1. Under the slogan "Show Your William T Lovett, executive Pulpits Buddy Week," a continuous round Of 31 Million secretary of the Detroit Citizens League, today took refuge in an of special events has been sched- In celebration of National I Plan* at the Board of Education executive board storm cellar from uled to dramatize a wide range of a hla-t of 'riticism fired over in Brotherhood Week, proclaimed by ' for eight new school buildings .ind activities carried on the bo>s’ failure of the league to give pref- department of the "Y." the President and sponsored by additions were approved today bv erence lor school inspector posts Abel Gregg, national Y. M. C. A the National Conference of Chris- Mavor Jeffries as he accepted a t Laura F. Osborn and Howell boys' work secretary, will provide tians and Jews, Rabbi Leo Fram 1941-1942 school board budget ot Van Auken. 9 the kickoff for the observance by $30,961,536. Of this 517,385.2'U> The criticism was addressed by addressing a city-wide laymen's of Templp Beth El and Rev. Edgar would come from taxes and SI * Fiances Comfort vice president conference of boys' work socre- DeWitt Jones of Central Wood- 242 000 willgo for the new schools of the Detroit Federation of Tcaeh- taries and committeemen at in-1 ward Christian Church, will ex- ers In n letter to Lovett, Miss (Northeastern branch on Thursday The eons* ruction program «d- change pulpits. --lo*ved Ly the mayor includes t'i mfort demanded: evening. His talk will follow a h irst unit of new (>hio-Esj»er "\t hat considerations mid u hat 6:30 dinner, to he attended by 75 Reverend Jones will preach at elerpentarj 5141.000: addition to sources of Information led your men active in the “Y" hoys' work Temple Beth El, Friday night at 8, Coolidgt elementary. Sill uni ( liir Searchlight to 'prefer’ program of Detroit. and Rabhi Fram will preach at to other candidates over Mrs. Os- This is the first time all the addition Vetal elementary, : ' K 1 Central Woodward Christian $153.(100; addition to Wayne ele* born and Mr. Van Auken? If Y. M. C A. branches of the city Ia!!* I I mentarv. sll3 000; first unit of the ( itl/ens League is indeed the have united in an educational cam- m Church next Sunday morning at 11. new* Greenfield No. 2. $60,000; ad- clique of polltieal eonnlvers in- paign to familiarize both parents This is the first time in many dition to Redford High S 161.000; tent on influencing the unin- and boys with the program carried years that such an exchange of to formed which Its critics charge on in behalf of Detroit addition Wilbur Wright High youngsters pulpits between a rabbi and a SI 16.000. and first unit of new it to he. the rltlzenry of Detroit between the ages of 9 and 18. needs to know that, once and for [Christian minister has taken place Mumford High. $378,000 IRVING I. KATZ, executive TRAINING CONFERENCE Mayor JefTnes also took "under all." secretary of Temple Beth El, in the city of Detroit. requests by the The annual metropolitan advisement" board LOVETT S ANSWER train- BROTHERHOOD SERVICE for 5150.000 for land purchases has been appointed chairman ing conference for new Hi-Y Club preliminary to extension of Wayne To which Lovett answered: of the Convention of Temple officers will be held at the Down- In addition to the exchange of University and 560.000 to cover •'Miss UomforVs letter has Secretaries which will be held town "Y” on Tuesday afternoon pulpits Templp Beth El will ob- been referred to the executive and purchase of the Barkley-Grow air- in Detroit in April. This con- evening, when 150 Hi-Y offi- drawing place Sunday beginning at 10:30 special craft plant on Detroit city airport board for reply. I can only say cials will meet. The conference This is an architect’s of the will take serve a brotherhood service for mechanical arts students. that our record of 28 years as vention will be held concur- will get under way at 4 and con- 890,000 Peace Evangelical Lutheran a. m. Other services willbe held at 2:30, on the second Sabbath Eve of Altogether the mayor allowed n an organization should speak for rently with the thirty-seventh tinue with a night session follow-! Church, erected at East Warren and Bal- 4:30 and 8:15 p. m. The church will seat Brotherhood Week, Friday night, total of $1 570.220 in capital mi- itself." biennial council of the ( nion ing a 6 p. m. dinner. four avenues. Four dedication services 625 people. February 28. This is the annual p-ovements out a total of 52.851.- Lovett explained, also, that the The speaker of the weekly forum of American Hebrew Congre- ,service at which members of the 559 sought by the board for that league has 3.000 members. of the Downtown branch on Thurs- gations. open dinner meeting at Detroit are co-oprrafing in tho ! will spunk on "The Call for bring purpose The school* \v<-n* iiHowrd' "The only cpiatfftratinn for day evening will be I)r. C. L. the same ¦ congregation their Christian 5940.220 for capital imprmvmcnis membership is the fee of 52," he Straith. who will discuss “Traffic, "Y" branch on Friday evening at woekly social affairs, which will Youth." The mooting starts at 4. 'friends, both Protestant and in the current budget, which means said. Tragedies." He will give an illus- 6:30. feature dancing. WORK SEC RETARY [Catholic, to see the Temple, to that increased the capital Those members who attend the trated lecture on plastic surgery. Jeffries James Harvey M. Merker, superintend- "Personality and Character" the Jewish service, to hear Costs by 5650.000. annual meeting, hr said, elect a W. Ailes At the weekly Sing-Song Hour "Looking at Things" is the sub- read ent of production at Parke-Davis will be the subject of a talk by 16-man executive board. The. Tuesday evening the guest artist ject of a talk to be made by John the traditional Sabbath melodies WOULD CUT SHARE said, Comjiany. speaker Carlyle Bigger Sunday board, he chooses the commit- will be Harding Holloway, a cor- will be the of at the Batty, boys’ work secretary at the sung by the Temple Choir and to City Controller Donald Slut/ tee on candidates for each election net soloist. on Mon- Was Active in Insurance the weekly Youth Forum morning breakfast club tomorrow .Northeastern branch, before a hear Rabbi Fram preach. and Budget Director David V. and the committee studies the, day night when he will discuss -MEN’S CLUB SPEAKER FISHER CLUB father-and-son meeting tomorrow This special Brotherhood service Add.v estimated school receipts for records of all candidates before | Until Death at 83 "Youth in the Field of Science.” j the year beginning next July at giving them the league's ratings Howard Haag, 'Y' secretary willaddress the afternoon. has now become an institution at from CONSUMERS’ INSTITUTE Ralph D. Pothel 513.603.300. a decrease of 5162.000 of preferred,” "qualified" or "no the Philippines, now in the United Fisher Residence club Wednesday A co-ed Valentine’s party by the the Temple, February 28 marking under receipts this year. Slut/ ex- comment.” Last rites for James \V. Ailes States on furlough, will address "Cosmetics and Dentifrices” will evening at its 6:30 dinner meeting. Y's Men's Club on Tuesday night the fourth annual Brotherhood plained. however, that Superin- 83. former president of C. D. Wid- the Downtown Y’s Men's Club on be the topic of Samuel Jacobs of A city-wide meeting of the men features the week’s activities at & Sabbath Eve service. tendent of Schools Frank Cody is man Co., furniture dealers, and Monday evening at its 6:30 dinner the Wayne University staff in his and their wives from the Business the Northern branch. The party Detroit's, Season, ‘‘quile optimistic” over Mrs. Maud F. Farley ufltil hi- death actively engaged meeting. He will tell of work talk to the weekly Consumers' Men's Clubs will be held at the will get under way with a dinner During the Brotherhood chances of defeating certain new in the Detroit Insurance Agency, carried on by the Y. M. C. A. Institute at the Western branch Northeastern branch on Friday at 6:30. Rabbi Leon Fram will address the distribution formula bills now! will be held Monday afternoon among the young men and boys in Monday night. evening. j A health education week spon- First Methodist Church at Dear- pending in the Legislature and from the William R. Hamilton the of commu- The speaker at the Sunday sored by the Downtown Y. M. C. A Philippine Islands. The first of a series born. the Jefferson Avenue Meth- that state aid can he increased. 6-Year Illness Fatal; Hold Chapel. 3975 Cass avenue. Haag nity parties young people at afternoon forum at the St. An- in conjunction with the Wayne also will address a district for and the Out of a total of 513.765.300 in Mr.
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