Bull. Org. mond. Sant 1959, 2, 179-186 Bull. Wid Hlth Org.

Significance of Ecological Studies of Wild Animal Reservoirs of Zoonoses M. ABDUSSALAM, Ph.D., L.V.P.1

The paucity of information on the ecology of wild animal reservoirs over most of the world is one ofthe factors that has led to hesitation andfailure in controlling these in many areas. Extensive application of ecological studies and methods would not only assist in zoonosis control but might well also lead to the discovery of new diseases, to the acquisition offundamental knowledge capable of application in other fields of biology, and to the finding of new experimental animals for laboratory work. Although such studies properly require the co-operation of a wide variety ofspecialists epidemiologists, ecologists, parasitologists, botanists, geologists and climatologists are among those who may to advantage be called upon-in practice much can be accomplished by afew interestedand well-equippedfield workers backed by a good museum andlaboratory services.

The validity of an ecological approach to the into settlements and pass it on to other human study of infectious is now generally recogn- beings, domestic animals or local arthropod vectors. ized but its application to the animal reservoirs of The absence of accurate knowledge concerning human disease has been slow in most countries. the ecology of wild reservoir hosts has been the With few exceptions, ecological methods comparable most important reason for failures or hesitation to to those applied to problems of agriculture, fisheries deal effectively with such important diseases as and other fields of economic biology have not rabies, plague, tularaemia, yellow fever, and many been employed in studying or controlling zoonoses other arthropod-borne diseases. In some cases the in most areas of the world. This attitude is some- elimination of what appeared to be the principal times defended on the plea that most of the human host was followed by another local species taking infection in zoonoses is contracted from domestic over this role (Meyer, 1947). In contrast to this, animals and from wild animals living in or around zoonoses like bovine tuberculosis and glanders, human habitations (" domiciliated " animals; Hoare, with no wild reservoirs, have been eradicated from 1955). While this is largely true in so far as imme- large areas with relatively simple procedures. In a diate transfer of infection is concerned, the domestic few instances, where the ecological method has been animals themselves derive their infection from applied, the efforts have been rewarded with success wild hosts in many cases. Furthermore, increase in eradication or control of the disease, e.g., plague of human populations and other economic factors in southern Russia (Meyer, 1957) and cutaneous are increasingly making it necessary to colonize leishmaniasis in Turkmenia (Hoare, 1955). uninhabited areas of the world, thus exposing man It is reasonable to expect that the over-all geo- and his domestic animals to the usually masked or graphical distribution of a zoonosis with wild sub-clinical infections existing among wild animals reservoirs or vectors will be found to correspond in nature. Hunters, trappers, foresters, explorers, to the particular zoo-geographical region in which soldiers, farmers, refugees and others who go into it occurs, unless interfered with by man. This is, the wilderness are also exposed to similar dangers. however, not always the case with recorded distribu- What is more, they may bring back the infection tions. Recent findings of the widespread occurrence of arthropod-borne encephalitides in Europe (Bardos 1 Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology, College of 1957, and others)-and possibly also of tularaemia Animal Husbandry, Lahore, Pakistan; Veterinary Public Health Officer, World Health Organization, Geneva, Swit- (Neri, 1957)-which had hitherto been considered zerland to be restricted to a few localities show that further

811 -179 180 M. ABDUSSALAM work may bridge the gap between the distribution " doctrine of natural nidality of disease ", the word of the reservoir and vector on the one hand and of " nidality " (ochagavost) being used to express the the zoonosis on the other, or provide an explanation concept of focal localization. This concept means for the divergence. that wild enzootic foci of many diseases, particularly Another incidental advantage of ecological studies zoonoses, exist in nature independently of man and on wild animal reservoirs will be the possibility of domestic animals. These foci present well-defined finding more suitable experimental animals than are ecological peculiarities wherein the pathogens and available at present. Most of the experimental natural hosts are associated, often through an inter- animals in use in epidemiological work are domestic mediary vector. The most important environmental animals or pets that were available in Europe at the factors determining these associations are climate, time of the growth of bacteriology. Hamsters, soil, vegetation and other topographical features cotton rats and a few others have been added (hence the term " landscape "). These recently. Van der Hoeden (1954) found Meriones peculiarities can serve as reliable indicators of the crassus sacramenti, a rodent common in Israel, to existence of certain diseases. For example, areas at be particularly suitable for leptospiral investigations. the edge of a desert, inhabited by burrowing rodents The Egyptian gerbil (Gerbillus pyramidum) shows such as Rhombomys opimus, may harbour cutaneous promise of being useful in work on brucellosis leishmaniasis, and areas at the junction of mountain (Floyd & Hoogstraal, 1954). Several more experi- forests and steppe grasslands may be expected to mental animals may be discovered which will make harbour tick-borne encephalitis and spotted fever. biotesting easier and more reliable. These natural foci (" silent zones of disease "; There is little doubt, therefore, that accurate and May, 1950) may remain undetected until susceptible fuller information about reservoirs and vectors human beings come in contact with them directly in many areas of the world is needed before some or indirectly and become infected. With accurate of the major zoonoses (listed in the Annex) can be ecological knowledge, similar foci in other areas successfully controlled or eradicated. It may be may be detected before human infection takes place. mentioned that there is a common tendency to In West Pakistan, foci of fascioliasis (F. gigantica) regard the domestic animal reservoirs as a somewhat have been found associated with easily detectable uniform group in different parts of the world. indicators, such as clay soil, fresh oxygenated water But, looked at from the ecological point of view, and characteristic aquatic vegetation (Sarwar, 1956). they differ in different areas in certain important In the USSR, natural nidality has been established respects, such as population densities, movements for tick-borne spirochaetoses, tick-borne and Japa- and migrations, food, breeding and other seasonal nese B encephalitides, plague, tularaemia, tick- cycles and their parasite burden. These and other borne rickettsioses, leishmaniases, listeriasis, hae- environmental factors materially affect their reserves morrhagic fevers (" nephroso-nephritis "), opisth- and donorship of human pathogens. orchosis, diphyllobothriasis, trichinellosis, bilhar- In this paper, the principal general characters of ziasis, and possibly, also for psittacosis (omithosis) zoonoses with wild vertebrate hosts are briefly and brucellosis. Natural nidi may be localized to enumerated and extended ecological studies sug- small areas, such as rodent burrows or ponds, or gested. Some recent inquiries which warrant more may be diffuse and extensive, as in a big forest. extensive application of the ecological method to As has been pointed out by Audy (1958), this zoonoses are also cited. concept, in a simple form, had been recognized by many previous workers (e.g., by Parker for Rocky SOME RECENT INQUIRIES Mountain spotted fever, Meyer for plague and Swynnerton for African trypanosomiasis). But the Most of the ecological studies so far carried out credit for its generalization and large-scale applica- on zoonoses concern diseases with arthropod or tion in field studies rightly belongs to Pavlovsky snail vectors. and his co-workers. During the last two decades, extensive investiga- In USA, the ecological method has been applied tions have been carried out in the USSR on the to extensive studies on the arthropod-borne encepha- ecology of zoonoses under the leadership of Aca- litides (reviewed by Eklund, 1953; Hess & Holden, demician E. N. Pavlovsky (see Pavlovsky et al., 1958). Several important points in the epidemiology 1955), who has evolved what has been called the of these diseases have been clarified. Birds serve as ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF WILD ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF ZOONOSES 181 natural hosts and mosquitos as vectors of these disease, which take into consideration not only diseases. Man and horse are accidental and " dead- environmental but also social and cultural factors. end" hosts in that they are not likely to pass the The forthcoming publication of a treatise on medical infection to other hosts or vectors. Mammals as ecology by May has been announced (Audy, 1958). %vell as birds have been suggested as possible reser- Rodenwaldt's World Atlas of Epidemic Diseases voirs. Either mosquito vectors or birds appear to also describes the world distribution of various be possible overwintering reservoirs. The possibility communicable diseases. of infection being reintroduced each season by migratory birds needs further investigation. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ZOONOSES WITH WILD There are some basic similarities in the ecology of ANIMAL RESERVOIRS the American mosquito-borne encephalitides and the Murray Valley encephalitis of Australia (Burnet, 1. Usually one or more vertebrate species in an 1953a) as well as West Nile virus infection of the area act as reservoirs of infection, the maintenance Nile Valley (Taylor et al., 1956). The Australian as of which requires a particular density of population. well as the Egyptian disease is transmitted by 2. Very often a vector (mosquito, flea, louse, mosquitos and has birds as natural hosts. Man gets bug, acarine, snail or worm) is concerned in circulat- involved incidentally. Studies on other arthropod- ing infection in the animal population. Where the borne viruses, especially yellow fever, have led to a infective agent is capable of multiplying in the vector, clearer understanding of their epidemiology and the latter becomes an additional reservoir. Generally, also to the discovery of new viruses and zoonoses the infections vectored by ticks and mites are also (Smithburn, 1952; Dick, 1953; Taylor et al., 1955; transmitted transovarially in these hosts. Work & Trapido, 1957; and a others). Even so, 3. The most characteristic feature great deal more information on the ecology of of zoonoses reservoirs and vectors is needed before these diseases in their wild hosts is the sub-clinical or mild and can be successfully tackled in the field. chronic syndrome they present. This represents a long-standing reciprocal evolution with mutual Extensive studies on the ecology of sylvatic plague adjustments between the host and the parasite. It in the western United States have been carried out benefits the parasite by perpetuating infection and over many years (Meyer, 1947; Kartman et al., may be of help to the vertebrate host in warding off 1958). At first the large colonial rodents, such as enemies such as man. Rabies may appear to be a ground squirrels, were considered to be important prominent exception when it occurs in canines, as reservoirs, but recently emphasis has shifted to but the existence of asymptomatic infection in the smaller species, Microtus and Peromyscus. desmodid and insectivorous bats is now established The foci of infection are unrestricted and the disease (see Enright, 1956). The mild and sub-clinical is readily transferred from wild rodents to rats. diseases usually escape detection and biotests as Although human infection of sylvatic origin is well as antibody surveys are generally necessary. infrequent, it is likely to increase with increasing suburbanization in the future. 4. The necessary conditions of transmission In Malaya, Audy has studied for over a decade exist in the infective process-e.g., the causative the " parasite-patterns " of different animal popula- agent circulates in sufficient concentration in the tions, with special reference to chiggers or harvest blood to be taken up by the blood-sucking arthropod mites. The origin and development of these patterns vector, or is present in body tissues, secretions and has been studied in relation to the topographical excretions to be picked up by other hosts or vectors. localization of disease. It has been shown that Sometimes, it is transmitted to the next generation a great deal can be learnt from the parasite-pattern via the placenta or is passed on to the offspring. alone about the habitat and habits of the host Even minor alterations of conditions may cut the which have largely determined that pattern. In an chain of infection. Accurate information on trans- important recent paper, Audy (1958) has discussed mission and the transmitting agents is therefore of this work along with the important basic concepts great importance. Some vectors are confined to a and current hypotheses on the subject. single host, while others attack two or more hosts, Apart from the foregoing ecological investigations including man. of zoonoses may be mentioned the studies of May 5. The elimination or disappearance of the prin- (1950, and later papers) on the geography of human cipal host or vector or both from a focus may not 182 M. ABDUSSALAM necessarily mean the disappearance of infection. to-man infection transmitted by the tsetse-fly Alternative hosts or vectors may take it up and (G. palpalis) appears to be the rule (Hoare, 1955). maintain it. It is this ability of the infective agent (b) Two types of oriental sore have been observed to multiply in alternative hosts which makes it in Central Asia. A " moist" type occurs in the communicable to man, who is an accidental or people of rural areas on the fringe of deserts and secondary host. is contracted from gerbils (Rhombomys opimus) 6. After man has picked up infection from a wild through the agency of sand-flies. The other is a focus the following courses may be followed: chronic " dry " type, characterized by late ulceration. (a) The infection may remain limited to the It occurs in urban areas and represents man-to- persons who picked it up from the natural focus man infection through sand-flies with better adapta- and may disappear from the community when this tion to the human subject. The two types are also connexion ceases. immunologically distinct (Kojevnikov and others cited by Hoare, 1955). (b) The infection may pass on from person to person by direct contact, as in psittacosis and (c) The classical type of rabies, prevalent in most rabies. This is, however, very rare. countries, is caused by a virus adapted to canines (dogs, jackals, wolves and foxes). However, in (c) The vector in the sylvan focus may be im- South Africa, the disease has become so adapted to ported along with the infection into a human settle- members of the mongoose family (Viverridae) that ment and circulate it in the susceptible population it remains restricted to areas inhabited by these (oriental sore and Gambian trypanosomiasis). animals, although it may be contracted from rodents Alternatively, one of the urban vectors may start and other mammals in the same area (Henning, disseminating the infection (yellow fever). 1956). The paralytic character of rabies derived (d) In some cases, the domestic animals or those from vampire bats (Desmodidae) in Central and living in houses (rats) may take up the infection South America is well known. Strains of the virus and replace wild animals as reservoirs (plague, recently isolated from insectivorous bats have been Q fever, Mediterranean kala-azar, Chagas' disease, found to be immunologically identical with the etc.). Q fever in its natural foci is circulated among classical virus, but enough is not yet known about rodents by ticks but in domestic animal reservoirs their other biological properties (Enright, 1956). contact infection assumes much greater importance (d) Tick-borne encephalitis in the Far East and (Stoker & Marmion, 1955; Kaplan & Bertagna, Siberia is attended with a higher than 1955). this disease in Central Europe. Another clinical 7. In some zoonoses for which both wild and form of the disease described under the name " bi- domestic or domiciliated animal reservoirs exist, phasic virus meningo-encephalitis " (Smorodintsev- the clinical features of the disease contracted from unpublished data, 1958) is transmitted through the two sources differ, apparently owing to modifica- drinking infected goat's milk in addition to the tion of the of the causal agent representing usual mode of transmission through ticks. The different degrees of adaptation. Sometimes the Rocky Mountain spotted fever of the Bitter Root disease derived from different species of wild animal Valley is distinctly more lethal than that occuring reservoirs also differs in its severity for man. A few in the neighbouring State of Idaho. This difference examples of the foregoing modifications may be has been attributed to the presence of a greater cited: variety of small mammals in the former area which (a) Of the African trypanosomiases, the more keeps its adaptability stronger than in Idaho, where acute Rhodesian type occurs in thinly populated only one or two small rodent species are available bush country abounding in wild ruminants and is for holding the infection (Burnet, 1953b). transmitted by the game tsetse-fly (Glossina morsi- 8. The original source of infection of the natural tans) from antelopes to man. This trypanosome enzootic foci is to be looked for in the reciprocal appears to be so far ill-adapted to the human host. evolution of the reservoir host in relation to its The Gambian trypanosomiasis, on the other hand, parasites and other animals in the environment. In is less acute and has a greater tendency to invade certain diseases, such as plague, Q fever, rabies and the nervous system. It occurs in relatively well- certain parasitic infestations, the infection tran- populated localities with few wild animals and man- sported by man and domestic animals may get ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF WILD ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF ZOONOSES 183 established in a previously "clean" local fauna. coverage in text-books. The ecology of many of the Sometimes human agency brings about such changes animals concerned has been studied for reasons in the fauna of a locality as favour the maintenance other than their implication in carrying human and spread of zoonoses. For example, the introduc- disease. This information is scattered in scientific tion of the Javan mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) literature and may not be easily available to public into the Caribbean islands and of ferrets into Cuba, health workers, though it is of great interest to for the biological control of rats, was followed by them. It should be included in the suggested publica- a greatly increased of rabies. Occasionally, tion, preferably on regional basis. man deliberately spreads infection among wild animals which pass it back to him. The use of FACTORS TO BE STUDIED bacterial rodenticides containing Salmonella enteri- In this paper, the factors, which should receive tidis may be cited as an example (Jordan, 1925; attention in ecological studies of enzootic foci are Brown & Parker, 1957). stated only broadly. The usual starting-point is 9. Vertebrate reservoirs of some diseases, espe- provided by the existence of a zoonosis in the cially birds, migrate over long distances, and may human population. The animal reservoirs are looked carry the causal organism from one area to another. for by the usual methods of epidemiological investig- In some cases, they may carry such " reservoir " ation. When an animal carrying the causal organism parasites as ticks from one country to another. or the specific antibody has been found, ecological studies are started, though the decision as to which THE ANIMAL GROUPS CONCERNED is the principal reservoir has to be deferred until The vertebrate animals concerned in the main- other animal species in the area have been examined. tenance and spread of zoonoses are numerous. After one such focus has been studied to a reasonable As many as 372 species of reservoir hosts have extent, the disease can be looked for in other areas been listed for plague alone (Macchiavello, 1955) and with similar biotic and physical features. a large number of species have been found to carry The ecological study will generally include the rabies, psittacosis (ornithosis), arthropod-borne following items: encephalitides, etc. Usually, however, a few species 1. Careful identification of the animal concerned play a predominant role in maintaining infection and of all other animals in its immediate environ- in a focus and the others get infected from them ment, including its parasites. For this purpose, the incidentally. help of taxonomic experts in a museum or other such The largest number of reservoir species is found institution is generally necessary until a named among mammals, particularly rodents, carnivores, reference collection for comparison has been built monkeys, ungulates and bats. The birds are con- up locally. A very important part of this work is cerned mainly with virus infections of the nervous the proper preservation and preparation of the and respiratory infections. The reptiles and fishes material required for identification. are of minor importance; they act as intermediate 2. Life-history studies with special reference to hosts for some animal parasites. the relative susceptibility and capability of each Specialized literature on animal reservoirs is stage to support and pass on infection. The rearing scanty. A few faunal lists of reservoirs of particular techniques developed will also be useful if the animal diseases have been published but information on is found suitable for experimental work. their biology is widely scattered, except for certain 3. The statistics and dynamics of the population groups such as rats. Information given in some of the reservoir host and these are of medical, public health and veterinary text-books is vector; great generally inadequate, is often inaccurate, and importance. shows disregard of the rules of nomenclature. 4. The biotic, climatic and physical characteristics Many of the treatises on zoonoses also are con- of the environment. tented with using such general terms as " wild 5. Animal interrelationships with special atten- mammals ", " birds ", " monkeys ", etc., no doubt tion to enemies, predators and parasites. In this for the sake of brevity. respect, the role of man and domestic animals is It will help to create interest in animal reservoirs not to be overlooked. if available information on their biology is collected 6. Food, and host predilections in the case of together and published. It will also lead to a better parasitic animals. 184 M. ABDUSSALAM

7. Survey of the tissues of hosts and parasites is necessary to secure the co-operation of epidemio- for the presence and concentration of the causal logists, microbiologists, taxonomists, ecologists and organism and for morbid changes, if any. parasitologists. A botanist may look at the vegeta- 8. Serological surveys of vertebrate animals for tion and the help of a geologist and a climatologist antibodies. may be needed on occasion. In actual practice, a very elaborate and expensive 9. Ecological study of the vector, if any, and capa- organization is not generally necessary. A few bility of the infective agent to multiply in its tissues. trained and, what is more important, interested Sometimes minor changes of environment may field workers with proper equipment and the backing throw the vector out of gear and break the chain of of a museum and efficient laboratory service can infection, thus indicating a simple method of control. accomplish a lot. The large amount of work done At times, only particular races of the vector are capa- by the United States Naval ble of disseminating infection, and the same species Unit No. 3 in Egypt and neighbouring countries may act as a vector in one locality but not in the other. may be cited as an example (Hoogstraal, 1958). 10. The conduct of ecological studies before Many countries have a number of naturalists undertaking expensive operations. The recent who take interest and pleasure in the study of large-scale use of insecticides against arthropod wildlife. During the last two hundred years, they vectors has underlined the necessity for this have made important contributions to several fields (Goodwin, 1958). In some cases, resistance to in biology. Many of them may be induced to take insecticides has been found to be due to changes up the study of vertebrates and vectors of importance in resting-habits, dispersal proclivity and other in public health. They could be organized to form a aspects of behaviour (" behavioural resistance ") club or society of public health ecologists and (Hess, 1952, 1953). assisted with loans of literature and equipment. Apart from the compilation of information on the ORGANIZATION OF ECOLOGICAL SURVEYS biology and ecology of animal reservoirs already suggested, illustrated field guides to collection and Team-work is nowhere so essential as in ecological preliminary field identification of various groups surveys. In investigating enzootic foci in complex of animals stimulate and facilitate the study of environments such as forests, river banks, swamps, wildlife. Their production in areas where they are ponds, deserts, fields, and outskirts of villages, it not available needs to be encouraged.

nex LIST OF PRINCIPAL ZOONOSES WITH WILD ANIMAL RESERVOIRS 1. Arthropod-borne encephalitides and related 17. Plague virus infections 18. Tularaemia 2. Rabies 19. Pseudotuberculosis 3. Yellow fever 20. Rat-bite fever 4. Lymphocytic chorio-meningitis 21. Toxoplasmosis 5. Encephalomyocarditis 22. Leishmaniases Kala-azar, espundia and orien- 6. Rift Valley fever tal sore 7. Wasselsbron fever 23. Trypanosomiases-African and South American 8. Psittacosis (omithosis) 24. Far Eastern schistosomiasis 9. Murine typhus 25. Fasciolopsis infestation 10. Tick-borne typhus fevers 26. Hydatid disease 11. Tsutsugamushi fever 27. Hymenolepsis infestation 12. Q fever 28. Strongyloides infestation 13. Rickettsialpox 29. Trichinosis 14. Leptospiroses 30. Ectoparasites (ticks, mites, fleas, flies and bugs) 15. Relapsing fever 31. Myiasis 16. Salmonellosis ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF WILD ANIMAL RESERVOIRS OF ZOONOSES 185 RtSUMt

L'ecologie des reservoirs de zoonoses que constituent qui composent les reservoirs devront Wtre examines afin les animaux sauvages est mal connue dans de nombreuses de permettre la mise en evidence des organismes patho- regions du monde. Les investigations faites au cours des genes et d'autres signes d'infection (modifications mor- vingt dernieres annees ont fait ressortir que ce manque bides, anticorps, etc.). de renseignements a souvent provoque des hesitations Un pareil travail exigera la collaboration d'epidemio- et des echecs dans les campagnes de lutte ou d'eradication. logistes, de microbiologistes, d'ecologistes, de parasito- Dans quelques cas, en revanche, les etudes et les methodes logues, de botanistes et, parfois, de geologues et de spe- ecologiques ont fourni la base de campagnes fructueuses cialistes de la climatologie. Dans la pratique, on peut d'eadication. Pour certaines maladies, on a pu recon- attendre beaucoup d'une equipe composee d'un petit naitre 1'existence de foyers enzootiques dans la nature nombre de travailleurs competents et bien outilles, qui en examinant les caracteristiques du terrain, la vegetation, disposeraient d'un bon musee et d'un service de labo- la topographie et d'autres particularites du milieu (ce ratoire adequat. Toute organisation de la sante publique que Pavlovsky a appele #l'epidemiologie de l'habitat >). devrait posseder des equipes de cet ordre. I1 est donc evident qu'il faut largement etendre la I1 conviendrait, par la distribution de materiel et de methode ecologique pour etudier et combattre les zoo- documentation, d'inciter les naturalistes a etudier, si noses entretenues par des reservoirs d'animaux sauvages, possible, les reservoirs d'animaux sauvages et les vecteurs notamment quand il s'agit de maladies transmises par des et l'on pourrait favoriser la formation d'associations et vecteurs et surtout dans les regions ou cette methode n'a de groupements d'ecologistes de la sante publique. pas encore et appliquee. Les renseignements disponibles sur la biologie et Independamment de leur interet pour les campagnes l'ecologie des animaux dont se composent les reservoirs de lutte et d'eradication, les recherches ecologiques de zoonoses devraient etre rassembles, de preference peuvent aboutir a la mise en evidence de nouvelles zoo- sur une base regionale, et portes a la connaissance des noses et a l'acquisition de connaissances fondamentales travailleurs interesses de la region. I1 serait bon d'encou- susceptibles d'etre utilisees dans d'autres domaines de la rager la redaction de guides pratiques donnant des biologie. On peut aussi esperer que ces travaux permet- instructions sur la maniere de recueillir les animaux, de les tront de decouvrir de nouveaux animaux d'experience conserver et de proceder a leur identification preliminaire, utilisables en laboratoire pour l'etude des maladies. notamment pour les regions qui manquent de documen- Les principales caracteristiques generales des zoonoses tation appropri6e. entretenues par des reservoirs d'animaux sauvages sont I1 s'est produit des cas ofu l'introduction de nouveaux enum&ees, afin de montrer l'importance des points qu'il hotes animaux, dans le dessein d'obtenir la disparition s'agit d'etudier; l'article est complete par une liste des de predateurs et d'insectes nuisibles par des moyens principales maladies dont il s'agit. biologiques, a eu pour resultat d'accroitre la frequence Les etudes ecologiques de foyers enzootiques devront de certaines zoonoses (par exemple la rage dans la zone porter sur la taxonomie de tous les vertebres et de leurs des CaraYbes). I1 serait indispensable d'entreprendre des parasites, sur les populations animales en cause et sur etudes ecologiques minutieuses avant d'introduire de leur cycle biologique, ainsi que sur les inter-relations entre nouveaux animaux dans quelque region que ce soit. I1 les animaux et leur nourriture. Lorsqu'il y a intervention faudrait aussi interdire l'utilisation de produits destruc- de vecteurs, ceux-ci devront faire l'objet d'investigations teurs de bacteries, tels que les appats raticides a base de analogues. Salmonella, car ce procede constitue une menace d'infec- Les tissus et les excretions des vecteurs et des animaux tion pour l'homme.


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