Extropy Institute
ISSN 1057-1035 Issue #14 (vol.7, no.1) 1st Quarter 1995 $4.95 1 EXTROPY #14 (7:1) First Quarter 1995 EXTROPY: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought is a journal of ideas, dedicated to discussing and developing themes in the follow- ing areas: • Transhumanism and futurist philosophy • Life extension, immortalism and cryonics • Smart drugs (nootropics) and intelligence increase technologies • Machine intelligence, personality uploading, and Artificial life • Nanocomputers and nanotechnology • Memetics (ideas as viruses) ExtropyExtropy InstituteInstitute • Experimental free communities in space, on the oceans, and within computer networks • Effective thinking and information filtering EXTROPY (ISSN 1057-1035) is published approx. quarterly by • Self-transformative psychology Extropy Institute (ExI), an educational tax-exempt corporation, • Spontaneous orders (free markets, neural 13428 Maxella Avenue, #273, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. Phone: networks, evolutionary processes, etc) (310) 398-0375. • Digital economy (privacy technologies, E-mail to: more@extropy.org digital money and electronic markets) or: exi-info@extropy.org • Rational, market-based environmentalism Copyright ©1994 by Extropy Institute and the respective writers. • Probing the ultimate limits of physics Distributed by Armadillo, Los Angeles, CA; Desert Moon Periodicals, Sante Fe, NM; Fine Print, Austin, TX; Inland, East Haven, CT; IPD, Solana Beach, CA; Small Changes, Seattle, WA; Ubiquity, Brooklyn, NY; & Tower EDITORIAL TEAM Magazines, W. Sacramento, CA; and in the UK by Counter Productions, London, UK. EDITOR: Max More, MA, Extropy Institute Writers: Contact the editor for submission details. ART DIRECTOR: Nancie Clark SUBSCRIPTIONS (4 issues): Communications: Russell E. Whitaker, Taos Mountain Soft- USA: $18 ware Canada and Mexico*: $22 Overseas*: $32 (air); $24 (surface) Computing, Simon D.
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