Replicating Minicircles: Overcoming the Limitations of Transient and of Stable Expression Systems In "Minicircle and Plasmid DNA Vectors - The Future of non-viral and viral Gene-Transfer", Schleef (Ed.) Wiley-VCH Verlag K. Nehlsen 1) , S. Broll 1,2), R. Kandimalla 3), N. Heinz 4), M. Heine 5), S. Binius 1) , A. Schambach 4) and J. Bode4*) 1) Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, Department Molecular Biotechnology, Inhoffenstraße 7, D-38124 Braunschweig 2) Leibniz Universität Hannover, Dezernat 4 - Forschung und Technologietransfer / Nationale Forschungsförderung. 3) Department of Pathology, Josephine Nefkens Institute Erasmus MC 3000 CA, Dr. Molewaterplein 50 Rotterdam, The Netherlands Germany 4) Hannover Medical School (MHH), Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1, D-30625 Hannover, Institute for Experimental Haematology OE 6960, Room J11 01 6530; Tel.: +49 511-532-5136; Fax: +49 3212 106 7542;
[email protected] ; *) Corresponding Author 5) Rentschler Biotechnologie GmbH Erwin-Rentschler-Straße 21, 88471 Laupheim Keywords: minicircles; nonviral episomes; ARS assay; oriP; S/MAR Abbreviations used: BPV, bovine papillomavirus; BUR, DNA base-unpairing region; CHO, Chinese hamster ovary; CUE Core-Unpairing Element; CS, constitutive S/MAR; DS, dyad symmetry element; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; eGFP, enhanced green fluorescent protein; egfp , the corresponding coding region; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; Flp, flippase (site specific recombinase); FR, Family of Repeats (OriP); FRT , Flp- recognition