SPORTS COOK OF THE WEEK LADY REBELS SPLIT GAMES WILSON HAS PASSION IN TOURNAMENT AT ECCC FOR BAKING CAKES Softball action — Page 5B Shandra Wilson— Page 1B Established 1881 — Oldest Business Institution in Neshoba County Philadelphia, Mississippi Wednesday, August 4, 2021 140th Year No. 31 **$1.00 PANDEMIC Millions in relief monies flowing here By SCOTT HAWKINS rescue plan approved earlier So far, Neshoba County has Things of that nature.” Philadelphia Mayor James about broadband, and we are
[email protected] this year, but spending plans received $2,827,915 and That is just a starting point, A. Young said the city has trying to figure out how we can have not been finalized. Philadelphia has received however. Mayo said the Board received its first payment but tap some of those funds to Some of Philadelphia’s $1.6 Neshoba County is receiv- $870,046. Both will receive the of Supervisors has not yet put has not yet put any plan in enhance what we need in the million in federal COVID relief ing a total of $5.6 million and remaining monies next year. anything in stone. action for spending. city,” Young said of the federal monies the city has already Philadelphia $1.6 million both Neshoba County Adminis- “There have been requests, “We are working on a plan guidelines. received could go toward sewer in two payments. trator Jeff Mayo said officials but you still have the issue of to enhance sewer and waster “Right now, we are just in improvements and broadband The Mississippi Band of are still determining how to compliance with the federal law water and some other sewer the planning stages.