A Native Son of Erin Raises Flag No Shop Talk Here
c1 '?«>>;»H>,iv,* *•**•••**!»; VOLUME 5, NUMBER 12 FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1963 TEN CEiN A NATIVE SON OF ERIN ~T RAISES FLAG DUBLIN Policeman Patrick J. Kenny shown raising Irish flag over Hoboken City Hall, was the guest of Mayor John J. Grogan and the city at annual St. Patrick Day ob- servance. He found that the seaport city was not unlike the Auld Sod. At the left In picture is Mike Shannon, the president of Irish American Club, and Lt. William Lough- lin, on left, is only member of the Hoboken Police force who was born in Ireland. -T X i ,. _ •*• -V. T& • iS TRUE SONS OF IRELAN1 This quartet, gathered City Hall before St. Patrick Day observance, all ha good Irish names. They ar y * \ left to right, City Clerk A thur Malone, Easiness A * .< # . ministrator James Qulnn, Dublin Policeman Patrick Kenny, and Mayor John Grogan. e^-# NO SHOP TALK HERE :"** HUDSON County Park Police got together for a roast beef and beer party at Sokol Hall, 76th St., Guttenberg. Good time was had by all with the story spinning a major part of the affair. Left to right, are Sgt. Robert Talbot, Bay- oone; Mayor Harold Larson of Eaut Newark; SgtJUch- (. ard Sullivan, East Newark; ^<£EJ Ptl. Chester Bonnelli.Union City; Walter Tawgln, JohnE. OlCane and John Rodgers of Etst Newarkj Charles Mc- Cabe of Bayonne and Robert Nichols Jr. of Washington Park. f * j } j f "' ' ' f ' UttwkL ftifct, ft** 2t lttt • ••• Mrs. Marie Battottt, sister of Hoboken Elks dub vffl hold| $121,000 in I960, fectoded In die The proceedi support tta asso- t Crlnvnins Spooks bride-elect, wffl be matron of hon- tnstallatloa of officers total was 115,213 in matching gift* ciation *• services to the college, Pension Benefits or.
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