Mali Festival Za Velike Teme! Small Festival for Big Subjects!
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KLAPNA LINIJA BIGANJA HRBAT LINIJA BIGANJA KLAPNA C M Y CM MY CY CMY K MALI FESTIVAL 11th Children's Rights Festival Small festival for big subjects! ZA VELIKE TEME! LINIJA BIGANJA HRBAT LINIJA BIGANJA MALI FESTIVAL ZA VELIKE TEME! SMALL FESTIVAL FOR BIG SUBJECTS! Popis dvorana Venues Kino Tuškanac, Zagreb Cinema Tuškanac, Zagreb Dvorane CineStar – Novi Zagreb – Avenue Mall, CineStar Cinemas – Novi Zagreb – Avenue Mall, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Vukovar, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Vukovar, Slavonski Brod, Varaždin, Slavonski Brod, Varaždin, Šibenik, Zadar, Dubrovnik Šibenik, Zadar, Dubrovnik Kino Spomen dom – POU Pazin Cinema Spomen dom – POU Pazin Kino POU Poreč Cinema POU Poreč Kino Antonio Gandusio – POU Rovinj Cinema Antonio Gandusio – POU Rovinj Kino Valli, Pula Cinema Valli, Pula Dom kulture Kristalna kocka vedrine, Sisak Culture Center Sisak Kino Novska – POU Novska Cinema Novska – POU Novska Kino Velebit – POU Koprivnica Cinema Velebit – POU Koprivnica Centar za kulturu Čakovec Culture Center Čakovec POU Samobor POU Samobor POU Novi Marof, Kulturni centar Ivan Rabuzin POU Novi Marof, Cultural Center Ivan Rabuzin POU Velika Gorica POU Velika Gorica POU Krapina POU Krapina POU Poreč POU Poreč ON THE OCCASION OF 30TH ANNIVERSARY MALI FESTIVALZA VELIKE TEME! VELIKE FESTIVALZA MALI OF THE CONVENTION SMALL FESTIVAL FOR BIG SUBJECTS! BIG FOR FESTIVAL SMALL UZ 30. ROĐENDAN OF THE RIGHTS OF KONVENCIJE O THE CHILD ovember 2019 will mark 30 years since N the United Nations adopted the Con- PRAVIMA DJETETA vention of the Rights of the Child. The Con- vention remains the most widely accepted studenome 2019. navršava se 30 godina international document, and represents both otkako su Ujedinjeni narodi donijeli Kon- a promise to children and a legal guarantee Uvenciju o pravima djeteta. To je do danas that states will protect every child’s right to najšire prihvaćen međunarodni dokument life, survival, health, social welfare, educa- koji predstavlja i obećanje djeci i pravno tion, the right to protection from all forms of jamstvo kojim su se države obvezale štititi violence and abuse, the right to freedom of prava svakog djeteta. Konvencija štiti pravo expression, the right to rest and leisure and djeteta na život, opstanak, zdravlje, socijalnu to engage in play. These guarantees have skrb i obrazovanje, pravo na zaštitu od svih been enshrined in many of our laws. oblika nasilja i iskorištavanja, na slobodu izražavanja, odmor, igru i slobodno vrijeme. ver the past three decades the awareness Takva su jamstva ugrađena i u brojne naše of the children’s rights has significantly zakone. Oincreased, with considerable progress made in their protection. However, we have to ad- protekla tri desetljeća znatno je napre- mit that there is still a long way to go before dovala svijest o pravima djece i mnogo every child has equal rights and equal oppor- Uje učinjeno u zaštiti tih prava. Ipak, moramo tunities to develop his or her full potential. priznati da smo još daleko od ostvarivanja To a great extent, the quality of life of a child cilja da svako dijete ima jednaka prava i in Croatia still depends on the place where jednake šanse za razvoj svojih potencijala. he or she lives, as this determines whether or Kvaliteta života djeteta u Hrvatskoj i dalje not the child will go to kindergarten, receive 3 bitno ovisi o mjestu gdje ono živi; o čemu best healthcare, whether the school will be ovisi i hoće li pohađati vrtić, dobiti najbolju close, how the child will spend his or her zdravstvenu zaštitu, hoće li mu škola biti free time and whether he or she will receive blizu, kako će provoditi slobodno vrijeme i professional support in case of developmen- hoće li dobiti stručnu pomoć ako ima neke tal or behavioural problems. teškoće u razvoju ili u ponašanju. a z 30. rođendan Konvencije o pravima n the Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of z godine u godinu, sada već u svom 11. principle of social inclusion. We take par- djeteta svaka bi država, pa tako i naša, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, izdanju, ovaj je festival poticajan na mnogo ticular interest in the part of festival where Utrebala još jednom pažljivo razmotriti koje Oall states, including Croatia, should once Inačina i razina: za djecu, roditelje i učitelje, children and youth feature as film authors, su zadaće u ostvarivanju dječjih prava ostale again carefully consider which tasks in exer- ali i za cijelo društvo jer nas uporno podsje- as this is a way to make the children’s voices nedovršene. cising children’s rights remain unfinished. ća da djeci moramo osigurati odgovarajuće heard in society, and encourage adults to kulturne sadržaje i pobrinuti se da oni budu think about children’s messages. ad pitamo djecu koja dječja prava hen children are asked which of the dostupni svakome djetetu. th MALI FESTIVALZA VELIKE TEME! VELIKE FESTIVALZA MALI poznaju, osim prava na obrazovanje i children’s rights, apart from the right to rom year to year, and now in its 11 edi- Kzdravlje, odgovor je najčešće – pravo na igru Weducation and the right to health, they are eljela bih da i 11. festival prava djece tion, this Festival has been stimulating SMALL FESTIVAL FOR BIG SUBJECTS! BIG FOR FESTIVAL SMALL i slobodno vrijeme. Konvencija o tome kaže familiar with, they most often say – the rights donese djeci korisna znanja o njihovim Fin multiple ways and at multiple levels: for da „dijete ima pravo na odmor i slobodno to leisure and to play. The Convention recog- Žpravima i mnogo zabave, ali i da im pokaže children, for parents and teachers, but also vrijeme, na igru i razonodu primjerenu nje- nizes ‘the right of the child to rest and leisure, kako film može služiti djeci – kao podrška, for the society as a whole. It keeps remind- govoj dobi…” i da će „država poštovati i pro- to engage in play and recreational activities utjeha ili njihov glasnik koji će prenijeti ing us that it is our duty to ensure adequate micati pravo djeteta na puno sudjelovanje u appropriate to the age of the child…’ and važne poruke djece svijetu odraslih. cultural contents for children and make sure kulturnom i umjetničkom životu te poticati stipulates that ‘States Parties shall respect they are available to each child. stvaranje odgovarajućih jednakih uvjeta za and promote the right of the child to partici- provođenje kulturnih, umjetničkih, rekreativ- pate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall would like the 11th Children’s Rights Festival nih i aktivnosti slobodnog vremena…”. encourage the provision of appropriate and Pravobraniteljica za djecu to provide children with useful insights into equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recre- Helenca Pirnat Dragičević Itheir rights and a lot of fun, but also show them o je među djecom najzapamćenije pravo, ational and leisure activity…’. how film can serve children – as support, as ali uz njega ide i velika zaboravljivost comfort or as a herald who will deliver impor- Todraslih, kad je riječ o obvezama države da owever, this right, which is the best remem- tant children’s messages to the world of adults. osigura jednake uvjete svakom djetetu za bered one among children, is accompanied ostvarivanje toga prava. Iako kod nas postoji Hby the great forgetfulness of the adults when ponuda različitih zabavnih, rekreativnih, it comes to the states’ obligations to ensure kulturnih i umjetničkih sadržaja za djecu, that each child has opportunities to exercise Ombudsman for Children mnogo je djece kojima su oni gotovo nedo- this right. Despite the varied offer of enter- Helenca Pirnat Dragičević stupni. Upravo su ti sadržaji vrlo važan dio tainment, recreational, cultural and artistic djetinjstva koji podržava djetetov razvoj i activities for children which are available, bitno određuje kvalitetu djetetova života. for many children in Croatia these activities remain virtually inaccessible. Yet, such activi- akvu poruku šalje i Festival prava djece u ties represent an important part of childhood, kojem od početka, kao jedan od partnera as they encourage children’s growth and Tudruge Alternator, sudjeluje i Ured pravo- development and significantly determine the braniteljice za djecu. Osim što širi svjesnost quality of a child’s life. PROGRAMI PROGRAMMES o važnosti prava djece, ovaj festival afirmira filmsko stvaralaštvo za djecu i stvaralaštvo his is the message of the Children’s Rights Matineja DOBRE VIBRACIJE Matinee FEEL GOOD VIBES djece i mladih te nastoji uključiti djecu iz Festival, which the Office of the Ombuds- ŠKOLSKI OBJEKTIV – Dječje stvaralaštvo – SCHOOL CAMERA – Children’s Creative Work – različitih sredina i djecu s teškoćama vida i Tman for Children, as a partner of the Alter- matineja za osnovne škole Matinee for Schoolchildren sluha, čime promiče načelo inkluzivnosti. Za nator association, has supported since its MISLIM, DAKLE SNIMAM – Stvaralaštvo I THINK, THEREFORE I MAKE FILMS – Youth 4 5 nas je posebno zanimljiv onaj dio festivala beginning. Apart from raising the awareness mladeži – matineja za srednje škole Creativity – Matinee for High School Students u kojem se djeca i mladi predstavljaju kao about the importance of children’s rights, this RAME UZ RAME – Radionice i popratni WORKING SIDE BY SIDE – Workshops and filmski autori jer to vidimo kao jedan od festival promotes film production for chil- programi Accompanying Programmes načina da se glas djece čuje u društvu i kao dren and creativity of children and youth. The poticaj odraslima da razmišljaju o porukama Festival strives to include children from dif- djece. ferent backgrounds and children with visual and hearing impairments, thus promoting the RASPORED PRIKAZIVANJA / SCREENING SCHEDULE ZAGREB KINO | CINEMA SAVEZ GLUHIH I UČENIČKI DOM | KINO TUŠKANAC | CINESTAR NOVI ZAGREB CINESTAR NOVI ZAGREB KUĆA EUROPE | NAGLUHIH GRADA 4SOBE | 4ROOMS STUDENT CAMPUS CINEMA TUŠKANAC DVORANA 5 | CINEMA 5 – AVENUE MALL EUROPE HOUSE VRIJEME | TIME ZAGREBA – SGINGZ MARIJA JAMBRIŠAK Razgovor počinje filmom | MALI FESTIVALZA VELIKE TEME! VELIKE FESTIVALZA MALI 16.10.