Congressional Record—House H2265

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Congressional Record—House H2265 May 9, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2265 Bartlett Ganske Matheson Shimkus Tauscher Walden The Chair recognizes the gentleman Barton Gekas Matsui Shuster Tauzin Walsh from Arizona (Mr. STUMP). Bass Gephardt McCarthy (MO) Simmons Taylor (NC) Wamp Becerra Gibbons McCarthy (NY) Simpson Terry Watkins (OK) Mr. STUMP. Mr. Chairman, I yield Bereuter Gilchrest McCollum Skeen Thomas Watt (NC) myself such time as I may consume. Berkley Gillmor McCrery Skelton Thompson (CA) Weiner Mr. Chairman, on May 1 the Com- Biggert Gilman McHugh Smith (MI) Thompson (MS) Weldon (FL) mittee on Armed Services reported Bilirakis Gonzalez McInnis Smith (TX) Thornberry Weldon (PA) Smith (WA) Thune H.R. 4546 on a strong bipartisan vote of Blagojevich Goode McKeon Weller Snyder Thurman Blumenauer Goodlatte McKinney Wexler 57 to one. The bill authorizes appro- Blunt Gordon McNulty Solis Tiahrt Whitfield priations for the Department of De- Boehlert Graham Meek (FL) Souder Tiberi Wicker Boehner Granger Meeks (NY) Spratt Tierney fense and for the Department of Energy Wilson (NM) Bonilla Graves Menendez Stearns Toomey national security programs for a total Wilson (SC) Bonior Green (TX) Mica Stenholm Towns of $383 billion in budget authority, con- Wolf Bono Green (WI) Millender- Strickland Turner sistent with the President’s budget and Boozman Grucci McDonald Stump Udall (CO) Woolsey Borski Gutierrez Miller, Dan Stupak Udall (NM) Wu with the House-passed budget resolu- Boswell Gutknecht Miller, Gary Sullivan Upton Wynn tion. Boyd Hall (TX) Miller, Jeff Sununu Velazquez Young (AK) Over the next few hours, we will de- Brown (FL) Hansen Mollohan Sweeney Visclosky Young (FL) Tancredo Vitter bate and explain the many initiatives Brown (OH) Hart Moore contained in this bill to support and Brown (SC) Hastings (WA) Moran (KS) NOT VOTING—24 Bryant Hayes Moran (VA) strengthen our Armed Forces during Burr Hayworth Morella Bentsen Harman Riley this critical period in our Nation’s his- Bishop Hoyer Buyer Hefley Murtha Roukema tory. I am pleased to once again be able Callahan Herger Myrick Boucher Jackson-Lee Smith (NJ) Calvert Hill Nadler Brady (TX) (TX) Traficant to report to my colleagues that this Camp Hilleary Napolitano Burton Maloney (CT) Watson (CA) legislation embodies the same bipar- Cannon Hilliard Neal Crane Meehan Watts (OK) Dicks Ose tisan spirit that has guided U.S. na- Cantor Hinojosa Nethercutt Waxman tional security policy for decades. Capito Hobson Ney Goss Pelosi Capps Hoeffel Northup Hall (OH) Reyes It provides for pay, housing, fiscal Cardin Hoekstra Norwood b 1332 and physical well-being of our Armed Carson (IN) Holden Nussle Forces members and their families. It Carson (OK) Honda Oberstar Mr. ISRAEL changed his vote from provides for the research and acquisi- Castle Hooley Obey ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ tion of our military arsenal so critical Chabot Horn Ortiz So the motion to adjourn was re- Chambliss Hostettler Osborne to maintaining our combat edge on the Clay Houghton Otter jected. battlefield. It provides for the re- Clayton Hulshof Oxley The result of the vote was announced sources and tools to properly train our Clement Hunter Pascrell as above recorded. Clyburn Hyde Pastor forces to be ready to defend our free- Coble Inslee Paul f doms around the world at a moment’s Collins Isakson Payne REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER notice, and it also provides for our Na- Combest Israel Pence Condit Issa Peterson (MN) AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 448 tion’s military retirees, who devoted a Conyers Istook Peterson (PA) Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I ask better time of their lives for this coun- Cooksey Jackson (IL) Petri unanimous consent that I be removed try. Costello Jefferson Phelps Mr. Chairman, this is a very good Cox Jenkins Pickering as a cosponsor of H.R. 448. Coyne John Pitts The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. bill. It follows the spending blueprints Cramer Johnson (CT) Platts LATOURETTE). Is there objection to the set forth by the President to make his Crenshaw Johnson (IL) Pombo request of the gentleman from Cali- defense budget the largest since 1990. It Crowley Johnson, Sam Pomeroy also marks the largest single-year in- Cubin Jones (NC) Portman fornia? Culberson Kanjorski Price (NC) There was no objection. crease in defense spending since 1966. Cummings Kaptur Pryce (OH) By marking the fifth consecutive Cunningham Keller Putnam f year of real increases in defense spend- Davis (CA) Kelly Quinn BOB STUMP NATIONAL DEFENSE Davis (FL) Kennedy (MN) Radanovich ing, we are starting to dig out of the Davis (IL) Kennedy (RI) Rahall AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FIS- budget hole that we created after 13 Davis, Jo Ann Kerns Ramstad CAL YEAR 2003 years of budget cuts. Our Armed Davis, Tom Kildee Rangel Forces, while still the most formidable Deal Kilpatrick Regula The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- DeGette Kind (WI) Rehberg ant to House Resolution 415 and rule fighting force on the planet, face seri- DeLauro King (NY) Reynolds XVIII, the Chair declares the House in ous and fundamental choices in the DeLay Kingston Rivers years ahead. This presents both an op- DeMint Kirk Rodriguez the Committee of the Whole House on Deutsch Kleczka Roemer the State of the Union for the consider- portunity and a risk if the choices we Diaz-Balart Knollenberg Rogers (KY) ation of the bill, H.R. 4546. make are not prudent and do not hedge Dooley Kolbe Rogers (MI) on our bets against the inevitable sur- Doolittle Kucinich Rohrabacher b 1331 prises and challenges that may lie Doyle LaFalce Ros-Lehtinen Dreier LaHood Ross IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ahead. Duncan Lampson Rothman Accordingly, the House resolved The bill before the House sets a pru- Dunn Lantos Roybal-Allard itself into the Committee of the Whole dent course. It recognizes today’s new Edwards Larsen (WA) Royce Ehlers Larson (CT) Rush House on the State of the Union for the reality and accelerates and emphasizes Ehrlich Latham Ryan (WI) consideration of the bill (H.R. 4546) to new tools necessary for the critical Emerson LaTourette Ryun (KS) authorize appropriations for fiscal year fight against terrorism. It makes sure Engel Leach Sabo 2003 for military activities of the De- that our most precious military com- English Levin Sanchez Eshoo Lewis (CA) Sanders partment of Defense, and for military modity and resource, our men and Etheridge Lewis (GA) Sandlin construction, to prescribe military per- women in uniform, are properly com- Evans Lewis (KY) Sawyer sonnel strengths for fiscal year 2003, pensated and taken care of. Everett Linder Saxton AMP It also makes sure we do not forget Farr Lipinski Schaffer and for other purposes, with Mr. C Fattah LoBiondo Schiff in the chair. the basics, the unglamorous elements Ferguson Lofgren Schrock The Clerk read the title of the bill. of the defense budget necessary to Flake Lowey Scott The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to the make sure it works when called upon. Fletcher Lucas (KY) Sensenbrenner Foley Lucas (OK) Serrano rule, the bill is considered as having Mr. Chairman, on a personal note, Forbes Luther Sessions been read the first time. this marks the last defense authoriza- Ford Lynch Shadegg Under the rule, the gentleman from tion bill that I will have the privilege Fossella Maloney (NY) Shaw Arizona (Mr. STUMP) and the gen- to manage before this great House. It Frelinghuysen Manzullo Shays Frost Markey Sherman tleman from Missouri (Mr. SKELTON) has been an honor to serve and have Gallegly Mascara Sherwood each will control 30 minutes. the trust of my colleagues to be able to VerDate Apr 18 2002 08:16 May 10, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09MY7.008 pfrm15 PsN: H09PT1 H2266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2002 lead two great committees over the tleman from Arizona (Mr. STUMP) for Our members participated fully, Mr. past 8 years, and I will greatly miss the his great service to our country, not Chairman; and I think we have put to- friendship and bipartisanship, the sense only in the House of Representatives, gether a good package. I want to again of mission that allows the Committee but also as a 16-year-old kid who joined thank the chairman of the full com- on Veterans Affairs and the Committee the U.S. Navy in World War II. That mittee for this opportunity. on Armed Services to quietly and effec- great ethic of service to the Nation has Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Chairman, I yield tively do their important work on be- carried through, and the gentleman 2 minutes to the gentleman from Texas half of our Nation’s veterans and mili- from Arizona (Chairman STUMP) has (Mr. ORTIZ). tary forces. put together a great bill which is es- (Mr. ORTIZ asked and was given per- I urge my colleagues to support this sential to this country right now be- mission to revise and extend his re- important legislation. cause we are in a war. marks.) Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance I made a few comments during the Mr. ORTIZ. I thank the gentleman of my time. rule that I think covered to some de- for yielding time to me, Mr. Chairman. Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Chairman, I yield gree my work and the work of the Sub- Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong sup- myself 2 minutes. committee on Military Research and port of H.R. 4546, the Bob Stump Na- Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues Development and our contribution to tional Defense Authorization Act for to support the Bob Stump National De- the bill. Fiscal Year 2003. fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Basically, we are working to try and Mr. Chairman, I want to specifically 2003. This bill, properly so, is named in put some money into some high-lever- address the provisions in the act relat- honor of our chairman, who has stated age areas.
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