OF MESA COLLEGE Vol. 46, No. 2 Monda-y, Sept. 22, 1975 -Jim_Cheska1y i................ ,_,_ - -·---, Sept. 22- 27 T'he New Jethro Tull = I i ON SALE AT $3. 79 I [Plus the entire Catalog Music at $3.99 each]· I- I= 5i1H11UIDIIDUIIUU1llllllllllUUlllllUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUJIIIIII UIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIUIIUIUIIHBUIHlllffl-ll!M!11111111111•111DIIIIIIIIIIUUIUIIIIIIIIIIUU-IIIUIIWUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINHHHIUul RECORD RWNDOVv'NS•••••••••••••••••••••••• Want Ads -'l "By BRUC.E~llRlll.OR !Mike Post but is totally outstanding, and enjoyable. toUege Campus Representafive "'.:!! Railheail Overture Anyone who likes .synthesi-z.ed sound ~ .Mlf...:,005 should definitely buv this record. Needed to sell Brand Name Stereo ~~ Steve llillage components to students at lowest prices. lfish Rising The h\llma:n Brothers Band :E: High Commission No Investment re· VR13-11S On his first solo · album, "Railhead Win, Lose, or Draw ,"3i Overture," Mike Post £stablil;he-s himself CP0156 quired. Serirms Inquiries ONLY! E as a very unusual Moog _player. Together :FAD COMPONENTS• INC. 0 Steve Hillage is the impresario of 20 :Passaic Ave. -.r.: conceptual music. On this album, "Fish with this backup musicians he inter The Allman Brothers Band {or should Fairfield, "New 'Jersey07NUli ::: "Rising," he gets together with the weaves a melodious mixture of songs it be Brother) has a brand new album that are done superbly. out. It is called "Win, Lose, or Draw." g European band he plays with, "Gong," Cl. and they play some fantastic musk. The first side is distinct in that it From a musical ..sense it does sound ID "The concept that Hillage us:e·s in this contains the only song which has a tie in good, but historically it could be, and CAMERA FDR SAL'E ·~ album is one of a fishy story.
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