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Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation 450 The l¿ndmarks Building One Station Square Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Published for the members of the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation Number 100 Winter 1986-87 o Priorities in the New Year o Highlights of 1986 o A Landmarks Profile Prioritiesinthe l\ewYear trZ#" As a person grows older, eøch new year seems to pass more quickly, and recent accomplishments are soon forgottm because of a pressíng desire to look ahead and get thíngs done whìle there stíll ís tíme. Half the fun of January ß lookíng at ø Afterfíve years wíth Løndmarks, brand new blank calendar and know- I amftndìng that thß phenomenon ß thøt W the døily squares will soon be part of the lìþ of an orgønization alsa with rneetíngs, deadlínes, events, ftlled No sooner díd we planfor 1986 thøn etc. Wíthout a doubt, the year wíll we were workìng hard to successfully soon be as full and as busy as the lnst ímplement that plan. And míd-way perhaps even tnore so íf that ís pos- through 1986, we were our síble.- formulatíng work planfor 1987. The program ac- fuch new year brings new motnen- complíshments of 1985 whìch I recall tum to a successful organizatíory beíng amazed at, once have all but whìch translates ínto afast, healthy disappeared from my mìnd.- work pace and promises a satìsfyíng Sínce a fast noving work pace leaves record of accomplíshmmts in Decem- líttlc tíme for reflectíon ønd recollec- ben At the outset of this year, we have , tiott, it ß essentíøl that Eoñe penna- a agenda of work planned. The full fol- nent year-end record be publíshed. For lowing artíclc híghlights whøt we hope thís reaso4 we are printing this sum- to accomplßh ìn eìght major progrum mary ßsue. Its purpose ís to record the areøs. accomplßhments of 1986, announce the work plan for 1987, and fømiliarize The Preservatíon Fund our members with the people who are Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foun- cunently responsiblefor the work of Staff meøbers of IøndnørÁs and USX toøred tlte úot end (blast farnøces) of USX's Døqaetne mill, ø part of dation's Preservation Fund will be very ac- the oxgoitzg Sourltwestem Pennsyloønia steel site sørae1. Pictøred aboue is tl¡e n*cb pøblicized Dorothg Six our orgønízntíon. tive in 1987. Our cooperative working rela- farnøce. Iøndmarâs øill acqaire a selection oførtifacx from tbe site pior to its dcmolition in 1987. Louise King Ferguson, Executive Directo¡ tionship will continue with at least 23 neighborhood organizations and preserva- and significance of the development of the series of tours and special events. Details tion groups. We will also be well represent- Panther Hollow section of the park with its are forthcoming, but at this point plans are ed at Pittsburgh's Community Technical network of pedestrian trails and bridges in the works for: S cheíbler/ S teel Surv ey s Neighborhood Fund, June 30th will ma¡k the completion Assistance Center, constructed by the Works Progress Ad- r an architectural walking tour of Kenny- of Pittsburgh Community Services, South ministration in the 1930s. Much of this wood Park two surveys funded through a $12,000 Side Main Street on East Carson Street, work will be funded by a grant matching grant from the Pennsylvania of $20,000 r a series of September walking/bus tours The National Trust for Historic Preserva- the Historical and Museum Commission. All from National Endowment for the Arts. featuring the works of four leading Pitts- tion, and Preservation Action. Landmarks' properties designed by Frederick G. Schei- burgh architects [.oan Fund will review and fund housing Educatìon bler, Jr., most of which are located in Al- ¡ a riverboat excursion programs which serve inner-city residents, Our challenge this year is to effectively legheny and neighboring counties, will be properties and provide advocacy papers and other tes- market our growing collection of educa- ¡ bus tours to our historic and recorded and documented in one thematic projects timony on issues which preserve historic tional resources to public and private current restoration survey. The steel reconnaissance survey will districts and buildings. And we will remain schools throughout Allegheny County and . a "progressive feast and tour" ofthe broadly explore the physical impact of the in the forefront of city, state, and national to community groups. The educational South Side steel industry in this region; analyze all issues on matters relating to National Reg- resources include publications, tours, slide Publícøtìons types of steel industry-related resources; ister nominations, and conferences which shows, studenl/teacher workshops, and identify, map, and in some cases, record promises support a healthy preservation movement. special program services. We do not make in the publica- specific sites; and provide a framework for year Susan Donley, director of education, will tions department, but this we expect to evaluation and future study. publish: Advocacy and Analysís again be teaching our two in-service pro- It is impossible to predict what building grams titled Exploring Your City and Ex- o an oral history of Sarah Evosevich's life Museum & Hístorìc Propertìes issues we will become involved with this ploring Your Neighborhood, an architec- ¡ a guidebook including historical/archi- If you have not yet visited the Station year, but we know that we will continue to tural apprenticeship for high school stu- tectural information on approximately 50 Square Transportation Museum, do so this promote our concept of creating a national dents, and summer sessions of Pittsburgh sites, titled Plttsburgh in Your Pocket: A year. Colorful, sparkling vintage autos and identity for Pittsburgh as a tourist attrac- Heritage and Hands-On History. Thanks to Pocket Guide to Pittsburgh Area Ar- transportation memorabilia fill what was tion by supporting the development of cul- a grant from the Pennsylvania Historical chitecture once a boiler house. The museum is ingen- and Museum Commission, we will be creat- tural and entertainment facilities centered ¡ an oral history of Fox Chapel, com- ious, imaginative, and a gem. The Museum ing a new teacher in-service titled Exploring around the Point area. missioned by Fox Chapel Borough and Board, headed by G. Whitney Snyder, is Architecture. We continue to keep a close eye on the completed on a freelance basis by one of working with l¿ndmarks' staff to plan spe- Landmark Survivors and Architecture: life - and fate - of the more than 460 sig- our members, Frances Hardie cial events this year to increase attendance nificant sites described in the guide section The Building Arl, two traveling exhibits, and promote a school tour package includ- o a handsome report describing the success of Landmark Architecture: Pittsburgh and are already scheduled to visit 16 schools ing visits to the Museum, Gateway Clipper, of our five-year Capital Funds Campaign Allegheny County. and institutions. and inclines. (1982-87), outlining the resulting pro- The grand finale for the year will be the Through the leadership of the respective gram accomplishments, and crediting all Schenley Pørk second annual Hands-On History Educa- auxiliaries, restoration work continues at donors to the Campaign. The goal ofthe Schenley Park Centenni- tion Fair in December; of coursg it will be the Neville House and Walker-Ewing Iog al Restoration Project is to raise funds and bigger and better than the first. We also plan to contribute to the publica- House, both in Collier Township, the Burt- educate the public so the significant land- tion of a catalogue that will place Pitts- ner House in Harrison Township, and the scape features, buildings, and monuments burgh architecture, and specifically the Rachel Carson Homestead in Springdale. of Pittsburgh's great urban park can be re- work of I-ongfellow, Alden and Harlow, in Vy'e hope to lead a bus tour this year so stored and an effective maintenance pro- a national context. The catalogue, to be members can see these historic properties in gram implemented. The project is spon- written by Margaret Henderson Floyd, will various stages of restoration. sored jointly by Landmarks and the Pitts- be published on April I, in conjunction burgh Parks and Playground Fund of the with the opening of an exhibition in Boston This year ís a busy one, ønd we hope to 'lVestern Pennsylvania Conservancy, in Tburs and Specíal Events titled "Landscape and the Classical Con- accomplìsh these projects and others which cooperation with the City of Pittsburgh. Our Keep checking your mail, because we will nection: Iongfellow, Alden and Harlow, occur to us as a result of members'phone goals this year are to research the history be sending many postcards inviting you to a Architects: Portland, Boston, Pittsburgh." callsorlocalpreservationneed. I ts ü re86 A summary of Landmarks' accomplish- klucøtion ments for 1986 calls for an almost tele- Our two new education programs this graphic style, since even the concise report year were an outstanding success: 53 area prepared for review by the Board of Direc- school teachers attended the five-day tors takes almost six full pages. "Hands-On History" summer teacher insti- In brief, highlights of the twenty-second tute funded by the Pennsylvania Humani- year of landmarks' life include the: ties Council and the Allegheny Conference on Community Dwelopment; and Preservøtion Fund hundreds of people attended the first annu- This was the first full year of operation al Hands-On History Education Fair in De- of the Preservation Fund, and its achieve- cember. Plus, we added two new slide pro- ments were spectacular. Through the grams to our extensive collection and Preservation Fund, Iandmarks extended offered four in-services for teachers, the loans totaling $350,000 in support of seven Píttsburgh Heritøge summer workshop for projects. The loans in turn lweraged an ad- students and teachers, and two sessions of ditional $2,500,ü)0 and made the following the architectural apprenticeship for students.