Morphology and identification of the world’s conifer genera VEIT MARTIN DÖRKEN & HUBERTUS NIMSCH Kessel Publishing House, Authors Dr. rer. nat. Veit Martin Dörken Universität Konstanz Fachbereich Biologie Universitätsstraße 10 78457 Konstanz Germany Dipl.-Ing. Hubertus Nimsch Waldarboretum Freiburg-Günterstal St. Ulrich 31 79283 Bollschweil Germany Copyright 2019 Verlag Kessel Eifelweg 37 53424 Remagen-Oberwinter Tel.: 02228-493 Fax: 03212-1024877 E-Mail:
[email protected] Internet:, Druck: Business-Copy Sieber, Kaltenengers ISBN: 978-3-945941-53-9 3 Acknowledgements We thank the following Botanic Gardens, Institu- Kew (UK) and all visited Botanical Gardens and tions and private persons for generous provision Botanical Collections which gave us free ac- of research material: Arboretum Tervuren (Bel- cess to their collections. We are also grateful to gium), Botanic Garden Atlanta (USA), Botanic Keith Rushforth (Ashill, Collumpton, Devon, UK) Garden and Botanic Museum Berlin (Germany), and to Paula Rudall (Royal Botanic Gardens Botanic Garden of the Ruhr-University Bochum Kew, Richmond, UK) for their helpful advice (Germany), Botanic Garden Bonn (Germany), and critical comments on an earlier version of Botanic Garden of the Eberhard Karls Univer- the manuscript and and Robert F. Parsons (La sity Tübingen (Germany), Botanic Garden of the Trobe University, Australia) for his great support University of Konstanz (Germany), Botanic Gar- in