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6 ! <! & . *= > # ( = > # > 5- / $$ 5 ( 3 . ## * /+,012 +345. "*+,-. !"#$ "%&' ( )# *" )33 -3&3 7-3 ) &9! !4 7)8 3!4 !; 3- )-!3& 26 )#%)*'!(*+ +*'#$ 78 !8 14! !! +*$%+ #*' $,*+# 94 N!'3&3 9'! &3& !4&)3& !#+* %' #- !+*)* .$/*-(* * !"#$#%#&"'$ 13 1 ! " " # he Government of TJharkhand signed Memorandums of Understanding worth nearly 10,000 crore with leading industrial houses of the coun- try on the concluding day of the two-day Investor’s Meet organized by the Department of Industries, Government of Jharkhand on Saturday. The industrial giants including, TATA Steel, Dalmia Group, SAIL, Adhunik Power and Prem Rubber Works will make investments in the State, which is likely to generate employment opportunities for over 1.7 lakh people through direct and indirect means in Jharkhand. ! " During the launch of the $ % Jharkhand Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy ing to turn Jharkhand into an 2021, Chief Minister Hemant Electronics Manufacturing Hub. Soren said, “The State A Question and Answer Government wants to move session was also organized dur- forward with the cooperation !! # $% ing the event, where prospective of the investors. We are trying investors put up their queries & to leverage the infinite & & '&( ! suggestions in front of the CM. "$ ) ! % * !$% + & '# ( ) # # % * resources, which nature has # # , ( # The Chief Minister, the Chief gifted to Jharkhand and walk % % Secretary & Secretary Industries the path of development.” - . /% answered the queries of investors “In this quest, we expect Renewable Energy, I would like work out some solutions. Our provide land to medical equip- healthy and very law-abiding. ( ) . %0 and invited everyone to come to your cooperation. The to inform you all that very soon internal resources came to the ment manufacturers also.
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