Lizards As Prey of Arthropods: Praying Mantis Mantis Religiosa

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Lizards As Prey of Arthropods: Praying Mantis Mantis Religiosa ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter HERPETOZOA 9 (3/4): 157 - 159 KURZE MITTEILUNG / SHORT NOTE Wien, 30. Dezember 1996 Lizards as prey of arthropods: Praying Mantis Mantis religiosa (LINNAEUS, 1758) feeds on juvenile Sand Lizard Lacerta agilis LINNAEUS, 1758 (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae) Eidechsen als Beute von Arthropoden: Gottesanbeterin, Mantis religiosa (LINNAEUS, 1758) erbeutet juvenile Zauneidechse, Lacerta agilis LINNAEUS, 1758 (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae) ROBERT JEHLE & ALEXANDER FRANZ & MARGIT KAPFER & HERBERT SCHRAMM & HEINZ G. TUNNER ABSTRACT A Praying Mantis {Mantis religiosa) was observed to feed on a juvenile Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis). KURZFASSUNG Eine Gottesanbeterin (Mantis religiosa) wurde beim Verzehr einer juvenilen Zauneidechse (Lacerta agilis) beobachtet KEY WORDS Lacerta agilis predated by Mantis religiosa\bio\ogy, natural history observation Arthropods predate on vertebrates in conditions which encompasses a set of 98 many occasions (for a review see MCCOR- species (including a plant - Drosera rotun- MiCK & POLIS 1982). Reports are abundant difolia). However, only one insect taxon is for aquatic habitats, where many water in- included, Carabus sp. which fed on sects and water spiders feed on small fish juvenile Sand Lizards in an artificial en- and amphibian larvae while observations closure. According to our knowledge, there on terrestrial arthropods preying upon rep- are almost no observations available on tiles and amphibians are rare. A most thor- Central European insects preying upon ough review was conducted by BAUER lizards in the wild (except TOMALA 1903). (1990) for geckonid lizards. He lists 21 In this paper, we report on a Praying geckoes which have been preyed upon by Mantis -Mantis religiosa (LINNAEUS, 1758) arthropods, four of which were insects, feeding on a juvenile Sand Lizard -Lacerta BLONDHEIM & WERNER (1989) report on agilis LINNAEUS, 1758. the lacertid lizard Mesalina guttulata The observation was made in October (LICHTENSTEIN, 1823), which is occasion- 1995, south of lake Neusiedlersee, between ally predated by Widow Spiders {Latro- Fertöboz and Hidegseg, West Hungary. At dectus pallidus, L. revivensis) in Israel, the outer edge of the reed belt of the lake, From the island of Krk (Croatia), the lizard one of the authors (H. S.) detected a Pray- Podarcis melisellensis (BRAUN, 1877) is ing Mantis, sitting on a plant with the Sand reported to be the prey of the spider La- Lizard in its pincers (fig. 1). The insect was trodectus mactans (SCHWAMMER & BAU- eating from the anterior part of the lizard's RECHT 1988). body while the head and the forelegs of the Concerning the genus Lacerta, STRU- reptile were already missing. Within half BOSCH (1981) published a list of predator an hour, the Praying Mantis had eaten up species in the wild and under experimental most of the trunk, leaving nothing but the ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter Figs. 1 & 2: Praying Mantis (Mantis relilgiosa) feeding on a juvenile Sand Lizard (Lacerta.agilis). Abb. 1 & 2: Gottesanbeterin (Mantis relilgiosa) beim Verzehr einer juvenilen Zauneidechse (Lacerta agilis). ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa) feeds on juvenile Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) 159 vertebrate column (fig. 2). After having frenatus DUMÉRIL & BlBRON, 1836 in eaten its fill, the mantis finally dropped the Australia; BUTTENHOFF (1995) observed an remainders. attack of the mantid Choeradodis struma- Some anecdotal information exists on ria on the adult salamander Bolitoglossa the fact that Central European mantids feed rufescens (COPE, 1869) in Mexico. The re- on small vertebrates, but thorough reports ports have in common that prédation was are rare. The only published observation of observed only once, despite of frequently M. religiosa feeding on a lizard seems to observed co-occurrence and interaction be that by TOMALA(1903). He describes the between potential prey and predator, re- case of a Green Lizard - L. viridis (LAU- spectively. This indicates that such obser- RENTI, 1768) of about 80 mm length which vations are rather exceptional even in was captured alive and eaten by this insect. tropical regions. The author emphasizes the fact that the The stimulus of moving prey is es- opposite case - L. viridis feeding on M sential to induce prey catching behaviour religiosa - was much more frequently ob- in Mantids. Hence, we assume as certain served. that the lizard was alive when it was cap- For tropical regions, we found a few tured although we did not observe the pro- published observations on feeding of man- cedure itself. tids on reptiles and amphibians (e. g., LA Our observation was done on the nor- RIVERS 1948; RIDPATH 1977). In Queens- thern edge of the distribution area of M. land (Australia), a Praying Mantis was ob- religiosa which is more abundant and served to eat on a tree frog Litoria caerulea reaches a bigger size in the Mediterranean (WHITE, 1790) with a snout-vent length of area. This should increase the probability about 70 mm (RICK SPEARE, unpubl. pers. of small vertebrates being captured by this comm.). WRIGHT (1982) documented a insect in the southern part of its range. mantid feeding on the gecko Hemidactylus ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to A. KALTENBACH (Vienna) for (Rantasalmi, Finland) for translating hungarian litera- helping with the literature search and to K. M. VlBERG ture. REFERENCES BAUER, A M. (1990): Gekkonid lizards as prey small birds by Hierodula werneri (Mantidae) in tropical of invertebrates and predators of vertebrates.- Herpeto- Australia.- J. Australian Entomological Soc, Sidney; 16: logical Review, Ohio; 21: 83-87. 153-154. BLONDHEIM, S. & WERNER, Y. L. (1989): Liz- SCHWAMMER, H. & BAURECHT, D. (1988): Der ard prédation by the widow spiders Latrodectus pallidus Karstläufer, Podarcis melisellensis fiumana (WERNER, and L. revivensis (Theridiidae).- British Herpetological 1891), als Beute der europäischen Schwarzen Witwe, Society Bulletin, London; 30: 26-27. Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus (ROSSL.1970).- BUTTENHOFF, P. (1995): Bolitoglossa rufescens Herpetozoa, Wien; 1 (1/2): 73-76. (Northern Banana Salamander) prédation.- Herpeto- STRUBOSCH, H. (1981): Inheemse hagedissen als logical Review, Ohio; 26:197. prooi voor andere Organismen.- De levende natuur, LA RIVERS, I. (1948): Some Hawaiian ecological Amsterdam; 3: 89-101. notes.- Wasmann Collector, New York; 7: 85-110. TOMALA, N. (1903): Mantis religiosa eletmód- McCORMICK, S. & POLIS, G. A. (1982): Arthro- jàról.- Rovartani Lapok, Budapest; 10: 177-178. pods that prey on vertebrates.- Biological Review; 57: WRIGHT, P. (1982): Observations of predator/ 29-58. prey relationships between praying mantids and gekkos.- RIDPATH, M. ( 1977): Prédation on frogs and Northem Territory Naturalist, Darwin; 5: 10-11. EINGANGSDATUM: 18. Juni 1996 Verantwortlicher Schriftleiter: Heinz Grillitsch AUTOREN: Mag. ROBERT JEHLE, ALEXANDER FRANZ, MARGIT KAPFER, Univ.-Doz. tit. Ao. Prof. Dr. HEINZ G. TUNNER, Institut fur Zoologie der Universität Wien, Althanstraße 14, A-1090 Wien; Mag. HERBERT SCHRAMM, Währinger Gürtel 142, A-1090 Wien, Austria..
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