Current Developments in Federal Indian Law
Current Developments in Federal Indian Law Cosponsored by the Indian Law Section Friday, September 15, 2017 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 6.5 General CLE or Access to Justice credits CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN FEDERAL INDIAN LAW SECTION PLANNERS Diana Jean Bettles, Attorney at Law, Klamath Falls, OR Diane Henkels, Attorney at Law, Newport, OR Nathan Karman, Oregon Department of Justice, Portland, OR Stephen Kelly, NW Natural, Portland, OR Douglas MacCourt, Senior Counsel, Rosette LLP, Washington, DC Holly Partridge, The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, Grand Ronde, OR Suzanne Trujillo, Office of Legislative Counsel, Salem, OR Cathern Tufts, Attorney at Law, Siletz, OR Jessie Young, Department of the Interior, Office of the Regional Solicitor, Portland, OR OREGON STATE BAR INDIAN LAW SECTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Diane Henkels, Chair Nathan A. Karman, Chair-Elect Anthony Stephen Broadman, Past Chair Jessie D. Young, Treasurer Todd Albert, Secretary Kristy Kay Barrett Diana Jean Bettles Jennifer Biesack Sarah Rose Dandurand Stephen P. Kelly Douglas C. MacCourt Holly Ray Partridge Stephanie L. Striffler Patrick Sullivan Cathern E. Tufts Kristen L. Winemiller The materials and forms in this manual are published by the Oregon State Bar exclusively for the use of attorneys. Neither the Oregon State Bar nor the contributors make either express or implied warranties in regard to the use of the materials and/or forms. Each attorney must depend on his or her own knowledge of the law and expertise in the use or modification of these materials. Copyright © 2017 OREGON STATE BAR 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road P.O.
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